a: got. a 5,  Buchstabe: nhd. a, Abkürzung für 1; ne. a, abbreviation for 1; ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone

a-: got. un-,  Präf.: nhd. un-; ne. un-, non-, a-

a -- accept as a unit: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

a -- a certain one: got. sums 140, sum-s,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, ein gewisser, jemand, ein, einige; ne. a certain one, some, somebody, one, anyone

a -- act like a madman: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

a -- adversary in a lawsuit: got. andastaua 2, and-a-sta-u-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gegner vor Gericht, Widersacher; ne. legal opponent, adversary in a lawsuit, opposing litigant

a -- a fulfilling: got. fullō 10, ful-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle, Füllung, Flicken (M.), Ausfüllung; ne. fullness, a fulfilling, fulfillment, filling, completeness, entireness

a -- a god: got. enguz 1, engu-z,  st. M. (a?, u?): nhd. Iggws (= Gott des fruchtbaren Jahres), Speer?, Mann?, n-Rune; ne. a god, spear (N.)?, man (M.)?, name of n-rune; ? iowi,  st. M.?: nhd. ein Gott?; ne. a god?

a -- allege as a reason for: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

a -- a new convert: got. niujasatiþs* 1, niu-ja-sat-iþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Neubekehrter, Neuling; ne. proselyte, neophyte, a new convert, novice

a -- announce as a pledge: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

a -- a person who: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

a -- as a matter of fact: got. allis þan: nhd. tatsächlich, eigentlich, im Gegenteil; ne. when, as a matter of fact

a -- ask a favour: got. bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for

a -- ask a question: got. fraíhnan 57, fraíh-n-an,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. fragen; ne. ask a question, ask, question (V.)

a -- a sort of fish: got. *aska?, *ask-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Äsche; ne. a sort of fish

a -- assume a begging position: got. knussjan* 2, knu-s-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niederfallen?, auf die Knie fallen, knien; ne. fall on one’s knee, assume a begging position

a -- assume a likeness: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

a -- assuming a begging position: got. kniwam knussjands, got.: nhd. mit den Knien Bittstellung einnehmend; ne. assuming a begging position

a -- at a great distance: got. faírra 20, faír-ra,  Adv.: nhd. fern, fern von, weg von; ne. afar, far off, remote, at a great distance

a -- at a place: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

a -- a thwarting of the understanding: got. fraþjamarzeins 1, fraþ-ja-mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verstandestäuschung; ne. comprehension-impediment, a thwarting of the understanding

a -- a time wherein: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

a -- be a boxer: got. jiukan* 2, jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kämpfen, ringen, obsiegen; ne. fight (V.), battle (V.), conquer, be a boxer

a -- be a bystander: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

a -- be a disciple: got. sipōnjan* 1, sipōn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. Schüler sein (V.), Jünger sein (V.); ne. be a disciple, be a student

a -- be a false witness: got. galiug weitwōdjan, V.: nhd. falsch zeugen; ne. be a false witness

a -- be a guest of: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

a -- be a guide: got. raginōn* 2, rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verwalten, herrschen; ne. guide (V.), be a guide, govern, counsel (V.)

a -- be a king: got. þiudanōn 7, þiu-d-an-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. herrschen, König sein (V.); ne. reign (V.), be a king, rule (V.)

a -- be a messenger: got. airinōn* 2, air-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Gesandter sein (V.), unterhandeln, Bote sein (V.); ne. be an emissary, be a messenger, negotiate

a -- be a partner in: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

a -- be a partner with: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

a -- be a precursor: got. faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

a -- be a priest: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

a -- bear a grudge against: got. neiwan* 1, neiw-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. es auf jemand abgesehen haben, grollen; ne. bear a grudge against

a -- be a slave: got. skalkinōn 25, s-kal-k-i-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. dienen; ne. serve, do service, be in servitude, be a slave

a -- be a soldier: got. militōn* 1, milit-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun; ne. serve in the military, be a soldier

a -- be a student: got. sipōnjan* 1, sipōn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. Schüler sein (V.), Jünger sein (V.); ne. be a disciple, be a student

a -- be at a loss for words: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

a -- become depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

a -- be depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

a -- be not a whit lesser: got. ni waihtai mins haban, got.: nhd. in nichts nachstehen; ne. be not a whit lesser

a -- block up as with a dam: got. faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam

a -- blow a horn: got. haúrnjan* 2, haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hornblasen, das Horn blasen, trompeten; ne. blow a horn, sound a trumpet; þuthaúrnjan* 1, þu-t-haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trompeten; ne. trumpet (V.), blow a horn

a -- bring to a standstill: got. *stadjan?, *sta-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Stehen bringen; ne. stop (V.), bring to a standstill

a -- celebrate a festival: got. dulþjan* 1, dulþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Fest feiern; ne. hold a feast, hold festivities, celebrate a festival

a -- chief of a hundred-man military unit: got. hundafaþs 9, hund-a-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Zenturio, Hundertführer; ne. chief of a hundred-man military unit

a -- come to a halt: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

a -- come to a life: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

a -- come to a standing position: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

a -- come to a standstill: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

a -- commander of a thousand men: got. þūsundifaþs 2, þūs-und-i-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Tausendführer, Anführer von Tausend; ne. commander of a thousand men

a -- commit a transgression: got. frawaúrkjan* 15, fra-waúrk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. sündigen, (sich) versündigen, eine Sünde begehen; ne. sin (V.), commit error, transgress, commit a transgression

a -- compete in a contest: got. haifstjan 4, haif-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streiten; ne. compete in a contest, contend, rival (V.), vie with, strive in competition, fight (V.)

a -- confer a malediction upon: got. unþiuþjan* 1, un-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fluchen; ne. curse (V.), imprecate evil upon, confer a malediction upon

a -- construct as a constituent part: got. miþgatimrjan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. miterbauen; ne. build together, construct as a constituent part

a -- cover as with a tent: got. ufarhleiþrjan* 1, uf-ar-hlei-þr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überzelten, ein Zelt über jemandem aufschlagen; ne. tent over, cover as with a tent, canopy (V.)

a -- crowing of a rooster: got. hrūk* 1, hrū-k*, hrūks*?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Krähen (N.); ne. crowing of a rooster

a -- depict with a visual image: got. *frisahtjan?, *frisah-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.); gafrisahtjan* 1, ga-frisah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.)

a -- district bordering a sea: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

a -- division of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþia, *þiu-faþ-ia, *þiufadia, lat.- st. F. (jō): nhd. Tausendschaft?; ne. division of a thousand men?

a -- do a missdeed: got. missataujan* 1, mis-s-a-tau-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. missetun; ne. do a missdeed, transgress (V.)

a -- eat a good meal: got. wisan (3) 4, wis-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich freuen, schwelgen, schmausen; ne. dine, eat a good meal, feast, make merry

a -- edge of a roof peak: got. gibla* 1, gibl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Giebel (M.) (1); ne. gable, edge of a roof peak

a -- eye of a needle: got. þaírkō* 2, þaír-k-ō*,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Loch, Nadelöhr; ne. hole (N.), perforation, eye of a needle

a -- for a moment: got. in stika mēlis, got.: nhd. in einem Augenblick; ne. for a moment

a -- for a short while: got. ƕeilōhun 1, ƕeil-ō-hun,  Adv.: nhd. eine Stunde lang; ne. for an hour, for a short while

a -- for a while: got. ƕō ƕeilō, got.: nhd. eine Zeitlang; ne. for a while; ƕō ƕeilō, got.: nhd. eine Zeitlang; ne. for a while

a -- from a great distance: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

a -- from a long way off: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

a -- function as a soldier in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

a -- furnish with a flaw: got. anawammjan* 1, an-a-wam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beflecken, tadeln; ne. furnish with a flaw, mar, stain (V.)

a -- get up into a sitting position: got. ussitan* 1, us-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich aufsetzen, sich aufrichten; ne. sit up, get up into a sitting position

a -- give a blow: got. slahan* 10, slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. schlagen, hauen, ohrfeigen (= lōfam slahan); ne. strike (V.), beat (V.), hit (V.), smite, give a blow, wound (V.)

a -- give a false appearance: got. laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

a -- give a rest period: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

a -- give a severe talking-to: got. gaƕōtjan* 8, ga-ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bedrohen, schelten, strafen; ne. threaten, reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to; ƕōtjan* 1, ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. drohen; ne. reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to, threaten

a -- go on a journey: got. gaggjan* 1, ga-g-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen, reisen; ne. go on a journey, make a journey

a -- have a festive get-together: got. biwisan* 1, bi-wi-s-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv?: nhd. sich erfreuen, sich vergnügen; ne. dine together, dine convivially, have a festive get-together, make merry

a -- have a haughty attitude: got. ufarhugjan* 1, uf-ar-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich überheben; ne. have a haughty attitude, be elated

a -- have a plan for: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

a -- have a share in: got. faíraihan 1, faír-aih-an, fairaigan*?,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. teilhaben an; ne. have a share in, partake of, participate in

a -- having a conscience: got. *miþwiss?, *mi-þ-wi-s-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bewusst; ne. morally conscious, having a conscience

a -- heap a burden upon: got. anakaúrjan* 1, an-a-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschweren; ne. heap a burden upon, burden with an overload, cause pain

a -- heave a deep sigh: got. ufswōgjan* 1, uf-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufseufzen; ne. sigh deeply, heave a deep sigh

a -- heave a sigh: got. gaswōgjan* 1, ga-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erseufzen, seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), heave a sigh, make a sighing sound

a -- hold a feast: got. dulþjan* 1, dulþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Fest feiern; ne. hold a feast, hold festivities, celebrate a festival

a -- horse with a blaze: got. *bala 2, *ba-l-a,  sw. M.?(n): nhd. Pferd mit Blesse; ne. horse with a blaze

a -- impute a culpable act to: got. faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce

a -- in a certain part of the past: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

a -- in a godly manner: got. gagudaba 1, ga-gu-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. fromm, gottesfürchtig; ne. godly, in a godly manner, in a saintly manner

a -- in a jewish manner: got. iudaiwiskō 1, iudai-w-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf jüdische Weise; ne. in a jewish manner

a -- in a manly way: got. waíraleikō 1, waí-r-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. männlich; ne. man-like, in a manly way

a -- in a manner other than standard: got. aljaleikōs, Adv. (Komp.), (Krause, Handbuch des Gotischen 194,2): nhd. anders; ne. otherwise, elsewise, in a manner other than standard

a -- in a moment: got. in braƕ augins, got.: nhd. im Augenblick; ne. in a moment; in stika mēlis, got.: nhd. in einem Augenblick; ne. in a moment

a -- in a saintly manner: got. gagudaba 1, ga-gu-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. fromm, gottesfürchtig; ne. godly, in a godly manner, in a saintly manner

a -- in a way that: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

a -- inhabitant of a region: got. gauja* 2, gau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gaubewohner; ne. inhabitant of a region, people of a country

a -- in such a manner: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

a -- is it in such a way that: got. swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

a -- issue a directive: got. garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange; raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret

a -- join in adopting a form similar to: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

a -- lasting only for a while: got. ƕeilaƕaírbs* 2, ƕeil-a-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nur eine Zeitlang dauernd, vergänglich, unbeständig; ne. temporary, transient, transitory, lasting only for a while

a -- lead a life: got. wizōn* 1, wiz-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schwelgen; ne. live, lead a life, be self-indulgent

a -- lead a military life in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

a -- leader of a group: got. *skarja?, *skar-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Scharführer; ne. leader of a group

a -- leader of a synagogue: got. fauramaþleis swnagōgeis, got.: nhd. Synagogenleiter; ne. leader of a synagogue

a -- leader of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþs?, *þiu-faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of servants, leader of a thousand men?; þiufaþus* 21, þiu-faþ-us*, þiufadus, thiuphadus, lat.- st. M.: nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of a thousand men, leader of servants

a -- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal: got. anakumbjan 25, an-a-kumb-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich niederlegen, zu Tisch legen, lagern; ne. recline at table, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal

a -- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

a -- life of a citizen: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

a -- light a fire: got. *qaiwjan, *qaiw-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Feuer anzünden, lebendig machen; ne. light a fire, make alive

a -- light a lamp: got. tandjan* 2, tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anzünden, brennen machen; ne. kindle (V.), ignite, make burn, light a lamp

a -- live a life: got. ald bauan, got.: nhd. ein Leben führen; ne. live a life

a -- live like a Jew: got. iudaiwiskōn 1, iudai-w-isk-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. jüdisch leben; ne. live like a Jew

a -- look through a mirror: got. þaírhsaíƕan* 1, þaír-h-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. durchschauen, im Spiegel erblicken; ne. look through a mirror, behold

a -- make a beginning: got. dustōdjan* 5=4, du-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben; ne. start (V.), begin (V.), commence, make a beginning

a -- make a face at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

a -- make a home: got. gabáuan 1, ga-báu-an,  unr. V., perfektiv: nhd. Wohnung aufschlagen, wohnen; ne. take up residence, lodge (V.), reside, make a home

a -- make a journey: got. gaggjan* 1, ga-g-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen, reisen; ne. go on a journey, make a journey

a -- make a judgement: got. gastōjan* 3, ga-stō-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ein Urteil abgeben über, beurteilen, verurteilen, urteilen, beschließen, richten?; ne. make a judgement, resolve (V.)

a -- make a noise: got. auhjōn* 2, auhj-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen, schreien; ne. make a noise, be tumultuously noisy, make an uproar

a -- make a prayerful wish for: got. usbidan* 1, us-bid-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. erbitten; ne. make a prayerful wish for, wish prayerfully

a -- make a ride: got. raidjan* (2), raid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen machen, tragen; ne. make a ride, transport (V.), carry (V.)

a -- make a sighing sound: got. gaswōgjan* 1, ga-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erseufzen, seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), heave a sigh, make a sighing sound

a -- make a sign: got. bandwjan* 11, ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Zeichen geben, Wink geben, andeuten, bezeichnen; ne. mark (V.), designate, indicate, make a sign, signify

a -- make a stroke: got. *streikan, *strei-k-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. streichen; ne. stroke (V.), rub (V.), make a stroke

a -- make a tributary offering: got. saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

a -- make a visitation to: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for

a -- make into a fortified residential stronghold: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

a -- make into a possession: got. gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

a -- make into a walled city: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

a -- male head-servant on a farm: got. *siniskalks?, *sin-i-s-kal-k-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. ältester Diener, Altknecht, Seneschall; ne. oldest servant, male head-servant on a farm, seneschal

a -- mark made by a stroke of the pen: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

a -- of a pistachio-tree: got. pistikeins* 1, pistik-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unverfälscht, echt; ne. of a pistachio-tree, genuine, unadulterated, pure, undiluted

a -- offer a prayer of thanksgiving: got. awiliudōn 23, aw-i-liu-d-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. danken, preisen; ne. thank (V.), offer a prayer of thanksgiving

a -- office of a bishop: got. aípiskaúpei* 1, aípi-skaúp-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bischofsamt; ne. bishopric, episcopate, office of a bishop

a -- office of a tetrarch: got. fidurragini* 1, fidur-ragin-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Vierfürstenamt, Tetrarchie; ne. tetrarchate, office of a tetrarch

a -- one who takes a stance: got. *stasseis?, *sta-s-s-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Steher; ne. one who stands, one who takes a stance

a -- people of a country: got. gauja* 2, gau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gaubewohner; ne. inhabitant of a region, people of a country

a -- pre-announce as a pledge: got. faúragahaitan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zuvor verheißen; ne. promise beforehand, pre-announce as a pledge, foretell

a -- present a pleasing appearance: got. samjan 2, sam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zu gefallen suchen, gefallen (V.); ne. present a pleasing appearance, give o.s. a pleasing appearance (= sik samjan), seek to please

a -- produce in the manner of a smith: got. gasmiþōn* 1, ga-smi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. „schmieden“, bewirken, durch Schmieden bewirken; ne. forge (V.), produce in the manner of a smith, effect (V.), work (V.), produce

a -- put a cover on: got. huljan 2, hul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hüllen, verhüllen; ne. put a cover on, cover (V.), veil (V.)

a -- put a seal before: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

a -- put a seal on: got. sigljan* 1, sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen mit einem Siegel versehen, siegeln; ne. seal (V.), put a seal on

a -- put in a grave: got. ganawistrōn* 1, ga-naw-i-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.); ne. bury, inter (V.), put in a grave

a -- put in a state of anger: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

a -- put in a state of fear: got. inagjan* 1, in-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. anfahren, bedrohen, in Angst setzen; ne. put in a state of fear, threaten, inspire fear in, censure (V.)

a -- put on as a tunic: got. gapaidōn* 2=1, ga-paid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. dress (V.), put on as a tunic, jacket (V.), clothe; *paidōn, *paid-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. put on as a tunic, jacket (V.)

a -- put to a test: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

a -- rear of a ship: got. nōta* 1, nōt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Achterdeck, Schiffshinterteil; ne. afterdeck, stern (2), rear of a ship

a -- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

a -- say a prayer: got. gabidjan* 1, ga-bid-jan*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bitten, beten; ne. say a prayer, request (V.), pray

a -- secretary-lector of a religious community: got. bōkāreis 39, bōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Schriftgelehrter, Schreiber; ne. writer, scribe, secretary-lector of a religious community

a -- send on a mission: got. insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss

a -- serve under a war-lord: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

a -- service under a war-lord: got. draúhtinassus* 1, draú-h-t-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), service under a war-lord, military service, soldiering

a -- set a price on: got. waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

a -- set a rest: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

a -- set a seal upon: got. gasigljan* 4=3, ga-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. besiegeln, bestätigen, versiegeln; ne. set a seal upon, seal (V.)

a -- set up as a guidepost: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

a -- sing a dirge: got. gaunōn 3, gau-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. klagen, Totenklage anstimmen; ne. lament (V.), bewail, sing a dirge, wail in mourning; hiufan* 2, hiu-f-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wehklagen, Klagelieder singen; ne. lament (V.), sing a dirge, sing a threnody, wail (V.)

a -- sing a hymn of praise to s.o.: got. liuþōn* 1, liu-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. lobsingen, singen; ne. sing a hymn of praise to s.o.

a -- sing a threnody: got. hiufan* 2, hiu-f-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wehklagen, Klagelieder singen; ne. lament (V.), sing a dirge, sing a threnody, wail (V.)

a -- sound a trumpet: got. haúrnjan* 2, haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hornblasen, das Horn blasen, trompeten; ne. blow a horn, sound a trumpet

a -- speak a great deal: got. filuwaúrdjan* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. viel Worte machen, viel plappern, viel reden; ne. verbalize excessively, babble (V.), chatter (V.), speak a great deal

a -- speak like a madman: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

a -- stay as a guest: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

a -- subject to a test: got. gakausjan* 1, ga-kaus-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. erproben, prüfen; ne. test (V.), try (V.), subject to a test

a -- surround with a rampart: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

a -- take a recess: got. ƕeilan* 1, ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhören; ne. pause (V.), take an intermission, take a recess, cease

a -- take a rest: got. gaƕeilan* 2, ga-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zur Ruhe kommen, aufhören, verweilen; ne. come to rest, take a rest, rest (V.), cease

a -- take a seat: got. gasitan 11, ga-sit-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. sich niedersetzen, Platz nehmen; ne. sit down, take a seat

a -- take a spouse: got. liugan (1) 19, liug-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. heiraten; ne. marry, wed (V.), espouse, take a spouse

a -- take a view: got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

a -- take for a drive: got. *usfarþōn?, *us-far-þ-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ausfahren?; ne. take for a drive

a -- tell a lie: got. *galiugan (2), *ga-liug-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. belügen, lügen; ne. tell a lie; liugan* (2) 6, liug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. lügen, belügen; ne. lie (1) (V.), tell a lie, tell an untruth, speak falsely

a -- to a man: got. alakjō 5, al-a-k-jō,  Adv.: nhd. insgesamt, gesamt, zusammen; ne. all, all inclusively, to a man, all together

a -- understand in a certain way: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

a -- with a different meaning: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

a -- work a cure on: got. galēkinōn* 2, ga-lēk-in-ōn*, galeikinōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. herstellen, heilen (V.) (1); ne. heal (V.), cure (V.), work a cure on

aback -- be struck aback: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

aback -- be taken aback: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

abandon -- abandon (V.): got. bileiþan* 26, bi-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. verlassen (V.), zurücklassen, hinterlassen; ne. leave behind, relinquish, abandon (V.)

abase: got. gahaunjan* 2, ga-hau-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, abase, humiliate, humble (V.); gahnaiwjan* 4, ga-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, make humble, lower (V.), abase; haunjan 2, hau-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erniedrigen, niedrig machen; ne. make low, abase, humiliate

-- abase (V.): got. hnaiwjan* 3, hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niedrig machen, erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, lower (V.), humble (V.), abase (V.)

abasement: got. hnaiweins* 1, hnai-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erniedrigung, Demut; ne. lowliness, abasement, humbling, humiliation

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 1: got. a 5,  Buchstabe: nhd. a, Abkürzung für 1; ne. a, abbreviation for 1

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 2: got. b 9,  Buchstabe: nhd. b, Abkürzung für 2; ne. b, abbreviation for 2

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 3: got. g 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. g, Abkürzung für 3; ne. g, abbreviation for 3

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 4: got. d 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. d, Abkürzung für 4; ne. d, abbreviation for 4

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 5: got. e 6,  Buchstabe: nhd. e, Abkürzung für 5; ne. e, abbreviation for 5

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 6: got. q 3,  Buchstabe: nhd. q, Abkürzung für 6; ne. q, abbreviation for 6

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 7: got. z 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. z, Abkürzung für 7; ne. z, abbreviation for 7

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 8: got. h 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. h, Abkürzung für 8; ne. h, abbreviation for 8

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 9: got. þ 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. th, Abkürzung für 9; ne. th, abbreviation for 9

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 10: got. i 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. i, Abkürzung für 10; ne. i, abbreviation for 10

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 20: got. k 4,  Buchstabe: nhd. k, Abkürzung für 20; ne. k, abbreviation for 20

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 40: got. m 3,  Buchstabe: nhd. m, Abkürzung für 40; ne. m, abbreviation for 40

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 50: got. n 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. n, Abkürzung für 50; ne. n, abbreviation for 50

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 60: got. j 7,  Buchstabe: nhd. j, Abkürzung für 60; ne. j, abbreviation for 60

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 70: got. u 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. u, Abkürzung für 70; ne. u, abbreviation for 70

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 100: got. r 4,  Buchstabe: nhd. r, Abkürzung für 100; ne. r, abbreviation for 100

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 300: got. t 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. t, Abkürzung für 300; ne. t, abbreviation for 300

abbreviation -- abbreviation for thirty: got. l 8,  Buchstabe: nhd. 1, Abkürzung für dreißig; ne. 1, abbreviation for thirty

abdominal -- internal abdominal organs: got. wamba 11, wamb-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bauch, Schoß (F.) (1), Leib; ne. viscera, womb, uterus, internal abdominal organs, belly (N.)

abed -- lying abed for coitus: got. ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

aberrance: got. uswandi* 1, us-wa-nd-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Abwendung, Irreleiten, Irreführung; ne. diversion, digression, aberrance, cunning (N.)

abhorrent: got. andasēts* 2, and-a-sēt-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. verabscheuenswert, verabscheuenswürdig; ne. causing aversion, abhorrent, repugnant, detestable

abide: got. gabeidan* 1, ga-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ausharren, ertragen; ne. endure, abide, hold out under; gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

ability -- ability to hear: got. hliuma 4, hliu-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gehör, Ohren (= hliumans); ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, ability to hear, ears (= hliumans)

ability -- have the ability: got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

abjure: got. afaikan 13, af-ai-k-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. leugnen, fluchen, verleugnen; ne. deny, abjure, disavow, forswear, renounce (V.); afdōmjan 5, af-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen, verfluchen; ne. comdemn, pass judgement against, curse (V.), abjure

able: got. mahteigs 22, mah-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. mächtig, möglich, stark, Herrscher (= mahteigs, subst.); ne. power-holding, powerful, capable, possible, able

-- able in instructing: got. laiseigs 2, lais-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Lehren befähigt, zum Lehren geeignet, lehrend; ne. skillful in teaching, able in instructing, apt at teaching

-- be able: got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

abound: got. biauknan 2, bi-auk-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich vermehren, zunehmen; ne. increase (V.), abound, grow in abundance; gaaukan* 1, ga-auk-an*,  red. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. sich vermehren, zunehmen; ne. increase (V.), wax (V.), abound; managnan* 5, man-ag-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reichlich vorhanden sein (V.), Überfluss haben; ne. be abundant, abound

-- abound in: got. ganōhnan 1, ga-nōh-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. zur Genüge versehen sein (V.), genug sein (V.); ne. be sufficient in, become sufficient in, abound in

about: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about; swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- about to die: got. *swultawaírþs?, *swul-t-a-waír-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. auf den Tod gerichtet, todgeweiht; ne. about to die, moribund, at the point of death

-- argument about words: got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

-- be about to: got. munan* (2) 6, mun-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zu tun gedenken, wollen (V.); ne. intend, take in mind, be about to

-- be concerned about: got. karōn* 1, kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich kümmern; ne. care about, worry about, be concerned about

-- be troubled about: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

-- bind about: got. bibindan* 1, bi-bind-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umbinden, umwickeln; ne. bind about, bind around, bind up

-- bring about: got. gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish; gawaúrkjan 24, ga-waúrk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bewirken, erwirken, bereiten, machen, bringen, erhandeln, ausstellen; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), bring about, produce, make (V.), earn (V.), get, achieve (V.)

-- call out about: got. *bihaitan?, *bi-hai-t-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. prahlen, verleumden; ne. proclaim about, call out about, speak vociferously

-- care about: got. karōn* 1, kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich kümmern; ne. care about, worry about, be concerned about

-- come about: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- come round about: got. biqiman* 1, bi-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. überfallen; ne. come round about, encompass, envelop (V.), attack (V.)

-- consult secretly about: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

-- dispute about words: got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

-- dwell round about: got. bisitan* 5, bi-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. herumsitzen, herumwohnen, umwohnen, nahe wohnen; ne. be situated around, neighbour (V.), dwell round about

-- go about: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

-- have anxiety about: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

-- look about: got. faírweitjan 6, faír-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinblicken, gaffen, umherspähen, spähen; ne. stare (V.), view attentively, look engrossedly, look about, gaze inquisitively; ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

-- look round about: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

-- make whirl about: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

-- move about through: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along

-- one about to die: got. swultawaírþja 1, swul-t-a-waír-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. dem Tode Naher, Todgeweihter; ne. one approaching death, one about to die, moribund person

-- proclaim about: got. *bihaitan?, *bi-hai-t-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. prahlen, verleumden; ne. proclaim about, call out about, speak vociferously

-- round about: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; bisunjanē 7, bi-sun-j-a-nē,  Adv.: nhd. ringsum; ne. round about, in the hear (N.) of, neighbouring (Adv.)

-- run about: got. birinnan* 2, bi-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umringen, herumlaufen, durchstreifen, umdrängen, umgeben, umherlaufen; ne. run around, run about, surround (V.), gather around

-- stroll about: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

-- take secret counsel about: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

-- think about: got. biþagkjan* 1, bi-þagk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. think over, think about, meditate on, consider

-- toss about: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

-- walk about: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

-- wind round about: got. biwaibjan* 3, bi-waib-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umwinden, umgeben, umkleiden; ne. surround (V.), clothe, wrap around, envelop, wind round about

-- worry about: got. karōn* 1, kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich kümmern; ne. care about, worry about, be concerned about

above: got. aúhuma* 33, aúh-um-a*,  Adj. (Komp.): nhd. höher, erhaben, vorzüglicher; ne. higher, above; iupa 5, iup-a,  Adv.: nhd. oben, hinauf; ne. on high, above, aloft, high up; ufar 43, uf-ar,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. über; ne. over, above; ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

-- above all: got. þishun 6=5, þi-s-hun,  Adv.: nhd. meist, vorzüglich, besonders; ne. in particular, particularly, specifically, especially, above all

-- be above: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- born of heaven above: got. ufarhiminakunds 2, uf-ar-himin-a-kund-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. himmlisch; ne. born of heaven above, heavenly, of heavenly origin

-- from above: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew; iupaþrō 8, iup-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von oben; ne. from above

-- raise above: got. ufarhafjan* 1, uf-ar-haf-jan*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. überheben; ne. raise above, lift up over, exalt o.s.

-- the one above: got. *ufara, *uf-ar-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. obere; ne. the one above, superior

-- write above: got. ufarmēljan* 1, uf-ar-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überschreiben, darüber schreiben; ne. write above, superscribe, write over, inscribe over

abroad -- spread abroad word of: got. usmērjan* 1, us-mē-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden; ne. spread abroad word of, publicize, publish (V.)

absent: got. afhaimeis* 2, af-hai-m-ei-s*, afhaimis*, afhaims*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. der Heimat fern, abwesend; ne. absent from home, absent, away from home; aljar 2, al-ja-r,  Adv.: nhd. anderswo; ne. absent, away from here, elsewhere, somewhere else

-- absent from home: got. afhaimeis* 2, af-hai-m-ei-s*, afhaimis*, afhaims*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. der Heimat fern, abwesend; ne. absent from home, absent, away from home

absolutely: got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

absolution: got. aflageins* 1, af-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ablegung, Erlass, Vergebung; ne. forgiveness, laying aside, remission, absolution; swikneins* 3, swikn-ein-s*,  st. F. (i) (ō): nhd. Reinigung; ne. absolution, exculpation, exoneration, purification

absolve: got. aflētan 52, af-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen, fortschicken, aufgeben, eine Schuld erlassen, vergeben, verlassen (V.), im Stiche lassen, zurücklassen, überlassen, vernachlässigen; ne. let off, let go, leave (V.), relinquish, remit, absolve, release (V.), forgive; fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive; *swiknjan?, *swikn-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reinigen; ne. absolve, exculpate, make taintless

abstain: got. afhaban* (sik) 1, af-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. abstain, withhold o.s.; gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain; *þarban?, *þarb-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. darben; ne. abstain, live in want

-- abstain from: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

-- abstain from food: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

abstinence: got. fastubni* 6, fast-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Halten, Dienst, Fasten, Haltung, Gottesdienst; ne. holding fast to, holding (N.), keeping (N.), observance, abstinence, fasting (N.), vigilance, maintenance

abstinent: got. gaþaúrbs 1, ga-þaúrb-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. enthaltsam; ne. forgoing (Adj.), abstinent, self-abnegating (Adj.); *þaúrbs, *þaúrb-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. enthaltsam; ne. abstinent

-- be abstinent: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

abundance: got. digrei* 1, dig-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle; ne. plumpness, abundance, stoutness, thickness; filusna 6, fil-u-sn-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Vielheit, Menge, Übermaß; ne. copiousness, abundance, plenitude, multitude; managdūþs 1, man-ag-dū-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Menge, Überfluss; ne. plenitude, abundance, copiousness

-- grow in abundance: got. biauknan 2, bi-auk-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich vermehren, zunehmen; ne. increase (V.), abound, grow in abundance

abundant: got. ganōhs* 7, ga-nōh-s*,  Adj. (a),: nhd. genug, viel; ne. enough, ample (Adj.), abundant, copious, plenteous

-- be abundant: got. ufar filu wisan, got.: nhd. überfließend sein (V.); ne. be abundant; managnan* 5, man-ag-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reichlich vorhanden sein (V.), Überfluss haben; ne. be abundant, abound; ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

-- make abundant: got. managjan* 2, man-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mehren, vermehren; ne. multiply, increase (V.), make abundant

-- more abundant: got. managiza: nhd. größer, mehr; ne. more, more abundant, more plentiful, excessive

abundantly: got. gabigaba 1, gab-ig-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. reichlich; ne. richly, abundantly

-- grow abundantly: got. ufarwahsjan* 1, uf-ar-wahs-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. überaus wachsen, sich stark vermehren; ne. wax exceedingly, exceed in growth, grow abundantly

abuse -- abuse (V.): got. gaaiwiskōn* 11=10, ga-aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. beschämen, beschimpfen; ne. disgrace (V.), dishonour (V.), abuse (V.), make ashamed, put to shame

abuse -- abuse verbally: got. *naitjan?, *nai-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lästern; ne. use foul language, abuse verbally

abusive -- abusive speech: got. anaqiss* 2, an-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lästerung, Schmährede; ne. blasphemy, slander (N.), verbal attack, abusive speech; naiteins* 3, nai-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, malediction, abusive speech, foul language, insult (N.), slander (N.); *wajamēreins 5, *waj-a-mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, abusive speech, desecrating speech, sacrilegious speech

abusively -- speaking abusively: got. *wajamēreis?, *waj-a-mē-r-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. übelberüchtigt, übel berufen; ne. defaming (Adj.), speaking abusively, speaking ill of

abyss: got. afgrundiþa* 2, af-grund-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Abgrund; ne. abyss

accept -- accept as a unit: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

accept -- accept in conjunction: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

accept -- accept (V.): got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return; inniman* 1, in-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hernehmen; ne. receive, take in, get, accept (V.); niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away

acceptable: got. andanēms 8=7, and-a-nēm-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. angenehm; ne. acceptable, pleasant

acceptance: got. andanēm* 1, and-a-nēm*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Entgegennahme“, Empfang, Empfangen, Annahme; ne. taking (N.), intake, acceptance, receiving (N.); andanumts 4, and-a-num-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Annahme, Aufnahme, Erhebung; ne. taking up, acceptance; *numts?, *num-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Nehmen, Annahme; ne. acceptance

-- include in acceptance: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

accepting: got. andanēmeigs 1, and-a-nēm-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „entgegennehmend“, festhaltend; ne. taking (N.), accepting, holding fast

access -- access (N.): got. atgagg* 2, at-ga-g-g*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zugang; ne. access (N.), approach (N.)

accessible: got. *atgāhts (2), *at-gā-h-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zugänglich; ne. accessible, approachable

accomodate -- accomodate o.s. to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

accomodate -- accomodate with: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

accomodation: got. *haribaírgō?, haribergō?, *hari-baírg-ō?, *hari-berg-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Herberge; ne. lodging, accomodation

accompany: got. afargaggan 7, af-ar-ga-g-g-a-n,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. nachgehen, folgen; ne. go after, follow, accompany; gasandjan 2, ga-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entsenden, geleiten; ne. send off, send on, accompany

accomplish: got. *frumjan, *fru-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fördern, vollbringen; ne. support (V.), accomplish; gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish; ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

accomplishment: got. ustaúhts 4, us-taú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vollendung, Vervollkommnung, Ende, Erfüllung; ne. completion, completeness, perfection, perfectness, accomplishment, fulfillment, consummation, end (N.)

accord -- accord (N.): got. samaqiss* 2, sam-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übereinstimmung; ne. unison, harmony, accord (N.), agreement

accord -- be in accord: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

accord -- wholehearted accord: got. allawērei* 1, al-l-a-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Redlichkeit; ne. simplicity, sincerity, wholehearted accord, complete agreeability, total agreement

accordance -- in accordance with: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

according -- according as: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

according -- according to: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

according -- according to that effect: got. bi tōja, got.: nhd. nach der Wirkung; ne. according to that effect

account -- account as: got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

account -- account (N.): got. insahts 6, in-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erzählung, Aussage, Zeugnis; ne. argumentation, account (N.), exposition, explication, report (N.), story, statement, witness; raþjō 5, ra-þ-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abrechnung, Rechenschaft, Zahl; ne. counting (N.), tallying (N.), account (N.), explanation, number

account -- account to: got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

account -- give an account: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

account -- on account of: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

account -- on account of the fact that: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that; duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

account -- on account of what: got. in ƕis: nhd. weshalb; ne. on account of what, wherefore, for what

accrue -- accrue to: got. undrinnan* 2, und-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. zufallen, zuteil werden, untereinander disputieren (= miþ sis missō sik undrinnan); ne. accrue to, fall to the share of, fall to

accumulate: got. dragan* 1, dra-g-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. tragen, aufladen, ziehen; ne. draw (V.), accumulate, take on, attract; hūhjan* 1, hūh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. häufen, sammeln; ne. accumulate, stockpile (V.), store up

accumulation: got. *þraihn, *þrai-h-n, *þraihns,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Menge; ne. quantity, amount, accumulation

-- accumulation of riches: got. faíhuþraihn* 4, faíh-u-þrai-h-n*, faihuþraihns*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. „Viehansammlung“, Geldansammlung, Reichtum; ne. wealth-agglomeration, accumulation of riches, wealth, gathering of money

accurate -- accurate understanding: got. ufkunþi* 8, uf-kun-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erkenntnis; ne. knowledge, accurate understanding, recognition

accurately: got. glaggwō 1, gla-ggw-ō,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, accurately

accursed -- accursed one: got. anaþaíma 2, ana-þaím-a, anaþema*,  Sb. (indekl.): nhd. „Fluch“, Verfluchter; ne. anathema, curse (N.), accursed thing, accursed one

accursed -- accursed thing: got. anaþaíma 2, ana-þaím-a, anaþema*,  Sb. (indekl.): nhd. „Fluch“, Verfluchter; ne. anathema, curse (N.), accursed thing, accursed one

accusation: got. usqiss* 1, us-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschuldigung, Anklage, Nachrede; ne. exposing announcement, incriminating disclosure, public crimination, accusation; wrōhs* 2, wrō-h-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Klage, Anklage; ne. accusation, charge (N.), complaint

-- basis for accusation: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

-- beyond accusation: got. unfaírina* 2, un-faír-in-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos, außer Schuld, ohne Tadel; ne. unimpeachable, blameless, beyond accusation, unassailable, unblamable

accuse: got. faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce; wrōhjan 6, wrō-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anklagen, beschuldigen; ne. indict, accuse

-- accuse calumniously: got. frawrōhjan* 1, fra-wrō-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verklagen, verdächtigen, verleumden, anzeigen; ne. accuse maliciously, accuse calumniously, incriminate slanderously, suspect (V.)

-- accuse maliciously: got. frawrōhjan* 1, fra-wrō-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verklagen, verdächtigen, verleumden, anzeigen; ne. accuse maliciously, accuse calumniously, incriminate slanderously, suspect (V.)

accusing: got. fairinōnds, Part. Präs.: nhd. anschuldigend, verleumderisch; ne. accusing, incriminating

accustomed: got. biūhts 2, bi-ū-h-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gewohnt; ne. accustomed, used to, wont

ace -- coin worth one ace: got. assarjus* 1, assar-ju-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ass (Münze), Pfennig, Kreuzer (M.) (2); ne. assarion, coin worth one ace

achieve: got. *laistōn?, *lais-t-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. leisten; ne. achieve

-- achieve depth: got. gadiupjan* 1, ga-diup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vertiefen; ne. make deep, go deep, dig deep, achieve depth

-- achieve doing: got. gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish

-- achieve junction with: got. gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

-- achieve retribution for: got. gawrikan* 3, ga-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bestrafen, rächen, Rache nehmen; ne. wreak vengeance for, avenge, achieve retribution for, vindicate

-- achieve (V.): got. gawaúrkjan 24, ga-waúrk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bewirken, erwirken, bereiten, machen, bringen, erhandeln, ausstellen; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), bring about, produce, make (V.), earn (V.), get, achieve (V.)

aching -- sexual aching: got. winna* 1, wi-n-n-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Leiden, Leidenschaft; ne. passion, libido, sexual aching

acknowledge: got. andhaitan 15, and-hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. bekennen, preisen, erklären; ne. profess, confess, acknowledge, praise (V.); atkunnan* 1, at-kun-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. gewähren, zuerkennen; ne. acknowledge, learn to know

-- acknowledge o.s. as subordinate: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

-- acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

acknowledgement: got. andahait* 3, and-a-hai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bekenntnis; ne. acknowledgement, confession, recognition

acquaintance: got. *kunnains?, *kun-n-ain-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kennenlernen; ne. acquaintance

-- thorough acquaintance: got. kunþi 17, kun-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Kunde (F.), Kenntnis; ne. knowledge, thorough acquaintance

acquainted -- be acquainted: got. kunnan (1) 97=96, kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. kennen, wissen; ne. be acquainted, know, understand

acquire: got. faírwaúrkjan* 1, faír-waúrk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwirken; ne. earn, secure, gain (V.), acquire; franiman 2, fra-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, in Besitz nehmen, in Empfang nehmen, gewinnen; ne. acquire, take possession of, receive, take along; gageigan* 7, ga-geig-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. gewinnen; ne. acquire, gain (V.); ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn; gastaldan 5, ga-stal-d-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erwerben, bekommen; ne. procure, acquire, get; ? *staldan?, *stal-d-an?,  red. V. (3): nhd. haben?, eignen?; ne. have?, acquire?

-- acquire as property: got. gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

-- acquire knowledge of: got. gakunnan (2) 8, ga-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. kennenlernen, erfahren (V.), erkennen, lesen (V.) (1); ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know; *-kunnan (2), *-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kennenlernen; ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know, recognize

-- acquire through purchase (V.): got. usbugjan* 7, us-bug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erkaufen; ne. buy (V.), buy up, acquire through purchase (V.), redeem

-- acquire use of: got. niutan 2, niut-an,  st. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. treffen, erreichen, einer Sache froh sein (V.); ne. acquire use of, obtain disposal of, attain, enjoy

-- acquire wealth: got. faíhugeigan* 1, faíh-u-geig-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. begehren, habgierig sein (V.), geldgierig sein (V.); ne. gain riches, acquire wealth, desire (V.)

-- make acquire knowledge of by reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

acquiring -- acquiring (Adj.): got. *stalds?, *stal-d-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. habend?, erwerbend?; ne. having (Adj.), acquiring (Adj.)

acquisition: got. gawaúrki 5, ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschäft, Erwerb, Gewinn; ne. acquisitiveness, commercial untertaking, business deal, business, acquisition, gain (N.)

-- have in acquisition: got. disniman* 1, dis-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. besitzen; ne. have in acquisition, possess (V.), keep (V.)

acquisitive: got. aglaitgastalds 2, ag-l-ait-ga-stal-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schmutzig gewinnsüchtig, habsüchtig; ne. acquisitive, grasping, shamefully greedy; *gastalds?, *ga-stal-d-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. gewinnsüchtig; ne. acquisitive

acquisitiveness: got. gawaúrki 5, ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschäft, Erwerb, Gewinn; ne. acquisitiveness, commercial untertaking, business deal, business, acquisition, gain (N.)

across -- go across: got. ufarleiþan* 1, uf-ar-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. übersetzen, hinüberfahren; ne. pass over, cross over, go across

act -- act like a madman: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

act -- act (N.): got. táui 7, táu-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. work (N.), act (N.), activity, action, deed, product (N.), effect (N.)

act -- act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping: got. anafilh* 6, an-a-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Anvertrautes“, Empfehlung, Überlieferung; ne. act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping, commendation, recommendation, tradition

act -- act of creation: got. gaskafts 11=10, ga-skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erschaffung, Geschöpf; ne. creation, act of creation, creature; *skafts (3), *skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschöpf, Schaffung; ne. creature, creation, act of creation

act -- act of instruction: got. laiseins 34, lais-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lehre; ne. teaching (N.), act of instruction, doctrine

act -- act of judging: got. stáua (1) 25, stá-u-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Gerichtsstätte“, Gericht (M.) (1), Urteil, Streitsache; ne. act of judging, judgement, verdict, judicial decision

act -- act of testifying: got. weitwōdeins 1, wei-t-wōd-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. act of testifying, attesting, witness-bearing, witness (N.)

act -- act (V.): got. taujan 211=209, tau-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tun, machen, wirken; ne. do, act (V.), engage in, execute, perform, make (V.), form (V.), construct (V.), produce (1)

act -- act with restraint toward: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.)

act -- betray in an act of opportunism: got. lēwjan* 3, lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. betray in an act of opportunism, hand over in an opportunistic deal

act -- culpable act: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

act -- impute a culpable act to: got. faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce

acting -- join in acting insincerely: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

action: got. táui 7, táu-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. work (N.), act (N.), activity, action, deed, product (N.), effect (N.)

-- action (N.): got. waúrstwei* 1, waúr-st-w-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tun, Verrichtung, Betrieb; ne. performance, practice (N.), execution, action (N.)

-- in this action: got. þamma tōja, got.: nhd. in dieser Sache; ne. in this action

active: got. *amals?, *am-a-l-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tapfer, tätig; ne. active, brave

activity: got. táui 7, táu-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. work (N.), act (N.), activity, action, deed, product (N.), effect (N.); waúrstw 83=82, waúr-st-w,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Werk, Tat, Wirksamkeit; ne. work (N.), activity, deed, task, operation, working (N.)

acumen -- apply acumen to: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

adapt -- adapt to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

add: got. anaaukan 5, an-a-auk-an,  red. V. (2): nhd. hinzufügen zu, fortfahren; ne. add, augment (V.); biaukan* 3, bi-auk-an*,  red. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. hinzufügen; ne. add, enlarge, expand

-- add by argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- add to: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- add to the rectification of: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

adder: got. nadrs* 1, nadr-s*,  st. M. (?) (a): nhd. Natter; ne. snake (N.), viper, adder; *nēdrō?, *nēdr-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Natter, Schlange; ne. snake (N.), viper, adder

addict -- wine addict: got. weindrugkja 1, wein-dru-g-k-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Weintrinker, Säufer; ne. wine-drinker, wine addict, drunkard

addicted: got. *friks?, *fri-k-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. süchtig, gierig; ne. lustful, greedy, addicted

-- addicted to wine: got. weinags* 3=2, wein-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. trunken, trunksüchtig, Trunkenbold (= subst.); ne. addicted to wine, drunkardly, drunk (Adj.), drunkard (= subst.)

addiction: got. *frikei?, *fri-k-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gier, Sucht; ne. greed, lust (N.), obsession, addiction

additional -- additional increment: got. wōkrs* 1, wōk-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ertrag, Frucht, Zins; ne. interest on investment, additional increment

additional -- give additional correction to: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

address -- address (V.): got. haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.); wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

address -- address with salutations: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

adduce: got. undrēdan 1, und-rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. besorgen, gewähren; ne. adduce, advance (V.), provide for, grant (V.)

adequate -- be barely adequate: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements; *naúhan?, *naúh-an?,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.); ne. be just enough, be barely adequate

adhere -- adhere to: got. gahaftnan* 1, ga-haf-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. anhangen, sich anheften; ne. stick to, adhere to, cling to; haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

adhere -- make o.s. adhere to: got. haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

adhered -- become adhered to: got. *haftnan?, *haf-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. angeheftet werden; ne. become adhered to

adjacent -- adjacent section: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

adjacent -- lie (V.) (2) adjacent to: got. atligan* 1, at-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. dabeiliegen, vorliegen, vorhanden sein (V.); ne. lie (V.) (2) at hand, lie (V.) (2) adjacent to

adjacent -- next adjacent: got. iftuma* 4, ift-uma*,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. folgende; ne. subsequent, next adjacent

adjacently -- stand adjacently: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

adjudge: got. gadōmjan 6, ga-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, entscheiden, sich vergleichen, sich messen mit; ne. deem, judge (V.), adjudge, reckon

adjudgement: got. ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

adjuration: got. usblōteins* 2=1, us-blōt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bitte, Flehen, Gebet; ne. prayer (N.), supplication, adjuration, imploring (N.), requesting (N.)

adjure: got. biswaran* 2, bi-swar-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. beschwören; ne. adjure, put under oath; *usblōtan?, *us-blōt-an?,  red. V. (6): nhd. bitten; ne. pray, adjure, implore, supplicate worshipfully

adjust -- adjust to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

administer: got. andbahtjan 23=22, andb-ah-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leisten, dienen, besorgen, darreichen; ne. serve, minister (V.), administer, perform

administration: got. faúragaggi 7=6, faúr-a-ga-g-g-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verwaltung, Haushaltung, Vorsteheramt; ne. stewardship, superintendency, management, administration

admired -- be admired: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

admission -- admission tax: got. mōta 4, mōt-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Maut“, Zoll (M.) (2), Zollhaus; ne. admission tax, import tax, customs duties

admission -- find admission: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted; *mōtan, *mōt-an,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

admission-fee -- admission-fee collector: got. mōtāreis 19, mōt-ā-rei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Zöllner; ne. admission-fee collector, tolltaker, tax collector, publican

admission-tax -- place of admission-tax collection: got. mōtastaþs* 1, mōt-a-sta-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Mautstätte“, Zollstätte, Zollhaus; ne. toll-place, place of admission-tax collection, customs post, tax office

admitted -- be admitted: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted; *mōtan, *mōt-an,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

admittedly: got. swēþauh 36=34, swē-þauh,  Partikel: nhd. doch zwar, wenigstens; ne. indeed, admittedly, but

admonish: got. gaþlaihan 12=11, ga-þlaih-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten, in die Arme schließen, umarmen; ne. comfort (V.), admonish, embrace (V.), hearten, encourage, entreat, exhort; talzjan* 7, talz-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lehren, ziehen, unterrichten; ne. educate, instruct, train (V.), discipline (V.), correct (V.), admonish, chastise

adopt: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return

adopted -- be adopted: got. suniwē sibja andniman, got.: nhd. adoptiert werden; ne. be adopted; suniwe sibja andniman, got.: nhd. adoptiert werden; ne. be adopted

adopting -- join in adopting a form similar to: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

adoption -- adoption as children: got. frastisibja 1, frast-i-si-b-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kindschaft; ne. familial adoption, adoption as children, sonship

adoption -- familial adoption: got. frastisibja 1, frast-i-si-b-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kindschaft; ne. familial adoption, adoption as children, sonship

adoption -- to adoption: got. du suniwē gadēdai, got.: nhd. zur Sohnschaft; ne. to adoption; du suniwe gadēdai, got.: nhd. zur Sohnschaft; ne. to adoption

adore: got. *inweitjan?, *in-wei-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anbeten, behexen; ne. adore, worship (V.), bewitch

adorn -- adorn (V.): got. fētjan* 1, fēt-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schmücken; ne. dress up, adorn (V.); *gafētjan, *ga-fēt-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kleiden; ne. dress up, adorn (V.)

adornment: got. gafēteins* 1, ga-fēt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Kleidung; ne. adornment, garniture, fine apparel, clothing

adult -- adult (Adj.): got. uswahsans 2, us-wahs-an-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät., perfektiv: nhd. erwachsen (Adj.); ne. adult (Adj.), grown up, of age

adult -- adult male: got. waír 29, waí-r,  st. M. (a): nhd. Mann; ne. man (M.), adult male

adulterated: got. unaírkns* 3, un-aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unheilig, gottlos; ne. impure, ungenuine, distorted, adulterated, corrupted, unholy

adulterer: got. hōrs 7, hō-r-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Hurer, Ehebrecher; ne. adulterer, fornicator

adulteress: got. hōrinōndei, got.: nhd. Ehebrecherin; ne. adulteress

adulterous: got. hōrinōnds, got.: nhd. ehebrecherisch; ne. adulterous

adultery: got. hōrinassus 7, hō-r-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ehebruch, Hurerei; ne. adultery, fornication, illicit extra-marital sexual intercourse; kalkinassus 4, kalk-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Hurerei, Unzucht; ne. illicit sexual intercourse, fornication, adultery

-- commit adultery: got. gahōrinōn* 1, ga-hōr-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Ehebruch begehen; ne. commit adultery, fornicate; hōrinōn 13, hō-r-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. huren, die Ehe brechen, Ehebruch treiben; ne. commit adultery

advance -- advance (V.): got. gaþeihan* 2, ga-þei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorwärtskommen, hervorsprießen, wachsen (V.) (1), zunehmen; ne. progress (V.), grow, advance (V.), prosper; undrēdan 1, und-rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. besorgen, gewähren; ne. adduce, advance (V.), provide for, grant (V.)

advance -- come in advance: got. faúraqiman* 1, faúr-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vorgehen, vor jemand hergehen; ne. precede s.o., come in advance, come before, go before

advance -- enjoin in advance: got. *faúragaraidjan 1, *faúr-a-ga-rai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen?; ne. enjoin in advance, mandate beforehand, decree beforehand

advance -- purpose in advance: got. faúragarēdan* 3=2, faúr-a-ga-rē-d-an*,  red. abl. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen; ne. purpose in advance, intend beforehand, predetermine

advanced -- advanced in age: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

advanced -- of advanced age: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

advancement: got. framgāhts* 1, fra-m-gā-h-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Fortschritt; ne. progress (N.), advancement, furtherance

advantage: got. *bata, *bat-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nutzen, Vorteil; ne. benefit (N.), worthiness, avail (N.), advantage, profit (N.)

-- advantage (N.): got. bōta* 3, bōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Nutzen; ne. advantage (N.), benefit (N.), good (N.), aid (N.), usefulness, profit (N.)

-- obtain an advantage: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

-- take advantage of: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of; gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

advent: got. qums 14, qu-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Ankunft, Wiederkunft; ne. coming (N.), advent, arrival, parousia, presence

adversary -- adversary in a lawsuit: got. andastaua 2, and-a-sta-u-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gegner vor Gericht, Widersacher; ne. legal opponent, adversary in a lawsuit, opposing litigant

adversary -- adversary (M.): got. andastaþjis* 3, and-a-sta-þ-ji-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. „Entgegenstehender“, Widersacher; ne. opponent (M.), adversary (M.)

advice: got. *rēþs (1), *rē-þ-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Rat; ne. advice, counsel (N.)

-- aiming advice: got. tilarēþs* 1, til-a-rēþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zielrat; ne. aiming advice

advise: got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

-- advise (V.): got. garaginōn* 1, ga-rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Rat geben, raten; ne. prescribe to, give guidance to, give counsel to, advise (V.)

advisor: got. ragineis 4, rag-in-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Ratgeber, Ratsherr; ne. counsellor, advisor, guide (M.), prescriptor, steward, guardian

advocatable -- in an advocatable manner: got. garēdaba 1, ga-rē-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. commendably, in an advocatable manner, commendatorily, recommendatorily, honourably

advocate -- advocate (M.): got. paraklētus 4, par-a-klē-t-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Tröster; ne. paraclete, advocate (M.), comforter

advocate -- advocate (V.): got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

afar: got. faírra 20, faír-ra,  Adv.: nhd. fern, fern von, weg von; ne. afar, far off, remote, at a great distance

-- from afar: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

affection -- show affection for: got. frijōn 92, fri-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lieben, gern tun; ne. love (V.), cherish, show affection for, like to

affectionately -- affectionately tender: got. friaþwamilds* 1, fri-aþ-w-a-mil-d-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. zärtlich liebend, liebreich; ne. lovingly mild, showing love, affectionately tender

affinity -- bring into affinity: got. niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

affirm: got. gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify

affix -- affix by nailing: got. ganagljan* 1, ga-nag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. festnageln, annageln, nageln; ne. nail (V.), affix by nailing; *nagljan?, *nag-l-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nageln; ne. nail (V.), affix by nailing

affix -- affix ropes to: got. insailjan* 1, in-sai-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anseilen, herablassen; ne. affix ropes to, tie ropes onto, let down

afflict -- afflict with thirst: got. afþaúrsjan* 2, af-þaúrs-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. dursten, verdursten, durstig sein (V.); ne. dessicate, afflict with thirst

affliction: got. aggwiþa 5, agg-w-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Enge“, Bedrängnis; ne. affliction, trouble (N.), plight, anxiety, distress (N.); aglō 27, ag-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Drangsal; ne. affliction, painfulness, tribulation; slahs* 7, slah-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Schlag, Plage, Ohrfeige (= slahs lōfin); ne. blow (N.), stroke (N.), affliction, infliction, slap (N.) (= slahs lōfin)

afford -- afford s.o.: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

afford -- afford s.th.: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

afire -- be afire: got. brinnan* 1, bri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. brennen (intr.); ne. burn (V.), be afire; tundnan* 1, tund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. brennen; ne. catch fire, be afire, be aflame, burn (V.)

afire -- set afire: got. inbrannjan* 1, in-bran-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. „anbrennen“, in Brand stecken; ne. set afire, ignite, set on fire

aflame -- be aflame: got. tundnan* 1, tund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. brennen; ne. catch fire, be afire, be aflame, burn (V.)

aforetime: got. faúrþis 23, faúrþ-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. zuvor, früher, vorher; ne. earlier, before that, beforehand, aforetime

afraid: got. faúrhts* 2, faúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. furchtsam; ne. fearful of, afraid, cowardly (Adj.), timid, anxious

-- be afraid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

-- be afraid of: got. *agan?, *ag-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be afraid of

-- become afraid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- make afraid: got. ōgjan 1, ōg-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen schrecken, in Furcht setzen, erschrecken; ne. make afraid, make fear, scare (V.), frighten

-- make exceedingly afraid: got. usagjan* 1, us-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen erschrecken; ne. frighten utterly, terrify, make exceedingly afraid

after: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to; afaruþþan 2, af-ar-uþ-þan,  Präp.: nhd. nach; ne. after; biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- after that: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to; þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that; þaþrōh 24, þa-þrō-h,  Adv.: nhd. von da, daher, darauf, darnach; ne. from there, after that

-- after that time: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- after then: got. þanaseiþs 28, þan-a-sei-þ-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch; ne. later than then, after then, thereafter, from then on

-- after this time: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

-- and after then: got. afaruh þan: nhd. nachher; ne. afterwards, and after then; gr. μετά δέ; lat. post haec; Mat 8,5 CA; Luk 1,24 CA; Mrk 16,12 CA

-- choose after examining: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

-- day after: got. afardags* 1, af-ar-dag-s*, afurdags*,  st. M. (a): nhd. der folgende Tag; ne. morrow (N.), next day, day after

-- follow after: got. afarlaistjan* 6, af-ar-lais-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. nachfolgen, nachstreben, nachgehen, verfolgen; ne. follow after, follow, pursue, trail (V.)

-- go after: got. afargaggan 7, af-ar-ga-g-g-a-n,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. nachgehen, folgen; ne. go after, follow, accompany

-- inquire after: got. gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

-- lust after: got. gairnjan* 17, gair-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, verlangen, bedürfen; ne. lust after, long for, yearn for, desire (V.), want (V.); lustōn 1, lus-t-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, gelüsten; ne. lust after, desire (V.)

-- strive after: got. biarbaidjan 1, bi-arbai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. trachten nach, sich bemühen; ne. strive after, work towards

afterdeck: got. nōta* 1, nōt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Achterdeck, Schiffshinterteil; ne. afterdeck, stern (2), rear of a ship

aftermost: got. aftuma* 1, af-t-u-m-a*,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. letzte, hintere; ne. aftermost, hindmost, last of two parties

afterward: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

afterwards: got. afaruh þan: nhd. nachher; ne. afterwards, and after then; gr. μετά δέ; lat. post haec; Mat 8,5 CA; Luk 1,24 CA; Mrk 16,12 CA; þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

again: got. aftra 102=101, af-t-r-a, afta,  Adv.: nhd. wieder, zurück, rückwärts, wiederum, abermals; ne. again, back (Adv.), backwards, once more

-- again from the start: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew

against: got. andwaírþis 1, and-waír-þ-is,  Adv.: nhd. gegenüber; ne. vis-a-vis, opposite (Adj.), over, against, facing (Adj.); bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; wiþra 46, wi-þra,  Präp. m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. wider, gegen, vor, gegenüber; ne. toward, to, against, opposite, facing, vis-a-vis

-- bear a grudge against: got. neiwan* 1, neiw-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. es auf jemand abgesehen haben, grollen; ne. bear a grudge against

-- be embittered against: got. hatizōn* 1, hat-i-z-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. zürnen; ne. be embittered against, be angry with

-- expectorate against: got. andspeiwan* 1, and-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1),: nhd. entgegenspeien, ausspeien, verachten, verwerfen; ne. spit at, expectorate against, despise

-- hitting against: got. bistugq* 5=4, bi-stu-g-q*, bistuggq,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anstoß; ne. stumbling-block, hitting against, striking against, obstacle

-- inveigh against: got. anaqiþan* 1, an-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleumden, verlästern, schmähen; ne. denounce, censure (V.), inveigh against, blaspheme

-- pass judgement against: got. afdōmjan 5, af-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen, verfluchen; ne. comdemn, pass judgement against, curse (V.), abjure

-- pronounce judgement against: got. gawargjan* 2, ga-war-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einen verurteilen zu, ächten, verdammen; ne. condemn, damn, outlaw (V.), pronounce judgement against

-- roll against: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

-- speak against: got. andsakan* 1, and-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. widersprechen, bekämpfen, bestreiten; ne. controvert, gainsay, dispute (V.), speak against

-- strike against: got. bistigqan* 5, bi-sti-g-q-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. anstoßen, anprellen; ne. impinge, collide, stumble (V.), strike against; gastagqjan* 1, ga-stagq-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anstoßen; ne. make collide, bring into collision with, strike against

-- striking against: got. bistugq* 5=4, bi-stu-g-q*, bistuggq,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anstoß; ne. stumbling-block, hitting against, striking against, obstacle

-- use violence against: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

age -- advanced in age: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

age -- age (N.): got. aiws* 49, aiw-s*,  st. M. (a/i): nhd. Zeit, Ewigkeit; ne. age (N.), eternity, all time; *aldr, *al-d-r,  st. N. (a): nhd. Alter (N.); ne. age (N.); alds* 12, al-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Menschenalter, Zeit; ne. generation, age (N.), life span, lifetime

age -- of advanced age: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

age -- of age: got. uswahsans 2, us-wahs-an-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät., perfektiv: nhd. erwachsen (Adj.); ne. adult (Adj.), grown up, of age

age -- old age: got. aldōmō* 1, al-d-ōm-ō*,  st. N.?: nhd. Alter (N.); ne. old age

age -- reach extreme age: got. usalþan* 1, us-al-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. alt werden, veralten; ne. grow very old, reach extreme age

aged: got. *alduma, *al-d-um-a,  Adj. (Komp.): nhd. alt; ne. aged, elderly; framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age; *greiseis?, *grei-s-ei-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. greis, grau; ne. grey, aged

aghast -- be aghast: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

aghast -- become aghast: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

aghast -- stand aghast: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

aghast -- strike aghast: got. usgaisjan* 1, us-gai-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erschrecken; ne. strike aghast, frighten

agitate: got. in aljana briggan, got.: nhd. in Eifer bringen; ne. agitate; drōbjan* 4, drō-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trüben, irre machen, aufwiegeln, bewegen, erschüttern, aufregen; ne. stir up, excite, agitate, disturb, unsettle, trouble (V.); inwagjan* 2, in-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erregen, aufwiegeln; ne. agitate, unsettle, churn up, move (V.); wagjan 3, wag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schütteln, bewegen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move to and fro, agitate

agitated -- be agitated: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

agitated -- be agitated severely: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

agitated -- become agitated: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

agitator: got. drōbjands miþ, got.: nhd. Mitempörer; ne. agitator

aglow -- be aglow with: got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

agree: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

-- agree together with one another: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide

-- refuse to agree: got. unwērjan 2, un-wēr-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unwillig sein (V.), zürnen; ne. disagree, refuse to agree, be disagreeable, be unwilling

agreeability -- complete agreeability: got. allawērei* 1, al-l-a-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Redlichkeit; ne. simplicity, sincerity, wholehearted accord, complete agreeability, total agreement

agreeable: got. waila andanems: nhd. angenehm, willkommen; ne. pleasant, agreeable; *wēreis, *wēr-ei-s, *wērs,  Adj. (ia/a): nhd. wahr; ne. agreeing (Adj.), agreeable

-- completely agreeable: got. *allawēreis?, *al-l-a-wēr-eis?, *allawērs?,  Adj. (ja), (a): nhd. redlich; ne. sincere, completely agreeing, completely agreeable

agreeing: got. gaqiss (1) 2, ga-qi-s-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. übereinstimmend; ne. concurring, agreeing

-- agreeing (Adj.): got. *wēreis, *wēr-ei-s, *wērs,  Adj. (ia/a): nhd. wahr; ne. agreeing (Adj.), agreeable

-- agreeing to with difficulty: got. *tuzwērs, *tuz-wēr-s, *tuzwēreis,  Adj. (a)?, Adj. (ja)?: nhd. verdächtig?; ne. suspicious?, agreeing to with difficulty

-- completely agreeing: got. *allawēreis?, *al-l-a-wēr-eis?, *allawērs?,  Adj. (ja), (a): nhd. redlich; ne. sincere, completely agreeing, completely agreeable

-- have difficulty agreeing to: got. tuzwērjan* 1, tuz-wēr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zweifeln; ne. have difficulty agreeing to, doubt (V.)

-- joyfully agreeing with: got. gawizneigs 1, ga-wiz-n-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll Mitfreude; ne. enjoying together, joyfully agreeing with, full of delight

agreement: got. gaqiss* (2) 1, ga-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verabredung; ne. concurrence, agreement; samaqiss* 2, sam-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übereinstimmung; ne. unison, harmony, accord (N.), agreement

-- total agreement: got. allawērei* 1, al-l-a-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Redlichkeit; ne. simplicity, sincerity, wholehearted accord, complete agreeability, total agreement

agricultural -- agricultural property: got. hugs* (2) 1, hug-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Landgut?, Feld; ne. landed estate?, country estate?, agricultural property, farm property, field

agricultural -- agricultural tract: got. þaúrp* 1, þaúr-p*,  st. N. (a): nhd. bebautes Land, Acker, Feld; ne. farmland, agricultural tract, land (N.), lived-on property

aha: got. ō 5,  Interj.: nhd. ach, oh, pfui; ne. o, oh, aha, ha

ahead: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

-- ahead of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- go ahead: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

-- go ahead of: got. faúrbigaggan* 2, faúr-bi-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. vorausgehen, vorangehen; ne. go ahead of, precede

-- hurry ahead of time: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

-- prepare ahead of time: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand; faúramanwjan* 1, faúr-a-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorbereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand

-- send on ahead: got. faúragasandjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorausentsenden, voraussenden; ne. send on ahead

-- speed on ahead: got. faúrbisniwan* 1, faúr-bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorangehen, zuvorkommen; ne. speed on ahead, hasten on before, precede

-- stand ahead: got. instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

aid -- aid (N.): got. andstald* 2, and-stal-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Darbietung, Beistand, Darreichung; ne. support (N.), supply (N.), aid (N.), purveyance, furnishment; bōta* 3, bōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Nutzen; ne. advantage (N.), benefit (N.), good (N.), aid (N.), usefulness, profit (N.)

aid -- aid (V.): got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

aid -- give aid to: got. gahilpan* 1, ga-hil-p-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), give aid to

aid -- go to the aid of: got. hilpan 4, hil-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Gen.: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), go to the aid of, give help to

ailing: got. unhails* 4, un-hai-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. krank; ne. unhealthy, ailing, unwell, sick

ailment: got. saúhts* 11, saúh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Krankheit, Sucht; ne. sickness, ailment, disease, illness; siukei 7=6, siuk-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Krankheit, Seuche, Siechtum; ne. feebleness, infirmity, sickness, ailment

aim -- aim at: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

aim -- aim (N.): got. mundrei* 1, mun-d-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ziel; ne. goal, aim (N.), objective (N.); wilja 41=38, wi-l-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wille, Wohlgefallen; ne. will (N.), willingness, wish (N.), desire (N.), intention, aim (N.)

aim -- aim (V.): got. *tilōn, *til-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zielen, streben; ne. aim (V.), strive

aim -- take aim at: got. mundōn* 2=1 sis, mun-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. sich einen besehen, sehen auf; ne. take aim at, pay attention to, observe

aiming -- aiming advice: got. tilarēþs* 1, til-a-rēþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zielrat; ne. aiming advice

air -- air current: got. winds (1) 17, wi-nd-s, wintsch,  wintsch, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Wind; ne. wind (N.), air current; lat. ventus

air -- air (N.): got. luftus* 3, lu-f-t-u-s*,  st. M. (u)?: nhd. Luft; ne. air (N.)

air -- stream in an air current: got. wáian* 3, wái-an*,  red. abl. V.: nhd. wehen; ne. blow (V.), stream in an air current

alabaster -- alabaster flask: got. alabalstraún* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Salbenbüchse (aus Alabaster); ne. alabaster flask

alchemical -- skilled in alchemical witchcraft: got. lubjaleis* 1, lu-b-j-a-leis*,  Adj. (a): nhd. giftkundig, Zauberer (= lubjaleis, subst.); ne. skilled in alchemical witchcraft, sorcerous, alchemist (= lubjaleis, subst.)

alder: got. *alisi?, *al-is-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Erle; ne. alder; *alisō?, *al-is-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Erle; ne. alder; *aliza, *al-iz-a, *alisa,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erle; ne. alder

alert -- alert (Adj.): got. wars* (1) 1, war-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. behutsam, nüchtern, gewahr, vorsichtig; ne. wary, alert (Adj.), on guard

alertness -- guarded alertness: got. warei* 2=1, war-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tücke, Verschlagenheit; ne. wariness, wiliness, guarded alertness, villainy

alien: got. framaþeis* 9, framaþs, fra-m-aþ-ei-s*, fram-aþ-s*,  Adj. (ja?), (i): nhd. fremd; ne. strange, alien, foreign, alienated, estranged

alienate: got. framaþjan* 1, fra-m-aþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entfremden; ne. estrange, alienate

alienated: got. framaþeis* 9, framaþs, fra-m-aþ-ei-s*, fram-aþ-s*,  Adj. (ja?), (i): nhd. fremd; ne. strange, alien, foreign, alienated, estranged

alignment: got. tēwa* 1, tēw-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ordnung; ne. order (N.), array (N.), arrangement, alignment

alive: got. hailisks* 1, hai-l-isk-s*, ieltsch,  ieltsch, krim Adj. (a): nhd. heil, lebendig; ne. alive, well (Adj.), healthy; lat. vivus, sanus; qius 7, qiu-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. lebendig; ne. alive, living (Adj.), having life

-- be alive: got. liban 61=60, li-b-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leben; ne. live, be alive

-- be alive together with: got. miþliban* 1, mi-þ-lib-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. mitleben; ne. live together with, be alive together with

-- become alive: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified; *qiunan?, *qiu-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben; ne. become alive

-- be made alive: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- make alive: got. anaqiujan 1, an-a-qiu-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, erwecken, lebendig machen; ne. liven up, revitalize, revivify, rekindle, make alive; gaqiujan* 4, ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, lebendig machen; ne. make alive, give life to, vivify; *qaiwjan, *qaiw-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Feuer anzünden, lebendig machen; ne. light a fire, make alive; *qiujan?, *qiu-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben; ne. make alive, vivify

-- make alive together: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

all: got. *ala?, *al-a?,  sw. Adj.?: nhd. all, ganz, völlig; ne. all, the entire, the whole; alakjō 5, al-a-k-jō,  Adv.: nhd. insgesamt, gesamt, zusammen; ne. all, all inclusively, to a man, all together; alls 600=597, al-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. all, jeder, ganz, viel; ne. all, all of, the entire, every, the whole

-- above all: got. þishun 6=5, þi-s-hun,  Adv.: nhd. meist, vorzüglich, besonders; ne. in particular, particularly, specifically, especially, above all

-- all at once: got. anaks 3, an-ak-s,  Adv.: nhd. plötzlich, sogleich; ne. suddenly, all at once; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- all humanity: got. alamans* 1, al-a-man-s*, alamannans*,  Pl. M.: nhd. Gesamtheit der Menschen, alle Menschen; ne. all humanity, totality of man, entirety of mankind

-- all inclusively: got. alakjō 5, al-a-k-jō,  Adv.: nhd. insgesamt, gesamt, zusammen; ne. all, all inclusively, to a man, all together

-- all of: got. alls 600=597, al-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. all, jeder, ganz, viel; ne. all, all of, the entire, every, the whole

-- all the way to: got. und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

-- all time: got. aiws* 49, aiw-s*,  st. M. (a/i): nhd. Zeit, Ewigkeit; ne. age (N.), eternity, all time

-- all together: got. alakjō 5, al-a-k-jō,  Adv.: nhd. insgesamt, gesamt, zusammen; ne. all, all inclusively, to a man, all together; samana 12, sam-a-n-a,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, gemeinschaftlich, zugleich; ne. at the same time, all together, in union

-- all together at the same time: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- all together to the same place: got. samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

-- at all (in neg. sentences): got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

-- by all means: got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

-- carry all the way in: got. innatbaíran* 2, in-n-at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hineinbringen, hineintragen; ne. bear in thither, carry all the way in, bring in

-- first of all: got. frumist 14, fru-m-ist,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. zuerst; ne. firstly, at first, before everything, first of all

-- for all to see: got. andaugiba 4, and-aug-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offen, freimütig; ne. obviously, in plain sight, openly, for all to see; andaugjō 3, and-aug-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. offen, offenbar, öffentlich; ne. in plain sight, openly, publicly, for all to see

-- from all directions: got. allaþrō 2, al-l-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von allen Seiten; ne. from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere

-- from all sides: got. allaþrō 2, al-l-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von allen Seiten; ne. from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere

-- in all probability: got. aúftō 21=20, aúft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. allerdings, wohl, vielleicht, etwa; ne. in all probability, indeed, perhaps, certainly, be sure, no doubt

-- kneaded all together: got. *digrs?, *dig-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll, zusammengeknetet, dicht; ne. plump, stout, thick, kneaded all together

-- lose (V.) all energy: got. diwan* 3, diw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sterben; ne. lose (V.) all energy, become lifeless

-- not at all: got. ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing; ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing

-- one executing all things: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

-- wash all around: got. biþwahan* 1, bi-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abwaschen, waschen; ne. wash all around, wash (V.)

-- wipe all around: got. biswaírban* 4, bi-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. abwischen, abtrocknen; ne. wipe around, wipe all around, wipe off, dry (V.)

allegation -- extort from by false allegation: got. afhōlōn* 1, af-hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, betrügen; ne. extort from by false allegation

allegation -- wrong by false allegation: got. hōlōn* 2, hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verleumden, betrügen, durch Betrug schädigen, schikanieren, schaden; ne. wrong by false allegation, cheat by false pretenses, victimize, slander (V.)

allege -- allege as a reason for: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

alleged -- alleged reason: got. inilō* 4, in-il-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Entschuldigung, Vorwand, Gelegenheit; ne. pretext, pretense, alleged reason, excuse (N.)

allegorical: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

allegorically -- allegorically portrayed: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

allot: got. gadailjan* 8, ga-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zuteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. divide, partition (V.), allot, apportion, distribute to

alloted -- alloted portion: got. hlauts 4, hlau-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Los, Anteil, Erbschaft; ne. lot (N.), allotment, alloted portion, inheritance

allotment: got. hlauts 4, hlau-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Los, Anteil, Erbschaft; ne. lot (N.), allotment, alloted portion, inheritance

allotted -- be allotted s.th.: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

allotted -- have allotted to o.s.: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

allow: got. ? *laubjan, *laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlauben?; ne. allow?; lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit; uslaubjan* 11, us-laub-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlauben; ne. allow, let (V.), give consent, permit (V.)

allowed -- be allowed: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements

allowed -- it is allowed: got. *nah-,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. es ist erlaubt; ne. it is allowed

all-ruler: got. allwaldands 1, al-l-wald-an-d-s,  sw. Adj.=Part. Präs., subst. M.: nhd. allmächtig, Allmächtiger, Allwaltender; ne. ruler, all-ruler, almighty

all-working -- all-working one: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

almighty: got. allwaldands 1, al-l-wald-an-d-s,  sw. Adj.=Part. Präs., subst. M.: nhd. allmächtig, Allmächtiger, Allwaltender; ne. ruler, all-ruler, almighty

almsgiving -- almsgiving (N.): got. armaiō 10=9, armai-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Barmherzigkeit, Almosen; ne. mercy, compassion, almsgiving (N.), charity

aloft: got. iupa 5, iup-a,  Adv.: nhd. oben, hinauf; ne. on high, above, aloft, high up

alone: got. ainakls* 1, ai-n-a-k-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vereinzelt, alleinstehend, einzeln; ne. alone, standing alone, lonely, solitary (Adj.); ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone; sundrō 10, sun-dr-ō,  Adv.: nhd. abgesondert, besonders, allein, beiseite; ne. asunder (Adv.), apart, separately, alone, individually, privately

-- leave alone: got. lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit

-- let alone: got. lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit

-- standing alone: got. ainakls* 1, ai-n-a-k-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vereinzelt, alleinstehend, einzeln; ne. alone, standing alone, lonely, solitary (Adj.)

along: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by; faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

-- along with (Präf.): got. *ga-,  Partikel, Präf.: nhd. ge-, mit-; ne. together (Präf.), along with (Präf.)

-- but then along therewith: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- but then along with that: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- carry along: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

-- come along together with: got. miþqiman* 1, mi-þ-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. mitkommen; ne. come along together with, go along with

-- die along with: got. miþgaswiltan 1, mi-þ-ga-swil-t-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. mitsterben; ne. die along with, die together with

-- go along: got. miþgaggan* 3, mi-þ-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgehen; ne. go together with, go along, come with

-- go along into: got. miþinngaleiþan* 1, mi-þ-in-n-ga-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. mithineingehen; ne. go in together with, go along into

-- go along with: got. miþqiman* 1, mi-þ-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. mitkommen; ne. come along together with, go along with

-- lead along: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

-- send thither along: got. gamiþsandjan* 2=1, ga-miþ-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitsenden; ne. send thither along, dispatch together with

-- send thither along with: got. miþinsandjan* 1, mi-þ-in-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitentsenden; ne. send thither along with, dispatch together with

-- take along: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along; franiman 2, fra-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, in Besitz nehmen, in Empfang nehmen, gewinnen; ne. acquire, take possession of, receive, take along; ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn; usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

-- take captive along with: got. miþfrahinþan* 2, mi-þ-fra-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgefangennehmen; ne. capture together with, take captive along with

-- well along in years: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

-- work along: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

alongside: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

aloud -- call aloud: got. *hrōpan, *hrō-p-an,  red. V. (6): nhd. rufen; ne. cry out, call aloud

aloud -- cry aloud: got. ufwōpjan* 4, uf-wōp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. call out, cry out, cry aloud, exclaim

aloud -- read aloud: got. siggwan 6, siggw-an, singhen,  singhen, krim st. V. (3,1): nhd. singen, vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. sing, chant (V.), read chantingly, read aloud; lat. canere; ussiggwan* 9, us-siggw-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. read chantingly, read aloud, recite

alphabet -- letter of the alphabet: got. *stafs 3, *sta-f-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Element, Stab, Buchstabe; ne. letter of the alphabet, grapheme, element

already: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already; juþan 15, ju-þan, *juuþan,  Adv.: nhd. schon; ne. already, by now, by that time, by then

-- have already: got. ju haban, got.: nhd. dahin haben; ne. have already

also: got. auk 286=285,  Konj.: nhd. denn, nämlich, aber, auch, und; ne. furthermore, moreover, besides, for, but, also, since; jah 3915,  Konj.: nhd. und, und zwar, auch, aber, denn; ne. indeed, even (Konj.), also, but, and; uh (1) 248=246, u-h,  Partikel: nhd. und, nun, also; ne. and, also, too, likewise, thereupon, subsequently, consequently, so then

-- also not: got. nih 147, ni-h,  Konj.: nhd. und nicht, auch nicht, nicht; ne. and not, also not, not even, nor

-- just as ... so also: got. swē ... jah, got.: nhd. wie ... so auch; ne. just as ... so also

-- not just ... but also: got. ni þatainei ... ak jah: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not solely ... but also, not just ... but also

-- not only ... but also: got. ni þatain ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also; ni þatainei ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also; ni þatain ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also

-- not solely ... but also: got. ni þatainei ... ak jah: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not solely ... but also, not just ... but also

-- so also: got. swah 11, swa-h,  Adv.: nhd. so, so auch; ne. and so, even so, so also; swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

-- there also: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

altar: got. hunslastaþs* 4, hun-sl-a-staþ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Opferstätte, Altar; ne. place for sacrifice, altar; ufarskafts 1, uf-ar-skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erstlingsfrucht, Anbruch; ne. superstructure, altar, first fruit

alter -- alter (V.): got. maidjan* 1, mai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tauschen, verfälschen, Schacher treiben; ne. alter (V.), modify, mutate, change (V.), falsify

alternately: got. missō 64=63, mis-s-ō,  Adv.: nhd. einander, wechselseitig; ne. mutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, one another

alternative -- and as an alternative: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise

alternatively: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise

-- unless it be alternatively that: got. niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that; niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that

although: got. þauhjabai 3, þau-h-ja-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. wenn auch; ne. even though, even if, although

-- however although: got. aþþan 240, aþ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. aber doch, aber ja, aber nun, denn, also, nun, und; ne. but then, but nonetheless, but, however although, though

always: got. sinteinō 36, sin-tein-ō,  Adv.: nhd. immer, allezeit; ne. perpetually, always, ever, continually, constantly

amass -- amass (V.): got. gadragan* 1, ga-dra-g-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. zusammentragen; ne. draw together, amass (V.)

amazed: got. usfilma* 2, us-fil-m-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. erschrocken, entsetzt; ne. shaken, struck, amazed, bewildered, frightened, astonished

-- be amazed: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words; sildaleikjan* 30, si-ld-a-leik-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anstaunen (tr.), bewundern (tr.), staunen (intr.), sich wundern (intr.); ne. marvel (V.), wonder (V.), be amazed

amazement: got. *films?, *fil-m-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schrecken; ne. bewildered stupor, astonishment, amazement; sildaleik 1, si-ld-a-leik,  st. N. (a): nhd. Staunen, Verwunderung; ne. amazement, astonishment, wonder (N.); usfilmei 2, us-fil-m-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Entsetzen; ne. amazement, bewilderment, astonishment

amazing: got. sildaleiks 3, si-ld-a-leik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. erstaunlich, wunderbar; ne. marvellous, amazing, wondrous, wonderful, remarkable

ambush -- ambush (N.): got. *fēr?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Nachstellung; ne. ambush (N.)

ambusher: got. fērja* 1, fēr-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Aufpasser, Nachsteller; ne. ambusher, waylayer, spy (M.)

ameliorate: got. *iusilōn?, *ius-il-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bessern, erleichtern; ne. improve, better (V.), ameliorate

amelioration: got. iusila 2, ius-il-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erholung, Besserung; ne. improvement, amelioration, betterment, ease (N.)

amen: got. amen 81,  Interj.: nhd. amen; ne. amen

amenable -- amenable to persuasion: got. gaƕaírbs* 1, ga-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fügsam, getreu, gehorsam; ne. persuadable, amenable to persuasion, convertible

amiable: got. liubaleiks* 1, liub-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lieblich; ne. lovely, lovable, amiable

amid -- give birth (to) amid throes: got. fitan* 2, fit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. kreißen, gebären; ne. undergo childbirth pangs (with), give birth (to) amid throes, be in labour (with)

amidst -- amidst the border: got. miþ þweihnaim markōm: nhd. mitten unter die Grenze; ne. amidst the border; gr. ἀνὰ μέσον τῶν ὁρίων; lat. inter medios fines; Mrk 7,31 CA

amiss -- run amiss: got. frarinnan* 1, fra-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich verlaufen zu, geraten unter; ne. run awry, run amiss, meet up with

among -- concur among themselves: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide

among -- establish peace among: got. gafriþōn 5, ga-fri-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versöhnen; ne. establish peace between, establish peace among, reconcile

amongst: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

amount: got. *þraihn, *þrai-h-n, *þraihns,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Menge; ne. quantity, amount, accumulation

-- copious amount: got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously

-- great amount of: got. mikils 54, mik-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, stark, viel; ne. great, large (Adj.), great amount of, great number of, many

-- measured amount: got. mitadjō* 1, mi-t-ad-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Maß; ne. measure (N.), measured amount

ample -- ample (Adj.): got. ganōhs* 7, ga-nōh-s*,  Adj. (a),: nhd. genug, viel; ne. enough, ample (Adj.), abundant, copious, plenteous

ample -- having ample time: got. ūhteigs* 1, ū-h-t-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Zeit habend, unbeschäftigt; ne. with free time, having ample time

amputate: got. afmaitan* 8, af-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. abhauen, abschneiden; ne. cut off, sever, amputate, chop off, behead; usmaitan* 6, us-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. ausschneiden, abschneiden, ausrotten, aushauen; ne. cut out, excise, cut away, castrate, prune (V.), amputate

an: got. ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone

analogically -- analogically configured: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

anathema: got. anaþaíma 2, ana-þaím-a, anaþema*,  Sb. (indekl.): nhd. „Fluch“, Verfluchter; ne. anathema, curse (N.), accursed thing, accursed one

ancestor: got. airiza* 4, ai-r-iz-a*,  sw. Adj. Komp. = sw. M. (n): nhd. Vorfahre; ne. ancestor; *ana (2), *an-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Ahne, Vorfahre; ne. ancestor

ancestral -- ancestral homeland: got. ōþal* 2,  st. N. (a): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, o-Rune; ne. ancestral homeland, ancestral inheritance, patrimony, name of o-rune

ancestral -- ancestral inheritance: got. ōþal* 2,  st. N. (a): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, o-Rune; ne. ancestral homeland, ancestral inheritance, patrimony, name of o-rune

ancestry -- catalogue of ancestry: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

ancestry -- record of ancestry: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

ancient -- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

ancient -- the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece: got. drakma* 3, drak-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Drachme; ne. drachma, the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece

ancients: got. airizans, Komp. Pl.: nhd. Vorfahren; ne. ancients

and: got. jah 3915,  Konj.: nhd. und, und zwar, auch, aber, denn; ne. indeed, even (Konj.), also, but, and; uh (1) 248=246, u-h,  Partikel: nhd. und, nun, also; ne. and, also, too, likewise, thereupon, subsequently, consequently, so then

-- and after then: got. afaruh þan: nhd. nachher; ne. afterwards, and after then; gr. μετά δέ; lat. post haec; Mat 8,5 CA; Luk 1,24 CA; Mrk 16,12 CA

-- and as an alternative: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise

-- and as yet: got. naúhþanuh 14, naúh-þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. noch; ne. still (Adv.), yet, and as yet

-- and at that place: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

-- and at that time: got. þanuh 88, þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, daher, also, aber, nun; ne. and the, and at that time

-- and at the same time: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- and if: got. jaþþē 45, jaþ-þē,  Konj.: nhd. und wenn, sei es dass, gleichviel ob, entweder ... oder (= jaþþe ... jaþþe); ne. if, and if, whether ... or (= jaþþe ... jaþþe), and if ... or if (= jaþþe ... jaþþe)

-- and not: got. nih 147, ni-h,  Konj.: nhd. und nicht, auch nicht, nicht; ne. and not, also not, not even, nor

-- and see there: got. þaruh sai: nhd. und siehe da; ne. and see there, behold

-- and so: got. nūh 3, nū-h,  Partikel: nhd. denn; ne. and therefore, and so, so then; swah 11, swa-h,  Adv.: nhd. so, so auch; ne. and so, even so, so also

-- and so therefore: got. an nūh, got.: nhd. also doch; ne. and so therefore

-- and so when: got. swaþþan 1, swa-þ-þan, swahþan*,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. so nun; ne. and so when, and thus when, hence when, thus now

-- and the: got. þanuh 88, þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, daher, also, aber, nun; ne. and the, and at that time

-- and then: got. þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

-- and there: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

-- and therefore: got. nūh 3, nū-h,  Partikel: nhd. denn; ne. and therefore, and so, so then

-- and therefore because of that: got. inuh þis nū, got.: nhd. und deshalb; ne. and therefore because of that

-- and the remains: got. kaì tà loipá 1, gr.- Konj., Art., Sb.: nhd. und so weiter; ne. and the remains, and the rest, et cetera

-- and the rest: got. kaì tà loipá 1, gr.- Konj., Art., Sb.: nhd. und so weiter; ne. and the remains, and the rest, et cetera

-- and therewith: got. þaruh þan, got.: nhd. und damit; ne. and therewith

-- and thus when: got. swaþþan 1, swa-þ-þan, swahþan*,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. so nun; ne. and so when, and thus when, hence when, thus now

-- and when therefore: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

-- and who: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

-- and whom: got. þanuh nū: nhd. und wen; ne. and whom, therefore

-- and yet even: got. naúhuþþan 1, naúh-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. und sogar noch; ne. and yet even

-- and yet that notwithstanding: got. þanuh þan swēþauh: nhd. dessenungeachtet, dennoch; ne. and yet that notwithstanding

-- both ... and: got. jah ... jah, got.: nhd. sowohl ... als auch; ne. both ... and

-- group reclining and eating together: got. kubitus* 1, kubitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Liegen am Tisch, Tischgesellschaft, Gruppe, Tischgenossenschaft; ne. reclining to eat, group reclining and eating together, lying down (N.)

-- material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

-- move to and fro: got. wagjan 3, wag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schütteln, bewegen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move to and fro, agitate

-- of here and now: got. hi* 20, hi-* 20,  Pron.: nhd. dieser; ne. this, of here and now, the present, this here

-- sacred and inviolable: got. hailags* 1, hai-l-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig, geweiht; ne. holy, sacrosanct, sacred and inviolable

-- this and no other: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

anew: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew

angel: got. aggilus 38, agg-il-u-s,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Engel, Bote; ne. angel

anger -- anger (N.): got. jiuka* 2, jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zornausbruch, Streit; ne. fight (N.), battle (N.), anger (N.), quarrel (N.); mōþs* (1) 2, mō-þ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zorn, Mut; ne. bad temper, pique (N.), anger (N.), spirit; þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion

anger -- anger (V.): got. briggan in þwairhein: nhd. erzürnen; ne. anger (V.), incense (V.); inaljanōn* 2, in-al-jan-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.?: nhd. zornig machen, reizen; ne. jealousy provoke to jealousy, make jealous, provoke, anger (V.)

anger -- cause for anger: got. gamarzeins* 3, ga-mar-z-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. hinderance, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, offense (N.), cause for anger

anger -- directed anger: got. hatis 11, ha-ti-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hass, Zorn; ne. directed anger, angry hostility, animosity, hate (N.)

anger -- incite to anger: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

anger -- put in a state of anger: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

Angle: got. *Aggils?, *Agg-il-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Angel (M.); ne. Angle

angriness: got. þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion

angry: got. *grams, *gra-m-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zornig; ne. angry; mōdags 2, mō-d-ag-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zornig; ne. angry, wroth, illtempered; þwaírhs 3, þwaírh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. quer, zornig; ne. wrathful, angry, irate, aroused, quicktempered

-- angry hostility: got. hatis 11, ha-ti-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hass, Zorn; ne. directed anger, angry hostility, animosity, hate (N.)

-- be angry with: got. hatizōn* 1, hat-i-z-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. zürnen; ne. be embittered against, be angry with

-- make angry: got. gramjan* 1, gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnen, aufregen; ne. make angry, provoke

anguish -- anguish (N.): got. *gaur-, *gau-r-,  Sb.: nhd. Betrübnis; ne. grief, anguish (N.); gaurei* 1, gau-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Betrübnis; ne. grief, anguish (N.), sorrow (N.); gauriþa 1, gau-r-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Betrübnis; ne. grief, anguish (N.), sorrow (N.)

anguish -- cause anguish to: got. gaurjan* 10, gau-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kränken, betrüben; ne. insult (V.), grieve, cause anguish to, pain (V.)

anguished: got. gaurs 6, gau-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. betrübt, traurig, mürrisch; ne. grieved, anguished, pained, sorrowful, sad, sullen

animal: got. dius* 2, diu-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. wildes Tier, Tier; ne. wild beast, beast, wild animal, animal

-- male animal: got. gumein* 1, gum-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Männchen; ne. male (N.), male animal

-- sacrificial animal: got. *taban?, *ta-b-an?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Opfer, Opfertier; ne. sacrifice (N.), sacrificial animal

-- sacrificial animal of poor people: got. hraiwadūbō* 1, hrai-w-a-dūb-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Leichentaube“, Turteltaube; ne. turtle-dove, wild dark dove, sacrificial animal of poor people

-- wild animal: got. dius* 2, diu-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. wildes Tier, Tier; ne. wild beast, beast, wild animal, animal; unbiari* 1, un-biar-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. wildes Tier, Bestie; ne. beast, wild beast, brute (N.), wild animal

animosity: got. hatis 11, ha-ti-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hass, Zorn; ne. directed anger, angry hostility, animosity, hate (N.)

annihilate: got. fraqistjan 23, fra-qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. verderben, umbringen; ne. annihilate, obliterate, destroy utterly; usqiman 27, us-qi-m-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. umbringen, den Tod geben; ne. kill (V.), put to death, annihilate, destroy; usqistjan 8, us-qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben, umbringen, töten, zugrunde richten; ne. annihilate, kill (V.), exterminate, destroy utterly

announce: got. gakannjan 13, ga-kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden, berichten, bekanntmachen, empfehlen; ne. make known, present (V.), announce; gaspillōn* 1, ga-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden; ne. announce, promulgate, tell; gateihan* 28, ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anzeigen, verkünden, verkündigen; ne. announce, proclaim (V.), declare, tell, report (V.); *teihan, *tei-h-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. kündigen, zeigen; ne. announce, show (V.)

-- announce as a pledge: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

-- announce beforehand: got. faúragateihan* 2, faúr-a-ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. vorherverkünden, vorhersagen; ne. announce beforehand, know beforehand, tell beforehand

-- announce (V.): got. *kunþjan?, *kun-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. künden; ne. announce (V.), herald (V.)

announcement -- exposing announcement: got. usqiss* 1, us-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschuldigung, Anklage, Nachrede; ne. exposing announcement, incriminating disclosure, public crimination, accusation

announcer: got. spilla 1, spil-l-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Verkünder, Verkündiger; ne. proclaimer, promulgator, herald, teller, announcer

annoyed: got. afdáuiþs* 1, af-dáu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geschunden, geplagt, abgehetzt; ne. troubled, annoyed, harried, harrassed, worn out

anoint: got. bismeitan* 1, bi-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreichen, beschmieren, aufstreichen; ne. besmear, anoint, smear on, daub on; gasmeitan* 1, ga-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufstreichen, beschmieren; ne. smear (V.), daub (V.), dab (V.), anoint; salbōn 5, salb-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. salben; ne. anoint, salve with an ointment

-- anoint (V.): got. gasalbōn* 6, ga-salb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. salben, besalben; ne. anoint (V.), salve with an ointment

another: got. *ali-, *al-i-,  Adj. (ja) (jō?): nhd. andere; ne. another, other; *aljaleiks?, *al-ja-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. andere; ne. another, other; aljis* 5, al-ji-s*, alis*,  Pron.-Adj. (ja): nhd. andere; ne. another, other; anþar 157, an-þar,  Adj. (a), Num. Ord.: nhd. andere, zweite; ne. other, second (Adj.), another, the other

-- agree together with one another: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide

-- by another way: got. aljaþrō 4, al-ja-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. anderswoher; ne. elsewhence, elsewhere, from elsewhere, somewhere else, somewhere, by another way

-- man who looks for pleasing another one: got. mannam samjands, got.: nhd. wer den Menschen zu gefallen sucht; ne. man who looks for pleasing another one

-- one another: got. missō 64=63, mis-s-ō,  Adv.: nhd. einander, wechselseitig; ne. mutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, one another

-- to another place: got. aljaþ 1, al-ja-þ,  Adv.: nhd. anderswohin; ne. to somewhere else, elsewhither, elsewhere, to another place

answer -- answer back to: got. andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

answer -- answer (N.): got. andahafts 3, and-a-haf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Antwort, Verteidigung; ne. answer (N.), reply (N.), defense, argument (N.), verdict; andawaúrdi* 3, anda-waúr-d-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Antwort; ne. answer (N.), reply (N.), response

answer -- answer (V.): got. andhafjan 138, and-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. erwidern, antworten, entgegnen; ne. reply (V.), respond, answer (V.); andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

ant: got. *ēmaitja?, *ēmait-j-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ameise; ne. ant; *muirjō 1, *muir-jō, miera,  miera, krim sw. F. (n): nhd. Ameise; ne. ant; lat. formica

antagonism -- show antagonism toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

antagonistic: got. andaneiþa* 3, and-a-nei-þ-a*,  sw. M. (n)?, sw. Adj.?: nhd. feindlich; ne. opposed, antagonistic, contrary (Adj.), hostile; *andaneiþs?, *and-a-nei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. widrig, entgegengesetzt, feindlich, im Gegenteil; ne. opposed, antithetical, contrary (Adj.), antagonistic

antagonistically -- stare antagonistically at: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

ante-portal -- ante-portal area: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

anthropic: got. mannisks* 3, man-n-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. menschlich; ne. human (Adj.), of man, anthropic

anticipate: got. wēnjan* 20=19, wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. warten, hoffen auf, meinen; ne. hope (V.), hope for, look for, await, expect, anticipate

anticipation -- hasten in anticipation: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

anticipation -- hopeful anticipation: got. wēns 18, wēn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Hoffnung; ne. hope (N.), expectation, hopeful anticipation

anticipation -- speed in anticipation: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

antipathetical -- be antipathetical toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

antiquated: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

antiquity: got. faírniþa* 1, faír-n-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Alter (N.); ne. overagedness, antiquity

antithetical: got. *andaneiþs?, *and-a-nei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. widrig, entgegengesetzt, feindlich, im Gegenteil; ne. opposed, antithetical, contrary (Adj.), antagonistic

anxiety: got. aggwiþa 5, agg-w-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Enge“, Bedrängnis; ne. affliction, trouble (N.), plight, anxiety, distress (N.)

-- have anxiety about: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

anxious: got. faúrhts* 2, faúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. furchtsam; ne. fearful of, afraid, cowardly (Adj.), timid, anxious; *karja?, *kar-ja?,  sw. Adj.: nhd. besorgt; ne. anxious

-- be anxious: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself; saúrgan 7, saúrg-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen, bekümmert sein (V.); ne. sorrow (V.), be sorrowful, grieve, worry (V.), be anxious, care (V.)

-- become anxious: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- less anxious: got. hlasōza, got.: nhd. sorgenfreier; ne. less anxious

-- make anxious: got. afswaggwjan* 1, af-swaggw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwankend machen?, ängstlich machen; ne. make anxious, make sway away from, cause to waver

any -- any the: got. þē 1,  Adv.: nhd. desto, um so; ne. by that much the, do much the, any the

any -- at any time: got. *-aiw?,  Suff. (Akk. Sg.): nhd. immer, jederzeit; ne. ever, at any time; ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much; ƕanhun 9, ƕa-n-hun,  Adv.: nhd. jemals; ne. ever, at any time

any -- in any case: got. ƕēh 2, ƕē-h,  Adv.: nhd. jedenfalls, nur; ne. in any case, in whatever case, no matter what, just only; iþ (1) 626,  Konj.: nhd. aber, und, wenn, nun, also, denn; ne. but, however, in any case, even so, so, if, in the case that

any -- in any way: got. ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

any -- lest at any time: got. ibai ƕan: nhd. es möchte einmal, danach; ne. lest at any time

any -- not any the more: got. ni þē haldis: nhd. nicht um so mehr, keineswegs; ne. not any the more

any -- not any the more; Sk 3: got. ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that

anybody: got. mannahun 13, man-n-a-hun,  Pron.: nhd. jemand; ne. one (Pron.), person (M.), anyone, anybody

-- not anybody: got. ni manna: nhd. niemand; ne. not anyone, not anybody

anyone: got. ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone; ainshun 75, ai-n-s-hun,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, jeder, niemand (in neg. Sätzen), kein (in neg. Sätzen); ne. anyone, one, not anyone (in neg. sentences), none (in neg. sentences); ƕas 397=394, ƕa-s,  subst. Pron.: nhd. wer, was, irgendeiner, jemand, etwas; ne. who, what, anyone, anything; ƕashun 9, ƕa-s-hun,  Indef.-Pron.: nhd. jemand; ne. anyone, one; mannahun 13, man-n-a-hun,  Pron.: nhd. jemand; ne. one (Pron.), person (M.), anyone, anybody; sums 140, sum-s,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, ein gewisser, jemand, ein, einige; ne. a certain one, some, somebody, one, anyone

-- anyone who: got. saƕazuh 14, sa-ƕaz-uh,  Pron.: nhd. wer auch immer; ne. who ever, everyone who, anyone who

-- not anyone: got. ni manna: nhd. niemand; ne. not anyone, not anybody

-- not anyone (in neg. sentences): got. ainshun 75, ai-n-s-hun,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, jeder, niemand (in neg. Sätzen), kein (in neg. Sätzen); ne. anyone, one, not anyone (in neg. sentences), none (in neg. sentences)

anything: got. ƕas 397=394, ƕa-s,  subst. Pron.: nhd. wer, was, irgendeiner, jemand, etwas; ne. who, what, anyone, anything; waíhts 80=79, waíh-t-s,  st. F. (i), F. (kons.): nhd. Ding, Sache, etwas; ne. thing, anything, something, entity, whit, sake, objective, matter (N.)

aound -- make turn aound: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

apart: got. dis-,  Präf.: nhd. zer..., auseinander..., ver...; ne. asunder, apart, away; sundrō 10, sun-dr-ō,  Adv.: nhd. abgesondert, besonders, allein, beiseite; ne. asunder (Adv.), apart, separately, alone, individually, privately

-- apart from: got. inuh 49, in-u-h, inu,  Präp., m. Akk.: nhd. ohne, außer; ne. without, except, apart from, outside (Präp.)

-- become split apart: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

-- be split apart: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

-- break apart: got. dishniupan* 1, dis-hniu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend asunder, break apart, tear (V.); dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.)

-- rip apart: got. disskreitan* 1, dis-skrei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. zerreißen (tr.); ne. tear asunder, rip apart, rive, split apart

-- set apart by covering: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

-- split apart: got. disskreitan* 1, dis-skrei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. zerreißen (tr.); ne. tear asunder, rip apart, rive, split apart

-- tear apart: got. distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

apathy: got. unlustus* 1, un-lus-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Unlust; ne. listlessness, inappetence, apathy

apologia: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

apostle: got. apaústaúlus 36=35, apaú-staúl-us,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Apostel, Bote, Abgesandter; ne. apostle

-- false apostle: got. galiugaapaústaúlus* 1, ga-liug-a-apaú-staúlu-s*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. „Lügenapostel“, falscher Apostel; ne. false apostle, pseudo-apostle

-- office of an apostle: got. apaústaúlei* 2, apaú-staúl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Apostolat; ne. apostleship, mission, apostolate, office of an apostle

apostleship: got. apaústaúlei* 2, apaú-staúl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Apostolat; ne. apostleship, mission, apostolate, office of an apostle

apostolate: got. apaústaúlei* 2, apaú-staúl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Apostolat; ne. apostleship, mission, apostolate, office of an apostle

apparatus -- apparatus for lying on: got. ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

apparel: got. gawaseins 1, ga-was-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bekleidung, Kleidung; ne. clothing, apparel

-- covering apparel: got. gaskadweins* 1, ga-skad-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Beschattung“, Bedeckung, Bekleidung; ne. „shading“ (N.), covering (N.), covering apparel, clothing; *skadweins?, *skad-w-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bedeckung; ne. covering (N.), covering apparel

-- fine apparel: got. gafēteins* 1, ga-fēt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Kleidung; ne. adornment, garniture, fine apparel, clothing

apparition: got. *baírhteins?, *baír-h-t-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erscheinung; ne. apparition; siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance

appeal -- appeal (N.): got. *laþa, *la-þ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ruf, Ladung (F.) (2); ne. call (N.), appeal (N.)

appear: got. swikunþs wairþan, got.: nhd. erscheinen; ne. appear; þugkjan* 23, þugk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, meinen, gelten, erscheinen, dünken; ne. have the impression, suppose, opine (V.), deem (V.), it seems (=þugkeiþ), believe, appear

-- appear similar: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

-- make appear: got. gabaírhtjan 14=13, ga-baír-h-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. offenbaren, Gestalt gewinnen, erscheinen; ne. bring to light, show clearly, make appear, disclose

appearance: got. *farwa 1, *far-w-a,  st. M.? (wa), st. N.? (wa): nhd. Farbe, Aussehen, Gestalt; ne. form (N.), appearance, visible exterior, external shape; manauli* 1, man-aul-i*, manahuli*?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. guise, human guise, appearance, likeness, shape (N.); siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance; wlits 6, wli-t-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Angesicht, Ansehen, Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. face (N.), looks, physiognomy, appearance

-- give a false appearance: got. laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

-- make the appearance similar to: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

-- of equal appearance: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

-- present a pleasing appearance: got. samjan 2, sam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zu gefallen suchen, gefallen (V.); ne. present a pleasing appearance, give o.s. a pleasing appearance (= sik samjan), seek to please

-- similar appearance: got. galeiki* 2, ga-leik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Ähnlichkeit“, Abbild; ne. like form, similar appearance, resemblance, likeness, replica, „co-form“

-- surface appearance: got. hiwi* 1, hi-wi*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. surface appearance, looks, superficial complexion, cosmetic aspect, form (N.)

-- take on an appearance: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

-- with pleasant appearance: got. *fēhaba?, *fēh-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, pleasant-appearingly, decorously, becomingly; gafēhaba 1, ga-fēh-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, decorously, becomingly

appertain -- appertain to: got. gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

appertinent: got. *dōfs?, *dōf-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. schicklich, passend; ne. appertinent, appropriate; gadōfs* 6, ga-dōf-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. schicklich, passend; ne. appertinent, appropriate, suitable, fitting; *gafēhs, *ga-fēh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. anständig, passend, schicklich; ne. decent, respectable, appertinent, appropriate

-- be appertinent to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

apple: got. *apls 1, *apl-s, apel,  apel, krim st. M. (a?, u?): nhd. Apfel; ne. apple; lat. pomum

apply -- apply acumen to: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

apply -- apply the resemblance of: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

apply -- apply to: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

appoint: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; gatēwjan* 1, ga-tēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, bestimmen; ne. assign (V.), arrange, order (V.), appoint; ustaiknjan 16, us-tai-k-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezeichnen, auszeichnen, erweisen, darstellen, in die Erscheinung bringen; ne. point out, designate, appoint, exhibit, show (V.), demonstrate, render

appointment -- appointment at court: got. *gardingatus?, lat.- M.: nhd. Hofamt; ne. appointment at court

apportion: got. disdailjan* 3, dis-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. distribute, divide up, partition, parcel out, apportion; gadailjan* 8, ga-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zuteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. divide, partition (V.), allot, apportion, distribute to; gamitan* 1, ga-mi-t-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zumessen, zuteilen; ne. measure out, mete out, apportion

-- apportion from: got. afdailjan* 1, af-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abteilen, einen Teil abgeben; ne. portion out, give tithes, apportion from, parcel out from

apposite: got. ? tils* 1, til-s*,  Adj.?, Sb.?, st. N. (a?): nhd. zielstrebig, passend?, geschickt?; ne. apposite?, fitting?, suitable?

appositely: got. gatēmiba 1, ga-tēm-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. geziemend; ne. congruently, appositely; *tēmiba, *tēm-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. ziemend; ne. congruently, appositely

apprehend: got. gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize; greipan 4, greip-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. greifen, ergreifen; ne. seize, grasp (V.), apprehend

apprise -- apprise of: got. kannjan 9, kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kund tun, bekanntmachen, empfehlen, verkünden; ne. make known, apprise of, inform of

approach -- approach (N.): got. atgagg* 2, at-ga-g-g*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zugang; ne. access (N.), approach (N.)

approach -- approach (V.): got. anagaggan* 1, an-a-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. kommen, künftig sein (V.); ne. come on, come by, approach (V.); anaqiman* 1, an-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. hinzutreten zu, hinzukommen; ne. come upon, come unto, approach (V.); atgaggan nēƕ, m. Akk.: nhd. nahen; ne. approach (V.); athaban* (sik du) 1, at-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. „anhalten“, nähern; ne. betake, approach (V.); atnēƕjan* 6, at-nēƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. herannahen; ne. draw near to, approach (V.), come near; duatgaggan* 12, du-at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hinzugehen, hinzukommen zu; ne. go to, come up to, approach (V.); durinnan* 2, du-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run to meet, run forth, run up, approach (V.); *gawaírþan, *ga-waír-þ-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. sich zuwenden, sich nähern, sich zusammentun; ne. turn o.s. to, approach (V.); nēƕjan* (sik) 1, nēƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. sich jemandem nähern; ne. approach (V.), draw near

approachable: got. *atgāhts (2), *at-gā-h-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zugänglich; ne. accessible, approachable

approaching -- one approaching death: got. swultawaírþja 1, swul-t-a-waír-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. dem Tode Naher, Todgeweihter; ne. one approaching death, one about to die, moribund person

appropriate: got. *dōfs?, *dōf-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. schicklich, passend; ne. appertinent, appropriate; gadōfs* 6, ga-dōf-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. schicklich, passend; ne. appertinent, appropriate, suitable, fitting; *gafēhs, *ga-fēh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. anständig, passend, schicklich; ne. decent, respectable, appertinent, appropriate

-- appropriate (Adj.): got. gatils 2, ga-til-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. passend, geschickt; ne. fit (Adj.), appropriate (Adj.)

-- appropriate (V.): got. *aiginōn?, *aig-in-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. aneignen; ne. appropriate (V.), make one’s own; gaaiginōn* 2=1, ga-aig-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. in Besitz nehmen, übervorteilen, in Beschlag nehmen; ne. appropriate (V.), make one’s own

-- be appropriate to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- of appropriate fitness: got. waírþs (1) 28, waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wert, würdig, tauglich; ne. worth (Adj.), worthy, qualified, of appropriate fitness

appropriately: got. gatilaba 1, ga-til-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. zur rechten Zeit, passend; ne. fittingly, appropriately, suitably

appropriateness; -- appropriateness; Sk 1: got. þata gadōb: nhd. Schicklichkeit, Ordnung; ne. appropriateness; Sk 1,16 Enb

approval: got. leikains* 4, leik-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gefallen, Gutdünken, Wohlgefallen, Vorsatz; ne. liking, preference, pleasure, approval, purpose (N.)

approve: got. gakiusan 10=9, ga-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, wählen, prüfen; ne. prove by testing, try (V.), choose as proven, approve, test (V.)

approved: got. *gakusans?, *ga-kus-an-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bewährt, erprobt, auserwählt; ne. proved by testing, approved

approvedness: got. gakusts* 1, ga-kus-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Probe, Prüfung; ne. approvedness, test (N.)

approximately: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus; swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

apt -- apt at teaching: got. laiseigs 2, lais-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Lehren befähigt, zum Lehren geeignet, lehrend; ne. skillful in teaching, able in instructing, apt at teaching

apt -- one apt to strike: got. slahals 3=2, slahuls, slah-al-s, slah-uls,  st. M. (a): nhd. Raufbold; ne. striker, one apt to strike, violent man, assailant, bully (M.)

Arabia: got. Arabia 1,  st. F., LN: nhd. Arabien; ne. Arabia

arbitrary: got. *wiljahalþs?, *wi-l-j-a-hal-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. willkürlich; ne. willful, arbitrary

arch -- arch (V.): got. *ƕilban, *ƕilb-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. wölben; ne. arch (V.), vault (V.), camber (V.)

archangel: got. arkaggilus* 1, ark-agg-il-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Erzengel; ne. archangel

arching: got. *ƕilftri, *ƕilf-tr-i,  st. F. (jō/i), sw. F. (n): nhd. Wölbung; ne. incurvature, arching, vault (N.)

archtype: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

arduously: got. agluba 2, ag-l-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. schwer, schwerlich; ne. arduously, with unpleasant difficulty

arduousness: got. arbaiþs 14, arbai-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Arbeit, Drangsal, Hemmung, Bedrängnis; ne. labour (N.), work (N.), toil (N.), distress, arduousness, troublesomeness, hardship

area -- ante-portal area: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

area -- area before the town gates: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

area -- door-front area: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

area -- mountainous area: got. baírgahei* 2, baír-g-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gebirgsgegend, Berggegend, Gebirge; ne. hill country, mountainous area

area -- potholed area: got. usdrusts* 1, us-dru-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. rauher Weg; ne. potholed area, uneven area, rough road

area -- rural area: got. weihs* (2) 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dorf, Weiler, Flecken; ne. rural hamlet, country precinct, rural area, village

area -- uneven area: got. usdrusts* 1, us-dru-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. rauher Weg; ne. potholed area, uneven area, rough road

argue: got. mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate; *tahanjan?, *tah-an-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zäh sein (V.), streiten; ne. be tough, argue, quarrel (V.)

-- argue for: got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

-- argue with: got. miþsōkjan 1, mi-þ-sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitdisputieren, mit jemandem streiten; ne. debate with, argue with

-- person who wants to argue: got. wiljands miþ þus staua, got.: nhd. der welcher mit dir rechten will; ne. person who wants to argue

argument -- argument about words: got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

argument -- argument (N.): got. andahafts 3, and-a-haf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Antwort, Verteidigung; ne. answer (N.), reply (N.), defense, argument (N.), verdict; sakjō* 1, sak-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Streit; ne. dispute (N.), disputation, argument (N.), quarrel (N.)

argument -- derive from argument: got. urrēdan* 1, ur-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. auflegen, bestimmen, urteilen; ne. legislate, plan out, derive from argument, determine, decide

argument -- explain the argument of: got. ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

argument -- propound an argument: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

argumentation: got. insahts 6, in-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erzählung, Aussage, Zeugnis; ne. argumentation, account (N.), exposition, explication, report (N.), story, statement, witness

-- add by argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- bestow by argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- impart through argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- impose through argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

aright -- setting aright: got. garaíhteins* 1, ga-raíh-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zurechtweisung, Wiederherstellung; ne. correction, setting aright, rectification

arise: got. kumei 1, got.?, V.: nhd. steh auf; ne. stand up, arise; urreisan 58, ur-rei-s-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erstehen, sich erheben, aufstehen; ne. arise, rise (V.), get up; usstandan 41, us-sta-n-d-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich erheben, aufbrechen, auferstehen, aufstehen; ne. stand up, rise up, arise, emerge, proceed out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- arise together with: got. miþurreisan* 2, mi-þ-ur-rei-s-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitaufstehen; ne. rise up together, arise together with

arising -- arising (N.): got. urrists* 1, ur-ri-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auferstehung; ne. arising (N.), rising up

ark -- the ark of Noah: got. arka 3, ark-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Arche, Kasten, Futteral, Beutel (F.) (1), Geldkasten; ne. box (N.), chest, the ark of Noah, money-box

arm: got. arms (2) 4, ar-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Arm; ne. arm, one of the two upper limbs of the body

armament: got. sarwa* 3, sar-w-a*,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Waffen, Rüstung; ne. arms, armament, war equipment, weapons

armed -- armed conflict: got. wigan (1) 1, wig-an, wigana*, wign*,  st. N.? (a): nhd. Kampf; ne. armed conflict, war; *wigs (2), *wig-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Kampf; ne. armed conflict

armed -- armed host: got. harjis 2, har-ji-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Heer, Menge; ne. army, legion, host, armed host

arms: got. sarwa* 3, sar-w-a*,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Waffen, Rüstung; ne. arms, armament, war equipment, weapons

army: got. *draúhts (2), *draú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Heer, Schar (F.) (1), Gefolge, Volk?; ne. army, legion, host; harjis 2, har-ji-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Heer, Menge; ne. army, legion, host, armed host

-- army become subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist; draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- army be subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist; draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- army commander: got. *harjatuga, *har-j-a-tug-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Heerführer; ne. army commander; *hazdwalds?, *haz-d-wal-d-s?,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Haarwalter, Heerwalter; ne. army commander

-- army ring: got. *harihriggs, *hari-hri-gg-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Heerring; ne. army ring, ring of soldiers

-- general of an army: got. *draúhtins?, *draú-h-t-in-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Führer, Herrscher; ne. general of an army, war-lord

aroma: got. dauns 7, dau-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geruch, Wohlgeruch, Dunst; ne. odour (N.), aroma, fragrance, smell (N.), sense of smell

aromatic -- aromatic oils or salves: got. arōmata 1, arōmat-a,  st. N. (a): nhd. Spezereien, Gewürze; ne. spices, aromatic oils or salves

aromatic -- small bush with highly aromatic leaves: got. hwssōpō* 1, hwssōpōn*,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromatic leaves

aromativ -- small bush with highly aromativ leaves: got. ƕssōpō, ƕssōpōn,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromativ leaves

around: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- be situated around: got. bisitan* 5, bi-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. herumsitzen, herumwohnen, umwohnen, nahe wohnen; ne. be situated around, neighbour (V.), dwell round about

-- bind around: got. bibindan* 1, bi-bind-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umbinden, umwickeln; ne. bind about, bind around, bind up

-- change around: got. *gaƕaírban?, *ga-ƕaírb-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. umdrehen, umkehren, bekehren; ne. convert (V.), change around, turn around

-- dig around s.th.: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

-- flounder around: got. walwisōn* 1, wal-wis-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich wälzen; ne. roll around on the ground, wallow (V.), flounder around

-- gather around: got. birinnan* 2, bi-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umringen, herumlaufen, durchstreifen, umdrängen, umgeben, umherlaufen; ne. run around, run about, surround (V.), gather around

-- go around: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along; ƕaírban* 3=2, ƕaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. wandeln, sich wenden; ne. go around, circulate, walk (V.), live

-- lead around: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along

-- look around: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

-- look around searchingly: got. wlaitōn* 1, wlai-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich umsehen, umherblicken, spähen; ne. look around searchingly, look questingly

-- make drive around: got. *walugjan?, *wal-ug-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her treiben; ne. make drive around

-- make go around: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

-- make swirl around: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

-- place wrapping around the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

-- roll around on the ground: got. walwisōn* 1, wal-wis-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich wälzen; ne. roll around on the ground, wallow (V.), flounder around

-- run around: got. birinnan* 2, bi-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umringen, herumlaufen, durchstreifen, umdrängen, umgeben, umherlaufen; ne. run around, run about, surround (V.), gather around

-- set around: got. bisatjan* 1, bi-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umgeben; ne. set around, surround (V.)

-- shave around the head: got. biskaban* 1, bi-skab-an*,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaben, scheren (V.) (1), Haare abschneiden; ne. shave around the head, shave bald, shear (V.)

-- shine around: got. biskeinan* 1, bi-skei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. umleuchten; ne. shine around

-- stand around: got. bistandan* 2, bi-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. herumstehen, umringen; ne. stand around, surround (V.)

-- turn around: got. *gaƕaírban?, *ga-ƕaírb-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. umdrehen, umkehren, bekehren; ne. convert (V.), change around, turn around; gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back; wandjan* 2, wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wenden; ne. turn (V.), turn around

-- wash all around: got. biþwahan* 1, bi-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abwaschen, waschen; ne. wash all around, wash (V.)

-- wind around: got. biwindan* 4, bi-wi-n-d-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umwinden, einwickeln, umwickeln, in Windeln wickeln; ne. wind around, wrap around, swaddle (V.)

-- wipe all around: got. biswaírban* 4, bi-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. abwischen, abtrocknen; ne. wipe around, wipe all around, wipe off, dry (V.)

-- wipe around: got. biswaírban* 4, bi-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. abwischen, abtrocknen; ne. wipe around, wipe all around, wipe off, dry (V.)

-- wrap around: got. biwaibjan* 3, bi-waib-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umwinden, umgeben, umkleiden; ne. surround (V.), clothe, wrap around, envelop, wind round about; biwindan* 4, bi-wi-n-d-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umwinden, einwickeln, umwickeln, in Windeln wickeln; ne. wind around, wrap around, swaddle (V.)

arouse: got. urraisjan 26, ur-rai-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Aufstehen bringen, aufrichten, erwecken, erregen, aufregen; ne. cause to rise up, raise up, rouse (V.), arouse; uswagjan* 2, us-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erregen; ne. stir up, excite, arouse; uswakjan* 1, us-wak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwecken, aufwecken; ne. awake (V.) (tr.), arouse, make wake up

aroused: got. þwaírhs 3, þwaírh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. quer, zornig; ne. wrathful, angry, irate, aroused, quicktempered

arousedness: got. þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion

arrange: got. garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange; gatēwjan* 1, ga-tēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, bestimmen; ne. assign (V.), arrange, order (V.), appoint

arranged: got. garaiþs* 2, ga-rai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. angeordnet; ne. authoritatively ordered, officially determined, arranged, commanded; *gatass?, *ga-ta-s-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. geordnet, geregelt; ne. ordered, arranged; gatēwiþs, ga-tēw-iþ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geordnet; ne. arranged, ordered; *raiþs, *rai-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geordnet; ne. arranged, ordered

arrangement: got. tēwa* 1, tēw-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ordnung; ne. order (N.), array (N.), arrangement, alignment

array -- array (N.): got. tēwa* 1, tēw-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ordnung; ne. order (N.), array (N.), arrangement, alignment

arrest -- arrest (V.): got. gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize

arrival: got. qums 14, qu-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Ankunft, Wiederkunft; ne. coming (N.), advent, arrival, parousia, presence

arrive: got. faírrinnan* 3, faír-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich erstrecken, reichen zu; ne. attain, extend, arrive, reach (V.); qiman 284, qi-m-an, kommen,  kommen, krim st. V. (4): nhd. kommen; ne. come, arrive, get to; lat. venire

-- arrive at: got. gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

-- arrive by boat: got. atfarjan* 1, at-far-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einlaufen, landen; ne. reach land, arrive by boat, land (V.), put into port

-- arrive by hastening: got. gasniwan* 2, ga-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. ereilen, gelangen zu, erlangen; ne. arrive by hastening, reach by hastening, attain

-- arrive with haste: got. *atsniwan?, *at-sniw-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste; duatsniwan* 1, du-at-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste, hurry to

-- make arrive at by throwing: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- make arrive at by turning: got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.)

arrogance: got. hauhhaírtei 1, hau-h-haírt-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hochmut; ne. high-heartedness, haughtiness, arrogance, pride (N.); usbalþei* 1, us-bal-þ-ei*, usbalþeins?,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (i/ō)?: nhd. Frechheit, fortwährende Zänkerei; ne. insolence, arrogance, continuous bickering

arrogant: got. hauhhaírts 2, hau-h-haírt-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. high-hearted, haughty, arrogant, proud (Adj.); hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride; mikilþūhts* 1, mikil-þūh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. great-seeming, supposed great, impressing as great, arrogant, proud

-- be arrogant: got. mais fraþjan, got.: nhd. sich überheben; ne. be arrogant; *usbalþjan, *us-bal-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wagen, sich erkühnen; ne. be arrogant, be insolent, brazen out

arrow: got. *arh?,  st. N.?: nhd. Pfeil; ne. arrow; *arha, *arh-a,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Pfeil; ne. arrow; *arƕa, *arƕ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Pfeil; ne. arrow; arƕazna* 1, arƕ-az-n-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Pfeil; ne. arrow

article -- article of clothing: got. wasti* 32, was-t-i*,  st. F. (iō): nhd. Kleid, Kleidung (= wastjōs); ne. garment, article of clothing, dress (N.), clothing (= wastjōs), apparel (= wastjōs), clothes (= wastjōs)

artifice: got. lists* 1, lis-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. List; ne. wile (N.), artifice, cunning (N.)

a-rune -- name of a-rune: got. ? ahsa* 1, ah-s-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Achse, Achsel, a-Rune?; ne. axis, axle, name of a-rune?; aza 1, az-a,  st. F.? (ō): nhd. a-Rune; ne. name of a-rune

as: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- accept as a unit: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

-- according as: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

-- account as: got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

-- acknowledge o.s. as subordinate: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

-- acquire as property: got. gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

-- adoption as children: got. frastisibja 1, frast-i-si-b-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kindschaft; ne. familial adoption, adoption as children, sonship

-- allege as a reason for: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

-- and as an alternative: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise

-- and as yet: got. naúhþanuh 14, naúh-þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. noch; ne. still (Adv.), yet, and as yet

-- announce as a pledge: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

-- as a matter of fact: got. allis þan: nhd. tatsächlich, eigentlich, im Gegenteil; ne. when, as a matter of fact

-- as if: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- as just as: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus; swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

-- as like: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

-- as long as: got. und þata ƕeilōs þei: nhd. so lange als, bis; ne. as long as; und þata ƕeilōs þei: nhd. so lange als, bis; ne. as long as; þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- as much: got. samalauþs* 1, sam-a-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich groß, derselbe; ne. of the same proportions, equivalent (Adj.), as much

-- as of then: got. miþþan 3, mi-þ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. inzwischen; ne. at that time, as of then, meanwhile

-- as soon as: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when; biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when; sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when; sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

-- block up as with a dam: got. faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam

-- choose as proven: got. gakiusan 10=9, ga-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, wählen, prüfen; ne. prove by testing, try (V.), choose as proven, approve, test (V.)

-- construct as a constituent part: got. miþgatimrjan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. miterbauen; ne. build together, construct as a constituent part

-- cover as with a tent: got. ufarhleiþrjan* 1, uf-ar-hlei-þr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überzelten, ein Zelt über jemandem aufschlagen; ne. tent over, cover as with a tent, canopy (V.)

-- defence as true: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

-- defend as true: got. gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

-- dig so as to surround: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

-- dispense as food: got. fraatjan* 1, fra-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. zum Essen austeilen; ne. give away to be eaten, dispense as food

-- distinguish as: got. dōmjan 10, dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, beurteilen, unterscheiden, rechtfertigen, rechnen, meinen; ne. judge (V.), justify, discern (V.), distinguish, evaluate, distinguish as, deem (V.)

-- establish as governing: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

-- esteem as prior: got. faúrarahnjan* 1, faúr-a-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. esteem as prior, reckon as foremost, deem preferable, outdo

-- function as a soldier in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

-- impressing as great: got. mikilþūhts* 1, mikil-þūh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. great-seeming, supposed great, impressing as great, arrogant, proud

-- impressing as high: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

-- in like manner as: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- introduce as an excuse: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

-- just as: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- just as in fact: got. swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth; swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth

-- just as in truth: got. swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth; swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth

-- just as ... so also: got. swē ... jah, got.: nhd. wie ... so auch; ne. just as ... so also

-- justify as true: got. sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

-- lay away as treasure: got. huzdjan 3, hu-z-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Schätze sammeln, sammeln; ne. treasure up, store up, lay away as treasure, gather

-- offer as tribute to: got. andsaljan 1, and-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darbringen, opfern; ne. pay in tribute to, offer as tribute to, sacrifice (V.)

-- officate as priest: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

-- pre-announce as a pledge: got. faúragahaitan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zuvor verheißen; ne. promise beforehand, pre-announce as a pledge, foretell

-- put on as a tunic: got. gapaidōn* 2=1, ga-paid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. dress (V.), put on as a tunic, jacket (V.), clothe; *paidōn, *paid-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. put on as a tunic, jacket (V.)

-- put on as clothing: got. anahamōn 1, an-a-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung anlegen, anziehen; ne. put on as clothing, don, get dressed

-- reckon as foremost: got. faúrarahnjan* 1, faúr-a-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. esteem as prior, reckon as foremost, deem preferable, outdo

-- regard as blest: got. audagjan* 1, au-d-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. selig preisen; ne. bless (V.), deem fortunate, regard as blest

-- set up as a guidepost: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

-- shed as clothing: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

-- so as: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

-- so as to: got. swaei 23, swa-ei,  Konj.: nhd. so dass, daher, also; ne. so that, such that, so as to, therefore

-- so long as: got. swa lagga swē, got.: nhd. so lange wie; ne. so long as

-- so much as: got. swa filu swē, got.: nhd. so viel als; ne. so much as; swa manags swaswē, got.: nhd. so viel als; ne. so much as; swa manags swē, got.: nhd. so viel als; ne. so much as

-- stay as a guest: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

-- strip off as clothing: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

-- such as that: got. þei 29,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. was auch immer, dass, damit; ne. such as that, this that, such that

-- such manner as: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- such time as: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- until such time as: got. und þata þei, got.: nhd. so lange als; ne. until such time as; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

ascend: got. ussteigan 10, us-steig-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. emporsteigen, hinaufsteigen; ne. climb up, ascend, go up

ash: got. azgō* 4, az-g-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Asche; ne. ashes, ash, cinder

ashamed -- be ashamed: got. gaskaman sik* 1, ga-s-kam-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. beschämt werden, sich schämen; ne. be ashamed

ashamed -- be ashamed of: got. skaman* sik 10, s-kam-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich schämen; ne. be ashamed of, despair of

ashamed -- make ashamed: got. gaaiwiskōn* 11=10, ga-aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. beschämen, beschimpfen; ne. disgrace (V.), dishonour (V.), abuse (V.), make ashamed, put to shame

ashes: got. azgō* 4, az-g-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Asche; ne. ashes, ash, cinder

-- flying ashes: got. *falwiska?, *fal-wisk-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Flugasche, Funke; ne. flying ashes, spark (N.)

ash-tree: got. *asks?, *ask-s?,  st. F. (ō?): nhd. Esche, Speer; ne. ash-tree, spear (N.)

Asia: got. Asia* 4,  st. F.: nhd. Asien; ne. Asia

aside -- cast aside: got. afwaírpan 4, af-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat.: nhd. etwas wegwerfen, weichen (= Pass.), weggenommen werden (= Pass.), fortwerfen; ne. cast aside, throw off

aside -- lay aside: got. aflagjan 5, af-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas ablegen; ne. put off, lay off away, lay down, lay aside

aside -- laying aside: got. aflageins* 1, af-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ablegung, Erlass, Vergebung; ne. forgiveness, laying aside, remission, absolution

aside -- set aside: got. afsatjan 3, af-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. absetzen, entlassen; ne. dismiss, remove (V.), put away, set aside, set off, divorce (V.)

aside -- setting aside (N.): got. afsateins* 1, af-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Absetzung, Entlassung, Verabschiedung, Scheidung; ne. setting aside (N.), divorce (N.)

aside -- turn aside: got. afwandjan 7, af-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abwenden, vermeiden; ne. turn aside, make turn away from

ask: got. *aiskōn?, *ais-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fragen, fordern; ne. ask, ask for, beg, demand (V.), look for; bidai anahaitan: nhd. anrufen, bitten; ne. call on, ask, beg; bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for; fragan* 1, fragjan*?, frag-an*, frag-jan*?,  st. V. (6?): nhd. fragen; ne. ask, test (V.), inquire of, make inquiry into, examine; fraíhnan 57, fraíh-n-an,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. fragen; ne. ask a question, ask, question (V.); gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

-- ask a favour: got. bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for

-- ask a question: got. fraíhnan 57, fraíh-n-an,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. fragen; ne. ask a question, ask, question (V.)

-- ask for: got. *aiskōn?, *ais-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fragen, fordern; ne. ask, ask for, beg, demand (V.), look for; *bidan?, *bid-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. bitten; ne. ask for, beseech; bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for; sōkjan 72, sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. suchen, disputieren, streiten; ne. quest (V.), search (V.), seek (V.), request (V.), ask for, query (V.)

asleep -- be asleep: got. slēpan* 12, s-lēp-an*, schlipen,  schlipen, krim red. V. (4): nhd. schlafen; ne. sleep (V.), be asleep; lat. dormire

asleep -- fall asleep: got. anaslēpan* 4, an-a-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „einschlafen“, entschlummern, entschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep; gaslēpan* 5, ga-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. schlafen, entschlafen, einschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep, die (1)

aspect: got. halba* 2, hal-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hälfte, Seite, Teil; ne. half (N.), bisection, section, side of reference, facet, aspect

-- cosmetic aspect: got. hiwi* 1, hi-wi*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. surface appearance, looks, superficial complexion, cosmetic aspect, form (N.)

-- divine aspect: got. gudaskaunei* 1, gu-d-a-skaun-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottesgestalt; ne. the form of God, divine aspect, godly form

aspen: got. *aspa?, *asp-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Espe; ne. aspen

aspergation: got. ufarranneins* 1, uf-ar-ra-n-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Besprengung; ne. sprinkling, aspergation

asphyxiate: got. afƕapjan 5, af-ƕap-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ersticken, auslöschen; ne. choke (V.), extinguish, asphyxiate, suffocate

assailable: got. *gafairinōnds?, *ga-fair-in-ōn-d-s?,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. tadelig, bescholten; ne. culpable, assailable, reprehensible

assailant: got. slahals 3=2, slahuls, slah-al-s, slah-uls,  st. M. (a): nhd. Raufbold; ne. striker, one apt to strike, violent man, assailant, bully (M.)

assailed: got. *gafairinōþs, *ga-fair-in-ō-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. tadelig, schuldig; ne. impeached, assailed

assarion: got. assarjus* 1, assar-ju-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ass (Münze), Pfennig, Kreuzer (M.) (2); ne. assarion, coin worth one ace

assemble: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; gagatilōn* 2, ga-ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zusammenfügen; ne. fit together, assemble; lisan* 4, lis-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sammeln, lesen (V.) (2); ne. collect (V.), gather, assemble

-- assemble (V.): got. galisan* 10, ga-lis-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlesen, versammeln, sammeln; ne. collect (V.), bring together, gather together, assemble (V.)

assembled -- assembled community: got. gamainþs 1, ga-mai-n-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versammlung; ne. assembled community, assembly

assembly: got. gamainþs 1, ga-mai-n-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versammlung; ne. assembled community, assembly; gaqumþs* 8, ga-qu-m-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zusammenkunft, Versammlung, Vereinigung; ne. coming together, congress, high council, religious gathering, synagogue, assembly; maþl* 1, maþ-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Versammlungsort, Marktplatz, Markt; ne. forum, meeting-place, marketplace, assembly

-- speak at an assembly: got. maþljan* 2, maþ-l-jan*, krimgot.?, sw. V. (1): nhd. reden; ne. speak publicly, speak at an assembly, discourse publicly, talk (V.); lat. dicere

-- supreme assembly: got. gafaúrds 2, ga-faúr-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versammlung, hoher Rat; ne. supreme assembly, high council, Sanhedrin

assess -- assess (V.): got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

assessment: got. ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

assign -- assign (V.): got. gatēwjan* 1, ga-tēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, bestimmen; ne. assign (V.), arrange, order (V.), appoint

assistance: got. andbahti 25=24, andb-ah-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Amt, Dienst; ne. service, office, assistance, ministry, ministration

associate -- associate with: got. blandan (sik) 3, bla-nd-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich vermischen mit, mischen; ne. mix (V.), mingle, commix, intermingle, associate with; miþgawisan* 1, mi-þ-ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., m. Dat.: nhd. zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.); ne. associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together

assume: got. ahjan* 1, ah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. meinen; ne. assume, presume, think

-- assume a begging position: got. knussjan* 2, knu-s-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niederfallen?, auf die Knie fallen, knien; ne. fall on one’s knee, assume a begging position

-- assume a likeness: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

-- assume proper state: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

assuming -- assuming a begging position: got. kniwam knussjands, got.: nhd. mit den Knien Bittstellung einnehmend; ne. assuming a begging position

assuredly -- most assuredly: got. raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure

assuredness: got. stōma* 2, stō-m-a*,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Wesen, Gegenstand, Zuversicht, Erwartung, Grundlage, Stoff; ne. assuredness, self-confidence, sureness, substance

astonished: got. usfilma* 2, us-fil-m-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. erschrocken, entsetzt; ne. shaken, struck, amazed, bewildered, frightened, astonished

-- be astonished: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished; usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

astonishment: got. *films?, *fil-m-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schrecken; ne. bewildered stupor, astonishment, amazement; sildaleik 1, si-ld-a-leik,  st. N. (a): nhd. Staunen, Verwunderung; ne. amazement, astonishment, wonder (N.); usfilmei 2, us-fil-m-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Entsetzen; ne. amazement, bewilderment, astonishment

astray -- draw astray together: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

astray -- lead astray: got. afaírzjan 6, af-aírz-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. irre machen, abweichen (V.) (2), abirren, verführen, sich verführen lassen (= Pass.); ne. deceive, lead astray, misguide (V.)

astray -- lead astray the understanding of: got. afhugjan* 1, af-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezaubern; ne. lead astray the understanding of, bewitch

astray -- snare astray: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

astuteness -- use astuteness on: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

asunder: got. dis-,  Präf.: nhd. zer..., auseinander..., ver...; ne. asunder, apart, away

-- asunder (Adv.): got. sundrō 10, sun-dr-ō,  Adv.: nhd. abgesondert, besonders, allein, beiseite; ne. asunder (Adv.), apart, separately, alone, individually, privately

-- become rent asunder: got. dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hnupnan?, *hnu-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. burst (V.), be rent asunder, become rent asunder

-- become torn asunder: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

-- be rent asunder: got. dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hnupnan?, *hnu-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. burst (V.), be rent asunder, become rent asunder

-- be torn asunder: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

-- rend asunder: got. dishniupan* 1, dis-hniu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend asunder, break apart, tear (V.)

-- tear asunder: got. disskreitan* 1, dis-skrei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. zerreißen (tr.); ne. tear asunder, rip apart, rive, split apart; distaíran* 3, dis-taír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen, auseinanderzerren, verderben; ne. tear asunder, rend in pieces

at: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; du 955,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. zu, nach - hin, für, in; ne. to, unto, towards, in, at; fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- aim at: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

-- all at once: got. anaks 3, an-ak-s,  Adv.: nhd. plötzlich, sogleich; ne. suddenly, all at once; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- all together at the same time: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- and at that place: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

-- and at that time: got. þanuh 88, þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, daher, also, aber, nun; ne. and the, and at that time

-- and at the same time: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- appointment at court: got. *gardingatus?, lat.- M.: nhd. Hofamt; ne. appointment at court

-- apt at teaching: got. laiseigs 2, lais-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Lehren befähigt, zum Lehren geeignet, lehrend; ne. skillful in teaching, able in instructing, apt at teaching

-- arrive at: got. gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

-- at a great distance: got. faírra 20, faír-ra,  Adv.: nhd. fern, fern von, weg von; ne. afar, far off, remote, at a great distance

-- at all (in neg. sentences): got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

-- at an inopportune time: got. unūhteigō 1, un-ūh-t-eig-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zur Unzeit; ne. unseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion

-- at an opportune time: got. ūhteigō* 2=1, ū-h-t-eig-ō*,  Adv.: nhd. zur rechten Zeit, zu gelegener Zeit; ne. at an opportune time, seasonably, in season

-- at any time: got. *-aiw?,  Suff. (Akk. Sg.): nhd. immer, jederzeit; ne. ever, at any time; ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much; ƕanhun 9, ƕa-n-hun,  Adv.: nhd. jemals; ne. ever, at any time

-- at a place: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

-- at first: got. frumist 14, fru-m-ist,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. zuerst; ne. firstly, at first, before everything, first of all

-- at hand: got. manwus 6, manw-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. bereit; ne. prepared (Adj.), ready (Adj.), at hand

-- at home: got. anahaimeis* 2, an-a-hai-m-ei-s*, anahaims*,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. in der Heimat befindlich, daheim, zuhause; ne. at home, present (Adj.)

-- at last: got. und andi, Adv.: nhd. zuletzt; ne. ultimately, at last, in the end

-- at liberty: got. *freihals (1), *frei-hal-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. frei; ne. free-necked, at liberty

-- at once: got. andwaírþō 1, and-waír-þ-ō,  Adv.: nhd. sofort; ne. for the present, momentary, at once; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon; sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

-- at one time: got. simlē 9=8, sim-l-ē,  Adv.: nhd. einst, vordem, vormals; ne. once, formerly, at one time; suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- at some time: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

-- at that time: got. miþþan 3, mi-þ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. inzwischen; ne. at that time, as of then, meanwhile; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

-- at the edge of: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of

-- at the most: got. maist 1, ma-i-s-t,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. höchstens; ne. at the most

-- at the point of death: got. *swultawaírþs?, *swul-t-a-waír-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. auf den Tod gerichtet, todgeweiht; ne. about to die, moribund, at the point of death

-- at the point when: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- at the point where: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- at the same time: got. samana 12, sam-a-n-a,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, gemeinschaftlich, zugleich; ne. at the same time, all together, in union; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- at the same time that: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

-- at the time of: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

-- at the time when: got. miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though; þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

-- at which place: got. ƕar 20, ƕa-r,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, wherever, at which place

-- at which time: got. þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

-- be at a loss for words: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- be at hand: got. atwisan* 3, at-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. da sein (V.), zur Hand liegen; ne. be at hand, be imminent, be present; faúrawisan 2, faúr-a-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be present, be in evidence, be at hand

-- be at the end of one’s life: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- be at the head of: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

-- be at the point of death: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- become marveled at: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

-- be marveled at: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

-- deposit at: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at

-- enrich o.s. at the expense of: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of

-- fall down at: got. atdriusan* 7, at-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. fallen in, zufallen, fallen; ne. fall towards, fall into, fall down at

-- gaze inquisitively at: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at

-- glare at: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

-- glower at: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

-- have at one’s disposal: got. haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

-- it lies at my hand: got. wiljan atligiþ mis, got.: nhd. steht in meiner Macht; ne. it lies at my hand

-- laugh at: got. bihlahjan* 3, bi-hla-h-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. verlachen, verspotten, auslachen; ne. laugh at, deride

-- lay at: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at

-- lest at any time: got. ibai ƕan: nhd. es möchte einmal, danach; ne. lest at any time

-- lie (V.) (2) at hand: got. atligan* 1, at-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. dabeiliegen, vorliegen, vorhanden sein (V.); ne. lie (V.) (2) at hand, lie (V.) (2) adjacent to

-- look at: got. gasaíƕan 162, ga-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erblicken, sehen, (erscheinen); ne. see (V.), espy, catch sight of, look at, perceive; insaíƕan 12, in-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinsehen, ansehen, auf etwas sehen, nach etwas sehen, aufblicken, sich umsehen; ne. look at, look upon, look thither; ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

-- look at repudiatingly: got. *idweitan?, *id-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. rügen, zurechtweisen; ne. regard with rejection, look at repudiatingly

-- look engrossedly at: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at

-- lose (V.) one’s composure at: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- make a face at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

-- make arrive at by throwing: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- make arrive at by turning: got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.)

-- not at all: got. ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing; ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing

-- pitch forth at: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- poke fun at: got. bilaikan* 6, bi-laik-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. verspotten; ne. poke fun at, mock (V.)

-- put at the disposal of: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

-- rail at: got. láian* (?) 1, lá-i-an*, lauan* (?),  red. abl.? V. (6?), m. Dat.: nhd. schmähen; ne. berate, revile, rail at, despise

-- recline at table: got. anakumbjan 25, an-a-kumb-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich niederlegen, zu Tisch legen, lagern; ne. recline at table, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal

-- scoff at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

-- self-enrichment at others expense: got. bifaih* 1, bi-faih*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. exaction, self-enrichment at others expense; bifaihōns* 1, bi-faih-ōn-s*, bifaihō* 1,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. financial exploitation, self-enrichment at others expense

-- setting at liberty: got. fralēt* 6=5, fra-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Entlassung; ne. setting at liberty, release (N.), relinquishment, dispensation, forgiveness

-- snap at: got. andbeitan 9, and-bei-t-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. schelten, bedrohen, in Verlegenheit geraten (V.), tadeln, anfahren; ne. scold (V.), threaten, snap at, rebuke, censure (V.), castigate

-- sneer at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

-- speak at an assembly: got. maþljan* 2, maþ-l-jan*, krimgot.?, sw. V. (1): nhd. reden; ne. speak publicly, speak at an assembly, discourse publicly, talk (V.); lat. dicere

-- spit at: got. andspeiwan* 1, and-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1),: nhd. entgegenspeien, ausspeien, verachten, verwerfen; ne. spit at, expectorate against, despise; bispeiwan* 2, bi-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. bespeien, anspeien; ne. spit upon, spit at, cover with spit

-- stare antagonistically at: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

-- stare at: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at

-- stop at: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

-- take aim at: got. mundōn* 2=1 sis, mun-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. sich einen besehen, sehen auf; ne. take aim at, pay attention to, observe

-- the year at hand: got. ataþni* 1, at-aþn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Jahr; ne. the year at hand

-- turn up the nose at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

atonement: got. *sōna?, *sōn-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sühne; ne. atonement, expiation

atop: got. ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

attack -- attack (V.): got. biqiman* 1, bi-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. überfallen; ne. come round about, encompass, envelop (V.), attack (V.); disdriusan* 1, dis-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. befallen; ne. fall upon, descend upon, bear down on, beset, attack (V.)

attack -- take possession of by attack: got. dissitan* 3, dis-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. ergreifen, überfallen; ne. beseige, beset, take possession of by attack, seize

attack -- verbal attack: got. anaqiss* 2, an-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lästerung, Schmährede; ne. blasphemy, slander (N.), verbal attack, abusive speech

attain: got. faírrinnan* 3, faír-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich erstrecken, reichen zu; ne. attain, extend, arrive, reach (V.); gasniwan* 2, ga-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. ereilen, gelangen zu, erlangen; ne. arrive by hastening, reach by hastening, attain; niutan 2, niut-an,  st. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. treffen, erreichen, einer Sache froh sein (V.); ne. acquire use of, obtain disposal of, attain, enjoy

-- attain to: got. gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

attempt: got. duginnan* 47=46, du-gi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. beginnen, anfangen, versuchen, (werden); ne. begin (V.), attempt, undertake, shall being

attend -- attend to: got. gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

attention: got. *gauma (1), *gau-m-a,  Sb.: nhd. Aufmerksamkeit; ne. attention; ? *hliuþ?, *hliu-þ?,  st. N.?: nhd. Gehör?, Schweigen?, Stille?, Aufmerksamkeit?; ne. hearing (N.)?, silence?, quietness?, attention?

-- give attention to: got. andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.); witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

-- pay attention to: got. gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe; mundōn* 2=1 sis, mun-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. sich einen besehen, sehen auf; ne. take aim at, pay attention to, observe

-- with attention to detail: got. glaggwaba 1, gla-ggw-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sorgsam; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, diligently; glaggwō 1, gla-ggw-ō,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, accurately; *glaggws?, *gla-ggw-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. genau; ne. meticulous, with attention to detail; glaggwuba 1, gla-ggw-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, precisely

-- without attention: got. unkarja 2, un-kar-ja,  sw. Adj.: nhd. sorglos, unbesorgt; ne. uncaring, careless, negligent, without attention

attentively -- view attentively: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at; faírweitjan 6, faír-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinblicken, gaffen, umherspähen, spähen; ne. stare (V.), view attentively, look engrossedly, look about, gaze inquisitively

attentiveness: got. *faírweit?, *faír-wei-t?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hinblick, Aufmerken, Neugier; ne. view (N.), attentiveness, inquisitiveness

attest -- attest together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

attest -- attest (V.): got. weitwōdjan 38=37, wei-t-wōd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeugen, bezeugen; ne. bear witness, testify, attest (V.)

attestation: got. weitwōdei 5, wei-t-wōd-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zeugnis, Bezeugung, Zeugnisablegung; ne. testimony, attestation, testifying, witness (N.); weitwōdiþa 16, wei-t-wōd-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. substance of testimony, attestation, witness (N.)

-- depositional attestation: got. weitwōdi* 1, wei-t-wōd-i*,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Zeugnis; ne. testimonial, depositional attestation, witness (N.)

attesting: got. weitwōdeins 1, wei-t-wōd-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. act of testifying, attesting, witness-bearing, witness (N.)

attitude: got. fraþi 14, fraþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verstand, Sinn, Gesinnung; ne. understanding (N.), perception, viewpoint, attitude, disposition, mindedness

-- have a haughty attitude: got. ufarhugjan* 1, uf-ar-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich überheben; ne. have a haughty attitude, be elated

-- take an attitude beforehand: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth

attract: got. dragan* 1, dra-g-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. tragen, aufladen, ziehen; ne. draw (V.), accumulate, take on, attract

attractive: got. *freiþs?, *frei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. hübsch, schön; ne. nice, pleasant, dear, beloved, attractive

audacious -- be audacious: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious

audacity -- have the audacity to: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious

augment -- augment (V.): got. anaaukan 5, an-a-auk-an,  red. V. (2): nhd. hinzufügen zu, fortfahren; ne. add, augment (V.)

aurochs: got. *ūrs ūraz, *ū-r-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Auerochs, u-Rune; ne. urus, aurochs, name of u-rune

auspices -- divine auspices: got. *awi (2), *aw-i, auja?,  st. N. (ja), st. F.: nhd. Glück, göttlicher Schutz; ne. fortune, divine auspices

authoritatively -- authoritatively ordered: got. garaiþs* 2, ga-rai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. angeordnet; ne. authoritatively ordered, officially determined, arranged, commanded

authoritatively -- direct authoritatively: got. raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret

authority: got. reiki* 8, reik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Reich, Herrschaft, Obrigkeit; ne. rulership, government, sovereignty, ruling power, authority, realm; waldufni 55, wald-ufn-i,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Gewalt, Macht; ne. power (N.), authority, dominion, control (N.), potency

-- exercise authority over: got. gawaldan* 1, ga-wald-an*,  red. V. (3), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. sich der Herrschaft bemächtigen, vergewaltigen; ne. wield domination over, exercise command over, exercise authority over

avail -- avail (N.): got. *bata, *bat-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nutzen, Vorteil; ne. benefit (N.), worthiness, avail (N.), advantage, profit (N.)

avail -- avail (V.): got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

avail -- be of avail: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail

availing: got. *nuts?, *nut-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. nütz, nützlich, brauchbar; ne. useful, availing

avarice: got. faíhugaírnei* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Habgier; ne. money-craving (N.), covetousness, cupidity, avarice; faíhugeirō 3, faíh-u-gei-r-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Habgier, Geldgier; ne. money-greed, financial avidity, avarice

avaricious: got. faíhufriks 6, faíh-u-frik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. habsüchtig, geldgierig, gewinnsüchtig; ne. money-covetous, avaricious, greedy for money, lustful for material goods; faíhugaírns* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. geldgierig, habsüchtig; ne. money-craving (Adj.), desirous of money, avaricious, covetous; *faíhugeirs?, *faíh-u-gei-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. habgierig, habsüchtig; ne. money-greedy, avaricious

avenge: got. fraweitan 5, fra-wei-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. rächen, Recht verschaffen, strafen; ne. avenge, wreak vengeance; gawrikan* 3, ga-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bestrafen, rächen, Rache nehmen; ne. wreak vengeance for, avenge, achieve retribution for, vindicate

avenger: got. fraweitands: nhd. rächend, Rächer; ne. avenger

aversion -- causing aversion: got. andasēts* 2, and-a-sēt-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. verabscheuenswert, verabscheuenswürdig; ne. causing aversion, abhorrent, repugnant, detestable

avid -- no longer avid: got. usgrudja* 7=6, us-grud-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. mutlos; ne. ex-avid, exhausted of desire, no longer avid, lacking courage

avidity: got. aljan (2) 13, al-jan,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eifer; ne. avidity, eagerness, zeal

-- financial avidity: got. faíhugeirō 3, faíh-u-gei-r-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Habgier, Geldgier; ne. money-greed, financial avidity, avarice

avoid: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid; biwandjan* 5, bi-wa-n-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vermeiden; ne. avoid, circumvent, shun

await: got. beidan* 8, beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. warten, erwarten; ne. await, wait for, look for; usbeidan* 5, us-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. erwarten, Geduld haben; ne. expect, await, look for, wait for; wēnjan* 20=19, wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. warten, hoffen auf, meinen; ne. hope (V.), hope for, look for, await, expect, anticipate

awaiting: got. usbeisns* 5, us-beis-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erwartung, Geduld, Langmut; ne. expectation, awaiting, long-abiding, patience

awake -- awake (Adj.): got. *wakrs?, *wak-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. wach, wacker; ne. awake (Adj.), brave, valiant

awake -- awake (V.): got. gawaknan* 1, ga-wak-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erwachen; ne. become awake, awake (V.), wake up; *wakjan, *wak-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wecken; ne. awake (V.)

awake -- awake (V.) (tr.): got. uswakjan* 1, us-wak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwecken, aufwecken; ne. awake (V.) (tr.), arouse, make wake up

awake -- be awake: got. wakan* 6=5, wak-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen, wachsam sein (V.); ne. wake (V.), be awake, keep awake, watch (V.), keep vigil; *wōkan?, *wōk-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen; ne. be awake

awake -- become awake: got. gawaknan* 1, ga-wak-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erwachen; ne. become awake, awake (V.), wake up; *waknan, *wak-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. wach werden; ne. become awake

awake -- keep awake: got. wakan* 6=5, wak-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen, wachsam sein (V.); ne. wake (V.), be awake, keep awake, watch (V.), keep vigil

awake -- stay awake throughout: got. þaírhwakan* 2, þaír-h-wak-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. durchwachen, unter freiem Himmel übernachten, biwakieren; ne. stay awake throughout, keep watch

awake -- staying awake: got. wōkains* 2, wōk-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wachen; ne. wakefulness, staying awake, sleeplessness, watch (N.)

aware -- be aware of: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

awareness -- bringing into awareness through reading: got. anakunnains* 1, an-a-kun-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lesung; ne. bringing into recognition, bringing into awareness through reading, reading (N.)

away: got. dis-,  Präf.: nhd. zer..., auseinander..., ver...; ne. asunder, apart, away; und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

-- away from: got. af 135,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. von, von weg, von her, seit, ab, zu, aus; ne. from, away from, by, by means of, since, of; us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of

-- away from here: got. aljar 2, al-ja-r,  Adv.: nhd. anderswo; ne. absent, away from here, elsewhere, somewhere else

-- away from home: got. afhaimeis* 2, af-hai-m-ei-s*, afhaimis*, afhaims*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. der Heimat fern, abwesend; ne. absent from home, absent, away from home

-- bear away: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue

-- betake o.s. away: got. ushafjan sik, got.: nhd. sich wegbegeben; ne. betake o.s. away

-- cleanse away: got. afhrainjan 1, af-hrai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas Verunreinigendes tilgen, reinigen; ne. cleanse away, wipe out

-- cut away: got. usmaitan* 6, us-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. ausschneiden, abschneiden, ausrotten, aushauen; ne. cut out, excise, cut away, castrate, prune (V.), amputate

-- cut away from: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

-- draw off away: got. aftiuhan 2, af-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. wegziehen, abziehen, fortziehen; ne. draw off away, pull away, lead away

-- fall away: got. usdriusan* 2, us-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. herausfallen; ne. fall away, fall out, fall off

-- get away: got. unþaþlíuhan* 2, unþa-þlí-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. entfliehen, einem entrinnen; ne. escape (V.), get away

-- give away to be eaten: got. fraatjan* 1, fra-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. zum Essen austeilen; ne. give away to be eaten, dispense as food

-- give o.s. away: got. afgiban* sik 1, af-gib-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich wegbegeben, sich hinwegbegeben, sich fortbegeben; ne. give o.s. away, separate (V.)

-- giving away: got. fragifts* 3, fra-gif-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verleihung, Verlobung, Gabe; ne. gift (N.), grant (N.), betrothal, presentation, bestowal, giving away, plightedness, engagement

-- go away: got. afgaggan* 5, af-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. weggehen von, weggehen, weichen (V.) (2); ne. go away, leave (V.), depart (V.); afleiþan* 14, af-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. weggehen, entweichen, verreisen, fortgehen; ne. go away, depart (V.), leave (V.); aflinnan* 1, af-li-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. weggehen, fortgehen; ne. leave off, go away, cease from, let up; afstandan* 7, af-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. abstehen, ablassen, abfallen; ne. dissociate o.s., go away, stay away, fall off; galeiþan 142=140, ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kommen, gehen, fahren; ne. go away, depart from, go forth, set out for, come; usleiþan 12, us-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinausgehen, weggehen, verreisen, vergehen; ne. pass forth, travel out, go out, go away, vanish

-- grab away: got. frawilwan 8, fra-wil-w-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. fortreißen, gewaltsam ergreifen; ne. grab away, snatch up, seize, wrest away

-- lay away as treasure: got. huzdjan 3, hu-z-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Schätze sammeln, sammeln; ne. treasure up, store up, lay away as treasure, gather

-- lay off away: got. aflagjan 5, af-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas ablegen; ne. put off, lay off away, lay down, lay aside

-- lead away: got. aftiuhan 2, af-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. wegziehen, abziehen, fortziehen; ne. draw off away, pull away, lead away

-- lead away together: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

-- make fluctuate away from: got. afwagjan* 1, af-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen, abbringen; ne. make fluctuate away from, make waver away from, remove (V.)

-- make melt away: got. *gamaltjan?, *ga-mal-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflösen, schmelzen; ne. make melt away, liquidify, make dissolve, liquidate

-- make sway away from: got. afswaggwjan* 1, af-swaggw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwankend machen?, ängstlich machen; ne. make anxious, make sway away from, cause to waver; *swaggwjan?, *swa-g-gw-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwanken machen; ne. make sway away from, make veer away from

-- make turn away from: got. afwandjan 7, af-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abwenden, vermeiden; ne. turn aside, make turn away from

-- make veer away from: got. *swaggwjan?, *swa-g-gw-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwanken machen; ne. make sway away from, make veer away from

-- make waver away from: got. afwagjan* 1, af-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen, abbringen; ne. make fluctuate away from, make waver away from, remove (V.)

-- melt away: got. *miltan, *mil-t-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schmelzen, sich auflösen; ne. melt away, dissolve, disintegrate

-- melting away: got. gamalteins* 1, ga-mal-t-eins*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung; ne. melting away, winding up, dissolution, liquidation; *malteins?, *mal-t-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung?; ne. melting away, dissolution?

-- pass away: got. hindarleiþan 2, hi-n-dar-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinzukommen, vergehen; ne. go past, pass on, pass away, come up

-- pull away: got. aftiuhan 2, af-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. wegziehen, abziehen, fortziehen; ne. draw off away, pull away, lead away

-- put away: got. afsatjan 3, af-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. absetzen, entlassen; ne. dismiss, remove (V.), put away, set aside, set off, divorce (V.)

-- roll away: got. afwalwjan* 2, af-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wegwälzen; ne. remove by rolling, roll away

-- run away in flight: got. afþliuhan* 1, af-þli-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegfliehen, fliehen; ne. flee off, run away in flight, escape (V.)

-- scare away: got. afagjan* 2, af-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ängstigen, sich ängstigen, abschrecken; ne. worry (V.), scare (V.), scare away, frighten, frighten off, daunt

-- scatter completely away by winnowing: got. diswinþjan* 1, dis-winþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „auseinanderwerfen“, zermalmen, worfeln, zerstreuen; ne. crush (V.), scatter completely away by winnowing, dissipate to the winds

-- send away: got. insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss; sandjan 34, sand-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. senden; ne. send, send away

-- shove away: got. afskiuban* 2, af-skiub-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verstoßen, von sich wegstoßen, abschieben, von sich schieben, entfernen; ne. reject (V.), repulse (V.), shove away, thrust away

-- sink away: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

-- stay away: got. afstandan* 7, af-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. abstehen, ablassen, abfallen; ne. dissociate o.s., go away, stay away, fall off

-- steal away: got. biniman* 1, bi-nim-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. wegnehmen, stehlen; ne. take away, purloin, steal away

-- take away: got. afniman 15, af-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. wegnehmen, abnehmen; ne. take away, remove (V.), withdraw; biniman* 1, bi-nim-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. wegnehmen, stehlen; ne. take away, purloin, steal away; gatarnjan* 1, ga-tar-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. berauben; ne. wrest from, extract from, remove (V.) forcibly, rob, take away; niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away; usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

-- throw away: got. frawaírpan* 2, fra-waír-p-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verwerfen, zerstreuen, wegwerfen; ne. throw away, discard, jettison, cast off, scatter (V.)

-- thrust away: got. afskiuban* 2, af-skiub-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verstoßen, von sich wegstoßen, abschieben, von sich schieben, entfernen; ne. reject (V.), repulse (V.), shove away, thrust away

-- turn away: got. uswandjan* 3, us-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wegwenden, sich entziehen, verfallen (V.), abweichen (V.) (2); ne. turn away, become diverted, withdraw, deviate

-- wipe away: got. afswaírban* 1, af-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. abwischen, auslöschen; ne. wipe away, wipe out

-- wrest away: got. frawilwan 8, fra-wil-w-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. fortreißen, gewaltsam ergreifen; ne. grab away, snatch up, seize, wrest away

awe -- awe (N.): got. agis 20, ag-i-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Furcht, Schrecken; ne. awe (N.), fear (N.), fright, terror (N.)

awe -- stand in awe of: got. ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

awl: got. *alisna?, *alisn-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ahle; ne. awl, pricker; *ela?, *el-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ahle; ne. awl

awry -- run awry: got. frarinnan* 1, fra-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich verlaufen zu, geraten unter; ne. run awry, run amiss, meet up with

ax: got. aqizi 1, aqiz-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Axt; ne. ax

axis: got. ahsa* 1, ah-s-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Achse, Achsel, a-Rune?; ne. axis, axle, name of a-rune?

axle: got. ahsa* 1, ah-s-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Achse, Achsel, a-Rune?; ne. axis, axle, name of a-rune?

b: got. b 9,  Buchstabe: nhd. b, Abkürzung für 2; ne. b, abbreviation for 2

babble -- babble (N.): got. lausawaúrdei* 1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. leeres Gerede, leeres Geschwätz; ne. empty talk, babble (N.), empty chatter

babble -- babble (V.): got. filuwaúrdjan* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. viel Worte machen, viel plappern, viel reden; ne. verbalize excessively, babble (V.), chatter (V.), speak a great deal

back -- answer back to: got. andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

back -- back (Adj.): got. ibuks* 3, ibuk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rückwärts gewandt, zurück; ne. retrorse, reversed, turned back, back (Adj.)

back -- back (Adv.): got. aftra 102=101, af-t-r-a, afta,  Adv.: nhd. wieder, zurück, rückwärts, wiederum, abermals; ne. again, back (Adv.), backwards, once more

back -- bring back: got. gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

back -- give back: got. usgiban 22, us-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erstatten, bezahlen, darstellen, darbringen; ne. give out, pay out, repay (V.), recompense (V.), give back, present (V.), offer (V.)

back -- in back of: got. *aftarō 3, *af-ta-r-ō,  Adv.: nhd. von hinten, hinten; ne. in back of, from behind; hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind

back -- shrink back: got. ufsliupan* 3=2, uf-sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. einschleichen, zu Unrecht einführen, sich zurückziehen, sich fortschleichen; ne. slip by, slide past, slip on past, shrink back

back -- talk back to: got. andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

back -- turn back: got. gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

back -- turned back: got. ibuks* 3, ibuk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rückwärts gewandt, zurück; ne. retrorse, reversed, turned back, back (Adj.)

backwards: got. aftra 102=101, af-t-r-a, afta,  Adv.: nhd. wieder, zurück, rückwärts, wiederum, abermals; ne. again, back (Adv.), backwards, once more

bacon: got. *feusa?, *feus-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Speck; ne. bacon, fat (N.)

bad: got. atochta 1, at-ocht-a, krim Adj. (a): nhd. schlecht; ne. bad; lat. malum; *atugs?, *atug-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. schlecht; ne. bad; ubils 56, ub-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. übel, böse, schlecht; ne. evil (Adj.), bad, wrongful, corrupt (Adj.), ill (Adj.)

-- bad (N.): got. ubil, ub-il,  Adj. (a), N. Sg. subst.: nhd. Übel; ne. evil (N.), bad (N.)

-- bad reputation: got. wajamērei* 1, waj-a-mē-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. schlechter Ruf, übler Ruf; ne. bad reputation, bad repute, dishonour

-- bad repute: got. wajamērei* 1, waj-a-mē-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. schlechter Ruf, übler Ruf; ne. bad reputation, bad repute, dishonour

-- bad temper: got. mōþs* (1) 2, mō-þ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zorn, Mut; ne. bad temper, pique (N.), anger (N.), spirit

badger: got. *þahsus?, *þahs-u-s?,  st. M. (u): nhd. Dachs; ne. badger

badly: got. ubilaba 2, ub-il-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. übel, böse; ne. evilly, badly, wrongly, ill (Adv.)

badness: got. unþiuþ* 7, un-þiu-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. das Böse; ne. non-good, evil (N.), badness

bag -- bag made of skin: got. balgs* 12, bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Balg, Schlauch, Tasche; ne. leather bag, bag made of skin, wine-skin

bag -- bag (N.): got. sakkus* 2, sakku-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Sack; ne. sackcloth, sack (N.), bag (N.)

bag -- leather bag: got. balgs* 12, bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Balg, Schlauch, Tasche; ne. leather bag, bag made of skin, wine-skin

bairn: got. frasts* 1, frast-s*,  st. M. (i)?, st. F. (i)?: nhd. Kind; ne. child, bairn

bait -- bait (N.): got. *lōþr?, *lō-þr?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Luder, Lockspeise; ne. carrion, bait (N.), lure (N.); qaírþra* 1, qaír-þr-a*, qērtra?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Apfelbaum?, Köder? (ablehnend Feist 387), q-Rune; ne. lure (N.), bait (N.), decoy (N.), name of q-rune

bald -- shave bald: got. biskaban* 1, bi-skab-an*,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaben, scheren (V.) (1), Haare abschneiden; ne. shave around the head, shave bald, shear (V.)

bale -- bale (N.): got. *balu?,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Unglück, Übel; ne. bale (N.), viciousness, balefulness

baleful: got. *balus, *balu-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. böse, übel; ne. baleful, pernicious; *balwaweis, *balw-a-wei-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. böse, übel; ne. baleful, wicked, malicious; sleiþs* 2, slei-þ-s*, sleideis*?,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. schlimm, gefährlich; ne. pernicious, baneful, baleful, dire, fierce, dangerous

balefulness: got. *balu?,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Unglück, Übel; ne. bale (N.), viciousness, balefulness

balmy: got. *lind-,  Adj. (a?): nhd. lind, mild; ne. balmy, mild, gentle

balsam -- balsam (N.): got. balsan 8,  st. N. (a): nhd. Salbe, Balsam; ne. balsam (N.), ointment, perfumed ointment

ban -- reach of ban: got. *bannwīda, *ba-n-n-wīd-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bannweite; ne. reach of ban

band: got. *binda?, *bind-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Binde, Band (N.); ne. band, ligament (N.), ligature; *snōbō?, *snōb-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bund, Band (N.); ne. band, string (N.)

-- band (N.): got. gabinda* 1, ga-bind-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Band (N.), Binde; ne. band (N.), ligament (N.), ligature, bond (N.); *rigilō?, *rigil-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Strick (M.) (1), Band (N.); ne. cord (N.), line (1) (N.), band (N.)

-- band (N.) (1): got. wrēþus* 1, wrē-þ-u-s*, wrīþus,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herde; ne. herd (N.), drove (2), band (N.) (1)

bandage -- bandage (N.): got. faskja* 1, fask-j-a*, faski*?,  M., N.?: nhd. Binde; ne. bandage (N.)

bandage -- bandage up the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

bandit: got. waidēdja 9, wai-dē-d-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Übeltäter, Räuber; ne. „woe-doer“, evil-doer, malefactor, robber, bandit, felon

-- strong-arm bandit: got. wilwa 3, wil-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Räuber; ne. robber, strong-arm bandit

baneful: got. sleiþs* 2, slei-þ-s*, sleideis*?,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. schlimm, gefährlich; ne. pernicious, baneful, baleful, dire, fierce, dangerous

banished -- banished (M.): got. *wargs?, *war-g-s?,  Adj. (a), st. M. (a): nhd. Verdammter, Geächteter; ne. outlaw (M.), banished (M.), criminal (M.)

bank -- bank (2) (N.): got. *skarpa (2), skrapa, *skarp-a, *skrap-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stütze, Halt, Böschung; ne. support (N.), bank (2) (N.)

bank -- bank (N.) (2): got. staþa* (1) 3, sta-þ-a*, statz,  statz, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Ufer, Gestade; ne. shore, coast, bank (N.) (2); lat. terra

bank -- steep bank: got. driusō* 3, driu-s-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abhang; ne. cliff, steep slope, steep bank

banker: got. skattja* 2, skat-t-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wechsler, Geldwechsler; ne. money-changer, money-man, banker

banquet: got. daúhts* 2, daúht-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bewirtung, Mahl, Gastmahl, Mahlzeit; ne. feast (N.), banquet

-- festive banquet: got. gabaúr* (2) 2, ga-baúr*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Festgelage, Schmaus; ne. carousing (N.), revelry, festive banquet, merrymaking

baptism: got. daupeins 19, daup-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Abwaschung, Taufe, Waschung; ne. immersion, washing (N.), cleansing immersion, baptism

baptist: got. daupjands 10, daup-jand-s,  M. (nd): nhd. Täufer; ne. baptist, baptizer

baptize: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized; ufdaupjan* 5, uf-daup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. taufen, eintauchen; ne. dip (V.), baptize

baptized -- be baptized: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized

baptized -- become baptized: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized

baptizer: got. daupjands 10, daup-jand-s,  M. (nd): nhd. Täufer; ne. baptist, baptizer

barbarian: got. barbarus 1, barbaru-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Nichtgrieche, Barbar, Ausländer, Fremder; ne. foreigner, barbarian

barbarous: got. unmanariggws* 2=1, un-man-a-rigg-w-s*, unmanatriggws*?,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungezähmt, wild, grausam; ne. untamed, barbarous, treacherous, wild (Adj.), cruel (Adj.)

bare -- bare (Adj.): got. *bas,  Adj. (a): nhd. bar (Adj.), bloß; ne. bare (Adj.); *blauts?, *blau-t-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bloß; ne. bare (Adj.)

bare -- bare (V.): got. *bazjan?, *baz-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leeren, entkräften, entblößen; ne. empty (V.), weaken, debilitate, bare (V.), expose, uncover

barely -- be barely adequate: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements; *naúhan?, *naúh-an?,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.); ne. be just enough, be barely adequate

bargain -- bargain (N.): got. *kaup, *kaupa?,  Sb.: nhd. Handel, Kauf; ne. trade (N.), bargain (N.), buy (N.)

bargain -- bargain (V.): got. kaupōn* 1, kaup-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Geschäfte machen, Handel treiben; ne. transact business, trade (V.), bargain (V.)

barley: got. *baris, *bar-i-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gerste; ne. barley; ? *finja?, *fin-j-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gerste?; ne. barley?

-- made of barley flour: got. barizeins* 4, bar-i-z-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Gerste bereitet, gersten, Gersten...; ne. of barley, made of barley flour

-- of barley: got. barizeins* 4, bar-i-z-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Gerste bereitet, gersten, Gersten...; ne. of barley, made of barley flour

-- pearl barley: got. fenea, lat. fe-n-ea, lat.- *finja?,  F.: nhd. Gerstengraupen; ne. pearl barley; lat. polenta

barn: got. bansts* 2, ban-st-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Scheuer, Scheune; ne. barn, storehouse

barrel: got. *fullja?, *ful-l-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fülle, Maß, Fass; ne. fullness, measure (N.), barrel

barren: got. auþeis* 6, au-þ-ei-s*, auþs*?,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. öde, kinderlos, unfruchtbar, wüst, verlassen (Adj.); ne. barren, desolate (Adj.), deserted, desert (Adj.)

-- barren woman: got. staírō 3, staír-ō,  sw. F. (n), sw. Adj.: nhd. die Unfruchtbare; ne. sterile woman, barren woman

barter -- barter (N.): got. *maideins?, *mai-d-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Tausch; ne. barter (N.)

base -- base (V.): got. gasūljan* 3, ga-sūl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. das Fundament legen, begründen, gründen; ne. found (V.), base (V.), ground (V.), lay the foundation of; *sūljan, *sūl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gründen; ne. found (V.), base (V.)

basic -- the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece: got. drakma* 3, drak-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Drachme; ne. drachma, the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece

basis -- basis for accusation: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

basket: got. *sahrja?, *sah-r-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Korb; ne. basket

-- basket made of branches or switches: got. tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

-- basket (N.): got. spwreida* 2, spwr-eid-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Korb; ne. basket (N.); tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

-- mesh basket: got. snōrjō* 1, snōr-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Netz; ne. wicker basket, mesh basket, net (N.)

-- wicker basket: got. snōrjō* 1, snōr-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Netz; ne. wicker basket, mesh basket, net (N.); tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

bastion: got. tulgiþōs: nhd. Feste (F.), Bollwerk; ne. fastness, bastion, bulwark

bat -- bat (2) (N.): got. *mūstriggs?, *mūstrigg-s?,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Fledermaus; ne. bat (2) (N.)

batch -- batch of dough: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

batch -- mouldable batch: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

bathe -- bathe (V.): got. þwahan 5, þwah-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. etwas waschen, sich waschen; ne. wash (V.), lave, bathe (V.)

battalion: got. hansa 4, hans-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schar (F.) (1), Manipel, Kohorte, Menge; ne. cohort, battalion, maniple, crowd (N.), troop (N.)

battle -- battle (N.): got. *badu-, *bad-u-, *badus,  st. M. (wa?): nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), battle (N.); *haþus?, *ha-þu-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.); *hildi?, *hil-d-i?,  st. F. (i) (iō): nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.); *hilds?, *hil-d-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.); jiuka* 2, jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zornausbruch, Streit; ne. fight (N.), battle (N.), anger (N.), quarrel (N.); waihjō* 1, waih-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kampf; ne. quarrel (N.), wrangling (N.), contention, battle (N.)

battle -- battle (V.): got. brikan* 3, brik-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. brechen, zerstören, kämpfen, ringen, zerbrechen, vernichten; ne. break (V.), wreck (V.), demolish, wrestle (V.), fight (V.), battle (V.); jiukan* 2, jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kämpfen, ringen, obsiegen; ne. fight (V.), battle (V.), conquer, be a boxer; weihan (1) 2, weih-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. kämpfen; ne. battle (V.), combat (V.), engage in combat, dispute (V.)

battle -- oppose with battle: got. andweihan* 2, and-weih-an*, andwaihan*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. widerstreiten, ankämpfen, entgegenkämpfen; ne. oppose with battle, fight in opposition to

battleaxe: got. *bel-,  Sb.: nhd. Streitaxt, Bär (M.) (1)?; ne. battleaxe, bear (N.)?

battle-field: got. *wala (2), *wal-a,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Tod, Schlachtfeld; ne. death, battle-field

be: got. haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be; wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

-- army be subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- be able: got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

-- be about to: got. munan* (2) 6, mun-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zu tun gedenken, wollen (V.); ne. intend, take in mind, be about to

-- be above: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- be a boxer: got. jiukan* 2, jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kämpfen, ringen, obsiegen; ne. fight (V.), battle (V.), conquer, be a boxer

-- be abstinent: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

-- be abundant: got. ufar filu wisan, got.: nhd. überfließend sein (V.); ne. be abundant; managnan* 5, man-ag-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reichlich vorhanden sein (V.), Überfluss haben; ne. be abundant, abound; ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

-- be a bystander: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

-- be acquainted: got. kunnan (1) 97=96, kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. kennen, wissen; ne. be acquainted, know, understand

-- be a disciple: got. sipōnjan* 1, sipōn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. Schüler sein (V.), Jünger sein (V.); ne. be a disciple, be a student

-- be admired: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

-- be admitted: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted; *mōtan, *mōt-an,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

-- be adopted: got. suniwē sibja andniman, got.: nhd. adoptiert werden; ne. be adopted; suniwe sibja andniman, got.: nhd. adoptiert werden; ne. be adopted

-- be a false witness: got. galiug weitwōdjan, V.: nhd. falsch zeugen; ne. be a false witness

-- be afire: got. brinnan* 1, bri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. brennen (intr.); ne. burn (V.), be afire; tundnan* 1, tund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. brennen; ne. catch fire, be afire, be aflame, burn (V.)

-- be aflame: got. tundnan* 1, tund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. brennen; ne. catch fire, be afire, be aflame, burn (V.)

-- be afraid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

-- be afraid of: got. *agan?, *ag-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be afraid of

-- be aghast: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

-- be agitated: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- be agitated severely: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

-- be aglow with: got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

-- be a guest of: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

-- be a guide: got. raginōn* 2, rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verwalten, herrschen; ne. guide (V.), be a guide, govern, counsel (V.)

-- be a king: got. þiudanōn 7, þiu-d-an-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. herrschen, König sein (V.); ne. reign (V.), be a king, rule (V.)

-- be alive: got. liban 61=60, li-b-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leben; ne. live, be alive

-- be alive together with: got. miþliban* 1, mi-þ-lib-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. mitleben; ne. live together with, be alive together with

-- be allotted s.th.: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

-- be allowed: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements

-- be amazed: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words; sildaleikjan* 30, si-ld-a-leik-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anstaunen (tr.), bewundern (tr.), staunen (intr.), sich wundern (intr.); ne. marvel (V.), wonder (V.), be amazed

-- be a messenger: got. airinōn* 2, air-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Gesandter sein (V.), unterhandeln, Bote sein (V.); ne. be an emissary, be a messenger, negotiate

-- be an emissary: got. airinōn* 2, air-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Gesandter sein (V.), unterhandeln, Bote sein (V.); ne. be an emissary, be a messenger, negotiate

-- be angry with: got. hatizōn* 1, hat-i-z-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. zürnen; ne. be embittered against, be angry with

-- be antipathetical toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

-- be anxious: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself; saúrgan 7, saúrg-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen, bekümmert sein (V.); ne. sorrow (V.), be sorrowful, grieve, worry (V.), be anxious, care (V.)

-- be a partner in: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

-- be a partner with: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

-- be appertinent to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- be appropriate to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- be a precursor: got. faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

-- be a priest: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

-- be arrogant: got. mais fraþjan, got.: nhd. sich überheben; ne. be arrogant; *usbalþjan, *us-bal-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wagen, sich erkühnen; ne. be arrogant, be insolent, brazen out

-- be ashamed: got. gaskaman sik* 1, ga-s-kam-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. beschämt werden, sich schämen; ne. be ashamed

-- be ashamed of: got. skaman* sik 10, s-kam-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich schämen; ne. be ashamed of, despair of

-- be a slave: got. skalkinōn 25, s-kal-k-i-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. dienen; ne. serve, do service, be in servitude, be a slave

-- be asleep: got. slēpan* 12, s-lēp-an*, schlipen,  schlipen, krim red. V. (4): nhd. schlafen; ne. sleep (V.), be asleep; lat. dormire

-- be a soldier: got. militōn* 1, milit-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun; ne. serve in the military, be a soldier

-- be astonished: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished; usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

-- be a student: got. sipōnjan* 1, sipōn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. Schüler sein (V.), Jünger sein (V.); ne. be a disciple, be a student

-- be at a loss for words: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- be at hand: got. atwisan* 3, at-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. da sein (V.), zur Hand liegen; ne. be at hand, be imminent, be present; faúrawisan 2, faúr-a-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be present, be in evidence, be at hand

-- be at the end of one’s life: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- be at the head of: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

-- be at the point of death: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- be audacious: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious

-- be awake: got. wakan* 6=5, wak-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen, wachsam sein (V.); ne. wake (V.), be awake, keep awake, watch (V.), keep vigil; *wōkan?, *wōk-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen; ne. be awake

-- be aware of: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

-- be baptized: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized

-- be barely adequate: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements; *naúhan?, *naúh-an?,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.); ne. be just enough, be barely adequate

-- be beneficial: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- be benefited: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

-- be bold: got. balþjan* 1, bal-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kühn sein (V.), wagen; ne. be bold, dare, show courage; gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous

-- be born: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- be bound: got. *bundnan?, *bund-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gebunden werden; ne. be bound, become bound

-- be brave enough: got. gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous

-- be brought to fulfillment: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- be burnt up: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- be careful: got. atsaíƕan* 10=9, at-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen auf, sich in Acht nehmen, sich hüten; ne. give heed, watch out, be careful, be watchful, note (V.)

-- be clad with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- be clement: got. bleiþjan* 2, ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. barmherzig sein (V.), sich erbarmen, Mitleid hegen; ne. take pity, be kind-hearted, be merciful, be clement

-- be closed: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

-- be clothed: got. wasjan* 7, was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen kleiden, sich kleiden, bekleiden; ne. clothe, be clothed, wear (V.) (1), dress (V.), be dressed

-- be clothed over with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- be concerned about: got. karōn* 1, kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich kümmern; ne. care about, worry about, be concerned about

-- be confident of: got. galaubjan 146=145, ga-laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, anvertrauen; ne. believe, permit, have faith in, be confident of, have confidence in; gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- be configured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- be congruent with: got. gatiman* 1, ga-tim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. geziemen; ne. be congruent with, time with, fit in with, match (V.); *timan?, *tim-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. sich ziemen, geziemen; ne. be congruent with, fit in with

-- be conscious of: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

-- be consumed with flame: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- be contaminated: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- be content: got. *wunan, *wun-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zufrieden sein (V.); ne. be content

-- be continent: got. gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain; *gahōban?, *ga-hōb-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich enthalten; ne. be continent

-- be contoured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

-- be contrite: got. idreigōn* 13=12, id-reig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bereuen, Buße tun; ne. be contrite, repent (V.), regret (V.), reform one’s ways

-- be convinced of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- be courageous: got. gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous

-- be cowardly: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- be dark: got. riqizjan* 1, riq-i-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. finster werden, dunkel werden; ne. be dark, become dark

-- be dedicated: got. triggwaba galaubjan, got.: nhd. überzeugt sein (V.); ne. be dedicated

-- be depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- be detained: got. sainjan* 1, sai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zögern, säumen; ne. be slow, delay (V.) (tr.), be tardy, be detained

-- be devoted to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

-- be difficult: got. *þriutan?, *þri-ut-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. schwerfallen; ne. be hard, be difficult

-- be dirty: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- be disagreeable: got. unwērjan 2, un-wēr-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unwillig sein (V.), zürnen; ne. disagree, refuse to agree, be disagreeable, be unwilling

-- be discomfited by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- be dismantled: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

-- be disposed: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- be disturbed: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- be downcast: got. *hneipan, *hnei-p-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. betrüben; ne. droop, be limply bowed downwards, be downcast

-- be dressed: got. wasjan* 7, was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen kleiden, sich kleiden, bekleiden; ne. clothe, be clothed, wear (V.) (1), dress (V.), be dressed

-- be dull: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

-- be dumbfounded: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- be eager: got. usdaudjan* 8, us-dau-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich beeifern, seine Ehre suchen; ne. strive vigorously, make energetic endeavours, be eager

-- be effective: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail; waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

-- be elapsed: got. inwisan (?)* 1, in-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. bevorstehen (?), da sein (V.) (?); ne. have been discontinued, be elapsed, be no longer

-- be elated: got. ufarhugjan* 1, uf-ar-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich überheben; ne. have a haughty attitude, be elated

-- be elevated: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- be elsewhere: got. aljar wisan, got.: nhd. anderswo sein (V.); ne. be elsewhere

-- be embittered against: got. hatizōn* 1, hat-i-z-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. zürnen; ne. be embittered against, be angry with

-- be engaged in thought: got. þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- be enlarged: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

-- be enough: got. ganaúhan* 4, ga-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. genügen, zur Genüge versehen sein (V.) mit; ne. suffice, be enough, be sufficient

-- be exalted: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- be excessively exalted: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- be faint: got. ufligan* 2, uf-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. unterliegen, verschmachten, matt werden, sterben; ne. decline (V.), drop (V.), sink (V.), fail, be faint

-- be feeble: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

-- be filled: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled

-- be filled up: got. gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up; usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- be formed: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- be frightened: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared; *þlahsnan?, *þlahs-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened

-- be fulfilled: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- be full: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled; gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up

-- begin to be troubled: got. indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

-- be glad: got. faginōn 43=39, fag-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. feel happy, be glad, rejoice (V.); *gabaúrjōn, *ga-baúr-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. be glad, be pleased

-- be glorified: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- be good: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- be guilty: got. skula wisan, got.: nhd. schuldig sein (V.); ne. be guilty

-- be hallowed: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- be hard: got. *þriutan?, *þri-ut-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. schwerfallen; ne. be hard, be difficult

-- be haughty: got. hauhaba hugjan: nhd. hoffärtig sein (V.); ne. be proud, be haughty

-- be healed: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health; ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.)

-- be hidden: got. galaugnjan 3, ga-laug-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbergen, verborgen bleiben; ne. be undiscovered, escape detection, hide (V.), be hidden, conceal (V.)

-- be hungry: got. grēdōn* 1, grē-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. hungern; ne. be hungry, hunger (V.)

-- be hurtful to: got. usagljan* 1, us-ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, bedrängen, belästigen, beschimpfen; ne. inflict injury upon, cause harm to, be hurtful to, bother (V.)

-- be hypocritical together with: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

-- be imminent: got. atwisan* 3, at-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. da sein (V.), zur Hand liegen; ne. be at hand, be imminent, be present; instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

-- be impending: got. instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

-- be in accord: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

-- be in being: got. wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

-- be indebted: got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.)

-- be indignant: got. inraúhtjan* 2, in-raúh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnt werden, zürnen, unwillig sein (V.); ne. growl interiously, groan (V.), utter gruff sounds to o.s., be indignant

-- be in evidence: got. faúrawisan 2, faúr-a-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be present, be in evidence, be at hand

-- be in existence: got. in gagrēftai wisan: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.), vorliegen; ne. be in existence, exist

-- be inferior to: got. minnizō gataujan: nhd. nachstehen; ne. be inferior to, be less than; mins haban: nhd. weniger haben, nachstehen; ne. be inferior to

-- be infirm: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

-- be in harmony: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

-- be inimical towards: got. fijan 23, fi-j-an, fian*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen, verabscheuen; ne. hate (V.), be inimical towards, feel hostile towards

-- be in labour (with): got. fitan* 2, fit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. kreißen, gebären; ne. undergo childbirth pangs (with), give birth (to) amid throes, be in labour (with)

-- be in profusion: got. ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

-- be insensitive: got. *daubjan?, *dau-b-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. taub sein (V.), verstocken; ne. be insensitive, be numb, harden

-- be in servitude: got. skalkinōn 25, s-kal-k-i-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. dienen; ne. serve, do service, be in servitude, be a slave

-- be insistent: got. instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

-- be insolent: got. *usbalþjan, *us-bal-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wagen, sich erkühnen; ne. be arrogant, be insolent, brazen out

-- be in superfluity: got. ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

-- be intellectual intact: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact

-- be intelligent: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

-- be just enough: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements; *naúhan?, *naúh-an?,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.); ne. be just enough, be barely adequate

-- be kind-hearted: got. bleiþjan* 2, ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. barmherzig sein (V.), sich erbarmen, Mitleid hegen; ne. take pity, be kind-hearted, be merciful, be clement

-- be left: got. aflifnan* 8, af-li-f-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. be left, become left, be left over, remain (V.); *bileiban, *bi-lei-b-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. bleiben; ne. remain (V.), be left; *lifnan?, *li-f-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. rest (V.), remain (V.), be left

-- be left over: got. aflifnan* 8, af-li-f-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. be left, become left, be left over, remain (V.)

-- be less than: got. minnizō gataujan: nhd. nachstehen; ne. be inferior to, be less than

-- be let: got. *andlētan, *and-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen; ne. be let; *lētnan, *lē-t-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gelassen werden; ne. be let

-- be like: got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to

-- be limply bowed downwards: got. *hneipan, *hnei-p-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. betrüben; ne. droop, be limply bowed downwards, be downcast

-- be lord: got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over

-- be lost: got. fralusnan* 3, fra-lu-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verloren gehen, verloren werden; ne. be lost, become lost, perish

-- be lying down: got. ligan* 14, lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. liegen, darniederliegen; ne. lie (2) (V.), be lying down

-- be made alive: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- be marveled at: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

-- be master: got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over

-- be mentally retarded: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

-- be merciful: got. bleiþjan* 2, ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. barmherzig sein (V.), sich erbarmen, Mitleid hegen; ne. take pity, be kind-hearted, be merciful, be clement

-- be minded to: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- be mistaken: got. airzeis wairþan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong; airzeis wisan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong

-- be modest: got. waila fraþjan, got.: nhd. bescheiden sein (V.); ne. be modest

-- be moved with compassion: got. infeinan* 6, in-fei-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erbarmen, gerührt sein (V.); ne. have compassion, be moved with compassion, have pity

-- be mute: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?; þahan* 6, þah-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be taciturn, be mute, keep quiet, keep secret

-- be named: got. haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.)

-- be near: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

-- be no longer: got. inwisan (?)* 1, in-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. bevorstehen (?), da sein (V.) (?); ne. have been discontinued, be elapsed, be no longer

-- be not a whit lesser: got. ni waihtai mins haban, got.: nhd. in nichts nachstehen; ne. be not a whit lesser

-- be numb: got. *daubjan?, *dau-b-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. taub sein (V.), verstocken; ne. be insensitive, be numb, harden; gadaubjan* 2, ga-dau-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verstocken, verstockt machen; ne. make insensitive, be numb, deaden, harden (V.)

-- be obliged: got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.)

-- be observant of: got. witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

-- be of an opinion: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- be of avail: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail

-- be of concern to: got. kara wisan: nhd. sich kümmern; ne. worry s.o., be of concern to

-- be of sound mind: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact; waila fraþjan: nhd. bescheiden sein (V.), besonnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind

-- be of the opinion: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

-- be of use: got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

-- be of value: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- be on the lookout: got. *atwitan?, *at-wi-t-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beobachten; ne. observe, be on the lookout

-- be on the way to somewhere: got. gaggan 205=203, ga-g-g-an,  def. red. V. (3): nhd. gehen, wandeln, umhergehen, kommen; ne. be on the way to somewhere, go (V.), come, walk (V.)

-- be opened: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

-- be opulent: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

-- be over: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- be overly raised up: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- be parched: got. gaþaúrsnan* 5, ga-þaúrs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up, wither, be parched

-- be patterned: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

-- be permitted: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements

-- be permitted in: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted; *mōtan, *mōt-an,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

-- be persuaded of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- be pertinent: got. du þaurftai fairrinnan: nhd. zweckmäßig sein (V.), passen; ne. be pertinent

-- be physically harmful to: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

-- be physiologically injurious to: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

-- be pleased: got. *gabaúrjōn, *ga-baúr-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. be glad, be pleased

-- be pleasing to: got. waila galeikan: nhd. wohlgefällig sein (V.), wohlgefallen; ne. be pleasing to; leikan* 2, leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. gefallen, zu Gefallen sein (V.); ne. please (V.), be pleasing to; waila galeikan: nhd. wohlgefällig sein (V.), wohlgefallen; ne. be pleasing to

-- be pleasing to beforehand: got. faúragaleikan* 1, faúr-a-ga-leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. vorher gefallen; ne. be pleasing to beforehand, please beforehand, set forth

-- be poured out: got. usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- be powerful: got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

-- be present: got. atwisan* 3, at-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. da sein (V.), zur Hand liegen; ne. be at hand, be imminent, be present; faúrawisan 2, faúr-a-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be present, be in evidence, be at hand; wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

-- be present together with: got. miþwisan* 1, mi-þ-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. beistehen, zu Hilfe kommen; ne. be together with, be present together with, remain with

-- be preserved: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.)

-- be productive: got. waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

-- be promulgated: got. usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

-- be proud: got. hauhaba hugjan: nhd. hoffärtig sein (V.); ne. be proud, be haughty

-- be public: got. usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

-- be puffed up: got. ufarhauhjan* 1, uf-ar-hau-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „überhöhen“, verblenden; ne. over-exalt, over-extol, be puffed up; ufblēsan* 3, uf-blē-s-an*,  red. V. (4): nhd. aufblasen, sich aufblähen; ne. blow up, puff up, boast (V.), be puffed up

-- be quiet: got. *silan?, *si-l-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. still sein (V.)?; ne. be quiet

-- be raised high: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- be ready: got. manwuba haban, got.: nhd. bereit sein (V.); ne. be ready

-- be reconciled: got. *waírþjan?, *waír-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. friedlich sein (V.); ne. be reconciled

-- be reconciled to: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to; *gawaírþnan?, *ga-waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. versöhnt werden, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with; *waírþnan?, *waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. friedlich machen, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with

-- be released: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied; andlētnan 1, and-lē-t-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. scheiden, abscheiden, entlassen werden, aufgelöst werden, sich auflösen, sich losmachen; ne. be released, become released, separate (V.), die

-- be rent asunder: got. dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hnupnan?, *hnu-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. burst (V.), be rent asunder, become rent asunder

-- be rent in pieces: got. distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

-- be rescued: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.); *nisan?, *nis-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. genesen, gerettet werden; ne. be saved, be rescued

-- be restless: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

-- be restored to health: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health

-- be retarded: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

-- be revivified: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- be rich: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

-- be riven: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; *skritnan?, *skri-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reißen (intr.); ne. be riven

-- be sanctified: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- be saved: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.); *nisan?, *nis-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. genesen, gerettet werden; ne. be saved, be rescued

-- be scared: got. gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared

-- be seated: got. sitan 33, sit-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sitzen; ne. sit (V.), be sitting, be seated

-- be self-indulgent: got. wizōn* 1, wiz-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schwelgen; ne. live, lead a life, be self-indulgent

-- be separated: got. gaskaidnan* 1, ga-skai-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced; *skaidnan?, *skai-d-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced

-- be shipwrecked: got. usfarþōn gataujan us skipa, got.: nhd. Schiffbruch erleiden; ne. be shipwrecked; usfarþōn gataujan us skipa, got.: nhd. Schiffbruch erleiden; ne. be shipwrecked; usfarþōn gataujan us skipa, got.: nhd. Schiffbruch erleiden; ne. be shipwrecked

-- be shocked: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

-- be shut: got. *lūknan, *lūk-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich schließen; ne. be shut, become shut

-- be shut up: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

-- be sick: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

-- be silenced off: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- be silent: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?; gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret; slawan* 3, slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be silent, keep quiet, be still; þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- be sitting: got. sitan 33, sit-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sitzen; ne. sit (V.), be sitting, be seated

-- be situated around: got. bisitan* 5, bi-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. herumsitzen, herumwohnen, umwohnen, nahe wohnen; ne. be situated around, neighbour (V.), dwell round about

-- be slow: got. sainjan* 1, sai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zögern, säumen; ne. be slow, delay (V.) (tr.), be tardy, be detained

-- be solved: got. ? *liusan?, *liu-s-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. lösen, los sein (V.)?; ne. remove (V.), solve, cancel, be solved?

-- be sorrowful: got. gahnipnan* 1, ga-hni-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich betrüben; ne. become downcast, become gloomy, be sorrowful; saúrgan 7, saúrg-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen, bekümmert sein (V.); ne. sorrow (V.), be sorrowful, grieve, worry (V.), be anxious, care (V.)

-- be spilled out: got. usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- be split apart: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

-- be spotted: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- be standing: got. standan 43, sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. stehen; ne. stand (V.), be standing

-- be stiff: got. *staúrran, *staúr-r-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. starr sein (V.)?; ne. be stiff

-- be still: got. slawan* 3, slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be silent, keep quiet, be still

-- be strong: got. inswinþjan sik: nhd. sich stark erweisen; ne. be strong, become strong

-- be struck aback: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

-- be submerged: got. gasiggqan* 2, ga-siggq-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. versinken, untergehen; ne. sink down, fall (V.), be submerged, become submerged, go down

-- be submissive: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

-- be sufficient: got. ganaúhan* 4, ga-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. genügen, zur Genüge versehen sein (V.) mit; ne. suffice, be enough, be sufficient

-- be sufficient in: got. ganōhnan 1, ga-nōh-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. zur Genüge versehen sein (V.), genug sein (V.); ne. be sufficient in, become sufficient in, abound in; *nōhnan?, *nōh-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. genügen; ne. be sufficient in

-- be suffocated: got. afƕapnan* 6, af-ƕap-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ersticken, erlöschen (intr.); ne. choke (V.), be suffocated, become suffocated

-- be suitable: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- be sullied: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- be superior to: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- be sure: got. aúftō 21=20, aúft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. allerdings, wohl, vielleicht, etwa; ne. in all probability, indeed, perhaps, certainly, be sure, no doubt; raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure

-- be suspended: got. hāhan* (2) 1, hāh-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hangen; ne. hang (V.), be suspended, cling to

-- be taciturn: got. þahan* 6, þah-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be taciturn, be mute, keep quiet, keep secret

-- be taken aback: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

-- be tardy: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull; sainjan* 1, sai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zögern, säumen; ne. be slow, delay (V.) (tr.), be tardy, be detained

-- be the cause of: got. gansjan* 2=1, gans-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verursachen; ne. be the cause of, generate, cause the beginning of

-- be thirsty: got. þaúrsjan* 4, þaúrs-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. dürsten; ne. make to thirst, be thirsty

-- be timid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- be together: got. miþgawisan* 1, mi-þ-ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., m. Dat.: nhd. zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.); ne. associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together

-- be together with: got. miþwisan* 1, mi-þ-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. beistehen, zu Hilfe kommen; ne. be together with, be present together with, remain with

-- be torn asunder: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

-- be torn down: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

-- be torn off: got. aftaúrnan* 1, af-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abreißen (intr.); ne. tear off, be torn off, become torn off

-- be tough: got. *tahanjan?, *tah-an-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zäh sein (V.), streiten; ne. be tough, argue, quarrel (V.)

-- be troubled: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

-- be troubled about: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

-- be tumultuously noisy: got. auhjōn* 2, auhj-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen, schreien; ne. make a noise, be tumultuously noisy, make an uproar

-- be unbound: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

-- be uncertain: got. þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- be undiscovered: got. galaugnjan 3, ga-laug-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbergen, verborgen bleiben; ne. be undiscovered, escape detection, hide (V.), be hidden, conceal (V.)

-- be unlocked: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

-- be unsettled: got. gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- be unsettled by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- be untied: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

-- be unwilling: got. unwērjan 2, un-wēr-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unwillig sein (V.), zürnen; ne. disagree, refuse to agree, be disagreeable, be unwilling

-- be upset by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- be useful: got. wisan du bōtai, got.: nhd. zum Nutzen sein (V.); ne. be useful; dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- be utterly destroyed: got. fraqistnan* 16, fra-qis-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. umkommen, zugrunde gehen, verderben (intr.); ne. be utterly destroyed, become utterly destroyed, perish (V.); *qistnan?, *qis-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zugrunde gehen; ne. be utterly destroyed

-- be valid: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail; *gildan, *gild-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. gelten; ne. be valid

-- be watchful: got. atsaíƕan* 10=9, at-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen auf, sich in Acht nehmen, sich hüten; ne. give heed, watch out, be careful, be watchful, note (V.)

-- be weak: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

-- be well-disposed: got. waila hugjan, got.: nhd. wohlgesinnt sein (V.); ne. be well-disposed

-- be worthwile: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- be wrong: got. airzeis wairþan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong; airzeis wisan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong

-- but then be it therefore: got. aþþan siai nū, got.: nhd. aber sei es; ne. but then be it therefore

-- cause to be completely happy: got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully

-- claim to be: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

-- come to be: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- consider to be: got. þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- give away to be eaten: got. fraatjan* 1, fra-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. zum Essen austeilen; ne. give away to be eaten, dispense as food

-- it may be so that: got. jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

-- it may therefore be that: got. jau nū, got.: nhd. es kann folglich sein (V.) dass; ne. it may therefore be that

-- not to be told: got. unqēþs* 1, un-qēþ-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unaussprechlich; ne. unspeakable, unutterable, not to be told

-- showing to be in the right: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

-- show to be in the right: got. gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

-- start to be: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- tested to be unsuccessful: got. ungakusans* 4, un-ga-kus-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verwerflich, nicht probehaltig; ne. unqualified, tested to be unsuccessful, unsuccessful in test

-- thought to be high: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

-- unless it be alternatively that: got. niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that; niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that

-- wohlgesinnt sein (V.);  be well-disposed: got. waila hugjan: freundlich gesinnt sein (V.), wohlgesinnt sein (V.); ne. be well-disposed

beaker -- cusped beaker: got. stikls 16, sti-k-l-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Becher, Kelch; ne. pointed drinking horn, cusped beaker, chalice

beam -- wooden beam: got. ans* (1) 3, an-s*,  st. M.? (a): nhd. Balken; ne. wooden beam

bear -- bear a grudge against: got. neiwan* 1, neiw-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. es auf jemand abgesehen haben, grollen; ne. bear a grudge against

bear -- bear away: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue

bear -- bear down on: got. disdriusan* 1, dis-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. befallen; ne. fall upon, descend upon, bear down on, beset, attack (V.)

bear -- bear forth: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue

bear -- bear fruit: got. gawrisqan* 1, ga-wri-sq-an*,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. Frucht bringen; ne. bear fruit, reach maturity, ripen, mature (V.)

bear -- bear hardship with: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

bear -- bear in mind: got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know

bear -- bear in thither: got. innatbaíran* 2, in-n-at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hineinbringen, hineintragen; ne. bear in thither, carry all the way in, bring in

bear -- bear (N.): got. *baira, *bair-a, *bera, *bere,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Bär (M.) (1); ne. bear (N.); ? *bel-,  Sb.: nhd. Streitaxt, Bär (M.) (1)?; ne. battleaxe, bear (N.)?

bear -- bear out: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue; ūtbaíran* 1, ūt-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen; ne. carry out, bear out, carry through

bear -- bear psychologically: got. frabaíran* 1, fra-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vertragen, ertragen; ne. bear psychologically, sustain psychologically, endure

bear -- bear through: got. þaírhbaíran* 1, þaír-h-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hindurchtragen; ne. carry through, bear through, produce; usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

bear -- bear up: got. hafjan* 1, haf-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. heben, aufheben; ne. hold up, bear up, lift (V.)

bear -- bear (V.): got. baíran 46=45, baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. tragen, leiden, erleiden, gebären, ertragen; ne. bear (V.), carry, bring, endure, suffer, give birth

bear -- bear (V.) (1): got. þulan 6, þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. dulden, leiden; ne. tolerate, suffer, bear (V.) (1), endure

bear -- bear witness: got. weitwōdjan 38=37, wei-t-wōd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeugen, bezeugen; ne. bear witness, testify, attest (V.)

bear -- bear witness together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

bear -- young bear: got. *hūns?, *hū-n-s?, *hūn,  st. M. (a): nhd. junger Bär; ne. young bear, cub (N.)

bearberry -- bearberry tree: got. baírabagms* 1, baír-a-bagm-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Maulbeerbaum; ne. bearberry tree, mulberry tree

beard: got. *bards (1) 1, *bard-s, bars,  bars, krim st. M.? (a): nhd. Bart; ne. beard; lat. barba; ? *grana, *gra-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bart?, Barthaar?, Zopf?; ne. beard?, plait?; ? *granō?, *gra-n-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bart?, Barthaar?, Zopf?; ne. beard?, plait?; ? granus* 1, gra-n-us*, lat.- F.: nhd. Bart?, Barthaar?, Zopf?; ne. beard?, plait?

bearer -- bearer of official tidings: got. *sagja, *sag-j-a,  M. (n): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; *sagjis, *sag-ji-s,  M. (ja): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; saio 29, sai-o, saius, lat.- M.: nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings

bearing -- patient bearing: got. usþulains* 2, us-þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geduld; ne. endurance, enduring (N.), patient bearing, patience, steadfastness

beast: got. dius* 2, diu-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. wildes Tier, Tier; ne. wild beast, beast, wild animal, animal; unbiari* 1, un-biar-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. wildes Tier, Bestie; ne. beast, wild beast, brute (N.), wild animal

-- wild beast: got. dius* 2, diu-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. wildes Tier, Tier; ne. wild beast, beast, wild animal, animal; unbiari* 1, un-biar-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. wildes Tier, Bestie; ne. beast, wild beast, brute (N.), wild animal

beat -- beat into: got. waltjan* 1, wal-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wälzen, stürzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble (V.), capsize, turn over, beat into

beat -- beat one’s breast over: got. flōkan* 1, flō-k-an*,  red. V. (5): nhd. betrauern, beklagen; ne. beat one’s breast over, bewail, mourn (V.)

beat -- beat severely: got. usbliggwan* 7, us-bli-ggw-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. durchbleuen; ne. beat severely, flog (V.), scourge (V.)

beat -- beat to death: got. bliggwan* 6, bli-gg-w-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. schlagen; ne. beat (V.), flog, strike (V.), beat to death, slay

beat -- beat (V.): got. *bautan?, *bau-t-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. stoßen, schlagen, werfen; ne. punch (V.), beat (V.); bliggwan* 6, bli-gg-w-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. schlagen; ne. beat (V.), flog, strike (V.), beat to death, slay; slahan* 10, slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. schlagen, hauen, ohrfeigen (= lōfam slahan); ne. strike (V.), beat (V.), hit (V.), smite, give a blow, wound (V.)

beaten: got. *blauþs, *blau-þ-s, *blauþus,  Adj. (a): nhd. schwach, kraftlos; ne. powerless, beaten, stricken from power

beautiful: got. gadeltha 1, ga-delth-a, krim Adj. (a): nhd. schön; ne. beautiful; lat. pulchrum; gōþs 89, gōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, schön, tüchtig; ne. good (Adj.), of good quality, kind (Adj.), beautiful; skauns* 1, s-kau-n-s*, skauneis*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anmutig; ne. beautiful, good-looking, sightly

-- equally beautiful: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

beauty -- of equal beauty: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

because: got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly; dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that; duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that; in þizei: nhd. weshalb, weil; ne. because; þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; þatei 370,  Konj.: nhd. dass, weil, als ob; ne. that, the fact that, for, because

-- and therefore because of that: got. inuh þis nū, got.: nhd. und deshalb; ne. and therefore because of that

-- because of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- because of that: got. in ƕis: nhd. warum, weshalb; ne. because of that, why

-- because of the fact that: got. in þize ei, got.: nhd. deshalb dass; ne. because of the fact that

become: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- army become subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- become adhered to: got. *haftnan?, *haf-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. angeheftet werden; ne. become adhered to

-- become afraid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- become aghast: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

-- become agitated: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- become alive: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified; *qiunan?, *qiu-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben; ne. become alive

-- become anxious: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- become awake: got. gawaknan* 1, ga-wak-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erwachen; ne. become awake, awake (V.), wake up; *waknan, *wak-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. wach werden; ne. become awake

-- become baptized: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized

-- become benefited: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

-- become better off: got. *batnan?, *bat-n-an?,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. besser werden; ne. become better off; gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

-- become blind: got. afblindnan* 1, af-bli-n-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erblinden; ne. become blind, lose (V.) one’s sight

-- become bound: got. *bundnan?, *bund-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gebunden werden; ne. be bound, become bound

-- become broken: got. *bruknan?, *bruk-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gebrochen werden; ne. become broken

-- become broken off: got. usbruknan* 3, us-bruk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ausgebrochen werden, abgebrochen werden; ne. break off, become broken off

-- become brought to fulfillment: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- become burnt up: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- become clad with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- become closed: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

-- become clothed over with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- become commodious: got. urrūmnan* 2, ur-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern, aufgehen; ne. become spacious, become commodious, enlarge, widen, open wide

-- become configured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- become consumed with flame: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- become contaminated: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- become contoured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

-- become converted: got. gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

-- become corrupt: got. frawaírþan* 1, fra-waír-þ-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verderben (intr.), zugrunde gehen; ne. degenerate, spoil (V.), perish (intr.), become corrupt; riureis wairþan, got.: nhd. verdorben werden; ne. become corrupt

-- become cowardly: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- become dark: got. riqizjan* 1, riq-i-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. finster werden, dunkel werden; ne. be dark, become dark

-- become deaf: got. bauþs wairþan: nhd. taub werden, fade werden; ne. become deaf

-- become depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- become dirty: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty; *saulnan, *saul-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. schmutzig werden; ne. become dirty

-- become dismantled: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

-- become disordered: got. gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered; indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

-- become disturbed: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- become diverted: got. uswandjan* 3, us-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wegwenden, sich entziehen, verfallen (V.), abweichen (V.) (2); ne. turn away, become diverted, withdraw, deviate

-- become downcast: got. gahnipnan* 1, ga-hni-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich betrüben; ne. become downcast, become gloomy, be sorrowful; *hnipnan?, *hni-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich betrüben, trauern; ne. become downcast, become gloomy

-- become dry: got. gaþaúrsnan* 5, ga-þaúrs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up, wither, be parched; *þaursnan?, *þaurs-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up

-- become dumbfounded: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- become elevated: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- become exalted: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- become excessively exalted: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- become fat: got. *þiqjan?, *þiq-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. dick werden; ne. become fat

-- become filled: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled

-- become filled up: got. gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up; usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- become formed: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- become frightened: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared; *þlahsnan?, *þlahs-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened

-- become fulfilled: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- become full: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled; gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up

-- become furious: got. *grimman?, *grim-m-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergrimmen, zürnen; ne. become furious, incense (V.)

-- become furrowed: got. *snaírpan?, *snaír-p-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zusammenziehen, sich biegen, krümmen; ne. shrivel, become wrinkled, become furrowed, shrink up, curl up

-- become gloomy: got. gahnipnan* 1, ga-hni-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich betrüben; ne. become downcast, become gloomy, be sorrowful; *hnipnan?, *hni-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich betrüben, trauern; ne. become downcast, become gloomy

-- become glorified: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- become great: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

-- become greater: got. aukan* 1, auk-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. sich mehren, sich vermehren; ne. become greater, increase (V.)

-- become hallowed: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- become hardened: got. afdaubnan* 1, af-dau-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ertauben, verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened; *daubnan?, *dau-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened

-- become healed: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health; hailjan sik, got.: nhd. geheilt werden; ne. become healed; *hailnan?, *hai-l-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. geheilt werden; ne. become healed

-- become holy: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- become increased: got. auknan* 1, auk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich mehren, dargebracht werden; ne. become increased, grow larger

-- become large: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

-- become left: got. aflifnan* 8, af-li-f-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. be left, become left, be left over, remain (V.)

-- become less: got. minznan 3, mi-n-z-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abnehmen, sich mindern; ne. diminish, become less, decrease (V.)

-- become lifeless: got. diwan* 3, diw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sterben; ne. lose (V.) all energy, become lifeless

-- become like: got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to

-- become lost: got. fralusnan* 3, fra-lu-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verloren gehen, verloren werden; ne. be lost, become lost, perish

-- become magnified: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

-- become marveled at: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

-- become mute: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?; gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret

-- become numb: got. afdaubnan* 1, af-dau-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ertauben, verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened; *daubnan?, *dau-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened

-- become opened: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

-- become opulent: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

-- become overly raised up: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- become patterned: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

-- become poured out: got. *gutnan?, *gu-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gegossen werden; ne. become poured out, become spilled out; usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- become promulgated: got. usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

-- become public: got. *mērnan?, *mē-r-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bekannt werden; ne. become public; usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

-- become quiescent: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

-- become quiet: got. anaslawan* 1, an-a-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, still werden; ne. become silent, become tranquil, become quiet

-- become raised high: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- become raised on high: got. *hauhnan?, *hau-h-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erhöht werden; ne. become raised on high

-- become reconciled to: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to; gasibjōn 1, ga-si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to; *gawaírþnan?, *ga-waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. versöhnt werden, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with; *sibjōn, *si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to; *waírþnan?, *waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. friedlich machen, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with

-- become released: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied; andlētnan 1, and-lē-t-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. scheiden, abscheiden, entlassen werden, aufgelöst werden, sich auflösen, sich losmachen; ne. be released, become released, separate (V.), die

-- become removed: got. *lusnan?, *lu-s-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gelöst werden?; ne. become removed

-- become rent asunder: got. dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hnupnan?, *hnu-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. burst (V.), be rent asunder, become rent asunder

-- become restless: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

-- become restored to health: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health

-- become revivified: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- become rich: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

-- become rigid: got. gastaúrknan* 1, ga-staúr-k-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vertrocknen, verdorren; ne. become rigid, stiffen, wither (V.); *staúrknan?, *staúr-k-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verdorren; ne. become rigid

-- become riven: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

-- become sanctified: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- become saved: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.)

-- become scared: got. gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared

-- become scorched: got. ufbrinnan* 1, uf-bri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. burn up, become scorched

-- become separated: got. gaskaidnan* 1, ga-skai-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced; *skaidnan?, *skai-d-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced

-- become shut: got. *lūknan, *lūk-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich schließen; ne. be shut, become shut

-- become shut up: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

-- become sick: got. suqnan*, suqn-an*, suknan*?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. krank werden; ne. become sick, sicken

-- become silenced off: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- become silent: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; anaslawan* 1, an-a-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, still werden; ne. become silent, become tranquil, become quiet; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?

-- become spacious: got. *rūmnan, *rū-m-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. Platz werden; ne. become spacious; urrūmnan* 2, ur-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern, aufgehen; ne. become spacious, become commodious, enlarge, widen, open wide; usrūmnan* 1, us-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern; ne. become spacious

-- become speechless: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- become spilled out: got. *gutnan?, *gu-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gegossen werden; ne. become poured out, become spilled out; usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- become split apart: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

-- become spotted: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- become still: got. afdumbnan* 1, af-du-m-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. become still, subside into silence, fall off into dumbness; gaslawan* 1, ga-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. schweigen, verstummen; ne. become still, quiet down

-- become strengthened: got. gaswinþnan 1, ga-swinþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erstarken, stark werden; ne. become strong, wax strong, become strengthened

-- become strong: got. *abrjan?, *ab-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stark werden; ne. become strong; gaswinþnan 1, ga-swinþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erstarken, stark werden; ne. become strong, wax strong, become strengthened; inswinþjan sik: nhd. sich stark erweisen; ne. be strong, become strong; swinþnan* 2, swinþ-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. stark werden; ne. become strong

-- become submerged: got. gasiggqan* 2, ga-siggq-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. versinken, untergehen; ne. sink down, fall (V.), be submerged, become submerged, go down

-- become sufficient in: got. ganōhnan 1, ga-nōh-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. zur Genüge versehen sein (V.), genug sein (V.); ne. be sufficient in, become sufficient in, abound in

-- become suffocated: got. afƕapnan* 6, af-ƕap-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ersticken, erlöschen (intr.); ne. choke (V.), be suffocated, become suffocated

-- become sullied: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- become taciturn: got. gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret

-- become timid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- become torn asunder: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

-- become torn down: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

-- become torn off: got. aftaúrnan* 1, af-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abreißen (intr.); ne. tear off, be torn off, become torn off

-- become tranquil: got. anaslawan* 1, an-a-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, still werden; ne. become silent, become tranquil, become quiet

-- become troubled: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

-- become unbound: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

-- become unlocked: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

-- become unsettled: got. gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- become untied: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

-- become utterly destroyed: got. fraqistnan* 16, fra-qis-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. umkommen, zugrunde gehen, verderben (intr.); ne. be utterly destroyed, become utterly destroyed, perish (V.)

-- become wrinkled: got. *snaírpan?, *snaír-p-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zusammenziehen, sich biegen, krümmen; ne. shrivel, become wrinkled, become furrowed, shrink up, curl up

-- cause to become: got. briggan 39, bri-g-g-an,  unr. st. V., sw. V.: nhd. bringen, führen machen; ne. bring, lead (V.), conduct (V.), render, cause to become

-- start to become disturbed: got. indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

becoming -- it ist becoming: got. gaqimiþ: nhd. es ziemt sich; ne. it ist becoming, it is befitting

becoming -- not becoming extinguished: got. unƕapnands* 3, un-ƕap-n-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unauslöschlich; ne. quenchless, undying, not becoming extinguished, unquenchable, inextinguishable

becomingly: got. *fēhaba?, *fēh-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, pleasant-appearingly, decorously, becomingly; gafēhaba 1, ga-fēh-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, decorously, becomingly; waírþaba 4, waír-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. wert, würdig; ne. worthily, becomingly

bed -- bed (N.): got. badi* 7, bad-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Bett; ne. bed (N.), pallet; ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

bedroom: got. hēþjō* 1, hē-þ-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kammer; ne. chamber, cubicle, bedroom

„beeing -- „beeing beside the way“: got. *ussinþs?, *us-sinþ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. „außer dem Weg befindlich“, besonders; ne. „beeing beside the way“, particular

been -- have been discontinued: got. inwisan (?)* 1, in-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. bevorstehen (?), da sein (V.) (?); ne. have been discontinued, be elapsed, be no longer

befitting -- it is befitting: got. gaqimiþ: nhd. es ziemt sich; ne. it ist becoming, it is befitting

before: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to; faúrþizei 9, faúrþ-iz-ei,  Konj.: nhd. bevor, ehe; ne. before, before the time when; fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about

-- area before the town gates: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

-- before everything: got. frumist 14, fru-m-ist,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. zuerst; ne. firstly, at first, before everything, first of all

-- before that: got. faúrþis 23, faúrþ-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. zuvor, früher, vorher; ne. earlier, before that, beforehand, aforetime

-- before the face of: got. in andwairþja: nhd. vor; ne. before the face of, in the presence of, facing

-- before the lapse of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- before the time when: got. faúrþizei 9, faúrþ-iz-ei,  Konj.: nhd. bevor, ehe; ne. before, before the time when

-- bring before the eyes of: got. ataugjan 23, at-aug-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. zeigen, erscheinen (=sik ataugjan); ne. bring before the eyes of, show to

-- come before: got. faúraqiman* 1, faúr-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vorgehen, vor jemand hergehen; ne. precede s.o., come in advance, come before, go before

-- day before Sabbath: got. fruma sabbatō: nhd. Vorsabbat, Tag vor dem Sabbat; ne. day before Sabbath

-- delineate before: got. faúramēljan* 1, faúr-a-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorzeichnen, vormalen, vor Augen malen; ne. depict in front of, delineate before, display publicly

-- from before: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew

-- go before: got. faúragaggan 6=5, faúr-a-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorangehen, vorstehen; ne. go before, precede, go in front of, preside over, govern; faúraqiman* 1, faúr-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vorgehen, vor jemand hergehen; ne. precede s.o., come in advance, come before, go before; faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

-- hang before: got. *faúrhāhan?, *faúr-hāh-an?,  red. V. (3): nhd. vorhängen; ne. hang before

-- hasten on before: got. faúrbisniwan* 1, faúr-bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorangehen, zuvorkommen; ne. speed on ahead, hasten on before, precede

-- lay before: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at; faúrlagjan 3, faúr-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorlegen, vorsetzen; ne. lay before, set in front of, put forth, place before; ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

-- make roll up before: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

-- place before: got. faúrlagjan 3, faúr-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorlegen, vorsetzen; ne. lay before, set in front of, put forth, place before

-- put a seal before: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

-- put before: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

-- put before the eyes: got. augjan* 2, aug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeigen; ne. put before the eyes, show (V.), exhibit

-- run before: got. faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

-- run up before: got. duatrinnan* 1, du-at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzurennen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up before

-- set before: got. atsatjan 3, at-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darstellen; ne. present (V.), set before; faúragasatjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „vorsetzen“, vorstellen, darstellen; ne. set before, present (V.), bring to

-- space before the door: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

-- stand before: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise; *faúrstandan?, *faúr-sta-n-d-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. vorstehen; ne. stand before

-- tell before: got. fauraqiþan* 9=8, faur-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorhersagen; ne. tell before, tell beforehand, foretell the future, prophesy

-- write before: got. faúragamēljan* 2, faúr-a-ga-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherschreiben, verkünden; ne. write before, write beforehand

beforehand: got. faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to; faúrþis 23, faúrþ-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. zuvor, früher, vorher; ne. earlier, before that, beforehand, aforetime

-- announce beforehand: got. faúragateihan* 2, faúr-a-ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. vorherverkünden, vorhersagen; ne. announce beforehand, know beforehand, tell beforehand

-- be pleasing to beforehand: got. faúragaleikan* 1, faúr-a-ga-leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. vorher gefallen; ne. be pleasing to beforehand, please beforehand, set forth

-- decree beforehand: got. *faúragaraidjan 1, *faúr-a-ga-rai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen?; ne. enjoin in advance, mandate beforehand, decree beforehand

-- do beforehand: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

-- finish preparing beforehand: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand

-- hope beforehand: got. faúrawēnjan* 2=1, faúr-a-wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorher hoffen; ne. hope beforehand

-- intend beforehand: got. faúragarēdan* 3=2, faúr-a-ga-rē-d-an*,  red. abl. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen; ne. purpose in advance, intend beforehand, predetermine

-- know beforehand: got. faúragateihan* 2, faúr-a-ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. vorherverkünden, vorhersagen; ne. announce beforehand, know beforehand, tell beforehand

-- make ready beforehand: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand; faúramanwjan* 1, faúr-a-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorbereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand

-- make up one’s mind beforehand: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth

-- mandate beforehand: got. *faúragaraidjan 1, *faúr-a-ga-rai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen?; ne. enjoin in advance, mandate beforehand, decree beforehand

-- pass judgement beforehand: got. *faúrdōmjan?, *faúr-dō-m-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorher urteilen; ne. pre-judge (V.), pass judgement beforehand

-- please beforehand: got. faúragaleikan* 1, faúr-a-ga-leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. vorher gefallen; ne. be pleasing to beforehand, please beforehand, set forth

-- promise beforehand: got. faúragahaitan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zuvor verheißen; ne. promise beforehand, pre-announce as a pledge, foretell

-- take an attitude beforehand: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth

-- tell beforehand: got. faúragateihan* 2, faúr-a-ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. vorherverkünden, vorhersagen; ne. announce beforehand, know beforehand, tell beforehand; fauraqiþan* 9=8, faur-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorhersagen; ne. tell before, tell beforehand, foretell the future, prophesy

-- write beforehand: got. faúragamēljan* 2, faúr-a-ga-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherschreiben, verkünden; ne. write before, write beforehand

beg: got. aihtrōn 5, aih-tr-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. beten, betteln, erbitten, für sich verlangen; ne. beg, pray, request for oneself, beseech, supplicate; *aiskōn?, *ais-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fragen, fordern; ne. ask, ask for, beg, demand (V.), look for; bidai anahaitan: nhd. anrufen, bitten; ne. call on, ask, beg; bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for

beget: got. ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

begetting: got. ussateins* 1, us-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ursprung; ne. semination, seeding (N.), sowing (N.) (2), engendering, begetting, origin

beggar: got. bidagwa 1, bid-ag-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Bettler; ne. beggar

-- beggar (M.): got. þarba, M.: nhd. Bettler; ne. beggar (M.)

begging -- assume a begging position: got. knussjan* 2, knu-s-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niederfallen?, auf die Knie fallen, knien; ne. fall on one’s knee, assume a begging position

begging -- assuming a begging position: got. kniwam knussjands, got.: nhd. mit den Knien Bittstellung einnehmend; ne. assuming a begging position

begin -- begin quaking: got. inreiran* 1, in-reir-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erzittern, erbeben; ne. come to shake, begin quaking, tremble (V.)

begin -- begin to be troubled: got. indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

begin -- begin (V.): got. anastōdjan* 9, an-a-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben, beginnen; ne. begin (V.), start (V.); duginnan* 47=46, du-gi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. beginnen, anfangen, versuchen, (werden); ne. begin (V.), attempt, undertake, shall being; dustōdjan* 5=4, du-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben; ne. start (V.), begin (V.), commence, make a beginning; *ginnan, *gi-n-n-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. beginnen; ne. begin (V.)

beginning -- beginning (N.): got. anastōdeins 13, an-a-stō-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Anfang; ne. beginning (N.), commencement, start (N.); *frum?, *fru-m?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anfang; ne. beginning (N.), start (N.), inception; *frumei, *fru-m-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Anfang; ne. beginning (N.), start (N.); frumisti* 3, fru-m-ist-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Anfang; ne. outset, beginning (N.), start (N.)

beginning -- cause the beginning of: got. gansjan* 2=1, gans-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verursachen; ne. be the cause of, generate, cause the beginning of

beginning -- make a beginning: got. dustōdjan* 5=4, du-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben; ne. start (V.), begin (V.), commence, make a beginning

beguile: got. lutōn* 1, lut-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. täuschen, betrügen, Verführer (= lutōnds); ne. deceive, delude, beguile, deceiver (= lutōnds); uslutōn* 9, us-lut-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verführen, irreführen; ne. deceive, delude, beguile, mislead

beguiling: got. birūnains* 1, bi-rū-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Nachstellung, Anschlag; ne. plotting (N.), intrigue (N.), beguiling

behalf -- on behalf of: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of

behave: got. usmitan 6, us-mi-t-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. wandeln, leben, sich benehmen; ne. behave, comport o.s., conduct o.s.

-- behave disgracefully: got. aiwiskōn* 1, aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schändlich handeln; ne. behave disgracefully, treat shamefully

behaviour: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

behead: got. afmaitan* 8, af-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. abhauen, abschneiden; ne. cut off, sever, amputate, chop off, behead

behest: got. haiti* 2, hai-t-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Geheiß, Befehl; ne. behest, order (N.), command (N.), promise (N.)

behind: got. afta 1, af-t-a,  Adv.: nhd. hinten; ne. behind; hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind; hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- from behind: got. aftana 1, af-ta-na,  Adv.: nhd. von hinten; ne. from behind; *aftarō 3, *af-ta-r-ō,  Adv.: nhd. von hinten, hinten; ne. in back of, from behind

-- leave behind: got. bilaibjan* 1, bi-lai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übriglassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining; bileiþan* 26, bi-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. verlassen (V.), zurücklassen, hinterlassen; ne. leave behind, relinquish, abandon (V.); *laibjan, *lai-b-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übrig lassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining

-- what remains behind: got. bilaif* 1, bi-lai-f*, bilaifs* 1?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Überrest, Rest; ne. what remains behind, surviving remnant, remains (N.)

behold: got. þaírhsaíƕan* 1, þaír-h-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. durchschauen, im Spiegel erblicken; ne. look through a mirror, behold; þaruh sai: nhd. und siehe da; ne. and see there, behold; *wleitan?, *wlei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. sehen; ne. look (V.), behold

-- behold (Interj.): got. sai 101,  Adv., Interj.: nhd. siehe (Interj.); ne. see (Interj.), look (Interj.), behold (Interj.)

-- behold (Konj.): got. sai nū: nhd. folglich, also; ne. therefore, behold (Konj.)

being -- be in being: got. wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

being -- being (N.): got. *wēsei?, *wē-s-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sein; ne. being (N.); wists* 9, wi-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wesen, Natur; ne. essence, inherent nature, being (N.)

being -- being present: got. andwaírþs 9, and-waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gegenwärtig; ne. present (Adj.), being present

being -- being puffed up: got. ufswalleins* 1, uf-swal-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō),: nhd. Aufgeblasenheit, Hochmut; ne. swelling up, swollenness, bloatedness, vanity, being puffed up

being -- female being: got. qinein* 1, qin-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Frauenzimmer, Weibchen; ne. female (F.), female being, silly woman

being -- human being: got. manna (1) 316, man-n-a,  unr. M.: nhd. Mensch, Mann, m-Rune; ne. man (M.), human being, person, name of m-rune

being -- inner being: got. haírþra 2, haír-þ-r-a,  N. (a) Pl.: nhd. Eingeweide, Herz, Inneres; ne. intestines, viscera, entrails, heart, bosom, inner being

being -- male human being: got. guma 4, gum-a,  st. M. (n): nhd. Mann; ne. male human being, man (M.)

being -- shall being: got. duginnan* 47=46, du-gi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. beginnen, anfangen, versuchen, (werden); ne. begin (V.), attempt, undertake, shall being

belief: got. galaubeins (1) 104, ga-laub-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Glaube; ne. belief, faith

believe: got. galaubjan 146=145, ga-laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, anvertrauen; ne. believe, permit, have faith in, be confident of, have confidence in; miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe; munan* (1) 19, mun-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. meinen, glauben, dafür halten; ne. reckon, believe, suppose, consider, deem (V.), think; þugkjan* 23, þugk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, meinen, gelten, erscheinen, dünken; ne. have the impression, suppose, opine (V.), deem (V.), it seems (=þugkeiþ), believe, appear

-- not believe: got. ni galaubjan, got.: nhd. nicht glauben; ne. not believe

believing: got. galaubeins* (2) 1, ga-laub-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gläubig; ne. believing, faithful

bell -- bell (1): got. *skilla?, *s-kil-l-a?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schelle, Glocke; ne. bell (1)

belly: got. *būks, *bū-k-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Bauch; ne. stomach, belly; qiþus* 4, qi-þ-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Magen, Mutterschoß, Bauch; ne. stomach, belly, womb

-- belly (N.): got. wamba 11, wamb-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bauch, Schoß (F.) (1), Leib; ne. viscera, womb, uterus, internal abdominal organs, belly (N.)

belongings: got. aigin* 6, aig-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eigentum, Vermögen; ne. belongings, possessions, property; aihts* 2, aih-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Eigentum, Besitz, Habe, Gut; ne. belongings, property, possessions

beloved: got. *freiþs?, *frei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. hübsch, schön; ne. nice, pleasant, dear, beloved, attractive; liufs* 23, liuf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lieb, geliebt; ne. beloved, dear (Adj.), loved (Adj.); walisa* 5, wa-l-is-a*, valis*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. echt, lauter, geliebt; ne. chosen (Adj.), espoused, beloved, genuine

-- beloved person: got. *hulþa, *hul-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Holder; ne. beloved person, sweetheart (M.); *hulþō?, *hul-þ-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Holde; ne. beloved person, sweetheart (F.)

below: got. dalaþa 1, dal-aþ-a,  Adv.: nhd. unten; ne. below, beneath, down below

-- down below: got. dalaþa 1, dal-aþ-a,  Adv.: nhd. unten; ne. below, beneath, down below

-- from below: got. dalaþrō 1, dal-aþ-rō,  Adv.: nhd. von unten, unten; ne. from below, from beneath

belt -- belt (N.): got. gaírda* 2, gaír-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gürtel, Gurt; ne. belt (N.), girdle (N.); *strigga, *stri-gg-a,  Sb.: nhd. Nessel, Riemen (M.) (1); ne. belt (N.), strap (N.)

bench: got. *bagks?, *bagk-s?,  st. M. (i?): nhd. Bank (F.) (1); ne. bench

bend -- bend downcast: got. hneiwan 1, hnei-w-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. sich neigen; ne. decline, bend downcast, turn downcast

bend -- bend down to: got. anahneiwan* 2, an-a-hnei-w-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich niederbeugen, sich neigen, sich bücken; ne. bend down to, stoop down to, bow (V.) (1)

bend -- bend (V.): got. biugan* 2, biug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. beugen, sich beugen; ne. bow (V.), bend (V.); gabiugan* 1, ga-biug-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. beugen; ne. bend (V.), curve (V.)

beneath: got. dalaþa 1, dal-aþ-a,  Adv.: nhd. unten; ne. below, beneath, down below; uf 37,  Präp.: nhd. unter; ne. under, underneath, beneath; undarō 2, undar-ō,  Präp., m. Dat.: nhd. unter; ne. under, beneath

-- from beneath: got. dalaþrō 1, dal-aþ-rō,  Adv.: nhd. von unten, unten; ne. from below, from beneath

-- spread beneath: got. ufstraujan* 1, uf-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darunterstreuen, unterbreiten; ne. strew down, scatter down, spread beneath

benediction: got. þiuþiqiss* 1, þiu-þ-i-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Segen, Segnung; ne. benediction, blessing (N.); waílaqiss* 1, waíl-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Segen; ne. benediction, blessing (N.), benefaction, donation, bounty

-- confer benediction: got. þiuþjan* 19, þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. segnen; ne. bless (V.), confer benediction, pronounce good upon

-- confer benediction upon: got. gaþiuþjan* 4, ga-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. segnen, den Segen geben; ne. confer benediction upon, bless (V.)

benefaction: got. aíwlaúgia* 1, aíw-laúg-i-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Segen, Spende; ne. blessing (N.), benefaction, charitable contribution, gift (N.), donation; þiuþeins* 4, þiu-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Güte, Segen; ne. beneficence, good-doing, blessing (N.), benefaction, goodness, generosity; waíladēþs* 1, waíl-a-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohltat; ne. benefit (N.), benefaction, well-doint (N.), good deed; waílaqiss* 1, waíl-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Segen; ne. benediction, blessing (N.), benefaction, donation, bounty

benefactory: got. *þiuþs?, *þiu-þ-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. gut; ne. benevolent, benefactory, beneficial

beneficence: got. ansts 68=65, an-st-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude, Dank, Gnade, Gunst, Gnadengabe; ne. beneficence, graciousness, grace, joy (N.), thanks, gift (N.), favour (N.), blessing; þiuþeins* 4, þiu-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Güte, Segen; ne. beneficence, good-doing, blessing (N.), benefaction, goodness, generosity

beneficent: got. ansteigs 1, an-st-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gnädig, günstig; ne. beneficent, gracious

beneficial: got. þiuþeigs 17, þiu-þ-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, gepriesen; ne. good, perfect, beneficial, laudable, praised, blessed; *þiuþs?, *þiu-þ-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. gut; ne. benevolent, benefactory, beneficial

-- be beneficial: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

benefit -- benefit (N.): got. *bata, *bat-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nutzen, Vorteil; ne. benefit (N.), worthiness, avail (N.), advantage, profit (N.); bōta* 3, bōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Nutzen; ne. advantage (N.), benefit (N.), good (N.), aid (N.), usefulness, profit (N.); waíladēþs* 1, waíl-a-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohltat; ne. benefit (N.), benefaction, well-doint (N.), good deed

benefit -- benefit (V.): got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.); gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage; timrjan* 9, tim-r-jan*, timbrjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bauen, zimmern, erbauen; ne. build (V.), construct (V.), strengthen, benefit (V.), edify

benefit -- derive benefit: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

benefited -- be benefited: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

benefited -- become benefited: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

benevolence: got. bleiþei 4, ble-i-þ-ei,  st. F. (n): nhd. Wohlwollen, Güte, Mitleid, Erbarmen; ne. benevolence, good will, kind-heartedness, mercy (N.), clemency; sēlei 8, sēl-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tüchtigkeit, Güte, Milde; ne. kindness, benevolence, benignity, goodness, usefulness

benevolent: got. sēls 3, sēl-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gut, gütig, tauglich; ne. kind (Adj.), benevolent, benign, good, useful; *þiuþs?, *þiu-þ-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. gut; ne. benevolent, benefactory, beneficial

benign: got. sēls 3, sēl-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gut, gütig, tauglich; ne. kind (Adj.), benevolent, benign, good, useful

benignity: got. sēlei 8, sēl-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tüchtigkeit, Güte, Milde; ne. kindness, benevolence, benignity, goodness, usefulness

bequest -- bequest (N.): got. triggwa 8=7, triggw-a,  st. F. (ō) (wō): nhd. Bündnis, Bund; ne. bequest (N.), testament (N.), entrustment, covenant

berate: got. anahaitan* 6, an-a-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. anrufen, bitten, schelten; ne. call on, call upon, invoke (V.), reprimand (V.), upbraid, berate, scold (V.); láian* (?) 1, lá-i-an*, lauan* (?),  red. abl.? V. (6?), m. Dat.: nhd. schmähen; ne. berate, revile, rail at, despise

berry: got. basi*, ba-s-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beere; ne. berry

beseech: got. aihtrōn 5, aih-tr-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. beten, betteln, erbitten, für sich verlangen; ne. beg, pray, request for oneself, beseech, supplicate; *bidan?, *bid-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. bitten; ne. ask for, beseech; bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for

beseige: got. dissitan* 3, dis-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. ergreifen, überfallen; ne. beseige, beset, take possession of by attack, seize

beset: got. disdriusan* 1, dis-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. befallen; ne. fall upon, descend upon, bear down on, beset, attack (V.); dissitan* 3, dis-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. ergreifen, überfallen; ne. beseige, beset, take possession of by attack, seize

beshadow: got. *gaskadwjan?, *ga-skad-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschatten, bedecken; ne. cover with shadow, shade (V.), beshadow; *skadwjan?, *skad-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschatten; ne. cover with shadow, shade (V.), beshadow

beside: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

-- „beeing beside the way“: got. *ussinþs?, *us-sinþ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. „außer dem Weg befindlich“, besonders; ne. „beeing beside the way“, particular

besides: got. auk 286=285,  Konj.: nhd. denn, nämlich, aber, auch, und; ne. furthermore, moreover, besides, for, but, also, since

besmear: got. bismeitan* 1, bi-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreichen, beschmieren, aufstreichen; ne. besmear, anoint, smear on, daub on

best: got. batista, batists*, (sw.) Adj. (Superl.): nhd. beste; ne. best; maists 7, ma-i-s-t-s,  Adj. (a), Superl.: nhd. meiste, größte, höchste; ne. greatest, chief (Adj.), best

bestow: got. fragiban 25, fra-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. vergeben, verleihen, schenken, geben, gewähren; ne. give (V.), grant (V.), remit (V.), forgive, pardon (V.), bestow

-- bestow by argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

bestowal: got. fragifts* 3, fra-gif-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verleihung, Verlobung, Gabe; ne. gift (N.), grant (N.), betrothal, presentation, bestowal, giving away, plightedness, engagement

betake: got. athaban* (sik du) 1, at-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. „anhalten“, nähern; ne. betake, approach (V.)

-- betake o.s.: got. athaban sik du: nhd. sich nähern; ne. betake o.s., come to

-- betake o.s. away: got. ushafjan sik, got.: nhd. sich wegbegeben; ne. betake o.s. away

-- betake o.s. to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to

betray: got. fralēwjan* 1, fra-lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy, betray; galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

-- betray in an act of opportunism: got. lēwjan* 3, lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. betray in an act of opportunism, hand over in an opportunistic deal

betroth: got. gawadjōn* 1, ga-wad-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zusammenfügen, verloben; ne. pledge (V.), betroth, plight (V.), promise (V.); *wadjōn, *wad-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verloben; ne. betroth

betrothal: got. fragifts* 3, fra-gif-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verleihung, Verlobung, Gabe; ne. gift (N.), grant (N.), betrothal, presentation, bestowal, giving away, plightedness, engagement

better -- become better off: got. *batnan?, *bat-n-an?,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. besser werden; ne. become better off; gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

better -- better (Adj.): got. *batis, *bat-is, *bats?,  Adj.: nhd. gut, bessere; ne. good, better (Adj.); batiza* 11, bat-iz-a*,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. bessere; ne. better (Adj.); *ius?,  Adv.: nhd. besser; ne. better (Adj.); iusiza 1, ius-iza,  Adj.: nhd. besser, vorzüglicher; ne. better (Adj.), superior

better -- better (V.): got. *iusilōn?, *ius-il-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bessern, erleichtern; ne. improve, better (V.), ameliorate

better -- make better: got. gabōtjan* 1, ga-bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbessern, herstellen; ne. make good, improve, make better, repair (V.), restore

betterment: got. iusila 2, ius-il-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erholung, Besserung; ne. improvement, amelioration, betterment, ease (N.)

between: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

-- between both frontiers: got. miþ tweihnaim markōm, got.: nhd. zwischen beiden Grenzen; ne. between both frontiers

-- establish peace between: got. gafriþōn 5, ga-fri-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versöhnen; ne. establish peace between, establish peace among, reconcile

bevainglorious: got. flautjan* 1, flaut-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. prahlen; ne. bevainglorious, boast (V.), brag (V.)

beverage: got. *drugks?, *dru-g-k-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Trank; ne. drink (N.), something drunk, beverage

-- fermented beverage: got. leiþu* 1, lei-þ-u*,  st. N. (u): nhd. Obstwein; ne. cider, fermented beverage, strong drink

bewail: got. flōkan* 1, flō-k-an*,  red. V. (5): nhd. betrauern, beklagen; ne. beat one’s breast over, bewail, mourn (V.); gaunōn 3, gau-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. klagen, Totenklage anstimmen; ne. lament (V.), bewail, sing a dirge, wail in mourning; qainōn 4, qai-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. weinen (intr.), trauern (intr.), beweinen (tr.), betrauern (tr.); ne. wail (V.), mourn, lament (V.), bewail, mourn over, sorrow (V.); *wainjan, *wai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weinen; ne. bewail, lament; *wainōn, *wai-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. weinen; ne. bewail, lament

beware: got. saiƕan faura, got.: nhd. sich hüten vor; ne. beware; *warōn, *war-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. beachten; ne. beware

bewildered: got. usfilma* 2, us-fil-m-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. erschrocken, entsetzt; ne. shaken, struck, amazed, bewildered, frightened, astonished

-- bewildered stupor: got. *films?, *fil-m-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schrecken; ne. bewildered stupor, astonishment, amazement

bewilderment: got. usfilmei 2, us-fil-m-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Entsetzen; ne. amazement, bewilderment, astonishment

bewitch: got. afhugjan* 1, af-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezaubern; ne. lead astray the understanding of, bewitch; *inweitjan?, *in-wei-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anbeten, behexen; ne. adore, worship (V.), bewitch

beyond: got. hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind; hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of; ufarjaina 1, uf-ar-jain-a,  Adv.: nhd. darüber hinaus; ne. beyond, over beyond

-- beyond accusation: got. unfaírina* 2, un-faír-in-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos, außer Schuld, ohne Tadel; ne. unimpeachable, blameless, beyond accusation, unassailable, unblamable

-- beyond reproach: got. usfaírina 3, us-faír-in-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos; ne. outside of culpability, beyond reproach, blameless

-- climb up beyond: got. ufarsteigan* 1, uf-ar-steig-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. darüber emporsteigen; ne. climb up beyond, surpass in climbing, go up

-- develop beyond: got. ufarþeihan* 1, uf-ar-þei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. surpass (V.), develop beyond, expand beyond, excel

-- expand beyond: got. ufarþeihan* 1, uf-ar-þei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. surpass (V.), develop beyond, expand beyond, excel

-- farther beyond: got. framis 2, fra-m-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. weiter; ne. further, farther beyond

-- go beyond: got. ufargaggan 5, uf-ar-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. etwas übertreten, übergreifen, überschreiten; ne. transgress (V.), overstep (V.), trespass (V.), go beyond, cross over

-- over beyond: got. ufarjaina 1, uf-ar-jain-a,  Adv.: nhd. darüber hinaus; ne. beyond, over beyond

bias -- partisan bias: got. wiljahalþei 3, wi-l-j-a-hal-þ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Parteilichkeit, Zuneigung, Gunst; ne. partisan inclination, partisan bias, partiality

bickering -- continuous bickering: got. usbalþei* 1, us-bal-þ-ei*, usbalþeins?,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (i/ō)?: nhd. Frechheit, fortwährende Zänkerei; ne. insolence, arrogance, continuous bickering

bid -- bid come: got. athaitan* 14, at-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. herzurufen; ne. summon (V.), call to one’s side, bid come; atlaþōn* 2, at-la-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. berufen (V.), einladen (V.) (1), laden (V.) (1); ne. call to, bid come, call together, invite; laþōn 19, la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einladen (V.) (2); ne. call (V.), summon (V.), bid come, invite

bid -- bid convene: got. galaþōn 9, ga-la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenberufen, einladen (V.) (2), berufen (V.); ne. call together, convoke, bid convene, call (V.), invite

bid -- bid farewell: got. twisstandan* 2=1, twi-s-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich trennen, Abschied nehmen von; ne. bid farewell, take leave, depart (V.)

bid -- bid (V.): got. anabiudan* 40, an-a-biud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. entbieten, befehlen, anordnen; ne. bid (V.), command (V.), instruct, order (V.); *biudan, *biud-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. bieten, entbieten; ne. bid (V.); haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.)

bier: got. ƕilftrjōs* 1, ƕilftrjōns, ƕilf-tr-jō-s*, ƕilf-tr-jōn-s*,  st. F. (jō/i), sw. F. (n): nhd. Totenkiste, Sarg; ne. coffin, bier

billet: got. *kluba, *klub-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Kloben, Kluppe, gespaltener Zweig; ne. log (N.), billet

bind: got. bindan* 1, bind-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. binden; ne. bind

-- bind about: got. bibindan* 1, bi-bind-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umbinden, umwickeln; ne. bind about, bind around, bind up

-- bind around: got. bibindan* 1, bi-bind-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umbinden, umwickeln; ne. bind about, bind around, bind up

-- bind fast: got. gabindan 18, ga-bind-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. binden; ne. bind (V.), bind fast

-- bind together: got. gawidan* 1, ga-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5),: nhd. zusammenbinden, verbinden; ne. conjoin, unite, bind together

-- bind up: got. bibindan* 1, bi-bind-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umbinden, umwickeln; ne. bind about, bind around, bind up

-- bind up the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

-- bind up the mouth of: got. faúrmūljan* 1, faúr-mū-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. das Maul verbinden; ne. muzzle (V.), bind up the mouth of

-- bind (V.): got. gabindan 18, ga-bind-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. binden; ne. bind (V.), bind fast; *waipjan?, *waip-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. binden?; ne. tie (V.), bind (V.); ? *widan?, *wi-d-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. binden?; ne. bind (V.)?

birch: got. *baírka?, *baír-k-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Birke; ne. birch, birch tree

-- birch seedling: got. bercna 1, ber-cn-a, bairkan*?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Birkenreis, b-Rune; ne. birch seedling, name of b-rune

-- birch tree: got. *baírka?, *baír-k-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Birke; ne. birch, birch tree

bird: got. fugls* 6, fu-gl-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Vogel; ne. bird, fowl

birth: got. gabaúrþs* 12, ga-baúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geburt, Abstammung, Geschlecht, Geburtsland; ne. birth, ethnic origin, birthplace, descent, race (1), native country

-- give birth: got. baíran 46=45, baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. tragen, leiden, erleiden, gebären, ertragen; ne. bear (V.), carry, bring, endure, suffer, give birth

-- give birth to: got. gabaíran 26, ga-baír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „zusammentragen“, vergleichen, gebären; ne. „bring together“, compare, put side by side with, give birth to

-- give birth (to) amid throes: got. fitan* 2, fit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. kreißen, gebären; ne. undergo childbirth pangs (with), give birth (to) amid throes, be in labour (with)

-- of noble birth: got. gōdakunds 1, gōd-a-kun-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von guter Abkunft, edlen Geschlechts; ne. of noble birth, well-born, of good descent

-- person given birth: got. baúr* (1) 2,  st. M. (i): nhd. Geborener; ne. he who is born, person given birth

birthday -- birthday celebration: got. mēl gabaurþais, got.: nhd. Geburtstagsfeier; ne. birthday celebration; mēl gabaurþais, got.: nhd. Geburtstagsfeier; ne. birthday celebration

birthplace: got. gabaúrþs* 12, ga-baúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geburt, Abstammung, Geschlecht, Geburtsland; ne. birth, ethnic origin, birthplace, descent, race (1), native country

bisection: got. halba* 2, hal-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hälfte, Seite, Teil; ne. half (N.), bisection, section, side of reference, facet, aspect

bishop: got. aípiskaúpus 3, aípi-skaúp-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Bischof; ne. bishop

-- office of a bishop: got. aípiskaúpei* 1, aípi-skaúp-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bischofsamt; ne. bishopric, episcopate, office of a bishop

bishopric: got. aípiskaúpei* 1, aípi-skaúp-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bischofsamt; ne. bishopric, episcopate, office of a bishop

bit -- little bit of: got. faus* 7, fau-s*, (Pl. fawai),  Adj. (a): nhd. wenig, wenige (= fawai); ne. little bit of, few (= fawai)

bite -- bite (V.): got. beitan* 1, bei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. beißen; ne. bite (V.)

bitter -- bitter (Adj.): got. baitrs* 1, bai-t-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. bitter; ne. bitter (Adj.)

bitterly: got. baitraba 1, bai-t-r-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. bitter; ne. bitterly

bitterness: got. baitrei 2, bai-t-r-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bitterkeit; ne. bitterness

black -- black (Adj.): got. swarts* 1, swart-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. schwarz; ne. black (Adj.)

black -- black ink: got. swartis* 1, swart-i-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Schwärze“, Tinte; ne. black ink, ink (N.); swartizl* 1, swart-i-zl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Schwärze“, Tinte; ne. black ink, ink (N.)

black -- make black: got. *swartjan?, *swart-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwärzen (V.) (1); ne. blacken, make black

blackamoor...: got. *maur-,  Adj. (a): nhd. Mohren...; ne. blackamoor...

blacken: got. *swartjan?, *swart-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwärzen (V.) (1); ne. blacken, make black

blade: got. *agi-, *ag-i-, *agja-,  st. F.: nhd. Schärfe, Ecke, Spitze, Schneide, Schwert; ne. blade, edge (V.), point (N.), sharpness, sword

blamable: got. *faírina (2), *faír-in-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadelig, unrecht; ne. reprehensible, blamable, impeachable; *faírinōdaba?, *faír-in-ōd-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. tadelig; ne. blamable

blame -- blame (V.): got. fáian* 1, fái-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. tadeln; ne. blame (V.), find fault, criticize; faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce

blameless: got. unaiwisks* 1, un-aiw-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohne Schande; ne. blameless, without shame, irreproachable, unshameful; unfaírina* 2, un-faír-in-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos, außer Schuld, ohne Tadel; ne. unimpeachable, blameless, beyond accusation, unassailable, unblamable; ungafaírinōþs 5=4, un-ga-faír-in-ō-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. tadellos, unbescholten, schuldlos; ne. unimpeached, unassailed, blameless, irreproachable; unwāhs* 1, un-wā-h-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadellos, untadelhaft; ne. uncrooked, unbent, undevious, unswerving, undivergent, blameless; usfaírina 3, us-faír-in-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos; ne. outside of culpability, beyond reproach, blameless

blamelessly: got. swiknaba* 1, swikn-a-ba*,  Adv.: nhd. rein, reinen Herzens; ne. innocently, blamelessly, sincerely; unfaírinōdaba 1, un-faír-in-ōd-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. untadelig, tadellos; ne. unblamably, blamelessly

blameworthy: got. *wāhs?, *wā-h-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadelig; ne. blameworthy, reprehensible

blare -- blare (N.): got. *þuts?, *þu-t-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Lärm; ne. stridor, blare (N.)

blare -- blare (V.): got. *þiuþan, *þiu-þ-an,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen; ne. howl (V.), blare (V.)

blaspheme: got. anaqiþan* 1, an-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleumden, verlästern, schmähen; ne. denounce, censure (V.), inveigh against, blaspheme; wajamērjan 10, waj-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lästern; ne. defame (V.), slander (V.), blaspheme, speak sacrilegiously

blasphemer: got. wajamērjands, got.: nhd. Lästerer; ne. blasphemer

blasphemy: got. anaqiss* 2, an-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lästerung, Schmährede; ne. blasphemy, slander (N.), verbal attack, abusive speech; naiteins* 3, nai-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, malediction, abusive speech, foul language, insult (N.), slander (N.); *wajamēreins 5, *waj-a-mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, abusive speech, desecrating speech, sacrilegious speech

blaze -- blaze (N.): got. lauhmuni* 3, lauh-mun-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Blitz; ne. lightning (N.), blaze (N.)

blaze -- blaze (V.): got. lauhatjan* 1, lauh-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. blitzen; ne. lightning (V.), flash like lightning, fulgurate, blaze (V.)

blaze -- horse with a blaze: got. *bala 2, *ba-l-a,  sw. M.?(n): nhd. Pferd mit Blesse; ne. horse with a blaze

blazing -- in blazing fire: got. in funins lauhmunjai, got.: nhd. in flammendem Feuer; ne. in blazing fire

bleeding -- bleeding (Adj.): got. blōþarinnands 2, blō-þa-ri-n-n-an-d-s,  Adj. (nd) = Part. Präs.: nhd. blutflüssig; ne. blood-running (Adj.), bleeding (Adj.), hemmorrhaging (Adj.)

blemish -- skin blemish: got. mail* 1,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Runzel; ne. mole (2), skin blemish, wrinkle (N.)

bless -- bless (V.): got. audagjan* 1, au-d-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. selig preisen; ne. bless (V.), deem fortunate, regard as blest; gaþiuþjan* 4, ga-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. segnen, den Segen geben; ne. confer benediction upon, bless (V.); þiuþjan* 19, þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. segnen; ne. bless (V.), confer benediction, pronounce good upon

blessed: got. audags 15, au-d-ag-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. vom Schicksal begabt, selig; ne. fortunate, blessed, blest; audahafts* 1, au-da-haf-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. beglückt, begnadigt, beseligt, selig; ne. fortunate (Adj.), blessed; þiuþeigs 17, þiu-þ-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, gepriesen; ne. good, perfect, beneficial, laudable, praised, blessed

blessing: got. ansts 68=65, an-st-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude, Dank, Gnade, Gunst, Gnadengabe; ne. beneficence, graciousness, grace, joy (N.), thanks, gift (N.), favour (N.), blessing

-- blessing (N.): got. aíwlaúgia* 1, aíw-laúg-i-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Segen, Spende; ne. blessing (N.), benefaction, charitable contribution, gift (N.), donation; þiuþeins* 4, þiu-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Güte, Segen; ne. beneficence, good-doing, blessing (N.), benefaction, goodness, generosity; þiuþiqiss* 1, þiu-þ-i-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Segen, Segnung; ne. benediction, blessing (N.); waílaqiss* 1, waíl-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Segen; ne. benediction, blessing (N.), benefaction, donation, bounty

blest: got. audags 15, au-d-ag-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. vom Schicksal begabt, selig; ne. fortunate, blessed, blest

-- regard as blest: got. audagjan* 1, au-d-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. selig preisen; ne. bless (V.), deem fortunate, regard as blest

blind -- become blind: got. afblindnan* 1, af-bli-n-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erblinden; ne. become blind, lose (V.) one’s sight

blind -- blind (Adj.): got. blinds 32, bli-nd-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. blind; ne. blind (Adj.), sightless; unsaíƕands* 1, un-saíƕ-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht sehend; ne. unseeing, blind (Adj.)

blind -- blind (V.): got. *blindjan?, *bli-nd-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. blenden; ne. blind (V.)

blind -- grow blind: got. *blindnan?, *bli-nd-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erblinden, blind werden; ne. grow blind

blind -- make blind: got. gablindjan* 2, ga-bli-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verblenden, blenden; ne. make blind, deprive of sight

blink -- blink (N.): got. braƕ* 2=1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Braue, Zwinkern, Blick; ne. flicker (N.), blink (N.), twinkling (N.), glance (N.)

bliss: got. audagei 1, au-d-ag-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Seligkeit; ne. luck, happiness, bliss

blister -- blister (N.): got. *bauljō, *baul-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Blase, Beule; ne. bubble (N.), boil (N.), blister (N.)

bloat -- bloat up: got. ufbauljan* 1, uf-bau-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufblasen; ne. make swell, make swollen, bloat up; *ufswalljan?, *uf-swal-l-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschwellen, aufblasen; ne. swell up, bloat up

bloatedness: got. ufswalleins* 1, uf-swal-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō),: nhd. Aufgeblasenheit, Hochmut; ne. swelling up, swollenness, bloatedness, vanity, being puffed up

block -- block up as with a dam: got. faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam

block -- block (V.): got. warjan* 9, war-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehren; ne. prevent, thwart (V.), forbid, hinder, restrain, stop (V.), block (V.)

block -- stone block: got. hallus* 1, hal-l-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Fels, Stein; ne. stone slab, stone block, boulder, rock (N.)

blond -- blond (Adj.): got. *blunds?, *blund-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. blond; ne. blond (Adj.)

blood: got. blōþ 21=20, blō-þ, plut,  plut, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Blut; ne. blood; lat. sanguis

-- blood relationship: got. sibja* 1, si-b-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Sippenverhältnis, Verwandtschaft, Sippe; ne. kinship, sibship, blood relationship

-- blood stock: got. kuni 17, kun-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschlecht, Stamm; ne. clan, tribe, race (N.), blood stock, generation

-- issue of blood: got. runs blōþis, got.: nhd. Blutfluss; ne. issue of blood

blood-relative -- female blood-relative: got. niþjō 1, niþ-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verwandte; ne. kinswoman, female blood-relative

blood-relative -- male blood-relative: got. niþjis 3, n-i-þ-ji-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Verwandter; ne. kinsman, male blood-relative

blood-running: got. runs blōþis, M.: nhd. Blutfluss; ne. blood-running

-- blood-running (Adj.): got. blōþarinnands 2, blō-þa-ri-n-n-an-d-s,  Adj. (nd) = Part. Präs.: nhd. blutflüssig; ne. blood-running (Adj.), bleeding (Adj.), hemmorrhaging (Adj.)

blow -- blow a horn: got. haúrnjan* 2, haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hornblasen, das Horn blasen, trompeten; ne. blow a horn, sound a trumpet; þuthaúrnjan* 1, þu-t-haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trompeten; ne. trumpet (V.), blow a horn

blow -- blow (N.): got. *blēsts?, *blē-s-t-s?,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Blasen (N.), Schnauben; ne. blow (N.), snort (N.); slahs* 7, slah-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Schlag, Plage, Ohrfeige (= slahs lōfin); ne. blow (N.), stroke (N.), affliction, infliction, slap (N.) (= slahs lōfin)

blow -- blow up: got. ufblēsan* 3, uf-blē-s-an*,  red. V. (4): nhd. aufblasen, sich aufblähen; ne. blow up, puff up, boast (V.), be puffed up

blow -- blow (V.): got. *bauljan?, *bau-l-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. blasen; ne. blow (V.); *blēsan?, *blē-s-an?,  red. V. (4): nhd. blasen; ne. blow (V.); *blēstjan?, *blē-s-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. blasen, schnauben; ne. blow (V.), snort (V.); wáian* 3, wái-an*,  red. abl. V.: nhd. wehen; ne. blow (V.), stream in an air current

blow -- blow (V.) (1): got. *staúrmjan, *s-taúr-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stürmen; ne. rage (V.), blow (V.) (1)

blow -- give a blow: got. slahan* 10, slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. schlagen, hauen, ohrfeigen (= lōfam slahan); ne. strike (V.), beat (V.), hit (V.), smite, give a blow, wound (V.)

blowing -- blowing (N.): got. *winþeis?, *wi-nþ-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. Wind-, windig; ne. of the wind, wind-, blowing (N.)

blush -- blush (V.): got. *gariudan?, *ga-riud-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. erröten; ne. redden, blush (V.), flush (V.); *riudan, *riud-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. erröten; ne. redden, blush (V.)

boar: got. *bērs?, *bē-r-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Eber; ne. boar

-- boar (N.): got. *ibrs?, *ibr-s?, *ebrus,  st. M. (a): nhd. Eber; ne. boar (N.)

board -- board for resting the feet: got. fōtubaūrd 3, fōt-u-baūr-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fußbank, Schemel; ne. footstool, board for resting the feet

board -- board (N.): got. *baúrd (1), *baúr-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Brett; ne. board (N.); *briþ?, *bri-þ?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Brett; ne. board (N.); *þiljō, *þil-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Diele, Planke, Brett; ne. floorboard, plank (N.), board (N.)

board -- writing board: got. spilda* 3, spil-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Tafel, Schreibtafel, Gesetzestafel; ne. writing board, tablet

boast -- boast (N.): got. ƕōftuli 15, ƕōf-tul-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Ruhm, Rühmen; ne. boast (N.), boasting (N.), glory (N.)

boast -- boast (V.): got. flautjan* 1, flaut-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. prahlen; ne. bevainglorious, boast (V.), brag (V.); ƕōpan 33=31, ƕōp-an,  red. V. (5): nhd. sich rühmen; ne. boast (V.), pride o.s.; ufblēsan* 3, uf-blē-s-an*,  red. V. (4): nhd. aufblasen, sich aufblähen; ne. blow up, puff up, boast (V.), be puffed up

boaster: got. bihaitja 2, bi-hai-t-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Prahler, streitsüchtiger Mensch; ne. boaster, braggart

boastful: got. flauts* 2=1, flau-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ruhmsüchtig, prahlerisch; ne. boastful, conceited, bragging (Adj.)

boasting -- boasting (N.): got. ƕōftuli 15, ƕōf-tul-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Ruhm, Rühmen; ne. boast (N.), boasting (N.), glory (N.)

boat: got. skip 34,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schiff; ne. ship (N.), boat, vessel

-- arrive by boat: got. atfarjan* 1, at-far-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einlaufen, landen; ne. reach land, arrive by boat, land (V.), put into port

-- travel by boat: got. farjan* 2, far-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fahren, schiffen; ne. seafare (V.), go by sea, travel by boat, sail (V.), cruise (V.)

bodily: got. leikeins 6, leik-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. leiblich, fleischlich; ne. bodily, corporeal, carnal, fleshly

-- bodily dimensions: got. laudi* 1, laud-i*,  st. F. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. bodily dimensions, physical proportions of growth

body: got. leik (1) 173=171,  st. N. (a): nhd. Körper, Leib, Leichnam, Fleisch; ne. body, fleshly body, corpse, flesh (N.); *lifs, *li-f-s,  st. Sb.: nhd. Leben, Leib; ne. life, body

-- celestial body: got. tuggl* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gestirn; ne. constellation, celestial body, star (N.)

-- fleshly body: got. leik (1) 173=171,  st. N. (a): nhd. Körper, Leib, Leichnam, Fleisch; ne. body, fleshly body, corpse, flesh (N.)

-- flowing body of water: got. aƕa 7, aƕ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fluss, Gewässer; ne. flowing body of water, river, stream (N.), torrent

-- of the same body: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

-- one of the two upper limbs of the body: got. arms (2) 4, ar-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Arm; ne. arm, one of the two upper limbs of the body

-- partner in the same body: got. galeika* 1, ga-leik-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Miteinverleibter“, eines Leibes; ne. „corpus-mate“, partner in the same body

-- part of the body: got. liþus 17, li-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Glied; ne. limb (1) (N.), member, part of the body

boil: got. *breuwan, *bre-u-w-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden; ne. surge, seethe, boil

-- boil (N.): got. *bauljō, *baul-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Blase, Beule; ne. bubble (N.), boil (N.), blister (N.); kusma* 1, kusm-a*, kozma, chozma,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Kehle?, k-Rune, Geschwür?; ne. boil (N.), tumefaction, infected swelling, name of k-rune

-- boil over: got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

-- boil (V.): got. *siudan?, *siu-d-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sieden; ne. boil (V.), cook (V.), seethe

bold: got. *kōni-, *kōn-i-,  Adj.: nhd. kühn; ne. bold; *nanþs?, *nanþ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. kühn; ne. bold; *þras?, *þra-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. schnell, verwegen; ne. fast (1), daring (Adj.), bold

-- be bold: got. balþjan* 1, bal-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kühn sein (V.), wagen; ne. be bold, dare, show courage; gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous

-- bold (Adj.): got. *balþs *bald-, *bal-þ-s *bald-,  Adj. (a): nhd. „geschwollen“, kühn; ne. bold (Adj.)

boldly: got. balþaba 2, bal-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. kühn, freimütig; ne. boldly, openly, frankly

boldness: got. balþei* 6, bal-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kühnheit, Freimut, Freimütigkeit, Unerschrockenheit; ne. boldness, confidence, frankness, fearlessness; *nanþ- *nanþa, *nanþi,  Sb.: nhd. Kühnheit; ne. boldness

-- raucous boldness: got. þrasabalþei* 1, þras-a-bal-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Streitsucht; ne. raucous boldness, quarrelsomeness

bolt -- bolt (V.) (1): got. *kilan?, got.?, V.: nhd. schlucken, schlingen; ne. swallow (V.), bolt (V.) (1)

bond: got. bandi 7, band-i,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Band (N.), Fessel (F.) (1); ne. bond, fetter

-- bond (N.): got. gabinda* 1, ga-bind-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Band (N.), Binde; ne. band (N.), ligament (N.), ligature, bond (N.); gabindi 1, ga-bind-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Band (N.); ne. bond (N.), ligation; gabundi* 1, ga-bund-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Band (N.); ne. bond (N.), tie (N.); gawiss* 2, ga-wi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verbindung, Gelenk, Band der Gelenke; ne. connection, juncture, ligament (N.), bond (N.); kawtsjō* 4, kawts-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sicherheit, Bürgschaft, Verschreibung; ne. contract for buying on credit, credit contract, security, bond (N.), warrenty; wadjabōkōs* 1, wad-j-a-bōk-ōs*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Handschein, Schuldschein; ne. written pledge, debenture, certificate of financial commitment, bond (N.)

-- iron bond: got. eisarnabandi* 1, eis-arn-a-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Eisenband, Kette (F.) (1), Fessel (F.) (1); ne. iron bond, iron shackle, chain (N.)

bondage: got. þiwadw* 1, þiw-adw*,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Knechtschaft, Dienstbarkeit; ne. thralldom, bondage, servitude

-- put in bondage: got. anaþiwan* 1, an-a-þiw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, in Dienstbarkeit bringen, dienstbar machen; ne. subjugate (V.), subdue, enthrall, enslave, put in bondage

bonds -- person in bonds: got. bandja 6, band-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefangener, Gebundener; ne. person in bonds, prisoner, captive (M.)

bondsman: got. þius* 2, þiu-s*,  st. M. (a) (wa): nhd. Haussklave, Diener, Knecht; ne. thrall, bondsman, servant, servitor, boy

bondsmen: got. þēwis* 2, þēw-i-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dienerschaft, Knechte; ne. servitors, bondsmen, thralls, slaves

boot -- boot (V.): got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

booth: got. hleiþra* 5=4, hlei-þ-r-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zelt, Hütte; ne. tent, tent-like housing, temporary shelter, booth; hlija* 1, hlij-a*, hleis*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Hütte, Zelt; ne. tent, tent-like structure, booth

booty: got. *rauba, *rau-b-a,  st. F. (ō), M.?: nhd. Raub, Beute (F.) (1), Kleid; ne. robbery, booty, loot, dress (N.); *raupa, *rau-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Beute (F.) (1), Kleid; ne. booty, loot, dress (N.)

booze -- booze (V.): got. *sūpan, *sū-p-an,  st. V.: nhd. saufen; ne. booze (V.)

border -- amidst the border: got. miþ þweihnaim markōm: nhd. mitten unter die Grenze; ne. amidst the border; gr. ἀνὰ μέσον τῶν ὁρίων; lat. inter medios fines; Mrk 7,31 CA

border -- border (N.): got. arca 3, arc-a, lat.- F.: nhd. Grenzwall; ne. border (N.), rampart; marka* (1) 6, mark-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mark (F.) (1), Grenze; ne. border (N.), boundary, region

border -- border neighbour: got. gamarkō*, ga-mark-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Grenznachbarin?; ne. border neighbour

border -- border on: got. gamarkōn* 1, ga-mark-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. grenzen an; ne. border on

bordering -- bordering (Adj.): got. *gamarka, *ga-mark-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. benachbart, angrenzend; ne. „co-bordering“ (Adj.), bordering (Adj.), conterminous

bordering -- district bordering a sea: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

born: got. *-baúrans?, *-baúr-an-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geboren; ne. born

-- be born: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- born of heaven above: got. ufarhiminakunds 2, uf-ar-himin-a-kund-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. himmlisch; ne. born of heaven above, heavenly, of heavenly origin

-- he who is born: got. baúr* (1) 2,  st. M. (i): nhd. Geborener; ne. he who is born, person given birth

borne: got. *baúrþs (1), *baúr-þ-s,  Adj.: nhd. getragen; ne. borne, carried

-- she having borne: got. *bērusi?, *bēr-us-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Gebärende, Mutter (F.) (1); ne. she having borne, she who has borne

-- she who has borne: got. *bērusi?, *bēr-us-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Gebärende, Mutter (F.) (1); ne. she having borne, she who has borne

-- that borne in tribute: got. gabaúr (1) 4, ga-baúr,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Zusammengebrachtes“, Kollekte, Steuer (F.); ne. that borne in tribute, tribute (N.), contribution, tax (N.), money-offering

borrow: got. leiƕan (sis) 4, leiƕ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. leihen, borgen; ne. lend, loan (V.), take on loan, borrow

bosom: got. barms* 5, bar-m-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Busen, Schoß (M.) (1), Brust; ne. lap (N.), bosom, breast (N.); haírþra 2, haír-þ-r-a,  N. (a) Pl.: nhd. Eingeweide, Herz, Inneres; ne. intestines, viscera, entrails, heart, bosom, inner being

both: got. bai (1) 7, ba-i, N. ba,  Adj. (a), Pl.: nhd. beide; ne. both; bajōþs 5, ba-j-ōþs,  Num., Pl.: nhd. beide; ne. both

-- between both frontiers: got. miþ tweihnaim markōm, got.: nhd. zwischen beiden Grenzen; ne. between both frontiers

-- both ... and: got. jah ... jah, got.: nhd. sowohl ... als auch; ne. both ... and

-- of us both: got. *ugkar?,  Poss.-Pron. (1. Pers. Dual.): nhd. unser beider; ne. of us both

-- of you both: got. igqar* 1, iggqar*,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. euch beiden gehörig, euer beider; ne. your, of you both, of the two of you

-- the both of us: got. wit 8, wi-t,  Pron.: nhd. wir beide; ne. we two, the both of us, the two of us

-- the both of you: got. jut* 8, ju-t*,  Pers.-Pron. (2. Pers. Dual): nhd. ihr beide; ne. you two, ye two, the both of you

bother -- bother (V.): got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.); usagljan* 1, us-ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, bedrängen, belästigen, beschimpfen; ne. inflict injury upon, cause harm to, be hurtful to, bother (V.); usþriutan* 3, us-þri-ut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. einem Beschwerde bringen, beschwerlich fallen; ne. harass (V.), torment (V.), plaque (V.), wear down with vexation, bother (V.), persecute

bottle -- bottle (N.): got. *flaskō, *flask-ō,  sw. F. (ōn): nhd. Flasche; ne. bottle (N.)

bottomless: got. *afgrundus?, *af-grund-u-s?,  Adj. (u): nhd. abgründig; ne. bottomless

bough: got. asts 9, ast-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ast, Streu von Laub, Zweig, Palmzweig; ne. branch (N.), bough

boulder: got. hallus* 1, hal-l-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Fels, Stein; ne. stone slab, stone block, boulder, rock (N.)

bound -- be bound: got. *bundnan?, *bund-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gebunden werden; ne. be bound, become bound

bound -- become bound: got. *bundnan?, *bund-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gebunden werden; ne. be bound, become bound

bound -- bound (Adj.): got. hafts* (1) 1, haf-t-s*,  Part. Prät. = Adj. (a): nhd. behaftet; ne. bound (Adj.), joined, laden with, subject to

bound -- bound by oath: got. ufaiþeis* 1, uf-ai-þ-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. durch Eid verpflichtet, durch Eid verbunden, vereidet; ne. under oath, bound by oath

boundary: got. marka* (1) 6, mark-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mark (F.) (1), Grenze; ne. border (N.), boundary, region

bounty: got. waílaqiss* 1, waíl-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Segen; ne. benediction, blessing (N.), benefaction, donation, bounty

bow -- bow (N.): got. *boga 1, *bog-a, boga,  boga, krim sw. M. (n): nhd. Bogen; ne. bow (N.); lat. arcus

bow -- bow (V.): got. biugan* 2, biug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. beugen, sich beugen; ne. bow (V.), bend (V.)

bow -- bow (V.) (1): got. anahneiwan* 2, an-a-hnei-w-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich niederbeugen, sich neigen, sich bücken; ne. bend down to, stoop down to, bow (V.) (1)

bowed -- be limply bowed downwards: got. *hneipan, *hnei-p-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. betrüben; ne. droop, be limply bowed downwards, be downcast

bowl -- bowl (N.): got. *hnapps?, *hnap-p-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Napf; ne. bowl (N.)

box -- box (N.): got. arka 3, ark-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Arche, Kasten, Futteral, Beutel (F.) (1), Geldkasten; ne. box (N.), chest, the ark of Noah, money-box

boxer -- be a boxer: got. jiukan* 2, jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kämpfen, ringen, obsiegen; ne. fight (V.), battle (V.), conquer, be a boxer

boy: got. magus 4, mag-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Knabe, Jüngling, Sohn, Knecht; ne. boy, lad, child; þius* 2, þiu-s*,  st. M. (a) (wa): nhd. Haussklave, Diener, Knecht; ne. thrall, bondsman, servant, servitor, boy

-- little boy: got. magula 2, mag-u-l-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Knäblein, Knabe; ne. little boy

-- servant boy: got. þiumagus 6, þiu-magu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Knecht; ne. servant boy

brag -- brag (V.): got. flautjan* 1, flaut-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. prahlen; ne. bevainglorious, boast (V.), brag (V.)

braggart: got. bihaitja 2, bi-hai-t-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Prahler, streitsüchtiger Mensch; ne. boaster, braggart

bragging -- bragging (Adj.): got. flauts* 2=1, flau-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ruhmsüchtig, prahlerisch; ne. boastful, conceited, bragging (Adj.)

braid -- braid (N.): got. flahta* 1, fla-h-t-a*, flahtō*?,  st. F. (ō), sw. F. (n)?: nhd. Flechte; ne. braid (N.), plait (N.), braided hair, woven hair

braid -- braid (V.): got. *flaíhtan?, *flaí-h-t-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. flechten; ne. braid (V.), plait (V.); uswindan* 2, us-wi-nd-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. flechten, winden; ne. twine (V.), intertwine, weave (V.), braid (V.), plait (V.)

braided -- braided hair: got. flahta* 1, fla-h-t-a*, flahtō*?,  st. F. (ō), sw. F. (n)?: nhd. Flechte; ne. braid (N.), plait (N.), braided hair, woven hair

bramble: got. aíƕatundi* 3, aíƕ-a-t-u-nd-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. „Pferdedorn“, Dornstrauch; ne. thornbush, bramble, prickly bush

bran: got. *krūska, *krūsk-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Kleie; ne. bran; *krūski?, *krūsk-i?,  Sb.: nhd. Kleie; ne. bran

branch -- branch (N.): got. asts 9, ast-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ast, Streu von Laub, Zweig, Palmzweig; ne. branch (N.), bough; tains* 1, tain-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zweig, Rebe; ne. branch (N.), shoot (N.), twig (N.) (1)

branches -- basket made of branches or switches: got. tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

brand -- brand (V.): got. gatandjan* 1, ga-tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. brandmarken, mit einem Brandmal versehen; ne. make burnt, sear (V.), brand (V.)

brash -- inappropriately brash: got. untilamalsks* 1, un-til-a-malsk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. voreilig, unbesonnen; ne. unfittingly precipitate, unsuitably foolhardy, inappropriately brash, reckless

brass -- brass (N.): got. aiz* 1, ai-z*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erz, Erzmünze; ne. brass (N.), bronze (N.), copper (N.), copper coin

brave: got. *amals?, *am-a-l-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tapfer, tätig; ne. active, brave; *funs?, *fun-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bereit, eilig, tapfer; ne. ready, hasty, hurried, brave; *wakrs?, *wak-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. wach, wacker; ne. awake (Adj.), brave, valiant

-- be brave enough: got. gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous

brazen -- brazen out: got. *usbalþjan, *us-bal-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wagen, sich erkühnen; ne. be arrogant, be insolent, brazen out

bread: got. *brauþ?, *bra-u-þ?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Brot; ne. bread; broe 1, krim Sb.: nhd. Brot; ne. bread; lat. panis; hlaifs* 73, hlaif-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Brot, Brotlaib, Brotbissen, Bissen; ne. bread, loaf of bread, loaf, crumb (N.)

-- loaf of bread: got. hlaifs* 73, hlaif-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Brot, Brotlaib, Brotbissen, Bissen; ne. bread, loaf of bread, loaf, crumb (N.)

-- unleavened bread: got. azwmus* 1, a-zw-m-us*,  st. M. (u): nhd. ungesäuertes Brot; ne. unleavened bread

break -- break apart: got. dishniupan* 1, dis-hniu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend asunder, break apart, tear (V.); dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.)

break -- break forth: got. tarmjan* 1, tar-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. losbrechen, ausbrechen; ne. vent (V.), break forth, burst out

break -- break off: got. *riuban, *riu-b-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend (V.), rip off, break off, tear off; usbruknan* 3, us-bruk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ausgebrochen werden, abgebrochen werden; ne. break off, become broken off

break -- break (V.): got. brikan* 3, brik-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. brechen, zerstören, kämpfen, ringen, zerbrechen, vernichten; ne. break (V.), wreck (V.), demolish, wrestle (V.), fight (V.), battle (V.); gabrikan* 8, ga-brik-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerbrechen; ne. break (V.), fracture (V.), smash (V.), crush (V.)

breakfast -- midday breakfast: got. undaúrnimats* 1, undaúrn-i-mat-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Frühstück, Mittagsmahl; ne. midday breakfast, noon meal

breast -- beat one’s breast over: got. flōkan* 1, flō-k-an*,  red. V. (5): nhd. betrauern, beklagen; ne. beat one’s breast over, bewail, mourn (V.)

breast -- breast (N.): got. barms* 5, bar-m-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Busen, Schoß (M.) (1), Brust; ne. lap (N.), bosom, breast (N.); brusts 6, bru-s-t-s,  F. (kons.) Pl.: nhd. Brust, (Eingeweide), Herz, Gemüt; ne. breast (N.), heart, thorax, chest

breastplate: got. brunjō* 2, bru-n-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Brustharnisch, Brünne; ne. breastplate, byrnie

breathe: got. *anan?, *an-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. atmen, hauchen; ne. breathe

-- breathe out: got. uzanan* 2, uz-an-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. ausatmen, aushauchen; ne. breathe out, expire

bredth: got. braidei 1, brai-d-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Breite; ne. bredth, width

breeches: got. *husa 1, *hu-s-a,  st. F. (a): nhd. Beinschiene, Hose, Beinkleid; ne. greave, breeches, trousers

-- knee breeches: got. *þiuhbrōks, *þiu-h-brōk-s, *þeuhbrōks,  st. Sb.: nhd. Kniehose; ne. knee breeches

brethren: got. brōþrahans 1, brō-þr-ahan-s,  sw. M. (n) Pl.: nhd. Brüder; ne. brethren

bride: got. brūþs* 1, brū-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Neuvermählte, Schwiegertochter, junge Frau; ne. bride, young wife

bridegroom: got. brūþfaþs 10, brū-þ-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Brautführer“, Bräutigam, Hochzeiter, Brautgemach; ne. bridegroom

brief -- brief (Adj.): got. *maúrgus?, *maúr-g-u-s?,  Adj. (u): nhd. kurz; ne. short, brief (Adj.)

bright: got. ? *aus-,  Adj. (a): nhd. glänzend?, hell?, morgendlich?; ne. shining (Adj.)?, bright?, morning (Adj.)?; baírhts* 5, baír-h-t-s*, berhts*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hell, offenbar, deutlich; ne. bright, clear (Adj.), manifest (Adj.), evident; liuhadeins* (2) 1, liuh-ad-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hell; ne. luminous, light-filled, bright

brightly: got. baírhtaba 5, baír-h-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. hell, glänzend, deutlich, offen; ne. radiantly, very plainly, clearly, brightly, openly

brightness: got. baírhtei* 3, baír-h-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Helle, Offenbarung, Klarheit, Verkündigung; ne. brightness, clarity, clearness, manifestness

brimstone: got. swibls* 1, swibl-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schwefel; ne. sulphur, brimstone

bring: got. atbaíran* 12, at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. bringen, herbeibringen, darbringen, hinzutragen; ne. bring, offer (V.), bring to, take to, present to; baíran 46=45, baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. tragen, leiden, erleiden, gebären, ertragen; ne. bear (V.), carry, bring, endure, suffer, give birth; briggan 39, bri-g-g-an,  unr. st. V., sw. V.: nhd. bringen, führen machen; ne. bring, lead (V.), conduct (V.), render, cause to become; gatiuhan* 8, ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegziehen, wegführen, führen, bringen; ne. lead forth, conduct (V.), draw (V.), bring; tiuhan 12, tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. ziehen, führen, wegführen; ne. lead (V.), guide (V.), conduct (V.), bring

-- bring about: got. gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish; gawaúrkjan 24, ga-waúrk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bewirken, erwirken, bereiten, machen, bringen, erhandeln, ausstellen; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), bring about, produce, make (V.), earn (V.), get, achieve (V.)

-- bring back: got. gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

-- bring before the eyes of: got. ataugjan 23, at-aug-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. zeigen, erscheinen (=sik ataugjan); ne. bring before the eyes of, show to

-- bring down: got. gadrausjan* 3, ga-drau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen, niederwerfen, herabwerfen; ne. cast down, overthrow (V.), fell (V.), bring down, plunge down

-- bring forth: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue

-- bring good to: got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

-- bring in: got. innatbaíran* 2, in-n-at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hineinbringen, hineintragen; ne. bear in thither, carry all the way in, bring in

-- bring into: got. atniman* 1, at-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. aufnehmen, versetzen, annehmen; ne. take unto, transfer to, bring into

-- bring in to: got. innattiuhan* 1, in-n-at-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. hineinziehen, hineinführen; ne. bring in to, conduct in thither, usher in, lead in

-- bring into affinity: got. niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

-- bring into collision with: got. gastagqjan* 1, ga-stagq-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anstoßen; ne. make collide, bring into collision with, strike against

-- bring into kinship: got. niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

-- bring to: got. atbaíran* 12, at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. bringen, herbeibringen, darbringen, hinzutragen; ne. bring, offer (V.), bring to, take to, present to; faúragasatjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „vorsetzen“, vorstellen, darstellen; ne. set before, present (V.), bring to

-- bring to a standstill: got. *stadjan?, *sta-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Stehen bringen; ne. stop (V.), bring to a standstill

-- bring to fulfillment: got. usfulljan 34=33, us-ful-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, vollenden, ersetzen, zusammenfassen; ne. fill up, fill completely, fulfill, bring to fulfillment, complete (V.)

-- bring together: got. gagawaírþjan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord; galisan* 10, ga-lis-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlesen, versammeln, sammeln; ne. collect (V.), bring together, gather together, assemble (V.); *gawaírþjan?, *ga-waírþ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord

„bring -- „bring together“: got. gabaíran 26, ga-baír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „zusammentragen“, vergleichen, gebären; ne. „bring together“, compare, put side by side with, give birth to

-- bring to light: got. gabaírhtjan 14=13, ga-baír-h-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. offenbaren, Gestalt gewinnen, erscheinen; ne. bring to light, show clearly, make appear, disclose; galiuhtjan* 2, ga-liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erleuchten, ans Licht bringen; ne. give light to, light up, bring to light, illumine, make known

-- bring to naught: got. blauþjan* 1, blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abschaffen, aufheben; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.); gablauþjan* 1, ga-blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. abschaffen, triumphieren; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.), triumph (V.)

-- bring up: got. attiuhan 12, at-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. herbeiziehen, herbeiführen, herbeibringen, hereinführen, bringen; ne. bring up, take up, convey (V.), conduct into proximity; fōdjan* 5, fō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ernähren, aufziehen; ne. feed, nourish, nurture, bring up, rear (V.); ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

-- bring up off: got. athafjan 1, at-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. „herabheben“, herabnehmen; ne. lift down off, bring up off, take down

bringing -- bringing into awareness through reading: got. anakunnains* 1, an-a-kun-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lesung; ne. bringing into recognition, bringing into awareness through reading, reading (N.)

bringing -- bringing into recognition: got. anakunnains* 1, an-a-kun-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lesung; ne. bringing into recognition, bringing into awareness through reading, reading (N.)

bristle -- bristle (N.): got. *baúrsti?, *baúr-st-i?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bürste; ne. bristle (N.), brush (N.)

broad -- broad (Adj.): got. braiþs* 1, brai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. breit; ne. broad (Adj.), wide

broadcast -- broadcast (V.): got. mērjan 48, mē-r-jan,  red. V. (1): nhd. künden, kund tun, verkünden, das Evangelium verkünden; ne. proclaim (V.), promulgate, broadcast (V.), preach tidings of, preach the gospel, evangelize

broken -- become broken: got. *bruknan?, *bruk-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gebrochen werden; ne. become broken

broken -- become broken off: got. usbruknan* 3, us-bruk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ausgebrochen werden, abgebrochen werden; ne. break off, become broken off

broken -- broken piece: got. *bruka?, *bruk-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Brocken; ne. broken piece, fragment; *brukja?, *bruk-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Brocken; ne. broken piece, fragment; gabruka* 6, ga-bruk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Brocken; ne. broken piece, crumb (N.), fragment

bronze -- bronze (N.): got. aiz* 1, ai-z*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erz, Erzmünze; ne. brass (N.), bronze (N.), copper (N.), copper coin

bronze -- worker in bronze: got. aizasmiþa 1, ai-z-a-smi-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Erzschmied, Metallarbeiter; ne. coppersmith, worker in bronze

brook -- brook (1): got. rinnō* 1, ri-n-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gießbach; ne. runnel, brook (1), watercourse, flume, torrent

broom -- broom out: got. usbaugjan* 1, us-baug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausfegen; ne. broom out, sweep out

brother: got. brōþar, brō-þar, 150=149, bruder,  bruder, krim st. M. (r): nhd. Bruder; ne. brother; lat. frater

-- false brother: got. galiugabrōþar* 2, ga-liug-a-brōþar*,  st. M. (r): nhd. „Lügenbruder“, falscher Bruder; ne. false brother

brotherly: got. *brōþrahs?, *brō-þr-ah-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. brüderlich; ne. fraternal, brotherly

-- brotherly love: got. brctrulubc* 2, brc-tr-u-lub-c*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bruderliebe; ne. brotherly love

brought -- be brought to fulfillment: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

brought -- become brought to fulfillment: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

brown: got. *brūns, *brū-n-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. braun, glänzend; ne. brown, shining (Adj.)

bruise -- bruise (V.): got. wlizjan* 1, wli-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, kasteien; ne. castigate, cane (V.), smite the face of, mortify, bruise (V.)

b-rune -- name of b-rune: got. bercna 1, ber-cn-a, bairkan*?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Birkenreis, b-Rune; ne. birch seedling, name of b-rune

brush -- brush (N.): got. *baúrsti?, *baúr-st-i?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bürste; ne. bristle (N.), brush (N.); *brusti, *bru-st-i, *brustja,  st. Sb.: nhd. Bürste, Striegel; ne. brush (N.), currycomb

brute -- brute (N.): got. unbiari* 1, un-biar-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. wildes Tier, Bestie; ne. beast, wild beast, brute (N.), wild animal

bubble -- bubble (N.): got. *bauljō, *baul-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Blase, Beule; ne. bubble (N.), boil (N.), blister (N.)

bud -- bud forth: got. uskeinan* 3, us-kei-n-an*,  st. sw. V. (1): nhd. hervorkeimen; ne. sprout up, bud forth, grow from

bud -- bud forth together with: got. miþuskeinan* 1, mi-þ-us-kei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. „mitauskeimen“, mithervorkeimen; ne. sprout up together with, bud forth together with, grow with

bud -- bud (N.): got. *bruts?, *bru-t-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Knospe; ne. bud (N.)

bud -- bud (V.): got. *brustjan, *bru-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sprossen; ne. bud (V.); *brutōn?, *bru-t-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. knospen; ne. bud (V.); keinan* 1, kei-n-an*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. keimen; ne. germinate, sprout (V.), bud (V.)

buffet -- buffet (V.): got. kaupatjan 4, kaupat-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. ohrfeigen, Faustschlag geben; ne. buffet (V.), pommel (V.), cuff (V.), strike with the fist

build: got. gatimrjan* 8, ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erbauen, bauen; ne. build, build up, construct (V.)

-- build together: got. miþgatimrjan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. miterbauen; ne. build together, construct as a constituent part

-- build up: got. gatimrjan* 8, ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erbauen, bauen; ne. build, build up, construct (V.)

-- build upon: got. anatimrjan* 2=1, an-a-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „aufzimmern“, daraufbauen, aufbauen; ne. build upon, construct upon

-- build (V.): got. timrjan* 9, tim-r-jan*, timbrjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bauen, zimmern, erbauen; ne. build (V.), construct (V.), strengthen, benefit (V.), edify

building: got. *bawiþa?, *baw-iþ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hütte, Bau; ne. hut, building; timreins* 7, tim-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erbauung; ne. building, edifice, edification; *timrjō?, *tim-r-j-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bau, Gebäude; ne. building, edifice

-- building (N.): got. *būrjō, *bū-r-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gebäude; ne. building (N.); gatimrjō 2, ga-tim-r-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gebäude, Bau; ne. building (N.), edifice

-- building timber: got. *timr, *tim-r, *timbr,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bauholz; ne. building timber, construction lumber

-- building up: got. gatimreins* 2, ga-tim-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erbauung; ne. building up, construction, edification

-- building worker: got. timrjans, M. Pl.: nhd. Bauleute; ne. building worker

-- church building: got. aíkklesjō 42, aík-kle-s-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kirche, Gotteshaus, Gemeinde; ne. church, church building, religious congregation, house of God

Bulgarian: got. *Bulgar,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Bulgar; ne. Bulgarian

bullock -- young bullock: got. stiur* (1) 4, stiu-r*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stierkalb; ne. young steer, calf (N.), young bullock

bully -- bully (M.): got. slahals 3=2, slahuls, slah-al-s, slah-uls,  st. M. (a): nhd. Raufbold; ne. striker, one apt to strike, violent man, assailant, bully (M.)

bulwark: got. tulgiþōs: nhd. Feste (F.), Bollwerk; ne. fastness, bastion, bulwark

bunch -- bunch of grapes: got. weinatains 3, wein-a-tain-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Weinrebe; ne. vine-branch, grapevine-branch, bunch of grapes

bundle -- bundle (N.): got. *þufaz?, *þu-f-az?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Fahne, Büschel; ne. flag (N.), tuft (N.), bundle (N.)

burden -- burden (N.): got. baúrþei* 1, baúr-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bürde, Last; ne. burden (N.), load (N.); *kaúreins, *kaúr-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Schwere, Beschwerlichkeit; ne. burden (N.); kaúriþa* 1, kaúr-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Last, Schwere; ne. weight (N.), burden (N.)

burden -- burden together with: got. miþkaúrjan* 1, mi-þ-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbelasten; ne. burden together with, weigh down together with

burden -- burden (V.): got. afhlaþan* 1, af-hla-þ-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. beladen; ne. burden (V.), load down, lade down; kaúrjan* 11, kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. drücken, belästigen, beschweren; ne. weigh down, burden (V.), lie (V.) (2)heavy upon, oppress

burden -- burden with an overload: got. anakaúrjan* 1, an-a-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschweren; ne. heap a burden upon, burden with an overload, cause pain

burden -- heap a burden upon: got. anakaúrjan* 1, an-a-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschweren; ne. heap a burden upon, burden with an overload, cause pain

burdensome: got. kaúrus* 1, kaúr-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. schwer, lästig; ne. heavy, burdensome, weighty, oppressive

burgher: got. baúrgja* 2, baúr-g-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Bürger; ne. citizen, burgher

burial: got. gafilh* 1, ga-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Begräbnis; ne. burial, interment; usfilh* 1, us-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Begräbnis; ne. interment, burial

-- burial cave: got. hlaiw* 16, hlai-w*,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Grab; ne. tomb, burial cave, sepulchre, grave

-- burial plot: got. *nawistr, *naw-i-str, *nawistra,  st. N. (a): nhd. Grab, Totenlager; ne. grave, burial plot

burial-place: got. aurahi* 3, aur-ah-i*, aurahjō*?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Grabdenkmal, Grab, Grabmal; ne. grave, burial-place, monument, tomb

burn -- burn (N.): got. *brunsts, *bru-n-st-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Brennen, Brand; ne. burn (N.), fire (N.)

burn -- burn up: got. intandjan* 1, in-tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „anzünden“, verbrennen, in Brand setzen; ne. incinerate, burn up, consume by fire; ufbrinnan* 1, uf-bri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. burn up, become scorched

burn -- burn (V.): got. *brannjan?, *bran-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbrennen; ne. burn (V.); brinnan* 1, bri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. brennen (intr.); ne. burn (V.), be afire; gabrannjan* 3, ga-bran-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen; ne. burn (V.), consume by fire; tundnan* 1, tund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. brennen; ne. catch fire, be afire, be aflame, burn (V.)

burn -- make burn: got. tandjan* 2, tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anzünden, brennen machen; ne. kindle (V.), ignite, make burn, light a lamp

burning -- burning charcoal: got. haúri* 2, haúr-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Kohle, Kohlenfeuer (= haurja); ne. coal, burning charcoal, coal-fire, ember

burning -- entirety burning: got. alabrunsts* 1, al-a-bru-n-st-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Brandopfer; ne. burnt offering, entirety burning

burnt -- be burnt up: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

burnt -- become burnt up: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

burnt -- burnt offering: got. alabrunsts* 1, al-a-bru-n-st-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Brandopfer; ne. burnt offering, entirety burning

burnt -- make burnt: got. gatandjan* 1, ga-tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. brandmarken, mit einem Brandmal versehen; ne. make burnt, sear (V.), brand (V.)

burrow -- burrow (N.): got. grōba* 2, grōb-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Grube, Höhle; ne. dugout, hole (N.), burrow (N.), cave (N.)

burrow -- burrow (V.): got. *wrōtjan?, *wrō-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wühlen; ne. dig (V.), burrow (V.)

burst -- burst (N.): got. *brust, *brus-t,  st. Sb.: nhd. Bersten; ne. burst (N.)

burst -- burst out: got. tarmjan* 1, tar-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. losbrechen, ausbrechen; ne. vent (V.), break forth, burst out

burst -- burst (V.): got. *bristan?, *bris-t-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. bersten, brechen; ne. burst (V.); dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hnupnan?, *hnu-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. burst (V.), be rent asunder, become rent asunder

bursting -- bursting of skin: got. *balgbrust (?), *bal-g-bru-s-t,  Sb.: nhd. Balgbersten; ne. bursting of skin

bury: got. filhan 1, fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. verbergen, begraben (V.); ne. hide (V.), conceal, conceal in the ground, bury, cover up for safekeeping; gafilhan 5, ga-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.), verbergen; ne. hide (V.), conceal, bury, inter (V.); ganawistrōn* 1, ga-naw-i-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.); ne. bury, inter (V.), put in a grave; *nawistrōn?, *naw-i-str-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. begraben (V.); ne. bury; usfilhan 4, us-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.); ne. inter (V.), bury

-- bury together with: got. miþganawistrōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-nawi-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. mitbegraben; ne. bury together with, inter together with

bush -- prickly bush: got. aíƕatundi* 3, aíƕ-a-t-u-nd-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. „Pferdedorn“, Dornstrauch; ne. thornbush, bramble, prickly bush

bush -- small bush with highly aromatic leaves: got. hwssōpō* 1, hwssōpōn*,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromatic leaves

bush -- small bush with highly aromativ leaves: got. ƕssōpō, ƕssōpōn,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromativ leaves

bushel -- bushel (1): got. mēla* 1, mēl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Scheffel, Maß; ne. peck-measure, measure of grain, bushel (1)

business: got. gawaúrki 5, ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschäft, Erwerb, Gewinn; ne. acquisitiveness, commercial untertaking, business deal, business, acquisition, gain (N.)

-- business deal: got. gawaúrki 5, ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschäft, Erwerb, Gewinn; ne. acquisitiveness, commercial untertaking, business deal, business, acquisition, gain (N.)

-- transact business: got. kaupōn* 1, kaup-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Geschäfte machen, Handel treiben; ne. transact business, trade (V.), bargain (V.)

busy: got. *-bisuus?,  Adj.: nhd. geschäftig?; ne. busy

but: got. ak 278=276,  Konj.: nhd. sondern (Konj.), aber, geh; ne. but, on the contrary, however, but rather; akei 98=97, ak-ei,  Konj.: nhd. aber; ne. but, despite this, nevertheless; alja 17, al-ja,  Konj., Präp. m. Dat.: nhd. außer; ne. but, else than, except, other than, save (Präp.), unless; aþþan 240, aþ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. aber doch, aber ja, aber nun, denn, also, nun, und; ne. but then, but nonetheless, but, however although, though; auk 286=285,  Konj.: nhd. denn, nämlich, aber, auch, und; ne. furthermore, moreover, besides, for, but, also, since; iþ (1) 626,  Konj.: nhd. aber, und, wenn, nun, also, denn; ne. but, however, in any case, even so, so, if, in the case that; jah 3915,  Konj.: nhd. und, und zwar, auch, aber, denn; ne. indeed, even (Konj.), also, but, and; swēþauh 36=34, swē-þauh,  Partikel: nhd. doch zwar, wenigstens; ne. indeed, admittedly, but; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever; þau 86,  Adv.: nhd. als, oder, doch, wohl, etwa, wie; ne. than, compared to, perchance, perhaps, but, instead; *þauh, *þau-h,  Konj.: nhd. oder, doch; ne. or, but, even though

-- but no longer: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

-- but nonetheless: got. aþþan 240, aþ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. aber doch, aber ja, aber nun, denn, also, nun, und; ne. but then, but nonetheless, but, however although, though

-- but not in the case: got. nibai 58, n-i-ba-i, niba,  Interrog.-Pron., Konj.: nhd. doch nicht etwa, wenn nicht, es sei denn dass, ausgenommen; ne. not possibly, unless, except (Konj.), if not, but not in the case

-- but now: got. iþ nū, got.: nhd. aber jetzt; ne. but now

-- but rather: got. ak 278=276,  Konj.: nhd. sondern (Konj.), aber, geh; ne. but, on the contrary, however, but rather

-- but then: got. aþþan 240, aþ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. aber doch, aber ja, aber nun, denn, also, nun, und; ne. but then, but nonetheless, but, however although, though

-- but then along therewith: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- but then along with that: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- but then be it therefore: got. aþþan siai nū, got.: nhd. aber sei es; ne. but then be it therefore

-- but then consequently: got. aþþan nū, got.: nhd. aber deshalb; ne. but then consequently

-- but then simultaneously: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- but well: got. waila þau, got.: nhd. doch wohl; ne. but well

-- but when: got. iþ þan, got.: nhd. aber als; ne. but when

-- not just ... but also: got. ni þatainei ... ak jah: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not solely ... but also, not just ... but also

-- not only ... but also: got. ni þatain ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also; ni þatainei ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also; ni þatain ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also

-- not solely ... but also: got. ni þatainei ... ak jah: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not solely ... but also, not just ... but also

butcher: got. skilja* 1, skil-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fleischer, Metzger; ne. butcher, meat cutter

-- butcher (V.): got. ufsneiþan* 5, uf-sneiþ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „aufschneiden“, schlachten; ne. cut to death, slaughter (V.), kill (V.), butcher (V.)

buy -- buy (N.): got. *kaup, *kaupa?,  Sb.: nhd. Handel, Kauf; ne. trade (N.), bargain (N.), buy (N.)

buy -- buy out of ransom: got. *uslunjan?, *us-lu-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlösen; ne. redeem, buy out of ransom

buy -- buy up: got. usbugjan* 7, us-bug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erkaufen; ne. buy (V.), buy up, acquire through purchase (V.), redeem

buy -- buy (V.): got. bugjan* 9, bug-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. kaufen, verkaufen; ne. buy (V.), purchase (V.); usbugjan* 7, us-bug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erkaufen; ne. buy (V.), buy up, acquire through purchase (V.), redeem

buying -- contract for buying on credit: got. kawtsjō* 4, kawts-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sicherheit, Bürgschaft, Verschreibung; ne. contract for buying on credit, credit contract, security, bond (N.), warrenty

by: got. af 135,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. von, von weg, von her, seit, ab, zu, aus; ne. from, away from, by, by means of, since, of; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; þaírh 160=159, þaír-h,  Präp., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. durch; ne. through, per, via (Präp.), whereby, by, throughout

-- add by argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- affix by nailing: got. ganagljan* 1, ga-nag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. festnageln, annageln, nageln; ne. nail (V.), affix by nailing; *nagljan?, *nag-l-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nageln; ne. nail (V.), affix by nailing

-- arrive by boat: got. atfarjan* 1, at-far-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einlaufen, landen; ne. reach land, arrive by boat, land (V.), put into port

-- arrive by hastening: got. gasniwan* 2, ga-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. ereilen, gelangen zu, erlangen; ne. arrive by hastening, reach by hastening, attain

-- be discomfited by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- bestow by argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- be unsettled by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- be upset by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- bound by oath: got. ufaiþeis* 1, uf-ai-þ-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. durch Eid verpflichtet, durch Eid verbunden, vereidet; ne. under oath, bound by oath

-- by all means: got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

-- by another way: got. aljaþrō 4, al-ja-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. anderswoher; ne. elsewhence, elsewhere, from elsewhere, somewhere else, somewhere, by another way

-- by day: got. *dagis?, *dag-is?,  Adv. (Gen.): nhd. tags; ne. in the daytime, by day

-- by how much: got. und ƕan filu, got.: nhd. um wieviel; ne. by how much

-- by means of: got. af 135,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. von, von weg, von her, seit, ab, zu, aus; ne. from, away from, by, by means of, since, of; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- by means of what: got. biƕē 1, bi-ƕē,  Adv.: nhd. woran; ne. whereby, by means of what, how

-- by much: got. filaus 5, fil-aus,  Adv.: nhd. um vieles, viel; ne. by much, greatly

-- by no means: got. (allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly;)

-- by now: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already; juþan 15, ju-þan, *juuþan,  Adv.: nhd. schon; ne. already, by now, by that time, by then

-- by reason of the fact that: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- by reason of this: got. in þis: nhd. deshalb; ne. by reason of this, by this cause

-- by so much: got. und filu, got.: nhd. um viel; ne. by so much; ÜG. gr. πολλῷ

-- by that much the: got. þē 1,  Adv.: nhd. desto, um so; ne. by that much the, do much the, any the

-- by that time: got. juþan 15, ju-þan, *juuþan,  Adv.: nhd. schon; ne. already, by now, by that time, by then

-- by then: got. juþan 15, ju-þan, *juuþan,  Adv.: nhd. schon; ne. already, by now, by that time, by then

-- by the side of: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

-- by this cause: got. in þis: nhd. deshalb; ne. by reason of this, by this cause

-- by this time: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already

-- cheat by false pretenses: got. hōlōn* 2, hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verleumden, betrügen, durch Betrug schädigen, schikanieren, schaden; ne. wrong by false allegation, cheat by false pretenses, victimize, slander (V.)

-- cleanse by washing: got. usþwahan* 3, us-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auswaschen, abwaschen; ne. wash out, wash clean, cleanse by washing

-- come by: got. anagaggan* 1, an-a-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. kommen, künftig sein (V.); ne. come on, come by, approach (V.)

-- commit suicide by hanging: got. ushāhan* (sik) 1, us-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich erhängen; ne. hang o.s., commit suicide by hanging

-- consume by dining: got. frawisan* 1, fra-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verbrauchen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. consume by dining, devour through epicurean living, eat up in feasting, squander

-- consume by fire: got. gabrannjan* 3, ga-bran-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen; ne. burn (V.), consume by fire; intandjan* 1, in-tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „anzünden“, verbrennen, in Brand setzen; ne. incinerate, burn up, consume by fire

-- crowd by stepping right next to: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

-- decide by inquiry: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

-- depleted by demands: got. ushaista 1, us-haist-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Mangel leidend, bedürftig; ne. impoverished, depleted by demands, exhausted by claims, needy

-- designate by name: got. ganamnjan* 1, ga-nam-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. benennen, nennen; ne. name (V.), designate by name

-- destroy by rending: got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate

-- determine by inquest: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

-- disappear by submergence: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

-- examine by testing: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

-- exhausted by claims: got. ushaista 1, us-haist-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Mangel leidend, bedürftig; ne. impoverished, depleted by demands, exhausted by claims, needy

-- extort from by false allegation: got. afhōlōn* 1, af-hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, betrügen; ne. extort from by false allegation

-- extract by cutting: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

-- find out by inquiry: got. gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

-- find out by investigation: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

-- get by lot: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

-- get out by digging: got. usgraban* 3, us-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. ausgraben; ne. dig out, get out by digging

-- go by sea: got. farjan* 2, far-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fahren, schiffen; ne. seafare (V.), go by sea, travel by boat, sail (V.), cruise (V.)

-- hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy: got. fralēwjan* 1, fra-lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy, betray

-- harvest by scythe: got. sneiþan* 9, sneiþ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. schneiden, ernten; ne. cut (V.), reap, harvest by scythe

-- known by its obviousness: got. swikunþs 17, swi-kun-þ-s, swekunþs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. offenkundig, offenbar, bekannt; ne. known openly, conspicuously known, known by its obviousness, manifest (Adj.), obvious

-- learn by inquiry: got. gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

-- made by hands: got. handuwaúrhts* 2, hand-u-waúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. handgemacht, mit der Hand gemacht; ne. hand-wrought, made by hands

-- make acquire knowledge of by reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

-- make arrive at by throwing: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- make arrive at by turning: got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.)

-- make deviate by obstructing: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

-- make reach by throwing: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- make shrivelled by touching: got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact

-- make wrinkled by contact: got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact

-- mark made by a stroke of the pen: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

-- master by drill: got. usþrōþjan* 1, us-þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einüben; ne. train thoroughly, drill to mastery, master by drill

-- move in front of by rolling: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

-- move to by rolling: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

-- not by: got. ni und waiht, got.: nhd. um nichts; ne. not by

-- on by: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by

-- overrunning by water: got. garunjō* 1, ga-ru-n-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Flut, Überschwemmung; ne. inundation, deluge (N.), overrunning by water, flood (N.)

-- pass on by: got. faúrgaggan* 4, faúr-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorübergehen, vorbeigehen; ne. pass on by, go past

-- person possessed by the devil: got. daimōnāreis 5, daimōn-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Besessener; ne. person possessed by the devil, demoniac

-- prove by test: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

-- prove by testing: got. gakiusan 10=9, ga-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, wählen, prüfen; ne. prove by testing, try (V.), choose as proven, approve, test (V.)

-- prove by trial: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

-- proved by testing: got. *gakusans?, *ga-kus-an-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bewährt, erprobt, auserwählt; ne. proved by testing, approved

-- proving by test: got. kustus* 3, kus-t-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Prüfung, Beweis; ne. test (N.), trial, proving by test, proof (N.)

-- put side by side with: got. gabaíran 26, ga-baír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „zusammentragen“, vergleichen, gebären; ne. „bring together“, compare, put side by side with, give birth to

-- reach by hastening: got. gasniwan* 2, ga-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. ereilen, gelangen zu, erlangen; ne. arrive by hastening, reach by hastening, attain

-- remove by rolling: got. afwalwjan* 2, af-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wegwälzen; ne. remove by rolling, roll away

-- run up close by: got. biþragjan* 1, bi-þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeilaufen, vorauslaufen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up close by, run on

-- scatter completely away by winnowing: got. diswinþjan* 1, dis-winþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „auseinanderwerfen“, zermalmen, worfeln, zerstreuen; ne. crush (V.), scatter completely away by winnowing, dissipate to the winds

-- segregate by covering up: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

-- seize by violence: got. wilwan 3, wil-w-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. rauben; ne. plunder (V.), rob, seize by violence

-- set apart by covering: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

-- slip by: got. ufsliupan* 3=2, uf-sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. einschleichen, zu Unrecht einführen, sich zurückziehen, sich fortschleichen; ne. slip by, slide past, slip on past, shrink back

-- speed on by: got. bisniwan* 1, bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. zuvorkommen, zuvoreilen; ne. speed on by, precede

-- spread by throwing: got. straujan* 2, stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streuen, ausbreiten; ne. strew, scatter (V.), spread by throwing

-- stand by: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

-- surrender s.o. by means of opportunism: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

-- surround by digging: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

-- take possession of by attack: got. dissitan* 3, dis-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. ergreifen, überfallen; ne. beseige, beset, take possession of by attack, seize

-- thwart by deflecting: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

-- travel by boat: got. farjan* 2, far-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fahren, schiffen; ne. seafare (V.), go by sea, travel by boat, sail (V.), cruise (V.)

-- two by two: got. twans ƕanzuh: nhd. je zwei; ne. two by two, in twos

-- win by running: got. garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather

-- wrong by false allegation: got. hōlōn* 2, hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verleumden, betrügen, durch Betrug schädigen, schikanieren, schaden; ne. wrong by false allegation, cheat by false pretenses, victimize, slander (V.)

byrnie: got. brunjō* 2, bru-n-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Brustharnisch, Brünne; ne. breastplate, byrnie

byssus: got. bwssaún, 1,  F. (indekl.): nhd. feines Linnen, feine Leinwand; ne. fine linen, byssus

bystander -- be a bystander: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

cable: got. *sail, *sai-l, *sails,  st. M.?, N.?(a): nhd. Seil; ne. rope, cable

cadaver: got. naus 4, nau-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Toter; ne. dead man, corpse, cadaver

Caesar -- payment to the Caesar: got. kaisaragild* 1, kais-ar-a-gild*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Kaisergeld“, Zensus, Steuer (F.), Kaisersteuer; ne. Caesar-tribute, payment to the Caesar, tax (N.), census

Caesar-tribute: got. kaisaragild* 1, kais-ar-a-gild*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Kaisergeld“, Zensus, Steuer (F.), Kaisersteuer; ne. Caesar-tribute, payment to the Caesar, tax (N.), census

cake -- cake (N.): got. *kōka?, *kōk-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Kuchen; ne. cake (N.)

calculate -- calculate (V.): got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

caldron: got. ƕair* 1,  st. M. (a): nhd. Kessel, ƕ-Rune; ne. caldron, name of ƕ-rune

calf: got. *kalb?, *kal-b?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Kalb; ne. calf; kalbō* 1, kal-b-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. junge Kuh, weibliches Kalb, Kalbe; ne. heifer, young cow which has not yet calved, calf

-- calf (N.): got. stiur* (1) 4, stiu-r*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stierkalb; ne. young steer, calf (N.), young bullock

call -- call aloud: got. *hrōpan, *hrō-p-an,  red. V. (6): nhd. rufen; ne. cry out, call aloud

call -- call hither: got. atwōpjan 6, at-wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeirufen; ne. summon (V.), call to o.s., call hither, call thither

call -- call loudly: got. wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

call -- call (N.): got. drunjus 1, dru-n-ju-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Schall; ne. sound of the voice, call (N.), cry (N.); *laþa, *la-þ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ruf, Ladung (F.) (2); ne. call (N.), appeal (N.)

call -- call on: got. anahaitan* 6, an-a-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. anrufen, bitten, schelten; ne. call on, call upon, invoke (V.), reprimand (V.), upbraid, berate, scold (V.); bidai anahaitan: nhd. anrufen, bitten; ne. call on, ask, beg

call -- call out: got. *galan?, *gal-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. rufen, singen; ne. call out, sing out; hrōpjan 28, hrō-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, schreien; ne. cry out, shout (V.), call out; ufwōpjan* 4, uf-wōp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. call out, cry out, cry aloud, exclaim; wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

call -- call out about: got. *bihaitan?, *bi-hai-t-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. prahlen, verleumden; ne. proclaim about, call out about, speak vociferously

call -- call thither: got. atwōpjan 6, at-wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeirufen; ne. summon (V.), call to o.s., call hither, call thither

call -- call to: got. atlaþōn* 2, at-la-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. berufen (V.), einladen (V.) (1), laden (V.) (1); ne. call to, bid come, call together, invite; wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

call -- call together: got. atlaþōn* 2, at-la-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. berufen (V.), einladen (V.) (1), laden (V.) (1); ne. call to, bid come, call together, invite; gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together; galaþōn 9, ga-la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenberufen, einladen (V.) (2), berufen (V.); ne. call together, convoke, bid convene, call (V.), invite

call -- call to mind: got. gamunan 21, ga-mun-an,  Prät.-Präs. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erinnern, gedenken; ne. call to mind, keep in mind, remember

call -- call to one’s side: got. athaitan* 14, at-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. herzurufen; ne. summon (V.), call to one’s side, bid come

call -- call to o.s.: got. atwōpjan 6, at-wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeirufen; ne. summon (V.), call to o.s., call hither, call thither

call -- call to remind: got. gamaudjan* 4, ga-maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, recall to the mind of, mind (V.), call to remind

call -- call to the mind of: got. maudjan* 1, maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, call to the mind of

call -- call upon: got. anahaitan* 6, an-a-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. anrufen, bitten, schelten; ne. call on, call upon, invoke (V.), reprimand (V.), upbraid, berate, scold (V.)

call -- call (V.): got. galaþōn 9, ga-la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenberufen, einladen (V.) (2), berufen (V.); ne. call together, convoke, bid convene, call (V.), invite; haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.); haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.); laþōn 19, la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einladen (V.) (2); ne. call (V.), summon (V.), bid come, invite; namnjan* 12=11, nam-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nennen; ne. name (V.), call (V.)

calling -- calling (N.): got. laþōns 10, laþ-ōn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Einladung, Berufung, Trost, Erlösung; ne. calling (N.), vocation, invitation

callous: got. uswēna* 2, us-wēn-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. hoffnungslos; ne. despairing, desponding, without hope, callous, without expectations

calm -- calm (N.): got. anaqal* 1, an-a-qal*,  st. M.?, st. N.? (a): nhd. Ruhe, Beruhigung; ne. tranquilization, quieting down, calm (N.), quiet (N.), rest (N.) (1)

calm -- calm on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

calm -- grow calm: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

calmness: got. rimis* 1, rimi-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ruhe; ne. calmness, tranquility, peacefulness, rest (N.)

calumniously -- accuse calumniously: got. frawrōhjan* 1, fra-wrō-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verklagen, verdächtigen, verleumden, anzeigen; ne. accuse maliciously, accuse calumniously, incriminate slanderously, suspect (V.)

calved -- young cow which has not yet calved: got. kalbō* 1, kal-b-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. junge Kuh, weibliches Kalb, Kalbe; ne. heifer, young cow which has not yet calved, calf

camber -- camber (V.): got. *ƕilban, *ƕilb-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. wölben; ne. arch (V.), vault (V.), camber (V.)

camel: got. ulbandus* 3, ulbandu-s*,  st. F. (u)?, st. M. (u)?: nhd. Kamel; ne. camel

camp -- camp (N.): got. bibaúrgeins* 1, bi-baúr-g-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lager; ne. camp (N.), circumvallated stronghold

campaign -- campaign (N.): got. draúhtinassus* 1, draú-h-t-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), service under a war-lord, military service, soldiering; draúhtiwitōþ* 1, draú-h-t-i-wit-ōþ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsrecht, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), military discipline, military service, warfare, war

campaign -- campaign (V.): got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

can -- can (V.): got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

cancel: got. *liusan?, *liu-s-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. lösen, los sein (V.)?; ne. remove (V.), solve, cancel, be solved?

cancer-mite: got. *siurjō?, *siur-j-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Krebsmilbe; ne. cancer-mite

candidly: got. ainfalþaba 1, ai-n-fal-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. einfältig; ne. simply, candidly, whole-heartedly

candle: got. lukarn 5,  st. N. (a): nhd. Leuchte, Licht; ne. lamp, candle, light (N.)

candlestick: got. lukarnastaþa* 3, lukarn-a-sta-þa*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Leuchter; ne. candlestick, lamp stand

cane -- cane (N.): got. wandus* 1, wa-nd-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. „Gewundenes“, Rute; ne. rod, stick (N.)(1), cane (N.)

cane -- cane (V.): got. wlizjan* 1, wli-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, kasteien; ne. castigate, cane (V.), smite the face of, mortify, bruise (V.)

canopy -- canopy (V.): got. ufarhleiþrjan* 1, uf-ar-hlei-þr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überzelten, ein Zelt über jemandem aufschlagen; ne. tent over, cover as with a tent, canopy (V.)

cantor: got. liuþāreis* 2, liu-þ-ārei-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Sänger; ne. singer, cantor

capability: got. mahts (1) 72, mah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Macht, Kraft, Vermögen, Wundertat; ne. power (N.), might (N.), strength, capability, miracle

capable: got. *frams?, *fra-m-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tüchtig; ne. efficient, competent, capable; mahteigs 22, mah-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. mächtig, möglich, stark, Herrscher (= mahteigs, subst.); ne. power-holding, powerful, capable, possible, able; ustauhans: nhd. vollkommen; ne. complete (Adj.), capable, proficient, perfect

capacity -- perform in sacredotal capacity: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

capsizal: got. uswalteins 2, us-wal-t-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Umwälzung, Zusammensturz, Zerstörung, Untergang; ne. capsizal, downthrow (N.), overthrow (N.), overturn (N.), collapse (N.), downfall, ruin (N.)

capsize: got. uswaltjan* 3, us-wal-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas umwälzen, etwas umstürzen; ne. overturn (V.), capsize, overthrow (V.); waltjan* 1, wal-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wälzen, stürzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble (V.), capsize, turn over, beat into

caption: got. ufarmēli 2, uf-ar-mēl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Überschrift; ne. caption, legend, label (N.), title, inscription

captive: got. frahunþans, M.: nhd. Gefangener; ne. captive

-- captive (M.): got. bandja 6, band-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefangener, Gebundener; ne. person in bonds, prisoner, captive (M.)

-- take captive: got. frahinþan* 4, fra-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. gefangennehmen, fangen; ne. take captive, capture (V.); frahunþana tiuhan: nhd. gefangennehmen; ne. take captive; gr. αἰχμαλοτίζειν; lat. captivum ducere; 2 Tm 3,6 A B; ushinþan* 1, us-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erbeuten; ne. take captive, capture (V.), make prisoner of war

-- take captive along with: got. miþfrahinþan* 2, mi-þ-fra-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgefangennehmen; ne. capture together with, take captive along with

captivity: got. hunþs* 1, hunþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Fang, Beute (F.) (1); ne. captivity, capture (N.)

-- keep in captivity: got. gafāhana haban, gafāhana tiuhan: nhd. gefangen halten; ne. keep in captivity

capture -- capture (N.): got. hunþs* 1, hunþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Fang, Beute (F.) (1); ne. captivity, capture (N.)

capture -- capture together with: got. miþfrahinþan* 2, mi-þ-fra-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgefangennehmen; ne. capture together with, take captive along with

capture -- capture (V.): got. fāhan 2, fāh-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. fangen, greifen; ne. catch (V.), capture (V.), grasp (V.), take hold of, lay hands on, seize; frahinþan* 4, fra-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. gefangennehmen, fangen; ne. take captive, capture (V.); gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize; ganiutan* 2, ga-niut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erwischen, fangen; ne. gain hold of, catch (V.), capture (V.), obtain; ushinþan* 1, us-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erbeuten; ne. take captive, capture (V.), make prisoner of war

capturer: got. nuta* 2, nut-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fänger, Fischer; ne. capturer, catcher, fisher

care -- care about: got. karōn* 1, kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich kümmern; ne. care about, worry about, be concerned about

care -- care for: got. gakarōn* 1, ga-kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. besorgen, sich kümmern, sorgen für; ne. care for, have concern for

care -- care (N.): got. gaþagki* 1, ga-þagk-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Bedacht; ne. deliberation, care (N.); kara 5, kar-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sorge; ne. care (N.), worry (N.), concern (N.); *raka (1), *rak-a,  Sb.: nhd. Sorge; ne. care (N.), sorrow (N.); saúrga 12, saúrg-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sorge, Kummer; ne. sorrow (N.), grief (N.), worry (N.), care (N.)

care -- care (V.): got. saúrgan 7, saúrg-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen, bekümmert sein (V.); ne. sorrow (V.), be sorrowful, grieve, worry (V.), be anxious, care (V.)

care -- give into the care of: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

care -- take care of: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.); gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

careful -- be careful: got. atsaíƕan* 10=9, at-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen auf, sich in Acht nehmen, sich hüten; ne. give heed, watch out, be careful, be watchful, note (V.)

careful -- careful treatment: got. gafreideins* 3=2, ga-frei-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erhaltung, Bewahrung, Schonung; ne. safekeeping (N.), custody (N.), possession, careful treatment

careless: got. unkarja 2, un-kar-ja,  sw. Adj.: nhd. sorglos, unbesorgt; ne. uncaring, careless, negligent, without attention

caretaker -- vineyard caretaker: got. aúrtja* 4, aúrt-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Landmann, Winzer; ne. vineyard caretaker, tenant farmer, vintner, husbandman

carnal: got. leikeins 6, leik-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. leiblich, fleischlich; ne. bodily, corporeal, carnal, fleshly

-- carnal drive: got. winnō* 3, wi-n-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Leiden; ne. passion, carnal drive, sensual craving, suffering (N.)

carob-tree -- horn-shaped pod of the carob-tree: got. haúrn 2, haúr-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Horn, Frucht des Johannisbrotbaums, Bockshorn; ne. horn, horn-shaped pod of the carob-tree

carousing -- carousing (N.): got. gabaúr* (2) 2, ga-baúr*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Festgelage, Schmaus; ne. carousing (N.), revelry, festive banquet, merrymaking

carp: got. *karpa?, *karp-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Karpfen; ne. carp

carpenter: got. timrja 3, tim-r-j-a, timbrja*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Zimmermann; ne. carpenter, wood-worker

carriage: got. *kart-, *kar-t-,  Sb.: nhd. Wagen; ne. carriage, cart

carried: got. *baúrþs (1), *baúr-þ-s,  Adj.: nhd. getragen; ne. borne, carried

carrion: got. *hraiw, *hrai-w,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Leiche; ne. carrion; *lōþr?, *lō-þr?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Luder, Lockspeise; ne. carrion, bait (N.), lure (N.)

carry: got. baíran 46=45, baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. tragen, leiden, erleiden, gebären, ertragen; ne. bear (V.), carry, bring, endure, suffer, give birth

-- carry all the way in: got. innatbaíran* 2, in-n-at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hineinbringen, hineintragen; ne. bear in thither, carry all the way in, bring in

-- carry along: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

-- carry on: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

-- carry out: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue; ūtbaíran* 1, ūt-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen; ne. carry out, bear out, carry through

-- carry through: got. þaírhbaíran* 1, þaír-h-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hindurchtragen; ne. carry through, bear through, produce; ūtbaíran* 1, ūt-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen; ne. carry out, bear out, carry through

-- carry (V.): got. raidjan* (2), raid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen machen, tragen; ne. make a ride, transport (V.), carry (V.)

cart: got. *kart-, *kar-t-,  Sb.: nhd. Wagen; ne. carriage, cart

carve -- carve in: got. *wreitan, *wre-i-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. ritzen, reißen; ne. incise, score (V.), carve in, engrave, inscribe, write

case -- but not in the case: got. nibai 58, n-i-ba-i, niba,  Interrog.-Pron., Konj.: nhd. doch nicht etwa, wenn nicht, es sei denn dass, ausgenommen; ne. not possibly, unless, except (Konj.), if not, but not in the case

case -- in any case: got. ƕēh 2, ƕē-h,  Adv.: nhd. jedenfalls, nur; ne. in any case, in whatever case, no matter what, just only; iþ (1) 626,  Konj.: nhd. aber, und, wenn, nun, also, denn; ne. but, however, in any case, even so, so, if, in the case that

case -- in that case: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

case -- in that case consequently then ... not: got. þannu nū ei ... ni, got.: nhd. deshalb ... nicht; ne. in that case consequently then ... not

case -- in the case that: got. iþ (1) 626,  Konj.: nhd. aber, und, wenn, nun, also, denn; ne. but, however, in any case, even so, so, if, in the case that

case -- in whatever case: got. ƕēh 2, ƕē-h,  Adv.: nhd. jedenfalls, nur; ne. in any case, in whatever case, no matter what, just only

case -- present the case: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

casing: got. fōdr* 1, fōd-r*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Scheide; ne. scabbard, sheath (N.), casing

cast -- cast aside: got. afwaírpan 4, af-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat.: nhd. etwas wegwerfen, weichen (= Pass.), weggenommen werden (= Pass.), fortwerfen; ne. cast aside, throw off

cast -- cast down: got. gadrausjan* 3, ga-drau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen, niederwerfen, herabwerfen; ne. cast down, overthrow (V.), fell (V.), bring down, plunge down; gawaírpan 3, ga-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinwerfen, niederwerfen, werfen, hinundherreißen; ne. throw (V.), cast down, fling (V.), dash (V.), toss (V.)

cast -- cast in: got. innwaírpan* 1, in-n-waír-p-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hineinwerfen; ne. throw in, cast in

cast -- cast off: got. frawaírpan* 2, fra-waír-p-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verwerfen, zerstreuen, wegwerfen; ne. throw away, discard, jettison, cast off, scatter (V.); uswaírpan 34, us-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinauswerfen, wegwerfen, austreiben, verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen, daraufwerfen; ne. throw out, cast out, eject, expel, reject (V.), cast off, throw off

cast -- cast out: got. uswaírpan 34, us-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinauswerfen, wegwerfen, austreiben, verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen, daraufwerfen; ne. throw out, cast out, eject, expel, reject (V.), cast off, throw off

cast -- cast (V.): got. waírpan 13, waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. werfen; ne. throw (V.), cast (V.)

cast -- cast within reach of: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

castigate: got. andbeitan 9, and-bei-t-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. schelten, bedrohen, in Verlegenheit geraten (V.), tadeln, anfahren; ne. scold (V.), threaten, snap at, rebuke, censure (V.), castigate; wlizjan* 1, wli-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, kasteien; ne. castigate, cane (V.), smite the face of, mortify, bruise (V.)

castigation: got. andabeit 1, and-a-bei-t,  st. N. (a): nhd. Tadel; ne. reproach (N.), rebuke (N.), censure (N.), castigation

casting-net -- circular casting-net: got. nati* 7, nat-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Netz, kreisrundes Wurfnetz; ne. net, circular casting-net, fishing-net

castle: got. baúrgs (1) 59, baúr-g-s,  F. (kons.): nhd. Turm, Burg, Stadt; ne. castle, citadel, city, tower (N.) (1)

castoff -- castoff (N.): got. uswaúrpa 3, us-waúr-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Auswurf, Verwerfung, Fehlgeburt; ne. castoff (N.), rejection, ejection, expulsion, miscarriage

castrate: got. usmaitan* 6, us-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. ausschneiden, abschneiden, ausrotten, aushauen; ne. cut out, excise, cut away, castrate, prune (V.), amputate

catalogue -- catalogue of ancestry: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

catch -- catch fire: got. tundnan* 1, tund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. brennen; ne. catch fire, be afire, be aflame, burn (V.)

catch -- catch (N.): got. *fāh,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Fang; ne. catching (N.), catch (N.); gafāh* 1, ga-fāh*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fang; ne. catching (N.), catch (N.)

catch -- catch sight of: got. gasaíƕan 162, ga-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erblicken, sehen, (erscheinen); ne. see (V.), espy, catch sight of, look at, perceive

catch -- catch (V.): got. fāhan 2, fāh-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. fangen, greifen; ne. catch (V.), capture (V.), grasp (V.), take hold of, lay hands on, seize; gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize; ganiutan* 2, ga-niut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erwischen, fangen; ne. gain hold of, catch (V.), capture (V.), obtain; *hinþan?, *hinþ-an?,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. fangen; ne. catch (V.)

catcher: got. nuta* 2, nut-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fänger, Fischer; ne. capturer, catcher, fisher

catching -- catching (N.): got. *fāh,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Fang; ne. catching (N.), catch (N.); gafāh* 1, ga-fāh*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fang; ne. catching (N.), catch (N.)

cattle -- graze cattle: got. haldan 9, hal-d-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. hüten, weiden, halten; ne. herd (V.), shepherd (V.), tend, keep watch over, graze cattle

cause -- be the cause of: got. gansjan* 2=1, gans-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verursachen; ne. be the cause of, generate, cause the beginning of

cause -- by this cause: got. in þis: nhd. deshalb; ne. by reason of this, by this cause

cause -- cause anguish to: got. gaurjan* 10, gau-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kränken, betrüben; ne. insult (V.), grieve, cause anguish to, pain (V.)

cause -- cause detriment: got. gasleiþjan* 4, ga-slei-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschädigen, schädigen, schaden; ne. inflict injury, harm (V.), cause detriment, damage (V.); *sleiþjan?, *slei-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schädigen; ne. inflict injury, harm (V.), cause detriment

cause -- cause division in: got. disskaidan* 1, dis-skai-d-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zerteilen; ne. cause division in, sunder (V.), split up, divide up

cause -- cause doubt: got. tweifljan 1, twei-fl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zweifeln, in Zweifel versetzen; ne. cause doubt

cause -- cause for anger: got. gamarzeins* 3, ga-mar-z-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. hinderance, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, offense (N.), cause for anger

cause -- cause for complaint: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

cause -- cause harm to: got. usagljan* 1, us-ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, bedrängen, belästigen, beschimpfen; ne. inflict injury upon, cause harm to, be hurtful to, bother (V.)

cause -- cause (N.): got. lēw* 4,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Gelegenheit, Veranlassung, Anlass; ne. exploitable opportunity, opportunistic chance, cause (N.)

cause -- cause offense: got. gamarzjan* 8, ga-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ärgern, Ärgernis erregen, Ärgernis nehmen (pass., Mat 11,6 CA, Luk 7,23 CA); ne. trip up, make stumble, make falter, thwart (V.), frustrate, cause offense

cause -- cause pain: got. anakaúrjan* 1, an-a-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschweren; ne. heap a burden upon, burden with an overload, cause pain

cause -- cause the beginning of: got. gansjan* 2=1, gans-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verursachen; ne. be the cause of, generate, cause the beginning of

cause -- cause to become: got. briggan 39, bri-g-g-an,  unr. st. V., sw. V.: nhd. bringen, führen machen; ne. bring, lead (V.), conduct (V.), render, cause to become

cause -- cause to be completely happy: got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully

cause -- cause to course out: got. urrannjan* 1, ur-ra-n-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufgehen lassen; ne. cause to emerge, cause to course out

cause -- cause to degenerate: got. frawardjan* 7, fra-war-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben (tr.), entstellen; ne. cause to degenerate, corrupt (V.), destroy

cause -- cause to emerge: got. urrannjan* 1, ur-ra-n-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufgehen lassen; ne. cause to emerge, cause to course out

cause -- cause to go down: got. gahnaiwjan* 4, ga-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, make humble, lower (V.), abase; hnaiwjan* 3, hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niedrig machen, erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, lower (V.), humble (V.), abase (V.)

cause -- cause to laugh: got. *hlōhjan?, *hlō-h-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lachen machen; ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing; ufhlōhjan* 1, uf-hlōh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflachen machen, lachen machen, auflachen (= Pass.); ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing

cause -- cause to rise up: got. urraisjan 26, ur-rai-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Aufstehen bringen, aufrichten, erwecken, erregen, aufregen; ne. cause to rise up, raise up, rouse (V.), arouse

cause -- cause to sink: got. saggqjan* 1, saggq-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. senken; ne. cause to sink, immerse (tr.), plunge (V.) (tr.)

cause -- cause to stand: got. gastōþan 1, ga-stō-þ-an,  sw. V. (3), effektiv: nhd. aufrecht erhalten; ne. make stand, cause to stand, uphold

cause -- cause to submerge: got. ufsaggqjan* 2=1, uf-saggq-jan*, ufsagqjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versenken; ne. make sink down, cause to submerge, engulf

cause -- cause to totter: got. gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter

cause -- cause to triumph: got. hrōþeigana ustaiknjan: nhd. siegreich machen, den Sieg gewähren; ne. cause to triumph

cause -- cause to waver: got. afswaggwjan* 1, af-swaggw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwankend machen?, ängstlich machen; ne. make anxious, make sway away from, cause to waver

cause -- cause to wax fat: got. aljan* (1) 3, al-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mästen; ne. cause to wax fat, fatten

cause -- give cause for rejoicing: got. *hlōhjan?, *hlō-h-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lachen machen; ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing; ufhlōhjan* 1, uf-hlōh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflachen machen, lachen machen, auflachen (= Pass.); ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing

cause -- without cause: got. arwjō 3, arw-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. umsonst, unentgeltlich, ohne Ursache, vergebens; ne. gratis, without charge, in vain, for naught, for no reason, without cause

causing -- causing aversion: got. andasēts* 2, and-a-sēt-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. verabscheuenswert, verabscheuenswürdig; ne. causing aversion, abhorrent, repugnant, detestable

causing -- causing to doubt: got. tweifleins* 2, twei-fl-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zweifeln, Bezweiflung; ne. doubt (N.), causing to doubt

cave -- burial cave: got. hlaiw* 16, hlai-w*,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Grab; ne. tomb, burial cave, sepulchre, grave

cave -- cave (N.): got. *dauka (1), *dauk-a,  Sb.: nhd. Erdhöhle, Wohnung; ne. dwelling (N.), lodging (N.), cave (N.); grōba* 2, grōb-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Grube, Höhle; ne. dugout, hole (N.), burrow (N.), cave (N.); hulundi 1, hul-und-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Höhle; ne. cave (N.), cavern

cavern: got. hulundi 1, hul-und-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Höhle; ne. cave (N.), cavern

cease: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm; *gaandjan 1, *ga-and-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. enden, endigen, aufhören; ne. stop (V.), cease, conclude; gaƕeilan* 2, ga-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zur Ruhe kommen, aufhören, verweilen; ne. come to rest, take a rest, rest (V.), cease; gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease; ƕeilan* 1, ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhören; ne. pause (V.), take an intermission, take a recess, cease

-- cease from: got. aflinnan* 1, af-li-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. weggehen, fortgehen; ne. leave off, go away, cease from, let up

-- cease living: got. gaswiltan 44, ga-swil-t-an,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. sterben, absterben; ne. die (1), cease living

-- cease speaking: got. gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret

-- cease (V.): got. sweiban* 1, swei-b-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. ablassen, aufhören; ne. cease (V.), leave off, pause (V.), stop (V.)

ceaseless: got. unsweibands 4, un-swei-b-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unaufhörlich; ne. unceasing (Adj.), ceaseless, uncessant

ceasing: got. *sweibands?, *swei-b-an-d-s?,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. aufhörlich; ne. ceasing

celebrate -- celebrate a festival: got. dulþjan* 1, dulþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Fest feiern; ne. hold a feast, hold festivities, celebrate a festival

celebration: got. dulþs 17, dulþ-s,  st. F. (i) (kons.): nhd. Fest, Osterfest; ne. festival, celebration, Easter

-- birthday celebration: got. mēl gabaurþais, got.: nhd. Geburtstagsfeier; ne. birthday celebration; mēl gabaurþais, got.: nhd. Geburtstagsfeier; ne. birthday celebration

celestial: got. himinakunds* 9, himin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von himmlischer Abkunft, himmlisch; ne. coming from heaven, celestial, of heavenly provenance, heavenly

-- celestial body: got. tuggl* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gestirn; ne. constellation, celestial body, star (N.)

censure -- censure (N.): got. andabeit 1, and-a-bei-t,  st. N. (a): nhd. Tadel; ne. reproach (N.), rebuke (N.), censure (N.), castigation

censure -- censure (V.): got. anaqiþan* 1, an-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleumden, verlästern, schmähen; ne. denounce, censure (V.), inveigh against, blaspheme; andbeitan 9, and-bei-t-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. schelten, bedrohen, in Verlegenheit geraten (V.), tadeln, anfahren; ne. scold (V.), threaten, snap at, rebuke, censure (V.), castigate; inagjan* 1, in-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. anfahren, bedrohen, in Angst setzen; ne. put in a state of fear, threaten, inspire fear in, censure (V.)

census: got. kaisaragild* 1, kais-ar-a-gild*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Kaisergeld“, Zensus, Steuer (F.), Kaisersteuer; ne. Caesar-tribute, payment to the Caesar, tax (N.), census

cent: got. kintus* 1, kint-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Heller; ne. cent, penny

centuple: got. taíhuntaíhundfalþs* 1, taíhun-taíhun-d-fal-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hundertfältig; ne. hundred-fold, centuple

cereal -- granular fruit of the cereal grasses: got. kaúrn* 4, kaúr-n*, kor, korn*,  kor, korn*, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Korn, Getreide, Weizen; ne. grain, wheat, granular fruit of the cereal grasses; lat. triticum

ceremony -- sacrificial ceremony: got. *blōstr?, *blō-st-r?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Opfer; ne. rite, sacrificial ceremony

certain: got. arniba 1, ar-n-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sicher, gewiss; ne. certain, securely

-- a certain one: got. sums 140, sum-s,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, ein gewisser, jemand, ein, einige; ne. a certain one, some, somebody, one, anyone

-- in a certain part of the past: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

-- understand in a certain way: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

certainly: got. aúftō 21=20, aúft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. allerdings, wohl, vielleicht, etwa; ne. in all probability, indeed, perhaps, certainly, be sure, no doubt; raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure

certainty: got. astaþ* 1, a-sta-þ*, astaþs*,  st. F.?: nhd. Sicherheit, Gewissheit; ne. certainty, truth; tulgiþa 3, tul-g-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Festigkeit, Sicherheit, Fundament, Grundfeste, Befestigung; ne. firmness, stability, steadiness, steadfastness, immovability, fixity, certainty

certificate -- certificate of financial commitment: got. wadjabōkōs* 1, wad-j-a-bōk-ōs*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Handschein, Schuldschein; ne. written pledge, debenture, certificate of financial commitment, bond (N.)

cessation -- go down to cessation: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

cetera -- et cetera: got. kaì tà loipá 1, gr.- Konj., Art., Sb.: nhd. und so weiter; ne. and the remains, and the rest, et cetera

chaff: got. ahana 1, ah-an-a,  st. F. (ō), (N.): nhd. Spreu; ne. chaff

chain -- chain (N.): got. eisarnabandi* 1, eis-arn-a-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Eisenband, Kette (F.) (1), Fessel (F.) (1); ne. iron bond, iron shackle, chain (N.); naudibandi* 4, nau-d-i-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kette (F.) (1), Handschelle, Fessel (F.) (1); ne. shackle (N.), manacle (N.), chain (N.), fetter

chains -- leg chains: got. fōtubandi* 1, fōt-u-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. „Fußband“, Fußfessel, Fußschelle; ne. foot shackle, foot-bonds, leg chains

chair: got. sitls* 4, sit-l-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Sitz, Stuhl, Wohnstätte, Nest; ne. seat (N.), chair, throne (N.), nest (N.), roost (N.); stōls 4, stō-l-s, stul,  stul, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Stuhl, Thron; ne. seat (N.), throne (N.), chair; lat. sedes

chalice: got. stikls 16, sti-k-l-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Becher, Kelch; ne. pointed drinking horn, cusped beaker, chalice

challenge -- challenge (V.): got. ushaitan* 1, us-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. herausfordern; ne. provoke, challenge (V.)

chamber: got. hēþjō* 1, hē-þ-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kammer; ne. chamber, cubicle, bedroom

chance -- get the chance to drink: got. gadrigkan* 1, ga-dri-g-k-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. trinken; ne. drink (V.), get the chance to drink

chance -- opportunistic chance: got. lēw* 4,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Gelegenheit, Veranlassung, Anlass; ne. exploitable opportunity, opportunistic chance, cause (N.)

change -- change around: got. *gaƕaírban?, *ga-ƕaírb-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. umdrehen, umkehren, bekehren; ne. convert (V.), change around, turn around

change -- change (N.): got. *wandeins, *wa-nd-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Wendung; ne. change (N.); *wandi, *wa-nd-i,  st. F. (iō): nhd. Wendung; ne. change (N.)

change -- change o.s.: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

change -- change the resemblance into: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

change -- change (V.): got. maidjan* 1, mai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tauschen, verfälschen, Schacher treiben; ne. alter (V.), modify, mutate, change (V.), falsify

chant -- chant (V.): got. siggwan 6, siggw-an, singhen,  singhen, krim st. V. (3,1): nhd. singen, vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. sing, chant (V.), read chantingly, read aloud; lat. canere

chanted -- chanted reading: got. saggws bōkō: nhd. Vorlesung, Rezitation; ne. chanted reading

chantingly -- read chantingly: got. siggwan 6, siggw-an, singhen,  singhen, krim st. V. (3,1): nhd. singen, vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. sing, chant (V.), read chantingly, read aloud; lat. canere; ussiggwan* 9, us-siggw-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. read chantingly, read aloud, recite

charcoal -- burning charcoal: got. haúri* 2, haúr-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Kohle, Kohlenfeuer (= haurja); ne. coal, burning charcoal, coal-fire, ember

charge -- charge (N.): got. anabūsns 45, an-a-bū-s-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gebot, Befehl; ne. charge (N.), command (N.), commandment, order (N.), ordinance; wrōhs* 2, wrō-h-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Klage, Anklage; ne. accusation, charge (N.), complaint

charge -- without charge: got. arwjō 3, arw-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. umsonst, unentgeltlich, ohne Ursache, vergebens; ne. gratis, without charge, in vain, for naught, for no reason, without cause

charitable: got. *laþaleiks?, *la-þ-a-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. gern; ne. hospitable, charitable

-- charitable contribution: got. aíwlaúgia* 1, aíw-laúg-i-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Segen, Spende; ne. blessing (N.), benefaction, charitable contribution, gift (N.), donation

-- charitable deed: got. armahaírtiþa 3, arm-a-haírt-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Almosen, Barmherzigkeit; ne. work of charity, charitable deed, mercy

charitableness: got. mildiþa* 1, mil-d-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Milde, Herz, Mitleid; ne. charitableness, kindness, compassion, mildness

charitably: got. laþaleikō 1, la-þ-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. gern; ne. invitation-like, hospitably, gladly, charitably

charity: got. armaiō 10=9, armai-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Barmherzigkeit, Almosen; ne. mercy, compassion, almsgiving (N.), charity

-- work of charity: got. armahaírtiþa 3, arm-a-haírt-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Almosen, Barmherzigkeit; ne. work of charity, charitable deed, mercy

chaste: got. *kuskeis?, *kuskei-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. keusch; ne. chaste; swikns* 4, swikn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rein, unschuldig, unsträflich, keusch; ne. innocent, pure, irreproachable, irreprehensible, guiltless, chaste

chastise: got. talzjan* 7, talz-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lehren, ziehen, unterrichten; ne. educate, instruct, train (V.), discipline (V.), correct (V.), admonish, chastise

chastity: got. swiknei 3, swikn-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reinheit, Keuschheit, Unschuld; ne. pureness, integrity, purity, chastity, inculpability; swikniþa* 2, swikn-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Reinigung, Reinheit, Keuschheit; ne. purifiedness, purity, guiltlessness, impeccability, chastity

chattels: got. faíhu* 7, faíh-u*, fe,  st. N. (u): nhd. „Vieh“, Vermögen, Geld, f-Rune; ne. movable goods, chattels, property, possessions, wealth, riches, money, name of f-rune

chatter -- chatter (V.): got. filuwaúrdjan* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. viel Worte machen, viel plappern, viel reden; ne. verbalize excessively, babble (V.), chatter (V.), speak a great deal

chatter -- empty chatter: got. lausawaúrdei* 1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. leeres Gerede, leeres Geschwätz; ne. empty talk, babble (N.), empty chatter; lausawaúrdi* 1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. leeres Gerede, leeres Geschwätz; ne. empty talk, empty chatter

cheap: got. ungalaufs* 1, un-ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wertlos; ne. unvaluable, cheap, of no value

cheat -- cheat by false pretenses: got. hōlōn* 2, hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verleumden, betrügen, durch Betrug schädigen, schikanieren, schaden; ne. wrong by false allegation, cheat by false pretenses, victimize, slander (V.)

cheek: got. kinnus* 2, kin-n-u-s*,  st. F. (u): nhd. Wange; ne. cheek, jawbone; *wagga, *wa-gg-a,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Wange; ne. cheek; *waggō?, *wa-gg-ō?,  sw. F. (n)?, sw. N. (n)?: nhd. Wange; ne. cheek

cheek-cushion: got. waggāreis* 1, wa-gg-ārei-s*, waggāri*,  st. M. (ia), st. N. (ia): nhd. Kopfkissen; ne. pillow, cheek-cushion

cheer -- cheer (N.): got. hlasei* 1, hlas-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fröhlichkeit, Heiterkeit; ne. cheerfulness, cheer (N.)

cheer -- cheer up: got. anaþrafstjan* 2, an-a-þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „trösten“, erquicken; ne. refresh, put in good spirits, cheer up, relieve; gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief; þrafstjan, sik: nhd. sich trösten, getrost vertrauen; ne. take heart, cheer up

cheer -- cheer (V.): got. gailjan* 1, gail-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fröhlich machen, erfreuen; ne. delight (V.), gladden, cheer (V.); þrafstjan* 11, þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trösten, mahnen, ermahnen; ne. cheer (V.), hearten, console (V.), comfort (V.), encourage, reassure

cheerful: got. hlas* 2,  Adj. (a): nhd. heiter, fröhlich, sorgenfrei; ne. cheerful, merry, happy

cheerfulness: got. hlasei* 1, hlas-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fröhlichkeit, Heiterkeit; ne. cheerfulness, cheer (N.)

cheering -- cheering up: got. gaþlaihts* 11, ga-þlaih-t-s*, gaþlaifts*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Trost; ne. encouragement, heartening, cheering up, comfort (N.)

cherish: got. frijōn 92, fri-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lieben, gern tun; ne. love (V.), cherish, show affection for, like to; warmjan* 6, war-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wärmen; ne. warm (V.), make warm, keep warm, cherish

chest: got. arka 3, ark-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Arche, Kasten, Futteral, Beutel (F.) (1), Geldkasten; ne. box (N.), chest, the ark of Noah, money-box; brusts 6, bru-s-t-s,  F. (kons.) Pl.: nhd. Brust, (Eingeweide), Herz, Gemüt; ne. breast (N.), heart, thorax, chest

chew: got. matjan 93, mat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. essen, fressen; ne. eat, feed (V.), dine, chew

chicken: got. *hanō?, *han-ō?, hano* 1,  hano* 1, krim sw. F. (n): nhd. Huhn, Henne; ne. chicken, hen; lat. gallina

chief: got. faúramaþleis 10, faúr-a-ma-þl-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Vorsteher, Gebieter, Sprecher; ne. ruler, prince, chief, head man, governor, official (M.)

-- chief (Adj.): got. maists 7, ma-i-s-t-s,  Adj. (a), Superl.: nhd. meiste, größte, höchste; ne. greatest, chief (Adj.), best

-- chief of a hundred-man military unit: got. hundafaþs 9, hund-a-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Zenturio, Hundertführer; ne. chief of a hundred-man military unit

-- chief priest: got. ufargudja* 1, uf-ar-gu-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Oberpriester, Mitglied des Synhedrions; ne. high priest, chief priest

-- chief tax collector: got. fauramaþleis mōtarje, got.: nhd. Zollaufseher; ne. chief tax collector

child: got. barn 78, bar-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Kind; ne. child; lat. puer; frasts* 1, frast-s*,  st. M. (i)?, st. F. (i)?: nhd. Kind; ne. child, bairn; *kilþ?, *kil-þ?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Kind; ne. child; *kind, *kin-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Kind; ne. child; *kinds?, *kin-d-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kind, Geschlecht, Art; ne. kind (N.), lineage, tribe, clan, child; magus 4, mag-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Knabe, Jüngling, Sohn, Knecht; ne. boy, lad, child; mawi 11, ma-w-i,  st. F. (jō/ī): nhd. Mädchen, Jungfrau; ne. girl, damsel, maiden (F.), child

-- little child: got. barnilō 8, bar-n-il-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Kindlein, Kindchen, Knäblein; ne. little child, son

-- with child: got. inkilþō 3, in-kil-þ-ō,  sw. Adj.: nhd. schwanger, Schwangere (subst.); ne. with child, pregnant

childbearing -- childbearing (N.): got. barnē gabaurþs, got.: nhd. Kindergebären; ne. childbearing (N.)

childbirth -- undergo childbirth pangs (with): got. fitan* 2, fit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. kreißen, gebären; ne. undergo childbirth pangs (with), give birth (to) amid throes, be in labour (with)

childhood: got. barniski* 2, bar-n-isk-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Kindheit; ne. childhood

childish: got. barnisks* 2, bar-n-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. kindlich, kindisch; ne. childish, childlike; niuklahs 7, niu-k-l-ah-s, niuknahs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unmündig, kindisch; ne. childish

-- childish nature: got. barniskei* 1, bar-n-isk-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. kindliches Wesen, Kinderei; ne. childishness, childish nature, childlike matters

childishness: got. barniskei* 1, bar-n-isk-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. kindliches Wesen, Kinderei; ne. childishness, childish nature, childlike matters; niuklahei* 1, niu-k-l-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kleinmut, Unverstand; ne. childishness, childlikeness, lack of understanding, faintheartedness

childless: got. unbarnahs 3, un-barn-ah-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. kinderlos; ne. childless, without children

childlike: got. barnisks* 2, bar-n-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. kindlich, kindisch; ne. childish, childlike

-- childlike matters: got. barniskei* 1, bar-n-isk-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. kindliches Wesen, Kinderei; ne. childishness, childish nature, childlike matters

childlikeness: got. niuklahei* 1, niu-k-l-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kleinmut, Unverstand; ne. childishness, childlikeness, lack of understanding, faintheartedness

children -- adoption as children: got. frastisibja 1, frast-i-si-b-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kindschaft; ne. familial adoption, adoption as children, sonship

children -- have children: got. barn bairan, got.: nhd. Kinder haben; ne. have children

children -- with children: got. *barnahs?, *bar-n-ah-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bekindet; ne. with children

children -- without children: got. unbarnahs 3, un-barn-ah-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. kinderlos; ne. childless, without children

chip -- chip (N.): got. gramst* 3, gra-m-st*,  st. M. (a), st. N. (a): nhd. Holzsplitter, Splitter; ne. speck (N.), chip (N.), splinter (N.)

chip -- chip (V.): got. gadraban 1, ga-drab-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. aushauen; ne. chip (V.), hew out, chisel (V.), chop (V.)

chisel -- chisel (V.): got. gadraban 1, ga-drab-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. aushauen; ne. chip (V.), hew out, chisel (V.), chop (V.)

choke -- choke (V.): got. afƕapjan 5, af-ƕap-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ersticken, auslöschen; ne. choke (V.), extinguish, asphyxiate, suffocate; afƕapnan* 6, af-ƕap-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ersticken, erlöschen (intr.); ne. choke (V.), be suffocated, become suffocated

choose: got. gawaljan* 18, ga-wa-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erwählen, auserwählen, auswählen; ne. choose, select; waljan* 2, wa-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wählen; ne. choose, elect, select

-- choose after examining: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

-- choose as proven: got. gakiusan 10=9, ga-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, wählen, prüfen; ne. prove by testing, try (V.), choose as proven, approve, test (V.)

choosing -- choosing (N.): got. gawaleins* 2, ga-wa-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erwählung, Wahl; ne. selection, election, choosing (N.)

chop -- chop off: got. afmaitan* 8, af-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. abhauen, abschneiden; ne. cut off, sever, amputate, chop off, behead

chop -- chop (V.): got. *draban?, *drab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. hauen; ne. chop (V.); gadraban 1, ga-drab-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. aushauen; ne. chip (V.), hew out, chisel (V.), chop (V.)

chosen -- chosen (Adj.): got. walisa* 5, wa-l-is-a*, valis*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. echt, lauter, geliebt; ne. chosen (Adj.), espoused, beloved, genuine

Christ -- false Christ: got. galiugaxristus* 1, ga-liug-a-xris-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. „Lügenchristus“, falscher Christus; ne. false Christ

Christian -- Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions: got. miþwissei 11, mi-þ-wi-s-s-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Mitwissen“, Bewusstsein, Gewissen; ne. conscience, moral consciousness, Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions

church: got. aíkklesjō 42, aík-kle-s-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kirche, Gotteshaus, Gemeinde; ne. church, church building, religious congregation, house of God

-- church building: got. aíkklesjō 42, aík-kle-s-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kirche, Gotteshaus, Gemeinde; ne. church, church building, religious congregation, house of God

churn -- churn up: got. inwagjan* 2, in-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erregen, aufwiegeln; ne. agitate, unsettle, churn up, move (V.)

cicada: got. þramstei* 1, þra-m-st-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Heuschrecke; ne. locust, cicada, grasshopper

cider: got. leiþu* 1, lei-þ-u*,  st. N. (u): nhd. Obstwein; ne. cider, fermented beverage, strong drink

cinder: got. azgō* 4, az-g-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Asche; ne. ashes, ash, cinder

circle -- circle (N.): got. *kreitus?, *kreit-u-s?,  st. M. (u): nhd. Kreis; ne. circle (N.)

circlet -- circlet for the head: got. wipja* 2, wip-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kranz; ne. crown (N.), head-wrath, circlet for the head

circular -- circular casting-net: got. nati* 7, nat-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Netz, kreisrundes Wurfnetz; ne. net, circular casting-net, fishing-net

circulate: got. ƕaírban* 3=2, ƕaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. wandeln, sich wenden; ne. go around, circulate, walk (V.), live

circumcise: got. bimaitan 11, bi-mai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. beschneiden; ne. circumcise

circumcised: got. bimaitans, Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. beschnitten; ne. circumcised

circumcision: got. bimait 18, bi-mai-t,  st. N. (a): nhd. Beschneidung; ne. circumcision

circumscribed -- circumscribed time: got. mēl (1) 54, mē-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zeit, Stunde; ne. season (2) (N.), point in time, period of time, circumscribed time, hour

circumspect -- circumspect (Adj.): got. inahs* 1, in-ah-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verständig, besonnen (Adj.), klug; ne. judicious, circumspect (Adj.), prudent, wise (Adj.)

circumspection: got. inahei* 2, in-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Besonnenheit, Selbstbeherrschung; ne. judiciousness, circumspection, prudence, sobriety

circumstances -- under those circumstances: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

circumvallated -- circumvallated stronghold: got. bibaúrgeins* 1, bi-baúr-g-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lager; ne. camp (N.), circumvallated stronghold

circumvallation -- city circumvallation: got. baúrgswaddjus 4, baúr-g-s-wa-dd-ju-s,  st. F. (u): nhd. Stadtmauer; ne. town wall, city circumvallation, city wall

circumvent: got. biwandjan* 5, bi-wa-n-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vermeiden; ne. avoid, circumvent, shun

citadel: got. baúrgs (1) 59, baúr-g-s,  F. (kons.): nhd. Turm, Burg, Stadt; ne. castle, citadel, city, tower (N.) (1)

citizen: got. baúrgja* 2, baúr-g-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Bürger; ne. citizen, burgher

-- life of a citizen: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

citizenship: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

city: got. baúrgs (1) 59, baúr-g-s,  F. (kons.): nhd. Turm, Burg, Stadt; ne. castle, citadel, city, tower (N.) (1)

-- city circumvallation: got. baúrgswaddjus 4, baúr-g-s-wa-dd-ju-s,  st. F. (u): nhd. Stadtmauer; ne. town wall, city circumvallation, city wall

-- city wall: got. baúrgswaddjus 4, baúr-g-s-wa-dd-ju-s,  st. F. (u): nhd. Stadtmauer; ne. town wall, city circumvallation, city wall

-- make into a walled city: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

clad -- be clad with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

clad -- become clad with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

clad -- make clad: got. gawasjan* 15, ga-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekleiden, kleiden, sich bekleiden, sich kleiden; ne. clothe (V.), make clad, dress o.s., clothe o.s., don (V.), put on

claim -- claim to be: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

claims -- exhausted by claims: got. ushaista 1, us-haist-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Mangel leidend, bedürftig; ne. impoverished, depleted by demands, exhausted by claims, needy

clamour: got. hrōps 1, hrō-p-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ruf, Geschrei; ne. outcry, clamour, shouting (N.)

clan: got. fadreins* (1) 1, fa-dr-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschlecht; ne. patrilineage, family, race (N.) (1), clan, lineage; *kinds?, *kin-d-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kind, Geschlecht, Art; ne. kind (N.), lineage, tribe, clan, child; kuni 17, kun-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschlecht, Stamm; ne. clan, tribe, race (N.), blood stock, generation

clandestine: got. *þiubjis?, *þiub-j-i-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. diebisch, heimlich; ne. secret, clandestine

clandestinely: got. þiubjō* 2, þiub-j-ō*,  Adv.: nhd. verstohlen, heimlich; ne. stealthily, secretly, clandestinely, in secret

clang -- clang (V.): got. klismjan* 1, klism-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gellen, klingen, schallen; ne. clang (V.), jangle (V.)

clarity: got. baírhtei* 3, baír-h-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Helle, Offenbarung, Klarheit, Verkündigung; ne. brightness, clarity, clearness, manifestness

clash -- clash (V.): got. *stagqjan?, *sta-g-q-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stoßen; ne. clash (V.); stigqan 1, sti-g-q-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. stoßen, zusammenstoßen; ne. clash (V.), collide

clasp -- clasp (N.): got. *rampa?, *ramp-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Haken, Kralle; ne. claw (N.), clasp (N.)

classed: got. *-tēweis, *-tēw-ei-s,  Suff.: nhd. -teilig; ne. ranked, ordered, classed

claw -- claw (N.): got. *rampa?, *ramp-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Haken, Kralle; ne. claw (N.), clasp (N.)

clay: got. fani* 5, fan-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schlamm, Kot; ne. mud, clay, mire (N.); þāhō* 1, þāh-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lehm, Ton (M.) (1); ne. clay

-- form from clay: got. gadigan* 2=1, ga-dig-an*, gadeigan*,  unr. st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kneten, bilden, aus Ton bilden; ne. knead, form (V.), mould (V.), form from clay

-- form out of clay: got. digan* 2, dig-an*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. kneten, aus Ton bilden, bilden, formen; ne. knead, mold, form out of clay

clean -- clean (Adj.): got. hlūtrs* 1, hlū-t-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lauter, rein; ne. pure, untainted, clean (Adj.); hrains 19, hrai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. rein, ehrbar; ne. clean (Adj.), cleanly, honourable

clean -- clean of heart: got. hrainjahaírts* 1, hrai-n-ja-haírt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. „reinherzig“, reinen Herzens; ne. clean of heart, pure in heart

clean -- clean out: got. ushrainjan* 1, us-hrai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausfegen; ne. cleanse out, purge out, clean out

clean -- clean (V.): got. *faúrbjan?, *faúrb-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reinigen, putzen, glätten; ne. clean (V.)

clean -- make clean: got. gahrainjan 12, ga-hrai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. reinigen; ne. cleanse, make clean, purify; hrainjan* 1, hrai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reinigen; ne. cleanse, make clean, purify

clean -- wash clean: got. usþwahan* 3, us-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auswaschen, abwaschen; ne. wash out, wash clean, cleanse by washing

cleanliness: got. hrainei 1, hrai-n-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reinheit, Reinigung; ne. cleanliness; *hrainiþa?, *hrai-n-iþ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Reinheit; ne. cleanliness

cleanly: got. hrains 19, hrai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. rein, ehrbar; ne. clean (Adj.), cleanly, honourable

cleanse: got. gahrainjan 12, ga-hrai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. reinigen; ne. cleanse, make clean, purify; hrainjan* 1, hrai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reinigen; ne. cleanse, make clean, purify

-- cleanse away: got. afhrainjan 1, af-hrai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas Verunreinigendes tilgen, reinigen; ne. cleanse away, wipe out

-- cleanse by washing: got. usþwahan* 3, us-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auswaschen, abwaschen; ne. wash out, wash clean, cleanse by washing

-- cleanse out: got. ushrainjan* 1, us-hrai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausfegen; ne. cleanse out, purge out, clean out

cleansing: got. hraineins* 3, hrai-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Reinigung; ne. cleansing, purification

-- cleansing immersion: got. daupeins 19, daup-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Abwaschung, Taufe, Waschung; ne. immersion, washing (N.), cleansing immersion, baptism

-- cleansing (N.): got. gahraineins* 2, ga-hrai-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Reinigung; ne. cleansing (N.), purification; þwahl* 2, þwah-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bad, Taufe; ne. washing (N.), laving (N.), cleansing (N.)

clear -- clear (Adj.): got. baírhts* 5, baír-h-t-s*, berhts*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hell, offenbar, deutlich; ne. bright, clear (Adj.), manifest (Adj.), evident; skeirs 2, skei-r-s,  Adj. (a) (i) (ja)?: nhd. klar, deutlich, hell; ne. clear (Adj.), lucid

clear -- make clear: got. gaskeirjan* 5, ga-skei-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erklären, auslegen, übersetzen; ne. make clear, explain, interpret (V.), translate; *skeirjan?, *skei-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auslegen, erklären; ne. make clear, explain, elucidate, interpret, translate

clearly: got. baírhtaba 5, baír-h-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. hell, glänzend, deutlich, offen; ne. radiantly, very plainly, clearly, brightly, openly; swikunþaba 5, swi-kun-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offenbar, offen heraus, deutlich, ausdrücklich; ne. plainly, openly, clearly, in an obvious manner

-- exhibit clearly: got. baírhtjan* 1, baír-h-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. offenbaren; ne. exhibit clearly, manifest (V.), show (V.), disclose

-- show clearly: got. gabaírhtjan 14=13, ga-baír-h-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. offenbaren, Gestalt gewinnen, erscheinen; ne. bring to light, show clearly, make appear, disclose

clearness: got. baírhtei* 3, baír-h-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Helle, Offenbarung, Klarheit, Verkündigung; ne. brightness, clarity, clearness, manifestness

clemency: got. bleiþei 4, ble-i-þ-ei,  st. F. (n): nhd. Wohlwollen, Güte, Mitleid, Erbarmen; ne. benevolence, good will, kind-heartedness, mercy (N.), clemency

clement: got. hulþs 1, hul-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hold, gnädig, günstig; ne. kind (Adj.), clement, propitious, gracious

-- be clement: got. bleiþjan* 2, ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. barmherzig sein (V.), sich erbarmen, Mitleid hegen; ne. take pity, be kind-hearted, be merciful, be clement

clever: got. *deis?, *dei-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. weise, klug; ne. wise, clever, intelligent; snutrs* 2, snutr-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. weise; ne. clever, sagacious, wise (Adj.)

cleverness: got. snutrei* 2, snutr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Weisheit; ne. cleverness, sagacity, wisdom

cliff: got. driusō* 3, driu-s-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abhang; ne. cliff, steep slope, steep bank; *skorr-, *skor-r-,  Sb.: nhd. Klippe; ne. reef (1), cliff

climb -- climb down: got. atsteigan* 16, at-steig-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinabsteigen; ne. climb down, descend

climb -- climb up: got. ussteigan 10, us-steig-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. emporsteigen, hinaufsteigen; ne. climb up, ascend, go up

climb -- climb up beyond: got. ufarsteigan* 1, uf-ar-steig-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. darüber emporsteigen; ne. climb up beyond, surpass in climbing, go up

climb -- climb (V.): got. gasteigan* 2, ga-steig-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineinsteigen, herabsteigen; ne. climb (V.), make the climb, get into; steigan* 1, steig-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. steigen; ne. climb (V.)

climb -- make the climb: got. gasteigan* 2, ga-steig-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineinsteigen, herabsteigen; ne. climb (V.), make the climb, get into

climbing -- surpass in climbing: got. ufarsteigan* 1, uf-ar-steig-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. darüber emporsteigen; ne. climb up beyond, surpass in climbing, go up

cling -- cling to: got. gahaftnan* 1, ga-haf-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. anhangen, sich anheften; ne. stick to, adhere to, cling to; hāhan* (2) 1, hāh-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hangen; ne. hang (V.), be suspended, cling to

clip -- clip (N.): got. *krampa, *kra-m-p-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Klammer, Haken; ne. clip (N.), hook (N.)

cloak: got. hakuls* 1, hak-u-l-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Mantel; ne. cloak, travelling cloak

-- cloak (N.): got. snaga* 5, snag-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gewand, Mantel, Oberkleid; ne. outer garment, cloak (N.), robe (N.)

-- travelling cloak: got. hakuls* 1, hak-u-l-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Mantel; ne. cloak, travelling cloak

close -- close (1) (Adv.): got. nēƕ 1,  Adv.: nhd. nahe; ne. near (Adv.), close (1) (Adv.), nigh

close -- close (Adv.) (1): got. nēƕa 23, nēƕ-a,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. nahe; ne. near (Adv.), close (Adv.) (1), nigh, nearby, in the proximity

close -- close person: got. *waírþja?, *waír-þ-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Naher, Gewärtiger; ne. close person

close -- run up close by: got. biþragjan* 1, bi-þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeilaufen, vorauslaufen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up close by, run on

close -- step up close to: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

close -- tread up close onto: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

closed -- be closed: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

closed -- become closed: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

closer: got. nēƕis 1, nēƕ-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. näher; ne. nearer, closer

cloth -- flaxen cloth: got. lein* 4,  st. N. (a): nhd. Leinen, Leinwand, Linnen; ne. linen (N.), flaxen cloth

cloth -- piece of cloth: got. fana* 3, fan-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stück Zeug, Zeugstück, Lappen, Tuch, Schweißtuch; ne. piece of cloth, napkin, rag (N.) (1), handkerchief; plat* 3, plats*?,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Flicken (M.), Lappen; ne. patch (N.), piece of cloth

clothe: got. biwaibjan* 3, bi-waib-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umwinden, umgeben, umkleiden; ne. surround (V.), clothe, wrap around, envelop, wind round about; gapaidōn* 2=1, ga-paid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. dress (V.), put on as a tunic, jacket (V.), clothe; wasjan* 7, was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen kleiden, sich kleiden, bekleiden; ne. clothe, be clothed, wear (V.) (1), dress (V.), be dressed

-- clothe o.s.: got. gawasjan* 15, ga-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekleiden, kleiden, sich bekleiden, sich kleiden; ne. clothe (V.), make clad, dress o.s., clothe o.s., don (V.), put on

-- clothe o.s. with: got. gahamōn 10, ga-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich bekleiden, sich anziehen; ne. dress in, get dressed, put on, clothe o.s. with, don (V.)

-- clothe (V.): got. gawasjan* 15, ga-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekleiden, kleiden, sich bekleiden, sich kleiden; ne. clothe (V.), make clad, dress o.s., clothe o.s., don (V.), put on

clothed -- be clothed: got. wasjan* 7, was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen kleiden, sich kleiden, bekleiden; ne. clothe, be clothed, wear (V.) (1), dress (V.), be dressed

clothed -- be clothed over with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

clothed -- become clothed over with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

clothes: got. *fēteins?, *fēt-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Kleidung; ne. clothes, garniture

clothing: got. gafēteins* 1, ga-fēt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Kleidung; ne. adornment, garniture, fine apparel, clothing; gaskadweins* 1, ga-skad-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Beschattung“, Bedeckung, Bekleidung; ne. „shading“ (N.), covering (N.), covering apparel, clothing; gawaseins 1, ga-was-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bekleidung, Kleidung; ne. clothing, apparel; *hams?, *ham-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Hülle; ne. clothing, hide (N.), covering (N.); *waseins?, *was-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bekleidung; ne. clothing

-- article of clothing: got. wasti* 32, was-t-i*,  st. F. (iō): nhd. Kleid, Kleidung (= wastjōs); ne. garment, article of clothing, dress (N.), clothing (= wastjōs), apparel (= wastjōs), clothes (= wastjōs)

-- put on as clothing: got. anahamōn 1, an-a-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung anlegen, anziehen; ne. put on as clothing, don, get dressed

-- shed as clothing: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

-- strip off as clothing: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

cloud -- cloud (N.): got. milhma 11, mil-hm-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wolke; ne. cloud (N.)

club-handed: got. hamfs* 1, ham-f-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verstümmelt, gekrümmt, lahm; ne. maimed, mutilated, club-handed

coal: got. haúri* 2, haúr-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Kohle, Kohlenfeuer (= haurja); ne. coal, burning charcoal, coal-fire, ember

-- red-hot coal: got. *brasa?, *bras-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. glühende Kohle; ne. red-hot coal

coal-fire: got. haúri* 2, haúr-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Kohle, Kohlenfeuer (= haurja); ne. coal, burning charcoal, coal-fire, ember

coarse: got. þarihs* 1, þar-ih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungewalkt; ne. unprocessed, coarse, freshly woven, unshrunk

coast: got. staþa* (1) 3, sta-þ-a*, statz,  statz, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Ufer, Gestade; ne. shore, coast, bank (N.) (2); lat. terra

„co-bordering“ -- „co-bordering“ (Adj.): got. *gamarka, *ga-mark-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. benachbart, angrenzend; ne. „co-bordering“ (Adj.), bordering (Adj.), conterminous

co-breader: got. gahlaiba* 2, ga-hlaib-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Genosse, Amtsgenosse; ne. companion, comrade, co-breader; gahlaifs* 4, ga-hlaif-s*,  subst. Adj. (a) = M.: nhd. Genosse; ne. companion, comrade, co-breader

co-citizen: got. gabaúrgja* 2=1, ga-baúr-g-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mitbürger, Mitbewohner; ne. co-citizen, fellow townsman

cock -- cock (M.): got. hana 7, han-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hahn; ne. cock (M.), rooster

co-enjoyment: got. *gawizns?, *ga-wiz-n-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude; ne. co-enjoyment, co-relishing

coercing -- coercing (N.): got. *gaaggweins, *ga-agg-w-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Beengung, Einschränkung; ne. constraining (N.), compelling (N.), coercing (N.)

coercion: got. anamahts* 2, an-a-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übermacht, Misshandlung; ne. coercion, forcing, use of force on, superior force, insult (N.); gaaggwei 2, ga-agg-w-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Einschränkung; ne. constraint (N.), compulsion, coercion

coffin: got. ƕilftrjōs* 1, ƕilftrjōns, ƕilf-tr-jō-s*, ƕilf-tr-jōn-s*,  st. F. (jō/i), sw. F. (n): nhd. Totenkiste, Sarg; ne. coffin, bier

„co-form“: got. galeiki* 2, ga-leik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Ähnlichkeit“, Abbild; ne. like form, similar appearance, resemblance, likeness, replica, „co-form“

cogitate: got. *gamitōn?, *ga-mi-t-ōn?,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. cogitate, reason (V.), deliberate; mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate

cogitation: got. gamitōns* 1, ga-mi-t-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gedanke; ne. cogitation, reasoning, deliberation, mind (N.), reason (N.); mitōns 10, mi-t-ōn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überlegung, Gedanke; ne. cogitation, meditation, deliberation, premeditation, thought, opinion, evaluative reasoning

cognizance: got. gamaudeins* 1, ga-maud-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erinnerung; ne. remembrance, recollection, cognizance

co-heir: got. gaarbja* 1, ga-arb-j-a*,  sw. M. (n),: nhd. Miterbe; ne. co-heir, co-parcener, fellow heir

coherent: got. *gahāhjis?, *ga-hāh-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja/jō): nhd. zusammenhängend; ne. coherent, connected (Adj.)

coherently: got. gahāhjō 1, ga-hāh-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zusammenhängend, im Zusammenhang, der Reihe nach; ne. coherently, connectedly, orderly

cohort: got. hansa 4, hans-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schar (F.) (1), Manipel, Kohorte, Menge; ne. cohort, battalion, maniple, crowd (N.), troop (N.)

coin: got. skatts 14, skat-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Geld, Geldstück, Mine (= Münze); ne. coin, denarius, mina, piece of money

-- coin worth one ace: got. assarjus* 1, assar-ju-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ass (Münze), Pfennig, Kreuzer (M.) (2); ne. assarion, coin worth one ace

-- copper coin: got. aiz* 1, ai-z*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erz, Erzmünze; ne. brass (N.), bronze (N.), copper (N.), copper coin

coitus: got. galigri* 1, ga-lig-r-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beilager, Beischlaf; ne. lying together, coitus, sexual intercourse

-- lying abed for coitus: got. ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

co-laborer: got. gawaúrstwa 9, ga-waúr-st-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mitarbeiter; ne. fellow worker, co-laborer

cold -- cold (Adj.): got. kalds* 2, kal-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. kalt; ne. cold (Adj.)

coldness: got. frius* 1, fri-u-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Frost, Kälte; ne. coldness, freezing (weather), frost (N.)

collapse -- collapse (N.): got. uswalteins 2, us-wal-t-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Umwälzung, Zusammensturz, Zerstörung, Untergang; ne. capsizal, downthrow (N.), overthrow (N.), overturn (N.), collapse (N.), downfall, ruin (N.)

collateral -- collateral part: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

collect -- collect (V.): got. galisan* 10, ga-lis-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlesen, versammeln, sammeln; ne. collect (V.), bring together, gather together, assemble (V.); lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.); lisan* 4, lis-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sammeln, lesen (V.) (2); ne. collect (V.), gather, assemble

collection -- place of admission-tax collection: got. mōtastaþs* 1, mōt-a-sta-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Mautstätte“, Zollstätte, Zollhaus; ne. toll-place, place of admission-tax collection, customs post, tax office

collector -- admission-fee collector: got. mōtāreis 19, mōt-ā-rei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Zöllner; ne. admission-fee collector, tolltaker, tax collector, publican

collector -- chief tax collector: got. fauramaþleis mōtarje, got.: nhd. Zollaufseher; ne. chief tax collector

collector -- tax collector: got. mōtāreis 19, mōt-ā-rei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Zöllner; ne. admission-fee collector, tolltaker, tax collector, publican

collide: got. bistigqan* 5, bi-sti-g-q-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. anstoßen, anprellen; ne. impinge, collide, stumble (V.), strike against; stigqan 1, sti-g-q-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. stoßen, zusammenstoßen; ne. clash (V.), collide

-- make collide: got. gastagqjan* 1, ga-stagq-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anstoßen; ne. make collide, bring into collision with, strike against

collision -- bring into collision with: got. gastagqjan* 1, ga-stagq-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anstoßen; ne. make collide, bring into collision with, strike against

colonnade: got. ubizwa* 1, ub-iz-w-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Halle; ne. portico, colonnade

coloured: got. *bleis, *blei-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. farbig; ne. coloured; *faihs?, *faih-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bunt; ne. coloured

colt: got. fula* 10, fu-l-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fohlen, Füllen (N.) (1); ne. foal, colt

column: got. sauls 2, saul-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Säule (F.) (1); ne. pillar, column

combat -- combat implement: got. wēpn* 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Waffe; ne. weapon (N.), combat implement

combat -- combat (V.): got. weihan (1) 2, weih-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. kämpfen; ne. battle (V.), combat (V.), engage in combat, dispute (V.)

combat -- engage in combat: got. weihan (1) 2, weih-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. kämpfen; ne. battle (V.), combat (V.), engage in combat, dispute (V.)

comdemn: got. afdōmjan 5, af-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen, verfluchen; ne. comdemn, pass judgement against, curse (V.), abjure

come: got. gaggan 205=203, ga-g-g-an,  def. red. V. (3): nhd. gehen, wandeln, umhergehen, kommen; ne. be on the way to somewhere, go (V.), come, walk (V.); galeiþan 142=140, ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kommen, gehen, fahren; ne. go away, depart from, go forth, set out for, come; *hirjan?, *hir-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kommen; ne. come; qiman 284, qi-m-an, kommen,  kommen, krim st. V. (4): nhd. kommen; ne. come, arrive, get to; lat. venire

-- bid come: got. athaitan* 14, at-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. herzurufen; ne. summon (V.), call to one’s side, bid come; atlaþōn* 2, at-la-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. berufen (V.), einladen (V.) (1), laden (V.) (1); ne. call to, bid come, call together, invite; laþōn 19, la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einladen (V.) (2); ne. call (V.), summon (V.), bid come, invite

-- come about: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- come along together with: got. miþqiman* 1, mi-þ-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. mitkommen; ne. come along together with, go along with

-- come before: got. faúraqiman* 1, faúr-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vorgehen, vor jemand hergehen; ne. precede s.o., come in advance, come before, go before

-- come by: got. anagaggan* 1, an-a-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. kommen, künftig sein (V.); ne. come on, come by, approach (V.)

-- come down to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to

-- come first: got. gasniumjan* 1, ga-sniu-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineilen, kommen; ne. hasten, rush (V.), come first

-- come forth: got. urrinnan* 27, ur-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. auslaufen, ausgehen, aufgehen (von Samen oder von der Sonne); ne. run out, emerge, come forth, come up (of plant seed or the sun), rise (V.)

-- come here: got. hiri 6, hir-i,  Adv.: nhd. hierher, komm her; ne. come here, hither

-- come in advance: got. faúraqiman* 1, faúr-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vorgehen, vor jemand hergehen; ne. precede s.o., come in advance, come before, go before

-- come into: got. innatgaggan 8, in-n-at-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. „hineingehen“, hineinkommen; ne. enter, get into, go into, come into

-- come into contact with: got. tēkan* 7, tēk-an*, teikan*,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. anrühren, berühren; ne. touch (V.), come into contact with, put one’s touch on

-- come into existence: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- come near: got. atnēƕjan* 6, at-nēƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. herannahen; ne. draw near to, approach (V.), come near

-- come on: got. anagaggan* 1, an-a-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. kommen, künftig sein (V.); ne. come on, come by, approach (V.)

-- come out: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; usgaggan 105, us-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. ausgehen, hinausgehen; ne. go out, come out, go forth, pass out

-- come round about: got. biqiman* 1, bi-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. überfallen; ne. come round about, encompass, envelop (V.), attack (V.)

-- come to: got. athaban sik du: nhd. sich nähern; ne. betake o.s., come to; atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

-- come to a halt: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

-- come to a life: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- come to a standing position: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

-- come to a standstill: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

-- come to be: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- come together: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather

-- come together with: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to; *gawaírþnan?, *ga-waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. versöhnt werden, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with; *waírþnan?, *waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. friedlich machen, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with

-- come to know: got. ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

-- come to pass: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- come to rest: got. *anaqilan?, *an-a-qil-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. zur Ruhe kommen; ne. come to rest; gaƕeilan* 2, ga-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zur Ruhe kommen, aufhören, verweilen; ne. come to rest, take a rest, rest (V.), cease; *qilan, *qil-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. zur Ruhe kommen; ne. come to rest

-- come to see: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for; *weisōn?, *wei-s-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.)

-- come to shake: got. inreiran* 1, in-reir-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erzittern, erbeben; ne. come to shake, begin quaking, tremble (V.)

-- come to stand near: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

-- come unto: got. anaqiman* 1, an-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. hinzutreten zu, hinzukommen; ne. come upon, come unto, approach (V.)

-- come up: got. atrinnan* 1, at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run thither, run up to, come up; hindarleiþan 2, hi-n-dar-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinzukommen, vergehen; ne. go past, pass on, pass away, come up

-- come up (of plant seed or the sun): got. urrinnan* 27, ur-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. auslaufen, ausgehen, aufgehen (von Samen oder von der Sonne); ne. run out, emerge, come forth, come up (of plant seed or the sun), rise (V.)

-- come upon: got. anaqiman* 1, an-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. hinzutreten zu, hinzukommen; ne. come upon, come unto, approach (V.); sniwan* 3, sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. eilen, überkommen; ne. hasten, speed (V.), come upon

-- come up to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to; duatgaggan* 12, du-at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hinzugehen, hinzukommen zu; ne. go to, come up to, approach (V.)

-- come with: got. miþgaggan* 3, mi-þ-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgehen; ne. go together with, go along, come with

-- how come: got. ƕa þatei: nhd. warum; ne. why, how come

-- Lord come: got. maran aþa 1, got.?, Interj.: nhd. der Herr kommt; ne. Lord come

-- to come: got. anawaírþs* 11, an-a-waír-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. zukünftig; ne. future (Adj.), to come

comfort -- comfort (N.): got. azēti (?)* 2, azēt-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Leichtigkeit, Vergnügen, Lust, Annehmlichkeit, z-Rune; ne. ease (N.), comfort (N.), pleasure, name of z-rune; gaþlaihts* 11, ga-þlaih-t-s*, gaþlaifts*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Trost; ne. encouragement, heartening, cheering up, comfort (N.); gaþrafsteins 6, ga-þraf-st-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Trost; ne. consolation, solace, comfort (N.), encouragement; þrafsteins* 1, þraf-st-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Trost, Tröstung; ne. heartening (N.), consolation, encouragement, comfort (N.)

comfort -- comfort (V.): got. gaþlaihan 12=11, ga-þlaih-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten, in die Arme schließen, umarmen; ne. comfort (V.), admonish, embrace (V.), hearten, encourage, entreat, exhort; *þlaihan?, *þlaih-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten; ne. comfort (V.), hearten, encourage, exhort; þrafstjan* 11, þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trösten, mahnen, ermahnen; ne. cheer (V.), hearten, console (V.), comfort (V.), encourage, reassure

comfortable: got. azēts* 5, azēt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leicht, erträglich; ne. easy (Adj.), comfortable, pleasurable

comfortably: got. azētaba 1, azēt-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. leicht, gern; ne. easily, comfortably, with pleasure

comforted -- make comforted: got. gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

comforter: got. paraklētus 4, par-a-klē-t-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Tröster; ne. paraclete, advocate (M.), comforter

comforting -- comforting (N.): got. *þlaihts?, *þlaih-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Trost; ne. comforting (N.)

coming: got. *-kunds (1), *-kun-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stammend; ne. coming

-- coming (Adj.): got. *-kuns?, *-kun-s?,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. stammend; ne. coming (Adj.)

-- coming from heaven: got. himinakunds* 9, himin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von himmlischer Abkunft, himmlisch; ne. coming from heaven, celestial, of heavenly provenance, heavenly

-- coming (N.): got. qums 14, qu-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Ankunft, Wiederkunft; ne. coming (N.), advent, arrival, parousia, presence; *qumþs?, *qu-m-þ-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kommen; ne. coming (N.)

-- coming together: got. gaqumþs* 8, ga-qu-m-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zusammenkunft, Versammlung, Vereinigung; ne. coming together, congress, high council, religious gathering, synagogue, assembly

command -- command (N.): got. anabūsns 45, an-a-bū-s-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gebot, Befehl; ne. charge (N.), command (N.), commandment, order (N.), ordinance; *būsns, *būs-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gebot; ne. command (N.), commandment; garaíhtei 40, ga-raíh-t-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gerechtigkeit, Gebot; ne. righteousness, uprightness, rectitude, justice, order (N.), command (N.); haiti* 2, hai-t-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Geheiß, Befehl; ne. behest, order (N.), command (N.), promise (N.)

command -- command (V.): got. anabiudan* 40, an-a-biud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. entbieten, befehlen, anordnen; ne. bid (V.), command (V.), instruct, order (V.); faúrbiudan* 7, faúr-biud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. verbieten, gebieten; ne. give orders to, command (V.), forbid; *grēfan?, *grēf-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. gebieten, anordnen; ne. command (V.), order (V.); haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.)

command -- exercise command over: got. gawaldan* 1, ga-wald-an*,  red. V. (3), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. sich der Herrschaft bemächtigen, vergewaltigen; ne. wield domination over, exercise command over, exercise authority over

command -- have full command of one’s mental faculties: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact

command -- high command: got. faúramaþli* 2, faúr-a-ma-þl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Oberbefehl, Vorsteheramt; ne. high command, governorship

commanded: got. garaiþs* 2, ga-rai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. angeordnet; ne. authoritatively ordered, officially determined, arranged, commanded

commander: got. *haitja?, *hai-t-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Heißer“; ne. commander; *-tuga, *-tu-g-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Zieher“, Führer; ne. commander; *walds?, *wald-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Walter, Herrscher; ne. commander, ruler

-- army commander: got. *harjatuga, *har-j-a-tug-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Heerführer; ne. army commander; *hazdwalds?, *haz-d-wal-d-s?,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Haarwalter, Heerwalter; ne. army commander

-- commander of a thousand men: got. þūsundifaþs 2, þūs-und-i-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Tausendführer, Anführer von Tausend; ne. commander of a thousand men

commandment: got. anabūsns 45, an-a-bū-s-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gebot, Befehl; ne. charge (N.), command (N.), commandment, order (N.), ordinance; *būsns, *būs-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gebot; ne. command (N.), commandment

commence: got. dustōdjan* 5=4, du-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben; ne. start (V.), begin (V.), commence, make a beginning

commencement: got. anastōdeins 13, an-a-stō-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Anfang; ne. beginning (N.), commencement, start (N.)

commendable: got. *garēþs?, *ga-rē-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. anständig; ne. commendable

commendably: got. garēdaba 1, ga-rē-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. commendably, in an advocatable manner, commendatorily, recommendatorily, honourably

commendation: got. anafilh* 6, an-a-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Anvertrautes“, Empfehlung, Überlieferung; ne. act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping, commendation, recommendation, tradition

commendatorily: got. garēdaba 1, ga-rē-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. commendably, in an advocatable manner, commendatorily, recommendatorily, honourably

commercial -- commercial untertaking: got. gawaúrki 5, ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschäft, Erwerb, Gewinn; ne. acquisitiveness, commercial untertaking, business deal, business, acquisition, gain (N.)

commiserative: got. armahaírts* 1, arm-a-haírt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. barmherzig; ne. merciful, compassionate, commiserative

commit: got. gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish; ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

-- commit adultery: got. gahōrinōn* 1, ga-hōr-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Ehebruch begehen; ne. commit adultery, fornicate; hōrinōn 13, hō-r-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. huren, die Ehe brechen, Ehebruch treiben; ne. commit adultery

-- commit a transgression: got. frawaúrkjan* 15, fra-waúrk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. sündigen, (sich) versündigen, eine Sünde begehen; ne. sin (V.), commit error, transgress, commit a transgression

-- commit error: got. frawaúrkjan* 15, fra-waúrk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. sündigen, (sich) versündigen, eine Sünde begehen; ne. sin (V.), commit error, transgress, commit a transgression

-- commit suicide by hanging: got. ushāhan* (sik) 1, us-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich erhängen; ne. hang o.s., commit suicide by hanging

-- commit theft: got. hlifan* 6, hli-f-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. stehlen; ne. commit theft, steal (V.)

-- commit to for safekeeping: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

commitment -- certificate of financial commitment: got. wadjabōkōs* 1, wad-j-a-bōk-ōs*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Handschein, Schuldschein; ne. written pledge, debenture, certificate of financial commitment, bond (N.)

commitment -- financial commitment: got. wadi 4, wad-i,  st. N. (ja?, ia?): nhd. Pfand; ne. pledge (N.), surety, financial commitment, guarantee

committing -- act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping: got. anafilh* 6, an-a-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Anvertrautes“, Empfehlung, Überlieferung; ne. act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping, commendation, recommendation, tradition

commix: got. blandan (sik) 3, bla-nd-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich vermischen mit, mischen; ne. mix (V.), mingle, commix, intermingle, associate with

commodious: got. rūms 1, rū-m-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geräumig; ne. roomy, spacious, commodious

-- become commodious: got. urrūmnan* 2, ur-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern, aufgehen; ne. become spacious, become commodious, enlarge, widen, open wide

common: got. *mains, *mai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gemein, gemeinsam; ne. common

-- common (Adj.): got. gamains 6, ga-mai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gemein, gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, teilhaftig, unheilig; ne. participant (Adj.), sharing (Adj.), shared, communal, commutual, common (Adj.), ordinary, unclean, vulgar, profane

-- have in common: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

-- make common: got. gagamainjan* 1, ga-ga-mai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. make common, demean, debase, defile; gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

communal: got. gamains 6, ga-mai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gemein, gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, teilhaftig, unheilig; ne. participant (Adj.), sharing (Adj.), shared, communal, commutual, common (Adj.), ordinary, unclean, vulgar, profane

-- communal feeling: got. gamainei* 2, ga-mai-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gemeinschaft; ne. communal feeling, communal sharing, participation, fellowship

-- communal sharing: got. gamainei* 2, ga-mai-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gemeinschaft; ne. communal feeling, communal sharing, participation, fellowship

communality: got. gamaindūþs 6, ga-mai-n-dū-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gemeinschaft; ne. community, communality, communion, fellowship

communicate -- communicate verbally: got. rōdjan 125, rō-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sprechen, reden; ne. speak, talk (V.), communicate verbally

communion: got. gamaindūþs 6, ga-mai-n-dū-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gemeinschaft; ne. community, communality, communion, fellowship

community: got. daila* (1) 4, da-i-l-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Teilnahme, Gemeinschaft, Mine (= Münze), Pfund; ne. partaking (N.), participation, community, partnership, incompleteness, fragmentariness, piece of money, pound; gamaindūþs 6, ga-mai-n-dū-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gemeinschaft; ne. community, communality, communion, fellowship

-- assembled community: got. gamainþs 1, ga-mai-n-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versammlung; ne. assembled community, assembly

-- cultural community: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

-- secretary-lector of a religious community: got. bōkāreis 39, bōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Schriftgelehrter, Schreiber; ne. writer, scribe, secretary-lector of a religious community

commutual: got. gamains 6, ga-mai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gemein, gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, teilhaftig, unheilig; ne. participant (Adj.), sharing (Adj.), shared, communal, commutual, common (Adj.), ordinary, unclean, vulgar, profane

compactness -- shake into densest compactness: got. gawigan* 1, ga-wig-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bewegen, schütteln; ne. shake together, shake into densest compactness, move (V.)

companion: got. gahlaiba* 2, ga-hlaib-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Genosse, Amtsgenosse; ne. companion, comrade, co-breader; gahlaifs* 4, ga-hlaif-s*,  subst. Adj. (a) = M.: nhd. Genosse; ne. companion, comrade, co-breader; gajuk* 1, ga-ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Paar; ne. pair (N.), couple (N.), that which is „co-yoked“, companion; *gasalja?, *ga-sal-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgemeinschaft?, Genosse?; ne. household, companion, comrade

-- household companion: got. gadauka* 1, ga-dauk-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgenosse; ne. house-mate, household companion

-- travelling companion: got. gasinþa* 1, ga-sinþ-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefährte, Reisegefährte; ne. fellow traveller, travelling companion; gasinþja* 1, ga-sinþ-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefährte, Reisegefährte; ne. fellow traveller, travelling companion

company -- live in company with: got. miþgawisan* 1, mi-þ-ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., m. Dat.: nhd. zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.); ne. associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together

compare: got. contropare 3, lat.- V.: nhd. vergleichen; ne. compare; gabaíran 26, ga-baír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „zusammentragen“, vergleichen, gebären; ne. „bring together“, compare, put side by side with, give birth to; galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to; *gaþaúrpan, *ga-þaúr-p-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. vergleichen; ne. compare; *þaúrpan, *þaúr-p-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. vergleichen; ne. compare

compared -- compared to: got. þau 86,  Adv.: nhd. als, oder, doch, wohl, etwa, wie; ne. than, compared to, perchance, perhaps, but, instead

comparison: got. contropatio 11, lat.- F.: nhd. Vergleich; ne. comparison

compassion: got. armahaírtei 10, arm-a-haírt-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Barmherzigkeit; ne. mercy, compassion, pity (N.); armaiō 10=9, armai-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Barmherzigkeit, Almosen; ne. mercy, compassion, almsgiving (N.), charity; *bleiþeins, *ble-i-þ-ein-s,  st. F. (i) (ō): nhd. Erbarmen, Mitleid; ne. pity (N.), compassion, mercy (N.); mildiþa* 1, mil-d-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Milde, Herz, Mitleid; ne. charitableness, kindness, compassion, mildness

-- be moved with compassion: got. infeinan* 6, in-fei-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erbarmen, gerührt sein (V.); ne. have compassion, be moved with compassion, have pity

-- have compassion: got. infeinan* 6, in-fei-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erbarmen, gerührt sein (V.); ne. have compassion, be moved with compassion, have pity

-- show compassion towards: got. arman* 10, arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gaarman* 10, ga-arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards

compassionate: got. armahaírts* 1, arm-a-haírt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. barmherzig; ne. merciful, compassionate, commiserative

compassionateness: got. gableiþeins* 1, ga-ble-i-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erbarmen; ne. mercifulness, compassionateness, pity (N.)

compatriot: got. inkunja* 1, in-kun-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stammesgenosse, Landsmann; ne. compatriot, fellow countryman

compel: got. ananauþjan* 1, an-a-nau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. durch Zwang veranlassen, nötigen, zwingen; ne. compel, force (V.); anetiare, an-e-tiare, mlat.- V.: nhd. zwingen; ne. force (V.), compel; baidjan* 2, baid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zwingen, nötigen; ne. compel, force (V.); gabaidjan* 1, ga-baid-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zwingen, gebieten, nötigen; ne. compel, force (V.); nauþjan* 4, nau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nötigen, zwingen; ne. compel, force (V.), exert compulsion upon

-- compel to go: got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.); dreiban* 1, drei-b-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. treiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go

compelling -- compelling (N.): got. *gaaggweins, *ga-agg-w-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Beengung, Einschränkung; ne. constraining (N.), compelling (N.), coercing (N.)

compensation: got. laun* 6, lau-n*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lohn, Belohnung, Dank; ne. compensation, reward (N.), remuneration, credit (N.); *launi (?), *lau-n-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Lohn; ne. compensation, reward (N.)

compensations -- nine compensations: got. niungeldo 5, niun-geld-o, lat.-got.?, Sb.: nhd. Neungeld, neunfaches Entgelt; ne. nine compensations

compensations -- twenty-seven compensations: got. triniungeldo 3, tri-niun-geld-o, lat.- Sb.: nhd. Dreineungeld, Siebenundzwanzigfachentgelt; ne. twenty-seven compensations

compete -- compete in a contest: got. haifstjan 4, haif-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streiten; ne. compete in a contest, contend, rival (V.), vie with, strive in competition, fight (V.)

competent: got. *frams?, *fra-m-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tüchtig; ne. efficient, competent, capable

competition: got. haifsts* 12=11, haif-st-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Streit, Zank; ne. contestation, competition, rivalry, striving in competition, conflict (N.)

-- strive in competition: got. haifstjan 4, haif-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streiten; ne. compete in a contest, contend, rival (V.), vie with, strive in competition, fight (V.)

-- striving in competition: got. haifsts* 12=11, haif-st-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Streit, Zank; ne. contestation, competition, rivalry, striving in competition, conflict (N.)

complain: got. birōdjan* 7, bi-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. murrend reden, murren; ne. grumble (V.), murmur (V.), whisper (V.), complain, mutter (V.)

complaining -- complaining (N.): got. birōdeins 4=3, bi-rō-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Murren, Verleumdung; ne. grumbling (N.), murmuring (N.), whispering (N.), complaining (N.)

complaint: got. *aihtr, *aih-tr,  st. N.: nhd. Klage, Bitte; ne. complaint, lament (N.), request (N.); faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance; wrōhs* 2, wrō-h-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Klage, Anklage; ne. accusation, charge (N.), complaint

-- cause for complaint: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

complete -- complete (Adj.): got. *allandjis?, *al-l-and-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja/jō): nhd. völlig; ne. complete (Adj.), entire (Adj.), full (Adj.); fullawita* 3, ful-l-a-wit-a*,  sw. Adj., subst. sw. M. (n): nhd. vollkommen; ne. complete (Adj.), perfect; fulls 13, ful-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll, vollkommen; ne. full, filled, complete (Adj.), completed; ustauhans: nhd. vollkommen; ne. complete (Adj.), capable, proficient, perfect

complete -- complete agreeability: got. allawērei* 1, al-l-a-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Redlichkeit; ne. simplicity, sincerity, wholehearted accord, complete agreeability, total agreement

complete -- complete (V.): got. usfulljan 34=33, us-ful-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, vollenden, ersetzen, zusammenfassen; ne. fill up, fill completely, fulfill, bring to fulfillment, complete (V.); ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.); uswaúrkjan* 2, us-waúrk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausführen, vollbringen; ne. operate to perfection, complete (V.)

complete -- gain complete possession of: got. dishaban* 4, dis-hab-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv); ne. seize utterly, gain complete possession of, take completely, hold (V.)

complete -- in complete privation: got. alaþarba 1, al-a-þarb-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „alldarbend“, an allem Mangel leidend, ganz arm; ne. thoroughly destitute, totally in need, in complete privation

completed: got. fulls 13, ful-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll, vollkommen; ne. full, filled, complete (Adj.), completed

completely: got. allandjō 1, al-l-and-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. völlig, vollständig, ganz und gar; ne. completely, wholly; allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

-- cause to be completely happy: got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully

-- completely agreeable: got. *allawēreis?, *al-l-a-wēr-eis?, *allawērs?,  Adj. (ja), (a): nhd. redlich; ne. sincere, completely agreeing, completely agreeable

-- completely agreeing: got. *allawēreis?, *al-l-a-wēr-eis?, *allawērs?,  Adj. (ja), (a): nhd. redlich; ne. sincere, completely agreeing, completely agreeable

-- consume completely: got. fraitan* 4, fra-it-an*,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. verzehren, fressen; ne. devour, consume completely, eat completely up

-- cramp completely: got. *aggwjan?, *agg-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedrängen, beengen, engen; ne. constrain (V.), cramp completely; gaaggwjan* 1, ga-agg-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedrängen; ne. oppress, constrain (V.), cramp completely

-- eat completely up: got. fraitan* 4, fra-it-an*,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. verzehren, fressen; ne. devour, consume completely, eat completely up

-- fill completely: got. usfulljan 34=33, us-ful-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, vollenden, ersetzen, zusammenfassen; ne. fill up, fill completely, fulfill, bring to fulfillment, complete (V.)

-- scatter completely away by winnowing: got. diswinþjan* 1, dis-winþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „auseinanderwerfen“, zermalmen, worfeln, zerstreuen; ne. crush (V.), scatter completely away by winnowing, dissipate to the winds

-- take completely: got. dishaban* 4, dis-hab-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv); ne. seize utterly, gain complete possession of, take completely, hold (V.)

completeness: got. fullō 10, ful-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle, Füllung, Flicken (M.), Ausfüllung; ne. fullness, a fulfilling, fulfillment, filling, completeness, entireness; ustaúhts 4, us-taú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vollendung, Vervollkommnung, Ende, Erfüllung; ne. completion, completeness, perfection, perfectness, accomplishment, fulfillment, consummation, end (N.)

completion: got. usfulleins 4=3, us-ful-l-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erfüllung; ne. fulfillment, completion; ustaúhts 4, us-taú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vollendung, Vervollkommnung, Ende, Erfüllung; ne. completion, completeness, perfection, perfectness, accomplishment, fulfillment, consummation, end (N.)

-- to completion: got. du ustiuhan, got.: nhd. zur Vollendung; ne. to completion

complexion -- superficial complexion: got. hiwi* 1, hi-wi*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. surface appearance, looks, superficial complexion, cosmetic aspect, form (N.)

compliance: got. gakunds 1, ga-kun-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überredung; ne. submission, persuasion, obedience, compliance, subordination

comport -- comport o.s.: got. usmitan 6, us-mi-t-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. wandeln, leben, sich benehmen; ne. behave, comport o.s., conduct o.s.

composure -- lose (V.) one’s composure at: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

comprehend: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent; gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize

comprehending -- comprehending (Adj.): got. *fraþjands?, *fraþ-jan-d-s?,  Part. Präs.: nhd. verständig; ne. perceiving (Adj.), comprehending (Adj.)

comprehension-impediment: got. fraþjamarzeins 1, fraþ-ja-mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verstandestäuschung; ne. comprehension-impediment, a thwarting of the understanding

compulsion: got. gaaggwei 2, ga-agg-w-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Einschränkung; ne. constraint (N.), compulsion, coercion; nauþs 11=10, nau-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Not, Zwang; ne. compulsion, force (N.), constraint, duress, trouble (N.), need (N.)

-- exert compulsion upon: got. nauþjan* 4, nau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nötigen, zwingen; ne. compel, force (V.), exert compulsion upon

compute -- compute (V.): got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

comrade: got. gahlaiba* 2, ga-hlaib-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Genosse, Amtsgenosse; ne. companion, comrade, co-breader; gahlaifs* 4, ga-hlaif-s*,  subst. Adj. (a) = M.: nhd. Genosse; ne. companion, comrade, co-breader; gaman 4, ga-man,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mitmensch, Teilnehmer, Genosse, Gemeinschaft, Genossenschaft; ne. fellow man, partner, comrade, partnership, comradeship; *gasalja?, *ga-sal-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgemeinschaft?, Genosse?; ne. household, companion, comrade; *sag-,  M.: nhd. Mann?, Genosse; ne. man? (M.), comrade

comradeship: got. gaman 4, ga-man,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mitmensch, Teilnehmer, Genosse, Gemeinschaft, Genossenschaft; ne. fellow man, partner, comrade, partnership, comradeship

conceal: got. *darnjan?, *dar-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verheimlichen; ne. keep secret, conceal; filhan 1, fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. verbergen, begraben (V.); ne. hide (V.), conceal, conceal in the ground, bury, cover up for safekeeping; gafilhan 5, ga-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.), verbergen; ne. hide (V.), conceal, bury, inter (V.)

-- conceal from: got. affilhan* 1, af-fil-h-an*,  st. V. (2,3): nhd. verbergen; ne. hide from, conceal from

-- conceal in the ground: got. filhan 1, fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. verbergen, begraben (V.); ne. hide (V.), conceal, conceal in the ground, bury, cover up for safekeeping

-- conceal o.s.: got. galaugnjan sik: nhd. sich verbergen; ne. hide o.s., conceal o.s.

-- conceal (V.): got. galaugnjan 3, ga-laug-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbergen, verborgen bleiben; ne. be undiscovered, escape detection, hide (V.), be hidden, conceal (V.)

concealed: got. analaugns* 6=5, an-a-laug-n-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. verborgen; ne. concealed, secret (Adj.), hidden; fulgins* 3, ful-g-in-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verborgen; ne. hidden, concealed, covert, secret (Adj.)

-- concealed (Adj.): got. gafulgins* 5, ga-ful-g-in-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verborgen; ne. concealed (Adj.), hidden (Adj.)

concealment: got. analaugnei* 1, an-a-laug-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verborgenheit; ne. concealment, secretiveness, secrecy; fulhsni* 7, ful-h-sn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geheimnis; ne. secrecy, concealment

conceited: got. flauts* 2=1, flau-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ruhmsüchtig, prahlerisch; ne. boastful, conceited, bragging (Adj.)

conceivably: got. waitei 2, wai-t-ei,  Adv.: nhd. vielleicht, etwa; ne. conceivably, plausibly, perchance, possibly

conceive: got. ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn; inkilþō wairþan, got.: nhd. empfangen; ne. conceive

concern -- be of concern to: got. kara wisan: nhd. sich kümmern; ne. worry s.o., be of concern to

concern -- concern (N.): got. kara 5, kar-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sorge; ne. care (N.), worry (N.), concern (N.)

concern -- concern oneself: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

concern -- have concern for: got. gakarōn* 1, ga-kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. besorgen, sich kümmern, sorgen für; ne. care for, have concern for

concerned -- be concerned about: got. karōn* 1, kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich kümmern; ne. care about, worry about, be concerned about

concerning: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

conciliated: got. gawaírþeigs* 1, ga-waír-þ-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. friedfertig, friedlich; ne. peaceable, peaceful, conciliated, concordant; *waírþeigs?, *waír-þ-eig-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. friedfertig, friedlich; ne. peaceable, conciliated

conciliatory: got. *hunslags?, *hun-sl-ag-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. versöhnlich; ne. conciliatory

conclude: got. *gaandjan 1, *ga-and-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. enden, endigen, aufhören; ne. stop (V.), cease, conclude

concomitantly: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

concord -- concord (N.): got. gawaírþi 53=52, ga-waír-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Friede; ne. peace, concord (N.)

concord -- find concord to: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to

concord -- lead to concord: got. gagawaírþjan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord; *gawaírþjan?, *ga-waírþ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord

concordant: got. gawaírþeigs* 1, ga-waír-þ-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. friedfertig, friedlich; ne. peaceable, peaceful, conciliated, concordant; gawiljis* 3, ga-wi-l-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. einmütig, gewillt; ne. „co-volitional“, together in will, concordant, unanimous

concourse: got. garuns* 3, ga-ru-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Markt, Straße; ne. concourse, public mall, marketplace, running together, street

concur: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

-- concur among themselves: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide

concurrence: got. gaqiss* (2) 1, ga-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verabredung; ne. concurrence, agreement

-- give concurrence: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

concurring: got. gaqiss (1) 2, ga-qi-s-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. übereinstimmend; ne. concurring, agreeing

condemn: got. fraqiþan* 7, fra-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. für ungültig erklären, aufheben, verfluchen, verwünschen; ne. speak ill of, deprecate, condemn, curse s.o.; gawargjan* 2, ga-war-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einen verurteilen zu, ächten, verdammen; ne. condemn, damn, outlaw (V.), pronounce judgement against

condemnation: got. afdōmeins* 1, af-dō-m-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verdammung; ne. condemnation; gawargeins* 1, ga-war-g-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verurteilung, Verdammung, Verdammnis; ne. condemnation, damnation, proscription; *wargeins?, *war-g-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verurteilung; ne. condemnation; wargiþa* 4, war-g-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verdammungsurteil, Verurteilung, Verdammnis; ne. condemnation, condemnedness, damnation, judgement

condemnedness: got. wargiþa* 4, war-g-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verdammungsurteil, Verurteilung, Verdammnis; ne. condemnation, condemnedness, damnation, judgement

condition -- in proper condition: got. fagrs* 1, fag-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. passend, geeignet, geschickt; ne. in proper condition, presentable, proper, fitting (Adj.), suitable, suited, qualified

condition -- pressured condition: got. þreihsl* 2=1, þrei-h-sl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Drangsal, Bedrängnis; ne. constriction, pressured condition, distress (N.), difficulty

condition -- put in proper condition: got. *fahrjan?, *fah-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable; gafahrjan* 1, ga-fah-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable

condition -- victorious condition: got. *hrōþ, *hrō-þ, *hrōþs,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ruhm, Sieg; ne. victorious condition, glory of victory, triumph (N.)

conduct -- conduct in thither: got. innattiuhan* 1, in-n-at-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. hineinziehen, hineinführen; ne. bring in to, conduct in thither, usher in, lead in

conduct -- conduct into proximity: got. attiuhan 12, at-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. herbeiziehen, herbeiführen, herbeibringen, hereinführen, bringen; ne. bring up, take up, convey (V.), conduct into proximity

conduct -- conduct (N.): got. sidus 4=3, si-d-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Sitte, Gewohnheit; ne. custom (N.), usage, habit (N.), conduct (N.); usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

conduct -- conduct o.s.: got. usmitan 6, us-mi-t-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. wandeln, leben, sich benehmen; ne. behave, comport o.s., conduct o.s.

conduct -- conduct out: got. ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

conduct -- conduct (V.): got. briggan 39, bri-g-g-an,  unr. st. V., sw. V.: nhd. bringen, führen machen; ne. bring, lead (V.), conduct (V.), render, cause to become; gatiuhan* 8, ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegziehen, wegführen, führen, bringen; ne. lead forth, conduct (V.), draw (V.), bring; tiuhan 12, tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. ziehen, führen, wegführen; ne. lead (V.), guide (V.), conduct (V.), bring

confer -- confer a malediction upon: got. unþiuþjan* 1, un-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fluchen; ne. curse (V.), imprecate evil upon, confer a malediction upon

confer -- confer benediction: got. þiuþjan* 19, þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. segnen; ne. bless (V.), confer benediction, pronounce good upon

confer -- confer benediction upon: got. gaþiuþjan* 4, ga-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. segnen, den Segen geben; ne. confer benediction upon, bless (V.)

conference -- private conference: got. garūni* 4, ga-rūn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beratung, Beratschlagung; ne. secret counsel, secret consultation, private conference, privy council

confess: got. andhaitan 15, and-hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. bekennen, preisen, erklären; ne. profess, confess, acknowledge, praise (V.)

confession: got. andahait* 3, and-a-hai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bekenntnis; ne. acknowledgement, confession, recognition

confide -- confide in: got. tráuan 4, tráu-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. trauen, Zutrauen haben; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, rely on, confide in

confidence: got. balþei* 6, bal-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kühnheit, Freimut, Freimütigkeit, Unerschrockenheit; ne. boldness, confidence, frankness, fearlessness; tráuains 8, tráu-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vertrauen, Zuversicht; ne. trusting, trust (N.), confidence

-- have confidence: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of; tráuan 4, tráu-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. trauen, Zutrauen haben; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, rely on, confide in

-- have confidence in: got. galaubjan 146=145, ga-laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, anvertrauen; ne. believe, permit, have faith in, be confident of, have confidence in

confident: got. triggws 26, triggw-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. treu, zuverlässig; ne. trusting (Adj.), confident, trustworthy, faithful

-- be confident of: got. galaubjan 146=145, ga-laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, anvertrauen; ne. believe, permit, have faith in, be confident of, have confidence in; gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

confidently: got. triggwaba 2, triggw-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. treulich, zuverlässig; ne. confidently, trustingly, surely, firmly

configured -- analogically configured: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

configured -- become configured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

configured -- be configured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

confirm: got. gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify; tulgjan 3, tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. festigen, stärken, befestigen; ne. make firm, confirm, establish, fix (V.), fortify

conflict -- armed conflict: got. wigan (1) 1, wig-an, wigana*, wign*,  st. N.? (a): nhd. Kampf; ne. armed conflict, war; *wigs (2), *wig-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Kampf; ne. armed conflict

conflict -- conflict (N.): got. haifsts* 12=11, haif-st-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Streit, Zank; ne. contestation, competition, rivalry, striving in competition, conflict (N.)

conform -- conform to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to; galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to; galeikōn sik: nhd. sich gleichstellen; ne. make o.s. like, conform to

conform -- jointly conform to: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

confront -- confront frowningly: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

confusion: got. unsūti* 1, un-sūt-i*,  st. N. (ja)?, st. N. (ja)?: nhd. Aufstand, Aufruhr; ne. unmildness, untranquility, ungentle situation, confusion

confutation: got. gasahts* 4, ga-sah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vorwurf, Tadel, Zurechtweisung, Beschuldigung; ne. refutation, confutation, reproach (N.); *sahts (1), *sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vorwurf; ne. refutation, confutation

confute -- confute (V.): got. gasakan 19, ga-sak-an,  st. V. (6), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. überführen, schelten, den Mund stopfen, zum Schweigen bringen, widerlegen; ne. confute (V.), refute (V.), rebuke (V.), reprove, scold (V.)

congregate: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet

congregation -- religious congregation: got. aíkklesjō 42, aík-kle-s-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kirche, Gotteshaus, Gemeinde; ne. church, church building, religious congregation, house of God

congress: got. gaqumþs* 8, ga-qu-m-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zusammenkunft, Versammlung, Vereinigung; ne. coming together, congress, high council, religious gathering, synagogue, assembly

congruent: got. *gatēms?, *ga-tēm-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. geziemend; ne. congruent; *tēms?, *tēm-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. ziemend; ne. congruent

-- be congruent with: got. gatiman* 1, ga-tim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. geziemen; ne. be congruent with, time with, fit in with, match (V.); *timan?, *tim-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. sich ziemen, geziemen; ne. be congruent with, fit in with

congruently: got. gatēmiba 1, ga-tēm-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. geziemend; ne. congruently, appositely; *tēmiba, *tēm-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. ziemend; ne. congruently, appositely

conjoin: got. gawidan* 1, ga-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5),: nhd. zusammenbinden, verbinden; ne. conjoin, unite, bind together

conjoining: got. *wiss (1), *wi-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bindung; ne. conjoining, connecting

conjunction -- accept in conjunction: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

connected: got. *wiss (2), *wi-s-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gebunden; ne. connected

-- connected (Adj.): got. *gahāhjis?, *ga-hāh-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja/jō): nhd. zusammenhängend; ne. coherent, connected (Adj.)

connectedly: got. gahāhjō 1, ga-hāh-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zusammenhängend, im Zusammenhang, der Reihe nach; ne. coherently, connectedly, orderly

connecting: got. *wiss (1), *wi-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bindung; ne. conjoining, connecting

connection: got. gawiss* 2, ga-wi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verbindung, Gelenk, Band der Gelenke; ne. connection, juncture, ligament (N.), bond (N.)

-- reject the connection with: got. inwidan* 7, in-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleugnen, für ungültig erklären; ne. reject the connection with, deny the relatedness of, repudiate, disown, desert (3)

conquer: got. gajiukan* 4, ga-jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. besiegen, überwinden; ne. succeed in fighting, overcome, conquer, gain the prize; jiukan* 2, jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kämpfen, ringen, obsiegen; ne. fight (V.), battle (V.), conquer, be a boxer

consanguinity -- unite in consanguinity: got. niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

conscience: got. gahugds* 12, ga-hug-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung, Sinn, Gewissen; ne. manner of understanding, mode of perception, mind (N.), conscience, mind-set, mind (N.), thought; miþwissei 11, mi-þ-wi-s-s-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Mitwissen“, Bewusstsein, Gewissen; ne. conscience, moral consciousness, Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions; þūhtus* 5=4, þūh-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Gewissen; ne. seeming (N.), surmise (N.), conscience

-- have on one’s conscience: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

-- having a conscience: got. *miþwiss?, *mi-þ-wi-s-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bewusst; ne. morally conscious, having a conscience

conscious -- be conscious of: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

conscious -- morally conscious: got. *miþwiss?, *mi-þ-wi-s-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bewusst; ne. morally conscious, having a conscience

consciousness -- moral consciousness: got. miþwissei 11, mi-þ-wi-s-s-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Mitwissen“, Bewusstsein, Gewissen; ne. conscience, moral consciousness, Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions

consecrate: got. gaweihan* 7, ga-weih-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. weihen, heiligen; ne. hallow (V.), make holy, sanctify, consecrate

-- consecrate (V.): got. weihan* (2) 3, weih-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. weihen, heiligen; ne. hallow (V.), make holy, sanctify, consecrate (V.)

consecrated -- material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

consecration: got. weihiþa* 7, weih-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weihe (F.) (2), Heiligung, Heiligkeit; ne. holiness, sanctity, sanctification, consecration, holiness

consent -- give consent: got. uslaubjan* 11, us-laub-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlauben; ne. allow, let (V.), give consent, permit (V.)

consequence -- in consequence: got. þannu 22, þan-nu,  Adv.: nhd. ja, wohl, also darum; ne. so then, well (Adv.), now, in consequence

consequently: got. nūnū 6, nū-nū,  Konj.: nhd. demnach, daher, also; ne. consequently, ergo, therefore, now then; þannu nu: nhd. deshalb, folglich; ne. consequently, now, hence; uh (1) 248=246, u-h,  Partikel: nhd. und, nun, also; ne. and, also, too, likewise, thereupon, subsequently, consequently, so then

-- but then consequently: got. aþþan nū, got.: nhd. aber deshalb; ne. but then consequently

-- consequently now indeed: got. þannu nu jai, got.: nhd. jawohl; ne. consequently now indeed

-- in that case consequently then ... not: got. þannu nū ei ... ni, got.: nhd. deshalb ... nicht; ne. in that case consequently then ... not

-- therefore consequently: got. þannuh nū jai, got.: nhd. deshalb also; ne. therefore consequently; þannu nū, got.: nhd. deshalb also; ne. therefore consequently

consider: got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know; biþagkjan* 1, bi-þagk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. think over, think about, meditate on, consider; haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be; mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate; munan* (1) 19, mun-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. meinen, glauben, dafür halten; ne. reckon, believe, suppose, consider, deem (V.), think; rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon; þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- consider to be: got. þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- consider worthy: got. wairþana rahnjan, got.: nhd. für würdig erachten; ne. consider worthy

consolation: got. gaþrafsteins 6, ga-þraf-st-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Trost; ne. consolation, solace, comfort (N.), encouragement; þrafsteins* 1, þraf-st-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Trost, Tröstung; ne. heartening (N.), consolation, encouragement, comfort (N.); *þrafsts?, *þraf-st-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Trost; ne. consolation

-- give consolation to: got. gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

console -- console (V.): got. þrafstjan* 11, þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trösten, mahnen, ermahnen; ne. cheer (V.), hearten, console (V.), comfort (V.), encourage, reassure

consort -- consort with: got. miþgawisan* 1, mi-þ-ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., m. Dat.: nhd. zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.); ne. associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together

conspicuously -- conspicuously known: got. swikunþs 17, swi-kun-þ-s, swekunþs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. offenkundig, offenbar, bekannt; ne. known openly, conspicuously known, known by its obviousness, manifest (Adj.), obvious

conspire: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

constant: got. seiteins* 1, seit-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. täglich; ne. daily, constant, perpetual; sinteins* 2, sin-tein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. täglich; ne. everyday, constant, daily

-- remain constant: got. þaírhwisan* 7, þaír-h-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. verbleiben, verharren; ne. persevere, continue on, remain constant, keep on, persist

constantly: got. sinteinō 36, sin-tein-ō,  Adv.: nhd. immer, allezeit; ne. perpetually, always, ever, continually, constantly

constellation: got. tuggl* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gestirn; ne. constellation, celestial body, star (N.)

constituent -- construct as a constituent part: got. miþgatimrjan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. miterbauen; ne. build together, construct as a constituent part

constituted -- constituted otherwise: got. *anþarleiks?, *an-þar-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. verschieden; ne. substantively different, essentially different, constituted otherwise

constrain -- constrain (V.): got. *aggwjan?, *agg-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedrängen, beengen, engen; ne. constrain (V.), cramp completely; gaaggwjan* 1, ga-agg-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedrängen; ne. oppress, constrain (V.), cramp completely

constraining -- constraining (N.): got. *gaaggweins, *ga-agg-w-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Beengung, Einschränkung; ne. constraining (N.), compelling (N.), coercing (N.)

constraint: got. nauþs 11=10, nau-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Not, Zwang; ne. compulsion, force (N.), constraint, duress, trouble (N.), need (N.)

-- constraint (N.): got. gaaggwei 2, ga-agg-w-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Einschränkung; ne. constraint (N.), compulsion, coercion

constrict: got. gaþreihan* 1, ga-þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bedrängen; ne. put pressure on, constrict, oppress, distress (V.), trouble (V.)

constriction: got. þreihsl* 2=1, þrei-h-sl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Drangsal, Bedrängnis; ne. constriction, pressured condition, distress (N.), difficulty

construct -- construct as a constituent part: got. miþgatimrjan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. miterbauen; ne. build together, construct as a constituent part

construct -- construct upon: got. anatimrjan* 2=1, an-a-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „aufzimmern“, daraufbauen, aufbauen; ne. build upon, construct upon

construct -- construct (V.): got. gatimrjan* 8, ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erbauen, bauen; ne. build, build up, construct (V.); taujan 211=209, tau-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tun, machen, wirken; ne. do, act (V.), engage in, execute, perform, make (V.), form (V.), construct (V.), produce (1); timrjan* 9, tim-r-jan*, timbrjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bauen, zimmern, erbauen; ne. build (V.), construct (V.), strengthen, benefit (V.), edify

construction: got. gatimreins* 2, ga-tim-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erbauung; ne. building up, construction, edification

-- construction lumber: got. *timr, *tim-r, *timbr,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bauholz; ne. building timber, construction lumber

consult -- consult secretly about: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

consult -- consult (V.): got. garūni niman, got.: nhd. Rat halten; ne. consult (V.)

consultation -- secret consultation: got. garūni* 4, ga-rūn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beratung, Beratschlagung; ne. secret counsel, secret consultation, private conference, privy council; rūna 18, rū-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Geheimnis, Beschluss, Anschlag; ne. secret (N.), secret plan, secret council, secret consultation, secret counsel, mystery

consume: got. fraqiman* 7, fra-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. verzehren, ausgeben, vertun, verwenden; ne. use up, expend, consume, exhaust (V.), spend, rise up

-- consume by dining: got. frawisan* 1, fra-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verbrauchen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. consume by dining, devour through epicurean living, eat up in feasting, squander

-- consume by fire: got. gabrannjan* 3, ga-bran-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen; ne. burn (V.), consume by fire; intandjan* 1, in-tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „anzünden“, verbrennen, in Brand setzen; ne. incinerate, burn up, consume by fire

-- consume completely: got. fraitan* 4, fra-it-an*,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. verzehren, fressen; ne. devour, consume completely, eat completely up

consumed -- become consumed with flame: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

consumed -- be consumed with flame: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

consummate: got. ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

consummation: got. ustaúhts 4, us-taú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vollendung, Vervollkommnung, Ende, Erfüllung; ne. completion, completeness, perfection, perfectness, accomplishment, fulfillment, consummation, end (N.)

contact -- come into contact with: got. tēkan* 7, tēk-an*, teikan*,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. anrühren, berühren; ne. touch (V.), come into contact with, put one’s touch on

contact -- make contact with: got. attēkan 21, at-tēk-an,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. berühren, anrühren; ne. touch (V.), make contact with, lay one’s touch upon

contact -- make wrinkled by contact: got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact

contaminate: got. bisauljan* 1, bi-saul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. besudeln, beflecken; ne. spot (V.), pollute, contaminate, sully (V.)

contaminated -- become contaminated: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

contaminated -- be contaminated: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

contend: got. haifstjan 4, haif-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streiten; ne. compete in a contest, contend, rival (V.), vie with, strive in competition, fight (V.)

content: got. *wunands?, *wun-an-d-s?,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. zufrieden; ne. content

-- be content: got. *wunan, *wun-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zufrieden sein (V.); ne. be content

-- make content: got. ganōhjan* 5, ga-nōh-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. gewähren, befriedigen, sich genügen lassen (= ganōhiþs wisan); ne. satisfy, make content, satiate

contention: got. waihjō* 1, waih-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kampf; ne. quarrel (N.), wrangling (N.), contention, battle (N.)

contentment: got. ganaúha* 3, ga-naúh-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Genüge, Auskommen, Genügsamkeit; ne. sufficiency, self-sufficiency, satisfaction, contentment

conterminous: got. *gamarka, *ga-mark-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. benachbart, angrenzend; ne. „co-bordering“ (Adj.), bordering (Adj.), conterminous

contest -- compete in a contest: got. haifstjan 4, haif-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streiten; ne. compete in a contest, contend, rival (V.), vie with, strive in competition, fight (V.)

contestation: got. haifsts* 12=11, haif-st-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Streit, Zank; ne. contestation, competition, rivalry, striving in competition, conflict (N.)

continence: got. gahōbains 1, ga-hōb-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Enthaltsamkeit; ne. continence, self-control

continent -- be continent: got. gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain; *gahōban?, *ga-hōb-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich enthalten; ne. be continent

continent -- continent (Adj.): got. *gahabands?, *ga-hab-an-d-s?,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. beherrscht; ne. self-controlled, continent (Adj.)

continually: got. sinteinō 36, sin-tein-ō,  Adv.: nhd. immer, allezeit; ne. perpetually, always, ever, continually, constantly

continue: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue; wisan (2) 32, wi-s-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. weilen, bleiben; ne. continue, remain (V.), stay (V.)

-- continue on: got. þaírhwisan* 7, þaír-h-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. verbleiben, verharren; ne. persevere, continue on, remain constant, keep on, persist

continuous: got. framwigis 2, fra-m-wig-is,  Adv.: nhd. fortwährend, für immer; ne. evermore, continuous, in perpetuity

-- continuous bickering: got. usbalþei* 1, us-bal-þ-ei*, usbalþeins?,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (i/ō)?: nhd. Frechheit, fortwährende Zänkerei; ne. insolence, arrogance, continuous bickering

contour -- contour (N.): got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

contoured -- become contoured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

contoured -- be contoured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

contract -- contract for buying on credit: got. kawtsjō* 4, kawts-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sicherheit, Bürgschaft, Verschreibung; ne. contract for buying on credit, credit contract, security, bond (N.), warrenty

contract -- credit contract: got. kawtsjō* 4, kawts-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sicherheit, Bürgschaft, Verschreibung; ne. contract for buying on credit, credit contract, security, bond (N.), warrenty

contradict: got. andrinnan* 2, and-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. „entgegenrennen“, streiten; ne. dispute (V.), debate (V.), contradict, oppose, discuss; andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

contrary -- contrary (Adj.): got. andaneiþa* 3, and-a-nei-þ-a*,  sw. M. (n)?, sw. Adj.?: nhd. feindlich; ne. opposed, antagonistic, contrary (Adj.), hostile; *andaneiþs?, *and-a-nei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. widrig, entgegengesetzt, feindlich, im Gegenteil; ne. opposed, antithetical, contrary (Adj.), antagonistic

contrary -- contrary to nature: got. aljakuns 3, al-ja-kun-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anderswoher stammend, gegen die Natur, von einem anderen Geschlecht, von fremder Abkunft, fremd; ne. foreign, of different kin, of foreign origin, strange, contrary to nature

contrary -- on the contrary: got. ak 278=276,  Konj.: nhd. sondern (Konj.), aber, geh; ne. but, on the contrary, however, but rather; þata andaneiþo, got.: nhd. im Gegenteil; ne. on the contrary; ak þan, got.: nhd. im Gegenteil; ne. on the contrary; wiþrawaírþs* 5=4, wi-þra-waír-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gegenüberliegend, entgegengesetzt, im Gegenteil; ne. opposite, facing, set opposite, on the contrary

contribution: got. gabaúr (1) 4, ga-baúr,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Zusammengebrachtes“, Kollekte, Steuer (F.); ne. that borne in tribute, tribute (N.), contribution, tax (N.), money-offering

-- charitable contribution: got. aíwlaúgia* 1, aíw-laúg-i-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Segen, Spende; ne. blessing (N.), benefaction, charitable contribution, gift (N.), donation

contrite -- be contrite: got. idreigōn* 13=12, id-reig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bereuen, Buße tun; ne. be contrite, repent (V.), regret (V.), reform one’s ways

contrition: got. idreiga 11=10, id-reig-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Buße; ne. repentence, contrition, remorse (N.)

-- evince contrition: got. gaidreigōn* 1, ga-id-reig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv, ingressiv: nhd. bereuen, Buße tun, sich ändern; ne. evince contrition, repent (V.)

control -- control (N.): got. *stiur (2), *stiu-r,  st. N.: nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), stake (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control,discipline (N.); *stiuri, *stiu-r-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control, discipline; waldufni 55, wald-ufn-i,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Gewalt, Macht; ne. power (N.), authority, dominion, control (N.), potency

control -- control (V.): got. waldan 2, wald-an,  red. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. walten, haushalten, dem Hauswesen vorstehen; ne. control (V.), govern, rule (V.), have dominion over, wield power over, suffice

control -- out of control: got. usstiuriba 1, us-stiu-r-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. zügellos; ne. unbridledly, uncontrolledly, profligately, dissolutely, out of control

controlled: got. *stiuriba, *stiu-r-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. gezügelt; ne. controlled; *stiurs, *stiu-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gezügelt; ne. controlled

controversial -- controversial question: got. sōkns* 3, sōk-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Untersuchung, Disputation, Streitfrage, Grübelei; ne. inquest (N.), inquisition, query (N.), controversial question, controversy

controversy: got. sōkns* 3, sōk-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Untersuchung, Disputation, Streitfrage, Grübelei; ne. inquest (N.), inquisition, query (N.), controversial question, controversy

controvert: got. andsakan* 1, and-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. widersprechen, bekämpfen, bestreiten; ne. controvert, gainsay, dispute (V.), speak against

controvertible: got. *andsōks?, *and-sōk-s?,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. widerleglich, bestreitbar; ne. controvertible, disputable

controvertibly: got. *sahtaba?, *sah-t-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. bestreitbar; ne. disputably, controvertibly

convene: got. gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather

-- bid convene: got. galaþōn 9, ga-la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenberufen, einladen (V.) (2), berufen (V.); ne. call together, convoke, bid convene, call (V.), invite

convenient -- temporally convenient: got. ūhtiugs* 1, ū-h-t-iug-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gelegen, passend, zeitgemäß; ne. timely, opportune, temporally convenient

conversation: got. gawaúrdi* 1, ga-waúr-d-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gespräch, Rede; ne. conversation, talk (N.), speech

converse -- converse with: got. miþrōdjan* 1, mi-þ-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mit jemandem reden; ne. speak together with, talk together with, converse with

conversion: got. gawandeins 1, ga-wa-nd-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bekehrung; ne. conversion

-- conversion value: got. waírþ* 4, waír-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Preis, Wert; ne. price (N.), monetary equivalent, worth (N.), conversion value

convert -- a new convert: got. niujasatiþs* 1, niu-ja-sat-iþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Neubekehrter, Neuling; ne. proselyte, neophyte, a new convert, novice

convert -- convert (V.): got. *gaƕaírban?, *ga-ƕaírb-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. umdrehen, umkehren, bekehren; ne. convert (V.), change around, turn around; gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

converted -- become converted: got. gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

convertible: got. gaƕaírbs* 1, ga-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fügsam, getreu, gehorsam; ne. persuadable, amenable to persuasion, convertible

convey -- convey (V.): got. attiuhan 12, at-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. herbeiziehen, herbeiführen, herbeibringen, hereinführen, bringen; ne. bring up, take up, convey (V.), conduct into proximity

convinced -- be convinced of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

convivially -- dine convivially: got. biwisan* 1, bi-wi-s-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv?: nhd. sich erfreuen, sich vergnügen; ne. dine together, dine convivially, have a festive get-together, make merry

convoke: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together; galaþōn 9, ga-la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenberufen, einladen (V.) (2), berufen (V.); ne. call together, convoke, bid convene, call (V.), invite

cook -- cook (V.): got. *siudan?, *siu-d-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sieden; ne. boil (V.), cook (V.), seethe

cooperate: got. þeihan 7, þei-h-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. gedeihen, Fortschritte machen; ne. make progress, wax (V.), gain (V.) (2), thrive, succeed, cooperate

co-parcener: got. gaarbja* 1, ga-arb-j-a*,  sw. M. (n),: nhd. Miterbe; ne. co-heir, co-parcener, fellow heir

co-participant: got. gadaila 7, ga-da-i-l-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Teilnehmer, Genosse; ne. partner, co-participant

copious: got. ganōhs* 7, ga-nōh-s*,  Adj. (a),: nhd. genug, viel; ne. enough, ample (Adj.), abundant, copious, plenteous

-- copious amount: got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously

copiously: got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously

copiousness: got. filusna 6, fil-u-sn-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Vielheit, Menge, Übermaß; ne. copiousness, abundance, plenitude, multitude; managdūþs 1, man-ag-dū-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Menge, Überfluss; ne. plenitude, abundance, copiousness

copper -- copper coin: got. aiz* 1, ai-z*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erz, Erzmünze; ne. brass (N.), bronze (N.), copper (N.), copper coin

copper -- copper (N.): got. aiz* 1, ai-z*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erz, Erzmünze; ne. brass (N.), bronze (N.), copper (N.), copper coin

copper -- copper pot: got. katils* 1, katil-s*, katilus,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Kessel; ne. kettle, copper pot

coppersmith: got. aizasmiþa 1, ai-z-a-smi-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Erzschmied, Metallarbeiter; ne. coppersmith, worker in bronze

corban: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

cord: got. kunawida* 1, kuna-wi-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fessel, Band; ne. cord, thong, fetter (N.)

-- cord (N.): got. *rigilō?, *rigil-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Strick (M.) (1), Band (N.); ne. cord (N.), line (1) (N.), band (N.); *snōrs?, *snōr-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schnur (F.) (1), Strick (M.) (1); ne. cord (N.), string (N.); *wida (1), *wi-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Binde; ne. cord (N.)

co-religionist: got. swēs galaubeinai, got.: nhd. Glaubensgenosse; ne. co-religionist

co-relishing: got. *gawizns?, *ga-wiz-n-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude; ne. co-enjoyment, co-relishing

corner -- corner (N.): got. waíhsta* 3, waíhst-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Winkel, Ecke; ne. corner (N.), edge (N.)

cornerstone: got. waíhstastains* 1, waíhst-a-stain-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Winkelstein“, Eckstein; ne. cornerstone, quoin

corner-stone: got. haubiþ waihstins, got.: nhd. Eckstein; ne. corner-stone

corporeal: got. leikeins 6, leik-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. leiblich, fleischlich; ne. bodily, corporeal, carnal, fleshly

corpse: got. leik (1) 173=171,  st. N. (a): nhd. Körper, Leib, Leichnam, Fleisch; ne. body, fleshly body, corpse, flesh (N.); naus 4, nau-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Toter; ne. dead man, corpse, cadaver

corpse-like: got. nawis 1, naw-i-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. tot; ne. lifeless, dead, corpse-like

„corpus-mate“: got. galeika* 1, ga-leik-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Miteinverleibter“, eines Leibes; ne. „corpus-mate“, partner in the same body

correct -- correct (Adj.): got. sunjis* 3, s-un-j-i-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. wahr; ne. correct (Adj.), true, truthful

correct -- correct (V.): got. garaíhtjan 4, ga-raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. als gerecht erweisen, etwas richten, hinlenken, lenken, rechtfertigen; ne. make straight, set right, rectify, correct (V.), make righteous, direct (V.); gatalzjan* 1, ga-talz-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. belehren, erziehen; ne. discipline (V.), correct (V.), teach; talzjan* 7, talz-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lehren, ziehen, unterrichten; ne. educate, instruct, train (V.), discipline (V.), correct (V.), admonish, chastise

correction: got. garaíhteins* 1, ga-raíh-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zurechtweisung, Wiederherstellung; ne. correction, setting aright, rectification; *raíhteins?, *raíh-t-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Richtung“, Wiederherstellung; ne. correction; talzeins* 1, talz-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lehre, Unterweisung; ne. upbringing, training, instruction, correction, discipline (N.)

-- give additional correction to: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

correctly: got. *raíhtaba 6, *raíh-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. recht, richtig; ne. uprightly, rightly, correctly, straightly

corrosion: got. nidwa 2, ni-d-wa,  st. F. (ō, wō): nhd. Verzehren, Rost (M.) (2); ne. rust (N.), corrosion, decay

corrupt -- become corrupt: got. frawaírþan* 1, fra-waír-þ-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verderben (intr.), zugrunde gehen; ne. degenerate, spoil (V.), perish (intr.), become corrupt; riureis wairþan, got.: nhd. verdorben werden; ne. become corrupt

corrupt -- corrupt (Adj.): got. inwinds* 5, in-wi-nd-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. „gewunden“, ungerecht, verkehrt, verdorben; ne. perverse (Adj.), wicked, corrupt (Adj.), unjust; riureis* 6, riur-ei-s*, riurs*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. vergänglich, sterblich; ne. perishable, corruptible, corrupt (Adj.), destructible, temporary, mortal, perishing; ubils 56, ub-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. übel, böse, schlecht; ne. evil (Adj.), bad, wrongful, corrupt (Adj.), ill (Adj.)

corrupt -- corrupt (V.): got. frawardjan* 7, fra-war-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben (tr.), entstellen; ne. cause to degenerate, corrupt (V.), destroy; riurjan* 1, riur-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben (tr.); ne. corrupt (V.), spoil (V.), ruin (V.), make perish, destroy

corrupted: got. unaírkns* 3, un-aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unheilig, gottlos; ne. impure, ungenuine, distorted, adulterated, corrupted, unholy

corruptible: got. riureis* 6, riur-ei-s*, riurs*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. vergänglich, sterblich; ne. perishable, corruptible, corrupt (Adj.), destructible, temporary, mortal, perishing

corruption: got. frawardeins* 1, fra-war-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verderben; ne. destruction, corruption; inwindiþa 6, in-wi-nd-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ungerechtigkeit; ne. perverseness, wickedness, corruption, unrighteousness; *qists?, *qis-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verderbnis, Untergang; ne. corruption, depravity; riurei 3, riur-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Vernichtung, Vergänglichkeit; ne. ruination, ruin (N.), corruption, disintegration, perdition, destruction

cosmetic -- cosmetic aspect: got. hiwi* 1, hi-wi*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. surface appearance, looks, superficial complexion, cosmetic aspect, form (N.)

cost -- cost (N.): got. andawaírþi 2, anda-waír-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Gegenwert“, Preis; ne. price, cost (N.), purchase price

costly: got. galaufs* 4=3, ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wertvoll, kostbar, teuer; ne. valuable, costly

-- very costly: got. filugalaufs* 1, fil-u-ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr wertvoll, sehr kostbar; ne. very precious, very costly, very valuable

cosy: got. *drūþs?, *drū-þ-s?,  Adj.: nhd. traut, lieb; ne. cosy, familiar, dear, lovely

couch: got. ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

council -- council of the elders: got. praízbwtaírei* 3, praí-z-bwt-aír-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ältestenrat, christliche Gemeindebehörde; ne. presbytery, council of the elders

council -- high council: got. gafaúrds 2, ga-faúr-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versammlung, hoher Rat; ne. supreme assembly, high council, Sanhedrin; gaqumþs* 8, ga-qu-m-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zusammenkunft, Versammlung, Vereinigung; ne. coming together, congress, high council, religious gathering, synagogue, assembly

council -- privy council: got. garūni* 4, ga-rūn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beratung, Beratschlagung; ne. secret counsel, secret consultation, private conference, privy council

council -- secret council: got. rūna 18, rū-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Geheimnis, Beschluss, Anschlag; ne. secret (N.), secret plan, secret council, secret consultation, secret counsel, mystery

counciliatory -- counciliatory pacification: got. gafriþōns* 2, ga-fri-þ-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versöhnung; ne. establishment of peace, reconciliation, counciliatory pacification

counsel -- counsel (N.): got. *rēþs (1), *rē-þ-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Rat; ne. advice, counsel (N.)

counsel -- counsel (V.): got. raginōn* 2, rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verwalten, herrschen; ne. guide (V.), be a guide, govern, counsel (V.)

counsel -- give counsel to: got. garaginōn* 1, ga-rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Rat geben, raten; ne. prescribe to, give guidance to, give counsel to, advise (V.)

counsel -- secret counsel: got. garūni* 4, ga-rūn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beratung, Beratschlagung; ne. secret counsel, secret consultation, private conference, privy council; rūna 18, rū-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Geheimnis, Beschluss, Anschlag; ne. secret (N.), secret plan, secret council, secret consultation, secret counsel, mystery; *rūni?, *rū-n-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beratung; ne. secret counsel

counsel -- take secret counsel about: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

counsellor: got. ragineis 4, rag-in-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Ratgeber, Ratsherr; ne. counsellor, advisor, guide (M.), prescriptor, steward, guardian

count -- count up: got. *garaþan, *ga-ra-þ-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. zählen; ne. count up, number (V.), tally up; garaþjan* 1, ga-ra-þ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. zählen; ne. count up, number (V.), tally up; *raþan?, *ra-þ-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. zählen; ne. count up

countenance: got. andaugi* 2, and-aug-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Antlitz, Gesicht; ne. face (N.), countenance, gaze (N.); andawleizn* 5, anda-wlei-z-n*,  st. N.?(a): nhd. Angesicht, Antlitz, Gesicht; ne. face (N.), countenance; *andawliti?, *anda-wli-t-i?,  st. N. (i): nhd. Antlitz, Gesicht, Angesicht; ne. face (N.), countenance; andwaírþi* 81=79, and-waír-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gegenwart, Angesicht, Person, Gesicht; ne. countenance, „face-to-face-ness“, presence, person; siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance

counting -- counting (N.): got. raþjō 5, ra-þ-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abrechnung, Rechenschaft, Zahl; ne. counting (N.), tallying (N.), account (N.), explanation, number

country: got. gawi* 6, gaw-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gau, Land, Bezirk, Umgegend, Gegend; ne. region, district (N.), country, land (N.), province, environment; land* 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Land, Landgut, Gegend; ne. land (N.), country, farmland, territory, region

-- country estate: got. ? hugs* (2) 1, hug-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Landgut?, Feld; ne. landed estate?, country estate?, agricultural property, farm property, field

-- country precinct: got. weihs* (2) 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dorf, Weiler, Flecken; ne. rural hamlet, country precinct, rural area, village

-- hill country: got. baírgahei* 2, baír-g-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gebirgsgegend, Berggegend, Gebirge; ne. hill country, mountainous area

-- native country: got. gabaúrþs* 12, ga-baúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geburt, Abstammung, Geschlecht, Geburtsland; ne. birth, ethnic origin, birthplace, descent, race (1), native country

-- people of a country: got. gauja* 2, gau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gaubewohner; ne. inhabitant of a region, people of a country

-- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

countryman -- fellow countryman: got. inkunja* 1, in-kun-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stammesgenosse, Landsmann; ne. compatriot, fellow countryman

countryside -- of the countryside: got. haiþiwisks* 1, haiþ-i-wisk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wild; ne. of the open field, of the countryside, wild (Adj.)

couple -- couple (N.): got. gajuk* 1, ga-ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Paar; ne. pair (N.), couple (N.), that which is „co-yoked“, companion; juk* 1, ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Joch, Paar; ne. yoke (N.), yoked pair, couple (N.), couplet, pair (N.)

couplet: got. juk* 1, ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Joch, Paar; ne. yoke (N.), yoked pair, couple (N.), couplet, pair (N.)

courage -- lacking courage: got. usgrudja* 7=6, us-grud-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. mutlos; ne. ex-avid, exhausted of desire, no longer avid, lacking courage

courage -- show courage: got. balþjan* 1, bal-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kühn sein (V.), wagen; ne. be bold, dare, show courage

courage -- take courage: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious

courageous -- be courageous: got. gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous

course: got. *runjō?, *ru-n-j-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), flow (N.), flux, course; runs (1) 5, ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), course, racecourse, flow (N.), flux, issue (N.); *runs (2), *ru-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lauf; ne. running (N.), run (N.), course

-- cause to course out: got. urrannjan* 1, ur-ra-n-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufgehen lassen; ne. cause to emerge, cause to course out

court -- appointment at court: got. *gardingatus?, lat.- M.: nhd. Hofamt; ne. appointment at court

court -- court messenger: got. *sagja, *sag-j-a,  M. (n): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; *sagjis, *sag-ji-s,  M. (ja): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; saio 29, sai-o, saius, lat.- M.: nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings

court -- court (N.): got. gards 94, gar-d-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Haus, Hauswesen, Familie, Hof, Prätorium; ne. house, homestead, household enclosure, court (N.), courtyard, pretorium, household, family

court -- king’s court: got. þiudangardi 65, þiu-d-an-gard-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Königsschloss, Königreich, Palast; ne. royal domain, realm, kingdom, royal palace, king’s court

courtier: got. *gardiggs?, *gar-d-igg-s?,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Hofmann, Hofbeamter; ne. courtier; gardingus, 4, lat.- M.: nhd. Hofmann, Hofbeamter; ne. courtier

courtyard: got. gards 94, gar-d-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Haus, Hauswesen, Familie, Hof, Prätorium; ne. house, homestead, household enclosure, court (N.), courtyard, pretorium, household, family; rōhsns* 3, rōhsn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Hof, Vorhof; ne. courtyard, interior courtyard

-- interior courtyard: got. rōhsns* 3, rōhsn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Hof, Vorhof; ne. courtyard, interior courtyard

cousin -- cousin (M.): got. gadiliggs 1, gadi-ligg-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Vetter; ne. cousin (M.)

covenant: got. trausti* 1, trau-st-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Bündnis, Bund, Vertrag; ne. covenant, pact (N.); triggwa 8=7, triggw-a,  st. F. (ō) (wō): nhd. Bündnis, Bund; ne. bequest (N.), testament (N.), entrustment, covenant

cover -- cover as with a tent: got. ufarhleiþrjan* 1, uf-ar-hlei-þr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überzelten, ein Zelt über jemandem aufschlagen; ne. tent over, cover as with a tent, canopy (V.)

cover -- cover (N.): got. hulistr 5, hul-istr,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hülle, Decke; ne. cover (N.), covering (N.), veil (N.)

cover -- cover up: got. gahuljan* 7, ga-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verhüllen, verbergen; ne. cover up, veil (V.); laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

cover -- cover up for safekeeping: got. filhan 1, fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. verbergen, begraben (V.); ne. hide (V.), conceal, conceal in the ground, bury, cover up for safekeeping

cover -- cover (V.): got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.); gastraujan* 1, ga-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreuen, belegen (V.), überdecken, überbreiten; ne. strew out, spread out, cover (V.); huljan 2, hul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hüllen, verhüllen; ne. put a cover on, cover (V.), veil (V.); *þakjan, *þak-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. decken; ne. thatch (V.), cover (V.)

cover -- cover with kisses: got. bikukjan 1, bi-ku-k-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. mit Küssen bedecken; ne. cover with kisses

cover -- cover with shadow: got. *gaskadwjan?, *ga-skad-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschatten, bedecken; ne. cover with shadow, shade (V.), beshadow; *skadwjan?, *skad-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschatten; ne. cover with shadow, shade (V.), beshadow

cover -- cover with spit: got. bispeiwan* 2, bi-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. bespeien, anspeien; ne. spit upon, spit at, cover with spit

cover -- put a cover on: got. huljan 2, hul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hüllen, verhüllen; ne. put a cover on, cover (V.), veil (V.)

cover -- seclude under cover: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

covering -- covering apparel: got. gaskadweins* 1, ga-skad-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Beschattung“, Bedeckung, Bekleidung; ne. „shading“ (N.), covering (N.), covering apparel, clothing; *skadweins?, *skad-w-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bedeckung; ne. covering (N.), covering apparel

covering -- covering (N.): got. gaskadweins* 1, ga-skad-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Beschattung“, Bedeckung, Bekleidung; ne. „shading“ (N.), covering (N.), covering apparel, clothing; *hams?, *ham-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Hülle; ne. clothing, hide (N.), covering (N.); *huleins?, *hul-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Hüllung; ne. covering (N.); hulistr 5, hul-istr,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hülle, Decke; ne. cover (N.), covering (N.), veil (N.); *skadweins?, *skad-w-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bedeckung; ne. covering (N.), covering apparel

covering -- segregate by covering up: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

covering -- set apart by covering: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

covert: got. fulgins* 3, ful-g-in-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verborgen; ne. hidden, concealed, covert, secret (Adj.)

covertly: got. analaugniba 1, an-a-laug-n-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. im geheimen, heimlich, verborgen; ne. secretly, covertly

covetous: got. faíhugaírns* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. geldgierig, habsüchtig; ne. money-craving (Adj.), desirous of money, avaricious, covetous

covetousness: got. faíhugaírnei* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Habgier; ne. money-craving (N.), covetousness, cupidity, avarice; lustus* 22=21, lus-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Lust, Begierde, Verlangen; ne. lust (N.), cupidity, desire (N.), craving (N.), covetousness

„co-volitional“: got. gawiljis* 3, ga-wi-l-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. einmütig, gewillt; ne. „co-volitional“, together in will, concordant, unanimous

cow -- young cow which has not yet calved: got. kalbō* 1, kal-b-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. junge Kuh, weibliches Kalb, Kalbe; ne. heifer, young cow which has not yet calved, calf

coward: got. *arga?, *ar-g-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Feigling, Elender; ne. coward

cowardly -- become cowardly: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

cowardly -- be cowardly: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

cowardly -- cowardly (Adj.): got. *args?, *ar-g-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. feige, elend; ne. cowardly (Adj.); faúrhts* 2, faúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. furchtsam; ne. fearful of, afraid, cowardly (Adj.), timid, anxious

„co-yoked“ -- that which is „co-yoked“: got. gajuk* 1, ga-ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Paar; ne. pair (N.), couple (N.), that which is „co-yoked“, companion

craftiness: got. *deisei, *deis-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schlauheit; ne. craftiness, cunning (N.); filudeisei* 2, fil-u-dei-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Arglist, Schlauheit, List; ne. craftiness, cunning (N.)

crafty: got. *filudeis, *fil-u-dei-s, *filuweis?,  Adj. (a): nhd. arglistig; ne. crafty, cunning (Adj.); listeigs 2, lis-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. listig; ne. cunning (Adj.), wily, crafty

cramp -- cramp completely: got. *aggwjan?, *agg-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedrängen, beengen, engen; ne. constrain (V.), cramp completely; gaaggwjan* 1, ga-agg-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedrängen; ne. oppress, constrain (V.), cramp completely

cramp -- cramp (V.): got. þreihan* 10, þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. drängen; ne. press (V.), crowd (V.), cramp (V.), thong (V.), crush (V.)

cranial: got. ƕaírneins*, ƕaír-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Schädel-; ne. of the skull, cranial

crash -- crash (V.): got. *hlimman?, *hli-m-m-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. rauschen; ne. crash (V.), roar (V.), rush (V.), resound

crash-falling -- trap for crash-falling into: got. hlamma 2, hla-m-m-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Falle“, Schlinge; ne. crash-trap, pitfall, trap for crash-falling into, snare (N.)

crash-trap: got. hlamma 2, hla-m-m-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Falle“, Schlinge; ne. crash-trap, pitfall, trap for crash-falling into, snare (N.)

craving -- craving (N.): got. lustus* 22=21, lus-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Lust, Begierde, Verlangen; ne. lust (N.), cupidity, desire (N.), craving (N.), covetousness

craving -- sensual craving: got. winnō* 3, wi-n-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Leiden; ne. passion, carnal drive, sensual craving, suffering (N.)

crease -- crease (V.): got. *hrunkjan?, *hru-nk-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. runzeln; ne. wrinkle (V.), crease (V.)

create: got. gaskapjan* 10, ga-skap-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. erschaffen, schaffen; ne. create, make (V.); skapjan*, skap-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. schaffen; ne. create, make (V.)

created: got. *skafts (2), *skaf-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geschaffen, bereit, fertig; ne. created, ready-made, readied

creation: got. gaskafts 11=10, ga-skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erschaffung, Geschöpf; ne. creation, act of creation, creature; *skafts (3), *skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschöpf, Schaffung; ne. creature, creation, act of creation

-- act of creation: got. gaskafts 11=10, ga-skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erschaffung, Geschöpf; ne. creation, act of creation, creature; *skafts (3), *skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschöpf, Schaffung; ne. creature, creation, act of creation

creature: got. gaskafts 11=10, ga-skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erschaffung, Geschöpf; ne. creation, act of creation, creature; *skafts (3), *skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschöpf, Schaffung; ne. creature, creation, act of creation

credit -- contract for buying on credit: got. kawtsjō* 4, kawts-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sicherheit, Bürgschaft, Verschreibung; ne. contract for buying on credit, credit contract, security, bond (N.), warrenty

credit -- credit contract: got. kawtsjō* 4, kawts-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sicherheit, Bürgschaft, Verschreibung; ne. contract for buying on credit, credit contract, security, bond (N.), warrenty

credit -- credit (N.): got. laun* 6, lau-n*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lohn, Belohnung, Dank; ne. compensation, reward (N.), remuneration, credit (N.)

creditor: got. dulgahaitja* 1, dulg-a-hait-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Schuldheischer“, Gläubiger; ne. „debt-caller“, creditor, debtor

crest: got. *skuppa?, *skup-p-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schopf; ne. tuft, crest

crib: got. *kripja?, *kri-p-j-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Krippe; ne. crib, manger

-- crib (N.): got. uzēta* 3, uz-ēt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Krippe; ne. manger, feed trough, crib (N.)

crime: got. *waidēþs?, *wai-dē-þ-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übeltat; ne. evil deed, crime, felony

criminal -- criminal (Adj.): got. ubiltōjis 2, ub-il-tō-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. übeltäterisch, Übeltäter (= subst.); ne. evil-doing, criminal (Adj.), criminal (M.) (= subst.)

criminal -- criminal (M.): got. *wargs?, *war-g-s?,  Adj. (a), st. M. (a): nhd. Verdammter, Geächteter; ne. outlaw (M.), banished (M.), criminal (M.)

crimination -- public crimination: got. usqiss* 1, us-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschuldigung, Anklage, Nachrede; ne. exposing announcement, incriminating disclosure, public crimination, accusation

crippled: got. gamaiþs* 3, ga-mai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verkrüppelt, verwundet; ne. crippled, oppressed, mutilated, deformed, misshapen, disfigured; halts* 5, hal-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lahm; ne. crippled, halt (Adj.), lame

critical -- Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions: got. miþwissei 11, mi-þ-wi-s-s-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Mitwissen“, Bewusstsein, Gewissen; ne. conscience, moral consciousness, Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions

criticize: got. bidōmjan* 1, bi-dō-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen; ne. judge (V.), criticize, pass judgement on, sit in judgement on; fáian* 1, fái-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. tadeln; ne. blame (V.), find fault, criticize

crooked: got. *slimbs, *s-li-m-b-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schief; ne. crooked; *winds (2), *wi-nd-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schief?; ne. crooked; wraiqs* 1, wrai-q-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. krumm, schräg; ne. curved, winding (Adj.), twisting, crooked

crop -- crop (N.): got. *gauma (2), *gau-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Kropf; ne. crop (N.), goitre

cross -- cross (N.): got. galga 18, galg-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Pfahl, Kreuz; ne. stake (N.), pole for crucifixion, gallows, cross (N.)

cross -- cross over: got. ufargaggan 5, uf-ar-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. etwas übertreten, übergreifen, überschreiten; ne. transgress (V.), overstep (V.), trespass (V.), go beyond, cross over; ufarleiþan* 1, uf-ar-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. übersetzen, hinüberfahren; ne. pass over, cross over, go across

crow -- crow (V.): got. hrūkjan* 4, hrū-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. krähen; ne. crow (V.)

crowd -- crowd by stepping right next to: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

crowd -- crowd (N.): got. *fulk, *ful-k,  st. N. (a): nhd. Kriegsvolk, Schar (F.) (1); ne. war people, crowd (N.); hansa 4, hans-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schar (F.) (1), Manipel, Kohorte, Menge; ne. cohort, battalion, maniple, crowd (N.), troop (N.); hiuhma 6, hiu-h-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Haufen, Menge; ne. crowd (N.), mass (N.), heap (N.), multitude; iumjō* 1, ium-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Haufen, Menge; ne. crowd (N.), throng (N.); managei 141, man-ag-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Menge, Volk; ne. multitude, crowd (N.), throng, people

crowd -- crowd (V.): got. þreihan* 10, þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. drängen; ne. press (V.), crowd (V.), cramp (V.), thong (V.), crush (V.)

crowing -- crowing of a rooster: got. hrūk* 1, hrū-k*, hrūks*?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Krähen (N.); ne. crowing of a rooster

crown -- crown (N.): got. waips 5, waip-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Kranz; ne. wreath (N.), garland (N.), crown (N.), headband; wipja* 2, wip-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kranz; ne. crown (N.), head-wrath, circlet for the head

crown -- crown with wreathing: got. weipan* 1, weip-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. kränzen, krönen, bekränzen; ne. wreathe, enwreathe, crown with wreathing

crucifixion -- pole for crucifixion: got. galga 18, galg-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Pfahl, Kreuz; ne. stake (N.), pole for crucifixion, gallows, cross (N.)

crucify: got. hramjan* 1, hram-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kreuzigen; ne. put to the stake, crucify; ushramjan 18, us-hram-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kreuzigen; ne. crucify

-- crucify together: got. miþushramjan* 3, mi-þ-us-hram-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mit jemandem kreuzigen; ne. crucify together

cruel -- cruel (Adj.): got. unmanariggws* 2=1, un-man-a-rigg-w-s*, unmanatriggws*?,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungezähmt, wild, grausam; ne. untamed, barbarous, treacherous, wild (Adj.), cruel (Adj.)

cruise -- cruise (V.): got. farjan* 2, far-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fahren, schiffen; ne. seafare (V.), go by sea, travel by boat, sail (V.), cruise (V.)

crumb -- crumb (N.): got. gabruka* 6, ga-bruk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Brocken; ne. broken piece, crumb (N.), fragment; hlaifs* 73, hlaif-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Brot, Brotlaib, Brotbissen, Bissen; ne. bread, loaf of bread, loaf, crumb (N.)

crumbs: got. draúhsna* 4, draúhsn-a*, drausna*,  st. F. (ō), Pl.: nhd. Brocken, Brosamen, Bissen; ne. fragments, crumbs, food food particles

crumple: got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact

crush -- crush (V.): got. diswinþjan* 1, dis-winþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „auseinanderwerfen“, zermalmen, worfeln, zerstreuen; ne. crush (V.), scatter completely away by winnowing, dissipate to the winds; gabrikan* 8, ga-brik-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerbrechen; ne. break (V.), fracture (V.), smash (V.), crush (V.); gakrōtōn* 1, ga-krōt-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zerbrechen (intr.), zerschellen, zermalmen; ne. crush (V.), smash (V.), shatter (V.); gamalwjan* 1, ga-mal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zermalmen, zerknirschen; ne. grind up, crush (V.), pulverize, rub to powder; *krōtōn?, *krō-t-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zermalmen; ne. crush (V.); þreihan* 10, þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. drängen; ne. press (V.), crowd (V.), cramp (V.), thong (V.), crush (V.)

crushed: got. *grinds?, *gri-nd-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. zerrieben; ne. ground (Adj.), pulverized, crushed

-- crushed in spirit: got. grindafraþjis* 1, gri-nd-a-fraþ-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. kleinmütig; ne. demoralized, crushed in spirit, faint-hearted

crust -- crust (N.): got. *rausa, *rau-s-a, *hrausa?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Kruste; ne. crust (N.)

crutch -- crutch (N.): got. *krukkja, *kru-k-k-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Krücke; ne. crutch (N.)

cry -- cry aloud: got. ufwōpjan* 4, uf-wōp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. call out, cry out, cry aloud, exclaim

cry -- cry forth: got. ufhrōpjan* 6, uf-hrō-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. cry forth, cry out, shout out

cry -- cry (N.): got. drunjus 1, dru-n-ju-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Schall; ne. sound of the voice, call (N.), cry (N.)

cry -- cry out: got. *hrōpan, *hrō-p-an,  red. V. (6): nhd. rufen; ne. cry out, call aloud; hrōpjan 28, hrō-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, schreien; ne. cry out, shout (V.), call out; ufhrōpjan* 6, uf-hrō-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. cry forth, cry out, shout out; ufwōpjan* 4, uf-wōp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. call out, cry out, cry aloud, exclaim; wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

cry -- cry (V.): got. criten* 1, crit-en*, kriten*, krim red. V.: nhd. weinen; ne. cry (V.); lat. flere; grētan 21, grē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (1): nhd. weinen, klagen; ne. weep (V.), cry (V.), lament

crying -- crying (N.): got. grēts 1, grē-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Weinen; ne. weeping (N.), crying (N.)

cub -- cub (N.): got. *hūns?, *hū-n-s?, *hūn,  st. M. (a): nhd. junger Bär; ne. young bear, cub (N.)

cubicle: got. hēþjō* 1, hē-þ-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kammer; ne. chamber, cubicle, bedroom

cubit: got. aleina* 1, al-ein-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Elle; ne. cubit, ell

cuff -- cuff (V.): got. kaupatjan 4, kaupat-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. ohrfeigen, Faustschlag geben; ne. buffet (V.), pommel (V.), cuff (V.), strike with the fist; stautan* 2, stau-t-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. stoßen; ne. punch (V.), cuff (V.), hit (V.), smite, strike (V.)

culpability: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

-- outside of culpability: got. usfaírina 3, us-faír-in-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos; ne. outside of culpability, beyond reproach, blameless

culpable: got. *faírinōþs?, *faír-in-ōþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. schuldig, tadelig, bescholten; ne. violative, transgressive, culpable, reprehensible; *faírins?, *faír-in-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadelig, unrecht; ne. violative, transgressive, culpable, reprehensible; *gafairinōnds?, *ga-fair-in-ōn-d-s?,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. tadelig, bescholten; ne. culpable, assailable, reprehensible

-- culpable act: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

-- impute a culpable act to: got. faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce

culprit: got. *dēdja?, *dē-d-ja?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Täter; ne. „doer“, culprit; *taujands?, *tau-jan-d-s?,  M. (nd): nhd. Täter; ne. culprit

cultivator: got. airþōs waurstwja, M.: nhd. Landbebauer; ne. cultivator; airþōs waurstwja: nhd. Landbebauer, Bearbeiter eines Grundstückes; ne. cultivator

cultural -- cultural community: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

culture: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

cunning: got. *bausei?, *bau-s-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit, List, Betrug; ne. malice, nastiness, cunning, deceit, deception

-- cunning (Adj.): got. *filudeis, *fil-u-dei-s, *filuweis?,  Adj. (a): nhd. arglistig; ne. crafty, cunning (Adj.); listeigs 2, lis-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. listig; ne. cunning (Adj.), wily, crafty

-- cunning (N.): got. *deisei, *deis-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schlauheit; ne. craftiness, cunning (N.); filudeisei* 2, fil-u-dei-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Arglist, Schlauheit, List; ne. craftiness, cunning (N.); lists* 1, lis-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. List; ne. wile (N.), artifice, cunning (N.); uswandi* 1, us-wa-nd-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Abwendung, Irreleiten, Irreführung; ne. diversion, digression, aberrance, cunning (N.)

cup -- cup (N.): got. ? *kop?, krim Sb.: nhd. Becher?; ne. cup (N.)?

cup -- drink up your cup: got. kilemschkop 1, krimgot.?, V.?, Sb.?: nhd. trinke den Becher aus; ne. drink up your cup; lat. ebibe calice(m)

cupidity: got. faíhufrikei 3, faíh-u-frik-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Gewinnsucht, Geldgier; ne. money-covetousness, cupidity, lust for material goods; faíhugaírnei* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Habgier; ne. money-craving (N.), covetousness, cupidity, avarice; lustus* 22=21, lus-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Lust, Begierde, Verlangen; ne. lust (N.), cupidity, desire (N.), craving (N.), covetousness

cure -- cure (N.): got. lēkinassus* 1, lēk-i-n-a-s-su-s*, leikinassus*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Heilung; ne. healing (N.), cure (N.), curing (N.)

cure -- cure (V.): got. galēkinōn* 2, ga-lēk-in-ōn*, galeikinōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. herstellen, heilen (V.) (1); ne. heal (V.), cure (V.), work a cure on; ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.); hailjan 6, hai-l-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. heilen (V.) (1); ne. heal (V.), cure (V.); lēkinōn* 5, lēk-in-ōn*, leikinōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. heilen; ne. heal (V.), cure (V.)

cure -- work a cure on: got. galēkinōn* 2, ga-lēk-in-ōn*, galeikinōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. herstellen, heilen (V.) (1); ne. heal (V.), cure (V.), work a cure on

curing -- curing (N.): got. lēkinassus* 1, lēk-i-n-a-s-su-s*, leikinassus*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Heilung; ne. healing (N.), cure (N.), curing (N.)

curl -- curl up: got. *snaírpan?, *snaír-p-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zusammenziehen, sich biegen, krümmen; ne. shrivel, become wrinkled, become furrowed, shrink up, curl up

current -- air current: got. winds (1) 17, wi-nd-s, wintsch,  wintsch, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Wind; ne. wind (N.), air current; lat. ventus

current -- stream in an air current: got. wáian* 3, wái-an*,  red. abl. V.: nhd. wehen; ne. blow (V.), stream in an air current

currycomb: got. *brusti, *bru-st-i, *brustja,  st. Sb.: nhd. Bürste, Striegel; ne. brush (N.), currycomb

curse -- curse (N.): got. anaþaíma 2, ana-þaím-a, anaþema*,  Sb. (indekl.): nhd. „Fluch“, Verfluchter; ne. anathema, curse (N.), accursed thing, accursed one

curse -- curse s.o.: got. fraqiþan* 7, fra-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. für ungültig erklären, aufheben, verfluchen, verwünschen; ne. speak ill of, deprecate, condemn, curse s.o.

curse -- curse (V.): got. afdōmjan 5, af-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen, verfluchen; ne. comdemn, pass judgement against, curse (V.), abjure; ubil qiþan, got.: nhd. verfluchen; ne. curse (V.); ubil qiþan, got.: nhd. verfluchen; ne. curse (V.); unþiuþjan* 1, un-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fluchen; ne. curse (V.), imprecate evil upon, confer a malediction upon

cursed: got. fraqiþans*, Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verwünscht; ne. cursed

curtail: got. *maúrgjan?, *maúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kürzen; ne. shorten, curtail

-- curtail (V.): got. gamaúrgjan* 4, ga-maúr-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkürzen, abkürzen, kürzen; ne. shorten, cut short, curtail (V.)

curtain: got. faúrahāh 1, faúr-a-hāh,  st. N. (a): nhd. Vorhang; ne. curtain, veil (N.); faúrhāh 1, faúr-hāh,  st. N. (a): nhd. Vorhang; ne. curtain, veil (N.)

-- curtain (N.): got. *tuld-, *tu-l-d-,  Sb.: nhd. Zelt, Vorhang; ne. tent (N.) (1), curtain (N.)

curve -- curve (V.): got. gabiugan* 1, ga-biug-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. beugen; ne. bend (V.), curve (V.)

curved: got. wraiqs* 1, wrai-q-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. krumm, schräg; ne. curved, winding (Adj.), twisting, crooked

cusped -- cusped beaker: got. stikls 16, sti-k-l-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Becher, Kelch; ne. pointed drinking horn, cusped beaker, chalice

custody -- custody (N.): got. gafreideins* 3=2, ga-frei-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erhaltung, Bewahrung, Schonung; ne. safekeeping (N.), custody (N.), possession, careful treatment

custody -- deliver into the custody of: got. atgiban 73, at-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hingeben, übergeben (V.), geben, darreichen; ne. give unto, deliver into the custody of, give over to

custody -- hold in custody: got. *gafreidjan?, *ga-frei-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhalten (V.), schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, hold in custody, preserve (V.)

custody -- keep in custody: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

custom: got. biūhti 6, bi-ū-h-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gewohnheit; ne. custom, usage, practice (N.)

-- custom (N.): got. sidus 4=3, si-d-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Sitte, Gewohnheit; ne. custom (N.), usage, habit (N.), conduct (N.); ? *ūhti?, *ū-h-t-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Zeit?, Gewohnheit?; ne. time (N.)?, custom (N.)?, usage?

customs -- customs duties: got. mōta 4, mōt-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Maut“, Zoll (M.) (2), Zollhaus; ne. admission tax, import tax, customs duties

customs -- customs post: got. mōtastaþs* 1, mōt-a-sta-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Mautstätte“, Zollstätte, Zollhaus; ne. toll-place, place of admission-tax collection, customs post, tax office

cut -- cut away: got. usmaitan* 6, us-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. ausschneiden, abschneiden, ausrotten, aushauen; ne. cut out, excise, cut away, castrate, prune (V.), amputate

cut -- cut away from: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

cut -- cut (N.): got. *mait?, *mai-t?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schneiden; ne. cut (N.)

cut -- cut off: got. afmaitan* 8, af-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. abhauen, abschneiden; ne. cut off, sever, amputate, chop off, behead; afslahan* 5=4, af-slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abschlagen, abhauen, erschlagen; ne. hew off, slay, strike dead, strike off, cut off, kill (V.)

cut -- cut out: got. usmaitan* 6, us-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. ausschneiden, abschneiden, ausrotten, aushauen; ne. cut out, excise, cut away, castrate, prune (V.), amputate; usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

cut -- cut short: got. gamaúrgjan* 4, ga-maúr-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkürzen, abkürzen, kürzen; ne. shorten, cut short, curtail (V.)

cut -- cut the hair: got. kapillōn 1, kapill-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. das Haar abschneiden, scheren; ne. cut the hair

cut -- cut to death: got. ufsneiþan* 5, uf-sneiþ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „aufschneiden“, schlachten; ne. cut to death, slaughter (V.), kill (V.), butcher (V.)

cut -- cut up: got. gamaitan* 1, ga-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zerschneiden, verschneiden; ne. cut up

cut -- cut (V.): got. maitan* 1, mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. schneiden, hauen; ne. cut (V.), hew; sneiþan* 9, sneiþ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. schneiden, ernten; ne. cut (V.), reap, harvest by scythe

cutter -- meat cutter: got. skilja* 1, skil-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fleischer, Metzger; ne. butcher, meat cutter

cutting -- extract by cutting: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

cymbal: got. klismō 1, klism-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Becken, Zimbel, Klingel, Schelle; ne. cymbal, gong (N.)

Cyrene -- inhabitant of Cyrene: got. Kwreinaius* 1, Kwreinaiu-s*,  Adj., subst. M. (u): nhd. kyrenisch, Einwohner von Kyrene; ne. cyrenish, inhabitant of Cyrene

cyrenish: got. Kwreinaius* 1, Kwreinaiu-s*,  Adj., subst. M. (u): nhd. kyrenisch, Einwohner von Kyrene; ne. cyrenish, inhabitant of Cyrene

d: got. d 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. d, Abkürzung für 4; ne. d, abbreviation for 4

dab -- dab (V.): got. gasmeitan* 1, ga-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufstreichen, beschmieren; ne. smear (V.), daub (V.), dab (V.), anoint

daily: got. seiteins* 1, seit-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. täglich; ne. daily, constant, perpetual; sinteins* 2, sin-tein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. täglich; ne. everyday, constant, daily

dale: got. dals* 3, dal-s*, dal (?),  st. M. (a): nhd. Grube, Schlucht, Tal; ne. ravine, pit (N.), ditch (N.), trench (N.), dale, valley

dam -- block up as with a dam: got. faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam

dam -- dam (N.): got. *damms?, *dam-m-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Damm; ne. dam (N.), dike (N.)

dam -- dam up: got. faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam

dam -- dam (V.): got. *dammjan?, *dam-m-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. dämmen; ne. dam (V.)

damage -- damage (N.): got. sleiþa* 2, slei-þ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schaden; ne. detriment, loss, damage (N.), harm (N.), injury

damage -- damage (V.): got. gaskaþjan* 5, ga-skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaden, Schaden zufügen, Unrecht tun; ne. treat unjustly, do wrong to, harm (V.), injure, damage (V.); gasleiþjan* 4, ga-slei-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschädigen, schädigen, schaden; ne. inflict injury, harm (V.), cause detriment, damage (V.); *tēlōn, *tēl-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schaden; ne. damage (V.), harm (V.)

damn: got. gawargjan* 2, ga-war-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einen verurteilen zu, ächten, verdammen; ne. condemn, damn, outlaw (V.), pronounce judgement against; *wargjan 9, *war-g-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdammen; ne. damn

damnation: got. gawargeins* 1, ga-war-g-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verurteilung, Verdammung, Verdammnis; ne. condemnation, damnation, proscription; wargiþa* 4, war-g-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verdammungsurteil, Verurteilung, Verdammnis; ne. condemnation, condemnedness, damnation, judgement

damsel: got. mawi 11, ma-w-i,  st. F. (jō/ī): nhd. Mädchen, Jungfrau; ne. girl, damsel, maiden (F.), child

dance -- dance (N.): got. laiks* 1, laik-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Tanz; ne. frolic (N.), dancing (N.), romp (N.), dance (N.)

dance -- dance (V.): got. plinsjan* 3, plins-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tanzen; ne. dance (V.)

dancing -- dancing (N.): got. laiks* 1, laik-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Tanz; ne. frolic (N.), dancing (N.), romp (N.), dance (N.)

Dane: got. *Dans?, *Dan-s?,  st. M. (i?): nhd. Däne; ne. Dane; *Danus?, *Dan-us?, lat.- M.: nhd. Däne; ne. Dane

-- little Dane: got. *Danila?, *Dan-il-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Dänlein; ne. little Dane

danger: got. bireikei* 1, bi-reik-ei*, bireiki*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gefahr; ne. peril, danger; sleiþei 1, slei-þ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gefahr; ne. perniciousness, harmfulness, danger, peril; ? *tōl-,  Sb.: nhd. Gefahr?; ne. danger?

-- in danger: got. bireikeis* 2, bi-reik-ei-s*, birēkeis*, Pl. bireikjai,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gefährdet; ne. imperiled, in danger, endangered

dangerous: got. sleiþs* 2, slei-þ-s*, sleideis*?,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. schlimm, gefährlich; ne. pernicious, baneful, baleful, dire, fierce, dangerous

dare: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious; balþjan* 1, bal-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kühn sein (V.), wagen; ne. be bold, dare, show courage; *daúrsan?, *daúr-s-an?,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. wagen; ne. dare; gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous

daring -- daring (Adj.): got. *þras?, *þra-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. schnell, verwegen; ne. fast (1), daring (Adj.), bold

dark -- become dark: got. riqizjan* 1, riq-i-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. finster werden, dunkel werden; ne. be dark, become dark

dark -- be dark: got. riqizjan* 1, riq-i-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. finster werden, dunkel werden; ne. be dark, become dark

dark -- dark (Adj.): got. riqizeins* 2, riq-i-z-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. finster; ne. dark (Adj.), darkened

dark -- wild dark dove: got. hraiwadūbō* 1, hrai-w-a-dūb-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Leichentaube“, Turteltaube; ne. turtle-dove, wild dark dove, sacrificial animal of poor people

darkened: got. riqizeins* 2, riq-i-z-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. finster; ne. dark (Adj.), darkened

darkness: got. riqis 22, riq-i-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Finsternis; ne. darkness, gloom (N.)

dash -- dash (V.): got. gawaírpan 3, ga-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinwerfen, niederwerfen, werfen, hinundherreißen; ne. throw (V.), cast down, fling (V.), dash (V.), toss (V.); *hrapōn?, *hra-p-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. stürzen, eilen; ne. rush (V.), dash (V.)

date -- date palm: got. peikabagms* 1, peik-a-bagm-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Palmbaum; ne. palm tree, date palm

daub -- daub on: got. bismeitan* 1, bi-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreichen, beschmieren, aufstreichen; ne. besmear, anoint, smear on, daub on

daub -- daub (V.): got. gasmeitan* 1, ga-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufstreichen, beschmieren; ne. smear (V.), daub (V.), dab (V.), anoint; *smeitan, *sme-i-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. streichen, schmieren (V.) (1); ne. smear (V.), daub (V.)

daughter: got. daúhtar 20, daúh-tar,  st. F. (r): nhd. Tochter; ne. daughter

daughter-in-law: got. *snuzō 1, *snuz-ō, schnos*,  schnos*, krim F.: nhd. Schwiegertochter, Verlobte (im Krimgot.); ne. daughter-in-law, fianceé (im Krimgot.)

daunt: got. afagjan* 2, af-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ängstigen, sich ängstigen, abschrecken; ne. worry (V.), scare (V.), scare away, frighten, frighten off, daunt

dawn -- dawn (N.): got. ūhtwō* 1, ū-h-t-w-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Morgendämmerung; ne. foredawn, dawn (N.), daybreak

day: got. dags 186, dag-s, tag,  tag, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Tag, d-Rune; ne. day, name of d-rune; lat. dies

-- by day: got. *dagis?, *dag-is?,  Adv. (Gen.): nhd. tags; ne. in the daytime, by day

-- day after: got. afardags* 1, af-ar-dag-s*, afurdags*,  st. M. (a): nhd. der folgende Tag; ne. morrow (N.), next day, day after

-- day before Sabbath: got. fruma sabbatō: nhd. Vorsabbat, Tag vor dem Sabbat; ne. day before Sabbath

-- day of preparation: got. paraskaíwē 2, para-skaíwē,  F.?, M. (īn): nhd. Rüsttag; ne. day of preparation

-- every day: got. dags 186, dag-s, tag,  tag, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Tag, d-Rune; ne. day, name of d-rune; lat. dies; dag ƕanoh, got.:; dagis ƕizuh: nhd. täglich; ne. every day; gr. εἰς ἡμέραν μίαν; lat. per singulos dies; Neh 5,18 D

-- good day: got. knauen tag, got.: nhd. guten Tag; ne. good day; lat. bonus dies

-- next day: got. afardags* 1, af-ar-dag-s*, afurdags*,  st. M. (a): nhd. der folgende Tag; ne. morrow (N.), next day, day after

-- of the fourth day: got. fidurdōgs 1, fidur-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. viertägig; ne. of the fourth day, quadru-diurnal

-- on the subsequent day: got. iftumin daga: nhd. am folgenden Tag; ne. on the subsequent day; gr. τῇ ἐπαύριον; lat. in alio die, in altero die, in crastino die, in sequenti die

-- the last day of the world: got. spēdista dags, got.: nhd. der jüngste Tag; ne. the last day of the world

-- the next day: got. gistradagis 1, gis-tra-dag-is,  Adv.: nhd. morgen; ne. the next day, tomorrow

-- until the day when: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- unto this day: got. und hina daga: nhd. bis heute; ne. unto this day, until today

daybreak: got. ūhtwō* 1, ū-h-t-w-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Morgendämmerung; ne. foredawn, dawn (N.), daybreak

day-labourer: got. asneis 6, asn-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Mietling, Tagelöhner; ne. hired man, day-labourer, wage earner, paid servant

days -- lasting eight days: got. ahtaudōgs 1, aht-au-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. achttägig; ne. of eight days, lasting eight days, octo-diurnal

days -- of eight days: got. ahtaudōgs 1, aht-au-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. achttägig; ne. of eight days, lasting eight days, octo-diurnal

daytime -- in the daytime: got. *dagis?, *dag-is?,  Adv. (Gen.): nhd. tags; ne. in the daytime, by day

deacon: got. diakaúnus* 9, dia-kaún-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Diakon, Pfleger; ne. deacon, servant

dead: got. dauþs (1) 56, dau-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. tot; ne. dead, having died; nawis 1, naw-i-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. tot; ne. lifeless, dead, corpse-like

-- dead man: got. naus 4, nau-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Toter; ne. dead man, corpse, cadaver

-- lamentation of the dead: got. ? *sisi?, *sis-i?,  Sb.: nhd. Totenklage?; ne. lamentation of the dead?

-- strike dead: got. afslahan* 5=4, af-slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abschlagen, abhauen, erschlagen; ne. hew off, slay, strike dead, strike off, cut off, kill (V.)

deaden: got. gadaubjan* 2, ga-dau-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verstocken, verstockt machen; ne. make insensitive, be numb, deaden, harden (V.)

deadened: got. daufs* 1, dau-f-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. taub, verstockt; ne. insensitive, insensate, dull (Adj.), numb (Adj.), deaf, stubborn, numbed, deadened

deaf: got. bauþs 7, bau-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stumm, taub, dumm, dumpf; ne. deaf, deaf-mute, dumb, dulled in hearing, dulled; daufs* 1, dau-f-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. taub, verstockt; ne. insensitive, insensate, dull (Adj.), numb (Adj.), deaf, stubborn, numbed, deadened

-- become deaf: got. bauþs wairþan: nhd. taub werden, fade werden; ne. become deaf

deaf-mute: got. bauþs 7, bau-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stumm, taub, dumm, dumpf; ne. deaf, deaf-mute, dumb, dulled in hearing, dulled

deal -- business deal: got. gawaúrki 5, ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschäft, Erwerb, Gewinn; ne. acquisitiveness, commercial untertaking, business deal, business, acquisition, gain (N.)

deal -- deal out: got. dailjan 3, da-i-l-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. teilen, einem zuteilen, mitteilen; ne. share (V.), divide, impart, deal out, distribute

deal -- hand over in an opportunistic deal: got. lēwjan* 3, lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. betray in an act of opportunism, hand over in an opportunistic deal

deal -- hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

deal -- speak a great deal: got. filuwaúrdjan* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. viel Worte machen, viel plappern, viel reden; ne. verbalize excessively, babble (V.), chatter (V.), speak a great deal

dear: got. *drūþs?, *drū-þ-s?,  Adj.: nhd. traut, lieb; ne. cosy, familiar, dear, lovely; *freiþs?, *frei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. hübsch, schön; ne. nice, pleasant, dear, beloved, attractive

-- dear (Adj.): got. liufs* 23, liuf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lieb, geliebt; ne. beloved, dear (Adj.), loved (Adj.)

death: got. dauþus 46=45, dau-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Tod; ne. death; swults* 1, swul-t-s*, schuualth,  schuualth, krim st. M. (i)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Tod; ne. death; lat. mors; *wala (2), *wal-a,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Tod, Schlachtfeld; ne. death, battle-field

-- at the point of death: got. *swultawaírþs?, *swul-t-a-waír-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. auf den Tod gerichtet, todgeweiht; ne. about to die, moribund, at the point of death

-- be at the point of death: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- beat to death: got. bliggwan* 6, bli-gg-w-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. schlagen; ne. beat (V.), flog, strike (V.), beat to death, slay

-- cut to death: got. ufsneiþan* 5, uf-sneiþ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „aufschneiden“, schlachten; ne. cut to death, slaughter (V.), kill (V.), butcher (V.)

-- eliminate with death: got. afdauþjan 5, af-dau-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. töten; ne. put to death, make die, kill (V.), eliminate with death

-- marked for death: got. dauþubleis* 1, dau-þ-u-blei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. zum Tode bestimmt, dem Tode geweiht, zum Tode verurteilt; ne. sentenced to death, marked for death

-- one approaching death: got. swultawaírþja 1, swul-t-a-waír-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. dem Tode Naher, Todgeweihter; ne. one approaching death, one about to die, moribund person

-- putting to death: got. dauþeins* 2, dau-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Absterben, Sterben, Tod, Todesgefahr; ne. killing (N.), putting to death

-- put to death: got. afdauþjan 5, af-dau-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. töten; ne. put to death, make die, kill (V.), eliminate with death; dauþjan* 2=1, dau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. töten; ne. kill (V.), put to death, mortify; gadauþjan* 1, ga-dau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Tod bringen, töten; ne. put to death, kill (V.); usqiman 27, us-qi-m-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. umbringen, den Tod geben; ne. kill (V.), put to death, annihilate, destroy

-- sentenced to death: got. dauþubleis* 1, dau-þ-u-blei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. zum Tode bestimmt, dem Tode geweiht, zum Tode verurteilt; ne. sentenced to death, marked for death

-- subject to death: got. diwans*, Adj. (a): nhd. sterblich; ne. moribund, mortal, subject to death

-- swear death to: got. *nawiswaran, *naw-i-swar-an,  st. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. totschwören; ne. swear death to

debase: got. gagamainjan* 1, ga-ga-mai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. make common, demean, debase, defile; gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

debate: got. mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate

-- debate (N.): got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

-- debate (V.): got. andrinnan* 2, and-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. „entgegenrennen“, streiten; ne. dispute (V.), debate (V.), contradict, oppose, discuss

-- debate with: got. miþsōkjan 1, mi-þ-sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitdisputieren, mit jemandem streiten; ne. debate with, argue with

debauchery: got. aglaitei 5=4, ag-l-ait-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unzucht, Unschicklichkeit, Unkeuschheit; ne. licentiousness, debauchery; aglaiti* 2, ag-l-ait-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unzucht, Unschicklichkeit, Unkeuschheit; ne. debauchery, licentiousness, dissipation

debenture: got. wadjabōkōs* 1, wad-j-a-bōk-ōs*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Handschein, Schuldschein; ne. written pledge, debenture, certificate of financial commitment, bond (N.)

debilitate: got. *bazjan?, *baz-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leeren, entkräften, entblößen; ne. empty (V.), weaken, debilitate, bare (V.), expose, uncover

debilitated: got. afmáuiþs* 2=1, af-máu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ermüdet; ne. weary (Adj.), debilitated, tired out, fatigued; *mauiþs?, *mau-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ermüdet; ne. debilitated, fatigued

debt: got. dulgs, dulg-s, * dulg* 1,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Schuld; ne. debt; *skuld?, *skul-d?,  st. N.: nhd. Erlaubnis, Schuld; ne. permission, debt; *skuldō, *skul-d-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Geschuldetes, Schuld; ne. debt

„debt-caller“: got. dulgahaitja* 1, dulg-a-hait-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Schuldheischer“, Gläubiger; ne. „debt-caller“, creditor, debtor

debtor: got. dulgahaitja* 1, dulg-a-hait-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Schuldheischer“, Gläubiger; ne. „debt-caller“, creditor, debtor; dulgis skula, got.: nhd. Schuldner; ne. debtor; faíhuskula* 1, faíh-u-skul-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schuldner; ne. ower of money, debtor; skula 15, skul-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schuldner, Schuldiger; ne. obligated person, debtor, indebted person, guilty person

decatypal: got. taíhuntēweis* 1, taíhun-tē-wei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. zehnreihig; ne. decatypal, decimal-systemed

decay: got. nidwa 2, ni-d-wa,  st. F. (ō, wō): nhd. Verzehren, Rost (M.) (2); ne. rust (N.), corrosion, decay

deceit: got. *bausei?, *bau-s-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit, List, Betrug; ne. malice, nastiness, cunning, deceit, deception; hindarweisei* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hinterlist; ne. deceitfulness, guile, deceit, fraudulence, insincerity, feignedness, hypocrisy, treachery; *hōl,  st. N.: nhd. Betrug; ne. deceit, deception; liutei 5, liut-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Heuchelei, Betrug, Würfelspiel, Trugspiel; ne. deceit, deception, imposture, hypocrisy, treachery

deceitful: got. hindarweis* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hinterlistig, verstellt; ne. hypocritical, pretending, insincere, feigning, deceitful, treacherous; liuts* 1, liut-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heuchlerisch, betrügerisch; ne. deceitful, fraudulent

deceitfulness: got. afmarzeins 2, af-mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Betrug; ne. deception, deceitfulness, delusive seduction; hindarweisei* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hinterlist; ne. deceitfulness, guile, deceit, fraudulence, insincerity, feignedness, hypocrisy, treachery

deceive: got. afaírzjan 6, af-aírz-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. irre machen, abweichen (V.) (2), abirren, verführen, sich verführen lassen (= Pass.); ne. deceive, lead astray, misguide (V.); *dwaligōn, *dwa-l-ig-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. betrügen; ne. deceive; lutōn* 1, lut-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. täuschen, betrügen, Verführer (= lutōnds); ne. deceive, delude, beguile, deceiver (= lutōnds); uslutōn* 9, us-lut-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verführen, irreführen; ne. deceive, delude, beguile, mislead

-- deceive o.s.: got. sis silbin fraþjamarzeins wisan, got.: nhd. sich selbst täuschen; ne. deceive o.s.

deceived: got. aírzeis* 4, aírz-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. irre geführt, irre, verführt; ne. deluded, erring, misled, deceived, in error

deceiver: got. liuta* 5, liut-a*,  sw. M. (n), subst. sw. Adj.: nhd. Heuchler; ne. deceiver, impostor, hypocrite

December: got. jiuleis 1, jiu-lei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Julmonat, Dezember; ne. Yule-month, December

decent: got. *fēhs?, *fēh-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. anständig; ne. decent, respectable; *gafēhs, *ga-fēh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. anständig, passend, schicklich; ne. decent, respectable, appertinent, appropriate

deception: got. afmarzeins 2, af-mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Betrug; ne. deception, deceitfulness, delusive seduction; aírziþa 2, aírz-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Irrlehre, Irre, Irrtum; ne. deception, deludedness, delusion; *bausei?, *bau-s-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit, List, Betrug; ne. malice, nastiness, cunning, deceit, deception; *hōl,  st. N.: nhd. Betrug; ne. deceit, deception; liutei 5, liut-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Heuchelei, Betrug, Würfelspiel, Trugspiel; ne. deceit, deception, imposture, hypocrisy, treachery

decide: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide; urrēdan* 1, ur-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. auflegen, bestimmen, urteilen; ne. legislate, plan out, derive from argument, determine, decide

-- decide by inquiry: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

decimal-systemed: got. taíhuntēweis* 1, taíhun-tē-wei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. zehnreihig; ne. decatypal, decimal-systemed

decision: got. ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

-- judicial decision: got. stáua (1) 25, stá-u-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Gerichtsstätte“, Gericht (M.) (1), Urteil, Streitsache; ne. act of judging, judgement, verdict, judicial decision

declare: got. gateihan* 28, ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anzeigen, verkünden, verkündigen; ne. announce, proclaim (V.), declare, tell, report (V.); insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

-- declare untrue: got. laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

-- declare useless: got. uskiusan 10, us-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, verwerfen, vertreiben, auswählen; ne. eliminate, reject (V.), disapprove, declare useless, test (V.)

decline: got. hneiwan 1, hnei-w-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. sich neigen; ne. decline, bend downcast, turn downcast

-- decline (V.): got. faúrqiþan 4, faúr-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. sich entschuldigen, für ungültig erklären, aufheben, umstoßen; ne. decline (V.), refuse, turn down, excuse o.s., nullify; ufligan* 2, uf-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. unterliegen, verschmachten, matt werden, sterben; ne. decline (V.), drop (V.), sink (V.), fail, be faint

declivity: got. ibdalja* 1, ib-dal-j-a*,  M.?, N.?: nhd. Berglehne, Abhang; ne. declivity, downgrade, slope, descent

decomposed: got. fūls 1, fū-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. faul, stinkend; ne. fetid, foul (Adj.), decomposed, putrid

decorously: got. *fēhaba?, *fēh-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, pleasant-appearingly, decorously, becomingly; gafēhaba 1, ga-fēh-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, decorously, becomingly

decoy -- decoy (N.): got. qaírþra* 1, qaír-þr-a*, qērtra?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Apfelbaum?, Köder? (ablehnend Feist 387), q-Rune; ne. lure (N.), bait (N.), decoy (N.), name of q-rune

decrease -- decrease (V.): got. minznan 3, mi-n-z-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abnehmen, sich mindern; ne. diminish, become less, decrease (V.)

decree: got. gagrēfts 3, ga-grēf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree, resoluteness, resolve (N.), determination

-- decree beforehand: got. *faúragaraidjan 1, *faúr-a-ga-rai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen?; ne. enjoin in advance, mandate beforehand, decree beforehand

-- decree (N.): got. garaideins 8=7, ga-rai-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Anordnung, Satzung, Regel; ne. directive (N.), rule (N.), regulation, ordinance, decree (N.); *grēfts?, *grēf-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree (N.), resoluteness, determination; ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

-- decree (V.): got. garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange

dedicated -- be dedicated: got. triggwaba galaubjan, got.: nhd. überzeugt sein (V.); ne. be dedicated

dedication: got. inniujiþa 1, in-niu-j-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erneuerung, Fest der Tempelweihe, Kirchweihe; ne. inauguration, initiation, dedication, feast of the „Dedication“

„Dedication“ -- feast of the „Dedication“: got. inniujiþa 1, in-niu-j-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erneuerung, Fest der Tempelweihe, Kirchweihe; ne. inauguration, initiation, dedication, feast of the „Dedication“

deed: got. táui 7, táu-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. work (N.), act (N.), activity, action, deed, product (N.), effect (N.); *waúrhts (2), *waúrh-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. doing (N.), deed; *waúrk?,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Werk; ne. deed; waúrstw 83=82, waúr-st-w,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Werk, Tat, Wirksamkeit; ne. work (N.), activity, deed, task, operation, working (N.)

-- charitable deed: got. armahaírtiþa 3, arm-a-haírt-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Almosen, Barmherzigkeit; ne. work of charity, charitable deed, mercy

-- deed (N.): got. *dēþs, *dē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Tat; ne. making (N.), rendering (N.), deed (N.); gadēþs* 1, ga-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Tat; ne. deed (N.), making (N.), rendering (N.)

-- evil deed: got. *waidēþs?, *wai-dē-þ-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übeltat; ne. evil deed, crime, felony

-- good deed: got. waíladēþs* 1, waíl-a-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohltat; ne. benefit (N.), benefaction, well-doint (N.), good deed

-- sale deed: got. frabaúhtabōka* 1, fra-baúh-t-a-bōk-a*,  st. F. (ō)?, st. N. (ō)?, Pl.: nhd. Verkaufsurkunde; ne. written deed of sale, sale document, sale deed, sales receipt

-- written deed of sale: got. frabaúhtabōka* 1, fra-baúh-t-a-bōk-a*,  st. F. (ō)?, st. N. (ō)?, Pl.: nhd. Verkaufsurkunde; ne. written deed of sale, sale document, sale deed, sales receipt

deem: got. gadōmjan 6, ga-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, entscheiden, sich vergleichen, sich messen mit; ne. deem, judge (V.), adjudge, reckon

-- deem fortunate: got. audagjan* 1, au-d-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. selig preisen; ne. bless (V.), deem fortunate, regard as blest

-- deem preferable: got. faúrarahnjan* 1, faúr-a-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. esteem as prior, reckon as foremost, deem preferable, outdo

-- deem (V.): got. dōmjan 10, dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, beurteilen, unterscheiden, rechtfertigen, rechnen, meinen; ne. judge (V.), justify, discern (V.), distinguish, evaluate, distinguish as, deem (V.); munan* (1) 19, mun-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. meinen, glauben, dafür halten; ne. reckon, believe, suppose, consider, deem (V.), think; þugkjan* 23, þugk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, meinen, gelten, erscheinen, dünken; ne. have the impression, suppose, opine (V.), deem (V.), it seems (=þugkeiþ), believe, appear

deep -- deep (Adj.): got. diups* 2, diup-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. tief; ne. deep (Adj.)

deep -- dig deep: got. gadiupjan* 1, ga-diup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vertiefen; ne. make deep, go deep, dig deep, achieve depth

deep -- go deep: got. gadiupjan* 1, ga-diup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vertiefen; ne. make deep, go deep, dig deep, achieve depth

deep -- heave a deep sigh: got. ufswōgjan* 1, uf-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufseufzen; ne. sigh deeply, heave a deep sigh

deep -- make deep: got. gadiupjan* 1, ga-diup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vertiefen; ne. make deep, go deep, dig deep, achieve depth

deepen: got. *diupjan?, *diup-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vertiefen; ne. deepen

deeply -- sigh deeply: got. ufswōgjan* 1, uf-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufseufzen; ne. sigh deeply, heave a deep sigh

deepness: got. diupei 2=1, diup-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tiefe; ne. depth, deepness

defamation: got. bihait* 1, bi-hai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. üble Nachrede; ne. obloquy, defamation, slander (N.), evil report

defame -- defame (V.): got. wajamērjan 10, waj-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lästern; ne. defame (V.), slander (V.), blaspheme, speak sacrilegiously

defaming -- defaming (Adj.): got. *wajamēreis?, *waj-a-mē-r-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. übelberüchtigt, übel berufen; ne. defaming (Adj.), speaking abusively, speaking ill of

defeat -- defeat (V.): got. blauþjan* 1, blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abschaffen, aufheben; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.); gablauþjan* 1, ga-blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. abschaffen, triumphieren; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.), triumph (V.)

defence -- defence as true: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

defence -- defence (N.): got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

defend -- defend as true: got. gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

defend -- defend o.s.: got. sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

defense: got. andahafts 3, and-a-haf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Antwort, Verteidigung; ne. answer (N.), reply (N.), defense, argument (N.), verdict

defer -- defer to: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

deficiency: got. wan 2, wa-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. deficiency, want (N.), lack (N.)

deficient: got. wans* 4, wa-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fehlend, mangelhaft, (weniger); ne. missing, lacking, wanting, diminished, less, null, void (Adj.), deficient

defile: got. gagamainjan* 1, ga-ga-mai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. make common, demean, debase, defile; gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

defilement: got. bisauleins* 1, bi-saul-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Befleckung; ne. spotting (N.), defilement

deflecting -- thwart by deflecting: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

deformed: got. gamaiþs* 3, ga-mai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verkrüppelt, verwundet; ne. crippled, oppressed, mutilated, deformed, misshapen, disfigured; *maiþs?, *mai-þ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verkrüppelt, verwundet; ne. mutilated, deformed

defraud: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat; bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of; gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

degenerate: got. frawaírþan* 1, fra-waír-þ-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verderben (intr.), zugrunde gehen; ne. degenerate, spoil (V.), perish (intr.), become corrupt

-- cause to degenerate: got. frawardjan* 7, fra-war-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben (tr.), entstellen; ne. cause to degenerate, corrupt (V.), destroy

degree: got. *mēt?, *mē-t?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Maß?; ne. extent, degree

delay -- delay (V.): got. latjan* 1, la-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufhalten, verzögern, lange dauern; ne. retard (V.), delay (V.), make late

delay -- delay (V.) (tr.): got. sainjan* 1, sai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zögern, säumen; ne. be slow, delay (V.) (tr.), be tardy, be detained

delay -- without delay: got. sprautō 13, s-prau-t-ō,  Adv.: nhd. schnell, bald, ohne Zögern; ne. quickly, speedily, promptly, fast (Adv.), rapidly, without delay

deliberate: got. *gamitōn?, *ga-mi-t-ōn?,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. cogitate, reason (V.), deliberate; þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

deliberation: got. gamitōns* 1, ga-mi-t-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gedanke; ne. cogitation, reasoning, deliberation, mind (N.), reason (N.); gaþagki* 1, ga-þagk-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Bedacht; ne. deliberation, care (N.); mitōns 10, mi-t-ōn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überlegung, Gedanke; ne. cogitation, meditation, deliberation, premeditation, thought, opinion, evaluative reasoning

delicate: got. hnasqus* 3, hna-sq-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. weich, weichlich, zart; ne. soft (Adj.), delicate

delight -- delight (V.): got. gailjan* 1, gail-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fröhlich machen, erfreuen; ne. delight (V.), gladden, cheer (V.)

delight -- full of delight: got. gawizneigs 1, ga-wiz-n-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll Mitfreude; ne. enjoying together, joyfully agreeing with, full of delight

delineate -- delineate before: got. faúramēljan* 1, faúr-a-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorzeichnen, vormalen, vor Augen malen; ne. depict in front of, delineate before, display publicly

deliver: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver; ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.)

-- deliver into the custody of: got. atgiban 73, at-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hingeben, übergeben (V.), geben, darreichen; ne. give unto, deliver into the custody of, give over to

deliverance: got. ganists 12=11, ga-nis-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Rettung, Heil, Erhaltung; ne. salvation, rescue (N.), deliverance; naseins 14, nas-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Rettung, Heil; ne. saving (N.), salvation, preservation, rescue (N.), deliverance; *nists?, *nis-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Rettung, Heil, Genesung; ne. salvation, rescue (N.), deliverance

-- deliverance through purchase: got. faúrbaúhts* 4=3, faúr-baúh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Loskauf, Loskaufung, Erlösung; ne. redemption, deliverance through purchase

delude: got. aírzjan* 4, aírz-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. irreführen, irre machen, verführen, Verführer (= airzjands); ne. delude, mislead, seducer (= airzjands); lutōn* 1, lut-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. täuschen, betrügen, Verführer (= lutōnds); ne. deceive, delude, beguile, deceiver (= lutōnds); uslutōn* 9, us-lut-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verführen, irreführen; ne. deceive, delude, beguile, mislead

deluded: got. aírzeis* 4, aírz-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. irre geführt, irre, verführt; ne. deluded, erring, misled, deceived, in error

deludedness: got. aírziþa 2, aírz-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Irrlehre, Irre, Irrtum; ne. deception, deludedness, delusion

deluge -- deluge (N.): got. garunjō* 1, ga-ru-n-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Flut, Überschwemmung; ne. inundation, deluge (N.), overrunning by water, flood (N.); midjasweipains 1, mid-ja-swei-p-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überflutung, Sintflut, Überschwemmung; ne. inundation, deluge (N.), flood (N.)

delusion: got. aírzei* 2, aírz-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Irre, Irrlehre, Irrtum; ne. delusion, error, misleading (N.), heresy; aírziþa 2, aírz-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Irrlehre, Irre, Irrtum; ne. deception, deludedness, delusion

delusive -- delusive seduction: got. afmarzeins 2, af-mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Betrug; ne. deception, deceitfulness, delusive seduction

demand -- demand (N.): got. bida 29, bid-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bitte, Gebet, Aufforderung; ne. request (N.), supplication, prayer, demand (N.), entreaty, exhortation; *niuþs, *niu-þ-s,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Verlangen; ne. demand (N.), request (N.)

demand -- demand (V.): got. *aiskōn?, *ais-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fragen, fordern; ne. ask, ask for, beg, demand (V.), look for

demands -- depleted by demands: got. ushaista 1, us-haist-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Mangel leidend, bedürftig; ne. impoverished, depleted by demands, exhausted by claims, needy

demean: got. gagamainjan* 1, ga-ga-mai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. make common, demean, debase, defile; gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

demigods: got. anses*, an-s-es*, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. Halbgötter; ne. demigods

demolish: got. brikan* 3, brik-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. brechen, zerstören, kämpfen, ringen, zerbrechen, vernichten; ne. break (V.), wreck (V.), demolish, wrestle (V.), fight (V.), battle (V.); gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate; *taíran?, *taír-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. zerstören, zerreißen (tr.), auflösen; ne. tear down, dismantle, demolish, ruin (V.)

demolition: got. gataúrþs* 3, ga-taúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zerstörung; ne. tearing down, demolition, destruction; *taúrþs, *taúr-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zerstörung; ne. tearing down (N.), demolition

demon: got. *albs, *al-b-s, *alfs,  st. M. (a): nhd. Alb, Dämon; ne. demon, elf; skōhsl* 6, skōh-sl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. böser Geist, Dämon; ne. demon, evil spirit

-- female demon: got. unhulþō 39, un-hul-þ-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unholdin, Dämon; ne. female demon, she-devil

-- male demon: got. unhulþa 12, un-hul-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Unhold, Teufel; ne. male demon, devil, monster

demoniac: got. daimōnāreis 5, daimōn-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Besessener; ne. person possessed by the devil, demoniac

demoniacal: got. wōþs* 3, wōþ-s*, wōds,  Adj. (a): nhd. wütend, besessen; ne. demoniacal, demonic, demonized, possessed

demonic: got. wōþs* 3, wōþ-s*, wōds,  Adj. (a): nhd. wütend, besessen; ne. demoniacal, demonic, demonized, possessed

demonized: got. wōþs* 3, wōþ-s*, wōds,  Adj. (a): nhd. wütend, besessen; ne. demoniacal, demonic, demonized, possessed

demonstrate: got. ustaiknjan 16, us-tai-k-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezeichnen, auszeichnen, erweisen, darstellen, in die Erscheinung bringen; ne. point out, designate, appoint, exhibit, show (V.), demonstrate, render

demoralized: got. grindafraþjis* 1, gri-nd-a-fraþ-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. kleinmütig; ne. demoralized, crushed in spirit, faint-hearted

den: got. filigri* 2, fi-lig-r-i*, filegri*, fililigri*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Höhle, Versteck; ne. hiding-place, hideaway, den

denarius: got. skatts 14, skat-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Geld, Geldstück, Mine (= Münze); ne. coin, denarius, mina, piece of money

denounce: got. anaqiþan* 1, an-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleumden, verlästern, schmähen; ne. denounce, censure (V.), inveigh against, blaspheme; faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce

densest -- shake into densest compactness: got. gawigan* 1, ga-wig-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bewegen, schütteln; ne. shake together, shake into densest compactness, move (V.)

deny: got. afaikan 13, af-ai-k-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. leugnen, fluchen, verleugnen; ne. deny, abjure, disavow, forswear, renounce (V.); laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

-- deny o.s.: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

-- deny the relatedness of: got. inwidan* 7, in-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleugnen, für ungültig erklären; ne. reject the connection with, deny the relatedness of, repudiate, disown, desert (3)

depart -- depart from: got. galeiþan 142=140, ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kommen, gehen, fahren; ne. go away, depart from, go forth, set out for, come

depart -- depart (V.): got. afgaggan* 5, af-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. weggehen von, weggehen, weichen (V.) (2); ne. go away, leave (V.), depart (V.); afleiþan* 14, af-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. weggehen, entweichen, verreisen, fortgehen; ne. go away, depart (V.), leave (V.); skaidan 5, skai-d-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. scheiden, trennen; ne. divide, part (V.), separate (V.), depart (V.); twisstandan* 2=1, twi-s-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich trennen, Abschied nehmen von; ne. bid farewell, take leave, depart (V.)

departure: got. urruns* (2) 1, ur-ru-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ausgang; ne. exodus, departure, exit; usfarþō* 1, us-far-þ-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ausfahrt?; ne. emergency egress, emergency evacuation, departure

depict -- depict in front of: got. faúramēljan* 1, faúr-a-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorzeichnen, vormalen, vor Augen malen; ne. depict in front of, delineate before, display publicly

depict -- depict with a visual image: got. *frisahtjan?, *frisah-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.); gafrisahtjan* 1, ga-frisah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.)

depicted -- become depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

depicted -- be depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

depiction: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

depleted -- depleted by demands: got. ushaista 1, us-haist-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Mangel leidend, bedürftig; ne. impoverished, depleted by demands, exhausted by claims, needy

deposit -- deposit at: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at

deposit -- deposit (V.): got. galagjan* 28, ga-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinlegen, legen, werfen, auflegen, aufsetzen, liegen (= Pass.); ne. lay (V.), lay down, deposit (V.), put down; lagjan 29, lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. legen, auflegen, hinlegen, setzen, stellen; ne. lay (V.), lay down, set (V.), set down, put (V.), put down, deposit (V.)

depositional -- depositional attestation: got. weitwōdi* 1, wei-t-wōd-i*,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Zeugnis; ne. testimonial, depositional attestation, witness (N.)

depraved: got. urrugks* 1, ur-rugk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verworfen?; ne. expelled?, outcast (Adj.)?, excommunicated?, depraved; uskusans, got.: nhd. verworfen; ne. depraved

depravity: got. *qists?, *qis-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verderbnis, Untergang; ne. corruption, depravity

deprecate: got. fraqiþan* 7, fra-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. für ungültig erklären, aufheben, verfluchen, verwünschen; ne. speak ill of, deprecate, condemn, curse s.o.

deprive -- deprive of sight: got. gablindjan* 2, ga-bli-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verblenden, blenden; ne. make blind, deprive of sight

depth: got. diupei 2=1, diup-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tiefe; ne. depth, deepness; diupiþa 4, diup-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Tiefe, Meerestiefe; ne. ocean depths, depth, profundity

-- achieve depth: got. gadiupjan* 1, ga-diup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vertiefen; ne. make deep, go deep, dig deep, achieve depth

depths -- ocean depths: got. diupiþa 4, diup-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Tiefe, Meerestiefe; ne. ocean depths, depth, profundity

derangement: got. *dwalms, *dwa-l-m-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Verzückung, Betäubung; ne. madness, derangement, insanity

deride: got. bihlahjan* 3, bi-hla-h-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. verlachen, verspotten, auslachen; ne. laugh at, deride

derive -- derive benefit: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

derive -- derive from argument: got. urrēdan* 1, ur-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. auflegen, bestimmen, urteilen; ne. legislate, plan out, derive from argument, determine, decide

descend: got. atsteigan* 16, at-steig-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinabsteigen; ne. climb down, descend

-- descend upon: got. disdriusan* 1, dis-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. befallen; ne. fall upon, descend upon, bear down on, beset, attack (V.)

descendant: got. afara* 1, af-ar-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nachkomme; ne. descendant; *iuþa-,  st.? M.: nhd. Nachkomme; ne. descendant

descendants: got. barn barna, got.: nhd. Nachkommenschaft; ne. descendants

descent: got. fadrein 14, fa-dr-ein,  st. N. (a): nhd. Abkunft, Geschlecht, Stamm, Eltern, Großeltern, Vorfahren; ne. patrilineage, forefathers, descent, race (N.) (1), parents; gabaúrþs* 12, ga-baúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geburt, Abstammung, Geschlecht, Geburtsland; ne. birth, ethnic origin, birthplace, descent, race (1), native country; ibdalja* 1, ib-dal-j-a*,  M.?, N.?: nhd. Berglehne, Abhang; ne. declivity, downgrade, slope, descent

-- history of descent: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

-- of earthly descent: got. aírþakunds* 1, aír-þ-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von irdischer Abkunft, von der Erde stammend, irdisch; ne. earth-born, of earthly descent, of earthly origin

-- of good descent: got. gōdakunds 1, gōd-a-kun-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von guter Abkunft, edlen Geschlechts; ne. of noble birth, well-born, of good descent

descreet: got. gafaurs 2, ga-faur-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. ehrbar, nüchtern, besonnen (Adj.), bescheiden (Adj.), gesittet; ne. temperate (Adj.), restrained, descreet, wellbehaved, sober (Adj.), sober-tongued

descry: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

desecrating -- desecrating speech: got. *wajamēreins 5, *waj-a-mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, abusive speech, desecrating speech, sacrilegious speech

desert -- desert (3): got. inwidan* 7, in-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleugnen, für ungültig erklären; ne. reject the connection with, deny the relatedness of, repudiate, disown, desert (3)

desert -- desert (Adj.): got. auþeis* 6, au-þ-ei-s*, auþs*?,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. öde, kinderlos, unfruchtbar, wüst, verlassen (Adj.); ne. barren, desolate (Adj.), deserted, desert (Adj.)

desert -- desert (N.): got. auþida 18, au-þ-id-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wüste, Einöde; ne. desert (N.), wasteland, wilderness

deserted: got. auþeis* 6, au-þ-ei-s*, auþs*?,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. öde, kinderlos, unfruchtbar, wüst, verlassen (Adj.); ne. barren, desolate (Adj.), deserted, desert (Adj.)

design -- design (N.): got. garēhsns 11, ga-rēh-sn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. bestimmte Zeit, Bestimmung, Plan (M.) (2); ne. design (N.), plan (N.), program (N.), designation, designated time, determination, fixed time; muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation

designate: got. bandwjan* 11, ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Zeichen geben, Wink geben, andeuten, bezeichnen; ne. mark (V.), designate, indicate, make a sign, signify; insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before; ustaiknjan 16, us-tai-k-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezeichnen, auszeichnen, erweisen, darstellen, in die Erscheinung bringen; ne. point out, designate, appoint, exhibit, show (V.), demonstrate, render

-- designate by name: got. ganamnjan* 1, ga-nam-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. benennen, nennen; ne. name (V.), designate by name

designated -- designated time: got. garēhsns 11, ga-rēh-sn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. bestimmte Zeit, Bestimmung, Plan (M.) (2); ne. design (N.), plan (N.), program (N.), designation, designated time, determination, fixed time

designation: got. garēhsns 11, ga-rēh-sn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. bestimmte Zeit, Bestimmung, Plan (M.) (2); ne. design (N.), plan (N.), program (N.), designation, designated time, determination, fixed time

desire -- desire (N.): got. gaírnei* 5, gaír-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verlangen, Wunsch, Begehren; ne. wish (N.), longing (N.), yearning (N.), desire (N.), willingness (N.); lustus* 22=21, lus-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Lust, Begierde, Verlangen; ne. lust (N.), cupidity, desire (N.), craving (N.), covetousness; wilja 41=38, wi-l-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wille, Wohlgefallen; ne. will (N.), willingness, wish (N.), desire (N.), intention, aim (N.)

desire -- desire (V.): got. faíhugeigan* 1, faíh-u-geig-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. begehren, habgierig sein (V.), geldgierig sein (V.); ne. gain riches, acquire wealth, desire (V.); gairnjan* 17, gair-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, verlangen, bedürfen; ne. lust after, long for, yearn for, desire (V.), want (V.); *geigan?, *geig-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. begehren; ne. desire (V.); lustōn 1, lus-t-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, gelüsten; ne. lust after, desire (V.); wiljan 128=127, wi-l-jan,  V. (athem.): nhd. wollen (V.); ne. will (V.), wish (V.), want (V.), desire (V.)

desire -- exhausted of desire: got. usgrudja* 7=6, us-grud-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. mutlos; ne. ex-avid, exhausted of desire, no longer avid, lacking courage

desire -- of own desire: got. us lustum: nhd. gern, freiwillig; ne. willingly, of own desire

desirous -- desirous of money: got. faíhugaírns* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. geldgierig, habsüchtig; ne. money-craving (Adj.), desirous of money, avaricious, covetous

desolate -- desolate (Adj.): got. auþeis* 6, au-þ-ei-s*, auþs*?,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. öde, kinderlos, unfruchtbar, wüst, verlassen (Adj.); ne. barren, desolate (Adj.), deserted, desert (Adj.)

despair -- despair of: got. skaman* sik 10, s-kam-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich schämen; ne. be ashamed of, despair of

despairing: got. uswēna* 2, us-wēn-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. hoffnungslos; ne. despairing, desponding, without hope, callous, without expectations

despise: got. andspeiwan* 1, and-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1),: nhd. entgegenspeien, ausspeien, verachten, verwerfen; ne. spit at, expectorate against, despise; frakunnan 16, fra-kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. verachten; ne. refuse to recognize, spurn (V.), disdain (V.), scorn (V.), despise; idweitjan 7, id-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schmähen; ne. reproach (V.), revile (V.), reprobate, despise; láian* (?) 1, lá-i-an*, lauan* (?),  red. abl.? V. (6?), m. Dat.: nhd. schmähen; ne. berate, revile, rail at, despise

-- despise (V.): got. ufbrikan 8, uf-brik-an,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. verwerfen, verachten; ne. despise (V.), spurn (V.), rebuff (V.)

despised: got. *frakunþs?, *fra-kun-þ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verachtet; ne. spurned, disdained, despised; unswērs 3, un-s-wēr-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. nicht geachtet, verachtet; ne. unhonoured, dishonoured, ignoble, undignified, despised

despiser: got. ufbrikands, Part. Präs., subst.: nhd. Verächter; ne. despiser

despite -- despite this: got. akei 98=97, ak-ei,  Konj.: nhd. aber; ne. but, despite this, nevertheless

desponding: got. uswēna* 2, us-wēn-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. hoffnungslos; ne. despairing, desponding, without hope, callous, without expectations

dessicate: got. afþaúrsjan* 2, af-þaúrs-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. dursten, verdursten, durstig sein (V.); ne. dessicate, afflict with thirst

destitute -- thoroughly destitute: got. alaþarba 1, al-a-þarb-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „alldarbend“, an allem Mangel leidend, ganz arm; ne. thoroughly destitute, totally in need, in complete privation

destroy: got. frawardjan* 7, fra-war-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben (tr.), entstellen; ne. cause to degenerate, corrupt (V.), destroy; qistjan 1, qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. verderben; ne. destroy; riurjan* 1, riur-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben (tr.); ne. corrupt (V.), spoil (V.), ruin (V.), make perish, destroy; usqiman 27, us-qi-m-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. umbringen, den Tod geben; ne. kill (V.), put to death, annihilate, destroy

-- destroy by rending: got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate

-- destroy utterly: got. fraqistjan 23, fra-qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. verderben, umbringen; ne. annihilate, obliterate, destroy utterly; usqistjan 8, us-qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben, umbringen, töten, zugrunde richten; ne. annihilate, kill (V.), exterminate, destroy utterly

destroyed -- become utterly destroyed: got. fraqistnan* 16, fra-qis-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. umkommen, zugrunde gehen, verderben (intr.); ne. be utterly destroyed, become utterly destroyed, perish (V.)

destroyed -- be utterly destroyed: got. fraqistnan* 16, fra-qis-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. umkommen, zugrunde gehen, verderben (intr.); ne. be utterly destroyed, become utterly destroyed, perish (V.); *qistnan?, *qis-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zugrunde gehen; ne. be utterly destroyed

destructible: got. riureis* 6, riur-ei-s*, riurs*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. vergänglich, sterblich; ne. perishable, corruptible, corrupt (Adj.), destructible, temporary, mortal, perishing

destruction: got. fralusts 9, fra-lu-s-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verderben, Verlust; ne. destruction, perdition, loss; frawardeins* 1, fra-war-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verderben; ne. destruction, corruption; gataúrþs* 3, ga-taúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zerstörung; ne. tearing down, demolition, destruction; qisteins* 1, qis-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verderben; ne. destruction, doom (N.); riurei 3, riur-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Vernichtung, Vergänglichkeit; ne. ruination, ruin (N.), corruption, disintegration, perdition, destruction

detached: got. uswiss* 1, us-wi-s-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. losgebunden; ne. detached, disconnected, loosened

detachedness: got. uswissi* 1, us-wi-s-s-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Leichtfertigkeit, Eitelkeit; ne. rootlessness, disconnectedness, detachedness

detail -- with attention to detail: got. glaggwaba 1, gla-ggw-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sorgsam; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, diligently; glaggwō 1, gla-ggw-ō,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, accurately; *glaggws?, *gla-ggw-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. genau; ne. meticulous, with attention to detail; glaggwuba 1, gla-ggw-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, precisely

detain: got. analatjan* 2, an-a-la-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verhindern, hindern, aufhalten, abhalten; ne. detain, impede, hinder; galatjan* 1, ga-la-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufhalten, verhindern, verzögern; ne. detain, restrain, stop (V.), hinder

detained -- be detained: got. sainjan* 1, sai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zögern, säumen; ne. be slow, delay (V.) (tr.), be tardy, be detained

detection -- escape detection: got. galaugnjan 3, ga-laug-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbergen, verborgen bleiben; ne. be undiscovered, escape detection, hide (V.), be hidden, conceal (V.)

determination: got. gagrēfts 3, ga-grēf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree, resoluteness, resolve (N.), determination; garēhsns 11, ga-rēh-sn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. bestimmte Zeit, Bestimmung, Plan (M.) (2); ne. design (N.), plan (N.), program (N.), designation, designated time, determination, fixed time; *grēfts?, *grēf-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree (N.), resoluteness, determination; muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation; ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

determinative -- make determinative: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

determine: got. satjan* 9, sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. setzen, stellen, bestimmen, pflanzen; ne. set (V.), place (V.), position (V.), put in position, establish, plant (V.), determine; ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.); urrēdan* 1, ur-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. auflegen, bestimmen, urteilen; ne. legislate, plan out, derive from argument, determine, decide

-- determine by inquest: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

determined -- officially determined: got. garaiþs* 2, ga-rai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. angeordnet; ne. authoritatively ordered, officially determined, arranged, commanded

detestable: got. andasēts* 2, and-a-sēt-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. verabscheuenswert, verabscheuenswürdig; ne. causing aversion, abhorrent, repugnant, detestable

detriment: got. sleiþa* 2, slei-þ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schaden; ne. detriment, loss, damage (N.), harm (N.), injury

-- cause detriment: got. gasleiþjan* 4, ga-slei-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschädigen, schädigen, schaden; ne. inflict injury, harm (V.), cause detriment, damage (V.); *sleiþjan?, *slei-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schädigen; ne. inflict injury, harm (V.), cause detriment

devastate: got. *talōn?, *tal-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwüsten, wegreißen; ne. devastate, ravage (V.)

develop -- develop beyond: got. ufarþeihan* 1, uf-ar-þei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. surpass (V.), develop beyond, expand beyond, excel

development: got. *wahsts?, *wahs-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wachstum; ne. growth, development; wahstus* 5, wahs-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Wuchs, Wachstum, Körpergröße, Größe; ne. growth, development, stature; *wardeins?, *war-d-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Werden; ne. development

-- increase in development: got. wahsjan 13, wahs-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1); ne. grow, wax (V.) (1), increase in development

deviate: got. uswandjan* 3, us-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wegwenden, sich entziehen, verfallen (V.), abweichen (V.) (2); ne. turn away, become diverted, withdraw, deviate

-- make deviate by obstructing: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

devil: got. diabaúlus 12, dia-baúl-u-s, diabulus,  st. M. (u): nhd. Teufel; ne. slanderer, devil; unhulþa 12, un-hul-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Unhold, Teufel; ne. male demon, devil, monster

-- person possessed by the devil: got. daimōnāreis 5, daimōn-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Besessener; ne. person possessed by the devil, demoniac

devoid -- devoid (Adj.): got. laus 10, lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. los, leer; ne. empty (Adj.), void (Adj.), devoid (Adj.), free from

devoted -- be devoted to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

devotion: got. gagudei 12, ga-gu-d-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Frömmigkeit; ne. godliness, piety, devotion, saintliness; *gudei?, *gu-d-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Frömmigkeit; ne. godliness, piety, devotion, saintliness

devour: got. *afitan?, *af-it-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. verschlingen, fressen; ne. devour, eat voraciously; fraitan* 4, fra-it-an*,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. verzehren, fressen; ne. devour, consume completely, eat completely up; fraslindan* 1, fra-sli-nd-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. verschlingen, verschlucken; ne. swallow up, devour

-- devour through epicurean living: got. frawisan* 1, fra-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verbrauchen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. consume by dining, devour through epicurean living, eat up in feasting, squander

devout: got. gudafaúrhts 1, gu-d-a-faúrh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gottesfürchtig; ne. God-fearing, devout

dexter: got. taíhswa* (1) 19, taíh-s-w-a*,  sw. Adj. (a): nhd. rechte; ne. right (Adj.), dexter

diacritical -- diacritical mark: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

dialect: got. maþlei* 1, maþ-l-ei*, maþleins*,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Rede, Redeweise; ne. public speech, discourse (1) (N.), dialect; razda 11, raz-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sprache, Sprechweise, Zunge; ne. language, dialect, tongue, manner of utterance, speech

diaspora: got. distaheins* 1, dis-tah-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zerstreuung; ne. dispersion, scattering, diaspora

dice-box: got. paírþra* 1, paírþr-a*, pertra?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. p-Rune; ne. dice-box, name of p-rune

did -- did not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

die: got. andlētnan 1, and-lē-t-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. scheiden, abscheiden, entlassen werden, aufgelöst werden, sich auflösen, sich losmachen; ne. be released, become released, separate (V.), die; dauþnan* 1, dau-þ-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sterben; ne. die; swiltan* 1, swil-t-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. im Sterben liegen, sterben; ne. die, lie (V.) (2) dying

died -- having died: got. dauþs (1) 56, dau-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. tot; ne. dead, having died

difference: got. anþarleikei* 2, an-þar-leik-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verschiedenheit; ne. otherness, different structure, different essence, diversity, difference; gaskaideins 1, ga-skai-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Unterschied, Trennung, Scheidung; ne. difference, separateness, distinction

-- difference of opinion: got. missaquiss 3, mis-s-a-qui-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwiespalt, Missrede, Streit; ne. discord (N.), discordance, difference of opinion, dissidence, dissension, schism, division of opinion

different: got. missaleiks 7, mis-s-a-leik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. verschieden, mannigfaltig; ne. diverse (Adj.), miscellaneous, varied, different, various

-- different essence: got. anþarleikei* 2, an-þar-leik-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verschiedenheit; ne. otherness, different structure, different essence, diversity, difference

-- different structure: got. anþarleikei* 2, an-þar-leik-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verschiedenheit; ne. otherness, different structure, different essence, diversity, difference

-- essentially different: got. *anþarleiks?, *an-þar-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. verschieden; ne. substantively different, essentially different, constituted otherwise

-- in substantively different manner: got. anþarleikō 2=1, an-þar-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. anders; ne. essentially differently, otherwise, in substantively different manner

-- of different kin: got. aljakuns 3, al-ja-kun-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anderswoher stammend, gegen die Natur, von einem anderen Geschlecht, von fremder Abkunft, fremd; ne. foreign, of different kin, of foreign origin, strange, contrary to nature

-- substantively different: got. *anþarleiks?, *an-þar-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. verschieden; ne. substantively different, essentially different, constituted otherwise

-- with a different meaning: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

differently: got. aljaleikō 4, al-ja-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. anders; ne. otherwise, differently, unorthodoxly

-- differently formed: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

-- essentially differently: got. anþarleikō 2=1, an-þar-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. anders; ne. essentially differently, otherwise, in substantively different manner

difficult: got. aglus* 1, ag-l-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. schwierig; ne. difficult, toilsome; *tuz-,  Präf.: nhd. zer-; ne. dis-, difficult, troublesome

-- be difficult: got. *þriutan?, *þri-ut-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. schwerfallen; ne. be hard, be difficult

difficulty: got. þreihsl* 2=1, þrei-h-sl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Drangsal, Bedrängnis; ne. constriction, pressured condition, distress (N.), difficulty

-- agreeing to with difficulty: got. *tuzwērs, *tuz-wēr-s, *tuzwēreis,  Adj. (a)?, Adj. (ja)?: nhd. verdächtig?; ne. suspicious?, agreeing to with difficulty

-- have difficulty agreeing to: got. tuzwērjan* 1, tuz-wēr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zweifeln; ne. have difficulty agreeing to, doubt (V.)

-- with unpleasant difficulty: got. agluba 2, ag-l-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. schwer, schwerlich; ne. arduously, with unpleasant difficulty

dig -- dig around s.th.: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

dig -- dig deep: got. gadiupjan* 1, ga-diup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vertiefen; ne. make deep, go deep, dig deep, achieve depth

dig -- dig down into: got. ufgraban* 2, uf-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. nachgraben, unterwühlen, aufgraben; ne. dig down into, dig up

dig -- dig out: got. usgraban* 3, us-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. ausgraben; ne. dig out, get out by digging

dig -- dig so as to surround: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

dig -- dig up: got. ufgraban* 2, uf-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. nachgraben, unterwühlen, aufgraben; ne. dig down into, dig up

dig -- dig (V.): got. graban 2, grab-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. graben; ne. dig (V.); *wrōtjan?, *wrō-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wühlen; ne. dig (V.), burrow (V.)

digest -- digest (V.): got. *smaltjan?, *s-mal-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdauen, zerfließen machen; ne. digest (V.)

digging -- get out by digging: got. usgraban* 3, us-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. ausgraben; ne. dig out, get out by digging

digging -- surround by digging: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

dignified: got. *anawiljis?, *an-a-wi-l-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. ehrbar, redlich; ne. self-controlled, dignified; gariuþs* 5=4, ga-riuþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ehrbar; ne. respectable, dignified, honourable; swērs 3, s-wēr-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geehrt, geachtet, gewichtig; ne. honoured, dignified, esteemed

dignity: got. anawiljei 3, an-a-wi-l-j-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Billigkeit, Ehrbarkeit; ne. equanimity, self-possession, sedateness, moderation, dignity; gariudi* 2=1, ga-riud-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Ehrbarkeit; ne. respectability, dignity; *riudi, *riud-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Röte“; ne. „redness“, dignity; swēriþa 13, s-wēr-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ehre; ne. honour (N.), dignity

digression: got. uswandi* 1, us-wa-nd-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Abwendung, Irreleiten, Irreführung; ne. diversion, digression, aberrance, cunning (N.)

dike -- dike (N.): got. *damms?, *dam-m-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Damm; ne. dam (N.), dike (N.)

dilatory: got. *sainus, *sai-n-us,  Adj. (u): nhd. langsam, saumselig; ne. dilatory, tardy

diligently: got. glaggwaba 1, gla-ggw-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sorgsam; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, diligently

dimensions -- bodily dimensions: got. laudi* 1, laud-i*,  st. F. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. bodily dimensions, physical proportions of growth

diminish: got. minznan 3, mi-n-z-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abnehmen, sich mindern; ne. diminish, become less, decrease (V.); *wanan?, *wa-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. mangeln, abnehmen; ne. diminish, lessen

diminished: got. wans* 4, wa-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fehlend, mangelhaft, (weniger); ne. missing, lacking, wanting, diminished, less, null, void (Adj.), deficient

diminishing: got. wanains 1, wa-n-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. diminishing, diminution, lessening, lack (N.)

diminution: got. wanains 1, wa-n-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. diminishing, diminution, lessening, lack (N.)

dine: got. matjan 93, mat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. essen, fressen; ne. eat, feed (V.), dine, chew; wisan (3) 4, wis-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich freuen, schwelgen, schmausen; ne. dine, eat a good meal, feast, make merry

-- dine convivially: got. biwisan* 1, bi-wi-s-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv?: nhd. sich erfreuen, sich vergnügen; ne. dine together, dine convivially, have a festive get-together, make merry

-- dine together: got. biwisan* 1, bi-wi-s-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv?: nhd. sich erfreuen, sich vergnügen; ne. dine together, dine convivially, have a festive get-together, make merry

dining -- consume by dining: got. frawisan* 1, fra-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verbrauchen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. consume by dining, devour through epicurean living, eat up in feasting, squander

dinner: got. nahtamats* 8, naht-a-mat-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Abendessen, Abendmahl, Gastmahl, Nachtmahl; ne. dinner, supper, evening meal

dip -- dip (V.): got. ufdaupjan* 5, uf-daup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. taufen, eintauchen; ne. dip (V.), baptize

dipped -- dipped slice: got. *suppa, *su-p-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. eingetunkte Schnitte; ne. dipped slice

dire: got. sleiþs* 2, slei-þ-s*, sleideis*?,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. schlimm, gefährlich; ne. pernicious, baneful, baleful, dire, fierce, dangerous

direct -- direct authoritatively: got. raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret

direct -- direct one’s vision: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

direct -- direct (V.): got. garaíhtjan 4, ga-raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. als gerecht erweisen, etwas richten, hinlenken, lenken, rechtfertigen; ne. make straight, set right, rectify, correct (V.), make righteous, direct (V.)

directed: got. *ragins, *rag-in-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. angeordnet; ne. directed

-- directed anger: got. hatis 11, ha-ti-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hass, Zorn; ne. directed anger, angry hostility, animosity, hate (N.)

directions -- from all directions: got. allaþrō 2, al-l-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von allen Seiten; ne. from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere

directions -- give directions: got. gataiknjan* 1, ga-tai-k-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ein Zeichen geben, belehren, zeigen; ne. indicate, show (V.), give directions, teach

directive -- directive (N.): got. garaideins 8=7, ga-rai-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Anordnung, Satzung, Regel; ne. directive (N.), rule (N.), regulation, ordinance, decree (N.); *raideins?, *rai-d-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Anordnung; ne. ordinance, directive (N.)

directive -- issue a directive: got. garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange; raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret

director: got. faúrstasseis* 1, faúr-sta-s-s-ei-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Vorsteher; ne. supervisor, superior (M.), director, head (N.)

dirge -- sing a dirge: got. gaunōn 3, gau-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. klagen, Totenklage anstimmen; ne. lament (V.), bewail, sing a dirge, wail in mourning; hiufan* 2, hiu-f-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wehklagen, Klagelieder singen; ne. lament (V.), sing a dirge, sing a threnody, wail (V.)

dirty -- become dirty: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty; *saulnan, *saul-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. schmutzig werden; ne. become dirty

dirty -- be dirty: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

dirty -- make dirty: got. *sauljan, *saul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schmutzig machen; ne. make dirty

dirtying: got. *sauleins, *saul-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Beschmutzung?; ne. dirtying

dis-: got. *tuz-,  Präf.: nhd. zer-; ne. dis-, difficult, troublesome

disability: got. unhaili* 2, un-hai-l-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schwäche, Krankheit; ne. unhealthiness, infirmity, disability, sickness, weakness

disabled -- of disabled limb: got. usliþa 12, us-li-þ-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. gichtbrüchig, Gichtbrüchiger (= subst.); ne. paralytic, of disabled limb

disagree: got. unwērjan 2, un-wēr-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unwillig sein (V.), zürnen; ne. disagree, refuse to agree, be disagreeable, be unwilling

disagreeability: got. unwērei* 1, un-wēr-ei*, unwēreins*,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (i/ō)?: nhd. Unwille; ne. disagreeability, unwillingness

disagreeable: got. *unwērs, *un-wēr-s, *unwēreis,  Adj. (a/ia): nhd. unwillig, zornig; ne. disagreeable, disagreeing

-- be disagreeable: got. unwērjan 2, un-wēr-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unwillig sein (V.), zürnen; ne. disagree, refuse to agree, be disagreeable, be unwilling

disagreeing: got. *unwērs, *un-wēr-s, *unwēreis,  Adj. (a/ia): nhd. unwillig, zornig; ne. disagreeable, disagreeing

disappear -- disappear by submergence: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

disapprove: got. uskiusan 10, us-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, verwerfen, vertreiben, auswählen; ne. eliminate, reject (V.), disapprove, declare useless, test (V.)

disarranged: got. ungatass* 1, un-ga-ta-s-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeordnet, zügellos; ne. disordered, disorderly, disarranged, idle, undisciplined; ungatēwiþs* 1, un-ga-tēw-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ungeordnet, unordentlich; ne. disarranged, disarrayed, disordered, disorganized

disarray -- in disarray: got. ungatassaba 2, un-ga-ta-s-s-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. unordentlich, ungeregelt; ne. unruly, irregularly, in disarray, in idleness

disarrayed: got. ungatēwiþs* 1, un-ga-tēw-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ungeordnet, unordentlich; ne. disarranged, disarrayed, disordered, disorganized

disavow: got. afaikan 13, af-ai-k-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. leugnen, fluchen, verleugnen; ne. deny, abjure, disavow, forswear, renounce (V.)

disbelief: got. ungalaubeins* 12, un-ga-laub-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Unglaube, Ungehorsam; ne. disbelief, faithlessness

discard: got. frawaírpan* 2, fra-waír-p-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verwerfen, zerstreuen, wegwerfen; ne. throw away, discard, jettison, cast off, scatter (V.)

discern -- discern (V.): got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide; dōmjan 10, dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, beurteilen, unterscheiden, rechtfertigen, rechnen, meinen; ne. judge (V.), justify, discern (V.), distinguish, evaluate, distinguish as, deem (V.)

discernment: got. dōms* 2, dō-m-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Urteil“, Ruhm; ne. discernment, insight, distinction, esteem, prestige, notability

discharge -- engage in discharge: got. waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

disciple: got. sipōneis 131, sipōn-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Schüler, Jünger; ne. disciple, follower, student

-- be a disciple: got. sipōnjan* 1, sipōn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. Schüler sein (V.), Jünger sein (V.); ne. be a disciple, be a student

discipline: got. *stiuri, *stiu-r-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control, discipline

-- discipline (N.): got. *stiur (2), *stiu-r,  st. N.: nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), stake (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control,discipline (N.); talzeins* 1, talz-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lehre, Unterweisung; ne. upbringing, training, instruction, correction, discipline (N.); usþrōþeins 1, us-þrō-þ-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Übung, Stählung; ne. exercise (N.), training, gymnastics, discipline (N.)

-- discipline (V.): got. gatalzjan* 1, ga-talz-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. belehren, erziehen; ne. discipline (V.), correct (V.), teach; talzjan* 7, talz-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lehren, ziehen, unterrichten; ne. educate, instruct, train (V.), discipline (V.), correct (V.), admonish, chastise

-- military discipline: got. draúhtiwitōþ* 1, draú-h-t-i-wit-ōþ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsrecht, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), military discipline, military service, warfare, war

disciplined: got. *tals?, *tal-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. fügsam, gehorsam; ne. educated, trained, disciplined

disclaim: got. laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

disclose: got. baírhtjan* 1, baír-h-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. offenbaren; ne. exhibit clearly, manifest (V.), show (V.), disclose; gabaírhtjan 14=13, ga-baír-h-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. offenbaren, Gestalt gewinnen, erscheinen; ne. bring to light, show clearly, make appear, disclose

disclosure -- incriminating disclosure: got. usqiss* 1, us-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschuldigung, Anklage, Nachrede; ne. exposing announcement, incriminating disclosure, public crimination, accusation

discomfited -- be discomfited by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

disconnected: got. uswiss* 1, us-wi-s-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. losgebunden; ne. detached, disconnected, loosened

disconnectedness: got. uswissi* 1, us-wi-s-s-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Leichtfertigkeit, Eitelkeit; ne. rootlessness, disconnectedness, detachedness

disconnection: got. diswiss* 1, dis-wi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung, Abmarsch, Scheiden; ne. disjunction, disconnection, separation, dissolution

discontent: got. unwunands 1, un-wun-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. beängstigt, bekümmert; ne. discontent, unhappy, upset (Adj.)

discontinued -- have been discontinued: got. inwisan (?)* 1, in-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. bevorstehen (?), da sein (V.) (?); ne. have been discontinued, be elapsed, be no longer

discord: got. twisstass* 2=1, twi-s-sta-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwistigkeit, Zwiespalt; ne. factionalism, sectarian divisiveness, discord

-- discord (N.): got. hairaíseis 1, hairaísei-s,  F. Pl. (i): nhd. Parteien, Ketzerei?; ne. dissension, factions, divisions, factionalism, discord (N.), heresies; missaquiss 3, mis-s-a-qui-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwiespalt, Missrede, Streit; ne. discord (N.), discordance, difference of opinion, dissidence, dissension, schism, division of opinion

discordance: got. missaquiss 3, mis-s-a-qui-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwiespalt, Missrede, Streit; ne. discord (N.), discordance, difference of opinion, dissidence, dissension, schism, division of opinion

discourse -- discourse (1) (N.): got. maþlei* 1, maþ-l-ei*, maþleins*,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Rede, Redeweise; ne. public speech, discourse (1) (N.), dialect

discourse -- discourse publicly: got. maþljan* 2, maþ-l-jan*, krimgot.?, sw. V. (1): nhd. reden; ne. speak publicly, speak at an assembly, discourse publicly, talk (V.); lat. dicere

discover: got. bigitan 66, bi-git-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. finden, antreffen, auffinden; ne. find (V.), discover; finþan* 5, fi-n-þ-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. find out, discover, recognize, learn, obtain knowledge of

discreet: got. *faurs?, *faur-s?,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. ehrbar, bescheiden (Adj.); ne. restrained, discreet

discretion: got. *fraþjei?, *fraþ-j-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Klugheit, Verstand, Verständigkeit, Besonnenheit; ne. rationality, reasonableness, discretion; gafraþjei* 1, ga-fraþ-j-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Klugheit, Besonnenheit, Verständigkeit; ne. rationality, reasonableness, discretion, intelligence

discuss: got. andrinnan* 2, and-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. „entgegenrennen“, streiten; ne. dispute (V.), debate (V.), contradict, oppose, discuss

disdain -- disdain (V.): got. frakunnan 16, fra-kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. verachten; ne. refuse to recognize, spurn (V.), disdain (V.), scorn (V.), despise

disdained: got. *frakunþs?, *fra-kun-þ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verachtet; ne. spurned, disdained, despised

disease: got. saúhts* 11, saúh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Krankheit, Sucht; ne. sickness, ailment, disease, illness

disfigured: got. gamaiþs* 3, ga-mai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verkrüppelt, verwundet; ne. crippled, oppressed, mutilated, deformed, misshapen, disfigured

disgrace: got. aiwiski* 2, aiw-isk-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schande, Schmach; ne. shame (N.), disgrace

-- disgrace (N.): got. idweit* 2, id-wei-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schmach, Schimpf; ne. ignominy, reproach (N.), disgrace (N.); skanda* 1, s-kan-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schande; ne. shamefulness, shame (N.), disgrace (N.); unswēriþa* 1, un-s-wēr-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Unehre; ne. dishonouredness, dishonour (N.), disgrace (N.)

-- disgrace (V.): got. gaaiwiskōn* 11=10, ga-aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. beschämen, beschimpfen; ne. disgrace (V.), dishonour (V.), abuse (V.), make ashamed, put to shame

disgraceful: got. agls* 1, ag-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. schimpflich; ne. disgraceful, shameful; *aiwisks?, *aiw-isk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. schändlich; ne. disgraceful, shameful

disgracefully -- behave disgracefully: got. aiwiskōn* 1, aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schändlich handeln; ne. behave disgracefully, treat shamefully

dishonour: got. wajamērei* 1, waj-a-mē-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. schlechter Ruf, übler Ruf; ne. bad reputation, bad repute, dishonour

-- dishonour (N.): got. unswērei* 1, un-s-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unehre; ne. dishonour (N.), infamy, disrepute (N.); unswēriþa* 1, un-s-wēr-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Unehre; ne. dishonouredness, dishonour (N.), disgrace (N.)

-- dishonour (V.): got. gaaiwiskōn* 11=10, ga-aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. beschämen, beschimpfen; ne. disgrace (V.), dishonour (V.), abuse (V.), make ashamed, put to shame; unswēran* 2, un-s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. verunehren, beschimpfen; ne. dishonour (V.), treat with dishonour

-- treat with dishonour: got. unswēran* 2, un-s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. verunehren, beschimpfen; ne. dishonour (V.), treat with dishonour

dishonoured: got. unswērs 3, un-s-wēr-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. nicht geachtet, verachtet; ne. unhonoured, dishonoured, ignoble, undignified, despised

dishonouredness: got. unswēriþa* 1, un-s-wēr-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Unehre; ne. dishonouredness, dishonour (N.), disgrace (N.)

disintegrate: got. *miltan, *mil-t-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schmelzen, sich auflösen; ne. melt away, dissolve, disintegrate

-- disintegrate (V.): got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

-- make disintegrate: got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate

disintegration: got. riurei 3, riur-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Vernichtung, Vergänglichkeit; ne. ruination, ruin (N.), corruption, disintegration, perdition, destruction

disjunction: got. diswiss* 1, dis-wi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung, Abmarsch, Scheiden; ne. disjunction, disconnection, separation, dissolution

dismantle: got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate; *taíran?, *taír-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. zerstören, zerreißen (tr.), auflösen; ne. tear down, dismantle, demolish, ruin (V.)

dismantled -- become dismantled: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

dismantled -- be dismantled: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

dismiss: got. afsatjan 3, af-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. absetzen, entlassen; ne. dismiss, remove (V.), put away, set aside, set off, divorce (V.); insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss

-- dismiss from the mind: got. *ufarmaudjan, *uf-ar-maud-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergessen; ne. forget, dismiss from the mind

disobedience: got. ufarhauseins* 1, uf-ar-hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Überhören, Ungehorsam; ne. disobedience, insubordination

disobedient: got. ungalaubjands 22, un-ga-laub-jan-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. ungläubig, ungehorsam; ne. unbelieving, uncompliant, disobedient

disobey: got. *ufarhausjan?, *uf-ar-hau-s-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überhören; ne. disobey

disorder -- disorder (N.): got. drōbna* 1, drō-b-n-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Aufruhr, Aufstand; ne. disturbance, disorder (N.), trouble (N.)

disordered: got. ungatass* 1, un-ga-ta-s-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeordnet, zügellos; ne. disordered, disorderly, disarranged, idle, undisciplined; ungatēwiþs* 1, un-ga-tēw-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ungeordnet, unordentlich; ne. disarranged, disarrayed, disordered, disorganized

-- become disordered: got. gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered; indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

disorderly: got. ungatass* 1, un-ga-ta-s-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeordnet, zügellos; ne. disordered, disorderly, disarranged, idle, undisciplined

disorganized: got. ungatēwiþs* 1, un-ga-tēw-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ungeordnet, unordentlich; ne. disarranged, disarrayed, disordered, disorganized

disown: got. inwidan* 7, in-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleugnen, für ungültig erklären; ne. reject the connection with, deny the relatedness of, repudiate, disown, desert (3)

dispatch -- dispatch together with: got. gamiþsandjan* 2=1, ga-miþ-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitsenden; ne. send thither along, dispatch together with; miþinsandjan* 1, mi-þ-in-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitentsenden; ne. send thither along with, dispatch together with

dispatch -- dispatch (V.): got. insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss

dispensation: got. fralēt* 6=5, fra-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Entlassung; ne. setting at liberty, release (N.), relinquishment, dispensation, forgiveness

dispense -- dispense as food: got. fraatjan* 1, fra-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. zum Essen austeilen; ne. give away to be eaten, dispense as food

dispense -- dispense in portions: got. fradailjan* 1, fra-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen unter; ne. distribute, lot out, dispense in portions

disperse: got. distahjan* 5, dis-tah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zerstreuen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. shred, tear to pieces, scatter, disperse

dispersion: got. distaheins* 1, dis-tah-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zerstreuung; ne. dispersion, scattering, diaspora

display -- display (N.): got. taikn 1, tai-k-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anzeichen; ne. token (N.), evidence, display (N.), something exhibited

display -- display publicly: got. faúramēljan* 1, faúr-a-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorzeichnen, vormalen, vor Augen malen; ne. depict in front of, delineate before, display publicly

display -- display (V.): got. taiknjan* 4, tai-k-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem etwas zeigen; ne. show (V.), exhibit, display (V.), manifest (V.)

displaying -- displaying o.s. in words: got. waúrdahs* 1, waúr-d-ah-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vernünftig, sich in Worten zeigend; ne. logical, rational, displaying o.s. in words

disposal -- have at one’s disposal: got. haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

disposal -- obtain disposal of: got. niutan 2, niut-an,  st. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. treffen, erreichen, einer Sache froh sein (V.); ne. acquire use of, obtain disposal of, attain, enjoy

disposal -- put at the disposal of: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

disposed -- be disposed: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

disposition: got. fraþi 14, fraþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verstand, Sinn, Gesinnung; ne. understanding (N.), perception, viewpoint, attitude, disposition, mindedness

-- faculty of disposition: got. hugs* (1) 1, hug-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Verstand, Sinn; ne. understanding, faculty of perception, faculty of disposition, mind (N.)

-- of gentle disposition: got. *mūkamōþs, *mūk-a-mō-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. sanftmütig; ne. meek-mooded, of gentle disposition

disputable: got. *andsōks?, *and-sōk-s?,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. widerleglich, bestreitbar; ne. controvertible, disputable; ? *sōks?, *sōk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. streitig?; ne. disputable?

disputably: got. *sahtaba?, *sah-t-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. bestreitbar; ne. disputably, controvertibly

disputation: got. sakjō* 1, sak-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Streit; ne. dispute (N.), disputation, argument (N.), quarrel (N.)

-- engage in disputation: got. sakan 5, sak-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. streiten, schelten, Vorwürfe machen; ne. dispute (V.), engage in disputation, rebuke (V.), reprimand (V.), quarrel (V.)

disputatious: got. sakuls 1, sak-ul-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. streitsüchtig; ne. disputatious, quarrelsome

-- disputatious inquisitor: got. sōkāreis 1, sōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Forscher, Sucher; ne. disputatious inquisitor, querier, investigator

dispute -- dispute about words: got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

dispute -- dispute (N.): got. sakjō* 1, sak-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Streit; ne. dispute (N.), disputation, argument (N.), quarrel (N.)

dispute -- dispute (V.): got. andrinnan* 2, and-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. „entgegenrennen“, streiten; ne. dispute (V.), debate (V.), contradict, oppose, discuss; andsakan* 1, and-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. widersprechen, bekämpfen, bestreiten; ne. controvert, gainsay, dispute (V.), speak against; sakan 5, sak-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. streiten, schelten, Vorwürfe machen; ne. dispute (V.), engage in disputation, rebuke (V.), reprimand (V.), quarrel (V.); weihan (1) 2, weih-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. kämpfen; ne. battle (V.), combat (V.), engage in combat, dispute (V.)

disputed: got. *andsakans?, *and-sak-an-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bestritten; ne. disputed

-- disputed (Adj.): got. *sahts (2), *sah-t-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bestritten; ne. disputed (Adj.)

disrepute -- disrepute (N.): got. unswērei* 1, un-s-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unehre; ne. dishonour (N.), infamy, disrepute (N.)

dissension: got. hairaíseis 1, hairaísei-s,  F. Pl. (i): nhd. Parteien, Ketzerei?; ne. dissension, factions, divisions, factionalism, discord (N.), heresies; missaquiss 3, mis-s-a-qui-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwiespalt, Missrede, Streit; ne. discord (N.), discordance, difference of opinion, dissidence, dissension, schism, division of opinion

dissidence: got. missaquiss 3, mis-s-a-qui-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwiespalt, Missrede, Streit; ne. discord (N.), discordance, difference of opinion, dissidence, dissension, schism, division of opinion

dissimulation: got. lita* 1, lit-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verstellung, Heuchelei; ne. hypocrisy, feigning (N.), fakery, simulation, dissimulation, insincerity

dissipate -- dissipate to the winds: got. diswinþjan* 1, dis-winþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „auseinanderwerfen“, zermalmen, worfeln, zerstreuen; ne. crush (V.), scatter completely away by winnowing, dissipate to the winds

dissipation: got. aglaiti* 2, ag-l-ait-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unzucht, Unschicklichkeit, Unkeuschheit; ne. debauchery, licentiousness, dissipation

dissociate -- dissociate o.s.: got. afstandan* 7, af-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. abstehen, ablassen, abfallen; ne. dissociate o.s., go away, stay away, fall off; gaskaidan sik* 1, ga-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich zurückziehen, sich trennen; ne. separate o.s., dissociate o.s., divorce o.s., withdraw

dissociation: got. afstass 2, af-sta-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Abfall, Scheidung; ne. dissociation, separation, divorce (N.)

-- letter of dissociation: got. afsateinais bokos, got.: nhd. Scheidebrief; ne. letter of dissociation; afstassais bokos, got.: nhd. Scheidebrief; ne. letter of dissociation; afstassais bōkos, got.: nhd. Scheidebrief; ne. letter of dissociation

dissolutely: got. usstiuriba 1, us-stiu-r-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. zügellos; ne. unbridledly, uncontrolledly, profligately, dissolutely, out of control

dissoluteness: got. usstiurei 2, us-stiu-r-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zügellosigkeit, Liederlichkeit; ne. libertinage, licentiousness, unbridledness, dissoluteness

dissolution: got. diswiss* 1, dis-wi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung, Abmarsch, Scheiden; ne. disjunction, disconnection, separation, dissolution; gamalteins* 1, ga-mal-t-eins*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung; ne. melting away, winding up, dissolution, liquidation; ? *malteins?, *mal-t-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung?; ne. melting away, dissolution?

dissolve: got. ? *maltjan?, *mal-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflösen?; ne. dissolve?, liquidate; *miltan, *mil-t-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schmelzen, sich auflösen; ne. melt away, dissolve, disintegrate

-- make dissolve: got. *gamaltjan?, *ga-mal-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflösen, schmelzen; ne. make melt away, liquidify, make dissolve, liquidate

distaff: got. *rukka, *ruk-k-a, *rokka,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Rocken, Spinnrocken; ne. distaff

distance -- at a great distance: got. faírra 20, faír-ra,  Adv.: nhd. fern, fern von, weg von; ne. afar, far off, remote, at a great distance

distance -- from a great distance: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

distance -- traverse distance: got. faran* 1, far-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. wandern, ziehen, fahren, gehen; ne. pass over, wander, travel (V.), traverse distance

distant -- most distant: got. hindumists* 1, hi-n-d-um-ist-s*,  Adj. (Superl.): nhd. hinterste, letzte, äußerste; ne. outermost, remotest, farthest, most distant

distinction: got. dōms* 2, dō-m-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Urteil“, Ruhm; ne. discernment, insight, distinction, esteem, prestige, notability; gaskaideins 1, ga-skai-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Unterschied, Trennung, Scheidung; ne. difference, separateness, distinction

distinctions -- Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions: got. miþwissei 11, mi-þ-wi-s-s-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Mitwissen“, Bewusstsein, Gewissen; ne. conscience, moral consciousness, Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions

distinguish: got. dōmjan 10, dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, beurteilen, unterscheiden, rechtfertigen, rechnen, meinen; ne. judge (V.), justify, discern (V.), distinguish, evaluate, distinguish as, deem (V.); gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

-- distinguish as: got. dōmjan 10, dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, beurteilen, unterscheiden, rechtfertigen, rechnen, meinen; ne. judge (V.), justify, discern (V.), distinguish, evaluate, distinguish as, deem (V.)

distort: got. inwandjan 1, in-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „hineinwenden“, verdrehen, verkehren; ne. twist into something else, pervert, subvert, distort

distorted: got. unaírkns* 3, un-aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unheilig, gottlos; ne. impure, ungenuine, distorted, adulterated, corrupted, unholy

distress: got. arbaiþs 14, arbai-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Arbeit, Drangsal, Hemmung, Bedrängnis; ne. labour (N.), work (N.), toil (N.), distress, arduousness, troublesomeness, hardship

-- distress (N.): got. aggwiþa 5, agg-w-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Enge“, Bedrängnis; ne. affliction, trouble (N.), plight, anxiety, distress (N.); þreihsl* 2=1, þrei-h-sl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Drangsal, Bedrängnis; ne. constriction, pressured condition, distress (N.), difficulty

-- distress (V.): got. gaþreihan* 1, ga-þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bedrängen; ne. put pressure on, constrict, oppress, distress (V.), trouble (V.)

distribute: got. dailjan 3, da-i-l-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. teilen, einem zuteilen, mitteilen; ne. share (V.), divide, impart, deal out, distribute; disdailjan* 3, dis-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. distribute, divide up, partition, parcel out, apportion; fradailjan* 1, fra-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen unter; ne. distribute, lot out, dispense in portions

-- distribute to: got. gadailjan* 8, ga-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zuteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. divide, partition (V.), allot, apportion, distribute to

district: got. gaujans, Pl.: nhd. Gegend, Umgegend; ne. district, region

-- district bordering a sea: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

-- district (N.): got. gawi* 6, gaw-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gau, Land, Bezirk, Umgegend, Gegend; ne. region, district (N.), country, land (N.), province, environment

disturb: got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.); drōbjan* 4, drō-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trüben, irre machen, aufwiegeln, bewegen, erschüttern, aufregen; ne. stir up, excite, agitate, disturb, unsettle, trouble (V.)

disturbance: got. drōbna* 1, drō-b-n-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Aufruhr, Aufstand; ne. disturbance, disorder (N.), trouble (N.)

disturbed -- become disturbed: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

disturbed -- be disturbed: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

disturbed -- start to become disturbed: got. indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

ditch -- ditch (N.): got. dals* 3, dal-s*, dal (?),  st. M. (a): nhd. Grube, Schlucht, Tal; ne. ravine, pit (N.), ditch (N.), trench (N.), dale, valley; graba* 1, grab-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Graben (M.); ne. trench (N.), ditch (N.), fosse (N.), rampart

diurnal: got. *-dōgs?, *-dōg-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. -tägig; ne. diurnal

diverse -- diverse (Adj.): got. missa-, mis-s-a-,  Präf.: nhd. miss-, verschieden; ne. mis-, diverse (Adj.); missaleiks 7, mis-s-a-leik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. verschieden, mannigfaltig; ne. diverse (Adj.), miscellaneous, varied, different, various

diversion: got. uswandi* 1, us-wa-nd-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Abwendung, Irreleiten, Irreführung; ne. diversion, digression, aberrance, cunning (N.)

diversity: got. anþarleikei* 2, an-þar-leik-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verschiedenheit; ne. otherness, different structure, different essence, diversity, difference

diverted -- become diverted: got. uswandjan* 3, us-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wegwenden, sich entziehen, verfallen (V.), abweichen (V.) (2); ne. turn away, become diverted, withdraw, deviate

divest: got. andhamōn* (sik) 1, and-ham-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. entkleiden, ausziehen; ne. divest, undress; andwasjan* 1, and-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entkleiden; ne. unclothe, undress, divest; uslausjan* 5, us-lau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entledigen, entäußern, entleeren, berauben, erlösen, befreien, entwurzeln; ne. make empty, divest, make void, liberate, free (V.), save

-- divest of: got. lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.)

divide: got. afskaidan 6, af-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. „abscheiden“, absondern, abtrennen, trennen; ne. separate off, sever, sunder (V.), divide; dailjan 3, da-i-l-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. teilen, einem zuteilen, mitteilen; ne. share (V.), divide, impart, deal out, distribute; gadailjan* 8, ga-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zuteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. divide, partition (V.), allot, apportion, distribute to; skaidan 5, skai-d-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. scheiden, trennen; ne. divide, part (V.), separate (V.), depart (V.)

-- divide up: got. disdailjan* 3, dis-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. distribute, divide up, partition, parcel out, apportion; disskaidan* 1, dis-skai-d-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zerteilen; ne. cause division in, sunder (V.), split up, divide up

divided -- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

dividing -- dividing wall: got. faþa* 4, faþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zaun, Scheidewand; ne. hedge (N.), fence (N.), out-of-doors wall, dividing wall; midgardiwaddjus* 2, mid-gard-i-wa-dd-j-u-s*, miþgardawaddjus*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Zwischenwand; ne. partition, dividing wall

divine: got. gudisks* 4=3, gu-d-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. göttlich; ne. godly, divine

-- divine aspect: got. gudaskaunei* 1, gu-d-a-skaun-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottesgestalt; ne. the form of God, divine aspect, godly form

-- divine auspices: got. *awi (2), *aw-i, auja?,  st. N. (ja), st. F.: nhd. Glück, göttlicher Schutz; ne. fortune, divine auspices

division -- cause division in: got. disskaidan* 1, dis-skai-d-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zerteilen; ne. cause division in, sunder (V.), split up, divide up

division -- division of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþia, *þiu-faþ-ia, *þiufadia, lat.- st. F. (jō): nhd. Tausendschaft?; ne. division of a thousand men?

division -- division of opinion: got. missaquiss 3, mis-s-a-qui-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwiespalt, Missrede, Streit; ne. discord (N.), discordance, difference of opinion, dissidence, dissension, schism, division of opinion

divisions: got. hairaíseis 1, hairaísei-s,  F. Pl. (i): nhd. Parteien, Ketzerei?; ne. dissension, factions, divisions, factionalism, discord (N.), heresies

divisiveness -- sectarian divisiveness: got. twisstass* 2=1, twi-s-sta-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwistigkeit, Zwiespalt; ne. factionalism, sectarian divisiveness, discord

divorce -- divorce (N.): got. afsateins* 1, af-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Absetzung, Entlassung, Verabschiedung, Scheidung; ne. setting aside (N.), divorce (N.); afstass 2, af-sta-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Abfall, Scheidung; ne. dissociation, separation, divorce (N.)

divorce -- divorce o.s.: got. gaskaidan sik* 1, ga-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich zurückziehen, sich trennen; ne. separate o.s., dissociate o.s., divorce o.s., withdraw

divorce -- divorce (V.): got. afsatjan 3, af-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. absetzen, entlassen; ne. dismiss, remove (V.), put away, set aside, set off, divorce (V.)

divorced -- get divorced: got. gaskaidnan* 1, ga-skai-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced; *skaidnan?, *skai-d-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced

divulge: got. usqiþan 1, us-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. ein Gerede verbreiten; ne. divulge, make public, spread the news

do: got. gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish; taujan 211=209, tau-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tun, machen, wirken; ne. do, act (V.), engage in, execute, perform, make (V.), form (V.), construct (V.), produce (1)

-- do a missdeed: got. missataujan* 1, mis-s-a-tau-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. missetun; ne. do a missdeed, transgress (V.)

-- do beforehand: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

-- do evil: got. skaþjan* 1, skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. schaden; ne. do wrong, wrong (V.), do evil, harm (V.), injure (V.)

-- do good: got. waila taujan, got.: nhd. wohltun; ne. do good

-- do good to: got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

-- do military service in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

-- do much the: got. þē 1,  Adv.: nhd. desto, um so; ne. by that much the, do much the, any the

-- do not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

-- do service: got. skalkinōn 25, s-kal-k-i-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. dienen; ne. serve, do service, be in servitude, be a slave

-- do (V.): got. waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

-- do violence to: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

-- do wrong: got. skaþjan* 1, skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. schaden; ne. do wrong, wrong (V.), do evil, harm (V.), injure (V.)

-- do wrong to: got. gaskaþjan* 5, ga-skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaden, Schaden zufügen, Unrecht tun; ne. treat unjustly, do wrong to, harm (V.), injure, damage (V.)

doctrine: got. laiseins 34, lais-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lehre; ne. teaching (N.), act of instruction, doctrine; *laisō, *lais-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lehre; ne. teaching (N.), doctrine

document -- sale document: got. frabaúhtabōka* 1, fra-baúh-t-a-bōk-a*,  st. F. (ō)?, st. N. (ō)?, Pl.: nhd. Verkaufsurkunde; ne. written deed of sale, sale document, sale deed, sales receipt

-doer: got. *-tōjis?, *-tō-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja), subst. M.: nhd. getan habend, tuend, Tuer; ne. -doer, -worker

„doer“: got. *dēdja?, *dē-d-ja?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Täter; ne. „doer“, culprit

doff: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

dog: got. hunds* 4, hun-d-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Hund; ne. dog

doing -- achieve doing: got. gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish

doing -- doing (N.): got. *waúrhts (2), *waúrh-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. doing (N.), deed

domain -- royal domain: got. þiudangardi 65, þiu-d-an-gard-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Königsschloss, Königreich, Palast; ne. royal domain, realm, kingdom, royal palace, king’s court

domain -- terrestrial domain of life: got. faírƕus 57=56, faír-ƕu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Welt; ne. world, terrestrial domain of life

domesticated: got. *tams, *tam-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zahm; ne. tame (Adj.), domesticated, housebroken

domicile: got. *arþ?, *ar-þ?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Wohnsitz, Aufenthalt; ne. residence, domicile; *sēti?, *sēt-i?,  st. N. (i): nhd. Sitz; ne. residence, domicile

domiciled -- domiciled within: got. ingardja* (2) 2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. im Haus befindlich; ne. in the house, domiciled within, resident (Adj.)

dominate: got. gafraujinōn* 1, ga-frau-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, herrschen; ne. dominate, rule (V.), lord it over, subordinate (V.)

domination: got. fraujinassus* 2, frau-ji-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herrschaft; ne. dominion, domination, mastery

-- wield domination over: got. gawaldan* 1, ga-wald-an*,  red. V. (3), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. sich der Herrschaft bemächtigen, vergewaltigen; ne. wield domination over, exercise command over, exercise authority over

dominion: got. fraujinassus* 2, frau-ji-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herrschaft; ne. dominion, domination, mastery; waldufni 55, wald-ufn-i,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Gewalt, Macht; ne. power (N.), authority, dominion, control (N.), potency

-- have dominion over: got. waldan 2, wald-an,  red. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. walten, haushalten, dem Hauswesen vorstehen; ne. control (V.), govern, rule (V.), have dominion over, wield power over, suffice

don: got. anahamōn 1, an-a-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung anlegen, anziehen; ne. put on as clothing, don, get dressed

-- don (V.): got. gahamōn 10, ga-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich bekleiden, sich anziehen; ne. dress in, get dressed, put on, clothe o.s. with, don (V.); gawasjan* 15, ga-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekleiden, kleiden, sich bekleiden, sich kleiden; ne. clothe (V.), make clad, dress o.s., clothe o.s., don (V.), put on

donation: got. aíwlaúgia* 1, aíw-laúg-i-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Segen, Spende; ne. blessing (N.), benefaction, charitable contribution, gift (N.), donation; waílaqiss* 1, waíl-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Segen; ne. benediction, blessing (N.), benefaction, donation, bounty

done -- done (Adj.): got. *waúrhts (1), *waúrh-t-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. getan; ne. done (Adj.)

donkey: got. asilus* 3, asilu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Esel, Eselin; ne. donkey

donkey-mill: got. asiluqaírnus 1, asilu-qaír-nu-s,  st. F.? (u): nhd. Eselsmühle, Mühlstein; ne. donkey-quern, donkey-mill, millstone

donkey-quern: got. asiluqaírnus 1, asilu-qaír-nu-s,  st. F.? (u): nhd. Eselsmühle, Mühlstein; ne. donkey-quern, donkey-mill, millstone

donor: got. gibands* 1, gib-an-d-s*,  M. (nd): nhd. Geber; ne. giver, donor

doom -- doom (N.): got. qisteins* 1, qis-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verderben; ne. destruction, doom (N.)

door: got. *daúri?, *daúr-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Tor (N.); ne. door, gate; haúrds 5, haúr-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Tür, geflochtene Tür; ne. door, lattice door

-- door of one piece not double: got. daúr 15, thurn,  thurn, krim st. N. (a): nhd. einflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. door of one piece not double, gate, gateway; lat. porta

-- double door: got. daúrō* 4, daúr-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. zweiflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. double door, double gate, gates

-- lattice door: got. haúrds 5, haúr-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Tür, geflochtene Tür; ne. door, lattice door

-- space before the door: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

door-front -- door-front area: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

doorkeeper: got. daúrawards 3, daúr-a-ward-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Torwart“, Türhüter; ne. doorkeeper, gatekeeper, porter

-- female doorkeeper: got. daúrawarda* 1, daúr-a-war-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Türhüterin, Pförtnerin; ne. female doorkeeper, portress; daúrawardō 1, daúr-a-war-d-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Türhüterin, Pförtnerin; ne. female doorkeeper, portress

double -- door of one piece not double: got. daúr 15, thurn,  thurn, krim st. N. (a): nhd. einflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. door of one piece not double, gate, gateway; lat. porta

double -- double door: got. daúrō* 4, daúr-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. zweiflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. double door, double gate, gates

double -- double gate: got. daúrō* 4, daúr-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. zweiflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. double door, double gate, gates

doubt -- cause doubt: got. tweifljan 1, twei-fl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zweifeln, in Zweifel versetzen; ne. cause doubt

doubt -- causing to doubt: got. tweifleins* 2, twei-fl-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zweifeln, Bezweiflung; ne. doubt (N.), causing to doubt

doubt -- doubt (N.): got. tweifleins* 2, twei-fl-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zweifeln, Bezweiflung; ne. doubt (N.), causing to doubt; tweifls* (1) 1, twei-fl-s*, tweifl*?,  st. M. (a), st. N. (a)?: nhd. Zweifel; ne. doubt (N.), dubiety

doubt -- doubt (V.): got. tuzwērjan* 1, tuz-wēr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zweifeln; ne. have difficulty agreeing to, doubt (V.)

doubt -- no doubt: got. aúftō 21=20, aúft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. allerdings, wohl, vielleicht, etwa; ne. in all probability, indeed, perhaps, certainly, be sure, no doubt

doubtful: got. *tweifls (2), *twei-fl-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zweifelhaft; ne. doubtful, dubious

dough: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

-- batch of dough: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

-- lump of dough: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

dove: got. ahaks 4, ah-ak-s,  st. F. (i)?: nhd. zahme weiße Taube (= Opfertaube), Taube; ne. dove, tame white dove, pigeon (for sacrifice); *dūbō?, *dū-b-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Taube; ne. pigeon, dove

-- tame white dove: got. ahaks 4, ah-ak-s,  st. F. (i)?: nhd. zahme weiße Taube (= Opfertaube), Taube; ne. dove, tame white dove, pigeon (for sacrifice)

-- wild dark dove: got. hraiwadūbō* 1, hrai-w-a-dūb-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Leichentaube“, Turteltaube; ne. turtle-dove, wild dark dove, sacrificial animal of poor people

down -- bear down on: got. disdriusan* 1, dis-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. befallen; ne. fall upon, descend upon, bear down on, beset, attack (V.)

down -- become torn down: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

down -- be lying down: got. ligan* 14, lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. liegen, darniederliegen; ne. lie (2) (V.), be lying down

down -- bend down to: got. anahneiwan* 2, an-a-hnei-w-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich niederbeugen, sich neigen, sich bücken; ne. bend down to, stoop down to, bow (V.) (1)

down -- be torn down: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

down -- bring down: got. gadrausjan* 3, ga-drau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen, niederwerfen, herabwerfen; ne. cast down, overthrow (V.), fell (V.), bring down, plunge down

down -- cast down: got. gadrausjan* 3, ga-drau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen, niederwerfen, herabwerfen; ne. cast down, overthrow (V.), fell (V.), bring down, plunge down; gawaírpan 3, ga-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinwerfen, niederwerfen, werfen, hinundherreißen; ne. throw (V.), cast down, fling (V.), dash (V.), toss (V.)

down -- cause to go down: got. gahnaiwjan* 4, ga-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, make humble, lower (V.), abase; hnaiwjan* 3, hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niedrig machen, erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, lower (V.), humble (V.), abase (V.)

down -- climb down: got. atsteigan* 16, at-steig-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinabsteigen; ne. climb down, descend

down -- come down to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to

down -- dig down into: got. ufgraban* 2, uf-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. nachgraben, unterwühlen, aufgraben; ne. dig down into, dig up

down -- down (Adv.): got. dalaþ 16, dal-aþ,  Adv.: nhd. zu Tal, abwärts, nieder, herab, hinunter, hinab; ne. downward, onto the ground, down (Adv.)

down -- down below: got. dalaþa 1, dal-aþ-a,  Adv.: nhd. unten; ne. below, beneath, down below

down -- down to: got. und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

down -- fall down: got. driusan* 19, driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. fallen, herabfallen; ne. fall (V.), fall down; gadriusan 24, ga-driu-s-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. hinfallen, aufhören, fallen; ne. fall (V.), fall down, plunge (V.)

down -- fall down at: got. atdriusan* 7, at-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. fallen in, zufallen, fallen; ne. fall towards, fall into, fall down at

down -- go down: got. gasiggqan* 2, ga-siggq-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. versinken, untergehen; ne. sink down, fall (V.), be submerged, become submerged, go down

down -- go down to cessation: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

down -- going down: got. saggqs* 1, saggq-s*, sagq*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Untergang, Westen; ne. sinking (N.), going down, sinking of the sun, occident, west (N.), setting (N.)

down -- lade down: got. afhlaþan* 1, af-hla-þ-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. beladen; ne. burden (V.), load down, lade down

down -- lay down: got. aflagjan 5, af-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas ablegen; ne. put off, lay off away, lay down, lay aside; *bilagjan?, *bi-lag-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auferlegen; ne. lay down, impose; galagjan* 28, ga-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinlegen, legen, werfen, auflegen, aufsetzen, liegen (= Pass.); ne. lay (V.), lay down, deposit (V.), put down; lagjan 29, lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. legen, auflegen, hinlegen, setzen, stellen; ne. lay (V.), lay down, set (V.), set down, put (V.), put down, deposit (V.)

down -- lay down upon: got. anahnaiwjan* 1, an-a-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. niederlegen; ne. lower onto, lay down upon

down -- let down: got. athāhan* 2, at-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hinabhängen, hinablassen, hinunterlassen, niederlassen; ne. lower while suspending, let down, let hang down, set down; fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive; insailjan* 1, in-sai-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anseilen, herablassen; ne. affix ropes to, tie ropes onto, let down

down -- let hang down: got. athāhan* 2, at-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hinabhängen, hinablassen, hinunterlassen, niederlassen; ne. lower while suspending, let down, let hang down, set down

down -- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal: got. anakumbjan 25, an-a-kumb-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich niederlegen, zu Tisch legen, lagern; ne. recline at table, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal

down -- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

down -- lift down off: got. athafjan 1, at-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. „herabheben“, herabnehmen; ne. lift down off, bring up off, take down

down -- load down: got. afhlaþan* 1, af-hla-þ-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. beladen; ne. burden (V.), load down, lade down

down -- lowest down: got. *undarleis?, *undar-lei-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. niedrig, gering; ne. lowest down, lowliest

down -- lying down (N.): got. kubitus* 1, kubitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Liegen am Tisch, Tischgesellschaft, Gruppe, Tischgenossenschaft; ne. reclining to eat, group reclining and eating together, lying down (N.)

down -- make run down over: got. *ufarrannjan 3, *uf-ar-ra-n-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „überrennen“, besprengen; ne. make run down over

down -- make sink down: got. ufsaggqjan* 2=1, uf-saggq-jan*, ufsagqjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versenken; ne. make sink down, cause to submerge, engulf

down -- make sit down together: got. miþgasatjan* 2=1, mi-þ-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mithinsetzen, sich zusammensetzen; ne. seat together with, make sit down together

down -- one lowest down: got. undarleija* 1, undar-lei-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Allergeringster, Geringster; ne. lowliest person, one lowest down, least (M.)

down -- plunge down: got. gadrausjan* 3, ga-drau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen, niederwerfen, herabwerfen; ne. cast down, overthrow (V.), fell (V.), bring down, plunge down

down -- pull down: got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate

down -- put down: got. galagjan* 28, ga-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinlegen, legen, werfen, auflegen, aufsetzen, liegen (= Pass.); ne. lay (V.), lay down, deposit (V.), put down; lagjan 29, lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. legen, auflegen, hinlegen, setzen, stellen; ne. lay (V.), lay down, set (V.), set down, put (V.), put down, deposit (V.)

down -- quiet down: got. gaslawan* 1, ga-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. schweigen, verstummen; ne. become still, quiet down

down -- quieting down: got. anaqal* 1, an-a-qal*,  st. M.?, st. N.? (a): nhd. Ruhe, Beruhigung; ne. tranquilization, quieting down, calm (N.), quiet (N.), rest (N.) (1)

down -- scatter down: got. ufstraujan* 1, uf-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darunterstreuen, unterbreiten; ne. strew down, scatter down, spread beneath

down -- set down: got. athāhan* 2, at-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hinabhängen, hinablassen, hinunterlassen, niederlassen; ne. lower while suspending, let down, let hang down, set down; gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; lagjan 29, lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. legen, auflegen, hinlegen, setzen, stellen; ne. lay (V.), lay down, set (V.), set down, put (V.), put down, deposit (V.)

down -- sink down: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence; gasiggqan* 2, ga-siggq-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. versinken, untergehen; ne. sink down, fall (V.), be submerged, become submerged, go down

down -- sit down: got. gasitan 11, ga-sit-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. sich niedersetzen, Platz nehmen; ne. sit down, take a seat

down -- sit down to eat: got. gawaurkjan anakumbjan, got.: nhd. sich lagern lassen; ne. sit down to eat

down -- slow down: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

down -- stoop down to: got. anahneiwan* 2, an-a-hnei-w-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich niederbeugen, sich neigen, sich bücken; ne. bend down to, stoop down to, bow (V.) (1)

down -- strew down: got. ufstraujan* 1, uf-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darunterstreuen, unterbreiten; ne. strew down, scatter down, spread beneath

down -- take down: got. athafjan 1, at-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. „herabheben“, herabnehmen; ne. lift down off, bring up off, take down

down -- tear down: got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate; *taíran?, *taír-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. zerstören, zerreißen (tr.), auflösen; ne. tear down, dismantle, demolish, ruin (V.)

down -- tearing down: got. gataúrþs* 3, ga-taúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zerstörung; ne. tearing down, demolition, destruction

down -- tearing down (N.): got. *taúrþs, *taúr-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zerstörung; ne. tearing down (N.), demolition

down -- throw down of: got. afdrausjan 1, af-drau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen; ne. throw down off, throw down of

down -- throw down off: got. afdrausjan 1, af-drau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen; ne. throw down off, throw down of

down -- tracked down: got. *bilaistiþs?, *bi-lais-t-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. aufspürbar, erforscht, begreiflich; ne. traced, tracked down, explored

down -- trample down: got. gatrudan 1, ga-tru-d-an,  unr. st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zertreten (V.), niedertreten; ne. trample down, tread underfoot

down -- turn down: got. faúrqiþan 4, faúr-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. sich entschuldigen, für ungültig erklären, aufheben, umstoßen; ne. decline (V.), refuse, turn down, excuse o.s., nullify

down -- wear down with vexation: got. usþriutan* 3, us-þri-ut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. einem Beschwerde bringen, beschwerlich fallen; ne. harass (V.), torment (V.), plaque (V.), wear down with vexation, bother (V.), persecute

down -- weigh down: got. kaúrjan* 11, kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. drücken, belästigen, beschweren; ne. weigh down, burden (V.), lie (V.) (2)heavy upon, oppress

down -- weigh down together with: got. miþkaúrjan* 1, mi-þ-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbelasten; ne. burden together with, weigh down together with

down -- write down: got. gamēljan 73=72, ga-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben, sich in die Listen eintragen lassen; ne. write, write down, register (V.), enroll, inscribe; mēljan 23=22, mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben; ne. write, write down, register (V.), inscribe, enroll, record (2)

down -- write down an entry: got. anamēljan 1, an-a-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreiben, sich in die Steuerlisten eintragen lassen; ne. register (V.), write down one’s entry, write down an entry, enroll

down -- write down one’s entry: got. anamēljan 1, an-a-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreiben, sich in die Steuerlisten eintragen lassen; ne. register (V.), write down one’s entry, write down an entry, enroll

downcast -- become downcast: got. gahnipnan* 1, ga-hni-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich betrüben; ne. become downcast, become gloomy, be sorrowful; *hnipnan?, *hni-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich betrüben, trauern; ne. become downcast, become gloomy

downcast -- be downcast: got. *hneipan, *hnei-p-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. betrüben; ne. droop, be limply bowed downwards, be downcast

downcast -- bend downcast: got. hneiwan 1, hnei-w-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. sich neigen; ne. decline, bend downcast, turn downcast

downcast -- turn downcast: got. hneiwan 1, hnei-w-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. sich neigen; ne. decline, bend downcast, turn downcast

downfall: got. uswalteins 2, us-wal-t-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Umwälzung, Zusammensturz, Zerstörung, Untergang; ne. capsizal, downthrow (N.), overthrow (N.), overturn (N.), collapse (N.), downfall, ruin (N.)

downgrade: got. ibdalja* 1, ib-dal-j-a*,  M.?, N.?: nhd. Berglehne, Abhang; ne. declivity, downgrade, slope, descent

downthrow -- downthrow (N.): got. uswalteins 2, us-wal-t-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Umwälzung, Zusammensturz, Zerstörung, Untergang; ne. capsizal, downthrow (N.), overthrow (N.), overturn (N.), collapse (N.), downfall, ruin (N.)

downward: got. dalaþ 16, dal-aþ,  Adv.: nhd. zu Tal, abwärts, nieder, herab, hinunter, hinab; ne. downward, onto the ground, down (Adv.)

downwards -- be limply bowed downwards: got. *hneipan, *hnei-p-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. betrüben; ne. droop, be limply bowed downwards, be downcast

drachma: got. drakma* 3, drak-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Drachme; ne. drachma, the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece

drained -- drained swampland: got. saiws* 6, sai-w-s*,  st. M. (i) (a): nhd. See (M.), Marschland; ne. lake, drained swampland, sea, marshland

draw -- draw astray together: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

draw -- draw lots: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

draw -- draw near: got. nēƕjan* (sik) 1, nēƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. sich jemandem nähern; ne. approach (V.), draw near

draw -- draw near to: got. atnēƕjan* 6, at-nēƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. herannahen; ne. draw near to, approach (V.), come near

draw -- draw off away: got. aftiuhan 2, af-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. wegziehen, abziehen, fortziehen; ne. draw off away, pull away, lead away

draw -- draw together: got. gadragan* 1, ga-dra-g-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. zusammentragen; ne. draw together, amass (V.)

draw -- draw towards: got. atþinsan* 2, at-þin-s-an*,  st. V. (3,1), perfektiv: nhd. heranziehen, herbeiziehen, herzuziehen; ne. draw towards, pull up to

draw -- draw (V.): got. dragan* 1, dra-g-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. tragen, aufladen, ziehen; ne. draw (V.), accumulate, take on, attract; gatiuhan* 8, ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegziehen, wegführen, führen, bringen; ne. lead forth, conduct (V.), draw (V.), bring

drawing -- drawing (N.): got. *taikneins?, *tai-k-n-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zeichnung, Darstellung; ne. drawing (N.), showing (N.)

dress -- dress in: got. gahamōn 10, ga-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich bekleiden, sich anziehen; ne. dress in, get dressed, put on, clothe o.s. with, don (V.)

dress -- dress (N.): got. *rauba, *rau-b-a,  st. F. (ō), M.?: nhd. Raub, Beute (F.) (1), Kleid; ne. robbery, booty, loot, dress (N.); *raupa, *rau-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Beute (F.) (1), Kleid; ne. booty, loot, dress (N.); *rift, *ri-f-t,  st. M.: nhd. Kleid; ne. dress (N.); wasti* 32, was-t-i*,  st. F. (iō): nhd. Kleid, Kleidung (= wastjōs); ne. garment, article of clothing, dress (N.), clothing (= wastjōs), apparel (= wastjōs), clothes (= wastjōs)

dress -- dress o.s.: got. gawasjan* 15, ga-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekleiden, kleiden, sich bekleiden, sich kleiden; ne. clothe (V.), make clad, dress o.s., clothe o.s., don (V.), put on

dress -- dress up: got. fētjan* 1, fēt-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schmücken; ne. dress up, adorn (V.); *gafētjan, *ga-fēt-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kleiden; ne. dress up, adorn (V.)

dress -- dress (V.): got. gapaidōn* 2=1, ga-paid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. dress (V.), put on as a tunic, jacket (V.), clothe; *hamōn?, *ham-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. kleiden; ne. dress (V.); wasjan* 7, was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen kleiden, sich kleiden, bekleiden; ne. clothe, be clothed, wear (V.) (1), dress (V.), be dressed

dressed -- be dressed: got. wasjan* 7, was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen kleiden, sich kleiden, bekleiden; ne. clothe, be clothed, wear (V.) (1), dress (V.), be dressed

dressed -- get dressed: got. anahamōn 1, an-a-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung anlegen, anziehen; ne. put on as clothing, don, get dressed; gahamōn 10, ga-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich bekleiden, sich anziehen; ne. dress in, get dressed, put on, clothe o.s. with, don (V.)

dried -- dried up: got. þaúrsus 3, þaúrs-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. dürr, vertrocknet; ne. dry (Adj.), parched, withered, dried up

drill -- drill to mastery: got. usþrōþjan* 1, us-þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einüben; ne. train thoroughly, drill to mastery, master by drill

drill -- drill (V.): got. þrōþjan* 1, þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. üben; ne. exercise (V.), train (V.), drill (V.), practise (2)

drill -- master by drill: got. usþrōþjan* 1, us-þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einüben; ne. train thoroughly, drill to mastery, master by drill

drink -- drink (N.): got. dragk 4, dra-g-k, draggk,  st. N. (a): nhd. Trank; ne. drink (N.), drinking (N.); *drugks?, *dru-g-k-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Trank; ne. drink (N.), something drunk, beverage; *sūpa, *sū-p-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Trank; ne. drink (N.)

drink -- drink up your cup: got. kilemschkop 1, krimgot.?, V.?, Sb.?: nhd. trinke den Becher aus; ne. drink up your cup; lat. ebibe calice(m)

drink -- drink (V.): got. drigkan 43, dri-g-k-an,  st. V. (3, 1): nhd. trinken; ne. drink (V.), imbibe; gadrigkan* 1, ga-dri-g-k-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. trinken; ne. drink (V.), get the chance to drink

drink -- get the chance to drink: got. gadrigkan* 1, ga-dri-g-k-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. trinken; ne. drink (V.), get the chance to drink

drink -- give to drink: got. dragkjan* 5, dra-g-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tränken, tränken mit; ne. give to drink, make drink; gadragkjan* 2, ga-dra-g-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. tränken mit; ne. give to drink, make drink

drink -- make drink: got. dragkjan* 5, dra-g-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tränken, tränken mit; ne. give to drink, make drink; gadragkjan* 2, ga-dra-g-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. tränken mit; ne. give to drink, make drink

drink -- strong drink: got. leiþu* 1, lei-þ-u*,  st. N. (u): nhd. Obstwein; ne. cider, fermented beverage, strong drink

drinker: got. *drugkja?, *dru-g-k-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Trinker; ne. drinker

drinking -- drinking (N.): got. dragk 4, dra-g-k, draggk,  st. N. (a): nhd. Trank; ne. drink (N.), drinking (N.)

drinking -- drinking up: got. *afdrugk?, *af-dru-g-k?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Trinken; ne. drinking up

drinking -- pointed drinking horn: got. stikls 16, sti-k-l-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Becher, Kelch; ne. pointed drinking horn, cusped beaker, chalice

drive -- carnal drive: got. winnō* 3, wi-n-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Leiden; ne. passion, carnal drive, sensual craving, suffering (N.)

drive -- drive out: got. frawrikan* 1, fra-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. verfolgen, rächen; ne. persecute severely, oppress intensely with persecution, drive out; usdreiban 12, us-drei-b-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. austreiben, vertreiben; ne. drive out, expel

drive -- drive (V.): got. *akan?, *ak-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. gehen, fahren, ziehen; ne. drive (V.), go (V.), pull (V.); draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.); dreiban* 1, drei-b-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. treiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go

drive -- make drive around: got. *walugjan?, *wal-ug-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her treiben; ne. make drive around

drive -- take for a drive: got. *usfarþōn?, *us-far-þ-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ausfahren?; ne. take for a drive

driven -- is driven out of one’s senses: got. usgaisiþs ist, got.: nhd. ist von Sinnen; ne. is driven out of one’s senses

driver -- female driver: got. *fara?, *far-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fahrerin, Fahrt; ne. female driver, journey

droop: got. *hneipan, *hnei-p-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. betrüben; ne. droop, be limply bowed downwards, be downcast

drop -- drop (V.): got. fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive; ufligan* 2, uf-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. unterliegen, verschmachten, matt werden, sterben; ne. decline (V.), drop (V.), sink (V.), fail, be faint

drove -- drove (2): got. wrēþus* 1, wrē-þ-u-s*, wrīþus,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herde; ne. herd (N.), drove (2), band (N.) (1)

drug -- drug (N.): got. *lubi?, *lu-b-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gift; ne. drug (N.), poison (N.)

drum -- drum (V.): got. *þrimman, *þri-m-m-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schwellen?; ne. thrum (1), strum (V.), drum (V.)

d-rune -- name of d-rune: got. dags 186, dag-s, tag,  tag, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Tag, d-Rune; ne. day, name of d-rune; lat. dies

drunk -- drunk (Adj.): got. weinags* 3=2, wein-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. trunken, trunksüchtig, Trunkenbold (= subst.); ne. addicted to wine, drunkardly, drunk (Adj.), drunkard (= subst.)

drunk -- get drunk: got. anadrigkan* 1, an-a-dri-g-k-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. antrinken, betrinken; ne. get drunk

drunk -- something drunk: got. *drugks?, *dru-g-k-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Trank; ne. drink (N.), something drunk, beverage

drunkard: got. afdrugkja 2, af-dru-g-k-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Trunkenbold; ne. drunkard; weindrugkja 1, wein-dru-g-k-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Weintrinker, Säufer; ne. wine-drinker, wine addict, drunkard

drunkardly: got. weinags* 3=2, wein-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. trunken, trunksüchtig, Trunkenbold (= subst.); ne. addicted to wine, drunkardly, drunk (Adj.), drunkard (= subst.)

drunken: got. drugkans, Adj. = Part. Prät.: nhd. trunken; ne. drunken, intoxicated

-- drunken parties: got. drugkaneins, Nom. Pl.: nhd. Zechgelage; ne. drunken parties

drunkenness: got. drugkanei* 2, dru-g-k-an-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Trunkenheit; ne. intoxication, drunkenness

dry -- become dry: got. gaþaúrsnan* 5, ga-þaúrs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up, wither, be parched; *þaursnan?, *þaurs-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up

dry -- dry (Adj.): got. þaúrsus 3, þaúrs-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. dürr, vertrocknet; ne. dry (Adj.), parched, withered, dried up

dry -- dry up: got. gaþaírsan* 2, ga-þaírs-an*,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren; ne. dry up, wither (V.), parch (V.); gaþaúrsnan* 5, ga-þaúrs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up, wither, be parched; *þaursnan?, *þaurs-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up

dry -- dry (V.): got. biswaírban* 4, bi-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. abwischen, abtrocknen; ne. wipe around, wipe all around, wipe off, dry (V.); Saúrja* 1, Saúr-ja*,  st. F. (ō?): nhd. Syrien; ne. Syria

dual: got. tweihnai* 2,  Num.: nhd. je zwei; ne. two in number, numbering two, two each, dual

dubiety: got. tweifls* (1) 1, twei-fl-s*, tweifl*?,  st. M. (a), st. N. (a)?: nhd. Zweifel; ne. doubt (N.), dubiety

dubious: got. *tweifls (2), *twei-fl-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zweifelhaft; ne. doubtful, dubious

due: got. in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

dugout: got. grōba* 2, grōb-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Grube, Höhle; ne. dugout, hole (N.), burrow (N.), cave (N.)

dull: got. dwals* 6, dwa-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. töricht; ne. foolish, stupid, dull

-- be dull: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

-- dull (Adj.): got. daufs* 1, dau-f-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. taub, verstockt; ne. insensitive, insensate, dull (Adj.), numb (Adj.), deaf, stubborn, numbed, deadened

dulled: got. bauþs 7, bau-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stumm, taub, dumm, dumpf; ne. deaf, deaf-mute, dumb, dulled in hearing, dulled

-- dulled in hearing: got. bauþs 7, bau-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stumm, taub, dumm, dumpf; ne. deaf, deaf-mute, dumb, dulled in hearing, dulled

dullness: got. daubiþa* 2, dau-b-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verstocktheit, Verhärtung, Taubheit; ne. insensitivity, dullness, numbness, stubbornness

dumb: got. bauþs 7, bau-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stumm, taub, dumm, dumpf; ne. deaf, deaf-mute, dumb, dulled in hearing, dulled; dumbs 2, du-m-b-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stumm; ne. dumb, voiceless, mute; unrōdjands 3, un-rō-d-jan-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht redend, stumm; ne. unspeaking, speechless, dumb, unable to speak

dumbfound -- dumbfound (V.): got. afslauþjan* 2, af-s-lau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. in Angst versetzen, in Sorge sein (V.), ängstigen; ne. perturb, frighten, dumbfound (V.), scare (V.), silence off, make speechless

dumbfounded -- become dumbfounded: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

dumbfounded -- be dumbfounded: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

dumbness -- fall off into dumbness: got. afdumbnan* 1, af-du-m-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. become still, subside into silence, fall off into dumbness; *dumbnan, *du-m-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. subside into silence, fall off into dumbness

dung -- dung (N.): got. maíhstus* 1, maíh-st-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Mist, Dünger; ne. dung (N.), manure (N.); smarna* 1, smarn-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mist, Kot; ne. offal, dung (N.), excrement, manure (N.), refuse (N.)

duress: got. nauþs 11=10, nau-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Not, Zwang; ne. compulsion, force (N.), constraint, duress, trouble (N.), need (N.)

during: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- during the time that: got. miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though

dust -- dust (N.): got. mulda* 2, mul-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Staub; ne. dust (N.), sand (N.), earth; stubjus* 1, s-tu-b-ju-s*,  sw. M. (n)?, st. M. (u)?: nhd. Staub; ne. dust (N.)

dust -- of dust: got. muldeins 3, mul-d-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Staub, irdisch; ne. of earth, of dust, earthly

duties -- customs duties: got. mōta 4, mōt-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Maut“, Zoll (M.) (2), Zollhaus; ne. admission tax, import tax, customs duties

duty -- week’s tour of duty: got. wikō* 1, wik-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reihenfolge, Ordnung, Woche?; ne. week, workweek, week’s tour of duty, week-long shift, sequence

dwell: got. báuan 14, báu-an,  unr. V.: nhd. wohnen, bewohnen; ne. dwell, inhabit, live

-- dwell round about: got. bisitan* 5, bi-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. herumsitzen, herumwohnen, umwohnen, nahe wohnen; ne. be situated around, neighbour (V.), dwell round about

-- dwell (V.): got. gawisan* 2, ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verweilen, verbleiben; ne. reside, live (V.), dwell (V.), remain (V.)

dwelling: got. báuains 4, báu-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohnung; ne. dwelling, habitation, living quarters, dwelling place, home (N.)

-- dwelling (N.): got. *baggwiþa, *baggw-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wohnung; ne. dwelling (N.), home (N.); *dauka (1), *dauk-a,  Sb.: nhd. Erdhöhle, Wohnung; ne. dwelling (N.), lodging (N.), cave (N.); saliþwa* 4, sal-i-þw-a*, (Pl. saliþwōs),  st. F. (ō): nhd. Herberge, Wohnung; ne. lodging, guest room, inn, dwelling (N.)

-- dwelling place: got. báuains 4, báu-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohnung; ne. dwelling, habitation, living quarters, dwelling place, home (N.)

dye -- dye purple: got. paúrpurōn*, paúrpur-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. mit Purpur färben; ne. purple (V.), empurple, dye purple

dying -- lie (V.) (2) dying: got. swiltan* 1, swil-t-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. im Sterben liegen, sterben; ne. die, lie (V.) (2) dying

e: got. e 6,  Buchstabe: nhd. e, Abkürzung für 5; ne. e, abbreviation for 5

each: got. ainƕarjizuh 13, ai-n-ƕar-ji-z-uh,  Pron. m. Gen. Pl.: nhd. ein jeder; ne. each, each one, everyone; ƕazuh 41, ƕaz-uh,  subst. Pron., M.: nhd. jeder; ne. each, everyone, every one

-- each of two: got. ƕaþaruh* 1, ƕa-þar-uh*,  Pron.: nhd. jeder von beiden; ne. each of two

-- each one: got. ainƕarjizuh 13, ai-n-ƕar-ji-z-uh,  Pron. m. Gen. Pl.: nhd. ein jeder; ne. each, each one, everyone; ƕarjizuh 35, ƕar-ji-z-uh,  subst. Pron.: nhd. jeder; ne. each one, every, every one

-- each one of two: got. ainƕaþaruh* 1, ai-n-ƕa-þar-uh*,  Pron.: nhd. jeder von beiden; ne. each one of two

-- each other: got. missō 64=63, mis-s-ō,  Adv.: nhd. einander, wechselseitig; ne. mutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, one another

-- two each: got. tweihnai* 2,  Num.: nhd. je zwei; ne. two in number, numbering two, two each, dual

eager -- be eager: got. usdaudjan* 8, us-dau-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich beeifern, seine Ehre suchen; ne. strive vigorously, make energetic endeavours, be eager

eager -- more eager: got. sniumundōs, got.: nhd. eiliger; ne. more eager

eagerness: got. aljan (2) 13, al-jan,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eifer; ne. avidity, eagerness, zeal

eagle -- eagle (N.): got. ara* 1, ar-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Aar, Adler; ne. eagle (N.)

ear: got. ausō 16, aus-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Ohr; ne. ear; hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings

-- ear of grain: got. ahs* (1) 4, ah-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ähre; ne. ear of grain

earlier: got. faúrþis 23, faúrþ-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. zuvor, früher, vorher; ne. earlier, before that, beforehand, aforetime

-- much earlier: got. airis 2, ai-r-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. längst, eher, früher; ne. much earlier

early: got. air 2, ai-r,  Adv.: nhd. früh; ne. early

earn: got. faírwaúrkjan* 1, faír-waúrk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwirken; ne. earn, secure, gain (V.), acquire

-- earn (V.): got. gawaúrkjan 24, ga-waúrk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bewirken, erwirken, bereiten, machen, bringen, erhandeln, ausstellen; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), bring about, produce, make (V.), earn (V.), get, achieve (V.)

earner -- wage earner: got. asneis 6, asn-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Mietling, Tagelöhner; ne. hired man, day-labourer, wage earner, paid servant

earnest: got. usdauþs* 3, us-dau-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eifrig; ne. vigorous, energetic, earnest

earnestly: got. usdaudō 3, us-dau-d-ō,  Adv.: nhd. eifrig; ne. vigorously, energetically, earnestly; weihaba 1, weih-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. heilig; ne. hallowedly, with sanctitiy, sacredly, earnestly

earnings: got. *asnō?, *asn-ō?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Lohn, Zins; ne. earnings, wages

earring: got. *ausahriggs, *aus-a-hri-gg-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ohrring; ne. earring

earth: got. aírþa 62, aír-þ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erde, Land, Erdreich, Erdboden; ne. earth, land (N.); mulda* 2, mul-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Staub; ne. dust (N.), sand (N.), earth

-- of earth: got. aírþeins 5, aír-þ-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. irdisch, irden; ne. of earth, earthen, earthly; muldeins 3, mul-d-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Staub, irdisch; ne. of earth, of dust, earthly

-- the habitable earth: got. midjungards* 4, mid-jun-gard-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. die bewohnte Erde, Erdkreis; ne. the habitable earth, world

earth-born: got. aírþakunds* 1, aír-þ-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von irdischer Abkunft, von der Erde stammend, irdisch; ne. earth-born, of earthly descent, of earthly origin

earthen: got. aírþeins 5, aír-þ-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. irdisch, irden; ne. of earth, earthen, earthly; *aurahs?, *aur-ah-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. sandig, kiesig; ne. sandy, earthen, gravelly; digans: nhd. irden, tönern; ne. earthen

earthen-ware -- earthen-ware vessels: got. kasa digana, Nom. Pl. N. Part. Prät.: nhd. Tongefäße; ne. earthen-ware vessels

earthenware -- one who makes earthenware utensils: got. kasja 3, kas-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Töpfer; ne. potter, one who makes earthenware utensils

earthly: got. aírþeins 5, aír-þ-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. irdisch, irden; ne. of earth, earthen, earthly; muldeins 3, mul-d-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Staub, irdisch; ne. of earth, of dust, earthly

-- of earthly descent: got. aírþakunds* 1, aír-þ-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von irdischer Abkunft, von der Erde stammend, irdisch; ne. earth-born, of earthly descent, of earthly origin

-- of earthly origin: got. aírþakunds* 1, aír-þ-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von irdischer Abkunft, von der Erde stammend, irdisch; ne. earth-born, of earthly descent, of earthly origin

earthquake -- earthquake (N.): got. reirō 4=3, reir-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zittern, Erdbeben, Beben; ne. trembling (N.), quivering (N.), quaking (N.), earthquake (N.)

ease -- ease (N.): got. azēti (?)* 2, azēt-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Leichtigkeit, Vergnügen, Lust, Annehmlichkeit, z-Rune; ne. ease (N.), comfort (N.), pleasure, name of z-rune; iusila 2, ius-il-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erholung, Besserung; ne. improvement, amelioration, betterment, ease (N.)

easily: got. azētaba 1, azēt-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. leicht, gern; ne. easily, comfortably, with pleasure

east: got. *austra?, *aus-tr-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Osten; ne. east

Easter: got. dulþs 17, dulþ-s,  st. F. (i) (kons.): nhd. Fest, Osterfest; ne. festival, celebration, Easter; paska 9, pask-a,  F.? (indekl.), N.?: nhd. Ostern; ne. Passover, Easter

easy -- easy (Adj.): got. azēts* 5, azēt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leicht, erträglich; ne. easy (Adj.), comfortable, pleasurable; raþs* 1, raþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leicht; ne. effortless, facile, easy (Adj.)

eat: got. itan 4, it-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. essen; ne. eat; matjan 93, mat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. essen, fressen; ne. eat, feed (V.), dine, chew

-- eat a good meal: got. wisan (3) 4, wis-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich freuen, schwelgen, schmausen; ne. dine, eat a good meal, feast, make merry

-- eat completely up: got. fraitan* 4, fra-it-an*,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. verzehren, fressen; ne. devour, consume completely, eat completely up

-- eat together with: got. miþmatjan 2, mi-þ-mat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitessen; ne. eat together with

-- eat up in feasting: got. frawisan* 1, fra-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verbrauchen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. consume by dining, devour through epicurean living, eat up in feasting, squander

-- eat (V.): got. gamatjan* 2, ga-mat-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. essen; ne. start to eat, eat (V.)

-- eat voraciously: got. *afitan?, *af-it-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. verschlingen, fressen; ne. devour, eat voraciously

-- let eat: got. *atjan?, *at-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. essen lassen?; ne. let eat

-- recline together with to eat: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

-- reclining to eat: got. kubitus* 1, kubitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Liegen am Tisch, Tischgesellschaft, Gruppe, Tischgenossenschaft; ne. reclining to eat, group reclining and eating together, lying down (N.)

-- sit down to eat: got. gawaurkjan anakumbjan, got.: nhd. sich lagern lassen; ne. sit down to eat

-- start to eat: got. gamatjan* 2, ga-mat-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. essen; ne. start to eat, eat (V.)

eaten -- give away to be eaten: got. fraatjan* 1, fra-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. zum Essen austeilen; ne. give away to be eaten, dispense as food

eater: got. *ēta?, *ēt-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Esser; ne. eater; *ētja?, *ēt-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Esser; ne. eater

-- voracious eater: got. afētja 2, af-ēt-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fresser; ne. glutton, voracious eater

eating -- eating (N.): got. *ēt?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Essen (N.); ne. eating (N.)

eating -- eating table: got. biuþs* 5, biuþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Tisch, Platte; ne. eating table

eating -- gluttonous eating: got. *afēt?, *af-ēt?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Wegesserei, Fressen; ne. gluttonous eating

eating -- group reclining and eating together: got. kubitus* 1, kubitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Liegen am Tisch, Tischgesellschaft, Gruppe, Tischgenossenschaft; ne. reclining to eat, group reclining and eating together, lying down (N.)

eating -- voracious in eating: got. *afēts?, *af-ēt-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. essbar?, fresserisch; ne. voracious in eating, gluttonish; *-ēts, *-ēt-s,  Adj. (i): nhd. essend; ne. voracious in eating, gluttonish

edge: got. *baúrd (2), *baúr-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bord, Rand; ne. ledge, edge

-- at the edge of: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of

-- edge (N.): got. *randa, *ran-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Rand; ne. edge (N.); waíhsta* 3, waíhst-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Winkel, Ecke; ne. corner (N.), edge (N.)

-- edge of a roof peak: got. gibla* 1, gibl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Giebel (M.) (1); ne. gable, edge of a roof peak

-- edge of shield: got. *randus?, *ran-d-u-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Schild, Schildrand; ne. shield (N.), edge of shield

-- edge (V.): got. *agi-, *ag-i-, *agja-,  st. F.: nhd. Schärfe, Ecke, Spitze, Schneide, Schwert; ne. blade, edge (V.), point (N.), sharpness, sword

-- projecting edge: got. skauts* 3, skau-t-s*, skaut*,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Zipfel, Schoß (M.) (1), Saum (M.) (1); ne. protrusion, projection, projecting edge, fringe (N.), hem (N.) (1)

edible -- edible flesh: got. mimz* 2, mims*, menus,  menus, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Fleisch; ne. meat, edible flesh; lat. caro

edification: got. gatimreins* 2, ga-tim-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erbauung; ne. building up, construction, edification; timreins* 7, tim-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erbauung; ne. building, edifice, edification

edifice: got. gatimrjō 2, ga-tim-r-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gebäude, Bau; ne. building (N.), edifice; timreins* 7, tim-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erbauung; ne. building, edifice, edification; *timrjō?, *tim-r-j-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bau, Gebäude; ne. building, edifice

edify: got. timrjan* 9, tim-r-jan*, timbrjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bauen, zimmern, erbauen; ne. build (V.), construct (V.), strengthen, benefit (V.), edify

educate: got. talzjan* 7, talz-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lehren, ziehen, unterrichten; ne. educate, instruct, train (V.), discipline (V.), correct (V.), admonish, chastise; uslaisjan* 2, us-lais-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. belehren, lehren; ne. teach, educate, instruct thoroughly, train (V.)

educated: got. *laisiþs, *lais-iþ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. gelehrt; ne. instructed, educated; laisiþs: nhd. gelehrt; ne. instructed, educated; *tals?, *tal-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. fügsam, gehorsam; ne. educated, trained, disciplined; *uslaisiþs?, *us-lais-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. belehrt, gelehrt; ne. instructed, educated; *-weis (1), *-wei-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. weise, klug; ne. wise (Adj.), informed, educated; *wīs?, *wī-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. weise, klug, erfahren (Adj.), verständig; ne. wise (Adj.), educated, informed

-- fully educated: got. fullaweis* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vollkommen; ne. mature (Adj.), thoroughly instructed, fully educated, fully informed, fully wise

effect -- according to that effect: got. bi tōja, got.: nhd. nach der Wirkung; ne. according to that effect

effect -- effect (N.): got. táui 7, táu-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. work (N.), act (N.), activity, action, deed, product (N.), effect (N.)

effect -- effect (V.): got. gasmiþōn* 1, ga-smi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. „schmieden“, bewirken, durch Schmieden bewirken; ne. forge (V.), produce in the manner of a smith, effect (V.), work (V.), produce; gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish; gawaúrkjan 24, ga-waúrk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bewirken, erwirken, bereiten, machen, bringen, erhandeln, ausstellen; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), bring about, produce, make (V.), earn (V.), get, achieve (V.); *smiþōn, *smi-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bewirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.); waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

effective: got. waúrstweigs* 5, waúr-st-w-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wirksam; ne. operative, functioning, operational, productive, effectual, effective

-- be effective: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail; waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

effectual: got. waúrstweigs* 5, waúr-st-w-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wirksam; ne. operative, functioning, operational, productive, effectual, effective

effectuating -- one effectuating everything: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

efficient: got. *frams?, *fra-m-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tüchtig; ne. efficient, competent, capable

effigy: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

effortless: got. raþs* 1, raþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leicht; ne. effortless, facile, easy (Adj.)

effuse -- effuse (V.): got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

egg: got. ada 1, ad-a, krim st. N. (a) Nom. Pl.: nhd. Ei; ne. egg; lat. ovum; *addi, addja?), *add-i, (Pl., *addj-a?),  st. N. (a): nhd. Ei; ne. egg

egress -- egress (N.): got. urruns (1) 3, ur-ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Aufgang (der Sonne), Osten, Abtritt; ne. egress (N.), emergence, solar egress, sunrise, sunup, runoff, sewer, latrine, toilet, rising (N.)

egress -- emergency egress: got. usfarþō* 1, us-far-þ-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ausfahrt?; ne. emergency egress, emergency evacuation, departure

egress -- solar egress: got. urruns (1) 3, ur-ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Aufgang (der Sonne), Osten, Abtritt; ne. egress (N.), emergence, solar egress, sunrise, sunup, runoff, sewer, latrine, toilet, rising (N.)

eight: got. ahtau 4, aht-au, athe,  athe, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. acht; ne. eight; lat. octo

-- lasting eight days: got. ahtaudōgs 1, aht-au-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. achttägig; ne. of eight days, lasting eight days, octo-diurnal

-- of eight days: got. ahtaudōgs 1, aht-au-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. achttägig; ne. of eight days, lasting eight days, octo-diurnal

eighteen: got. *ahtautaihun?, *aht-au-tai-hun?,  Num. Kard.: nhd. achtzehn; ne. eighteen

eighth: got. ahtuda* 1, aht-u-d-a*,  Num. Ord. = sw. Adj.: nhd. achte; ne. eighth

eighty: got. ahtautēhund 2, aht-au-tē-hund,  Num. Kard.: nhd. achtzig; ne. eighty

either: got. andizuh 1, and-iz-uh,  Konj.: nhd. anders, sonst, entweder; ne. either

-- either ... or: got. andizuh ... aiþþau, got.: nhd. entweder ... oder; ne. either ... or; jabai ... aíþþau, got.: nhd. entweder ... oder; ne. either ... or; andizuh - aíþþau, Konj.: nhd. entweder ... oder; ne. either ... or; jabai ... aiþþau, got.: nhd. entweder ... oder; ne. either ... or

eject: got. uswaírpan 34, us-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinauswerfen, wegwerfen, austreiben, verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen, daraufwerfen; ne. throw out, cast out, eject, expel, reject (V.), cast off, throw off

ejection: got. uswaúrpa 3, us-waúr-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Auswurf, Verwerfung, Fehlgeburt; ne. castoff (N.), rejection, ejection, expulsion, miscarriage

elaborate -- elaborate on: got. ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

elapsed -- be elapsed: got. inwisan (?)* 1, in-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. bevorstehen (?), da sein (V.) (?); ne. have been discontinued, be elapsed, be no longer

elated -- be elated: got. ufarhugjan* 1, uf-ar-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich überheben; ne. have a haughty attitude, be elated

elder: got. alþiza, Adj. Komp., (Krause, Handbuch des Gotischen 166,1b): nhd. älter; ne. elder; sineigs* 16, sin-eig-s*, seneigs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. alt; ne. old, elder

elderly: got. *alduma, *al-d-um-a,  Adj. (Komp.): nhd. alt; ne. aged, elderly

elders -- council of the elders: got. praízbwtaírei* 3, praí-z-bwt-aír-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ältestenrat, christliche Gemeindebehörde; ne. presbytery, council of the elders

eldest: got. sinista (Superl., subst.): nhd. Ältester; ne. oldest, eldest, the oldest

elect: got. waljan* 2, wa-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wählen; ne. choose, elect, select

election: got. gawaleins* 2, ga-wa-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erwählung, Wahl; ne. selection, election, choosing (N.); *waleins?, *wa-l-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Wahl; ne. election

element: got. *stafs 3, *sta-f-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Element, Stab, Buchstabe; ne. letter of the alphabet, grapheme, element

elevate: got. hauhjan 27, hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hoch machen, erhöhen, preisen, verherrlichen; ne. make high, lift on high, elevate, exalt, extol, praise (V.); ushauhjan 9, us-hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhöhen; ne. lift up, raise high, elevate, exalt, extol, magnify

elevated -- become elevated: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

elevated -- be elevated: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

elevatedness: got. hauhiþa 7, hau-h-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Höhe, Erhebung, Ehre; ne. height, high (N.), elevatedness, exaltedness, honour (N.)

elevating -- elevating (N.): got. hauheins 7, hau-h-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Erhöhung“, Preis, Ehre; ne. raising on high, elevation, elevating (N.), extolment, exaltation, praise (N.), honour (N.)

elevation: got. hauheins 7, hau-h-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Erhöhung“, Preis, Ehre; ne. raising on high, elevation, elevating (N.), extolment, exaltation, praise (N.), honour (N.)

eleven: got. ainlif* 2, ai-n-li-f*,  Num. Kard.: nhd. elf; ne. eleven; thīnita* 1, thīn-ita*, thiinita, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. elf; ne. eleven

elf: got. *albs, *al-b-s, *alfs,  st. M. (a): nhd. Alb, Dämon; ne. demon, elf

eli: got. hēlei 2, got.?, Interj.: nhd. eli, mein Gott; ne. eli, my God

eliminate: got. uskiusan 10, us-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, verwerfen, vertreiben, auswählen; ne. eliminate, reject (V.), disapprove, declare useless, test (V.)

-- eliminate with death: got. afdauþjan 5, af-dau-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. töten; ne. put to death, make die, kill (V.), eliminate with death

ell: got. aleina* 1, al-ein-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Elle; ne. cubit, ell

eloi: got. aílōe 2,  Interj.: nhd. eloi, mein Gott; ne. eloi, my God

else: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise

-- else than: got. alja 17, al-ja,  Konj., Präp. m. Dat.: nhd. außer; ne. but, else than, except, other than, save (Präp.), unless

-- somewhere else: got. aljar 2, al-ja-r,  Adv.: nhd. anderswo; ne. absent, away from here, elsewhere, somewhere else; aljaþrō 4, al-ja-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. anderswoher; ne. elsewhence, elsewhere, from elsewhere, somewhere else, somewhere, by another way

-- to somewhere else: got. aljaþ 1, al-ja-þ,  Adv.: nhd. anderswohin; ne. to somewhere else, elsewhither, elsewhere, to another place

-- twist into something else: got. inwandjan 1, in-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „hineinwenden“, verdrehen, verkehren; ne. twist into something else, pervert, subvert, distort

elsewhence: got. aljaþrō 4, al-ja-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. anderswoher; ne. elsewhence, elsewhere, from elsewhere, somewhere else, somewhere, by another way

elsewhere: got. aljar 2, al-ja-r,  Adv.: nhd. anderswo; ne. absent, away from here, elsewhere, somewhere else; aljaþ 1, al-ja-þ,  Adv.: nhd. anderswohin; ne. to somewhere else, elsewhither, elsewhere, to another place; aljaþrō 4, al-ja-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. anderswoher; ne. elsewhence, elsewhere, from elsewhere, somewhere else, somewhere, by another way

-- be elsewhere: got. aljar wisan, got.: nhd. anderswo sein (V.); ne. be elsewhere

-- from elsewhere: got. aljaþrō 4, al-ja-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. anderswoher; ne. elsewhence, elsewhere, from elsewhere, somewhere else, somewhere, by another way

elsewhither: got. aljaþ 1, al-ja-þ,  Adv.: nhd. anderswohin; ne. to somewhere else, elsewhither, elsewhere, to another place

elsewise: got. aljaleikōs, Adv. (Komp.), (Krause, Handbuch des Gotischen 194,2): nhd. anders; ne. otherwise, elsewise, in a manner other than standard

elucidate: got. *skeirjan?, *skei-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auslegen, erklären; ne. make clear, explain, elucidate, interpret, translate

elucidation: got. skeireins 2, skei-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auslegung, Erklärung; ne. explanation, interpretation, translation, elucidation, exegesis

embassy: got. airus* 4, airu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Bote, Gesandtschaft, Abgesandter; ne. emissary, embassy, messenger

ember: got. haúri* 2, haúr-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Kohle, Kohlenfeuer (= haurja); ne. coal, burning charcoal, coal-fire, ember

embittered -- be embittered against: got. hatizōn* 1, hat-i-z-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. zürnen; ne. be embittered against, be angry with

embrace -- embrace (V.): got. gaþlaihan 12=11, ga-þlaih-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten, in die Arme schließen, umarmen; ne. comfort (V.), admonish, embrace (V.), hearten, encourage, entreat, exhort

embroider: got. *bruzdōn?, *bru-zd-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sticken; ne. embroider

emerge: got. urrinnan* 27, ur-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. auslaufen, ausgehen, aufgehen (von Samen oder von der Sonne); ne. run out, emerge, come forth, come up (of plant seed or the sun), rise (V.); usstandan 41, us-sta-n-d-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich erheben, aufbrechen, auferstehen, aufstehen; ne. stand up, rise up, arise, emerge, proceed out

-- cause to emerge: got. urrannjan* 1, ur-ra-n-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufgehen lassen; ne. cause to emerge, cause to course out

emergence: got. urruns (1) 3, ur-ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Aufgang (der Sonne), Osten, Abtritt; ne. egress (N.), emergence, solar egress, sunrise, sunup, runoff, sewer, latrine, toilet, rising (N.)

emergency -- emergency egress: got. usfarþō* 1, us-far-þ-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ausfahrt?; ne. emergency egress, emergency evacuation, departure

emergency -- emergency evacuation: got. usfarþō* 1, us-far-þ-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ausfahrt?; ne. emergency egress, emergency evacuation, departure

emissary: got. airus* 4, airu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Bote, Gesandtschaft, Abgesandter; ne. emissary, embassy, messenger

-- be an emissary: got. airinōn* 2, air-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Gesandter sein (V.), unterhandeln, Bote sein (V.); ne. be an emissary, be a messenger, negotiate

emit: got. lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit

emperor: got. kaisar* 12, kais-ar*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Kaiser; ne. emperor

empire -- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

empty -- empty (Adj.): got. laus 10, lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. los, leer; ne. empty (Adj.), void (Adj.), devoid (Adj.), free from

empty -- empty chatter: got. lausawaúrdei* 1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. leeres Gerede, leeres Geschwätz; ne. empty talk, babble (N.), empty chatter; lausawaúrdi* 1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. leeres Gerede, leeres Geschwätz; ne. empty talk, empty chatter

empty -- empty talk: got. lausawaúrdei* 1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. leeres Gerede, leeres Geschwätz; ne. empty talk, babble (N.), empty chatter; lausawaúrdi* 1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. leeres Gerede, leeres Geschwätz; ne. empty talk, empty chatter

empty -- empty talker: got. lausawaúrds* 2=1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leeres Geschwätz vollführend, hohler Schwätzer (= lausawaurds, subst.); ne. speaking empty words, talking idly, empty talker

empty -- empty (V.): got. *bazjan?, *baz-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leeren, entkräften, entblößen; ne. empty (V.), weaken, debilitate, bare (V.), expose, uncover

empty -- make empty: got. uslausjan* 5, us-lau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entledigen, entäußern, entleeren, berauben, erlösen, befreien, entwurzeln; ne. make empty, divest, make void, liberate, free (V.), save

empty -- speaking empty words: got. lausawaúrds* 2=1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leeres Geschwätz vollführend, hohler Schwätzer (= lausawaurds, subst.); ne. speaking empty words, talking idly, empty talker

empty -- with empty stomach: got. lausqiþrs* 1, lau-s-qi-þ-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leeren Magens, nüchtern, ungespeist; ne. fasting (Adj.), with empty stomach

empty-handed: got. laushandja* 1, lau-s-hand-j-a*,  sw. Adj. (ja): nhd. mit leeren Händen; ne. empty-handed; *laushandus?, *lau-s-hand-u-s?,  Adj. (u): nhd. mit leeren Händen; ne. empty-handed

empurple: got. paúrpurōn*, paúrpur-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. mit Purpur färben; ne. purple (V.), empurple, dye purple

Enb -- 11 Enb: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

Enb -- 16 Enb: got. þata gadōb: nhd. Schicklichkeit, Ordnung; ne. appropriateness; Sk 1,16 Enb

Enb -- 22 Enb: got. ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that

enchanting: got. *darns?, *dar-n-s?,  Adj. (a?): nhd. zauberisch; ne. enchanting

encircle: got. biƕaírban* 1, bi-ƕaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. umdrängen; ne. encircle, surround (V.)

enclose: got. galūkan* 5, ga-lūk-an*,  unr. st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verschließen, fangen, zuschließen, schließen; ne. shut up, lose (V.), enclose, lock (V.), lock up

enclosed -- enclosed yard: got. garda* 1, gar-d-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hürde, Viehhof; ne. enclosed yard, yard, fold (N.)

enclosure -- household enclosure: got. gards 94, gar-d-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Haus, Hauswesen, Familie, Hof, Prätorium; ne. house, homestead, household enclosure, court (N.), courtyard, pretorium, household, family

encompass: got. biqiman* 1, bi-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. überfallen; ne. come round about, encompass, envelop (V.), attack (V.)

encounter -- encounter (V.): got. gamōtjan 11, ga-mōt-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. begegnen; ne. meet (V.), encounter (V.)

encourage: got. gaþlaihan 12=11, ga-þlaih-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten, in die Arme schließen, umarmen; ne. comfort (V.), admonish, embrace (V.), hearten, encourage, entreat, exhort; gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief; *þlaihan?, *þlaih-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten; ne. comfort (V.), hearten, encourage, exhort; þrafstjan* 11, þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trösten, mahnen, ermahnen; ne. cheer (V.), hearten, console (V.), comfort (V.), encourage, reassure

encouraged -- is encouraged to: got. timrjada du, got.: nhd. wird ermutigt zu; ne. is encouraged to

encouragement: got. gaþlaihts* 11, ga-þlaih-t-s*, gaþlaifts*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Trost; ne. encouragement, heartening, cheering up, comfort (N.); gaþrafsteins 6, ga-þraf-st-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Trost; ne. consolation, solace, comfort (N.), encouragement; þrafsteins* 1, þraf-st-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Trost, Tröstung; ne. heartening (N.), consolation, encouragement, comfort (N.)

end -- be at the end of one’s life: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

end -- end (N.): got. *anda- (2), *and-a-,  Sb.: nhd. Ende; ne. end (N.), extremity; andeis 15=14, and-ei-s,  st. M. (ja/i): nhd. Ende; ne. end (N.), extremity; *anþs (1), *an-þ-s,  st. Sb.: nhd. Spitze, Ende; ne. extremity, end (N.); ustaúhts 4, us-taú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vollendung, Vervollkommnung, Ende, Erfüllung; ne. completion, completeness, perfection, perfectness, accomplishment, fulfillment, consummation, end (N.)

end -- end of the gothic region: got. Goþiscandza 2, Go-þ-isc-andz-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenende? (an der Weichsel?); ne. end of the gothic region

end -- endure to the end: got. usaiwjan* 1, us-aiw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich anstrengen; ne. endure to the end, persevere, exert o.s.

end -- end (V.): got. *andjan?, *and-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. enden, endigen; ne. end (V.); ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

end -- in the end: got. und andi, Adv.: nhd. zuletzt; ne. ultimately, at last, in the end

end -- to this end: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that

end -- until the end of the period in which: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

endangered: got. bireikeis* 2, bi-reik-ei-s*, birēkeis*, Pl. bireikjai,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gefährdet; ne. imperiled, in danger, endangered

endeavours -- make energetic endeavours: got. usdaudjan* 8, us-dau-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich beeifern, seine Ehre suchen; ne. strive vigorously, make energetic endeavours, be eager

endless: got. andilaus* 2, andi-lau-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. endlos; ne. endless

endmost: got. aftumists 5, af-t-u-m-ist-s,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. letzte; ne. endmost, final (Adj.), the very last

endurable -- more endurable: got. sutizō, got.: nhd. erträglicher; ne. more endurable

endurance: got. stiwiti* 4=3, stiwit-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geduld, geduldiges Ertragen; ne. steadfastness, perseverance, endurance, patience; usdaudei* 8, us-dau-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ausdauer, Eifer; ne. vigour, energy, endurance, zeal; usþulains* 2, us-þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geduld; ne. endurance, enduring (N.), patient bearing, patience, steadfastness

-- endurance of pain: got. wunns* 1, wu-n-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Leiden; ne. suffering (N.), endurance of pain

endure: got. baíran 46=45, baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. tragen, leiden, erleiden, gebären, ertragen; ne. bear (V.), carry, bring, endure, suffer, give birth; frabaíran* 1, fra-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vertragen, ertragen; ne. bear psychologically, sustain psychologically, endure; gabeidan* 1, ga-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ausharren, ertragen; ne. endure, abide, hold out under; gaþulan 5, ga-þul-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erdulden, dulden; ne. tolerate, put up with, suffer (V.), stand (V.), endure; þulan 6, þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. dulden, leiden; ne. tolerate, suffer, bear (V.) (1), endure; usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

-- endure to the end: got. usaiwjan* 1, us-aiw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich anstrengen; ne. endure to the end, persevere, exert o.s.

enduring -- enduring (N.): got. usþulains* 2, us-þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geduld; ne. endurance, enduring (N.), patient bearing, patience, steadfastness

enemy: got. fijands 22=20, fi-j-a-n-d-s,  st. M. (nd): nhd. Feind; ne. enemy, foe; hatands, got.: nhd. Feind; ne. enemy

energetic: got. usdauþs* 3, us-dau-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eifrig; ne. vigorous, energetic, earnest

-- make energetic endeavours: got. usdaudjan* 8, us-dau-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich beeifern, seine Ehre suchen; ne. strive vigorously, make energetic endeavours, be eager

energetically: got. usdaudō 3, us-dau-d-ō,  Adv.: nhd. eifrig; ne. vigorously, energetically, earnestly

energy: got. usdaudei* 8, us-dau-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ausdauer, Eifer; ne. vigour, energy, endurance, zeal

-- lose (V.) all energy: got. diwan* 3, diw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sterben; ne. lose (V.) all energy, become lifeless

engage -- engage in: got. taujan 211=209, tau-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tun, machen, wirken; ne. do, act (V.), engage in, execute, perform, make (V.), form (V.), construct (V.), produce (1)

engage -- engage in combat: got. weihan (1) 2, weih-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. kämpfen; ne. battle (V.), combat (V.), engage in combat, dispute (V.)

engage -- engage in discharge: got. waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

engage -- engage in disputation: got. sakan 5, sak-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. streiten, schelten, Vorwürfe machen; ne. dispute (V.), engage in disputation, rebuke (V.), reprimand (V.), quarrel (V.)

engaged: got. in fragiftim: nhd. versprochen, verlobt; ne. promised, engaged

-- be engaged in thought: got. þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

engagement: got. fragifts* 3, fra-gif-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verleihung, Verlobung, Gabe; ne. gift (N.), grant (N.), betrothal, presentation, bestowal, giving away, plightedness, engagement

engendering: got. ussateins* 1, us-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ursprung; ne. semination, seeding (N.), sowing (N.) (2), engendering, begetting, origin

engrave: got. *wreitan, *wre-i-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. ritzen, reißen; ne. incise, score (V.), carve in, engrave, inscribe, write

engrossedly -- look engrossedly: got. faírweitjan 6, faír-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinblicken, gaffen, umherspähen, spähen; ne. stare (V.), view attentively, look engrossedly, look about, gaze inquisitively

engrossedly -- look engrossedly at: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at

engulf: got. ufsaggqjan* 2=1, uf-saggq-jan*, ufsagqjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versenken; ne. make sink down, cause to submerge, engulf

enjoin: got. garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange; raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret

-- enjoin in advance: got. *faúragaraidjan 1, *faúr-a-ga-rai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen?; ne. enjoin in advance, mandate beforehand, decree beforehand

-- enjoin right: got. raihtaba raidjan, got.: nhd. richtig darbieten; ne. enjoin right

enjoy: got. niutan 2, niut-an,  st. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. treffen, erreichen, einer Sache froh sein (V.); ne. acquire use of, obtain disposal of, attain, enjoy

enjoyably: got. *gabaúrjō, *ga-baúr-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. erfreulich; ne. pleasurably, enjoyably

enjoying -- enjoying together: got. gawizneigs 1, ga-wiz-n-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll Mitfreude; ne. enjoying together, joyfully agreeing with, full of delight

enjoyment: got. *baúrjōþus 1, *baúr-j-ōþu-s, borrotsch,  borrotsch, krim st. M. (u): nhd. Lust; ne. pleasure, enjoyment; lat. voluntas?, voluptas?; gabaúrjōþus* 1, ga-baúr-j-ōþu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Lust, Vergnügen; ne. pleasure, enjoyment

enlarge: got. biaukan* 3, bi-auk-an*,  red. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. hinzufügen; ne. add, enlarge, expand; urrūmnan* 2, ur-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern, aufgehen; ne. become spacious, become commodious, enlarge, widen, open wide

enlarged -- be enlarged: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

enlighten: got. inliuhtjan 3=2, in-liuh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erleuchten; ne. enlighten, illuminate, make known

enlist: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

enmity: got. fijaþwa* 3, fi-j-aþ-w-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Feindschaft; ne. enmity, hostility

enormous: got. *airmans, *airman-s, *airmins,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, gewaltig; ne. enormous, huge

enough: got. ganōhs* 7, ga-nōh-s*,  Adj. (a),: nhd. genug, viel; ne. enough, ample (Adj.), abundant, copious, plenteous; *nōhs, *nōh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. genug; ne. enough

-- be brave enough: got. gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous

-- be enough: got. ganaúhan* 4, ga-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. genügen, zur Genüge versehen sein (V.) mit; ne. suffice, be enough, be sufficient

-- be just enough: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements; *naúhan?, *naúh-an?,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.); ne. be just enough, be barely adequate

-- well enough: got. waíla 43, waíl-a,  Adv.: nhd. wohl, gut, wohlan; ne. well (Adv.), rightly, very well, well enough

enrich: got. gabigjan* 1, gab-ig-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reich machen, bereichern; ne. enrich, make rich

-- enrich o.s. at the expense of: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of

enroll: got. anamēljan 1, an-a-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreiben, sich in die Steuerlisten eintragen lassen; ne. register (V.), write down one’s entry, write down an entry, enroll; gamēljan 73=72, ga-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben, sich in die Listen eintragen lassen; ne. write, write down, register (V.), enroll, inscribe; mēljan 23=22, mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben; ne. write, write down, register (V.), inscribe, enroll, record (2)

enrollment -- enrollment for taxation: got. gilstramēleins 1, gil-str-a-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Eintragung in die Steuerliste; ne. enrollment for taxation, tax registration

enslave: got. anaþiwan* 1, an-a-þiw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, in Dienstbarkeit bringen, dienstbar machen; ne. subjugate (V.), subdue, enthrall, enslave, put in bondage

ensuring -- ensuring (Adj.): got. *wērjands?, *wēr-jan-d-s?,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. gewährleistend; ne. ensuring (Adj.)

enter: got. innatgaggan 8, in-n-at-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. „hineingehen“, hineinkommen; ne. enter, get into, go into, come into; inngaggan 18, in-n-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hineingehen, fortgehen (= inngaggan framis); ne. go in, enter, progress (V.), proceed on; inngaleiþan 8, in-n-ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineingehen; ne. enter, go in, pass in

enterprise -- lucrative enterprise: got. faíhugawaúrki 1, faíh-u-ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erwerb, Geldgewinn, Gewinn; ne. profitable undertaking, lucrative enterprise, gain of money

enthrall: got. anaþiwan* 1, an-a-þiw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, in Dienstbarkeit bringen, dienstbar machen; ne. subjugate (V.), subdue, enthrall, enslave, put in bondage; gaþiwan* 5, ga-þiw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. dienstbar machen, unterjochen, durchbohren; ne. enthrall, subject to thralldom

entice: got. gaƕatjan* 1, ga-ƕat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet, sharpen, make keen for, incite, mislead, entice

entire: got. *alakjis?, *al-a-k-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja) (jō): nhd. gesamt; ne. whole, entire

-- entire (Adj.): got. *allandjis?, *al-l-and-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja/jō): nhd. völlig; ne. complete (Adj.), entire (Adj.), full (Adj.)

-- the entire: got. *ala?, *al-a?,  sw. Adj.?: nhd. all, ganz, völlig; ne. all, the entire, the whole; alls 600=597, al-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. all, jeder, ganz, viel; ne. all, all of, the entire, every, the whole

entireness: got. fullō 10, ful-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle, Füllung, Flicken (M.), Ausfüllung; ne. fullness, a fulfilling, fulfillment, filling, completeness, entireness

entirety -- entirety burning: got. alabrunsts* 1, al-a-bru-n-st-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Brandopfer; ne. burnt offering, entirety burning

entirety -- entirety of mankind: got. alamans* 1, al-a-man-s*, alamannans*,  Pl. M.: nhd. Gesamtheit der Menschen, alle Menschen; ne. all humanity, totality of man, entirety of mankind

entity: got. waíhts 80=79, waíh-t-s,  st. F. (i), F. (kons.): nhd. Ding, Sache, etwas; ne. thing, anything, something, entity, whit, sake, objective, matter (N.)

-- quantifiable entity: got. waíht 10, waíh-t,  N. (kons.): nhd. etwas; ne. single unit, quantifiable entity

entrails: got. haírþra 2, haír-þ-r-a,  N. (a) Pl.: nhd. Eingeweide, Herz, Inneres; ne. intestines, viscera, entrails, heart, bosom, inner being

entrance: got. innatgāhts* 1, in-n-at-gā-h-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Eingang, Eintritt; ne. entrance, going into, ingress (N.)

-- entrance (N.): got. *atgāhts (1), *at-gā-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Eingang; ne. entrance (N.)

entreat: got. bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for; gaþlaihan 12=11, ga-þlaih-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten, in die Arme schließen, umarmen; ne. comfort (V.), admonish, embrace (V.), hearten, encourage, entreat, exhort

entreaty: got. bida 29, bid-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bitte, Gebet, Aufforderung; ne. request (N.), supplication, prayer, demand (N.), entreaty, exhortation

entrust: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- entrust with: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

entrustment: got. triggwa 8=7, triggw-a,  st. F. (ō) (wō): nhd. Bündnis, Bund; ne. bequest (N.), testament (N.), entrustment, covenant

entry -- write down an entry: got. anamēljan 1, an-a-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreiben, sich in die Steuerlisten eintragen lassen; ne. register (V.), write down one’s entry, write down an entry, enroll

entry -- write down one’s entry: got. anamēljan 1, an-a-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreiben, sich in die Steuerlisten eintragen lassen; ne. register (V.), write down one’s entry, write down an entry, enroll

entwine: got. *hrankjan?, *hrank-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ranken; ne. entwine

envelop: got. biwaibjan* 3, bi-waib-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umwinden, umgeben, umkleiden; ne. surround (V.), clothe, wrap around, envelop, wind round about

-- envelop (V.): got. biqiman* 1, bi-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. überfallen; ne. come round about, encompass, envelop (V.), attack (V.)

environment: got. gawi* 6, gaw-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gau, Land, Bezirk, Umgegend, Gegend; ne. region, district (N.), country, land (N.), province, environment

envision -- envision (V.): got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know

envy -- envy (N.): got. neiþ* 7, nei-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Neid; ne. envy (N.), hatred, spite (N.)

enwrap: got. dugawindan* (sik) 1, du-ga-wind-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. sich verwickeln, sich verstricken; ne. involve, get involved in, enwrap; *gawindan?, *ga-wi-nd-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich verwickeln; ne. involve, enwrap

enwreathe: got. weipan* 1, weip-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. kränzen, krönen, bekränzen; ne. wreathe, enwreathe, crown with wreathing

epicurean -- devour through epicurean living: got. frawisan* 1, fra-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verbrauchen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. consume by dining, devour through epicurean living, eat up in feasting, squander

epigraph: got. ufarmēleins 1, uf-ar-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Überschrift; ne. superscription, epigraph, inscription, title

epiphany: got. gabaírhteins* 1, ga-baír-h-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erscheinung; ne. illumination, manifestation, epiphany

episcopate: got. aípiskaúpei* 1, aípi-skaúp-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bischofsamt; ne. bishopric, episcopate, office of a bishop

epistle: got. aípistaúle 14=13, aípi-staúl-e, aipistula*,  st. F. (īn): nhd. Brief; ne. epistle, letter

equal: got. ibna 3, ibn-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. gleich; ne. equal, like (Adj.); samaleiks* 2, sam-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich, übereinstimmend, gleichlautend; ne. identical, of the same form, equal, like (1)

-- equal in essence: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

-- equal in form: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

-- of equal appearance: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

-- of equal beauty: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

-- of equal sightliness: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

-- of equal substance: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

equal-bodied: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

equality: got. ibnassus 3, ibn-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Gleichheit, Billigkeit; ne. equalization, equality, equity, equitableness; *leikei?, *leik-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gleichheit; ne. equality, identity

equalization: got. ibnassus 3, ibn-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Gleichheit, Billigkeit; ne. equalization, equality, equity, equitableness

equalize: got. *ibnatjan?, *ibn-at-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gleichmachen, ebnen; ne. even out, level out, equalize

equally -- equally beautiful: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

equanimity: got. anawiljei 3, an-a-wi-l-j-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Billigkeit, Ehrbarkeit; ne. equanimity, self-possession, sedateness, moderation, dignity

equipment: got. *skairpa, *skairp-a, *skirpa,  F. (ō)?: nhd. Ausstattung, Ausrüstung; ne. equipping, equipment

-- war equipment: got. sarwa* 3, sar-w-a*,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Waffen, Rüstung; ne. arms, armament, war equipment, weapons

equipollent: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

equipping: got. *skairpa, *skairp-a, *skirpa,  F. (ō)?: nhd. Ausstattung, Ausrüstung; ne. equipping, equipment

equitableness: got. ibnassus 3, ibn-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Gleichheit, Billigkeit; ne. equalization, equality, equity, equitableness

equity: got. ibnassus 3, ibn-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Gleichheit, Billigkeit; ne. equalization, equality, equity, equitableness

equivalent -- equivalent (Adj.): got. samalauþs* 1, sam-a-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich groß, derselbe; ne. of the same proportions, equivalent (Adj.), as much

equivalent -- monetary equivalent: got. waírþ* 4, waír-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Preis, Wert; ne. price (N.), monetary equivalent, worth (N.), conversion value

era: got. era 14, er-a,  st. F. (ō?): nhd. Ära, Zeitabschnitt; ne. era, period of time

erect -- erect (V.): got. raisjan* 1, rai-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufrichten; ne. set up, erect (V.)

ergo: got. eiþan 6, ei-þan,  Konj.: nhd. daher, somit, nun; ne. ergo, therefore, for which reason, then, wherefore; nūnū 6, nū-nū,  Konj.: nhd. demnach, daher, also; ne. consequently, ergo, therefore, now then

erring: got. aírzeis* 4, aírz-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. irre geführt, irre, verführt; ne. deluded, erring, misled, deceived, in error

error: got. aírzei* 2, aírz-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Irre, Irrlehre, Irrtum; ne. delusion, error, misleading (N.), heresy

-- commit error: got. frawaúrkjan* 15, fra-waúrk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. sündigen, (sich) versündigen, eine Sünde begehen; ne. sin (V.), commit error, transgress, commit a transgression

-- in error: got. aírzeis* 4, aírz-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. irre geführt, irre, verführt; ne. deluded, erring, misled, deceived, in error

erubescence: got. gariudei* 2=1, ga-riud-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schamhaftigkeit; ne. modesty, erubescence

e-rune -- name of e-rune: got. aíƕs* 1, aíƕ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Pferd, e-Rune; ne. horse, name of e-rune; eyz 1,  st. M. (a): nhd. Pferd?, e-Rune; ne. horse?, name of e-rune

escape -- escape detection: got. galaugnjan 3, ga-laug-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbergen, verborgen bleiben; ne. be undiscovered, escape detection, hide (V.), be hidden, conceal (V.)

escape -- escape (V.): got. afþliuhan* 1, af-þli-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegfliehen, fliehen; ne. flee off, run away in flight, escape (V.); gaþliuhan* 6, ga-þli-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. die Flucht ergreifen, entfliehen, fliehen; ne. flee (V.), take flight, escape (V.); unþaþlíuhan* 2, unþa-þlí-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. entfliehen, einem entrinnen; ne. escape (V.), get away

espalier: got. *parra, *par-r-a,  Sb.: nhd. Spalier; ne. espalier, trellis

especially: got. þishun 6=5, þi-s-hun,  Adv.: nhd. meist, vorzüglich, besonders; ne. in particular, particularly, specifically, especially, above all; ussindō 1, us-sind-ō,  Adv.: nhd. am meisten, besonders, ausnehmend; ne. particularly, especially, in particular

espouse: got. liugan (1) 19, liug-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. heiraten; ne. marry, wed (V.), espouse, take a spouse

espoused: got. walisa* 5, wa-l-is-a*, valis*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. echt, lauter, geliebt; ne. chosen (Adj.), espoused, beloved, genuine

espy: got. gasaíƕan 162, ga-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erblicken, sehen, (erscheinen); ne. see (V.), espy, catch sight of, look at, perceive

essence: got. wists* 9, wi-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wesen, Natur; ne. essence, inherent nature, being (N.)

-- different essence: got. anþarleikei* 2, an-þar-leik-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verschiedenheit; ne. otherness, different structure, different essence, diversity, difference

-- equal in essence: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

essentially -- essentially different: got. *anþarleiks?, *an-þar-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. verschieden; ne. substantively different, essentially different, constituted otherwise

essentially -- essentially differently: got. anþarleikō 2=1, an-þar-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. anders; ne. essentially differently, otherwise, in substantively different manner

essentials: got. andawizns* 3, anda-wiz-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Notdurft, Unterhalt, Sold; ne. living expenses, subsistence, sustenance, essentials, necessities, needs

establish: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify; raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret; satjan* 9, sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. setzen, stellen, bestimmen, pflanzen; ne. set (V.), place (V.), position (V.), put in position, establish, plant (V.), determine; tulgjan 3, tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. festigen, stärken, befestigen; ne. make firm, confirm, establish, fix (V.), fortify; ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

-- establish as governing: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

-- establish peace among: got. gafriþōn 5, ga-fri-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versöhnen; ne. establish peace between, establish peace among, reconcile

-- establish peace between: got. gafriþōn 5, ga-fri-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versöhnen; ne. establish peace between, establish peace among, reconcile

-- establish the monetary value of: got. waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

establishedness: got. þwastiþa 1, þwa-st-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sicherheit; ne. stability, security, establishedness, safeguard

establishment: got. gasateins* 1, ga-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Grundlegung; ne. foundation, establishment

-- establishment of peace: got. gafriþōns* 2, ga-fri-þ-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versöhnung; ne. establishment of peace, reconciliation, counciliatory pacification

estate -- country estate: got. ? hugs* (2) 1, hug-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Landgut?, Feld; ne. landed estate?, country estate?, agricultural property, farm property, field

estate -- landed estate: got. ? hugs* (2) 1, hug-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Landgut?, Feld; ne. landed estate?, country estate?, agricultural property, farm property, field

esteem: got. dōms* 2, dō-m-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Urteil“, Ruhm; ne. discernment, insight, distinction, esteem, prestige, notability

-- esteem as prior: got. faúrarahnjan* 1, faúr-a-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. esteem as prior, reckon as foremost, deem preferable, outdo

-- esteem (V.): got. swēran* 13, s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ehren, achten; ne. honour (V.), render honour to, esteem (V.), exalt

esteemed: got. swērs 3, s-wēr-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geehrt, geachtet, gewichtig; ne. honoured, dignified, esteemed

estimate -- estimate (N.): got. ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

estimate -- estimate (V.): got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

estrange: got. framaþjan* 1, fra-m-aþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entfremden; ne. estrange, alienate

estranged: got. framaþeis* 9, framaþs, fra-m-aþ-ei-s*, fram-aþ-s*,  Adj. (ja?), (i): nhd. fremd; ne. strange, alien, foreign, alienated, estranged

et -- et cetera: got. kaì tà loipá 1, gr.- Konj., Art., Sb.: nhd. und so weiter; ne. and the remains, and the rest, et cetera

etch -- etch (V.): got. *blēsjan?, *blē-s-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versengen, ätzen; ne. singe, etch (V.)

eternal: got. aiweins* 33, aiw-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ewig; ne. eternal, everlasting; *ajuks?, *aju-k-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. ewig; ne. eternal; unriureis* 3, un-riur-ei-s*, unriurs*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. unvergänglich; ne. imperishable, incorruptible, immortal (Adj.), eternal

eternity: got. aiws* 49, aiw-s*,  st. M. (a/i): nhd. Zeit, Ewigkeit; ne. age (N.), eternity, all time; ajukdūþs* 3, aju-k-dū-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ewigkeit; ne. eternity

ethnarch: got. kindins 7, kin-d-in-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Statthalter, Landpfleger; ne. governor, ruler, ethnarch

ethnic -- ethnic group: got. þiuda 54, þiu-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Volk, Heiden; ne. people, ethnic group, nation, gentiles, heathens

ethnic -- ethnic origin: got. gabaúrþs* 12, ga-baúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geburt, Abstammung, Geschlecht, Geburtsland; ne. birth, ethnic origin, birthplace, descent, race (1), native country

evacuation -- emergency evacuation: got. usfarþō* 1, us-far-þ-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ausfahrt?; ne. emergency egress, emergency evacuation, departure

evaluate: got. dōmjan 10, dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, beurteilen, unterscheiden, rechtfertigen, rechnen, meinen; ne. judge (V.), justify, discern (V.), distinguish, evaluate, distinguish as, deem (V.); rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

evaluation: got. ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

evaluative -- evaluative reasoning: got. mitōns 10, mi-t-ōn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überlegung, Gedanke; ne. cogitation, meditation, deliberation, premeditation, thought, opinion, evaluative reasoning

evangel: got. aíwaggēli* 7, aíw-agg-ēl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Evangelium, frohe Botschaft; ne. evangel, gospel, good tidings; aíwaggēljō 49=48, aíw-agg-ēl-jō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Evangelium, frohe Botschaft; ne. evangel, gospel, good tidings

evangelism: got. waílamēreins* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verkündigung, Botschaft; ne. good tidings, good news-spreading, evangelizing, preaching (N.), evangelism

evangelist: got. aíwaggēlista 3, aíw-agg-ēl-i-st-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Evangelist; ne. evangelist

evangelize: got. aíwaggēljan* 1, aíw-agg-ēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. das Evangelium verkünden; ne. evangelize, spread the gospel; mērjan 48, mē-r-jan,  red. V. (1): nhd. künden, kund tun, verkünden, das Evangelium verkünden; ne. proclaim (V.), promulgate, broadcast (V.), preach tidings of, preach the gospel, evangelize

evangelizing: got. waílamēreins* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verkündigung, Botschaft; ne. good tidings, good news-spreading, evangelizing, preaching (N.), evangelism

even: got. miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though

-- and yet even: got. naúhuþþan 1, naúh-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. und sogar noch; ne. and yet even

-- even (Adj.): got. ibns* 1, ibn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eben, flach, gleich; ne. even (Adj.), level (Adj.), flat (Adj.); slaíhts* 1, slaíh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. schlicht, glatt; ne. smooth (Adj.), even (Adj.)

-- even if: got. -ba (1) 1,  Konj., Partikel: nhd. wenn; ne. if, even if; *-bai (2), *-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. wenn; ne. if, even if, even though; þauhjabai 3, þau-h-ja-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. wenn auch; ne. even though, even if, although

-- even (Konj.): got. jah 3915,  Konj.: nhd. und, und zwar, auch, aber, denn; ne. indeed, even (Konj.), also, but, and

-- even more: got. mais 54=53, ma-i-s,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. mehr, vielmehr; ne. more, even more

-- even out: got. *ibnatjan?, *ibn-at-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gleichmachen, ebnen; ne. even out, level out, equalize

-- even so: got. iþ (1) 626,  Konj.: nhd. aber, und, wenn, nun, also, denn; ne. but, however, in any case, even so, so, if, in the case that; swah 11, swa-h,  Adv.: nhd. so, so auch; ne. and so, even so, so also

-- even though: got. *-bai (2), *-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. wenn; ne. if, even if, even though; *þauh, *þau-h,  Konj.: nhd. oder, doch; ne. or, but, even though; þauhjabai 3, þau-h-ja-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. wenn auch; ne. even though, even if, although

-- how not even more: got. ƕaiwa nei mais, got.: nhd. wie ... nicht um so mehr; ne. how not even more

-- make even: got. gaibnjan* 1, ga-ibn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. gleichmachen, ebnen; ne. make even, level (V.); airþai gaibnjan: nhd. der Erde gleichmachen, (eine Stadt) zerstören; ne. make even; *ibnjan?, *ibn-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ebnen; ne. make even, level (V.); *ibnōn?, *ibn-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ebnen; ne. make even, level (V.)

-- not even: got. nih 147, ni-h,  Konj.: nhd. und nicht, auch nicht, nicht; ne. and not, also not, not even, nor

-- not even then: got. niþþan, ni-þ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. und dann nicht, auch dann nicht; ne. not even then

evening: got. andanahti 6, and-a-naht-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Abend; ne. evening; seiþu, got.: nhd. Abend; ne. evening

-- evening meal: got. nahtamats* 8, naht-a-mat-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Abendessen, Abendmahl, Gastmahl, Nachtmahl; ne. dinner, supper, evening meal

ever: got. *-aiw?,  Suff. (Akk. Sg.): nhd. immer, jederzeit; ne. ever, at any time; aiw, Adv.: nhd. je, jemals; ne. ever; ƕanhun 9, ƕa-n-hun,  Adv.: nhd. jemals; ne. ever, at any time; sinteinō 36, sin-tein-ō,  Adv.: nhd. immer, allezeit; ne. perpetually, always, ever, continually, constantly

-- hardly ever: got. halisaiw 1, halis-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. kaum je, kaum; ne. hardly ever, scarcely ever

-- scarcely ever: got. halisaiw 1, halis-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. kaum je, kaum; ne. hardly ever, scarcely ever

-- who ever: got. saƕazuh 14, sa-ƕaz-uh,  Pron.: nhd. wer auch immer; ne. who ever, everyone who, anyone who

everlasting: got. aiweins* 33, aiw-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ewig; ne. eternal, everlasting

evermore: got. framwigis 2, fra-m-wig-is,  Adv.: nhd. fortwährend, für immer; ne. evermore, continuous, in perpetuity

every: got. alls 600=597, al-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. all, jeder, ganz, viel; ne. all, all of, the entire, every, the whole; ƕarjizuh 35, ƕar-ji-z-uh,  subst. Pron.: nhd. jeder; ne. each one, every, every one

-- every day: got. dags 186, dag-s, tag,  tag, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Tag, d-Rune; ne. day, name of d-rune; lat. dies; dag ƕanoh, got.:; dagis ƕizuh: nhd. täglich; ne. every day; gr. εἰς ἡμέραν μίαν; lat. per singulos dies; Neh 5,18 D

-- every hour: got. ƕeilō hwōh, got.: nhd. jede Stunde; ne. every hour

-- every one: got. ƕarjizuh 35, ƕar-ji-z-uh,  subst. Pron.: nhd. jeder; ne. each one, every, every one; ƕazuh 41, ƕaz-uh,  subst. Pron., M.: nhd. jeder; ne. each, everyone, every one

everyday: got. sinteins* 2, sin-tein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. täglich; ne. everyday, constant, daily

everyone: got. ainƕarjizuh 13, ai-n-ƕar-ji-z-uh,  Pron. m. Gen. Pl.: nhd. ein jeder; ne. each, each one, everyone; ƕazuh 41, ƕaz-uh,  subst. Pron., M.: nhd. jeder; ne. each, everyone, every one

-- everyone who: got. saƕazuh 14, sa-ƕaz-uh,  Pron.: nhd. wer auch immer; ne. who ever, everyone who, anyone who

everything -- before everything: got. frumist 14, fru-m-ist,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. zuerst; ne. firstly, at first, before everything, first of all

everything -- one effectuating everything: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

everything -- person fulfilling everything: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

everywhere: got. and all, got.: nhd. überall; ne. everywhere; and allata, got.: nhd. überall; ne. everywhere; in allama, got.: nhd. überall; ne. everywhere; ÜG. gr. ἐω παντί

-- from everywhere: got. allaþrō 2, al-l-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von allen Seiten; ne. from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere

evidence: got. taikn 1, tai-k-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anzeichen; ne. token (N.), evidence, display (N.), something exhibited; ustaikneins 4, us-tai-k-n-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auszeichnung, Bezeichnung, Bekanntmachung, Anzeichen, Beweis, Darstellung; ne. pointing out, marking out, showing (N.), evidence, token (N.), revelation, proof (N.)

-- be in evidence: got. faúrawisan 2, faúr-a-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be present, be in evidence, be at hand

evident: got. baírhts* 5, baír-h-t-s*, berhts*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hell, offenbar, deutlich; ne. bright, clear (Adj.), manifest (Adj.), evident

evil -- do evil: got. skaþjan* 1, skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. schaden; ne. do wrong, wrong (V.), do evil, harm (V.), injure (V.)

evil -- evil (Adj.): got. ubils 56, ub-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. übel, böse, schlecht; ne. evil (Adj.), bad, wrongful, corrupt (Adj.), ill (Adj.); unsēls* 9, un-sēl-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. übel, böse; ne. unkind, malevolent, malicious, evil (Adj.)

evil -- evil deed: got. *waidēþs?, *wai-dē-þ-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übeltat; ne. evil deed, crime, felony

evil -- evil (N.): got. balwawēsei* 1, balw-a-wēs-ei*, balwaweisei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit; ne. malice, wickedness, evil (N.); ubil, ub-il,  Adj. (a), N. Sg. subst.: nhd. Übel; ne. evil (N.), bad (N.); þata ubil, got.: nhd. Übel; ne. evil (N.); unþiuþ* 7, un-þiu-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. das Böse; ne. non-good, evil (N.), badness

evil -- evil report: got. bihait* 1, bi-hai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. üble Nachrede; ne. obloquy, defamation, slander (N.), evil report

evil -- evil spirit: got. skōhsl* 6, skōh-sl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. böser Geist, Dämon; ne. demon, evil spirit

evil -- imprecate evil upon: got. unþiuþjan* 1, un-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fluchen; ne. curse (V.), imprecate evil upon, confer a malediction upon

evil -- speak evil of: got. ubilwaúrdjan 1, ub-il-waúr-d-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. übel sprechen, schmähen; ne. speak ill of, speak evil of

evil-doer: got. waidēdja 9, wai-dē-d-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Übeltäter, Räuber; ne. „woe-doer“, evil-doer, malefactor, robber, bandit, felon

evil-doing: got. ubiltōjis 2, ub-il-tō-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. übeltäterisch, Übeltäter (= subst.); ne. evil-doing, criminal (Adj.), criminal (M.) (= subst.)

-- evil-doing (Adj.): got. frawaúrhts (1) 36, fra-waúrh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. sündig, subst. Sünder; ne. evil-doing (Adj.), sinful, subst. sinner

-- evil-doing (N.): got. frawaúrhts (2) 79, fra-waúrh-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Sünde; ne. transgression, evil-doing (N.), sin (N.), offence

-- get out of evil-doing: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

evilly: got. ubilaba 2, ub-il-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. übel, böse; ne. evilly, badly, wrongly, ill (Adv.)

evil-speaking: got. ubilwaúrds 1, ub-il-waúr-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „übelredend“, schmähsüchtig; ne. evil-tongued, maligning (Adj.), evil-speaking, reviler (= subst.)

evil-tongued: got. ubilwaúrds 1, ub-il-waúr-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „übelredend“, schmähsüchtig; ne. evil-tongued, maligning (Adj.), evil-speaking, reviler (= subst.)

evince -- evince contrition: got. gaidreigōn* 1, ga-id-reig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv, ingressiv: nhd. bereuen, Buße tun, sich ändern; ne. evince contrition, repent (V.)

ewe: got. *aus,  st. F. (i): nhd. weibliches Schaf, Mutterschaf; ne. ewe

ewes -- pen for ewes: got. awistr* 1, awi-st-r*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schafstall; ne. pen for ewes, sheepfold

ex-: got. ur-,  Präf., (Präp.): nhd. aus; ne. out, ex-

exaction: got. bifaih* 1, bi-faih*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. exaction, self-enrichment at others expense

exaggerate: got. ufarassau ufþanjan sik, got.: nhd. übertreiben; ne. exaggerate

exalt: got. gaswēran* 2, ga-s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verherrlichen, verklären; ne. honour (V.), pay honour to, exalt, glorify; hauhjan 27, hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hoch machen, erhöhen, preisen, verherrlichen; ne. make high, lift on high, elevate, exalt, extol, praise (V.); swēran* 13, s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ehren, achten; ne. honour (V.), render honour to, esteem (V.), exalt; ushauhjan 9, us-hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhöhen; ne. lift up, raise high, elevate, exalt, extol, magnify

-- exalt o.s.: got. ufarhafjan* 1, uf-ar-haf-jan*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. überheben; ne. raise above, lift up over, exalt o.s.; ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

exaltation: got. hauheins 7, hau-h-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Erhöhung“, Preis, Ehre; ne. raising on high, elevation, elevating (N.), extolment, exaltation, praise (N.), honour (N.)

exalted -- become exalted: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

exalted -- become excessively exalted: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

exalted -- be exalted: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

exalted -- be excessively exalted: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

exaltedly: got. hauhaba 2, hau-h-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. hoch; ne. loftily, highly, exaltedly

exaltedness: got. hauhiþa 7, hau-h-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Höhe, Erhebung, Ehre; ne. height, high (N.), elevatedness, exaltedness, honour (N.)

examine: got. andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.); fragan* 1, fragjan*?, frag-an*, frag-jan*?,  st. V. (6?): nhd. fragen; ne. ask, test (V.), inquire of, make inquiry into, examine; ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

-- examine by testing: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

examining -- choose after examining: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

example: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

ex-avid: got. usgrudja* 7=6, us-grud-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. mutlos; ne. ex-avid, exhausted of desire, no longer avid, lacking courage

exceed: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- exceed in growth: got. ufarwahsjan* 1, uf-ar-wahs-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. überaus wachsen, sich stark vermehren; ne. wax exceedingly, exceed in growth, grow abundantly

exceedingly -- make exceedingly afraid: got. usagjan* 1, us-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen erschrecken; ne. frighten utterly, terrify, make exceedingly afraid

exceedingly -- wax exceedingly: got. ufarwahsjan* 1, uf-ar-wahs-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. überaus wachsen, sich stark vermehren; ne. wax exceedingly, exceed in growth, grow abundantly

exceedingness: got. ufarassus 31, uf-ar-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Überfluss, Übermaß; ne. exceedingness, oversufficiency, superabundance, superpassingness, superiority

excel: got. ufarþeihan* 1, uf-ar-þei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. surpass (V.), develop beyond, expand beyond, excel

excellence -- moral excellence: got. gōdei* 1, gōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tugend, Tüchtigkeit, Güte; ne. goodness, virtue (N.), moral excellence

except: got. alja 17, al-ja,  Konj., Präp. m. Dat.: nhd. außer; ne. but, else than, except, other than, save (Präp.), unless; inuh 49, in-u-h, inu,  Präp., m. Akk.: nhd. ohne, außer; ne. without, except, apart from, outside (Präp.)

-- except (Konj.): got. nibai 58, n-i-ba-i, niba,  Interrog.-Pron., Konj.: nhd. doch nicht etwa, wenn nicht, es sei denn dass, ausgenommen; ne. not possibly, unless, except (Konj.), if not, but not in the case

excess -- excess (N.): got. ufjō 1, uf-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Überfluss; ne. superfluity, excess (N.)

excess -- in excess of that which: got. ufar þatei, got.: nhd. mehr als was; ne. in excess of that which

excessive: got. abrs 1, ab-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, heftig; ne. great, severe, extreme, excessive; managiza: nhd. größer, mehr; ne. more, more abundant, more plentiful, excessive

excessively: got. abraba 3, ab-r-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sehr; ne. very, severely, extremely, excessively

-- become excessively exalted: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- be excessively exalted: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- verbalize excessively: got. filuwaúrdjan* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. viel Worte machen, viel plappern, viel reden; ne. verbalize excessively, babble (V.), chatter (V.), speak a great deal

exchange -- exchange (N.): got. inmaideins 2, in-mai-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Vertauschung, Tausch; ne. exchange (N.), interchange (N.), substitution

exchange -- exchange (V.): got. inmaidjan 8, in-mai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verwandeln, verändern; ne. transmute, transform, transfigure, transubstantiate, exchange (V.), metamorphose

exchangeably: got. missō 64=63, mis-s-ō,  Adv.: nhd. einander, wechselseitig; ne. mutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, one another

excise: got. usmaitan* 6, us-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. ausschneiden, abschneiden, ausrotten, aushauen; ne. cut out, excise, cut away, castrate, prune (V.), amputate

excite: got. drōbjan* 4, drō-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trüben, irre machen, aufwiegeln, bewegen, erschüttern, aufregen; ne. stir up, excite, agitate, disturb, unsettle, trouble (V.); uswagjan* 2, us-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erregen; ne. stir up, excite, arouse

excited -- get excited: got. briggan in aljana, got.: nhd. ereifern; ne. get excited

exclaim: got. ufwōpjan* 4, uf-wōp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. call out, cry out, cry aloud, exclaim

exclude: got. uslētan 1, us-lē-t-an,  red. V. (6): nhd. ausschließen; ne. let out, exclude, oust

excommunicated: got. unsibjis* 4=3, un-si-b-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. ungesetzlich, gottlos; ne. outlaw, outlawed, excommunicated, unlawful, impious; ? urrugks* 1, ur-rugk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verworfen?; ne. expelled?, outcast (Adj.)?, excommunicated?, depraved

excrement: got. smarna* 1, smarn-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mist, Kot; ne. offal, dung (N.), excrement, manure (N.), refuse (N.)

exculpate: got. *swiknjan?, *swikn-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reinigen; ne. absolve, exculpate, make taintless

exculpation: got. swikneins* 3, swikn-ein-s*,  st. F. (i) (ō): nhd. Reinigung; ne. absolution, exculpation, exoneration, purification

excuse -- excuse (N.): got. inilō* 4, in-il-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Entschuldigung, Vorwand, Gelegenheit; ne. pretext, pretense, alleged reason, excuse (N.)

excuse -- excuse o.s.: got. faúrqiþan 4, faúr-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. sich entschuldigen, für ungültig erklären, aufheben, umstoßen; ne. decline (V.), refuse, turn down, excuse o.s., nullify

excuse -- introduce as an excuse: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

execrated: got. usweihs* 3, us-weih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. außer der Weihe, unheilig, profan; ne. profane (Adj.), execrated, outside of sanctity, unholy

execute: got. gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish; taujan 211=209, tau-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tun, machen, wirken; ne. do, act (V.), engage in, execute, perform, make (V.), form (V.), construct (V.), produce (1); waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

executing -- one executing all things: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

execution: got. waúrstwei* 1, waúr-st-w-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tun, Verrichtung, Betrieb; ne. performance, practice (N.), execution, action (N.)

exegesis: got. skeireins 2, skei-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auslegung, Erklärung; ne. explanation, interpretation, translation, elucidation, exegesis

exegete -- legal exegete: got. witōdalaisāreis* 2, wi-t-ōd-a-lais-ārei-s*,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeslehrer, Schriftgelehrter; ne. law teacher, legal exegete, scribe (M.)

exemplar: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

exercise -- exercise authority over: got. gawaldan* 1, ga-wald-an*,  red. V. (3), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. sich der Herrschaft bemächtigen, vergewaltigen; ne. wield domination over, exercise command over, exercise authority over

exercise -- exercise command over: got. gawaldan* 1, ga-wald-an*,  red. V. (3), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. sich der Herrschaft bemächtigen, vergewaltigen; ne. wield domination over, exercise command over, exercise authority over

exercise -- exercise (N.): got. usþrōþeins 1, us-þrō-þ-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Übung, Stählung; ne. exercise (N.), training, gymnastics, discipline (N.)

exercise -- exercise o.s. in: got. sidōn* (sis) 1, sid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. üben; ne. practice (V.), exercise o.s. in

exercise -- exercise self-abnegation: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

exercise -- exercise (V.): got. þrōþjan* 1, þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. üben; ne. exercise (V.), train (V.), drill (V.), practise (2)

exert -- exert compulsion upon: got. nauþjan* 4, nau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nötigen, zwingen; ne. compel, force (V.), exert compulsion upon

exert -- exert o.s.: got. usaiwjan* 1, us-aiw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich anstrengen; ne. endure to the end, persevere, exert o.s.

ex-evil-do: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

exhaust -- exhaust (V.): got. fraqiman* 7, fra-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. verzehren, ausgeben, vertun, verwenden; ne. use up, expend, consume, exhaust (V.), spend, rise up

exhausted -- exhausted by claims: got. ushaista 1, us-haist-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Mangel leidend, bedürftig; ne. impoverished, depleted by demands, exhausted by claims, needy

exhausted -- exhausted of desire: got. usgrudja* 7=6, us-grud-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. mutlos; ne. ex-avid, exhausted of desire, no longer avid, lacking courage

exhibit: got. augjan* 2, aug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeigen; ne. put before the eyes, show (V.), exhibit; taiknjan* 4, tai-k-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem etwas zeigen; ne. show (V.), exhibit, display (V.), manifest (V.); ustaiknjan 16, us-tai-k-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezeichnen, auszeichnen, erweisen, darstellen, in die Erscheinung bringen; ne. point out, designate, appoint, exhibit, show (V.), demonstrate, render

-- exhibit clearly: got. baírhtjan* 1, baír-h-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. offenbaren; ne. exhibit clearly, manifest (V.), show (V.), disclose

exhibited -- something exhibited: got. taikn 1, tai-k-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anzeichen; ne. token (N.), evidence, display (N.), something exhibited

exhibition: got. faírweitl 1, faír-wei-t-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schauspiel; ne. spectacle, exhibition, theatrical sight

-- make public exhibition of: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

exhort: got. gaþlaihan 12=11, ga-þlaih-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten, in die Arme schließen, umarmen; ne. comfort (V.), admonish, embrace (V.), hearten, encourage, entreat, exhort; *þlaihan?, *þlaih-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten; ne. comfort (V.), hearten, encourage, exhort

exhortation: got. bida 29, bid-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bitte, Gebet, Aufforderung; ne. request (N.), supplication, prayer, demand (N.), entreaty, exhortation

exist: got. in gagrēftai wisan: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.), vorliegen; ne. be in existence, exist; wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

existence -- be in existence: got. in gagrēftai wisan: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.), vorliegen; ne. be in existence, exist

existence -- come into existence: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

existence -- have existence: got. wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

exit: got. urruns* (2) 1, ur-ru-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ausgang; ne. exodus, departure, exit

-- exit (V.): got. ūtgaggan* 2, ūt-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hinausgehen, ausgehen; ne. go out, exit (V.)

exodus: got. urruns* (2) 1, ur-ru-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ausgang; ne. exodus, departure, exit

exoneration: got. swikneins* 3, swikn-ein-s*,  st. F. (i) (ō): nhd. Reinigung; ne. absolution, exculpation, exoneration, purification

expand: got. biaukan* 3, bi-auk-an*,  red. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. hinzufügen; ne. add, enlarge, expand

-- expand beyond: got. ufarþeihan* 1, uf-ar-þei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. surpass (V.), develop beyond, expand beyond, excel

expect: got. gawēnjan* 1, ga-wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erwarten, annehmen, meinen; ne. „ween“, suppose, surmise (V.), expect; usbeidan* 5, us-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. erwarten, Geduld haben; ne. expect, await, look for, wait for; wēnjan* 20=19, wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. warten, hoffen auf, meinen; ne. hope (V.), hope for, look for, await, expect, anticipate

expectation: got. usbeisns* 5, us-beis-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erwartung, Geduld, Langmut; ne. expectation, awaiting, long-abiding, patience; wēns 18, wēn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Hoffnung; ne. hope (N.), expectation, hopeful anticipation

expectations -- without expectations: got. uswēna* 2, us-wēn-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. hoffnungslos; ne. despairing, desponding, without hope, callous, without expectations

expectedly: got. *wēniggō?, *wēn-ig-g-ō?,  Adv.: nhd. erwartet; ne. expectedly

expectorate: got. gaspeiwan* 1, ga-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ausspeien, speien; ne. spit (V.), expectorate; speiwan 5, speiw-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. speien; ne. spit (V.) (1), expectorate

-- expectorate against: got. andspeiwan* 1, and-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1),: nhd. entgegenspeien, ausspeien, verachten, verwerfen; ne. spit at, expectorate against, despise

expel: got. usdreiban 12, us-drei-b-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. austreiben, vertreiben; ne. drive out, expel; uswaírpan 34, us-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinauswerfen, wegwerfen, austreiben, verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen, daraufwerfen; ne. throw out, cast out, eject, expel, reject (V.), cast off, throw off

expelled: got. ? urrugks* 1, ur-rugk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verworfen?; ne. expelled?, outcast (Adj.)?, excommunicated?, depraved

expend: got. fraqiman* 7, fra-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. verzehren, ausgeben, vertun, verwenden; ne. use up, expend, consume, exhaust (V.), spend, rise up

expense -- enrich o.s. at the expense of: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of

expense -- self-enrichment at others expense: got. bifaih* 1, bi-faih*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. exaction, self-enrichment at others expense; bifaihōns* 1, bi-faih-ōn-s*, bifaihō* 1,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. financial exploitation, self-enrichment at others expense

expenses -- living expenses: got. andawizns* 3, anda-wiz-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Notdurft, Unterhalt, Sold; ne. living expenses, subsistence, sustenance, essentials, necessities, needs

experience -- experience (V.): got. kausjan 7, kaus-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Gen., m. Akk.: nhd. kosten (V.) (2), kennen lernen, prüfen; ne. sample (V.), experience (V.), taste (V.), try out, test (V.), prove (V.); ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

experienced: got. *leis (1),  Adj. (a): nhd. kundig; ne. knowledgeable, experienced, versed in

expert -- expert (M.): got. *fasteis?, *fast-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Kundiger; ne. expert (M.)

expiation: got. *sōna?, *sōn-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sühne; ne. atonement, expiation

expire: got. uzanan* 2, uz-an-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. ausatmen, aushauchen; ne. breathe out, expire

explain: got. gaskeirjan* 5, ga-skei-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erklären, auslegen, übersetzen; ne. make clear, explain, interpret (V.), translate; insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before; *skeirjan?, *skei-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auslegen, erklären; ne. make clear, explain, elucidate, interpret, translate

-- explain the argument of: got. ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

explainable: got. *usspillōþs?, *us-spil-l-ōþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. aussprechbar; ne. expressible, explainable

explanation: got. raþjō 5, ra-þ-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abrechnung, Rechenschaft, Zahl; ne. counting (N.), tallying (N.), account (N.), explanation, number; skeireins 2, skei-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auslegung, Erklärung; ne. explanation, interpretation, translation, elucidation, exegesis

explicate: got. ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

explication: got. insahts 6, in-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erzählung, Aussage, Zeugnis; ne. argumentation, account (N.), exposition, explication, report (N.), story, statement, witness

exploit -- exploit s.o. financially: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of

exploitable -- exploitable opportunity: got. lēw* 4,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Gelegenheit, Veranlassung, Anlass; ne. exploitable opportunity, opportunistic chance, cause (N.)

exploitation -- financial exploitation: got. bifaihōns* 1, bi-faih-ōn-s*, bifaihō* 1,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. financial exploitation, self-enrichment at others expense

explored: got. *bilaistiþs?, *bi-lais-t-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. aufspürbar, erforscht, begreiflich; ne. traced, tracked down, explored

expose: got. *bazjan?, *baz-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leeren, entkräften, entblößen; ne. empty (V.), weaken, debilitate, bare (V.), expose, uncover; gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

-- expose to the test: got. usfraisan* 1, us-frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. versuchen; ne. expose to the test, tempt

exposé -- make an exposé of: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

exposing -- exposing announcement: got. usqiss* 1, us-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschuldigung, Anklage, Nachrede; ne. exposing announcement, incriminating disclosure, public crimination, accusation

exposition: got. insahts 6, in-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erzählung, Aussage, Zeugnis; ne. argumentation, account (N.), exposition, explication, report (N.), story, statement, witness

expound: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before; ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

express -- express (V.): got. faírhaitan* 1, faír-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. verheißen, Dank wissen; ne. express (V.), voice an expression of, thank (V.); qiþan 1270, qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sagen, meinen, bezeichnen, sprechen; ne. say, tell, speak, express (V.), give an opinion

expressible: got. *usspillōþs?, *us-spil-l-ōþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. aussprechbar; ne. expressible, explainable

expression -- voice an expression of: got. faírhaitan* 1, faír-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. verheißen, Dank wissen; ne. express (V.), voice an expression of, thank (V.)

expulsion: got. uswaúrpa 3, us-waúr-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Auswurf, Verwerfung, Fehlgeburt; ne. castoff (N.), rejection, ejection, expulsion, miscarriage

extend: got. faírrinnan* 3, faír-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich erstrecken, reichen zu; ne. attain, extend, arrive, reach (V.); *þanjan?, *þan-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. strecken, dehnen; ne. stretch (V.), extend; ufrakjan* 8, uf-rak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufrecken, ausstrecken, hinaufziehen; ne. stretch out, extend, reach out; ufþanjan* 2, uf-þan-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausdehnen, ausstrecken, nach etwas trachten; ne. stretch (V.), extend, strain (V.), strive for; usbraidjan* 1, us-braid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausbreiten nach; ne. spread out, extend, stretch out

-- extend (V.): got. rahtōn* 1, raht-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. darreichen; ne. extend (V.), proffer (V.), hold out, offer (V.), present (V.)

extensive -- how extensive: got. ƕēlauþs* 2=1, ƕē-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wie groß; ne. of what proportions, how great, what extent of, how extensive

extensive -- so extensive: got. swalauþs* 5, swa-lauþ-s*,  Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so groß, so viel; ne. so great, so extensive, of such proportions, of such extent, such, so much

extent: got. *mēt?, *mē-t?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Maß?; ne. extent, degree

-- of such extent: got. swalauþs* 5, swa-lauþ-s*,  Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so groß, so viel; ne. so great, so extensive, of such proportions, of such extent, such, so much

-- what extent of: got. ƕēlauþs* 2=1, ƕē-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wie groß; ne. of what proportions, how great, what extent of, how extensive

exterior -- on the exterior: got. ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

exterior -- visible exterior: got. *farwa 1, *far-w-a,  st. M.? (wa), st. N.? (wa): nhd. Farbe, Aussehen, Gestalt; ne. form (N.), appearance, visible exterior, external shape

exterminate: got. usqistjan 8, us-qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben, umbringen, töten, zugrunde richten; ne. annihilate, kill (V.), exterminate, destroy utterly

external -- external shape: got. *farwa 1, *far-w-a,  st. M.? (wa), st. N.? (wa): nhd. Farbe, Aussehen, Gestalt; ne. form (N.), appearance, visible exterior, external shape

extinguish: got. afƕapjan 5, af-ƕap-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ersticken, auslöschen; ne. choke (V.), extinguish, asphyxiate, suffocate

extinguished -- not becoming extinguished: got. unƕapnands* 3, un-ƕap-n-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unauslöschlich; ne. quenchless, undying, not becoming extinguished, unquenchable, inextinguishable

extol: got. hauhjan 27, hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hoch machen, erhöhen, preisen, verherrlichen; ne. make high, lift on high, elevate, exalt, extol, praise (V.); mikiljan* 15, mik-il-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. preisen; ne. make great, magnify, extol, glorify, praise (V.); ushauhjan 9, us-hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhöhen; ne. lift up, raise high, elevate, exalt, extol, magnify

extolment: got. hauheins 7, hau-h-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Erhöhung“, Preis, Ehre; ne. raising on high, elevation, elevating (N.), extolment, exaltation, praise (N.), honour (N.)

extort -- extort from by false allegation: got. afhōlōn* 1, af-hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, betrügen; ne. extort from by false allegation

extract -- extract by cutting: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

extract -- extract from: got. gatarnjan* 1, ga-tar-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. berauben; ne. wrest from, extract from, remove (V.) forcibly, rob, take away

extract -- extract (V.): got. galausjan 13, ga-lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erlösen, befreien, losmachen, loslassen, bewahren, behüten, eintreiben; ne. loose (V.), set free, liberate, release (V.), loosen (V.), extract (V.), rescue (V.); lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.); usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

extra-marital -- illicit extra-marital sexual intercourse: got. hōrinassus 7, hō-r-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ehebruch, Hurerei; ne. adultery, fornication, illicit extra-marital sexual intercourse

extreme: got. abrs 1, ab-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, heftig; ne. great, severe, extreme, excessive

-- reach extreme age: got. usalþan* 1, us-al-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. alt werden, veralten; ne. grow very old, reach extreme age

extremely: got. abraba 3, ab-r-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sehr; ne. very, severely, extremely, excessively

extremity: got. *anda- (2), *and-a-,  Sb.: nhd. Ende; ne. end (N.), extremity; andeis 15=14, and-ei-s,  st. M. (ja/i): nhd. Ende; ne. end (N.), extremity; *anþs (1), *an-þ-s,  st. Sb.: nhd. Spitze, Ende; ne. extremity, end (N.)

exult: got. sifan* 3, sif-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich freuen, frohlocken; ne. exult, rejoice (V.); swēgnjan* 4, s-wē-g-n-jan*, swignjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. jubeln, triumphieren, frohlocken; ne. exult, triumph (V.), jubilate (V.), rejoice (V.)

exultation: got. swēgniþa 2, s-wē-g-n-iþ-a, swigniþa*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Jubel, Frohlocken, Freude; ne. exultation, rejoicing, gladness, joy

eye: got. augō 55, aug-ō, oeghene, ōghene*,  oeghene, ōghene*, krim sw. N. (n): nhd. Auge; ne. eye; lat. oculus

-- eye of a needle: got. þaírkō* 2, þaír-k-ō*,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Loch, Nadelöhr; ne. hole (N.), perforation, eye of a needle

eyes -- bring before the eyes of: got. ataugjan 23, at-aug-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. zeigen, erscheinen (=sik ataugjan); ne. bring before the eyes of, show to

eyes -- put before the eyes: got. augjan* 2, aug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeigen; ne. put before the eyes, show (V.), exhibit

eyewitness: got. silbasiuneis* 1, si-l-b-a-siu-n-ei-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Augenzeuge; ne. eyewitness

-- eyewitness (M.): got. weitwōþs* 6, wei-t-wōþ-s*,  M. (kons.): nhd. Zeuge; ne. witness (M.), testifier, eyewitness (M.)

fable -- fable (N.): got. spill* 4, spil-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Sage, Fabel; ne. fable (N.), myth, legend, tale

face -- before the face of: got. in andwairþja: nhd. vor; ne. before the face of, in the presence of, facing

face -- face (N.): got. andaugi* 2, and-aug-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Antlitz, Gesicht; ne. face (N.), countenance, gaze (N.); andawleizn* 5, anda-wlei-z-n*,  st. N.?(a): nhd. Angesicht, Antlitz, Gesicht; ne. face (N.), countenance; *andawliti?, *anda-wli-t-i?,  st. N. (i): nhd. Antlitz, Gesicht, Angesicht; ne. face (N.), countenance; ludja* 1, lud-ja*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Angesicht, Antlitz; ne. face (N.), physiognomy, facial features; siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance; *wleizn?, *wlei-z-n?,  st. N.? (ia): nhd. Gesicht; ne. face (N.); *wliti?, *wli-t-i?,  st. N. (i): nhd. Gesicht; ne. face (N.); wlits 6, wli-t-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Angesicht, Ansehen, Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. face (N.), looks, physiognomy, appearance

face -- make a face at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

face -- smite the face of: got. wlizjan* 1, wli-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, kasteien; ne. castigate, cane (V.), smite the face of, mortify, bruise (V.)

facet: got. halba* 2, hal-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hälfte, Seite, Teil; ne. half (N.), bisection, section, side of reference, facet, aspect

„face-to-face-ness“: got. andwaírþi* 81=79, and-waír-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gegenwart, Angesicht, Person, Gesicht; ne. countenance, „face-to-face-ness“, presence, person

facial -- facial features: got. ludja* 1, lud-ja*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Angesicht, Antlitz; ne. face (N.), physiognomy, facial features

facial -- facial sweat-cloth: got. aúrāli* 1, aúrāl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schweißtuch; ne. facial sweat-cloth, towel (N.), napkin

facile: got. raþs* 1, raþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leicht; ne. effortless, facile, easy (Adj.)

facing: got. in andwairþja: nhd. vor; ne. before the face of, in the presence of, facing; wiþra 46, wi-þra,  Präp. m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. wider, gegen, vor, gegenüber; ne. toward, to, against, opposite, facing, vis-a-vis; wiþrawaírþs* 5=4, wi-þra-waír-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gegenüberliegend, entgegengesetzt, im Gegenteil; ne. opposite, facing, set opposite, on the contrary

-- facing (Adj.): got. andwaírþis 1, and-waír-þ-is,  Adv.: nhd. gegenüber; ne. vis-a-vis, opposite (Adj.), over, against, facing (Adj.)

fact -- as a matter of fact: got. allis þan: nhd. tatsächlich, eigentlich, im Gegenteil; ne. when, as a matter of fact

fact -- because of the fact that: got. in þize ei, got.: nhd. deshalb dass; ne. because of the fact that

fact -- by reason of the fact that: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

fact -- in fact: got. raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure

fact -- just as in fact: got. swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth; swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth

fact -- on account of the fact that: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that; duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

fact -- the fact that: got. þatei 370,  Konj.: nhd. dass, weil, als ob; ne. that, the fact that, for, because

factionalism: got. hairaíseis 1, hairaísei-s,  F. Pl. (i): nhd. Parteien, Ketzerei?; ne. dissension, factions, divisions, factionalism, discord (N.), heresies; twisstass* 2=1, twi-s-sta-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwistigkeit, Zwiespalt; ne. factionalism, sectarian divisiveness, discord

factions: got. hairaíseis 1, hairaísei-s,  F. Pl. (i): nhd. Parteien, Ketzerei?; ne. dissension, factions, divisions, factionalism, discord (N.), heresies

factual: got. sunjeins 15, s-un-j-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wahr, wahrhaft; ne. true, truthful, of truth, genuine, factual

-- factual knowledge: got. witubni* 2, wi-t-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Kenntnis, Erkenntnis; ne. knowledge, factual knowledge

faculties -- have full command of one’s mental faculties: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact

faculty -- faculty of disposition: got. hugs* (1) 1, hug-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Verstand, Sinn; ne. understanding, faculty of perception, faculty of disposition, mind (N.)

faculty -- faculty of perception: got. hugs* (1) 1, hug-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Verstand, Sinn; ne. understanding, faculty of perception, faculty of disposition, mind (N.)

faculty -- mental faculty: got. aha* 6, ah-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sinn, Verstand; ne. mental faculty, mind (N.), understanding, reason (N.), source of thought

fail: got. ufligan* 2, uf-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. unterliegen, verschmachten, matt werden, sterben; ne. decline (V.), drop (V.), sink (V.), fail, be faint

faint -- be faint: got. ufligan* 2, uf-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. unterliegen, verschmachten, matt werden, sterben; ne. decline (V.), drop (V.), sink (V.), fail, be faint

faint-hearted: got. grindafraþjis* 1, gri-nd-a-fraþ-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. kleinmütig; ne. demoralized, crushed in spirit, faint-hearted

faintheartedness: got. niuklahei* 1, niu-k-l-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kleinmut, Unverstand; ne. childishness, childlikeness, lack of understanding, faintheartedness

fair -- fair (Adj.): got. *sibjis, *si-b-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gerecht, gesetzlich; ne. fair (Adj.), upright, lawful

faith: got. galaubeins (1) 104, ga-laub-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Glaube; ne. belief, faith

-- have faith in: got. galaubjan 146=145, ga-laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, anvertrauen; ne. believe, permit, have faith in, be confident of, have confidence in

-- of little faith: got. leitil galaubjands, got.: nhd. kleingläubig; ne. of little faith

faithful: got. galaubeins* (2) 1, ga-laub-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gläubig; ne. believing, faithful; triggws 26, triggw-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. treu, zuverlässig; ne. trusting (Adj.), confident, trustworthy, faithful

faithlessness: got. ungalaubeins* 12, un-ga-laub-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Unglaube, Ungehorsam; ne. disbelief, faithlessness

fake -- fake together with: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

fakery: got. lita* 1, lit-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verstellung, Heuchelei; ne. hypocrisy, feigning (N.), fakery, simulation, dissimulation, insincerity

falcon: got. *falka?, *fal-k-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Falke; ne. falcon, hawk

fall -- fall asleep: got. anaslēpan* 4, an-a-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „einschlafen“, entschlummern, entschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep; gaslēpan* 5, ga-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. schlafen, entschlafen, einschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep, die (1)

fall -- fall away: got. usdriusan* 2, us-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. herausfallen; ne. fall away, fall out, fall off

fall -- fall down: got. driusan* 19, driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. fallen, herabfallen; ne. fall (V.), fall down; gadriusan 24, ga-driu-s-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. hinfallen, aufhören, fallen; ne. fall (V.), fall down, plunge (V.)

fall -- fall down at: got. atdriusan* 7, at-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. fallen in, zufallen, fallen; ne. fall towards, fall into, fall down at

fall -- fall into: got. atdriusan* 7, at-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. fallen in, zufallen, fallen; ne. fall towards, fall into, fall down at

fall -- fall (N.): got. drus 2, dru-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Fall; ne. falling (N.), fall (N.)

fall -- fall off: got. afstandan* 7, af-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. abstehen, ablassen, abfallen; ne. dissociate o.s., go away, stay away, fall off; usdriusan* 2, us-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. herausfallen; ne. fall away, fall out, fall off

fall -- fall off into dumbness: got. afdumbnan* 1, af-du-m-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. become still, subside into silence, fall off into dumbness; *dumbnan, *du-m-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. subside into silence, fall off into dumbness

fall -- fall on one’s knee: got. knussjan* 2, knu-s-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niederfallen?, auf die Knie fallen, knien; ne. fall on one’s knee, assume a begging position

fall -- fall out: got. usdriusan* 2, us-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. herausfallen; ne. fall away, fall out, fall off

fall -- fall to: got. undrinnan* 2, und-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. zufallen, zuteil werden, untereinander disputieren (= miþ sis missō sik undrinnan); ne. accrue to, fall to the share of, fall to

fall -- fall to the share of: got. undrinnan* 2, und-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. zufallen, zuteil werden, untereinander disputieren (= miþ sis missō sik undrinnan); ne. accrue to, fall to the share of, fall to

fall -- fall towards: got. atdriusan* 7, at-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. fallen in, zufallen, fallen; ne. fall towards, fall into, fall down at

fall -- fall upon: got. disdriusan* 1, dis-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. befallen; ne. fall upon, descend upon, bear down on, beset, attack (V.)

fall -- fall (V.): got. *drausjan?, *drau-s-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stürzen; ne. fall (V.); driusan* 19, driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. fallen, herabfallen; ne. fall (V.), fall down; gadriusan 24, ga-driu-s-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. hinfallen, aufhören, fallen; ne. fall (V.), fall down, plunge (V.); gasiggqan* 2, ga-siggq-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. versinken, untergehen; ne. sink down, fall (V.), be submerged, become submerged, go down

falling -- falling (N.): got. drus 2, dru-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Fall; ne. falling (N.), fall (N.)

false -- be a false witness: got. galiug weitwōdjan, V.: nhd. falsch zeugen; ne. be a false witness

false -- cheat by false pretenses: got. hōlōn* 2, hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verleumden, betrügen, durch Betrug schädigen, schikanieren, schaden; ne. wrong by false allegation, cheat by false pretenses, victimize, slander (V.)

false -- extort from by false allegation: got. afhōlōn* 1, af-hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, betrügen; ne. extort from by false allegation

false -- false apostle: got. galiugaapaústaúlus* 1, ga-liug-a-apaú-staúlu-s*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. „Lügenapostel“, falscher Apostel; ne. false apostle, pseudo-apostle

false -- false brother: got. galiugabrōþar* 2, ga-liug-a-brōþar*,  st. M. (r): nhd. „Lügenbruder“, falscher Bruder; ne. false brother

false -- false Christ: got. galiugaxristus* 1, ga-liug-a-xris-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. „Lügenchristus“, falscher Christus; ne. false Christ

false -- false god: got. galiugaguþ* 7=6, ga-liug-a-gu-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Lügengott“, Götze, falscher Gott; ne. false god, idol

false -- false prophet: got. galiugapraúfētus* 2, ga-liug-a-praú-fē-t-u-s*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. „Lügenprophet“, falscher Prophet; ne. false prophet; liugnapraufētus* 1, liug-n-a-prau-fētu-s*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. „Lügenprophet“, falscher Prophet; ne. false prophet, lying prophet

false -- false (V.): got. galiug taujan, got.: nhd. verfälschen; ne. false (V.)

false -- false witness: got. galiugaweitwōþs* 3, ga-liug-a-wei-t-wōþ-s*,  unr. M.: nhd. „Lügenzeuge“, falscher Zeuge; ne. false witness

false -- give a false appearance: got. laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

false -- something false: got. galiug* 9, ga-liug*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lüge, Götzenbild; ne. falsification, something false, falsity; *liug?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lüge; ne. falsification, falsity, something false

false -- wrong by false allegation: got. hōlōn* 2, hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verleumden, betrügen, durch Betrug schädigen, schikanieren, schaden; ne. wrong by false allegation, cheat by false pretenses, victimize, slander (V.)

falsehood: got. liugn* 3, liug-n*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Lüge; ne. lie (1) (N.), falsehood

falsehoods -- teller of falsehoods: got. liugnja 4, liug-n-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Lügner; ne. liar, teller of falsehoods

falsely -- speak falsely: got. liugan* (2) 6, liug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. lügen, belügen; ne. lie (1) (V.), tell a lie, tell an untruth, speak falsely

falsely -- swear falsely: got. ufarswaran* 1, uf-ar-swar-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. falsch schwören; ne. perjure o.s., swear falsely

false-speaking: got. liugnawaúrds* 1, liug-n-a-waúr-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Lügen redend, lügnerisch; ne. false-speaking, lie-telling, speaking lies

falsification: got. galiug* 9, ga-liug*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lüge, Götzenbild; ne. falsification, something false, falsity; *liug?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lüge; ne. falsification, falsity, something false

falsify: got. laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up; maidjan* 1, mai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tauschen, verfälschen, Schacher treiben; ne. alter (V.), modify, mutate, change (V.), falsify

falsity: got. galiug* 9, ga-liug*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lüge, Götzenbild; ne. falsification, something false, falsity; *liug?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lüge; ne. falsification, falsity, something false

falter -- make falter: got. gamarzjan* 8, ga-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ärgern, Ärgernis erregen, Ärgernis nehmen (pass., Mat 11,6 CA, Luk 7,23 CA); ne. trip up, make stumble, make falter, thwart (V.), frustrate, cause offense; marzjan* 5, mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ärgern, zum Ärgernis sein (V.); ne. make stumble, make falter, hamper (V.), impede, offend

fame -- fame (N.): got. *hrōms?, *hrō-m-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ruhm; ne. glory, fame (N.); mēriþa 4, mē-r-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gerücht, Kunde (F.); ne. repute (N.), report (N.), news, renown (N.), fame (N.); *raus (2),  st. Sb.: nhd. Ruhm; ne. fame (N.)

famed: got. *mēreis, *mē-r-ei-s, *mēris, *mērs,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. groß, berühmt; ne. famed, reputed

familial -- familial adoption: got. frastisibja 1, frast-i-si-b-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kindschaft; ne. familial adoption, adoption as children, sonship

familiar: got. *drūþs?, *drū-þ-s?,  Adj.: nhd. traut, lieb; ne. cosy, familiar, dear, lovely

family: got. fadreins* (1) 1, fa-dr-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschlecht; ne. patrilineage, family, race (N.) (1), clan, lineage; gards 94, gar-d-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Haus, Hauswesen, Familie, Hof, Prätorium; ne. house, homestead, household enclosure, court (N.), courtyard, pretorium, household, family; *heiwiski?, *hei-w-isk-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Familie, Haushalt; ne. family, household

-- master of the family: got. heiwafrauja* 1, hei-w-a-frau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausherr; ne. master of the family, household head

famine: got. hūhrus 4, hūh-ru-s, hunhrus*, huggrus*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Hunger, Hungersnot; ne. hunger (N.), famine

famous: got. *hluþ-, *hlu-þ-,  Adj. (a): nhd. berühmt; ne. famous

fan -- fan (V.): got. *winþjan?, *wi-nþ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streuen?; ne. winnow (V.), fan (V.)

fan -- winnowing fan: got. winþiskaúrō* 1, wi-nþ-i-skaúr-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Worfschaufel; ne. winnowing-shovel, winnowing-fork, winnowing-impeller, winnowing fan

far -- far off: got. faírra 20, faír-ra,  Adv.: nhd. fern, fern von, weg von; ne. afar, far off, remote, at a great distance

far -- on the far side of: got. hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind; hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

far -- to the far side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

fare -- good fare: got. waílawizns* 1, waíl-a-wizn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. gute Nahrung, gute Kost; ne. good nutriment, good fare, fine sustenance, good food, nourishment

farewell -- bid farewell: got. twisstandan* 2=1, twi-s-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich trennen, Abschied nehmen von; ne. bid farewell, take leave, depart (V.)

farewell -- say farewell to: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

farm -- farm property: got. hugs* (2) 1, hug-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Landgut?, Feld; ne. landed estate?, country estate?, agricultural property, farm property, field

farm -- male head-servant on a farm: got. *siniskalks?, *sin-i-s-kal-k-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. ältester Diener, Altknecht, Seneschall; ne. oldest servant, male head-servant on a farm, seneschal

farmer: got. waúrstwja 23, waúr-st-w-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Arbeiter, Bauer (M.) (1), Winzer; ne. worker, workman, labourer, farmer, vinedresser

-- tenant farmer: got. aúrtja* 4, aúrt-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Landmann, Winzer; ne. vineyard caretaker, tenant farmer, vintner, husbandman

farmland: got. land* 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Land, Landgut, Gegend; ne. land (N.), country, farmland, territory, region; þaúrp* 1, þaúr-p*,  st. N. (a): nhd. bebautes Land, Acker, Feld; ne. farmland, agricultural tract, land (N.), lived-on property

farther: got. fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about

-- farther beyond: got. framis 2, fra-m-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. weiter; ne. further, farther beyond

farthest: got. hindumists* 1, hi-n-d-um-ist-s*,  Adj. (Superl.): nhd. hinterste, letzte, äußerste; ne. outermost, remotest, farthest, most distant

fashion -- fashion (N.): got. haidus* 4, hai-d-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Art (F.) (1), Weise (F.) (2); ne. manner (N.), mode, fashion (N.), way (N.)

fast: got. *adrs, *adr-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schnell, rasch; ne. fast, quick; *snills, *snil-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schnell; ne. fast, quick, speedy; *sniums?, *sniu-m-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. schnell; ne. fast, quick, speedy

-- bind fast: got. gabindan 18, ga-bind-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. binden; ne. bind (V.), bind fast

-- fast (1): got. *þras?, *þra-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. schnell, verwegen; ne. fast (1), daring (Adj.), bold

-- fast (Adj.): got. *fasts, *fast-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. fest; ne. firm (Adj.), fast (Adj.)

-- fast (Adv.): got. sprautō 13, s-prau-t-ō,  Adv.: nhd. schnell, bald, ohne Zögern; ne. quickly, speedily, promptly, fast (Adv.), rapidly, without delay

-- fast (N.): got. *fasta, *fast-a,  st. M. (n): nhd. Fasten; ne. fast (N.)

-- fast (V.): got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

-- hold fast: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.); gafastan 11, ga-fast-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. behalten, bewahren, halten; ne. hold fast, keep (V.), retain, observe, guard (V.), protect; gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain

-- holding fast: got. andanēmeigs 1, and-a-nēm-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „entgegennehmend“, festhaltend; ne. taking (N.), accepting, holding fast

-- holding fast to: got. fastubni* 6, fast-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Halten, Dienst, Fasten, Haltung, Gottesdienst; ne. holding fast to, holding (N.), keeping (N.), observance, abstinence, fasting (N.), vigilance, maintenance

-- standing fast: got. *gastōþs?, *ga-stō-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. fest; ne. standing fast, standing steady; *stōþs?, *stō-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. stet; ne. standing fast, standing steady

fasten -- fasten together: got. gagahaftjan* 1, ga-ga-haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenheften, verbinden; ne. fasten together, join together

fastened -- fastened together: got. *gahafts?, *ga-haf-t-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. zusammengeheftet; ne. fastened together, held together

fasting -- fasting (Adj.): got. lausqiþrs* 1, lau-s-qi-þ-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leeren Magens, nüchtern, ungespeist; ne. fasting (Adj.), with empty stomach

fasting -- fasting (N.): got. fastubni* 6, fast-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Halten, Dienst, Fasten, Haltung, Gottesdienst; ne. holding fast to, holding (N.), keeping (N.), observance, abstinence, fasting (N.), vigilance, maintenance; lausqiþrei* 2, lau-s-qi-þ-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fasten; ne. fasting (N.)

fastness: got. tulgiþōs: nhd. Feste (F.), Bollwerk; ne. fastness, bastion, bulwark

fat -- become fat: got. *þiqjan?, *þiq-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. dick werden; ne. become fat

fat -- cause to wax fat: got. aljan* (1) 3, al-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mästen; ne. cause to wax fat, fatten

fat -- fat (N.): got. *feusa?, *feus-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Speck; ne. bacon, fat (N.)

fat -- fat (N.) (2): got. *fata, *fat-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Umfassung, Kleiderbündel, Fetzen; ne. fat (N.) (2), scrap (N.), rag (N.)

father: got. abba 1, abb-a,  M.: nhd. Vater; ne. father; fadar* 1, fa-dar*,  st. M. (r): nhd. Vater; ne. father

-- father (M.): got. atta 241=240, att-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Vater, Vorfahre; ne. father (M.)

father-in-law: got. swaíhra 1, swaíhr-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schwiegervater, Schwäher; ne. father-in-law

fathermurder: got. attans bliggwands, got.: nhd. Vatermörder; ne. fathermurder

fatigue -- fatigue (V.): got. afmōjan*, af-mō-jan*, afmaujan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ermüden; ne. tire out, fatigue (V.)

fatigued: got. afmáuiþs* 2=1, af-máu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ermüdet; ne. weary (Adj.), debilitated, tired out, fatigued; *mauiþs?, *mau-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ermüdet; ne. debilitated, fatigued

fatness: got. smaírþr* 1, smaír-þr*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fett, Schmer; ne. fatness, fattiness, richness

fatten: got. aljan* (1) 3, al-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mästen; ne. cause to wax fat, fatten

fattened: got. aliþs*, al-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. gemästet; ne. fattened

fattiness: got. smaírþr* 1, smaír-þr*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fett, Schmer; ne. fatness, fattiness, richness

fault -- find fault: got. fáian* 1, fái-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. tadeln; ne. blame (V.), find fault, criticize

favour -- ask a favour: got. bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for

favour -- favour (N.): got. ansts 68=65, an-st-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude, Dank, Gnade, Gunst, Gnadengabe; ne. beneficence, graciousness, grace, joy (N.), thanks, gift (N.), favour (N.), blessing

fear -- fear (N.): got. agis 20, ag-i-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Furcht, Schrecken; ne. awe (N.), fear (N.), fright, terror (N.); faúrhtei* 2, faúrh-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Furcht, Entsetzen; ne. fright (N.), fearfulness, fear (N.)

fear -- fear (V.): got. ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

fear -- have fear: got. ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

fear -- inspire fear in: got. inagjan* 1, in-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. anfahren, bedrohen, in Angst setzen; ne. put in a state of fear, threaten, inspire fear in, censure (V.)

fear -- make fear: got. ōgjan 1, ōg-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen schrecken, in Furcht setzen, erschrecken; ne. make afraid, make fear, scare (V.), frighten

fear -- put in a state of fear: got. inagjan* 1, in-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. anfahren, bedrohen, in Angst setzen; ne. put in a state of fear, threaten, inspire fear in, censure (V.)

fearful: got. *agands?, *ag-an-d-s?,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. furchtsam; ne. fearful; *ags?, *ag-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. furchtsam, ängstlich; ne. fearful, timid

-- fearful of: got. faúrhts* 2, faúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. furchtsam; ne. fearful of, afraid, cowardly (Adj.), timid, anxious

fearfulness: got. faúrhtei* 2, faúrh-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Furcht, Entsetzen; ne. fright (N.), fearfulness, fear (N.)

fearless: got. unagands 3=2, un-ag-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. „unfurchtsam“, furchtlos; ne. unfearing, unafraid, fearless; *unags?, *un-ag-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. furchtlos; ne. fearless

fearlessness: got. balþei* 6, bal-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kühnheit, Freimut, Freimütigkeit, Unerschrockenheit; ne. boldness, confidence, frankness, fearlessness; unagei* 1, un-ag-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Furchtlosigkeit; ne. fearlessness, unfearfulness, unafraidness

feasibly: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether

feast: got. wisan (3) 4, wis-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich freuen, schwelgen, schmausen; ne. dine, eat a good meal, feast, make merry

-- feast (N.): got. daúhts* 2, daúht-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bewirtung, Mahl, Gastmahl, Mahlzeit; ne. feast (N.), banquet

-- feast of tent-pitching: got. hleþrastakeins 1, hle-þ-r-a-stak-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Zeltabsteckung“, Zeltaufschlagen, Laubhüttenfest; ne. „tent-staking“, tent-pitching, feast of tent-pitching

-- feast of the „Dedication“: got. inniujiþa 1, in-niu-j-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erneuerung, Fest der Tempelweihe, Kirchweihe; ne. inauguration, initiation, dedication, feast of the „Dedication“

-- hold a feast: got. dulþjan* 1, dulþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Fest feiern; ne. hold a feast, hold festivities, celebrate a festival

feasting -- eat up in feasting: got. frawisan* 1, fra-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verbrauchen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. consume by dining, devour through epicurean living, eat up in feasting, squander

features -- facial features: got. ludja* 1, lud-ja*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Angesicht, Antlitz; ne. face (N.), physiognomy, facial features

febrile: got. *heits, *hei-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. heiß; ne. hot, febrile

feeble: got. lasiws 2, la-s-iw-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schwach; ne. weak, feeble; siuks 21, siuk-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. krank, schwach, siech; ne. weak, feeble, sick (Adj.) (1), infirm

-- be feeble: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

feebleness: got. siukei 7=6, siuk-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Krankheit, Seuche, Siechtum; ne. feebleness, infirmity, sickness, ailment

feed: got. fōdjan* 5, fō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ernähren, aufziehen; ne. feed, nourish, nurture, bring up, rear (V.)

-- feed on: got. alan* 1, al-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1), sich nähren, aufwachsen; ne. grow on, feed on

-- feed trough: got. uzēta* 3, uz-ēt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Krippe; ne. manger, feed trough, crib (N.)

-- feed (V.): got. matjan 93, mat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. essen, fressen; ne. eat, feed (V.), dine, chew

feeding -- feeding (N.): got. fōdeins* 2, fō-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Nahrung, Speise; ne. feeding (N.), nourishment, nutrition, nutriment, food

feel -- feel happy: got. faginōn 43=39, fag-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. feel happy, be glad, rejoice (V.)

feel -- feel happy together with: got. miþfaginōn* 2, mi-þ-fag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich mitfreuen; ne. feel happy together with, rejoice together with

feel -- feel hostile toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

feel -- feel hostile towards: got. fijan 23, fi-j-an, fian*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen, verabscheuen; ne. hate (V.), be inimical towards, feel hostile towards

feeling -- communal feeling: got. gamainei* 2, ga-mai-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gemeinschaft; ne. communal feeling, communal sharing, participation, fellowship

feeling -- ill feeling: got. ubil habands: nhd. der sich übel Befindende, der Kranke; ne. ill feeling, sick

feet -- board for resting the feet: got. fōtubaūrd 3, fōt-u-baūr-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fußbank, Schemel; ne. footstool, board for resting the feet

feet -- spring to one’s feet: got. ushlaupan* 1, us-hlaup-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. aufspringen, sich aufmachen; ne. leap forth, leap up, jump up, spring to one’s feet

feign: got. *litjan?, *lit-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. heucheln, sich verstellen; ne. feign, simulate

-- feign together with: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

feignedness: got. hindarweisei* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hinterlist; ne. deceitfulness, guile, deceit, fraudulence, insincerity, feignedness, hypocrisy, treachery

feigning: got. hindarweis* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hinterlistig, verstellt; ne. hypocritical, pretending, insincere, feigning, deceitful, treacherous

-- feigning (N.): got. lita* 1, lit-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verstellung, Heuchelei; ne. hypocrisy, feigning (N.), fakery, simulation, dissimulation, insincerity

fell -- fell (V.): got. gadrausjan* 3, ga-drau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen, niederwerfen, herabwerfen; ne. cast down, overthrow (V.), fell (V.), bring down, plunge down

fellow -- fellow countryman: got. inkunja* 1, in-kun-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stammesgenosse, Landsmann; ne. compatriot, fellow countryman

fellow -- fellow heir: got. gaarbja* 1, ga-arb-j-a*,  sw. M. (n),: nhd. Miterbe; ne. co-heir, co-parcener, fellow heir

fellow -- fellow man: got. gaman 4, ga-man,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mitmensch, Teilnehmer, Genosse, Gemeinschaft, Genossenschaft; ne. fellow man, partner, comrade, partnership, comradeship

fellow -- fellow servant: got. gaskalki 2, ga-skal-k-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Mitknecht; ne. fellow servant

fellow -- fellow townsman: got. gabaúrgja* 2=1, ga-baúr-g-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mitbürger, Mitbewohner; ne. co-citizen, fellow townsman

fellow -- fellow traveller: got. gasinþa* 1, ga-sinþ-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefährte, Reisegefährte; ne. fellow traveller, travelling companion; gasinþja* 1, ga-sinþ-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefährte, Reisegefährte; ne. fellow traveller, travelling companion

fellow -- fellow worker: got. gawaúrstwa 9, ga-waúr-st-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mitarbeiter; ne. fellow worker, co-laborer

fellowman: got. nēƕundja 10, nēƕ-und-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nächster; ne. neighbour (M.), who is near, fellowman

fellow-prisoner: got. miþfrahunþans, got.: nhd. Mitgefangener; ne. fellow-prisoner

fellowship: got. gamaindūþs 6, ga-mai-n-dū-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gemeinschaft; ne. community, communality, communion, fellowship; gamainei* 2, ga-mai-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gemeinschaft; ne. communal feeling, communal sharing, participation, fellowship

felon: got. waidēdja 9, wai-dē-d-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Übeltäter, Räuber; ne. „woe-doer“, evil-doer, malefactor, robber, bandit, felon

felony: got. *waidēþs?, *wai-dē-þ-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übeltat; ne. evil deed, crime, felony

felt: got. *filtur?, *fil-t-ur?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Filz; ne. felt

female -- female (Adj.): got. qinakunds* 1, qin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. weiblichen Geschlechts; ne. female (Adj.), of female sex; qineins* 1, qin-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. weiblichen Geschlechts; ne. female (Adj.)

female -- female being: got. qinein* 1, qin-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Frauenzimmer, Weibchen; ne. female (F.), female being, silly woman

female -- female blood-relative: got. niþjō 1, niþ-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verwandte; ne. kinswoman, female blood-relative

female -- female demon: got. unhulþō 39, un-hul-þ-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unholdin, Dämon; ne. female demon, she-devil

female -- female doorkeeper: got. daúrawarda* 1, daúr-a-war-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Türhüterin, Pförtnerin; ne. female doorkeeper, portress; daúrawardō 1, daúr-a-war-d-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Türhüterin, Pförtnerin; ne. female doorkeeper, portress

female -- female driver: got. *fara?, *far-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fahrerin, Fahrt; ne. female driver, journey

female -- female (F.): got. qinein* 1, qin-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Frauenzimmer, Weibchen; ne. female (F.), female being, silly woman; qinō 42, qin-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Weib, Frau; ne. woman, female (F.)

female -- female friend: got. frijōndi* 1, fri-j-ōn-d-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Freundin; ne. female friend

female -- female Goth: got. *Gutō?, *Gu-t-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gotin; ne. female Goth

female -- female neighbour: got. garaznō* 1, ga-ra-z-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Nachbarin; ne. female neighbour

female -- female yoke-fellow: got. gajukō* (1) 1, ga-ju-k-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Genossin; ne. female yoke-fellow, female yoke-mate

female -- female yoke-mate: got. gajukō* (1) 1, ga-ju-k-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Genossin; ne. female yoke-fellow, female yoke-mate

female -- of female sex: got. qinakunds* 1, qin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. weiblichen Geschlechts; ne. female (Adj.), of female sex

fence -- fence in: got. faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam

fence -- fence (N.): got. faþa* 4, faþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zaun, Scheidewand; ne. hedge (N.), fence (N.), out-of-doors wall, dividing wall; ? *tūn-,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zaun?; ne. fence (N.)?

fermented: got. *beistjōþs?, *bei-st-j-ōþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. gesäuert; ne. leavened, fermented

-- fermented beverage: got. leiþu* 1, lei-þ-u*,  st. N. (u): nhd. Obstwein; ne. cider, fermented beverage, strong drink

fermentedness: got. *beistei?, *bei-st-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gesäuertes, Gesäuertsein; ne. leavenedness, fermentedness

festival: got. dulþs 17, dulþ-s,  st. F. (i) (kons.): nhd. Fest, Osterfest; ne. festival, celebration, Easter

-- celebrate a festival: got. dulþjan* 1, dulþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Fest feiern; ne. hold a feast, hold festivities, celebrate a festival

festive -- festive banquet: got. gabaúr* (2) 2, ga-baúr*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Festgelage, Schmaus; ne. carousing (N.), revelry, festive banquet, merrymaking

festive -- have a festive get-together: got. biwisan* 1, bi-wi-s-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv?: nhd. sich erfreuen, sich vergnügen; ne. dine together, dine convivially, have a festive get-together, make merry

festivities -- hold festivities: got. dulþjan* 1, dulþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Fest feiern; ne. hold a feast, hold festivities, celebrate a festival

fetid: got. fūls 1, fū-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. faul, stinkend; ne. fetid, foul (Adj.), decomposed, putrid

fetter: got. bandi 7, band-i,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Band (N.), Fessel (F.) (1); ne. bond, fetter; naudibandi* 4, nau-d-i-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kette (F.) (1), Handschelle, Fessel (F.) (1); ne. shackle (N.), manacle (N.), chain (N.), fetter

-- fetter (N.): got. kunawida* 1, kuna-wi-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fessel, Band; ne. cord, thong, fetter (N.)

fever: got. heitō 2, hei-t-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Hitze“, Fieber; ne. „heat“ (N.), fever, pyrexia

-- fever (N.): got. brinnō 4, bri-n-n-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fieber; ne. fever (N.), pyrexia

fewer: got. mins 4, mi-n-s,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. minder, weniger, geringer; ne. less, fewer

fianceé -- fianceé (im Krimgot.): got. *snuzō 1, *snuz-ō, schnos*,  schnos*, krim F.: nhd. Schwiegertochter, Verlobte (im Krimgot.); ne. daughter-in-law, fianceé (im Krimgot.)

fidelity -- promising fidelity: got. *trausts?, *trau-st-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, fest; ne. promising fidelity

field: got. akrs 6, ak-r-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Acker; ne. field, open land; *fulþ?, *ful-þ?,  st. F.?: nhd. Feld; ne. field; hugs* (2) 1, hug-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Landgut?, Feld; ne. landed estate?, country estate?, agricultural property, farm property, field

-- of the open field: got. haiþiwisks* 1, haiþ-i-wisk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wild; ne. of the open field, of the countryside, wild (Adj.)

-- open field: got. haiþi* 5, haiþ-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Heide (F.) (1), Steppe, Feld, Acker; ne. open field

fields -- wheat fields: got. atisk* 2, atis-k*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Saat, Saatfeld; ne. standing grain, grainfield, wheat fields

fierce: got. sleiþs* 2, slei-þ-s*, sleideis*?,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. schlimm, gefährlich; ne. pernicious, baneful, baleful, dire, fierce, dangerous

fiery: got. funisks* 1, fun-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. feurig; ne. fiery, flaming

fifteen: got. fimftaíhun* 1, fimf-taí-hun*,  Num. Kard.: nhd. fünfzehn; ne. fifteen

fifteenth: got. fimftataíhunda* 1, fimf-t-a-taí-hun-d-a*,  Num. Ord.: nhd. fünfzehnte; ne. fifteenth

fifth: got. *fimfta, *fimf-t-a,  Num. Ord.: nhd. fünfte; ne. fifth

fifty: got. fimf tigjus, Num. Kard.: nhd. fünfzig; ne. fifty; *fimftigjus, *fimf-tig-ju-s,  Num. Kard.: nhd. fünfzig; ne. fifty

fig -- fig (1): got. smakka* 3, smak-k-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Feige; ne. fig (1)

fight -- fight in opposition to: got. andweihan* 2, and-weih-an*, andwaihan*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. widerstreiten, ankämpfen, entgegenkämpfen; ne. oppose with battle, fight in opposition to

fight -- fight (N.): got. *badu-, *bad-u-, *badus,  st. M. (wa?): nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), battle (N.); *gunþi?, *gun-þ-i?,  st. F.: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.); *gunþs?, *gun-þ-s?,  st. M.?: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.); *haþus?, *ha-þu-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.); *hildi?, *hil-d-i?,  st. F. (i) (iō): nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.); *hilds?, *hil-d-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.); jiuka* 2, jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zornausbruch, Streit; ne. fight (N.), battle (N.), anger (N.), quarrel (N.); *weigs, *weig-s,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.)

fight -- fight (V.): got. brikan* 3, brik-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. brechen, zerstören, kämpfen, ringen, zerbrechen, vernichten; ne. break (V.), wreck (V.), demolish, wrestle (V.), fight (V.), battle (V.); haifstjan 4, haif-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streiten; ne. compete in a contest, contend, rival (V.), vie with, strive in competition, fight (V.); jiukan* 2, jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kämpfen, ringen, obsiegen; ne. fight (V.), battle (V.), conquer, be a boxer

fighter: got. *spadingus, lat.- M.: nhd. Kämpfer?; ne. fighter

fighting -- succeed in fighting: got. gajiukan* 4, ga-jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. besiegen, überwinden; ne. succeed in fighting, overcome, conquer, gain the prize

fig-tree: got. smakkabagms 5, smak-k-a-bagm-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Feigenbaum; ne. fig-tree

figure -- figure of speech: got. gajukō (2) 30, ga-ju-k-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Zusammenstellung“, „Zusammenjochung“, Gleichnis; ne. simile, parable, figure of speech

figure -- figure out: got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

figure -- moulded figure: got. gadigis 1, ga-dig-is,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gebilde; ne. moulded image, that which is moulded, moulded figure

figure -- physical figure: got. leikis siuns, got.: nhd. leibliche Gestalt; ne. physical figure

filial -- show filial piety towards: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

fill -- fill completely: got. usfulljan 34=33, us-ful-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, vollenden, ersetzen, zusammenfassen; ne. fill up, fill completely, fulfill, bring to fulfillment, complete (V.)

fill -- fill to superabundance: got. ufarfulljan* 2, uf-ar-ful-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfüllen; ne. overfill, fill to superabundance

fill -- fill up: got. usfulljan 34=33, us-ful-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, vollenden, ersetzen, zusammenfassen; ne. fill up, fill completely, fulfill, bring to fulfillment, complete (V.)

fill -- fill (V.): got. fulljan* 3, ful-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. füllen, anfüllen; ne. fill (V.), fulfill, overfill (V.); gafulljan* 5, ga-ful-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, füllen, anfüllen; ne. fill (V.), make full

filled: got. fulls 13, ful-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll, vollkommen; ne. full, filled, complete (Adj.), completed

-- become filled: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled

-- become filled up: got. gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up; usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- be filled: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled

-- be filled up: got. gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up; usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- filled to overflowing: got. ufarfulls* 1, uf-ar-ful-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. festgedrückt, übervoll; ne. overfull, filled to overflowing

filling: got. fullō 10, ful-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle, Füllung, Flicken (M.), Ausfüllung; ne. fullness, a fulfilling, fulfillment, filling, completeness, entireness

-- filling (N.): got. *fulleins?, *ful-l-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Füllung, Erfüllung; ne. filling (N.), fulfillment

filthy -- filthy talk: got. aglaitiwáurdei* 2, ag-l-ait-i-wáur-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schandrede, unzüchtiges Reden; ne. obscene language, foul language, shameful speech, filthy talk

final -- final (Adj.): got. aftumists 5, af-t-u-m-ist-s,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. letzte; ne. endmost, final (Adj.), the very last

financial -- certificate of financial commitment: got. wadjabōkōs* 1, wad-j-a-bōk-ōs*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Handschein, Schuldschein; ne. written pledge, debenture, certificate of financial commitment, bond (N.)

financial -- financial avidity: got. faíhugeirō 3, faíh-u-gei-r-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Habgier, Geldgier; ne. money-greed, financial avidity, avarice

financial -- financial commitment: got. wadi 4, wad-i,  st. N. (ja?, ia?): nhd. Pfand; ne. pledge (N.), surety, financial commitment, guarantee

financial -- financial exploitation: got. bifaihōns* 1, bi-faih-ōn-s*, bifaihō* 1,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. financial exploitation, self-enrichment at others expense

financially -- exploit s.o. financially: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of

find -- find admission: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted; *mōtan, *mōt-an,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

find -- find concord to: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to

find -- find fault: got. fáian* 1, fái-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. tadeln; ne. blame (V.), find fault, criticize

find -- find out: got. finþan* 5, fi-n-þ-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. find out, discover, recognize, learn, obtain knowledge of; ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

find -- find out by inquiry: got. gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

find -- find out by investigation: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

find -- find room: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

find -- find (V.): got. bigitan 66, bi-git-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. finden, antreffen, auffinden; ne. find (V.), discover; *gitan, *git-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. finden, bekommen, erlangen; ne. get (V.), find (V.)

fine -- fine apparel: got. gafēteins* 1, ga-fēt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Kleidung; ne. adornment, garniture, fine apparel, clothing

fine -- fine linen: got. bwssaún, 1,  F. (indekl.): nhd. feines Linnen, feine Leinwand; ne. fine linen, byssus; saban* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. feine Leinwand; ne. fine linen

fine -- fine sustenance: got. waílawizns* 1, waíl-a-wizn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. gute Nahrung, gute Kost; ne. good nutriment, good fare, fine sustenance, good food, nourishment

finger: got. figgrs* 1, figg-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Finger; ne. finger

„finger -- „finger gold“: got. figgragulþ* 1, figg-r-a-gul-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Fingergold“, Fingerring; ne. finger ring, „finger gold“

-- finger ring: got. figgragulþ* 1, figg-r-a-gul-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Fingergold“, Fingerring; ne. finger ring, „finger gold“

finish -- finish preparing beforehand: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand

finish -- finish (V.): got. ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

Finnahaithi -- inhabitants of Finnahaithi: got. *Finnhaiþas, *Finn-haiþ-a-s, *Finnhaiþae,  M. Pl.: nhd. Bewohner von Finnahaithi; ne. inhabitants of Finnahaithi

fire -- catch fire: got. tundnan* 1, tund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. brennen; ne. catch fire, be afire, be aflame, burn (V.)

fire -- consume by fire: got. gabrannjan* 3, ga-bran-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen; ne. burn (V.), consume by fire; intandjan* 1, in-tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „anzünden“, verbrennen, in Brand setzen; ne. incinerate, burn up, consume by fire

fire -- fire (N.): got. *aids?, *ai-d-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Feuer, Brand; ne. fire (N.); *blēsi, *blē-s-i,  Sb.: nhd. Fackel, Feuer; ne. torch (N.), fire (N.); *branda?, *bran-d-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Feuerbrand, Brand; ne. fire (N.); *brands (1), *bran-d-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Brand; ne. fire (N.); *brunsts, *bru-n-st-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Brennen, Brand; ne. burn (N.), fire (N.); fōn 20,  unr. N. (r/n): nhd. Feuer; ne. fire (N.)

fire -- in blazing fire: got. in funins lauhmunjai, got.: nhd. in flammendem Feuer; ne. in blazing fire

fire -- light a fire: got. *qaiwjan, *qaiw-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Feuer anzünden, lebendig machen; ne. light a fire, make alive

fire -- set on fire: got. inbrannjan* 1, in-bran-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. „anbrennen“, in Brand stecken; ne. set afire, ignite, set on fire

firm -- firm (Adj.): got. *fasts, *fast-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. fest; ne. firm (Adj.), fast (Adj.); gatulgiþs, Adj.: nhd. fest, beständig, bestärkt, befestigt; ne. firm (Adj.), permanent (Adj.), steadfast

firm -- firm (Adj.) (1): got. tulgus 2, tul-g-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. fest, beständig, standhaft; ne. firm (Adj.) (1), fixed, steadfast (Adj.), immovable, steady (Adj.)

firm -- firm up: got. gaþwastjan* 5=4, ga-þwa-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, stärken; ne. firm up, make firm, make secure, solidify, restore, set right

firm -- hold firm: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

firm -- make firm: got. gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify; gaþwastjan* 5=4, ga-þwa-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, stärken; ne. firm up, make firm, make secure, solidify, restore, set right; tulgjan 3, tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. festigen, stärken, befestigen; ne. make firm, confirm, establish, fix (V.), fortify; *þwastjan?, *þwa-st-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. befestigen; ne. make firm

firmly: got. triggwaba 2, triggw-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. treulich, zuverlässig; ne. confidently, trustingly, surely, firmly

-- fix firmly: got. gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify

firmness: got. tulgiþa 3, tul-g-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Festigkeit, Sicherheit, Fundament, Grundfeste, Befestigung; ne. firmness, stability, steadiness, steadfastness, immovability, fixity, certainty

first: got. fruma 18, fru-m-a,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. erste; ne. first, former, prior; *frumaþeis, *fru-m-a-þ-ei-s, *frumaþs, *frumadeis,  Adj. (ja): nhd. erste; ne. first, prior, prime; frumists 19, fru-m-ist-s,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. der erste; ne. foremost, first, of first rank

-- at first: got. frumist 14, fru-m-ist,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. zuerst; ne. firstly, at first, before everything, first of all

-- come first: got. gasniumjan* 1, ga-sniu-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineilen, kommen; ne. hasten, rush (V.), come first

-- first fruit: got. ufarskafts 1, uf-ar-skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erstlingsfrucht, Anbruch; ne. superstructure, altar, first fruit

-- first of all: got. frumist 14, fru-m-ist,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. zuerst; ne. firstly, at first, before everything, first of all

-- of first rank: got. frumists 19, fru-m-ist-s,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. der erste; ne. foremost, first, of first rank

first-born -- first-born (M.): got. frumabaúr 3, fru-m-a-baúr,  st. M. (i): nhd. Erstgeborener; ne. first-born (M.)

firstly: got. frumist 14, fru-m-ist,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. zuerst; ne. firstly, at first, before everything, first of all

fish -- a sort of fish: got. *aska?, *ask-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Äsche; ne. a sort of fish

fish -- fish (N.): got. fisks* 14, fisk-s*, fisc*, fisct,  fisc*, fisct, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Fisch; ne. fish (N.); lat. piscis

fish -- fish (V.): got. fiskōn 1, fisk-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fischen; ne. fish (V.), go fishing

fisher: got. fiskja* 2, fisk-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fischer; ne. fisher, fisherman; nuta* 2, nut-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fänger, Fischer; ne. capturer, catcher, fisher

fisherman: got. fiskja* 2, fisk-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fischer; ne. fisher, fisherman

fishing -- for fishing: got. du fiskōn, got.: nhd. zum Fischfang; ne. for fishing

fishing -- go fishing: got. fiskōn 1, fisk-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fischen; ne. fish (V.), go fishing

fishing-net: got. nati* 7, nat-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Netz, kreisrundes Wurfnetz; ne. net, circular casting-net, fishing-net

fist -- strike with the fist: got. kaupatjan 4, kaupat-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. ohrfeigen, Faustschlag geben; ne. buffet (V.), pommel (V.), cuff (V.), strike with the fist

fit -- fit (Adj.): got. gatils 2, ga-til-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. passend, geschickt; ne. fit (Adj.), appropriate (Adj.)

fit -- fit in with: got. gatiman* 1, ga-tim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. geziemen; ne. be congruent with, time with, fit in with, match (V.); *timan?, *tim-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. sich ziemen, geziemen; ne. be congruent with, fit in with

fit -- fit together: got. gagatilōn* 2, ga-ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zusammenfügen; ne. fit together, assemble

fit -- make o.s. fit to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

fitness -- of appropriate fitness: got. waírþs (1) 28, waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wert, würdig, tauglich; ne. worth (Adj.), worthy, qualified, of appropriate fitness

fitting: got. gadōfs* 6, ga-dōf-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. schicklich, passend; ne. appertinent, appropriate, suitable, fitting; *tilamalsks, *til-a-malsk-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. besonnen (Adj.); ne. fitting, suitable; ? tils* 1, til-s*,  Adj.?, Sb.?, st. N. (a?): nhd. zielstrebig, passend?, geschickt?; ne. apposite?, fitting?, suitable?

-- fitting (Adj.): got. fagrs* 1, fag-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. passend, geeignet, geschickt; ne. in proper condition, presentable, proper, fitting (Adj.), suitable, suited, qualified

fittingly: got. gatilaba 1, ga-til-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. zur rechten Zeit, passend; ne. fittingly, appropriately, suitably

fittingness: got. waírþida 3, waír-þ-ida,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Tüchtigkeit, Fähigkeit, Wert; ne. worthiness, qualification, fittingness, sufficiency

five: got. fimf 23, fynf*, fyuf,  fynf*, fyuf, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. fünf; ne. five

-- five hundred: got. fimf hunda, Num. Kard.: nhd. fünfhundert; ne. five hundred; fimfhunda*, fimf-hund-a*,  Num. Kard.: nhd. fünfhundert; ne. five hundred

-- five thousand: got. fimf þūsundjōs, Num. Kard.: nhd. fünftausend; ne. five thousand; *fimfþūsunjōs?, *fimf-þūs-un-j-ō-s?,  Num. Kard.: nhd. fünftausend; ne. five thousand; fimf þūsundjōs, got.: nhd. fünftausend; ne. five thousand

-- five times: got. fimf sinþam, got.: nhd. fünfmal; ne. five times

fix -- fix firmly: got. gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify

fix -- fix (V.): got. tulgjan 3, tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. festigen, stärken, befestigen; ne. make firm, confirm, establish, fix (V.), fortify

fix -- fix with stakes: got. *stakjan?, *stak-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stecken; ne. make stuck, fix with stakes

fixed: got. tulgus 2, tul-g-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. fest, beständig, standhaft; ne. firm (Adj.) (1), fixed, steadfast (Adj.), immovable, steady (Adj.)

-- fixed time: got. garēhsns 11, ga-rēh-sn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. bestimmte Zeit, Bestimmung, Plan (M.) (2); ne. design (N.), plan (N.), program (N.), designation, designated time, determination, fixed time

fixity: got. tulgiþa 3, tul-g-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Festigkeit, Sicherheit, Fundament, Grundfeste, Befestigung; ne. firmness, stability, steadiness, steadfastness, immovability, fixity, certainty

flag -- flag (N.): got. *þufaz?, *þu-f-az?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Fahne, Büschel; ne. flag (N.), tuft (N.), bundle (N.)

flagellate: got. *wundōn, *wu-n-d-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wund machen, geißeln, plagen; ne. wound (V.), flagellate

flambeau: got. hais* 1, hai-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Fackel; ne. torch (N.), flambeau

flame: got. *blas?, *bla-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Fackel, Flamme; ne. torch (N.), flame

-- become consumed with flame: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- be consumed with flame: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

flaming: got. funisks* 1, fun-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. feurig; ne. fiery, flaming

flash -- flash like lightning: got. lauhatjan* 1, lauh-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. blitzen; ne. lightning (V.), flash like lightning, fulgurate, blaze (V.)

flask -- alabaster flask: got. alabalstraún* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Salbenbüchse (aus Alabaster); ne. alabaster flask

flat -- flat (Adj.): got. ibns* 1, ibn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eben, flach, gleich; ne. even (Adj.), level (Adj.), flat (Adj.)

flaw: got. wamm* 1, wam-m*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fleck; ne. spot (N.), flaw, stain (N.)

-- furnish with a flaw: got. anawammjan* 1, an-a-wam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beflecken, tadeln; ne. furnish with a flaw, mar, stain (V.)

flawed: got. *wamms, *wam-m-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schlecht, gemein; ne. spotted, flawed, stained

flawless: got. unwamms* 4, un-wam-m-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fleckenlos, tadellos, rein; ne. spotless, flawless, unstained

flawlessness: got. unwammei* 1, un-wam-m-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unbeflecktheit, Reinheit, Lauterkeit; ne. spotlessness, flawlessness, stainlessness

flawness: got. *wammei?, *wam-m-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Beflecktheit; ne. spot (N.), flawness, stainness

flaxen -- flaxen cloth: got. lein* 4,  st. N. (a): nhd. Leinen, Leinwand, Linnen; ne. linen (N.), flaxen cloth

flee: got. þliuhan 6, þli-u-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. fliehen; ne. flee, take flight

-- flee off: got. afþliuhan* 1, af-þli-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegfliehen, fliehen; ne. flee off, run away in flight, escape (V.)

-- flee (V.): got. gaþliuhan* 6, ga-þli-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. die Flucht ergreifen, entfliehen, fliehen; ne. flee (V.), take flight, escape (V.)

fleeing -- fleeing (N.): got. þlaúhs 1, þla-ú-h-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Flucht (M.) (1); ne. flight (1), fleeing (N.)

flesh -- edible flesh: got. mimz* 2, mims*, menus,  menus, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Fleisch; ne. meat, edible flesh; lat. caro

flesh -- flesh (N.): got. leik (1) 173=171,  st. N. (a): nhd. Körper, Leib, Leichnam, Fleisch; ne. body, fleshly body, corpse, flesh (N.); mammō* 1, mam-m-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fleisch; ne. flesh (N.), fleshliness

fleshliness: got. mammō* 1, mam-m-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fleisch; ne. flesh (N.), fleshliness

fleshly: got. leikeins 6, leik-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. leiblich, fleischlich; ne. bodily, corporeal, carnal, fleshly

-- fleshly body: got. leik (1) 173=171,  st. N. (a): nhd. Körper, Leib, Leichnam, Fleisch; ne. body, fleshly body, corpse, flesh (N.)

flicker -- flicker (N.): got. braƕ* 2=1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Braue, Zwinkern, Blick; ne. flicker (N.), blink (N.), twinkling (N.), glance (N.)

flight -- flight (1): got. þlaúhs 1, þla-ú-h-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Flucht (M.) (1); ne. flight (1), fleeing (N.)

flight -- run away in flight: got. afþliuhan* 1, af-þli-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegfliehen, fliehen; ne. flee off, run away in flight, escape (V.)

flight -- take flight: got. gaþliuhan* 6, ga-þli-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. die Flucht ergreifen, entfliehen, fliehen; ne. flee (V.), take flight, escape (V.); þliuhan 6, þli-u-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. fliehen; ne. flee, take flight

fling -- fling (V.): got. gawaírpan 3, ga-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinwerfen, niederwerfen, werfen, hinundherreißen; ne. throw (V.), cast down, fling (V.), dash (V.), toss (V.)

flock -- flock (N.): got. haírda 8, haírd-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Herde; ne. herd (N.), flock (N.)

flock -- flock of sheep: got. awēþi 3, aw-ēþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schafherde; ne. flock of sheep, herd of sheep

flog: got. bliggwan* 6, bli-gg-w-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. schlagen; ne. beat (V.), flog, strike (V.), beat to death, slay

-- flog (V.): got. usbliggwan* 7, us-bli-ggw-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. durchbleuen; ne. beat severely, flog (V.), scourge (V.)

flood -- flood (N.): got. flōdus 1, flō-du-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Strom, Flut; ne. flood (N.), stream (N.), onrush of water, onflow of water; garunjō* 1, ga-ru-n-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Flut, Überschwemmung; ne. inundation, deluge (N.), overrunning by water, flood (N.); midjasweipains 1, mid-ja-swei-p-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überflutung, Sintflut, Überschwemmung; ne. inundation, deluge (N.), flood (N.)

floor -- threshing floor: got. gaþrask* 1, ga-þra-sk*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Tenne, Ausdrusch; ne. threshing floor

floorboard: got. *þiljō, *þil-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Diele, Planke, Brett; ne. floorboard, plank (N.), board (N.)

flounder -- flounder around: got. walwisōn* 1, wal-wis-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich wälzen; ne. roll around on the ground, wallow (V.), flounder around

flour -- made of barley flour: got. barizeins* 4, bar-i-z-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Gerste bereitet, gersten, Gersten...; ne. of barley, made of barley flour

flow -- flow (N.): got. *runjō?, *ru-n-j-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), flow (N.), flux, course; runs (1) 5, ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), course, racecourse, flow (N.), flux, issue (N.)

flow -- let flow: got. giutan* 6, giu-t-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. gießen; ne. pour (V.), let flow

flower -- flower (N.): got. blōma* 1, blō-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Blume, Lilie; ne. flower (N.)

flowing -- flowing body of water: got. aƕa 7, aƕ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fluss, Gewässer; ne. flowing body of water, river, stream (N.), torrent

fluctuate -- make fluctuate away from: got. afwagjan* 1, af-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen, abbringen; ne. make fluctuate away from, make waver away from, remove (V.)

flume: got. rinnō* 1, ri-n-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gießbach; ne. runnel, brook (1), watercourse, flume, torrent

flush -- flush (V.): got. *gariudan?, *ga-riud-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. erröten; ne. redden, blush (V.), flush (V.)

flute -- flute (N.): got. *swigl, *swigls?,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Flöte; ne. flute (N.)

flute -- play the flute: got. swiglōn* 2, swigl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Flöte blasen, aufspielen; ne. play the flute, pipe (V.)

flute-player: got. swiglja* 1, swigl-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Flötenspieler, Flötenbläser; ne. flutist, flute-player

flutist: got. swiglja* 1, swigl-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Flötenspieler, Flötenbläser; ne. flutist, flute-player

flux: got. *runjō?, *ru-n-j-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), flow (N.), flux, course; runs (1) 5, ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), course, racecourse, flow (N.), flux, issue (N.)

flying -- flying ashes: got. *falwiska?, *fal-wisk-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Flugasche, Funke; ne. flying ashes, spark (N.)

foal: got. fula* 10, fu-l-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fohlen, Füllen (N.) (1); ne. foal, colt

foam -- foam (N.): got. ƕaþō* 1, ƕaþ-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schaum; ne. foam (N.), froth (N.); *skūms, *skū-m-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schaum; ne. foam (N.), froth (N.)

foam -- foam (V.): got. ƕaþjan* 2, ƕaþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schäumen; ne. foam (V.), froth (V.)

foe: got. fijands 22=20, fi-j-a-n-d-s,  st. M. (nd): nhd. Feind; ne. enemy, foe

foiled -- get foiled: got. laus wairþan, got.: nhd. vereitelt werden; ne. get foiled

-fold: got. falþ 1, fal-þ,  Adv.: nhd. -fältig; ne. -fold; *falþaba?, *fal-þ-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. -fältig; ne. -fold; *-falþs?, *-fal-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. -fältig; ne. -fold

fold -- fold (N.): got. *falda?, *fal-d-a?,  st. F. (ō?): nhd. Falte; ne. fold (N.); garda* 1, gar-d-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hürde, Viehhof; ne. enclosed yard, yard, fold (N.)

fold -- fold up: got. falþan* 1, fal-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. falten, zusammenrollen, zusammenlegen; ne. fold (V.), fold up, roll together

fold -- fold (V.): got. falþan* 1, fal-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. falten, zusammenrollen, zusammenlegen; ne. fold (V.), fold up, roll together

foliage: got. laufs* (1) 3, lau-f-s*, lauf,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Laub, Blatt; ne. leaf, leafage, foliage

follow: got. afargaggan 7, af-ar-ga-g-g-a-n,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. nachgehen, folgen; ne. go after, follow, accompany; afarlaistjan* 6, af-ar-lais-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. nachfolgen, nachstreben, nachgehen, verfolgen; ne. follow after, follow, pursue, trail (V.); galaista wisan, got.: nhd. folgen; ne. follow; galaista wairþan, got.: nhd. nachfolgen; ne. follow; galaistjan* 3, ga-lais-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. nachfolgen, befolgen, pflegen; ne. follow, pursue; laistjan 49, lais-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. folgen, nachstreben, verfolgen, nachgehen; ne. follow, pursue

-- follow after: got. afarlaistjan* 6, af-ar-lais-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. nachfolgen, nachstreben, nachgehen, verfolgen; ne. follow after, follow, pursue, trail (V.)

follower: got. galaista 4=3, ga-lais-t-a,  sw. M. (n), m. Dat.: nhd. Nachfolger, Verfolger, Begleiter; ne. follower; sipōneis 131, sipōn-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Schüler, Jünger; ne. disciple, follower, student

following: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

folly: got. dwaliþa 4, dwa-l-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Torheit; ne. foolishness, folly

food: got. fōdeins* 2, fō-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Nahrung, Speise; ne. feeding (N.), nourishment, nutrition, nutriment, food; mats 18, mat-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Speise, Proviant, Mahl; ne. food, meal; usfōdeins* 1, us-fō-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Nahrung; ne. nourishment, food, nutriment; ? *wizns?, *wiz-n-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Nahrung?; ne. food?

-- abstain from food: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

-- dispense as food: got. fraatjan* 1, fra-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. zum Essen austeilen; ne. give away to be eaten, dispense as food

-- food food particles: got. draúhsna* 4, draúhsn-a*, drausna*,  st. F. (ō), Pl.: nhd. Brocken, Brosamen, Bissen; ne. fragments, crumbs, food food particles; draúhsna* 4, draúhsn-a*, drausna*,  st. F. (ō), Pl.: nhd. Brocken, Brosamen, Bissen; ne. fragments, crumbs, food food particles

-- good food: got. waílawizns* 1, waíl-a-wizn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. gute Nahrung, gute Kost; ne. good nutriment, good fare, fine sustenance, good food, nourishment

-- provide with food: got. *usfōdjan?, *us-fō-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nähren; ne. nourish, provide with food

-- withhold o.s. from food: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

food-bag: got. matibalgs* 3, mat-i-bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Ranzen, Speisesack, Speisetasche; ne. food-bag, knapsack, lunchbox

fool -- fool (M.): got. raka (3) 1, got.?, Sb. (indekl.): nhd. eitler Mensch, Tor (M.); ne. Raca, fool (M.); unwita 6, un-wi-t-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Unwissender, Unverständiger, Törichter; ne. ignorant person, unknowing person, nonsensical person, fool (M.)

foolhardy -- unsuitably foolhardy: got. untilamalsks* 1, un-til-a-malsk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. voreilig, unbesonnen; ne. unfittingly precipitate, unsuitably foolhardy, inappropriately brash, reckless

foolish: got. dwals* 6, dwa-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. töricht; ne. foolish, stupid, dull; *malsks?, *mal-sk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. töricht; ne. foolish; telich 1, krim Adj. (a): nhd. töricht; ne. foolish; lat. stultus; unfraþjands* 1, un-fraþ-jan-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unverständig; ne. unperceiving, uncomprehending, mindless, foolish; unnuts* 1, un-nut-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. unnütz, töricht; ne. useless, unavailing, foolish

-- foolish talking: got. dwalawaúrdei 1, dwa-l-a-waúr-d-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Torenrede, törichtes Gerede; ne. foolish talking, foolishness; *dwalawaúrds, *dwa-l-a-waúr-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. töricht redend; ne. foolish talking

-- make foolish: got. dwala gataujan: nhd. töricht machen; ne. make foolish, make stupid

foolishness: got. dwalawaúrdei 1, dwa-l-a-waúr-d-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Torenrede, törichtes Gerede; ne. foolish talking, foolishness; dwaliþa 4, dwa-l-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Torheit; ne. foolishness, folly; unfrōdei* 4, un-frōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unverstand, Torheit; ne. unintelligence, nonsense, foolishness; unwiti 3, un-wi-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unwissenheit, Unverstand; ne. ignorance, unknowingness, unintelligence, senselessness, foolishness

foot: got. fōtus 41, fōt-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Fuß; ne. foot

-- foot shackle: got. fōtubandi* 1, fōt-u-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. „Fußband“, Fußfessel, Fußschelle; ne. foot shackle, foot-bonds, leg chains

-- foot soldier: got. *fanþja?, *fanþ-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fußsoldat; ne. foot soldier

foot-bonds: got. fōtubandi* 1, fōt-u-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. „Fußband“, Fußfessel, Fußschelle; ne. foot shackle, foot-bonds, leg chains

footpath: got. staiga* 3, staig-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Steig, Weg; ne. path, lane, walkway, footpath, way

footprint: got. laists* 3, lais-t-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Spur; ne. track (N.), footprint, trace (N.), spoor (N.)

foot-sheathing -- foot-sheathing thong: got. skaudaraip* 3, skau-d-a-rai-p*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Riemen (M.) (1), Schuhriemen; ne. sandal strap, foot-sheathing thong

footstool: got. fōtubaūrd 3, fōt-u-baūr-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fußbank, Schemel; ne. footstool, board for resting the feet

for: got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly; auk 286=285,  Konj.: nhd. denn, nämlich, aber, auch, und; ne. furthermore, moreover, besides, for, but, also, since; faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; þatei 370,  Konj.: nhd. dass, weil, als ob; ne. that, the fact that, for, because; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

for-: got. *faír-,  Präf.: nhd. ver-, ent-, er-; ne. for-; *fra-,  Präf., Partikel: nhd. ver-; ne. for-

for -- abbreviation for 1: got. a 5,  Buchstabe: nhd. a, Abkürzung für 1; ne. a, abbreviation for 1

for -- abbreviation for 2: got. b 9,  Buchstabe: nhd. b, Abkürzung für 2; ne. b, abbreviation for 2

for -- abbreviation for 3: got. g 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. g, Abkürzung für 3; ne. g, abbreviation for 3

for -- abbreviation for 4: got. d 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. d, Abkürzung für 4; ne. d, abbreviation for 4

for -- abbreviation for 5: got. e 6,  Buchstabe: nhd. e, Abkürzung für 5; ne. e, abbreviation for 5

for -- abbreviation for 6: got. q 3,  Buchstabe: nhd. q, Abkürzung für 6; ne. q, abbreviation for 6

for -- abbreviation for 7: got. z 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. z, Abkürzung für 7; ne. z, abbreviation for 7

for -- abbreviation for 8: got. h 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. h, Abkürzung für 8; ne. h, abbreviation for 8

for -- abbreviation for 9: got. þ 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. th, Abkürzung für 9; ne. th, abbreviation for 9

for -- abbreviation for 10: got. i 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. i, Abkürzung für 10; ne. i, abbreviation for 10

for -- abbreviation for 20: got. k 4,  Buchstabe: nhd. k, Abkürzung für 20; ne. k, abbreviation for 20

for -- abbreviation for 40: got. m 3,  Buchstabe: nhd. m, Abkürzung für 40; ne. m, abbreviation for 40

for -- abbreviation for 50: got. n 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. n, Abkürzung für 50; ne. n, abbreviation for 50

for -- abbreviation for 60: got. j 7,  Buchstabe: nhd. j, Abkürzung für 60; ne. j, abbreviation for 60

for -- abbreviation for 70: got. u 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. u, Abkürzung für 70; ne. u, abbreviation for 70

for -- abbreviation for 100: got. r 4,  Buchstabe: nhd. r, Abkürzung für 100; ne. r, abbreviation for 100

for -- abbreviation for 300: got. t 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. t, Abkürzung für 300; ne. t, abbreviation for 300

for -- abbreviation for thirty: got. l 8,  Buchstabe: nhd. 1, Abkürzung für dreißig; ne. 1, abbreviation for thirty

for -- achieve retribution for: got. gawrikan* 3, ga-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bestrafen, rächen, Rache nehmen; ne. wreak vengeance for, avenge, achieve retribution for, vindicate

for -- allege as a reason for: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

for -- apparatus for lying on: got. ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

for -- argue for: got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

for -- ask for: got. *aiskōn?, *ais-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fragen, fordern; ne. ask, ask for, beg, demand (V.), look for; *bidan?, *bid-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. bitten; ne. ask for, beseech; bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for; sōkjan 72, sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. suchen, disputieren, streiten; ne. quest (V.), search (V.), seek (V.), request (V.), ask for, query (V.)

for -- basis for accusation: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

for -- be at a loss for words: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

for -- board for resting the feet: got. fōtubaūrd 3, fōt-u-baūr-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fußbank, Schemel; ne. footstool, board for resting the feet

for -- care for: got. gakarōn* 1, ga-kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. besorgen, sich kümmern, sorgen für; ne. care for, have concern for

for -- cause for anger: got. gamarzeins* 3, ga-mar-z-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. hinderance, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, offense (N.), cause for anger

for -- cause for complaint: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

for -- circlet for the head: got. wipja* 2, wip-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kranz; ne. crown (N.), head-wrath, circlet for the head

for -- commit to for safekeeping: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

for -- contract for buying on credit: got. kawtsjō* 4, kawts-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sicherheit, Bürgschaft, Verschreibung; ne. contract for buying on credit, credit contract, security, bond (N.), warrenty

for -- cover up for safekeeping: got. filhan 1, fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. verbergen, begraben (V.); ne. hide (V.), conceal, conceal in the ground, bury, cover up for safekeeping

for -- enrollment for taxation: got. gilstramēleins 1, gil-str-a-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Eintragung in die Steuerliste; ne. enrollment for taxation, tax registration

for -- for all to see: got. andaugiba 4, and-aug-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offen, freimütig; ne. obviously, in plain sight, openly, for all to see; andaugjō 3, and-aug-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. offen, offenbar, öffentlich; ne. in plain sight, openly, publicly, for all to see

for -- for a moment: got. in stika mēlis, got.: nhd. in einem Augenblick; ne. for a moment

for -- for an hour: got. ƕeilōhun 1, ƕeil-ō-hun,  Adv.: nhd. eine Stunde lang; ne. for an hour, for a short while

for -- for a short while: got. ƕeilōhun 1, ƕeil-ō-hun,  Adv.: nhd. eine Stunde lang; ne. for an hour, for a short while

for -- for a while: got. ƕō ƕeilō, got.: nhd. eine Zeitlang; ne. for a while; ƕō ƕeilō, got.: nhd. eine Zeitlang; ne. for a while

for -- for fishing: got. du fiskōn, got.: nhd. zum Fischfang; ne. for fishing

for -- for naught: got. arwjō 3, arw-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. umsonst, unentgeltlich, ohne Ursache, vergebens; ne. gratis, without charge, in vain, for naught, for no reason, without cause

for -- for no reason: got. arwjō 3, arw-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. umsonst, unentgeltlich, ohne Ursache, vergebens; ne. gratis, without charge, in vain, for naught, for no reason, without cause; swarē 16,  Adv.: nhd. ohne Grund, vergebens, umsonst; ne. purposelessly, futilely, for no reason, groundless, in vain

for -- for the present: got. andwaírþō 1, and-waír-þ-ō,  Adv.: nhd. sofort; ne. for the present, momentary, at once

for -- for the reason that: got. þēei 3, þē-ei,  Partikel: nhd. darum dass, deshalb dass, als ob, als wenn; ne. from the motive that, for the reason that

for -- for the sake of: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; in þizōzei waihtais: nhd. weshalb; ne. for the sake of, this thing which

for -- for the third time: got. þridjō 2, þrid-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zum dritten Mal; ne. for the third time

for -- for this purpose: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that

for -- for this reason: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that

for -- for what: got. in ƕis: nhd. weshalb; ne. on account of what, wherefore, for what; jabai jah, got.: nhd. wofür auch; ne. for what

for -- for which reason: got. eiþan 6, ei-þan,  Konj.: nhd. daher, somit, nun; ne. ergo, therefore, for which reason, then, wherefore

for -- give cause for rejoicing: got. *hlōhjan?, *hlō-h-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lachen machen; ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing; ufhlōhjan* 1, uf-hlōh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflachen machen, lachen machen, auflachen (= Pass.); ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing

for -- Goths’ own name for themselves: got. Gutþiuda* 2, Gu-t-þiu-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenvolk; ne. Gothic people, Goths’ own name for themselves

for -- greedy for money: got. faíhufriks 6, faíh-u-frik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. habsüchtig, geldgierig, gewinnsüchtig; ne. money-covetous, avaricious, greedy for money, lustful for material goods

for -- have a plan for: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

for -- have concern for: got. gakarōn* 1, ga-kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. besorgen, sich kümmern, sorgen für; ne. care for, have concern for

for -- have regard for: got. aistan* 3, ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor; ne. have regard for, have respect for, reverence (V.); andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.); gaaistan* 1, ga-ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor, achten; ne. reverence (V.), have regard for, have respect for; saiƕan in andwairþja manne, got.: nhd. Rücksicht nehmen auf; ne. have regard for

for -- have respect for: got. aistan* 3, ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor; ne. have regard for, have respect for, reverence (V.); gaaistan* 1, ga-ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor, achten; ne. reverence (V.), have regard for, have respect for

for -- have reverence for: got. ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

for -- hope for: got. wēnjan* 20=19, wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. warten, hoffen auf, meinen; ne. hope (V.), hope for, look for, await, expect, anticipate

for -- jump for joy: got. laikan* 3, laik-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. hüpfen, springen; ne. frolic (V.), romp (V.), jump for joy, hop (V.) (1)

for -- lasting only for a while: got. ƕeilaƕaírbs* 2, ƕeil-a-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nur eine Zeitlang dauernd, vergänglich, unbeständig; ne. temporary, transient, transitory, lasting only for a while

for -- longed for: got. lustusama* 1, lus-tu-sam-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. ersehnt; ne. longed for

for -- long for: got. gairnjan* 17, gair-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, verlangen, bedürfen; ne. lust after, long for, yearn for, desire (V.), want (V.)

for -- look for: got. *aiskōn?, *ais-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fragen, fordern; ne. ask, ask for, beg, demand (V.), look for; beidan* 8, beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. warten, erwarten; ne. await, wait for, look for; usbeidan* 5, us-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. erwarten, Geduld haben; ne. expect, await, look for, wait for; wēnjan* 20=19, wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. warten, hoffen auf, meinen; ne. hope (V.), hope for, look for, await, expect, anticipate

for -- lust for material goods: got. faíhufrikei 3, faíh-u-frik-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Gewinnsucht, Geldgier; ne. money-covetousness, cupidity, lust for material goods

for -- lustful for material goods: got. faíhufriks 6, faíh-u-frik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. habsüchtig, geldgierig, gewinnsüchtig; ne. money-covetous, avaricious, greedy for money, lustful for material goods

for -- lying abed for coitus: got. ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

for -- make a prayerful wish for: got. usbidan* 1, us-bid-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. erbitten; ne. make a prayerful wish for, wish prayerfully

for -- make keen for: got. gaƕatjan* 1, ga-ƕat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet, sharpen, make keen for, incite, mislead, entice; *ƕatjan?, *ƕat-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet (V.), sharpen, make keen for

for -- manifest zeal for: got. aljanōn 5, al-jan-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. eifern, eifern für; ne. strive for, manifest zeal for

for -- man who looks for pleasing another one: got. mannam samjands, got.: nhd. wer den Menschen zu gefallen sucht; ne. man who looks for pleasing another one

for -- marked for death: got. dauþubleis* 1, dau-þ-u-blei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. zum Tode bestimmt, dem Tode geweiht, zum Tode verurteilt; ne. sentenced to death, marked for death

for -- pen for ewes: got. awistr* 1, awi-st-r*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schafstall; ne. pen for ewes, sheepfold

for -- petition for: got. bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for

for -- pit for pressing: got. dal uf mēsa, got.: nhd. Keltergrube; ne. pit for pressing; dal uf mēsa, got.: nhd. Keltergrube; ne. pit for pressing

for -- place for sacrifice: got. hunslastaþs* 4, hun-sl-a-staþ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Opferstätte, Altar; ne. place for sacrifice, altar

for -- place for swimming: got. swumfsl* 2, swum-fsl*, swumsl,  st. N. (a): nhd. Teich; ne. pool, pond, place for swimming

for -- pole for crucifixion: got. galga 18, galg-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Pfahl, Kreuz; ne. stake (N.), pole for crucifixion, gallows, cross (N.)

for -- provide for: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for; undrēdan 1, und-rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. besorgen, gewähren; ne. adduce, advance (V.), provide for, grant (V.)

for -- quest for: got. gasōkjan* 3, ga-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufsuchen, suchen; ne. quest for, seek (V.)

for -- request for oneself: got. aihtrōn 5, aih-tr-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. beten, betteln, erbitten, für sich verlangen; ne. beg, pray, request for oneself, beseech, supplicate

for -- reward for winning: got. sigislaun* 2, sig-i-s-laun*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Siegeslohn, Preis; ne. victory prize, reward for winning

for -- set out for: got. galeiþan 142=140, ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kommen, gehen, fahren; ne. go away, depart from, go forth, set out for, come; framis galeiþan: nhd. vorschreiten; ne. go forth, set out for

for -- show affection for: got. frijōn 92, fri-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lieben, gern tun; ne. love (V.), cherish, show affection for, like to

for -- strive for: got. aljanōn 5, al-jan-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. eifern, eifern für; ne. strive for, manifest zeal for; ufþanjan* 2, uf-þan-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausdehnen, ausstrecken, nach etwas trachten; ne. stretch (V.), extend, strain (V.), strive for

for -- take for a drive: got. *usfarþōn?, *us-far-þ-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ausfahren?; ne. take for a drive

for -- take forethought for: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

for -- trap for crash-falling into: got. hlamma 2, hla-m-m-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Falle“, Schlinge; ne. crash-trap, pitfall, trap for crash-falling into, snare (N.)

for -- visit for investigation: got. *niuhsjan?, *niu-hs-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auskundschaften, heimsuchen; ne. inspect, visit for investigation

for -- wait for: got. beidan* 8, beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. warten, erwarten; ne. await, wait for, look for; usbeidan* 5, us-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. erwarten, Geduld haben; ne. expect, await, look for, wait for

for -- what for: got. duƕē 35, du-ƕē,  Adv.: nhd. wozu, warum; ne. why, what for, wherefore

for -- wreak vengeance for: got. gawrikan* 3, ga-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bestrafen, rächen, Rache nehmen; ne. wreak vengeance for, avenge, achieve retribution for, vindicate

for -- yearn for: got. gairnjan* 17, gair-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, verlangen, bedürfen; ne. lust after, long for, yearn for, desire (V.), want (V.)

forbearance: got. þulains* 12, þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Dulden, Leiden, Geduld; ne. toleration, forbearance, sufferance, suffering (N.), patience, fortitude, perseverance

forbid: got. faúrbiudan* 7, faúr-biud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. verbieten, gebieten; ne. give orders to, command (V.), forbid; warjan* 9, war-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehren; ne. prevent, thwart (V.), forbid, hinder, restrain, stop (V.), block (V.)

force -- force (N.): got. nauþs 11=10, nau-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Not, Zwang; ne. compulsion, force (N.), constraint, duress, trouble (N.), need (N.)

force -- force (V.): got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat; ananauþjan* 1, an-a-nau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. durch Zwang veranlassen, nötigen, zwingen; ne. compel, force (V.); *anatjan?, *an-a-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zwingen; ne. force (V.); anetiare, an-e-tiare, mlat.- V.: nhd. zwingen; ne. force (V.), compel; baidjan* 2, baid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zwingen, nötigen; ne. compel, force (V.); gabaidjan* 1, ga-baid-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zwingen, gebieten, nötigen; ne. compel, force (V.); nauþjan* 4, nau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nötigen, zwingen; ne. compel, force (V.), exert compulsion upon

force -- have force: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail

force -- superior force: got. anamahts* 2, an-a-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übermacht, Misshandlung; ne. coercion, forcing, use of force on, superior force, insult (N.)

force -- use force on: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

force -- use of force on: got. anamahts* 2, an-a-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übermacht, Misshandlung; ne. coercion, forcing, use of force on, superior force, insult (N.)

forcibly -- remove (V.) forcibly: got. gatarnjan* 1, ga-tar-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. berauben; ne. wrest from, extract from, remove (V.) forcibly, rob, take away

forcing: got. anamahts* 2, an-a-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übermacht, Misshandlung; ne. coercion, forcing, use of force on, superior force, insult (N.)

ford -- ford (N.): got. *wad-,  st. N.?: nhd. Wasser, Furt; ne. water (N.), ford (N.)

fore-court: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

foredawn: got. ūhtwō* 1, ū-h-t-w-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Morgendämmerung; ne. foredawn, dawn (N.), daybreak

forefathers: got. fadrein 14, fa-dr-ein,  st. N. (a): nhd. Abkunft, Geschlecht, Stamm, Eltern, Großeltern, Vorfahren; ne. patrilineage, forefathers, descent, race (N.) (1), parents

„fore-goer“: got. faúragagga* 1, faúr-a-ga-g-g-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Vorgänger“, Hausverwalter, Verwalter, Vorsteher; ne. „fore-goer“, house-steward, superintendent, manager

foregoing: got. faírns* 2, faír-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vorjährig, alt; ne. previous, foregoing, preceding (Adj.)

foreign: got. aljakuns 3, al-ja-kun-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anderswoher stammend, gegen die Natur, von einem anderen Geschlecht, von fremder Abkunft, fremd; ne. foreign, of different kin, of foreign origin, strange, contrary to nature; framaþeis* 9, framaþs, fra-m-aþ-ei-s*, fram-aþ-s*,  Adj. (ja?), (i): nhd. fremd; ne. strange, alien, foreign, alienated, estranged; ? *wala- (1), *wal-a-,  Adj. (a): nhd. welsch?; ne. foreign?; *walhs?, *walh-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. welsch, ausländisch; ne. foreign

-- of foreign origin: got. aljakuns 3, al-ja-kun-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anderswoher stammend, gegen die Natur, von einem anderen Geschlecht, von fremder Abkunft, fremd; ne. foreign, of different kin, of foreign origin, strange, contrary to nature

foreigner: got. barbarus 1, barbaru-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Nichtgrieche, Barbar, Ausländer, Fremder; ne. foreigner, barbarian

foremost: got. in frumistjam, got.: nhd. vornehmlich; ne. foremost; frumists 19, fru-m-ist-s,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. der erste; ne. foremost, first, of first rank

-- reckon as foremost: got. faúrarahnjan* 1, faúr-a-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. esteem as prior, reckon as foremost, deem preferable, outdo

foresight -- prepare out of foresight: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

foreskin: got. faúrafilli 7=6, faúr-a-fil-l-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Vorhaut; ne. foreskin, prepuce; unbimait* 1, un-bi-mai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Nichtbeschneidung, Vorhaut; ne. uncircumcision, foreskin

forest: got. *waldus, *wal-d-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Wald; ne. wood (N.), forest

fore-standing -- fore-standing (N.): got. *faurstass?, *faur-sta-s-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vorstehen, Aufsicht; ne. fore-standing (N.)

foreswear: got. afqiþan* 1, af-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. verzichten auf, entsagen; ne. renounce (V.), foreswear

foretell: got. faúragahaitan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zuvor verheißen; ne. promise beforehand, pre-announce as a pledge, foretell

-- foretell the future: got. fauraqiþan* 9=8, faur-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorhersagen; ne. tell before, tell beforehand, foretell the future, prophesy

forethought -- take forethought for: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

foretoken -- magic foretoken: got. faúratani* 3, faúr-a-tan-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Wunderzeichen; ne. miracle, prophetic wonderwork, magic foretoken, miraculous omen

forge -- forge (V.): got. gasmiþōn* 1, ga-smi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. „schmieden“, bewirken, durch Schmieden bewirken; ne. forge (V.), produce in the manner of a smith, effect (V.), work (V.), produce

forget: got. *ufarmaudjan, *uf-ar-maud-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergessen; ne. forget, dismiss from the mind; ? ufarmitōn 1, uf-ar-mi-t-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. vergessen?; ne. forget?; ufarmunnōn* 3, uf-ar-mun-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergessen; ne. forget, overlook, neglect (V.)

forgetfulness: got. ufarmaudei* 1, uf-ar-maud-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Vergessenheit; ne. forgetfulness, oblivion

forgive: got. aflētan 52, af-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen, fortschicken, aufgeben, eine Schuld erlassen, vergeben, verlassen (V.), im Stiche lassen, zurücklassen, überlassen, vernachlässigen; ne. let off, let go, leave (V.), relinquish, remit, absolve, release (V.), forgive; fragiban 25, fra-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. vergeben, verleihen, schenken, geben, gewähren; ne. give (V.), grant (V.), remit (V.), forgive, pardon (V.), bestow; fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive; hulþs wisan, got.: nhd. vergeben; ne. forgive

forgiveness: got. aflageins* 1, af-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ablegung, Erlass, Vergebung; ne. forgiveness, laying aside, remission, absolution; aflēt* 3, af-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Vergebung; ne. indulgence, letting off, forgiveness, pardon (N.); fralēt* 6=5, fra-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Entlassung; ne. setting at liberty, release (N.), relinquishment, dispensation, forgiveness

forgo: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

forgoing -- forgoing (Adj.): got. gaþaúrbs 1, ga-þaúrb-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. enthaltsam; ne. forgoing (Adj.), abstinent, self-abnegating (Adj.)

form -- equal in form: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

form -- form from clay: got. gadigan* 2=1, ga-dig-an*, gadeigan*,  unr. st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kneten, bilden, aus Ton bilden; ne. knead, form (V.), mould (V.), form from clay

form -- form (N.): got. *farwa 1, *far-w-a,  st. M.? (wa), st. N.? (wa): nhd. Farbe, Aussehen, Gestalt; ne. form (N.), appearance, visible exterior, external shape; hiwi* 1, hi-wi*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. surface appearance, looks, superficial complexion, cosmetic aspect, form (N.); *skaunei, *s-kau-n-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gestalt; ne. form (N.), shape (N.)

form -- form out of clay: got. digan* 2, dig-an*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. kneten, aus Ton bilden, bilden, formen; ne. knead, mold, form out of clay

form -- form (V.): got. *frisahtjan?, *frisah-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.); gadigan* 2=1, ga-dig-an*, gadeigan*,  unr. st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kneten, bilden, aus Ton bilden; ne. knead, form (V.), mould (V.), form from clay; gafrisahtjan* 1, ga-frisah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.); taujan 211=209, tau-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tun, machen, wirken; ne. do, act (V.), engage in, execute, perform, make (V.), form (V.), construct (V.), produce (1)

form -- godly form: got. gudaskaunei* 1, gu-d-a-skaun-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottesgestalt; ne. the form of God, divine aspect, godly form

form -- join in adopting a form similar to: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

form -- like form: got. galeiki* 2, ga-leik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Ähnlichkeit“, Abbild; ne. like form, similar appearance, resemblance, likeness, replica, „co-form“

form -- of similar form: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

form -- of the same form: got. samaleiks* 2, sam-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich, übereinstimmend, gleichlautend; ne. identical, of the same form, equal, like (1)

form -- the form of God: got. gudaskaunei* 1, gu-d-a-skaun-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottesgestalt; ne. the form of God, divine aspect, godly form

form -- transfer the similarity of the form of: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

form -- visual form: got. siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance

formed -- become formed: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

formed -- be formed: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

formed -- differently formed: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

former: got. fruma 18, fru-m-a,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. erste; ne. first, former, prior

-- of former times: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

formerly: got. faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to; simlē 9=8, sim-l-ē,  Adv.: nhd. einst, vordem, vormals; ne. once, formerly, at one time; suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

fornicate: got. gahōrinōn* 1, ga-hōr-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Ehebruch begehen; ne. commit adultery, fornicate; *kalkinōn?, *kalk-in-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Unzucht treiben, huren; ne. fornicate, whore (V.)

fornication: got. hōrinassus 7, hō-r-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ehebruch, Hurerei; ne. adultery, fornication, illicit extra-marital sexual intercourse; kalkinassus 4, kalk-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Hurerei, Unzucht; ne. illicit sexual intercourse, fornication, adultery

fornicator: got. hōrs 7, hō-r-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Hurer, Ehebrecher; ne. adulterer, fornicator

forswear: got. afaikan 13, af-ai-k-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. leugnen, fluchen, verleugnen; ne. deny, abjure, disavow, forswear, renounce (V.)

forth: got. fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about; ūt 25,  Adv., Präf.: nhd. hinaus, heraus; ne. out, outside, forth, outwards

-- bear forth: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue

-- break forth: got. tarmjan* 1, tar-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. losbrechen, ausbrechen; ne. vent (V.), break forth, burst out

-- bring forth: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue

-- bud forth: got. uskeinan* 3, us-kei-n-an*,  st. sw. V. (1): nhd. hervorkeimen; ne. sprout up, bud forth, grow from

-- bud forth together with: got. miþuskeinan* 1, mi-þ-us-kei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. „mitauskeimen“, mithervorkeimen; ne. sprout up together with, bud forth together with, grow with

-- come forth: got. urrinnan* 27, ur-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. auslaufen, ausgehen, aufgehen (von Samen oder von der Sonne); ne. run out, emerge, come forth, come up (of plant seed or the sun), rise (V.)

-- cry forth: got. ufhrōpjan* 6, uf-hrō-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. cry forth, cry out, shout out

-- forth from: got. us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of

-- go forth: got. galeiþan 142=140, ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kommen, gehen, fahren; ne. go away, depart from, go forth, set out for, come; framis galeiþan: nhd. vorschreiten; ne. go forth, set out for; usgaggan 105, us-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. ausgehen, hinausgehen; ne. go out, come out, go forth, pass out

-- hence forth: got. fram himma, Adv.: nhd. von nun an; ne. hence forth

-- lead forth: got. gatiuhan* 8, ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegziehen, wegführen, führen, bringen; ne. lead forth, conduct (V.), draw (V.), bring; ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

-- leap forth: got. ushlaupan* 1, us-hlaup-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. aufspringen, sich aufmachen; ne. leap forth, leap up, jump up, spring to one’s feet

-- let forth: got. lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit

-- make turn forth to: got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.)

-- pass forth: got. usleiþan 12, us-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinausgehen, weggehen, verreisen, vergehen; ne. pass forth, travel out, go out, go away, vanish

-- pitch forth at: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- put forth: got. faúrlagjan 3, faúr-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorlegen, vorsetzen; ne. lay before, set in front of, put forth, place before

-- run forth: got. durinnan* 2, du-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run to meet, run forth, run up, approach (V.)

-- send forth: got. ussandjan* 2, us-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aussenden; ne. send out, send forth

-- set forth: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth; faúragaleikan* 1, faúr-a-ga-leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. vorher gefallen; ne. be pleasing to beforehand, please beforehand, set forth

-- setting forth: got. faúrlageins* 2, faúr-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Vorlegung; ne. presentation, setting forth

-- surge forth: got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

-- walk on forth: got. skēwjan* 1, skēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wandern; ne. proceed (V.), progress (V.), walk on forth, go (V.)

fortified -- make into a fortified residential stronghold: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

fortify: got. gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify; tulgjan 3, tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. festigen, stärken, befestigen; ne. make firm, confirm, establish, fix (V.), fortify

fortitude: got. þulains* 12, þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Dulden, Leiden, Geduld; ne. toleration, forbearance, sufferance, suffering (N.), patience, fortitude, perseverance

fortunate: got. audags 15, au-d-ag-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. vom Schicksal begabt, selig; ne. fortunate, blessed, blest

-- deem fortunate: got. audagjan* 1, au-d-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. selig preisen; ne. bless (V.), deem fortunate, regard as blest

-- fortunate (Adj.): got. audahafts* 1, au-da-haf-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. beglückt, begnadigt, beseligt, selig; ne. fortunate (Adj.), blessed

fortune: got. *auds *auþs, *au-d-s,  st. M. (a), st. N. (a): nhd. Habe, Gut; ne. fortune, prosperity; auja 4, au-j-a, got.-run., st. F. (ō): nhd. Glück; ne. fortune; *awi (2), *aw-i, auja?,  st. N. (ja), st. F.: nhd. Glück, göttlicher Schutz; ne. fortune, divine auspices

forty: got. fidwōr tigjus, krimgot. furdetin*, furdeithien, Num. Kard.: nhd. vierzig; ne. forty

forum: got. maþl* 1, maþ-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Versammlungsort, Marktplatz, Markt; ne. forum, meeting-place, marketplace, assembly

forward: got. framwaírþis 1, fra-m-waírþ-is,  Adv., Gen.: nhd. fernerhin; ne. onward, forward, further

forwards: got. fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about; *frumaþ?, *fru-m-a-þ?,  Adv.: nhd. vorwärts; ne. forwards, towards the front

fosse -- fosse (N.): got. graba* 1, grab-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Graben (M.); ne. trench (N.), ditch (N.), fosse (N.), rampart

foul -- foul (Adj.): got. fūls 1, fū-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. faul, stinkend; ne. fetid, foul (Adj.), decomposed, putrid

foul -- foul language: got. aglaitiwáurdei* 2, ag-l-ait-i-wáur-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schandrede, unzüchtiges Reden; ne. obscene language, foul language, shameful speech, filthy talk; naiteins* 3, nai-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, malediction, abusive speech, foul language, insult (N.), slander (N.)

foul -- subject to foul language: got. ganaitjan* 1, ga-nai-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschimpfen, schmähen, lästern; ne. subject to foul language, subject to verbal humiliation, revile, treat shamefully

foul -- use foul language: got. *naitjan?, *nai-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lästern; ne. use foul language, abuse verbally

found -- found (V.): got. gasūljan* 3, ga-sūl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. das Fundament legen, begründen, gründen; ne. found (V.), base (V.), ground (V.), lay the foundation of; *sūljan, *sūl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gründen; ne. found (V.), base (V.)

foundation: got. gasateins* 1, ga-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Grundlegung; ne. foundation, establishment

-- lay the foundation of: got. gasūljan* 3, ga-sūl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. das Fundament legen, begründen, gründen; ne. found (V.), base (V.), ground (V.), lay the foundation of

foundation-wall: got. grunduwaddjus 5, grundu-wa-dd-ju-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Grundmauer; ne. ground-wall, foundation-wall, wall-base, groundwork

fountain: got. brunna 2, bru-n-n-a,  krim sw. M. (n): nhd. Brunnen, Quelle, Born; ne. fountain, source, well (N.); lat. fons

four: got. fidur-,  Num. Kard.: nhd. vier; ne. four; fidwōr 12, fyder,  fyder, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. vier; ne. four

-- four thousand: got. fidwōr þūsundjōs, Num. Kard.: nhd. viertausend; ne. four thousand; fidwōrþūsundjos, fidwōr-þūs-und-j-o-s,  Num. Kard.: nhd. viertausend; ne. four thousand; fidwor þūsundjōs, got.: nhd. viertausend; ne. four thousand

fourfold: got. fidurfalþs* 1, fidur-fal-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vierfältig, vierfach; ne. fourfold

fourteen: got. fidwōrtaíhun 2, fidwōr-taí-hun,  Num. Kard.: nhd. vierzehn; ne. fourteen

fourth -- of the fourth day: got. fidurdōgs 1, fidur-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. viertägig; ne. of the fourth day, quadru-diurnal

fowl: got. fugls* 6, fu-gl-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Vogel; ne. bird, fowl

fracture -- fracture (V.): got. gabrikan* 8, ga-brik-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerbrechen; ne. break (V.), fracture (V.), smash (V.), crush (V.)

fragment: got. *bruka?, *bruk-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Brocken; ne. broken piece, fragment; *brukja?, *bruk-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Brocken; ne. broken piece, fragment; gabruka* 6, ga-bruk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Brocken; ne. broken piece, crumb (N.), fragment

fragmentariness: got. daila* (1) 4, da-i-l-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Teilnahme, Gemeinschaft, Mine (= Münze), Pfund; ne. partaking (N.), participation, community, partnership, incompleteness, fragmentariness, piece of money, pound

fragments: got. draúhsna* 4, draúhsn-a*, drausna*,  st. F. (ō), Pl.: nhd. Brocken, Brosamen, Bissen; ne. fragments, crumbs, food food particles

fragrance: got. dauns 7, dau-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geruch, Wohlgeruch, Dunst; ne. odour (N.), aroma, fragrance, smell (N.), sense of smell

Franconian: got. *Fragka?, *Fragk-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Franke; ne. Franconian

frankly: got. balþaba 2, bal-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. kühn, freimütig; ne. boldly, openly, frankly

frankness: got. balþei* 6, bal-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kühnheit, Freimut, Freimütigkeit, Unerschrockenheit; ne. boldness, confidence, frankness, fearlessness

fraternal: got. *brōþrahs?, *brō-þr-ah-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. brüderlich; ne. fraternal, brotherly

fraudulence: got. hindarweisei* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hinterlist; ne. deceitfulness, guile, deceit, fraudulence, insincerity, feignedness, hypocrisy, treachery

fraudulent: got. liuts* 1, liut-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heuchlerisch, betrügerisch; ne. deceitful, fraudulent

free -- free (Adj.): got. freis 19, frei-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. frei; ne. free (Adj.), having freedom

free -- free from: got. laus 10, lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. los, leer; ne. empty (Adj.), void (Adj.), devoid (Adj.), free from; lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.)

free -- free of: got. lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.)

free -- free (V.): got. lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.); uslausjan* 5, us-lau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entledigen, entäußern, entleeren, berauben, erlösen, befreien, entwurzeln; ne. make empty, divest, make void, liberate, free (V.), save

free -- let free: got. fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive

free -- set free: got. galausjan 13, ga-lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erlösen, befreien, losmachen, loslassen, bewahren, behüten, eintreiben; ne. loose (V.), set free, liberate, release (V.), loosen (V.), extract (V.), rescue (V.)

free -- with free time: got. ūhteigs* 1, ū-h-t-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Zeit habend, unbeschäftigt; ne. with free time, having ample time

freed -- freed man: got. fralēts 1, fra-lē-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Freigelassener; ne. liberated man, freed man

freedom: got. freihals (2) 8, frei-hal-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Freiheit; ne. liberty, freedom; frijei 1, fri-j-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Freiheit; ne. freedom

-- having freedom: got. freis 19, frei-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. frei; ne. free (Adj.), having freedom

freeing: got. uslauseins* 2, us-lau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erlösung; ne. release (N.), liberation, freeing, salvation

free-necked: got. *freihals (1), *frei-hal-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. frei; ne. free-necked, at liberty

freeze -- freeze (V.): got. *friusan?, *fri-u-s-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. frieren; ne. freeze (V.)

freezing -- freezing (weather): got. frius* 1, fri-u-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Frost, Kälte; ne. coldness, freezing (weather), frost (N.)

frequently: got. ufta 15, uf-t-a,  Adv.: nhd. oft; ne. often, frequently

fresh -- fresh (Adj.): got. *frisks?, *frisk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. frisch; ne. fresh (Adj.); niujis 26=25, niu-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. neu, jung; ne. new, fresh (Adj.), unused, young

freshly -- freshly woven: got. þarihs* 1, þar-ih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungewalkt; ne. unprocessed, coarse, freshly woven, unshrunk

freundlich -- freundlich gesinnt sein (V.): got. waila hugjan: freundlich gesinnt sein (V.), wohlgesinnt sein (V.); ne. be well-disposed

Friday: got. *pareinsdags, *parein-s-dag-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Freitag; ne. Friday

friend: got. frijōnds 13, fri-j-ōn-d-s,  st. M. (nd): nhd. Freund; ne. friend; *wins, *wi-n-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Freund; ne. friend

-- female friend: got. frijōndi* 1, fri-j-ōn-d-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Freundin; ne. female friend

friendly: got. qaírrus 2, qaír-r-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. sanft, freundlich; ne. gentle, mild, peaceable, friendly

fright: got. agis 20, ag-i-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Furcht, Schrecken; ne. awe (N.), fear (N.), fright, terror (N.)

-- fright (N.): got. faúrhtei* 2, faúrh-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Furcht, Entsetzen; ne. fright (N.), fearfulness, fear (N.)

frighten: got. afagjan* 2, af-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ängstigen, sich ängstigen, abschrecken; ne. worry (V.), scare (V.), scare away, frighten, frighten off, daunt; afslauþjan* 2, af-s-lau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. in Angst versetzen, in Sorge sein (V.), ängstigen; ne. perturb, frighten, dumbfound (V.), scare (V.), silence off, make speechless; *agjan?, *ag-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ängstigen, sich fürchten; ne. frighten, worry (V.); *geisnan?, *gei-s-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. frighten, scare (V.); ōgjan 1, ōg-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen schrecken, in Furcht setzen, erschrecken; ne. make afraid, make fear, scare (V.), frighten; usgaisjan* 1, us-gai-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erschrecken; ne. strike aghast, frighten

-- frighten off: got. afagjan* 2, af-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ängstigen, sich ängstigen, abschrecken; ne. worry (V.), scare (V.), scare away, frighten, frighten off, daunt

-- frighten (tr.): got. þlahsjan* 1, þlahs-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schrecken (tr.), erschrecken (tr.); ne. frighten (tr.), scare (V.) (tr.)

-- frighten utterly: got. usagjan* 1, us-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen erschrecken; ne. frighten utterly, terrify, make exceedingly afraid

frightened: got. usagiþs, got.: nhd. erschrocken; ne. frightened; usfilma* 2, us-fil-m-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. erschrocken, entsetzt; ne. shaken, struck, amazed, bewildered, frightened, astonished

-- become frightened: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared; *þlahsnan?, *þlahs-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened

-- be frightened: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared; *þlahsnan?, *þlahs-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened

fringe -- fringe (N.): got. skauts* 3, skau-t-s*, skaut*,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Zipfel, Schoß (M.) (1), Saum (M.) (1); ne. protrusion, projection, projecting edge, fringe (N.), hem (N.) (1)

fro -- move to and fro: got. wagjan 3, wag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schütteln, bewegen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move to and fro, agitate

frolic -- frolic (N.): got. laiks* 1, laik-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Tanz; ne. frolic (N.), dancing (N.), romp (N.), dance (N.)

frolic -- frolic (V.): got. laikan* 3, laik-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. hüpfen, springen; ne. frolic (V.), romp (V.), jump for joy, hop (V.) (1)

from: got. af 135,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. von, von weg, von her, seit, ab, zu, aus; ne. from, away from, by, by means of, since, of; at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about; us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of

-- absent from home: got. afhaimeis* 2, af-hai-m-ei-s*, afhaimis*, afhaims*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. der Heimat fern, abwesend; ne. absent from home, absent, away from home

-- abstain from: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

-- abstain from food: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

-- again from the start: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew

-- apart from: got. inuh 49, in-u-h, inu,  Präp., m. Akk.: nhd. ohne, außer; ne. without, except, apart from, outside (Präp.)

-- apportion from: got. afdailjan* 1, af-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abteilen, einen Teil abgeben; ne. portion out, give tithes, apportion from, parcel out from

-- away from: got. af 135,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. von, von weg, von her, seit, ab, zu, aus; ne. from, away from, by, by means of, since, of; us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of

-- away from here: got. aljar 2, al-ja-r,  Adv.: nhd. anderswo; ne. absent, away from here, elsewhere, somewhere else

-- away from home: got. afhaimeis* 2, af-hai-m-ei-s*, afhaimis*, afhaims*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. der Heimat fern, abwesend; ne. absent from home, absent, away from home

-- cease from: got. aflinnan* 1, af-li-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. weggehen, fortgehen; ne. leave off, go away, cease from, let up

-- coming from heaven: got. himinakunds* 9, himin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von himmlischer Abkunft, himmlisch; ne. coming from heaven, celestial, of heavenly provenance, heavenly

-- conceal from: got. affilhan* 1, af-fil-h-an*,  st. V. (2,3): nhd. verbergen; ne. hide from, conceal from

-- cut away from: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

-- depart from: got. galeiþan 142=140, ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kommen, gehen, fahren; ne. go away, depart from, go forth, set out for, come

-- derive from argument: got. urrēdan* 1, ur-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. auflegen, bestimmen, urteilen; ne. legislate, plan out, derive from argument, determine, decide

-- dismiss from the mind: got. *ufarmaudjan, *uf-ar-maud-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergessen; ne. forget, dismiss from the mind

-- extort from by false allegation: got. afhōlōn* 1, af-hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, betrügen; ne. extort from by false allegation

-- extract from: got. gatarnjan* 1, ga-tar-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. berauben; ne. wrest from, extract from, remove (V.) forcibly, rob, take away

-- form from clay: got. gadigan* 2=1, ga-dig-an*, gadeigan*,  unr. st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kneten, bilden, aus Ton bilden; ne. knead, form (V.), mould (V.), form from clay

-- forth from: got. us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of

-- free from: got. laus 10, lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. los, leer; ne. empty (Adj.), void (Adj.), devoid (Adj.), free from; lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.)

-- from above: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew; iupaþrō 8, iup-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von oben; ne. from above

-- from afar: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

-- from a great distance: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

-- from all directions: got. allaþrō 2, al-l-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von allen Seiten; ne. from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere

-- from all sides: got. allaþrō 2, al-l-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von allen Seiten; ne. from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere

-- from a long way off: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

-- from before: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew

-- from behind: got. aftana 1, af-ta-na,  Adv.: nhd. von hinten; ne. from behind; *aftarō 3, *af-ta-r-ō,  Adv.: nhd. von hinten, hinten; ne. in back of, from behind

-- from below: got. dalaþrō 1, dal-aþ-rō,  Adv.: nhd. von unten, unten; ne. from below, from beneath

-- from beneath: got. dalaþrō 1, dal-aþ-rō,  Adv.: nhd. von unten, unten; ne. from below, from beneath

-- from elsewhere: got. aljaþrō 4, al-ja-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. anderswoher; ne. elsewhence, elsewhere, from elsewhere, somewhere else, somewhere, by another way

-- from everywhere: got. allaþrō 2, al-l-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von allen Seiten; ne. from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere

-- from here: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

-- from inside: got. innana 2, in-n-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von innen, hinein, innen, innerhalb, inwendig (= innana gardis); ne. from inside, within, into the inside of (= innana gardis)

-- from now on: got. fram himma, got.: nhd. von nun an; ne. from now on; fram himma nu, got.: nhd. von nun an; ne. from now on

-- from one side to the other: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by

-- from outside: got. ūtaþrō 2, ūt-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außerhalb; ne. from without, from outside

-- from that place: got. jainþrō 12, jain-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. dorther, von dort; ne. thence, from yon place, from that place

-- from that time on not: got. juþan ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. from that time on not, no longer

-- from the interior: got. innaþrō 3, in-n-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von innen, inwendig; ne. from the interior, from within, inwardly

-- from the motive that: got. þēei 3, þē-ei,  Partikel: nhd. darum dass, deshalb dass, als ob, als wenn; ne. from the motive that, for the reason that

-- from then on: got. þanaseiþs 28, þan-a-sei-þ-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch; ne. later than then, after then, thereafter, from then on

-- from the place: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

-- from the place that: got. þaþrōei 1, þa-þrō-ei,  Adv.: nhd. von wannen, woher, von wo; ne. from the place that, from which place

-- from the present on: got. fram þamma nū: nhd. von nun an, künftig; ne. from the present on, henceforth

-- from there: got. þaþrōh 24, þa-þrō-h,  Adv.: nhd. von da, daher, darauf, darnach; ne. from there, after that

-- from this moment on: got. fram himma nū, got.: nhd. von nun an; ne. from this moment on

-- from this place: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

-- from where: got. þarei 35, þa-r-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, in the place where, from where

-- from which: got. ƕaþrō 15, ƕa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. woher, von woher; ne. whence, where from, from which

-- from which place: got. þaþrōei 1, þa-þrō-ei,  Adv.: nhd. von wannen, woher, von wo; ne. from the place that, from which place

-- from within: got. innaþrō 3, in-n-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von innen, inwendig; ne. from the interior, from within, inwardly

-- from within the household: got. innakunds* 2, in-n-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Haus gehörig, Hausgenosse (subst.); ne. from within the household, of the same household

-- from without: got. ūtaþrō 2, ūt-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außerhalb; ne. from without, from outside

-- from yon place: got. jainþrō 12, jain-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. dorther, von dort; ne. thence, from yon place, from that place

-- grow from: got. uskeinan* 3, us-kei-n-an*,  st. sw. V. (1): nhd. hervorkeimen; ne. sprout up, bud forth, grow from

-- hide from: got. affilhan* 1, af-fil-h-an*,  st. V. (2,3): nhd. verbergen; ne. hide from, conceal from

-- make fluctuate away from: got. afwagjan* 1, af-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen, abbringen; ne. make fluctuate away from, make waver away from, remove (V.)

-- make sway away from: got. afswaggwjan* 1, af-swaggw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwankend machen?, ängstlich machen; ne. make anxious, make sway away from, cause to waver; *swaggwjan?, *swa-g-gw-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwanken machen; ne. make sway away from, make veer away from

-- make turn away from: got. afwandjan 7, af-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abwenden, vermeiden; ne. turn aside, make turn away from

-- make veer away from: got. *swaggwjan?, *swa-g-gw-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwanken machen; ne. make sway away from, make veer away from

-- make waver away from: got. afwagjan* 1, af-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen, abbringen; ne. make fluctuate away from, make waver away from, remove (V.)

-- not from now on: got. ju ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. not from now on, no longer

-- off from: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- parcel out from: got. afdailjan* 1, af-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abteilen, einen Teil abgeben; ne. portion out, give tithes, apportion from, parcel out from

-- proceeding from: got. us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of

-- stricken from power: got. *blauþs, *blau-þ-s, *blauþus,  Adj. (a): nhd. schwach, kraftlos; ne. powerless, beaten, stricken from power

-- take from: got. usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

-- where from: got. ƕaþrō 15, ƕa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. woher, von woher; ne. whence, where from, from which

-- withhold o.s. from food: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

-- wrest from: got. gatarnjan* 1, ga-tar-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. berauben; ne. wrest from, extract from, remove (V.) forcibly, rob, take away

front -- bandage up the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

front -- bind up the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

front -- depict in front of: got. faúramēljan* 1, faúr-a-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorzeichnen, vormalen, vor Augen malen; ne. depict in front of, delineate before, display publicly

front -- go in front of: got. faúragaggan 6=5, faúr-a-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorangehen, vorstehen; ne. go before, precede, go in front of, preside over, govern

front -- hang in front: got. *faúrahāhan?, *faúr-a-hāh-an?,  red. V. (3): nhd. vorhängen; ne. hang in front

front -- in front: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

front -- in front of: got. faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

front -- move in front of by rolling: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

front -- place wrapping around the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

front -- set in front of: got. faúrlagjan 3, faúr-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorlegen, vorsetzen; ne. lay before, set in front of, put forth, place before

front -- stand in front: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

front -- towards the front: got. *frumaþ?, *fru-m-a-þ?,  Adv.: nhd. vorwärts; ne. forwards, towards the front

frontiers -- between both frontiers: got. miþ tweihnaim markōm, got.: nhd. zwischen beiden Grenzen; ne. between both frontiers

frost -- frost (N.): got. frius* 1, fri-u-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Frost, Kälte; ne. coldness, freezing (weather), frost (N.)

froth -- froth (N.): got. ƕaþō* 1, ƕaþ-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schaum; ne. foam (N.), froth (N.); *skūms, *skū-m-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schaum; ne. foam (N.), froth (N.)

froth -- froth (V.): got. ƕaþjan* 2, ƕaþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schäumen; ne. foam (V.), froth (V.)

frowningly -- confront frowningly: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

fruit: got. akran 42, ak-r-an,  st. N. (a): nhd. Frucht, Ertrag; ne. fruit, results

-- bear fruit: got. gawrisqan* 1, ga-wri-sq-an*,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. Frucht bringen; ne. bear fruit, reach maturity, ripen, mature (V.)

-- first fruit: got. ufarskafts 1, uf-ar-skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erstlingsfrucht, Anbruch; ne. superstructure, altar, first fruit

-- granular fruit of the cereal grasses: got. kaúrn* 4, kaúr-n*, kor, korn*,  kor, korn*, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Korn, Getreide, Weizen; ne. grain, wheat, granular fruit of the cereal grasses; lat. triticum

-- without fruit: got. akranalaus 1, ak-r-an-a-lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „kornlos“, „fruchtlos“, unfruchtbar; ne. fruitless, unfruitful, without fruit

fruitless: got. akranalaus 1, ak-r-an-a-lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „kornlos“, „fruchtlos“, unfruchtbar; ne. fruitless, unfruitful, without fruit

f-rune -- name of f-rune: got. faíhu* 7, faíh-u*, fe,  st. N. (u): nhd. „Vieh“, Vermögen, Geld, f-Rune; ne. movable goods, chattels, property, possessions, wealth, riches, money, name of f-rune

frustrate: got. gamarzjan* 8, ga-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ärgern, Ärgernis erregen, Ärgernis nehmen (pass., Mat 11,6 CA, Luk 7,23 CA); ne. trip up, make stumble, make falter, thwart (V.), frustrate, cause offense

frustration: got. marzeins 1, mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. thwarting (N.), obstacle, impediment, hinderance, obstruction, frustration, offense

fulfill: got. fulljan* 3, ful-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. füllen, anfüllen; ne. fill (V.), fulfill, overfill (V.); usfulljan 34=33, us-ful-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, vollenden, ersetzen, zusammenfassen; ne. fill up, fill completely, fulfill, bring to fulfillment, complete (V.)

fulfilled -- become fulfilled: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

fulfilled -- be fulfilled: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

fulfilling -- a fulfilling: got. fullō 10, ful-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle, Füllung, Flicken (M.), Ausfüllung; ne. fullness, a fulfilling, fulfillment, filling, completeness, entireness

fulfilling -- person fulfilling everything: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

fulfillment: got. *fulleins?, *ful-l-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Füllung, Erfüllung; ne. filling (N.), fulfillment; fullō 10, ful-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle, Füllung, Flicken (M.), Ausfüllung; ne. fullness, a fulfilling, fulfillment, filling, completeness, entireness; usfulleins 4=3, us-ful-l-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erfüllung; ne. fulfillment, completion; ustaúhts 4, us-taú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vollendung, Vervollkommnung, Ende, Erfüllung; ne. completion, completeness, perfection, perfectness, accomplishment, fulfillment, consummation, end (N.)

-- be brought to fulfillment: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- become brought to fulfillment: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- bring to fulfillment: got. usfulljan 34=33, us-ful-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, vollenden, ersetzen, zusammenfassen; ne. fill up, fill completely, fulfill, bring to fulfillment, complete (V.)

fulgurate: got. lauhatjan* 1, lauh-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. blitzen; ne. lightning (V.), flash like lightning, fulgurate, blaze (V.)

full: got. fulls 13, ful-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll, vollkommen; ne. full, filled, complete (Adj.), completed; saþs* 12, sa-þ-s*, sads,  Adj. (a): nhd. satt; ne. satisfied, sated, satiated, full

-- become full: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled; gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up

-- be full: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled; gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up

-- full (Adj.): got. *allandjis?, *al-l-and-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja/jō): nhd. völlig; ne. complete (Adj.), entire (Adj.), full (Adj.)

-- full moon: got. ? fulleiþs* 2, ful-l-eiþ-s*, fulleiþ*, fulliþs*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Fülle, Vollmond?; ne. fullness, plenitude, full moon?

-- full of delight: got. gawizneigs 1, ga-wiz-n-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll Mitfreude; ne. enjoying together, joyfully agreeing with, full of delight

-- full of selfdesire: got. seinagaírns* 1, seina-gaír-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. selbstsüchtig, eigensüchtig; ne. self-loving, full of selfdesire, selfish

-- have full command of one’s mental faculties: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact

-- make full: got. gafulljan* 5, ga-ful-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, füllen, anfüllen; ne. fill (V.), make full

fuller: got. wullāreis 1, wul-l-ārei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Tuchwalker; ne. wool-bleacher, one who whitens wool, fuller

fullness: got. *fullei?, *ful-l-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle; ne. fullness; fulleiþs* 2, ful-l-eiþ-s*, fulleiþ*, fulliþs*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Fülle, Vollmond?; ne. fullness, plenitude, full moon?; *fullja?, *ful-l-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fülle, Maß, Fass; ne. fullness, measure (N.), barrel; fullō 10, ful-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle, Füllung, Flicken (M.), Ausfüllung; ne. fullness, a fulfilling, fulfillment, filling, completeness, entireness

fully -- fully educated: got. fullaweis* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vollkommen; ne. mature (Adj.), thoroughly instructed, fully educated, fully informed, fully wise

fully -- fully informed: got. fullaweis* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vollkommen; ne. mature (Adj.), thoroughly instructed, fully educated, fully informed, fully wise

fully -- fully wise: got. fullaweis* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vollkommen; ne. mature (Adj.), thoroughly instructed, fully educated, fully informed, fully wise

fully -- gladden fully: got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully

fully -- indoctrinate fully: got. fullaweisjan* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überreden, überzeugen; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, make fully informed; gafullaweisjan* 1, ga-ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beglaubigen?, vollenden?; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, teach fully, make fully informed

fully -- make fully informed: got. fullaweisjan* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überreden, überzeugen; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, make fully informed; gafullaweisjan* 1, ga-ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beglaubigen?, vollenden?; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, teach fully, make fully informed

fully -- please fully: got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully

fully -- teach fully: got. gafullaweisjan* 1, ga-ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beglaubigen?, vollenden?; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, teach fully, make fully informed

fun -- poke fun at: got. bilaikan* 6, bi-laik-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. verspotten; ne. poke fun at, mock (V.)

function -- function as a soldier in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

functioning: got. waúrstweigs* 5, waúr-st-w-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wirksam; ne. operative, functioning, operational, productive, effectual, effective

furious: got. *grimms?, *grim-m-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. grimmig, zornig, schrecklich; ne. furious, wrathful

-- become furious: got. *grimman?, *grim-m-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergrimmen, zürnen; ne. become furious, incense (V.)

furnish -- furnish (V.): got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

furnish -- furnish with a flaw: got. anawammjan* 1, an-a-wam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beflecken, tadeln; ne. furnish with a flaw, mar, stain (V.)

furnishment: got. andstald* 2, and-stal-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Darbietung, Beistand, Darreichung; ne. support (N.), supply (N.), aid (N.), purveyance, furnishment

furrow -- furrow (N.): got. *faurhs, *faurh-s,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Furche; ne. furrow (N.)

furrowed -- become furrowed: got. *snaírpan?, *snaír-p-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zusammenziehen, sich biegen, krümmen; ne. shrivel, become wrinkled, become furrowed, shrink up, curl up

further: got. framis 2, fra-m-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. weiter; ne. further, farther beyond; framwaírþis 1, fra-m-waírþ-is,  Adv., Gen.: nhd. fernerhin; ne. onward, forward, further; þanamais 10=9, þan-a-ma-i-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch, mehr; ne. henceforth, still, further, yet

furtherance: got. framgāhts* 1, fra-m-gā-h-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Fortschritt; ne. progress (N.), advancement, furtherance

furthermore: got. auk 286=285,  Konj.: nhd. denn, nämlich, aber, auch, und; ne. furthermore, moreover, besides, for, but, also, since; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

fury: got. *grimmiþa?, *grim-m-iþ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Grimm; ne. fury, wrath, ire

futile: got. halks* 2, halk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leer, umsonst, dürftig, armselig; ne. futile, in vain, weak

futilely: got. swarē 16,  Adv.: nhd. ohne Grund, vergebens, umsonst; ne. purposelessly, futilely, for no reason, groundless, in vain

future -- foretell the future: got. fauraqiþan* 9=8, faur-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorhersagen; ne. tell before, tell beforehand, foretell the future, prophesy

future -- future (Adj.): got. anawaírþs* 11, an-a-waír-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. zukünftig; ne. future (Adj.), to come; *framwairþs?, *fra-m-wair-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. zukünftig; ne. future (Adj.)

g: got. g 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. g, Abkürzung für 3; ne. g, abbreviation for 3

gable: got. gibla* 1, gibl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Giebel (M.) (1); ne. gable, edge of a roof peak

gain -- gain complete possession of: got. dishaban* 4, dis-hab-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv); ne. seize utterly, gain complete possession of, take completely, hold (V.)

gain -- gain hold of: got. ganiutan* 2, ga-niut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erwischen, fangen; ne. gain hold of, catch (V.), capture (V.), obtain

gain -- gain (N.): got. gawaúrki 5, ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschäft, Erwerb, Gewinn; ne. acquisitiveness, commercial untertaking, business deal, business, acquisition, gain (N.)

gain -- gain of money: got. faíhugawaúrki 1, faíh-u-ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erwerb, Geldgewinn, Gewinn; ne. profitable undertaking, lucrative enterprise, gain of money

gain -- gain riches: got. faíhugeigan* 1, faíh-u-geig-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. begehren, habgierig sein (V.), geldgierig sein (V.); ne. gain riches, acquire wealth, desire (V.)

gain -- gain the prize: got. gajiukan* 4, ga-jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. besiegen, überwinden; ne. succeed in fighting, overcome, conquer, gain the prize

gain -- gain (V.): got. faírwaúrkjan* 1, faír-waúrk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwirken; ne. earn, secure, gain (V.), acquire; gageigan* 7, ga-geig-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. gewinnen; ne. acquire, gain (V.)

gain -- gain (V.) (2): got. þeihan 7, þei-h-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. gedeihen, Fortschritte machen; ne. make progress, wax (V.), gain (V.) (2), thrive, succeed, cooperate

gainsay: got. andsakan* 1, and-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. widersprechen, bekämpfen, bestreiten; ne. controvert, gainsay, dispute (V.), speak against

gallows: got. galga 18, galg-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Pfahl, Kreuz; ne. stake (N.), pole for crucifixion, gallows, cross (N.)

gangrene: got. gund 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Krebsgeschwür, Geschwür; ne. gangrene

garden: got. aúrtigards 2, aúrti-gard-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Garten; ne. garden; *aúrts?, *aúrt-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Garten; ne. garden; bigardio*, bigard-io*,  Sb.: nhd. Gehege, Garten; ne. reserve (N.), garden; *gardi?, *gar-d-i?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehege; ne. garden, yard

garland -- garland (N.): got. waips 5, waip-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Kranz; ne. wreath (N.), garland (N.), crown (N.), headband

garment: got. wasti* 32, was-t-i*,  st. F. (iō): nhd. Kleid, Kleidung (= wastjōs); ne. garment, article of clothing, dress (N.), clothing (= wastjōs), apparel (= wastjōs), clothes (= wastjōs)

-- outer garment: got. snaga* 5, snag-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gewand, Mantel, Oberkleid; ne. outer garment, cloak (N.), robe (N.)

-- purple garment: got. paúrpura* 3, paúrpur-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Purpur; ne. purple (N.), purple garment

garniture: got. *fēteins?, *fēt-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Kleidung; ne. clothes, garniture; gafēteins* 1, ga-fēt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Kleidung; ne. adornment, garniture, fine apparel, clothing

gate: got. daúr 15, thurn,  thurn, krim st. N. (a): nhd. einflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. door of one piece not double, gate, gateway; lat. porta; *daúri?, *daúr-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Tor (N.); ne. door, gate

-- double gate: got. daúrō* 4, daúr-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. zweiflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. double door, double gate, gates

gatekeeper: got. daúrawards 3, daúr-a-ward-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Torwart“, Türhüter; ne. doorkeeper, gatekeeper, porter

gates: got. daúrō* 4, daúr-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. zweiflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. double door, double gate, gates

-- area before the town gates: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

gateway: got. daúr 15, thurn,  thurn, krim st. N. (a): nhd. einflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. door of one piece not double, gate, gateway; lat. porta

gather: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather; huzdjan 3, hu-z-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Schätze sammeln, sammeln; ne. treasure up, store up, lay away as treasure, gather; lisan* 4, lis-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sammeln, lesen (V.) (2); ne. collect (V.), gather, assemble

-- gather around: got. birinnan* 2, bi-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umringen, herumlaufen, durchstreifen, umdrängen, umgeben, umherlaufen; ne. run around, run about, surround (V.), gather around

-- gather together: got. galisan* 10, ga-lis-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlesen, versammeln, sammeln; ne. collect (V.), bring together, gather together, assemble (V.)

gathering -- gathering of money: got. faíhuþraihn* 4, faíh-u-þrai-h-n*, faihuþraihns*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. „Viehansammlung“, Geldansammlung, Reichtum; ne. wealth-agglomeration, accumulation of riches, wealth, gathering of money

gathering -- religious gathering: got. gaqumþs* 8, ga-qu-m-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zusammenkunft, Versammlung, Vereinigung; ne. coming together, congress, high council, religious gathering, synagogue, assembly

gauge: got. mitan* 4, mi-t-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. messen; ne. measure (V.), gauge, take measure

gaze -- gaze inquisitively: got. faírweitjan 6, faír-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinblicken, gaffen, umherspähen, spähen; ne. stare (V.), view attentively, look engrossedly, look about, gaze inquisitively

gaze -- gaze inquisitively at: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at

gaze -- gaze (N.): got. andaugi* 2, and-aug-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Antlitz, Gesicht; ne. face (N.), countenance, gaze (N.)

genealogy: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

general -- general of an army: got. *draúhtins?, *draú-h-t-in-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Führer, Herrscher; ne. general of an army, war-lord

general -- in general: got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

generate: got. gansjan* 2=1, gans-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verursachen; ne. be the cause of, generate, cause the beginning of; ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

generation: got. alds* 12, al-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Menschenalter, Zeit; ne. generation, age (N.), life span, lifetime; *kanna?, *kan-n-a?,  st. F. (ō)?: nhd. Geschlecht?, Nachkommenschaft?; ne. race (N.), generation; kuni 17, kun-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschlecht, Stamm; ne. clan, tribe, race (N.), blood stock, generation

generosity: got. þiuþeins* 4, þiu-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Güte, Segen; ne. beneficence, good-doing, blessing (N.), benefaction, goodness, generosity

gentiles: got. þiuda 54, þiu-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Volk, Heiden; ne. people, ethnic group, nation, gentiles, heathens

-- in the manner of the gentiles: got. þiudiskō 1, þiu-d-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. heidnisch; ne. heathenly, in the manner of the gentiles, like the heathen

gentle: got. *lind-,  Adj. (a?): nhd. lind, mild; ne. balmy, mild, gentle; *mūks?, *mūk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. sanft, weich; ne. meek, soft (Adj.), gentle; qaírrus 2, qaír-r-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. sanft, freundlich; ne. gentle, mild, peaceable, friendly; sūtis 8, sūt-i-s, sūts*,  Adj. (i/ja)?, Adj. (ja)?: nhd. nachgiebig, mild; ne. mild, gentle, moderate (Adj.), yielding

-- of gentle disposition: got. *mūkamōþs, *mūk-a-mō-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. sanftmütig; ne. meek-mooded, of gentle disposition

gentleness: got. mūkamōdei* 1, mūk-a-mō-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Nachgiebigkeit, Sanftmut; ne. meekness, gentleness; qaírrei 7, qaír-r-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sanftmut; ne. gentleness, mildness, peaceableness

genuine: got. aírkns* 1, aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig; ne. holy, genuine, pure, sincere, unadulterated; pistikeins* 1, pistik-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unverfälscht, echt; ne. of a pistachio-tree, genuine, unadulterated, pure, undiluted; sunjeins 15, s-un-j-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wahr, wahrhaft; ne. true, truthful, of truth, genuine, factual; walisa* 5, wa-l-is-a*, valis*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. echt, lauter, geliebt; ne. chosen (Adj.), espoused, beloved, genuine

genuine-heartedness: got. ainfalþei* 6, ai-n-fal-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Einfalt, Einfachheit; ne. genuine-heartedness, sincerity, simplicity

genuineness: got. aírkniþa* 2=1, aírkn-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Lauterkeit, Echtheit, Reinheit; ne. genuineness, integrity, probity, purity, sincerity, unadulteratedness

germanic -- germanic mile: got. rasta* 1, ra-s-t-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Meile; ne. germanic mile

germinate: got. keinan* 1, kei-n-an*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. keimen; ne. germinate, sprout (V.), bud (V.)

gesinnt -- freundlich gesinnt sein (V.): got. waila hugjan: freundlich gesinnt sein (V.), wohlgesinnt sein (V.); ne. be well-disposed

get: got. gastaldan 5, ga-stal-d-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erwerben, bekommen; ne. procure, acquire, get; gawaúrkjan 24, ga-waúrk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bewirken, erwirken, bereiten, machen, bringen, erhandeln, ausstellen; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), bring about, produce, make (V.), earn (V.), get, achieve (V.); inniman* 1, in-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hernehmen; ne. receive, take in, get, accept (V.); niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- get away: got. unþaþlíuhan* 2, unþa-þlí-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. entfliehen, einem entrinnen; ne. escape (V.), get away

-- get by lot: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

-- get divorced: got. gaskaidnan* 1, ga-skai-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced; *skaidnan?, *skai-d-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced

-- get dressed: got. anahamōn 1, an-a-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung anlegen, anziehen; ne. put on as clothing, don, get dressed; gahamōn 10, ga-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich bekleiden, sich anziehen; ne. dress in, get dressed, put on, clothe o.s. with, don (V.)

-- get drunk: got. anadrigkan* 1, an-a-dri-g-k-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. antrinken, betrinken; ne. get drunk

-- get excited: got. briggan in aljana, got.: nhd. ereifern; ne. get excited

-- get foiled: got. laus wairþan, got.: nhd. vereitelt werden; ne. get foiled

-- get into: got. gasteigan* 2, ga-steig-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineinsteigen, herabsteigen; ne. climb (V.), make the climb, get into; innatgaggan 8, in-n-at-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. „hineingehen“, hineinkommen; ne. enter, get into, go into, come into

-- get involved in: got. dugawindan* (sik) 1, du-ga-wind-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. sich verwickeln, sich verstricken; ne. involve, get involved in, enwrap

-- get loose: got. lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.)

-- get married to: got. galiugan* (1) 1, ga-liug-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. ein Weib nehmen, heiraten; ne. get married to, wed (V.)

-- get out by digging: got. usgraban* 3, us-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. ausgraben; ne. dig out, get out by digging

-- get out of evil-doing: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

-- get ready: got. skaftjan* sik 1, skaf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich bereit machen, sich anschicken; ne. get ready, prepare o.s.

-- get the chance to drink: got. gadrigkan* 1, ga-dri-g-k-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. trinken; ne. drink (V.), get the chance to drink

-- get to: got. qiman 284, qi-m-an, kommen,  kommen, krim st. V. (4): nhd. kommen; ne. come, arrive, get to; lat. venire

-- get to hear: got. gahausjan 74=73, ga-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. hören, vernehmen, das Gehör bekommen; ne. hear (V.), perceive, get to hear, receive hearing

-- get to know: got. gakunnan (2) 8, ga-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. kennenlernen, erfahren (V.), erkennen, lesen (V.) (1); ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know; *-kunnan (2), *-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kennenlernen; ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know, recognize; ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

-- get undressed: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

-- get up: got. urreisan 58, ur-rei-s-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erstehen, sich erheben, aufstehen; ne. arise, rise (V.), get up

-- get up into a sitting position: got. ussitan* 1, us-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich aufsetzen, sich aufrichten; ne. sit up, get up into a sitting position

-- get (V.): got. *gitan, *git-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. finden, bekommen, erlangen; ne. get (V.), find (V.)

get-together -- have a festive get-together: got. biwisan* 1, bi-wi-s-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv?: nhd. sich erfreuen, sich vergnügen; ne. dine together, dine convivially, have a festive get-together, make merry

ghost: got. *andi?,  M.: nhd. Geist; ne. ghost

giant -- giant (M.): got. *ant-,  st. M.: nhd. Riese (M.); ne. giant (M.); *bards (1) 1, *bard-s, bars,  bars, krim st. M.? (a): nhd. Bart; ne. beard; lat. barba; *þaúr,  st. M. (a): nhd. Riese (M.); ne. giant (M.); *þaúris, *þaúr-i-s, *þōris, *þuris,  st. M. (a): nhd. Riese (M.); ne. giant (M.)

gift -- gift (N.): got. aíwlaúgia* 1, aíw-laúg-i-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Segen, Spende; ne. blessing (N.), benefaction, charitable contribution, gift (N.), donation; ansts 68=65, an-st-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude, Dank, Gnade, Gunst, Gnadengabe; ne. beneficence, graciousness, grace, joy (N.), thanks, gift (N.), favour (N.), blessing; fragifts* 3, fra-gif-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verleihung, Verlobung, Gabe; ne. gift (N.), grant (N.), betrothal, presentation, bestowal, giving away, plightedness, engagement; giba 13, gib-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk, g-Rune; ne. that which is given, gift (N.), present (N.), name of g-rune; maiþms 1, mai-þ-m-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk; ne. votive treasure, gift (N.)

gift -- sacrificial gift: got. tibr* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Opfer; ne. sacrificial gift, oblation

gird: got. bigaírdan* 1, bi-gaír-d-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. umgürten; ne. gird

-- gird up: got. ufgaírdan* 1, uf-gaír-d-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. umgürten; ne. gird up

-- gird (V.): got. *gairdan?, *gair-d-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. gürten; ne. gird (V.)

girdle -- girdle (N.): got. gaírda* 2, gaír-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gürtel, Gurt; ne. belt (N.), girdle (N.)

girl: got. magaþs* 2, mag-a-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Jungfrau, Magd; ne. virgin, maiden (F.), girl; mawi 11, ma-w-i,  st. F. (jō/ī): nhd. Mädchen, Jungfrau; ne. girl, damsel, maiden (F.), child

-- little girl: got. mawilō 1, ma-w-i-lō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Mädchen, Jungfrau; ne. little girl, young maiden; taleiþa 1, taleiþ-a,  F. (indekl.): nhd. Mägdlein; ne. young maiden, little girl

give: got. giban 134, gib-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. geben; ne. give; ? *skagkjan, *skagk-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einschenken, schenken?; ne. pour (V.), give?

-- give a blow: got. slahan* 10, slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. schlagen, hauen, ohrfeigen (= lōfam slahan); ne. strike (V.), beat (V.), hit (V.), smite, give a blow, wound (V.)

-- give additional correction to: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

-- give a false appearance: got. laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

-- give aid to: got. gahilpan* 1, ga-hil-p-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), give aid to

-- give an account: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

-- give an opinion: got. qiþan 1270, qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sagen, meinen, bezeichnen, sprechen; ne. say, tell, speak, express (V.), give an opinion

-- give a rest period: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

-- give a severe talking-to: got. gaƕōtjan* 8, ga-ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bedrohen, schelten, strafen; ne. threaten, reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to; ƕōtjan* 1, ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. drohen; ne. reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to, threaten

-- give attention to: got. andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.); witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

-- give away to be eaten: got. fraatjan* 1, fra-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. zum Essen austeilen; ne. give away to be eaten, dispense as food

-- give back: got. usgiban 22, us-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erstatten, bezahlen, darstellen, darbringen; ne. give out, pay out, repay (V.), recompense (V.), give back, present (V.), offer (V.)

-- give birth: got. baíran 46=45, baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. tragen, leiden, erleiden, gebären, ertragen; ne. bear (V.), carry, bring, endure, suffer, give birth

-- give birth to: got. gabaíran 26, ga-baír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „zusammentragen“, vergleichen, gebären; ne. „bring together“, compare, put side by side with, give birth to

-- give birth (to) amid throes: got. fitan* 2, fit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. kreißen, gebären; ne. undergo childbirth pangs (with), give birth (to) amid throes, be in labour (with)

-- give cause for rejoicing: got. *hlōhjan?, *hlō-h-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lachen machen; ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing; ufhlōhjan* 1, uf-hlōh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflachen machen, lachen machen, auflachen (= Pass.); ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing

-- give concurrence: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

-- give consent: got. uslaubjan* 11, us-laub-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlauben; ne. allow, let (V.), give consent, permit (V.)

-- give consolation to: got. gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

-- give counsel to: got. garaginōn* 1, ga-rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Rat geben, raten; ne. prescribe to, give guidance to, give counsel to, advise (V.)

-- give directions: got. gataiknjan* 1, ga-tai-k-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ein Zeichen geben, belehren, zeigen; ne. indicate, show (V.), give directions, teach

-- give guidance to: got. garaginōn* 1, ga-rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Rat geben, raten; ne. prescribe to, give guidance to, give counsel to, advise (V.)

-- give heed: got. atsaíƕan* 10=9, at-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen auf, sich in Acht nehmen, sich hüten; ne. give heed, watch out, be careful, be watchful, note (V.)

-- give heed to: got. andhausjan* 9, and-hau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, erhören, erhört werden (= pers. Passiv); ne. listen to, hearken to, give heed to, heed (V.), obey

-- give help to: got. hilpan 4, hil-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Gen.: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), go to the aid of, give help to

-- give into the care of: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

-- give life to: got. gaqiujan* 4, ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, lebendig machen; ne. make alive, give life to, vivify

-- give life to together with: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

-- give light: got. liuhtjan* 5, liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leuchten; ne. light (V.), give light, shine (V.)

-- give light to: got. galiuhtjan* 2, ga-liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erleuchten, ans Licht bringen; ne. give light to, light up, bring to light, illumine, make known

-- give observance to: got. witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

-- give orders to: got. faúrbiudan* 7, faúr-biud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. verbieten, gebieten; ne. give orders to, command (V.), forbid

-- give o.s. away: got. afgiban* sik 1, af-gib-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich wegbegeben, sich hinwegbegeben, sich fortbegeben; ne. give o.s. away, separate (V.)

-- give out: got. usgiban 22, us-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erstatten, bezahlen, darstellen, darbringen; ne. give out, pay out, repay (V.), recompense (V.), give back, present (V.), offer (V.); ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

-- give over: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

-- give over to: got. atgiban 73, at-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hingeben, übergeben (V.), geben, darreichen; ne. give unto, deliver into the custody of, give over to

-- give power: got. waurstweig gataujan, got.: nhd. Kraft schenken; ne. give power

-- give protection to: got. hleibjan* 1, hleib-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. sich annehmen; ne. shield (V.), give protection to, protect, help (V.)

-- give relief: got. gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

-- give report of: got. spillōn* 6, spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. künden, verkünden, erzählen; ne. tell, relate, report (V.), give report of, proclaim the gospel

-- give repose: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

-- give respite: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

-- give suck: got. daddjan* 1, da-dd-j-an*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. säugen; ne. suckle (V.), give suck

-- give tithes: got. afdailjan* 1, af-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abteilen, einen Teil abgeben; ne. portion out, give tithes, apportion from, parcel out from

-- give to drink: got. dragkjan* 5, dra-g-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tränken, tränken mit; ne. give to drink, make drink; gadragkjan* 2, ga-dra-g-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. tränken mit; ne. give to drink, make drink

-- give unto: got. atgiban 73, at-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hingeben, übergeben (V.), geben, darreichen; ne. give unto, deliver into the custody of, give over to

-- give (V.): got. fragiban 25, fra-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. vergeben, verleihen, schenken, geben, gewähren; ne. give (V.), grant (V.), remit (V.), forgive, pardon (V.), bestow

given -- material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

given -- person given birth: got. baúr* (1) 2,  st. M. (i): nhd. Geborener; ne. he who is born, person given birth

given -- that which is given: got. giba 13, gib-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk, g-Rune; ne. that which is given, gift (N.), present (N.), name of g-rune

giver: got. gibands* 1, gib-an-d-s*,  M. (nd): nhd. Geber; ne. giver, donor

giving -- giving away: got. fragifts* 3, fra-gif-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verleihung, Verlobung, Gabe; ne. gift (N.), grant (N.), betrothal, presentation, bestowal, giving away, plightedness, engagement

giving -- not giving offence: got. unufbrikands* 1, un-uf-brik-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs., m. Dat.: nhd. unanstößig; ne. unspurning, unscorning, unrebuffing, not giving offence

giving -- take the opportunity of giving s.o. over: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

glad: got. *fagins?, *fagin-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. froh; ne. happy, glad; *fahs?, *fah-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. fröhlich, froh; ne. happy, glad; *fraus, *frau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. froh; ne. happy, glad; *gails (2), *gail-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. froh, fröhlich, üppig; ne. glad, light-hearted; *glad-, *gla-d-,  Adj. (a): nhd. froh, fröhlich; ne. glad, happy; *wizneigs?, *wiz-n-eig-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. froh; ne. happy, glad

-- be glad: got. faginōn 43=39, fag-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. feel happy, be glad, rejoice (V.); *gabaúrjōn, *ga-baúr-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. be glad, be pleased

-- promulgate glad news: got. waílaspillōn* 1, waíl-a-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verkünden, erzählen, frohe Botschaft verkünden; ne. proclaim propitious tidings, promulgate glad news, preach the gospel

gladden: got. gailjan* 1, gail-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fröhlich machen, erfreuen; ne. delight (V.), gladden, cheer (V.)

-- gladden fully: got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully

gladly: got. gabaúrjaba 7, ga-baúr-j-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. gern; ne. pleasurably, gladly, with pleasure; laþaleikō 1, la-þ-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. gern; ne. invitation-like, hospitably, gladly, charitably

-- very gladly: got. filu gabaurjaba, got.: nhd. sehr gerne; ne. very gladly

gladness: got. fahēþs 33, fah-ēþ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude; ne. joy (N.), gladness; swēgniþa 2, s-wē-g-n-iþ-a, swigniþa*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Jubel, Frohlocken, Freude; ne. exultation, rejoicing, gladness, joy

glance -- glance (N.): got. braƕ* 2=1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Braue, Zwinkern, Blick; ne. flicker (N.), blink (N.), twinkling (N.), glance (N.)

glare -- glare at: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

glaze -- glaze (N.): got. *smalts?, *s-mal-t-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schmelz; ne. glaze (N.)

gleam -- gleam (N.): got. *glitmuni?, *gli-t-mun-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Glanz; ne. radiance, glistening, gleam (N.)

gleam -- gleam (V.): got. *braiƕan?, *braiƕ-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. strahlen, glänzen; ne. shine (V.), gleam (V.); glitmunjan* 1, gli-t-mun-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glänzen; ne. glisten, gleam (V.); skeinan 3, skei-n-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. scheinen, leuchten, glänzen, aufblitzen; ne. shine (V.), gleam (V.)

glisten: got. glitmunjan* 1, gli-t-mun-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glänzen; ne. glisten, gleam (V.)

glistening: got. *glitmuni?, *gli-t-mun-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Glanz; ne. radiance, glistening, gleam (N.)

gloom -- gloom (N.): got. riqis 22, riq-i-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Finsternis; ne. darkness, gloom (N.)

gloomy -- become gloomy: got. gahnipnan* 1, ga-hni-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich betrüben; ne. become downcast, become gloomy, be sorrowful; *hnipnan?, *hni-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich betrüben, trauern; ne. become downcast, become gloomy

glorified -- become glorified: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

glorified -- be glorified: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

glorify: got. gaswēran* 2, ga-s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verherrlichen, verklären; ne. honour (V.), pay honour to, exalt, glorify; mikiljan* 15, mik-il-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. preisen; ne. make great, magnify, extol, glorify, praise (V.)

glorious: got. hrōþeigs* 1, hrō-þ-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ruhmreich, siegreich; ne. victourious, glorious, triumphant; wulþags* 8=7, wul-þ-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. herrlich, wunderbar, angesehen; ne. glorious, splendid, resplendent, wonderful

glory: got. *hrōms?, *hrō-m-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ruhm; ne. glory, fame (N.); wulþus 73=71, wul-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herrlichkeit; ne. glory, splendour, resplendence, magnificence, majesty

-- glory (N.): got. ƕōftuli 15, ƕōf-tul-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Ruhm, Rühmen; ne. boast (N.), boasting (N.), glory (N.)

-- glory of victory: got. *hrōþ, *hrō-þ, *hrōþs,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ruhm, Sieg; ne. victorious condition, glory of victory, triumph (N.)

glove: got. *glōfa?, *glōf-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Handschuh; ne. glove

glower -- glower at: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

glutton: got. afētja 2, af-ēt-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fresser; ne. glutton, voracious eater

gluttonish: got. *afēts?, *af-ēt-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. essbar?, fresserisch; ne. voracious in eating, gluttonish; *-ēts, *-ēt-s,  Adj. (i): nhd. essend; ne. voracious in eating, gluttonish

gluttonous -- gluttonous eating: got. *afēt?, *af-ēt?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Wegesserei, Fressen; ne. gluttonous eating

gnash -- gnash (V.): got. kriustan* 1, krius-t-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. knirschen; ne. grate (V.), gnash (V.), grind (V.)

gnashing -- gnashing (N.): got. krusts 1, krus-t-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Knirschen; ne. grating (N.), gnashing (N.), grinding (N.)

go -- cause to go down: got. gahnaiwjan* 4, ga-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, make humble, lower (V.), abase; hnaiwjan* 3, hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niedrig machen, erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, lower (V.), humble (V.), abase (V.)

go -- compel to go: got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.); dreiban* 1, drei-b-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. treiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go

go -- go about: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

go -- go across: got. ufarleiþan* 1, uf-ar-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. übersetzen, hinüberfahren; ne. pass over, cross over, go across

go -- go after: got. afargaggan 7, af-ar-ga-g-g-a-n,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. nachgehen, folgen; ne. go after, follow, accompany

go -- go ahead: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

go -- go ahead of: got. faúrbigaggan* 2, faúr-bi-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. vorausgehen, vorangehen; ne. go ahead of, precede

go -- go along: got. miþgaggan* 3, mi-þ-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgehen; ne. go together with, go along, come with

go -- go along into: got. miþinngaleiþan* 1, mi-þ-in-n-ga-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. mithineingehen; ne. go in together with, go along into

go -- go along with: got. miþqiman* 1, mi-þ-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. mitkommen; ne. come along together with, go along with

go -- go around: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along; ƕaírban* 3=2, ƕaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. wandeln, sich wenden; ne. go around, circulate, walk (V.), live

go -- go away: got. afgaggan* 5, af-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. weggehen von, weggehen, weichen (V.) (2); ne. go away, leave (V.), depart (V.); afleiþan* 14, af-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. weggehen, entweichen, verreisen, fortgehen; ne. go away, depart (V.), leave (V.); aflinnan* 1, af-li-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. weggehen, fortgehen; ne. leave off, go away, cease from, let up; afstandan* 7, af-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. abstehen, ablassen, abfallen; ne. dissociate o.s., go away, stay away, fall off; galeiþan 142=140, ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kommen, gehen, fahren; ne. go away, depart from, go forth, set out for, come; usleiþan 12, us-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinausgehen, weggehen, verreisen, vergehen; ne. pass forth, travel out, go out, go away, vanish

go -- go before: got. faúragaggan 6=5, faúr-a-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorangehen, vorstehen; ne. go before, precede, go in front of, preside over, govern; faúraqiman* 1, faúr-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vorgehen, vor jemand hergehen; ne. precede s.o., come in advance, come before, go before; faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

go -- go beyond: got. ufargaggan 5, uf-ar-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. etwas übertreten, übergreifen, überschreiten; ne. transgress (V.), overstep (V.), trespass (V.), go beyond, cross over

go -- go by sea: got. farjan* 2, far-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fahren, schiffen; ne. seafare (V.), go by sea, travel by boat, sail (V.), cruise (V.)

go -- go deep: got. gadiupjan* 1, ga-diup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vertiefen; ne. make deep, go deep, dig deep, achieve depth

go -- go down: got. gasiggqan* 2, ga-siggq-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. versinken, untergehen; ne. sink down, fall (V.), be submerged, become submerged, go down

go -- go down to cessation: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

go -- go fishing: got. fiskōn 1, fisk-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fischen; ne. fish (V.), go fishing

go -- go forth: got. galeiþan 142=140, ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kommen, gehen, fahren; ne. go away, depart from, go forth, set out for, come; framis galeiþan: nhd. vorschreiten; ne. go forth, set out for; usgaggan 105, us-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. ausgehen, hinausgehen; ne. go out, come out, go forth, pass out

go -- go in: got. inngaggan 18, in-n-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hineingehen, fortgehen (= inngaggan framis); ne. go in, enter, progress (V.), proceed on; inngaleiþan 8, in-n-ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineingehen; ne. enter, go in, pass in

go -- go in front of: got. faúragaggan 6=5, faúr-a-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorangehen, vorstehen; ne. go before, precede, go in front of, preside over, govern

go -- go into: got. innatgaggan 8, in-n-at-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. „hineingehen“, hineinkommen; ne. enter, get into, go into, come into

go -- go in together with: got. miþinngaleiþan* 1, mi-þ-in-n-ga-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. mithineingehen; ne. go in together with, go along into

go -- go mouldy: got. *mugan, *mu-g-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schimmeln; ne. go mouldy

go -- go on: got. framwairþis wisan: nhd. dauern (V.) (1), verharren; ne. last (V.), go on; inngaggan framis, got.: nhd. fortgehen; ne. go on

go -- go on a journey: got. gaggjan* 1, ga-g-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen, reisen; ne. go on a journey, make a journey

go -- go out: got. atgaggan ut, got.: nhd. herausgehen; ne. go out; usgaggan 105, us-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. ausgehen, hinausgehen; ne. go out, come out, go forth, pass out; usleiþan 12, us-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinausgehen, weggehen, verreisen, vergehen; ne. pass forth, travel out, go out, go away, vanish; ūtgaggan* 2, ūt-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hinausgehen, ausgehen; ne. go out, exit (V.)

go -- go out of one’s senses: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

go -- go past: got. faúrgaggan* 4, faúr-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorübergehen, vorbeigehen; ne. pass on by, go past; hindarleiþan 2, hi-n-dar-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinzukommen, vergehen; ne. go past, pass on, pass away, come up; þaírhleiþan 5, þaír-h-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hindurchgehen, vorbeigehen, weitergehen; ne. pass on through, pass through, travel through, go through, go past

go -- go running: got. þragjan* 4, þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. laufen; ne. run (V.), go running

go -- go through: got. þaírhgaggan 11, þaír-h-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hindurchgehen, vorübergehen, herumgehen, durchstreifen; ne. go through, pass through, go throughout; þaírhleiþan 5, þaír-h-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hindurchgehen, vorbeigehen, weitergehen; ne. pass on through, pass through, travel through, go through, go past

go -- go throughout: got. þaírhgaggan 11, þaír-h-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hindurchgehen, vorübergehen, herumgehen, durchstreifen; ne. go through, pass through, go throughout

go -- go to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to; duatgaggan* 12, du-at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hinzugehen, hinzukommen zu; ne. go to, come up to, approach (V.)

go -- go together with: got. miþgaggan* 3, mi-þ-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgehen; ne. go together with, go along, come with

go -- go to meet: got. wiþragaggan* 1, wi-þra-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. entgegengehen; ne. go to meet, head towards, go towards; wiþragamōtjan 1, wi-þra-ga-mōt-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. begegnen; ne. meet (V.), go to meet

go -- go to see: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for; *weisōn?, *wei-s-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.)

go -- go to sleep: got. anaslēpan* 4, an-a-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „einschlafen“, entschlummern, entschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep; gaslēpan* 5, ga-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. schlafen, entschlafen, einschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep, die (1)

go -- go to the aid of: got. hilpan 4, hil-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Gen.: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), go to the aid of, give help to

go -- go towards: got. wiþragaggan* 1, wi-þra-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. entgegengehen; ne. go to meet, head towards, go towards

go -- go up: got. ufarsteigan* 1, uf-ar-steig-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. darüber emporsteigen; ne. climb up beyond, surpass in climbing, go up; ussteigan 10, us-steig-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. emporsteigen, hinaufsteigen; ne. climb up, ascend, go up

go -- go (V.): got. *akan?, *ak-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. gehen, fahren, ziehen; ne. drive (V.), go (V.), pull (V.); gaggan 205=203, ga-g-g-an,  def. red. V. (3): nhd. gehen, wandeln, umhergehen, kommen; ne. be on the way to somewhere, go (V.), come, walk (V.); geen 1, ge-en, krim st. V.: nhd. gehen; ne. go (V.); lat. ire; *leiþan, *lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. gehen; ne. go (V.); skēwjan* 1, skēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wandern; ne. proceed (V.), progress (V.), walk on forth, go (V.)

go -- let go: got. aflētan 52, af-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen, fortschicken, aufgeben, eine Schuld erlassen, vergeben, verlassen (V.), im Stiche lassen, zurücklassen, überlassen, vernachlässigen; ne. let off, let go, leave (V.), relinquish, remit, absolve, release (V.), forgive; fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive

go -- make go: got. *laidjan, *lai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen machen, leiten; ne. make go, lead (V.)

go -- make go around: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

go -- make go out of one’s way: got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.)

goad -- goad (N.): got. gazds 2, gazd-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stachel, Peitsche; ne. sting (N.), goad (N.), spur (N.); qaíru 1, qaír-u,  st. N. (u): nhd. Pfahl, Stachel; ne. goad (N.), pointed stake, spur (N.), thorn, spike (N.) (1)

goal: got. mundrei* 1, mun-d-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ziel; ne. goal, aim (N.), objective (N.)

goat: got. gaits 1, gait-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ziege; ne. goat; *hoka?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Geiß; ne. goat

-- young goat: got. gaitein* 1, gait-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Böcklein, Zicklein, junge Ziege; ne. young goat, kid (N.)

goatlike: got. *gaiteins?, *gait-ein-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. Ziegen-; ne. goatlike, hircine

god: got. *alh-,  st. M.: nhd. Gott; ne. god; ansus* 2, ans-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ase, Gott; ne. god

-- a god: got. enguz 1, engu-z,  st. M. (a?, u?): nhd. Iggws (= Gott des fruchtbaren Jahres), Speer?, Mann?, n-Rune; ne. a god, spear (N.)?, man (M.)?, name of n-rune; ? iowi,  st. M.?: nhd. ein Gott?; ne. a god?

-- false god: got. galiugaguþ* 7=6, ga-liug-a-gu-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Lügengott“, Götze, falscher Gott; ne. false god, idol

-- god of victory: got. tyz 1, ty-z,  Sb.: nhd. Ziu, Kriegsgott, Siegesgott, t-Rune; ne. Ziu, god of war, god of victory, name of t-rune

-- god of war: got. tyz 1, ty-z,  Sb.: nhd. Ziu, Kriegsgott, Siegesgott, t-Rune; ne. Ziu, god of war, god of victory, name of t-rune

-- little god: got. ansula* 2, ans-u-la*,  st. M. (a): nhd. kleiner Ase, kleiner Gott; ne. little god

God: got. guþ 556=553, gu-þ,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Angerufener“, Gott, Götze; ne. God

-- house of God: got. aíkklesjō 42, aík-kle-s-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kirche, Gotteshaus, Gemeinde; ne. church, church building, religious congregation, house of God; gudhūs* 1, gu-d-hūs*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gotteshaus, Tempel; ne. house of God, temple

-- material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

-- my God: got. aílōe 2,  Interj.: nhd. eloi, mein Gott; ne. eloi, my God; hēlei 2, got.?, Interj.: nhd. eli, mein Gott; ne. eli, my God

-- service to God: got. hunsla: nhd. Gottesdienst; ne. worship (N.), service to God

-- the form of God: got. gudaskaunei* 1, gu-d-a-skaun-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottesgestalt; ne. the form of God, divine aspect, godly form

-- without God: got. gudalaus* 2=1, gu-d-a-lau-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gottlos; ne. godless, without God

-- worshipper of God: got. gudblōstreis 1, gu-d-blō-st-r-ei-s, guþblōstreis,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Gottesverehrer; ne. worshipper of God

God-fearing: got. gudafaúrhts 1, gu-d-a-faúrh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gottesfürchtig; ne. God-fearing, devout

godless: got. afguþs* 2, af-gu-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. abgöttisch, gottlos; ne. godless, irreligious, impious; gudalaus* 2=1, gu-d-a-lau-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gottlos; ne. godless, without God

godliness: got. gagudei 12, ga-gu-d-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Frömmigkeit; ne. godliness, piety, devotion, saintliness; *gudei?, *gu-d-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Frömmigkeit; ne. godliness, piety, devotion, saintliness

God-loving: got. frijōnds guþ, got.: nhd. Gott liebend; ne. God-loving

godly: got. gagudaba 1, ga-gu-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. fromm, gottesfürchtig; ne. godly, in a godly manner, in a saintly manner; gaguþs* 1, ga-gu-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ehrbar, anständig; ne. godly, pious, saintly, honourable, respected; *gudaba, *gu-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. fromm; ne. godly; gudisks* 4=3, gu-d-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. göttlich; ne. godly, divine

-- godly form: got. gudaskaunei* 1, gu-d-a-skaun-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottesgestalt; ne. the form of God, divine aspect, godly form

-- in a godly manner: got. gagudaba 1, ga-gu-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. fromm, gottesfürchtig; ne. godly, in a godly manner, in a saintly manner

going -- going down: got. saggqs* 1, saggq-s*, sagq*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Untergang, Westen; ne. sinking (N.), going down, sinking of the sun, occident, west (N.), setting (N.)

going -- going into: got. innatgāhts* 1, in-n-at-gā-h-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Eingang, Eintritt; ne. entrance, going into, ingress (N.)

going -- going (N.): got. sinþs* 17, sinþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Gang (M.) (1), Mal (N.) (1); ne. going (N.), instance, occurrence, occasion, time (N.)

going -- going person: got. *gagga?, *ga-g-g-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Gänger“, „Geher“; ne. going person; *gaggja?, *ga-g-g-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Gänger“, „Geher“; ne. going person

goitre: got. *gauma (2), *gau-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Kropf; ne. crop (N.), goitre

gold: got. gulþ* 2, gul-þ*, goltz,  goltz, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Gold; ne. gold; lat. aurum

gold“ -- „finger gold“: got. figgragulþ* 1, figg-r-a-gul-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Fingergold“, Fingerring; ne. finger ring, „finger gold“

golden: got. gulþeins* 1, gul-þ-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. golden; ne. golden

gone -- have gone: got. *wigis?, *wig-is?,  Adv.: nhd. weg; ne. have gone

gong -- gong (N.): got. klismō 1, klism-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Becken, Zimbel, Klingel, Schelle; ne. cymbal, gong (N.)

good: got. *batis, *bat-is, *bats?,  Adj.: nhd. gut, bessere; ne. good, better (Adj.); *knawana 1, *kna-wan-a, knauen,  knauen, krim Adj. (a): nhd. gut; ne. good; lat. bonus; sēls 3, sēl-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gut, gütig, tauglich; ne. kind (Adj.), benevolent, benign, good, useful; þiuþeigs 17, þiu-þ-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, gepriesen; ne. good, perfect, beneficial, laudable, praised, blessed

-- be good: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- bring good to: got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

-- do good: got. waila taujan, got.: nhd. wohltun; ne. do good

-- do good to: got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

-- eat a good meal: got. wisan (3) 4, wis-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich freuen, schwelgen, schmausen; ne. dine, eat a good meal, feast, make merry

-- good (Adj.): got. *awi (3), *aw-i,  Adj.: nhd. gut; ne. good (Adj.); gōþs 89, gōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, schön, tüchtig; ne. good (Adj.), of good quality, kind (Adj.), beautiful; *maþa (2), *maþ-a,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut?; ne. good (Adj.); *wisus?, *wisu-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut; ne. good (Adj.)

-- good day: got. knauen tag, got.: nhd. guten Tag; ne. good day; lat. bonus dies

-- good deed: got. waíladēþs* 1, waíl-a-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohltat; ne. benefit (N.), benefaction, well-doint (N.), good deed

-- good fare: got. waílawizns* 1, waíl-a-wizn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. gute Nahrung, gute Kost; ne. good nutriment, good fare, fine sustenance, good food, nourishment

-- good food: got. waílawizns* 1, waíl-a-wizn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. gute Nahrung, gute Kost; ne. good nutriment, good fare, fine sustenance, good food, nourishment

-- good (N.): got. bōta* 3, bōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Nutzen; ne. advantage (N.), benefit (N.), good (N.), aid (N.), usefulness, profit (N.); *haili?, *hai-l-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Heil; ne. wellbeing, good (N.); þiuþ 20, þiu-þ,  st. N. (a): nhd. das Gute, die gute Sache, Gut; ne. good (N.), something good, good things

-- good news-spreading: got. waílamēreins* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verkündigung, Botschaft; ne. good tidings, good news-spreading, evangelizing, preaching (N.), evangelism

-- good nutriment: got. waílawizns* 1, waíl-a-wizn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. gute Nahrung, gute Kost; ne. good nutriment, good fare, fine sustenance, good food, nourishment

-- good reputation: got. waílamērei* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. guter Ruf; ne. good reputation, good repute

-- good repute: got. waílamērei* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. guter Ruf; ne. good reputation, good repute

-- good things: got. þiuþ 20, þiu-þ,  st. N. (a): nhd. das Gute, die gute Sache, Gut; ne. good (N.), something good, good things

-- good tidings: got. aíwaggēli* 7, aíw-agg-ēl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Evangelium, frohe Botschaft; ne. evangel, gospel, good tidings; aíwaggēljō 49=48, aíw-agg-ēl-jō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Evangelium, frohe Botschaft; ne. evangel, gospel, good tidings; waílamēreins* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verkündigung, Botschaft; ne. good tidings, good news-spreading, evangelizing, preaching (N.), evangelism

„good -- „good to strangers“: got. gastigōþs* 2, gast-i-gōþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gastfrei, gastfreundlich; ne. hospitable, „good to strangers“

-- good will: got. bleiþei 4, ble-i-þ-ei,  st. F. (n): nhd. Wohlwollen, Güte, Mitleid, Erbarmen; ne. benevolence, good will, kind-heartedness, mercy (N.), clemency

-- make good: got. gabōtjan* 1, ga-bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbessern, herstellen; ne. make good, improve, make better, repair (V.), restore

-- of good descent: got. gōdakunds 1, gōd-a-kun-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von guter Abkunft, edlen Geschlechts; ne. of noble birth, well-born, of good descent

-- of good quality: got. gōþs 89, gōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, schön, tüchtig; ne. good (Adj.), of good quality, kind (Adj.), beautiful

-- of good report: got. waílamēreis* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ei-s*,  Adj. (ia): nhd. wohllautend, löblich; ne. well-reputed, of good report, praiseworthy

-- preach good news: got. þiuþspillōn* 1, þiu-þ-s-pil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. Gutes künden, frohe Botschaft künden, verkündigen; ne. preach good news, promulgate good tidings

-- preach the good: got. waílamērjan 13, waíl-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem eine frohe Botschaft künden, predigen, frohe Botschaft bringen; ne. spread good news of, preach the good, proclaim

-- promulgate good tidings: got. þiuþspillōn* 1, þiu-þ-s-pil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. Gutes künden, frohe Botschaft künden, verkündigen; ne. preach good news, promulgate good tidings

-- pronounce good upon: got. þiuþjan* 19, þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. segnen; ne. bless (V.), confer benediction, pronounce good upon

-- put in good spirits: got. anaþrafstjan* 2, an-a-þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „trösten“, erquicken; ne. refresh, put in good spirits, cheer up, relieve

-- something good: got. þiuþ 20, þiu-þ,  st. N. (a): nhd. das Gute, die gute Sache, Gut; ne. good (N.), something good, good things

-- spread good news of: got. waílamērjan 13, waíl-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem eine frohe Botschaft künden, predigen, frohe Botschaft bringen; ne. spread good news of, preach the good, proclaim

good-doing: got. þiuþeins* 4, þiu-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Güte, Segen; ne. beneficence, good-doing, blessing (N.), benefaction, goodness, generosity

good-looking: got. skauns* 1, s-kau-n-s*, skauneis*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anmutig; ne. beautiful, good-looking, sightly

goodness: got. gōdei* 1, gōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tugend, Tüchtigkeit, Güte; ne. goodness, virtue (N.), moral excellence; sēlei 8, sēl-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tüchtigkeit, Güte, Milde; ne. kindness, benevolence, benignity, goodness, usefulness; *þiuþei, *þiu-þ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Güte; ne. goodness; þiuþeins* 4, þiu-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Güte, Segen; ne. beneficence, good-doing, blessing (N.), benefaction, goodness, generosity

goods -- lust for material goods: got. faíhufrikei 3, faíh-u-frik-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Gewinnsucht, Geldgier; ne. money-covetousness, cupidity, lust for material goods

goods -- lustful for material goods: got. faíhufriks 6, faíh-u-frik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. habsüchtig, geldgierig, gewinnsüchtig; ne. money-covetous, avaricious, greedy for money, lustful for material goods

goods -- movable goods: got. faíhu* 7, faíh-u*, fe,  st. N. (u): nhd. „Vieh“, Vermögen, Geld, f-Rune; ne. movable goods, chattels, property, possessions, wealth, riches, money, name of f-rune

goose: got. *gans?, *ga-n-s?,  st. F.: nhd. Gans; ne. goose

-- wild goose: got. *ganta?, *ga-n-t-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wildgans; ne. wild goose

gospel: got. aíwaggēli* 7, aíw-agg-ēl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Evangelium, frohe Botschaft; ne. evangel, gospel, good tidings; aíwaggēljō 49=48, aíw-agg-ēl-jō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Evangelium, frohe Botschaft; ne. evangel, gospel, good tidings; mēreins 3, mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verkündigung, Predigt; ne. preaching (N.), proclaiming (N.), news, gospel

-- preach the gospel: got. mērjan 48, mē-r-jan,  red. V. (1): nhd. künden, kund tun, verkünden, das Evangelium verkünden; ne. proclaim (V.), promulgate, broadcast (V.), preach tidings of, preach the gospel, evangelize; waílaspillōn* 1, waíl-a-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verkünden, erzählen, frohe Botschaft verkünden; ne. proclaim propitious tidings, promulgate glad news, preach the gospel

-- proclaim the gospel: got. spillōn* 6, spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. künden, verkünden, erzählen; ne. tell, relate, report (V.), give report of, proclaim the gospel

-- spread the gospel: got. aíwaggēljan* 1, aíw-agg-ēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. das Evangelium verkünden; ne. evangelize, spread the gospel

gossipy: got. unfaurs* 1, un-faur-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. geschwätzig; ne. indiscreet, imprudent, gossipy

Goth: got. *Gauts?, *Gau-t-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Gote; ne. Goth; Guta*, Gu-t-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gote; ne. Goth

-- female Goth: got. *Gutō?, *Gu-t-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gotin; ne. female Goth

gothic: got. *gutisks?, *gu-t-isk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. gotisch; ne. gothic

-- end of the gothic region: got. Goþiscandza 2, Go-þ-isc-andz-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenende? (an der Weichsel?); ne. end of the gothic region

Gothic -- Gothic people: got. Gutþiuda* 2, Gu-t-þiu-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenvolk; ne. Gothic people, Goths’ own name for themselves

Goths: got. *Gauti, *Gau-t-i, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. Goten; ne. Goths; Goti, Go-t-i, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. Goten; ne. Goths; Gutan* 1, Gu-t-a-n*,  sw. M. Pl.: nhd. Goten; ne. Goths

Goths’ -- Goths’ own name for themselves: got. Gutþiuda* 2, Gu-t-þiu-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenvolk; ne. Gothic people, Goths’ own name for themselves

-- West Goths: got. Wisigoti*, Wisi-go-t-i*, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. Westgoten; ne. Visigoths, West Goths

govern: got. faúragaggan 6=5, faúr-a-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorangehen, vorstehen; ne. go before, precede, go in front of, preside over, govern; raginōn* 2, rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verwalten, herrschen; ne. guide (V.), be a guide, govern, counsel (V.); reikinōn 3, reik-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen über, beherrschen; ne. rule (V.), govern, have power over; waldan 2, wald-an,  red. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. walten, haushalten, dem Hauswesen vorstehen; ne. control (V.), govern, rule (V.), have dominion over, wield power over, suffice

governance: got. þiudinassus 10, þiu-d-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Regierung, Königreich, Reich; ne. governance, reign (N.), reigning (N.), kingship, kingdom, rule (N.)

governing -- establish as governing: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

government: got. reiki* 8, reik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Reich, Herrschaft, Obrigkeit; ne. rulership, government, sovereignty, ruling power, authority, realm

governor: got. faúramaþleis 10, faúr-a-ma-þl-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Vorsteher, Gebieter, Sprecher; ne. ruler, prince, chief, head man, governor, official (M.); fauramaþleis þiudōs, M.: nhd. Statthalter; ne. governor; kindins 7, kin-d-in-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Statthalter, Landpfleger; ne. governor, ruler, ethnarch

governorship: got. faúramaþli* 2, faúr-a-ma-þl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Oberbefehl, Vorsteheramt; ne. high command, governorship

grab -- grab away: got. frawilwan 8, fra-wil-w-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. fortreißen, gewaltsam ergreifen; ne. grab away, snatch up, seize, wrest away

grab -- grab (V.): got. *harpōn?, *harp-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. packen; ne. grab (V.), grasp (V.)

grace: got. ansts 68=65, an-st-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude, Dank, Gnade, Gunst, Gnadengabe; ne. beneficence, graciousness, grace, joy (N.), thanks, gift (N.), favour (N.), blessing

gracious: got. ansteigs 1, an-st-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gnädig, günstig; ne. beneficent, gracious; hulþs 1, hul-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hold, gnädig, günstig; ne. kind (Adj.), clement, propitious, gracious

graciousness: got. ansts 68=65, an-st-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude, Dank, Gnade, Gunst, Gnadengabe; ne. beneficence, graciousness, grace, joy (N.), thanks, gift (N.), favour (N.), blessing

graft -- graft in: got. intrusgjan 6, in-tru-sg-jan,  unr. V. (3,2): nhd. einpfropfen; ne. graft in, ingraft

grain: got. kaúrn* 4, kaúr-n*, kor, korn*,  kor, korn*, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Korn, Getreide, Weizen; ne. grain, wheat, granular fruit of the cereal grasses; lat. triticum

-- ear of grain: got. ahs* (1) 4, ah-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ähre; ne. ear of grain

-- grain seed: got. kaúrnō 3, kaúr-n-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Korn; ne. kernel, granule, grain seed

-- measure of grain: got. mēla* 1, mēl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Scheffel, Maß; ne. peck-measure, measure of grain, bushel (1)

-- standing grain: got. atisk* 2, atis-k*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Saat, Saatfeld; ne. standing grain, grainfield, wheat fields

grainfield: got. atisk* 2, atis-k*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Saat, Saatfeld; ne. standing grain, grainfield, wheat fields

grandfather: got. *awa?, *aw-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Großvater; ne. grandfather

grandmother: got. awō* 1, aw-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Großmutter; ne. grandmother

grant -- grant (N.): got. fragifts* 3, fra-gif-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verleihung, Verlobung, Gabe; ne. gift (N.), grant (N.), betrothal, presentation, bestowal, giving away, plightedness, engagement

grant -- grant (V.): got. fragiban 25, fra-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. vergeben, verleihen, schenken, geben, gewähren; ne. give (V.), grant (V.), remit (V.), forgive, pardon (V.), bestow; undrēdan 1, und-rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. besorgen, gewähren; ne. adduce, advance (V.), provide for, grant (V.)

granular -- granular fruit of the cereal grasses: got. kaúrn* 4, kaúr-n*, kor, korn*,  kor, korn*, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Korn, Getreide, Weizen; ne. grain, wheat, granular fruit of the cereal grasses; lat. triticum

granule: got. kaúrnō 3, kaúr-n-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Korn; ne. kernel, granule, grain seed

grape: got. weinabasi* 2, wein-a-bas-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Weinbeere; ne. wine-berry, grape

grapes -- bunch of grapes: got. weinatains 3, wein-a-tain-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Weinrebe; ne. vine-branch, grapevine-branch, bunch of grapes

grapevine: got. weinatriu 4, wein-a-triu,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Weinstock, Weingarten (= weinatriwa), Weinberg (= weinatriwa); ne. grapevine, grapevine stem, vine

-- grapevine stem: got. weinatriu 4, wein-a-triu,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Weinstock, Weingarten (= weinatriwa), Weinberg (= weinatriwa); ne. grapevine, grapevine stem, vine

grapevine-branch: got. weinatains 3, wein-a-tain-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Weinrebe; ne. vine-branch, grapevine-branch, bunch of grapes

grapheme: got. *stafs 3, *sta-f-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Element, Stab, Buchstabe; ne. letter of the alphabet, grapheme, element

grasp -- grasp mentally: got. gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize

grasp -- grasp (V.): got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact; fāhan 2, fāh-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. fangen, greifen; ne. catch (V.), capture (V.), grasp (V.), take hold of, lay hands on, seize; gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize; greipan 4, greip-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. greifen, ergreifen; ne. seize, grasp (V.), apprehend; *harpōn?, *harp-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. packen; ne. grab (V.), grasp (V.)

grasping: got. aglaitgastalds 2, ag-l-ait-ga-stal-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schmutzig gewinnsüchtig, habsüchtig; ne. acquisitive, grasping, shamefully greedy

grass -- grass (N.): got. gras* 3, gra-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gras, Kraut; ne. grass (N.), weeds, green growth, green vegetable; hawi 3, haw-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Heu; ne. hay (N.), grass (N.)

grasses -- granular fruit of the cereal grasses: got. kaúrn* 4, kaúr-n*, kor, korn*,  kor, korn*, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Korn, Getreide, Weizen; ne. grain, wheat, granular fruit of the cereal grasses; lat. triticum

grasshopper: got. þramstei* 1, þra-m-st-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Heuschrecke; ne. locust, cicada, grasshopper

grate -- grate (V.): got. kriustan* 1, krius-t-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. knirschen; ne. grate (V.), gnash (V.), grind (V.)

grating -- grating (N.): got. krusts 1, krus-t-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Knirschen; ne. grating (N.), gnashing (N.), grinding (N.)

gratis: got. arwjō 3, arw-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. umsonst, unentgeltlich, ohne Ursache, vergebens; ne. gratis, without charge, in vain, for naught, for no reason, without cause

gratitude -- prayer of gratitude: got. awiliuþ 16, aw-i-liu-þ,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dank, Danksagung, Gnade; ne. prayer of gratitude, worshipful thanks, thanksgiving

grave: got. aurahi* 3, aur-ah-i*, aurahjō*?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Grabdenkmal, Grab, Grabmal; ne. grave, burial-place, monument, tomb; hlaiw* 16, hlai-w*,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Grab; ne. tomb, burial cave, sepulchre, grave; *nawistr, *naw-i-str, *nawistra,  st. N. (a): nhd. Grab, Totenlager; ne. grave, burial plot

-- put in a grave: got. ganawistrōn* 1, ga-naw-i-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.); ne. bury, inter (V.), put in a grave

gravel -- gravel (N.): got. *aur (1),  st. M. (a): nhd. Sand, Kies; ne. sand (N.), grit (N.), gravel (N.)

gravelly: got. *aurahs?, *aur-ah-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. sandig, kiesig; ne. sandy, earthen, gravelly

graze -- graze cattle: got. haldan 9, hal-d-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. hüten, weiden, halten; ne. herd (V.), shepherd (V.), tend, keep watch over, graze cattle

grazing -- grazing meadow: got. winja* 1, wi-n-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Weide (F.) (2); ne. pasture, grazing meadow; winne 1, wi-n-n-e, uuinne,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Weide (F.) (2), w-Rune; ne. pasture, grazing meadow, name of w-rune

great: got. abrs 1, ab-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, heftig; ne. great, severe, extreme, excessive; *-lauþs, *-lauþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. beschaffen (Adj.), groß; ne. made, great; *mēra-, *mē-r-a-,  Adj.: nhd. groß; ne. great; mikils 54, mik-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, stark, viel; ne. great, large (Adj.), great amount of, great number of, many; ? *þūs?, *þū-s?,  Adj.?, Sb.?: nhd. groß?, Kraft; ne. great?, power (N.)?

-- at a great distance: got. faírra 20, faír-ra,  Adv.: nhd. fern, fern von, weg von; ne. afar, far off, remote, at a great distance

-- become great: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

-- from a great distance: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

-- great amount of: got. mikils 54, mik-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, stark, viel; ne. great, large (Adj.), great amount of, great number of, many

-- great number of: got. mikils 54, mik-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, stark, viel; ne. great, large (Adj.), great amount of, great number of, many

-- how great: got. ƕēlauþs* 2=1, ƕē-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wie groß; ne. of what proportions, how great, what extent of, how extensive

-- impressing as great: got. mikilþūhts* 1, mikil-þūh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. great-seeming, supposed great, impressing as great, arrogant, proud

-- make great: got. gamikiljan* 1, ga-mik-il-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „groß machen“, preisen, erheben; ne. make great, make large, magnify; mikiljan* 15, mik-il-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. preisen; ne. make great, magnify, extol, glorify, praise (V.)

-- so great: got. swalauþs* 5, swa-lauþ-s*,  Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so groß, so viel; ne. so great, so extensive, of such proportions, of such extent, such, so much

-- speak a great deal: got. filuwaúrdjan* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. viel Worte machen, viel plappern, viel reden; ne. verbalize excessively, babble (V.), chatter (V.), speak a great deal

-- supposed great: got. mikilþūhts* 1, mikil-þūh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. great-seeming, supposed great, impressing as great, arrogant, proud

greater: got. maiza 17, ma-i-z-a,  Adj. (Komp.): nhd. größere; ne. greater, larger

-- become greater: got. aukan* 1, auk-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. sich mehren, sich vermehren; ne. become greater, increase (V.)

greatest: got. maists 7, ma-i-s-t-s,  Adj. (a), Superl.: nhd. meiste, größte, höchste; ne. greatest, chief (Adj.), best

greatly: got. filaus 5, fil-aus,  Adv.: nhd. um vieles, viel; ne. by much, greatly; mikilaba 1, mik-il-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sehr, groß; ne. greatly

-- suffer greatly: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

greatness: got. mikildūþs 4=3, mik-il-dū-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Größe; ne. greatness, magnitude; mikilei* 4, mik-il-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Größe; ne. majesty, immensity, greatness

great-seeming: got. mikilþūhts* 1, mikil-þūh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. great-seeming, supposed great, impressing as great, arrogant, proud

greave: got. *husa 1, *hu-s-a,  st. F. (a): nhd. Beinschiene, Hose, Beinkleid; ne. greave, breeches, trousers

Greece -- the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece: got. drakma* 3, drak-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Drachme; ne. drachma, the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece

greed: got. *frikei?, *fri-k-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gier, Sucht; ne. greed, lust (N.), obsession, addiction; *geirō?, *gei-r-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gier; ne. greed

greediness: got. gaíruni* 1, gaír-un-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Leidenschaft; ne. greediness

greedy: got. *friks?, *fri-k-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. süchtig, gierig; ne. lustful, greedy, addicted; *gaírns?, *gaír-n-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. begierig, gierig; ne. greedy; *geirs?, *gei-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. gierig; ne. greedy

-- greedy for money: got. faíhufriks 6, faíh-u-frik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. habsüchtig, geldgierig, gewinnsüchtig; ne. money-covetous, avaricious, greedy for money, lustful for material goods

-- shamefully greedy: got. aglaitgastalds 2, ag-l-ait-ga-stal-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schmutzig gewinnsüchtig, habsüchtig; ne. acquisitive, grasping, shamefully greedy

Greek: got. Krēks 5, Krēk-s, Pl. Krēkos,  st. M. (a): nhd. Grieche; ne. Greek

green -- green growth: got. gras* 3, gra-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gras, Kraut; ne. grass (N.), weeds, green growth, green vegetable

green -- green vegetable: got. gras* 3, gra-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gras, Kraut; ne. grass (N.), weeds, green growth, green vegetable

greet: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone; gōljan 19, gōl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. grüßen; ne. greet, salute (V.)

greeting -- greeting (N.): got. gōleins 6, gōl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gruß; ne. greeting (N.), salutation

grey: got. *greiseis?, *grei-s-ei-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. greis, grau; ne. grey, aged; *grēws, *grē-w-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. grau; ne. grey; *hasws, *has-w-s, *hasus,  Adj. (a): nhd. grau; ne. grey

grief: got. *gaur-, *gau-r-,  Sb.: nhd. Betrübnis; ne. grief, anguish (N.); gaurei* 1, gau-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Betrübnis; ne. grief, anguish (N.), sorrow (N.); gauriþa 1, gau-r-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Betrübnis; ne. grief, anguish (N.), sorrow (N.); trigō* 1, trig-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Trauer, Unlust; ne. grief, sadness, woefulness, regret (N.)

-- grief (N.): got. *grama?, *gra-m-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gram; ne. grief (N.), sorrow (N.); saúrga 12, saúrg-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sorge, Kummer; ne. sorrow (N.), grief (N.), worry (N.), care (N.)

grievance: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

grieve: got. gaurjan* 10, gau-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kränken, betrüben; ne. insult (V.), grieve, cause anguish to, pain (V.); saúrgan 7, saúrg-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen, bekümmert sein (V.); ne. sorrow (V.), be sorrowful, grieve, worry (V.), be anxious, care (V.); *trigan, *trig-an,  sw. V. (5): nhd. trauern, betrüben; ne. trouble (V.), grieve

grieved: got. gaurs 6, gau-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. betrübt, traurig, mürrisch; ne. grieved, anguished, pained, sorrowful, sad, sullen

grind: got. *grindan?, *gri-nd-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zerreiben; ne. grind

-- grind up: got. gamalwjan* 1, ga-mal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zermalmen, zerknirschen; ne. grind up, crush (V.), pulverize, rub to powder

-- grind (V.): got. kriustan* 1, krius-t-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. knirschen; ne. grate (V.), gnash (V.), grind (V.); malan* 1, mal-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mahlen; ne. grind (V.); *malwjan?, *mal-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. malmen; ne. grind (V.)

grinding -- grinding (N.): got. krusts 1, krus-t-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Knirschen; ne. grating (N.), gnashing (N.), grinding (N.)

grit -- grit (N.): got. *aur (1),  st. M. (a): nhd. Sand, Kies; ne. sand (N.), grit (N.), gravel (N.); *greut-, *gre-u-t-,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Grieß, Sand; ne. grit (N.)

groan -- groan (V.): got. inraúhtjan* 2, in-raúh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnt werden, zürnen, unwillig sein (V.); ne. growl interiously, groan (V.), utter gruff sounds to o.s., be indignant; *raúhtjan, *raúh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zürnen; ne. groan (V.), growl (V.); swōgatjan* 2, s-wō-g-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), groan (V.)

groats: got. *grūts, *grū-t-s,  st. M.: nhd. Grütze (F.) (1); ne. groats

groom: got. *marhskalks, *marh-s-kal-k-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Pferdeknecht; ne. groom

ground -- conceal in the ground: got. filhan 1, fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. verbergen, begraben (V.); ne. hide (V.), conceal, conceal in the ground, bury, cover up for safekeeping

ground -- ground (Adj.): got. *grinds?, *gri-nd-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. zerrieben; ne. ground (Adj.), pulverized, crushed

ground -- ground (N.): got. ? *grundiþa?, *grund-iþ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Grund?; ne. ground (N.)?; ? *grundus, *grund-u-s,  st. M. (u) (?): nhd. Grund?; ne. ground (N.)?

ground -- ground (V.): got. gasūljan* 3, ga-sūl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. das Fundament legen, begründen, gründen; ne. found (V.), base (V.), ground (V.), lay the foundation of

ground -- infertile ground: got. *gald?, *gal-d?,  st. Sb.: nhd. unfruchtbarer Boden; ne. infertile ground

ground -- onto the ground: got. dalaþ 16, dal-aþ,  Adv.: nhd. zu Tal, abwärts, nieder, herab, hinunter, hinab; ne. downward, onto the ground, down (Adv.)

ground -- rising ground: got. hlain* 1, hlai-n*, hlains*,  M.?, N.? (a): nhd. Hügel; ne. rising ground, hill, hillock

ground -- rocky ground: got. *skorristr?, *skor-r-ist-r?,  Sb.: nhd. Felsboden; ne. rocky ground

ground -- roll around on the ground: got. walwisōn* 1, wal-wis-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich wälzen; ne. roll around on the ground, wallow (V.), flounder around

groundless: got. swarē 16,  Adv.: nhd. ohne Grund, vergebens, umsonst; ne. purposelessly, futilely, for no reason, groundless, in vain

ground-wall: got. grunduwaddjus 5, grundu-wa-dd-ju-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Grundmauer; ne. ground-wall, foundation-wall, wall-base, groundwork

groundwork: got. grunduwaddjus 5, grundu-wa-dd-ju-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Grundmauer; ne. ground-wall, foundation-wall, wall-base, groundwork

group -- ethnic group: got. þiuda 54, þiu-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Volk, Heiden; ne. people, ethnic group, nation, gentiles, heathens

group -- group reclining and eating together: got. kubitus* 1, kubitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Liegen am Tisch, Tischgesellschaft, Gruppe, Tischgenossenschaft; ne. reclining to eat, group reclining and eating together, lying down (N.)

group -- leader of a group: got. *skarja?, *skar-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Scharführer; ne. leader of a group

grow: got. gaþeihan* 2, ga-þei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorwärtskommen, hervorsprießen, wachsen (V.) (1), zunehmen; ne. progress (V.), grow, advance (V.), prosper; liudan* 1, liud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1); ne. grow, increase in physical proportions; wahsjan 13, wahs-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1); ne. grow, wax (V.) (1), increase in development

-- grow abundantly: got. ufarwahsjan* 1, uf-ar-wahs-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. überaus wachsen, sich stark vermehren; ne. wax exceedingly, exceed in growth, grow abundantly

-- grow blind: got. *blindnan?, *bli-nd-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erblinden, blind werden; ne. grow blind

-- grow calm: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

-- grow from: got. uskeinan* 3, us-kei-n-an*,  st. sw. V. (1): nhd. hervorkeimen; ne. sprout up, bud forth, grow from

-- grow in abundance: got. biauknan 2, bi-auk-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich vermehren, zunehmen; ne. increase (V.), abound, grow in abundance

-- grow insensitive: got. afdaubnan* 1, af-dau-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ertauben, verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened; *daubnan?, *dau-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened

-- grow larger: got. auknan* 1, auk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich mehren, dargebracht werden; ne. become increased, grow larger

-- grow old: got. *alþan?, *al-þ-an?,  red. V. (3): nhd. altern, alt werden; ne. grow old

-- grow on: got. alan* 1, al-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1), sich nähren, aufwachsen; ne. grow on, feed on

-- grow up: got. *uswahsjan?, *us-wahs-jan?,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. erwachsen (V.); ne. grow up, mature (V.)

-- grow very old: got. usalþan* 1, us-al-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. alt werden, veralten; ne. grow very old, reach extreme age

-- grow with: got. miþuskeinan* 1, mi-þ-us-kei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. „mitauskeimen“, mithervorkeimen; ne. sprout up together with, bud forth together with, grow with

growl -- growl interiously: got. inraúhtjan* 2, in-raúh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnt werden, zürnen, unwillig sein (V.); ne. growl interiously, groan (V.), utter gruff sounds to o.s., be indignant

growl -- growl (V.): got. *raúhtjan, *raúh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zürnen; ne. groan (V.), growl (V.)

grown -- grown up: got. uswahsans 2, us-wahs-an-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät., perfektiv: nhd. erwachsen (Adj.); ne. adult (Adj.), grown up, of age

growth: got. uswahsts* 1, us-wahs-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wachstum; ne. growth, maturation, stature; *wahsts?, *wahs-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wachstum; ne. growth, development; wahstus* 5, wahs-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Wuchs, Wachstum, Körpergröße, Größe; ne. growth, development, stature

-- exceed in growth: got. ufarwahsjan* 1, uf-ar-wahs-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. überaus wachsen, sich stark vermehren; ne. wax exceedingly, exceed in growth, grow abundantly

-- green growth: got. gras* 3, gra-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gras, Kraut; ne. grass (N.), weeds, green growth, green vegetable

-- physical proportions of growth: got. laudi* 1, laud-i*,  st. F. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. bodily dimensions, physical proportions of growth

grudge -- bear a grudge against: got. neiwan* 1, neiw-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. es auf jemand abgesehen haben, grollen; ne. bear a grudge against

gruff -- utter gruff sounds to o.s.: got. inraúhtjan* 2, in-raúh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnt werden, zürnen, unwillig sein (V.); ne. growl interiously, groan (V.), utter gruff sounds to o.s., be indignant

grumble -- grumble (V.): got. birōdjan* 7, bi-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. murrend reden, murren; ne. grumble (V.), murmur (V.), whisper (V.), complain, mutter (V.)

grumbling -- grumbling (N.): got. birōdeins 4=3, bi-rō-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Murren, Verleumdung; ne. grumbling (N.), murmuring (N.), whispering (N.), complaining (N.)

g-rune -- name of g-rune: got. giba 13, gib-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk, g-Rune; ne. that which is given, gift (N.), present (N.), name of g-rune

guarantee: got. wadi 4, wad-i,  st. N. (ja?, ia?): nhd. Pfand; ne. pledge (N.), surety, financial commitment, guarantee

guard -- guard (M.): got. spaíkulatur* 1, spaík-ul-at-ur*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Späher; ne. sentinel, guard (M.); wardja* 1, war-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wächter; ne. guard (M.), watchman

guard -- guard (V.): got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.); gafastan 11, ga-fast-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. behalten, bewahren, halten; ne. hold fast, keep (V.), retain, observe, guard (V.), protect

guard -- on guard: got. wars* (1) 1, war-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. behutsam, nüchtern, gewahr, vorsichtig; ne. wary, alert (Adj.), on guard

guarded -- guarded alertness: got. warei* 2=1, war-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tücke, Verschlagenheit; ne. wariness, wiliness, guarded alertness, villainy

guardian: got. *hagja?, *hag-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Pfleger, Heger; ne. orderly (M.), guardian; ragineis 4, rag-in-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Ratgeber, Ratsherr; ne. counsellor, advisor, guide (M.), prescriptor, steward, guardian

-- guardian (F.): got. *warda, *war-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hüterin; ne. guardian (F.); *wardō, *war-d-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hüterin; ne. guardian (F.)

-- guardian (M.): got. *wards?, *war-d-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Wächter, Hüter; ne. guardian (M.)

guest: got. gasts 7, gast-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Fremdling, Fremder, Gast; ne. stranger, guest

-- be a guest of: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

-- guest room: got. saliþwa* 4, sal-i-þw-a*, (Pl. saliþwōs),  st. F. (ō): nhd. Herberge, Wohnung; ne. lodging, guest room, inn, dwelling (N.)

-- stay as a guest: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

guidance: got. *stiur (2), *stiu-r,  st. N.: nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), stake (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control,discipline (N.); *stiuri, *stiu-r-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control, discipline; *taúhts?, *taú-h-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ziehung, Führung; ne. guidance, tearing

-- give guidance to: got. garaginōn* 1, ga-rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Rat geben, raten; ne. prescribe to, give guidance to, give counsel to, advise (V.)

guide -- be a guide: got. raginōn* 2, rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verwalten, herrschen; ne. guide (V.), be a guide, govern, counsel (V.)

guide -- guide (M.): got. ragineis 4, rag-in-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Ratgeber, Ratsherr; ne. counsellor, advisor, guide (M.), prescriptor, steward, guardian; *weida?, *weid-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Führer; ne. guide (M.)

guide -- guide (V.): got. raginōn* 2, rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verwalten, herrschen; ne. guide (V.), be a guide, govern, counsel (V.); tiuhan 12, tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. ziehen, führen, wegführen; ne. lead (V.), guide (V.), conduct (V.), bring; *weidōn?, *weid-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. führen; ne. guide (V.)

guidepost -- set up as a guidepost: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

guile: got. hindarweisei* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hinterlist; ne. deceitfulness, guile, deceit, fraudulence, insincerity, feignedness, hypocrisy, treachery

guiltless: got. swikns* 4, swikn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rein, unschuldig, unsträflich, keusch; ne. innocent, pure, irreproachable, irreprehensible, guiltless, chaste

guiltlessness: got. swikniþa* 2, swikn-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Reinigung, Reinheit, Keuschheit; ne. purifiedness, purity, guiltlessness, impeccability, chastity

guilty -- be guilty: got. skula wisan, got.: nhd. schuldig sein (V.); ne. be guilty

guilty -- guilty person: got. skula 15, skul-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schuldner, Schuldiger; ne. obligated person, debtor, indebted person, guilty person

guise: got. manauli* 1, man-aul-i*, manahuli*?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. guise, human guise, appearance, likeness, shape (N.)

-- human guise: got. manauli* 1, man-aul-i*, manahuli*?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. guise, human guise, appearance, likeness, shape (N.)

gymnastics: got. usþrōþeins 1, us-þrō-þ-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Übung, Stählung; ne. exercise (N.), training, gymnastics, discipline (N.)

h: got. h 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. h, Abkürzung für 8; ne. h, abbreviation for 8

ha: got. ō 5,  Interj.: nhd. ach, oh, pfui; ne. o, oh, aha, ha

habit -- habit (N.): got. sidus 4=3, si-d-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Sitte, Gewohnheit; ne. custom (N.), usage, habit (N.), conduct (N.)

habitable -- the habitable earth: got. midjungards* 4, mid-jun-gard-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. die bewohnte Erde, Erdkreis; ne. the habitable earth, world

habitation: got. báuains 4, báu-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohnung; ne. dwelling, habitation, living quarters, dwelling place, home (N.)

hail -- hail (Interj.): got. faginō, Imp.: nhd. sei gegrüßt; ne. hail (Interj.); hails (2) 3, hai-l-s,  Interj.: nhd. sei gegrüßt; ne. hail (Interj.)

hail -- hail (N.): got. hagl* 1, hag-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hagel, h-Rune; ne. hail (N.), name of h-rune

hair -- braided hair: got. flahta* 1, fla-h-t-a*, flahtō*?,  st. F. (ō), sw. F. (n)?: nhd. Flechte; ne. braid (N.), plait (N.), braided hair, woven hair

hair -- cut the hair: got. kapillōn 1, kapill-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. das Haar abschneiden, scheren; ne. cut the hair

hair -- hair (N.): got. *hazds?, *haz-d-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Haar (N.); ne. hair (N.); tagl* 3, tag-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Haar; ne. hair (N.)

hair -- hair of the head: got. skuft* 4, skuf-t*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Haupthaar; ne. hair of the head, tresses

hair -- strand of hair: got. *taddora?, *ta-d-dor-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zottel, Fetzen, Flausch; ne. shred (N.), strand of hair

hair -- tuft of hair: got. *taturō?, *tatur-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zotte (F.) (1); ne. tuft of hair

hair -- woven hair: got. flahta* 1, fla-h-t-a*, flahtō*?,  st. F. (ō), sw. F. (n)?: nhd. Flechte; ne. braid (N.), plait (N.), braided hair, woven hair

hale -- hale (Adj.): got. hails (1) 15, hai-l-s, iel,  iel, krim Adj. (a): nhd. heil, gesund, wohl; ne. healthy, hale (Adj.), whole, sound (Adj.); lat. vita, sanitas

half -- half (Adj.): got. halbs* 2, hal-b-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. halb; ne. half (Adj.)

half -- half (N.): got. halba* 2, hal-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hälfte, Seite, Teil; ne. half (N.), bisection, section, side of reference, facet, aspect

half -- in half: got. *twis-, *twi-s-, *twi-,  Präf.: nhd. entzwei; ne. in two, in half

hall -- main hall: got. *sals?, *sal-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Saal; ne. main room, main hall

hallow -- hallow (Adj.): got. weihs (1) 88, weih-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig, geweiht; ne. holy, hallow (Adj.), sanctified

hallow -- hallow (V.): got. gaweihan* 7, ga-weih-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. weihen, heiligen; ne. hallow (V.), make holy, sanctify, consecrate; weihan* (2) 3, weih-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. weihen, heiligen; ne. hallow (V.), make holy, sanctify, consecrate (V.); wīhjan* 1, wīh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weihen; ne. hallow (V.)

hallowed -- become hallowed: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

hallowed -- be hallowed: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

hallowedly: got. weihaba 1, weih-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. heilig; ne. hallowedly, with sanctitiy, sacredly, earnestly

halt -- come to a halt: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

halt -- halt (Adj.): got. halts* 5, hal-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lahm; ne. crippled, halt (Adj.), lame

hamlet -- rural hamlet: got. weihs* (2) 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dorf, Weiler, Flecken; ne. rural hamlet, country precinct, rural area, village

hamper -- hamper (V.): got. marzjan* 5, mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ärgern, zum Ärgernis sein (V.); ne. make stumble, make falter, hamper (V.), impede, offend

hand -- at hand: got. manwus 6, manw-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. bereit; ne. prepared (Adj.), ready (Adj.), at hand

hand -- be at hand: got. atwisan* 3, at-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. da sein (V.), zur Hand liegen; ne. be at hand, be imminent, be present; faúrawisan 2, faúr-a-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be present, be in evidence, be at hand

hand -- hand (N.): got. handa 1, hand-a, krim st. F.: nhd. Hand; ne. hand (N.); lat. manus; handus 72, hand-u-s,  st. F. (u): nhd. Hand; ne. hand (N.)

hand -- hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy: got. fralēwjan* 1, fra-lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy, betray

hand -- hand over in an opportunistic deal: got. lēwjan* 3, lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. betray in an act of opportunism, hand over in an opportunistic deal

hand -- hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

hand -- it lies at my hand: got. wiljan atligiþ mis, got.: nhd. steht in meiner Macht; ne. it lies at my hand

hand -- lie (V.) (2) at hand: got. atligan* 1, at-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. dabeiliegen, vorliegen, vorhanden sein (V.); ne. lie (V.) (2) at hand, lie (V.) (2) adjacent to

hand -- on the other hand: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise; þata wiþrawaírþō: nhd. dagegen, im Gegenteil; ne. however, on the other hand

hand -- open hand: got. lōfa* 4, lōf-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. flache Hand; ne. open hand, palm of hand

hand -- palm of hand: got. lōfa* 4, lōf-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. flache Hand; ne. open hand, palm of hand

hand -- right hand: got. taíhswa* (2) 2, taíh-s-w-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. die Rechte, die rechte Hand; ne. the right, right hand

hand -- the year at hand: got. ataþni* 1, at-aþn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Jahr; ne. the year at hand

handkerchief: got. fana* 3, fan-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stück Zeug, Zeugstück, Lappen, Tuch, Schweißtuch; ne. piece of cloth, napkin, rag (N.) (1), handkerchief

handmaid: got. þiwi 11, þiw-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Magd; ne. maidservant, handmaid

hands -- lay hands on: got. fāhan 2, fāh-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. fangen, greifen; ne. catch (V.), capture (V.), grasp (V.), take hold of, lay hands on, seize

hands -- made by hands: got. handuwaúrhts* 2, hand-u-waúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. handgemacht, mit der Hand gemacht; ne. hand-wrought, made by hands

hand-wrought: got. handuwaúrhts* 2, hand-u-waúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. handgemacht, mit der Hand gemacht; ne. hand-wrought, made by hands

hang -- hang before: got. *faúrhāhan?, *faúr-hāh-an?,  red. V. (3): nhd. vorhängen; ne. hang before

hang -- hang in front: got. *faúrahāhan?, *faúr-a-hāh-an?,  red. V. (3): nhd. vorhängen; ne. hang in front

hang -- hang (N.): got. *hāh?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hängen, Hang; ne. hang (N.)

hang -- hang o.s.: got. ushāhan* (sik) 1, us-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich erhängen; ne. hang o.s., commit suicide by hanging

hang -- hang (V.): got. hāhan* (1) 1, hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hängen, schweben lassen; ne. hang (V.), make hang, suspend (V.), let hang in suspense; hāhan* (2) 1, hāh-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hangen; ne. hang (V.), be suspended, cling to

hang -- let hang down: got. athāhan* 2, at-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hinabhängen, hinablassen, hinunterlassen, niederlassen; ne. lower while suspending, let down, let hang down, set down

hang -- let hang in suspense: got. hāhan* (1) 1, hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hängen, schweben lassen; ne. hang (V.), make hang, suspend (V.), let hang in suspense

hang -- make hang: got. hāhan* (1) 1, hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hängen, schweben lassen; ne. hang (V.), make hang, suspend (V.), let hang in suspense

hanging: got. *hāhjis?, *hāh-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja/jō): nhd. hängend; ne. hanging

-- commit suicide by hanging: got. ushāhan* (sik) 1, us-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich erhängen; ne. hang o.s., commit suicide by hanging

happen: got. gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

happiness: got. audagei 1, au-d-ag-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Seligkeit; ne. luck, happiness, bliss

happy: got. *fagins?, *fagin-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. froh; ne. happy, glad; *fahs?, *fah-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. fröhlich, froh; ne. happy, glad; *fraus, *frau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. froh; ne. happy, glad; *glad-, *gla-d-,  Adj. (a): nhd. froh, fröhlich; ne. glad, happy; hlas* 2,  Adj. (a): nhd. heiter, fröhlich, sorgenfrei; ne. cheerful, merry, happy; *swēgns?, *s-wē-g-n-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. froh, fröhlich; ne. happy, merry, jubilant; *wizneigs?, *wiz-n-eig-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. froh; ne. happy, glad

-- cause to be completely happy: got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully

-- feel happy: got. faginōn 43=39, fag-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. feel happy, be glad, rejoice (V.)

-- feel happy together with: got. miþfaginōn* 2, mi-þ-fag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich mitfreuen; ne. feel happy together with, rejoice together with

harass -- harass (V.): got. afdōjan* 1, af-dō-jan*, afdaujan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. plagen, schinden, abhetzen; ne. harry (V.), harass (V.), wear out; usþriutan* 3, us-þri-ut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. einem Beschwerde bringen, beschwerlich fallen; ne. harass (V.), torment (V.), plaque (V.), wear down with vexation, bother (V.), persecute

hard: got. hardus 4, har-d-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. hart, streng; ne. hard, harsh, stern (1)

-- be hard: got. *þriutan?, *þri-ut-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. schwerfallen; ne. be hard, be difficult

-- work hard: got. arbaidjan* 13, arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. arbeiten, dulden, kämpfen für; ne. work hard, toil (V.), labour (V.), strive, struggle (V.)

harden: got. *daubjan?, *dau-b-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. taub sein (V.), verstocken; ne. be insensitive, be numb, harden

-- harden (V.): got. gadaubjan* 2, ga-dau-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verstocken, verstockt machen; ne. make insensitive, be numb, deaden, harden (V.); gahardjan* 1, ga-har-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhärten, verstocken; ne. harden (V.)

hardened -- become hardened: got. afdaubnan* 1, af-dau-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ertauben, verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened; *daubnan?, *dau-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened

hard-hearted: got. *harduhaírts?, *har-d-u-haírt-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. hartherzig; ne. hard-hearted

hard-heartedness: got. harduhaírtei* 2, har-d-u-haírt-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hartherzigkeit; ne. hard-heartedness

hardly: got. *halis?,  Adv.: nhd. kaum; ne. hardly, scarcely

-- hardly ever: got. halisaiw 1, halis-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. kaum je, kaum; ne. hardly ever, scarcely ever

hardness -- with hardness: got. harduba 3, har-d-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sehr, hart; ne. with hardness, harshly, with severity, terribly

hardship: got. arbaiþs 14, arbai-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Arbeit, Drangsal, Hemmung, Bedrängnis; ne. labour (N.), work (N.), toil (N.), distress, arduousness, troublesomeness, hardship

-- bear hardship with: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

harlot: got. kalkjō* 1, kalk-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n?): nhd. Hure; ne. whore (F.), prostitute (F.), harlot

harm -- cause harm to: got. usagljan* 1, us-ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, bedrängen, belästigen, beschimpfen; ne. inflict injury upon, cause harm to, be hurtful to, bother (V.)

harm -- harm (N.): got. skaþis* 1, skaþ-i-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schaden, Unrecht; ne. wrongdoing (N.), injustice, harm (N.); sleiþa* 2, slei-þ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schaden; ne. detriment, loss, damage (N.), harm (N.), injury

harm -- harm (V.): got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to; gaskaþjan* 5, ga-skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaden, Schaden zufügen, Unrecht tun; ne. treat unjustly, do wrong to, harm (V.), injure, damage (V.); gasleiþjan* 4, ga-slei-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschädigen, schädigen, schaden; ne. inflict injury, harm (V.), cause detriment, damage (V.); skaþjan* 1, skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. schaden; ne. do wrong, wrong (V.), do evil, harm (V.), injure (V.); *sleiþjan?, *slei-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schädigen; ne. inflict injury, harm (V.), cause detriment; *tēlōn, *tēl-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schaden; ne. damage (V.), harm (V.)

harmful: got. skaþuls* 2, skaþ-ul-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. schädlich; ne. wrongdoing (Adj.), unjust, harmful, injurious

-- be physically harmful to: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

harmfulness: got. sleiþei 1, slei-þ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gefahr; ne. perniciousness, harmfulness, danger, peril

harmony: got. samaqiss* 2, sam-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übereinstimmung; ne. unison, harmony, accord (N.), agreement

-- be in harmony: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

harp: got. *harpa?, *har-p-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Harfe; ne. harp

harrassed: got. afdáuiþs* 1, af-dáu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geschunden, geplagt, abgehetzt; ne. troubled, annoyed, harried, harrassed, worn out

harried: got. afdáuiþs* 1, af-dáu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geschunden, geplagt, abgehetzt; ne. troubled, annoyed, harried, harrassed, worn out

harry -- harry (V.): got. afdōjan* 1, af-dō-jan*, afdaujan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. plagen, schinden, abhetzen; ne. harry (V.), harass (V.), wear out

harsh: got. hardus 4, har-d-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. hart, streng; ne. hard, harsh, stern (1)

harshly: got. harduba 3, har-d-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sehr, hart; ne. with hardness, harshly, with severity, terribly

harvest -- harvest by scythe: got. sneiþan* 9, sneiþ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. schneiden, ernten; ne. cut (V.), reap, harvest by scythe

harvest -- harvest (N.): got. asans 8, asan-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Sommer, Erntezeit, Ernte; ne. harvest time, summertime, harvest (N.)

harvest -- harvest time: got. asans 8, asan-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Sommer, Erntezeit, Ernte; ne. harvest time, summertime, harvest (N.)

has -- she who has borne: got. *bērusi?, *bēr-us-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Gebärende, Mutter (F.) (1); ne. she having borne, she who has borne

has -- young cow which has not yet calved: got. kalbō* 1, kal-b-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. junge Kuh, weibliches Kalb, Kalbe; ne. heifer, young cow which has not yet calved, calf

haste -- arrive with haste: got. *atsniwan?, *at-sniw-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste; duatsniwan* 1, du-at-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste, hurry to

haste -- reach with haste: got. *atsniwan?, *at-sniw-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste; duatsniwan* 1, du-at-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste, hurry to

haste -- with haste: got. sniumundō 3, sniu-m-und-ō,  Adv.: nhd. eilends, eilig; ne. speedily, hurriedly, quickly, with haste

hasten: got. gasniumjan* 1, ga-sniu-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineilen, kommen; ne. hasten, rush (V.), come first; sniumjan* 5, sniu-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. eilen; ne. hurry (V.), hasten, rush (V.); sniwan* 3, sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. eilen, überkommen; ne. hasten, speed (V.), come upon

-- hasten in anticipation: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

-- hasten on before: got. faúrbisniwan* 1, faúr-bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorangehen, zuvorkommen; ne. speed on ahead, hasten on before, precede

-- hasten thither: got. *atsniwan?, *at-sniw-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste; duatsniwan* 1, du-at-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste, hurry to

hastening -- arrive by hastening: got. gasniwan* 2, ga-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. ereilen, gelangen zu, erlangen; ne. arrive by hastening, reach by hastening, attain

hastening -- reach by hastening: got. gasniwan* 2, ga-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. ereilen, gelangen zu, erlangen; ne. arrive by hastening, reach by hastening, attain

hasty: got. *funs?, *fun-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bereit, eilig, tapfer; ne. ready, hasty, hurried, brave

hate -- hate (N.): got. hatis 11, ha-ti-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hass, Zorn; ne. directed anger, angry hostility, animosity, hate (N.)

hate -- hate (V.): got. fijan 23, fi-j-an, fian*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen, verabscheuen; ne. hate (V.), be inimical towards, feel hostile towards; hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward; hatjan* 2, hat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), show hostility towards

hatred: got. neiþ* 7, nei-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Neid; ne. envy (N.), hatred, spite (N.)

haughtiness: got. hauhhaírtei 1, hau-h-haírt-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hochmut; ne. high-heartedness, haughtiness, arrogance, pride (N.)

haughty: got. hauhhaírts 2, hau-h-haírt-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. high-hearted, haughty, arrogant, proud (Adj.); hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

-- be haughty: got. hauhaba hugjan: nhd. hoffärtig sein (V.); ne. be proud, be haughty

-- have a haughty attitude: got. ufarhugjan* 1, uf-ar-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich überheben; ne. have a haughty attitude, be elated

have: got. aigan* 32, aig-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1): nhd. haben; ne. have, own (V.), possess (V.); haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be; ? *staldan?, *stal-d-an?,  red. V. (3): nhd. haben?, eignen?; ne. have?, acquire?

-- have a festive get-together: got. biwisan* 1, bi-wi-s-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv?: nhd. sich erfreuen, sich vergnügen; ne. dine together, dine convivially, have a festive get-together, make merry

-- have a haughty attitude: got. ufarhugjan* 1, uf-ar-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich überheben; ne. have a haughty attitude, be elated

-- have allotted to o.s.: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

-- have already: got. ju haban, got.: nhd. dahin haben; ne. have already

-- have anxiety about: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

-- have a plan for: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

-- have a share in: got. faíraihan 1, faír-aih-an, fairaigan*?,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. teilhaben an; ne. have a share in, partake of, participate in

-- have at one’s disposal: got. haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

-- have been discontinued: got. inwisan (?)* 1, in-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. bevorstehen (?), da sein (V.) (?); ne. have been discontinued, be elapsed, be no longer

-- have children: got. barn bairan, got.: nhd. Kinder haben; ne. have children

-- have compassion: got. infeinan* 6, in-fei-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erbarmen, gerührt sein (V.); ne. have compassion, be moved with compassion, have pity

-- have concern for: got. gakarōn* 1, ga-kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. besorgen, sich kümmern, sorgen für; ne. care for, have concern for

-- have confidence: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of; tráuan 4, tráu-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. trauen, Zutrauen haben; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, rely on, confide in

-- have confidence in: got. galaubjan 146=145, ga-laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, anvertrauen; ne. believe, permit, have faith in, be confident of, have confidence in

-- have difficulty agreeing to: got. tuzwērjan* 1, tuz-wēr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zweifeln; ne. have difficulty agreeing to, doubt (V.)

-- have dominion over: got. waldan 2, wald-an,  red. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. walten, haushalten, dem Hauswesen vorstehen; ne. control (V.), govern, rule (V.), have dominion over, wield power over, suffice

-- have existence: got. wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

-- have faith in: got. galaubjan 146=145, ga-laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, anvertrauen; ne. believe, permit, have faith in, be confident of, have confidence in

-- have fear: got. ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

-- have force: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail

-- have full command of one’s mental faculties: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact

-- have gone: got. *wigis?, *wig-is?,  Adv.: nhd. weg; ne. have gone

-- have hold of: got. haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

-- have in acquisition: got. disniman* 1, dis-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. besitzen; ne. have in acquisition, possess (V.), keep (V.)

-- have in common: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

-- have knowledge: got. witan (1) 133=131, wi-t-an,  Prät.-Präs. (1): nhd. wissen; ne. know, have knowledge

-- have mercy on: got. arman* 10, arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gaarman* 10, ga-arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gableiþjan* 2, ga-ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, barmherzig sein (V.); ne. show kindheartedness toward, have mercy on, take pity

-- have need: got. þaúrban* 20=19, þaúrb-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nötig haben, bedürfen, Mangel leiden; ne. need to, need (V.), have need, have to, must (V.)

-- have not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

-- have one’s mind on: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- have on one’s conscience: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

-- have permission: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

-- have pity: got. infeinan* 6, in-fei-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erbarmen, gerührt sein (V.); ne. have compassion, be moved with compassion, have pity

-- have pity on: got. arman* 10, arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gaarman* 10, ga-arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards

-- have potency: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail

-- have power over: got. reikinōn 3, reik-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen über, beherrschen; ne. rule (V.), govern, have power over

-- have receipt of: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return

-- have regard for: got. aistan* 3, ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor; ne. have regard for, have respect for, reverence (V.); andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.); gaaistan* 1, ga-ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor, achten; ne. reverence (V.), have regard for, have respect for; saiƕan in andwairþja manne, got.: nhd. Rücksicht nehmen auf; ne. have regard for

-- have respect for: got. aistan* 3, ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor; ne. have regard for, have respect for, reverence (V.); gaaistan* 1, ga-ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor, achten; ne. reverence (V.), have regard for, have respect for

-- have reverence for: got. ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

-- have the ability: got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

-- have the audacity to: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious

-- have the impression: got. þugkjan* 23, þugk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, meinen, gelten, erscheinen, dünken; ne. have the impression, suppose, opine (V.), deem (V.), it seems (=þugkeiþ), believe, appear

-- have to: got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.); þaúrban* 20=19, þaúrb-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nötig haben, bedürfen, Mangel leiden; ne. need to, need (V.), have need, have to, must (V.)

-- you have left me: got. sibakþani 2, got.?, Interj.: nhd. du hast mich verlassen; ne. you have left me

having: got. habands, hab-an-d-s,  Part. Präs. = sw. Adj.: nhd. habend; ne. having

-- having a conscience: got. *miþwiss?, *mi-þ-wi-s-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bewusst; ne. morally conscious, having a conscience

-- having (Adj.): got. *stalds?, *stal-d-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. habend?, erwerbend?; ne. having (Adj.), acquiring (Adj.)

-- having ample time: got. ūhteigs* 1, ū-h-t-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Zeit habend, unbeschäftigt; ne. with free time, having ample time

-- having an objective in mind: got. *mundrs?, *mun-d-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. eifrig, zielstrebig; ne. motivated, having an objective in mind

-- having died: got. dauþs (1) 56, dau-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. tot; ne. dead, having died

-- having freedom: got. freis 19, frei-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. frei; ne. free (Adj.), having freedom

-- having life: got. qius 7, qiu-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. lebendig; ne. alive, living (Adj.), having life

-- having (N.): got. ? *stald?, *stal-d?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Haben?; ne. having (N.)?

-- having need: got. þarbs* 5, þarb-s*, þarfs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nötig, bedürftig; ne. needful, necessary, needy, having need

-- not having: got. unhabands* 3, un-hab-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht habend; ne. not having, non-possessing

-- she having borne: got. *bērusi?, *bēr-us-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Gebärende, Mutter (F.) (1); ne. she having borne, she who has borne

hawk: got. *falka?, *fal-k-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Falke; ne. falcon, hawk

hay -- hay (N.): got. hawi 3, haw-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Heu; ne. hay (N.), grass (N.)

he: got. his*, hi-s*,  Pron.: nhd. er, dieser; ne. he, this; is 2176, ies,  ies, krim Pers.-Pron.: nhd. er; ne. he; lat. ille

-- he who: got. izei 68, iz-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. who, he who, that, that which; saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- he who is born: got. baúr* (1) 2,  st. M. (i): nhd. Geborener; ne. he who is born, person given birth

head -- be at the head of: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

head -- circlet for the head: got. wipja* 2, wip-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kranz; ne. crown (N.), head-wrath, circlet for the head

head -- hair of the head: got. skuft* 4, skuf-t*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Haupthaar; ne. hair of the head, tresses

head -- head man: got. faúramaþleis 10, faúr-a-ma-þl-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Vorsteher, Gebieter, Sprecher; ne. ruler, prince, chief, head man, governor, official (M.)

head -- head (N.): got. faúrstasseis* 1, faúr-sta-s-s-ei-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Vorsteher; ne. supervisor, superior (M.), director, head (N.); haubiþ 36, hau-biþ, hoeft*,  hoeft*, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Haupt, Kopf; ne. head (N.); lat. caput

head -- head towards: got. wiþragaggan* 1, wi-þra-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. entgegengehen; ne. go to meet, head towards, go towards

head -- household head: got. heiwafrauja* 1, hei-w-a-frau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausherr; ne. master of the family, household head

head -- shave around the head: got. biskaban* 1, bi-skab-an*,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaben, scheren (V.) (1), Haare abschneiden; ne. shave around the head, shave bald, shear (V.)

head -- with veiled head: got. gahulidamma haubida, got.: nhd. mit verhülltem Kopfe; ne. with veiled head

headband: got. waips 5, waip-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Kranz; ne. wreath (N.), garland (N.), crown (N.), headband

headmaster: got. talzjands* 6, talz-jan-d-s*,  M. (nd): nhd. Lehrer; ne. trainer, headmaster, master (M.), tutor, lesson-teacher, instructor

head-servant -- male head-servant on a farm: got. *siniskalks?, *sin-i-s-kal-k-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. ältester Diener, Altknecht, Seneschall; ne. oldest servant, male head-servant on a farm, seneschal

head-wrath: got. wipja* 2, wip-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kranz; ne. crown (N.), head-wrath, circlet for the head

heal -- heal (V.): got. gahailjan 13, ga-hai-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. heilen (V.) (1), herstellen; ne. heal (V.), restore to health; galēkinōn* 2, ga-lēk-in-ōn*, galeikinōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. herstellen, heilen (V.) (1); ne. heal (V.), cure (V.), work a cure on; ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.); hailjan 6, hai-l-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. heilen (V.) (1); ne. heal (V.), cure (V.); lēkinōn* 5, lēk-in-ōn*, leikinōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. heilen; ne. heal (V.), cure (V.)

healed -- become healed: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health; hailjan sik, got.: nhd. geheilt werden; ne. become healed; *hailnan?, *hai-l-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. geheilt werden; ne. become healed

healed -- be healed: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health; ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.)

healing -- healing (N.): got. lēkinassus* 1, lēk-i-n-a-s-su-s*, leikinassus*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Heilung; ne. healing (N.), cure (N.), curing (N.)

health -- become restored to health: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health

health -- be restored to health: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health

health -- injure the health: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

health -- restore to health: got. gahailjan 13, ga-hai-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. heilen (V.) (1), herstellen; ne. heal (V.), restore to health

healthy: got. hailisks* 1, hai-l-isk-s*, ieltsch,  ieltsch, krim Adj. (a): nhd. heil, lebendig; ne. alive, well (Adj.), healthy; lat. vivus, sanus; hails (1) 15, hai-l-s, iel,  iel, krim Adj. (a): nhd. heil, gesund, wohl; ne. healthy, hale (Adj.), whole, sound (Adj.); lat. vita, sanitas; swinþs* 11=10, swinþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, kräftig, gesund; ne. strong, physically powerful, healthy, sound (Adj.), robust

heap -- heap a burden upon: got. anakaúrjan* 1, an-a-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschweren; ne. heap a burden upon, burden with an overload, cause pain

heap -- heap (N.): got. hiuhma 6, hiu-h-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Haufen, Menge; ne. crowd (N.), mass (N.), heap (N.), multitude

heap -- heap up: got. rikan* 1, rik-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. häufen, anhäufen; ne. rake up, scrape up, heap up

heap -- heap (V.): got. *taskōn?, *ta-sk-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. raffen; ne. pile (V.), heap (V.)

hear: got. hausjan 111, hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. hören, anhören, zuhören; ne. hear, hearken, listen; hausjōn 4, hau-s-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. hören; ne. hear, listen

-- ability to hear: got. hliuma 4, hliu-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gehör, Ohren (= hliumans); ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, ability to hear, ears (= hliumans)

-- get to hear: got. gahausjan 74=73, ga-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. hören, vernehmen, das Gehör bekommen; ne. hear (V.), perceive, get to hear, receive hearing

-- hear (V.): got. gahausjan 74=73, ga-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. hören, vernehmen, das Gehör bekommen; ne. hear (V.), perceive, get to hear, receive hearing

-- in the hear (N.) of: got. bisunjanē 7, bi-sun-j-a-nē,  Adv.: nhd. ringsum; ne. round about, in the hear (N.) of, neighbouring (Adv.)

heard -- that which is heard: got. gahauseins 4, ga-hau-s-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Predigt; ne. that which is heard, report (N.), preaching (N.); hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings

hearing -- dulled in hearing: got. bauþs 7, bau-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stumm, taub, dumm, dumpf; ne. deaf, deaf-mute, dumb, dulled in hearing, dulled

hearing -- hearing (N.): got. hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings; hliuma 4, hliu-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gehör, Ohren (= hliumans); ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, ability to hear, ears (= hliumans); ? *hliuþ?, *hliu-þ?,  st. N.?: nhd. Gehör?, Schweigen?, Stille?, Aufmerksamkeit?; ne. hearing (N.)?, silence?, quietness?, attention?

hearing -- receive hearing: got. gahausjan 74=73, ga-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. hören, vernehmen, das Gehör bekommen; ne. hear (V.), perceive, get to hear, receive hearing

hearing -- sense of hearing: got. hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings; hliuma 4, hliu-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gehör, Ohren (= hliumans); ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, ability to hear, ears (= hliumans)

hearken: got. hausjan 111, hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. hören, anhören, zuhören; ne. hear, hearken, listen

-- hearken to: got. andhausjan* 9, and-hau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, erhören, erhört werden (= pers. Passiv); ne. listen to, hearken to, give heed to, heed (V.), obey

heart: got. brusts 6, bru-s-t-s,  F. (kons.) Pl.: nhd. Brust, (Eingeweide), Herz, Gemüt; ne. breast (N.), heart, thorax, chest; haírtō 75, haírt-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Herz; ne. heart; haírþra 2, haír-þ-r-a,  N. (a) Pl.: nhd. Eingeweide, Herz, Inneres; ne. intestines, viscera, entrails, heart, bosom, inner being

-- clean of heart: got. hrainjahaírts* 1, hrai-n-ja-haírt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. „reinherzig“, reinen Herzens; ne. clean of heart, pure in heart

-- pure in heart: got. hrainjahaírts* 1, hrai-n-ja-haírt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. „reinherzig“, reinen Herzens; ne. clean of heart, pure in heart

-- take heart: got. þrafstjan, sik: nhd. sich trösten, getrost vertrauen; ne. take heart, cheer up

-- take s.th. to heart: got. galagjan hairtin, got.: nhd. zu Herzen nehmen; ne. take s.th. to heart

hearted: got. -haírts, -haírt-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. -herzig; ne. hearted

hearten: got. gaþlaihan 12=11, ga-þlaih-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten, in die Arme schließen, umarmen; ne. comfort (V.), admonish, embrace (V.), hearten, encourage, entreat, exhort; gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief; *þlaihan?, *þlaih-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten; ne. comfort (V.), hearten, encourage, exhort; þrafstjan* 11, þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trösten, mahnen, ermahnen; ne. cheer (V.), hearten, console (V.), comfort (V.), encourage, reassure

heartening: got. gaþlaihts* 11, ga-þlaih-t-s*, gaþlaifts*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Trost; ne. encouragement, heartening, cheering up, comfort (N.)

-- heartening (N.): got. þrafsteins* 1, þraf-st-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Trost, Tröstung; ne. heartening (N.), consolation, encouragement, comfort (N.)

„heat“ -- „heat“ (N.): got. heitō 2, hei-t-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Hitze“, Fieber; ne. „heat“ (N.), fever, pyrexia

heathen -- heathen (Adj.): got. *haiþns, *haiþ-n-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. heidnisch; ne. heathen (Adj.)

heathen -- heathen woman: got. haiþnō 1, haiþ-n-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Heidin; ne. heathen woman

heathen -- like the heathen: got. þiudiskō 1, þiu-d-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. heidnisch; ne. heathenly, in the manner of the gentiles, like the heathen

heathenly: got. þiudiskō 1, þiu-d-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. heidnisch; ne. heathenly, in the manner of the gentiles, like the heathen

heathens: got. þiuda 54, þiu-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Volk, Heiden; ne. people, ethnic group, nation, gentiles, heathens

heave -- heave a deep sigh: got. ufswōgjan* 1, uf-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufseufzen; ne. sigh deeply, heave a deep sigh

heave -- heave a sigh: got. gaswōgjan* 1, ga-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erseufzen, seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), heave a sigh, make a sighing sound

heaven -- born of heaven above: got. ufarhiminakunds 2, uf-ar-himin-a-kund-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. himmlisch; ne. born of heaven above, heavenly, of heavenly origin

heaven -- coming from heaven: got. himinakunds* 9, himin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von himmlischer Abkunft, himmlisch; ne. coming from heaven, celestial, of heavenly provenance, heavenly

heaven -- heaven (N.): got. himins 100, himin-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Himmel; ne. heaven (N.), sky

heavenly: got. himinakunds* 9, himin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von himmlischer Abkunft, himmlisch; ne. coming from heaven, celestial, of heavenly provenance, heavenly; ufarhiminakunds 2, uf-ar-himin-a-kund-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. himmlisch; ne. born of heaven above, heavenly, of heavenly origin

-- of heavenly origin: got. ufarhiminakunds 2, uf-ar-himin-a-kund-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. himmlisch; ne. born of heaven above, heavenly, of heavenly origin

-- of heavenly provenance: got. himinakunds* 9, himin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von himmlischer Abkunft, himmlisch; ne. coming from heaven, celestial, of heavenly provenance, heavenly

heaviness: got. kaúrei* 1, kaúr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schwere, Fülle, Last; ne. weight (N.), weightiness, heaviness, load (N.)

heavy: got. kaúrus* 1, kaúr-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. schwer, lästig; ne. heavy, burdensome, weighty, oppressive

Hebrew: got. Haíbraius 3, Haíbraiu-s,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Hebräer; ne. Hebrew

heckle -- heckle (V.): got. *hakiljan, *hak-il-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hecheln; ne. heckle (V.)

hedge -- hedge (N.): got. faþa* 4, faþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zaun, Scheidewand; ne. hedge (N.), fence (N.), out-of-doors wall, dividing wall

hedgehog: got. *igils, *igi-l-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Igel; ne. hedgehog

heed -- give heed: got. atsaíƕan* 10=9, at-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen auf, sich in Acht nehmen, sich hüten; ne. give heed, watch out, be careful, be watchful, note (V.)

heed -- give heed to: got. andhausjan* 9, and-hau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, erhören, erhört werden (= pers. Passiv); ne. listen to, hearken to, give heed to, heed (V.), obey

heed -- heed (N.): got. ufhauseins 6, uf-hau-s-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehorsam; ne. submission, obedience, heed (N.)

heed -- heed (V.): got. andhausjan* 9, and-hau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, erhören, erhört werden (= pers. Passiv); ne. listen to, hearken to, give heed to, heed (V.), obey; ufhausjan 29=28, uf-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, sich an etwas halten; ne. obey, heed (V.), listen to submissively

heed -- pay heed to: got. andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.)

heel: got. faírzna* 1, faírzn-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ferse; ne. heel

heifer: got. kalbō* 1, kal-b-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. junge Kuh, weibliches Kalb, Kalbe; ne. heifer, young cow which has not yet calved, calf

height: got. auhumisto: nhd. Höhe, Spitze; ne. height, top (N.); hauhei 1, hau-h-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Höhe; ne. height, highness; hauhiþa 7, hau-h-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Höhe, Erhebung, Ehre; ne. height, high (N.), elevatedness, exaltedness, honour (N.)

-- highest height: got. hauhisti* 3, hau-h-ist-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. höchste Höhe; ne. highest height

heir: got. arbinumja 3, arbi-num-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Erbnehmer“, Erbe (M.); ne. heir, inheritor; arbja 7, arb-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Erbe (M.); ne. heir, inheritor

-- fellow heir: got. gaarbja* 1, ga-arb-j-a*,  sw. M. (n),: nhd. Miterbe; ne. co-heir, co-parcener, fellow heir

heiress: got. arbjō 1, arb-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Erbin; ne. heiress, inheritress

held -- held together: got. *gahafts?, *ga-haf-t-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. zusammengeheftet; ne. fastened together, held together

hell: got. halja 4, hal-j-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hölle; ne. hell

-- hell (N.): got. gaíaínna* 7,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hölle; ne. hell (N.)

helm: got. hilms* 2, hil-m-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Helm (M.) (1); ne. helmet, helm

helmet: got. hilms* 2, hil-m-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Helm (M.) (1); ne. helmet, helm

help -- give help to: got. hilpan 4, hil-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Gen.: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), go to the aid of, give help to

help -- help (V.): got. gahilpan* 1, ga-hil-p-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), give aid to; hilpan 4, hil-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Gen.: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), go to the aid of, give help to; hleibjan* 1, hleib-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. sich annehmen; ne. shield (V.), give protection to, protect, help (V.); niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

hem -- hem (N.) (1): got. skauts* 3, skau-t-s*, skaut*,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Zipfel, Schoß (M.) (1), Saum (M.) (1); ne. protrusion, projection, projecting edge, fringe (N.), hem (N.) (1)

hemmorrhaging -- hemmorrhaging (Adj.): got. blōþarinnands 2, blō-þa-ri-n-n-an-d-s,  Adj. (nd) = Part. Präs.: nhd. blutflüssig; ne. blood-running (Adj.), bleeding (Adj.), hemmorrhaging (Adj.)

hen: got. *hanō?, *han-ō?, hano* 1,  hano* 1, krim sw. F. (n): nhd. Huhn, Henne; ne. chicken, hen; lat. gallina

henbane: got. *bilisa?, *bil-is-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bilsenkraut; ne. henbane

hence: got. fram himma nu, Adv.: nhd. von jetzt an; ne. hence; þannu nu: nhd. deshalb, folglich; ne. consequently, now, hence; þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

-- hence forth: got. fram himma, Adv.: nhd. von nun an; ne. hence forth

-- hence when: got. swaþþan 1, swa-þ-þan, swahþan*,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. so nun; ne. and so when, and thus when, hence when, thus now

henceforth: got. fram þamma nū: nhd. von nun an, künftig; ne. from the present on, henceforth; þanamais 10=9, þan-a-ma-i-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch, mehr; ne. henceforth, still, further, yet

her: got. seins* 300, sein-s*,  st. Poss.-Pron.: nhd. sein (Poss.-Pron.), ihr (Poss.-Pron.); ne. of himself, one’s, his, her, hers, its, their, theirs

herald: got. mērjands 2, mē-r-jan-d-s,  Part. Präs. subst., M. (nd): nhd. Verkündiger, Prediger, Herold; ne. preacher, promulgator, herald; spilla 1, spil-l-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Verkünder, Verkündiger; ne. proclaimer, promulgator, herald, teller, announcer

-- herald (V.): got. *kunþjan?, *kun-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. künden; ne. announce (V.), herald (V.)

herd -- herd (N.): got. haírda 8, haírd-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Herde; ne. herd (N.), flock (N.); wrēþus* 1, wrē-þ-u-s*, wrīþus,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herde; ne. herd (N.), drove (2), band (N.) (1)

herd -- herd of sheep: got. awēþi 3, aw-ēþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schafherde; ne. flock of sheep, herd of sheep

herd -- herd (V.): got. haldan 9, hal-d-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. hüten, weiden, halten; ne. herd (V.), shepherd (V.), tend, keep watch over, graze cattle

herdsman: got. haírdeis 12, haírd-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Hirt; ne. herdsman, shepherd (M.)

here: got. hēr 20, hē-r,  Adv.: nhd. hier, her; ne. here, hither

-- away from here: got. aljar 2, al-ja-r,  Adv.: nhd. anderswo; ne. absent, away from here, elsewhere, somewhere else

-- come here: got. hiri 6, hir-i,  Adv.: nhd. hierher, komm her; ne. come here, hither

-- from here: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

-- of here and now: got. hi* 20, hi-* 20,  Pron.: nhd. dieser; ne. this, of here and now, the present, this here

-- this here: got. hi* 20, hi-* 20,  Pron.: nhd. dieser; ne. this, of here and now, the present, this here

-- to here: got. hidrē 3, hi-drē,  Adv.: nhd. hierher; ne. hither, to this place, to here

heresies: got. hairaíseis 1, hairaísei-s,  F. Pl. (i): nhd. Parteien, Ketzerei?; ne. dissension, factions, divisions, factionalism, discord (N.), heresies

heresy: got. aírzei* 2, aírz-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Irre, Irrlehre, Irrtum; ne. delusion, error, misleading (N.), heresy

heretofore: got. faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

heritage: got. arbi 8, arb-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erbe (N.), Erbschaft; ne. inheritance, heritage

hero: got. *þunds, *þun-d-s,  st. M.: nhd. Held; ne. hero

herring: got. *hariggs?, *harigg-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Hering; ne. herring

hers: got. seins* 300, sein-s*,  st. Poss.-Pron.: nhd. sein (Poss.-Pron.), ihr (Poss.-Pron.); ne. of himself, one’s, his, her, hers, its, their, theirs

herself: got. sik 264=262, si-k,  Refl.-Pron.: nhd. sich; ne. himself, herself, itself, themselves

hew: got. maitan* 1, mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. schneiden, hauen; ne. cut (V.), hew

-- hew off: got. afslahan* 5=4, af-slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abschlagen, abhauen, erschlagen; ne. hew off, slay, strike dead, strike off, cut off, kill (V.)

-- hew out: got. gadraban 1, ga-drab-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. aushauen; ne. chip (V.), hew out, chisel (V.), chop (V.); ushulōn* 1, us-hul-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. aushöhlen; ne. hollow out, hew out

hidden: got. analaugns* 6=5, an-a-laug-n-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. verborgen; ne. concealed, secret (Adj.), hidden; fulgins* 3, ful-g-in-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verborgen; ne. hidden, concealed, covert, secret (Adj.)

-- be hidden: got. galaugnjan 3, ga-laug-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbergen, verborgen bleiben; ne. be undiscovered, escape detection, hide (V.), be hidden, conceal (V.)

-- hidden (Adj.): got. gafulgins* 5, ga-ful-g-in-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verborgen; ne. concealed (Adj.), hidden (Adj.)

hide -- hide from: got. affilhan* 1, af-fil-h-an*,  st. V. (2,3): nhd. verbergen; ne. hide from, conceal from

hide -- hide (N.): got. *fill?, *fil-l?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fell, Haut; ne. skin (N.), hide (N.); *hams?, *ham-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Hülle; ne. clothing, hide (N.), covering (N.)

hide -- hide o.s.: got. galaugnjan sik: nhd. sich verbergen; ne. hide o.s., conceal o.s.

hide -- hide (V.): got. filhan 1, fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. verbergen, begraben (V.); ne. hide (V.), conceal, conceal in the ground, bury, cover up for safekeeping; gafilhan 5, ga-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.), verbergen; ne. hide (V.), conceal, bury, inter (V.); galaugnjan 3, ga-laug-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbergen, verborgen bleiben; ne. be undiscovered, escape detection, hide (V.), be hidden, conceal (V.)

hideaway: got. filigri* 2, fi-lig-r-i*, filegri*, fililigri*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Höhle, Versteck; ne. hiding-place, hideaway, den

hiding-place: got. filigri* 2, fi-lig-r-i*, filegri*, fililigri*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Höhle, Versteck; ne. hiding-place, hideaway, den

high: got. ? oeghene, ōghene*, krim sw. N. (n):

-- become raised high: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- become raised on high: got. *hauhnan?, *hau-h-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erhöht werden; ne. become raised on high

-- be raised high: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- high (Adj.): got. hauhs* 9, hau-h-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hoch; ne. high (Adj.)

-- high command: got. faúramaþli* 2, faúr-a-ma-þl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Oberbefehl, Vorsteheramt; ne. high command, governorship

-- high council: got. gafaúrds 2, ga-faúr-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versammlung, hoher Rat; ne. supreme assembly, high council, Sanhedrin; gaqumþs* 8, ga-qu-m-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zusammenkunft, Versammlung, Vereinigung; ne. coming together, congress, high council, religious gathering, synagogue, assembly

-- high (N.): got. hauhiþa 7, hau-h-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Höhe, Erhebung, Ehre; ne. height, high (N.), elevatedness, exaltedness, honour (N.)

-- high priest: got. sa auhumista gudja, got.: nhd. Hoherpriester; ne. high priest; auhumists weiha, got.: nhd. Hoherpriester; ne. high priest; auhumists gudja, got.: nhd. Hoherpriester; ne. high priest; maists gudja, got.: nhd. Hoherpriester; ne. high priest; reikists gudja, got.: nhd. Hoherpriester; ne. high priest; maists gudja, got.: nhd. Hohepriester; ne. high priest; ufargudja* 1, uf-ar-gu-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Oberpriester, Mitglied des Synhedrions; ne. high priest, chief priest

-- high up: got. iupa 5, iup-a,  Adv.: nhd. oben, hinauf; ne. on high, above, aloft, high up

-- impressing as high: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

-- lift on high: got. hauhjan 27, hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hoch machen, erhöhen, preisen, verherrlichen; ne. make high, lift on high, elevate, exalt, extol, praise (V.)

-- make high: got. hauhjan 27, hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hoch machen, erhöhen, preisen, verherrlichen; ne. make high, lift on high, elevate, exalt, extol, praise (V.)

-- on high: got. iupa 5, iup-a,  Adv.: nhd. oben, hinauf; ne. on high, above, aloft, high up

-- raise high: got. ushauhjan 9, us-hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhöhen; ne. lift up, raise high, elevate, exalt, extol, magnify

-- raising on high: got. hauheins 7, hau-h-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Erhöhung“, Preis, Ehre; ne. raising on high, elevation, elevating (N.), extolment, exaltation, praise (N.), honour (N.)

-- thought to be high: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

higher: got. aúhuma* 33, aúh-um-a*,  Adj. (Komp.): nhd. höher, erhaben, vorzüglicher; ne. higher, above; hauhis 1, hau-h-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. höher; ne. higher

highest: got. auhumists, auhmists*: nhd. höchste; ne. highest, top, topmost; hauhista, got.: nhd. Höchster; ne. highest

-- highest height: got. hauhisti* 3, hau-h-ist-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. höchste Höhe; ne. highest height

high-hearted: got. hauhhaírts 2, hau-h-haírt-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. high-hearted, haughty, arrogant, proud (Adj.)

high-heartedness: got. hauhhaírtei 1, hau-h-haírt-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hochmut; ne. high-heartedness, haughtiness, arrogance, pride (N.)

highly: got. hauhaba 2, hau-h-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. hoch; ne. loftily, highly, exaltedly

-- small bush with highly aromatic leaves: got. hwssōpō* 1, hwssōpōn*,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromatic leaves

-- small bush with highly aromativ leaves: got. ƕssōpō, ƕssōpōn,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromativ leaves

highness: got. hauhei 1, hau-h-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Höhe; ne. height, highness

high-seeming: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

hill: got. hlain* 1, hlai-n*, hlains*,  M.?, N.? (a): nhd. Hügel; ne. rising ground, hill, hillock

-- hill country: got. baírgahei* 2, baír-g-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gebirgsgegend, Berggegend, Gebirge; ne. hill country, mountainous area

hillock: got. hlain* 1, hlai-n*, hlains*,  M.?, N.? (a): nhd. Hügel; ne. rising ground, hill, hillock

hilly: got. *baírgahs?, *baír-g-ah-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bergig, gebirgig; ne. hilly, mountainous

himself: got. sik 264=262, si-k,  Refl.-Pron.: nhd. sich; ne. himself, herself, itself, themselves

-- of himself: got. seins* 300, sein-s*,  st. Poss.-Pron.: nhd. sein (Poss.-Pron.), ihr (Poss.-Pron.); ne. of himself, one’s, his, her, hers, its, their, theirs

hinder: got. analatjan* 2, an-a-la-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verhindern, hindern, aufhalten, abhalten; ne. detain, impede, hinder; faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam; galatjan* 1, ga-la-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufhalten, verhindern, verzögern; ne. detain, restrain, stop (V.), hinder; warjan* 9, war-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehren; ne. prevent, thwart (V.), forbid, hinder, restrain, stop (V.), block (V.)

hinderance: got. gamarzeins* 3, ga-mar-z-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. hinderance, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, offense (N.), cause for anger; marzeins 1, mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. thwarting (N.), obstacle, impediment, hinderance, obstruction, frustration, offense

hindmost: got. aftuma* 1, af-t-u-m-a*,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. letzte, hintere; ne. aftermost, hindmost, last of two parties

hip: got. *hagka?, *hagk-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hüfte; ne. hip

-- hip (N.): got. hups* 2, hup-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Hüfte; ne. hip (N.); *þiuh, *þiu-h,  st. N. (a): nhd. Oberschenkel, Hüfte; ne. thigh, hip (N.)

hircine: got. *gaiteins?, *gait-ein-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. Ziegen-; ne. goatlike, hircine

hired -- hired man: got. asneis 6, asn-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Mietling, Tagelöhner; ne. hired man, day-labourer, wage earner, paid servant

his: got. seins* 300, sein-s*,  st. Poss.-Pron.: nhd. sein (Poss.-Pron.), ihr (Poss.-Pron.); ne. of himself, one’s, his, her, hers, its, their, theirs

-- one who presents his superabundance: got. *ufanus?, *uf-an-u-s?,  Adj. (u?): nhd. der seinen Überfluss zeigt; ne. one who presents his superabundance

history -- history of descent: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

hit -- hit (V.): got. slahan* 10, slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. schlagen, hauen, ohrfeigen (= lōfam slahan); ne. strike (V.), beat (V.), hit (V.), smite, give a blow, wound (V.); stautan* 2, stau-t-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. stoßen; ne. punch (V.), cuff (V.), hit (V.), smite, strike (V.)

hither: got. hēr 20, hē-r,  Adv.: nhd. hier, her; ne. here, hither; hidrē 3, hi-drē,  Adv.: nhd. hierher; ne. hither, to this place, to here; hiri 6, hir-i,  Adv.: nhd. hierher, komm her; ne. come here, hither

-- call hither: got. atwōpjan 6, at-wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeirufen; ne. summon (V.), call to o.s., call hither, call thither

hitherto: got. faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

hitting -- hitting against: got. bistugq* 5=4, bi-stu-g-q*, bistuggq,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anstoß; ne. stumbling-block, hitting against, striking against, obstacle

hold -- gain hold of: got. ganiutan* 2, ga-niut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erwischen, fangen; ne. gain hold of, catch (V.), capture (V.), obtain

hold -- have hold of: got. haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

hold -- hold a feast: got. dulþjan* 1, dulþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Fest feiern; ne. hold a feast, hold festivities, celebrate a festival

hold -- hold fast: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.); gafastan 11, ga-fast-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. behalten, bewahren, halten; ne. hold fast, keep (V.), retain, observe, guard (V.), protect; gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain

hold -- hold festivities: got. dulþjan* 1, dulþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Fest feiern; ne. hold a feast, hold festivities, celebrate a festival

hold -- hold firm: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

hold -- hold in custody: got. *gafreidjan?, *ga-frei-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhalten (V.), schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, hold in custody, preserve (V.)

hold -- hold one’s peace: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?

hold -- hold onto: got. gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain

hold -- hold o.s. to: got. haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

hold -- hold out: got. rahtōn* 1, raht-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. darreichen; ne. extend (V.), proffer (V.), hold out, offer (V.), present (V.)

hold -- hold out under: got. gabeidan* 1, ga-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ausharren, ertragen; ne. endure, abide, hold out under

hold -- hold to: got. haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

hold -- hold up: got. hafjan* 1, haf-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. heben, aufheben; ne. hold up, bear up, lift (V.); ufhaban* 1, uf-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufheben, emporhalten; ne. hold up, raise up

hold -- hold up o.s.: got. *hafnan?, *haf-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich heben; ne. hold up o.s.

hold -- hold (V.): got. dishaban* 4, dis-hab-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv); ne. seize utterly, gain complete possession of, take completely, hold (V.); gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain; haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be; ? *hōban?, *hōb-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten?, passen?; ne. hold (V.)?

hold -- lay hold on: got. gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain; undgreipan 8, und-greip-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ergreifen, requirieren; ne. lay hold on, take (V.), seize

hold -- take hold of: got. anahaban* 2, an-a-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. besitzen, innehaben; ne. take hold of, possess (V.); fāhan 2, fāh-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. fangen, greifen; ne. catch (V.), capture (V.), grasp (V.), take hold of, lay hands on, seize; faírgreipan* 4, faír-greip-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ergreifen, greifen; ne. take hold of, take (V.), seize; gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize; haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

holding -- holding fast: got. andanēmeigs 1, and-a-nēm-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „entgegennehmend“, festhaltend; ne. taking (N.), accepting, holding fast

holding -- holding fast to: got. fastubni* 6, fast-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Halten, Dienst, Fasten, Haltung, Gottesdienst; ne. holding fast to, holding (N.), keeping (N.), observance, abstinence, fasting (N.), vigilance, maintenance

holding -- holding (N.): got. fastubni* 6, fast-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Halten, Dienst, Fasten, Haltung, Gottesdienst; ne. holding fast to, holding (N.), keeping (N.), observance, abstinence, fasting (N.), vigilance, maintenance

hole -- hole (N.): got. grōba* 2, grōb-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Grube, Höhle; ne. dugout, hole (N.), burrow (N.), cave (N.); þaírkō* 2, þaír-k-ō*,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Loch, Nadelöhr; ne. hole (N.), perforation, eye of a needle

holiness: got. weihiþa* 7, weih-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weihe (F.) (2), Heiligung, Heiligkeit; ne. holiness, sanctity, sanctification, consecration, holiness; weihiþa* 7, weih-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weihe (F.) (2), Heiligung, Heiligkeit; ne. holiness, sanctity, sanctification, consecration, holiness

hollow -- hollow (Adj.): got. *huls, *hul-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hohl; ne. hollow (Adj.)

hollow -- hollow out: got. ushulōn* 1, us-hul-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. aushöhlen; ne. hollow out, hew out

hollow -- hollow (V.): got. *hulōn?, *hul-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. höhlen; ne. hollow (V.)

holy: got. aírkns* 1, aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig; ne. holy, genuine, pure, sincere, unadulterated; hailags* 1, hai-l-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig, geweiht; ne. holy, sacrosanct, sacred and inviolable; weihs (1) 88, weih-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig, geweiht; ne. holy, hallow (Adj.), sanctified

-- become holy: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- holy place: got. *weih,  st. N. (a): nhd. Heiligtum, Tempel; ne. sanctuary, temple, holy place

-- make holy: got. gaweihan* 7, ga-weih-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. weihen, heiligen; ne. hallow (V.), make holy, sanctify, consecrate; weihan* (2) 3, weih-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. weihen, heiligen; ne. hallow (V.), make holy, sanctify, consecrate (V.)

homage -- pay homage to: got. inweitan* 10, in-wei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. Verehrung erweisen, begrüßen, anbeten, ansehen, verehren; ne. pay homage to, pay respect to, salute (V.), worship (V.)

home -- absent from home: got. afhaimeis* 2, af-hai-m-ei-s*, afhaimis*, afhaims*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. der Heimat fern, abwesend; ne. absent from home, absent, away from home

home -- at home: got. anahaimeis* 2, an-a-hai-m-ei-s*, anahaims*,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. in der Heimat befindlich, daheim, zuhause; ne. at home, present (Adj.)

home -- away from home: got. afhaimeis* 2, af-hai-m-ei-s*, afhaimis*, afhaims*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. der Heimat fern, abwesend; ne. absent from home, absent, away from home

home -- home (Adj.): got. *haimeis, *hai-m-ei-s, *haims,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. heimisch; ne. home (Adj.)

home -- home (N.): got. *baggwiþa, *baggw-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wohnung; ne. dwelling (N.), home (N.); báuains 4, báu-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohnung; ne. dwelling, habitation, living quarters, dwelling place, home (N.)

home -- make a home: got. gabáuan 1, ga-báu-an,  unr. V., perfektiv: nhd. Wohnung aufschlagen, wohnen; ne. take up residence, lodge (V.), reside, make a home

homeland -- ancestral homeland: got. ōþal* 2,  st. N. (a): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, o-Rune; ne. ancestral homeland, ancestral inheritance, patrimony, name of o-rune

homeless: got. ungastōþs* 1, un-ga-stō-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohne festen Stand, ohne bleibende Stätte; ne. unstable, unestablished, homeless

homestead: got. gards 94, gar-d-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Haus, Hauswesen, Familie, Hof, Prätorium; ne. house, homestead, household enclosure, court (N.), courtyard, pretorium, household, family

-- patrimonial homestead: got. haimōþli* 2, hai-m-ōþl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Grundbesitz, Familiengut; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead; *ōþli, *ōþl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, Heimat; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead

homicide -- homicide (M.): got. manamaúrþrja 1, man-a-maúr-þ-r-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Menschenmörder; ne. man-slayer, murderer, homicide (M.)

homicide -- homicide (N.): got. maúrþr* 4, maúr-þ-r*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mord; ne. murder (N.), homicide (N.)

honey: got. miliþ* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Honig; ne. honey

honour -- honour (N.): got. *aiza, *aiz-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Scheu, Achtung, Ehre; ne. honour (N.), inhibition, respect (N.); hauheins 7, hau-h-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Erhöhung“, Preis, Ehre; ne. raising on high, elevation, elevating (N.), extolment, exaltation, praise (N.), honour (N.); hauhiþa 7, hau-h-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Höhe, Erhebung, Ehre; ne. height, high (N.), elevatedness, exaltedness, honour (N.); *swērei?, *s-wēr-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ehre; ne. honour (N.); swēriþa 13, s-wēr-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ehre; ne. honour (N.), dignity

honour -- honour (V.): got. blōtan 3, blōt-an,  red. V. (5): nhd. verehren, opfern; ne. serve, honour (V.), worship (V.); gaswēran* 2, ga-s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verherrlichen, verklären; ne. honour (V.), pay honour to, exalt, glorify; swēran* 13, s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ehren, achten; ne. honour (V.), render honour to, esteem (V.), exalt

honour -- pay honour to: got. gaswēran* 2, ga-s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verherrlichen, verklären; ne. honour (V.), pay honour to, exalt, glorify

honour -- render honour to: got. swēran* 13, s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ehren, achten; ne. honour (V.), render honour to, esteem (V.), exalt

honourable: got. gaguþs* 1, ga-gu-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ehrbar, anständig; ne. godly, pious, saintly, honourable, respected; gariuþs* 5=4, ga-riuþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ehrbar; ne. respectable, dignified, honourable; hrains 19, hrai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. rein, ehrbar; ne. clean (Adj.), cleanly, honourable

honourably: got. garēdaba 1, ga-rē-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. commendably, in an advocatable manner, commendatorily, recommendatorily, honourably

honoured: got. swērs 3, s-wēr-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geehrt, geachtet, gewichtig; ne. honoured, dignified, esteemed

hook -- hook (N.): got. *krampa, *kra-m-p-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Klammer, Haken; ne. clip (N.), hook (N.); *krappa, *kra-p-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Haken; ne. hook (N.); striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

hop -- hop (V.) (1): got. laikan* 3, laik-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. hüpfen, springen; ne. frolic (V.), romp (V.), jump for joy, hop (V.) (1); *trippōn?, *tri-p-p-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. trippeln, hüpfen, springen; ne. toddle (V.), hop (V.) (1), jump (V.)

hope -- hope beforehand: got. faúrawēnjan* 2=1, faúr-a-wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorher hoffen; ne. hope beforehand

hope -- hope for: got. wēnjan* 20=19, wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. warten, hoffen auf, meinen; ne. hope (V.), hope for, look for, await, expect, anticipate

hope -- hope (N.): got. lubains* 1, lub-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Hoffnung; ne. love (N.), loving (N.), hope (N.); wēns 18, wēn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Hoffnung; ne. hope (N.), expectation, hopeful anticipation

hope -- hope (V.): got. wēnjan* 20=19, wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. warten, hoffen auf, meinen; ne. hope (V.), hope for, look for, await, expect, anticipate

hope -- without hope: got. uswēna* 2, us-wēn-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. hoffnungslos; ne. despairing, desponding, without hope, callous, without expectations

hopeful -- hopeful anticipation: got. wēns 18, wēn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Hoffnung; ne. hope (N.), expectation, hopeful anticipation

horn: got. haúrn 2, haúr-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Horn, Frucht des Johannisbrotbaums, Bockshorn; ne. horn, horn-shaped pod of the carob-tree

-- blow a horn: got. haúrnjan* 2, haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hornblasen, das Horn blasen, trompeten; ne. blow a horn, sound a trumpet; þuthaúrnjan* 1, þu-t-haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trompeten; ne. trumpet (V.), blow a horn

-- pointed drinking horn: got. stikls 16, sti-k-l-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Becher, Kelch; ne. pointed drinking horn, cusped beaker, chalice

horn-blower: got. haúrnja* 1, haúr-n-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hornbläser, Hornist; ne. horn-blower, hornist

hornist: got. haúrnja* 1, haúr-n-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hornbläser, Hornist; ne. horn-blower, hornist

horn-shaped -- horn-shaped pod of the carob-tree: got. haúrn 2, haúr-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Horn, Frucht des Johannisbrotbaums, Bockshorn; ne. horn, horn-shaped pod of the carob-tree

horror: got. *gris?, *gri-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Schrecken; ne. terror (N.), horror

horse: got. aíƕs* 1, aíƕ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Pferd, e-Rune; ne. horse, name of e-rune; ? eyz 1,  st. M. (a): nhd. Pferd?, e-Rune; ne. horse?, name of e-rune; *marhs, *marh-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Pferd; ne. horse

-- horse with a blaze: got. *bala 2, *ba-l-a,  sw. M.?(n): nhd. Pferd mit Blesse; ne. horse with a blaze

hosanna: got. ōsanna 3,  Interj.: nhd. hosianna, hilf doch; ne. hosanna

hospitable: got. gastigōþs* 2, gast-i-gōþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gastfrei, gastfreundlich; ne. hospitable, „good to strangers“; *laþaleiks?, *la-þ-a-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. gern; ne. hospitable, charitable

hospitably: got. laþaleikō 1, la-þ-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. gern; ne. invitation-like, hospitably, gladly, charitably

hospitality: got. gastigōdei* 1, gast-i-gōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gastfreundschaft; ne. hospitality

host: got. *draúhts (2), *draú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Heer, Schar (F.) (1), Gefolge, Volk?; ne. army, legion, host; harjis 2, har-ji-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Heer, Menge; ne. army, legion, host, armed host

-- armed host: got. harjis 2, har-ji-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Heer, Menge; ne. army, legion, host, armed host

-- host (M.): got. waírdus 1, waír-d-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Gastfreund, Hauswirt, Wirt; ne. host (M.), provider of lodgings

hostage: got. *geisls, *gei-s-l-s, gisls,  st. M. (a): nhd. Geisel; ne. hostage

hostile: got. andaneiþa* 3, and-a-nei-þ-a*,  sw. M. (n)?, sw. Adj.?: nhd. feindlich; ne. opposed, antagonistic, contrary (Adj.), hostile

-- feel hostile toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

-- feel hostile towards: got. fijan 23, fi-j-an, fian*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen, verabscheuen; ne. hate (V.), be inimical towards, feel hostile towards

hostility: got. fijaþwa* 3, fi-j-aþ-w-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Feindschaft; ne. enmity, hostility

-- angry hostility: got. hatis 11, ha-ti-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hass, Zorn; ne. directed anger, angry hostility, animosity, hate (N.)

-- show hostility towards: got. hatjan* 2, hat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), show hostility towards

hot: got. *heits, *hei-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. heiß; ne. hot, febrile

hour: got. ƕeila (1) 42, ƕeil-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weile, Zeit, Stunde; ne. while (N.), time (N.), time period, interval, hour; mēl (1) 54, mē-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zeit, Stunde; ne. season (2) (N.), point in time, period of time, circumscribed time, hour

-- every hour: got. ƕeilō hwōh, got.: nhd. jede Stunde; ne. every hour

-- for an hour: got. ƕeilōhun 1, ƕeil-ō-hun,  Adv.: nhd. eine Stunde lang; ne. for an hour, for a short while

house: got. gards 94, gar-d-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Haus, Hauswesen, Familie, Hof, Prätorium; ne. house, homestead, household enclosure, court (N.), courtyard, pretorium, household, family

-- house master: got. gardawaldands 2, gar-d-a-wal-d-an-d-s,  M. (nd): nhd. Hausherr; ne. ruler of the household, house master

-- house (N.): got. hrōt* 6,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dach, Haus; ne. roof, housetop, house (N.); *hūs 1, *hū-s,  krim st. N. (a): nhd. Haus; ne. house (N.); lat. domus; razn, ra-z-n, 14,  st. N. (a): nhd. Haus; ne. house (N.)

-- house of God: got. aíkklesjō 42, aík-kle-s-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kirche, Gotteshaus, Gemeinde; ne. church, church building, religious congregation, house of God; gudhūs* 1, gu-d-hūs*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gotteshaus, Tempel; ne. house of God, temple

-- in the house: got. ingardja* (2) 2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. im Haus befindlich; ne. in the house, domiciled within, resident (Adj.)

housebroken: got. *tams, *tam-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zahm; ne. tame (Adj.), domesticated, housebroken

household: got. gards 94, gar-d-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Haus, Hauswesen, Familie, Hof, Prätorium; ne. house, homestead, household enclosure, court (N.), courtyard, pretorium, household, family; *gasalja?, *ga-sal-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgemeinschaft?, Genosse?; ne. household, companion, comrade; *heiwa, *hei-w-a,  Sb.: nhd. Hausstand; ne. household; *heiwiski?, *hei-w-isk-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Familie, Haushalt; ne. family, household

-- from within the household: got. innakunds* 2, in-n-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Haus gehörig, Hausgenosse (subst.); ne. from within the household, of the same household

-- household companion: got. gadauka* 1, ga-dauk-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgenosse; ne. house-mate, household companion

-- household enclosure: got. gards 94, gar-d-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Haus, Hauswesen, Familie, Hof, Prätorium; ne. house, homestead, household enclosure, court (N.), courtyard, pretorium, household, family

-- household head: got. heiwafrauja* 1, hei-w-a-frau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausherr; ne. master of the family, household head

-- household member: got. ingardja* (1) 3=2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgenosse; ne. household member, one of the same household

-- of the same household: got. innakunds* 2, in-n-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Haus gehörig, Hausgenosse (subst.); ne. from within the household, of the same household

-- one of the same household: got. ingardja* (1) 3=2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgenosse; ne. household member, one of the same household

-- ruler of the household: got. gardawaldands 2, gar-d-a-wal-d-an-d-s,  M. (nd): nhd. Hausherr; ne. ruler of the household, house master

house-mate: got. gadauka* 1, ga-dauk-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgenosse; ne. house-mate, household companion

house-steward: got. faúragagga* 1, faúr-a-ga-g-g-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Vorgänger“, Hausverwalter, Verwalter, Vorsteher; ne. „fore-goer“, house-steward, superintendent, manager

housetop: got. hrōt* 6,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dach, Haus; ne. roof, housetop, house (N.)

housing -- tent-like housing: got. hleiþra* 5=4, hlei-þ-r-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zelt, Hütte; ne. tent, tent-like housing, temporary shelter, booth

how: got. biƕē 1, bi-ƕē,  Adv.: nhd. woran; ne. whereby, by means of what, how; ƕaiwa 68, ƕai-wa,  Adv.: nhd. wie, irgendwie; ne. how, how much, somehow; ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much; ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

-- by how much: got. und ƕan filu, got.: nhd. um wieviel; ne. by how much

-- how come: got. ƕa þatei: nhd. warum; ne. why, how come

-- how extensive: got. ƕēlauþs* 2=1, ƕē-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wie groß; ne. of what proportions, how great, what extent of, how extensive

-- how great: got. ƕēlauþs* 2=1, ƕē-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wie groß; ne. of what proportions, how great, what extent of, how extensive

-- how is it possible that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether

-- how long: got. und ƕa, Pron.: nhd. wie lange; ne. until when, how long; und ƕa, got.: nhd. wie lange; ne. how long

-- how much: got. und ƕan filu, got.: nhd. um wieviel; ne. how much; ƕan filu, got.: nhd. wieviel; ne. how much; ƕaiwa 68, ƕai-wa,  Adv.: nhd. wie, irgendwie; ne. how, how much, somehow; ƕaiwa manags, got.: nhd. wieviel; ne. how much; ƕan manags, got.: nhd. wieviel; ne. how much; þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

-- how not even more: got. ƕaiwa nei mais, got.: nhd. wie ... nicht um so mehr; ne. how not even more

-- how now: got. ƕaiwa nū, got.: nhd. wie jetzt; ne. how now

-- how pitiful that not: got. wainei 3, wai-nei,  Interj.: nhd. wenn doch, dass doch; ne. woe (Interj.), that not, how pitiful that not, if only, would that

however: got. ak 278=276,  Konj.: nhd. sondern (Konj.), aber, geh; ne. but, on the contrary, however, but rather; ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much; iþ (1) 626,  Konj.: nhd. aber, und, wenn, nun, also, denn; ne. but, however, in any case, even so, so, if, in the case that; þata wiþrawaírþō: nhd. dagegen, im Gegenteil; ne. however, on the other hand

-- however although: got. aþþan 240, aþ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. aber doch, aber ja, aber nun, denn, also, nun, und; ne. but then, but nonetheless, but, however although, though

-- however much: got. ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much

-- however much ... so much the more: got. ƕan filu ... mais þamma, got.: nhd. je mehr ... desto mehr; ne. however much ... so much the more

howl -- howl (V.): got. *þiuþan, *þiu-þ-an,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen; ne. howl (V.), blare (V.)

h-rune -- name of h-rune: got. hagl* 1, hag-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hagel, h-Rune; ne. hail (N.), name of h-rune

huge: got. *airmans, *airman-s, *airmins,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, gewaltig; ne. enormous, huge

human -- human (Adj.): got. mannisks* 3, man-n-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. menschlich; ne. human (Adj.), of man, anthropic

human -- human being: got. manna (1) 316, man-n-a,  unr. M.: nhd. Mensch, Mann, m-Rune; ne. man (M.), human being, person, name of m-rune

human -- human guise: got. manauli* 1, man-aul-i*, manahuli*?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. guise, human guise, appearance, likeness, shape (N.)

human -- human nature: got. manniskōdus* 1, man-n-isk-ōdu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Menschlichkeit; ne. human nature

human -- human race: got. manasēþs 39, man-a-sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Menschensaat“, Welt, Menschheit; ne. „man-seed“, mankind, the world of humans, human race, human universe, world

human -- human universe: got. manasēþs 39, man-a-sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Menschensaat“, Welt, Menschheit; ne. „man-seed“, mankind, the world of humans, human race, human universe, world

human -- male human being: got. guma 4, gum-a,  st. M. (n): nhd. Mann; ne. male human being, man (M.)

humanity -- all humanity: got. alamans* 1, al-a-man-s*, alamannans*,  Pl. M.: nhd. Gesamtheit der Menschen, alle Menschen; ne. all humanity, totality of man, entirety of mankind

humans -- the world of humans: got. manasēþs 39, man-a-sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Menschensaat“, Welt, Menschheit; ne. „man-seed“, mankind, the world of humans, human race, human universe, world

humble -- humble (Adj.): got. hauns 1, hau-n-s,  Adj. (i?,a): nhd. niedrig, demütig; ne. low (Adj.), lowly, humble (Adj.); hnaiwiþs: nhd. erniedrigt, niedrig, demütig; ne. low (Adj.), lowly, humble (Adj.)

humble -- humble (V.): got. gahaunjan* 2, ga-hau-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, abase, humiliate, humble (V.); hnaiwjan* 3, hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niedrig machen, erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, lower (V.), humble (V.), abase (V.)

humble -- make humble: got. gahnaiwjan* 4, ga-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, make humble, lower (V.), abase

humbleness: got. hauneins* 6, hau-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erniedrigung, Demut; ne. lowliness, humility, humbleness; ? hauniþa* 2=1, hau-n-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Demut?; ne. humility?, humbleness?

humbling: got. hnaiweins* 1, hnai-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erniedrigung, Demut; ne. lowliness, abasement, humbling, humiliation

humiliate: got. gahaunjan* 2, ga-hau-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, abase, humiliate, humble (V.); haunjan 2, hau-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erniedrigen, niedrig machen; ne. make low, abase, humiliate

humiliation: got. hnaiweins* 1, hnai-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erniedrigung, Demut; ne. lowliness, abasement, humbling, humiliation

-- subject to verbal humiliation: got. ganaitjan* 1, ga-nai-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschimpfen, schmähen, lästern; ne. subject to foul language, subject to verbal humiliation, revile, treat shamefully

humility: got. hauneins* 6, hau-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erniedrigung, Demut; ne. lowliness, humility, humbleness; ? hauniþa* 2=1, hau-n-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Demut?; ne. humility?, humbleness?

hundred: got. sada 1, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. hundert; ne. hundred; lat. centum; taíhuntēhund 3, taíhun-tē-hund,  (indekl.) Num. Kard.: nhd. hundert; ne. hundred

-- five hundred: got. fimf hunda, Num. Kard.: nhd. fünfhundert; ne. five hundred; fimfhunda*, fimf-hund-a*,  Num. Kard.: nhd. fünfhundert; ne. five hundred

-- three hundred: got. þrija hunda, got.: nhd. dreihundert; ne. three hundred

-- two hundred: got. twa hunda, got.: nhd. zweihundert; ne. two hundred

hundred-fold: got. taíhuntaíhundfalþs* 1, taíhun-taíhun-d-fal-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hundertfältig; ne. hundred-fold, centuple

hundred-man -- chief of a hundred-man military unit: got. hundafaþs 9, hund-a-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Zenturio, Hundertführer; ne. chief of a hundred-man military unit

hunger -- hunger (N.): got. grēdus* 1, grē-du-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Hunger; ne. hungriness, hunger (N.); hūhrus 4, hūh-ru-s, hunhrus*, huggrus*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Hunger, Hungersnot; ne. hunger (N.), famine

hunger -- hunger (V.): got. grēdōn* 1, grē-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. hungern; ne. be hungry, hunger (V.)

hunger -- make to hunger: got. huggrjan* 2, hugg-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hungern; ne. make to hunger

hungriness: got. grēdus* 1, grē-du-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Hunger; ne. hungriness, hunger (N.)

hungry: got. grēdags 11, grē-d-ag-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hungrig; ne. hungry

-- be hungry: got. grēdōn* 1, grē-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. hungern; ne. be hungry, hunger (V.)

hunter: got. waiþja 1, wai-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Jäger; ne. hunter, huntsman

huntsman: got. waiþja 1, wai-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Jäger; ne. hunter, huntsman

hurl -- hurl into the location of: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

hurried: got. *funs?, *fun-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bereit, eilig, tapfer; ne. ready, hasty, hurried, brave

hurriedly: got. sniumundō 3, sniu-m-und-ō,  Adv.: nhd. eilends, eilig; ne. speedily, hurriedly, quickly, with haste

hurry -- hurry ahead of time: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

hurry -- hurry to: got. duatsniwan* 1, du-at-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste, hurry to

hurry -- hurry (V.): got. sniumjan* 5, sniu-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. eilen; ne. hurry (V.), hasten, rush (V.)

hurtful -- be hurtful to: got. usagljan* 1, us-ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, bedrängen, belästigen, beschimpfen; ne. inflict injury upon, cause harm to, be hurtful to, bother (V.)

husband: got. aba 27, ab-a,  sw. unr. M. (n): nhd. Ehemann, Gatte; ne. husband, man (M.)

husbandman: got. aúrtja* 4, aúrt-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Landmann, Winzer; ne. vineyard caretaker, tenant farmer, vintner, husbandman

hut: got. *bawiþa?, *baw-iþ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hütte, Bau; ne. hut, building

hymn -- hymn (N.): got. *liuþ?, *liu-þ?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lied; ne. hymn (N.), song of praise

hymn -- sing a hymn of praise to s.o.: got. liuþōn* 1, liu-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. lobsingen, singen; ne. sing a hymn of praise to s.o.

hypocrisy: got. hindarweisei* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hinterlist; ne. deceitfulness, guile, deceit, fraudulence, insincerity, feignedness, hypocrisy, treachery; lita* 1, lit-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verstellung, Heuchelei; ne. hypocrisy, feigning (N.), fakery, simulation, dissimulation, insincerity; liutei 5, liut-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Heuchelei, Betrug, Würfelspiel, Trugspiel; ne. deceit, deception, imposture, hypocrisy, treachery

hypocrite: got. liuta* 5, liut-a*,  sw. M. (n), subst. sw. Adj.: nhd. Heuchler; ne. deceiver, impostor, hypocrite

hypocritical: got. hindarweis* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hinterlistig, verstellt; ne. hypocritical, pretending, insincere, feigning, deceitful, treacherous

-- be hypocritical together with: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

hyssop: got. hwssōpō* 1, hwssōpōn*,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromatic leaves; ƕssōpō, ƕssōpōn,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromativ leaves

ƕ-rune -- name of ƕ-rune: got. ƕair* 1,  st. M. (a): nhd. Kessel, ƕ-Rune; ne. caldron, name of ƕ-rune

i: got. i 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. i, Abkürzung für 10; ne. i, abbreviation for 10

I: got. ik 872=870, ich,  ich, krim Pers.-Pron.: nhd. ich; ne. I; lat. ego

-- I that: got. ikei 3, ik-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der ich, ich welcher; ne. I who, I that

-- I who: got. ikei 3, ik-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der ich, ich welcher; ne. I who, I that

ice -- ice (N.): got. *eis 1, *ei-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eis, i-Rune; ne. ice (N.), name of i-rune; iiz 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eis, i-Rune; ne. ice (N.), name of i-rune

identical: got. samaleiks* 2, sam-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich, übereinstimmend, gleichlautend; ne. identical, of the same form, equal, like (1)

identically-minded: got. samafraþjis* 1, sam-a-fraþ-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gleichgesinnt; ne. identically-minded, of the same mind

identity: got. *leikei?, *leik-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gleichheit; ne. equality, identity

idle: got. ungatass* 1, un-ga-ta-s-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeordnet, zügellos; ne. disordered, disorderly, disarranged, idle, undisciplined

idleness -- in idleness: got. ungatassaba 2, un-ga-ta-s-s-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. unordentlich, ungeregelt; ne. unruly, irregularly, in disarray, in idleness

idly -- talking idly: got. lausawaúrds* 2=1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leeres Geschwätz vollführend, hohler Schwätzer (= lausawaurds, subst.); ne. speaking empty words, talking idly, empty talker

idol: got. galiugaguþ* 7=6, ga-liug-a-gu-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Lügengott“, Götze, falscher Gott; ne. false god, idol

-- meat offered to an idol: got. þatei galiugam saljada, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol; galiugagudam gasaliþ, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol; þatei galiugam saljada, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol

idolator: got. galiugam skalkinōnds, got.: nhd. Götzendiener; ne. idolator; galiugam skalkinōnds, got.: nhd. Götzendiener; ne. idolator

idolatry: got. galiugagudē skalkinassus, got.: nhd. Götzendienst; ne. idolatry; skalkinassus 5, s-kal-k-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Knechtschaft, Dienst, Dienstbarkeit, Gottesdienst; ne. service, servitude, slavery, worship (N.), idolatry; galiugagudē skalkinassus, got.: nhd. Götzendienst; ne. idolatry

idol’s -- idol’s temple: got. galiugē staþs, got.: nhd. Götzentempel; ne. idol’s temple; galiugē staþs, got.: nhd. Götzentempel; ne. idol’s temple

if: got. -ba (1) 1,  Konj., Partikel: nhd. wenn; ne. if, even if; *-bai (2), *-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. wenn; ne. if, even if, even though; iþ (1) 626,  Konj.: nhd. aber, und, wenn, nun, also, denn; ne. but, however, in any case, even so, so, if, in the case that; jabai 285=283, ja-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. ob, wenn, wenn nur; ne. whether, if; jaþþē 45, jaþ-þē,  Konj.: nhd. und wenn, sei es dass, gleichviel ob, entweder ... oder (= jaþþe ... jaþþe); ne. if, and if, whether ... or (= jaþþe ... jaþþe), and if ... or if (= jaþþe ... jaþþe); þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; -u 32, -uh,  Partikel: nhd. ob, oder; ne. whether, if

-- and if: got. jaþþē 45, jaþ-þē,  Konj.: nhd. und wenn, sei es dass, gleichviel ob, entweder ... oder (= jaþþe ... jaþþe); ne. if, and if, whether ... or (= jaþþe ... jaþþe), and if ... or if (= jaþþe ... jaþþe)

-- as if: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- even if: got. -ba (1) 1,  Konj., Partikel: nhd. wenn; ne. if, even if; *-bai (2), *-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. wenn; ne. if, even if, even though; þauhjabai 3, þau-h-ja-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. wenn auch; ne. even though, even if, although

-- if indeed: got. jabai swēþauh, got.: nhd. wenn je; ne. if indeed

-- if not: got. nibai 58, n-i-ba-i, niba,  Interrog.-Pron., Konj.: nhd. doch nicht etwa, wenn nicht, es sei denn dass, ausgenommen; ne. not possibly, unless, except (Konj.), if not, but not in the case

-- if only: got. þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; wainei 3, wai-nei,  Interj.: nhd. wenn doch, dass doch; ne. woe (Interj.), that not, how pitiful that not, if only, would that

-- if therefore: got. jabai nū, got.: nhd. wenn deshalb; ne. if therefore

-- whether if: got. jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

ignite: got. inbrannjan* 1, in-bran-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. „anbrennen“, in Brand stecken; ne. set afire, ignite, set on fire; tandjan* 2, tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anzünden, brennen machen; ne. kindle (V.), ignite, make burn, light a lamp

ignoble: got. unswērs 3, un-s-wēr-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. nicht geachtet, verachtet; ne. unhonoured, dishonoured, ignoble, undignified, despised

ignominy: got. idweit* 2, id-wei-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schmach, Schimpf; ne. ignominy, reproach (N.), disgrace (N.)

ignorance: got. unkunþi* 1, un-kun-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unkunde; ne. ignorance, lack of knowledge; unwiti 3, un-wi-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unwissenheit, Unverstand; ne. ignorance, unknowingness, unintelligence, senselessness, foolishness

ignorant: got. unfrōþs* 5, un-frōþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unverständig; ne. unintelligent, nonsensical, ignorant; unkunnands 5, un-kun-n-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht kennend, unwissend; ne. unknowing, ignorant; untals* 3, un-tal-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unfügsam, unbotmäßig, ungehorsam, ungebildet, töricht; ne. uneducated, untrained, undisciplined, ineducable, ignorant; unweis 5, un-wei-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungebildet, unwissend; ne. uninformed, ignorant; unwitands 2, un-wi-t-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs. (1): nhd. unwissend; ne. unknowing (Adj.), ignorant

-- ignorant person: got. unwita 6, un-wi-t-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Unwissender, Unverständiger, Törichter; ne. ignorant person, unknowing person, nonsensical person, fool (M.)

ill -- ill (Adj.): got. ubils 56, ub-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. übel, böse, schlecht; ne. evil (Adj.), bad, wrongful, corrupt (Adj.), ill (Adj.)

ill -- ill (Adv.): got. ubilaba 2, ub-il-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. übel, böse; ne. evilly, badly, wrongly, ill (Adv.)

ill -- ill feeling: got. ubil habands: nhd. der sich übel Befindende, der Kranke; ne. ill feeling, sick

ill -- speak ill of: got. fraqiþan* 7, fra-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. für ungültig erklären, aufheben, verfluchen, verwünschen; ne. speak ill of, deprecate, condemn, curse s.o.; ubilwaúrdjan 1, ub-il-waúr-d-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. übel sprechen, schmähen; ne. speak ill of, speak evil of

ill -- speaking ill of: got. *wajamēreis?, *waj-a-mē-r-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. übelberüchtigt, übel berufen; ne. defaming (Adj.), speaking abusively, speaking ill of

illicit -- illicit extra-marital sexual intercourse: got. hōrinassus 7, hō-r-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ehebruch, Hurerei; ne. adultery, fornication, illicit extra-marital sexual intercourse

illicit -- illicit sexual intercourse: got. kalkinassus 4, kalk-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Hurerei, Unzucht; ne. illicit sexual intercourse, fornication, adultery

illness: got. saúhts* 11, saúh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Krankheit, Sucht; ne. sickness, ailment, disease, illness; wundufni* 1, wu-n-d-ufn-i*,  st. F. (iō): nhd. Wunde, Geißel, Plage; ne. wound (N.), plague, illness

illtempered: got. mōdags 2, mō-d-ag-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zornig; ne. angry, wroth, illtempered

illuminate: got. inliuhtjan 3=2, in-liuh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erleuchten; ne. enlighten, illuminate, make known

illumination: got. gabaírhteins* 1, ga-baír-h-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erscheinung; ne. illumination, manifestation, epiphany; liuhadei* 2, liuh-ad-ei*, liuhadein,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Erleuchtung, Licht; ne. luminosity, luminescence, illumination, lighting up; liuhadeins (1) 1, liuh-ad-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō)?: nhd. Helle, Glanz; ne. luminosity, illumination

illumine: got. galiuhtjan* 2, ga-liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erleuchten, ans Licht bringen; ne. give light to, light up, bring to light, illumine, make known

image: got. manleika 4, man-leik-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Bild; ne. picture (N.), image, likeness

-- become depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- be depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- depict with a visual image: got. *frisahtjan?, *frisah-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.); gafrisahtjan* 1, ga-frisah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.)

-- moulded image: got. gadigis 1, ga-dig-is,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gebilde; ne. moulded image, that which is moulded, moulded figure

-- visual image: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

imbibe: got. drigkan 43, dri-g-k-an,  st. V. (3, 1): nhd. trinken; ne. drink (V.), imbibe

imitate: got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to

-- jointly imitate: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

imitator: got. galeikōnds, got.: nhd. Nachahmer; ne. imitator

immediately: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon; sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

-- immediately when: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

immensity: got. mikilei* 4, mik-il-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Größe; ne. majesty, immensity, greatness

immerse: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized

-- immerse (tr.): got. saggqjan* 1, saggq-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. senken; ne. cause to sink, immerse (tr.), plunge (V.) (tr.)

immersion: got. daupeins 19, daup-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Abwaschung, Taufe, Waschung; ne. immersion, washing (N.), cleansing immersion, baptism

-- cleansing immersion: got. daupeins 19, daup-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Abwaschung, Taufe, Waschung; ne. immersion, washing (N.), cleansing immersion, baptism

imminent -- be imminent: got. atwisan* 3, at-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. da sein (V.), zur Hand liegen; ne. be at hand, be imminent, be present; instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

immolate: got. hunsljan* 1, hun-sl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. sacrifice (V.), immolate

immolation: got. hunsl* 7, hun-sl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Opfer; ne. sacrifice (N.), immolation

immortal: got. *undiwans?, *un-diw-an-s?,  Adj.: nhd. unsterblich; ne. immortal

-- immortal (Adj.): got. unriureis* 3, un-riur-ei-s*, unriurs*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. unvergänglich; ne. imperishable, incorruptible, immortal (Adj.), eternal

immortality: got. undiwanei* 3, un-diw-an-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unsterblichkeit; ne. immortality

immovability: got. tulgiþa 3, tul-g-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Festigkeit, Sicherheit, Fundament, Grundfeste, Befestigung; ne. firmness, stability, steadiness, steadfastness, immovability, fixity, certainty

immovable: got. tulgus 2, tul-g-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. fest, beständig, standhaft; ne. firm (Adj.) (1), fixed, steadfast (Adj.), immovable, steady (Adj.); ungawagiþs* 1, un-ga-wag-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbewegt, unbeweglich; ne. unmoved, unshaken, immovable

impart: got. dailjan 3, da-i-l-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. teilen, einem zuteilen, mitteilen; ne. share (V.), divide, impart, deal out, distribute

-- impart strength to: got. inswinþjan 7=6, in-swinþ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. stärken; ne. strengthen, make strong, impart strength to

-- impart through argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

impeachable: got. *faírina (2), *faír-in-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadelig, unrecht; ne. reprehensible, blamable, impeachable

impeached: got. *gafairinōþs, *ga-fair-in-ō-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. tadelig, schuldig; ne. impeached, assailed

impeccability: got. swikniþa* 2, swikn-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Reinigung, Reinheit, Keuschheit; ne. purifiedness, purity, guiltlessness, impeccability, chastity

impede: got. analatjan* 2, an-a-la-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verhindern, hindern, aufhalten, abhalten; ne. detain, impede, hinder; marzjan* 5, mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ärgern, zum Ärgernis sein (V.); ne. make stumble, make falter, hamper (V.), impede, offend

impediment: got. gamarzeins* 3, ga-mar-z-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. hinderance, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, offense (N.), cause for anger; marzeins 1, mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. thwarting (N.), obstacle, impediment, hinderance, obstruction, frustration, offense

impending -- be impending: got. instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

imperiled: got. bireikeis* 2, bi-reik-ei-s*, birēkeis*, Pl. bireikjai,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gefährdet; ne. imperiled, in danger, endangered

imperishable: got. unriureis* 3, un-riur-ei-s*, unriurs*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. unvergänglich; ne. imperishable, incorruptible, immortal (Adj.), eternal

imperishableness: got. unriurei* 4, un-riur-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unvergänglichkeit; ne. imperishableness, incorruption

impiety: got. afgudei* 2, af-gu-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottlosigkeit; ne. ungodliness, irreligiosity, impiety

impinge: got. bistigqan* 5, bi-sti-g-q-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. anstoßen, anprellen; ne. impinge, collide, stumble (V.), strike against

impious: got. afguþs* 2, af-gu-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. abgöttisch, gottlos; ne. godless, irreligious, impious; unsibjis* 4=3, un-si-b-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. ungesetzlich, gottlos; ne. outlaw, outlawed, excommunicated, unlawful, impious

implacable: got. unhunslags* 1, un-hun-sl-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohne Opfer, unversöhnlich; ne. irreconcilable, implacable

implement -- combat implement: got. wēpn* 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Waffe; ne. weapon (N.), combat implement

implement -- lighting implement: got. skeima* 1, skei-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Leuchte; ne. lantern, lighting implement, torch

implore: got. *usblōtan?, *us-blōt-an?,  red. V. (6): nhd. bitten; ne. pray, adjure, implore, supplicate worshipfully

imploring -- imploring (N.): got. usblōteins* 2=1, us-blōt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bitte, Flehen, Gebet; ne. prayer (N.), supplication, adjuration, imploring (N.), requesting (N.)

import -- import tax: got. mōta 4, mōt-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Maut“, Zoll (M.) (2), Zollhaus; ne. admission tax, import tax, customs duties

importance: got. wulþrs* (2) 2=1, wul-þ-r-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wert; ne. significance, importance, meaning, meaningfulness

important: got. wulþrs* (1) 1, wul-þ-r-s*, wulþreis,  Adj. (a) (ia): nhd. wertvoll; ne. meaningful, significant, important, value (Adj.)

impose: got. *bilagjan?, *bi-lag-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auferlegen; ne. lay down, impose; gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish

-- impose through argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

impossible: got. unmahteigs 13, un-mah-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohnmächtig, schwach, unmöglich; ne. powerless, infirm (Adj.), incapable, impossible, weak

impost -- impost (N.): got. gilstr* 1, gil-str*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Steuer (F.), Abgabe; ne. impost (N.), tax (N.)

impostor: got. liuta* 5, liut-a*,  sw. M. (n), subst. sw. Adj.: nhd. Heuchler; ne. deceiver, impostor, hypocrite

imposture: got. liutei 5, liut-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Heuchelei, Betrug, Würfelspiel, Trugspiel; ne. deceit, deception, imposture, hypocrisy, treachery

impoverished: got. ushaista 1, us-haist-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Mangel leidend, bedürftig; ne. impoverished, depleted by demands, exhausted by claims, needy

imprecate -- imprecate evil upon: got. unþiuþjan* 1, un-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fluchen; ne. curse (V.), imprecate evil upon, confer a malediction upon

impressing -- impressing as great: got. mikilþūhts* 1, mikil-þūh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. great-seeming, supposed great, impressing as great, arrogant, proud

impressing -- impressing as high: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

impression -- have the impression: got. þugkjan* 23, þugk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, meinen, gelten, erscheinen, dünken; ne. have the impression, suppose, opine (V.), deem (V.), it seems (=þugkeiþ), believe, appear

improve: got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.); gabōtjan* 1, ga-bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbessern, herstellen; ne. make good, improve, make better, repair (V.), restore; *iusilōn?, *ius-il-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bessern, erleichtern; ne. improve, better (V.), ameliorate

improvement: got. iusila 2, ius-il-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erholung, Besserung; ne. improvement, amelioration, betterment, ease (N.)

imprudent: got. unfaurs* 1, un-faur-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. geschwätzig; ne. indiscreet, imprudent, gossipy

impure: got. unaírkns* 3, un-aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unheilig, gottlos; ne. impure, ungenuine, distorted, adulterated, corrupted, unholy; unhrains 23, un-hrai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unrein, ungebildet; ne. unclean, ungrammatical, impure, unrefined, unpolished, unskilled

impurity: got. unhrainiþa 5, un-hrai-n-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Unreinheit; ne. impurity, uncleanness

impute -- impute a culpable act to: got. faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce

in: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; du 955,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. zu, nach - hin, für, in; ne. to, unto, towards, in, at; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; inn 9, in-n,  Adv., Präf.: nhd. hinein; ne. in, into, within

inaccessible: got. unatgāhts* 1, un-at-gā-h-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unzugänglich; ne. inaccessible, unapproachable

inappetence: got. unlustus* 1, un-lus-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Unlust; ne. listlessness, inappetence, apathy

inappropriately -- inappropriately brash: got. untilamalsks* 1, un-til-a-malsk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. voreilig, unbesonnen; ne. unfittingly precipitate, unsuitably foolhardy, inappropriately brash, reckless

inauguration: got. inniujiþa 1, in-niu-j-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erneuerung, Fest der Tempelweihe, Kirchweihe; ne. inauguration, initiation, dedication, feast of the „Dedication“

incapable: got. unmahteigs 13, un-mah-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohnmächtig, schwach, unmöglich; ne. powerless, infirm (Adj.), incapable, impossible, weak

incapacity: got. unmahts* 3, un-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ohnmacht, Schwäche, Krankheit; ne. incapacity, sickness, infirmity, weakness, strengthlessness

incense -- incense (N.): got. þwmiama* 2, þwmiam-a*,  st. M. (a)?, sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Rauchopfer, Räucherwerk; ne. incense (N.), incense-burning, incense offering

incense -- incense offering: got. þwmiama* 2, þwmiam-a*,  st. M. (a)?, sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Rauchopfer, Räucherwerk; ne. incense (N.), incense-burning, incense offering

incense -- incense (V.): got. briggan in þwairhein: nhd. erzürnen; ne. anger (V.), incense (V.); *grimman?, *grim-m-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergrimmen, zürnen; ne. become furious, incense (V.)

incense-burning: got. þwmiama* 2, þwmiam-a*,  st. M. (a)?, sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Rauchopfer, Räucherwerk; ne. incense (N.), incense-burning, incense offering

inception: got. *frum?, *fru-m?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anfang; ne. beginning (N.), start (N.), inception

incidentally: got. þata anþar, got.: nhd. übrigens; ne. incidentally; ÜG. gr. τὸ λοιπόν; þata anþar, got.: nhd. übrigens; ne. incidentally

incinerate: got. intandjan* 1, in-tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „anzünden“, verbrennen, in Brand setzen; ne. incinerate, burn up, consume by fire

incise: got. *wreitan, *wre-i-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. ritzen, reißen; ne. incise, score (V.), carve in, engrave, inscribe, write

incite: got. gaƕatjan* 1, ga-ƕat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet, sharpen, make keen for, incite, mislead, entice

-- incite to anger: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

inclination -- partisan inclination: got. wiljahalþei 3, wi-l-j-a-hal-þ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Parteilichkeit, Zuneigung, Gunst; ne. partisan inclination, partisan bias, partiality

incline -- incline (N.): got. *halþei, *hal-þ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Neigung; ne. incline (N.)

inclined -- inclined (Adj.): got. *halþs, *hal-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geneigt; ne. leaning (Adj.), leaning toward, inclined (Adj.), inclined toward, tending toward

inclined -- inclined toward: got. *halþs, *hal-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geneigt; ne. leaning (Adj.), leaning toward, inclined (Adj.), inclined toward, tending toward

include -- include in acceptance: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

inclusively -- all inclusively: got. alakjō 5, al-a-k-jō,  Adv.: nhd. insgesamt, gesamt, zusammen; ne. all, all inclusively, to a man, all together

incompleteness: got. daila* (1) 4, da-i-l-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Teilnahme, Gemeinschaft, Mine (= Münze), Pfund; ne. partaking (N.), participation, community, partnership, incompleteness, fragmentariness, piece of money, pound

incontestable: got. unandsōks* 1, un-and-sōk-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unbestreitbar, unwiderleglich; ne. indisputable, incontestable

incontinence: got. ungahōbains* 1, un-ga-hōb-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Unmäßigkeit, Unenthaltsamkeit; ne. incontinence, lack of self-control

incontinent: got. ungahabands* sik 1, un-ga-hab-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. zügellos, unbeherrscht, unenthaltsam; ne. incontinent, lacking self-control

incontrovertibly: got. unsahtaba 1, un-sah-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. unbestritten, unbestreitbar; ne. indisputably, incontrovertibly

incorruptible: got. unriureis* 3, un-riur-ei-s*, unriurs*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. unvergänglich; ne. imperishable, incorruptible, immortal (Adj.), eternal

incorruption: got. unriurei* 4, un-riur-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unvergänglichkeit; ne. imperishableness, incorruption

increase -- increase in development: got. wahsjan 13, wahs-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1); ne. grow, wax (V.) (1), increase in development

increase -- increase in physical proportions: got. liudan* 1, liud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1); ne. grow, increase in physical proportions

increase -- increase o.s.: got. *kundjan?, *kun-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich vermehren; ne. increase o.s.

increase -- increase (V.): got. aukan* 1, auk-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. sich mehren, sich vermehren; ne. become greater, increase (V.); biauknan 2, bi-auk-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich vermehren, zunehmen; ne. increase (V.), abound, grow in abundance; gaaukan* 1, ga-auk-an*,  red. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. sich vermehren, zunehmen; ne. increase (V.), wax (V.), abound; managjan* 2, man-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mehren, vermehren; ne. multiply, increase (V.), make abundant; usmanagnan* 1, us-man-ag-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich vermehren, sich reichlich zeigen; ne. increase (V.)

increased -- become increased: got. auknan* 1, auk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich mehren, dargebracht werden; ne. become increased, grow larger

increment -- additional increment: got. wōkrs* 1, wōk-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ertrag, Frucht, Zins; ne. interest on investment, additional increment

incriminate: got. faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce

-- incriminate slanderously: got. frawrōhjan* 1, fra-wrō-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verklagen, verdächtigen, verleumden, anzeigen; ne. accuse maliciously, accuse calumniously, incriminate slanderously, suspect (V.)

incriminating: got. fairinōnds, Part. Präs.: nhd. anschuldigend, verleumderisch; ne. accusing, incriminating

-- incriminating disclosure: got. usqiss* 1, us-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschuldigung, Anklage, Nachrede; ne. exposing announcement, incriminating disclosure, public crimination, accusation

inculpability: got. swiknei 3, swikn-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reinheit, Keuschheit, Unschuld; ne. pureness, integrity, purity, chastity, inculpability

incurvature: got. *ƕilftri, *ƕilf-tr-i,  st. F. (jō/i), sw. F. (n): nhd. Wölbung; ne. incurvature, arching, vault (N.)

indebted -- be indebted: got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.)

indebted -- indebted person: got. skula 15, skul-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schuldner, Schuldiger; ne. obligated person, debtor, indebted person, guilty person

indeed: got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly; aúftō 21=20, aúft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. allerdings, wohl, vielleicht, etwa; ne. in all probability, indeed, perhaps, certainly, be sure, no doubt; jah 3915,  Konj.: nhd. und, und zwar, auch, aber, denn; ne. indeed, even (Konj.), also, but, and; raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure; swēþauh 36=34, swē-þauh,  Partikel: nhd. doch zwar, wenigstens; ne. indeed, admittedly, but; uftō 1, uft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. vielleicht; ne. very possibly, quite likely, indeed

-- consequently now indeed: got. þannu nu jai, got.: nhd. jawohl; ne. consequently now indeed

-- if indeed: got. jabai swēþauh, got.: nhd. wenn je; ne. if indeed

-- indeed not: got. nei 2,  Negationspartikel: nhd. nicht; ne. not, indeed not, unquestionably not

-- it is indeed possible that: got. ibai auftō, got.: nhd. es möchte; ne. it is indeed possible that

indicate: got. bandwjan* 11, ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Zeichen geben, Wink geben, andeuten, bezeichnen; ne. mark (V.), designate, indicate, make a sign, signify; gabandwjan* 2, ga-ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. durch Winke andeuten, ein Zeichen geben, andeuten; ne. make signs, signify, indicate; gataiknjan* 1, ga-tai-k-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ein Zeichen geben, belehren, zeigen; ne. indicate, show (V.), give directions, teach; *tarhjan?, *tarh-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kennzeichnen; ne. mark (V.), indicate

indication: got. taikns 21, tai-k-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zeichen, Wunder; ne. sign (N.), indication, miracle, token (N.)

indict: got. wrōhjan 6, wrō-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anklagen, beschuldigen; ne. indict, accuse

indigence: got. unlēdi 2, un-lē-d-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Armut; ne. indigence, poverty

indignant -- be indignant: got. inraúhtjan* 2, in-raúh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnt werden, zürnen, unwillig sein (V.); ne. growl interiously, groan (V.), utter gruff sounds to o.s., be indignant

indiscreet: got. unfaurs* 1, un-faur-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. geschwätzig; ne. indiscreet, imprudent, gossipy

indisputable: got. unandsōks* 1, un-and-sōk-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unbestreitbar, unwiderleglich; ne. indisputable, incontestable

indisputably: got. unsahtaba 1, un-sah-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. unbestritten, unbestreitbar; ne. indisputably, incontrovertibly

individually: got. sundrō 10, sun-dr-ō,  Adv.: nhd. abgesondert, besonders, allein, beiseite; ne. asunder (Adv.), apart, separately, alone, individually, privately

indoctrinate -- indoctrinate fully: got. fullaweisjan* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überreden, überzeugen; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, make fully informed; gafullaweisjan* 1, ga-ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beglaubigen?, vollenden?; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, teach fully, make fully informed

indolent: got. lats* 3, la-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lässig, träge, faul; ne. sluggish (Adj.), slack (Adj.), lax (Adj.), lazy, indolent

-- indolent woman: got. unwaúrstwō* 2, un-waúr-st-w-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Untätige, Müßige; ne. non-working woman, unoccupied woman, indolent woman

indulgence: got. aflēt* 3, af-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Vergebung; ne. indulgence, letting off, forgiveness, pardon (N.)

ineducable: got. untals* 3, un-tal-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unfügsam, unbotmäßig, ungehorsam, ungebildet, töricht; ne. uneducated, untrained, undisciplined, ineducable, ignorant

inexpressible: got. unusspillōþs* 2, un-us-spil-l-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. nicht auszuerzählen, unerforschlich; ne. inexpressible, unexplainable, unfathomable

inextinguishable: got. unƕapnands* 3, un-ƕap-n-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unauslöschlich; ne. quenchless, undying, not becoming extinguished, unquenchable, inextinguishable

infamy: got. unswērei* 1, un-s-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unehre; ne. dishonour (N.), infamy, disrepute (N.)

infected -- infected swelling: got. kusma* 1, kusm-a*, kozma, chozma,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Kehle?, k-Rune, Geschwür?; ne. boil (N.), tumefaction, infected swelling, name of k-rune

infeigned: got. unliuts* 2, un-liut-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeheuchelt, ohne Falsch; ne. undeceitful, infeigned, sincere, unhypocritical

inferior -- be inferior to: got. minnizō gataujan: nhd. nachstehen; ne. be inferior to, be less than; mins haban: nhd. weniger haben, nachstehen; ne. be inferior to

infertile: got. *galþeis, *gal-þ-ei-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. unfruchtbar; ne. infertile

-- infertile ground: got. *gald?, *gal-d?,  st. Sb.: nhd. unfruchtbarer Boden; ne. infertile ground

infirm: got. siuks 21, siuk-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. krank, schwach, siech; ne. weak, feeble, sick (Adj.) (1), infirm

-- be infirm: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

-- infirm (Adj.): got. unmahteigs 13, un-mah-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohnmächtig, schwach, unmöglich; ne. powerless, infirm (Adj.), incapable, impossible, weak

infirmity: got. siukei 7=6, siuk-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Krankheit, Seuche, Siechtum; ne. feebleness, infirmity, sickness, ailment; unhaili* 2, un-hai-l-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schwäche, Krankheit; ne. unhealthiness, infirmity, disability, sickness, weakness; unmahts* 3, un-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ohnmacht, Schwäche, Krankheit; ne. incapacity, sickness, infirmity, weakness, strengthlessness

inflict -- inflict injury: got. gasleiþjan* 4, ga-slei-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschädigen, schädigen, schaden; ne. inflict injury, harm (V.), cause detriment, damage (V.); *sleiþjan?, *slei-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schädigen; ne. inflict injury, harm (V.), cause detriment

inflict -- inflict injury upon: got. usagljan* 1, us-ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, bedrängen, belästigen, beschimpfen; ne. inflict injury upon, cause harm to, be hurtful to, bother (V.)

inflict -- inflict persecution on: got. wrakjan* 1, wra-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verfolgen; ne. persecute, inflict persecution on; wrikan* 9, wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verfolgen; ne. persecute, inflict persecution on, wreak punishment on

inflict -- inflict upon: got. analagjan* 2, an-a-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „einlegen“, auflegen, beibringen; ne. put on, lay upon, inflict upon

infliction: got. slahs* 7, slah-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Schlag, Plage, Ohrfeige (= slahs lōfin); ne. blow (N.), stroke (N.), affliction, infliction, slap (N.) (= slahs lōfin)

inform -- inform of: got. kannjan 9, kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kund tun, bekanntmachen, empfehlen, verkünden; ne. make known, apprise of, inform of

informed: got. *-weis (1), *-wei-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. weise, klug; ne. wise (Adj.), informed, educated; *wīs?, *wī-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. weise, klug, erfahren (Adj.), verständig; ne. wise (Adj.), educated, informed

-- fully informed: got. fullaweis* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vollkommen; ne. mature (Adj.), thoroughly instructed, fully educated, fully informed, fully wise

-- make fully informed: got. fullaweisjan* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überreden, überzeugen; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, make fully informed; gafullaweisjan* 1, ga-ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beglaubigen?, vollenden?; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, teach fully, make fully informed

ingraft: got. intrusgjan 6, in-tru-sg-jan,  unr. V. (3,2): nhd. einpfropfen; ne. graft in, ingraft

ingratiate: got. launawargs* 1, lau-n-a-war-g-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. undankbar; ne. ingratiate, unthankful

ingress -- ingress (N.): got. innatgāhts* 1, in-n-at-gā-h-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Eingang, Eintritt; ne. entrance, going into, ingress (N.)

inhabit: got. báuan 14, báu-an,  unr. V.: nhd. wohnen, bewohnen; ne. dwell, inhabit, live

inhabitant -- inhabitant of a region: got. gauja* 2, gau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gaubewohner; ne. inhabitant of a region, people of a country

inhabitant -- inhabitant of Cyrene: got. Kwreinaius* 1, Kwreinaiu-s*,  Adj., subst. M. (u): nhd. kyrenisch, Einwohner von Kyrene; ne. cyrenish, inhabitant of Cyrene

inhabitants -- inhabitants of Finnahaithi: got. *Finnhaiþas, *Finn-haiþ-a-s, *Finnhaiþae,  M. Pl.: nhd. Bewohner von Finnahaithi; ne. inhabitants of Finnahaithi

inhabitants -- inhabitants of the wood: got. *Taírwiggōs?, *Taírw-igg-ō-s?,  st. M. Pl.: nhd. Waldbewohner; ne. woodlanders, inhabitants of the wood; Tērvingi*, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. „Waldbewohner“ (Pl.), Westgoten; ne. woodlanders, inhabitants of the wood, Visigoths

inherent -- inherent nature: got. wists* 9, wi-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wesen, Natur; ne. essence, inherent nature, being (N.)

inherit: got. arbja wairþan, got.: nhd. erben; ne. inherit

inheritance: got. arbi 8, arb-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erbe (N.), Erbschaft; ne. inheritance, heritage; hlauts 4, hlau-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Los, Anteil, Erbschaft; ne. lot (N.), allotment, alloted portion, inheritance

-- ancestral inheritance: got. ōþal* 2,  st. N. (a): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, o-Rune; ne. ancestral homeland, ancestral inheritance, patrimony, name of o-rune

inherited -- inherited land property: got. haimōþli* 2, hai-m-ōþl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Grundbesitz, Familiengut; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead; *ōþli, *ōþl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, Heimat; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead

inheritor: got. arbinumja 3, arbi-num-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Erbnehmer“, Erbe (M.); ne. heir, inheritor; arbja 7, arb-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Erbe (M.); ne. heir, inheritor

inheritress: got. arbjō 1, arb-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Erbin; ne. heiress, inheritress

inhibition: got. *aiza, *aiz-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Scheu, Achtung, Ehre; ne. honour (N.), inhibition, respect (N.)

inimical -- be inimical towards: got. fijan 23, fi-j-an, fian*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen, verabscheuen; ne. hate (V.), be inimical towards, feel hostile towards

iniquity: got. ungaraíhtei* 1, un-ga-raíh-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gesetzlosigkeit, Ungerechtigkeit; ne. unrighteousness, iniquity, injustice, lawlessness

initiation: got. inniujiþa 1, in-niu-j-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erneuerung, Fest der Tempelweihe, Kirchweihe; ne. inauguration, initiation, dedication, feast of the „Dedication“

injure: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat; gaskaþjan* 5, ga-skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaden, Schaden zufügen, Unrecht tun; ne. treat unjustly, do wrong to, harm (V.), injure, damage (V.)

-- injure the health: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

-- injure (V.): got. skaþjan* 1, skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. schaden; ne. do wrong, wrong (V.), do evil, harm (V.), injure (V.)

injured: got. wunds* 1, wu-n-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wund; ne. wounded, injured

injurious: got. skaþuls* 2, skaþ-ul-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. schädlich; ne. wrongdoing (Adj.), unjust, harmful, injurious

-- be physiologically injurious to: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

injury: got. sleiþa* 2, slei-þ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schaden; ne. detriment, loss, damage (N.), harm (N.), injury

-- inflict injury: got. gasleiþjan* 4, ga-slei-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschädigen, schädigen, schaden; ne. inflict injury, harm (V.), cause detriment, damage (V.); *sleiþjan?, *slei-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schädigen; ne. inflict injury, harm (V.), cause detriment

-- inflict injury upon: got. usagljan* 1, us-ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, bedrängen, belästigen, beschimpfen; ne. inflict injury upon, cause harm to, be hurtful to, bother (V.)

injustice: got. skaþis* 1, skaþ-i-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schaden, Unrecht; ne. wrongdoing (N.), injustice, harm (N.); ungaraíhtei* 1, un-ga-raíh-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gesetzlosigkeit, Ungerechtigkeit; ne. unrighteousness, iniquity, injustice, lawlessness

ink -- black ink: got. swartis* 1, swart-i-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Schwärze“, Tinte; ne. black ink, ink (N.); swartizl* 1, swart-i-zl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Schwärze“, Tinte; ne. black ink, ink (N.)

ink -- ink (N.): got. swartis* 1, swart-i-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Schwärze“, Tinte; ne. black ink, ink (N.); swartizl* 1, swart-i-zl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Schwärze“, Tinte; ne. black ink, ink (N.)

inland -- inland sea: got. marei 38, mar-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Meer; ne. sea, inland sea, lake

inn: got. saliþwa* 4, sal-i-þw-a*, (Pl. saliþwōs),  st. F. (ō): nhd. Herberge, Wohnung; ne. lodging, guest room, inn, dwelling (N.)

inner: got. innuma 3, in-n-um-a,  Adj. (Komp.): nhd. der innere, innerlich; ne. interior, inner

-- inner being: got. haírþra 2, haír-þ-r-a,  N. (a) Pl.: nhd. Eingeweide, Herz, Inneres; ne. intestines, viscera, entrails, heart, bosom, inner being

innkeeper: got. scancia* 1, lat.- M.: nhd. Schenk; ne. innkeeper; *skagkja?, *skagk-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schenk; ne. innkeeper; ? skapja*, skap-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schenk?, Schenkdiener?; ne. innkeeper?

innocent: got. swikns* 4, swikn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rein, unschuldig, unsträflich, keusch; ne. innocent, pure, irreproachable, irreprehensible, guiltless, chaste

innocently: got. swiknaba* 1, swikn-a-ba*,  Adv.: nhd. rein, reinen Herzens; ne. innocently, blamelessly, sincerely

inopportune -- at an inopportune time: got. unūhteigō 1, un-ūh-t-eig-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zur Unzeit; ne. unseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion

inquest -- determine by inquest: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

inquest -- inquest (N.): got. sōkns* 3, sōk-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Untersuchung, Disputation, Streitfrage, Grübelei; ne. inquest (N.), inquisition, query (N.), controversial question, controversy

inquire -- inquire after: got. gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

inquire -- inquire of: got. fragan* 1, fragjan*?, frag-an*, frag-jan*?,  st. V. (6?): nhd. fragen; ne. ask, test (V.), inquire of, make inquiry into, examine

inquiring -- subject to the inquiring mind: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

inquiry -- decide by inquiry: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

inquiry -- find out by inquiry: got. gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

inquiry -- learn by inquiry: got. gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

inquiry -- make inquiry into: got. fragan* 1, fragjan*?, frag-an*, frag-jan*?,  st. V. (6?): nhd. fragen; ne. ask, test (V.), inquire of, make inquiry into, examine

inquisition: got. sōkns* 3, sōk-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Untersuchung, Disputation, Streitfrage, Grübelei; ne. inquest (N.), inquisition, query (N.), controversial question, controversy

inquisitive: got. fairweitjands, Part. Präs.: nhd. vorwitzig, neugierig; ne. inquisitive

inquisitively -- gaze inquisitively: got. faírweitjan 6, faír-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinblicken, gaffen, umherspähen, spähen; ne. stare (V.), view attentively, look engrossedly, look about, gaze inquisitively

inquisitively -- gaze inquisitively at: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at

inquisitiveness: got. *faírweit?, *faír-wei-t?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hinblick, Aufmerken, Neugier; ne. view (N.), attentiveness, inquisitiveness

inquisitor -- disputatious inquisitor: got. sōkāreis 1, sōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Forscher, Sucher; ne. disputatious inquisitor, querier, investigator

insanity: got. *dwalms, *dwa-l-m-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Verzückung, Betäubung; ne. madness, derangement, insanity

inscribe: got. gamēljan 73=72, ga-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben, sich in die Listen eintragen lassen; ne. write, write down, register (V.), enroll, inscribe; mēljan 23=22, mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben; ne. write, write down, register (V.), inscribe, enroll, record (2); *wreitan, *wre-i-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. ritzen, reißen; ne. incise, score (V.), carve in, engrave, inscribe, write

-- inscribe over: got. ufarmēljan* 1, uf-ar-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überschreiben, darüber schreiben; ne. write above, superscribe, write over, inscribe over

inscription: got. gamēleins 4, ga-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Schrift, Buchstabenschrift; ne. inscription, lettering, scripture (N.); ufarmēleins 1, uf-ar-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Überschrift; ne. superscription, epigraph, inscription, title; ufarmēli 2, uf-ar-mēl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Überschrift; ne. caption, legend, label (N.), title, inscription

inscrutable: got. unbilaistiþs* 1, un-bi-lais-t-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unaufspürbar, unbegreiflich, unerforscht; ne. untraced, unexplored, untrackable, unexplorable, inscrutable; unfaírlaistiþs* 1, un-faír-lais-t-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unaufspürbar, unerforschlich; ne. untraced, untracked, inscrutable

insensate: got. daufs* 1, dau-f-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. taub, verstockt; ne. insensitive, insensate, dull (Adj.), numb (Adj.), deaf, stubborn, numbed, deadened

insensibility: got. daubei 1, dau-b-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Taubheit, Verhärtung, Verstocktheit; ne. stubbornness, insensitivity, insensibility, numbness

insensitive: got. daufs* 1, dau-f-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. taub, verstockt; ne. insensitive, insensate, dull (Adj.), numb (Adj.), deaf, stubborn, numbed, deadened

-- be insensitive: got. *daubjan?, *dau-b-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. taub sein (V.), verstocken; ne. be insensitive, be numb, harden

-- grow insensitive: got. afdaubnan* 1, af-dau-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ertauben, verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened; *daubnan?, *dau-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened

-- make insensitive: got. gadaubjan* 2, ga-dau-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verstocken, verstockt machen; ne. make insensitive, be numb, deaden, harden (V.)

insensitivity: got. daubei 1, dau-b-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Taubheit, Verhärtung, Verstocktheit; ne. stubbornness, insensitivity, insensibility, numbness; daubiþa* 2, dau-b-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verstocktheit, Verhärtung, Taubheit; ne. insensitivity, dullness, numbness, stubbornness

inside -- from inside: got. innana 2, in-n-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von innen, hinein, innen, innerhalb, inwendig (= innana gardis); ne. from inside, within, into the inside of (= innana gardis)

inside -- inside (Adv.): got. inna 4, in-n-a,  Adv., Präf.: nhd. innen, innerhalb; ne. within, inside (Adv.)

insight: got. dōms* 2, dō-m-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Urteil“, Ruhm; ne. discernment, insight, distinction, esteem, prestige, notability

insincere: got. hindarweis* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hinterlistig, verstellt; ne. hypocritical, pretending, insincere, feigning, deceitful, treacherous

insincerely -- join in acting insincerely: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

insincerity: got. hindarweisei* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hinterlist; ne. deceitfulness, guile, deceit, fraudulence, insincerity, feignedness, hypocrisy, treachery; lita* 1, lit-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verstellung, Heuchelei; ne. hypocrisy, feigning (N.), fakery, simulation, dissimulation, insincerity

insistent -- be insistent: got. instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

insolence: got. usbalþei* 1, us-bal-þ-ei*, usbalþeins?,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (i/ō)?: nhd. Frechheit, fortwährende Zänkerei; ne. insolence, arrogance, continuous bickering

insolent -- be insolent: got. *usbalþjan, *us-bal-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wagen, sich erkühnen; ne. be arrogant, be insolent, brazen out

inspect: got. *niuhsjan?, *niu-hs-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auskundschaften, heimsuchen; ne. inspect, visit for investigation

inspection: got. niuhseins* 1, niu-hs-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Heimsuchung; ne. inspection, review (N.), revision, investigative visitation

inspiration: got. ahmateins* 1, ah-m-a-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Eingebung, Inspiration; ne. inspiration

inspire: got. *ahmatjan?, *ah-m-a-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. eingeben; ne. inspire

-- inspire fear in: got. inagjan* 1, in-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. anfahren, bedrohen, in Angst setzen; ne. put in a state of fear, threaten, inspire fear in, censure (V.)

instance: got. sinþs* 17, sinþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Gang (M.) (1), Mal (N.) (1); ne. going (N.), instance, occurrence, occasion, time (N.)

instantly: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

instead: got. þau 86,  Adv.: nhd. als, oder, doch, wohl, etwa, wie; ne. than, compared to, perchance, perhaps, but, instead

instruct: got. anabiudan* 40, an-a-biud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. entbieten, befehlen, anordnen; ne. bid (V.), command (V.), instruct, order (V.); galaisjan 8, ga-lais-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. lehren, belehren, lernen (= galaisjan sik); ne. teach, instruct, learn (= galaisjan sik); laisjan 54, lais-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lehren, belehren, sich belehren (= sik laisjan), lernen (= sik laisjan); ne. teach, instruct, teach o.s. (= sik laisjan), learn (= sik laisjan); talzjan* 7, talz-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lehren, ziehen, unterrichten; ne. educate, instruct, train (V.), discipline (V.), correct (V.), admonish, chastise

-- instruct thoroughly: got. fullaweisjan* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überreden, überzeugen; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, make fully informed; gafullaweisjan* 1, ga-ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beglaubigen?, vollenden?; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, teach fully, make fully informed; uslaisjan* 2, us-lais-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. belehren, lehren; ne. teach, educate, instruct thoroughly, train (V.)

-- instruct (V.): got. usfratwjan 1, us-fratw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. klug machen, ausrüsten?, ausstatten?; ne. instruct (V.), provide with knowledge, make wise

instructed: got. *laisiþs, *lais-iþ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. gelehrt; ne. instructed, educated; laisiþs: nhd. gelehrt; ne. instructed, educated; *uslaisiþs?, *us-lais-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. belehrt, gelehrt; ne. instructed, educated

-- thoroughly instructed: got. fullaweis* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vollkommen; ne. mature (Adj.), thoroughly instructed, fully educated, fully informed, fully wise

instructing -- able in instructing: got. laiseigs 2, lais-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Lehren befähigt, zum Lehren geeignet, lehrend; ne. skillful in teaching, able in instructing, apt at teaching

instruction: got. talzeins* 1, talz-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lehre, Unterweisung; ne. upbringing, training, instruction, correction, discipline (N.)

-- act of instruction: got. laiseins 34, lais-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lehre; ne. teaching (N.), act of instruction, doctrine

instructor: got. laisāreis 38, lais-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Lehrer; ne. teacher, instructor; talzjands* 6, talz-jan-d-s*,  M. (nd): nhd. Lehrer; ne. trainer, headmaster, master (M.), tutor, lesson-teacher, instructor

insubordination: got. ufarhauseins* 1, uf-ar-hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Überhören, Ungehorsam; ne. disobedience, insubordination

insufficiency: got. gaidw* 4=3, gai-dw*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. lack (N.), insufficiency

insult -- insult (N.): got. anamahts* 2, an-a-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übermacht, Misshandlung; ne. coercion, forcing, use of force on, superior force, insult (N.); naiteins* 3, nai-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, malediction, abusive speech, foul language, insult (N.), slander (N.)

insult -- insult (V.): got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat; gaurjan* 10, gau-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kränken, betrüben; ne. insult (V.), grieve, cause anguish to, pain (V.)

intact: got. gahails* 1, ga-hai-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ganz unversehrt; ne. intact, whole, unblemished; *salwa?, *salw-a?,  sw. Adj.: nhd. heil; ne. intact, unhurt

-- be intellectual intact: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact

-- keep intact together: got. gabaírgan* 1, ga-baír-g-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. bergen, bewahren, erhalten (V.); ne. preserve together, keep intact together

intake: got. andanēm* 1, and-a-nēm*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Entgegennahme“, Empfang, Empfangen, Annahme; ne. taking (N.), intake, acceptance, receiving (N.)

integrity: got. aírkniþa* 2=1, aírkn-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Lauterkeit, Echtheit, Reinheit; ne. genuineness, integrity, probity, purity, sincerity, unadulteratedness; swiknei 3, swikn-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reinheit, Keuschheit, Unschuld; ne. pureness, integrity, purity, chastity, inculpability

intellect: got. frōdei* 9, frōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Klugheit, Verstand; ne. intellect, intelligence, wisdom

intellectual -- be intellectual intact: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact

intelligence: got. frōdei* 9, frōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Klugheit, Verstand; ne. intellect, intelligence, wisdom; gafraþjei* 1, ga-fraþ-j-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Klugheit, Besonnenheit, Verständigkeit; ne. rationality, reasonableness, discretion, intelligence; *wits?, *wi-t-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Verstand; ne. intelligence

intelligent: got. *deis?, *dei-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. weise, klug; ne. wise, clever, intelligent; frōþs 10, frōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. klug, verständig, weise; ne. intelligent, wise; *wituls?, *wi-t-ul-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. klug; ne. intelligent

-- be intelligent: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

intelligently: got. frōdaba 2, frōd-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. klug, verständig, weise; ne. intelligently

intend: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at; munan* (2) 6, mun-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zu tun gedenken, wollen (V.); ne. intend, take in mind, be about to

-- intend beforehand: got. faúragarēdan* 3=2, faúr-a-ga-rē-d-an*,  red. abl. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen; ne. purpose in advance, intend beforehand, predetermine

intensely -- oppress intensely with persecution: got. frawrikan* 1, fra-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. verfolgen, rächen; ne. persecute severely, oppress intensely with persecution, drive out

intention: got. muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation; wilja 41=38, wi-l-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wille, Wohlgefallen; ne. will (N.), willingness, wish (N.), desire (N.), intention, aim (N.)

inter -- inter together with: got. miþganawistrōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-nawi-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. mitbegraben; ne. bury together with, inter together with

inter -- inter (V.): got. gafilhan 5, ga-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.), verbergen; ne. hide (V.), conceal, bury, inter (V.); ganawistrōn* 1, ga-naw-i-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.); ne. bury, inter (V.), put in a grave; usfilhan 4, us-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.); ne. inter (V.), bury

intercession: got. liteins* 1, lit-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bittgebet, Fürbitte; ne. intercession, intercessory prayer

intercessory -- intercessory prayer: got. liteins* 1, lit-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bittgebet, Fürbitte; ne. intercession, intercessory prayer

interchange -- interchange (N.): got. inmaideins 2, in-mai-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Vertauschung, Tausch; ne. exchange (N.), interchange (N.), substitution

interchangeably: got. missō 64=63, mis-s-ō,  Adv.: nhd. einander, wechselseitig; ne. mutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, one another

intercourse -- illicit extra-marital sexual intercourse: got. hōrinassus 7, hō-r-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ehebruch, Hurerei; ne. adultery, fornication, illicit extra-marital sexual intercourse

intercourse -- illicit sexual intercourse: got. kalkinassus 4, kalk-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Hurerei, Unzucht; ne. illicit sexual intercourse, fornication, adultery

intercourse -- sexual intercourse: got. galigri* 1, ga-lig-r-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beilager, Beischlaf; ne. lying together, coitus, sexual intercourse; ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

interest -- interest on investment: got. wōkrs* 1, wōk-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ertrag, Frucht, Zins; ne. interest on investment, additional increment

interior: got. innuma 3, in-n-um-a,  Adj. (Komp.): nhd. der innere, innerlich; ne. interior, inner

-- from the interior: got. innaþrō 3, in-n-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von innen, inwendig; ne. from the interior, from within, inwardly

-- interior courtyard: got. rōhsns* 3, rōhsn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Hof, Vorhof; ne. courtyard, interior courtyard

-- interior (N.): got. undarists* 1, undar-ist-s*,  Adj. (a), Superl.: nhd. das Innere, innerste, die untersten; ne. undermost, lowest, nethermost, interior (N.), lower parts

interiously -- growl interiously: got. inraúhtjan* 2, in-raúh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnt werden, zürnen, unwillig sein (V.); ne. growl interiously, groan (V.), utter gruff sounds to o.s., be indignant

intermediate -- intermediate (V.): got. *midumōn?, *mid-um-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. vermitteln; ne. mediate (V.), intermediate (V.)

intermediator: got. midumōnds 1, mid-um-ōn-d-s,  Part. Präs. subst. (2), M. (nd): nhd. Mittler; ne. mediator, intermediator

interment: got. gafilh* 1, ga-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Begräbnis; ne. burial, interment; usfilh* 1, us-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Begräbnis; ne. interment, burial

intermingle: got. blandan (sik) 3, bla-nd-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich vermischen mit, mischen; ne. mix (V.), mingle, commix, intermingle, associate with

intermission -- take an intermission: got. ƕeilan* 1, ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhören; ne. pause (V.), take an intermission, take a recess, cease

internal -- internal abdominal organs: got. wamba 11, wamb-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bauch, Schoß (F.) (1), Leib; ne. viscera, womb, uterus, internal abdominal organs, belly (N.)

interpret: got. raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret; *skeirjan?, *skei-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auslegen, erklären; ne. make clear, explain, elucidate, interpret, translate

-- interpret (V.): got. gaskeirjan* 5, ga-skei-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erklären, auslegen, übersetzen; ne. make clear, explain, interpret (V.), translate

interpretation: got. skeireins 2, skei-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auslegung, Erklärung; ne. explanation, interpretation, translation, elucidation, exegesis

interpreter: got. *skeirja?, *skei-r-ja?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Erklärer, Übersetzer; ne. interpreter, translator

intertwine: got. uswindan* 2, us-wi-nd-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. flechten, winden; ne. twine (V.), intertwine, weave (V.), braid (V.), plait (V.)

interval: got. ƕeila (1) 42, ƕeil-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weile, Zeit, Stunde; ne. while (N.), time (N.), time period, interval, hour

-- up to the present interval: got. und þō nū ƕeila, got.: nhd. bis jetzt; ne. up to the present interval

intestines: got. haírþra 2, haír-þ-r-a,  N. (a) Pl.: nhd. Eingeweide, Herz, Inneres; ne. intestines, viscera, entrails, heart, bosom, inner being

into: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; inn 9, in-n,  Adv., Präf.: nhd. hinein; ne. in, into, within

-- beat into: got. waltjan* 1, wal-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wälzen, stürzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble (V.), capsize, turn over, beat into

-- bringing into awareness through reading: got. anakunnains* 1, an-a-kun-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lesung; ne. bringing into recognition, bringing into awareness through reading, reading (N.)

-- bringing into recognition: got. anakunnains* 1, an-a-kun-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lesung; ne. bringing into recognition, bringing into awareness through reading, reading (N.)

-- bring into: got. atniman* 1, at-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. aufnehmen, versetzen, annehmen; ne. take unto, transfer to, bring into

-- bring into affinity: got. niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

-- bring into collision with: got. gastagqjan* 1, ga-stagq-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anstoßen; ne. make collide, bring into collision with, strike against

-- bring into kinship: got. niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

-- change the resemblance into: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

-- come into: got. innatgaggan 8, in-n-at-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. „hineingehen“, hineinkommen; ne. enter, get into, go into, come into

-- come into contact with: got. tēkan* 7, tēk-an*, teikan*,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. anrühren, berühren; ne. touch (V.), come into contact with, put one’s touch on

-- come into existence: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- conduct into proximity: got. attiuhan 12, at-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. herbeiziehen, herbeiführen, herbeibringen, hereinführen, bringen; ne. bring up, take up, convey (V.), conduct into proximity

-- deliver into the custody of: got. atgiban 73, at-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hingeben, übergeben (V.), geben, darreichen; ne. give unto, deliver into the custody of, give over to

-- dig down into: got. ufgraban* 2, uf-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. nachgraben, unterwühlen, aufgraben; ne. dig down into, dig up

-- fall into: got. atdriusan* 7, at-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. fallen in, zufallen, fallen; ne. fall towards, fall into, fall down at

-- fall off into dumbness: got. afdumbnan* 1, af-du-m-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. become still, subside into silence, fall off into dumbness; *dumbnan, *du-m-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. subside into silence, fall off into dumbness

-- get into: got. gasteigan* 2, ga-steig-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineinsteigen, herabsteigen; ne. climb (V.), make the climb, get into; innatgaggan 8, in-n-at-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. „hineingehen“, hineinkommen; ne. enter, get into, go into, come into

-- get up into a sitting position: got. ussitan* 1, us-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich aufsetzen, sich aufrichten; ne. sit up, get up into a sitting position

-- give into the care of: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

-- go along into: got. miþinngaleiþan* 1, mi-þ-in-n-ga-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. mithineingehen; ne. go in together with, go along into

-- going into: got. innatgāhts* 1, in-n-at-gā-h-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Eingang, Eintritt; ne. entrance, going into, ingress (N.)

-- go into: got. innatgaggan 8, in-n-at-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. „hineingehen“, hineinkommen; ne. enter, get into, go into, come into

-- hurl into the location of: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- into that place: got. jaindrē 1, jain-drē,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, into that place, thither

-- lay into: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at

-- make inquiry into: got. fragan* 1, fragjan*?, frag-an*, frag-jan*?,  st. V. (6?): nhd. fragen; ne. ask, test (V.), inquire of, make inquiry into, examine

-- make into a fortified residential stronghold: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

-- make into a possession: got. gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

-- make into a walled city: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

-- put into port: got. atfarjan* 1, at-far-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einlaufen, landen; ne. reach land, arrive by boat, land (V.), put into port

-- put into safety: got. ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.)

-- put into the trust of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

-- shake into densest compactness: got. gawigan* 1, ga-wig-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bewegen, schütteln; ne. shake together, shake into densest compactness, move (V.)

-- subside into silence: got. afdumbnan* 1, af-du-m-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. become still, subside into silence, fall off into dumbness; *dumbnan, *du-m-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. subside into silence, fall off into dumbness

-- transform the likeness into: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

-- trap for crash-falling into: got. hlamma 2, hla-m-m-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Falle“, Schlinge; ne. crash-trap, pitfall, trap for crash-falling into, snare (N.)

-- twist into something else: got. inwandjan 1, in-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „hineinwenden“, verdrehen, verkehren; ne. twist into something else, pervert, subvert, distort

intoxicated: got. drugkans, Adj. = Part. Prät.: nhd. trunken; ne. drunken, intoxicated

intoxication: got. drugkanei* 2, dru-g-k-an-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Trunkenheit; ne. intoxication, drunkenness

intrigue -- intrigue (N.): got. birūnains* 1, bi-rū-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Nachstellung, Anschlag; ne. plotting (N.), intrigue (N.), beguiling

introduce: got. uskannjan 2, us-kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verkünden, berichten, empfehlen, kundtun; ne. make known, introduce

-- introduce as an excuse: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

inundation: got. garunjō* 1, ga-ru-n-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Flut, Überschwemmung; ne. inundation, deluge (N.), overrunning by water, flood (N.); midjasweipains 1, mid-ja-swei-p-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überflutung, Sintflut, Überschwemmung; ne. inundation, deluge (N.), flood (N.)

inutile: got. unbrūks* 2, un-brūk-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unbrauchbar; ne. useless, needless, inutile

inveigh -- inveigh against: got. anaqiþan* 1, an-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleumden, verlästern, schmähen; ne. denounce, censure (V.), inveigh against, blaspheme

investigate: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

-- investigate thoroughly: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

investigation: got. sōkeins 2, sōk-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Untersuchung; ne. question, questioning, moot question, investigation

-- find out by investigation: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

-- visit for investigation: got. *niuhsjan?, *niu-hs-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auskundschaften, heimsuchen; ne. inspect, visit for investigation

investigative -- investigative visitation: got. niuhseins* 1, niu-hs-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Heimsuchung; ne. inspection, review (N.), revision, investigative visitation

investigator: got. sōkāreis 1, sōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Forscher, Sucher; ne. disputatious inquisitor, querier, investigator

investment -- interest on investment: got. wōkrs* 1, wōk-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ertrag, Frucht, Zins; ne. interest on investment, additional increment

inviolable -- sacred and inviolable: got. hailags* 1, hai-l-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig, geweiht; ne. holy, sacrosanct, sacred and inviolable

invisible: got. unanasiuns*, un-ana-siu-n-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unsichtbar; ne. invisible, unseeable; ungasaíƕans* 6, un-ga-saíƕ-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ungesehen, unsichtbar; ne. unseen, invisible

invisibly: got. unanasiuniba 1, un-ana-siu-n-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. unsichtbar; ne. invisibly, unseeably

invitation: got. laþōns 10, laþ-ōn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Einladung, Berufung, Trost, Erlösung; ne. calling (N.), vocation, invitation

invitation-like: got. laþaleikō 1, la-þ-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. gern; ne. invitation-like, hospitably, gladly, charitably

invite: got. atlaþōn* 2, at-la-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. berufen (V.), einladen (V.) (1), laden (V.) (1); ne. call to, bid come, call together, invite; galaþōn 9, ga-la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenberufen, einladen (V.) (2), berufen (V.); ne. call together, convoke, bid convene, call (V.), invite; laþōn 19, la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einladen (V.) (2); ne. call (V.), summon (V.), bid come, invite

-- invite (V.): got. haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.)

invoke -- invoke (V.): got. anahaitan* 6, an-a-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. anrufen, bitten, schelten; ne. call on, call upon, invoke (V.), reprimand (V.), upbraid, berate, scold (V.)

involve: got. dugawindan* (sik) 1, du-ga-wind-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. sich verwickeln, sich verstricken; ne. involve, get involved in, enwrap; *gawindan?, *ga-wi-nd-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich verwickeln; ne. involve, enwrap

involved -- get involved in: got. dugawindan* (sik) 1, du-ga-wind-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. sich verwickeln, sich verstricken; ne. involve, get involved in, enwrap

inwardly: got. innaþrō 3, in-n-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von innen, inwendig; ne. from the interior, from within, inwardly

iota: got. jōta 1,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Jota, Pünktchen; ne. iota, jot

irate: got. þwaírhs 3, þwaírh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. quer, zornig; ne. wrathful, angry, irate, aroused, quicktempered

irateness: got. þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion

ire: got. *grimmiþa?, *grim-m-iþ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Grimm; ne. fury, wrath, ire; þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion

iron -- iron bond: got. eisarnabandi* 1, eis-arn-a-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Eisenband, Kette (F.) (1), Fessel (F.) (1); ne. iron bond, iron shackle, chain (N.)

iron -- iron (N.): got. eisarn* 2, eis-arn*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eisen; ne. iron (N.)

iron -- iron shackle: got. eisarnabandi* 1, eis-arn-a-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Eisenband, Kette (F.) (1), Fessel (F.) (1); ne. iron bond, iron shackle, chain (N.)

iron -- made of iron: got. eisarneins* 2, eis-arn-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eisern; ne. made of iron

irreconcilable: got. unhunslags* 1, un-hun-sl-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohne Opfer, unversöhnlich; ne. irreconcilable, implacable

irregularly: got. ungatassaba 2, un-ga-ta-s-s-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. unordentlich, ungeregelt; ne. unruly, irregularly, in disarray, in idleness

irreligiosity: got. afgudei* 2, af-gu-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottlosigkeit; ne. ungodliness, irreligiosity, impiety

irreligious: got. afguþs* 2, af-gu-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. abgöttisch, gottlos; ne. godless, irreligious, impious

irreprehensible: got. swikns* 4, swikn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rein, unschuldig, unsträflich, keusch; ne. innocent, pure, irreproachable, irreprehensible, guiltless, chaste; ungafaírinōnds 2, un-ga-faír-in-ōn-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. tadellos, unbescholten; ne. irreprehensible, unassailable, unculpable

irreproachable: got. swikns* 4, swikn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rein, unschuldig, unsträflich, keusch; ne. innocent, pure, irreproachable, irreprehensible, guiltless, chaste; unaiwisks* 1, un-aiw-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohne Schande; ne. blameless, without shame, irreproachable, unshameful; ungafaírinōþs 5=4, un-ga-faír-in-ō-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. tadellos, unbescholten, schuldlos; ne. unimpeached, unassailed, blameless, irreproachable

irrevocable: got. inu idreiga, got.: nhd. unwiderruflich; ne. irrevocable

irritate: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

i-rune -- name of i-rune: got. *eis 1, *ei-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eis, i-Rune; ne. ice (N.), name of i-rune; iiz 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eis, i-Rune; ne. ice (N.), name of i-rune

is -- he who is born: got. baúr* (1) 2,  st. M. (i): nhd. Geborener; ne. he who is born, person given birth

is -- how is it possible that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether

is -- is driven out of one’s senses: got. usgaisiþs ist, got.: nhd. ist von Sinnen; ne. is driven out of one’s senses

is -- is encouraged to: got. timrjada du, got.: nhd. wird ermutigt zu; ne. is encouraged to

is -- is it in such a way that: got. swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

is -- is it not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

is -- is it not so that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether

is -- is it so that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether; jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

is -- is it thus that: got. swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

is -- it is allowed: got. *nah-,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. es ist erlaubt; ne. it is allowed

is -- it is befitting: got. gaqimiþ: nhd. es ziemt sich; ne. it ist becoming, it is befitting

is -- it is indeed possible that: got. ibai auftō, got.: nhd. es möchte; ne. it is indeed possible that

is -- it is sufficient: got. ganah-, ga-nah-,  Prät.-Präs. (4), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. es genügt; ne. it is sufficient, suffice

is -- that is: got. þat-ist, got.: nhd. das ist; ne. that is

is -- that which is „co-yoked“: got. gajuk* 1, ga-ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Paar; ne. pair (N.), couple (N.), that which is „co-yoked“, companion

is -- that which is given: got. giba 13, gib-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk, g-Rune; ne. that which is given, gift (N.), present (N.), name of g-rune

is -- that which is heard: got. gahauseins 4, ga-hau-s-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Predigt; ne. that which is heard, report (N.), preaching (N.); hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings

is -- that which is moulded: got. gadigis 1, ga-dig-is,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gebilde; ne. moulded image, that which is moulded, moulded figure

is -- what is left: got. laiba* 3, lai-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Überbleibsel, Rest; ne. what is left, leftover, remains (N.), remnant, rest (N.), remainder

is -- what is owned: got. swēs* (2) 3, swē-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eigentum, Vermögen; ne. what is owned, ownings, property

is -- what is resolved: got. gagrēfts 3, ga-grēf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree, resoluteness, resolve (N.), determination; *grēfts?, *grēf-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree (N.), resoluteness, determination

is -- who is near: got. nēƕundja 10, nēƕ-und-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nächster; ne. neighbour (M.), who is near, fellowman

-ish: got. *-isks?, *-isk-s?,  Suff.: nhd. -isch; ne. -ish

island: got. *hulms?, *hul-m-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Insel; ne. island

isolate: got. gaainan* 1, ga-ai-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. vereinzeln, trennen; ne. isolate, make solitary

Israel: got. Israēl 34,  st. M. (a), LN: nhd. Israel; ne. Israel

Israelite: got. Israēleitēs 3,  st. M.: nhd. Israelit; ne. Israelite

issue -- issue a directive: got. garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange; raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret

issue -- issue (N.): got. runs (1) 5, ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), course, racecourse, flow (N.), flux, issue (N.)

issue -- issue of blood: got. runs blōþis, got.: nhd. Blutfluss; ne. issue of blood

it -- but then be it therefore: got. aþþan siai nū, got.: nhd. aber sei es; ne. but then be it therefore

it -- how is it possible that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether

it -- is it in such a way that: got. swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

it -- is it not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

it -- is it not so that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether

it -- is it so that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether; jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

it -- is it thus that: got. swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

it -- it is allowed: got. *nah-,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. es ist erlaubt; ne. it is allowed

it -- it is befitting: got. gaqimiþ: nhd. es ziemt sich; ne. it ist becoming, it is befitting

it -- it is indeed possible that: got. ibai auftō, got.: nhd. es möchte; ne. it is indeed possible that

it -- it is sufficient: got. ganah-, ga-nah-,  Prät.-Präs. (4), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. es genügt; ne. it is sufficient, suffice

it -- it ist becoming: got. gaqimiþ: nhd. es ziemt sich; ne. it ist becoming, it is befitting

it -- it lies at my hand: got. wiljan atligiþ mis, got.: nhd. steht in meiner Macht; ne. it lies at my hand

it -- it may be so that: got. jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

it -- it may therefore be that: got. jau nū, got.: nhd. es kann folglich sein (V.) dass; ne. it may therefore be that

it -- lord it over: got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over; gafraujinōn* 1, ga-frau-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, herrschen; ne. dominate, rule (V.), lord it over, subordinate (V.)

it -- over it: got. ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

it -- unless it be alternatively that: got. niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that; niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that

itch -- itch (N.): got. *rappa?, *ra-p-p-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Krätze (F.) (2), Räude; ne. itch (N.), scabies, mange

its: got. seins* 300, sein-s*,  st. Poss.-Pron.: nhd. sein (Poss.-Pron.), ihr (Poss.-Pron.); ne. of himself, one’s, his, her, hers, its, their, theirs

-- known by its obviousness: got. swikunþs 17, swi-kun-þ-s, swekunþs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. offenkundig, offenbar, bekannt; ne. known openly, conspicuously known, known by its obviousness, manifest (Adj.), obvious

itself: got. sik 264=262, si-k,  Refl.-Pron.: nhd. sich; ne. himself, herself, itself, themselves

j: got. j 7,  Buchstabe: nhd. j, Abkürzung für 60; ne. j, abbreviation for 60

jacket -- jacket (V.): got. gapaidōn* 2=1, ga-paid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. dress (V.), put on as a tunic, jacket (V.), clothe; *paidōn, *paid-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. put on as a tunic, jacket (V.)

jail: got. karkara* 11, karkar-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Kerker, Gefängnis; ne. prison, jail

jangle -- jangle (V.): got. klismjan* 1, klism-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gellen, klingen, schallen; ne. clang (V.), jangle (V.)

jar: got. kas 13,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gefäß; ne. jar, vase, vessel

jawbone: got. kinnus* 2, kin-n-u-s*,  st. F. (u): nhd. Wange; ne. cheek, jawbone

jealous -- make jealous: got. inaljanōn* 2, in-al-jan-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.?: nhd. zornig machen, reizen; ne. jealousy provoke to jealousy, make jealous, provoke, anger (V.)

jealousy -- jealousy provoke to jealousy: got. inaljanōn* 2, in-al-jan-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.?: nhd. zornig machen, reizen; ne. jealousy provoke to jealousy, make jealous, provoke, anger (V.); inaljanōn* 2, in-al-jan-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.?: nhd. zornig machen, reizen; ne. jealousy provoke to jealousy, make jealous, provoke, anger (V.)

jerk -- jerk (N.) (1): got. *tiuhi, *tiu-h-i,  st. N. (jō): nhd. Ruck, Zug (1); ne. jerk (N.) (1), tug (N.)

Jesus: got. Jesus,  M., PN: nhd. Jesus; ne. Jesus

jettison: got. frawaírpan* 2, fra-waír-p-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verwerfen, zerstreuen, wegwerfen; ne. throw away, discard, jettison, cast off, scatter (V.)

Jew: got. Iudaius 71, Iudaiu-s,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Jude; ne. Jew

-- live like a Jew: got. iudaiwiskōn 1, iudai-w-isk-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. jüdisch leben; ne. live like a Jew

jewish: got. *iudaiwisks?, *iudai-w-isk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. jüdisch; ne. jewish; jūdaiwisks* 2, jūdai-w-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. jüdisch; ne. jewish

-- in a jewish manner: got. iudaiwiskō 1, iudai-w-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf jüdische Weise; ne. in a jewish manner

join -- join in acting insincerely: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

join -- join in adopting a form similar to: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

join -- join o.s. to: got. gahaftjan* 1, ga-haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. heften, anhängen; ne. join o.s. to

join -- join together: got. gagahaftjan* 1, ga-ga-haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenheften, verbinden; ne. fasten together, join together

joined: got. hafts* (1) 1, haf-t-s*,  Part. Prät. = Adj. (a): nhd. behaftet; ne. bound (Adj.), joined, laden with, subject to

jointly -- jointly conform to: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

jointly -- jointly imitate: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

jot: got. jōta 1,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Jota, Pünktchen; ne. iota, jot

journey: got. *fara?, *far-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fahrerin, Fahrt; ne. female driver, journey

-- go on a journey: got. gaggjan* 1, ga-g-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen, reisen; ne. go on a journey, make a journey

-- journey (N.): got. wratōdus* 1, wra-t-ō-du-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Reise; ne. wayfaring, journey (N.), travel (N.), trip (N.)

-- journey (V.): got. wratōn* 3, wra-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. reisen, gehen; ne. journey (V.), travel (V.)

-- make a journey: got. gaggjan* 1, ga-g-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen, reisen; ne. go on a journey, make a journey

joy: got. swēgniþa 2, s-wē-g-n-iþ-a, swigniþa*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Jubel, Frohlocken, Freude; ne. exultation, rejoicing, gladness, joy

-- joy (N.): got. ansts 68=65, an-st-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude, Dank, Gnade, Gunst, Gnadengabe; ne. beneficence, graciousness, grace, joy (N.), thanks, gift (N.), favour (N.), blessing; fahēþs 33, fah-ēþ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude; ne. joy (N.), gladness

-- joy (V.): got. *faihan?, *faih-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich freuen; ne. joy (V.); *gafaihan, *ga-faih-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich freuen; ne. joy (V.)

-- jump for joy: got. laikan* 3, laik-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. hüpfen, springen; ne. frolic (V.), romp (V.), jump for joy, hop (V.) (1)

joyfully -- joyfully agreeing with: got. gawizneigs 1, ga-wiz-n-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll Mitfreude; ne. enjoying together, joyfully agreeing with, full of delight

j-rune -- name of j-rune: got. gaar 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Jahr, j-Rune?; ne. year, name of j-rune; jēr* 25=24,  st. N. (a): nhd. Jahr, Zeit, j-Rune; ne. year, name of j-rune

jubilant: got. *swēgns?, *s-wē-g-n-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. froh, fröhlich; ne. happy, merry, jubilant

jubilate -- jubilate (V.): got. swēgnjan* 4, s-wē-g-n-jan*, swignjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. jubeln, triumphieren, frohlocken; ne. exult, triumph (V.), jubilate (V.), rejoice (V.)

Judea: got. Iudaialand 1,  st. N. (a)=ON: nhd. Judäa; ne. Judea

judge -- judge (M.): got. stáua (2) 5, stá-u-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Richter; ne. judge (M.)

judge -- judge (V.): got. bidōmjan* 1, bi-dō-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen; ne. judge (V.), criticize, pass judgement on, sit in judgement on; dōmjan 10, dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, beurteilen, unterscheiden, rechtfertigen, rechnen, meinen; ne. judge (V.), justify, discern (V.), distinguish, evaluate, distinguish as, deem (V.); gadōmjan 6, ga-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, entscheiden, sich vergleichen, sich messen mit; ne. deem, judge (V.), adjudge, reckon; stōjan, stō-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. richten, beurteilen; ne. judge (V.), pass judgement upon, sit in judgement on; ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

judgement: got. *dōmeins?, *dō-m-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Urteil; ne. judgement; ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law; stáua (1) 25, stá-u-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Gerichtsstätte“, Gericht (M.) (1), Urteil, Streitsache; ne. act of judging, judgement, verdict, judicial decision; wargiþa* 4, war-g-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verdammungsurteil, Verurteilung, Verdammnis; ne. condemnation, condemnedness, damnation, judgement

-- judgement seat: got. stáuastōls* 3, stá-u-a-stō-l-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Richterstuhl; ne. judgement seat

-- make a judgement: got. gastōjan* 3, ga-stō-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ein Urteil abgeben über, beurteilen, verurteilen, urteilen, beschließen, richten?; ne. make a judgement, resolve (V.)

-- pass judgement against: got. afdōmjan 5, af-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen, verfluchen; ne. comdemn, pass judgement against, curse (V.), abjure

-- pass judgement beforehand: got. *faúrdōmjan?, *faúr-dō-m-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorher urteilen; ne. pre-judge (V.), pass judgement beforehand

-- pass judgement on: got. bidōmjan* 1, bi-dō-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen; ne. judge (V.), criticize, pass judgement on, sit in judgement on

-- pass judgement upon: got. stōjan, stō-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. richten, beurteilen; ne. judge (V.), pass judgement upon, sit in judgement on

-- pronounce judgement against: got. gawargjan* 2, ga-war-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einen verurteilen zu, ächten, verdammen; ne. condemn, damn, outlaw (V.), pronounce judgement against

-- sit in judgement on: got. bidōmjan* 1, bi-dō-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen; ne. judge (V.), criticize, pass judgement on, sit in judgement on; stōjan, stō-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. richten, beurteilen; ne. judge (V.), pass judgement upon, sit in judgement on

judging -- act of judging: got. stáua (1) 25, stá-u-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Gerichtsstätte“, Gericht (M.) (1), Urteil, Streitsache; ne. act of judging, judgement, verdict, judicial decision

judicial -- judicial decision: got. stáua (1) 25, stá-u-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Gerichtsstätte“, Gericht (M.) (1), Urteil, Streitsache; ne. act of judging, judgement, verdict, judicial decision

judicious: got. inahs* 1, in-ah-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verständig, besonnen (Adj.), klug; ne. judicious, circumspect (Adj.), prudent, wise (Adj.)

judiciousness: got. inahei* 2, in-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Besonnenheit, Selbstbeherrschung; ne. judiciousness, circumspection, prudence, sobriety

jug: got. *krūka, *krūk-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Krug (M.) (1); ne. jug, pitcher

jump -- jump for joy: got. laikan* 3, laik-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. hüpfen, springen; ne. frolic (V.), romp (V.), jump for joy, hop (V.) (1)

jump -- jump up: got. ushlaupan* 1, us-hlaup-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. aufspringen, sich aufmachen; ne. leap forth, leap up, jump up, spring to one’s feet

jump -- jump (V.): got. *hlaupan?, *hlaup-an?,  red. V. (2): nhd. laufen, springen; ne. run (V.), jump (V.); *trippōn?, *tri-p-p-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. trippeln, hüpfen, springen; ne. toddle (V.), hop (V.) (1), jump (V.)

junction -- achieve junction with: got. gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

juncture: got. gawiss* 2, ga-wi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verbindung, Gelenk, Band der Gelenke; ne. connection, juncture, ligament (N.), bond (N.)

jurisprudence -- secure in jurisprudence: got. *witōdafasts?, *wi-t-ōd-a-fast-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. gesetzesfest; ne. law-knowing, secure in jurisprudence

jurisprudent: got. witōdafasteis 2, wi-t-ōd-a-fast-ei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeskundiger; ne. legist, jurisprudent, knower of the law, lawyer

just -- as just as: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

just -- be just enough: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements; *naúhan?, *naúh-an?,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.); ne. be just enough, be barely adequate

just -- in just the same manner: got. swa 115=113,  Adv.: nhd. so; ne. so, thus, just so, in just the same manner

just -- just (Adj.): got. garaíhts 36=35, ga-raíh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gerecht; ne. upright, righteous, just (Adj.)

just -- just as: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

just -- just as in fact: got. swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth; swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth

just -- just as in truth: got. swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth; swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth

just -- just as ... so also: got. swē ... jah, got.: nhd. wie ... so auch; ne. just as ... so also

just -- just now: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already; nū 231=229,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nun, jetzt, also, folglich, demnach; ne. now, right now, just now, then, therefore

just -- just only: got. ƕēh 2, ƕē-h,  Adv.: nhd. jedenfalls, nur; ne. in any case, in whatever case, no matter what, just only

just -- just so: got. swa 115=113,  Adv.: nhd. so; ne. so, thus, just so, in just the same manner

just -- just then: got. sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

just -- not just ... but also: got. ni þatainei ... ak jah: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not solely ... but also, not just ... but also

justice: got. garaíhtei 40, ga-raíh-t-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gerechtigkeit, Gebot; ne. righteousness, uprightness, rectitude, justice, order (N.), command (N.); garaíhtiþa* 3, ga-raíh-t-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gerechtigkeit; ne. justice, justification, righteousness; uswaúrhts* (2) 2, us-waúrh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gerechtigkeit; ne. righteousness, uprightness, rectitude, virtuousness, justice

justification: got. garaíhtiþa* 3, ga-raíh-t-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gerechtigkeit; ne. justice, justification, righteousness

justified: got. garaihtōza, Adj. Komp.: nhd. gerechtfertigt; ne. justified; uswaúrhts* (1) 5, us-waúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gerecht; ne. right (Adj.), righteous, justified, uncorrupt

justify: got. dōmjan 10, dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, beurteilen, unterscheiden, rechtfertigen, rechnen, meinen; ne. judge (V.), justify, discern (V.), distinguish, evaluate, distinguish as, deem (V.); garaihtana dōmjan, got.: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. justify; garaihtana qiþan, got.: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. justify; gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; garaihtana gateihan, got.: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. justify

-- justify as true: got. sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

justly: got. garaíhtaba 4, ga-raíh-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. gerecht, mit Recht; ne. uprightly, righteously, justly, with right

k: got. k 4,  Buchstabe: nhd. k, Abkürzung für 20; ne. k, abbreviation for 20

keen: got. *ƕats?, *ƕat-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. scharf; ne. sharp, whetted, keen

-- make keen for: got. gaƕatjan* 1, ga-ƕat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet, sharpen, make keen for, incite, mislead, entice; *ƕatjan?, *ƕat-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet (V.), sharpen, make keen for

keep: got. baírgan* 2, baír-g-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. bergen, bewahren, erhalten (V.); ne. preserve (V.), protect, keep

-- keep awake: got. wakan* 6=5, wak-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen, wachsam sein (V.); ne. wake (V.), be awake, keep awake, watch (V.), keep vigil

-- keep in captivity: got. gafāhana haban, gafāhana tiuhan: nhd. gefangen halten; ne. keep in captivity

-- keep in custody: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

-- keep in mind: got. gamunan 21, ga-mun-an,  Prät.-Präs. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erinnern, gedenken; ne. call to mind, keep in mind, remember

-- keep intact together: got. gabaírgan* 1, ga-baír-g-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. bergen, bewahren, erhalten (V.); ne. preserve together, keep intact together

-- keep on: got. þaírhwisan* 7, þaír-h-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. verbleiben, verharren; ne. persevere, continue on, remain constant, keep on, persist

-- keep quiet: got. slawan* 3, slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be silent, keep quiet, be still; þahan* 6, þah-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be taciturn, be mute, keep quiet, keep secret

-- keep safe: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.); *gafreidjan?, *ga-frei-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhalten (V.), schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, hold in custody, preserve (V.)

-- keep secret: got. *darnjan?, *dar-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verheimlichen; ne. keep secret, conceal; gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret; þahan* 6, þah-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be taciturn, be mute, keep quiet, keep secret

-- keep (V.): got. disniman* 1, dis-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. besitzen; ne. have in acquisition, possess (V.), keep (V.); fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.); gafastan 11, ga-fast-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. behalten, bewahren, halten; ne. hold fast, keep (V.), retain, observe, guard (V.), protect; *wērjan?, *wēr-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wahren; ne. preserve (V.), keep (V.)

-- keep vigil: got. wakan* 6=5, wak-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen, wachsam sein (V.); ne. wake (V.), be awake, keep awake, watch (V.), keep vigil

-- keep warm: got. warmjan* 6, war-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wärmen; ne. warm (V.), make warm, keep warm, cherish

-- keep watch: got. þaírhwakan* 2, þaír-h-wak-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. durchwachen, unter freiem Himmel übernachten, biwakieren; ne. stay awake throughout, keep watch

-- keep watch over: got. haldan 9, hal-d-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. hüten, weiden, halten; ne. herd (V.), shepherd (V.), tend, keep watch over, graze cattle; witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

keeping -- keeping (N.): got. fastubni* 6, fast-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Halten, Dienst, Fasten, Haltung, Gottesdienst; ne. holding fast to, holding (N.), keeping (N.), observance, abstinence, fasting (N.), vigilance, maintenance

kernel: got. kaúrnō 3, kaúr-n-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Korn; ne. kernel, granule, grain seed

kettle: got. katils* 1, katil-s*, katilus,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Kessel; ne. kettle, copper pot

kid -- kid (N.): got. gaitein* 1, gait-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Böcklein, Zicklein, junge Ziege; ne. young goat, kid (N.)

kidnapper: got. mannans gaþiwands: nhd. Sklavenmacher, Seelenverkäufer; ne. slave-dealer, kidnapper

kill -- kill (V.): got. afdauþjan 5, af-dau-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. töten; ne. put to death, make die, kill (V.), eliminate with death; afslahan* 5=4, af-slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abschlagen, abhauen, erschlagen; ne. hew off, slay, strike dead, strike off, cut off, kill (V.); dauþjan* 2=1, dau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. töten; ne. kill (V.), put to death, mortify; gadauþjan* 1, ga-dau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Tod bringen, töten; ne. put to death, kill (V.); maúrþrjan* 6, maúr-þ-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. morden; ne. murder (V.), slay murderously, kill (V.); ufsneiþan* 5, uf-sneiþ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „aufschneiden“, schlachten; ne. cut to death, slaughter (V.), kill (V.), butcher (V.); usqiman 27, us-qi-m-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. umbringen, den Tod geben; ne. kill (V.), put to death, annihilate, destroy; usqistjan 8, us-qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben, umbringen, töten, zugrunde richten; ne. annihilate, kill (V.), exterminate, destroy utterly

killing -- killing (N.): got. dauþeins* 2, dau-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Absterben, Sterben, Tod, Todesgefahr; ne. killing (N.), putting to death

kin -- of different kin: got. aljakuns 3, al-ja-kun-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anderswoher stammend, gegen die Natur, von einem anderen Geschlecht, von fremder Abkunft, fremd; ne. foreign, of different kin, of foreign origin, strange, contrary to nature

kin -- of the same kin: got. samakuns* 1, sam-a-kun-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. desselben Geschlechts, verwandt; ne. of the same kin, kindred (Adj.), related (Adj.)

kind -- kind (Adj.): got. gōþs 89, gōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, schön, tüchtig; ne. good (Adj.), of good quality, kind (Adj.), beautiful; hulþs 1, hul-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hold, gnädig, günstig; ne. kind (Adj.), clement, propitious, gracious; *mildeis, *mil-d-ei-s, milds,  Adj. (ja): nhd. mild, freundlich; ne. mild, kind (Adj.); sēls 3, sēl-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gut, gütig, tauglich; ne. kind (Adj.), benevolent, benign, good, useful

kind -- kind (N.): got. *kinds?, *kin-d-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kind, Geschlecht, Art; ne. kind (N.), lineage, tribe, clan, child

kind -- of such kind: got. swaleiks 43, swa-leik-s,  st. Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so beschaffen, solch; ne. suchlike, such, of such kind

kind -- what kind of: got. ƕileiks 17=16, ƕi-leik-s,  Pron., Adj. (a): nhd. wie beschaffen, was für ein, welcher; ne. what sort of, what kind of, which, of what type

kind-hearted: got. bleiþs 2, ble-i-þ-s,  Adj. (i): nhd. dem Guten zugetan, barmherzig, fromm, gütig, mild, mitleidig; ne. kind-hearted, merciful

-- be kind-hearted: got. bleiþjan* 2, ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. barmherzig sein (V.), sich erbarmen, Mitleid hegen; ne. take pity, be kind-hearted, be merciful, be clement

kind-heartedness: got. bleiþei 4, ble-i-þ-ei,  st. F. (n): nhd. Wohlwollen, Güte, Mitleid, Erbarmen; ne. benevolence, good will, kind-heartedness, mercy (N.), clemency

kindheartedness -- show kindheartedness toward: got. gableiþjan* 2, ga-ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, barmherzig sein (V.); ne. show kindheartedness toward, have mercy on, take pity

kindle -- kindle (V.): got. tandjan* 2, tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anzünden, brennen machen; ne. kindle (V.), ignite, make burn, light a lamp

kindness: got. mildiþa* 1, mil-d-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Milde, Herz, Mitleid; ne. charitableness, kindness, compassion, mildness; sēlei 8, sēl-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tüchtigkeit, Güte, Milde; ne. kindness, benevolence, benignity, goodness, usefulness

kindred -- kindred (Adj.): got. samakuns* 1, sam-a-kun-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. desselben Geschlechts, verwandt; ne. of the same kin, kindred (Adj.), related (Adj.)

kindred -- make kindred: got. niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

king: got. þiudans 35, þiu-d-an-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. König; ne. king

-- be a king: got. þiudanōn 7, þiu-d-an-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. herrschen, König sein (V.); ne. reign (V.), be a king, rule (V.)

kingdom: got. þiudangardi 65, þiu-d-an-gard-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Königsschloss, Königreich, Palast; ne. royal domain, realm, kingdom, royal palace, king’s court; þiudinassus 10, þiu-d-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Regierung, Königreich, Reich; ne. governance, reign (N.), reigning (N.), kingship, kingdom, rule (N.)

king’s -- king’s court: got. þiudangardi 65, þiu-d-an-gard-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Königsschloss, Königreich, Palast; ne. royal domain, realm, kingdom, royal palace, king’s court

kingship: got. þiudinassus 10, þiu-d-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Regierung, Königreich, Reich; ne. governance, reign (N.), reigning (N.), kingship, kingdom, rule (N.)

kinship: got. sibja* 1, si-b-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Sippenverhältnis, Verwandtschaft, Sippe; ne. kinship, sibship, blood relationship

-- bring into kinship: got. niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

kinsman: got. ganiþjis* 3, ga-niþ-ji-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Verwandter; ne. kinsman, relative (M.); niþjis 3, n-i-þ-ji-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Verwandter; ne. kinsman, male blood-relative

kinswoman: got. niþjō 1, niþ-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verwandte; ne. kinswoman, female blood-relative

kiss -- kiss (N.): got. frijōns* 2, fri-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kuss, Liebeszeichen; ne. sign of love, kiss (N.); gafrijōns* 1, ga-fri-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kuss; ne. sign of love, kiss (N.)

kiss -- kiss (V.): got. kukjan* 5, ku-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. küssen; ne. kiss (V.)

kisses -- cover with kisses: got. bikukjan 1, bi-ku-k-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. mit Küssen bedecken; ne. cover with kisses

knapsack: got. matibalgs* 3, mat-i-bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Ranzen, Speisesack, Speisetasche; ne. food-bag, knapsack, lunchbox

knead: got. digan* 2, dig-an*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. kneten, aus Ton bilden, bilden, formen; ne. knead, mold, form out of clay; gadigan* 2=1, ga-dig-an*, gadeigan*,  unr. st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kneten, bilden, aus Ton bilden; ne. knead, form (V.), mould (V.), form from clay

kneaded -- kneaded all together: got. *digrs?, *dig-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll, zusammengeknetet, dicht; ne. plump, stout, thick, kneaded all together

knee -- fall on one’s knee: got. knussjan* 2, knu-s-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niederfallen?, auf die Knie fallen, knien; ne. fall on one’s knee, assume a begging position

knee -- knee breeches: got. *þiuhbrōks, *þiu-h-brōk-s, *þeuhbrōks,  st. Sb.: nhd. Kniehose; ne. knee breeches

knee -- knee (N.): got. kniu* 5,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Knie; ne. knee (N.)

kneel -- kneel (N.): got. *knussus?, *knu-s-s-u-s?,  st. M. (u?): nhd. Knien (N.); ne. kneel (N.)

kneel -- kneel (V.): got. *knutjan?, *knu-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. knien; ne. kneel (V.)

knife: got. *sahs, *sah-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schwert, Messer (N.); ne. sword, knife; *skramma, *skra-m-m-a, *skrama,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schwert, Messer (N.); ne. sword, knife

know: got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know; kunnan (1) 97=96, kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. kennen, wissen; ne. be acquainted, know, understand; laisan* 2, lais-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1): nhd. wissen, erfahren (V.); ne. know; witan (1) 133=131, wi-t-an,  Prät.-Präs. (1): nhd. wissen; ne. know, have knowledge

-- come to know: got. ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

-- get to know: got. gakunnan (2) 8, ga-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. kennenlernen, erfahren (V.), erkennen, lesen (V.) (1); ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know; *-kunnan (2), *-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kennenlernen; ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know, recognize; ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

-- know beforehand: got. faúragateihan* 2, faúr-a-ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. vorherverkünden, vorhersagen; ne. announce beforehand, know beforehand, tell beforehand

-- learn to know: got. atkunnan* 1, at-kun-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. gewähren, zuerkennen; ne. acknowledge, learn to know

knower -- knower of the law: got. witōdafasteis 2, wi-t-ōd-a-fast-ei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeskundiger; ne. legist, jurisprudent, knower of the law, lawyer

knowing: got. *witands?, *wi-t-an-d-s?,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. wissend; ne. knowing

-- knowing (Adj.): got. *wita?, *wi-t-a?,  sw. Adj.: nhd. wissend; ne. knowing (Adj.)

knowledge: got. kunþi 17, kun-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Kunde (F.), Kenntnis; ne. knowledge, thorough acquaintance; *leisei, *leis-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kunde (F.); ne. knowledge; ufkunþi* 8, uf-kun-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erkenntnis; ne. knowledge, accurate understanding, recognition; *wissei?, *wi-s-s-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Wissen; ne. knowledge; *wissi?, *wi-s-s-i?,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Wissen; ne. knowledge; *witi, *wi-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Wissen; ne. knowledge; witubni* 2, wi-t-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Kenntnis, Erkenntnis; ne. knowledge, factual knowledge

-- acquire knowledge of: got. gakunnan (2) 8, ga-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. kennenlernen, erfahren (V.), erkennen, lesen (V.) (1); ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know; *-kunnan (2), *-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kennenlernen; ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know, recognize

-- Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions: got. miþwissei 11, mi-þ-wi-s-s-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Mitwissen“, Bewusstsein, Gewissen; ne. conscience, moral consciousness, Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions

-- factual knowledge: got. witubni* 2, wi-t-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Kenntnis, Erkenntnis; ne. knowledge, factual knowledge

-- have knowledge: got. witan (1) 133=131, wi-t-an,  Prät.-Präs. (1): nhd. wissen; ne. know, have knowledge

-- lack of knowledge: got. unkunþi* 1, un-kun-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unkunde; ne. ignorance, lack of knowledge

-- make acquire knowledge of by reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

-- obtain knowledge of: got. finþan* 5, fi-n-þ-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. find out, discover, recognize, learn, obtain knowledge of

-- provide with knowledge: got. usfratwjan 1, us-fratw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. klug machen, ausrüsten?, ausstatten?; ne. instruct (V.), provide with knowledge, make wise

knowledgeable: got. *leis (1),  Adj. (a): nhd. kundig; ne. knowledgeable, experienced, versed in

known: got. kunþs (1) 6, kun-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. kund, bekannt, Bekannter (= kunþs subst.); ne. known, recognized

-- conspicuously known: got. swikunþs 17, swi-kun-þ-s, swekunþs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. offenkundig, offenbar, bekannt; ne. known openly, conspicuously known, known by its obviousness, manifest (Adj.), obvious

-- known by its obviousness: got. swikunþs 17, swi-kun-þ-s, swekunþs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. offenkundig, offenbar, bekannt; ne. known openly, conspicuously known, known by its obviousness, manifest (Adj.), obvious

-- known openly: got. swikunþs 17, swi-kun-þ-s, swekunþs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. offenkundig, offenbar, bekannt; ne. known openly, conspicuously known, known by its obviousness, manifest (Adj.), obvious

-- make known: got. gakannjan 13, ga-kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden, berichten, bekanntmachen, empfehlen; ne. make known, present (V.), announce; galiuhtjan* 2, ga-liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erleuchten, ans Licht bringen; ne. give light to, light up, bring to light, illumine, make known; inliuhtjan 3=2, in-liuh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erleuchten; ne. enlighten, illuminate, make known; kannjan 9, kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kund tun, bekanntmachen, empfehlen, verkünden; ne. make known, apprise of, inform of; uskannjan 2, us-kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verkünden, berichten, empfehlen, kundtun; ne. make known, introduce

-- make openly known: got. gaswikunþjan 8, ga-swi-kun-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekanntgeben, offenbaren, sich offenbaren, erscheinen; ne. make manifest, publish, make openly known; *swikunþjan?, *swi-kun-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bekanntgeben, offenbaren; ne. publicize, make openly known

k-rune -- name of k-rune: got. kusma* 1, kusm-a*, kozma, chozma,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Kehle?, k-Rune, Geschwür?; ne. boil (N.), tumefaction, infected swelling, name of k-rune

label -- label (N.): got. ufarmēli 2, uf-ar-mēl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Überschrift; ne. caption, legend, label (N.), title, inscription

labour -- be in labour (with): got. fitan* 2, fit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. kreißen, gebären; ne. undergo childbirth pangs (with), give birth (to) amid throes, be in labour (with)

labour -- labour (N.): got. arbaiþs 14, arbai-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Arbeit, Drangsal, Hemmung, Bedrängnis; ne. labour (N.), work (N.), toil (N.), distress, arduousness, troublesomeness, hardship

labour -- labour through: got. þaírharbaidjan* 1, þaír-h-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. durcharbeiten; ne. labour through, work through

labour -- labour together with: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

labour -- labour (V.): got. arbaidjan* 13, arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. arbeiten, dulden, kämpfen für; ne. work hard, toil (V.), labour (V.), strive, struggle (V.)

labourer: got. waúrstwa (1) 1, waúr-st-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Arbeiter; ne. worker, workman, labourer; waúrstwja 23, waúr-st-w-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Arbeiter, Bauer (M.) (1), Winzer; ne. worker, workman, labourer, farmer, vinedresser

lace -- lace (N.): got. *nastilō?, *na-st-il-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Nestel; ne. lace (N.)

lacerate: got. tahjan* 6, tah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reißen, zerren, ausstreuen; ne. lacerate, tear (V.) (2), rend (V.)

lack -- lack (N.): got. gaidw* 4=3, gai-dw*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. lack (N.), insufficiency; wan 2, wa-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. deficiency, want (N.), lack (N.); wanains 1, wa-n-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. diminishing, diminution, lessening, lack (N.); waninassus* 3, wa-n-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. lack (N.), want (N.), shortage

lack -- lack of knowledge: got. unkunþi* 1, un-kun-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unkunde; ne. ignorance, lack of knowledge

lack -- lack of self-control: got. ungahōbains* 1, un-ga-hōb-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Unmäßigkeit, Unenthaltsamkeit; ne. incontinence, lack of self-control

lack -- lack of understanding: got. niuklahei* 1, niu-k-l-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kleinmut, Unverstand; ne. childishness, childlikeness, lack of understanding, faintheartedness

lacking: got. wans* 4, wa-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fehlend, mangelhaft, (weniger); ne. missing, lacking, wanting, diminished, less, null, void (Adj.), deficient

-- lacking courage: got. usgrudja* 7=6, us-grud-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. mutlos; ne. ex-avid, exhausted of desire, no longer avid, lacking courage

-- lacking self-control: got. ungahabands* sik 1, un-ga-hab-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. zügellos, unbeherrscht, unenthaltsam; ne. incontinent, lacking self-control

lad: got. magus 4, mag-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Knabe, Jüngling, Sohn, Knecht; ne. boy, lad, child

lade -- lade down: got. afhlaþan* 1, af-hla-þ-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. beladen; ne. burden (V.), load down, lade down

laden -- laden with: got. hafts* (1) 1, haf-t-s*,  Part. Prät. = Adj. (a): nhd. behaftet; ne. bound (Adj.), joined, laden with, subject to

lake: got. lagus* 1, lagu-s*, lagaz*?, laaz,  st. M. (u): nhd. See, l-Rune; ne. lake, sea, open water, ocean, name of l-rune; marei 38, mar-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Meer; ne. sea, inland sea, lake; marisaiws* 3, mari-saiw-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Meersee“, See (M.); ne. lake, sea; saiws* 6, sai-w-s*,  st. M. (i) (a): nhd. See (M.), Marschland; ne. lake, drained swampland, sea, marshland

lamb -- lamb (N.): got. lamb 24, l-amb,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lamm, Schaf, junges Kleinvieh; ne. lamb (N.), sheep; wiþrus 1, wiþ-ru-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Widder, Lamm; ne. lamb (N.), young male sheep

lame: got. halts* 5, hal-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lahm; ne. crippled, halt (Adj.), lame

-- lame (Adj.): got. *lameis, *lam-ei-s, *lamjis?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. lahm, schlaff, mild, matt; ne. lame (Adj.), weak, limp (Adj.), mild

lament: got. grētan 21, grē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (1): nhd. weinen, klagen; ne. weep (V.), cry (V.), lament; *sis-,  sw. V.: nhd. klagen; ne. lament; *wainjan, *wai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weinen; ne. bewail, lament; *wainōn, *wai-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. weinen; ne. bewail, lament

-- lament (N.): got. *aihtr, *aih-tr,  st. N.: nhd. Klage, Bitte; ne. complaint, lament (N.), request (N.)

-- lament (V.): got. gaunōn 3, gau-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. klagen, Totenklage anstimmen; ne. lament (V.), bewail, sing a dirge, wail in mourning; hiufan* 2, hiu-f-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wehklagen, Klagelieder singen; ne. lament (V.), sing a dirge, sing a threnody, wail (V.); qainōn 4, qai-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. weinen (intr.), trauern (intr.), beweinen (tr.), betrauern (tr.); ne. wail (V.), mourn, lament (V.), bewail, mourn over, sorrow (V.); waifaírƕjan* 1, wai-faírƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehklagen; ne. mourn with lamentation, wail in mourning, lament (V.)

lamentable: got. wainahs 1, wai-n-ah-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. elend, geplagt; ne. woeful, lamentable, miserable, wretched

lamentation: got. gaunōþus* 1, gau-n-ōþu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Klage; ne. lamentation, mourning (N.)

-- lamentation of the dead: got. ? *sisi?, *sis-i?,  Sb.: nhd. Totenklage?; ne. lamentation of the dead?

-- mourn with lamentation: got. waifaírƕjan* 1, wai-faírƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehklagen; ne. mourn with lamentation, wail in mourning, lament (V.)

lamp: got. lukarn 5,  st. N. (a): nhd. Leuchte, Licht; ne. lamp, candle, light (N.)

-- lamp stand: got. lukarnastaþa* 3, lukarn-a-sta-þa*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Leuchter; ne. candlestick, lamp stand

-- light a lamp: got. tandjan* 2, tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anzünden, brennen machen; ne. kindle (V.), ignite, make burn, light a lamp

land -- inherited land property: got. haimōþli* 2, hai-m-ōþl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Grundbesitz, Familiengut; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead; *ōþli, *ōþl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, Heimat; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead

land -- land (N.): got. aírþa 62, aír-þ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erde, Land, Erdreich, Erdboden; ne. earth, land (N.); gawi* 6, gaw-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gau, Land, Bezirk, Umgegend, Gegend; ne. region, district (N.), country, land (N.), province, environment; *haima?, *hai-m-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Land; ne. land (N.); land* 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Land, Landgut, Gegend; ne. land (N.), country, farmland, territory, region; þaúrp* 1, þaúr-p*,  st. N. (a): nhd. bebautes Land, Acker, Feld; ne. farmland, agricultural tract, land (N.), lived-on property

land -- land (V.): got. atfarjan* 1, at-far-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einlaufen, landen; ne. reach land, arrive by boat, land (V.), put into port

land -- open land: got. akrs 6, ak-r-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Acker; ne. field, open land

land -- patrimonial land: got. haimōþli* 2, hai-m-ōþl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Grundbesitz, Familiengut; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead; *ōþli, *ōþl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, Heimat; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead

land -- reach land: got. atfarjan* 1, at-far-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einlaufen, landen; ne. reach land, arrive by boat, land (V.), put into port

landed -- landed estate: got. ? hugs* (2) 1, hug-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Landgut?, Feld; ne. landed estate?, country estate?, agricultural property, farm property, field

lane: got. staiga* 3, staig-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Steig, Weg; ne. path, lane, walkway, footpath, way

language: got. razda 11, raz-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sprache, Sprechweise, Zunge; ne. language, dialect, tongue, manner of utterance, speech

-- foul language: got. aglaitiwáurdei* 2, ag-l-ait-i-wáur-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schandrede, unzüchtiges Reden; ne. obscene language, foul language, shameful speech, filthy talk; naiteins* 3, nai-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, malediction, abusive speech, foul language, insult (N.), slander (N.)

-- obscene language: got. aglaitiwáurdei* 2, ag-l-ait-i-wáur-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schandrede, unzüchtiges Reden; ne. obscene language, foul language, shameful speech, filthy talk

-- subject to foul language: got. ganaitjan* 1, ga-nai-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschimpfen, schmähen, lästern; ne. subject to foul language, subject to verbal humiliation, revile, treat shamefully

-- use foul language: got. *naitjan?, *nai-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lästern; ne. use foul language, abuse verbally

lantern: got. skeima* 1, skei-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Leuchte; ne. lantern, lighting implement, torch

lap -- lap (N.): got. barms* 5, bar-m-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Busen, Schoß (M.) (1), Brust; ne. lap (N.), bosom, breast (N.)

lapse -- before the lapse of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

large -- become large: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

large -- large (Adj.): got. mikils 54, mik-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, stark, viel; ne. great, large (Adj.), great amount of, great number of, many

large -- make large: got. gamikiljan* 1, ga-mik-il-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „groß machen“, preisen, erheben; ne. make great, make large, magnify

larger: got. maiza 17, ma-i-z-a,  Adj. (Komp.): nhd. größere; ne. greater, larger

-- grow larger: got. auknan* 1, auk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich mehren, dargebracht werden; ne. become increased, grow larger

last: got. spēdiza*, spē-d-iz-a*, 17,  Adj. (a) (Komp.): nhd. spätere; ne. later, last

-- at last: got. und andi, Adv.: nhd. zuletzt; ne. ultimately, at last, in the end

-- last of two parties: got. aftuma* 1, af-t-u-m-a*,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. letzte, hintere; ne. aftermost, hindmost, last of two parties

-- last (V.): got. framwairþis wisan: nhd. dauern (V.) (1), verharren; ne. last (V.), go on

-- the last day of the world: got. spēdista dags, got.: nhd. der jüngste Tag; ne. the last day of the world

-- the very last: got. aftumists 5, af-t-u-m-ist-s,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. letzte; ne. endmost, final (Adj.), the very last

lasting -- lasting eight days: got. ahtaudōgs 1, aht-au-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. achttägig; ne. of eight days, lasting eight days, octo-diurnal

lasting -- lasting only for a while: got. ƕeilaƕaírbs* 2, ƕeil-a-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nur eine Zeitlang dauernd, vergänglich, unbeständig; ne. temporary, transient, transitory, lasting only for a while

late: got. spēþs*, spē-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. spät; ne. late

-- late (Adj.): got. seiþus* 2, sei-þ-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. spät (Adj.); ne. late (Adj.)

-- make late: got. latjan* 1, la-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufhalten, verzögern, lange dauern; ne. retard (V.), delay (V.), make late

later: got. *seiþs, *sei-þ-s,  Adv.: nhd. später; ne. later; spēdiza*, spē-d-iz-a*, 17,  Adj. (a) (Komp.): nhd. spätere; ne. later, last

-- later than then: got. þanaseiþs 28, þan-a-sei-þ-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch; ne. later than then, after then, thereafter, from then on

later; -- not much later; Sk 6: got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously

latest: got. spēdists, got.: nhd. späteste; ne. latest; spēdumists, got.: nhd. späteste; ne. latest

latrine: got. urruns (1) 3, ur-ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Aufgang (der Sonne), Osten, Abtritt; ne. egress (N.), emergence, solar egress, sunrise, sunup, runoff, sewer, latrine, toilet, rising (N.)

lattice -- lattice door: got. haúrds 5, haúr-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Tür, geflochtene Tür; ne. door, lattice door

laudable: got. þiuþeigs 17, þiu-þ-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, gepriesen; ne. good, perfect, beneficial, laudable, praised, blessed

laugh -- cause to laugh: got. *hlōhjan?, *hlō-h-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lachen machen; ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing; ufhlōhjan* 1, uf-hlōh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflachen machen, lachen machen, auflachen (= Pass.); ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing

laugh -- laugh at: got. bihlahjan* 3, bi-hla-h-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. verlachen, verspotten, auslachen; ne. laugh at, deride

laugh -- laugh (V.): got. hlahjan* 2, hla-h-jan*, lachen,  lachen, krim unr. st. V. (6): nhd. lachen; ne. laugh (V.); lat. ridere

lave: got. þwahan 5, þwah-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. etwas waschen, sich waschen; ne. wash (V.), lave, bathe (V.)

-- lave off: got. afþwahan 3, af-þwah-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. sich abwaschen, waschen, sich waschen; ne. lave off, wash off, wash o.s. off

laving -- laving (N.): got. þwahl* 2, þwah-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bad, Taufe; ne. washing (N.), laving (N.), cleansing (N.)

law: got. belagines, be-lag-in-es, lat.- F. Pl.: nhd. Recht; ne. law; lat. leges conscriptae; *bilageins?, *bi-lag-ein-s?,  st. F. (iō): nhd. Gesetz?; ne. law; ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law; witōþ 101, wi-t-ōþ,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gesetz, Gebot; ne. law

-- knower of the law: got. witōdafasteis 2, wi-t-ōd-a-fast-ei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeskundiger; ne. legist, jurisprudent, knower of the law, lawyer

-- law teacher: got. witōdalaisāreis* 2, wi-t-ōd-a-lais-ārei-s*,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeslehrer, Schriftgelehrter; ne. law teacher, legal exegete, scribe (M.)

-- outside the law: got. witōdalaus 4, wi-t-ōd-a-lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gesetzlos; ne. lawless, outside the law

-- within the law: got. inwitōþs 1, in-wi-t-ōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. innerhalb des Gesetzes stehend, gesetzlich; ne. within the law, lawful, law-abiding

law-abiding: got. inwitōþs 1, in-wi-t-ōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. innerhalb des Gesetzes stehend, gesetzlich; ne. within the law, lawful, law-abiding

lawful: got. inwitōþs 1, in-wi-t-ōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. innerhalb des Gesetzes stehend, gesetzlich; ne. within the law, lawful, law-abiding; *sibjis, *si-b-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gerecht, gesetzlich; ne. fair (Adj.), upright, lawful; *witōþs?, *wi-t-ōþ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. gesetzlich?; ne. lawful

lawfully: got. witōdeigō 2, wi-t-ōd-ei-g-ō,  Adv.: nhd. gesetzlich, gesetzmäßig; ne. legally, lawfully, legitimately

law-knowing: got. *witōdafasts?, *wi-t-ōd-a-fast-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. gesetzesfest; ne. law-knowing, secure in jurisprudence

lawless: got. witōdalaus 4, wi-t-ōd-a-lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gesetzlos; ne. lawless, outside the law

lawlessness: got. ungaraíhtei* 1, un-ga-raíh-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gesetzlosigkeit, Ungerechtigkeit; ne. unrighteousness, iniquity, injustice, lawlessness

lawsuit -- adversary in a lawsuit: got. andastaua 2, and-a-sta-u-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gegner vor Gericht, Widersacher; ne. legal opponent, adversary in a lawsuit, opposing litigant

lawyer: got. witōdafasteis 2, wi-t-ōd-a-fast-ei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeskundiger; ne. legist, jurisprudent, knower of the law, lawyer

lax -- lax (Adj.): got. lats* 3, la-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lässig, träge, faul; ne. sluggish (Adj.), slack (Adj.), lax (Adj.), lazy, indolent

laxness: got. latei 1, la-t-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lässigkeit, Trägheit; ne. sluggishness, slackness, laxness

lay -- lay aside: got. aflagjan 5, af-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas ablegen; ne. put off, lay off away, lay down, lay aside

lay -- lay at: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at

lay -- lay away as treasure: got. huzdjan 3, hu-z-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Schätze sammeln, sammeln; ne. treasure up, store up, lay away as treasure, gather

lay -- lay before: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at; faúrlagjan 3, faúr-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorlegen, vorsetzen; ne. lay before, set in front of, put forth, place before; ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

lay -- lay down: got. aflagjan 5, af-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas ablegen; ne. put off, lay off away, lay down, lay aside; *bilagjan?, *bi-lag-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auferlegen; ne. lay down, impose; galagjan* 28, ga-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinlegen, legen, werfen, auflegen, aufsetzen, liegen (= Pass.); ne. lay (V.), lay down, deposit (V.), put down; lagjan 29, lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. legen, auflegen, hinlegen, setzen, stellen; ne. lay (V.), lay down, set (V.), set down, put (V.), put down, deposit (V.)

lay -- lay down upon: got. anahnaiwjan* 1, an-a-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. niederlegen; ne. lower onto, lay down upon

lay -- lay hands on: got. fāhan 2, fāh-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. fangen, greifen; ne. catch (V.), capture (V.), grasp (V.), take hold of, lay hands on, seize

lay -- lay hold on: got. gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain; undgreipan 8, und-greip-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ergreifen, requirieren; ne. lay hold on, take (V.), seize

lay -- lay into: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at

lay -- lay off away: got. aflagjan 5, af-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas ablegen; ne. put off, lay off away, lay down, lay aside

lay -- lay on: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at; uslagjan 8, us-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflegen, anlegen; ne. lay outstretched, lay out, lay on

lay -- lay one’s touch upon: got. attēkan 21, at-tēk-an,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. berühren, anrühren; ne. touch (V.), make contact with, lay one’s touch upon

lay -- lay onto: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at

lay -- lay out: got. uslagjan 8, us-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflegen, anlegen; ne. lay outstretched, lay out, lay on

lay -- lay outstretched: got. uslagjan 8, us-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflegen, anlegen; ne. lay outstretched, lay out, lay on

lay -- lay over: got. ufarlagjan* 1, uf-ar-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überdecken; ne. lay over

lay -- lay the foundation of: got. gasūljan* 3, ga-sūl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. das Fundament legen, begründen, gründen; ne. found (V.), base (V.), ground (V.), lay the foundation of

lay -- lay upon: got. analagjan* 2, an-a-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „einlegen“, auflegen, beibringen; ne. put on, lay upon, inflict upon

lay -- lay (V.): got. galagjan* 28, ga-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinlegen, legen, werfen, auflegen, aufsetzen, liegen (= Pass.); ne. lay (V.), lay down, deposit (V.), put down; lagjan 29, lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. legen, auflegen, hinlegen, setzen, stellen; ne. lay (V.), lay down, set (V.), set down, put (V.), put down, deposit (V.)

laying -- laying aside: got. aflageins* 1, af-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ablegung, Erlass, Vergebung; ne. forgiveness, laying aside, remission, absolution

laying -- laying on: got. analageins* 2, an-a-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auflegung; ne. laying on, superimposition

lazy: got. lats* 3, la-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lässig, träge, faul; ne. sluggish (Adj.), slack (Adj.), lax (Adj.), lazy, indolent

lead -- lead a life: got. wizōn* 1, wiz-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schwelgen; ne. live, lead a life, be self-indulgent

lead -- lead along: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

lead -- lead a military life in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

lead -- lead around: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along

lead -- lead astray: got. afaírzjan 6, af-aírz-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. irre machen, abweichen (V.) (2), abirren, verführen, sich verführen lassen (= Pass.); ne. deceive, lead astray, misguide (V.)

lead -- lead astray the understanding of: got. afhugjan* 1, af-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezaubern; ne. lead astray the understanding of, bewitch

lead -- lead away: got. aftiuhan 2, af-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. wegziehen, abziehen, fortziehen; ne. draw off away, pull away, lead away

lead -- lead away together: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

lead -- lead forth: got. gatiuhan* 8, ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegziehen, wegführen, führen, bringen; ne. lead forth, conduct (V.), draw (V.), bring; ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

lead -- lead in: got. innattiuhan* 1, in-n-at-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. hineinziehen, hineinführen; ne. bring in to, conduct in thither, usher in, lead in

lead -- lead out: got. ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

lead -- lead to concord: got. gagawaírþjan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord; *gawaírþjan?, *ga-waírþ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord

lead -- lead (V.): got. briggan 39, bri-g-g-an,  unr. st. V., sw. V.: nhd. bringen, führen machen; ne. bring, lead (V.), conduct (V.), render, cause to become; *laidjan, *lai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen machen, leiten; ne. make go, lead (V.); tiuhan 12, tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. ziehen, führen, wegführen; ne. lead (V.), guide (V.), conduct (V.), bring

leader: got. *faþs?, *faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Herr, Führer; ne. lord, master (M.), leader

-- army become subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- army be subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- leader of a group: got. *skarja?, *skar-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Scharführer; ne. leader of a group

-- leader of a synagogue: got. fauramaþleis swnagōgeis, got.: nhd. Synagogenleiter; ne. leader of a synagogue

-- leader of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþs?, *þiu-faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of servants, leader of a thousand men?; þiufaþus* 21, þiu-faþ-us*, þiufadus, thiuphadus, lat.- st. M.: nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of a thousand men, leader of servants

-- leader of servants: got. *þiufaþs?, *þiu-faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of servants, leader of a thousand men?; þiufaþus* 21, þiu-faþ-us*, þiufadus, thiuphadus, lat.- st. M.: nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of a thousand men, leader of servants

-- synagogue leader: got. swnagōgafaþs* 4, swn-ag-ō-g-a-faþ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Synagogenvorsteher; ne. synagogue leader, ruler of the synagogue

leaf: got. laufs* (1) 3, lau-f-s*, lauf,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Laub, Blatt; ne. leaf, leafage, foliage

leafage: got. laufs* (1) 3, lau-f-s*, lauf,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Laub, Blatt; ne. leaf, leafage, foliage

leaning -- leaning (Adj.): got. *halþs, *hal-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geneigt; ne. leaning (Adj.), leaning toward, inclined (Adj.), inclined toward, tending toward

leaning -- leaning toward: got. *halþs, *hal-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geneigt; ne. leaning (Adj.), leaning toward, inclined (Adj.), inclined toward, tending toward

leap -- leap forth: got. ushlaupan* 1, us-hlaup-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. aufspringen, sich aufmachen; ne. leap forth, leap up, jump up, spring to one’s feet

leap -- leap up: got. ushlaupan* 1, us-hlaup-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. aufspringen, sich aufmachen; ne. leap forth, leap up, jump up, spring to one’s feet

learn: got. finþan* 5, fi-n-þ-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. find out, discover, recognize, learn, obtain knowledge of; galaisjan sik, got.: nhd. lernen; ne. learn; ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn

-- learn by inquiry: got. gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

-- learn to know: got. atkunnan* 1, at-kun-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. gewähren, zuerkennen; ne. acknowledge, learn to know

-- teach or learn through reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

least: got. minnists* 8, mi-n-n-ist-s*,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. kleinste, geringste, mindeste; ne. least, very little, slightest, smallest

-- least (M.): got. undarleija* 1, undar-lei-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Allergeringster, Geringster; ne. lowliest person, one lowest down, least (M.)

leather -- leather bag: got. balgs* 12, bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Balg, Schlauch, Tasche; ne. leather bag, bag made of skin, wine-skin

leathern: got. filleins* 1, fil-l-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ledern; ne. leathern

leave -- leave alone: got. lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit

leave -- leave behind: got. bilaibjan* 1, bi-lai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übriglassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining; bileiþan* 26, bi-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. verlassen (V.), zurücklassen, hinterlassen; ne. leave behind, relinquish, abandon (V.); *laibjan, *lai-b-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übrig lassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining

leave -- leave off: got. aflinnan* 1, af-li-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. weggehen, fortgehen; ne. leave off, go away, cease from, let up; sweiban* 1, swei-b-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. ablassen, aufhören; ne. cease (V.), leave off, pause (V.), stop (V.)

leave -- leave over: got. bilaibjan* 1, bi-lai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übriglassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining; *laibjan, *lai-b-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übrig lassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining

leave -- leave remaining: got. bilaibjan* 1, bi-lai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übriglassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining; *laibjan, *lai-b-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übrig lassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining

leave -- leave (V.): got. afgaggan* 5, af-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. weggehen von, weggehen, weichen (V.) (2); ne. go away, leave (V.), depart (V.); afleiþan* 14, af-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. weggehen, entweichen, verreisen, fortgehen; ne. go away, depart (V.), leave (V.); aflētan 52, af-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen, fortschicken, aufgeben, eine Schuld erlassen, vergeben, verlassen (V.), im Stiche lassen, zurücklassen, überlassen, vernachlässigen; ne. let off, let go, leave (V.), relinquish, remit, absolve, release (V.), forgive; lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit

leave -- take leave: got. twisstandan* 2=1, twi-s-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich trennen, Abschied nehmen von; ne. bid farewell, take leave, depart (V.)

leave -- take (verbal) leave of: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

leaven -- leaven (N.): got. beist* 7, bei-st*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Sauerteig, Biestmilch; ne. yeast, leaven (N.)

leaven -- leaven (V.): got. *beistjan?, *bei-st-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. säuern; ne. leaven (V.); gabeistjan* 1, ga-bei-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. durchsäuern; ne. leaven (V.)

leavened: got. *beistjōþs?, *bei-st-j-ōþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. gesäuert; ne. leavened, fermented

leavenedness: got. *beistei?, *bei-st-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gesäuertes, Gesäuertsein; ne. leavenedness, fermentedness

leaves -- small bush with highly aromatic leaves: got. hwssōpō* 1, hwssōpōn*,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromatic leaves

leaves -- small bush with highly aromativ leaves: got. ƕssōpō, ƕssōpōn,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromativ leaves

lection -- lection (N.): got. laíktjō 44, laíkt-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Leseabschnitt, Lektion; ne. lection (N.), reading (N.), lesson

lecture: got. saggws* 4, saggw-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gesang, Musik (= saggweis); ne. song, singing (N.), vocal music (= saggweis), reading (N.), lecture

ledge: got. *baúrd (2), *baúr-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bord, Rand; ne. ledge, edge

left -- become left: got. aflifnan* 8, af-li-f-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. be left, become left, be left over, remain (V.)

left -- be left: got. aflifnan* 8, af-li-f-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. be left, become left, be left over, remain (V.); *bileiban, *bi-lei-b-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. bleiben; ne. remain (V.), be left; *lifnan?, *li-f-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. rest (V.), remain (V.), be left

left -- be left over: got. aflifnan* 8, af-li-f-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. be left, become left, be left over, remain (V.)

left -- left (Adj.): got. hleiduma* 7=6, hlei-d-um-a*,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. link; ne. left (Adj.), of the left side

left -- of the left side: got. hleiduma* 7=6, hlei-d-um-a*,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. link; ne. left (Adj.), of the left side

left -- on the left: got. af hleidumein, got.: nhd. zur Linken; ne. on the left

left -- what is left: got. laiba* 3, lai-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Überbleibsel, Rest; ne. what is left, leftover, remains (N.), remnant, rest (N.), remainder

left -- you have left me: got. sibakþani 2, got.?, Interj.: nhd. du hast mich verlassen; ne. you have left me

leftover: got. laiba* 3, lai-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Überbleibsel, Rest; ne. what is left, leftover, remains (N.), remnant, rest (N.), remainder

leg: got. *agkja?, *agk-j-a?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Bein, Röhre; ne. leg, pipe (N.), tube

-- leg chains: got. fōtubandi* 1, fōt-u-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. „Fußband“, Fußfessel, Fußschelle; ne. foot shackle, foot-bonds, leg chains

legal -- legal exegete: got. witōdalaisāreis* 2, wi-t-ōd-a-lais-ārei-s*,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeslehrer, Schriftgelehrter; ne. law teacher, legal exegete, scribe (M.)

legal -- legal opponent: got. andastaua 2, and-a-sta-u-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gegner vor Gericht, Widersacher; ne. legal opponent, adversary in a lawsuit, opposing litigant

legally: got. witōdeigō 2, wi-t-ōd-ei-g-ō,  Adv.: nhd. gesetzlich, gesetzmäßig; ne. legally, lawfully, legitimately

legend: got. spill* 4, spil-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Sage, Fabel; ne. fable (N.), myth, legend, tale; ufarmēli 2, uf-ar-mēl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Überschrift; ne. caption, legend, label (N.), title, inscription

legion: got. *draúhts (2), *draú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Heer, Schar (F.) (1), Gefolge, Volk?; ne. army, legion, host; harjis 2, har-ji-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Heer, Menge; ne. army, legion, host, armed host; laigaiōn 2,  M.: nhd. Legion; ne. legion

legislate: got. urrēdan* 1, ur-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. auflegen, bestimmen, urteilen; ne. legislate, plan out, derive from argument, determine, decide

legislation: got. witōdis garaideins, got.: nhd. Gesetzgebung; ne. legislation; witōdis garaideins, got.: nhd. Gesetzgebung; ne. legislation

legist: got. witōdafasteis 2, wi-t-ōd-a-fast-ei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeskundiger; ne. legist, jurisprudent, knower of the law, lawyer

legitimately: got. witōdeigō 2, wi-t-ōd-ei-g-ō,  Adv.: nhd. gesetzlich, gesetzmäßig; ne. legally, lawfully, legitimately

lend: got. leiƕan (sis) 4, leiƕ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. leihen, borgen; ne. lend, loan (V.), take on loan, borrow

length: got. laggei 2=1, lagg-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Länge; ne. length

leper: got. manna þrūtsfill habands, got.: nhd. Aussätziger; ne. leper

leprosy: got. þrūtsfill 6, þrū-t-s-fil-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Aussatz; ne. leprosy

leprous: got. þrūtsfills* 4, þrū-t-s-fil-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. aussätzig; ne. leprous

less: got. fawizō, Adj., Komp.: nhd. weniger; ne. less; minniza 6, mi-n-n-iz-a,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. kleiner, geringer; ne. less, lesser, slighter, smaller, younger; mins 4, mi-n-s,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. minder, weniger, geringer; ne. less, fewer; wans* 4, wa-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fehlend, mangelhaft, (weniger); ne. missing, lacking, wanting, diminished, less, null, void (Adj.), deficient

-- become less: got. minznan 3, mi-n-z-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abnehmen, sich mindern; ne. diminish, become less, decrease (V.)

-- be less than: got. minnizō gataujan: nhd. nachstehen; ne. be inferior to, be less than

-- less anxious: got. hlasōza, got.: nhd. sorgenfreier; ne. less anxious

lessen: got. *wanan?, *wa-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. mangeln, abnehmen; ne. diminish, lessen

lessening: got. wanains 1, wa-n-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. diminishing, diminution, lessening, lack (N.)

lesser: got. minniza 6, mi-n-n-iz-a,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. kleiner, geringer; ne. less, lesser, slighter, smaller, younger

-- be not a whit lesser: got. ni waihtai mins haban, got.: nhd. in nichts nachstehen; ne. be not a whit lesser

lesson: got. laíktjō 44, laíkt-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Leseabschnitt, Lektion; ne. lection (N.), reading (N.), lesson

lesson-teacher: got. talzjands* 6, talz-jan-d-s*,  M. (nd): nhd. Lehrer; ne. trainer, headmaster, master (M.), tutor, lesson-teacher, instructor

lest: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether

-- lest at any time: got. ibai ƕan: nhd. es möchte einmal, danach; ne. lest at any time

-- lest sometime: got. niu ƕan, got.: nhd. ob einst; ne. lest sometime

let -- be let: got. *andlētan, *and-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen; ne. be let; *lētnan, *lē-t-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gelassen werden; ne. be let

let -- let alone: got. lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit

let -- let down: got. athāhan* 2, at-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hinabhängen, hinablassen, hinunterlassen, niederlassen; ne. lower while suspending, let down, let hang down, set down; fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive; insailjan* 1, in-sai-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anseilen, herablassen; ne. affix ropes to, tie ropes onto, let down

let -- let eat: got. *atjan?, *at-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. essen lassen?; ne. let eat

let -- let flow: got. giutan* 6, giu-t-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. gießen; ne. pour (V.), let flow

let -- let forth: got. lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit

let -- let free: got. fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive

let -- let go: got. aflētan 52, af-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen, fortschicken, aufgeben, eine Schuld erlassen, vergeben, verlassen (V.), im Stiche lassen, zurücklassen, überlassen, vernachlässigen; ne. let off, let go, leave (V.), relinquish, remit, absolve, release (V.), forgive; fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive

let -- let hang down: got. athāhan* 2, at-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hinabhängen, hinablassen, hinunterlassen, niederlassen; ne. lower while suspending, let down, let hang down, set down

let -- let hang in suspense: got. hāhan* (1) 1, hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hängen, schweben lassen; ne. hang (V.), make hang, suspend (V.), let hang in suspense

let -- let off: got. aflētan 52, af-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen, fortschicken, aufgeben, eine Schuld erlassen, vergeben, verlassen (V.), im Stiche lassen, zurücklassen, überlassen, vernachlässigen; ne. let off, let go, leave (V.), relinquish, remit, absolve, release (V.), forgive

let -- let out: got. lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit; uslētan 1, us-lē-t-an,  red. V. (6): nhd. ausschließen; ne. let out, exclude, oust

let -- let overflow: got. ufargiutan* 1, uf-ar-giu-t-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. übergießen, übervoll gießen; ne. let overflow, pour to overflowing

let -- let person: got. *lēts, *lē-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Gelassener; ne. let person

let -- let rain: got. rignjan* 2, rig-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. regnen (intr.), regnen lassen (tr.); ne. rain (V.), let rain

let -- let slide off: got. afslaupjan* 1, af-slau-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. abstreifen, ablegen; ne. let slide off, make slip off, put off

let -- let up: got. aflinnan* 1, af-li-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. weggehen, fortgehen; ne. leave off, go away, cease from, let up

let -- let (V.): got. fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive; lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit; uslaubjan* 11, us-laub-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlauben; ne. allow, let (V.), give consent, permit (V.)

letter: got. aípistaúle 14=13, aípi-staúl-e, aipistula*,  st. F. (īn): nhd. Brief; ne. epistle, letter; bōka 34=33, bōk-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Buchstabe, Schrift (= bōkōs), Brief (= bōkōs), Buch (= bōkōs), Urkunde (= bōkōs), Heilige Schrift (= bōkōs); ne. script (= bōkōs), written passage (= bōkōs), something written (= bōkōs), written record (= bōkōs), document (= bōkōs), deed (= bōkōs), epistle (= bōkōs), letter, book (N.) (= bōkōs), holy scriptures (= bōkōs)

-- letter of dissociation: got. afsateinais bokos, got.: nhd. Scheidebrief; ne. letter of dissociation; afstassais bokos, got.: nhd. Scheidebrief; ne. letter of dissociation; afstassais bōkos, got.: nhd. Scheidebrief; ne. letter of dissociation

-- letter of recommendation: got. anafilhis bōkos, Sb.: nhd. Empfehlungsbrief; ne. letter of recommendation

-- letter of the alphabet: got. *stafs 3, *sta-f-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Element, Stab, Buchstabe; ne. letter of the alphabet, grapheme, element

lettering: got. gamēleins 4, ga-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Schrift, Buchstabenschrift; ne. inscription, lettering, scripture (N.)

letting -- letting (N.): got. *lēt, *lē-t,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lassen (N.); ne. letting (N.)

letting -- letting off: got. aflēt* 3, af-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Vergebung; ne. indulgence, letting off, forgiveness, pardon (N.)

level -- level (Adj.): got. ibns* 1, ibn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eben, flach, gleich; ne. even (Adj.), level (Adj.), flat (Adj.)

level -- level out: got. *ibnatjan?, *ibn-at-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gleichmachen, ebnen; ne. even out, level out, equalize

level -- level (V.): got. gaibnjan* 1, ga-ibn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. gleichmachen, ebnen; ne. make even, level (V.); *ibnjan?, *ibn-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ebnen; ne. make even, level (V.); *ibnōn?, *ibn-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ebnen; ne. make even, level (V.)

level-headed: got. *ahs (2), *ah-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. verständig, besonnen (Adj.); ne. sensible, level-headed

Levite: got. Laiwweitus* 2, Laiwweitu-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Levit; ne. Levite

lewd: got. *aglaiteis *aglaits, *ag-l-ait-ei-s,  Adj. (ja/a?): nhd. schändlich, unzüchtig; ne. lewd, shameful

liar: got. liugnja 4, liug-n-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Lügner; ne. liar, teller of falsehoods

liberate: got. galausjan 13, ga-lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erlösen, befreien, losmachen, loslassen, bewahren, behüten, eintreiben; ne. loose (V.), set free, liberate, release (V.), loosen (V.), extract (V.), rescue (V.); lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.); uslausjan* 5, us-lau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entledigen, entäußern, entleeren, berauben, erlösen, befreien, entwurzeln; ne. make empty, divest, make void, liberate, free (V.), save

liberated -- liberated man: got. fralēts 1, fra-lē-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Freigelassener; ne. liberated man, freed man

liberation: got. uslauseins* 2, us-lau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erlösung; ne. release (N.), liberation, freeing, salvation

libertinage: got. usstiurei 2, us-stiu-r-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zügellosigkeit, Liederlichkeit; ne. libertinage, licentiousness, unbridledness, dissoluteness

liberty: got. freihals (2) 8, frei-hal-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Freiheit; ne. liberty, freedom

-- at liberty: got. *freihals (1), *frei-hal-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. frei; ne. free-necked, at liberty

-- setting at liberty: got. fralēt* 6=5, fra-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Entlassung; ne. setting at liberty, release (N.), relinquishment, dispensation, forgiveness

libido: got. winna* 1, wi-n-n-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Leiden, Leidenschaft; ne. passion, libido, sexual aching

licentiousness: got. aglaitei 5=4, ag-l-ait-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unzucht, Unschicklichkeit, Unkeuschheit; ne. licentiousness, debauchery; aglaiti* 2, ag-l-ait-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unzucht, Unschicklichkeit, Unkeuschheit; ne. debauchery, licentiousness, dissipation; usstiurei 2, us-stiu-r-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zügellosigkeit, Liederlichkeit; ne. libertinage, licentiousness, unbridledness, dissoluteness

lick -- lick (V.): got. bilaigōn* 1, bi-laig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. belecken, ablecken; ne. lick (V.); *laigōn, *laig-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lecken (V.) (1); ne. lick (V.)

lie -- lie (1) (N.): got. liugn* 3, liug-n*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Lüge; ne. lie (1) (N.), falsehood

lie -- lie (1) (V.): got. liugan* (2) 6, liug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. lügen, belügen; ne. lie (1) (V.), tell a lie, tell an untruth, speak falsely

lie -- lie (2) (V.): got. ligan* 14, lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. liegen, darniederliegen; ne. lie (2) (V.), be lying down

lie -- lie (V.) (2) adjacent to: got. atligan* 1, at-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. dabeiliegen, vorliegen, vorhanden sein (V.); ne. lie (V.) (2) at hand, lie (V.) (2) adjacent to

lie -- lie (V.) (2) at hand: got. atligan* 1, at-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. dabeiliegen, vorliegen, vorhanden sein (V.); ne. lie (V.) (2) at hand, lie (V.) (2) adjacent to

lie -- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal: got. anakumbjan 25, an-a-kumb-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich niederlegen, zu Tisch legen, lagern; ne. recline at table, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal

lie -- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

lie -- lie (V.) (2) dying: got. swiltan* 1, swil-t-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. im Sterben liegen, sterben; ne. die, lie (V.) (2) dying

lie -- lie (V.) (2)heavy upon: got. kaúrjan* 11, kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. drücken, belästigen, beschweren; ne. weigh down, burden (V.), lie (V.) (2)heavy upon, oppress

lie -- tell a lie: got. *galiugan (2), *ga-liug-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. belügen, lügen; ne. tell a lie; liugan* (2) 6, liug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. lügen, belügen; ne. lie (1) (V.), tell a lie, tell an untruth, speak falsely

lies -- it lies at my hand: got. wiljan atligiþ mis, got.: nhd. steht in meiner Macht; ne. it lies at my hand

lies -- speaking lies: got. liugnawaúrds* 1, liug-n-a-waúr-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Lügen redend, lügnerisch; ne. false-speaking, lie-telling, speaking lies

lie-telling: got. liugnawaúrds* 1, liug-n-a-waúr-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Lügen redend, lügnerisch; ne. false-speaking, lie-telling, speaking lies

life: got. libains 54, li-b-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Leben; ne. life, living (N.); *lifs, *li-f-s,  st. Sb.: nhd. Leben, Leib; ne. life, body

-- be at the end of one’s life: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- come to a life: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- give life to: got. gaqiujan* 4, ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, lebendig machen; ne. make alive, give life to, vivify

-- give life to together with: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

-- having life: got. qius 7, qiu-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. lebendig; ne. alive, living (Adj.), having life

-- lead a life: got. wizōn* 1, wiz-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schwelgen; ne. live, lead a life, be self-indulgent

-- lead a military life in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

-- life of a citizen: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

-- life span: got. alds* 12, al-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Menschenalter, Zeit; ne. generation, age (N.), life span, lifetime

-- live a life: got. ald bauan, got.: nhd. ein Leben führen; ne. live a life

-- mode of life: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

-- terrestrial domain of life: got. faírƕus 57=56, faír-ƕu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Welt; ne. world, terrestrial domain of life

-- way of life: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

lifeless: got. nawis 1, naw-i-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. tot; ne. lifeless, dead, corpse-like

-- become lifeless: got. diwan* 3, diw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sterben; ne. lose (V.) all energy, become lifeless

lifetime: got. alds* 12, al-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Menschenalter, Zeit; ne. generation, age (N.), life span, lifetime

lift -- lift down off: got. athafjan 1, at-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. „herabheben“, herabnehmen; ne. lift down off, bring up off, take down

lift -- lift on high: got. hauhjan 27, hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hoch machen, erhöhen, preisen, verherrlichen; ne. make high, lift on high, elevate, exalt, extol, praise (V.)

lift -- lift up: got. ushafjan 18, us-haf-jan,  st. V. (6): nhd. erheben, wegnehmen; ne. lift up, raise up; ushauhjan 9, us-hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhöhen; ne. lift up, raise high, elevate, exalt, extol, magnify

lift -- lift up over: got. ufarhafjan* 1, uf-ar-haf-jan*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. überheben; ne. raise above, lift up over, exalt o.s.

lift -- lift (V.): got. hafjan* 1, haf-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. heben, aufheben; ne. hold up, bear up, lift (V.); *reisan, *rei-s-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erheben; ne. lift (V.), rise (V.)

lifting -- lifting (N.): got. *rists, *ri-s-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erheben; ne. raising (N.), lifting (N.)

ligament -- ligament (N.): got. *binda?, *bind-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Binde, Band (N.); ne. band, ligament (N.), ligature; gabinda* 1, ga-bind-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Band (N.), Binde; ne. band (N.), ligament (N.), ligature, bond (N.); gawiss* 2, ga-wi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verbindung, Gelenk, Band der Gelenke; ne. connection, juncture, ligament (N.), bond (N.)

ligation: got. gabindi 1, ga-bind-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Band (N.); ne. bond (N.), ligation

ligature: got. *binda?, *bind-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Binde, Band (N.); ne. band, ligament (N.), ligature; gabinda* 1, ga-bind-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Band (N.), Binde; ne. band (N.), ligament (N.), ligature, bond (N.)

light -- bring to light: got. gabaírhtjan 14=13, ga-baír-h-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. offenbaren, Gestalt gewinnen, erscheinen; ne. bring to light, show clearly, make appear, disclose; galiuhtjan* 2, ga-liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erleuchten, ans Licht bringen; ne. give light to, light up, bring to light, illumine, make known

light -- give light: got. liuhtjan* 5, liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leuchten; ne. light (V.), give light, shine (V.)

light -- give light to: got. galiuhtjan* 2, ga-liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erleuchten, ans Licht bringen; ne. give light to, light up, bring to light, illumine, make known

light -- light (1) (N.): got. schediit 1, krim Sb.: nhd. Licht; ne. light (1) (N.); lat. lux

light -- light (Adj.): got. ? ezec 1,  Sb.: nhd. leicht?, z-Rune?; ne. light (Adj.)?, name of z-rune?; leihts* 2, leih-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leicht, leichtsinnig; ne. light (Adj.), lightweight (Adj.), light-headed, slight (Adj.); *liuhts?, *liuh-t-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. licht, strahlend, hell; ne. light (Adj.), luminous

light -- light a fire: got. *qaiwjan, *qaiw-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Feuer anzünden, lebendig machen; ne. light a fire, make alive

light -- light a lamp: got. tandjan* 2, tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anzünden, brennen machen; ne. kindle (V.), ignite, make burn, light a lamp

light -- light (N.): got. liuhaþ 31, liuh-aþ,  st. N. (a): nhd. Licht; ne. light (N.), luminous radiation; lukarn 5,  st. N. (a): nhd. Leuchte, Licht; ne. lamp, candle, light (N.)

light -- light up: got. galiuhtjan* 2, ga-liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erleuchten, ans Licht bringen; ne. give light to, light up, bring to light, illumine, make known

light -- light (V.): got. liuhtjan* 5, liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leuchten; ne. light (V.), give light, shine (V.)

light-filled: got. liuhadeins* (2) 1, liuh-ad-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hell; ne. luminous, light-filled, bright

light-headed: got. leihts* 2, leih-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leicht, leichtsinnig; ne. light (Adj.), lightweight (Adj.), light-headed, slight (Adj.)

light-hearted: got. *gails (2), *gail-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. froh, fröhlich, üppig; ne. glad, light-hearted

lighting -- lighting implement: got. skeima* 1, skei-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Leuchte; ne. lantern, lighting implement, torch

lighting -- lighting up: got. liuhadei* 2, liuh-ad-ei*, liuhadein,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Erleuchtung, Licht; ne. luminosity, luminescence, illumination, lighting up

lightning -- flash like lightning: got. lauhatjan* 1, lauh-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. blitzen; ne. lightning (V.), flash like lightning, fulgurate, blaze (V.)

lightning -- lightning (N.): got. lauhmuni* 3, lauh-mun-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Blitz; ne. lightning (N.), blaze (N.)

lightning -- lightning (V.): got. lauhatjan* 1, lauh-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. blitzen; ne. lightning (V.), flash like lightning, fulgurate, blaze (V.)

lightweight -- lightweight (Adj.): got. leihts* 2, leih-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leicht, leichtsinnig; ne. light (Adj.), lightweight (Adj.), light-headed, slight (Adj.)

like -- act like a madman: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

like -- as like: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

like -- become like: got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to

like -- be like: got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to

like -- flash like lightning: got. lauhatjan* 1, lauh-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. blitzen; ne. lightning (V.), flash like lightning, fulgurate, blaze (V.)

like -- in like manner: got. analeikō 1, an-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichermaßen; ne. likewise, in like manner, in the same way, similarly; samaleikō 23, sam-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichfalls, ebenfalls, desgleichen; ne. likewise, in the same way, in like manner, in the selfsame manner, similarly

like -- in like manner as: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

like -- like (1): got. samaleiks* 2, sam-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich, übereinstimmend, gleichlautend; ne. identical, of the same form, equal, like (1)

like -- like (Adj.): got. galeiks 17, ga-leik-s,  Adj. (a), m. Dat.: nhd. ähnlich, gleich; ne. like (Adj.), similar; ibna 3, ibn-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. gleich; ne. equal, like (Adj.); swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus; swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

like -- like form: got. galeiki* 2, ga-leik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Ähnlichkeit“, Abbild; ne. like form, similar appearance, resemblance, likeness, replica, „co-form“

like -- like the heathen: got. þiudiskō 1, þiu-d-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. heidnisch; ne. heathenly, in the manner of the gentiles, like the heathen

like -- like to: got. frijōn 92, fri-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lieben, gern tun; ne. love (V.), cherish, show affection for, like to

like -- live like a Jew: got. iudaiwiskōn 1, iudai-w-isk-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. jüdisch leben; ne. live like a Jew

like -- make o.s. like: got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to; galeikōn sik: nhd. sich gleichstellen; ne. make o.s. like, conform to

like -- something like: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

like -- speak like a madman: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

likely -- more likely: got. haldis 1, hal-d-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. mehr, lieber; ne. more likely, more surely, more

likely -- quite likely: got. uftō 1, uft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. vielleicht; ne. very possibly, quite likely, indeed

liken -- liken (V.): got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to

likeness: got. galeiki* 2, ga-leik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Ähnlichkeit“, Abbild; ne. like form, similar appearance, resemblance, likeness, replica, „co-form“; manauli* 1, man-aul-i*, manahuli*?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. guise, human guise, appearance, likeness, shape (N.); manleika 4, man-leik-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Bild; ne. picture (N.), image, likeness

-- assume a likeness: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

-- transform the likeness into: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

likewise: got. analeikō 1, an-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichermaßen; ne. likewise, in like manner, in the same way, similarly; samaleikō 23, sam-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichfalls, ebenfalls, desgleichen; ne. likewise, in the same way, in like manner, in the selfsame manner, similarly; uh (1) 248=246, u-h,  Partikel: nhd. und, nun, also; ne. and, also, too, likewise, thereupon, subsequently, consequently, so then

liking: got. leikains* 4, leik-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gefallen, Gutdünken, Wohlgefallen, Vorsatz; ne. liking, preference, pleasure, approval, purpose (N.)

limb -- limb (1) (N.): got. liþus 17, li-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Glied; ne. limb (1) (N.), member, part of the body

limb -- of disabled limb: got. usliþa 12, us-li-þ-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. gichtbrüchig, Gichtbrüchiger (= subst.); ne. paralytic, of disabled limb

limbs -- one of the two upper limbs of the body: got. arms (2) 4, ar-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Arm; ne. arm, one of the two upper limbs of the body

lime -- lime (N.): got. *linda?, *lind-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Linde, Lindenschild; ne. lime (N.), lime-shield

lime-shield: got. *linda?, *lind-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Linde, Lindenschild; ne. lime (N.), lime-shield

limp -- limp (Adj.): got. *lameis, *lam-ei-s, *lamjis?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. lahm, schlaff, mild, matt; ne. lame (Adj.), weak, limp (Adj.), mild; *lufeis, *luf-ei-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. schlaff, einfach; ne. limp (Adj.), loose, simple

limply -- be limply bowed downwards: got. *hneipan, *hnei-p-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. betrüben; ne. droop, be limply bowed downwards, be downcast

limpness: got. *slawiþa?, *slaw-iþ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schlaffheit; ne. limpness, slackness

line -- line (1) (N.): got. *rigilō?, *rigil-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Strick (M.) (1), Band (N.); ne. cord (N.), line (1) (N.), band (N.)

lineage: got. fadreins* (1) 1, fa-dr-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschlecht; ne. patrilineage, family, race (N.) (1), clan, lineage; *kinds?, *kin-d-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kind, Geschlecht, Art; ne. kind (N.), lineage, tribe, clan, child; *slahta?, *slah-t-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stamm, Geschlecht; ne. tribe, race (N.) (2), lineage

linen -- fine linen: got. bwssaún, 1,  F. (indekl.): nhd. feines Linnen, feine Leinwand; ne. fine linen, byssus; saban* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. feine Leinwand; ne. fine linen

linen -- linen (N.): got. lein* 4,  st. N. (a): nhd. Leinen, Leinwand, Linnen; ne. linen (N.), flaxen cloth

lion: got. *liwa, *liw-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Löwe; ne. lion

lip: got. waírilō* 2, waír-il-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lippe; ne. lip

liquidate: got. *gamaltjan?, *ga-mal-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflösen, schmelzen; ne. make melt away, liquidify, make dissolve, liquidate; *maltjan?, *mal-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflösen?; ne. dissolve?, liquidate

liquidation: got. gamalteins* 1, ga-mal-t-eins*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung; ne. melting away, winding up, dissolution, liquidation

liquidify: got. *gamaltjan?, *ga-mal-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflösen, schmelzen; ne. make melt away, liquidify, make dissolve, liquidate

list -- list (N.): got. *leista, *leist-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Leiste; ne. list (N.)

listen: got. hausjan 111, hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. hören, anhören, zuhören; ne. hear, hearken, listen; hausjōn 4, hau-s-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. hören; ne. hear, listen

-- listen to: got. andhausjan* 9, and-hau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, erhören, erhört werden (= pers. Passiv); ne. listen to, hearken to, give heed to, heed (V.), obey

-- listen to submissively: got. ufhausjan 29=28, uf-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, sich an etwas halten; ne. obey, heed (V.), listen to submissively

listlessness: got. unlustus* 1, un-lus-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Unlust; ne. listlessness, inappetence, apathy

litigant -- opposing litigant: got. andastaua 2, and-a-sta-u-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gegner vor Gericht, Widersacher; ne. legal opponent, adversary in a lawsuit, opposing litigant

little: got. leitils 36, lei-til-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. klein, wenig; ne. little, small; smals* 1, s-mal-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. klein, gering; ne. small, little

-- little bit of: got. faus* 7, fau-s*, (Pl. fawai),  Adj. (a): nhd. wenig, wenige (= fawai); ne. little bit of, few (= fawai)

-- little boy: got. magula 2, mag-u-l-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Knäblein, Knabe; ne. little boy

-- little child: got. barnilō 8, bar-n-il-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Kindlein, Kindchen, Knäblein; ne. little child, son

-- little Dane: got. *Danila?, *Dan-il-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Dänlein; ne. little Dane

-- little girl: got. mawilō 1, ma-w-i-lō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Mädchen, Jungfrau; ne. little girl, young maiden; taleiþa 1, taleiþ-a,  F. (indekl.): nhd. Mägdlein; ne. young maiden, little girl

-- little god: got. ansula* 2, ans-u-la*,  st. M. (a): nhd. kleiner Ase, kleiner Gott; ne. little god

-- of little faith: got. leitil galaubjands, got.: nhd. kleingläubig; ne. of little faith

-- too little: got. lista 1, list-a, krim Adj.?, F.?, Adv.?: nhd. zu wenig; ne. too little; lat. parum

-- very little: got. minnists* 8, mi-n-n-ist-s*,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. kleinste, geringste, mindeste; ne. least, very little, slightest, smallest

live: got. báuan 14, báu-an,  unr. V.: nhd. wohnen, bewohnen; ne. dwell, inhabit, live; ƕaírban* 3=2, ƕaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. wandeln, sich wenden; ne. go around, circulate, walk (V.), live; liban 61=60, li-b-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leben; ne. live, be alive; wizōn* 1, wiz-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schwelgen; ne. live, lead a life, be self-indulgent

-- live a life: got. ald bauan, got.: nhd. ein Leben führen; ne. live a life

-- live in company with: got. miþgawisan* 1, mi-þ-ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., m. Dat.: nhd. zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.); ne. associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together

-- live in style: got. wizon in azētjam: nhd. üppig leben, angenehm leben; ne. live in style

-- live in want: got. *þarban?, *þarb-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. darben; ne. abstain, live in want

-- live like a Jew: got. iudaiwiskōn 1, iudai-w-isk-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. jüdisch leben; ne. live like a Jew

-- live together with: got. miþliban* 1, mi-þ-lib-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. mitleben; ne. live together with, be alive together with

-- live (V.): got. gawisan* 2, ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verweilen, verbleiben; ne. reside, live (V.), dwell (V.), remain (V.)

lived-on -- lived-on property: got. þaúrp* 1, þaúr-p*,  st. N. (a): nhd. bebautes Land, Acker, Feld; ne. farmland, agricultural tract, land (N.), lived-on property

liven -- liven up: got. anaqiujan 1, an-a-qiu-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, erwecken, lebendig machen; ne. liven up, revitalize, revivify, rekindle, make alive

living -- cease living: got. gaswiltan 44, ga-swil-t-an,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. sterben, absterben; ne. die (1), cease living

living -- devour through epicurean living: got. frawisan* 1, fra-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verbrauchen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. consume by dining, devour through epicurean living, eat up in feasting, squander

living -- living (Adj.): got. qius 7, qiu-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. lebendig; ne. alive, living (Adj.), having life

living -- living expenses: got. andawizns* 3, anda-wiz-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Notdurft, Unterhalt, Sold; ne. living expenses, subsistence, sustenance, essentials, necessities, needs

living -- living (N.): got. libains 54, li-b-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Leben; ne. life, living (N.)

living -- living quarters: got. báuains 4, báu-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohnung; ne. dwelling, habitation, living quarters, dwelling place, home (N.)

load -- load down: got. afhlaþan* 1, af-hla-þ-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. beladen; ne. burden (V.), load down, lade down

load -- load (N.): got. baúrþei* 1, baúr-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bürde, Last; ne. burden (N.), load (N.); kaúrei* 1, kaúr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schwere, Fülle, Last; ne. weight (N.), weightiness, heaviness, load (N.)

load -- load (V.): got. *hlaþan?, *hla-þ-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. laden (V.) (1); ne. load (V.)

loaf: got. hlaifs* 73, hlaif-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Brot, Brotlaib, Brotbissen, Bissen; ne. bread, loaf of bread, loaf, crumb (N.)

-- loaf of bread: got. hlaifs* 73, hlaif-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Brot, Brotlaib, Brotbissen, Bissen; ne. bread, loaf of bread, loaf, crumb (N.)

loan -- loan (V.): got. leiƕan (sis) 4, leiƕ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. leihen, borgen; ne. lend, loan (V.), take on loan, borrow

loan -- take on loan: got. leiƕan (sis) 4, leiƕ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. leihen, borgen; ne. lend, loan (V.), take on loan, borrow

loath: got. *laiþs, *laiþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. leid; ne. loath

locality: got. staþs (1) 34, sta-þ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Stätte, Ort, Gegend, Platz (M.) (1), Raum; ne. place (N.), locality, region, spot (N.), stead, passage

location -- hurl into the location of: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

location -- shift the location of: got. miþsatjan* 1, mi-þ-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versetzen; ne. transplant (V.), relocate, shift the location of, remove (V.)

lock -- lock up: got. galūkan* 5, ga-lūk-an*,  unr. st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verschließen, fangen, zuschließen, schließen; ne. shut up, lose (V.), enclose, lock (V.), lock up

lock -- lock (V.): got. galūkan* 5, ga-lūk-an*,  unr. st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verschließen, fangen, zuschließen, schließen; ne. shut up, lose (V.), enclose, lock (V.), lock up

locust: got. þramstei* 1, þra-m-st-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Heuschrecke; ne. locust, cicada, grasshopper

lodge -- lodge (V.): got. gabáuan 1, ga-báu-an,  unr. V., perfektiv: nhd. Wohnung aufschlagen, wohnen; ne. take up residence, lodge (V.), reside, make a home; ussaljan 1, us-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Herberge nehmen, einkehren; ne. lodge (V.), take lodging, take up quarters

lodge -- lodge (V.) (intr.): got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

lodging: got. *haribaírgō?, haribergō?, *hari-baírg-ō?, *hari-berg-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Herberge; ne. lodging, accomodation; saliþwa* 4, sal-i-þw-a*, (Pl. saliþwōs),  st. F. (ō): nhd. Herberge, Wohnung; ne. lodging, guest room, inn, dwelling (N.)

-- lodging (N.): got. *dauka (1), *dauk-a,  Sb.: nhd. Erdhöhle, Wohnung; ne. dwelling (N.), lodging (N.), cave (N.)

-- stay in lodging: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

-- take lodging: got. ussaljan 1, us-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Herberge nehmen, einkehren; ne. lodge (V.), take lodging, take up quarters

lodgings -- provider of lodgings: got. waírdus 1, waír-d-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Gastfreund, Hauswirt, Wirt; ne. host (M.), provider of lodgings

loft -- loft (N.): got. kēlikn* 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Turm, Speisesaal im Obergeschoß, Söller; ne. tower (N.), upper room, loft (N.), upstairs room

loftily: got. hauhaba 2, hau-h-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. hoch; ne. loftily, highly, exaltedly

log -- log (N.): got. *būska, *būsk-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Scheit; ne. log (N.), piece of wood; *kluba, *klub-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Kloben, Kluppe, gespaltener Zweig; ne. log (N.), billet

logical: got. waúrdahs* 1, waúr-d-ah-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vernünftig, sich in Worten zeigend; ne. logical, rational, displaying o.s. in words

logomachy: got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

loin: got. *landjō, *land-j-ō,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Lende; ne. loin

lonely: got. ainakls* 1, ai-n-a-k-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vereinzelt, alleinstehend, einzeln; ne. alone, standing alone, lonely, solitary (Adj.)

long -- as long as: got. und þata ƕeilōs þei: nhd. so lange als, bis; ne. as long as; þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

long -- from a long way off: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

long -- how long: got. und ƕa, Pron.: nhd. wie lange; ne. until when, how long; und ƕa, got.: nhd. wie lange; ne. how long

long -- long (Adj.): got. laggs* 6, lagg-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lang (nur von der Zeit); ne. long (Adj.), long-lasting (of time only)

long -- long for: got. gairnjan* 17, gair-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, verlangen, bedürfen; ne. lust after, long for, yearn for, desire (V.), want (V.)

long -- so long as: got. swa lagga swē, got.: nhd. so lange wie; ne. so long as

long-abiding: got. usbeisnei 3, us-beis-n-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Geduld, Langmut; ne. long-abiding, patience, waiting out; usbeisneigs* 2, us-beis-n-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. geduldig, langmütig; ne. long-abiding, patient; usbeisns* 5, us-beis-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erwartung, Geduld, Langmut; ne. expectation, awaiting, long-abiding, patience

longed -- longed for: got. lustusama* 1, lus-tu-sam-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. ersehnt; ne. longed for

longer -- be no longer: got. inwisan (?)* 1, in-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. bevorstehen (?), da sein (V.) (?); ne. have been discontinued, be elapsed, be no longer

longer -- but no longer: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

longer -- no longer: got. ju ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. not from now on, no longer; juþan ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. from that time on not, no longer

longer -- no longer avid: got. usgrudja* 7=6, us-grud-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. mutlos; ne. ex-avid, exhausted of desire, no longer avid, lacking courage

longer -- no longer usable: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

longing -- longing (N.): got. gaírnei* 5, gaír-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verlangen, Wunsch, Begehren; ne. wish (N.), longing (N.), yearning (N.), desire (N.), willingness (N.)

long-lasting -- long-lasting (of time only): got. laggs* 6, lagg-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lang (nur von der Zeit); ne. long (Adj.), long-lasting (of time only)

long-suffering: got. laggamōdei* 2, lagg-a-mōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Langmut; ne. patience, long-suffering; *laggamōþs, *lagg-a-mōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. langmütig; ne. patient, long-suffering

look -- look about: got. faírweitjan 6, faír-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinblicken, gaffen, umherspähen, spähen; ne. stare (V.), view attentively, look engrossedly, look about, gaze inquisitively; ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

look -- look around: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

look -- look around searchingly: got. wlaitōn* 1, wlai-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich umsehen, umherblicken, spähen; ne. look around searchingly, look questingly

look -- look at: got. gasaíƕan 162, ga-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erblicken, sehen, (erscheinen); ne. see (V.), espy, catch sight of, look at, perceive; insaíƕan 12, in-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinsehen, ansehen, auf etwas sehen, nach etwas sehen, aufblicken, sich umsehen; ne. look at, look upon, look thither; ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

look -- look at repudiatingly: got. *idweitan?, *id-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. rügen, zurechtweisen; ne. regard with rejection, look at repudiatingly

look -- look engrossedly: got. faírweitjan 6, faír-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinblicken, gaffen, umherspähen, spähen; ne. stare (V.), view attentively, look engrossedly, look about, gaze inquisitively

look -- look engrossedly at: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at

look -- look for: got. *aiskōn?, *ais-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fragen, fordern; ne. ask, ask for, beg, demand (V.), look for; beidan* 8, beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. warten, erwarten; ne. await, wait for, look for; usbeidan* 5, us-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. erwarten, Geduld haben; ne. expect, await, look for, wait for; wēnjan* 20=19, wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. warten, hoffen auf, meinen; ne. hope (V.), hope for, look for, await, expect, anticipate

look -- look (Interj.): got. sai 101,  Adv., Interj.: nhd. siehe (Interj.); ne. see (Interj.), look (Interj.), behold (Interj.)

look -- look questingly: got. wlaitōn* 1, wlai-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich umsehen, umherblicken, spähen; ne. look around searchingly, look questingly

look -- look round about: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

look -- look thither: got. insaíƕan 12, in-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinsehen, ansehen, auf etwas sehen, nach etwas sehen, aufblicken, sich umsehen; ne. look at, look upon, look thither

look -- look through a mirror: got. þaírhsaíƕan* 1, þaír-h-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. durchschauen, im Spiegel erblicken; ne. look through a mirror, behold

look -- look to: got. andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.)

look -- look up: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

look -- look upon: got. insaíƕan 12, in-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinsehen, ansehen, auf etwas sehen, nach etwas sehen, aufblicken, sich umsehen; ne. look at, look upon, look thither; rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

look -- look (V.): got. saíƕan 106, saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen; ne. see (1), look (V.), observe, view (V.); *wleitan?, *wlei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. sehen; ne. look (V.), behold

look-out: got. atwitains* 1, at-wi-t-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beobachten, Beobachtung, Wahrnehmung; ne. surveillance, watchfulness, observation, look-out

lookout -- be on the lookout: got. *atwitan?, *at-wi-t-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beobachten; ne. observe, be on the lookout

looks: got. hiwi* 1, hi-wi*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. surface appearance, looks, superficial complexion, cosmetic aspect, form (N.); wlits 6, wli-t-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Angesicht, Ansehen, Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. face (N.), looks, physiognomy, appearance

-- man who looks for pleasing another one: got. mannam samjands, got.: nhd. wer den Menschen zu gefallen sucht; ne. man who looks for pleasing another one

loose: got. *lufeis, *luf-ei-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. schlaff, einfach; ne. limp (Adj.), loose, simple

-- get loose: got. lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.)

-- loose (V.): got. andbindan 13, and-bind-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. entbinden, lösen, auflösen, erklären, losbinden; ne. unbind, loose (V.); galausjan 13, ga-lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erlösen, befreien, losmachen, loslassen, bewahren, behüten, eintreiben; ne. loose (V.), set free, liberate, release (V.), loosen (V.), extract (V.), rescue (V.)

-- make loose: got. lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.)

loosen: got. *lunjan, *lu-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen; ne. loosen, save (V.)

-- loosen (V.): got. galausjan 13, ga-lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erlösen, befreien, losmachen, loslassen, bewahren, behüten, eintreiben; ne. loose (V.), set free, liberate, release (V.), loosen (V.), extract (V.), rescue (V.)

loosened: got. uswiss* 1, us-wi-s-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. losgebunden; ne. detached, disconnected, loosened

loot: got. *rauba, *rau-b-a,  st. F. (ō), M.?: nhd. Raub, Beute (F.) (1), Kleid; ne. robbery, booty, loot, dress (N.); *raupa, *rau-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Beute (F.) (1), Kleid; ne. booty, loot, dress (N.)

lord: got. *-baudes, *-bau-d-es, lat.- st. M. (i?): nhd. Gebieter; ne. master (M.), lord; *faþs?, *faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Herr, Führer; ne. lord, master (M.), leader; reiks (2) 14, reik-s, riks*,  M. (kons.): nhd. Herrscher, Obrigkeit; ne. ruler, lord, prince

-- be lord: got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over

-- lord it over: got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over; gafraujinōn* 1, ga-frau-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, herrschen; ne. dominate, rule (V.), lord it over, subordinate (V.)

-- lord (M.): got. frauja 381=374, frau-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Herr; ne. lord (M.), master (M.); fraujinōnds* 1, frau-ji-n-ōn-d-s*,  st. M. (nd): nhd. Herrscher, Herr; ne. lord (M.), master (M.), ruler, sovereign; *fraujis?, *frau-ji-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Herr; ne. lord (M.), master (M.)

Lord -- Lord come: got. maran aþa 1, got.?, Interj.: nhd. der Herr kommt; ne. Lord come

lordly: got. reikeis* (1) 3, reik-ei-s*, reiks*,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. mächtig; ne. powerful, potent, mighty, lordly, princely, power-holding, noble (Adj.)

lose: got. laus wisan, got.: nhd. verlieren; ne. lose

-- lose (V.): got. fraliusan* 9, fra-liu-s-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verlieren; ne. lose (V.), ransom (V.); galūkan* 5, ga-lūk-an*,  unr. st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verschließen, fangen, zuschließen, schließen; ne. shut up, lose (V.), enclose, lock (V.), lock up

-- lose (V.) all energy: got. diwan* 3, diw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sterben; ne. lose (V.) all energy, become lifeless

-- lose (V.) one’s composure at: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- lose (V.) one’s sight: got. afblindnan* 1, af-bli-n-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erblinden; ne. become blind, lose (V.) one’s sight

loss: got. fralusts 9, fra-lu-s-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verderben, Verlust; ne. destruction, perdition, loss; sleiþa* 2, slei-þ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schaden; ne. detriment, loss, damage (N.), harm (N.), injury

-- be at a loss for words: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

lost -- become lost: got. fralusnan* 3, fra-lu-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verloren gehen, verloren werden; ne. be lost, become lost, perish

lost -- be lost: got. fralusnan* 3, fra-lu-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verloren gehen, verloren werden; ne. be lost, become lost, perish

lot -- get by lot: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

lot -- lot (N.): got. hlauts 4, hlau-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Los, Anteil, Erbschaft; ne. lot (N.), allotment, alloted portion, inheritance

lot -- lot out: got. fradailjan* 1, fra-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen unter; ne. distribute, lot out, dispense in portions

lots -- draw lots: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

loudly -- call loudly: got. wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

lovable: got. liubaleiks* 1, liub-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lieblich; ne. lovely, lovable, amiable

love -- brotherly love: got. brctrulubc* 2, brc-tr-u-lub-c*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bruderliebe; ne. brotherly love

love -- love (N.): got. frijaþwa 85, fri-j-aþ-w-a,  st. F. (wō): nhd. Liebe; ne. love (N.); *leuba, *leub-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Liebe; ne. love (N.); lubains* 1, lub-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Hoffnung; ne. love (N.), loving (N.), hope (N.); *lubō, *lub-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Liebe; ne. love (N.)

love -- love (V.): got. frijōn 92, fri-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lieben, gern tun; ne. love (V.), cherish, show affection for, like to; *luban?, *lub-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hoffen; ne. love (V.)

love -- showing love: got. friaþwamilds* 1, fri-aþ-w-a-mil-d-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. zärtlich liebend, liebreich; ne. lovingly mild, showing love, affectionately tender

love -- sign of love: got. frijōns* 2, fri-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kuss, Liebeszeichen; ne. sign of love, kiss (N.); gafrijōns* 1, ga-fri-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kuss; ne. sign of love, kiss (N.)

loved -- loved (Adj.): got. liufs* 23, liuf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lieb, geliebt; ne. beloved, dear (Adj.), loved (Adj.)

lovely: got. *drūþs?, *drū-þ-s?,  Adj.: nhd. traut, lieb; ne. cosy, familiar, dear, lovely; liubaleiks* 1, liub-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lieblich; ne. lovely, lovable, amiable

loving -- loving (N.): got. lubains* 1, lub-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Hoffnung; ne. love (N.), loving (N.), hope (N.)

lovingly -- lovingly mild: got. friaþwamilds* 1, fri-aþ-w-a-mil-d-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. zärtlich liebend, liebreich; ne. lovingly mild, showing love, affectionately tender

low: got. ? *līs?, *lī-s?,  Adj. (ja?): nhd. leise?, sanft?; ne. soft (Adj.)?, low?

-- low (Adj.): got. hauns 1, hau-n-s,  Adj. (i?,a): nhd. niedrig, demütig; ne. low (Adj.), lowly, humble (Adj.); hnaiwiþs: nhd. erniedrigt, niedrig, demütig; ne. low (Adj.), lowly, humble (Adj.); hnaiws* 1, hnai-w-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. niedrig, demütig; ne. low (Adj.), lowly

-- make low: got. gahaunjan* 2, ga-hau-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, abase, humiliate, humble (V.); gahnaiwjan* 4, ga-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, make humble, lower (V.), abase; haunjan 2, hau-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erniedrigen, niedrig machen; ne. make low, abase, humiliate; hnaiwjan* 3, hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niedrig machen, erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, lower (V.), humble (V.), abase (V.)

lower -- lower onto: got. anahnaiwjan* 1, an-a-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. niederlegen; ne. lower onto, lay down upon

lower -- lower parts: got. undarists* 1, undar-ist-s*,  Adj. (a), Superl.: nhd. das Innere, innerste, die untersten; ne. undermost, lowest, nethermost, interior (N.), lower parts

lower -- lower (V.): got. fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive; gahnaiwjan* 4, ga-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, make humble, lower (V.), abase; hnaiwjan* 3, hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niedrig machen, erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, lower (V.), humble (V.), abase (V.)

lower -- lower while suspending: got. athāhan* 2, at-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hinabhängen, hinablassen, hinunterlassen, niederlassen; ne. lower while suspending, let down, let hang down, set down

lowest: got. undarists* 1, undar-ist-s*,  Adj. (a), Superl.: nhd. das Innere, innerste, die untersten; ne. undermost, lowest, nethermost, interior (N.), lower parts

-- lowest down: got. *undarleis?, *undar-lei-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. niedrig, gering; ne. lowest down, lowliest

-- one lowest down: got. undarleija* 1, undar-lei-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Allergeringster, Geringster; ne. lowliest person, one lowest down, least (M.)

lowliest: got. *undarleis?, *undar-lei-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. niedrig, gering; ne. lowest down, lowliest

-- lowliest person: got. undarleija* 1, undar-lei-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Allergeringster, Geringster; ne. lowliest person, one lowest down, least (M.)

lowliness: got. hauneins* 6, hau-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erniedrigung, Demut; ne. lowliness, humility, humbleness; hnaiweins* 1, hnai-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erniedrigung, Demut; ne. lowliness, abasement, humbling, humiliation

lowly: got. hauns 1, hau-n-s,  Adj. (i?,a): nhd. niedrig, demütig; ne. low (Adj.), lowly, humble (Adj.); hnaiwiþs: nhd. erniedrigt, niedrig, demütig; ne. low (Adj.), lowly, humble (Adj.); hnaiws* 1, hnai-w-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. niedrig, demütig; ne. low (Adj.), lowly

loyalty -- show loyalty: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

l-rune -- name of l-rune: got. lagus* 1, lagu-s*, lagaz*?, laaz,  st. M. (u): nhd. See, l-Rune; ne. lake, sea, open water, ocean, name of l-rune

lucid: got. skeirs 2, skei-r-s,  Adj. (a) (i) (ja)?: nhd. klar, deutlich, hell; ne. clear (Adj.), lucid

luck: got. audagei 1, au-d-ag-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Seligkeit; ne. luck, happiness, bliss

lucrative -- lucrative enterprise: got. faíhugawaúrki 1, faíh-u-ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erwerb, Geldgewinn, Gewinn; ne. profitable undertaking, lucrative enterprise, gain of money

lumber -- construction lumber: got. *timr, *tim-r, *timbr,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bauholz; ne. building timber, construction lumber

luminescence: got. liuhadei* 2, liuh-ad-ei*, liuhadein,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Erleuchtung, Licht; ne. luminosity, luminescence, illumination, lighting up

luminosity: got. liuhadei* 2, liuh-ad-ei*, liuhadein,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Erleuchtung, Licht; ne. luminosity, luminescence, illumination, lighting up; liuhadeins (1) 1, liuh-ad-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō)?: nhd. Helle, Glanz; ne. luminosity, illumination

luminous: got. liuhadeins* (2) 1, liuh-ad-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hell; ne. luminous, light-filled, bright; *liuhts?, *liuh-t-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. licht, strahlend, hell; ne. light (Adj.), luminous

-- luminous radiation: got. liuhaþ 31, liuh-aþ,  st. N. (a): nhd. Licht; ne. light (N.), luminous radiation

lump -- lump of dough: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

lunchbox: got. matibalgs* 3, mat-i-bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Ranzen, Speisesack, Speisetasche; ne. food-bag, knapsack, lunchbox

lure -- lure (N.): got. *lōþr?, *lō-þr?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Luder, Lockspeise; ne. carrion, bait (N.), lure (N.); qaírþra* 1, qaír-þr-a*, qērtra?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Apfelbaum?, Köder? (ablehnend Feist 387), q-Rune; ne. lure (N.), bait (N.), decoy (N.), name of q-rune

lust -- lust after: got. gairnjan* 17, gair-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, verlangen, bedürfen; ne. lust after, long for, yearn for, desire (V.), want (V.); lustōn 1, lus-t-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, gelüsten; ne. lust after, desire (V.)

lust -- lust for material goods: got. faíhufrikei 3, faíh-u-frik-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Gewinnsucht, Geldgier; ne. money-covetousness, cupidity, lust for material goods

lust -- lust (N.): got. *frikei?, *fri-k-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gier, Sucht; ne. greed, lust (N.), obsession, addiction; lustus* 22=21, lus-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Lust, Begierde, Verlangen; ne. lust (N.), cupidity, desire (N.), craving (N.), covetousness

lustful: got. *friks?, *fri-k-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. süchtig, gierig; ne. lustful, greedy, addicted

-- lustful for material goods: got. faíhufriks 6, faíh-u-frik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. habsüchtig, geldgierig, gewinnsüchtig; ne. money-covetous, avaricious, greedy for money, lustful for material goods

lying -- apparatus for lying on: got. ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

lying -- be lying down: got. ligan* 14, lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. liegen, darniederliegen; ne. lie (2) (V.), be lying down

lying -- lying abed for coitus: got. ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

lying -- lying down (N.): got. kubitus* 1, kubitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Liegen am Tisch, Tischgesellschaft, Gruppe, Tischgenossenschaft; ne. reclining to eat, group reclining and eating together, lying down (N.)

lying -- lying prophet: got. liugnapraufētus* 1, liug-n-a-prau-fētu-s*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. „Lügenprophet“, falscher Prophet; ne. false prophet, lying prophet

lying -- lying together: got. galigri* 1, ga-lig-r-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beilager, Beischlaf; ne. lying together, coitus, sexual intercourse

m: got. m 3,  Buchstabe: nhd. m, Abkürzung für 40; ne. m, abbreviation for 40

made: got. *-lauþs, *-lauþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. beschaffen (Adj.), groß; ne. made, great

-- bag made of skin: got. balgs* 12, bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Balg, Schlauch, Tasche; ne. leather bag, bag made of skin, wine-skin

-- basket made of branches or switches: got. tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

-- be made alive: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- made by hands: got. handuwaúrhts* 2, hand-u-waúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. handgemacht, mit der Hand gemacht; ne. hand-wrought, made by hands

-- made of barley flour: got. barizeins* 4, bar-i-z-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Gerste bereitet, gersten, Gersten...; ne. of barley, made of barley flour

-- made of iron: got. eisarneins* 2, eis-arn-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eisern; ne. made of iron

-- made of stone: got. staineins* 1, stai-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. steinern; ne. stone (Adj.), made of stone, stony

-- made of thorn: got. þaúrneins* 2, þaúr-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Dornen, dornen; ne. thorny, made of thorn

-- mark made by a stroke of the pen: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

madman -- act like a madman: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

madman -- speak like a madman: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

madness: got. *dwalms, *dwa-l-m-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Verzückung, Betäubung; ne. madness, derangement, insanity

magic -- magic foretoken: got. faúratani* 3, faúr-a-tan-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Wunderzeichen; ne. miracle, prophetic wonderwork, magic foretoken, miraculous omen

magic -- magic (N.): got. *gands?, *gan-d-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stock, Stab, Zauber?; ne. stick (N.), rod (N.), magic (N.); lubjaleisei 1, lu-b-j-a-leis-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Giftmischerei, Zauberei, Giftkunde; ne. magic (N.), toxicology, mixing of poison, sorcery

magician -- magician (F.): got. haljōrūna* 1, hal-j-ō-rū-n-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hexe, Zauberweib; ne. witch, magician (F.); lat. maga mulier

magnificence: got. *galaubei, *ga-laub-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Glanz, Kostbarkeit, Pracht; ne. splendour, magnificence; wulþus 73=71, wul-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herrlichkeit; ne. glory, splendour, resplendence, magnificence, majesty

magnified -- become magnified: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

magnify: got. gamikiljan* 1, ga-mik-il-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „groß machen“, preisen, erheben; ne. make great, make large, magnify; mikiljan* 15, mik-il-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. preisen; ne. make great, magnify, extol, glorify, praise (V.); ushauhjan 9, us-hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhöhen; ne. lift up, raise high, elevate, exalt, extol, magnify

magnitude: got. mikildūþs 4=3, mik-il-dū-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Größe; ne. greatness, magnitude

magpie: got. *agatja?, *ag-at-j-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Elster; ne. magpie

maiden -- maiden (F.): got. magaþs* 2, mag-a-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Jungfrau, Magd; ne. virgin, maiden (F.), girl; mawi 11, ma-w-i,  st. F. (jō/ī): nhd. Mädchen, Jungfrau; ne. girl, damsel, maiden (F.), child

maiden -- young maiden: got. mawilō 1, ma-w-i-lō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Mädchen, Jungfrau; ne. little girl, young maiden; taleiþa 1, taleiþ-a,  F. (indekl.): nhd. Mägdlein; ne. young maiden, little girl

maidenhood: got. magaþei* 1, mag-a-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Jungfräulichkeit; ne. virginity, maidenhood

maidservant: got. *þiwairna, *þiw-airn-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Magd; ne. maidservant; þiwi 11, þiw-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Magd; ne. maidservant, handmaid

maimed: got. hamfs* 1, ham-f-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verstümmelt, gekrümmt, lahm; ne. maimed, mutilated, club-handed

main -- main hall: got. *sals?, *sal-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Saal; ne. main room, main hall

main -- main road: got. gatwō* 1, gat-wō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gasse; ne. thoroughfare, street, main road

main -- main room: got. *sals?, *sal-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Saal; ne. main room, main hall

maintain: got. gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain

maintenance: got. fastubni* 6, fast-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Halten, Dienst, Fasten, Haltung, Gottesdienst; ne. holding fast to, holding (N.), keeping (N.), observance, abstinence, fasting (N.), vigilance, maintenance

majesty: got. mikilei* 4, mik-il-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Größe; ne. majesty, immensity, greatness; wulþus 73=71, wul-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herrlichkeit; ne. glory, splendour, resplendence, magnificence, majesty

make -- make a beginning: got. dustōdjan* 5=4, du-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben; ne. start (V.), begin (V.), commence, make a beginning

make -- make abundant: got. managjan* 2, man-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mehren, vermehren; ne. multiply, increase (V.), make abundant

make -- make acquire knowledge of by reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

make -- make a face at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

make -- make afraid: got. ōgjan 1, ōg-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen schrecken, in Furcht setzen, erschrecken; ne. make afraid, make fear, scare (V.), frighten

make -- make a home: got. gabáuan 1, ga-báu-an,  unr. V., perfektiv: nhd. Wohnung aufschlagen, wohnen; ne. take up residence, lodge (V.), reside, make a home

make -- make a journey: got. gaggjan* 1, ga-g-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen, reisen; ne. go on a journey, make a journey

make -- make a judgement: got. gastōjan* 3, ga-stō-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ein Urteil abgeben über, beurteilen, verurteilen, urteilen, beschließen, richten?; ne. make a judgement, resolve (V.)

make -- make alive: got. anaqiujan 1, an-a-qiu-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, erwecken, lebendig machen; ne. liven up, revitalize, revivify, rekindle, make alive; gaqiujan* 4, ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, lebendig machen; ne. make alive, give life to, vivify; *qaiwjan, *qaiw-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Feuer anzünden, lebendig machen; ne. light a fire, make alive; *qiujan?, *qiu-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben; ne. make alive, vivify

make -- make alive together: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

make -- make an exposé of: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

make -- make angry: got. gramjan* 1, gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnen, aufregen; ne. make angry, provoke

make -- make an oblation of: got. gasaljan* 3, ga-sal-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. opfern, zum Opfer bringen; ne. make an oblation of, offer up, sacrifice (V.)

make -- make a noise: got. auhjōn* 2, auhj-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen, schreien; ne. make a noise, be tumultuously noisy, make an uproar

make -- make an uproar: got. auhjōn* 2, auhj-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen, schreien; ne. make a noise, be tumultuously noisy, make an uproar

make -- make anxious: got. afswaggwjan* 1, af-swaggw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwankend machen?, ängstlich machen; ne. make anxious, make sway away from, cause to waver

make -- make appear: got. gabaírhtjan 14=13, ga-baír-h-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. offenbaren, Gestalt gewinnen, erscheinen; ne. bring to light, show clearly, make appear, disclose

make -- make a prayerful wish for: got. usbidan* 1, us-bid-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. erbitten; ne. make a prayerful wish for, wish prayerfully

make -- make a ride: got. raidjan* (2), raid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen machen, tragen; ne. make a ride, transport (V.), carry (V.)

make -- make arrive at by throwing: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

make -- make arrive at by turning: got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.)

make -- make ashamed: got. gaaiwiskōn* 11=10, ga-aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. beschämen, beschimpfen; ne. disgrace (V.), dishonour (V.), abuse (V.), make ashamed, put to shame

make -- make a sighing sound: got. gaswōgjan* 1, ga-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erseufzen, seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), heave a sigh, make a sighing sound

make -- make a sign: got. bandwjan* 11, ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Zeichen geben, Wink geben, andeuten, bezeichnen; ne. mark (V.), designate, indicate, make a sign, signify

make -- make a stroke: got. *streikan, *strei-k-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. streichen; ne. stroke (V.), rub (V.), make a stroke

make -- make a tributary offering: got. saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

make -- make a visitation to: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for

make -- make better: got. gabōtjan* 1, ga-bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbessern, herstellen; ne. make good, improve, make better, repair (V.), restore

make -- make black: got. *swartjan?, *swart-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwärzen (V.) (1); ne. blacken, make black

make -- make blind: got. gablindjan* 2, ga-bli-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verblenden, blenden; ne. make blind, deprive of sight

make -- make burn: got. tandjan* 2, tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anzünden, brennen machen; ne. kindle (V.), ignite, make burn, light a lamp

make -- make burnt: got. gatandjan* 1, ga-tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. brandmarken, mit einem Brandmal versehen; ne. make burnt, sear (V.), brand (V.)

make -- make clad: got. gawasjan* 15, ga-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekleiden, kleiden, sich bekleiden, sich kleiden; ne. clothe (V.), make clad, dress o.s., clothe o.s., don (V.), put on

make -- make clean: got. gahrainjan 12, ga-hrai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. reinigen; ne. cleanse, make clean, purify; hrainjan* 1, hrai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reinigen; ne. cleanse, make clean, purify

make -- make clear: got. gaskeirjan* 5, ga-skei-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erklären, auslegen, übersetzen; ne. make clear, explain, interpret (V.), translate; *skeirjan?, *skei-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auslegen, erklären; ne. make clear, explain, elucidate, interpret, translate

make -- make collide: got. gastagqjan* 1, ga-stagq-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anstoßen; ne. make collide, bring into collision with, strike against

make -- make comforted: got. gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

make -- make common: got. gagamainjan* 1, ga-ga-mai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. make common, demean, debase, defile; gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

make -- make contact with: got. attēkan 21, at-tēk-an,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. berühren, anrühren; ne. touch (V.), make contact with, lay one’s touch upon

make -- make content: got. ganōhjan* 5, ga-nōh-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. gewähren, befriedigen, sich genügen lassen (= ganōhiþs wisan); ne. satisfy, make content, satiate

make -- make deep: got. gadiupjan* 1, ga-diup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vertiefen; ne. make deep, go deep, dig deep, achieve depth

make -- make determinative: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

make -- make deviate by obstructing: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

make -- make die: got. afdauþjan 5, af-dau-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. töten; ne. put to death, make die, kill (V.), eliminate with death

make -- make dirty: got. *sauljan, *saul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schmutzig machen; ne. make dirty

make -- make disintegrate: got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate

make -- make dissolve: got. *gamaltjan?, *ga-mal-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflösen, schmelzen; ne. make melt away, liquidify, make dissolve, liquidate

make -- make drink: got. dragkjan* 5, dra-g-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tränken, tränken mit; ne. give to drink, make drink; gadragkjan* 2, ga-dra-g-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. tränken mit; ne. give to drink, make drink

make -- make drive around: got. *walugjan?, *wal-ug-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her treiben; ne. make drive around

make -- make empty: got. uslausjan* 5, us-lau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entledigen, entäußern, entleeren, berauben, erlösen, befreien, entwurzeln; ne. make empty, divest, make void, liberate, free (V.), save

make -- make energetic endeavours: got. usdaudjan* 8, us-dau-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich beeifern, seine Ehre suchen; ne. strive vigorously, make energetic endeavours, be eager

make -- make even: got. gaibnjan* 1, ga-ibn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. gleichmachen, ebnen; ne. make even, level (V.); airþai gaibnjan: nhd. der Erde gleichmachen, (eine Stadt) zerstören; ne. make even; *ibnjan?, *ibn-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ebnen; ne. make even, level (V.); *ibnōn?, *ibn-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ebnen; ne. make even, level (V.)

make -- make exceedingly afraid: got. usagjan* 1, us-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen erschrecken; ne. frighten utterly, terrify, make exceedingly afraid

make -- make falter: got. gamarzjan* 8, ga-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ärgern, Ärgernis erregen, Ärgernis nehmen (pass., Mat 11,6 CA, Luk 7,23 CA); ne. trip up, make stumble, make falter, thwart (V.), frustrate, cause offense; marzjan* 5, mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ärgern, zum Ärgernis sein (V.); ne. make stumble, make falter, hamper (V.), impede, offend

make -- make fear: got. ōgjan 1, ōg-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen schrecken, in Furcht setzen, erschrecken; ne. make afraid, make fear, scare (V.), frighten

make -- make firm: got. gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify; gaþwastjan* 5=4, ga-þwa-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, stärken; ne. firm up, make firm, make secure, solidify, restore, set right; tulgjan 3, tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. festigen, stärken, befestigen; ne. make firm, confirm, establish, fix (V.), fortify; *þwastjan?, *þwa-st-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. befestigen; ne. make firm

make -- make fluctuate away from: got. afwagjan* 1, af-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen, abbringen; ne. make fluctuate away from, make waver away from, remove (V.)

make -- make foolish: got. dwala gataujan: nhd. töricht machen; ne. make foolish, make stupid

make -- make full: got. gafulljan* 5, ga-ful-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, füllen, anfüllen; ne. fill (V.), make full

make -- make fully informed: got. fullaweisjan* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überreden, überzeugen; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, make fully informed; gafullaweisjan* 1, ga-ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beglaubigen?, vollenden?; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, teach fully, make fully informed

make -- make go: got. *laidjan, *lai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen machen, leiten; ne. make go, lead (V.)

make -- make go around: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

make -- make good: got. gabōtjan* 1, ga-bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbessern, herstellen; ne. make good, improve, make better, repair (V.), restore

make -- make go out of one’s way: got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.)

make -- make great: got. gamikiljan* 1, ga-mik-il-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „groß machen“, preisen, erheben; ne. make great, make large, magnify; mikiljan* 15, mik-il-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. preisen; ne. make great, magnify, extol, glorify, praise (V.)

make -- make hang: got. hāhan* (1) 1, hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hängen, schweben lassen; ne. hang (V.), make hang, suspend (V.), let hang in suspense

make -- make high: got. hauhjan 27, hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hoch machen, erhöhen, preisen, verherrlichen; ne. make high, lift on high, elevate, exalt, extol, praise (V.)

make -- make holy: got. gaweihan* 7, ga-weih-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. weihen, heiligen; ne. hallow (V.), make holy, sanctify, consecrate; weihan* (2) 3, weih-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. weihen, heiligen; ne. hallow (V.), make holy, sanctify, consecrate (V.)

make -- make humble: got. gahnaiwjan* 4, ga-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, make humble, lower (V.), abase

make -- make inquiry into: got. fragan* 1, fragjan*?, frag-an*, frag-jan*?,  st. V. (6?): nhd. fragen; ne. ask, test (V.), inquire of, make inquiry into, examine

make -- make insensitive: got. gadaubjan* 2, ga-dau-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verstocken, verstockt machen; ne. make insensitive, be numb, deaden, harden (V.)

make -- make into a fortified residential stronghold: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

make -- make into a possession: got. gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

make -- make into a walled city: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

make -- make jealous: got. inaljanōn* 2, in-al-jan-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.?: nhd. zornig machen, reizen; ne. jealousy provoke to jealousy, make jealous, provoke, anger (V.)

make -- make keen for: got. gaƕatjan* 1, ga-ƕat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet, sharpen, make keen for, incite, mislead, entice; *ƕatjan?, *ƕat-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet (V.), sharpen, make keen for

make -- make kindred: got. niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

make -- make known: got. gakannjan 13, ga-kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden, berichten, bekanntmachen, empfehlen; ne. make known, present (V.), announce; galiuhtjan* 2, ga-liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erleuchten, ans Licht bringen; ne. give light to, light up, bring to light, illumine, make known; inliuhtjan 3=2, in-liuh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erleuchten; ne. enlighten, illuminate, make known; kannjan 9, kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kund tun, bekanntmachen, empfehlen, verkünden; ne. make known, apprise of, inform of; uskannjan 2, us-kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verkünden, berichten, empfehlen, kundtun; ne. make known, introduce

make -- make large: got. gamikiljan* 1, ga-mik-il-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „groß machen“, preisen, erheben; ne. make great, make large, magnify

make -- make late: got. latjan* 1, la-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufhalten, verzögern, lange dauern; ne. retard (V.), delay (V.), make late

make -- make loose: got. lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.)

make -- make low: got. gahaunjan* 2, ga-hau-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, abase, humiliate, humble (V.); gahnaiwjan* 4, ga-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, make humble, lower (V.), abase; haunjan 2, hau-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erniedrigen, niedrig machen; ne. make low, abase, humiliate; hnaiwjan* 3, hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niedrig machen, erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, lower (V.), humble (V.), abase (V.)

make -- make manifest: got. gaswikunþjan 8, ga-swi-kun-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekanntgeben, offenbaren, sich offenbaren, erscheinen; ne. make manifest, publish, make openly known

make -- make melt away: got. *gamaltjan?, *ga-mal-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflösen, schmelzen; ne. make melt away, liquidify, make dissolve, liquidate

make -- make merry: got. biwisan* 1, bi-wi-s-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv?: nhd. sich erfreuen, sich vergnügen; ne. dine together, dine convivially, have a festive get-together, make merry; wisan (3) 4, wis-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich freuen, schwelgen, schmausen; ne. dine, eat a good meal, feast, make merry

make -- make move: got. gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter

make -- make one’s own: got. *aiginōn?, *aig-in-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. aneignen; ne. appropriate (V.), make one’s own; gaaiginōn* 2=1, ga-aig-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. in Besitz nehmen, übervorteilen, in Beschlag nehmen; ne. appropriate (V.), make one’s own

make -- make openly known: got. gaswikunþjan 8, ga-swi-kun-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekanntgeben, offenbaren, sich offenbaren, erscheinen; ne. make manifest, publish, make openly known; *swikunþjan?, *swi-kun-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bekanntgeben, offenbaren; ne. publicize, make openly known

make -- make o.s. adhere to: got. haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

make -- make o.s. fit to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

make -- make o.s. like: got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to; galeikōn sik: nhd. sich gleichstellen; ne. make o.s. like, conform to

make -- make peace with: got. gasibjōn 1, ga-si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to; *sibjōn, *si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to

make -- make perish: got. riurjan* 1, riur-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben (tr.); ne. corrupt (V.), spoil (V.), ruin (V.), make perish, destroy

make -- make place: got. *rūman, *rū-m-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. Platz machen; ne. make place

make -- make poor: got. gaunlēdjan* 1, ga-un-lē-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. arm machen; ne. make poor; *unlēdjan?, *un-lē-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. arm machen; ne. make poor

make -- make powerless: got. blauþjan* 1, blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abschaffen, aufheben; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.); gablauþjan* 1, ga-blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. abschaffen, triumphieren; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.), triumph (V.)

make -- make presentable: got. *fahrjan?, *fah-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable; gafahrjan* 1, ga-fah-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable

make -- make prisoner of war: got. ushinþan* 1, us-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erbeuten; ne. take captive, capture (V.), make prisoner of war

make -- make profuse: got. ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

make -- make progress: got. þeihan 7, þei-h-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. gedeihen, Fortschritte machen; ne. make progress, wax (V.), gain (V.) (2), thrive, succeed, cooperate

make -- make provision of: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

make -- make public: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.); usqiþan 1, us-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. ein Gerede verbreiten; ne. divulge, make public, spread the news

make -- make public exhibition of: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

make -- make reach by throwing: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

make -- make ready: got. gamanwjan* 14, ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zubereiten, bereiten; ne. prepare, make ready; *garwōn?, *gar-w-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bereiten, kleiden; ne. prepare, make ready; manwjan 15, manw-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bereiten, zurechtmachen; ne. prepare, make ready

make -- make ready beforehand: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand; faúramanwjan* 1, faúr-a-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorbereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand

make -- make rich: got. gabigjan* 1, gab-ig-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reich machen, bereichern; ne. enrich, make rich

make -- make righteous: got. garaíhtjan 4, ga-raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. als gerecht erweisen, etwas richten, hinlenken, lenken, rechtfertigen; ne. make straight, set right, rectify, correct (V.), make righteous, direct (V.)

make -- make roll up: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

make -- make roll up before: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

make -- make run: got. *rannjan?, *ra-n-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. laufen machen; ne. make run

make -- make run down over: got. *ufarrannjan 3, *uf-ar-ra-n-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „überrennen“, besprengen; ne. make run down over

make -- make safe: got. ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.)

make -- make secure: got. gaþwastjan* 5=4, ga-þwa-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, stärken; ne. firm up, make firm, make secure, solidify, restore, set right

make -- make shake: got. gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter; wagjan 3, wag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schütteln, bewegen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move to and fro, agitate

make -- make shrivelled: got. *snarpjan?, *snar-p-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zusammenziehen machen; ne. make shrivelled

make -- make shrivelled by touching: got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact

make -- make signs: got. gabandwjan* 2, ga-ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. durch Winke andeuten, ein Zeichen geben, andeuten; ne. make signs, signify, indicate

make -- make sink down: got. ufsaggqjan* 2=1, uf-saggq-jan*, ufsagqjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versenken; ne. make sink down, cause to submerge, engulf

make -- make sit: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

make -- make sit down together: got. miþgasatjan* 2=1, mi-þ-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mithinsetzen, sich zusammensetzen; ne. seat together with, make sit down together

make -- make slip off: got. afslaupjan* 1, af-slau-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. abstreifen, ablegen; ne. let slide off, make slip off, put off

make -- make solitary: got. gaainan* 1, ga-ai-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. vereinzeln, trennen; ne. isolate, make solitary

make -- make speechless: got. afslauþjan* 2, af-s-lau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. in Angst versetzen, in Sorge sein (V.), ängstigen; ne. perturb, frighten, dumbfound (V.), scare (V.), silence off, make speechless

make -- make stand: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; gastōþan 1, ga-stō-þ-an,  sw. V. (3), effektiv: nhd. aufrecht erhalten; ne. make stand, cause to stand, uphold; *stōþan?, *stō-þ-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufrechterhalten; ne. make stand

make -- make straight: got. garaíhtjan 4, ga-raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. als gerecht erweisen, etwas richten, hinlenken, lenken, rechtfertigen; ne. make straight, set right, rectify, correct (V.), make righteous, direct (V.); *raíhtjan, *raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „richten“; ne. make straight, set right

make -- make strong: got. inswinþjan 7=6, in-swinþ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. stärken; ne. strengthen, make strong, impart strength to

make -- make stuck: got. *stakjan?, *stak-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stecken; ne. make stuck, fix with stakes

make -- make stumble: got. gamarzjan* 8, ga-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ärgern, Ärgernis erregen, Ärgernis nehmen (pass., Mat 11,6 CA, Luk 7,23 CA); ne. trip up, make stumble, make falter, thwart (V.), frustrate, cause offense; marzjan* 5, mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ärgern, zum Ärgernis sein (V.); ne. make stumble, make falter, hamper (V.), impede, offend

make -- make stupid: got. dwala gataujan: nhd. töricht machen; ne. make foolish, make stupid

make -- make subservient: got. *þiwan, *þiw-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. dienstbar machen; ne. make subservient

make -- make suitable: got. *fahrjan?, *fah-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable; gafahrjan* 1, ga-fah-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable

make -- make sway away from: got. afswaggwjan* 1, af-swaggw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwankend machen?, ängstlich machen; ne. make anxious, make sway away from, cause to waver; *swaggwjan?, *swa-g-gw-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwanken machen; ne. make sway away from, make veer away from

make -- make swell: got. ufbauljan* 1, uf-bau-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufblasen; ne. make swell, make swollen, bloat up

make -- make swirl around: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

make -- make swollen: got. ufbauljan* 1, uf-bau-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufblasen; ne. make swell, make swollen, bloat up

make -- make taintless: got. *swiknjan?, *swikn-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reinigen; ne. absolve, exculpate, make taintless

make -- make the appearance similar to: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

make -- make the climb: got. gasteigan* 2, ga-steig-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineinsteigen, herabsteigen; ne. climb (V.), make the climb, get into

make -- make to hunger: got. huggrjan* 2, hugg-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hungern; ne. make to hunger

make -- make to thirst: got. þaúrsjan* 4, þaúrs-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. dürsten; ne. make to thirst, be thirsty

make -- make trial of: got. fraisan* 13, frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. versuchen; ne. put to the test, try, tempt, make trial of, test (V.); *fraistōn, *frai-s-t-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versuchen; ne. try (V.), tempt, make trial of

make -- make turn aound: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

make -- make turn away from: got. afwandjan 7, af-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abwenden, vermeiden; ne. turn aside, make turn away from

make -- make turn forth to: got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.)

make -- make up one’s mind beforehand: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth

make -- make use of: got. bōtōs sis taujan, got.: nhd. sich Nutzen verschaffen; ne. make use of; brūkjan 10, brūk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Gen.: nhd. gebrauchen, brauchen, anwenden; ne. use (V.), make use of

make -- make (V.): got. gaskapjan* 10, ga-skap-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. erschaffen, schaffen; ne. create, make (V.); gawaúrkjan 24, ga-waúrk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bewirken, erwirken, bereiten, machen, bringen, erhandeln, ausstellen; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), bring about, produce, make (V.), earn (V.), get, achieve (V.); skapjan*, skap-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. schaffen; ne. create, make (V.); taujan 211=209, tau-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tun, machen, wirken; ne. do, act (V.), engage in, execute, perform, make (V.), form (V.), construct (V.), produce (1)

make -- make veer away from: got. *swaggwjan?, *swa-g-gw-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwanken machen; ne. make sway away from, make veer away from

make -- make void: got. uslausjan* 5, us-lau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entledigen, entäußern, entleeren, berauben, erlösen, befreien, entwurzeln; ne. make empty, divest, make void, liberate, free (V.), save

make -- make wake up: got. uswakjan* 1, us-wak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwecken, aufwecken; ne. awake (V.) (tr.), arouse, make wake up

make -- make warm: got. warmjan* 6, war-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wärmen; ne. warm (V.), make warm, keep warm, cherish

make -- make waver away from: got. afwagjan* 1, af-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen, abbringen; ne. make fluctuate away from, make waver away from, remove (V.)

make -- make wet: got. ganatjan* 1, ga-nat-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. benetzen; ne. make wet, wet (V.), moisten; natjan 1, nat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. netzen, benetzen; ne. wet (V.), make wet, moisten

make -- make whirl about: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

make -- make white: got. gaƕeitjan 1, ga-ƕei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. weißen, weiß machen; ne. whiten, make white; *ƕeitjan, *ƕei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weißen; ne. whiten, make white

make -- make wise: got. usfratwjan 1, us-fratw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. klug machen, ausrüsten?, ausstatten?; ne. instruct (V.), provide with knowledge, make wise

make -- make wrinkled by contact: got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact

makes -- one who makes earthenware utensils: got. kasja 3, kas-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Töpfer; ne. potter, one who makes earthenware utensils

make-up: got. *smikwa?, *smik-w-a?,  st. F. (ō)?: nhd. Schminke; ne. make-up

making -- making (N.): got. *dēþs, *dē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Tat; ne. making (N.), rendering (N.), deed (N.); gadēþs* 1, ga-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Tat; ne. deed (N.), making (N.), rendering (N.)

male: got. *gumeins?, *gum-ein-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. männlich; ne. male

-- adult male: got. waír 29, waí-r,  st. M. (a): nhd. Mann; ne. man (M.), adult male

-- male (Adj.): got. gumakunds* 2, gum-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. männlich; ne. male (Adj.), of the male sex

-- male animal: got. gumein* 1, gum-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Männchen; ne. male (N.), male animal

-- male blood-relative: got. niþjis 3, n-i-þ-ji-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Verwandter; ne. kinsman, male blood-relative

-- male demon: got. unhulþa 12, un-hul-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Unhold, Teufel; ne. male demon, devil, monster

-- male head-servant on a farm: got. *siniskalks?, *sin-i-s-kal-k-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. ältester Diener, Altknecht, Seneschall; ne. oldest servant, male head-servant on a farm, seneschal

-- male human being: got. guma 4, gum-a,  st. M. (n): nhd. Mann; ne. male human being, man (M.)

-- male (N.): got. gumein* 1, gum-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Männchen; ne. male (N.), male animal

-- of the male sex: got. gumakunds* 2, gum-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. männlich; ne. male (Adj.), of the male sex

-- young male sheep: got. wiþrus 1, wiþ-ru-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Widder, Lamm; ne. lamb (N.), young male sheep

malediction: got. naiteins* 3, nai-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, malediction, abusive speech, foul language, insult (N.), slander (N.)

-- confer a malediction upon: got. unþiuþjan* 1, un-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fluchen; ne. curse (V.), imprecate evil upon, confer a malediction upon

malefactor: got. waidēdja 9, wai-dē-d-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Übeltäter, Räuber; ne. „woe-doer“, evil-doer, malefactor, robber, bandit, felon

malevolence: got. unsēlei* 12, un-sēl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit, Schlechtigkeit; ne. unkindness, malevolence, malice, wickedness

malevolent: got. unsēls* 9, un-sēl-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. übel, böse; ne. unkind, malevolent, malicious, evil (Adj.)

malice: got. balwawēsei* 1, balw-a-wēs-ei*, balwaweisei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit; ne. malice, wickedness, evil (N.); *bausei?, *bau-s-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit, List, Betrug; ne. malice, nastiness, cunning, deceit, deception; unsēlei* 12, un-sēl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit, Schlechtigkeit; ne. unkindness, malevolence, malice, wickedness

malicious: got. *balwaweis, *balw-a-wei-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. böse, übel; ne. baleful, wicked, malicious; unsēls* 9, un-sēl-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. übel, böse; ne. unkind, malevolent, malicious, evil (Adj.)

maliciously -- accuse maliciously: got. frawrōhjan* 1, fra-wrō-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verklagen, verdächtigen, verleumden, anzeigen; ne. accuse maliciously, accuse calumniously, incriminate slanderously, suspect (V.)

maligning -- maligning (Adj.): got. ubilwaúrds 1, ub-il-waúr-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „übelredend“, schmähsüchtig; ne. evil-tongued, maligning (Adj.), evil-speaking, reviler (= subst.)

mall -- public mall: got. garuns* 3, ga-ru-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Markt, Straße; ne. concourse, public mall, marketplace, running together, street

maltreat: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

mammon: got. mammōna* 2, mammōn-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mammon, Reichtum; ne. mammon, worldly riches, money, wealth

man: got. *bara?, *bar-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mann; ne. man

manacle -- manacle (N.): got. naudibandi* 4, nau-d-i-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kette (F.) (1), Handschelle, Fessel (F.) (1); ne. shackle (N.), manacle (N.), chain (N.), fetter

management: got. faúragaggi 7=6, faúr-a-ga-g-g-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verwaltung, Haushaltung, Vorsteheramt; ne. stewardship, superintendency, management, administration

manager: got. faúragagga* 1, faúr-a-ga-g-g-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Vorgänger“, Hausverwalter, Verwalter, Vorsteher; ne. „fore-goer“, house-steward, superintendent, manager; faúragaggja 7, faúr-a-ga-g-g-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Verwalter, Vorsteher; ne. steward, superintendent, manager

mandate -- mandate beforehand: got. *faúragaraidjan 1, *faúr-a-ga-rai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen?; ne. enjoin in advance, mandate beforehand, decree beforehand

mandate -- mandate (V.): got. garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange; raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret

mange: got. *rappa?, *ra-p-p-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Krätze (F.) (2), Räude; ne. itch (N.), scabies, mange

manger: got. *kripja?, *kri-p-j-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Krippe; ne. crib, manger; uzēta* 3, uz-ēt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Krippe; ne. manger, feed trough, crib (N.)

manifest -- make manifest: got. gaswikunþjan 8, ga-swi-kun-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekanntgeben, offenbaren, sich offenbaren, erscheinen; ne. make manifest, publish, make openly known

manifest -- manifest (Adj.): got. baírhts* 5, baír-h-t-s*, berhts*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hell, offenbar, deutlich; ne. bright, clear (Adj.), manifest (Adj.), evident; swikunþs 17, swi-kun-þ-s, swekunþs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. offenkundig, offenbar, bekannt; ne. known openly, conspicuously known, known by its obviousness, manifest (Adj.), obvious

manifest -- manifest (V.): got. baírhtjan* 1, baír-h-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. offenbaren; ne. exhibit clearly, manifest (V.), show (V.), disclose; taiknjan* 4, tai-k-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem etwas zeigen; ne. show (V.), exhibit, display (V.), manifest (V.)

manifest -- manifest zeal for: got. aljanōn 5, al-jan-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. eifern, eifern für; ne. strive for, manifest zeal for

manifestation: got. gabaírhteins* 1, ga-baír-h-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erscheinung; ne. illumination, manifestation, epiphany

manifested: got. uskunþs 5, us-kun-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bekannt, offenbar; ne. recognized, well-known, manifested, recognizable, transparent

manifestness: got. baírhtei* 3, baír-h-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Helle, Offenbarung, Klarheit, Verkündigung; ne. brightness, clarity, clearness, manifestness

manifold: got. filufaíhs* 1, fil-u-faíh-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr bunt, reichhaltig, mannigfaltig; ne. very multicoloured, very variegated, much multicoloured, manifold; managfalþs* 2, man-ag-fal-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. mannigfaltig; ne. manifold, multiple, multifold

maniple: got. hansa 4, hans-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schar (F.) (1), Manipel, Kohorte, Menge; ne. cohort, battalion, maniple, crowd (N.), troop (N.)

mankind: got. manasēþs 39, man-a-sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Menschensaat“, Welt, Menschheit; ne. „man-seed“, mankind, the world of humans, human race, human universe, world

-- entirety of mankind: got. alamans* 1, al-a-man-s*, alamannans*,  Pl. M.: nhd. Gesamtheit der Menschen, alle Menschen; ne. all humanity, totality of man, entirety of mankind

man-like: got. waíraleikō 1, waí-r-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. männlich; ne. man-like, in a manly way; *waíraleiks?, *waí-r-a-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. männlich; ne. man-like

manly -- in a manly way: got. waíraleikō 1, waí-r-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. männlich; ne. man-like, in a manly way

manna: got. manna (2) 3, man-n-a,  (indekl.) N.: nhd. Manna; ne. manna

manner -- in a godly manner: got. gagudaba 1, ga-gu-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. fromm, gottesfürchtig; ne. godly, in a godly manner, in a saintly manner

manner -- in a jewish manner: got. iudaiwiskō 1, iudai-w-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf jüdische Weise; ne. in a jewish manner

manner -- in a manner other than standard: got. aljaleikōs, Adv. (Komp.), (Krause, Handbuch des Gotischen 194,2): nhd. anders; ne. otherwise, elsewise, in a manner other than standard

manner -- in an advocatable manner: got. garēdaba 1, ga-rē-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. commendably, in an advocatable manner, commendatorily, recommendatorily, honourably

manner -- in an obvious manner: got. swikunþaba 5, swi-kun-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offenbar, offen heraus, deutlich, ausdrücklich; ne. plainly, openly, clearly, in an obvious manner

manner -- in a saintly manner: got. gagudaba 1, ga-gu-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. fromm, gottesfürchtig; ne. godly, in a godly manner, in a saintly manner

manner -- in just the same manner: got. swa 115=113,  Adv.: nhd. so; ne. so, thus, just so, in just the same manner

manner -- in like manner: got. analeikō 1, an-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichermaßen; ne. likewise, in like manner, in the same way, similarly; samaleikō 23, sam-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichfalls, ebenfalls, desgleichen; ne. likewise, in the same way, in like manner, in the selfsame manner, similarly

manner -- in like manner as: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

manner -- in substantively different manner: got. anþarleikō 2=1, an-þar-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. anders; ne. essentially differently, otherwise, in substantively different manner

manner -- in such a manner: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

manner -- in the manner in which: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

manner -- in the manner of the gentiles: got. þiudiskō 1, þiu-d-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. heidnisch; ne. heathenly, in the manner of the gentiles, like the heathen

manner -- in the selfsame manner: got. samaleikō 23, sam-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichfalls, ebenfalls, desgleichen; ne. likewise, in the same way, in like manner, in the selfsame manner, similarly

manner -- manner (N.): got. haidus* 4, hai-d-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Art (F.) (1), Weise (F.) (2); ne. manner (N.), mode, fashion (N.), way (N.); sauþa* 1, sauþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Grund, Weise (F.) (2); ne. reason (N.), way (1), manner (N.); *weisa?, *wei-s-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weise (F.) (2); ne. manner (N.), way

manner -- manner of understanding: got. gahugds* 12, ga-hug-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung, Sinn, Gewissen; ne. manner of understanding, mode of perception, mind (N.), conscience, mind-set, mind (N.), thought

manner -- manner of utterance: got. razda 11, raz-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sprache, Sprechweise, Zunge; ne. language, dialect, tongue, manner of utterance, speech

manner -- produce in the manner of a smith: got. gasmiþōn* 1, ga-smi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. „schmieden“, bewirken, durch Schmieden bewirken; ne. forge (V.), produce in the manner of a smith, effect (V.), work (V.), produce

manner -- such manner as: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

„man-seed“: got. manasēþs 39, man-a-sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Menschensaat“, Welt, Menschheit; ne. „man-seed“, mankind, the world of humans, human race, human universe, world

man-slayer: got. manamaúrþrja 1, man-a-maúr-þ-r-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Menschenmörder; ne. man-slayer, murderer, homicide (M.)

manure -- manure (N.): got. maíhstus* 1, maíh-st-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Mist, Dünger; ne. dung (N.), manure (N.); smarna* 1, smarn-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mist, Kot; ne. offal, dung (N.), excrement, manure (N.), refuse (N.)

many: got. manags* 183=182, man-ag-s*, Komp. managiza, Superl. managists,  Adj. (a): nhd. manch, viel, über; ne. much, many, plenty, plentiful, sufficient; mikils 54, mik-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, stark, viel; ne. great, large (Adj.), great amount of, great number of, many

mar: got. anawammjan* 1, an-a-wam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beflecken, tadeln; ne. furnish with a flaw, mar, stain (V.)

maritime -- maritime province: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

mark -- diacritical mark: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

mark -- mark made by a stroke of the pen: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

mark -- mark (N.): got. bandwō 2, ba-nd-w-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zeichen, verabredetes Zeichen; ne. mark (N.), token (N.), sign (N.); staks* 2=1, stak-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Mal (N.) (2), Wundmal; ne. puncture (N.), stigma, mark (N.)

mark -- mark (V.): got. bandwjan* 11, ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Zeichen geben, Wink geben, andeuten, bezeichnen; ne. mark (V.), designate, indicate, make a sign, signify; *markōn (2), *mark-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bezeichnen; ne. mark (V.); *tarhjan?, *tarh-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kennzeichnen; ne. mark (V.), indicate

marked -- marked for death: got. dauþubleis* 1, dau-þ-u-blei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. zum Tode bestimmt, dem Tode geweiht, zum Tode verurteilt; ne. sentenced to death, marked for death

market -- in the meat market: got. at skiljam, got.: nhd. auf dem Fleischmarkt; ne. in the meat market

marketplace: got. garuns* 3, ga-ru-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Markt, Straße; ne. concourse, public mall, marketplace, running together, street; maþl* 1, maþ-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Versammlungsort, Marktplatz, Markt; ne. forum, meeting-place, marketplace, assembly

marking -- marking out: got. ustaikneins 4, us-tai-k-n-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auszeichnung, Bezeichnung, Bekanntmachung, Anzeichen, Beweis, Darstellung; ne. pointing out, marking out, showing (N.), evidence, token (N.), revelation, proof (N.)

marriage: got. liuga* 2, liug-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Heirat, Ehe; ne. marriage, wedlock, wedding; *marþus (2)? 1, *marþu-s, marzus,  marzus, krim st. M. (u): nhd. Hochzeit; ne. marriage, wedding; lat. nuptiae

married: got. liugom hafts, got.: nhd. verheiratet; ne. married; liugōm hafts, got.: nhd. verheiratet; ne. married; *liugaiþs?, *liug-a-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verheiratet; ne. married; *qēniþs?, *qēn-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. beweibt; ne. married; ufwaíra 1, uf-waír-a,  Adj. (a), F.: nhd. verheiratet; ne. married

-- get married to: got. galiugan* (1) 1, ga-liug-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. ein Weib nehmen, heiraten; ne. get married to, wed (V.)

marry: got. liugan (1) 19, liug-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. heiraten; ne. marry, wed (V.), espouse, take a spouse; *qēnjan?, *qēn-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. heiraten; ne. marry

marshland: got. saiws* 6, sai-w-s*,  st. M. (i) (a): nhd. See (M.), Marschland; ne. lake, drained swampland, sea, marshland

marten: got. *marþus (1), *marþu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Marder; ne. marten

martyr -- martyr (V.): got. balwjan 4, balw-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. martern, quälen, plagen; ne. torture (V.), torment (V.), martyr (V.)

marvel -- marvel (V.): got. sildaleikjan* 30, si-ld-a-leik-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anstaunen (tr.), bewundern (tr.), staunen (intr.), sich wundern (intr.); ne. marvel (V.), wonder (V.), be amazed

marveled -- become marveled at: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

marveled -- be marveled at: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

marvellous: got. sildaleiks 3, si-ld-a-leik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. erstaunlich, wunderbar; ne. marvellous, amazing, wondrous, wonderful, remarkable

mask -- mask (N.): got. *greima, *grei-m-a, *grīma,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Maske; ne. mask (N.)

mass -- mass (N.): got. hiuhma 6, hiu-h-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Haufen, Menge; ne. crowd (N.), mass (N.), heap (N.), multitude

mass -- mouldable mass: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

mass -- plastic mass: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

mass -- round mass: got. *kruppa, *kru-p-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. runde Masse; ne. round mass

mast -- mast (N.): got. *masts?, *mast-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Mast (M.); ne. mast (N.)

master -- be master: got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over

master -- house master: got. gardawaldands 2, gar-d-a-wal-d-an-d-s,  M. (nd): nhd. Hausherr; ne. ruler of the household, house master

master -- master by drill: got. usþrōþjan* 1, us-þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einüben; ne. train thoroughly, drill to mastery, master by drill

master -- master (M.): got. *-baudes, *-bau-d-es, lat.- st. M. (i?): nhd. Gebieter; ne. master (M.), lord; *faþs?, *faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Herr, Führer; ne. lord, master (M.), leader; frauja 381=374, frau-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Herr; ne. lord (M.), master (M.); fraujinōnds* 1, frau-ji-n-ōn-d-s*,  st. M. (nd): nhd. Herrscher, Herr; ne. lord (M.), master (M.), ruler, sovereign; *fraujis?, *frau-ji-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Herr; ne. lord (M.), master (M.); talzjands* 6, talz-jan-d-s*,  M. (nd): nhd. Lehrer; ne. trainer, headmaster, master (M.), tutor, lesson-teacher, instructor

master -- master of the family: got. heiwafrauja* 1, hei-w-a-frau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausherr; ne. master of the family, household head

mastery: got. fraujinassus* 2, frau-ji-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herrschaft; ne. dominion, domination, mastery

-- drill to mastery: got. usþrōþjan* 1, us-þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einüben; ne. train thoroughly, drill to mastery, master by drill

match -- match (V.): got. gatiman* 1, ga-tim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. geziemen; ne. be congruent with, time with, fit in with, match (V.)

material -- lust for material goods: got. faíhufrikei 3, faíh-u-frik-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Gewinnsucht, Geldgier; ne. money-covetousness, cupidity, lust for material goods

material -- lustful for material goods: got. faíhufriks 6, faíh-u-frik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. habsüchtig, geldgierig, gewinnsüchtig; ne. money-covetous, avaricious, greedy for money, lustful for material goods

material -- material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

matter -- as a matter of fact: got. allis þan: nhd. tatsächlich, eigentlich, im Gegenteil; ne. when, as a matter of fact

matter -- matter (N.): got. waíhts 80=79, waíh-t-s,  st. F. (i), F. (kons.): nhd. Ding, Sache, etwas; ne. thing, anything, something, entity, whit, sake, objective, matter (N.)

matter -- no matter what: got. ƕēh 2, ƕē-h,  Adv.: nhd. jedenfalls, nur; ne. in any case, in whatever case, no matter what, just only

matters -- childlike matters: got. barniskei* 1, bar-n-isk-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. kindliches Wesen, Kinderei; ne. childishness, childish nature, childlike matters

maturation: got. uswahsts* 1, us-wahs-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wachstum; ne. growth, maturation, stature

mature: got. *wrisqan?, *wri-sq-an?,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. Frucht bringen; ne. reach maturity, ripen, mature

-- mature (Adj.): got. fullaweis* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vollkommen; ne. mature (Adj.), thoroughly instructed, fully educated, fully informed, fully wise

-- mature (V.): got. gawrisqan* 1, ga-wri-sq-an*,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. Frucht bringen; ne. bear fruit, reach maturity, ripen, mature (V.); *uswahsjan?, *us-wahs-jan?,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. erwachsen (V.); ne. grow up, mature (V.)

maturity -- reach maturity: got. gawrisqan* 1, ga-wri-sq-an*,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. Frucht bringen; ne. bear fruit, reach maturity, ripen, mature (V.); *wrisqan?, *wri-sq-an?,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. Frucht bringen; ne. reach maturity, ripen, mature

mausoleums: got. hlaiwasnōs 4, hlai-w-asn-ōs,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gräber; ne. tombs, mausoleums

may: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

-- it may be so that: got. jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

-- it may therefore be that: got. jau nū, got.: nhd. es kann folglich sein (V.) dass; ne. it may therefore be that

-- one may: got. skuld ist, got.: nhd. es ist erlaubt; ne. one may

me -- you have left me: got. sibakþani 2, got.?, Interj.: nhd. du hast mich verlassen; ne. you have left me

mead -- mead (1): got. *midus, *midu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Met; ne. mead (1)

meadow: got. *awi- (1), *aw-i-,  Sb.: nhd. Au; ne. meadow; waggs* 1, wagg-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Wiese, Paradies; ne. meadow, park (N.), paradise; *waida?, *wai-d-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weide (F.) (2); ne. meadow

-- grazing meadow: got. winja* 1, wi-n-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Weide (F.) (2); ne. pasture, grazing meadow; winne 1, wi-n-n-e, uuinne,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Weide (F.) (2), w-Rune; ne. pasture, grazing meadow, name of w-rune

meal: got. mats 18, mat-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Speise, Proviant, Mahl; ne. food, meal

-- eat a good meal: got. wisan (3) 4, wis-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich freuen, schwelgen, schmausen; ne. dine, eat a good meal, feast, make merry

-- evening meal: got. nahtamats* 8, naht-a-mat-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Abendessen, Abendmahl, Gastmahl, Nachtmahl; ne. dinner, supper, evening meal

-- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal: got. anakumbjan 25, an-a-kumb-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich niederlegen, zu Tisch legen, lagern; ne. recline at table, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal

-- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

-- noon meal: got. undaúrnimats* 1, undaúrn-i-mat-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Frühstück, Mittagsmahl; ne. midday breakfast, noon meal

mean -- mean (V.): got. *gahugjan?, *ga-hug-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. meinen; ne. think, mean (V.)

meaning: got. wulþrs* (2) 2=1, wul-þ-r-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wert; ne. significance, importance, meaning, meaningfulness

-- with a different meaning: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

meaningful: got. wulþrs* (1) 1, wul-þ-r-s*, wulþreis,  Adj. (a) (ia): nhd. wertvoll; ne. meaningful, significant, important, value (Adj.)

meaningfulness: got. wulþrs* (2) 2=1, wul-þ-r-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wert; ne. significance, importance, meaning, meaningfulness

means -- by all means: got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

means -- by means of: got. af 135,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. von, von weg, von her, seit, ab, zu, aus; ne. from, away from, by, by means of, since, of; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

means -- by means of what: got. biƕē 1, bi-ƕē,  Adv.: nhd. woran; ne. whereby, by means of what, how

means -- by no means: got. (allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly;)

means -- hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy: got. fralēwjan* 1, fra-lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy, betray

means -- surrender s.o. by means of opportunism: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

meanwhile: got. miþþan 3, mi-þ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. inzwischen; ne. at that time, as of then, meanwhile

measure -- measure (N.): got. *fullja?, *ful-l-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fülle, Maß, Fass; ne. fullness, measure (N.), barrel; mitadjō* 1, mi-t-ad-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Maß; ne. measure (N.), measured amount; mitaþs* 12, mi-t-aþ-s*,  F. (kons.): nhd. Maß; ne. measure (N.), measurement, standard of measurement

measure -- measure of grain: got. mēla* 1, mēl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Scheffel, Maß; ne. peck-measure, measure of grain, bushel (1)

measure -- measure out: got. gamitan* 1, ga-mi-t-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zumessen, zuteilen; ne. measure out, mete out, apportion

measure -- measure (V.): got. mitan* 4, mi-t-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. messen; ne. measure (V.), gauge, take measure

measure -- take measure: got. mitan* 4, mi-t-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. messen; ne. measure (V.), gauge, take measure

measured -- measured amount: got. mitadjō* 1, mi-t-ad-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Maß; ne. measure (N.), measured amount

measurement: got. mitaþs* 12, mi-t-aþ-s*,  F. (kons.): nhd. Maß; ne. measure (N.), measurement, standard of measurement

-- standard of measurement: got. mitaþs* 12, mi-t-aþ-s*,  F. (kons.): nhd. Maß; ne. measure (N.), measurement, standard of measurement

meat: got. mimz* 2, mims*, menus,  menus, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Fleisch; ne. meat, edible flesh; lat. caro

-- in the meat market: got. at skiljam, got.: nhd. auf dem Fleischmarkt; ne. in the meat market

-- meat cutter: got. skilja* 1, skil-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fleischer, Metzger; ne. butcher, meat cutter

-- meat offered to an idol: got. þatei galiugam saljada, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol; galiugagudam gasaliþ, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol; þatei galiugam saljada, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol

mediate: got. mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate

-- mediate (V.): got. *midumōn?, *mid-um-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. vermitteln; ne. mediate (V.), intermediate (V.)

mediator: got. midumōnds 1, mid-um-ōn-d-s,  Part. Präs. subst. (2), M. (nd): nhd. Mittler; ne. mediator, intermediator

medical -- medical practitioner: got. lēkeis* 7, lēk-ei-s*, leikeis*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Arzt; ne. physician, medical practitioner

meditate -- meditate on: got. biþagkjan* 1, bi-þagk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. think over, think about, meditate on, consider

meditation: got. mitōns 10, mi-t-ōn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überlegung, Gedanke; ne. cogitation, meditation, deliberation, premeditation, thought, opinion, evaluative reasoning

meek: got. *mūks?, *mūk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. sanft, weich; ne. meek, soft (Adj.), gentle

meek-mooded: got. *mūkamōþs, *mūk-a-mō-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. sanftmütig; ne. meek-mooded, of gentle disposition

meekness: got. mūkamōdei* 1, mūk-a-mō-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Nachgiebigkeit, Sanftmut; ne. meekness, gentleness

meet: got. gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather

-- go to meet: got. wiþragaggan* 1, wi-þra-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. entgegengehen; ne. go to meet, head towards, go towards; wiþragamōtjan 1, wi-þra-ga-mōt-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. begegnen; ne. meet (V.), go to meet

-- meet up with: got. frarinnan* 1, fra-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich verlaufen zu, geraten unter; ne. run awry, run amiss, meet up with

-- meet (V.): got. gamōtjan 11, ga-mōt-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. begegnen; ne. meet (V.), encounter (V.); *mōtjan, *mōt-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. begegnen; ne. meet (V.); wiþragamōtjan 1, wi-þra-ga-mōt-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. begegnen; ne. meet (V.), go to meet

-- run to meet: got. durinnan* 2, du-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run to meet, run forth, run up, approach (V.)

meeting-place: got. maþl* 1, maþ-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Versammlungsort, Marktplatz, Markt; ne. forum, meeting-place, marketplace, assembly

melt -- make melt away: got. *gamaltjan?, *ga-mal-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflösen, schmelzen; ne. make melt away, liquidify, make dissolve, liquidate

melt -- melt away: got. *miltan, *mil-t-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schmelzen, sich auflösen; ne. melt away, dissolve, disintegrate

melting -- melting away: got. gamalteins* 1, ga-mal-t-eins*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung; ne. melting away, winding up, dissolution, liquidation; *malteins?, *mal-t-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung?; ne. melting away, dissolution?

member: got. liþus 17, li-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Glied; ne. limb (1) (N.), member, part of the body

-- household member: got. ingardja* (1) 3=2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgenosse; ne. household member, one of the same household

memorial: got. gamunds* 5=4, ga-mun-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Andenken, Gedächtnis; ne. remembrance, memory, memorial, reminder

memory: got. gaminþi 3, ga-min-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erinnerung, Gedächtnis; ne. memory, remembrance, thinking of; gamunds* 5=4, ga-mun-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Andenken, Gedächtnis; ne. remembrance, memory, memorial, reminder; *munds (2), *mun-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Andenken, Gedächtnis; ne. remembrance, memory

men -- commander of a thousand men: got. þūsundifaþs 2, þūs-und-i-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Tausendführer, Anführer von Tausend; ne. commander of a thousand men

men -- division of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþia, *þiu-faþ-ia, *þiufadia, lat.- st. F. (jō): nhd. Tausendschaft?; ne. division of a thousand men?

men -- leader of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþs?, *þiu-faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of servants, leader of a thousand men?; þiufaþus* 21, þiu-faþ-us*, þiufadus, thiuphadus, lat.- st. M.: nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of a thousand men, leader of servants

mendacious: got. liugands*, liug-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. lügnerisch; ne. untruthful, mendacious

mental -- have full command of one’s mental faculties: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact

mental -- mental faculty: got. aha* 6, ah-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sinn, Verstand; ne. mental faculty, mind (N.), understanding, reason (N.), source of thought

mentally -- be mentally retarded: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

mentally -- grasp mentally: got. gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize

mentally -- take in mentally: got. ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn

merciful: got. armahaírts* 1, arm-a-haírt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. barmherzig; ne. merciful, compassionate, commiserative; bleiþs 2, ble-i-þ-s,  Adj. (i): nhd. dem Guten zugetan, barmherzig, fromm, gütig, mild, mitleidig; ne. kind-hearted, merciful

-- be merciful: got. bleiþjan* 2, ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. barmherzig sein (V.), sich erbarmen, Mitleid hegen; ne. take pity, be kind-hearted, be merciful, be clement

mercifulness: got. gableiþeins* 1, ga-ble-i-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erbarmen; ne. mercifulness, compassionateness, pity (N.)

mercilessness: got. unfreideins* 2=1, un-frei-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Schonungslosigkeit, Härte; ne. non-sparingness, non-safeguarding, mercilessness, severity

mercy: got. armahaírtei 10, arm-a-haírt-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Barmherzigkeit; ne. mercy, compassion, pity (N.); armahaírtiþa 3, arm-a-haírt-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Almosen, Barmherzigkeit; ne. work of charity, charitable deed, mercy; armaiō 10=9, armai-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Barmherzigkeit, Almosen; ne. mercy, compassion, almsgiving (N.), charity

-- have mercy on: got. arman* 10, arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gaarman* 10, ga-arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gableiþjan* 2, ga-ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, barmherzig sein (V.); ne. show kindheartedness toward, have mercy on, take pity

-- mercy (N.): got. bleiþei 4, ble-i-þ-ei,  st. F. (n): nhd. Wohlwollen, Güte, Mitleid, Erbarmen; ne. benevolence, good will, kind-heartedness, mercy (N.), clemency; *bleiþeins, *ble-i-þ-ein-s,  st. F. (i) (ō): nhd. Erbarmen, Mitleid; ne. pity (N.), compassion, mercy (N.)

merry: got. hlas* 2,  Adj. (a): nhd. heiter, fröhlich, sorgenfrei; ne. cheerful, merry, happy; *swēgns?, *s-wē-g-n-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. froh, fröhlich; ne. happy, merry, jubilant

-- make merry: got. biwisan* 1, bi-wi-s-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv?: nhd. sich erfreuen, sich vergnügen; ne. dine together, dine convivially, have a festive get-together, make merry; wisan (3) 4, wis-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich freuen, schwelgen, schmausen; ne. dine, eat a good meal, feast, make merry

merrymaking: got. gabaúr* (2) 2, ga-baúr*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Festgelage, Schmaus; ne. carousing (N.), revelry, festive banquet, merrymaking

mesh -- mesh basket: got. snōrjō* 1, snōr-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Netz; ne. wicker basket, mesh basket, net (N.)

messenger: got. airus* 4, airu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Bote, Gesandtschaft, Abgesandter; ne. emissary, embassy, messenger

-- be a messenger: got. airinōn* 2, air-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Gesandter sein (V.), unterhandeln, Bote sein (V.); ne. be an emissary, be a messenger, negotiate

-- court messenger: got. *sagja, *sag-j-a,  M. (n): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; *sagjis, *sag-ji-s,  M. (ja): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; saio 29, sai-o, saius, lat.- M.: nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings

metamorphose: got. inmaidjan 8, in-mai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verwandeln, verändern; ne. transmute, transform, transfigure, transubstantiate, exchange (V.), metamorphose

mete -- mete out: got. gamitan* 1, ga-mi-t-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zumessen, zuteilen; ne. measure out, mete out, apportion

meticulous: got. *glaggws?, *gla-ggw-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. genau; ne. meticulous, with attention to detail

meticulously: got. glaggwaba 1, gla-ggw-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sorgsam; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, diligently; glaggwō 1, gla-ggw-ō,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, accurately; glaggwuba 1, gla-ggw-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, precisely

midday -- midday breakfast: got. undaúrnimats* 1, undaúrn-i-mat-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Frühstück, Mittagsmahl; ne. midday breakfast, noon meal

middle -- in the middle: got. midjis* 10, mid-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. mittlere, mitten; ne. middle (Adj.), in the middle

middle -- middle (Adj.): got. midjis* 10, mid-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. mittlere, mitten; ne. middle (Adj.), in the middle

middle -- middle (N.): got. miduma* 6, mid-um-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mitte; ne. midst, middle (N.)

midst: got. miduma* 6, mid-um-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mitte; ne. midst, middle (N.)

might -- might (N.): got. mahts (1) 72, mah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Macht, Kraft, Vermögen, Wundertat; ne. power (N.), might (N.), strength, capability, miracle

mighty: got. reikeis* (1) 3, reik-ei-s*, reiks*,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. mächtig; ne. powerful, potent, mighty, lordly, princely, power-holding, noble (Adj.)

mild: got. *lameis, *lam-ei-s, *lamjis?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. lahm, schlaff, mild, matt; ne. lame (Adj.), weak, limp (Adj.), mild; *lind-,  Adj. (a?): nhd. lind, mild; ne. balmy, mild, gentle; *mildeis, *mil-d-ei-s, milds,  Adj. (ja): nhd. mild, freundlich; ne. mild, kind (Adj.); qaírrus 2, qaír-r-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. sanft, freundlich; ne. gentle, mild, peaceable, friendly; sūtis 8, sūt-i-s, sūts*,  Adj. (i/ja)?, Adj. (ja)?: nhd. nachgiebig, mild; ne. mild, gentle, moderate (Adj.), yielding

-- lovingly mild: got. friaþwamilds* 1, fri-aþ-w-a-mil-d-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. zärtlich liebend, liebreich; ne. lovingly mild, showing love, affectionately tender

mildness: got. mildiþa* 1, mil-d-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Milde, Herz, Mitleid; ne. charitableness, kindness, compassion, mildness; qaírrei 7, qaír-r-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sanftmut; ne. gentleness, mildness, peaceableness; *sūti?, *sūt-i?,  st. N. (ja?, ia?): nhd. Ruhe, Milde; ne. tranquility, mildness

mile -- germanic mile: got. rasta* 1, ra-s-t-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Meile; ne. germanic mile

military -- chief of a hundred-man military unit: got. hundafaþs 9, hund-a-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Zenturio, Hundertführer; ne. chief of a hundred-man military unit

military -- do military service in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

military -- lead a military life in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

military -- military discipline: got. draúhtiwitōþ* 1, draú-h-t-i-wit-ōþ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsrecht, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), military discipline, military service, warfare, war

military -- military service: got. draúhtinassus* 1, draú-h-t-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), service under a war-lord, military service, soldiering; draúhtiwitōþ* 1, draú-h-t-i-wit-ōþ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsrecht, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), military discipline, military service, warfare, war

military -- serve in the military: got. militōn* 1, milit-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun; ne. serve in the military, be a soldier

milk -- milk (N.): got. miluks* 1, miluk-s*,  F. (kons.): nhd. Milch; ne. milk (N.)

mill -- mill (N.): got. *qaírnus?, *qaír-nu-s?,  st. F. (u): nhd. Mühle; ne. mill (N.)

millstone: got. asiluqaírnus 1, asilu-qaír-nu-s,  st. F.? (u): nhd. Eselsmühle, Mühlstein; ne. donkey-quern, donkey-mill, millstone

milt: got. *milti, *mil-t-i,  st. F. (i?): nhd. Milz; ne. spleen, milt

mina: got. skatts 14, skat-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Geld, Geldstück, Mine (= Münze); ne. coin, denarius, mina, piece of money

mind -- bear in mind: got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know

mind -- be of sound mind: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact; waila fraþjan: nhd. bescheiden sein (V.), besonnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind

mind -- call to mind: got. gamunan 21, ga-mun-an,  Prät.-Präs. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erinnern, gedenken; ne. call to mind, keep in mind, remember

mind -- call to the mind of: got. maudjan* 1, maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, call to the mind of

mind -- dismiss from the mind: got. *ufarmaudjan, *uf-ar-maud-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergessen; ne. forget, dismiss from the mind

mind -- have one’s mind on: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

mind -- having an objective in mind: got. *mundrs?, *mun-d-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. eifrig, zielstrebig; ne. motivated, having an objective in mind

mind -- keep in mind: got. gamunan 21, ga-mun-an,  Prät.-Präs. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erinnern, gedenken; ne. call to mind, keep in mind, remember

mind -- make up one’s mind beforehand: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth

mind -- mind (N.): got. aha* 6, ah-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sinn, Verstand; ne. mental faculty, mind (N.), understanding, reason (N.), source of thought; gahugds* 12, ga-hug-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung, Sinn, Gewissen; ne. manner of understanding, mode of perception, mind (N.), conscience, mind-set, mind (N.), thought; gahugds* 12, ga-hug-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung, Sinn, Gewissen; ne. manner of understanding, mode of perception, mind (N.), conscience, mind-set, mind (N.), thought; gamitōns* 1, ga-mi-t-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gedanke; ne. cogitation, reasoning, deliberation, mind (N.), reason (N.); hugs* (1) 1, hug-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Verstand, Sinn; ne. understanding, faculty of perception, faculty of disposition, mind (N.)

mind -- mind (V.): got. gamaudjan* 4, ga-maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, recall to the mind of, mind (V.), call to remind

mind -- of one mind: got. *ainamunds?, *ai-n-a-mun-d-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. of one mind, unanimous

mind -- of the same mind: got. samafraþjis* 1, sam-a-fraþ-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gleichgesinnt; ne. identically-minded, of the same mind; samasaiwals* 1, sam-a-sai-w-al-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. unanimous, of the same soul, united in soul, of the same mind

mind -- present to one’s mind: got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know

mind -- readiness of mind: got. muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation

mind -- recall to the mind of: got. gamaudjan* 4, ga-maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, recall to the mind of, mind (V.), call to remind

mind -- subject to the inquiring mind: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

mind -- take in mind: got. munan* (2) 6, mun-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zu tun gedenken, wollen (V.); ne. intend, take in mind, be about to; *munnōn?, *mun-n-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. denken, gedenken; ne. take in mind

mind -- weigh in the mind: got. mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate

minded -- be minded to: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

mindedness: got. fraþi 14, fraþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verstand, Sinn, Gesinnung; ne. understanding (N.), perception, viewpoint, attitude, disposition, mindedness; muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation

mindless: got. unfraþjands* 1, un-fraþ-jan-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unverständig; ne. unperceiving, uncomprehending, mindless, foolish

mind-set: got. gahugds* 12, ga-hug-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung, Sinn, Gewissen; ne. manner of understanding, mode of perception, mind (N.), conscience, mind-set, mind (N.), thought

mine -- mine (Pron.): got. meins 324=322, mein-s,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. mein (Poss.-Pron.); ne. my, mine (Pron.)

mingle: got. blandan (sik) 3, bla-nd-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich vermischen mit, mischen; ne. mix (V.), mingle, commix, intermingle, associate with

minister -- minister (M.): got. andbahts 39=38, andb-ah-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Diener; ne. servant, minister (M.), server

minister -- minister (V.): got. andbahtjan 23=22, andb-ah-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leisten, dienen, besorgen, darreichen; ne. serve, minister (V.), administer, perform

ministration: got. andbahti 25=24, andb-ah-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Amt, Dienst; ne. service, office, assistance, ministry, ministration

ministry: got. andbahti 25=24, andb-ah-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Amt, Dienst; ne. service, office, assistance, ministry, ministration

miracle: got. faúratani* 3, faúr-a-tan-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Wunderzeichen; ne. miracle, prophetic wonderwork, magic foretoken, miraculous omen; mahts (1) 72, mah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Macht, Kraft, Vermögen, Wundertat; ne. power (N.), might (N.), strength, capability, miracle; taikns 21, tai-k-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zeichen, Wunder; ne. sign (N.), indication, miracle, token (N.)

miraculous -- miraculous omen: got. faúratani* 3, faúr-a-tan-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Wunderzeichen; ne. miracle, prophetic wonderwork, magic foretoken, miraculous omen

mire -- mire (N.): got. fani* 5, fan-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schlamm, Kot; ne. mud, clay, mire (N.); *sauljō, *saul-jō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sumpf, Schmutz; ne. mud, muck (N.), mire (N.)

mirror: got. skuggwa* 1, sku-gg-wa*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Spiegel; ne. mirror

-- look through a mirror: got. þaírhsaíƕan* 1, þaír-h-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. durchschauen, im Spiegel erblicken; ne. look through a mirror, behold

mis-: got. missa-, mis-s-a-,  Präf.: nhd. miss-, verschieden; ne. mis-, diverse (Adj.)

miscarriage: got. uswaúrpa 3, us-waúr-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Auswurf, Verwerfung, Fehlgeburt; ne. castoff (N.), rejection, ejection, expulsion, miscarriage

miscellaneous: got. missaleiks 7, mis-s-a-leik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. verschieden, mannigfaltig; ne. diverse (Adj.), miscellaneous, varied, different, various

misdeed: got. missadēþs* 15, mis-s-a-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Missetat, Sünde; ne. misdeed, transgression

miserable: got. arms* (1) 1, arm-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. arm, beklagenswert, bemitleidenswert; ne. poor (Adj.), pitiable, wretched, miserable; wainahs 1, wai-n-ah-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. elend, geplagt; ne. woeful, lamentable, miserable, wretched

misguide -- misguide (V.): got. afaírzjan 6, af-aírz-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. irre machen, abweichen (V.) (2), abirren, verführen, sich verführen lassen (= Pass.); ne. deceive, lead astray, misguide (V.)

mislead: got. aírzjan* 4, aírz-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. irreführen, irre machen, verführen, Verführer (= airzjands); ne. delude, mislead, seducer (= airzjands); gaƕatjan* 1, ga-ƕat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet, sharpen, make keen for, incite, mislead, entice; uslutōn* 9, us-lut-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verführen, irreführen; ne. deceive, delude, beguile, mislead

misleading -- misleading (N.): got. aírzei* 2, aírz-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Irre, Irrlehre, Irrtum; ne. delusion, error, misleading (N.), heresy

misled: got. aírzeis* 4, aírz-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. irre geführt, irre, verführt; ne. deluded, erring, misled, deceived, in error

missdeed -- do a missdeed: got. missataujan* 1, mis-s-a-tau-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. missetun; ne. do a missdeed, transgress (V.)

misshapen: got. gamaiþs* 3, ga-mai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verkrüppelt, verwundet; ne. crippled, oppressed, mutilated, deformed, misshapen, disfigured

missing: got. wans* 4, wa-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fehlend, mangelhaft, (weniger); ne. missing, lacking, wanting, diminished, less, null, void (Adj.), deficient

mission: got. apaústaúlei* 2, apaú-staúl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Apostolat; ne. apostleship, mission, apostolate, office of an apostle

-- send on a mission: got. insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss

mistaken -- be mistaken: got. airzeis wairþan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong; airzeis wisan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong

mistreat: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

mix -- mix (V.): got. blandan (sik) 3, bla-nd-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich vermischen mit, mischen; ne. mix (V.), mingle, commix, intermingle, associate with

mixing -- mixing of poison: got. lubjaleisei 1, lu-b-j-a-leis-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Giftmischerei, Zauberei, Giftkunde; ne. magic (N.), toxicology, mixing of poison, sorcery

mock -- mock (V.): got. bilaikan* 6, bi-laik-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. verspotten; ne. poke fun at, mock (V.); bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at; *skaírnjan?, *skaír-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. spotten; ne. mock (V.), ridicule (V.)

mode: got. haidus* 4, hai-d-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Art (F.) (1), Weise (F.) (2); ne. manner (N.), mode, fashion (N.), way (N.)

-- mode of life: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

-- mode of perception: got. gahugds* 12, ga-hug-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung, Sinn, Gewissen; ne. manner of understanding, mode of perception, mind (N.), conscience, mind-set, mind (N.), thought; *hugds?, *hug-d-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung; ne. mode of perception

moderate -- moderate (Adj.): got. sūtis 8, sūt-i-s, sūts*,  Adj. (i/ja)?, Adj. (ja)?: nhd. nachgiebig, mild; ne. mild, gentle, moderate (Adj.), yielding

moderation: got. anawiljei 3, an-a-wi-l-j-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Billigkeit, Ehrbarkeit; ne. equanimity, self-possession, sedateness, moderation, dignity

modest -- be modest: got. waila fraþjan, got.: nhd. bescheiden sein (V.); ne. be modest

modesty: got. gariudei* 2=1, ga-riud-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schamhaftigkeit; ne. modesty, erubescence

modify: got. maidjan* 1, mai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tauschen, verfälschen, Schacher treiben; ne. alter (V.), modify, mutate, change (V.), falsify

moist: got. *qramms?, *qram-m-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. feucht; ne. moist

moisten: got. ganatjan* 1, ga-nat-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. benetzen; ne. make wet, wet (V.), moisten; natjan 1, nat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. netzen, benetzen; ne. wet (V.), make wet, moisten

moisture: got. qrammiþa* 1, qram-m-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Feuchtigkeit; ne. moisture

mold: got. digan* 2, dig-an*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. kneten, aus Ton bilden, bilden, formen; ne. knead, mold, form out of clay

molder: got. digands, got.: nhd. Bildner; ne. molder

mole -- mole (1): got. *mūlus, *mūl-u-s,  st. M. (u?): nhd. Maulwurf; ne. mole (1)

mole -- mole (2): got. mail* 1,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Runzel; ne. mole (2), skin blemish, wrinkle (N.)

molest: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

moment: got. braƕ augins*, got.: nhd. Augenblick; ne. moment

-- for a moment: got. in stika mēlis, got.: nhd. in einem Augenblick; ne. for a moment

-- from this moment on: got. fram himma nū, got.: nhd. von nun an; ne. from this moment on

-- in a moment: got. in braƕ augins, got.: nhd. im Augenblick; ne. in a moment; in stika mēlis, got.: nhd. in einem Augenblick; ne. in a moment

-- in the same moment: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon; sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

-- in the same moment when: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

moment; -- up to this moment; Sk 4: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

momentary: got. andwaírþō 1, and-waír-þ-ō,  Adv.: nhd. sofort; ne. for the present, momentary, at once

monetary -- establish the monetary value of: got. waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

monetary -- monetary equivalent: got. waírþ* 4, waír-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Preis, Wert; ne. price (N.), monetary equivalent, worth (N.), conversion value

monetary -- the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece: got. drakma* 3, drak-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Drachme; ne. drachma, the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece

money: got. faíhu* 7, faíh-u*, fe,  st. N. (u): nhd. „Vieh“, Vermögen, Geld, f-Rune; ne. movable goods, chattels, property, possessions, wealth, riches, money, name of f-rune; mammōna* 2, mammōn-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mammon, Reichtum; ne. mammon, worldly riches, money, wealth

-- desirous of money: got. faíhugaírns* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. geldgierig, habsüchtig; ne. money-craving (Adj.), desirous of money, avaricious, covetous

-- gain of money: got. faíhugawaúrki 1, faíh-u-ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erwerb, Geldgewinn, Gewinn; ne. profitable undertaking, lucrative enterprise, gain of money

-- gathering of money: got. faíhuþraihn* 4, faíh-u-þrai-h-n*, faihuþraihns*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. „Viehansammlung“, Geldansammlung, Reichtum; ne. wealth-agglomeration, accumulation of riches, wealth, gathering of money

-- greedy for money: got. faíhufriks 6, faíh-u-frik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. habsüchtig, geldgierig, gewinnsüchtig; ne. money-covetous, avaricious, greedy for money, lustful for material goods

-- ower of money: got. faíhuskula* 1, faíh-u-skul-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schuldner; ne. ower of money, debtor

-- piece of money: got. daila* (1) 4, da-i-l-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Teilnahme, Gemeinschaft, Mine (= Münze), Pfund; ne. partaking (N.), participation, community, partnership, incompleteness, fragmentariness, piece of money, pound; skatts 14, skat-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Geld, Geldstück, Mine (= Münze); ne. coin, denarius, mina, piece of money

money-bag: got. puggs* 1, pugg-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Geldbeutel, Beutel (M.) (1); ne. purse (N.), money-bag

money-box: got. arka 3, ark-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Arche, Kasten, Futteral, Beutel (F.) (1), Geldkasten; ne. box (N.), chest, the ark of Noah, money-box

money-changer: got. skattja* 2, skat-t-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wechsler, Geldwechsler; ne. money-changer, money-man, banker

money-covetous: got. faíhufriks 6, faíh-u-frik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. habsüchtig, geldgierig, gewinnsüchtig; ne. money-covetous, avaricious, greedy for money, lustful for material goods

-- not money-covetous: got. ni faihufriks, got.: nhd. nicht habsüchtig; ne. not money-covetous

money-covetousness: got. faíhufrikei 3, faíh-u-frik-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Gewinnsucht, Geldgier; ne. money-covetousness, cupidity, lust for material goods

money-craving -- money-craving (Adj.): got. faíhugaírns* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. geldgierig, habsüchtig; ne. money-craving (Adj.), desirous of money, avaricious, covetous

money-craving -- money-craving (N.): got. faíhugaírnei* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Habgier; ne. money-craving (N.), covetousness, cupidity, avarice

money-greed: got. faíhugeirō 3, faíh-u-gei-r-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Habgier, Geldgier; ne. money-greed, financial avidity, avarice

money-greedy: got. *faíhugeirs?, *faíh-u-gei-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. habgierig, habsüchtig; ne. money-greedy, avaricious

moneyless: got. unlēþs* 18, un-lē-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. arm; ne. moneyless, propertyless, poor (Adj.)

money-man: got. skattja* 2, skat-t-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wechsler, Geldwechsler; ne. money-changer, money-man, banker

money-offering: got. gabaúr (1) 4, ga-baúr,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Zusammengebrachtes“, Kollekte, Steuer (F.); ne. that borne in tribute, tribute (N.), contribution, tax (N.), money-offering

money-payment: got. gild* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Steuer (F.), Abgabe, Zins; ne. tribute, money-payment, tax (N.)

monster: got. unhulþa 12, un-hul-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Unhold, Teufel; ne. male demon, devil, monster

month: got. mēnōþs 7, mēn-ōþ-s,  M. (kons.): nhd. Monat; ne. month

monument: got. aurahi* 3, aur-ah-i*, aurahjō*?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Grabdenkmal, Grab, Grabmal; ne. grave, burial-place, monument, tomb

-mooded: got. *mōþs (2), *mō-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. -mütig; ne. -mooded

„-moody“: got. *-þūhts?, *-þūh-t-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. -mütig, dünkend; ne. „-moody“

moon: got. mēna 2, mēn-a, mine,  mine, krim sw. M. (n): nhd. Mond; ne. moon; lat. luna

-- full moon: got. ? fulleiþs* 2, ful-l-eiþ-s*, fulleiþ*, fulliþs*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Fülle, Vollmond?; ne. fullness, plenitude, full moon?

moot -- moot question: got. sōkeins 2, sōk-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Untersuchung; ne. question, questioning, moot question, investigation

moral -- Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions: got. miþwissei 11, mi-þ-wi-s-s-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Mitwissen“, Bewusstsein, Gewissen; ne. conscience, moral consciousness, Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions

moral -- moral consciousness: got. miþwissei 11, mi-þ-wi-s-s-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Mitwissen“, Bewusstsein, Gewissen; ne. conscience, moral consciousness, Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions

moral -- moral excellence: got. gōdei* 1, gōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tugend, Tüchtigkeit, Güte; ne. goodness, virtue (N.), moral excellence

morally -- morally conscious: got. *miþwiss?, *mi-þ-wi-s-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bewusst; ne. morally conscious, having a conscience

more: got. haldis 1, hal-d-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. mehr, lieber; ne. more likely, more surely, more; mais 54=53, ma-i-s,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. mehr, vielmehr; ne. more, even more; maizō 3, maiz-ō,  N. = Adv.: nhd. mehr; ne. more; managiza: nhd. größer, mehr; ne. more, more abundant, more plentiful, excessive

-- even more: got. mais 54=53, ma-i-s,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. mehr, vielmehr; ne. more, even more

-- however much ... so much the more: got. ƕan filu ... mais þamma, got.: nhd. je mehr ... desto mehr; ne. however much ... so much the more

-- how not even more: got. ƕaiwa nei mais, got.: nhd. wie ... nicht um so mehr; ne. how not even more

-- more abundant: got. managiza: nhd. größer, mehr; ne. more, more abundant, more plentiful, excessive

-- more eager: got. sniumundōs, got.: nhd. eiliger; ne. more eager

-- more endurable: got. sutizō, got.: nhd. erträglicher; ne. more endurable

-- more likely: got. haldis 1, hal-d-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. mehr, lieber; ne. more likely, more surely, more

-- more plentiful: got. managiza: nhd. größer, mehr; ne. more, more abundant, more plentiful, excessive

-- more surely: got. haldis 1, hal-d-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. mehr, lieber; ne. more likely, more surely, more

-- not any the more: got. ni þē haldis: nhd. nicht um so mehr, keineswegs; ne. not any the more

more; -- not any the more; Sk 3: got. ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that

-- once more: got. aftra 102=101, af-t-r-a, afta,  Adv.: nhd. wieder, zurück, rückwärts, wiederum, abermals; ne. again, back (Adv.), backwards, once more

moreover: got. auk 286=285,  Konj.: nhd. denn, nämlich, aber, auch, und; ne. furthermore, moreover, besides, for, but, also, since; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

moribund: got. diwans*, Adj. (a): nhd. sterblich; ne. moribund, mortal, subject to death; *swultawaírþs?, *swul-t-a-waír-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. auf den Tod gerichtet, todgeweiht; ne. about to die, moribund, at the point of death

-- moribund person: got. swultawaírþja 1, swul-t-a-waír-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. dem Tode Naher, Todgeweihter; ne. one approaching death, one about to die, moribund person

morning -- morning (Adj.): got. ? *aus-,  Adj. (a): nhd. glänzend?, hell?, morgendlich?; ne. shining (Adj.)?, bright?, morning (Adj.)?

morning -- morning (N.): got. maúrgins 6, maúr-g-in-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Morgen; ne. morning (N.), tomorrow

morose: got. *mudweins?, *mu-dw-ein-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. schimmelig, verdrießlich; ne. mouldy, morose

morrow -- morrow (N.): got. afardags* 1, af-ar-dag-s*, afurdags*,  st. M. (a): nhd. der folgende Tag; ne. morrow (N.), next day, day after

mortal: got. diwans*, Adj. (a): nhd. sterblich; ne. moribund, mortal, subject to death; riureis* 6, riur-ei-s*, riurs*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. vergänglich, sterblich; ne. perishable, corruptible, corrupt (Adj.), destructible, temporary, mortal, perishing

mortality: got. *diwanei?, *diw-an-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sterblichkeit; ne. mortality

mortify: got. dauþjan* 2=1, dau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. töten; ne. kill (V.), put to death, mortify; wlizjan* 1, wli-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, kasteien; ne. castigate, cane (V.), smite the face of, mortify, bruise (V.)

most: got. þōs managistōns: nhd. die Mehrzahl; ne. most, most numerous

-- at the most: got. maist 1, ma-i-s-t,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. höchstens; ne. at the most

-- most assuredly: got. raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure

-- most distant: got. hindumists* 1, hi-n-d-um-ist-s*,  Adj. (Superl.): nhd. hinterste, letzte, äußerste; ne. outermost, remotest, farthest, most distant

-- most numerous: got. þōs managistōns: nhd. die Mehrzahl; ne. most, most numerous

moth: got. malō 2, mal-ō,  F.?, sw. N.? (n): nhd. Motte (F.) (1); ne. moth

mother -- mother (F.): got. aiþei 44, aiþ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Mutter (F.) (1); ne. mother (F.)

mother-in-law: got. swaíhrō 4, swaíhr-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schwiegermutter; ne. mother-in-law

mothermurder: got. aiþeins bliggwands, got.: nhd. Muttermörder; ne. mothermurder

motion -- set in motion: got. gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter

motion -- travelling motion: got. *farþa?, *far-þ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fahrt, Reise; ne. voyage (N.), passage, travelling motion

motion -- wave motion: got. wēgs 4, wēg-s,  st. M. (a/i): nhd. Erschütterung, Sturm, Wellenschlag, Brandung, Woge; ne. storm (N.), wave (N.), wave motion, undulation

motivated: got. *mundrs?, *mun-d-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. eifrig, zielstrebig; ne. motivated, having an objective in mind

motive -- from the motive that: got. þēei 3, þē-ei,  Partikel: nhd. darum dass, deshalb dass, als ob, als wenn; ne. from the motive that, for the reason that

mould -- mould (V.): got. gadigan* 2=1, ga-dig-an*, gadeigan*,  unr. st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kneten, bilden, aus Ton bilden; ne. knead, form (V.), mould (V.), form from clay

mouldable -- mouldable batch: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

mouldable -- mouldable mass: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

moulded -- moulded figure: got. gadigis 1, ga-dig-is,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gebilde; ne. moulded image, that which is moulded, moulded figure

moulded -- moulded image: got. gadigis 1, ga-dig-is,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gebilde; ne. moulded image, that which is moulded, moulded figure

moulded -- that which is moulded: got. gadigis 1, ga-dig-is,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gebilde; ne. moulded image, that which is moulded, moulded figure

mouldy: got. *mudweins?, *mu-dw-ein-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. schimmelig, verdrießlich; ne. mouldy, morose

-- go mouldy: got. *mugan, *mu-g-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schimmeln; ne. go mouldy

mountain: got. *baírgs?, *baír-g-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Berg; ne. mountain; faírguni 22, faír-gun-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Berg, Gebirge; ne. mountain, mountain range; rintsch 1, rin-tsch, krim Sb.: nhd. Berg; ne. mountain; lat. mons

-- mountain range: got. faírguni 22, faír-gun-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Berg, Gebirge; ne. mountain, mountain range

mountainous: got. *baírgahs?, *baír-g-ah-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bergig, gebirgig; ne. hilly, mountainous

-- mountainous area: got. baírgahei* 2, baír-g-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gebirgsgegend, Berggegend, Gebirge; ne. hill country, mountainous area

mourn: got. qainōn 4, qai-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. weinen (intr.), trauern (intr.), beweinen (tr.), betrauern (tr.); ne. wail (V.), mourn, lament (V.), bewail, mourn over, sorrow (V.)

-- mourn over: got. qainōn 4, qai-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. weinen (intr.), trauern (intr.), beweinen (tr.), betrauern (tr.); ne. wail (V.), mourn, lament (V.), bewail, mourn over, sorrow (V.)

-- mourn (V.): got. flōkan* 1, flō-k-an*,  red. V. (5): nhd. betrauern, beklagen; ne. beat one’s breast over, bewail, mourn (V.)

-- mourn with lamentation: got. waifaírƕjan* 1, wai-faírƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehklagen; ne. mourn with lamentation, wail in mourning, lament (V.)

mourning -- mourning (N.): got. gaunōþus* 1, gau-n-ōþu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Klage; ne. lamentation, mourning (N.)

mourning -- wail in mourning: got. gaunōn 3, gau-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. klagen, Totenklage anstimmen; ne. lament (V.), bewail, sing a dirge, wail in mourning; waifaírƕjan* 1, wai-faírƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehklagen; ne. mourn with lamentation, wail in mourning, lament (V.)

mouse: got. *mūs,  F. (kons.): nhd. Maus; ne. mouse

mouth -- bind up the mouth of: got. faúrmūljan* 1, faúr-mū-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. das Maul verbinden; ne. muzzle (V.), bind up the mouth of

mouth -- mouth (N.): got. *mūlā?, *mū-l-ā?,  st. F. (ō)?, sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Maul; ne. mouth (N.), muzzle (N.); munþs 17=16, munþ-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Mund (M.); ne. mouth (N.)

movable: got. *gawagiþs?, *ga-wag-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bewegt, beweglich; ne. movable, moved, shaken

-- movable goods: got. faíhu* 7, faíh-u*, fe,  st. N. (u): nhd. „Vieh“, Vermögen, Geld, f-Rune; ne. movable goods, chattels, property, possessions, wealth, riches, money, name of f-rune

move -- make move: got. gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter

move -- move about through: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along

move -- move in front of by rolling: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

move -- move to and fro: got. wagjan 3, wag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schütteln, bewegen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move to and fro, agitate

move -- move to by rolling: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

move -- move (V.): got. gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter; gawigan* 1, ga-wig-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bewegen, schütteln; ne. shake together, shake into densest compactness, move (V.); inwagjan* 2, in-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erregen, aufwiegeln; ne. agitate, unsettle, churn up, move (V.); *wigan (2), *wig-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. bewegen; ne. move (V.)

moved: got. *gawagiþs?, *ga-wag-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bewegt, beweglich; ne. movable, moved, shaken

-- be moved with compassion: got. infeinan* 6, in-fei-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erbarmen, gerührt sein (V.); ne. have compassion, be moved with compassion, have pity

m-rune -- name of m-rune: got. manna (1) 316, man-n-a,  unr. M.: nhd. Mensch, Mann, m-Rune; ne. man (M.), human being, person, name of m-rune

much: got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously; manags* 183=182, man-ag-s*, Komp. managiza, Superl. managists,  Adj. (a): nhd. manch, viel, über; ne. much, many, plenty, plentiful, sufficient

-- as much: got. samalauþs* 1, sam-a-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich groß, derselbe; ne. of the same proportions, equivalent (Adj.), as much

-- by how much: got. und ƕan filu, got.: nhd. um wieviel; ne. by how much

-- by much: got. filaus 5, fil-aus,  Adv.: nhd. um vieles, viel; ne. by much, greatly

-- by so much: got. und filu, got.: nhd. um viel; ne. by so much; ÜG. gr. πολλῷ

-- by that much the: got. þē 1,  Adv.: nhd. desto, um so; ne. by that much the, do much the, any the

-- do much the: got. þē 1,  Adv.: nhd. desto, um so; ne. by that much the, do much the, any the

-- however much: got. ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much

-- however much ... so much the more: got. ƕan filu ... mais þamma, got.: nhd. je mehr ... desto mehr; ne. however much ... so much the more; ƕan filu ... mais þamma, got.: nhd. je mehr ... desto mehr; ne. however much ... so much the more

-- how much: got. und ƕan filu, got.: nhd. um wieviel; ne. how much; ƕan filu, got.: nhd. wieviel; ne. how much; ƕaiwa 68, ƕai-wa,  Adv.: nhd. wie, irgendwie; ne. how, how much, somehow; ƕaiwa manags, got.: nhd. wieviel; ne. how much; ƕan manags, got.: nhd. wieviel; ne. how much; þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

-- much earlier: got. airis 2, ai-r-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. längst, eher, früher; ne. much earlier

-- much multicoloured: got. filufaíhs* 1, fil-u-faíh-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr bunt, reichhaltig, mannigfaltig; ne. very multicoloured, very variegated, much multicoloured, manifold

-- much speaking: got. filuwaúrdei* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. vieles Reden, Schwatzhaftigkeit, Geschwätz; ne. verbal plenitude, much wordiness, much speaking

-- much wordiness: got. filuwaúrdei* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. vieles Reden, Schwatzhaftigkeit, Geschwätz; ne. verbal plenitude, much wordiness, much speaking

-- not much later; Sk 6: got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously

-- over much: got. ufar filu, got.: nhd. über viel; ne. over much

-- so much: got. swa filu, got.: nhd. so viel; ne. so much; swa manags, got.: nhd. so viel; ne. so much; swalauþs* 5, swa-lauþ-s*,  Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so groß, so viel; ne. so great, so extensive, of such proportions, of such extent, such, so much

-- so much as: got. swa filu swē, got.: nhd. so viel als; ne. so much as; swa manags swaswē, got.: nhd. so viel als; ne. so much as; swa manags swē, got.: nhd. so viel als; ne. so much as

-- very much: got. filu manags, got.: nhd. sehr viel; ne. very much

muck -- muck (N.): got. *sauljō, *saul-jō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sumpf, Schmutz; ne. mud, muck (N.), mire (N.)

mud: got. fani* 5, fan-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schlamm, Kot; ne. mud, clay, mire (N.); *sauljō, *saul-jō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sumpf, Schmutz; ne. mud, muck (N.), mire (N.)

muddy: got. *drōbjis?, *drō-bji-s?,  Adj. (ja?): nhd. trüb; ne. turbid, muddy

mulberry -- mulberry tree: got. baírabagms* 1, baír-a-bagm-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Maulbeerbaum; ne. bearberry tree, mulberry tree

multicoloured -- much multicoloured: got. filufaíhs* 1, fil-u-faíh-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr bunt, reichhaltig, mannigfaltig; ne. very multicoloured, very variegated, much multicoloured, manifold

multicoloured -- very multicoloured: got. filufaíhs* 1, fil-u-faíh-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr bunt, reichhaltig, mannigfaltig; ne. very multicoloured, very variegated, much multicoloured, manifold

multifold: got. managfalþs* 2, man-ag-fal-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. mannigfaltig; ne. manifold, multiple, multifold

multiple: got. managfalþs* 2, man-ag-fal-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. mannigfaltig; ne. manifold, multiple, multifold

multiply: got. managjan* 2, man-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mehren, vermehren; ne. multiply, increase (V.), make abundant

multitude: got. filusna 6, fil-u-sn-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Vielheit, Menge, Übermaß; ne. copiousness, abundance, plenitude, multitude; hiuhma 6, hiu-h-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Haufen, Menge; ne. crowd (N.), mass (N.), heap (N.), multitude; managei 141, man-ag-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Menge, Volk; ne. multitude, crowd (N.), throng, people

murder -- murder (N.): got. maúrþr* 4, maúr-þ-r*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mord; ne. murder (N.), homicide (N.)

murder -- murder (V.): got. maúrþrjan* 6, maúr-þ-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. morden; ne. murder (V.), slay murderously, kill (V.)

murderer: got. manamaúrþrja 1, man-a-maúr-þ-r-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Menschenmörder; ne. man-slayer, murderer, homicide (M.); *maúrþrja?, *maúr-þ-r-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mörder; ne. murderer

-- murderer of man: got. mannam maurþrjands, got.: nhd. Menschenmörder; ne. murderer of man; mannam maurþrjands, got.: nhd. Menschenmörder; ne. murderer of man

murderously -- slay murderously: got. maúrþrjan* 6, maúr-þ-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. morden; ne. murder (V.), slay murderously, kill (V.)

murmur -- murmur (V.): got. birōdjan* 7, bi-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. murrend reden, murren; ne. grumble (V.), murmur (V.), whisper (V.), complain, mutter (V.)

murmuring -- murmuring (N.): got. birōdeins 4=3, bi-rō-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Murren, Verleumdung; ne. grumbling (N.), murmuring (N.), whispering (N.), complaining (N.)

must -- must (V.): got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.); þaúrban* 20=19, þaúrb-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nötig haben, bedürfen, Mangel leiden; ne. need to, need (V.), have need, have to, must (V.)

mustard: got. sinaps* 2, sinap-s*, sinap*,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Senf; ne. mustard

mustiness: got. *mudw, *mu-dw,  st. Sb.: nhd. Moder; ne. mustiness

mutate: got. maidjan* 1, mai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tauschen, verfälschen, Schacher treiben; ne. alter (V.), modify, mutate, change (V.), falsify

mute: got. dumbs 2, du-m-b-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stumm; ne. dumb, voiceless, mute

-- become mute: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?; gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret

-- be mute: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?; þahan* 6, þah-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be taciturn, be mute, keep quiet, keep secret

muteness: got. þahains* 1, þah-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schweigen; ne. taciturnity, silence, muteness

mutilated: got. gamaiþs* 3, ga-mai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verkrüppelt, verwundet; ne. crippled, oppressed, mutilated, deformed, misshapen, disfigured; hamfs* 1, ham-f-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verstümmelt, gekrümmt, lahm; ne. maimed, mutilated, club-handed; *maiþs?, *mai-þ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verkrüppelt, verwundet; ne. mutilated, deformed

mutter -- mutter (V.): got. birōdjan* 7, bi-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. murrend reden, murren; ne. grumble (V.), murmur (V.), whisper (V.), complain, mutter (V.)

mutually: got. missō 64=63, mis-s-ō,  Adv.: nhd. einander, wechselseitig; ne. mutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, one another

muzzle -- muzzle (N.): got. *mūlā?, *mū-l-ā?,  st. F. (ō)?, sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Maul; ne. mouth (N.), muzzle (N.)

muzzle -- muzzle (V.): got. faúrmūljan* 1, faúr-mū-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. das Maul verbinden; ne. muzzle (V.), bind up the mouth of; faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

my: got. meins 324=322, mein-s,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. mein (Poss.-Pron.); ne. my, mine (Pron.)

-- it lies at my hand: got. wiljan atligiþ mis, got.: nhd. steht in meiner Macht; ne. it lies at my hand

-- my God: got. aílōe 2,  Interj.: nhd. eloi, mein Gott; ne. eloi, my God; hēlei 2, got.?, Interj.: nhd. eli, mein Gott; ne. eli, my God

myrrh: got. smwrn* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Myrrhe; ne. myrrh

mystery: got. rūna 18, rū-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Geheimnis, Beschluss, Anschlag; ne. secret (N.), secret plan, secret council, secret consultation, secret counsel, mystery

myth: got. spill* 4, spil-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Sage, Fabel; ne. fable (N.), myth, legend, tale

n: got. n 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. n, Abkürzung für 50; ne. n, abbreviation for 50

nail -- nail (N.): got. hnuþō 2 (=1), hnu-þ-ō, hnutō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. spitzer Pfahl; ne. pointed stake, peg (N.), spike (N.), nail (N.), tip of prod; *nagls, *nag-l-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Nagel; ne. nail (N.)

nail -- nail (V.): got. ganagljan* 1, ga-nag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. festnageln, annageln, nageln; ne. nail (V.), affix by nailing; *nagljan?, *nag-l-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nageln; ne. nail (V.), affix by nailing

nailing -- affix by nailing: got. ganagljan* 1, ga-nag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. festnageln, annageln, nageln; ne. nail (V.), affix by nailing; *nagljan?, *nag-l-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nageln; ne. nail (V.), affix by nailing

naked: got. naqaþs 8, naq-aþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. nackt; ne. naked

nakedness: got. naqadei 2, naq-ad-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Nacktheit; ne. nakedness

name -- designate by name: got. ganamnjan* 1, ga-nam-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. benennen, nennen; ne. name (V.), designate by name

name -- Goths’ own name for themselves: got. Gutþiuda* 2, Gu-t-þiu-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenvolk; ne. Gothic people, Goths’ own name for themselves

name -- name (N.): got. namō 78, nam-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Name; ne. name (N.)

name -- name of a-rune: got. ? ahsa* 1, ah-s-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Achse, Achsel, a-Rune?; ne. axis, axle, name of a-rune?; aza 1, az-a,  st. F.? (ō): nhd. a-Rune; ne. name of a-rune

name -- name of b-rune: got. bercna 1, ber-cn-a, bairkan*?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Birkenreis, b-Rune; ne. birch seedling, name of b-rune

name -- name of d-rune: got. dags 186, dag-s, tag,  tag, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Tag, d-Rune; ne. day, name of d-rune; lat. dies

name -- name of e-rune: got. aíƕs* 1, aíƕ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Pferd, e-Rune; ne. horse, name of e-rune; eyz 1,  st. M. (a): nhd. Pferd?, e-Rune; ne. horse?, name of e-rune

name -- name of f-rune: got. faíhu* 7, faíh-u*, fe,  st. N. (u): nhd. „Vieh“, Vermögen, Geld, f-Rune; ne. movable goods, chattels, property, possessions, wealth, riches, money, name of f-rune

name -- name of g-rune: got. giba 13, gib-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk, g-Rune; ne. that which is given, gift (N.), present (N.), name of g-rune

name -- name of h-rune: got. hagl* 1, hag-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hagel, h-Rune; ne. hail (N.), name of h-rune

name -- name of ƕ-rune: got. ƕair* 1,  st. M. (a): nhd. Kessel, ƕ-Rune; ne. caldron, name of ƕ-rune

name -- name of i-rune: got. *eis 1, *ei-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eis, i-Rune; ne. ice (N.), name of i-rune; iiz 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eis, i-Rune; ne. ice (N.), name of i-rune

name -- name of j-rune: got. gaar 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Jahr, j-Rune?; ne. year, name of j-rune; jēr* 25=24,  st. N. (a): nhd. Jahr, Zeit, j-Rune; ne. year, name of j-rune

name -- name of k-rune: got. kusma* 1, kusm-a*, kozma, chozma,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Kehle?, k-Rune, Geschwür?; ne. boil (N.), tumefaction, infected swelling, name of k-rune

name -- name of l-rune: got. lagus* 1, lagu-s*, lagaz*?, laaz,  st. M. (u): nhd. See, l-Rune; ne. lake, sea, open water, ocean, name of l-rune

name -- name of m-rune: got. manna (1) 316, man-n-a,  unr. M.: nhd. Mensch, Mann, m-Rune; ne. man (M.), human being, person, name of m-rune

name -- name of n-rune: got. enguz 1, engu-z,  st. M. (a?, u?): nhd. Iggws (= Gott des fruchtbaren Jahres), Speer?, Mann?, n-Rune; ne. a god, spear (N.)?, man (M.)?, name of n-rune; noicz,  st. F. (i): nhd. Not, n-Rune; ne. necessitation, name of n-rune

name -- name of o-rune: got. ōþal* 2,  st. N. (a): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, o-Rune; ne. ancestral homeland, ancestral inheritance, patrimony, name of o-rune

name -- name of p-rune: got. paírþra* 1, paírþr-a*, pertra?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. p-Rune; ne. dice-box, name of p-rune

name -- name of q-rune: got. qaírþra* 1, qaír-þr-a*, qērtra?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Apfelbaum?, Köder? (ablehnend Feist 387), q-Rune; ne. lure (N.), bait (N.), decoy (N.), name of q-rune

name -- name of r-rune: got. raida* 1, raid-a*, rēda,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wagen, r-Rune; ne. wagon, riding vehicle, name of r-rune

name -- name of s-rune: got. sugil,  N.?: nhd. Sonne, s-Rune; ne. sun (N.), name of s-rune

name -- name of t-rune: got. tyz 1, ty-z,  Sb.: nhd. Ziu, Kriegsgott, Siegesgott, t-Rune; ne. Ziu, god of war, god of victory, name of t-rune

name -- name of u-rune: got. *ūrs ūraz, *ū-r-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Auerochs, u-Rune; ne. urus, aurochs, name of u-rune

name -- name of w-rune: got. winne 1, wi-n-n-e, uuinne,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Weide (F.) (2), w-Rune; ne. pasture, grazing meadow, name of w-rune

name -- name of z-rune: got. azēti (?)* 2, azēt-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Leichtigkeit, Vergnügen, Lust, Annehmlichkeit, z-Rune; ne. ease (N.), comfort (N.), pleasure, name of z-rune; ? ezec 1,  Sb.: nhd. leicht?, z-Rune?; ne. light (Adj.)?, name of z-rune?

name -- name (V.): got. ganamnjan* 1, ga-nam-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. benennen, nennen; ne. name (V.), designate by name; haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.); namnjan* 12=11, nam-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nennen; ne. name (V.), call (V.)

named -- be named: got. haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.)

namely: got. raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure

napkin: got. aúrāli* 1, aúrāl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schweißtuch; ne. facial sweat-cloth, towel (N.), napkin; fana* 3, fan-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stück Zeug, Zeugstück, Lappen, Tuch, Schweißtuch; ne. piece of cloth, napkin, rag (N.) (1), handkerchief

nard: got. nardus* 1, nardu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Narde; ne. nard

narrow -- narrow (Adj.): got. aggwus* 2, agg-wu-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. eng; ne. narrow (Adj.)

narrow -- narrow of the neck: got. halsagga* 1, hals-agg-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hals, Nacken; ne. neck (N.), narrow of the neck

narrowness: got. *agga?, *agg-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Enge; ne. narrowness; *aggwei?, *agg-w-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Enge, Einschränkung; ne. narrowness, restriction

nastiness: got. *bausei?, *bau-s-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit, List, Betrug; ne. malice, nastiness, cunning, deceit, deception

nation: got. þiuda 54, þiu-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Volk, Heiden; ne. people, ethnic group, nation, gentiles, heathens

native -- native country: got. gabaúrþs* 12, ga-baúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geburt, Abstammung, Geschlecht, Geburtsland; ne. birth, ethnic origin, birthplace, descent, race (1), native country

nature -- childish nature: got. barniskei* 1, bar-n-isk-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. kindliches Wesen, Kinderei; ne. childishness, childish nature, childlike matters

nature -- contrary to nature: got. aljakuns 3, al-ja-kun-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anderswoher stammend, gegen die Natur, von einem anderen Geschlecht, von fremder Abkunft, fremd; ne. foreign, of different kin, of foreign origin, strange, contrary to nature

nature -- human nature: got. manniskōdus* 1, man-n-isk-ōdu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Menschlichkeit; ne. human nature

nature -- inherent nature: got. wists* 9, wi-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wesen, Natur; ne. essence, inherent nature, being (N.)

naught: got. ni waiht: nhd. nichts; ne. naught, nothing; ni waiht: nhd. nichts; ne. naught, nothing; ni waihts: nhd. nichts; ne. naught, nothing

-- bring to naught: got. blauþjan* 1, blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abschaffen, aufheben; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.); gablauþjan* 1, ga-blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. abschaffen, triumphieren; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.), triumph (V.)

-- for naught: got. arwjō 3, arw-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. umsonst, unentgeltlich, ohne Ursache, vergebens; ne. gratis, without charge, in vain, for naught, for no reason, without cause

nay -- nay (Adv.): got. ne 12,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. nein, nicht; ne. no, nay (Adv.)

near: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about

-- be near: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

-- come near: got. atnēƕjan* 6, at-nēƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. herannahen; ne. draw near to, approach (V.), come near

-- come to stand near: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

-- draw near: got. nēƕjan* (sik) 1, nēƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. sich jemandem nähern; ne. approach (V.), draw near

-- draw near to: got. atnēƕjan* 6, at-nēƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. herannahen; ne. draw near to, approach (V.), come near

-- near (Adv.): got. nēƕ 1,  Adv.: nhd. nahe; ne. near (Adv.), close (1) (Adv.), nigh; nēƕa 23, nēƕ-a,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. nahe; ne. near (Adv.), close (Adv.) (1), nigh, nearby, in the proximity

-- stand near: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

-- who is near: got. nēƕundja 10, nēƕ-und-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nächster; ne. neighbour (M.), who is near, fellowman

nearby: got. nēƕa 23, nēƕ-a,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. nahe; ne. near (Adv.), close (Adv.) (1), nigh, nearby, in the proximity

-- stand nearby: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

nearer: got. nēƕis 1, nēƕ-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. näher; ne. nearer, closer

necessary: got. naudiþaúrfts* (1) 1, nau-d-i-þaúrf-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. notwendig; ne. necessary; þarbs* 5, þarb-s*, þarfs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nötig, bedürftig; ne. needful, necessary, needy, having need; þaúrfts* (1) 3, þaúrf-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nötig, nützlich, notwendig; ne. needed, necessary, requisite (Adj.), useful

necessitation: got. noicz,  st. F. (i): nhd. Not, n-Rune; ne. necessitation, name of n-rune

necessities: got. andawizns* 3, anda-wiz-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Notdurft, Unterhalt, Sold; ne. living expenses, subsistence, sustenance, essentials, necessities, needs

necessity: got. naudiþaúrfts (2) 1, nau-d-i-þaúrf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Notwendigkeit; ne. necessity; þarba* (1) 5, þarb-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mangel (M.), Armut; ne. want (N.), need (N.), privation, neediness, necessity; þaúrfts (2) 6, þaúrf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bedürfnis, Notdurft, Not; ne. need (N.), necessity, requisiteness

neck -- narrow of the neck: got. halsagga* 1, hals-agg-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hals, Nacken; ne. neck (N.), narrow of the neck

neck -- neck (N.): got. hals* 1, hal-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Hals; ne. neck (N.); halsagga* 1, hals-agg-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hals, Nacken; ne. neck (N.), narrow of the neck

need -- have need: got. þaúrban* 20=19, þaúrb-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nötig haben, bedürfen, Mangel leiden; ne. need to, need (V.), have need, have to, must (V.)

need -- having need: got. þarbs* 5, þarb-s*, þarfs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nötig, bedürftig; ne. needful, necessary, needy, having need

need -- need (N.): got. nauþs 11=10, nau-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Not, Zwang; ne. compulsion, force (N.), constraint, duress, trouble (N.), need (N.); þarba* (1) 5, þarb-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mangel (M.), Armut; ne. want (N.), need (N.), privation, neediness, necessity; þaúrfts (2) 6, þaúrf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bedürfnis, Notdurft, Not; ne. need (N.), necessity, requisiteness

need -- need to: got. þaúrban* 20=19, þaúrb-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nötig haben, bedürfen, Mangel leiden; ne. need to, need (V.), have need, have to, must (V.)

need -- need (V.): got. þaúrban* 20=19, þaúrb-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nötig haben, bedürfen, Mangel leiden; ne. need to, need (V.), have need, have to, must (V.)

need -- totally in need: got. alaþarba 1, al-a-þarb-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „alldarbend“, an allem Mangel leidend, ganz arm; ne. thoroughly destitute, totally in need, in complete privation

needed: got. þaúrfts* (1) 3, þaúrf-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nötig, nützlich, notwendig; ne. needed, necessary, requisite (Adj.), useful

needful: got. þarbs* 5, þarb-s*, þarfs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nötig, bedürftig; ne. needful, necessary, needy, having need

neediness: got. þarba* (1) 5, þarb-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mangel (M.), Armut; ne. want (N.), need (N.), privation, neediness, necessity

needle -- eye of a needle: got. þaírkō* 2, þaír-k-ō*,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Loch, Nadelöhr; ne. hole (N.), perforation, eye of a needle

needle -- needle (N.): got. nēþla* 2, nē-þl-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Nadel; ne. needle (N.)

needless: got. unbrūks* 2, un-brūk-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unbrauchbar; ne. useless, needless, inutile

needs: got. andawizns* 3, anda-wiz-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Notdurft, Unterhalt, Sold; ne. living expenses, subsistence, sustenance, essentials, necessities, needs

needy: got. þarbs* 5, þarb-s*, þarfs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nötig, bedürftig; ne. needful, necessary, needy, having need; ushaista 1, us-haist-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Mangel leidend, bedürftig; ne. impoverished, depleted by demands, exhausted by claims, needy

neg. -- in neg. sentences: got. (allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly;)

neglect -- neglect (V.): got. ufarmunnōn* 3, uf-ar-mun-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergessen; ne. forget, overlook, neglect (V.)

negligent: got. unkarja 2, un-kar-ja,  sw. Adj.: nhd. sorglos, unbesorgt; ne. uncaring, careless, negligent, without attention

negotiate: got. airinōn* 2, air-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Gesandter sein (V.), unterhandeln, Bote sein (V.); ne. be an emissary, be a messenger, negotiate

neighbour: got. bisitands, Part. Präs.. = M. (nd): nhd. Nachbar, Umwohner; ne. neighbour

-- border neighbour: got. gamarkō*, ga-mark-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Grenznachbarin?; ne. border neighbour

-- female neighbour: got. garaznō* 1, ga-ra-z-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Nachbarin; ne. female neighbour

-- neighbour (M.): got. garazna* 3, ga-ra-z-n-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nachbar; ne. neighbour (M.); nēƕundja 10, nēƕ-und-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nächster; ne. neighbour (M.), who is near, fellowman

-- neighbour (V.): got. bisitan* 5, bi-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. herumsitzen, herumwohnen, umwohnen, nahe wohnen; ne. be situated around, neighbour (V.), dwell round about

neighbouring -- neighbouring (Adv.): got. bisunjanē 7, bi-sun-j-a-nē,  Adv.: nhd. ringsum; ne. round about, in the hear (N.) of, neighbouring (Adv.)

neither: got. ni 1302=1300,  Partikel: nhd. nicht; ne. not, neither, nor, no

-- neither ... nor: got. ni ... ni, got.: nhd. weder ... noch; ne. neither ... nor

neophyte: got. niujasatiþs* 1, niu-ja-sat-iþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Neubekehrter, Neuling; ne. proselyte, neophyte, a new convert, novice

nest -- nest (N.): got. sitls* 4, sit-l-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Sitz, Stuhl, Wohnstätte, Nest; ne. seat (N.), chair, throne (N.), nest (N.), roost (N.)

nestle -- nestle (V.): got. *smiugan, *s-miug-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schmiegen; ne. nestle (V.)

net: got. nati* 7, nat-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Netz, kreisrundes Wurfnetz; ne. net, circular casting-net, fishing-net

-- net (N.): got. snōrjō* 1, snōr-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Netz; ne. wicker basket, mesh basket, net (N.)

nethermost: got. undarists* 1, undar-ist-s*,  Adj. (a), Superl.: nhd. das Innere, innerste, die untersten; ne. undermost, lowest, nethermost, interior (N.), lower parts

never: got. ni aiw, Adv.: nhd. niemals; ne. never; niu aiw, got.: nhd. nie; ne. never

nevertheless: got. akei 98=97, ak-ei,  Konj.: nhd. aber; ne. but, despite this, nevertheless

new: got. niujis 26=25, niu-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. neu, jung; ne. new, fresh (Adj.), unused, young

-- a new convert: got. niujasatiþs* 1, niu-ja-sat-iþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Neubekehrter, Neuling; ne. proselyte, neophyte, a new convert, novice

newness: got. niujiþa* 1, niu-j-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Neuheit; ne. newness

news: got. hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings; mēreins 3, mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verkündigung, Predigt; ne. preaching (N.), proclaiming (N.), news, gospel; mēriþa 4, mē-r-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gerücht, Kunde (F.); ne. repute (N.), report (N.), news, renown (N.), fame (N.)

-- preach good news: got. þiuþspillōn* 1, þiu-þ-s-pil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. Gutes künden, frohe Botschaft künden, verkündigen; ne. preach good news, promulgate good tidings

-- promulgate glad news: got. waílaspillōn* 1, waíl-a-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verkünden, erzählen, frohe Botschaft verkünden; ne. proclaim propitious tidings, promulgate glad news, preach the gospel

-- spread good news of: got. waílamērjan 13, waíl-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem eine frohe Botschaft künden, predigen, frohe Botschaft bringen; ne. spread good news of, preach the good, proclaim

-- spread the news: got. usqiþan 1, us-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. ein Gerede verbreiten; ne. divulge, make public, spread the news

news-spreading -- good news-spreading: got. waílamēreins* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verkündigung, Botschaft; ne. good tidings, good news-spreading, evangelizing, preaching (N.), evangelism

next -- crowd by stepping right next to: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

next -- next adjacent: got. iftuma* 4, ift-uma*,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. folgende; ne. subsequent, next adjacent

next -- next day: got. afardags* 1, af-ar-dag-s*, afurdags*,  st. M. (a): nhd. der folgende Tag; ne. morrow (N.), next day, day after

next -- the next day: got. gistradagis 1, gis-tra-dag-is,  Adv.: nhd. morgen; ne. the next day, tomorrow

nhd. -- nhd. zweitausend: got. twōs þūsundjōs: nhd. zweitausend, ne. two thousand

nice: got. *freiþs?, *frei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. hübsch, schön; ne. nice, pleasant, dear, beloved, attractive

nigh: got. nēƕ 1,  Adv.: nhd. nahe; ne. near (Adv.), close (1) (Adv.), nigh; nēƕa 23, nēƕ-a,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. nahe; ne. near (Adv.), close (Adv.) (1), nigh, nearby, in the proximity

night: got. nahts 25, naht-s,  F.: nhd. Nacht; ne. night

nine: got. niun 5, nyne,  nyne, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. neun; ne. nine

-- nine compensations: got. niungeldo 5, niun-geld-o, lat.-got.?, Sb.: nhd. Neungeld, neunfaches Entgelt; ne. nine compensations

ninety: got. niuntēhund 3, niun-tē-hund,  Num. Kard.: nhd. neunzig; ne. ninety

ninth: got. niunda* 4, niun-d-a*,  Num. Ord., sw. Adj.: nhd. neunte; ne. ninth

no: got. ne 12,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. nein, nicht; ne. no, nay (Adv.); ni 1302=1300,  Partikel: nhd. nicht; ne. not, neither, nor, no

-- be no longer: got. inwisan (?)* 1, in-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. bevorstehen (?), da sein (V.) (?); ne. have been discontinued, be elapsed, be no longer

-- but no longer: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

-- by no means: got. (allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly;)

-- for no reason: got. arwjō 3, arw-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. umsonst, unentgeltlich, ohne Ursache, vergebens; ne. gratis, without charge, in vain, for naught, for no reason, without cause; swarē 16,  Adv.: nhd. ohne Grund, vergebens, umsonst; ne. purposelessly, futilely, for no reason, groundless, in vain

-- no doubt: got. aúftō 21=20, aúft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. allerdings, wohl, vielleicht, etwa; ne. in all probability, indeed, perhaps, certainly, be sure, no doubt

-- no longer: got. ju ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. not from now on, no longer; juþan ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. from that time on not, no longer

-- no longer avid: got. usgrudja* 7=6, us-grud-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. mutlos; ne. ex-avid, exhausted of desire, no longer avid, lacking courage

-- no longer usable: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

-- no matter what: got. ƕēh 2, ƕē-h,  Adv.: nhd. jedenfalls, nur; ne. in any case, in whatever case, no matter what, just only

-- of no value: got. ungalaufs* 1, un-ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wertlos; ne. unvaluable, cheap, of no value

-- this and no other: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

Noah -- the ark of Noah: got. arka 3, ark-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Arche, Kasten, Futteral, Beutel (F.) (1), Geldkasten; ne. box (N.), chest, the ark of Noah, money-box

nobility: got. *aþal?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Adel (M.) (1); ne. nobility

noble -- noble (Adj.): got. *aþals?, *aþal-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. edel; ne. noble (Adj.); *aþans?, *aþan-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. edel; ne. noble (Adj.); reikeis* (1) 3, reik-ei-s*, reiks*,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. mächtig; ne. powerful, potent, mighty, lordly, princely, power-holding, noble (Adj.)

noble -- of noble birth: got. gōdakunds 1, gōd-a-kun-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von guter Abkunft, edlen Geschlechts; ne. of noble birth, well-born, of good descent

nodule: got. *buggja?, *bugg-ja?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Knolle, Schwellung; ne. nodule, tuber, swelling

noise: got. áuhjōdus* 2, áuhj-ōdu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Lärm; ne. uproar (N.), noise, noisy tumult; *swōgs?, *s-wō-g-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Geräusch (N.) (1); ne. noise, rustle (N.)

-- make a noise: got. auhjōn* 2, auhj-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen, schreien; ne. make a noise, be tumultuously noisy, make an uproar

noisy -- be tumultuously noisy: got. auhjōn* 2, auhj-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen, schreien; ne. make a noise, be tumultuously noisy, make an uproar

noisy -- noisy tumult: got. áuhjōdus* 2, áuhj-ōdu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Lärm; ne. uproar (N.), noise, noisy tumult

non-: got. un-,  Präf.: nhd. un-; ne. un-, non-, a-

non-bearing: got. unbaírands* 3, un-baír-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht tragend; ne. unbearing, non-bearing

none -- none (in neg. sentences): got. ainshun 75, ai-n-s-hun,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, jeder, niemand (in neg. Sätzen), kein (in neg. Sätzen); ne. anyone, one, not anyone (in neg. sentences), none (in neg. sentences)

nonetheless -- but nonetheless: got. aþþan 240, aþ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. aber doch, aber ja, aber nun, denn, also, nun, und; ne. but then, but nonetheless, but, however although, though

non-good: got. unþiuþ* 7, un-þiu-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. das Böse; ne. non-good, evil (N.), badness

non-handmade: got. unhanduwaúrhts* 2, un-hand-u-waúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. nicht handgemacht, nicht mit der Hand gemacht; ne. non-handmade

non-nation: got. unþiuda* 1, un-þiu-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Unvolk, Nichtvolk; ne. non-people, non-nation

non-people: got. unþiuda* 1, un-þiu-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Unvolk, Nichtvolk; ne. non-people, non-nation

non-possessing: got. unhabands* 3, un-hab-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht habend; ne. not having, non-possessing

non-safeguarding: got. unfreideins* 2=1, un-frei-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Schonungslosigkeit, Härte; ne. non-sparingness, non-safeguarding, mercilessness, severity

nonsense: got. unfrōdei* 4, un-frōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unverstand, Torheit; ne. unintelligence, nonsense, foolishness

nonsensical: got. unfrōþs* 5, un-frōþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unverständig; ne. unintelligent, nonsensical, ignorant

-- nonsensical person: got. unwita 6, un-wi-t-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Unwissender, Unverständiger, Törichter; ne. ignorant person, unknowing person, nonsensical person, fool (M.)

non-sparingness: got. unfreideins* 2=1, un-frei-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Schonungslosigkeit, Härte; ne. non-sparingness, non-safeguarding, mercilessness, severity

non-unveiled: got. unandhuliþs* 1, un-and-hul-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unenthüllt; ne. not uncovered, non-unveiled, unlifted

non-working -- non-working woman: got. unwaúrstwō* 2, un-waúr-st-w-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Untätige, Müßige; ne. non-working woman, unoccupied woman, indolent woman

noon -- noon meal: got. undaúrnimats* 1, undaúrn-i-mat-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Frühstück, Mittagsmahl; ne. midday breakfast, noon meal

noose: got. wruggō* 1, wru-g-g-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schlinge; ne. snare (N.), noose

nor: got. ni 1302=1300,  Partikel: nhd. nicht; ne. not, neither, nor, no; nih 147, ni-h,  Konj.: nhd. und nicht, auch nicht, nicht; ne. and not, also not, not even, nor

-- neither ... nor: got. ni ... ni, got.: nhd. weder ... noch; ne. neither ... nor

northern: got. *naúrþs?, *naúr-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. nördlich; ne. northern

nose -- turn up the nose at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

not: got. nei 2,  Negationspartikel: nhd. nicht; ne. not, indeed not, unquestionably not; ni 1302=1300,  Partikel: nhd. nicht; ne. not, neither, nor, no

-- also not: got. nih 147, ni-h,  Konj.: nhd. und nicht, auch nicht, nicht; ne. and not, also not, not even, nor

-- and not: got. nih 147, ni-h,  Konj.: nhd. und nicht, auch nicht, nicht; ne. and not, also not, not even, nor

-- be not a whit lesser: got. ni waihtai mins haban, got.: nhd. in nichts nachstehen; ne. be not a whit lesser

-- but not in the case: got. nibai 58, n-i-ba-i, niba,  Interrog.-Pron., Konj.: nhd. doch nicht etwa, wenn nicht, es sei denn dass, ausgenommen; ne. not possibly, unless, except (Konj.), if not, but not in the case

-- did not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

-- do not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

-- door of one piece not double: got. daúr 15, thurn,  thurn, krim st. N. (a): nhd. einflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. door of one piece not double, gate, gateway; lat. porta

-- from that time on not: got. juþan ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. from that time on not, no longer

-- have not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

-- how not even more: got. ƕaiwa nei mais, got.: nhd. wie ... nicht um so mehr; ne. how not even more

-- how pitiful that not: got. wainei 3, wai-nei,  Interj.: nhd. wenn doch, dass doch; ne. woe (Interj.), that not, how pitiful that not, if only, would that

-- if not: got. nibai 58, n-i-ba-i, niba,  Interrog.-Pron., Konj.: nhd. doch nicht etwa, wenn nicht, es sei denn dass, ausgenommen; ne. not possibly, unless, except (Konj.), if not, but not in the case

-- indeed not: got. nei 2,  Negationspartikel: nhd. nicht; ne. not, indeed not, unquestionably not

-- in that case consequently then ... not: got. þannu nū ei ... ni, got.: nhd. deshalb ... nicht; ne. in that case consequently then ... not

-- is it not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

-- is it not so that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether

-- not anybody: got. ni manna: nhd. niemand; ne. not anyone, not anybody

-- not anyone: got. ni manna: nhd. niemand; ne. not anyone, not anybody

-- not anyone (in neg. sentences): got. ainshun 75, ai-n-s-hun,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, jeder, niemand (in neg. Sätzen), kein (in neg. Sätzen); ne. anyone, one, not anyone (in neg. sentences), none (in neg. sentences)

-- not any the more: got. ni þē haldis: nhd. nicht um so mehr, keineswegs; ne. not any the more

-- not any the more; Sk 3: got. ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that

-- not at all: got. ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing; ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing

-- not becoming extinguished: got. unƕapnands* 3, un-ƕap-n-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unauslöschlich; ne. quenchless, undying, not becoming extinguished, unquenchable, inextinguishable

-- not believe: got. ni galaubjan, got.: nhd. nicht glauben; ne. not believe

-- not by: got. ni und waiht, got.: nhd. um nichts; ne. not by

-- not even: got. nih 147, ni-h,  Konj.: nhd. und nicht, auch nicht, nicht; ne. and not, also not, not even, nor

-- not even then: got. niþþan, ni-þ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. und dann nicht, auch dann nicht; ne. not even then

-- not from now on: got. ju ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. not from now on, no longer

-- not giving offence: got. unufbrikands* 1, un-uf-brik-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs., m. Dat.: nhd. unanstößig; ne. unspurning, unscorning, unrebuffing, not giving offence

-- not having: got. unhabands* 3, un-hab-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht habend; ne. not having, non-possessing

-- not just ... but also: got. ni þatainei ... ak jah: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not solely ... but also, not just ... but also

-- not money-covetous: got. ni faihufriks, got.: nhd. nicht habsüchtig; ne. not money-covetous

-- not much later; Sk 6: got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously

-- not only ... but also: got. ni þatain ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also; ni þatainei ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also; ni þatain ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also

-- not possibly: got. nibai 58, n-i-ba-i, niba,  Interrog.-Pron., Konj.: nhd. doch nicht etwa, wenn nicht, es sei denn dass, ausgenommen; ne. not possibly, unless, except (Konj.), if not, but not in the case

-- not ready: got. unmanwus* 2=1, un-manw-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. unvorbereitet; ne. unprepared, not ready

-- not solely ... but also: got. ni þatainei ... ak jah: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not solely ... but also, not just ... but also

-- not that: got. ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that; ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that

-- not to be told: got. unqēþs* 1, un-qēþ-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unaussprechlich; ne. unspeakable, unutterable, not to be told

-- not uncovered: got. unandhuliþs* 1, un-and-hul-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unenthüllt; ne. not uncovered, non-unveiled, unlifted

-- not understand: got. ni fraþjan, got.: nhd. nicht verstehen; ne. not understand

-- not well-recognized: got. unswikunþs* 1, un-swi-kun-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unbekannt; ne. unknown, not well-recognized

-- not yet: got. ni nauh, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet; ni nauhþan, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet; ni nauhþanuh, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet; ni nauh, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet; ni nauhþan, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet; ni nauhþanuh, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet

-- or not: got. þau niu, got.: nhd. oder nicht; ne. or not

-- shall not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

-- that not: got. wainei 3, wai-nei,  Interj.: nhd. wenn doch, dass doch; ne. woe (Interj.), that not, how pitiful that not, if only, would that

-- unquestionably not: got. nei 2,  Negationspartikel: nhd. nicht; ne. not, indeed not, unquestionably not

-- whether not: got. niu aufto, got.: nhd. ob nicht etwa; ne. whether not

-- will not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

-- young cow which has not yet calved: got. kalbō* 1, kal-b-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. junge Kuh, weibliches Kalb, Kalbe; ne. heifer, young cow which has not yet calved, calf

notability: got. dōms* 2, dō-m-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Urteil“, Ruhm; ne. discernment, insight, distinction, esteem, prestige, notability

note -- note (V.): got. andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.); atsaíƕan* 10=9, at-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen auf, sich in Acht nehmen, sich hüten; ne. give heed, watch out, be careful, be watchful, note (V.); gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

nothing: got. ni waiht: nhd. nichts; ne. naught, nothing; niu waiht, got.: nhd. nichts; ne. nothing; ni waiht: nhd. nichts; ne. naught, nothing; ni waihts: nhd. nichts; ne. naught, nothing

-- in nothing: got. ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing; ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing

notice -- notice (V.): got. gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

notice -- take notice of: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide; gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

notorious: got. gatarhiþs, Adj. = Part. Prät.: nhd. berüchtigt, offenbar; ne. plain (Adj.), notorious, splendid

notwithstanding -- and yet that notwithstanding: got. þanuh þan swēþauh: nhd. dessenungeachtet, dennoch; ne. and yet that notwithstanding

nourish: got. fōdjan* 5, fō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ernähren, aufziehen; ne. feed, nourish, nurture, bring up, rear (V.); *usfōdjan?, *us-fō-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nähren; ne. nourish, provide with food

nourishment: got. fōdeins* 2, fō-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Nahrung, Speise; ne. feeding (N.), nourishment, nutrition, nutriment, food; usfōdeins* 1, us-fō-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Nahrung; ne. nourishment, food, nutriment; waílawizns* 1, waíl-a-wizn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. gute Nahrung, gute Kost; ne. good nutriment, good fare, fine sustenance, good food, nourishment

November: got. naubaimbair 1,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. November; ne. November

novice: got. niujasatiþs* 1, niu-ja-sat-iþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Neubekehrter, Neuling; ne. proselyte, neophyte, a new convert, novice

now: got. nū 231=229,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nun, jetzt, also, folglich, demnach; ne. now, right now, just now, then, therefore; þannu 22, þan-nu,  Adv.: nhd. ja, wohl, also darum; ne. so then, well (Adv.), now, in consequence; þannu nu: nhd. deshalb, folglich; ne. consequently, now, hence

-- but now: got. iþ nū, got.: nhd. aber jetzt; ne. but now

-- by now: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already; juþan 15, ju-þan, *juuþan,  Adv.: nhd. schon; ne. already, by now, by that time, by then

-- consequently now indeed: got. þannu nu jai, got.: nhd. jawohl; ne. consequently now indeed

-- from now on: got. fram himma, got.: nhd. von nun an; ne. from now on; fram himma nu, got.: nhd. von nun an; ne. from now on

-- how now: got. ƕaiwa nū, got.: nhd. wie jetzt; ne. how now

-- just now: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already; nū 231=229,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nun, jetzt, also, folglich, demnach; ne. now, right now, just now, then, therefore

-- not from now on: got. ju ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. not from now on, no longer

-- now then: got. nūnū 6, nū-nū,  Konj.: nhd. demnach, daher, also; ne. consequently, ergo, therefore, now then; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

-- of here and now: got. hi* 20, hi-* 20,  Pron.: nhd. dieser; ne. this, of here and now, the present, this here

-- right now: got. nū 231=229,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nun, jetzt, also, folglich, demnach; ne. now, right now, just now, then, therefore

-- thus now: got. swaþþan 1, swa-þ-þan, swahþan*,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. so nun; ne. and so when, and thus when, hence when, thus now

-- until now: got. und hita, got.: nhd. bis jetzt; ne. until now

-- up to now: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already

n-rune -- name of n-rune: got. enguz 1, engu-z,  st. M. (a?, u?): nhd. Iggws (= Gott des fruchtbaren Jahres), Speer?, Mann?, n-Rune; ne. a god, spear (N.)?, man (M.)?, name of n-rune; noicz,  st. F. (i): nhd. Not, n-Rune; ne. necessitation, name of n-rune

null: got. wans* 4, wa-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fehlend, mangelhaft, (weniger); ne. missing, lacking, wanting, diminished, less, null, void (Adj.), deficient

nullify: got. faúrqiþan 4, faúr-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. sich entschuldigen, für ungültig erklären, aufheben, umstoßen; ne. decline (V.), refuse, turn down, excuse o.s., nullify

numb -- become numb: got. afdaubnan* 1, af-dau-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ertauben, verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened; *daubnan?, *dau-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened

numb -- be numb: got. *daubjan?, *dau-b-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. taub sein (V.), verstocken; ne. be insensitive, be numb, harden; gadaubjan* 2, ga-dau-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verstocken, verstockt machen; ne. make insensitive, be numb, deaden, harden (V.)

numb -- numb (Adj.): got. daufs* 1, dau-f-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. taub, verstockt; ne. insensitive, insensate, dull (Adj.), numb (Adj.), deaf, stubborn, numbed, deadened

numbed: got. daufs* 1, dau-f-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. taub, verstockt; ne. insensitive, insensate, dull (Adj.), numb (Adj.), deaf, stubborn, numbed, deadened

number: got. raþjō 5, ra-þ-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abrechnung, Rechenschaft, Zahl; ne. counting (N.), tallying (N.), account (N.), explanation, number

-- great number of: got. mikils 54, mik-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, stark, viel; ne. great, large (Adj.), great amount of, great number of, many

-- in the number of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- number (V.): got. *garaþan, *ga-ra-þ-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. zählen; ne. count up, number (V.), tally up; garaþjan* 1, ga-ra-þ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. zählen; ne. count up, number (V.), tally up

-- two in number: got. tweihnai* 2,  Num.: nhd. je zwei; ne. two in number, numbering two, two each, dual

numbering -- numbering two: got. tweihnai* 2,  Num.: nhd. je zwei; ne. two in number, numbering two, two each, dual

numbness: got. daubei 1, dau-b-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Taubheit, Verhärtung, Verstocktheit; ne. stubbornness, insensitivity, insensibility, numbness; daubiþa* 2, dau-b-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verstocktheit, Verhärtung, Taubheit; ne. insensitivity, dullness, numbness, stubbornness

numerous -- most numerous: got. þōs managistōns: nhd. die Mehrzahl; ne. most, most numerous

nurture: got. fōdjan* 5, fō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ernähren, aufziehen; ne. feed, nourish, nurture, bring up, rear (V.)

nutriment: got. fōdeins* 2, fō-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Nahrung, Speise; ne. feeding (N.), nourishment, nutrition, nutriment, food; usfōdeins* 1, us-fō-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Nahrung; ne. nourishment, food, nutriment

-- good nutriment: got. waílawizns* 1, waíl-a-wizn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. gute Nahrung, gute Kost; ne. good nutriment, good fare, fine sustenance, good food, nourishment

nutrition: got. fōdeins* 2, fō-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Nahrung, Speise; ne. feeding (N.), nourishment, nutrition, nutriment, food

o: got. ō 5,  Interj.: nhd. ach, oh, pfui; ne. o, oh, aha, ha

o. -- take unto o. s.: got. niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away

oak: got. *aiks?, *aik-s?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Eiche; ne. oak

oath: got. aiþs* 4, ai-þ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Eid; ne. oath

-- bound by oath: got. ufaiþeis* 1, uf-ai-þ-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. durch Eid verpflichtet, durch Eid verbunden, vereidet; ne. under oath, bound by oath

-- put under oath: got. biswaran* 2, bi-swar-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. beschwören; ne. adjure, put under oath

-- take an oath: got. swaran 7, swar-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. schwören; ne. swear (V.), take an oath

-- under oath: got. ufaiþeis* 1, uf-ai-þ-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. durch Eid verpflichtet, durch Eid verbunden, vereidet; ne. under oath, bound by oath

oath-breaker: got. ufarswara* 1, uf-ar-swar-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Meineidiger; ne. perjurer, oath-breaker

obedience: got. gakunds 1, ga-kun-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überredung; ne. submission, persuasion, obedience, compliance, subordination; ufhauseins 6, uf-hau-s-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehorsam; ne. submission, obedience, heed (N.)

obedient: got. ufhausjands, got.: nhd. gehorsam; ne. obedient

obey: got. andhausjan* 9, and-hau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, erhören, erhört werden (= pers. Passiv); ne. listen to, hearken to, give heed to, heed (V.), obey; ufhausjan 29=28, uf-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, sich an etwas halten; ne. obey, heed (V.), listen to submissively

objective: got. waíhts 80=79, waíh-t-s,  st. F. (i), F. (kons.): nhd. Ding, Sache, etwas; ne. thing, anything, something, entity, whit, sake, objective, matter (N.)

-- having an objective in mind: got. *mundrs?, *mun-d-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. eifrig, zielstrebig; ne. motivated, having an objective in mind

-- objective (N.): got. mundrei* 1, mun-d-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ziel; ne. goal, aim (N.), objective (N.)

oblation: got. tibr* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Opfer; ne. sacrificial gift, oblation

-- make an oblation of: got. gasaljan* 3, ga-sal-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. opfern, zum Opfer bringen; ne. make an oblation of, offer up, sacrifice (V.)

oblational -- render oblational tribute: got. saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

obligated -- obligated person: got. skula 15, skul-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schuldner, Schuldiger; ne. obligated person, debtor, indebted person, guilty person

obliged -- be obliged: got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.)

obliterate: got. fraqistjan 23, fra-qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. verderben, umbringen; ne. annihilate, obliterate, destroy utterly

oblivion: got. ufarmaudei* 1, uf-ar-maud-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Vergessenheit; ne. forgetfulness, oblivion

obloquy: got. bihait* 1, bi-hai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. üble Nachrede; ne. obloquy, defamation, slander (N.), evil report

obscene -- obscene language: got. aglaitiwáurdei* 2, ag-l-ait-i-wáur-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schandrede, unzüchtiges Reden; ne. obscene language, foul language, shameful speech, filthy talk

obscene -- verbally obscene: got. *aglaitiwáurds, *ag-l-ait-i-wáur-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. verleumderisch, schändlich; ne. verbally obscene

observance: got. fastubni* 6, fast-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Halten, Dienst, Fasten, Haltung, Gottesdienst; ne. holding fast to, holding (N.), keeping (N.), observance, abstinence, fasting (N.), vigilance, maintenance

-- give observance to: got. witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

observant -- be observant of: got. witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

observation: got. atwitains* 1, at-wi-t-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beobachten, Beobachtung, Wahrnehmung; ne. surveillance, watchfulness, observation, look-out

observe: got. *atwitan?, *at-wi-t-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beobachten; ne. observe, be on the lookout; fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.); gafastan 11, ga-fast-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. behalten, bewahren, halten; ne. hold fast, keep (V.), retain, observe, guard (V.), protect; gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe; mundōn* 2=1 sis, mun-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. sich einen besehen, sehen auf; ne. take aim at, pay attention to, observe; saíƕan 106, saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen; ne. see (1), look (V.), observe, view (V.); *wardōn, *war-d-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. beobachten; ne. observe, watch (V.); witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

obsession: got. *frikei?, *fri-k-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gier, Sucht; ne. greed, lust (N.), obsession, addiction

obstacle: got. bistugq* 5=4, bi-stu-g-q*, bistuggq,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anstoß; ne. stumbling-block, hitting against, striking against, obstacle; gamarzeins* 3, ga-mar-z-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. hinderance, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, offense (N.), cause for anger; marzeins 1, mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. thwarting (N.), obstacle, impediment, hinderance, obstruction, frustration, offense

obstructing -- make deviate by obstructing: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

obstruction: got. gamarzeins* 3, ga-mar-z-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. hinderance, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, offense (N.), cause for anger; marzeins 1, mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. thwarting (N.), obstacle, impediment, hinderance, obstruction, frustration, offense

obtain: got. ganiutan* 2, ga-niut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erwischen, fangen; ne. gain hold of, catch (V.), capture (V.), obtain; garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather

-- obtain an advantage: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

-- obtain disposal of: got. niutan 2, niut-an,  st. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. treffen, erreichen, einer Sache froh sein (V.); ne. acquire use of, obtain disposal of, attain, enjoy

-- obtain knowledge of: got. finþan* 5, fi-n-þ-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. find out, discover, recognize, learn, obtain knowledge of

obvious: got. swikunþs 17, swi-kun-þ-s, swekunþs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. offenkundig, offenbar, bekannt; ne. known openly, conspicuously known, known by its obviousness, manifest (Adj.), obvious

-- in an obvious manner: got. swikunþaba 5, swi-kun-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offenbar, offen heraus, deutlich, ausdrücklich; ne. plainly, openly, clearly, in an obvious manner

obviously: got. andaugiba 4, and-aug-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offen, freimütig; ne. obviously, in plain sight, openly, for all to see

obviousness -- known by its obviousness: got. swikunþs 17, swi-kun-þ-s, swekunþs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. offenkundig, offenbar, bekannt; ne. known openly, conspicuously known, known by its obviousness, manifest (Adj.), obvious

occasion: got. sinþs* 17, sinþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Gang (M.) (1), Mal (N.) (1); ne. going (N.), instance, occurrence, occasion, time (N.); þeihs* 2, þeih-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zeit; ne. time (N.), occasion

-- on an untimely occasion: got. unūhteigō 1, un-ūh-t-eig-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zur Unzeit; ne. unseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion

occident: got. saggqs* 1, saggq-s*, sagq*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Untergang, Westen; ne. sinking (N.), going down, sinking of the sun, occident, west (N.), setting (N.)

occurrence: got. sinþs* 17, sinþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Gang (M.) (1), Mal (N.) (1); ne. going (N.), instance, occurrence, occasion, time (N.)

ocean: got. lagus* 1, lagu-s*, lagaz*?, laaz,  st. M. (u): nhd. See, l-Rune; ne. lake, sea, open water, ocean, name of l-rune; *mar?,  Sb.: nhd. Meer; ne. sea, ocean

-- ocean depths: got. diupiþa 4, diup-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Tiefe, Meerestiefe; ne. ocean depths, depth, profundity

octo-diurnal: got. ahtaudōgs 1, aht-au-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. achttägig; ne. of eight days, lasting eight days, octo-diurnal

odour -- odour (N.): got. dauns 7, dau-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geruch, Wohlgeruch, Dunst; ne. odour (N.), aroma, fragrance, smell (N.), sense of smell

of: got. af 135,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. von, von weg, von her, seit, ab, zu, aus; ne. from, away from, by, by means of, since, of; us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of

-- accumulation of riches: got. faíhuþraihn* 4, faíh-u-þrai-h-n*, faihuþraihns*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. „Viehansammlung“, Geldansammlung, Reichtum; ne. wealth-agglomeration, accumulation of riches, wealth, gathering of money

-- acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

-- acquire knowledge of: got. gakunnan (2) 8, ga-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. kennenlernen, erfahren (V.), erkennen, lesen (V.) (1); ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know; *-kunnan (2), *-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kennenlernen; ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know, recognize

-- acquire use of: got. niutan 2, niut-an,  st. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. treffen, erreichen, einer Sache froh sein (V.); ne. acquire use of, obtain disposal of, attain, enjoy

-- act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping: got. anafilh* 6, an-a-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Anvertrautes“, Empfehlung, Überlieferung; ne. act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping, commendation, recommendation, tradition

-- act of creation: got. gaskafts 11=10, ga-skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erschaffung, Geschöpf; ne. creation, act of creation, creature; *skafts (3), *skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschöpf, Schaffung; ne. creature, creation, act of creation

-- act of instruction: got. laiseins 34, lais-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lehre; ne. teaching (N.), act of instruction, doctrine

-- act of judging: got. stáua (1) 25, stá-u-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Gerichtsstätte“, Gericht (M.) (1), Urteil, Streitsache; ne. act of judging, judgement, verdict, judicial decision

-- act of testifying: got. weitwōdeins 1, wei-t-wōd-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. act of testifying, attesting, witness-bearing, witness (N.)

-- add to the rectification of: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

-- ahead of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- all of: got. alls 600=597, al-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. all, jeder, ganz, viel; ne. all, all of, the entire, every, the whole

-- and therefore because of that: got. inuh þis nū, got.: nhd. und deshalb; ne. and therefore because of that

-- apply the resemblance of: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

-- apprise of: got. kannjan 9, kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kund tun, bekanntmachen, empfehlen, verkünden; ne. make known, apprise of, inform of

-- article of clothing: got. wasti* 32, was-t-i*,  st. F. (iō): nhd. Kleid, Kleidung (= wastjōs); ne. garment, article of clothing, dress (N.), clothing (= wastjōs), apparel (= wastjōs), clothes (= wastjōs)

-- as a matter of fact: got. allis þan: nhd. tatsächlich, eigentlich, im Gegenteil; ne. when, as a matter of fact

-- as of then: got. miþþan 3, mi-þ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. inzwischen; ne. at that time, as of then, meanwhile

-- a sort of fish: got. *aska?, *ask-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Äsche; ne. a sort of fish

-- a thwarting of the understanding: got. fraþjamarzeins 1, fraþ-ja-mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verstandestäuschung; ne. comprehension-impediment, a thwarting of the understanding

-- at the edge of: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of

-- at the point of death: got. *swultawaírþs?, *swul-t-a-waír-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. auf den Tod gerichtet, todgeweiht; ne. about to die, moribund, at the point of death

-- at the time of: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

-- bag made of skin: got. balgs* 12, bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Balg, Schlauch, Tasche; ne. leather bag, bag made of skin, wine-skin

-- bandage up the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

-- basket made of branches or switches: got. tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

-- batch of dough: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

-- be afraid of: got. *agan?, *ag-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be afraid of

-- be a guest of: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

-- bearer of official tidings: got. *sagja, *sag-j-a,  M. (n): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; *sagjis, *sag-ji-s,  M. (ja): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; saio 29, sai-o, saius, lat.- M.: nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings

-- be ashamed of: got. skaman* sik 10, s-kam-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich schämen; ne. be ashamed of, despair of

-- be at the end of one’s life: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- be at the head of: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

-- be at the point of death: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- be aware of: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

-- because of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- because of that: got. in ƕis: nhd. warum, weshalb; ne. because of that, why

-- because of the fact that: got. in þize ei, got.: nhd. deshalb dass; ne. because of the fact that

-- be confident of: got. galaubjan 146=145, ga-laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, anvertrauen; ne. believe, permit, have faith in, be confident of, have confidence in; gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- be conscious of: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

-- be convinced of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- before the face of: got. in andwairþja: nhd. vor; ne. before the face of, in the presence of, facing

-- before the lapse of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- be observant of: got. witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

-- be of an opinion: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- be of avail: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail

-- be of concern to: got. kara wisan: nhd. sich kümmern; ne. worry s.o., be of concern to

-- be of sound mind: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact; waila fraþjan: nhd. bescheiden sein (V.), besonnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind

-- be of the opinion: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

-- be of use: got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

-- be of value: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- be persuaded of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- be the cause of: got. gansjan* 2=1, gans-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verursachen; ne. be the cause of, generate, cause the beginning of

-- betray in an act of opportunism: got. lēwjan* 3, lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. betray in an act of opportunism, hand over in an opportunistic deal

-- bind up the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

-- bind up the mouth of: got. faúrmūljan* 1, faúr-mū-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. das Maul verbinden; ne. muzzle (V.), bind up the mouth of

-- born of heaven above: got. ufarhiminakunds 2, uf-ar-himin-a-kund-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. himmlisch; ne. born of heaven above, heavenly, of heavenly origin

-- bring before the eyes of: got. ataugjan 23, at-aug-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. zeigen, erscheinen (=sik ataugjan); ne. bring before the eyes of, show to

-- bunch of grapes: got. weinatains 3, wein-a-tain-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Weinrebe; ne. vine-branch, grapevine-branch, bunch of grapes

-- bursting of skin: got. *balgbrust (?), *bal-g-bru-s-t,  Sb.: nhd. Balgbersten; ne. bursting of skin

-- buy out of ransom: got. *uslunjan?, *us-lu-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlösen; ne. redeem, buy out of ransom

-- by means of: got. af 135,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. von, von weg, von her, seit, ab, zu, aus; ne. from, away from, by, by means of, since, of; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- by means of what: got. biƕē 1, bi-ƕē,  Adv.: nhd. woran; ne. whereby, by means of what, how

-- by reason of the fact that: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- by reason of this: got. in þis: nhd. deshalb; ne. by reason of this, by this cause

-- by the side of: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

-- call to the mind of: got. maudjan* 1, maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, call to the mind of

-- cast within reach of: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- catalogue of ancestry: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

-- catch sight of: got. gasaíƕan 162, ga-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erblicken, sehen, (erscheinen); ne. see (V.), espy, catch sight of, look at, perceive

-- cause the beginning of: got. gansjan* 2=1, gans-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verursachen; ne. be the cause of, generate, cause the beginning of

-- certificate of financial commitment: got. wadjabōkōs* 1, wad-j-a-bōk-ōs*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Handschein, Schuldschein; ne. written pledge, debenture, certificate of financial commitment, bond (N.)

-- chief of a hundred-man military unit: got. hundafaþs 9, hund-a-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Zenturio, Hundertführer; ne. chief of a hundred-man military unit

-- Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions: got. miþwissei 11, mi-þ-wi-s-s-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Mitwissen“, Bewusstsein, Gewissen; ne. conscience, moral consciousness, Christian critical knowledge of moral distinctions

-- clean of heart: got. hrainjahaírts* 1, hrai-n-ja-haírt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. „reinherzig“, reinen Herzens; ne. clean of heart, pure in heart

-- commander of a thousand men: got. þūsundifaþs 2, þūs-und-i-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Tausendführer, Anführer von Tausend; ne. commander of a thousand men

-- council of the elders: got. praízbwtaírei* 3, praí-z-bwt-aír-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ältestenrat, christliche Gemeindebehörde; ne. presbytery, council of the elders

-- crowing of a rooster: got. hrūk* 1, hrū-k*, hrūks*?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Krähen (N.); ne. crowing of a rooster

-- day of preparation: got. paraskaíwē 2, para-skaíwē,  F.?, M. (īn): nhd. Rüsttag; ne. day of preparation

-- deliver into the custody of: got. atgiban 73, at-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hingeben, übergeben (V.), geben, darreichen; ne. give unto, deliver into the custody of, give over to

-- deny the relatedness of: got. inwidan* 7, in-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleugnen, für ungültig erklären; ne. reject the connection with, deny the relatedness of, repudiate, disown, desert (3)

-- depict in front of: got. faúramēljan* 1, faúr-a-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorzeichnen, vormalen, vor Augen malen; ne. depict in front of, delineate before, display publicly

-- deprive of sight: got. gablindjan* 2, ga-bli-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verblenden, blenden; ne. make blind, deprive of sight

-- desirous of money: got. faíhugaírns* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. geldgierig, habsüchtig; ne. money-craving (Adj.), desirous of money, avaricious, covetous

-- despair of: got. skaman* sik 10, s-kam-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich schämen; ne. be ashamed of, despair of

-- difference of opinion: got. missaquiss 3, mis-s-a-qui-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwiespalt, Missrede, Streit; ne. discord (N.), discordance, difference of opinion, dissidence, dissension, schism, division of opinion

-- divest of: got. lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.)

-- division of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþia, *þiu-faþ-ia, *þiufadia, lat.- st. F. (jō): nhd. Tausendschaft?; ne. division of a thousand men?

-- division of opinion: got. missaquiss 3, mis-s-a-qui-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwiespalt, Missrede, Streit; ne. discord (N.), discordance, difference of opinion, dissidence, dissension, schism, division of opinion

-- door of one piece not double: got. daúr 15, thurn,  thurn, krim st. N. (a): nhd. einflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. door of one piece not double, gate, gateway; lat. porta

-- each of two: got. ƕaþaruh* 1, ƕa-þar-uh*,  Pron.: nhd. jeder von beiden; ne. each of two

-- each one of two: got. ainƕaþaruh* 1, ai-n-ƕa-þar-uh*,  Pron.: nhd. jeder von beiden; ne. each one of two

-- ear of grain: got. ahs* (1) 4, ah-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ähre; ne. ear of grain

-- edge of a roof peak: got. gibla* 1, gibl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Giebel (M.) (1); ne. gable, edge of a roof peak

-- edge of shield: got. *randus?, *ran-d-u-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Schild, Schildrand; ne. shield (N.), edge of shield

-- end of the gothic region: got. Goþiscandza 2, Go-þ-isc-andz-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenende? (an der Weichsel?); ne. end of the gothic region

-- endurance of pain: got. wunns* 1, wu-n-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Leiden; ne. suffering (N.), endurance of pain

-- enrich o.s. at the expense of: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of

-- entirety of mankind: got. alamans* 1, al-a-man-s*, alamannans*,  Pl. M.: nhd. Gesamtheit der Menschen, alle Menschen; ne. all humanity, totality of man, entirety of mankind

-- establishment of peace: got. gafriþōns* 2, ga-fri-þ-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versöhnung; ne. establishment of peace, reconciliation, counciliatory pacification

-- establish the monetary value of: got. waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

-- exhausted of desire: got. usgrudja* 7=6, us-grud-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. mutlos; ne. ex-avid, exhausted of desire, no longer avid, lacking courage

-- explain the argument of: got. ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

-- eye of a needle: got. þaírkō* 2, þaír-k-ō*,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Loch, Nadelöhr; ne. hole (N.), perforation, eye of a needle

-- faculty of disposition: got. hugs* (1) 1, hug-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Verstand, Sinn; ne. understanding, faculty of perception, faculty of disposition, mind (N.)

-- faculty of perception: got. hugs* (1) 1, hug-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Verstand, Sinn; ne. understanding, faculty of perception, faculty of disposition, mind (N.)

-- fall to the share of: got. undrinnan* 2, und-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. zufallen, zuteil werden, untereinander disputieren (= miþ sis missō sik undrinnan); ne. accrue to, fall to the share of, fall to

-- fearful of: got. faúrhts* 2, faúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. furchtsam; ne. fearful of, afraid, cowardly (Adj.), timid, anxious

-- feast of tent-pitching: got. hleþrastakeins 1, hle-þ-r-a-stak-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Zeltabsteckung“, Zeltaufschlagen, Laubhüttenfest; ne. „tent-staking“, tent-pitching, feast of tent-pitching

-- feast of the „Dedication“: got. inniujiþa 1, in-niu-j-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erneuerung, Fest der Tempelweihe, Kirchweihe; ne. inauguration, initiation, dedication, feast of the „Dedication“

-- figure of speech: got. gajukō (2) 30, ga-ju-k-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Zusammenstellung“, „Zusammenjochung“, Gleichnis; ne. simile, parable, figure of speech

-- first of all: got. frumist 14, fru-m-ist,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. zuerst; ne. firstly, at first, before everything, first of all

-- flock of sheep: got. awēþi 3, aw-ēþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schafherde; ne. flock of sheep, herd of sheep

-- flowing body of water: got. aƕa 7, aƕ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fluss, Gewässer; ne. flowing body of water, river, stream (N.), torrent

-- form out of clay: got. digan* 2, dig-an*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. kneten, aus Ton bilden, bilden, formen; ne. knead, mold, form out of clay

-- for the sake of: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; in þizōzei waihtais: nhd. weshalb; ne. for the sake of, this thing which

-- free of: got. lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.)

-- full of delight: got. gawizneigs 1, ga-wiz-n-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll Mitfreude; ne. enjoying together, joyfully agreeing with, full of delight

-- full of selfdesire: got. seinagaírns* 1, seina-gaír-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. selbstsüchtig, eigensüchtig; ne. self-loving, full of selfdesire, selfish

-- gain complete possession of: got. dishaban* 4, dis-hab-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv); ne. seize utterly, gain complete possession of, take completely, hold (V.)

-- gain hold of: got. ganiutan* 2, ga-niut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erwischen, fangen; ne. gain hold of, catch (V.), capture (V.), obtain

-- gain of money: got. faíhugawaúrki 1, faíh-u-ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erwerb, Geldgewinn, Gewinn; ne. profitable undertaking, lucrative enterprise, gain of money

-- gathering of money: got. faíhuþraihn* 4, faíh-u-þrai-h-n*, faihuþraihns*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. „Viehansammlung“, Geldansammlung, Reichtum; ne. wealth-agglomeration, accumulation of riches, wealth, gathering of money

-- general of an army: got. *draúhtins?, *draú-h-t-in-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Führer, Herrscher; ne. general of an army, war-lord

-- get out of evil-doing: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

-- give into the care of: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

-- give report of: got. spillōn* 6, spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. künden, verkünden, erzählen; ne. tell, relate, report (V.), give report of, proclaim the gospel

-- glory of victory: got. *hrōþ, *hrō-þ, *hrōþs,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ruhm, Sieg; ne. victorious condition, glory of victory, triumph (N.)

-- go ahead of: got. faúrbigaggan* 2, faúr-bi-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. vorausgehen, vorangehen; ne. go ahead of, precede

-- god of victory: got. tyz 1, ty-z,  Sb.: nhd. Ziu, Kriegsgott, Siegesgott, t-Rune; ne. Ziu, god of war, god of victory, name of t-rune

-- god of war: got. tyz 1, ty-z,  Sb.: nhd. Ziu, Kriegsgott, Siegesgott, t-Rune; ne. Ziu, god of war, god of victory, name of t-rune

-- go in front of: got. faúragaggan 6=5, faúr-a-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorangehen, vorstehen; ne. go before, precede, go in front of, preside over, govern

-- go out of one’s senses: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

-- go to the aid of: got. hilpan 4, hil-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Gen.: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), go to the aid of, give help to

-- granular fruit of the cereal grasses: got. kaúrn* 4, kaúr-n*, kor, korn*,  kor, korn*, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Korn, Getreide, Weizen; ne. grain, wheat, granular fruit of the cereal grasses; lat. triticum

-- great amount of: got. mikils 54, mik-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, stark, viel; ne. great, large (Adj.), great amount of, great number of, many

-- great number of: got. mikils 54, mik-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, stark, viel; ne. great, large (Adj.), great amount of, great number of, many

-- hair of the head: got. skuft* 4, skuf-t*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Haupthaar; ne. hair of the head, tresses

-- hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy: got. fralēwjan* 1, fra-lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy, betray

-- have full command of one’s mental faculties: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact

-- have hold of: got. haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

-- have receipt of: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return

-- herd of sheep: got. awēþi 3, aw-ēþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schafherde; ne. flock of sheep, herd of sheep

-- history of descent: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

-- horn-shaped pod of the carob-tree: got. haúrn 2, haúr-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Horn, Frucht des Johannisbrotbaums, Bockshorn; ne. horn, horn-shaped pod of the carob-tree

-- house of God: got. aíkklesjō 42, aík-kle-s-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kirche, Gotteshaus, Gemeinde; ne. church, church building, religious congregation, house of God; gudhūs* 1, gu-d-hūs*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gotteshaus, Tempel; ne. house of God, temple

-- hurl into the location of: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- hurry ahead of time: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

-- in a certain part of the past: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

-- in back of: got. *aftarō 3, *af-ta-r-ō,  Adv.: nhd. von hinten, hinten; ne. in back of, from behind; hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind

-- in excess of that which: got. ufar þatei, got.: nhd. mehr als was; ne. in excess of that which

-- inform of: got. kannjan 9, kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kund tun, bekanntmachen, empfehlen, verkünden; ne. make known, apprise of, inform of

-- in front of: got. faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

-- inhabitant of a region: got. gauja* 2, gau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gaubewohner; ne. inhabitant of a region, people of a country

-- inhabitant of Cyrene: got. Kwreinaius* 1, Kwreinaiu-s*,  Adj., subst. M. (u): nhd. kyrenisch, Einwohner von Kyrene; ne. cyrenish, inhabitant of Cyrene

-- inhabitants of Finnahaithi: got. *Finnhaiþas, *Finn-haiþ-a-s, *Finnhaiþae,  M. Pl.: nhd. Bewohner von Finnahaithi; ne. inhabitants of Finnahaithi

-- inhabitants of the wood: got. *Taírwiggōs?, *Taírw-igg-ō-s?,  st. M. Pl.: nhd. Waldbewohner; ne. woodlanders, inhabitants of the wood; Tērvingi*, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. „Waldbewohner“ (Pl.), Westgoten; ne. woodlanders, inhabitants of the wood, Visigoths

-- in pursuance of: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

-- in pursuit of: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

-- inquire of: got. fragan* 1, fragjan*?, frag-an*, frag-jan*?,  st. V. (6?): nhd. fragen; ne. ask, test (V.), inquire of, make inquiry into, examine

-- in supervision of: got. ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

-- in the hear (N.) of: got. bisunjanē 7, bi-sun-j-a-nē,  Adv.: nhd. ringsum; ne. round about, in the hear (N.) of, neighbouring (Adv.)

-- in the manner of the gentiles: got. þiudiskō 1, þiu-d-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. heidnisch; ne. heathenly, in the manner of the gentiles, like the heathen

-- in the number of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- in the presence of: got. in andwairþja: nhd. vor; ne. before the face of, in the presence of, facing

-- in virtue of: got. in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- is driven out of one’s senses: got. usgaisiþs ist, got.: nhd. ist von Sinnen; ne. is driven out of one’s senses

-- issue of blood: got. runs blōþis, got.: nhd. Blutfluss; ne. issue of blood

-- knower of the law: got. witōdafasteis 2, wi-t-ōd-a-fast-ei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeskundiger; ne. legist, jurisprudent, knower of the law, lawyer

-- lack of knowledge: got. unkunþi* 1, un-kun-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unkunde; ne. ignorance, lack of knowledge

-- lack of self-control: got. ungahōbains* 1, un-ga-hōb-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Unmäßigkeit, Unenthaltsamkeit; ne. incontinence, lack of self-control

-- lack of understanding: got. niuklahei* 1, niu-k-l-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kleinmut, Unverstand; ne. childishness, childlikeness, lack of understanding, faintheartedness

-- lamentation of the dead: got. ? *sisi?, *sis-i?,  Sb.: nhd. Totenklage?; ne. lamentation of the dead?

-- last of two parties: got. aftuma* 1, af-t-u-m-a*,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. letzte, hintere; ne. aftermost, hindmost, last of two parties

-- lay the foundation of: got. gasūljan* 3, ga-sūl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. das Fundament legen, begründen, gründen; ne. found (V.), base (V.), ground (V.), lay the foundation of

-- lead astray the understanding of: got. afhugjan* 1, af-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezaubern; ne. lead astray the understanding of, bewitch

-- leader of a group: got. *skarja?, *skar-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Scharführer; ne. leader of a group

-- leader of a synagogue: got. fauramaþleis swnagōgeis, got.: nhd. Synagogenleiter; ne. leader of a synagogue

-- leader of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþs?, *þiu-faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of servants, leader of a thousand men?; þiufaþus* 21, þiu-faþ-us*, þiufadus, thiuphadus, lat.- st. M.: nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of a thousand men, leader of servants

-- leader of servants: got. *þiufaþs?, *þiu-faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of servants, leader of a thousand men?; þiufaþus* 21, þiu-faþ-us*, þiufadus, thiuphadus, lat.- st. M.: nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of a thousand men, leader of servants

-- letter of dissociation: got. afsateinais bokos, got.: nhd. Scheidebrief; ne. letter of dissociation; afstassais bokos, got.: nhd. Scheidebrief; ne. letter of dissociation; afstassais bōkos, got.: nhd. Scheidebrief; ne. letter of dissociation

-- letter of recommendation: got. anafilhis bōkos, Sb.: nhd. Empfehlungsbrief; ne. letter of recommendation

-- letter of the alphabet: got. *stafs 3, *sta-f-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Element, Stab, Buchstabe; ne. letter of the alphabet, grapheme, element

-- life of a citizen: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

-- little bit of: got. faus* 7, fau-s*, (Pl. fawai),  Adj. (a): nhd. wenig, wenige (= fawai); ne. little bit of, few (= fawai)

-- loaf of bread: got. hlaifs* 73, hlaif-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Brot, Brotlaib, Brotbissen, Bissen; ne. bread, loaf of bread, loaf, crumb (N.)

-- lump of dough: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

-- made of barley flour: got. barizeins* 4, bar-i-z-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Gerste bereitet, gersten, Gersten...; ne. of barley, made of barley flour

-- made of iron: got. eisarneins* 2, eis-arn-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eisern; ne. made of iron

-- made of stone: got. staineins* 1, stai-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. steinern; ne. stone (Adj.), made of stone, stony

-- made of thorn: got. þaúrneins* 2, þaúr-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Dornen, dornen; ne. thorny, made of thorn

-- make acquire knowledge of by reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

-- make an exposé of: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

-- make an oblation of: got. gasaljan* 3, ga-sal-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. opfern, zum Opfer bringen; ne. make an oblation of, offer up, sacrifice (V.)

-- make go out of one’s way: got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.)

-- make prisoner of war: got. ushinþan* 1, us-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erbeuten; ne. take captive, capture (V.), make prisoner of war

-- make provision of: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

-- make public exhibition of: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

-- make trial of: got. fraisan* 13, frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. versuchen; ne. put to the test, try, tempt, make trial of, test (V.); *fraistōn, *frai-s-t-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versuchen; ne. try (V.), tempt, make trial of

-- make use of: got. bōtōs sis taujan, got.: nhd. sich Nutzen verschaffen; ne. make use of; brūkjan 10, brūk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Gen.: nhd. gebrauchen, brauchen, anwenden; ne. use (V.), make use of

-- manner of understanding: got. gahugds* 12, ga-hug-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung, Sinn, Gewissen; ne. manner of understanding, mode of perception, mind (N.), conscience, mind-set, mind (N.), thought

-- manner of utterance: got. razda 11, raz-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sprache, Sprechweise, Zunge; ne. language, dialect, tongue, manner of utterance, speech

-- mark made by a stroke of the pen: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

-- master of the family: got. heiwafrauja* 1, hei-w-a-frau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausherr; ne. master of the family, household head

-- measure of grain: got. mēla* 1, mēl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Scheffel, Maß; ne. peck-measure, measure of grain, bushel (1)

-- mixing of poison: got. lubjaleisei 1, lu-b-j-a-leis-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Giftmischerei, Zauberei, Giftkunde; ne. magic (N.), toxicology, mixing of poison, sorcery

-- mode of life: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

-- mode of perception: got. gahugds* 12, ga-hug-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung, Sinn, Gewissen; ne. manner of understanding, mode of perception, mind (N.), conscience, mind-set, mind (N.), thought; *hugds?, *hug-d-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung; ne. mode of perception

-- move in front of by rolling: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

-- murderer of man: got. mannam maurþrjands, got.: nhd. Menschenmörder; ne. murderer of man; mannam maurþrjands, got.: nhd. Menschenmörder; ne. murderer of man

-- name of a-rune: got. ? ahsa* 1, ah-s-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Achse, Achsel, a-Rune?; ne. axis, axle, name of a-rune?; aza 1, az-a,  st. F.? (ō): nhd. a-Rune; ne. name of a-rune

-- name of b-rune: got. bercna 1, ber-cn-a, bairkan*?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Birkenreis, b-Rune; ne. birch seedling, name of b-rune

-- name of d-rune: got. dags 186, dag-s, tag,  tag, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Tag, d-Rune; ne. day, name of d-rune; lat. dies

-- name of e-rune: got. aíƕs* 1, aíƕ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Pferd, e-Rune; ne. horse, name of e-rune; eyz 1,  st. M. (a): nhd. Pferd?, e-Rune; ne. horse?, name of e-rune

-- name of f-rune: got. faíhu* 7, faíh-u*, fe,  st. N. (u): nhd. „Vieh“, Vermögen, Geld, f-Rune; ne. movable goods, chattels, property, possessions, wealth, riches, money, name of f-rune

-- name of g-rune: got. giba 13, gib-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk, g-Rune; ne. that which is given, gift (N.), present (N.), name of g-rune

-- name of h-rune: got. hagl* 1, hag-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hagel, h-Rune; ne. hail (N.), name of h-rune

-- name of ƕ-rune: got. ƕair* 1,  st. M. (a): nhd. Kessel, ƕ-Rune; ne. caldron, name of ƕ-rune

-- name of i-rune: got. *eis 1, *ei-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eis, i-Rune; ne. ice (N.), name of i-rune; iiz 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eis, i-Rune; ne. ice (N.), name of i-rune

-- name of j-rune: got. gaar 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Jahr, j-Rune?; ne. year, name of j-rune; jēr* 25=24,  st. N. (a): nhd. Jahr, Zeit, j-Rune; ne. year, name of j-rune

-- name of k-rune: got. kusma* 1, kusm-a*, kozma, chozma,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Kehle?, k-Rune, Geschwür?; ne. boil (N.), tumefaction, infected swelling, name of k-rune

-- name of l-rune: got. lagus* 1, lagu-s*, lagaz*?, laaz,  st. M. (u): nhd. See, l-Rune; ne. lake, sea, open water, ocean, name of l-rune

-- name of m-rune: got. manna (1) 316, man-n-a,  unr. M.: nhd. Mensch, Mann, m-Rune; ne. man (M.), human being, person, name of m-rune

-- name of n-rune: got. enguz 1, engu-z,  st. M. (a?, u?): nhd. Iggws (= Gott des fruchtbaren Jahres), Speer?, Mann?, n-Rune; ne. a god, spear (N.)?, man (M.)?, name of n-rune; noicz,  st. F. (i): nhd. Not, n-Rune; ne. necessitation, name of n-rune

-- name of o-rune: got. ōþal* 2,  st. N. (a): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, o-Rune; ne. ancestral homeland, ancestral inheritance, patrimony, name of o-rune

-- name of p-rune: got. paírþra* 1, paírþr-a*, pertra?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. p-Rune; ne. dice-box, name of p-rune

-- name of q-rune: got. qaírþra* 1, qaír-þr-a*, qērtra?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Apfelbaum?, Köder? (ablehnend Feist 387), q-Rune; ne. lure (N.), bait (N.), decoy (N.), name of q-rune

-- name of r-rune: got. raida* 1, raid-a*, rēda,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wagen, r-Rune; ne. wagon, riding vehicle, name of r-rune

-- name of s-rune: got. sugil,  N.?: nhd. Sonne, s-Rune; ne. sun (N.), name of s-rune

-- name of t-rune: got. tyz 1, ty-z,  Sb.: nhd. Ziu, Kriegsgott, Siegesgott, t-Rune; ne. Ziu, god of war, god of victory, name of t-rune

-- name of u-rune: got. *ūrs ūraz, *ū-r-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Auerochs, u-Rune; ne. urus, aurochs, name of u-rune

-- name of w-rune: got. winne 1, wi-n-n-e, uuinne,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Weide (F.) (2), w-Rune; ne. pasture, grazing meadow, name of w-rune

-- name of z-rune: got. azēti (?)* 2, azēt-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Leichtigkeit, Vergnügen, Lust, Annehmlichkeit, z-Rune; ne. ease (N.), comfort (N.), pleasure, name of z-rune; ? ezec 1,  Sb.: nhd. leicht?, z-Rune?; ne. light (Adj.)?, name of z-rune?

-- narrow of the neck: got. halsagga* 1, hals-agg-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hals, Nacken; ne. neck (N.), narrow of the neck

-- obtain disposal of: got. niutan 2, niut-an,  st. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. treffen, erreichen, einer Sache froh sein (V.); ne. acquire use of, obtain disposal of, attain, enjoy

-- obtain knowledge of: got. finþan* 5, fi-n-þ-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. find out, discover, recognize, learn, obtain knowledge of

-- of advanced age: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

-- of age: got. uswahsans 2, us-wahs-an-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät., perfektiv: nhd. erwachsen (Adj.); ne. adult (Adj.), grown up, of age

-- of a pistachio-tree: got. pistikeins* 1, pistik-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unverfälscht, echt; ne. of a pistachio-tree, genuine, unadulterated, pure, undiluted

-- of appropriate fitness: got. waírþs (1) 28, waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wert, würdig, tauglich; ne. worth (Adj.), worthy, qualified, of appropriate fitness

-- of barley: got. barizeins* 4, bar-i-z-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Gerste bereitet, gersten, Gersten...; ne. of barley, made of barley flour

-- of different kin: got. aljakuns 3, al-ja-kun-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anderswoher stammend, gegen die Natur, von einem anderen Geschlecht, von fremder Abkunft, fremd; ne. foreign, of different kin, of foreign origin, strange, contrary to nature

-- of disabled limb: got. usliþa 12, us-li-þ-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. gichtbrüchig, Gichtbrüchiger (= subst.); ne. paralytic, of disabled limb

-- of dust: got. muldeins 3, mul-d-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Staub, irdisch; ne. of earth, of dust, earthly

-- of earth: got. aírþeins 5, aír-þ-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. irdisch, irden; ne. of earth, earthen, earthly; muldeins 3, mul-d-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Staub, irdisch; ne. of earth, of dust, earthly

-- of earthly descent: got. aírþakunds* 1, aír-þ-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von irdischer Abkunft, von der Erde stammend, irdisch; ne. earth-born, of earthly descent, of earthly origin

-- of earthly origin: got. aírþakunds* 1, aír-þ-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von irdischer Abkunft, von der Erde stammend, irdisch; ne. earth-born, of earthly descent, of earthly origin

-- of eight days: got. ahtaudōgs 1, aht-au-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. achttägig; ne. of eight days, lasting eight days, octo-diurnal

-- of equal appearance: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

-- of equal beauty: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

-- of equal sightliness: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

-- of equal substance: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

-- of female sex: got. qinakunds* 1, qin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. weiblichen Geschlechts; ne. female (Adj.), of female sex

-- offer a prayer of thanksgiving: got. awiliudōn 23, aw-i-liu-d-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. danken, preisen; ne. thank (V.), offer a prayer of thanksgiving

-- office of a bishop: got. aípiskaúpei* 1, aípi-skaúp-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bischofsamt; ne. bishopric, episcopate, office of a bishop

-- office of an apostle: got. apaústaúlei* 2, apaú-staúl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Apostolat; ne. apostleship, mission, apostolate, office of an apostle

-- office of a tetrarch: got. fidurragini* 1, fidur-ragin-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Vierfürstenamt, Tetrarchie; ne. tetrarchate, office of a tetrarch

-- of first rank: got. frumists 19, fru-m-ist-s,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. der erste; ne. foremost, first, of first rank

-- off of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- of foreign origin: got. aljakuns 3, al-ja-kun-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anderswoher stammend, gegen die Natur, von einem anderen Geschlecht, von fremder Abkunft, fremd; ne. foreign, of different kin, of foreign origin, strange, contrary to nature

-- of former times: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

-- of gentle disposition: got. *mūkamōþs, *mūk-a-mō-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. sanftmütig; ne. meek-mooded, of gentle disposition

-- of good descent: got. gōdakunds 1, gōd-a-kun-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von guter Abkunft, edlen Geschlechts; ne. of noble birth, well-born, of good descent

-- of good quality: got. gōþs 89, gōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, schön, tüchtig; ne. good (Adj.), of good quality, kind (Adj.), beautiful

-- of good report: got. waílamēreis* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ei-s*,  Adj. (ia): nhd. wohllautend, löblich; ne. well-reputed, of good report, praiseworthy

-- of heavenly origin: got. ufarhiminakunds 2, uf-ar-himin-a-kund-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. himmlisch; ne. born of heaven above, heavenly, of heavenly origin

-- of heavenly provenance: got. himinakunds* 9, himin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von himmlischer Abkunft, himmlisch; ne. coming from heaven, celestial, of heavenly provenance, heavenly

-- of here and now: got. hi* 20, hi-* 20,  Pron.: nhd. dieser; ne. this, of here and now, the present, this here

-- of himself: got. seins* 300, sein-s*,  st. Poss.-Pron.: nhd. sein (Poss.-Pron.), ihr (Poss.-Pron.); ne. of himself, one’s, his, her, hers, its, their, theirs

-- of little faith: got. leitil galaubjands, got.: nhd. kleingläubig; ne. of little faith

-- of man: got. mannisks* 3, man-n-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. menschlich; ne. human (Adj.), of man, anthropic

-- of noble birth: got. gōdakunds 1, gōd-a-kun-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von guter Abkunft, edlen Geschlechts; ne. of noble birth, well-born, of good descent

-- of no value: got. ungalaufs* 1, un-ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wertlos; ne. unvaluable, cheap, of no value

-- of olives: got. alēwja* 2, alēw-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Öl-; ne. of olives, pertaining to olives

-- of one mind: got. *ainamunds?, *ai-n-a-mun-d-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. of one mind, unanimous

-- of one’s own: got. *aigins?, *aig-in-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. eigen; ne. of one’s own

-- of one’s own will: got. silba wiljands, got.: nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will; silbawiljis* 2=1, si-l-b-a-wil-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will, willing of oneself, volunteer (Adj.)

-- of own desire: got. us lustum: nhd. gern, freiwillig; ne. willingly, of own desire

-- of silver: got. silubreins* 3, silubr-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. silbern; ne. of silver

-- of similar form: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

-- of such extent: got. swalauþs* 5, swa-lauþ-s*,  Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so groß, so viel; ne. so great, so extensive, of such proportions, of such extent, such, so much

-- of such kind: got. swaleiks 43, swa-leik-s,  st. Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so beschaffen, solch; ne. suchlike, such, of such kind

-- of such proportions: got. swalauþs* 5, swa-lauþ-s*,  Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so groß, so viel; ne. so great, so extensive, of such proportions, of such extent, such, so much

-- of the countryside: got. haiþiwisks* 1, haiþ-i-wisk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wild; ne. of the open field, of the countryside, wild (Adj.)

-- of the fourth day: got. fidurdōgs 1, fidur-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. viertägig; ne. of the fourth day, quadru-diurnal

-- of the left side: got. hleiduma* 7=6, hlei-d-um-a*,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. link; ne. left (Adj.), of the left side

-- of the male sex: got. gumakunds* 2, gum-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. männlich; ne. male (Adj.), of the male sex

-- of the open field: got. haiþiwisks* 1, haiþ-i-wisk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wild; ne. of the open field, of the countryside, wild (Adj.)

-- of the same body: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

-- of the same form: got. samaleiks* 2, sam-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich, übereinstimmend, gleichlautend; ne. identical, of the same form, equal, like (1)

-- of the same household: got. innakunds* 2, in-n-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Haus gehörig, Hausgenosse (subst.); ne. from within the household, of the same household

-- of the same kin: got. samakuns* 1, sam-a-kun-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. desselben Geschlechts, verwandt; ne. of the same kin, kindred (Adj.), related (Adj.)

-- of the same mind: got. samafraþjis* 1, sam-a-fraþ-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gleichgesinnt; ne. identically-minded, of the same mind; samasaiwals* 1, sam-a-sai-w-al-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. unanimous, of the same soul, united in soul, of the same mind

-- of the same proportions: got. samalauþs* 1, sam-a-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich groß, derselbe; ne. of the same proportions, equivalent (Adj.), as much

-- of the same soul: got. samasaiwals* 1, sam-a-sai-w-al-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. unanimous, of the same soul, united in soul, of the same mind

-- of the skull: got. ƕaírneins*, ƕaír-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Schädel-; ne. of the skull, cranial

-- of the two of you: got. igqar* 1, iggqar*,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. euch beiden gehörig, euer beider; ne. your, of you both, of the two of you; igqar* 1, iggqar*,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. euch beiden gehörig, euer beider; ne. your, of you both, of the two of you

-- of the wind: got. *winþeis?, *wi-nþ-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. Wind-, windig; ne. of the wind, wind-, blowing (N.)

-- of truth: got. sunjeins 15, s-un-j-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wahr, wahrhaft; ne. true, truthful, of truth, genuine, factual

-- of us both: got. *ugkar?,  Poss.-Pron. (1. Pers. Dual.): nhd. unser beider; ne. of us both

-- of what proportions: got. ƕēlauþs* 2=1, ƕē-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wie groß; ne. of what proportions, how great, what extent of, how extensive

-- of what type: got. ƕileiks 17=16, ƕi-leik-s,  Pron., Adj. (a): nhd. wie beschaffen, was für ein, welcher; ne. what sort of, what kind of, which, of what type

-- of wood: got. triweins* 1, triw-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hölzern; ne. wooden, woody, of wood

-- of you: got. þeins 231=230, þein-s,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. dein; ne. thy, thine, your, of you

-- of you both: got. igqar* 1, iggqar*,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. euch beiden gehörig, euer beider; ne. your, of you both, of the two of you

-- on account of: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- on account of the fact that: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that; duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- on account of what: got. in ƕis: nhd. weshalb; ne. on account of what, wherefore, for what

-- on behalf of: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of

-- one of the same household: got. ingardja* (1) 3=2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgenosse; ne. household member, one of the same household

-- one of the two upper limbs of the body: got. arms (2) 4, ar-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Arm; ne. arm, one of the two upper limbs of the body; arms (2) 4, ar-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Arm; ne. arm, one of the two upper limbs of the body

-- onflow of water: got. flōdus 1, flō-du-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Strom, Flut; ne. flood (N.), stream (N.), onrush of water, onflow of water

-- onrush of water: got. flōdus 1, flō-du-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Strom, Flut; ne. flood (N.), stream (N.), onrush of water, onflow of water

-- on the far side of: got. hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind; hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- on the part of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- on the side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- on the yon side of: got. hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind

-- on top of: got. ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

-- out of: got. us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of; us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of; ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- out of control: got. usstiuriba 1, us-stiu-r-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. zügellos; ne. unbridledly, uncontrolledly, profligately, dissolutely, out of control

-- out of place: got. gastōjans, Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unpassend?, gerichtet?, verurteilt?; ne. out of place

-- out of season: got. unūhteigō 1, un-ūh-t-eig-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zur Unzeit; ne. unseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion

-- outside of: got. ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- outside of culpability: got. usfaírina 3, us-faír-in-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos; ne. outside of culpability, beyond reproach, blameless

-- outside of sanctity: got. usweihs* 3, us-weih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. außer der Weihe, unheilig, profan; ne. profane (Adj.), execrated, outside of sanctity, unholy

-- ower of money: got. faíhuskula* 1, faíh-u-skul-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schuldner; ne. ower of money, debtor

-- pair of shoes: got. gaskōhi* 2, ga-skōh-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Sandalen, Schuhe, Schuhwerk; ne. pair of shoes, sandals

-- palm of hand: got. lōfa* 4, lōf-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. flache Hand; ne. open hand, palm of hand

-- partake of: got. faíraihan 1, faír-aih-an, fairaigan*?,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. teilhaben an; ne. have a share in, partake of, participate in; gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

-- part of the body: got. liþus 17, li-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Glied; ne. limb (1) (N.), member, part of the body

-- people of a country: got. gauja* 2, gau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gaubewohner; ne. inhabitant of a region, people of a country

-- period of the year: got. aþn* 1, aþ-n*, aþns*,  st. M. (a), N.?: nhd. Jahr; ne. period of the year, season (N.), term of the year

-- period of time: got. era 14, er-a,  st. F. (ō?): nhd. Ära, Zeitabschnitt; ne. era, period of time; mēl (1) 54, mē-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zeit, Stunde; ne. season (2) (N.), point in time, period of time, circumscribed time, hour; *stunda (2), *stu-nd-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zeitraum, Zeit; ne. period of time, time (N.)

-- physical proportions of growth: got. laudi* 1, laud-i*,  st. F. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. bodily dimensions, physical proportions of growth

-- piece of cloth: got. fana* 3, fan-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stück Zeug, Zeugstück, Lappen, Tuch, Schweißtuch; ne. piece of cloth, napkin, rag (N.) (1), handkerchief; plat* 3, plats*?,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Flicken (M.), Lappen; ne. patch (N.), piece of cloth

-- piece of money: got. daila* (1) 4, da-i-l-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Teilnahme, Gemeinschaft, Mine (= Münze), Pfund; ne. partaking (N.), participation, community, partnership, incompleteness, fragmentariness, piece of money, pound; skatts 14, skat-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Geld, Geldstück, Mine (= Münze); ne. coin, denarius, mina, piece of money

-- piece of wood: got. *būska, *būsk-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Scheit; ne. log (N.), piece of wood

-- place of admission-tax collection: got. mōtastaþs* 1, mōt-a-sta-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Mautstätte“, Zollstätte, Zollhaus; ne. toll-place, place of admission-tax collection, customs post, tax office

-- place wrapping around the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

-- prayer of gratitude: got. awiliuþ 16, aw-i-liu-þ,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dank, Danksagung, Gnade; ne. prayer of gratitude, worshipful thanks, thanksgiving

-- prayer of thanksgiving: got. aíwxaristia* 1, aíw-xari-sti-a*,  sw. F. (an): nhd. Dank, Danksagung; ne. thanksgiving, prayer of thanksgiving

-- preach tidings of: got. mērjan 48, mē-r-jan,  red. V. (1): nhd. künden, kund tun, verkünden, das Evangelium verkünden; ne. proclaim (V.), promulgate, broadcast (V.), preach tidings of, preach the gospel, evangelize

-- prepare ahead of time: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand; faúramanwjan* 1, faúr-a-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorbereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand

-- prepare out of foresight: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

-- price of redemption: got. luns* 1, lu-n-s*,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Lösegeld; ne. ransom (N.), price of redemption, price of release

-- price of release: got. luns* 1, lu-n-s*,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Lösegeld; ne. ransom (N.), price of redemption, price of release

-- produce in the manner of a smith: got. gasmiþōn* 1, ga-smi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. „schmieden“, bewirken, durch Schmieden bewirken; ne. forge (V.), produce in the manner of a smith, effect (V.), work (V.), produce

-- provider of lodgings: got. waírdus 1, waír-d-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Gastfreund, Hauswirt, Wirt; ne. host (M.), provider of lodgings

-- put at the disposal of: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

-- put in a state of anger: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

-- put in a state of fear: got. inagjan* 1, in-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. anfahren, bedrohen, in Angst setzen; ne. put in a state of fear, threaten, inspire fear in, censure (V.)

-- put in the trust of: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

-- put into the trust of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- raise the spirits of: got. gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

-- reach of ban: got. *bannwīda, *ba-n-n-wīd-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bannweite; ne. reach of ban

-- readiness of mind: got. muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation

-- rear of a ship: got. nōta* 1, nōt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Achterdeck, Schiffshinterteil; ne. afterdeck, stern (2), rear of a ship

-- recall to the mind of: got. gamaudjan* 4, ga-maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, recall to the mind of, mind (V.), call to remind

-- record of ancestry: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

-- ring of soldiers: got. *harihriggs, *hari-hri-gg-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Heerring; ne. army ring, ring of soldiers

-- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire; taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

-- ruler of the household: got. gardawaldands 2, gar-d-a-wal-d-an-d-s,  M. (nd): nhd. Hausherr; ne. ruler of the household, house master

-- ruler of the synagogue: got. swnagōgafaþs* 4, swn-ag-ō-g-a-faþ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Synagogenvorsteher; ne. synagogue leader, ruler of the synagogue

-- sacrificial animal of poor people: got. hraiwadūbō* 1, hrai-w-a-dūb-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Leichentaube“, Turteltaube; ne. turtle-dove, wild dark dove, sacrificial animal of poor people

-- scratch of the pen: got. writs* 1, wr-i-t-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. written stroke, scratch of the pen, serif

-- secretary-lector of a religious community: got. bōkāreis 39, bōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Schriftgelehrter, Schreiber; ne. writer, scribe, secretary-lector of a religious community

-- seller of souls: got. mannans gaþiwjands, got.: nhd. Seelenverkäufer; ne. seller of souls

-- sense of hearing: got. hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings; hliuma 4, hliu-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gehör, Ohren (= hliumans); ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, ability to hear, ears (= hliumans)

-- sense of sight: got. siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance

-- sense of smell: got. dauns 7, dau-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geruch, Wohlgeruch, Dunst; ne. odour (N.), aroma, fragrance, smell (N.), sense of smell

-- set in front of: got. faúrlagjan 3, faúr-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorlegen, vorsetzen; ne. lay before, set in front of, put forth, place before

-- shift the location of: got. miþsatjan* 1, mi-þ-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versetzen; ne. transplant (V.), relocate, shift the location of, remove (V.)

-- show of: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

-- side of reference: got. halba* 2, hal-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hälfte, Seite, Teil; ne. half (N.), bisection, section, side of reference, facet, aspect

-- sign of love: got. frijōns* 2, fri-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kuss, Liebeszeichen; ne. sign of love, kiss (N.); gafrijōns* 1, ga-fri-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kuss; ne. sign of love, kiss (N.)

-- sing a hymn of praise to s.o.: got. liuþōn* 1, liu-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. lobsingen, singen; ne. sing a hymn of praise to s.o.

-- sinking of the sun: got. saggqs* 1, saggq-s*, sagq*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Untergang, Westen; ne. sinking (N.), going down, sinking of the sun, occident, west (N.), setting (N.)

-- sink out of sight: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

-- smite the face of: got. wlizjan* 1, wli-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, kasteien; ne. castigate, cane (V.), smite the face of, mortify, bruise (V.)

-- song of praise: got. hazeins 10, haz-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lob, Loblied, Lobgesang, Preis; ne. praise (N.), song of praise; *liuþ?, *liu-þ?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lied; ne. hymn (N.), song of praise

-- sound of the voice: got. drunjus 1, dru-n-ju-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Schall; ne. sound of the voice, call (N.), cry (N.)

-- source of thought: got. aha* 6, ah-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sinn, Verstand; ne. mental faculty, mind (N.), understanding, reason (N.), source of thought

-- speak evil of: got. ubilwaúrdjan 1, ub-il-waúr-d-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. übel sprechen, schmähen; ne. speak ill of, speak evil of

-- speak ill of: got. fraqiþan* 7, fra-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. für ungültig erklären, aufheben, verfluchen, verwünschen; ne. speak ill of, deprecate, condemn, curse s.o.; ubilwaúrdjan 1, ub-il-waúr-d-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. übel sprechen, schmähen; ne. speak ill of, speak evil of

-- speaking ill of: got. *wajamēreis?, *waj-a-mē-r-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. übelberüchtigt, übel berufen; ne. defaming (Adj.), speaking abusively, speaking ill of

-- spread abroad word of: got. usmērjan* 1, us-mē-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden; ne. spread abroad word of, publicize, publish (V.)

-- spread good news of: got. waílamērjan 13, waíl-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem eine frohe Botschaft künden, predigen, frohe Botschaft bringen; ne. spread good news of, preach the good, proclaim

-- standard of measurement: got. mitaþs* 12, mi-t-aþ-s*,  F. (kons.): nhd. Maß; ne. measure (N.), measurement, standard of measurement

-- stand in awe of: got. ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

-- store of wealth: got. huzd 7, hu-z-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hort, Schatz; ne. treasure (N.), store of wealth

-- strand of hair: got. *taddora?, *ta-d-dor-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zottel, Fetzen, Flausch; ne. shred (N.), strand of hair

-- strip of: got. biraubōn* 2, bi-rau-b-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. berauben, ausziehen; ne. rob, strip of

-- substance of testimony: got. weitwōdiþa 16, wei-t-wōd-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. substance of testimony, attestation, witness (N.)

-- surrender s.o. by means of opportunism: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

-- take advantage of: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of; gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

-- take care of: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.); gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

-- take hold of: got. anahaban* 2, an-a-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. besitzen, innehaben; ne. take hold of, possess (V.); fāhan 2, fāh-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. fangen, greifen; ne. catch (V.), capture (V.), grasp (V.), take hold of, lay hands on, seize; faírgreipan* 4, faír-greip-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ergreifen, greifen; ne. take hold of, take (V.), seize; gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize; haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

-- take notice of: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide; gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

-- take off of: got. usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

-- take possession of: got. franiman 2, fra-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, in Besitz nehmen, in Empfang nehmen, gewinnen; ne. acquire, take possession of, receive, take along; ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn

-- take possession of by attack: got. dissitan* 3, dis-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. ergreifen, überfallen; ne. beseige, beset, take possession of by attack, seize

-- take the opportunity of giving s.o. over: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

-- take (verbal) leave of: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

-- teller of falsehoods: got. liugnja 4, liug-n-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Lügner; ne. liar, teller of falsehoods

-- term of the year: got. aþn* 1, aþ-n*, aþns*,  st. M. (a), N.?: nhd. Jahr; ne. period of the year, season (N.), term of the year

-- terrestrial domain of life: got. faírƕus 57=56, faír-ƕu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Welt; ne. world, terrestrial domain of life

-- the ark of Noah: got. arka 3, ark-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Arche, Kasten, Futteral, Beutel (F.) (1), Geldkasten; ne. box (N.), chest, the ark of Noah, money-box

-- the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece: got. drakma* 3, drak-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Drachme; ne. drachma, the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece

-- the both of us: got. wit 8, wi-t,  Pron.: nhd. wir beide; ne. we two, the both of us, the two of us

-- the both of you: got. jut* 8, ju-t*,  Pers.-Pron. (2. Pers. Dual): nhd. ihr beide; ne. you two, ye two, the both of you

-- the form of God: got. gudaskaunei* 1, gu-d-a-skaun-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottesgestalt; ne. the form of God, divine aspect, godly form

-- the last day of the world: got. spēdista dags, got.: nhd. der jüngste Tag; ne. the last day of the world

-- the two of us: got. wit 8, wi-t,  Pron.: nhd. wir beide; ne. we two, the both of us, the two of us

-- the world of humans: got. manasēþs 39, man-a-sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Menschensaat“, Welt, Menschheit; ne. „man-seed“, mankind, the world of humans, human race, human universe, world

-- thinking of: got. gaminþi 3, ga-min-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erinnerung, Gedächtnis; ne. memory, remembrance, thinking of

-- think of: got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know

-- throw down of: got. afdrausjan 1, af-drau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen; ne. throw down off, throw down of

-- tip of prod: got. hnuþō 2 (=1), hnu-þ-ō, hnutō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. spitzer Pfahl; ne. pointed stake, peg (N.), spike (N.), nail (N.), tip of prod

-- totality of man: got. alamans* 1, al-a-man-s*, alamannans*,  Pl. M.: nhd. Gesamtheit der Menschen, alle Menschen; ne. all humanity, totality of man, entirety of mankind

-- to the far side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- to the other side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- transfer the similarity of the form of: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to; þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

-- tuft of hair: got. *taturō?, *tatur-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zotte (F.) (1); ne. tuft of hair

-- undergo the travail of: got. gawinnan* 1, ga-wi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erleiden, leiden; ne. suffer (V.), undergo the travail of

-- until the end of the period in which: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- use of force on: got. anamahts* 2, an-a-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übermacht, Misshandlung; ne. coercion, forcing, use of force on, superior force, insult (N.)

-- voice an expression of: got. faírhaitan* 1, faír-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. verheißen, Dank wissen; ne. express (V.), voice an expression of, thank (V.)

-- way of life: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

-- way of walking: got. *gahts (1), *ga-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gang (M.) (1); ne. way of walking

-- week’s tour of duty: got. wikō* 1, wik-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reihenfolge, Ordnung, Woche?; ne. week, workweek, week’s tour of duty, week-long shift, sequence

-- what extent of: got. ƕēlauþs* 2=1, ƕē-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wie groß; ne. of what proportions, how great, what extent of, how extensive

-- what kind of: got. ƕileiks 17=16, ƕi-leik-s,  Pron., Adj. (a): nhd. wie beschaffen, was für ein, welcher; ne. what sort of, what kind of, which, of what type

-- what sort of: got. ƕileiks 17=16, ƕi-leik-s,  Pron., Adj. (a): nhd. wie beschaffen, was für ein, welcher; ne. what sort of, what kind of, which, of what type

-- which of two: got. ƕaþar 6, ƕa-þar,  Pron.: nhd. wer von beiden; ne. which of two

-- willing of oneself: got. silbawiljis* 2=1, si-l-b-a-wil-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will, willing of oneself, volunteer (Adj.)

-- within the time of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- with the time of: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

-- work of charity: got. armahaírtiþa 3, arm-a-haírt-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Almosen, Barmherzigkeit; ne. work of charity, charitable deed, mercy

-- worshipper of God: got. gudblōstreis 1, gu-d-blō-st-r-ei-s, guþblōstreis,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Gottesverehrer; ne. worshipper of God

-- written deed of sale: got. frabaúhtabōka* 1, fra-baúh-t-a-bōk-a*,  st. F. (ō)?, st. N. (ō)?, Pl.: nhd. Verkaufsurkunde; ne. written deed of sale, sale document, sale deed, sales receipt

off: got. und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

-- become better off: got. *batnan?, *bat-n-an?,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. besser werden; ne. become better off; gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

-- become broken off: got. usbruknan* 3, us-bruk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ausgebrochen werden, abgebrochen werden; ne. break off, become broken off

-- become silenced off: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- become torn off: got. aftaúrnan* 1, af-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abreißen (intr.); ne. tear off, be torn off, become torn off

-- be silenced off: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- be torn off: got. aftaúrnan* 1, af-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abreißen (intr.); ne. tear off, be torn off, become torn off

-- break off: got. *riuban, *riu-b-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend (V.), rip off, break off, tear off; usbruknan* 3, us-bruk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ausgebrochen werden, abgebrochen werden; ne. break off, become broken off

-- bring up off: got. athafjan 1, at-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. „herabheben“, herabnehmen; ne. lift down off, bring up off, take down

-- cast off: got. frawaírpan* 2, fra-waír-p-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verwerfen, zerstreuen, wegwerfen; ne. throw away, discard, jettison, cast off, scatter (V.); uswaírpan 34, us-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinauswerfen, wegwerfen, austreiben, verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen, daraufwerfen; ne. throw out, cast out, eject, expel, reject (V.), cast off, throw off

-- chop off: got. afmaitan* 8, af-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. abhauen, abschneiden; ne. cut off, sever, amputate, chop off, behead

-- cut off: got. afmaitan* 8, af-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. abhauen, abschneiden; ne. cut off, sever, amputate, chop off, behead; afslahan* 5=4, af-slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abschlagen, abhauen, erschlagen; ne. hew off, slay, strike dead, strike off, cut off, kill (V.)

-- draw off away: got. aftiuhan 2, af-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. wegziehen, abziehen, fortziehen; ne. draw off away, pull away, lead away

-- fall off: got. afstandan* 7, af-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. abstehen, ablassen, abfallen; ne. dissociate o.s., go away, stay away, fall off; usdriusan* 2, us-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. herausfallen; ne. fall away, fall out, fall off

-- fall off into dumbness: got. afdumbnan* 1, af-du-m-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. become still, subside into silence, fall off into dumbness; *dumbnan, *du-m-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. subside into silence, fall off into dumbness

-- far off: got. faírra 20, faír-ra,  Adv.: nhd. fern, fern von, weg von; ne. afar, far off, remote, at a great distance

-- flee off: got. afþliuhan* 1, af-þli-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegfliehen, fliehen; ne. flee off, run away in flight, escape (V.)

-- frighten off: got. afagjan* 2, af-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ängstigen, sich ängstigen, abschrecken; ne. worry (V.), scare (V.), scare away, frighten, frighten off, daunt

-- from a long way off: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

-- hew off: got. afslahan* 5=4, af-slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abschlagen, abhauen, erschlagen; ne. hew off, slay, strike dead, strike off, cut off, kill (V.)

-- lave off: got. afþwahan 3, af-þwah-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. sich abwaschen, waschen, sich waschen; ne. lave off, wash off, wash o.s. off

-- lay off away: got. aflagjan 5, af-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas ablegen; ne. put off, lay off away, lay down, lay aside

-- leave off: got. aflinnan* 1, af-li-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. weggehen, fortgehen; ne. leave off, go away, cease from, let up; sweiban* 1, swei-b-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. ablassen, aufhören; ne. cease (V.), leave off, pause (V.), stop (V.)

-- let off: got. aflētan 52, af-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen, fortschicken, aufgeben, eine Schuld erlassen, vergeben, verlassen (V.), im Stiche lassen, zurücklassen, überlassen, vernachlässigen; ne. let off, let go, leave (V.), relinquish, remit, absolve, release (V.), forgive

-- let slide off: got. afslaupjan* 1, af-slau-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. abstreifen, ablegen; ne. let slide off, make slip off, put off

-- letting off: got. aflēt* 3, af-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Vergebung; ne. indulgence, letting off, forgiveness, pardon (N.)

-- lift down off: got. athafjan 1, at-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. „herabheben“, herabnehmen; ne. lift down off, bring up off, take down

-- make slip off: got. afslaupjan* 1, af-slau-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. abstreifen, ablegen; ne. let slide off, make slip off, put off

-- off from: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- off of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- pull off: got. raupjan 2, rau-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. raufen, ausrupfen; ne. pluck (V.), pull off, pull out, pick (V.)

-- put off: got. aflagjan 5, af-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas ablegen; ne. put off, lay off away, lay down, lay aside; afslaupjan* 1, af-slau-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. abstreifen, ablegen; ne. let slide off, make slip off, put off

-- rip off: got. *riuban, *riu-b-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend (V.), rip off, break off, tear off

-- seal off: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

-- send off: got. gasandjan 2, ga-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entsenden, geleiten; ne. send off, send on, accompany

-- separate off: got. afskaidan 6, af-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. „abscheiden“, absondern, abtrennen, trennen; ne. separate off, sever, sunder (V.), divide

-- set off: got. afsatjan 3, af-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. absetzen, entlassen; ne. dismiss, remove (V.), put away, set aside, set off, divorce (V.)

-- shake off: got. afhrisjan* 2, af-hri-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abschütteln; ne. shake off; ushrisjan* 1, us-hri-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abschütteln; ne. shake off

-- silence off: got. afslauþjan* 2, af-s-lau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. in Angst versetzen, in Sorge sein (V.), ängstigen; ne. perturb, frighten, dumbfound (V.), scare (V.), silence off, make speechless

-- slip off: got. *slaupjan, *slau-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streifen; ne. slip off

-- strike off: got. afslahan* 5=4, af-slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abschlagen, abhauen, erschlagen; ne. hew off, slay, strike dead, strike off, cut off, kill (V.)

-- strip off as clothing: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

-- take off: got. *straupjan?, *stra-u-p-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abstreifen; ne. wipe (V.), take off

-- take off of: got. usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

-- tear off: got. aftaúrnan* 1, af-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abreißen (intr.); ne. tear off, be torn off, become torn off; *riuban, *riu-b-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend (V.), rip off, break off, tear off

-- throw down off: got. afdrausjan 1, af-drau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen; ne. throw down off, throw down of

-- throw off: got. afwaírpan 4, af-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat.: nhd. etwas wegwerfen, weichen (= Pass.), weggenommen werden (= Pass.), fortwerfen; ne. cast aside, throw off; uswaírpan 34, us-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinauswerfen, wegwerfen, austreiben, verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen, daraufwerfen; ne. throw out, cast out, eject, expel, reject (V.), cast off, throw off

-- wash off: got. afþwahan 3, af-þwah-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. sich abwaschen, waschen, sich waschen; ne. lave off, wash off, wash o.s. off

-- wash o.s. off: got. afþwahan 3, af-þwah-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. sich abwaschen, waschen, sich waschen; ne. lave off, wash off, wash o.s. off

-- wipe off: got. biswaírban* 4, bi-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. abwischen, abtrocknen; ne. wipe around, wipe all around, wipe off, dry (V.)

offal: got. smarna* 1, smarn-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mist, Kot; ne. offal, dung (N.), excrement, manure (N.), refuse (N.)

offence: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance; frawaúrhts (2) 79, fra-waúrh-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Sünde; ne. transgression, evil-doing (N.), sin (N.), offence

-- not giving offence: got. unufbrikands* 1, un-uf-brik-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs., m. Dat.: nhd. unanstößig; ne. unspurning, unscorning, unrebuffing, not giving offence

-- take offence: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

offend: got. marzjan* 5, mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ärgern, zum Ärgernis sein (V.); ne. make stumble, make falter, hamper (V.), impede, offend

offense: got. marzeins 1, mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. thwarting (N.), obstacle, impediment, hinderance, obstruction, frustration, offense

-- cause offense: got. gamarzjan* 8, ga-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ärgern, Ärgernis erregen, Ärgernis nehmen (pass., Mat 11,6 CA, Luk 7,23 CA); ne. trip up, make stumble, make falter, thwart (V.), frustrate, cause offense

-- offense (N.): got. gamarzeins* 3, ga-mar-z-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. hinderance, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, offense (N.), cause for anger

offer -- offer a prayer of thanksgiving: got. awiliudōn 23, aw-i-liu-d-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. danken, preisen; ne. thank (V.), offer a prayer of thanksgiving

offer -- offer as tribute to: got. andsaljan 1, and-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darbringen, opfern; ne. pay in tribute to, offer as tribute to, sacrifice (V.)

offer -- offer up: got. gasaljan* 3, ga-sal-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. opfern, zum Opfer bringen; ne. make an oblation of, offer up, sacrifice (V.)

offer -- offer (V.): got. atbaíran* 12, at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. bringen, herbeibringen, darbringen, hinzutragen; ne. bring, offer (V.), bring to, take to, present to; rahtōn* 1, raht-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. darreichen; ne. extend (V.), proffer (V.), hold out, offer (V.), present (V.); usgiban 22, us-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erstatten, bezahlen, darstellen, darbringen; ne. give out, pay out, repay (V.), recompense (V.), give back, present (V.), offer (V.)

offered -- meat offered to an idol: got. þatei galiugam saljada, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol; galiugagudam gasaliþ, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol; þatei galiugam saljada, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol

offering -- burnt offering: got. alabrunsts* 1, al-a-bru-n-st-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Brandopfer; ne. burnt offering, entirety burning

offering -- incense offering: got. þwmiama* 2, þwmiam-a*,  st. M. (a)?, sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Rauchopfer, Räucherwerk; ne. incense (N.), incense-burning, incense offering

offering -- make a tributary offering: got. saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

offering -- material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

offering -- sacrificial offering: got. sauþs* 4, sau-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Opfer; ne. sacrificial offering, sacrifice (N.)

officate -- officate as priest: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

office: got. andbahti 25=24, andb-ah-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Amt, Dienst; ne. service, office, assistance, ministry, ministration; ? *ragini?, *rag-in-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Amt?; ne. office?

-- office of a bishop: got. aípiskaúpei* 1, aípi-skaúp-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bischofsamt; ne. bishopric, episcopate, office of a bishop

-- office of an apostle: got. apaústaúlei* 2, apaú-staúl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Apostolat; ne. apostleship, mission, apostolate, office of an apostle

-- office of a tetrarch: got. fidurragini* 1, fidur-ragin-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Vierfürstenamt, Tetrarchie; ne. tetrarchate, office of a tetrarch

-- put in office: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish

-- tax office: got. mōtastaþs* 1, mōt-a-sta-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Mautstätte“, Zollstätte, Zollhaus; ne. toll-place, place of admission-tax collection, customs post, tax office

official -- bearer of official tidings: got. *sagja, *sag-j-a,  M. (n): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; *sagjis, *sag-ji-s,  M. (ja): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; saio 29, sai-o, saius, lat.- M.: nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings

official -- official (M.): got. faúramaþleis 10, faúr-a-ma-þl-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Vorsteher, Gebieter, Sprecher; ne. ruler, prince, chief, head man, governor, official (M.)

official -- sacerdotal official: got. weiha 1, weih-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Priester; ne. priest, sacerdotal official

officially -- officially determined: got. garaiþs* 2, ga-rai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. angeordnet; ne. authoritatively ordered, officially determined, arranged, commanded

often: got. ufta 15, uf-t-a,  Adv.: nhd. oft; ne. often, frequently

oh: got. ō 5,  Interj.: nhd. ach, oh, pfui; ne. o, oh, aha, ha

oil -- olive oil: got. alēw* 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Öl; ne. olive oil

oils -- aromatic oils or salves: got. arōmata 1, arōmat-a,  st. N. (a): nhd. Spezereien, Gewürze; ne. spices, aromatic oils or salves

ointment: got. balsan 8,  st. N. (a): nhd. Salbe, Balsam; ne. balsam (N.), ointment, perfumed ointment; *salba?, *salb-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Salbe; ne. ointment; salbōns* 1, salb-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Salbe; ne. ointment, salve (1) (N.), unguent

-- perfumed ointment: got. balsan 8,  st. N. (a): nhd. Salbe, Balsam; ne. balsam (N.), ointment, perfumed ointment

-- salve with an ointment: got. gasalbōn* 6, ga-salb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. salben, besalben; ne. anoint (V.), salve with an ointment; salbōn 5, salb-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. salben; ne. anoint, salve with an ointment

old: got. *alda, *al-d-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. alt; ne. old; alþeis 6, al-þ-ei-s, alt,  alt, krim Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old; lat. senex; faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable; sineigs* 16, sin-eig-s*, seneigs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. alt; ne. old, elder; *sins, *sin-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. alt; ne. old

-- grow old: got. *alþan?, *al-þ-an?,  red. V. (3): nhd. altern, alt werden; ne. grow old

-- grow very old: got. usalþan* 1, us-al-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. alt werden, veralten; ne. grow very old, reach extreme age

-- old age: got. aldōmō* 1, al-d-ōm-ō*,  st. N.?: nhd. Alter (N.); ne. old age

-- twelve winters old: got. twalibwintrus 1, twa-lib-wintr-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. zwölfjährig; ne. twelve winters old

-- very old: got. usalþans: nhd. gealtert, altersschwach; ne. very old

oldest: got. sinista (Superl., subst.): nhd. Ältester; ne. oldest, eldest, the oldest

-- oldest servant: got. *siniskalks?, *sin-i-s-kal-k-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. ältester Diener, Altknecht, Seneschall; ne. oldest servant, male head-servant on a farm, seneschal

-- the oldest: got. sinista (Superl., subst.): nhd. Ältester; ne. oldest, eldest, the oldest

olive -- olive oil: got. alēw* 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Öl; ne. olive oil

olive -- olive tree: got. alēwabagms 6, alēw-a-bagm-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ölbaum; ne. olive tree

olives -- of olives: got. alēwja* 2, alēw-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Öl-; ne. of olives, pertaining to olives

olives -- pertaining to olives: got. alēwja* 2, alēw-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Öl-; ne. of olives, pertaining to olives

omen -- miraculous omen: got. faúratani* 3, faúr-a-tan-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Wunderzeichen; ne. miracle, prophetic wonderwork, magic foretoken, miraculous omen

on: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- apparatus for lying on: got. ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

-- bear down on: got. disdriusan* 1, dis-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. befallen; ne. fall upon, descend upon, bear down on, beset, attack (V.)

-- become raised on high: got. *hauhnan?, *hau-h-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erhöht werden; ne. become raised on high

-- be on the lookout: got. *atwitan?, *at-wi-t-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beobachten; ne. observe, be on the lookout

-- be on the way to somewhere: got. gaggan 205=203, ga-g-g-an,  def. red. V. (3): nhd. gehen, wandeln, umhergehen, kommen; ne. be on the way to somewhere, go (V.), come, walk (V.)

-- border on: got. gamarkōn* 1, ga-mark-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. grenzen an; ne. border on

-- call on: got. anahaitan* 6, an-a-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. anrufen, bitten, schelten; ne. call on, call upon, invoke (V.), reprimand (V.), upbraid, berate, scold (V.); bidai anahaitan: nhd. anrufen, bitten; ne. call on, ask, beg

-- calm on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

-- carry on: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

-- come on: got. anagaggan* 1, an-a-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. kommen, künftig sein (V.); ne. come on, come by, approach (V.)

-- continue on: got. þaírhwisan* 7, þaír-h-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. verbleiben, verharren; ne. persevere, continue on, remain constant, keep on, persist

-- contract for buying on credit: got. kawtsjō* 4, kawts-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sicherheit, Bürgschaft, Verschreibung; ne. contract for buying on credit, credit contract, security, bond (N.), warrenty

-- daub on: got. bismeitan* 1, bi-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreichen, beschmieren, aufstreichen; ne. besmear, anoint, smear on, daub on

-- elaborate on: got. ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

-- fall on one’s knee: got. knussjan* 2, knu-s-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niederfallen?, auf die Knie fallen, knien; ne. fall on one’s knee, assume a begging position

-- feed on: got. alan* 1, al-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1), sich nähren, aufwachsen; ne. grow on, feed on

-- from now on: got. fram himma, got.: nhd. von nun an; ne. from now on; fram himma nu, got.: nhd. von nun an; ne. from now on

-- from that time on not: got. juþan ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. from that time on not, no longer

-- from then on: got. þanaseiþs 28, þan-a-sei-þ-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch; ne. later than then, after then, thereafter, from then on

-- from the present on: got. fram þamma nū: nhd. von nun an, künftig; ne. from the present on, henceforth

-- from this moment on: got. fram himma nū, got.: nhd. von nun an; ne. from this moment on

-- go on: got. framwairþis wisan: nhd. dauern (V.) (1), verharren; ne. last (V.), go on; inngaggan framis, got.: nhd. fortgehen; ne. go on

-- go on a journey: got. gaggjan* 1, ga-g-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen, reisen; ne. go on a journey, make a journey

-- grow on: got. alan* 1, al-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1), sich nähren, aufwachsen; ne. grow on, feed on

-- hasten on before: got. faúrbisniwan* 1, faúr-bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorangehen, zuvorkommen; ne. speed on ahead, hasten on before, precede

-- have mercy on: got. arman* 10, arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gaarman* 10, ga-arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gableiþjan* 2, ga-ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, barmherzig sein (V.); ne. show kindheartedness toward, have mercy on, take pity

-- have one’s mind on: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- have on one’s conscience: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

-- have pity on: got. arman* 10, arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gaarman* 10, ga-arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards

-- inflict persecution on: got. wrakjan* 1, wra-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verfolgen; ne. persecute, inflict persecution on; wrikan* 9, wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verfolgen; ne. persecute, inflict persecution on, wreak punishment on

-- interest on investment: got. wōkrs* 1, wōk-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ertrag, Frucht, Zins; ne. interest on investment, additional increment

-- keep on: got. þaírhwisan* 7, þaír-h-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. verbleiben, verharren; ne. persevere, continue on, remain constant, keep on, persist

-- lay hands on: got. fāhan 2, fāh-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. fangen, greifen; ne. catch (V.), capture (V.), grasp (V.), take hold of, lay hands on, seize

-- lay hold on: got. gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain; undgreipan 8, und-greip-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ergreifen, requirieren; ne. lay hold on, take (V.), seize

-- laying on: got. analageins* 2, an-a-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auflegung; ne. laying on, superimposition

-- lay on: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at; uslagjan 8, us-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflegen, anlegen; ne. lay outstretched, lay out, lay on

-- lift on high: got. hauhjan 27, hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hoch machen, erhöhen, preisen, verherrlichen; ne. make high, lift on high, elevate, exalt, extol, praise (V.)

-- male head-servant on a farm: got. *siniskalks?, *sin-i-s-kal-k-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. ältester Diener, Altknecht, Seneschall; ne. oldest servant, male head-servant on a farm, seneschal

-- meditate on: got. biþagkjan* 1, bi-þagk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. think over, think about, meditate on, consider

-- not from now on: got. ju ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. not from now on, no longer

-- on account of: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- on account of the fact that: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that; duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- on account of what: got. in ƕis: nhd. weshalb; ne. on account of what, wherefore, for what

-- on an untimely occasion: got. unūhteigō 1, un-ūh-t-eig-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zur Unzeit; ne. unseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion

-- on behalf of: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of

-- on by: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by

-- on guard: got. wars* (1) 1, war-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. behutsam, nüchtern, gewahr, vorsichtig; ne. wary, alert (Adj.), on guard

-- on high: got. iupa 5, iup-a,  Adv.: nhd. oben, hinauf; ne. on high, above, aloft, high up

-- on the contrary: got. ak 278=276,  Konj.: nhd. sondern (Konj.), aber, geh; ne. but, on the contrary, however, but rather; þata andaneiþo, got.: nhd. im Gegenteil; ne. on the contrary; ak þan, got.: nhd. im Gegenteil; ne. on the contrary; wiþrawaírþs* 5=4, wi-þra-waír-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gegenüberliegend, entgegengesetzt, im Gegenteil; ne. opposite, facing, set opposite, on the contrary

-- on the exterior: got. ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- on the far side of: got. hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind; hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- on the left: got. af hleidumein, got.: nhd. zur Linken; ne. on the left

-- on the other hand: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise; þata wiþrawaírþō: nhd. dagegen, im Gegenteil; ne. however, on the other hand

-- on the outside: got. ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- on the part of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- on the right: got. af taihswon, got.: nhd. zur Rechten; ne. on the right; af taihswon, got.: nhd. zur Rechten; ne. on the right

-- on the side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- on the subsequent day: got. iftumin daga: nhd. am folgenden Tag; ne. on the subsequent day; gr. τῇ ἐπαύριον; lat. in alio die, in altero die, in crastino die, in sequenti die

-- on the yon side of: got. hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind

-- on top: got. ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

-- on top of: got. ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

-- pass judgement on: got. bidōmjan* 1, bi-dō-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen; ne. judge (V.), criticize, pass judgement on, sit in judgement on

-- pass on: got. hindarleiþan 2, hi-n-dar-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinzukommen, vergehen; ne. go past, pass on, pass away, come up; ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

-- pass on by: got. faúrgaggan* 4, faúr-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorübergehen, vorbeigehen; ne. pass on by, go past

-- pass on through: got. þaírhleiþan 5, þaír-h-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hindurchgehen, vorbeigehen, weitergehen; ne. pass on through, pass through, travel through, go through, go past

-- proceed on: got. inngaggan 18, in-n-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hineingehen, fortgehen (= inngaggan framis); ne. go in, enter, progress (V.), proceed on

-- put a cover on: got. huljan 2, hul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hüllen, verhüllen; ne. put a cover on, cover (V.), veil (V.)

-- put a seal on: got. sigljan* 1, sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen mit einem Siegel versehen, siegeln; ne. seal (V.), put a seal on

-- put on: got. analagjan* 2, an-a-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „einlegen“, auflegen, beibringen; ne. put on, lay upon, inflict upon; gahamōn 10, ga-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich bekleiden, sich anziehen; ne. dress in, get dressed, put on, clothe o.s. with, don (V.); gawasjan* 15, ga-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekleiden, kleiden, sich bekleiden, sich kleiden; ne. clothe (V.), make clad, dress o.s., clothe o.s., don (V.), put on; ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- put on as a tunic: got. gapaidōn* 2=1, ga-paid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. dress (V.), put on as a tunic, jacket (V.), clothe; *paidōn, *paid-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. put on as a tunic, jacket (V.)

-- put on as clothing: got. anahamōn 1, an-a-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung anlegen, anziehen; ne. put on as clothing, don, get dressed

-- put one’s touch on: got. tēkan* 7, tēk-an*, teikan*,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. anrühren, berühren; ne. touch (V.), come into contact with, put one’s touch on

-- put pressure on: got. gaþreihan* 1, ga-þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bedrängen; ne. put pressure on, constrict, oppress, distress (V.), trouble (V.)

-- quiescence on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

-- raising on high: got. hauheins 7, hau-h-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Erhöhung“, Preis, Ehre; ne. raising on high, elevation, elevating (N.), extolment, exaltation, praise (N.), honour (N.)

-- rely on: got. tráuan 4, tráu-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. trauen, Zutrauen haben; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, rely on, confide in

-- roll around on the ground: got. walwisōn* 1, wal-wis-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich wälzen; ne. roll around on the ground, wallow (V.), flounder around

-- run on: got. biþragjan* 1, bi-þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeilaufen, vorauslaufen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up close by, run on

-- send on: got. gasandjan 2, ga-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entsenden, geleiten; ne. send off, send on, accompany

-- send on ahead: got. faúragasandjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorausentsenden, voraussenden; ne. send on ahead

-- send on a mission: got. insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss

-- set a price on: got. waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

-- set on fire: got. inbrannjan* 1, in-bran-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. „anbrennen“, in Brand stecken; ne. set afire, ignite, set on fire

-- sit in judgement on: got. bidōmjan* 1, bi-dō-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen; ne. judge (V.), criticize, pass judgement on, sit in judgement on; stōjan, stō-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. richten, beurteilen; ne. judge (V.), pass judgement upon, sit in judgement on

-- slide past on in: got. innufsliupan* 1, in-n-uf-sliu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. weiter hinaufschlüpfen, hineinschlüpfen; ne. slip on in, slide past on in, slip on past in, slip in unnoticed

-- slip on in: got. innufsliupan* 1, in-n-uf-sliu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. weiter hinaufschlüpfen, hineinschlüpfen; ne. slip on in, slide past on in, slip on past in, slip in unnoticed

-- slip on past: got. ufsliupan* 3=2, uf-sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. einschleichen, zu Unrecht einführen, sich zurückziehen, sich fortschleichen; ne. slip by, slide past, slip on past, shrink back

-- slip on past in: got. innufsliupan* 1, in-n-uf-sliu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. weiter hinaufschlüpfen, hineinschlüpfen; ne. slip on in, slide past on in, slip on past in, slip in unnoticed

-- smear on: got. bismeitan* 1, bi-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreichen, beschmieren, aufstreichen; ne. besmear, anoint, smear on, daub on

-- speed on ahead: got. faúrbisniwan* 1, faúr-bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorangehen, zuvorkommen; ne. speed on ahead, hasten on before, precede

-- speed on by: got. bisniwan* 1, bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. zuvorkommen, zuvoreilen; ne. speed on by, precede

-- take on: got. dragan* 1, dra-g-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. tragen, aufladen, ziehen; ne. draw (V.), accumulate, take on, attract

-- take on an appearance: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

-- take on loan: got. leiƕan (sis) 4, leiƕ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. leihen, borgen; ne. lend, loan (V.), take on loan, borrow

-- tranquility on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

-- tread on: got. trudan 2, tru-d-an,  unr. st. V. (4): nhd. treten, keltern; ne. trample (V.), tread on

-- use astuteness on: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

-- use force on: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

-- use of force on: got. anamahts* 2, an-a-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übermacht, Misshandlung; ne. coercion, forcing, use of force on, superior force, insult (N.)

-- walk on forth: got. skēwjan* 1, skēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wandern; ne. proceed (V.), progress (V.), walk on forth, go (V.)

-- wander on past: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

-- work a cure on: got. galēkinōn* 2, ga-lēk-in-ōn*, galeikinōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. herstellen, heilen (V.) (1); ne. heal (V.), cure (V.), work a cure on

-- wreak punishment on: got. wrikan* 9, wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verfolgen; ne. persecute, inflict persecution on, wreak punishment on

once: got. ainomma sintha, got.: nhd. einmal; ne. once; faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to; simlē 9=8, sim-l-ē,  Adv.: nhd. einst, vordem, vormals; ne. once, formerly, at one time; ainamma sinþa, got.: nhd. einmal; ne. once; suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

-- all at once: got. anaks 3, an-ak-s,  Adv.: nhd. plötzlich, sogleich; ne. suddenly, all at once; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- at once: got. andwaírþō 1, and-waír-þ-ō,  Adv.: nhd. sofort; ne. for the present, momentary, at once; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon; sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

-- once more: got. aftra 102=101, af-t-r-a, afta,  Adv.: nhd. wieder, zurück, rückwärts, wiederum, abermals; ne. again, back (Adv.), backwards, once more

one: got. ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone; ainshun 75, ai-n-s-hun,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, jeder, niemand (in neg. Sätzen), kein (in neg. Sätzen); ne. anyone, one, not anyone (in neg. sentences), none (in neg. sentences); ƕashun 9, ƕa-s-hun,  Indef.-Pron.: nhd. jemand; ne. anyone, one; sums 140, sum-s,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, ein gewisser, jemand, ein, einige; ne. a certain one, some, somebody, one, anyone

-- accursed one: got. anaþaíma 2, ana-þaím-a, anaþema*,  Sb. (indekl.): nhd. „Fluch“, Verfluchter; ne. anathema, curse (N.), accursed thing, accursed one

-- a certain one: got. sums 140, sum-s,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, ein gewisser, jemand, ein, einige; ne. a certain one, some, somebody, one, anyone

-- agree together with one another: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide

-- all-working one: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

-- at one time: got. simlē 9=8, sim-l-ē,  Adv.: nhd. einst, vordem, vormals; ne. once, formerly, at one time; suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- coin worth one ace: got. assarjus* 1, assar-ju-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ass (Münze), Pfennig, Kreuzer (M.) (2); ne. assarion, coin worth one ace

-- door of one piece not double: got. daúr 15, thurn,  thurn, krim st. N. (a): nhd. einflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. door of one piece not double, gate, gateway; lat. porta

-- each one: got. ainƕarjizuh 13, ai-n-ƕar-ji-z-uh,  Pron. m. Gen. Pl.: nhd. ein jeder; ne. each, each one, everyone; ƕarjizuh 35, ƕar-ji-z-uh,  subst. Pron.: nhd. jeder; ne. each one, every, every one

-- each one of two: got. ainƕaþaruh* 1, ai-n-ƕa-þar-uh*,  Pron.: nhd. jeder von beiden; ne. each one of two

-- every one: got. ƕarjizuh 35, ƕar-ji-z-uh,  subst. Pron.: nhd. jeder; ne. each one, every, every one; ƕazuh 41, ƕaz-uh,  subst. Pron., M.: nhd. jeder; ne. each, everyone, every one

-- from one side to the other: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by

-- in one piece: got. ainfalþs* 1, ai-n-fal-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einfach, einfältig; ne. in one piece, simple, single, whole

-- man who looks for pleasing another one: got. mannam samjands, got.: nhd. wer den Menschen zu gefallen sucht; ne. man who looks for pleasing another one

-- of one mind: got. *ainamunds?, *ai-n-a-mun-d-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. of one mind, unanimous

-- one about to die: got. swultawaírþja 1, swul-t-a-waír-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. dem Tode Naher, Todgeweihter; ne. one approaching death, one about to die, moribund person

-- one another: got. missō 64=63, mis-s-ō,  Adv.: nhd. einander, wechselseitig; ne. mutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, one another

-- one approaching death: got. swultawaírþja 1, swul-t-a-waír-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. dem Tode Naher, Todgeweihter; ne. one approaching death, one about to die, moribund person

-- one apt to strike: got. slahals 3=2, slahuls, slah-al-s, slah-uls,  st. M. (a): nhd. Raufbold; ne. striker, one apt to strike, violent man, assailant, bully (M.)

-- one effectuating everything: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

-- one executing all things: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

-- one lowest down: got. undarleija* 1, undar-lei-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Allergeringster, Geringster; ne. lowliest person, one lowest down, least (M.)

-- one may: got. skuld ist, got.: nhd. es ist erlaubt; ne. one may

-- one of the same household: got. ingardja* (1) 3=2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgenosse; ne. household member, one of the same household

-- one of the two upper limbs of the body: got. arms (2) 4, ar-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Arm; ne. arm, one of the two upper limbs of the body

-- one (Pron.): got. mannahun 13, man-n-a-hun,  Pron.: nhd. jemand; ne. one (Pron.), person (M.), anyone, anybody

-- one who makes earthenware utensils: got. kasja 3, kas-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Töpfer; ne. potter, one who makes earthenware utensils

-- one who presents his superabundance: got. *ufanus?, *uf-an-u-s?,  Adj. (u?): nhd. der seinen Überfluss zeigt; ne. one who presents his superabundance

-- one who stands: got. *stasseis?, *sta-s-s-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Steher; ne. one who stands, one who takes a stance

-- one who takes a stance: got. *stasseis?, *sta-s-s-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Steher; ne. one who stands, one who takes a stance

-- one who whitens wool: got. wullāreis 1, wul-l-ārei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Tuchwalker; ne. wool-bleacher, one who whitens wool, fuller

-- only-begotten one: got. ainabaúr* 1, ai-n-a-baúr*,  Adj. = st. M. (i): nhd. eingeboren; ne. only-begotten one, only-born one

-- only-born one: got. ainabaúr* 1, ai-n-a-baúr*,  Adj. = st. M. (i): nhd. eingeboren; ne. only-begotten one, only-born one

-- precisely that one: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

-- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

-- single one: got. ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone

-- that one there: got. sa 2800,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der, dieser; ne. this, this very one, the very same, that one there

-- the one: got. þatain 6, þat-ai-n,  Adj. (a): nhd. das eine; ne. the one, this only

-- the one above: got. *ufara, *uf-ar-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. obere; ne. the one above, superior

-- the one that: got. saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- the one ... the other: got. anþar ... anþar, got.: nhd. der eine ... der andere; ne. the one ... the other

-- the one which: got. saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- the one who: got. saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- this very one: got. sa 2800,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der, dieser; ne. this, this very one, the very same, that one there

one-eyed: got. haihs* 1, haih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einäugig; ne. one-eyed

one-mindedness: got. ainamundiþa* 3, ai-n-a-mun-d-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Einheit, Einmütigkeit; ne. one-mindedness, unanimity

one’s: got. seins* 300, sein-s*,  st. Poss.-Pron.: nhd. sein (Poss.-Pron.), ihr (Poss.-Pron.); ne. of himself, one’s, his, her, hers, its, their, theirs

-- beat one’s breast over: got. flōkan* 1, flō-k-an*,  red. V. (5): nhd. betrauern, beklagen; ne. beat one’s breast over, bewail, mourn (V.)

-- be at the end of one’s life: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- call to one’s side: got. athaitan* 14, at-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. herzurufen; ne. summon (V.), call to one’s side, bid come

-- direct one’s vision: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

-- fall on one’s knee: got. knussjan* 2, knu-s-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niederfallen?, auf die Knie fallen, knien; ne. fall on one’s knee, assume a begging position

-- go out of one’s senses: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

-- have at one’s disposal: got. haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

-- have full command of one’s mental faculties: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact

-- have one’s mind on: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- have on one’s conscience: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

-- hold one’s peace: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?

-- is driven out of one’s senses: got. usgaisiþs ist, got.: nhd. ist von Sinnen; ne. is driven out of one’s senses

-- lay one’s touch upon: got. attēkan 21, at-tēk-an,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. berühren, anrühren; ne. touch (V.), make contact with, lay one’s touch upon

-- lose (V.) one’s composure at: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- lose (V.) one’s sight: got. afblindnan* 1, af-bli-n-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erblinden; ne. become blind, lose (V.) one’s sight

-- make go out of one’s way: got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.)

-- make one’s own: got. *aiginōn?, *aig-in-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. aneignen; ne. appropriate (V.), make one’s own; gaaiginōn* 2=1, ga-aig-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. in Besitz nehmen, übervorteilen, in Beschlag nehmen; ne. appropriate (V.), make one’s own

-- make up one’s mind beforehand: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth

-- of one’s own: got. *aigins?, *aig-in-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. eigen; ne. of one’s own

-- of one’s own will: got. silba wiljands, got.: nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will; silbawiljis* 2=1, si-l-b-a-wil-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will, willing of oneself, volunteer (Adj.)

-- one’s own: got. swēs (1) 28, swē-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. eigen, angehörig; ne. one’s own, very own

-- present to one’s mind: got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know

-- put one’s touch on: got. tēkan* 7, tēk-an*, teikan*,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. anrühren, berühren; ne. touch (V.), come into contact with, put one’s touch on

-- raise one’s vision: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

-- reform one’s ways: got. idreigōn* 13=12, id-reig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bereuen, Buße tun; ne. be contrite, repent (V.), regret (V.), reform one’s ways

-- regain one’s sight: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

-- set one’s seal: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

-- spring to one’s feet: got. ushlaupan* 1, us-hlaup-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. aufspringen, sich aufmachen; ne. leap forth, leap up, jump up, spring to one’s feet

-- write down one’s entry: got. anamēljan 1, an-a-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreiben, sich in die Steuerlisten eintragen lassen; ne. register (V.), write down one’s entry, write down an entry, enroll

oneself -- concern oneself: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

oneself -- request for oneself: got. aihtrōn 5, aih-tr-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. beten, betteln, erbitten, für sich verlangen; ne. beg, pray, request for oneself, beseech, supplicate

oneself -- willing of oneself: got. silbawiljis* 2=1, si-l-b-a-wil-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will, willing of oneself, volunteer (Adj.)

onflow -- onflow of water: got. flōdus 1, flō-du-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Strom, Flut; ne. flood (N.), stream (N.), onrush of water, onflow of water

only: got. ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone; þatainei 29, þat-ai-n-ei,  Adv.: nhd. nur; ne. only, solely

-- if only: got. þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; wainei 3, wai-nei,  Interj.: nhd. wenn doch, dass doch; ne. woe (Interj.), that not, how pitiful that not, if only, would that

-- just only: got. ƕēh 2, ƕē-h,  Adv.: nhd. jedenfalls, nur; ne. in any case, in whatever case, no matter what, just only

-- lasting only for a while: got. ƕeilaƕaírbs* 2, ƕeil-a-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nur eine Zeitlang dauernd, vergänglich, unbeständig; ne. temporary, transient, transitory, lasting only for a while

-- not only ... but also: got. ni þatain ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also; ni þatainei ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also; ni þatain ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also

-- only (Adj.): got. ainaha 3, ai-n-ah-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. einzig; ne. only (Adj.), sole

-- this only: got. þatain 6, þat-ai-n,  Adj. (a): nhd. das eine; ne. the one, this only

only-begotten -- only-begotten one: got. ainabaúr* 1, ai-n-a-baúr*,  Adj. = st. M. (i): nhd. eingeboren; ne. only-begotten one, only-born one

only-born -- only-born one: got. ainabaúr* 1, ai-n-a-baúr*,  Adj. = st. M. (i): nhd. eingeboren; ne. only-begotten one, only-born one

onrush -- onrush of water: got. flōdus 1, flō-du-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Strom, Flut; ne. flood (N.), stream (N.), onrush of water, onflow of water

onto: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- hold onto: got. gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain

-- lay onto: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at

-- lower onto: got. anahnaiwjan* 1, an-a-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. niederlegen; ne. lower onto, lay down upon

-- onto the ground: got. dalaþ 16, dal-aþ,  Adv.: nhd. zu Tal, abwärts, nieder, herab, hinunter, hinab; ne. downward, onto the ground, down (Adv.)

-- tie ropes onto: got. insailjan* 1, in-sai-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anseilen, herablassen; ne. affix ropes to, tie ropes onto, let down; *sailjan, *sai-l-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „seilen“; ne. tie ropes onto

-- tread up close onto: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

onward: got. framwaírþis 1, fra-m-waírþ-is,  Adv., Gen.: nhd. fernerhin; ne. onward, forward, further

open -- of the open field: got. haiþiwisks* 1, haiþ-i-wisk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wild; ne. of the open field, of the countryside, wild (Adj.)

open -- open field: got. haiþi* 5, haiþ-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Heide (F.) (1), Steppe, Feld, Acker; ne. open field

open -- open hand: got. lōfa* 4, lōf-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. flache Hand; ne. open hand, palm of hand

open -- open land: got. akrs 6, ak-r-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Acker; ne. field, open land

open -- open up: got. aíffaþa 1, got.?, V.: nhd. öffne dich; ne. open up

open -- open (V.): got. uslūkan 17, us-lūk-an,  unr. st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erschließen, öffnen; ne. open (V.), unlock, unsheathe

open -- open water: got. lagus* 1, lagu-s*, lagaz*?, laaz,  st. M. (u): nhd. See, l-Rune; ne. lake, sea, open water, ocean, name of l-rune

open -- open wide: got. urrūmnan* 2, ur-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern, aufgehen; ne. become spacious, become commodious, enlarge, widen, open wide

open -- open wound: got. banja* 3, ban-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Schlag, Wunde, eiternde Wunde, Geschwür; ne. open wound, sore (N.)

opened -- become opened: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

opened -- be opened: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

opening -- opening (N.): got. *luk,  st. N. (a): nhd. Loch, Öffnung; ne. opening (N.); usluk* 1, us-luk*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eröffnung, Öffnung, Loch; ne. opening (N.)

openly: got. andaugiba 4, and-aug-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offen, freimütig; ne. obviously, in plain sight, openly, for all to see; andaugjō 3, and-aug-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. offen, offenbar, öffentlich; ne. in plain sight, openly, publicly, for all to see; baírhtaba 5, baír-h-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. hell, glänzend, deutlich, offen; ne. radiantly, very plainly, clearly, brightly, openly; balþaba 2, bal-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. kühn, freimütig; ne. boldly, openly, frankly; swikunþaba 5, swi-kun-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offenbar, offen heraus, deutlich, ausdrücklich; ne. plainly, openly, clearly, in an obvious manner

-- known openly: got. swikunþs 17, swi-kun-þ-s, swekunþs*,  Adj. (a): nhd. offenkundig, offenbar, bekannt; ne. known openly, conspicuously known, known by its obviousness, manifest (Adj.), obvious

-- make openly known: got. gaswikunþjan 8, ga-swi-kun-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekanntgeben, offenbaren, sich offenbaren, erscheinen; ne. make manifest, publish, make openly known; *swikunþjan?, *swi-kun-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bekanntgeben, offenbaren; ne. publicize, make openly known

operate: got. waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

-- operate to perfection: got. uswaúrkjan* 2, us-waúrk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausführen, vollbringen; ne. operate to perfection, complete (V.)

operation: got. waúrstw 83=82, waúr-st-w,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Werk, Tat, Wirksamkeit; ne. work (N.), activity, deed, task, operation, working (N.)

operational: got. waúrstweigs* 5, waúr-st-w-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wirksam; ne. operative, functioning, operational, productive, effectual, effective

operative: got. waúrstweigs* 5, waúr-st-w-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wirksam; ne. operative, functioning, operational, productive, effectual, effective

opine -- opine (V.): got. þugkjan* 23, þugk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, meinen, gelten, erscheinen, dünken; ne. have the impression, suppose, opine (V.), deem (V.), it seems (=þugkeiþ), believe, appear

opinion: got. mitōns 10, mi-t-ōn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überlegung, Gedanke; ne. cogitation, meditation, deliberation, premeditation, thought, opinion, evaluative reasoning

-- be of an opinion: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- be of the opinion: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

-- difference of opinion: got. missaquiss 3, mis-s-a-qui-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwiespalt, Missrede, Streit; ne. discord (N.), discordance, difference of opinion, dissidence, dissension, schism, division of opinion

-- division of opinion: got. missaquiss 3, mis-s-a-qui-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwiespalt, Missrede, Streit; ne. discord (N.), discordance, difference of opinion, dissidence, dissension, schism, division of opinion

-- give an opinion: got. qiþan 1270, qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sagen, meinen, bezeichnen, sprechen; ne. say, tell, speak, express (V.), give an opinion

opponent -- legal opponent: got. andastaua 2, and-a-sta-u-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gegner vor Gericht, Widersacher; ne. legal opponent, adversary in a lawsuit, opposing litigant

opponent -- opponent (M.): got. andastaþjis* 3, and-a-sta-þ-ji-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. „Entgegenstehender“, Widersacher; ne. opponent (M.), adversary (M.)

opportune: got. ūhtiugs* 1, ū-h-t-iug-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gelegen, passend, zeitgemäß; ne. timely, opportune, temporally convenient

-- at an opportune time: got. ūhteigō* 2=1, ū-h-t-eig-ō*,  Adv.: nhd. zur rechten Zeit, zu gelegener Zeit; ne. at an opportune time, seasonably, in season

opportunism -- betray in an act of opportunism: got. lēwjan* 3, lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. betray in an act of opportunism, hand over in an opportunistic deal

opportunism -- surrender s.o. by means of opportunism: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

opportunistic -- hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy: got. fralēwjan* 1, fra-lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy, betray

opportunistic -- hand over in an opportunistic deal: got. lēwjan* 3, lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. betray in an act of opportunism, hand over in an opportunistic deal

opportunistic -- hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

opportunistic -- opportunistic chance: got. lēw* 4,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Gelegenheit, Veranlassung, Anlass; ne. exploitable opportunity, opportunistic chance, cause (N.)

opportunity -- exploitable opportunity: got. lēw* 4,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Gelegenheit, Veranlassung, Anlass; ne. exploitable opportunity, opportunistic chance, cause (N.)

opportunity -- take the opportunity of giving s.o. over: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

oppose: got. andrinnan* 2, and-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. „entgegenrennen“, streiten; ne. dispute (V.), debate (V.), contradict, oppose, discuss; andstandan 17, and-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. entgegenstehen, widerstehen, widerstreiten, widerstreben; ne. oppose, resist, stand in opposition to, withstand

-- oppose with battle: got. andweihan* 2, and-weih-an*, andwaihan*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. widerstreiten, ankämpfen, entgegenkämpfen; ne. oppose with battle, fight in opposition to

opposed: got. andaneiþa* 3, and-a-nei-þ-a*,  sw. M. (n)?, sw. Adj.?: nhd. feindlich; ne. opposed, antagonistic, contrary (Adj.), hostile; *andaneiþs?, *and-a-nei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. widrig, entgegengesetzt, feindlich, im Gegenteil; ne. opposed, antithetical, contrary (Adj.), antagonistic

opposing -- opposing litigant: got. andastaua 2, and-a-sta-u-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gegner vor Gericht, Widersacher; ne. legal opponent, adversary in a lawsuit, opposing litigant

opposite: got. wiþra 46, wi-þra,  Präp. m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. wider, gegen, vor, gegenüber; ne. toward, to, against, opposite, facing, vis-a-vis; wiþrawaírþs* 5=4, wi-þra-waír-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gegenüberliegend, entgegengesetzt, im Gegenteil; ne. opposite, facing, set opposite, on the contrary

-- opposite (Adj.): got. andwaírþis 1, and-waír-þ-is,  Adv.: nhd. gegenüber; ne. vis-a-vis, opposite (Adj.), over, against, facing (Adj.)

-- set opposite: got. wiþrawaírþs* 5=4, wi-þra-waír-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gegenüberliegend, entgegengesetzt, im Gegenteil; ne. opposite, facing, set opposite, on the contrary

opposition -- fight in opposition to: got. andweihan* 2, and-weih-an*, andwaihan*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. widerstreiten, ankämpfen, entgegenkämpfen; ne. oppose with battle, fight in opposition to

opposition -- stand in opposition to: got. andstandan 17, and-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. entgegenstehen, widerstehen, widerstreiten, widerstreben; ne. oppose, resist, stand in opposition to, withstand

oppress: got. anapraggan* 1, an-a-pragg-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. bedrängen, bedrücken; ne. press upon, oppress, trouble (V.); gaaggwjan* 1, ga-agg-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedrängen; ne. oppress, constrain (V.), cramp completely; gaþreihan* 1, ga-þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bedrängen; ne. put pressure on, constrict, oppress, distress (V.), trouble (V.); kaúrjan* 11, kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. drücken, belästigen, beschweren; ne. weigh down, burden (V.), lie (V.) (2)heavy upon, oppress

-- oppress intensely with persecution: got. frawrikan* 1, fra-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. verfolgen, rächen; ne. persecute severely, oppress intensely with persecution, drive out

oppressed: got. gamaiþs* 3, ga-mai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verkrüppelt, verwundet; ne. crippled, oppressed, mutilated, deformed, misshapen, disfigured

oppressive: got. kaúrus* 1, kaúr-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. schwer, lästig; ne. heavy, burdensome, weighty, oppressive

opulence: got. gabei 14, gab-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reichtum; ne. riches, opulence

opulent: got. gabigs 19, gab-ig-s, gabeigs,  Adj. (a): nhd. reich; ne. rich (Adj.), opulent, wealthy

-- become opulent: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

-- be opulent: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

or: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise; *þauh, *þau-h,  Konj.: nhd. oder, doch; ne. or, but, even though

-- acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

-- aromatic oils or salves: got. arōmata 1, arōmat-a,  st. N. (a): nhd. Spezereien, Gewürze; ne. spices, aromatic oils or salves

-- basket made of branches or switches: got. tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

-- either ... or: got. andizuh ... aiþþau, got.: nhd. entweder ... oder; ne. either ... or; jabai ... aíþþau, got.: nhd. entweder ... oder; ne. either ... or; andizuh - aíþþau, Konj.: nhd. entweder ... oder; ne. either ... or; jabai ... aiþþau, got.: nhd. entweder ... oder; ne. either ... or

-- or not: got. þau niu, got.: nhd. oder nicht; ne. or not

-- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

-- teach or learn through reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

ordain -- ordain (V.): got. garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange; raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret

order -- in order that: got. duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that

order -- in order that well: got. ei waila, got.: nhd. dass wohl; ne. in order that well

order -- order (N.): got. anabūsns 45, an-a-bū-s-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gebot, Befehl; ne. charge (N.), command (N.), commandment, order (N.), ordinance; garaíhtei 40, ga-raíh-t-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gerechtigkeit, Gebot; ne. righteousness, uprightness, rectitude, justice, order (N.), command (N.); haiti* 2, hai-t-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Geheiß, Befehl; ne. behest, order (N.), command (N.), promise (N.); tēwa* 1, tēw-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ordnung; ne. order (N.), array (N.), arrangement, alignment

order -- order (V.): got. anabiudan* 40, an-a-biud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. entbieten, befehlen, anordnen; ne. bid (V.), command (V.), instruct, order (V.); garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange; gatēwjan* 1, ga-tēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, bestimmen; ne. assign (V.), arrange, order (V.), appoint; *grēfan?, *grēf-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. gebieten, anordnen; ne. command (V.), order (V.); haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.); *tēwjan, *tēw-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anordnen; ne. order (V.)

order -- set in order: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

ordered: got. *gatass?, *ga-ta-s-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. geordnet, geregelt; ne. ordered, arranged; gatēwiþs, ga-tēw-iþ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geordnet; ne. arranged, ordered; *raiþs, *rai-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geordnet; ne. arranged, ordered; *-tēweis, *-tēw-ei-s,  Suff.: nhd. -teilig; ne. ranked, ordered, classed

-- authoritatively ordered: got. garaiþs* 2, ga-rai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. angeordnet; ne. authoritatively ordered, officially determined, arranged, commanded

orderly: got. gahāhjō 1, ga-hāh-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zusammenhängend, im Zusammenhang, der Reihe nach; ne. coherently, connectedly, orderly

-- orderly (M.): got. *hagja?, *hag-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Pfleger, Heger; ne. orderly (M.), guardian

orders -- give orders to: got. faúrbiudan* 7, faúr-biud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. verbieten, gebieten; ne. give orders to, command (V.), forbid

ordinance: got. anabūsns 45, an-a-bū-s-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gebot, Befehl; ne. charge (N.), command (N.), commandment, order (N.), ordinance; garaideins 8=7, ga-rai-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Anordnung, Satzung, Regel; ne. directive (N.), rule (N.), regulation, ordinance, decree (N.); *raideins?, *rai-d-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Anordnung; ne. ordinance, directive (N.)

ordinary: got. gamains 6, ga-mai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gemein, gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, teilhaftig, unheilig; ne. participant (Adj.), sharing (Adj.), shared, communal, commutual, common (Adj.), ordinary, unclean, vulgar, profane

organs -- internal abdominal organs: got. wamba 11, wamb-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bauch, Schoß (F.) (1), Leib; ne. viscera, womb, uterus, internal abdominal organs, belly (N.)

origin: got. ussateins* 1, us-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ursprung; ne. semination, seeding (N.), sowing (N.) (2), engendering, begetting, origin

-- ethnic origin: got. gabaúrþs* 12, ga-baúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geburt, Abstammung, Geschlecht, Geburtsland; ne. birth, ethnic origin, birthplace, descent, race (1), native country

-- of earthly origin: got. aírþakunds* 1, aír-þ-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von irdischer Abkunft, von der Erde stammend, irdisch; ne. earth-born, of earthly descent, of earthly origin

-- of foreign origin: got. aljakuns 3, al-ja-kun-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anderswoher stammend, gegen die Natur, von einem anderen Geschlecht, von fremder Abkunft, fremd; ne. foreign, of different kin, of foreign origin, strange, contrary to nature

-- of heavenly origin: got. ufarhiminakunds 2, uf-ar-himin-a-kund-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. himmlisch; ne. born of heaven above, heavenly, of heavenly origin

originate: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

ornament -- ornament (N.): got. *garwi, *gar-w-i,  st. N. (jō/ī): nhd. Schmuck; ne. ornament (N.); *garws, *gar-w-s,  st. Sb.: nhd. Schmuck; ne. ornament (N.)

orphan: got. widuwaírna* 1, wid-uw-aírn-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Waise; ne. orphan

o-rune -- name of o-rune: got. ōþal* 2,  st. N. (a): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, o-Rune; ne. ancestral homeland, ancestral inheritance, patrimony, name of o-rune

o.s. -- accomodate o.s. to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

o.s. -- acknowledge o.s. as subordinate: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

o.s. -- betake o.s.: got. athaban sik du: nhd. sich nähern; ne. betake o.s., come to

o.s. -- betake o.s. away: got. ushafjan sik, got.: nhd. sich wegbegeben; ne. betake o.s. away

o.s. -- betake o.s. to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to

o.s. -- call to o.s.: got. atwōpjan 6, at-wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeirufen; ne. summon (V.), call to o.s., call hither, call thither

o.s. -- change o.s.: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

o.s. -- clothe o.s.: got. gawasjan* 15, ga-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekleiden, kleiden, sich bekleiden, sich kleiden; ne. clothe (V.), make clad, dress o.s., clothe o.s., don (V.), put on

o.s. -- clothe o.s. with: got. gahamōn 10, ga-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich bekleiden, sich anziehen; ne. dress in, get dressed, put on, clothe o.s. with, don (V.)

o.s. -- comport o.s.: got. usmitan 6, us-mi-t-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. wandeln, leben, sich benehmen; ne. behave, comport o.s., conduct o.s.

o.s. -- conceal o.s.: got. galaugnjan sik: nhd. sich verbergen; ne. hide o.s., conceal o.s.

o.s. -- conduct o.s.: got. usmitan 6, us-mi-t-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. wandeln, leben, sich benehmen; ne. behave, comport o.s., conduct o.s.

o.s. -- deceive o.s.: got. sis silbin fraþjamarzeins wisan, got.: nhd. sich selbst täuschen; ne. deceive o.s.

o.s. -- defend o.s.: got. sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

o.s. -- deny o.s.: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

o.s. -- displaying o.s. in words: got. waúrdahs* 1, waúr-d-ah-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vernünftig, sich in Worten zeigend; ne. logical, rational, displaying o.s. in words

o.s. -- dissociate o.s.: got. afstandan* 7, af-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. abstehen, ablassen, abfallen; ne. dissociate o.s., go away, stay away, fall off; gaskaidan sik* 1, ga-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich zurückziehen, sich trennen; ne. separate o.s., dissociate o.s., divorce o.s., withdraw

o.s. -- divorce o.s.: got. gaskaidan sik* 1, ga-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich zurückziehen, sich trennen; ne. separate o.s., dissociate o.s., divorce o.s., withdraw

o.s. -- dress o.s.: got. gawasjan* 15, ga-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekleiden, kleiden, sich bekleiden, sich kleiden; ne. clothe (V.), make clad, dress o.s., clothe o.s., don (V.), put on

o.s. -- enrich o.s. at the expense of: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of

o.s. -- exalt o.s.: got. ufarhafjan* 1, uf-ar-haf-jan*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. überheben; ne. raise above, lift up over, exalt o.s.; ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

o.s. -- excuse o.s.: got. faúrqiþan 4, faúr-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. sich entschuldigen, für ungültig erklären, aufheben, umstoßen; ne. decline (V.), refuse, turn down, excuse o.s., nullify

o.s. -- exercise o.s. in: got. sidōn* (sis) 1, sid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. üben; ne. practice (V.), exercise o.s. in

o.s. -- exert o.s.: got. usaiwjan* 1, us-aiw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich anstrengen; ne. endure to the end, persevere, exert o.s.

o.s. -- give o.s. away: got. afgiban* sik 1, af-gib-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich wegbegeben, sich hinwegbegeben, sich fortbegeben; ne. give o.s. away, separate (V.)

o.s. -- hang o.s.: got. ushāhan* (sik) 1, us-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich erhängen; ne. hang o.s., commit suicide by hanging

o.s. -- have allotted to o.s.: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

o.s. -- hide o.s.: got. galaugnjan sik: nhd. sich verbergen; ne. hide o.s., conceal o.s.

o.s. -- hold o.s. to: got. haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

o.s. -- hold up o.s.: got. *hafnan?, *haf-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich heben; ne. hold up o.s.

o.s. -- increase o.s.: got. *kundjan?, *kun-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich vermehren; ne. increase o.s.

o.s. -- join o.s. to: got. gahaftjan* 1, ga-haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. heften, anhängen; ne. join o.s. to

o.s. -- make o.s. adhere to: got. haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

o.s. -- make o.s. fit to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

o.s. -- make o.s. like: got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to; galeikōn sik: nhd. sich gleichstellen; ne. make o.s. like, conform to

o.s. -- perjure o.s.: got. ufarswaran* 1, uf-ar-swar-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. falsch schwören; ne. perjure o.s., swear falsely

o.s. -- prepare o.s.: got. skaftjan* sik 1, skaf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich bereit machen, sich anschicken; ne. get ready, prepare o.s.

o.s. -- pride o.s.: got. ƕōpan 33=31, ƕōp-an,  red. V. (5): nhd. sich rühmen; ne. boast (V.), pride o.s.

o.s. -- separate o.s.: got. gaskaidan sik* 1, ga-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich zurückziehen, sich trennen; ne. separate o.s., dissociate o.s., divorce o.s., withdraw

o.s. -- subject o.s.: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

o.s. -- subordinate o.s.: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

o.s. -- swing o.s.: got. *swiggwan, *swiggw-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. sich schwingen; ne. swing o.s.

o.s. -- take to o.s.: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return

o.s. -- take with o.s.: got. ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn

o.s. -- turn o.s. to: got. *gawaírþan, *ga-waír-þ-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. sich zuwenden, sich nähern, sich zusammentun; ne. turn o.s. to, approach (V.)

o.s. -- utter gruff sounds to o.s.: got. inraúhtjan* 2, in-raúh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnt werden, zürnen, unwillig sein (V.); ne. growl interiously, groan (V.), utter gruff sounds to o.s., be indignant

o.s. -- wash o.s.: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized

o.s. -- wash o.s. off: got. afþwahan 3, af-þwah-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. sich abwaschen, waschen, sich waschen; ne. lave off, wash off, wash o.s. off

o.s. -- withhold o.s.: got. afhaban* (sik) 1, af-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. abstain, withhold o.s.; gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain

o.s. -- withhold o.s. from food: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

Ostrogoths: got. Austrogoti, Aus-tro-go-t-i, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. Ostgoten; ne. Ostrogoths; *Grautungōs, *Grau-tung-ōs, *Grautuggōs,  st. M. Pl.: nhd. Greutungen, Ostgoten; ne. Ostrogoths; Greotingi*, Gre-o-t-ing-i*, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. Ostgoten; ne. Ostrogoths; *Griutuggōs?, *Gri-u-t-ugg-ōs?,  st. M. Pl.: nhd. Ostgoten; ne. Ostrogoths; *Grūtungi, *Grū-t-ung-i, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. Ostgoten; ne. Ostrogoths; Ostrogoþi, Ostro-go-þ-i, Ostrogoþae, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. Ostgoten; ne. Ostrogoths

other: got. *ali-, *al-i-,  Adj. (ja) (jō?): nhd. andere; ne. another, other; *aljaleiks?, *al-ja-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. andere; ne. another, other; aljis* 5, al-ji-s*, alis*,  Pron.-Adj. (ja): nhd. andere; ne. another, other; anþar 157, an-þar,  Adj. (a), Num. Ord.: nhd. andere, zweite; ne. other, second (Adj.), another, the other

-- each other: got. missō 64=63, mis-s-ō,  Adv.: nhd. einander, wechselseitig; ne. mutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, one another

-- from one side to the other: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by

-- in a manner other than standard: got. aljaleikōs, Adv. (Komp.), (Krause, Handbuch des Gotischen 194,2): nhd. anders; ne. otherwise, elsewise, in a manner other than standard

-- on the other hand: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise; þata wiþrawaírþō: nhd. dagegen, im Gegenteil; ne. however, on the other hand

-- other than: got. alja 17, al-ja,  Konj., Präp. m. Dat.: nhd. außer; ne. but, else than, except, other than, save (Präp.), unless

-- the one ... the other: got. anþar ... anþar, got.: nhd. der eine ... der andere; ne. the one ... the other

-- the other: got. anþar 157, an-þar,  Adj. (a), Num. Ord.: nhd. andere, zweite; ne. other, second (Adj.), another, the other

-- this and no other: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

-- to the other side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- to the other time: got. anþaramma sinþa, got.: nhd. zum anderen Mal; ne. to the other time

otherness: got. anþarleikei* 2, an-þar-leik-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verschiedenheit; ne. otherness, different structure, different essence, diversity, difference

others -- self-enrichment at others expense: got. bifaih* 1, bi-faih*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. exaction, self-enrichment at others expense; bifaihōns* 1, bi-faih-ōn-s*, bifaihō* 1,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. financial exploitation, self-enrichment at others expense

otherwise: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise; aljaleikō 4, al-ja-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. anders; ne. otherwise, differently, unorthodoxly; aljaleikōs, Adv. (Komp.), (Krause, Handbuch des Gotischen 194,2): nhd. anders; ne. otherwise, elsewise, in a manner other than standard; anþarleikō 2=1, an-þar-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. anders; ne. essentially differently, otherwise, in substantively different manner

-- constituted otherwise: got. *anþarleiks?, *an-þar-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. verschieden; ne. substantively different, essentially different, constituted otherwise

-- teach otherwise: got. aljaleikō laisjan, got.: nhd. anders lehren; ne. teach otherwise

our: got. unsar 195=190, un-s-ar,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. unser; ne. our

oust: got. uslētan 1, us-lē-t-an,  red. V. (6): nhd. ausschließen; ne. let out, exclude, oust

out: got. ur-,  Präf., (Präp.): nhd. aus; ne. out, ex-; ūt 25,  Adv., Präf.: nhd. hinaus, heraus; ne. out, outside, forth, outwards; ūta 14, ūt-a,  Adv.: nhd. außerhalb, draußen; ne. outside, without, out

-- bear out: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue; ūtbaíran* 1, ūt-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen; ne. carry out, bear out, carry through

-- become poured out: got. *gutnan?, *gu-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gegossen werden; ne. become poured out, become spilled out; usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- become spilled out: got. *gutnan?, *gu-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gegossen werden; ne. become poured out, become spilled out; usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- be poured out: got. usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- be spilled out: got. usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- brazen out: got. *usbalþjan, *us-bal-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wagen, sich erkühnen; ne. be arrogant, be insolent, brazen out

-- breathe out: got. uzanan* 2, uz-an-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. ausatmen, aushauchen; ne. breathe out, expire

-- broom out: got. usbaugjan* 1, us-baug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausfegen; ne. broom out, sweep out

-- burst out: got. tarmjan* 1, tar-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. losbrechen, ausbrechen; ne. vent (V.), break forth, burst out

-- buy out of ransom: got. *uslunjan?, *us-lu-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlösen; ne. redeem, buy out of ransom

-- call out: got. *galan?, *gal-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. rufen, singen; ne. call out, sing out; hrōpjan 28, hrō-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, schreien; ne. cry out, shout (V.), call out; ufwōpjan* 4, uf-wōp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. call out, cry out, cry aloud, exclaim; wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

-- call out about: got. *bihaitan?, *bi-hai-t-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. prahlen, verleumden; ne. proclaim about, call out about, speak vociferously

-- carry out: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue; ūtbaíran* 1, ūt-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen; ne. carry out, bear out, carry through

-- cast out: got. uswaírpan 34, us-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinauswerfen, wegwerfen, austreiben, verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen, daraufwerfen; ne. throw out, cast out, eject, expel, reject (V.), cast off, throw off

-- cause to course out: got. urrannjan* 1, ur-ra-n-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufgehen lassen; ne. cause to emerge, cause to course out

-- clean out: got. ushrainjan* 1, us-hrai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausfegen; ne. cleanse out, purge out, clean out

-- cleanse out: got. ushrainjan* 1, us-hrai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausfegen; ne. cleanse out, purge out, clean out

-- come out: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; usgaggan 105, us-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. ausgehen, hinausgehen; ne. go out, come out, go forth, pass out

-- conduct out: got. ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

-- cry out: got. *hrōpan, *hrō-p-an,  red. V. (6): nhd. rufen; ne. cry out, call aloud; hrōpjan 28, hrō-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, schreien; ne. cry out, shout (V.), call out; ufhrōpjan* 6, uf-hrō-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. cry forth, cry out, shout out; ufwōpjan* 4, uf-wōp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. call out, cry out, cry aloud, exclaim; wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

-- cut out: got. usmaitan* 6, us-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. ausschneiden, abschneiden, ausrotten, aushauen; ne. cut out, excise, cut away, castrate, prune (V.), amputate; usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

-- deal out: got. dailjan 3, da-i-l-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. teilen, einem zuteilen, mitteilen; ne. share (V.), divide, impart, deal out, distribute

-- dig out: got. usgraban* 3, us-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. ausgraben; ne. dig out, get out by digging

-- drive out: got. frawrikan* 1, fra-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. verfolgen, rächen; ne. persecute severely, oppress intensely with persecution, drive out; usdreiban 12, us-drei-b-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. austreiben, vertreiben; ne. drive out, expel

-- even out: got. *ibnatjan?, *ibn-at-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gleichmachen, ebnen; ne. even out, level out, equalize

-- fall out: got. usdriusan* 2, us-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. herausfallen; ne. fall away, fall out, fall off

-- figure out: got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

-- find out: got. finþan* 5, fi-n-þ-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. find out, discover, recognize, learn, obtain knowledge of; ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

-- find out by inquiry: got. gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

-- find out by investigation: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

-- form out of clay: got. digan* 2, dig-an*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. kneten, aus Ton bilden, bilden, formen; ne. knead, mold, form out of clay

-- get out by digging: got. usgraban* 3, us-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. ausgraben; ne. dig out, get out by digging

-- get out of evil-doing: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

-- give out: got. usgiban 22, us-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erstatten, bezahlen, darstellen, darbringen; ne. give out, pay out, repay (V.), recompense (V.), give back, present (V.), offer (V.); ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

-- go out: got. atgaggan ut, got.: nhd. herausgehen; ne. go out; usgaggan 105, us-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. ausgehen, hinausgehen; ne. go out, come out, go forth, pass out; usleiþan 12, us-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinausgehen, weggehen, verreisen, vergehen; ne. pass forth, travel out, go out, go away, vanish; ūtgaggan* 2, ūt-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hinausgehen, ausgehen; ne. go out, exit (V.)

-- go out of one’s senses: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

-- hew out: got. gadraban 1, ga-drab-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. aushauen; ne. chip (V.), hew out, chisel (V.), chop (V.); ushulōn* 1, us-hul-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. aushöhlen; ne. hollow out, hew out

-- hold out: got. rahtōn* 1, raht-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. darreichen; ne. extend (V.), proffer (V.), hold out, offer (V.), present (V.)

-- hold out under: got. gabeidan* 1, ga-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ausharren, ertragen; ne. endure, abide, hold out under

-- hollow out: got. ushulōn* 1, us-hul-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. aushöhlen; ne. hollow out, hew out

-- is driven out of one’s senses: got. usgaisiþs ist, got.: nhd. ist von Sinnen; ne. is driven out of one’s senses

-- lay out: got. uslagjan 8, us-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflegen, anlegen; ne. lay outstretched, lay out, lay on

-- lead out: got. ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

-- let out: got. lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit; uslētan 1, us-lē-t-an,  red. V. (6): nhd. ausschließen; ne. let out, exclude, oust

-- level out: got. *ibnatjan?, *ibn-at-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gleichmachen, ebnen; ne. even out, level out, equalize

-- lot out: got. fradailjan* 1, fra-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen unter; ne. distribute, lot out, dispense in portions

-- make go out of one’s way: got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.)

-- marking out: got. ustaikneins 4, us-tai-k-n-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auszeichnung, Bezeichnung, Bekanntmachung, Anzeichen, Beweis, Darstellung; ne. pointing out, marking out, showing (N.), evidence, token (N.), revelation, proof (N.)

-- measure out: got. gamitan* 1, ga-mi-t-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zumessen, zuteilen; ne. measure out, mete out, apportion

-- mete out: got. gamitan* 1, ga-mi-t-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zumessen, zuteilen; ne. measure out, mete out, apportion

-- out of: got. us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of; us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of; ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- out of control: got. usstiuriba 1, us-stiu-r-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. zügellos; ne. unbridledly, uncontrolledly, profligately, dissolutely, out of control

-- out of place: got. gastōjans, Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unpassend?, gerichtet?, verurteilt?; ne. out of place

-- out of season: got. unūhteigō 1, un-ūh-t-eig-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zur Unzeit; ne. unseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion

-- parcel out: got. disdailjan* 3, dis-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. distribute, divide up, partition, parcel out, apportion

-- parcel out from: got. afdailjan* 1, af-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abteilen, einen Teil abgeben; ne. portion out, give tithes, apportion from, parcel out from

-- pass out: got. usgaggan 105, us-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. ausgehen, hinausgehen; ne. go out, come out, go forth, pass out

-- pay out: got. usgiban 22, us-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erstatten, bezahlen, darstellen, darbringen; ne. give out, pay out, repay (V.), recompense (V.), give back, present (V.), offer (V.)

-- plan out: got. urrēdan* 1, ur-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. auflegen, bestimmen, urteilen; ne. legislate, plan out, derive from argument, determine, decide

-- pluck out: got. usstaggan* 1, us-sta-g-g-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ausstechen; ne. stab out, pluck out

-- pointing out: got. ustaikneins 4, us-tai-k-n-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auszeichnung, Bezeichnung, Bekanntmachung, Anzeichen, Beweis, Darstellung; ne. pointing out, marking out, showing (N.), evidence, token (N.), revelation, proof (N.)

-- point out: got. ustaiknjan 16, us-tai-k-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezeichnen, auszeichnen, erweisen, darstellen, in die Erscheinung bringen; ne. point out, designate, appoint, exhibit, show (V.), demonstrate, render

-- portion out: got. afdailjan* 1, af-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abteilen, einen Teil abgeben; ne. portion out, give tithes, apportion from, parcel out from

-- prepare out of foresight: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

-- proceed out: got. usstandan 41, us-sta-n-d-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich erheben, aufbrechen, auferstehen, aufstehen; ne. stand up, rise up, arise, emerge, proceed out

-- pull out: got. raupjan 2, rau-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. raufen, ausrupfen; ne. pluck (V.), pull off, pull out, pick (V.)

-- purge out: got. ushrainjan* 1, us-hrai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausfegen; ne. cleanse out, purge out, clean out

-- reach out: got. ufrakjan* 8, uf-rak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufrecken, ausstrecken, hinaufziehen; ne. stretch out, extend, reach out

-- run out: got. urrinnan* 27, ur-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. auslaufen, ausgehen, aufgehen (von Samen oder von der Sonne); ne. run out, emerge, come forth, come up (of plant seed or the sun), rise (V.)

-- scout out: got. biniuhsjan 1, bi-niu-hs-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auskundschaften, ausspionieren, ausforschen; ne. reconnoiter, scout out, spy out

-- seek out: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

-- send out: got. ussandjan* 2, us-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aussenden; ne. send out, send forth; ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

-- set out for: got. galeiþan 142=140, ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kommen, gehen, fahren; ne. go away, depart from, go forth, set out for, come; framis galeiþan: nhd. vorschreiten; ne. go forth, set out for

-- shout out: got. ufhrōpjan* 6, uf-hrō-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. cry forth, cry out, shout out

-- sing out: got. *galan?, *gal-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. rufen, singen; ne. call out, sing out

-- sink out of sight: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

-- sound out: got. wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

-- spread out: got. gastraujan* 1, ga-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreuen, belegen (V.), überdecken, überbreiten; ne. strew out, spread out, cover (V.); usbraidjan* 1, us-braid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausbreiten nach; ne. spread out, extend, stretch out

-- spy out: got. biniuhsjan 1, bi-niu-hs-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auskundschaften, ausspionieren, ausforschen; ne. reconnoiter, scout out, spy out

-- stab out: got. usstaggan* 1, us-sta-g-g-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ausstechen; ne. stab out, pluck out

-- stretch out: got. ufrakjan* 8, uf-rak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufrecken, ausstrecken, hinaufziehen; ne. stretch out, extend, reach out; usbraidjan* 1, us-braid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausbreiten nach; ne. spread out, extend, stretch out

-- strew out: got. gastraujan* 1, ga-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreuen, belegen (V.), überdecken, überbreiten; ne. strew out, spread out, cover (V.)

-- sweep out: got. usbaugjan* 1, us-baug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausfegen; ne. broom out, sweep out

-- take out: got. usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

-- tear out: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

-- throw out: got. uswaírpan 34, us-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinauswerfen, wegwerfen, austreiben, verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen, daraufwerfen; ne. throw out, cast out, eject, expel, reject (V.), cast off, throw off

-- tired out: got. afmáuiþs* 2=1, af-máu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ermüdet; ne. weary (Adj.), debilitated, tired out, fatigued

-- tire out: got. afmōjan*, af-mō-jan*, afmaujan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ermüden; ne. tire out, fatigue (V.)

-- travel out: got. usleiþan 12, us-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinausgehen, weggehen, verreisen, vergehen; ne. pass forth, travel out, go out, go away, vanish

-- try out: got. kausjan 7, kaus-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Gen., m. Akk.: nhd. kosten (V.) (2), kennen lernen, prüfen; ne. sample (V.), experience (V.), taste (V.), try out, test (V.), prove (V.)

-- waiting out: got. usbeisnei 3, us-beis-n-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Geduld, Langmut; ne. long-abiding, patience, waiting out

-- wash out: got. usþwahan* 3, us-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auswaschen, abwaschen; ne. wash out, wash clean, cleanse by washing

-- watch out: got. atsaíƕan* 10=9, at-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen auf, sich in Acht nehmen, sich hüten; ne. give heed, watch out, be careful, be watchful, note (V.)

-- wear out: got. afdōjan* 1, af-dō-jan*, afdaujan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. plagen, schinden, abhetzen; ne. harry (V.), harass (V.), wear out

-- wipe out: got. afhrainjan 1, af-hrai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas Verunreinigendes tilgen, reinigen; ne. cleanse away, wipe out; afswaírban* 1, af-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. abwischen, auslöschen; ne. wipe away, wipe out

-- worn out: got. afdáuiþs* 1, af-dáu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geschunden, geplagt, abgehetzt; ne. troubled, annoyed, harried, harrassed, worn out

outcast -- outcast (Adj.): got. ? urrugks* 1, ur-rugk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verworfen?; ne. expelled?, outcast (Adj.)?, excommunicated?, depraved

outcry: got. hrōps 1, hrō-p-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ruf, Geschrei; ne. outcry, clamour, shouting (N.)

outdo: got. faúrarahnjan* 1, faúr-a-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. esteem as prior, reckon as foremost, deem preferable, outdo

outer -- outer garment: got. snaga* 5, snag-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gewand, Mantel, Oberkleid; ne. outer garment, cloak (N.), robe (N.)

outermost: got. hindumists* 1, hi-n-d-um-ist-s*,  Adj. (Superl.): nhd. hinterste, letzte, äußerste; ne. outermost, remotest, farthest, most distant

outlaw: got. unsibjis* 4=3, un-si-b-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. ungesetzlich, gottlos; ne. outlaw, outlawed, excommunicated, unlawful, impious

-- outlaw (M.): got. *wargs?, *war-g-s?,  Adj. (a), st. M. (a): nhd. Verdammter, Geächteter; ne. outlaw (M.), banished (M.), criminal (M.)

-- outlaw (V.): got. gawargjan* 2, ga-war-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einen verurteilen zu, ächten, verdammen; ne. condemn, damn, outlaw (V.), pronounce judgement against

outlawed: got. unsibjis* 4=3, un-si-b-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. ungesetzlich, gottlos; ne. outlaw, outlawed, excommunicated, unlawful, impious

out-of-doors -- out-of-doors wall: got. faþa* 4, faþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zaun, Scheidewand; ne. hedge (N.), fence (N.), out-of-doors wall, dividing wall

outset: got. frumisti* 3, fru-m-ist-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Anfang; ne. outset, beginning (N.), start (N.)

outside: got. ūt 25,  Adv., Präf.: nhd. hinaus, heraus; ne. out, outside, forth, outwards; ūta 14, ūt-a,  Adv.: nhd. außerhalb, draußen; ne. outside, without, out; ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- from outside: got. ūtaþrō 2, ūt-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außerhalb; ne. from without, from outside

-- on the outside: got. ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- outside of: got. ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- outside of culpability: got. usfaírina 3, us-faír-in-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos; ne. outside of culpability, beyond reproach, blameless

-- outside of sanctity: got. usweihs* 3, us-weih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. außer der Weihe, unheilig, profan; ne. profane (Adj.), execrated, outside of sanctity, unholy

-- outside (Präp.): got. inuh 49, in-u-h, inu,  Präp., m. Akk.: nhd. ohne, außer; ne. without, except, apart from, outside (Präp.)

-- outside the law: got. witōdalaus 4, wi-t-ōd-a-lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gesetzlos; ne. lawless, outside the law

outstretched -- lay outstretched: got. uslagjan 8, us-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflegen, anlegen; ne. lay outstretched, lay out, lay on

outwardly: got. ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

outwards: got. ūt 25,  Adv., Präf.: nhd. hinaus, heraus; ne. out, outside, forth, outwards

outworn: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

oven: got. aúhns* 1, aúh-n-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ofen; ne. oven

over: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by; andwaírþis 1, and-waír-þ-is,  Adv.: nhd. gegenüber; ne. vis-a-vis, opposite (Adj.), over, against, facing (Adj.); bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; ufar 43, uf-ar,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. über; ne. over, above; ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

-- beat one’s breast over: got. flōkan* 1, flō-k-an*,  red. V. (5): nhd. betrauern, beklagen; ne. beat one’s breast over, bewail, mourn (V.)

-- be clothed over with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- become clothed over with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- be left over: got. aflifnan* 8, af-li-f-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. be left, become left, be left over, remain (V.)

-- be over: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- boil over: got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

-- cross over: got. ufargaggan 5, uf-ar-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. etwas übertreten, übergreifen, überschreiten; ne. transgress (V.), overstep (V.), trespass (V.), go beyond, cross over; ufarleiþan* 1, uf-ar-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. übersetzen, hinüberfahren; ne. pass over, cross over, go across

-- exercise authority over: got. gawaldan* 1, ga-wald-an*,  red. V. (3), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. sich der Herrschaft bemächtigen, vergewaltigen; ne. wield domination over, exercise command over, exercise authority over

-- exercise command over: got. gawaldan* 1, ga-wald-an*,  red. V. (3), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. sich der Herrschaft bemächtigen, vergewaltigen; ne. wield domination over, exercise command over, exercise authority over

-- give over: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

-- give over to: got. atgiban 73, at-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hingeben, übergeben (V.), geben, darreichen; ne. give unto, deliver into the custody of, give over to

-- hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy: got. fralēwjan* 1, fra-lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy, betray

-- hand over in an opportunistic deal: got. lēwjan* 3, lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. betray in an act of opportunism, hand over in an opportunistic deal

-- hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

-- have dominion over: got. waldan 2, wald-an,  red. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. walten, haushalten, dem Hauswesen vorstehen; ne. control (V.), govern, rule (V.), have dominion over, wield power over, suffice

-- have power over: got. reikinōn 3, reik-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen über, beherrschen; ne. rule (V.), govern, have power over

-- inscribe over: got. ufarmēljan* 1, uf-ar-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überschreiben, darüber schreiben; ne. write above, superscribe, write over, inscribe over

-- keep watch over: got. haldan 9, hal-d-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. hüten, weiden, halten; ne. herd (V.), shepherd (V.), tend, keep watch over, graze cattle; witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

-- lay over: got. ufarlagjan* 1, uf-ar-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überdecken; ne. lay over

-- leave over: got. bilaibjan* 1, bi-lai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übriglassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining; *laibjan, *lai-b-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übrig lassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining

-- lift up over: got. ufarhafjan* 1, uf-ar-haf-jan*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. überheben; ne. raise above, lift up over, exalt o.s.

-- lord it over: got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over; gafraujinōn* 1, ga-frau-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, herrschen; ne. dominate, rule (V.), lord it over, subordinate (V.)

-- make run down over: got. *ufarrannjan 3, *uf-ar-ra-n-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „überrennen“, besprengen; ne. make run down over

-- mourn over: got. qainōn 4, qai-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. weinen (intr.), trauern (intr.), beweinen (tr.), betrauern (tr.); ne. wail (V.), mourn, lament (V.), bewail, mourn over, sorrow (V.)

-- over beyond: got. ufarjaina 1, uf-ar-jain-a,  Adv.: nhd. darüber hinaus; ne. beyond, over beyond

-- over it: got. ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

-- over much: got. ufar filu, got.: nhd. über viel; ne. over much

-- over to: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- pass over: got. faran* 1, far-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. wandern, ziehen, fahren, gehen; ne. pass over, wander, travel (V.), traverse distance; ufarleiþan* 1, uf-ar-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. übersetzen, hinüberfahren; ne. pass over, cross over, go across

-- preside over: got. faúragaggan 6=5, faúr-a-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorangehen, vorstehen; ne. go before, precede, go in front of, preside over, govern; faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

-- roll over: got. *wiltan?, *wil-t-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. wälzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble, roll over

-- rule over: got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over

-- scatter over: got. ufartrusnjan* 1, uf-ar-trusn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überstreuen; ne. scatter over, strew over, sprinkle over

-- sprinkle over: got. ufartrusnjan* 1, uf-ar-trusn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überstreuen; ne. scatter over, strew over, sprinkle over

-- strew over: got. ufartrusnjan* 1, uf-ar-trusn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überstreuen; ne. scatter over, strew over, sprinkle over

-- take the opportunity of giving s.o. over: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

-- tent over: got. ufarhleiþrjan* 1, uf-ar-hlei-þr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überzelten, ein Zelt über jemandem aufschlagen; ne. tent over, cover as with a tent, canopy (V.)

-- think over: got. biþagkjan* 1, bi-þagk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. think over, think about, meditate on, consider; mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate

-- turn over: got. waltjan* 1, wal-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wälzen, stürzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble (V.), capsize, turn over, beat into

-- watch over: got. witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

-- wield domination over: got. gawaldan* 1, ga-wald-an*,  red. V. (3), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. sich der Herrschaft bemächtigen, vergewaltigen; ne. wield domination over, exercise command over, exercise authority over

-- wield power over: got. waldan 2, wald-an,  red. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. walten, haushalten, dem Hauswesen vorstehen; ne. control (V.), govern, rule (V.), have dominion over, wield power over, suffice

-- write over: got. ufarmēljan* 1, uf-ar-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überschreiben, darüber schreiben; ne. write above, superscribe, write over, inscribe over

over-aged: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

overagedness: got. faírniþa* 1, faír-n-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Alter (N.); ne. overagedness, antiquity

overcome: got. gajiukan* 4, ga-jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. besiegen, überwinden; ne. succeed in fighting, overcome, conquer, gain the prize

over-exalt: got. ufarhauhjan* 1, uf-ar-hau-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „überhöhen“, verblenden; ne. over-exalt, over-extol, be puffed up

over-extol: got. ufarhauhjan* 1, uf-ar-hau-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „überhöhen“, verblenden; ne. over-exalt, over-extol, be puffed up

overfill: got. ufarfulljan* 2, uf-ar-ful-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfüllen; ne. overfill, fill to superabundance

-- overfill (V.): got. fulljan* 3, ful-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. füllen, anfüllen; ne. fill (V.), fulfill, overfill (V.)

overflow -- let overflow: got. ufargiutan* 1, uf-ar-giu-t-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. übergießen, übervoll gießen; ne. let overflow, pour to overflowing

overflowing -- filled to overflowing: got. ufarfulls* 1, uf-ar-ful-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. festgedrückt, übervoll; ne. overfull, filled to overflowing

overflowing -- pour to overflowing: got. ufargiutan* 1, uf-ar-giu-t-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. übergießen, übervoll gießen; ne. let overflow, pour to overflowing

overfull: got. ufarfulls* 1, uf-ar-ful-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. festgedrückt, übervoll; ne. overfull, filled to overflowing

overfullness: got. ufarfullei* 1, uf-ar-ful-l-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Überfülle, Überfluss; ne. overfullness, superabundance, superfluity

overload -- burden with an overload: got. anakaúrjan* 1, an-a-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschweren; ne. heap a burden upon, burden with an overload, cause pain

overlook: got. ufarmunnōn* 3, uf-ar-mun-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergessen; ne. forget, overlook, neglect (V.)

overly -- become overly raised up: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

overly -- be overly raised up: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

overrunning -- overrunning by water: got. garunjō* 1, ga-ru-n-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Flut, Überschwemmung; ne. inundation, deluge (N.), overrunning by water, flood (N.)

overshadow -- overshadow (V.): got. ufarskadwjan* 3, uf-ar-skad-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überschatten; ne. overshadow (V.)

overstep -- overstep (V.): got. ufargaggan 5, uf-ar-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. etwas übertreten, übergreifen, überschreiten; ne. transgress (V.), overstep (V.), trespass (V.), go beyond, cross over

oversufficiency: got. ufarassus 31, uf-ar-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Überfluss, Übermaß; ne. exceedingness, oversufficiency, superabundance, superpassingness, superiority

overtake -- overtake (V.): got. gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize

overthrow -- overthrow (N.): got. uswalteins 2, us-wal-t-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Umwälzung, Zusammensturz, Zerstörung, Untergang; ne. capsizal, downthrow (N.), overthrow (N.), overturn (N.), collapse (N.), downfall, ruin (N.); *walteins?, *wal-t-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Wälzung, Sturz; ne. turn (N.), overthrow (N.)

overthrow -- overthrow (V.): got. gadrausjan* 3, ga-drau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen, niederwerfen, herabwerfen; ne. cast down, overthrow (V.), fell (V.), bring down, plunge down; uswaltjan* 3, us-wal-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas umwälzen, etwas umstürzen; ne. overturn (V.), capsize, overthrow (V.)

overturn -- overturn (N.): got. uswalteins 2, us-wal-t-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Umwälzung, Zusammensturz, Zerstörung, Untergang; ne. capsizal, downthrow (N.), overthrow (N.), overturn (N.), collapse (N.), downfall, ruin (N.)

overturn -- overturn (V.): got. uswaltjan* 3, us-wal-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas umwälzen, etwas umstürzen; ne. overturn (V.), capsize, overthrow (V.)

overwinter: got. wintru wisan: nhd. überwintern; ne. winter (V.), overwinter; wintru wisan: nhd. überwintern; ne. winter (V.), overwinter

owe -- owe (V.): got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.)

ower -- ower of money: got. faíhuskula* 1, faíh-u-skul-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schuldner; ne. ower of money, debtor

own -- Goths’ own name for themselves: got. Gutþiuda* 2, Gu-t-þiu-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenvolk; ne. Gothic people, Goths’ own name for themselves

own -- make one’s own: got. *aiginōn?, *aig-in-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. aneignen; ne. appropriate (V.), make one’s own; gaaiginōn* 2=1, ga-aig-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. in Besitz nehmen, übervorteilen, in Beschlag nehmen; ne. appropriate (V.), make one’s own

own -- of one’s own: got. *aigins?, *aig-in-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. eigen; ne. of one’s own

own -- of one’s own will: got. silba wiljands, got.: nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will; silbawiljis* 2=1, si-l-b-a-wil-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will, willing of oneself, volunteer (Adj.)

own -- of own desire: got. us lustum: nhd. gern, freiwillig; ne. willingly, of own desire

own -- one’s own: got. swēs (1) 28, swē-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. eigen, angehörig; ne. one’s own, very own

own -- own (V.): got. aigan* 32, aig-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1): nhd. haben; ne. have, own (V.), possess (V.)

own -- very own: got. swēs (1) 28, swē-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. eigen, angehörig; ne. one’s own, very own

owned -- what is owned: got. swēs* (2) 3, swē-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eigentum, Vermögen; ne. what is owned, ownings, property

ownings: got. swēs* (2) 3, swē-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eigentum, Vermögen; ne. what is owned, ownings, property

ox: got. aúhsa* 1, aúh-s-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Ochse, Rind; ne. ox; aúhsus* 5, aúh-s-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ochse, Rind; ne. ox

pace -- pace (N.): got. griþs* 1, griþ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schritt, Stufe; ne. step (N.), pace (N.), stair, standing (N.)

pacification -- counciliatory pacification: got. gafriþōns* 2, ga-fri-þ-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versöhnung; ne. establishment of peace, reconciliation, counciliatory pacification

pact -- pact (N.): got. trausti* 1, trau-st-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Bündnis, Bund, Vertrag; ne. covenant, pact (N.)

paid -- paid servant: got. asneis 6, asn-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Mietling, Tagelöhner; ne. hired man, day-labourer, wage earner, paid servant

pain: got. sair 2, sai-r,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schmerz; ne. pain, pang, throe

-- cause pain: got. anakaúrjan* 1, an-a-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschweren; ne. heap a burden upon, burden with an overload, cause pain

-- endurance of pain: got. wunns* 1, wu-n-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Leiden; ne. suffering (N.), endurance of pain

-- pain (V.): got. gaurjan* 10, gau-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kränken, betrüben; ne. insult (V.), grieve, cause anguish to, pain (V.)

pained: got. gaurs 6, gau-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. betrübt, traurig, mürrisch; ne. grieved, anguished, pained, sorrowful, sad, sullen

painfulness: got. aglō 27, ag-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Drangsal; ne. affliction, painfulness, tribulation

pair -- pair (N.): got. gajuk* 1, ga-ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Paar; ne. pair (N.), couple (N.), that which is „co-yoked“, companion; juk* 1, ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Joch, Paar; ne. yoke (N.), yoked pair, couple (N.), couplet, pair (N.)

pair -- pair of shoes: got. gaskōhi* 2, ga-skōh-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Sandalen, Schuhe, Schuhwerk; ne. pair of shoes, sandals

pair -- yoked pair: got. juk* 1, ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Joch, Paar; ne. yoke (N.), yoked pair, couple (N.), couplet, pair (N.)

palace: got. praitōriaún 5, pra-itōr-iaún,  unr. N.: nhd. Prätorium, Gerichtshaus; ne. praetorium, palace

-- royal palace: got. þiudangardi 65, þiu-d-an-gard-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Königsschloss, Königreich, Palast; ne. royal domain, realm, kingdom, royal palace, king’s court

palate: got. *gōma, *gō-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gaumen; ne. palate

pale: got. *falws?, *fal-w-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. fahl, falb, gelblich, grau; ne. pale

pallet: got. badi* 7, bad-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Bett; ne. bed (N.), pallet

palm -- date palm: got. peikabagms* 1, peik-a-bagm-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Palmbaum; ne. palm tree, date palm

palm -- palm of hand: got. lōfa* 4, lōf-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. flache Hand; ne. open hand, palm of hand

palm -- palm tree: got. peikabagms* 1, peik-a-bagm-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Palmbaum; ne. palm tree, date palm

pang: got. sair 2, sai-r,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schmerz; ne. pain, pang, throe

pangs -- undergo childbirth pangs (with): got. fitan* 2, fit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. kreißen, gebären; ne. undergo childbirth pangs (with), give birth (to) amid throes, be in labour (with)

parable: got. gajukō (2) 30, ga-ju-k-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Zusammenstellung“, „Zusammenjochung“, Gleichnis; ne. simile, parable, figure of speech

paraclete: got. paraklētus 4, par-a-klē-t-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Tröster; ne. paraclete, advocate (M.), comforter

paradigm: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

paradise: got. waggs* 1, wagg-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Wiese, Paradies; ne. meadow, park (N.), paradise

paralytic: got. usliþa 12, us-li-þ-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. gichtbrüchig, Gichtbrüchiger (= subst.); ne. paralytic, of disabled limb

parcel -- parcel out: got. disdailjan* 3, dis-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. distribute, divide up, partition, parcel out, apportion

parcel -- parcel out from: got. afdailjan* 1, af-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abteilen, einen Teil abgeben; ne. portion out, give tithes, apportion from, parcel out from

parch -- parch (V.): got. gaþaírsan* 2, ga-þaírs-an*,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren; ne. dry up, wither (V.), parch (V.)

parched: got. þaúrsus 3, þaúrs-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. dürr, vertrocknet; ne. dry (Adj.), parched, withered, dried up

-- be parched: got. gaþaúrsnan* 5, ga-þaúrs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up, wither, be parched

parchment: got. maímbrana* 1, maímbran-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Pergament; ne. parchment

pardon -- pardon (N.): got. aflēt* 3, af-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Vergebung; ne. indulgence, letting off, forgiveness, pardon (N.)

pardon -- pardon (V.): got. fragiban 25, fra-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. vergeben, verleihen, schenken, geben, gewähren; ne. give (V.), grant (V.), remit (V.), forgive, pardon (V.), bestow

parental -- acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

parents: got. bērusjōs 3, bēr-us-jōs, bīrusjōs,  st. M. (ja), Pl.: nhd. Eltern; ne. parents; fadrein 14, fa-dr-ein,  st. N. (a): nhd. Abkunft, Geschlecht, Stamm, Eltern, Großeltern, Vorfahren; ne. patrilineage, forefathers, descent, race (N.) (1), parents

park -- park (N.): got. waggs* 1, wagg-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Wiese, Paradies; ne. meadow, park (N.), paradise

parousia: got. qums 14, qu-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Ankunft, Wiederkunft; ne. coming (N.), advent, arrival, parousia, presence

part -- collateral part: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

part -- construct as a constituent part: got. miþgatimrjan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. miterbauen; ne. build together, construct as a constituent part

part -- in a certain part of the past: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

part -- in part: got. bi sumata, got.: nhd. zum Teil; ne. in part

part -- in part ... in part ... in part: got. sumanuh þan ... sumanuh þan, got.: nhd. teils ... teils; ne. in part ... in part ... in part; sumanuh þan ... sumanuh þan, got.: nhd. teils ... teils; ne. in part ... in part ... in part; sumanuh þan ... sumanuh þan, got.: nhd. teils ... teils; ne. in part ... in part ... in part

part -- on the part of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

part -- part (N.): got. dails* 7, da-i-l-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Teil, Anteil; ne. part (N.), portion (N.), share (N.)

part -- part of the body: got. liþus 17, li-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Glied; ne. limb (1) (N.), member, part of the body

part -- part (V.): got. skaidan 5, skai-d-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. scheiden, trennen; ne. divide, part (V.), separate (V.), depart (V.)

partake -- partake in: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

partake -- partake of: got. faíraihan 1, faír-aih-an, fairaigan*?,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. teilhaben an; ne. have a share in, partake of, participate in; gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

partaker: got. gamainja 1, ga-mai-n-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Teilnehmer; ne. partaker, sharer, participant

partaking -- partaking (N.): got. daila* (1) 4, da-i-l-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Teilnahme, Gemeinschaft, Mine (= Münze), Pfund; ne. partaking (N.), participation, community, partnership, incompleteness, fragmentariness, piece of money, pound

partiality: got. wiljahalþei 3, wi-l-j-a-hal-þ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Parteilichkeit, Zuneigung, Gunst; ne. partisan inclination, partisan bias, partiality

participant: got. gamainja 1, ga-mai-n-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Teilnehmer; ne. partaker, sharer, participant

-- participant (Adj.): got. gamains 6, ga-mai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gemein, gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, teilhaftig, unheilig; ne. participant (Adj.), sharing (Adj.), shared, communal, commutual, common (Adj.), ordinary, unclean, vulgar, profane

participate -- participate in: got. faíraihan 1, faír-aih-an, fairaigan*?,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. teilhaben an; ne. have a share in, partake of, participate in; gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

participation: got. daila* (1) 4, da-i-l-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Teilnahme, Gemeinschaft, Mine (= Münze), Pfund; ne. partaking (N.), participation, community, partnership, incompleteness, fragmentariness, piece of money, pound; gamainei* 2, ga-mai-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gemeinschaft; ne. communal feeling, communal sharing, participation, fellowship

particles -- food food particles: got. draúhsna* 4, draúhsn-a*, drausna*,  st. F. (ō), Pl.: nhd. Brocken, Brosamen, Bissen; ne. fragments, crumbs, food food particles

particular: got. *ussinþs?, *us-sinþ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. „außer dem Weg befindlich“, besonders; ne. „beeing beside the way“, particular

-- in particular: got. þishun 6=5, þi-s-hun,  Adv.: nhd. meist, vorzüglich, besonders; ne. in particular, particularly, specifically, especially, above all; ussindō 1, us-sind-ō,  Adv.: nhd. am meisten, besonders, ausnehmend; ne. particularly, especially, in particular

particularly: got. þishun 6=5, þi-s-hun,  Adv.: nhd. meist, vorzüglich, besonders; ne. in particular, particularly, specifically, especially, above all; ussindō 1, us-sind-ō,  Adv.: nhd. am meisten, besonders, ausnehmend; ne. particularly, especially, in particular

parties -- drunken parties: got. drugkaneins, Nom. Pl.: nhd. Zechgelage; ne. drunken parties

parties -- last of two parties: got. aftuma* 1, af-t-u-m-a*,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. letzte, hintere; ne. aftermost, hindmost, last of two parties

partisan -- partisan bias: got. wiljahalþei 3, wi-l-j-a-hal-þ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Parteilichkeit, Zuneigung, Gunst; ne. partisan inclination, partisan bias, partiality

partisan -- partisan inclination: got. wiljahalþei 3, wi-l-j-a-hal-þ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Parteilichkeit, Zuneigung, Gunst; ne. partisan inclination, partisan bias, partiality

partition: got. disdailjan* 3, dis-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. distribute, divide up, partition, parcel out, apportion; midgardiwaddjus* 2, mid-gard-i-wa-dd-j-u-s*, miþgardawaddjus*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Zwischenwand; ne. partition, dividing wall

-- partition (V.): got. gadailjan* 8, ga-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zuteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. divide, partition (V.), allot, apportion, distribute to

partly: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

partner: got. gadaila 7, ga-da-i-l-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Teilnehmer, Genosse; ne. partner, co-participant; gaman 4, ga-man,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mitmensch, Teilnehmer, Genosse, Gemeinschaft, Genossenschaft; ne. fellow man, partner, comrade, partnership, comradeship

-- be a partner in: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

-- be a partner with: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

-- partner in the same body: got. galeika* 1, ga-leik-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Miteinverleibter“, eines Leibes; ne. „corpus-mate“, partner in the same body

partnership: got. daila* (1) 4, da-i-l-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Teilnahme, Gemeinschaft, Mine (= Münze), Pfund; ne. partaking (N.), participation, community, partnership, incompleteness, fragmentariness, piece of money, pound; gaman 4, ga-man,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mitmensch, Teilnehmer, Genosse, Gemeinschaft, Genossenschaft; ne. fellow man, partner, comrade, partnership, comradeship

parts -- lower parts: got. undarists* 1, undar-ist-s*,  Adj. (a), Superl.: nhd. das Innere, innerste, die untersten; ne. undermost, lowest, nethermost, interior (N.), lower parts

pass -- come to pass: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

pass -- pass away: got. hindarleiþan 2, hi-n-dar-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinzukommen, vergehen; ne. go past, pass on, pass away, come up

pass -- pass forth: got. usleiþan 12, us-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinausgehen, weggehen, verreisen, vergehen; ne. pass forth, travel out, go out, go away, vanish

pass -- pass in: got. inngaleiþan 8, in-n-ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineingehen; ne. enter, go in, pass in

pass -- pass judgement against: got. afdōmjan 5, af-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen, verfluchen; ne. comdemn, pass judgement against, curse (V.), abjure

pass -- pass judgement beforehand: got. *faúrdōmjan?, *faúr-dō-m-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorher urteilen; ne. pre-judge (V.), pass judgement beforehand

pass -- pass judgement on: got. bidōmjan* 1, bi-dō-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen; ne. judge (V.), criticize, pass judgement on, sit in judgement on

pass -- pass judgement upon: got. stōjan, stō-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. richten, beurteilen; ne. judge (V.), pass judgement upon, sit in judgement on

pass -- pass on: got. hindarleiþan 2, hi-n-dar-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinzukommen, vergehen; ne. go past, pass on, pass away, come up; ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

pass -- pass on by: got. faúrgaggan* 4, faúr-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorübergehen, vorbeigehen; ne. pass on by, go past

pass -- pass on through: got. þaírhleiþan 5, þaír-h-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hindurchgehen, vorbeigehen, weitergehen; ne. pass on through, pass through, travel through, go through, go past

pass -- pass out: got. usgaggan 105, us-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. ausgehen, hinausgehen; ne. go out, come out, go forth, pass out

pass -- pass over: got. faran* 1, far-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. wandern, ziehen, fahren, gehen; ne. pass over, wander, travel (V.), traverse distance; ufarleiþan* 1, uf-ar-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. übersetzen, hinüberfahren; ne. pass over, cross over, go across

pass -- pass through: got. þaírhgaggan 11, þaír-h-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hindurchgehen, vorübergehen, herumgehen, durchstreifen; ne. go through, pass through, go throughout; þaírhleiþan 5, þaír-h-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hindurchgehen, vorbeigehen, weitergehen; ne. pass on through, pass through, travel through, go through, go past

passable: got. *gāhts (2), *gāh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gangbar; ne. passable

passage: got. *farþa?, *far-þ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fahrt, Reise; ne. voyage (N.), passage, travelling motion; staþs (1) 34, sta-þ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Stätte, Ort, Gegend, Platz (M.) (1), Raum; ne. place (N.), locality, region, spot (N.), stead, passage

passing -- passing (Adj.): got. þairhleiþands, Part. Präs.: nhd. vorübergehend; ne. passing (Adj.)

passion: got. þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion; winna* 1, wi-n-n-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Leiden, Leidenschaft; ne. passion, libido, sexual aching; winnō* 3, wi-n-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Leiden; ne. passion, carnal drive, sensual craving, suffering (N.)

Passover: got. paska 9, pask-a,  F.? (indekl.), N.?: nhd. Ostern; ne. Passover, Easter

past -- go past: got. faúrgaggan* 4, faúr-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorübergehen, vorbeigehen; ne. pass on by, go past; hindarleiþan 2, hi-n-dar-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinzukommen, vergehen; ne. go past, pass on, pass away, come up; þaírhleiþan 5, þaír-h-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hindurchgehen, vorbeigehen, weitergehen; ne. pass on through, pass through, travel through, go through, go past

past -- in a certain part of the past: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

past -- slide past: got. ufsliupan* 3=2, uf-sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. einschleichen, zu Unrecht einführen, sich zurückziehen, sich fortschleichen; ne. slip by, slide past, slip on past, shrink back

past -- slide past on in: got. innufsliupan* 1, in-n-uf-sliu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. weiter hinaufschlüpfen, hineinschlüpfen; ne. slip on in, slide past on in, slip on past in, slip in unnoticed

past -- slip on past: got. ufsliupan* 3=2, uf-sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. einschleichen, zu Unrecht einführen, sich zurückziehen, sich fortschleichen; ne. slip by, slide past, slip on past, shrink back

past -- slip on past in: got. innufsliupan* 1, in-n-uf-sliu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. weiter hinaufschlüpfen, hineinschlüpfen; ne. slip on in, slide past on in, slip on past in, slip in unnoticed

past -- wander on past: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

pastel -- pastel (N.): got. *wizdila?, *wi-z-d-il-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Waid, Waidkraut; ne. woad, pastel (N.); *wizdils?, *wi-z-d-il-s?, lat.-got.?, st. M.: nhd. Waid, Waidkraut; ne. woad, pastel (N.)

pasture: got. winja* 1, wi-n-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Weide (F.) (2); ne. pasture, grazing meadow; winne 1, wi-n-n-e, uuinne,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Weide (F.) (2), w-Rune; ne. pasture, grazing meadow, name of w-rune

patch -- patch (N.): got. plat* 3, plats*?,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Flicken (M.), Lappen; ne. patch (N.), piece of cloth

paternal: got. *fadreins (2), *fa-dr-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. väterlich; ne. paternal

path: got. staiga* 3, staig-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Steig, Weg; ne. path, lane, walkway, footpath, way

patience: got. laggamōdei* 2, lagg-a-mōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Langmut; ne. patience, long-suffering; stiwiti* 4=3, stiwit-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geduld, geduldiges Ertragen; ne. steadfastness, perseverance, endurance, patience; þulains* 12, þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Dulden, Leiden, Geduld; ne. toleration, forbearance, sufferance, suffering (N.), patience, fortitude, perseverance; *þulds?, *þul-d-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geduld; ne. patience; usbeisnei 3, us-beis-n-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Geduld, Langmut; ne. long-abiding, patience, waiting out; usbeisns* 5, us-beis-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erwartung, Geduld, Langmut; ne. expectation, awaiting, long-abiding, patience; usþulains* 2, us-þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geduld; ne. endurance, enduring (N.), patient bearing, patience, steadfastness

patient: got. *laggamōþs, *lagg-a-mōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. langmütig; ne. patient, long-suffering; usbeisneigs* 2, us-beis-n-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. geduldig, langmütig; ne. long-abiding, patient

-- patient bearing: got. usþulains* 2, us-þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geduld; ne. endurance, enduring (N.), patient bearing, patience, steadfastness

patrilineage: got. fadrein 14, fa-dr-ein,  st. N. (a): nhd. Abkunft, Geschlecht, Stamm, Eltern, Großeltern, Vorfahren; ne. patrilineage, forefathers, descent, race (N.) (1), parents; fadreins* (1) 1, fa-dr-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschlecht; ne. patrilineage, family, race (N.) (1), clan, lineage

patrimonial -- patrimonial homestead: got. haimōþli* 2, hai-m-ōþl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Grundbesitz, Familiengut; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead; *ōþli, *ōþl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, Heimat; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead

patrimonial -- patrimonial land: got. haimōþli* 2, hai-m-ōþl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Grundbesitz, Familiengut; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead; *ōþli, *ōþl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, Heimat; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead

patrimony: got. ōþal* 2,  st. N. (a): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, o-Rune; ne. ancestral homeland, ancestral inheritance, patrimony, name of o-rune

pattern -- pattern (V.): got. *frisahtjan?, *frisah-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.); gafrisahtjan* 1, ga-frisah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.)

patterned -- become patterned: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

patterned -- be patterned: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

pause -- pause (V.): got. ƕeilan* 1, ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhören; ne. pause (V.), take an intermission, take a recess, cease; sweiban* 1, swei-b-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. ablassen, aufhören; ne. cease (V.), leave off, pause (V.), stop (V.)

pause -- without pause: got. unƕeila* 1, un-ƕei-l-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. unablässig, beständig; ne. unpausing, without pause, unceasing (Adj.)

paw -- paw (N.): got. *pauta, *paut-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Pfote; ne. paw (N.)

pay -- pay attention to: got. gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe; mundōn* 2=1 sis, mun-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. sich einen besehen, sehen auf; ne. take aim at, pay attention to, observe

pay -- pay heed to: got. andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.)

pay -- pay homage to: got. inweitan* 10, in-wei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. Verehrung erweisen, begrüßen, anbeten, ansehen, verehren; ne. pay homage to, pay respect to, salute (V.), worship (V.)

pay -- pay honour to: got. gaswēran* 2, ga-s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verherrlichen, verklären; ne. honour (V.), pay honour to, exalt, glorify

pay -- pay in tribute to: got. andsaljan 1, and-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darbringen, opfern; ne. pay in tribute to, offer as tribute to, sacrifice (V.)

pay -- pay (N.): got. annō* 2, ann-ō*,  sw. F. (n)?: nhd. Sold, Kosten (F. Pl.); ne. pay (N.), soldier’s pay, wages; mizdō 12, mizd-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lohn; ne. pay (N.), wage (2), recompense (N.), reward (N.)

pay -- pay out: got. usgiban 22, us-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erstatten, bezahlen, darstellen, darbringen; ne. give out, pay out, repay (V.), recompense (V.), give back, present (V.), offer (V.)

pay -- pay respect to: got. inweitan* 10, in-wei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. Verehrung erweisen, begrüßen, anbeten, ansehen, verehren; ne. pay homage to, pay respect to, salute (V.), worship (V.)

pay -- soldier’s pay: got. annō* 2, ann-ō*,  sw. F. (n)?: nhd. Sold, Kosten (F. Pl.); ne. pay (N.), soldier’s pay, wages

payment -- payment to the Caesar: got. kaisaragild* 1, kais-ar-a-gild*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Kaisergeld“, Zensus, Steuer (F.), Kaisersteuer; ne. Caesar-tribute, payment to the Caesar, tax (N.), census

peace: got. *friþus, *fri-þu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Friede, Schutz; ne. protection, shelter (N.), peace; gawaírþi 53=52, ga-waír-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Friede; ne. peace, concord (N.)

-- establishment of peace: got. gafriþōns* 2, ga-fri-þ-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versöhnung; ne. establishment of peace, reconciliation, counciliatory pacification

-- establish peace among: got. gafriþōn 5, ga-fri-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versöhnen; ne. establish peace between, establish peace among, reconcile

-- establish peace between: got. gafriþōn 5, ga-fri-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versöhnen; ne. establish peace between, establish peace among, reconcile

-- hold one’s peace: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?

-- make peace with: got. gasibjōn 1, ga-si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to; *sibjōn, *si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to

peaceable: got. gawaírþeigs* 1, ga-waír-þ-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. friedfertig, friedlich; ne. peaceable, peaceful, conciliated, concordant; qaírrus 2, qaír-r-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. sanft, freundlich; ne. gentle, mild, peaceable, friendly; *waírþeigs?, *waír-þ-eig-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. friedfertig, friedlich; ne. peaceable, conciliated

-- peaceable (M.): got. ni sakuls, got.: nhd. Nichtstreitsüchtiger; ne. peaceable (M.); ni sakuls, got.: nhd. Nichtstreitsüchtiger; ne. peaceable (M.)

peaceableness: got. qaírrei 7, qaír-r-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sanftmut; ne. gentleness, mildness, peaceableness

peaceful: got. gawaírþeigs* 1, ga-waír-þ-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. friedfertig, friedlich; ne. peaceable, peaceful, conciliated, concordant

peacefulness: got. rimis* 1, rimi-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ruhe; ne. calmness, tranquility, peacefulness, rest (N.)

peak -- edge of a roof peak: got. gibla* 1, gibl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Giebel (M.) (1); ne. gable, edge of a roof peak

pearl -- pearl barley: got. fenea, lat. fe-n-ea, lat.- *finja?,  F.: nhd. Gerstengraupen; ne. pearl barley; lat. polenta

pearl -- pearl (N.): got. marikreitus* 1, mari-kreitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Perle; ne. pearl (N.)

peck-measure: got. mēla* 1, mēl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Scheffel, Maß; ne. peck-measure, measure of grain, bushel (1)

peer -- peer (V.): got. *spaíhōn, *spaíh-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. spähen; ne. peer (V.)

peg -- peg (N.): got. hnuþō 2 (=1), hnu-þ-ō, hnutō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. spitzer Pfahl; ne. pointed stake, peg (N.), spike (N.), nail (N.), tip of prod

pelt -- pelt with stones: got. stainjan* 3, stai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. steinigen; ne. stone (V.), pelt with stones

pen -- mark made by a stroke of the pen: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

pen -- pen for ewes: got. awistr* 1, awi-st-r*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schafstall; ne. pen for ewes, sheepfold

pen -- scratch of the pen: got. writs* 1, wr-i-t-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. written stroke, scratch of the pen, serif

penny: got. kintus* 1, kint-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Heller; ne. cent, penny

pentecost: got. paíntēkustē* 1, paíntē-kustē*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Pfingsten; ne. pentecost

people: got. fulcus*, ful-c-us*, lat.- M.: nhd. Volk; ne. people; knōþs* 1, knō-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschlecht; ne. stock (N.), race (N.), people; leodes, leod-es, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. Leute; ne. people; *leuda, *leud-a,  M. Pl.: nhd. Leute; ne. people; *liuþs, *liuþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Mann, Leute; ne. man (M.), people; managei 141, man-ag-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Menge, Volk; ne. multitude, crowd (N.), throng, people; þiuda 54, þiu-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Volk, Heiden; ne. people, ethnic group, nation, gentiles, heathens

-- Gothic people: got. Gutþiuda* 2, Gu-t-þiu-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenvolk; ne. Gothic people, Goths’ own name for themselves

-- people of a country: got. gauja* 2, gau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gaubewohner; ne. inhabitant of a region, people of a country

-- sacrificial animal of poor people: got. hraiwadūbō* 1, hrai-w-a-dūb-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Leichentaube“, Turteltaube; ne. turtle-dove, wild dark dove, sacrificial animal of poor people

-- war people: got. *fulk, *ful-k,  st. N. (a): nhd. Kriegsvolk, Schar (F.) (1); ne. war people, crowd (N.)

per: got. þaírh 160=159, þaír-h,  Präp., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. durch; ne. through, per, via (Präp.), whereby, by, throughout

perceive: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide; fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent; gahausjan 74=73, ga-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. hören, vernehmen, das Gehör bekommen; ne. hear (V.), perceive, get to hear, receive hearing; gasaíƕan 162, ga-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erblicken, sehen, (erscheinen); ne. see (V.), espy, catch sight of, look at, perceive; gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe; ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

perceiving -- perceiving (Adj.): got. *fraþjands?, *fraþ-jan-d-s?,  Part. Präs.: nhd. verständig; ne. perceiving (Adj.), comprehending (Adj.)

perception: got. fraþi 14, fraþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verstand, Sinn, Gesinnung; ne. understanding (N.), perception, viewpoint, attitude, disposition, mindedness

-- faculty of perception: got. hugs* (1) 1, hug-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Verstand, Sinn; ne. understanding, faculty of perception, faculty of disposition, mind (N.)

-- mode of perception: got. gahugds* 12, ga-hug-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung, Sinn, Gewissen; ne. manner of understanding, mode of perception, mind (N.), conscience, mind-set, mind (N.), thought; *hugds?, *hug-d-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung; ne. mode of perception

perch: got. *barsiks?, *bar-s-ik-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Barsch; ne. perch

perchance: got. þau 86,  Adv.: nhd. als, oder, doch, wohl, etwa, wie; ne. than, compared to, perchance, perhaps, but, instead; waitei 2, wai-t-ei,  Adv.: nhd. vielleicht, etwa; ne. conceivably, plausibly, perchance, possibly

perdition: got. fralusts 9, fra-lu-s-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verderben, Verlust; ne. destruction, perdition, loss; riurei 3, riur-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Vernichtung, Vergänglichkeit; ne. ruination, ruin (N.), corruption, disintegration, perdition, destruction

perfect: got. fullawita* 3, ful-l-a-wit-a*,  sw. Adj., subst. sw. M. (n): nhd. vollkommen; ne. complete (Adj.), perfect; þiuþeigs 17, þiu-þ-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, gepriesen; ne. good, perfect, beneficial, laudable, praised, blessed; ustauhans: nhd. vollkommen; ne. complete (Adj.), capable, proficient, perfect

-- perfect (Adj.): got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.); fullatōjis 2, ful-l-a-tō-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. vollkommen; ne. perfect (Adj.), perfectly wrought

perfection: got. ustaúhts 4, us-taú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vollendung, Vervollkommnung, Ende, Erfüllung; ne. completion, completeness, perfection, perfectness, accomplishment, fulfillment, consummation, end (N.)

-- operate to perfection: got. uswaúrkjan* 2, us-waúrk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausführen, vollbringen; ne. operate to perfection, complete (V.)

perfectly -- perfectly wrought: got. fullatōjis 2, ful-l-a-tō-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. vollkommen; ne. perfect (Adj.), perfectly wrought

perfectness: got. ustaúhts 4, us-taú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vollendung, Vervollkommnung, Ende, Erfüllung; ne. completion, completeness, perfection, perfectness, accomplishment, fulfillment, consummation, end (N.)

perfidy -- hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy: got. fralēwjan* 1, fra-lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. hand over by means of opportunistic perfidy, betray

perforation: got. þaírkō* 2, þaír-k-ō*,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Loch, Nadelöhr; ne. hole (N.), perforation, eye of a needle

perform: got. andbahtjan 23=22, andb-ah-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leisten, dienen, besorgen, darreichen; ne. serve, minister (V.), administer, perform; gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish; taujan 211=209, tau-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tun, machen, wirken; ne. do, act (V.), engage in, execute, perform, make (V.), form (V.), construct (V.), produce (1); waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

-- perform in sacredotal capacity: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

performance: got. waúrstwei* 1, waúr-st-w-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tun, Verrichtung, Betrieb; ne. performance, practice (N.), execution, action (N.)

perfumed -- perfumed ointment: got. balsan 8,  st. N. (a): nhd. Salbe, Balsam; ne. balsam (N.), ointment, perfumed ointment

perhaps: got. aúftō 21=20, aúft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. allerdings, wohl, vielleicht, etwa; ne. in all probability, indeed, perhaps, certainly, be sure, no doubt; þau 86,  Adv.: nhd. als, oder, doch, wohl, etwa, wie; ne. than, compared to, perchance, perhaps, but, instead

pericarp: got. *slaufa?, *slau-f-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Fruchthülse; ne. pericarp

peril: got. bireikei* 1, bi-reik-ei*, bireiki*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gefahr; ne. peril, danger; sleiþei 1, slei-þ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gefahr; ne. perniciousness, harmfulness, danger, peril

period -- give a rest period: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

period -- period of the year: got. aþn* 1, aþ-n*, aþns*,  st. M. (a), N.?: nhd. Jahr; ne. period of the year, season (N.), term of the year

period -- period of time: got. era 14, er-a,  st. F. (ō?): nhd. Ära, Zeitabschnitt; ne. era, period of time; mēl (1) 54, mē-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zeit, Stunde; ne. season (2) (N.), point in time, period of time, circumscribed time, hour; *stunda (2), *stu-nd-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zeitraum, Zeit; ne. period of time, time (N.)

period -- post-Sabbath period: got. afarsabbate* 1, af-ar-sabbat-e*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Nachsabbat; ne. post-Sabbath period

period -- time period: got. ƕeila (1) 42, ƕeil-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weile, Zeit, Stunde; ne. while (N.), time (N.), time period, interval, hour

period -- until the end of the period in which: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

perish: got. fralusnan* 3, fra-lu-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verloren gehen, verloren werden; ne. be lost, become lost, perish; gadauþnan 27, ga-dau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sterben; ne. perish, die (V.)

-- make perish: got. riurjan* 1, riur-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben (tr.); ne. corrupt (V.), spoil (V.), ruin (V.), make perish, destroy

-- perish (intr.): got. frawaírþan* 1, fra-waír-þ-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verderben (intr.), zugrunde gehen; ne. degenerate, spoil (V.), perish (intr.), become corrupt

-- perish (V.): got. fraqistnan* 16, fra-qis-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. umkommen, zugrunde gehen, verderben (intr.); ne. be utterly destroyed, become utterly destroyed, perish (V.)

perishable: got. riureis* 6, riur-ei-s*, riurs*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. vergänglich, sterblich; ne. perishable, corruptible, corrupt (Adj.), destructible, temporary, mortal, perishing

perishing: got. riureis* 6, riur-ei-s*, riurs*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. vergänglich, sterblich; ne. perishable, corruptible, corrupt (Adj.), destructible, temporary, mortal, perishing

perjure -- perjure o.s.: got. ufarswaran* 1, uf-ar-swar-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. falsch schwören; ne. perjure o.s., swear falsely

perjurer: got. ufarswara* 1, uf-ar-swar-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Meineidiger; ne. perjurer, oath-breaker

permanent -- permanent (Adj.): got. gatulgiþs, Adj.: nhd. fest, beständig, bestärkt, befestigt; ne. firm (Adj.), permanent (Adj.), steadfast

permission: got. *skuld?, *skul-d?,  st. N.: nhd. Erlaubnis, Schuld; ne. permission, debt

-- have permission: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

permit: got. galaubjan 146=145, ga-laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, anvertrauen; ne. believe, permit, have faith in, be confident of, have confidence in

-- permit (V.): got. fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive; lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit; uslaubjan* 11, us-laub-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlauben; ne. allow, let (V.), give consent, permit (V.)

permitted -- be permitted: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements

permitted -- be permitted in: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted; *mōtan, *mōt-an,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

pernicious: got. *balus, *balu-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. böse, übel; ne. baleful, pernicious; sleiþs* 2, slei-þ-s*, sleideis*?,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. schlimm, gefährlich; ne. pernicious, baneful, baleful, dire, fierce, dangerous

perniciousness: got. sleiþei 1, slei-þ-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gefahr; ne. perniciousness, harmfulness, danger, peril

perpetual: got. seiteins* 1, seit-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. täglich; ne. daily, constant, perpetual

perpetually: got. sinteinō 36, sin-tein-ō,  Adv.: nhd. immer, allezeit; ne. perpetually, always, ever, continually, constantly

perpetuity -- in perpetuity: got. framwigis 2, fra-m-wig-is,  Adv.: nhd. fortwährend, für immer; ne. evermore, continuous, in perpetuity

persecute: got. usþriutan* 3, us-þri-ut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. einem Beschwerde bringen, beschwerlich fallen; ne. harass (V.), torment (V.), plaque (V.), wear down with vexation, bother (V.), persecute; wrakjan* 1, wra-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verfolgen; ne. persecute, inflict persecution on; wrikan* 9, wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verfolgen; ne. persecute, inflict persecution on, wreak punishment on

-- persecute severely: got. frawrikan* 1, fra-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. verfolgen, rächen; ne. persecute severely, oppress intensely with persecution, drive out

persecuted: got. *wrēks?, *wrē-k-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. verfolgt; ne. persecuted, under persecution

persecution: got. wraka* 3, wra-k-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verfolgung; ne. persecution, punishing pursuit; wrakja 7=6, wra-k-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Verfolgung; ne. persecution, prosecutory pursuit; wrēkei* 1, wrē-k-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verfolgung; ne. persecution

-- inflict persecution on: got. wrakjan* 1, wra-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verfolgen; ne. persecute, inflict persecution on; wrikan* 9, wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verfolgen; ne. persecute, inflict persecution on, wreak punishment on

-- oppress intensely with persecution: got. frawrikan* 1, fra-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. verfolgen, rächen; ne. persecute severely, oppress intensely with persecution, drive out

-- under persecution: got. *wrēks?, *wrē-k-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. verfolgt; ne. persecuted, under persecution

persecutor: got. wraks 1, wra-k-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Verfolger; ne. persecutor, punishing pursuer

perseverance: got. stiwiti* 4=3, stiwit-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geduld, geduldiges Ertragen; ne. steadfastness, perseverance, endurance, patience; þulains* 12, þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Dulden, Leiden, Geduld; ne. toleration, forbearance, sufferance, suffering (N.), patience, fortitude, perseverance

persevere: got. gatulgjan sik: nhd. beharren; ne. persevere, persist; þaírhwisan* 7, þaír-h-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. verbleiben, verharren; ne. persevere, continue on, remain constant, keep on, persist; usaiwjan* 1, us-aiw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich anstrengen; ne. endure to the end, persevere, exert o.s.

persist: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.); gatulgjan sik: nhd. beharren; ne. persevere, persist; þaírhwisan* 7, þaír-h-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. verbleiben, verharren; ne. persevere, continue on, remain constant, keep on, persist

person: got. andwaírþi* 81=79, and-waír-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gegenwart, Angesicht, Person, Gesicht; ne. countenance, „face-to-face-ness“, presence, person; manna (1) 316, man-n-a,  unr. M.: nhd. Mensch, Mann, m-Rune; ne. man (M.), human being, person, name of m-rune

-- a person who: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

-- beloved person: got. *hulþa, *hul-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Holder; ne. beloved person, sweetheart (M.); *hulþō?, *hul-þ-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Holde; ne. beloved person, sweetheart (F.)

-- close person: got. *waírþja?, *waír-þ-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Naher, Gewärtiger; ne. close person

-- going person: got. *gagga?, *ga-g-g-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Gänger“, „Geher“; ne. going person; *gaggja?, *ga-g-g-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Gänger“, „Geher“; ne. going person

-- guilty person: got. skula 15, skul-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schuldner, Schuldiger; ne. obligated person, debtor, indebted person, guilty person

-- ignorant person: got. unwita 6, un-wi-t-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Unwissender, Unverständiger, Törichter; ne. ignorant person, unknowing person, nonsensical person, fool (M.)

-- indebted person: got. skula 15, skul-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schuldner, Schuldiger; ne. obligated person, debtor, indebted person, guilty person

-- let person: got. *lēts, *lē-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Gelassener; ne. let person

-- lowliest person: got. undarleija* 1, undar-lei-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Allergeringster, Geringster; ne. lowliest person, one lowest down, least (M.)

-- moribund person: got. swultawaírþja 1, swul-t-a-waír-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. dem Tode Naher, Todgeweihter; ne. one approaching death, one about to die, moribund person

-- nonsensical person: got. unwita 6, un-wi-t-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Unwissender, Unverständiger, Törichter; ne. ignorant person, unknowing person, nonsensical person, fool (M.)

-- obligated person: got. skula 15, skul-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schuldner, Schuldiger; ne. obligated person, debtor, indebted person, guilty person

-- person fulfilling everything: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

-- person given birth: got. baúr* (1) 2,  st. M. (i): nhd. Geborener; ne. he who is born, person given birth

-- person in bonds: got. bandja 6, band-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefangener, Gebundener; ne. person in bonds, prisoner, captive (M.)

-- person (M.): got. mannahun 13, man-n-a-hun,  Pron.: nhd. jemand; ne. one (Pron.), person (M.), anyone, anybody

-- person possessed by the devil: got. daimōnāreis 5, daimōn-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Besessener; ne. person possessed by the devil, demoniac

-- person who swears: got. *swara, *swar-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schwörer; ne. person who swears

-- person who wants to argue: got. wiljands miþ þus staua, got.: nhd. der welcher mit dir rechten will; ne. person who wants to argue

-- standing person: got. *staþjis?, *sta-þ-ji-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Steher; ne. standing person

-- unknowing person: got. unwita 6, un-wi-t-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Unwissender, Unverständiger, Törichter; ne. ignorant person, unknowing person, nonsensical person, fool (M.)

persuadable: got. gaƕaírbs* 1, ga-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fügsam, getreu, gehorsam; ne. persuadable, amenable to persuasion, convertible

persuaded -- be persuaded of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

persuasion: got. gakunds 1, ga-kun-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überredung; ne. submission, persuasion, obedience, compliance, subordination

-- amenable to persuasion: got. gaƕaírbs* 1, ga-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fügsam, getreu, gehorsam; ne. persuadable, amenable to persuasion, convertible

pertain -- pertain properly to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

pertaining -- pertaining to olives: got. alēwja* 2, alēw-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Öl-; ne. of olives, pertaining to olives

pertinent -- be pertinent: got. du þaurftai fairrinnan: nhd. zweckmäßig sein (V.), passen; ne. be pertinent

perturb: got. afslauþjan* 2, af-s-lau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. in Angst versetzen, in Sorge sein (V.), ängstigen; ne. perturb, frighten, dumbfound (V.), scare (V.), silence off, make speechless

perverse -- perverse (Adj.): got. inwinds* 5, in-wi-nd-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. „gewunden“, ungerecht, verkehrt, verdorben; ne. perverse (Adj.), wicked, corrupt (Adj.), unjust

perverseness: got. inwindiþa 6, in-wi-nd-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ungerechtigkeit; ne. perverseness, wickedness, corruption, unrighteousness

pervert: got. inwandjan 1, in-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „hineinwenden“, verdrehen, verkehren; ne. twist into something else, pervert, subvert, distort

pest -- pest (M.): got. *skaþaliggs?, *skaþ-a-ligg-s?,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Schädling; ne. pest (M.)

petition -- petition for: got. bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for

Pharaoh: got. Faraō* 1,  M.: nhd. Pharao; ne. Pharaoh

pharisee: got. Fareisaius 55, Fareisaiu-s,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Pharisäer (Sg.); ne. pharisee

Phoenician: got. fwnīkisks* 1, fwnīk-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. phönikisch; ne. Phoenician

-- Phoenician woman: got. fwnīkiska, F.: nhd. Phönizierin; ne. Phoenician woman

physical -- increase in physical proportions: got. liudan* 1, liud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1); ne. grow, increase in physical proportions

physical -- physical figure: got. leikis siuns, got.: nhd. leibliche Gestalt; ne. physical figure

physical -- physical proportions of growth: got. laudi* 1, laud-i*,  st. F. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. bodily dimensions, physical proportions of growth

physically -- be physically harmful to: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

physically -- physically powerful: got. swinþs* 11=10, swinþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, kräftig, gesund; ne. strong, physically powerful, healthy, sound (Adj.), robust

physician: got. lēkeis* 7, lēk-ei-s*, leikeis*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Arzt; ne. physician, medical practitioner

physiognomy: got. ludja* 1, lud-ja*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Angesicht, Antlitz; ne. face (N.), physiognomy, facial features; wlits 6, wli-t-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Angesicht, Ansehen, Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. face (N.), looks, physiognomy, appearance

physiologically -- be physiologically injurious to: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

pick -- pick up: got. niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away

pick -- pick (V.): got. *harbisjan, *har-b-is-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abpflücken; ne. pick (V.); raupjan 2, rau-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. raufen, ausrupfen; ne. pluck (V.), pull off, pull out, pick (V.)

picture -- picture (N.): got. manleika 4, man-leik-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Bild; ne. picture (N.), image, likeness

piece -- broken piece: got. *bruka?, *bruk-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Brocken; ne. broken piece, fragment; *brukja?, *bruk-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Brocken; ne. broken piece, fragment; gabruka* 6, ga-bruk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Brocken; ne. broken piece, crumb (N.), fragment

piece -- door of one piece not double: got. daúr 15, thurn,  thurn, krim st. N. (a): nhd. einflügeliges Tor, Tür, Pforte; ne. door of one piece not double, gate, gateway; lat. porta

piece -- in one piece: got. ainfalþs* 1, ai-n-fal-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einfach, einfältig; ne. in one piece, simple, single, whole

piece -- piece of cloth: got. fana* 3, fan-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stück Zeug, Zeugstück, Lappen, Tuch, Schweißtuch; ne. piece of cloth, napkin, rag (N.) (1), handkerchief; plat* 3, plats*?,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Flicken (M.), Lappen; ne. patch (N.), piece of cloth

piece -- piece of money: got. daila* (1) 4, da-i-l-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Teilnahme, Gemeinschaft, Mine (= Münze), Pfund; ne. partaking (N.), participation, community, partnership, incompleteness, fragmentariness, piece of money, pound; skatts 14, skat-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Geld, Geldstück, Mine (= Münze); ne. coin, denarius, mina, piece of money

piece -- piece of wood: got. *būska, *būsk-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Scheit; ne. log (N.), piece of wood

piecemeal: got. (suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly;)

pieces -- be rent in pieces: got. distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

pieces -- rend in pieces: got. distaíran* 3, dis-taír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen, auseinanderzerren, verderben; ne. tear asunder, rend in pieces

pieces -- tear to pieces: got. distahjan* 5, dis-tah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zerstreuen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. shred, tear to pieces, scatter, disperse

piety: got. gagudei 12, ga-gu-d-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Frömmigkeit; ne. godliness, piety, devotion, saintliness; *gudei?, *gu-d-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Frömmigkeit; ne. godliness, piety, devotion, saintliness

-- show filial piety towards: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

pig -- pig (N.): got. swein* 12, sw-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schwein; ne. swine, pig (N.)

pigeon: got. *dūbō?, *dū-b-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Taube; ne. pigeon, dove

-- pigeon (for sacrifice): got. ahaks 4, ah-ak-s,  st. F. (i)?: nhd. zahme weiße Taube (= Opfertaube), Taube; ne. dove, tame white dove, pigeon (for sacrifice)

piglike: got. *sweins?, *sw-ein-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. Sau-; ne. sowlike, swinish, porcine, piglike

pile -- pile (V.): got. *taskōn?, *ta-sk-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. raffen; ne. pile (V.), heap (V.)

pillage: got. diswilwan* 1, dis-wil-w-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ausplündern, berauben, plündern; ne. plunder utterly, pillage

pillar: got. sauls 2, saul-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Säule (F.) (1); ne. pillar, column

pillow: got. waggāreis* 1, wa-gg-ārei-s*, waggāri*,  st. M. (ia), st. N. (ia): nhd. Kopfkissen; ne. pillow, cheek-cushion

pinch -- pinch (V.): got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact

pious: got. gaguþs* 1, ga-gu-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ehrbar, anständig; ne. godly, pious, saintly, honourable, respected

pipe -- pipe (N.): got. *agkja?, *agk-j-a?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Bein, Röhre; ne. leg, pipe (N.), tube

pipe -- pipe (V.): got. swiglōn* 2, swigl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Flöte blasen, aufspielen; ne. play the flute, pipe (V.)

pique -- pique (N.): got. mōþs* (1) 2, mō-þ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zorn, Mut; ne. bad temper, pique (N.), anger (N.), spirit

pistachio-tree -- of a pistachio-tree: got. pistikeins* 1, pistik-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unverfälscht, echt; ne. of a pistachio-tree, genuine, unadulterated, pure, undiluted

pit -- pit for pressing: got. dal uf mēsa, got.: nhd. Keltergrube; ne. pit for pressing; dal uf mēsa, got.: nhd. Keltergrube; ne. pit for pressing

pit -- pit (N.): got. dals* 3, dal-s*, dal (?),  st. M. (a): nhd. Grube, Schlucht, Tal; ne. ravine, pit (N.), ditch (N.), trench (N.), dale, valley

pitch -- pitch forth at: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

pitcher: got. aúrkeis* 2, aúrkei-s*, aurkjus*?,  st. M. (ja), st. M. (u/i): nhd. Krug (M.) (1); ne. pitcher, water pot; *krūka, *krūk-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Krug (M.) (1); ne. jug, pitcher

pitfall: got. hlamma 2, hla-m-m-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Falle“, Schlinge; ne. crash-trap, pitfall, trap for crash-falling into, snare (N.)

pitiable: got. arms* (1) 1, arm-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. arm, beklagenswert, bemitleidenswert; ne. poor (Adj.), pitiable, wretched, miserable

pitiful -- how pitiful that not: got. wainei 3, wai-nei,  Interj.: nhd. wenn doch, dass doch; ne. woe (Interj.), that not, how pitiful that not, if only, would that

pity -- have pity: got. infeinan* 6, in-fei-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erbarmen, gerührt sein (V.); ne. have compassion, be moved with compassion, have pity

pity -- have pity on: got. arman* 10, arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gaarman* 10, ga-arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards

pity -- pity (N.): got. armahaírtei 10, arm-a-haírt-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Barmherzigkeit; ne. mercy, compassion, pity (N.); *bleiþeins, *ble-i-þ-ein-s,  st. F. (i) (ō): nhd. Erbarmen, Mitleid; ne. pity (N.), compassion, mercy (N.); gableiþeins* 1, ga-ble-i-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erbarmen; ne. mercifulness, compassionateness, pity (N.)

pity -- take pity: got. bleiþjan* 2, ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. barmherzig sein (V.), sich erbarmen, Mitleid hegen; ne. take pity, be kind-hearted, be merciful, be clement; gableiþjan* 2, ga-ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, barmherzig sein (V.); ne. show kindheartedness toward, have mercy on, take pity

place -- all together to the same place: got. samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

place -- and at that place: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

place -- at a place: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

place -- at which place: got. ƕar 20, ƕa-r,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, wherever, at which place

place -- dwelling place: got. báuains 4, báu-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohnung; ne. dwelling, habitation, living quarters, dwelling place, home (N.)

place -- from that place: got. jainþrō 12, jain-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. dorther, von dort; ne. thence, from yon place, from that place

place -- from the place: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

place -- from the place that: got. þaþrōei 1, þa-þrō-ei,  Adv.: nhd. von wannen, woher, von wo; ne. from the place that, from which place

place -- from this place: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

place -- from which place: got. þaþrōei 1, þa-þrō-ei,  Adv.: nhd. von wannen, woher, von wo; ne. from the place that, from which place

place -- from yon place: got. jainþrō 12, jain-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. dorther, von dort; ne. thence, from yon place, from that place

place -- holy place: got. *weih,  st. N. (a): nhd. Heiligtum, Tempel; ne. sanctuary, temple, holy place

place -- in that place: got. jainar 34, jain-a-r,  Adv.: nhd. an jenem Ort, dort; ne. in yon place, in that place, there; þar 2, þa-r,  Adv.: nhd. dort, daselbst, da; ne. there, in that place

place -- in the place where: got. þarei 35, þa-r-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, in the place where, from where

place -- into that place: got. jaindrē 1, jain-drē,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, into that place, thither

place -- in whichever place: got. þisƕaruh 2, þi-s-ƕar-uh,  Adv.: nhd. wo auch immer, wo nur immer; ne. wherever, in whichever place

place -- in yon place: got. jainar 34, jain-a-r,  Adv.: nhd. an jenem Ort, dort; ne. in yon place, in that place, there

place -- make place: got. *rūman, *rū-m-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. Platz machen; ne. make place

place -- out of place: got. gastōjans, Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unpassend?, gerichtet?, verurteilt?; ne. out of place

place -- place before: got. faúrlagjan 3, faúr-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorlegen, vorsetzen; ne. lay before, set in front of, put forth, place before

place -- place for sacrifice: got. hunslastaþs* 4, hun-sl-a-staþ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Opferstätte, Altar; ne. place for sacrifice, altar

place -- place for swimming: got. swumfsl* 2, swum-fsl*, swumsl,  st. N. (a): nhd. Teich; ne. pool, pond, place for swimming

place -- place (N.): got. plapja* (?) 1, plap-ja*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Straße; ne. plaza, place (N.), public square, street; staþs (1) 34, sta-þ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Stätte, Ort, Gegend, Platz (M.) (1), Raum; ne. place (N.), locality, region, spot (N.), stead, passage

place -- place of admission-tax collection: got. mōtastaþs* 1, mōt-a-sta-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Mautstätte“, Zollstätte, Zollhaus; ne. toll-place, place of admission-tax collection, customs post, tax office

place -- place (V.): got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; satjan* 9, sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. setzen, stellen, bestimmen, pflanzen; ne. set (V.), place (V.), position (V.), put in position, establish, plant (V.), determine

place -- place wrapping around the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

place -- to another place: got. aljaþ 1, al-ja-þ,  Adv.: nhd. anderswohin; ne. to somewhere else, elsewhither, elsewhere, to another place

place -- to that place: got. jaind 1, jain-d,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, to that place, thither

place -- to the same place: got. samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

place -- to this place: got. hidrē 3, hi-drē,  Adv.: nhd. hierher; ne. hither, to this place, to here

place -- to what place: got. ƕadrē 1, ƕa-drē,  Adv.: nhd. wohin; ne. wither (Adv.), where to, to what place

place -- to whichever place: got. þisƕaduh 5, þi-s-ƕad-uh,  Adv.: nhd. wohin auch immer, wohin nur immer; ne. whithersoever, wherever to, to whichever place

place -- to which place: got. þadei 12, þad-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wohin, dorthin wo; ne. whither (Adv.), to where, to which place, in which, where

place -- to yon place: got. jaind 1, jain-d,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, to that place, thither; jaindrē 1, jain-drē,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, into that place, thither

place -- turned toward that place: got. jaindwaírþs 1, jain-d-waírþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. dorthin gewandt; ne. „thitherward“, turned toward that place

plague: got. wundufni* 1, wu-n-d-ufn-i*,  st. F. (iō): nhd. Wunde, Geißel, Plage; ne. wound (N.), plague, illness

plain -- in plain sight: got. andaugiba 4, and-aug-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offen, freimütig; ne. obviously, in plain sight, openly, for all to see; andaugjō 3, and-aug-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. offen, offenbar, öffentlich; ne. in plain sight, openly, publicly, for all to see

plain -- plain (Adj.): got. gatarhiþs, Adj. = Part. Prät.: nhd. berüchtigt, offenbar; ne. plain (Adj.), notorious, splendid

plainly: got. swikunþaba 5, swi-kun-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offenbar, offen heraus, deutlich, ausdrücklich; ne. plainly, openly, clearly, in an obvious manner

-- very plainly: got. baírhtaba 5, baír-h-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. hell, glänzend, deutlich, offen; ne. radiantly, very plainly, clearly, brightly, openly

plait: got. ? *grana, *gra-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bart?, Barthaar?, Zopf?; ne. beard?, plait?; ? *granō?, *gra-n-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bart?, Barthaar?, Zopf?; ne. beard?, plait?; ? granus* 1, gra-n-us*, lat.- F.: nhd. Bart?, Barthaar?, Zopf?; ne. beard?, plait?

-- plait (N.): got. flahta* 1, fla-h-t-a*, flahtō*?,  st. F. (ō), sw. F. (n)?: nhd. Flechte; ne. braid (N.), plait (N.), braided hair, woven hair

-- plait (V.): got. *flaíhtan?, *flaí-h-t-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. flechten; ne. braid (V.), plait (V.); uswindan* 2, us-wi-nd-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. flechten, winden; ne. twine (V.), intertwine, weave (V.), braid (V.), plait (V.)

plan -- have a plan for: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

plan -- plan (N.): got. garēhsns 11, ga-rēh-sn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. bestimmte Zeit, Bestimmung, Plan (M.) (2); ne. design (N.), plan (N.), program (N.), designation, designated time, determination, fixed time; muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation; *rēhsns?, *rēh-sn-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bestimmung, Plan (M.) (2); ne. plan (N.), program (N.)

plan -- plan out: got. urrēdan* 1, ur-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. auflegen, bestimmen, urteilen; ne. legislate, plan out, derive from argument, determine, decide

plan -- plan together secretly: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

plan -- plan (V.): got. mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate; *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.); þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

plan -- secret plan: got. rūna 18, rū-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Geheimnis, Beschluss, Anschlag; ne. secret (N.), secret plan, secret council, secret consultation, secret counsel, mystery

plank -- plank (N.): got. *þiljō, *þil-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Diele, Planke, Brett; ne. floorboard, plank (N.), board (N.)

plant -- plant seed: got. sáian 30, sái-an,  red. abl. V.: nhd. säen; ne. sow (2), seed (V.), plant seed

plant -- plant (V.): got. satjan* 9, sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. setzen, stellen, bestimmen, pflanzen; ne. set (V.), place (V.), position (V.), put in position, establish, plant (V.), determine; ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

planted -- planted (M.): got. *satiþs?, *sat-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät., subst. st. M. (a): nhd. Gesetzter; ne. planted (M.)

plaque -- plaque (V.): got. usþriutan* 3, us-þri-ut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. einem Beschwerde bringen, beschwerlich fallen; ne. harass (V.), torment (V.), plaque (V.), wear down with vexation, bother (V.), persecute

plastic -- plastic mass: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

platform: got. mēs* 4,  st. N. (a): nhd. Tisch, Schüssel, Platte; ne. table, platter, platform

platter: got. *bridila, *bri-d-il-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Brettchen, Schemel; ne. platter, stool; mēs* 4,  st. N. (a): nhd. Tisch, Schüssel, Platte; ne. table, platter, platform

plausibly: got. waitei 2, wai-t-ei,  Adv.: nhd. vielleicht, etwa; ne. conceivably, plausibly, perchance, possibly

play -- play the flute: got. swiglōn* 2, swigl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Flöte blasen, aufspielen; ne. play the flute, pipe (V.)

plaza: got. plapja* (?) 1, plap-ja*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Straße; ne. plaza, place (N.), public square, street

pleasant: got. andanēms 8=7, and-a-nēm-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. angenehm; ne. acceptable, pleasant; *freiþs?, *frei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. hübsch, schön; ne. nice, pleasant, dear, beloved, attractive; waila andanems: nhd. angenehm, willkommen; ne. pleasant, agreeable; wōþeis* 2, wōþ-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. angenehm, süß, lieblich; ne. pleasurable, pleasing (Adj.), pleasant, sweet (Adj.)

-- with pleasant appearance: got. *fēhaba?, *fēh-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, pleasant-appearingly, decorously, becomingly; gafēhaba 1, ga-fēh-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, decorously, becomingly

pleasant-appearingly: got. *fēhaba?, *fēh-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, pleasant-appearingly, decorously, becomingly

please -- please beforehand: got. faúragaleikan* 1, faúr-a-ga-leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. vorher gefallen; ne. be pleasing to beforehand, please beforehand, set forth

please -- please fully: got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully

please -- please (V.): got. galeikan 20, ga-leik-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. gefallen (V.); ne. please (V.); leikan* 2, leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. gefallen, zu Gefallen sein (V.); ne. please (V.), be pleasing to

please -- seek to please: got. samjan 2, sam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zu gefallen suchen, gefallen (V.); ne. present a pleasing appearance, give o.s. a pleasing appearance (= sik samjan), seek to please

pleased -- be pleased: got. *gabaúrjōn, *ga-baúr-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. be glad, be pleased

pleasing -- be pleasing to: got. waila galeikan: nhd. wohlgefällig sein (V.), wohlgefallen; ne. be pleasing to; leikan* 2, leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. gefallen, zu Gefallen sein (V.); ne. please (V.), be pleasing to; waila galeikan: nhd. wohlgefällig sein (V.), wohlgefallen; ne. be pleasing to

pleasing -- be pleasing to beforehand: got. faúragaleikan* 1, faúr-a-ga-leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. vorher gefallen; ne. be pleasing to beforehand, please beforehand, set forth

pleasing -- man who looks for pleasing another one: got. mannam samjands, got.: nhd. wer den Menschen zu gefallen sucht; ne. man who looks for pleasing another one

pleasing -- pleasing (Adj.): got. waila galeikaiþs, got.: nhd. wohlgefällig; ne. pleasing (Adj.); waila galeikaiþs, got.: nhd. wohlgefällig; ne. pleasing (Adj.); wōþeis* 2, wōþ-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. angenehm, süß, lieblich; ne. pleasurable, pleasing (Adj.), pleasant, sweet (Adj.)

pleasing -- present a pleasing appearance: got. samjan 2, sam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zu gefallen suchen, gefallen (V.); ne. present a pleasing appearance, give o.s. a pleasing appearance (= sik samjan), seek to please

pleasurable: got. azēts* 5, azēt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leicht, erträglich; ne. easy (Adj.), comfortable, pleasurable; wōþeis* 2, wōþ-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. angenehm, süß, lieblich; ne. pleasurable, pleasing (Adj.), pleasant, sweet (Adj.)

pleasurably: got. gabaúrjaba 7, ga-baúr-j-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. gern; ne. pleasurably, gladly, with pleasure; *gabaúrjō, *ga-baúr-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. erfreulich; ne. pleasurably, enjoyably

pleasure: got. azēti (?)* 2, azēt-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Leichtigkeit, Vergnügen, Lust, Annehmlichkeit, z-Rune; ne. ease (N.), comfort (N.), pleasure, name of z-rune; *baúrjōþus 1, *baúr-j-ōþu-s, borrotsch,  borrotsch, krim st. M. (u): nhd. Lust; ne. pleasure, enjoyment; lat. voluntas?, voluptas?; gabaúrjōþus* 1, ga-baúr-j-ōþu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Lust, Vergnügen; ne. pleasure, enjoyment; leikains* 4, leik-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gefallen, Gutdünken, Wohlgefallen, Vorsatz; ne. liking, preference, pleasure, approval, purpose (N.)

-- with pleasure: got. azētaba 1, azēt-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. leicht, gern; ne. easily, comfortably, with pleasure; gabaúrjaba 7, ga-baúr-j-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. gern; ne. pleasurably, gladly, with pleasure

pledge -- announce as a pledge: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

pledge -- pledge (N.): got. gahait* 14, ga-hai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Verheißung, Versprechen; ne. promise (N.), pledge (N.); wadi 4, wad-i,  st. N. (ja?, ia?): nhd. Pfand; ne. pledge (N.), surety, financial commitment, guarantee

pledge -- pledge (V.): got. gawadjōn* 1, ga-wad-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zusammenfügen, verloben; ne. pledge (V.), betroth, plight (V.), promise (V.)

pledge -- pre-announce as a pledge: got. faúragahaitan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zuvor verheißen; ne. promise beforehand, pre-announce as a pledge, foretell

pledge -- written pledge: got. wadjabōkōs* 1, wad-j-a-bōk-ōs*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Handschein, Schuldschein; ne. written pledge, debenture, certificate of financial commitment, bond (N.)

plenitude: got. filusna 6, fil-u-sn-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Vielheit, Menge, Übermaß; ne. copiousness, abundance, plenitude, multitude; fulleiþs* 2, ful-l-eiþ-s*, fulleiþ*, fulliþs*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Fülle, Vollmond?; ne. fullness, plenitude, full moon?; managdūþs 1, man-ag-dū-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Menge, Überfluss; ne. plenitude, abundance, copiousness

-- verbal plenitude: got. filuwaúrdei* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. vieles Reden, Schwatzhaftigkeit, Geschwätz; ne. verbal plenitude, much wordiness, much speaking

plenteous: got. ganōhs* 7, ga-nōh-s*,  Adj. (a),: nhd. genug, viel; ne. enough, ample (Adj.), abundant, copious, plenteous

plentiful: got. manags* 183=182, man-ag-s*, Komp. managiza, Superl. managists,  Adj. (a): nhd. manch, viel, über; ne. much, many, plenty, plentiful, sufficient

-- more plentiful: got. managiza: nhd. größer, mehr; ne. more, more abundant, more plentiful, excessive

plenty: got. manags* 183=182, man-ag-s*, Komp. managiza, Superl. managists,  Adj. (a): nhd. manch, viel, über; ne. much, many, plenty, plentiful, sufficient

pliant: got. þlaqus 1, þla-q-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. zart; ne. pliant, supple (Adj.), tender (Adj.)

-plicity: got. *-falþei?, *-fal-þei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. -fältigkeit; ne. -plicity

plight: got. aggwiþa 5, agg-w-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Enge“, Bedrängnis; ne. affliction, trouble (N.), plight, anxiety, distress (N.)

-- plight (V.): got. gawadjōn* 1, ga-wad-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zusammenfügen, verloben; ne. pledge (V.), betroth, plight (V.), promise (V.)

plightedness: got. fragifts* 3, fra-gif-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verleihung, Verlobung, Gabe; ne. gift (N.), grant (N.), betrothal, presentation, bestowal, giving away, plightedness, engagement

plot -- burial plot: got. *nawistr, *naw-i-str, *nawistra,  st. N. (a): nhd. Grab, Totenlager; ne. grave, burial plot

plotting -- plotting (N.): got. birūnains* 1, bi-rū-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Nachstellung, Anschlag; ne. plotting (N.), intrigue (N.), beguiling

plough: got. arjan* 1, ar-jan*,  unr. red. V. (3): nhd. pflügen, ackern; ne. plough

-- plough (N.): got. *plōgs, *plōg-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Pflug; ne. plough (N.)

plow: got. hōha* 1, hōh-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Pflug; ne. plow

pluck -- pluck out: got. usstaggan* 1, us-sta-g-g-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ausstechen; ne. stab out, pluck out

pluck -- pluck (V.): got. raupjan 2, rau-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. raufen, ausrupfen; ne. pluck (V.), pull off, pull out, pick (V.)

plume -- plume (N.): got. tufa, lat.- F.: nhd. Helmbüschel; ne. plume (N.)

plump: got. *digrs?, *dig-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll, zusammengeknetet, dicht; ne. plump, stout, thick, kneaded all together

plumpness: got. digrei* 1, dig-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle; ne. plumpness, abundance, stoutness, thickness

plunder -- plunder (N.): got. wulwa* 1, wul-w-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Raub; ne. robbery, plunder (N.)

plunder -- plunder utterly: got. diswilwan* 1, dis-wil-w-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ausplündern, berauben, plündern; ne. plunder utterly, pillage

plunder -- plunder (V.): got. wilwan 3, wil-w-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. rauben; ne. plunder (V.), rob, seize by violence

plunge -- plunge down: got. gadrausjan* 3, ga-drau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen, niederwerfen, herabwerfen; ne. cast down, overthrow (V.), fell (V.), bring down, plunge down

plunge -- plunge (V.): got. gadriusan 24, ga-driu-s-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. hinfallen, aufhören, fallen; ne. fall (V.), fall down, plunge (V.)

plunge -- plunge (V.) (tr.): got. saggqjan* 1, saggq-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. senken; ne. cause to sink, immerse (tr.), plunge (V.) (tr.)

pod -- horn-shaped pod of the carob-tree: got. haúrn 2, haúr-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Horn, Frucht des Johannisbrotbaums, Bockshorn; ne. horn, horn-shaped pod of the carob-tree

pod -- pod (V.): got. *kappōn?, *kapp-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. hauen, schneiden; ne. shell (V.), pod (V.)

point -- at the point of death: got. *swultawaírþs?, *swul-t-a-waír-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. auf den Tod gerichtet, todgeweiht; ne. about to die, moribund, at the point of death

point -- at the point when: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

point -- at the point where: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

point -- be at the point of death: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

point -- point in time: got. mēl (1) 54, mē-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zeit, Stunde; ne. season (2) (N.), point in time, period of time, circumscribed time, hour

point -- point (N.): got. *agi-, *ag-i-, *agja-,  st. F.: nhd. Schärfe, Ecke, Spitze, Schneide, Schwert; ne. blade, edge (V.), point (N.), sharpness, sword; stiks* 1, sti-k-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Stich, Punkt; ne. point (N.)

point -- point out: got. ustaiknjan 16, us-tai-k-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezeichnen, auszeichnen, erweisen, darstellen, in die Erscheinung bringen; ne. point out, designate, appoint, exhibit, show (V.), demonstrate, render

pointed -- pointed (Adj.): got. *agra?, *agr-a?,  sw. Adj.?: nhd. scharf, spitz; ne. pointed (Adj.), sharp

pointed -- pointed drinking horn: got. stikls 16, sti-k-l-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Becher, Kelch; ne. pointed drinking horn, cusped beaker, chalice

pointed -- pointed stake: got. hnuþō 2 (=1), hnu-þ-ō, hnutō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. spitzer Pfahl; ne. pointed stake, peg (N.), spike (N.), nail (N.), tip of prod; qaíru 1, qaír-u,  st. N. (u): nhd. Pfahl, Stachel; ne. goad (N.), pointed stake, spur (N.), thorn, spike (N.) (1)

pointing -- pointing out: got. ustaikneins 4, us-tai-k-n-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auszeichnung, Bezeichnung, Bekanntmachung, Anzeichen, Beweis, Darstellung; ne. pointing out, marking out, showing (N.), evidence, token (N.), revelation, proof (N.)

poison -- mixing of poison: got. lubjaleisei 1, lu-b-j-a-leis-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Giftmischerei, Zauberei, Giftkunde; ne. magic (N.), toxicology, mixing of poison, sorcery

poison -- poison (N.): got. ingif* 1, in-gif*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gift; ne. poison (N.), toxicant; *lubi?, *lu-b-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gift; ne. drug (N.), poison (N.)

poke -- poke fun at: got. bilaikan* 6, bi-laik-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. verspotten; ne. poke fun at, mock (V.)

pole -- pole for crucifixion: got. galga 18, galg-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Pfahl, Kreuz; ne. stake (N.), pole for crucifixion, gallows, cross (N.)

polity: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

pollute: got. bisauljan* 1, bi-saul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. besudeln, beflecken; ne. spot (V.), pollute, contaminate, sully (V.)

pommel -- pommel (V.): got. kaupatjan 4, kaupat-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. ohrfeigen, Faustschlag geben; ne. buffet (V.), pommel (V.), cuff (V.), strike with the fist

pond: got. swumfsl* 2, swum-fsl*, swumsl,  st. N. (a): nhd. Teich; ne. pool, pond, place for swimming

ponder: got. mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate; þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

pool: got. swumfsl* 2, swum-fsl*, swumsl,  st. N. (a): nhd. Teich; ne. pool, pond, place for swimming

poor -- make poor: got. gaunlēdjan* 1, ga-un-lē-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. arm machen; ne. make poor; *unlēdjan?, *un-lē-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. arm machen; ne. make poor

poor -- poor (Adj.): got. arms* (1) 1, arm-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. arm, beklagenswert, bemitleidenswert; ne. poor (Adj.), pitiable, wretched, miserable; unlēþs* 18, un-lē-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. arm; ne. moneyless, propertyless, poor (Adj.)

poor -- sacrificial animal of poor people: got. hraiwadūbō* 1, hrai-w-a-dūb-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Leichentaube“, Turteltaube; ne. turtle-dove, wild dark dove, sacrificial animal of poor people

porcine: got. *sweins?, *sw-ein-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. Sau-; ne. sowlike, swinish, porcine, piglike

port -- put into port: got. atfarjan* 1, at-far-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einlaufen, landen; ne. reach land, arrive by boat, land (V.), put into port

porter: got. daúrawards 3, daúr-a-ward-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Torwart“, Türhüter; ne. doorkeeper, gatekeeper, porter

portico: got. *laubjō laubi, *laub-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Laube, Vorhalle, Dach; ne. summerhouse, portico, roof (N.); ubizwa* 1, ub-iz-w-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Halle; ne. portico, colonnade

portion -- alloted portion: got. hlauts 4, hlau-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Los, Anteil, Erbschaft; ne. lot (N.), allotment, alloted portion, inheritance

portion -- portion (N.): got. dails* 7, da-i-l-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Teil, Anteil; ne. part (N.), portion (N.), share (N.)

portion -- portion out: got. afdailjan* 1, af-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abteilen, einen Teil abgeben; ne. portion out, give tithes, apportion from, parcel out from

portions -- dispense in portions: got. fradailjan* 1, fra-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen unter; ne. distribute, lot out, dispense in portions

portrayed -- allegorically portrayed: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

portress: got. daúrawarda* 1, daúr-a-war-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Türhüterin, Pförtnerin; ne. female doorkeeper, portress; daúrawardō 1, daúr-a-war-d-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Türhüterin, Pförtnerin; ne. female doorkeeper, portress

position -- assume a begging position: got. knussjan* 2, knu-s-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niederfallen?, auf die Knie fallen, knien; ne. fall on one’s knee, assume a begging position

position -- assuming a begging position: got. kniwam knussjands, got.: nhd. mit den Knien Bittstellung einnehmend; ne. assuming a begging position

position -- come to a standing position: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

position -- get up into a sitting position: got. ussitan* 1, us-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich aufsetzen, sich aufrichten; ne. sit up, get up into a sitting position

position -- position (V.): got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; satjan* 9, sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. setzen, stellen, bestimmen, pflanzen; ne. set (V.), place (V.), position (V.), put in position, establish, plant (V.), determine

position -- put in position: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; satjan* 9, sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. setzen, stellen, bestimmen, pflanzen; ne. set (V.), place (V.), position (V.), put in position, establish, plant (V.), determine

positively: got. raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure

possess -- possess (V.): got. aigan* 32, aig-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1): nhd. haben; ne. have, own (V.), possess (V.); anahaban* 2, an-a-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. besitzen, innehaben; ne. take hold of, possess (V.); disniman* 1, dis-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. besitzen; ne. have in acquisition, possess (V.), keep (V.); haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

possessed: got. anahabaiþs, Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. behaftet, besessen; ne. possessed; wōþs* 3, wōþ-s*, wōds,  Adj. (a): nhd. wütend, besessen; ne. demoniacal, demonic, demonized, possessed

-- person possessed by the devil: got. daimōnāreis 5, daimōn-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Besessener; ne. person possessed by the devil, demoniac

possession: got. gafreideins* 3=2, ga-frei-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erhaltung, Bewahrung, Schonung; ne. safekeeping (N.), custody (N.), possession, careful treatment

-- gain complete possession of: got. dishaban* 4, dis-hab-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv); ne. seize utterly, gain complete possession of, take completely, hold (V.)

-- make into a possession: got. gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

-- take possession of: got. franiman 2, fra-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, in Besitz nehmen, in Empfang nehmen, gewinnen; ne. acquire, take possession of, receive, take along; ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn

-- take possession of by attack: got. dissitan* 3, dis-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. ergreifen, überfallen; ne. beseige, beset, take possession of by attack, seize

possessions: got. aigin* 6, aig-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eigentum, Vermögen; ne. belongings, possessions, property; aihts* 2, aih-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Eigentum, Besitz, Habe, Gut; ne. belongings, property, possessions; faíhu* 7, faíh-u*, fe,  st. N. (u): nhd. „Vieh“, Vermögen, Geld, f-Rune; ne. movable goods, chattels, property, possessions, wealth, riches, money, name of f-rune

possible: got. mahteigs 22, mah-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. mächtig, möglich, stark, Herrscher (= mahteigs, subst.); ne. power-holding, powerful, capable, possible, able

-- how is it possible that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether

-- it is indeed possible that: got. ibai auftō, got.: nhd. es möchte; ne. it is indeed possible that

possibly: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether; waitei 2, wai-t-ei,  Adv.: nhd. vielleicht, etwa; ne. conceivably, plausibly, perchance, possibly

-- not possibly: got. nibai 58, n-i-ba-i, niba,  Interrog.-Pron., Konj.: nhd. doch nicht etwa, wenn nicht, es sei denn dass, ausgenommen; ne. not possibly, unless, except (Konj.), if not, but not in the case

-- very possibly: got. uftō 1, uft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. vielleicht; ne. very possibly, quite likely, indeed

post -- customs post: got. mōtastaþs* 1, mōt-a-sta-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Mautstätte“, Zollstätte, Zollhaus; ne. toll-place, place of admission-tax collection, customs post, tax office

post -- post (N.): got. *staka, *stak-a, *stakka,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stecken, Pfahl; ne. stick (N.), post (N.), stake (N.); *stiur (2), *stiu-r,  st. N.: nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), stake (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control,discipline (N.); *stiuri, *stiu-r-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control, discipline

post -- post (V.): got. *stakkōn?, *stak-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. anpfählen, anbinden; ne. post (V.), stake (V.)

post-Sabbath -- post-Sabbath period: got. afarsabbate* 1, af-ar-sabbat-e*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Nachsabbat; ne. post-Sabbath period

pot -- copper pot: got. katils* 1, katil-s*, katilus,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Kessel; ne. kettle, copper pot

pot -- water pot: got. aúrkeis* 2, aúrkei-s*, aurkjus*?,  st. M. (ja), st. M. (u/i): nhd. Krug (M.) (1); ne. pitcher, water pot

potency: got. waldufni 55, wald-ufn-i,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Gewalt, Macht; ne. power (N.), authority, dominion, control (N.), potency

-- have potency: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail

potent: got. reikeis* (1) 3, reik-ei-s*, reiks*,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. mächtig; ne. powerful, potent, mighty, lordly, princely, power-holding, noble (Adj.)

potholed -- potholed area: got. usdrusts* 1, us-dru-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. rauher Weg; ne. potholed area, uneven area, rough road

potter: got. kasja 3, kas-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Töpfer; ne. potter, one who makes earthenware utensils

pound: got. daila* (1) 4, da-i-l-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Teilnahme, Gemeinschaft, Mine (= Münze), Pfund; ne. partaking (N.), participation, community, partnership, incompleteness, fragmentariness, piece of money, pound

-- pound (N.): got. pund* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Pfund; ne. pound (N.)

pour -- pour to overflowing: got. ufargiutan* 1, uf-ar-giu-t-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. übergießen, übervoll gießen; ne. let overflow, pour to overflowing

pour -- pour (V.): got. giutan* 6, giu-t-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. gießen; ne. pour (V.), let flow; *skagkjan, *skagk-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einschenken, schenken?; ne. pour (V.), give?

poured -- become poured out: got. *gutnan?, *gu-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gegossen werden; ne. become poured out, become spilled out; usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

poured -- be poured out: got. usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

poverty: got. unlēdi 2, un-lē-d-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Armut; ne. indigence, poverty

powder -- rub to powder: got. gamalwjan* 1, ga-mal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zermalmen, zerknirschen; ne. grind up, crush (V.), pulverize, rub to powder

power -- give power: got. waurstweig gataujan, got.: nhd. Kraft schenken; ne. give power

power -- have power over: got. reikinōn 3, reik-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen über, beherrschen; ne. rule (V.), govern, have power over

power -- power (N.): got. mahts (1) 72, mah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Macht, Kraft, Vermögen, Wundertat; ne. power (N.), might (N.), strength, capability, miracle; *seil-,  Sb.: nhd. Kraft; ne. power (N.); swinþei* 3, swinþ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Stärke, Kraft; ne. strength, power (N.); *þrūþs?, *þrū-þ-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kraft; ne. power (N.); ? *þūs?, *þū-s?,  Adj.?, Sb.?: nhd. groß?, Kraft; ne. great?, power (N.)?; waldufni 55, wald-ufn-i,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Gewalt, Macht; ne. power (N.), authority, dominion, control (N.), potency

power -- ruling power: got. reiki* 8, reik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Reich, Herrschaft, Obrigkeit; ne. rulership, government, sovereignty, ruling power, authority, realm

power -- stricken from power: got. *blauþs, *blau-þ-s, *blauþus,  Adj. (a): nhd. schwach, kraftlos; ne. powerless, beaten, stricken from power

power -- wield power over: got. waldan 2, wald-an,  red. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. walten, haushalten, dem Hauswesen vorstehen; ne. control (V.), govern, rule (V.), have dominion over, wield power over, suffice

powerful: got. mahteigs 22, mah-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. mächtig, möglich, stark, Herrscher (= mahteigs, subst.); ne. power-holding, powerful, capable, possible, able; reikeis* (1) 3, reik-ei-s*, reiks*,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. mächtig; ne. powerful, potent, mighty, lordly, princely, power-holding, noble (Adj.); *waldands?, *wald-an-d-s?,  sw. Adj., M. (nd): nhd. mächtig, Walter (= waldands), Herrscher (= waldands); ne. powerful, ruler (= waldands)

-- be powerful: got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

-- physically powerful: got. swinþs* 11=10, swinþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, kräftig, gesund; ne. strong, physically powerful, healthy, sound (Adj.), robust

power-holding: got. mahteigs 22, mah-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. mächtig, möglich, stark, Herrscher (= mahteigs, subst.); ne. power-holding, powerful, capable, possible, able; reikeis* (1) 3, reik-ei-s*, reiks*,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. mächtig; ne. powerful, potent, mighty, lordly, princely, power-holding, noble (Adj.)

powerless: got. *blauþs, *blau-þ-s, *blauþus,  Adj. (a): nhd. schwach, kraftlos; ne. powerless, beaten, stricken from power; unmahteigs 13, un-mah-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohnmächtig, schwach, unmöglich; ne. powerless, infirm (Adj.), incapable, impossible, weak

-- make powerless: got. blauþjan* 1, blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abschaffen, aufheben; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.); gablauþjan* 1, ga-blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. abschaffen, triumphieren; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.), triumph (V.)

practice -- practice (N.): got. biūhti 6, bi-ū-h-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gewohnheit; ne. custom, usage, practice (N.); waúrstwei* 1, waúr-st-w-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tun, Verrichtung, Betrieb; ne. performance, practice (N.), execution, action (N.)

practice -- practice (V.): got. sidōn* (sis) 1, sid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. üben; ne. practice (V.), exercise o.s. in

practise -- practise (2): got. þrōþjan* 1, þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. üben; ne. exercise (V.), train (V.), drill (V.), practise (2)

practitioner -- medical practitioner: got. lēkeis* 7, lēk-ei-s*, leikeis*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Arzt; ne. physician, medical practitioner

praetorium: got. praitōriaún 5, pra-itōr-iaún,  unr. N.: nhd. Prätorium, Gerichtshaus; ne. praetorium, palace

praise -- praise (N.): got. hauheins 7, hau-h-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Erhöhung“, Preis, Ehre; ne. raising on high, elevation, elevating (N.), extolment, exaltation, praise (N.), honour (N.); hazeins 10, haz-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lob, Loblied, Lobgesang, Preis; ne. praise (N.), song of praise

praise -- praise (V.): got. andhaitan 15, and-hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. bekennen, preisen, erklären; ne. profess, confess, acknowledge, praise (V.); hauhjan 27, hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hoch machen, erhöhen, preisen, verherrlichen; ne. make high, lift on high, elevate, exalt, extol, praise (V.); hazjan 10, haz-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. loben, preisen; ne. praise (V.); mikiljan* 15, mik-il-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. preisen; ne. make great, magnify, extol, glorify, praise (V.); waila qiþan, got.: nhd. beloben; ne. praise (V.); waila qiþan, got.: nhd. beloben; ne. praise (V.)

praise -- sing a hymn of praise to s.o.: got. liuþōn* 1, liu-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. lobsingen, singen; ne. sing a hymn of praise to s.o.

praise -- song of praise: got. hazeins 10, haz-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lob, Loblied, Lobgesang, Preis; ne. praise (N.), song of praise; *liuþ?, *liu-þ?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lied; ne. hymn (N.), song of praise

praised: got. þiuþeigs 17, þiu-þ-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, gepriesen; ne. good, perfect, beneficial, laudable, praised, blessed

praiseworthy: got. waílamēreis* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ei-s*,  Adj. (ia): nhd. wohllautend, löblich; ne. well-reputed, of good report, praiseworthy

pray: got. aihtrōn 5, aih-tr-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. beten, betteln, erbitten, für sich verlangen; ne. beg, pray, request for oneself, beseech, supplicate; bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for; gabidjan* 1, ga-bid-jan*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bitten, beten; ne. say a prayer, request (V.), pray; *usblōtan?, *us-blōt-an?,  red. V. (6): nhd. bitten; ne. pray, adjure, implore, supplicate worshipfully

prayer: got. aihtrōns* 3, aih-tr-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bitte, Gebet; ne. prayer, supplication; bida 29, bid-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bitte, Gebet, Aufforderung; ne. request (N.), supplication, prayer, demand (N.), entreaty, exhortation

-- intercessory prayer: got. liteins* 1, lit-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bittgebet, Fürbitte; ne. intercession, intercessory prayer

-- offer a prayer of thanksgiving: got. awiliudōn 23, aw-i-liu-d-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. danken, preisen; ne. thank (V.), offer a prayer of thanksgiving

-- prayer (N.): got. usblōteins* 2=1, us-blōt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bitte, Flehen, Gebet; ne. prayer (N.), supplication, adjuration, imploring (N.), requesting (N.)

-- prayer of gratitude: got. awiliuþ 16, aw-i-liu-þ,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dank, Danksagung, Gnade; ne. prayer of gratitude, worshipful thanks, thanksgiving

-- prayer of thanksgiving: got. aíwxaristia* 1, aíw-xari-sti-a*,  sw. F. (an): nhd. Dank, Danksagung; ne. thanksgiving, prayer of thanksgiving

-- say a prayer: got. gabidjan* 1, ga-bid-jan*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bitten, beten; ne. say a prayer, request (V.), pray

prayerful -- make a prayerful wish for: got. usbidan* 1, us-bid-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. erbitten; ne. make a prayerful wish for, wish prayerfully

prayerfully -- wish prayerfully: got. usbidan* 1, us-bid-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. erbitten; ne. make a prayerful wish for, wish prayerfully

preach -- preach good news: got. þiuþspillōn* 1, þiu-þ-s-pil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. Gutes künden, frohe Botschaft künden, verkündigen; ne. preach good news, promulgate good tidings

preach -- preach the good: got. waílamērjan 13, waíl-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem eine frohe Botschaft künden, predigen, frohe Botschaft bringen; ne. spread good news of, preach the good, proclaim

preach -- preach the gospel: got. mērjan 48, mē-r-jan,  red. V. (1): nhd. künden, kund tun, verkünden, das Evangelium verkünden; ne. proclaim (V.), promulgate, broadcast (V.), preach tidings of, preach the gospel, evangelize; waílaspillōn* 1, waíl-a-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verkünden, erzählen, frohe Botschaft verkünden; ne. proclaim propitious tidings, promulgate glad news, preach the gospel

preach -- preach tidings of: got. mērjan 48, mē-r-jan,  red. V. (1): nhd. künden, kund tun, verkünden, das Evangelium verkünden; ne. proclaim (V.), promulgate, broadcast (V.), preach tidings of, preach the gospel, evangelize

preacher: got. mērjands 2, mē-r-jan-d-s,  Part. Präs. subst., M. (nd): nhd. Verkündiger, Prediger, Herold; ne. preacher, promulgator, herald

preaching -- preaching (N.): got. gahauseins 4, ga-hau-s-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Predigt; ne. that which is heard, report (N.), preaching (N.); hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings; mēreins 3, mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verkündigung, Predigt; ne. preaching (N.), proclaiming (N.), news, gospel; waílamēreins* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verkündigung, Botschaft; ne. good tidings, good news-spreading, evangelizing, preaching (N.), evangelism

pre-announce -- pre-announce as a pledge: got. faúragahaitan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zuvor verheißen; ne. promise beforehand, pre-announce as a pledge, foretell

precede: got. bisniwan* 1, bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. zuvorkommen, zuvoreilen; ne. speed on by, precede; faúragaggan 6=5, faúr-a-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorangehen, vorstehen; ne. go before, precede, go in front of, preside over, govern; faúrbigaggan* 2, faúr-bi-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. vorausgehen, vorangehen; ne. go ahead of, precede; faúrbisniwan* 1, faúr-bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorangehen, zuvorkommen; ne. speed on ahead, hasten on before, precede; faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

-- precede in swiftness: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

-- precede s.o.: got. faúraqiman* 1, faúr-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vorgehen, vor jemand hergehen; ne. precede s.o., come in advance, come before, go before

precedence -- acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

preceding -- preceding (Adj.): got. faírns* 2, faír-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vorjährig, alt; ne. previous, foregoing, preceding (Adj.)

precinct -- country precinct: got. weihs* (2) 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dorf, Weiler, Flecken; ne. rural hamlet, country precinct, rural area, village

precious -- very precious: got. filugalaufs* 1, fil-u-ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr wertvoll, sehr kostbar; ne. very precious, very costly, very valuable

precipitate -- unfittingly precipitate: got. untilamalsks* 1, un-til-a-malsk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. voreilig, unbesonnen; ne. unfittingly precipitate, unsuitably foolhardy, inappropriately brash, reckless

precisely: got. glaggwuba 1, gla-ggw-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, precisely

-- precisely that one: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

precursor -- be a precursor: got. faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

predetermination: got. muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation

predetermine: got. faúragarēdan* 3=2, faúr-a-ga-rē-d-an*,  red. abl. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen; ne. purpose in advance, intend beforehand, predetermine

prediscrimination: got. faúrdōmeins* 1, faúr-dō-m-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Vorurteil; ne. prejudgement, prediscrimination, prejudice

pre-eminence: got. frumadei* 1, fru-m-a-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Vorrang; ne. primacy, pre-eminence

preferable -- deem preferable: got. faúrarahnjan* 1, faúr-a-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. esteem as prior, reckon as foremost, deem preferable, outdo

preference: got. leikains* 4, leik-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gefallen, Gutdünken, Wohlgefallen, Vorsatz; ne. liking, preference, pleasure, approval, purpose (N.)

pregnant: got. habandei, got.: nhd. schwanger; ne. pregnant; inkilþō 3, in-kil-þ-ō,  sw. Adj.: nhd. schwanger, Schwangere (subst.); ne. with child, pregnant; qiþuhafts*, qi-þ-u-haf-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. schwanger; ne. pregnant

-- pregnant woman: got. qiþuhaftō* 2, qi-þ-u-haf-t-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schwangere; ne. pregnant woman

pre-judge -- pre-judge (V.): got. *faúrdōmjan?, *faúr-dō-m-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorher urteilen; ne. pre-judge (V.), pass judgement beforehand

prejudgement: got. faúrdōmeins* 1, faúr-dō-m-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Vorurteil; ne. prejudgement, prediscrimination, prejudice

prejudice: got. faúrdōmeins* 1, faúr-dō-m-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Vorurteil; ne. prejudgement, prediscrimination, prejudice

premeditated: got. *faúrweis?, *faúr-wei-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. vorsätzlich, bedacht; ne. premeditating (Adj.), premeditated

premeditating -- premeditating (Adj.): got. *faúrweis?, *faúr-wei-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. vorsätzlich, bedacht; ne. premeditating (Adj.), premeditated

premeditation: got. mitōns 10, mi-t-ōn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überlegung, Gedanke; ne. cogitation, meditation, deliberation, premeditation, thought, opinion, evaluative reasoning

preparation: got. muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation

-- day of preparation: got. paraskaíwē 2, para-skaíwē,  F.?, M. (īn): nhd. Rüsttag; ne. day of preparation

prepare: got. gamanwjan* 14, ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zubereiten, bereiten; ne. prepare, make ready; *garwōn?, *gar-w-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bereiten, kleiden; ne. prepare, make ready; manwjan 15, manw-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bereiten, zurechtmachen; ne. prepare, make ready

-- prepare ahead of time: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand; faúramanwjan* 1, faúr-a-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorbereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand

-- prepare o.s.: got. skaftjan* sik 1, skaf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich bereit machen, sich anschicken; ne. get ready, prepare o.s.

-- prepare out of foresight: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

prepared -- prepared (Adj.): got. manwus 6, manw-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. bereit; ne. prepared (Adj.), ready (Adj.), at hand

preparedly: got. manwuba 1, manw-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. bereit; ne. ready (Adj.), in readiness, preparedly

preparedness: got. manwiþa* 2, manw-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bereitschaft, Mittel; ne. preparedness, readiness, resources

preparing -- finish preparing beforehand: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand

prepuce: got. faúrafilli 7=6, faúr-a-fil-l-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Vorhaut; ne. foreskin, prepuce

preresolution: got. muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation

prerogatives -- acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

presbytery: got. praízbwtaírei* 3, praí-z-bwt-aír-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ältestenrat, christliche Gemeindebehörde; ne. presbytery, council of the elders

prescribe: got. garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange

-- prescribe to: got. garaginōn* 1, ga-rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Rat geben, raten; ne. prescribe to, give guidance to, give counsel to, advise (V.)

prescriptor: got. ragineis 4, rag-in-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Ratgeber, Ratsherr; ne. counsellor, advisor, guide (M.), prescriptor, steward, guardian

presence: got. andwaírþi* 81=79, and-waír-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gegenwart, Angesicht, Person, Gesicht; ne. countenance, „face-to-face-ness“, presence, person; qums 14, qu-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Ankunft, Wiederkunft; ne. coming (N.), advent, arrival, parousia, presence

-- in the presence of: got. in andwairþja: nhd. vor; ne. before the face of, in the presence of, facing

present -- being present: got. andwaírþs 9, and-waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gegenwärtig; ne. present (Adj.), being present

present -- be present: got. atwisan* 3, at-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. da sein (V.), zur Hand liegen; ne. be at hand, be imminent, be present; faúrawisan 2, faúr-a-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be present, be in evidence, be at hand; wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

present -- be present together with: got. miþwisan* 1, mi-þ-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. beistehen, zu Hilfe kommen; ne. be together with, be present together with, remain with

present -- for the present: got. andwaírþō 1, and-waír-þ-ō,  Adv.: nhd. sofort; ne. for the present, momentary, at once

present -- from the present on: got. fram þamma nū: nhd. von nun an, künftig; ne. from the present on, henceforth

present -- present (Adj.): got. anahaimeis* 2, an-a-hai-m-ei-s*, anahaims*,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. in der Heimat befindlich, daheim, zuhause; ne. at home, present (Adj.); andwaírþs 9, and-waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gegenwärtig; ne. present (Adj.), being present

present -- present a pleasing appearance: got. samjan 2, sam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zu gefallen suchen, gefallen (V.); ne. present a pleasing appearance, give o.s. a pleasing appearance (= sik samjan), seek to please

present -- present (N.): got. giba 13, gib-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk, g-Rune; ne. that which is given, gift (N.), present (N.), name of g-rune

present -- present the case: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

present -- present to: got. atbaíran* 12, at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. bringen, herbeibringen, darbringen, hinzutragen; ne. bring, offer (V.), bring to, take to, present to

present -- present to one’s mind: got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know

present -- present (V.): got. atsatjan 3, at-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darstellen; ne. present (V.), set before; faúragasatjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „vorsetzen“, vorstellen, darstellen; ne. set before, present (V.), bring to; gakannjan 13, ga-kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden, berichten, bekanntmachen, empfehlen; ne. make known, present (V.), announce; rahtōn* 1, raht-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. darreichen; ne. extend (V.), proffer (V.), hold out, offer (V.), present (V.); usgiban 22, us-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erstatten, bezahlen, darstellen, darbringen; ne. give out, pay out, repay (V.), recompense (V.), give back, present (V.), offer (V.)

present -- the present: got. hi* 20, hi-* 20,  Pron.: nhd. dieser; ne. this, of here and now, the present, this here

present -- up to the present interval: got. und þō nū ƕeila, got.: nhd. bis jetzt; ne. up to the present interval

presentable: got. fagrs* 1, fag-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. passend, geeignet, geschickt; ne. in proper condition, presentable, proper, fitting (Adj.), suitable, suited, qualified

-- make presentable: got. *fahrjan?, *fah-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable; gafahrjan* 1, ga-fah-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable

presentation: got. faúrlageins* 2, faúr-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Vorlegung; ne. presentation, setting forth; fragifts* 3, fra-gif-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verleihung, Verlobung, Gabe; ne. gift (N.), grant (N.), betrothal, presentation, bestowal, giving away, plightedness, engagement

presents -- one who presents his superabundance: got. *ufanus?, *uf-an-u-s?,  Adj. (u?): nhd. der seinen Überfluss zeigt; ne. one who presents his superabundance

preservation: got. naseins 14, nas-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Rettung, Heil; ne. saving (N.), salvation, preservation, rescue (N.), deliverance

preserve -- preserve together: got. gabaírgan* 1, ga-baír-g-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. bergen, bewahren, erhalten (V.); ne. preserve together, keep intact together

preserve -- preserve (V.): got. baírgan* 2, baír-g-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. bergen, bewahren, erhalten (V.); ne. preserve (V.), protect, keep; *gafreidjan?, *ga-frei-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhalten (V.), schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, hold in custody, preserve (V.); ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.); nasjan 10, nas-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. retten; ne. save (1), preserve (V.), rescue (V.); *wērjan?, *wēr-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wahren; ne. preserve (V.), keep (V.)

preserved -- be preserved: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.)

preside -- preside over: got. faúragaggan 6=5, faúr-a-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorangehen, vorstehen; ne. go before, precede, go in front of, preside over, govern; faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

press -- press upon: got. anapraggan* 1, an-a-pragg-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. bedrängen, bedrücken; ne. press upon, oppress, trouble (V.)

press -- press (V.): got. *kramjan, *kra-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. drücken; ne. press (V.); *praggan, *pragg-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. drängen; ne. press (V.); þreihan* 10, þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. drängen; ne. press (V.), crowd (V.), cramp (V.), thong (V.), crush (V.)

pressing -- pit for pressing: got. dal uf mēsa, got.: nhd. Keltergrube; ne. pit for pressing; dal uf mēsa, got.: nhd. Keltergrube; ne. pit for pressing

pressure: got. agliþa* 1, ag-l-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Drangsal, Trübsal; ne. pressure, trial, tribulation, trouble (N.); *þruks?, *þruk-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Druck, Stoß; ne. pressure

-- put pressure on: got. gaþreihan* 1, ga-þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bedrängen; ne. put pressure on, constrict, oppress, distress (V.), trouble (V.)

pressured -- pressured condition: got. þreihsl* 2=1, þrei-h-sl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Drangsal, Bedrängnis; ne. constriction, pressured condition, distress (N.), difficulty

prestige: got. dōms* 2, dō-m-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Urteil“, Ruhm; ne. discernment, insight, distinction, esteem, prestige, notability

presume: got. ahjan* 1, ah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. meinen; ne. assume, presume, think

pretending: got. hindarweis* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hinterlistig, verstellt; ne. hypocritical, pretending, insincere, feigning, deceitful, treacherous

pretense: got. inilō* 4, in-il-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Entschuldigung, Vorwand, Gelegenheit; ne. pretext, pretense, alleged reason, excuse (N.)

pretenses -- cheat by false pretenses: got. hōlōn* 2, hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verleumden, betrügen, durch Betrug schädigen, schikanieren, schaden; ne. wrong by false allegation, cheat by false pretenses, victimize, slander (V.)

pretext: got. inilō* 4, in-il-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Entschuldigung, Vorwand, Gelegenheit; ne. pretext, pretense, alleged reason, excuse (N.)

pretorium: got. gards 94, gar-d-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Haus, Hauswesen, Familie, Hof, Prätorium; ne. house, homestead, household enclosure, court (N.), courtyard, pretorium, household, family

prevent: got. warjan* 9, war-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehren; ne. prevent, thwart (V.), forbid, hinder, restrain, stop (V.), block (V.)

preventing -- preventing (Adj.): got. *wars (2), *war-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. sich wehrend; ne. preventing (Adj.)

previous: got. faírns* 2, faír-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vorjährig, alt; ne. previous, foregoing, preceding (Adj.)

-- previous to: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

previously: got. faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

price: got. andawaírþi 2, anda-waír-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Gegenwert“, Preis; ne. price, cost (N.), purchase price

-- price (N.): got. waírþ* 4, waír-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Preis, Wert; ne. price (N.), monetary equivalent, worth (N.), conversion value

-- price of redemption: got. luns* 1, lu-n-s*,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Lösegeld; ne. ransom (N.), price of redemption, price of release

-- price of release: got. luns* 1, lu-n-s*,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Lösegeld; ne. ransom (N.), price of redemption, price of release

-- price (V.): got. waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

-- purchase price: got. andawaírþi 2, anda-waír-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Gegenwert“, Preis; ne. price, cost (N.), purchase price

-- set a price on: got. waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

prick -- prick (N.): got. *stuggs, *stu-g-g-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Stich, Stoß; ne. prick (N.), sting (N.), push (N.)

prick -- prick (V.): got. *staggan?, *sta-g-g-an?,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. stechen; ne. prick (V.), sting (V.); *stikan, *sti-k-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. stechen; ne. stick (V.), prick (V.), puncture (V.); *stuggjan?, *stu-g-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stechen, stoßen; ne. prick (V.), sting (V.), push (V.)

pricker: got. *alisna?, *alisn-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ahle; ne. awl, pricker

prickle -- prickle (N.): got. *stikils?, *sti-k-il-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stachel; ne. thorn, prickle (N.)

prickly -- prickly bush: got. aíƕatundi* 3, aíƕ-a-t-u-nd-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. „Pferdedorn“, Dornstrauch; ne. thornbush, bramble, prickly bush

pride -- pride (N.): got. hauhhaírtei 1, hau-h-haírt-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hochmut; ne. high-heartedness, haughtiness, arrogance, pride (N.)

pride -- pride o.s.: got. ƕōpan 33=31, ƕōp-an,  red. V. (5): nhd. sich rühmen; ne. boast (V.), pride o.s.

pride -- swollen with pride: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

priest: got. gudja 54, gu-d-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Priester; ne. priest; papa 2, pap-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Presbyter, Geistlicher; ne. priest; weiha 1, weih-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Priester; ne. priest, sacerdotal official

-- be a priest: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

-- chief priest: got. ufargudja* 1, uf-ar-gu-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Oberpriester, Mitglied des Synhedrions; ne. high priest, chief priest

-- high priest: got. sa auhumista gudja, got.: nhd. Hoherpriester; ne. high priest; auhumists weiha, got.: nhd. Hoherpriester; ne. high priest; auhumists gudja, got.: nhd. Hoherpriester; ne. high priest; maists gudja, got.: nhd. Hoherpriester; ne. high priest; reikists gudja, got.: nhd. Hoherpriester; ne. high priest; maists gudja, got.: nhd. Hohepriester; ne. high priest; ufargudja* 1, uf-ar-gu-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Oberpriester, Mitglied des Synhedrions; ne. high priest, chief priest

-- officate as priest: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

priestcraft: got. gudjinassus* 2, gu-d-ji-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Priestertum; ne. priest-hood, priestcraft

priest-hood: got. gudjinassus* 2, gu-d-ji-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Priestertum; ne. priest-hood, priestcraft

primacy: got. frumadei* 1, fru-m-a-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Vorrang; ne. primacy, pre-eminence

prime: got. *frumaþeis, *fru-m-a-þ-ei-s, *frumaþs, *frumadeis,  Adj. (ja): nhd. erste; ne. first, prior, prime

prince: got. faúramaþleis 10, faúr-a-ma-þl-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Vorsteher, Gebieter, Sprecher; ne. ruler, prince, chief, head man, governor, official (M.); reiks (2) 14, reik-s, riks*,  M. (kons.): nhd. Herrscher, Obrigkeit; ne. ruler, lord, prince

princely: got. reikeis* (1) 3, reik-ei-s*, reiks*,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. mächtig; ne. powerful, potent, mighty, lordly, princely, power-holding, noble (Adj.)

prior: got. fruma 18, fru-m-a,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. erste; ne. first, former, prior; *frumaþeis, *fru-m-a-þ-ei-s, *frumaþs, *frumadeis,  Adj. (ja): nhd. erste; ne. first, prior, prime

-- esteem as prior: got. faúrarahnjan* 1, faúr-a-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. esteem as prior, reckon as foremost, deem preferable, outdo

-- prior to: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

prison: got. karkara* 11, karkar-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Kerker, Gefängnis; ne. prison, jail

prisoner: got. bandja 6, band-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefangener, Gebundener; ne. person in bonds, prisoner, captive (M.)

-- make prisoner of war: got. ushinþan* 1, us-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erbeuten; ne. take captive, capture (V.), make prisoner of war

private -- private conference: got. garūni* 4, ga-rūn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beratung, Beratschlagung; ne. secret counsel, secret consultation, private conference, privy council

privately: got. sundrō 10, sun-dr-ō,  Adv.: nhd. abgesondert, besonders, allein, beiseite; ne. asunder (Adv.), apart, separately, alone, individually, privately

privation: got. þarba* (1) 5, þarb-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mangel (M.), Armut; ne. want (N.), need (N.), privation, neediness, necessity

-- in complete privation: got. alaþarba 1, al-a-þarb-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „alldarbend“, an allem Mangel leidend, ganz arm; ne. thoroughly destitute, totally in need, in complete privation

privy -- privy council: got. garūni* 4, ga-rūn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beratung, Beratschlagung; ne. secret counsel, secret consultation, private conference, privy council

prize -- gain the prize: got. gajiukan* 4, ga-jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. besiegen, überwinden; ne. succeed in fighting, overcome, conquer, gain the prize

prize -- victory prize: got. sigislaun* 2, sig-i-s-laun*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Siegeslohn, Preis; ne. victory prize, reward for winning

probability -- in all probability: got. aúftō 21=20, aúft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. allerdings, wohl, vielleicht, etwa; ne. in all probability, indeed, perhaps, certainly, be sure, no doubt

probity: got. aírkniþa* 2=1, aírkn-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Lauterkeit, Echtheit, Reinheit; ne. genuineness, integrity, probity, purity, sincerity, unadulteratedness

proceed: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue

-- proceed on: got. inngaggan 18, in-n-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hineingehen, fortgehen (= inngaggan framis); ne. go in, enter, progress (V.), proceed on

-- proceed out: got. usstandan 41, us-sta-n-d-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich erheben, aufbrechen, auferstehen, aufstehen; ne. stand up, rise up, arise, emerge, proceed out

-- proceed to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to

-- proceed (V.): got. skēwjan* 1, skēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wandern; ne. proceed (V.), progress (V.), walk on forth, go (V.)

proceeding -- proceeding from: got. us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of

proclaim: got. waílamērjan 13, waíl-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem eine frohe Botschaft künden, predigen, frohe Botschaft bringen; ne. spread good news of, preach the good, proclaim

-- proclaim about: got. *bihaitan?, *bi-hai-t-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. prahlen, verleumden; ne. proclaim about, call out about, speak vociferously

-- proclaim propitious tidings: got. waílaspillōn* 1, waíl-a-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verkünden, erzählen, frohe Botschaft verkünden; ne. proclaim propitious tidings, promulgate glad news, preach the gospel

-- proclaim the gospel: got. spillōn* 6, spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. künden, verkünden, erzählen; ne. tell, relate, report (V.), give report of, proclaim the gospel

-- proclaim (V.): got. gateihan* 28, ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anzeigen, verkünden, verkündigen; ne. announce, proclaim (V.), declare, tell, report (V.); mērjan 48, mē-r-jan,  red. V. (1): nhd. künden, kund tun, verkünden, das Evangelium verkünden; ne. proclaim (V.), promulgate, broadcast (V.), preach tidings of, preach the gospel, evangelize

proclaimer: got. spilla 1, spil-l-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Verkünder, Verkündiger; ne. proclaimer, promulgator, herald, teller, announcer

proclaiming -- proclaiming (N.): got. mēreins 3, mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verkündigung, Predigt; ne. preaching (N.), proclaiming (N.), news, gospel

procreate: got. ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

procure: got. gastaldan 5, ga-stal-d-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erwerben, bekommen; ne. procure, acquire, get

prod -- tip of prod: got. hnuþō 2 (=1), hnu-þ-ō, hnutō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. spitzer Pfahl; ne. pointed stake, peg (N.), spike (N.), nail (N.), tip of prod

produce: got. gasmiþōn* 1, ga-smi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. „schmieden“, bewirken, durch Schmieden bewirken; ne. forge (V.), produce in the manner of a smith, effect (V.), work (V.), produce; gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish; gawaúrkjan 24, ga-waúrk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bewirken, erwirken, bereiten, machen, bringen, erhandeln, ausstellen; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), bring about, produce, make (V.), earn (V.), get, achieve (V.); þaírhbaíran* 1, þaír-h-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hindurchtragen; ne. carry through, bear through, produce; ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.); waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

-- produce (1): got. taujan 211=209, tau-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tun, machen, wirken; ne. do, act (V.), engage in, execute, perform, make (V.), form (V.), construct (V.), produce (1)

-- produce in the manner of a smith: got. gasmiþōn* 1, ga-smi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. „schmieden“, bewirken, durch Schmieden bewirken; ne. forge (V.), produce in the manner of a smith, effect (V.), work (V.), produce

-- produce (V.): got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue

product -- product (N.): got. táui 7, táu-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. work (N.), act (N.), activity, action, deed, product (N.), effect (N.)

productive: got. waúrstweigs* 5, waúr-st-w-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wirksam; ne. operative, functioning, operational, productive, effectual, effective

-- be productive: got. waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

profane: got. gamains 6, ga-mai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gemein, gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, teilhaftig, unheilig; ne. participant (Adj.), sharing (Adj.), shared, communal, commutual, common (Adj.), ordinary, unclean, vulgar, profane

-- profane (Adj.): got. usweihs* 3, us-weih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. außer der Weihe, unheilig, profan; ne. profane (Adj.), execrated, outside of sanctity, unholy

profess: got. andhaitan 15, and-hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. bekennen, preisen, erklären; ne. profess, confess, acknowledge, praise (V.); gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

proffer -- proffer (V.): got. rahtōn* 1, raht-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. darreichen; ne. extend (V.), proffer (V.), hold out, offer (V.), present (V.)

proficient: got. ustauhans: nhd. vollkommen; ne. complete (Adj.), capable, proficient, perfect

profit -- profit (N.): got. *bata, *bat-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nutzen, Vorteil; ne. benefit (N.), worthiness, avail (N.), advantage, profit (N.); bōta* 3, bōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Nutzen; ne. advantage (N.), benefit (N.), good (N.), aid (N.), usefulness, profit (N.)

profit -- profit (V.): got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.); gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

profitable -- profitable undertaking: got. faíhugawaúrki 1, faíh-u-ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erwerb, Geldgewinn, Gewinn; ne. profitable undertaking, lucrative enterprise, gain of money

profligately: got. usstiuriba 1, us-stiu-r-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. zügellos; ne. unbridledly, uncontrolledly, profligately, dissolutely, out of control

profundity: got. diupiþa 4, diup-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Tiefe, Meerestiefe; ne. ocean depths, depth, profundity

profuse -- make profuse: got. ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

profusion -- be in profusion: got. ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

program -- program (N.): got. garēhsns 11, ga-rēh-sn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. bestimmte Zeit, Bestimmung, Plan (M.) (2); ne. design (N.), plan (N.), program (N.), designation, designated time, determination, fixed time; *rēhsns?, *rēh-sn-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bestimmung, Plan (M.) (2); ne. plan (N.), program (N.)

progress -- make progress: got. þeihan 7, þei-h-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. gedeihen, Fortschritte machen; ne. make progress, wax (V.), gain (V.) (2), thrive, succeed, cooperate

progress -- progress (N.): got. framgāhts* 1, fra-m-gā-h-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Fortschritt; ne. progress (N.), advancement, furtherance

progress -- progress (V.): got. gaþeihan* 2, ga-þei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorwärtskommen, hervorsprießen, wachsen (V.) (1), zunehmen; ne. progress (V.), grow, advance (V.), prosper; inngaggan 18, in-n-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hineingehen, fortgehen (= inngaggan framis); ne. go in, enter, progress (V.), proceed on; skēwjan* 1, skēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wandern; ne. proceed (V.), progress (V.), walk on forth, go (V.)

projecting -- projecting edge: got. skauts* 3, skau-t-s*, skaut*,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Zipfel, Schoß (M.) (1), Saum (M.) (1); ne. protrusion, projection, projecting edge, fringe (N.), hem (N.) (1)

projection: got. skauts* 3, skau-t-s*, skaut*,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Zipfel, Schoß (M.) (1), Saum (M.) (1); ne. protrusion, projection, projecting edge, fringe (N.), hem (N.) (1)

promise -- promise beforehand: got. faúragahaitan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zuvor verheißen; ne. promise beforehand, pre-announce as a pledge, foretell

promise -- promise (N.): got. gahait* 14, ga-hai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Verheißung, Versprechen; ne. promise (N.), pledge (N.); haiti* 2, hai-t-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Geheiß, Befehl; ne. behest, order (N.), command (N.), promise (N.)

promise -- promise (V.): got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together; gawadjōn* 1, ga-wad-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zusammenfügen, verloben; ne. pledge (V.), betroth, plight (V.), promise (V.)

promised: got. in fragiftim: nhd. versprochen, verlobt; ne. promised, engaged

promising -- promising fidelity: got. *trausts?, *trau-st-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, fest; ne. promising fidelity

promptly: got. sprautō 13, s-prau-t-ō,  Adv.: nhd. schnell, bald, ohne Zögern; ne. quickly, speedily, promptly, fast (Adv.), rapidly, without delay

promulgate: got. gaspillōn* 1, ga-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden; ne. announce, promulgate, tell; mērjan 48, mē-r-jan,  red. V. (1): nhd. künden, kund tun, verkünden, das Evangelium verkünden; ne. proclaim (V.), promulgate, broadcast (V.), preach tidings of, preach the gospel, evangelize

-- promulgate glad news: got. waílaspillōn* 1, waíl-a-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verkünden, erzählen, frohe Botschaft verkünden; ne. proclaim propitious tidings, promulgate glad news, preach the gospel

-- promulgate good tidings: got. þiuþspillōn* 1, þiu-þ-s-pil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. Gutes künden, frohe Botschaft künden, verkündigen; ne. preach good news, promulgate good tidings

promulgated -- become promulgated: got. usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

promulgated -- be promulgated: got. usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

promulgator: got. mērjands 2, mē-r-jan-d-s,  Part. Präs. subst., M. (nd): nhd. Verkündiger, Prediger, Herold; ne. preacher, promulgator, herald; spilla 1, spil-l-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Verkünder, Verkündiger; ne. proclaimer, promulgator, herald, teller, announcer

pronounce -- pronounce good upon: got. þiuþjan* 19, þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. segnen; ne. bless (V.), confer benediction, pronounce good upon

pronounce -- pronounce judgement against: got. gawargjan* 2, ga-war-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einen verurteilen zu, ächten, verdammen; ne. condemn, damn, outlaw (V.), pronounce judgement against

proof -- proof (N.): got. kustus* 3, kus-t-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Prüfung, Beweis; ne. test (N.), trial, proving by test, proof (N.); ustaikneins 4, us-tai-k-n-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auszeichnung, Bezeichnung, Bekanntmachung, Anzeichen, Beweis, Darstellung; ne. pointing out, marking out, showing (N.), evidence, token (N.), revelation, proof (N.)

propel: got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.)

proper: got. fagrs* 1, fag-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. passend, geeignet, geschickt; ne. in proper condition, presentable, proper, fitting (Adj.), suitable, suited, qualified

-- assume proper state: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

-- in proper condition: got. fagrs* 1, fag-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. passend, geeignet, geschickt; ne. in proper condition, presentable, proper, fitting (Adj.), suitable, suited, qualified

-- put in proper condition: got. *fahrjan?, *fah-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable; gafahrjan* 1, ga-fah-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable

properly -- pertain properly to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

property: got. aigin* 6, aig-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eigentum, Vermögen; ne. belongings, possessions, property; aihts* 2, aih-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Eigentum, Besitz, Habe, Gut; ne. belongings, property, possessions; *alauds?, *al-au-d-s?,  st. M. (a), st. N. (a): nhd. Allod, Vollgut, Gut; ne. property; faíhu* 7, faíh-u*, fe,  st. N. (u): nhd. „Vieh“, Vermögen, Geld, f-Rune; ne. movable goods, chattels, property, possessions, wealth, riches, money, name of f-rune; swēs* (2) 3, swē-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eigentum, Vermögen; ne. what is owned, ownings, property

-- acquire as property: got. gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

-- agricultural property: got. hugs* (2) 1, hug-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Landgut?, Feld; ne. landed estate?, country estate?, agricultural property, farm property, field

-- farm property: got. hugs* (2) 1, hug-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Landgut?, Feld; ne. landed estate?, country estate?, agricultural property, farm property, field

-- inherited land property: got. haimōþli* 2, hai-m-ōþl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Grundbesitz, Familiengut; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead; *ōþli, *ōþl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, Heimat; ne. patrimonial land, inherited land property, patrimonial homestead

-- lived-on property: got. þaúrp* 1, þaúr-p*,  st. N. (a): nhd. bebautes Land, Acker, Feld; ne. farmland, agricultural tract, land (N.), lived-on property

propertyless: got. unlēþs* 18, un-lē-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. arm; ne. moneyless, propertyless, poor (Adj.)

prophecy: got. praúfētja 6, praú-fē-t-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Weissagung, Prophezeiung; ne. prophecy

prophesy: got. fauraqiþan* 9=8, faur-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorhersagen; ne. tell before, tell beforehand, foretell the future, prophesy; praúfētjan* 9, praú-fē-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weissagen, prophezeien; ne. prophesy

prophet -- false prophet: got. galiugapraúfētus* 2, ga-liug-a-praú-fē-t-u-s*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. „Lügenprophet“, falscher Prophet; ne. false prophet; liugnapraufētus* 1, liug-n-a-prau-fētu-s*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. „Lügenprophet“, falscher Prophet; ne. false prophet, lying prophet

prophet -- lying prophet: got. liugnapraufētus* 1, liug-n-a-prau-fētu-s*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. „Lügenprophet“, falscher Prophet; ne. false prophet, lying prophet

prophet -- prophet (M.): got. praúfētes 50, praú-fē-te-s, praufetus,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Prophet; ne. prophet (M.)

prophetess: got. praúfēteis 1, praú-fē-t-ei-s,  unr. F.: nhd. Prophetin; ne. prophetess

prophetic -- prophetic wonderwork: got. faúratani* 3, faúr-a-tan-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Wunderzeichen; ne. miracle, prophetic wonderwork, magic foretoken, miraculous omen

propitious: got. hulþs 1, hul-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hold, gnädig, günstig; ne. kind (Adj.), clement, propitious, gracious

-- proclaim propitious tidings: got. waílaspillōn* 1, waíl-a-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verkünden, erzählen, frohe Botschaft verkünden; ne. proclaim propitious tidings, promulgate glad news, preach the gospel

proportions -- increase in physical proportions: got. liudan* 1, liud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1); ne. grow, increase in physical proportions

proportions -- of such proportions: got. swalauþs* 5, swa-lauþ-s*,  Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so groß, so viel; ne. so great, so extensive, of such proportions, of such extent, such, so much

proportions -- of the same proportions: got. samalauþs* 1, sam-a-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich groß, derselbe; ne. of the same proportions, equivalent (Adj.), as much

proportions -- of what proportions: got. ƕēlauþs* 2=1, ƕē-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wie groß; ne. of what proportions, how great, what extent of, how extensive

proportions -- physical proportions of growth: got. laudi* 1, laud-i*,  st. F. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. bodily dimensions, physical proportions of growth

propose: got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

propound -- propound an argument: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

proscription: got. gawargeins* 1, ga-war-g-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verurteilung, Verdammung, Verdammnis; ne. condemnation, damnation, proscription

prosecutory -- prosecutory pursuit: got. wrakja 7=6, wra-k-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Verfolgung; ne. persecution, prosecutory pursuit

proselyte: got. niujasatiþs* 1, niu-ja-sat-iþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Neubekehrter, Neuling; ne. proselyte, neophyte, a new convert, novice

prosper: got. gaþeihan* 2, ga-þei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorwärtskommen, hervorsprießen, wachsen (V.) (1), zunehmen; ne. progress (V.), grow, advance (V.), prosper

prosperity: got. *auds *auþs, *au-d-s,  st. M. (a), st. N. (a): nhd. Habe, Gut; ne. fortune, prosperity

prostitute -- prostitute (F.): got. kalkjō* 1, kalk-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n?): nhd. Hure; ne. whore (F.), prostitute (F.), harlot

protect: got. baírgan* 2, baír-g-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. bergen, bewahren, erhalten (V.); ne. preserve (V.), protect, keep; *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold; *friþōn?, *fri-þ-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schützen?; ne. protect, shelter (V.); gafastan 11, ga-fast-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. behalten, bewahren, halten; ne. hold fast, keep (V.), retain, observe, guard (V.), protect; hleibjan* 1, hleib-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. sich annehmen; ne. shield (V.), give protection to, protect, help (V.); *skaírmjan, *skaír-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schirmen; ne. protect

protection: got. *friþus, *fri-þu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Friede, Schutz; ne. protection, shelter (N.), peace

-- give protection to: got. hleibjan* 1, hleib-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. sich annehmen; ne. shield (V.), give protection to, protect, help (V.)

protrusion: got. skauts* 3, skau-t-s*, skaut*,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Zipfel, Schoß (M.) (1), Saum (M.) (1); ne. protrusion, projection, projecting edge, fringe (N.), hem (N.) (1)

proud: got. mikilþūhts* 1, mikil-þūh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. great-seeming, supposed great, impressing as great, arrogant, proud

-- be proud: got. hauhaba hugjan: nhd. hoffärtig sein (V.); ne. be proud, be haughty

-- proud (Adj.): got. hauhhaírts 2, hau-h-haírt-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. high-hearted, haughty, arrogant, proud (Adj.)

prove -- prove by test: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

prove -- prove by testing: got. gakiusan 10=9, ga-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, wählen, prüfen; ne. prove by testing, try (V.), choose as proven, approve, test (V.)

prove -- prove by trial: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

prove -- prove (V.): got. kausjan 7, kaus-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Gen., m. Akk.: nhd. kosten (V.) (2), kennen lernen, prüfen; ne. sample (V.), experience (V.), taste (V.), try out, test (V.), prove (V.)

proved -- proved by testing: got. *gakusans?, *ga-kus-an-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bewährt, erprobt, auserwählt; ne. proved by testing, approved

proven -- choose as proven: got. gakiusan 10=9, ga-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, wählen, prüfen; ne. prove by testing, try (V.), choose as proven, approve, test (V.)

provenance -- of heavenly provenance: got. himinakunds* 9, himin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von himmlischer Abkunft, himmlisch; ne. coming from heaven, celestial, of heavenly provenance, heavenly

provenness: got. *kusts?, *kus-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Probe; ne. provenness

provide: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide; *warnjan, *war-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich versehen; ne. provide

-- provide for: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for; undrēdan 1, und-rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. besorgen, gewähren; ne. adduce, advance (V.), provide for, grant (V.)

-- provide with food: got. *usfōdjan?, *us-fō-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nähren; ne. nourish, provide with food

-- provide with knowledge: got. usfratwjan 1, us-fratw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. klug machen, ausrüsten?, ausstatten?; ne. instruct (V.), provide with knowledge, make wise

provider -- provider of lodgings: got. waírdus 1, waír-d-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Gastfreund, Hauswirt, Wirt; ne. host (M.), provider of lodgings

province: got. gawi* 6, gaw-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gau, Land, Bezirk, Umgegend, Gegend; ne. region, district (N.), country, land (N.), province, environment

-- maritime province: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

-- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

proving -- proving by test: got. kustus* 3, kus-t-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Prüfung, Beweis; ne. test (N.), trial, proving by test, proof (N.)

provision: got. muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation

-- make provision of: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

provoke: got. gramjan* 1, gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnen, aufregen; ne. make angry, provoke; inaljanōn* 2, in-al-jan-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.?: nhd. zornig machen, reizen; ne. jealousy provoke to jealousy, make jealous, provoke, anger (V.); ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate; ushaitan* 1, us-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. herausfordern; ne. provoke, challenge (V.)

-- jealousy provoke to jealousy: got. inaljanōn* 2, in-al-jan-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.?: nhd. zornig machen, reizen; ne. jealousy provoke to jealousy, make jealous, provoke, anger (V.)

proximity: got. *nēƕundi?, *nēƕ-und-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Nähe; ne. proximity

-- conduct into proximity: got. attiuhan 12, at-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. herbeiziehen, herbeiführen, herbeibringen, hereinführen, bringen; ne. bring up, take up, convey (V.), conduct into proximity

-- in the proximity: got. nēƕa 23, nēƕ-a,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. nahe; ne. near (Adv.), close (Adv.) (1), nigh, nearby, in the proximity

prudence: got. inahei* 2, in-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Besonnenheit, Selbstbeherrschung; ne. judiciousness, circumspection, prudence, sobriety

prudent: got. inahs* 1, in-ah-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verständig, besonnen (Adj.), klug; ne. judicious, circumspect (Adj.), prudent, wise (Adj.)

p-rune -- name of p-rune: got. paírþra* 1, paírþr-a*, pertra?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. p-Rune; ne. dice-box, name of p-rune

prune -- prune (V.): got. usmaitan* 6, us-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. ausschneiden, abschneiden, ausrotten, aushauen; ne. cut out, excise, cut away, castrate, prune (V.), amputate

psalm: got. psalmō 5, psalm-ō,  sw. F. (n)?, st. F. (ō)?: nhd. Psalm; ne. psalm

pseudo-apostle: got. galiugaapaústaúlus* 1, ga-liug-a-apaú-staúlu-s*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. „Lügenapostel“, falscher Apostel; ne. false apostle, pseudo-apostle

psychologically -- bear psychologically: got. frabaíran* 1, fra-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vertragen, ertragen; ne. bear psychologically, sustain psychologically, endure

psychologically -- sustain psychologically: got. frabaíran* 1, fra-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vertragen, ertragen; ne. bear psychologically, sustain psychologically, endure

public -- become public: got. *mērnan?, *mē-r-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bekannt werden; ne. become public; usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

public -- be public: got. usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

public -- make public: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.); usqiþan 1, us-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. ein Gerede verbreiten; ne. divulge, make public, spread the news

public -- make public exhibition of: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

public -- public crimination: got. usqiss* 1, us-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschuldigung, Anklage, Nachrede; ne. exposing announcement, incriminating disclosure, public crimination, accusation

public -- public mall: got. garuns* 3, ga-ru-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Markt, Straße; ne. concourse, public mall, marketplace, running together, street

public -- public speech: got. maþlei* 1, maþ-l-ei*, maþleins*,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Rede, Redeweise; ne. public speech, discourse (1) (N.), dialect

public -- public square: got. plapja* (?) 1, plap-ja*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Straße; ne. plaza, place (N.), public square, street

publican: got. mōtāreis 19, mōt-ā-rei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Zöllner; ne. admission-fee collector, tolltaker, tax collector, publican

publicize: got. *swikunþjan?, *swi-kun-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bekanntgeben, offenbaren; ne. publicize, make openly known; usmērjan* 1, us-mē-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden; ne. spread abroad word of, publicize, publish (V.)

publicly: got. andaugjō 3, and-aug-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. offen, offenbar, öffentlich; ne. in plain sight, openly, publicly, for all to see

-- discourse publicly: got. maþljan* 2, maþ-l-jan*, krimgot.?, sw. V. (1): nhd. reden; ne. speak publicly, speak at an assembly, discourse publicly, talk (V.); lat. dicere

-- display publicly: got. faúramēljan* 1, faúr-a-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorzeichnen, vormalen, vor Augen malen; ne. depict in front of, delineate before, display publicly

-- reveal publicly: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

-- speak publicly: got. maþljan* 2, maþ-l-jan*, krimgot.?, sw. V. (1): nhd. reden; ne. speak publicly, speak at an assembly, discourse publicly, talk (V.); lat. dicere

publish: got. gaswikunþjan 8, ga-swi-kun-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekanntgeben, offenbaren, sich offenbaren, erscheinen; ne. make manifest, publish, make openly known

-- publish (V.): got. usmērjan* 1, us-mē-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden; ne. spread abroad word of, publicize, publish (V.)

puddle -- puddle (N.): got. *lōna, *lō-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Lache (F.) (1); ne. puddle (N.)

puff -- puff up: got. ufblēsan* 3, uf-blē-s-an*,  red. V. (4): nhd. aufblasen, sich aufblähen; ne. blow up, puff up, boast (V.), be puffed up

puffed -- being puffed up: got. ufswalleins* 1, uf-swal-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō),: nhd. Aufgeblasenheit, Hochmut; ne. swelling up, swollenness, bloatedness, vanity, being puffed up

puffed -- be puffed up: got. ufarhauhjan* 1, uf-ar-hau-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „überhöhen“, verblenden; ne. over-exalt, over-extol, be puffed up; ufblēsan* 3, uf-blē-s-an*,  red. V. (4): nhd. aufblasen, sich aufblähen; ne. blow up, puff up, boast (V.), be puffed up

pull -- pull away: got. aftiuhan 2, af-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. wegziehen, abziehen, fortziehen; ne. draw off away, pull away, lead away

pull -- pull down: got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate

pull -- pull off: got. raupjan 2, rau-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. raufen, ausrupfen; ne. pluck (V.), pull off, pull out, pick (V.)

pull -- pull out: got. raupjan 2, rau-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. raufen, ausrupfen; ne. pluck (V.), pull off, pull out, pick (V.)

pull -- pull up to: got. atþinsan* 2, at-þin-s-an*,  st. V. (3,1), perfektiv: nhd. heranziehen, herbeiziehen, herzuziehen; ne. draw towards, pull up to

pull -- pull (V.): got. *akan?, *ak-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. gehen, fahren, ziehen; ne. drive (V.), go (V.), pull (V.); *skarjan, *skar-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reißen; ne. tear (2) (V.), pull (V.); *skreitan?, *skrei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. reißen; ne. tear (V.), pull (V.), rive; *þinsan, *þin-s-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. ziehen; ne. pull (V.)

pulverize: got. gamalwjan* 1, ga-mal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zermalmen, zerknirschen; ne. grind up, crush (V.), pulverize, rub to powder

pulverized: got. *grinds?, *gri-nd-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. zerrieben; ne. ground (Adj.), pulverized, crushed

punch -- punch (V.): got. *bautan?, *bau-t-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. stoßen, schlagen, werfen; ne. punch (V.), beat (V.); stautan* 2, stau-t-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. stoßen; ne. punch (V.), cuff (V.), hit (V.), smite, strike (V.)

puncture -- puncture (N.): got. staks* 2=1, stak-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Mal (N.) (2), Wundmal; ne. puncture (N.), stigma, mark (N.)

puncture -- puncture (V.): got. *stikan, *sti-k-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. stechen; ne. stick (V.), prick (V.), puncture (V.)

punishing -- punishing pursuer: got. wraks 1, wra-k-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Verfolger; ne. persecutor, punishing pursuer

punishing -- punishing pursuit: got. wraka* 3, wra-k-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verfolgung; ne. persecution, punishing pursuit

punishment: got. balweins* 2, balw-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Pein, Strafe, Folter, Qual; ne. torture (N.), torment (N.), punishment; fraweit 4, fra-wei-t,  st. N. (a): nhd. Strafe, Rache; ne. punishment, revenge (N.), vengeance, retribution; *weiti?, *wei-t-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Strafe; ne. punishment

-- wreak punishment on: got. wrikan* 9, wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verfolgen; ne. persecute, inflict persecution on, wreak punishment on

purchase -- acquire through purchase (V.): got. usbugjan* 7, us-bug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erkaufen; ne. buy (V.), buy up, acquire through purchase (V.), redeem

purchase -- deliverance through purchase: got. faúrbaúhts* 4=3, faúr-baúh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Loskauf, Loskaufung, Erlösung; ne. redemption, deliverance through purchase

purchase -- purchase price: got. andawaírþi 2, anda-waír-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Gegenwert“, Preis; ne. price, cost (N.), purchase price

purchase -- purchase (V.): got. bugjan* 9, bug-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. kaufen, verkaufen; ne. buy (V.), purchase (V.)

pure: got. aírkns* 1, aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig; ne. holy, genuine, pure, sincere, unadulterated; hlūtrs* 1, hlū-t-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lauter, rein; ne. pure, untainted, clean (Adj.); pistikeins* 1, pistik-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unverfälscht, echt; ne. of a pistachio-tree, genuine, unadulterated, pure, undiluted; swikns* 4, swikn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rein, unschuldig, unsträflich, keusch; ne. innocent, pure, irreproachable, irreprehensible, guiltless, chaste

-- pure in heart: got. hrainjahaírts* 1, hrai-n-ja-haírt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. „reinherzig“, reinen Herzens; ne. clean of heart, pure in heart

pureness: got. swiknei 3, swikn-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reinheit, Keuschheit, Unschuld; ne. pureness, integrity, purity, chastity, inculpability

purge -- purge out: got. ushrainjan* 1, us-hrai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausfegen; ne. cleanse out, purge out, clean out

purification: got. gahraineins* 2, ga-hrai-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Reinigung; ne. cleansing (N.), purification; hraineins* 3, hrai-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Reinigung; ne. cleansing, purification; swikneins* 3, swikn-ein-s*,  st. F. (i) (ō): nhd. Reinigung; ne. absolution, exculpation, exoneration, purification

purifiedness: got. swikniþa* 2, swikn-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Reinigung, Reinheit, Keuschheit; ne. purifiedness, purity, guiltlessness, impeccability, chastity

purify: got. gahrainjan 12, ga-hrai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. reinigen; ne. cleanse, make clean, purify; hrainjan* 1, hrai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reinigen; ne. cleanse, make clean, purify

purity: got. aírkniþa* 2=1, aírkn-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Lauterkeit, Echtheit, Reinheit; ne. genuineness, integrity, probity, purity, sincerity, unadulteratedness; hlūtrei* 1, hlū-t-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lauterkeit, Reinheit, Aufrichtigkeit; ne. purity; hlūtriþa* 1, hlū-t-r-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Lauterkeit, Reinheit, Aufrichtigkeit; ne. purity, unalloyedness; swiknei 3, swikn-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reinheit, Keuschheit, Unschuld; ne. pureness, integrity, purity, chastity, inculpability; swikniþa* 2, swikn-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Reinigung, Reinheit, Keuschheit; ne. purifiedness, purity, guiltlessness, impeccability, chastity

purloin: got. biniman* 1, bi-nim-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. wegnehmen, stehlen; ne. take away, purloin, steal away

purple -- dye purple: got. paúrpurōn*, paúrpur-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. mit Purpur färben; ne. purple (V.), empurple, dye purple

purple -- purple (Adj.): got. paúrpurōþs* 2, paúrpur-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. purpurn; ne. purple (Adj.), purple-coloured

purple -- purple garment: got. paúrpura* 3, paúrpur-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Purpur; ne. purple (N.), purple garment

purple -- purple (N.): got. paúrpura* 3, paúrpur-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Purpur; ne. purple (N.), purple garment

purple -- purple (V.): got. paúrpurōn*, paúrpur-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. mit Purpur färben; ne. purple (V.), empurple, dye purple

purple-coloured: got. paúrpurōþs* 2, paúrpur-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. purpurn; ne. purple (Adj.), purple-coloured

purpose -- for this purpose: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that

purpose -- purpose in advance: got. faúragarēdan* 3=2, faúr-a-ga-rē-d-an*,  red. abl. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen; ne. purpose in advance, intend beforehand, predetermine

purpose -- purpose (N.): got. leikains* 4, leik-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gefallen, Gutdünken, Wohlgefallen, Vorsatz; ne. liking, preference, pleasure, approval, purpose (N.); muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation

purpose -- purpose (V.): got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

purposelessly: got. swarē 16,  Adv.: nhd. ohne Grund, vergebens, umsonst; ne. purposelessly, futilely, for no reason, groundless, in vain

purse -- purse (N.): got. puggs* 1, pugg-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Geldbeutel, Beutel (M.) (1); ne. purse (N.), money-bag

pursuance -- in pursuance of: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

pursue: got. afarlaistjan* 6, af-ar-lais-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. nachfolgen, nachstreben, nachgehen, verfolgen; ne. follow after, follow, pursue, trail (V.); galaistjan* 3, ga-lais-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. nachfolgen, befolgen, pflegen; ne. follow, pursue; laistjan 49, lais-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. folgen, nachstreben, verfolgen, nachgehen; ne. follow, pursue

pursuer -- punishing pursuer: got. wraks 1, wra-k-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Verfolger; ne. persecutor, punishing pursuer

pursuit -- in pursuit of: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

pursuit -- prosecutory pursuit: got. wrakja 7=6, wra-k-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Verfolgung; ne. persecution, prosecutory pursuit

pursuit -- punishing pursuit: got. wraka* 3, wra-k-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verfolgung; ne. persecution, punishing pursuit

purvey: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

purveyance: got. andstald* 2, and-stal-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Darbietung, Beistand, Darreichung; ne. support (N.), supply (N.), aid (N.), purveyance, furnishment

push -- push (N.): got. *stuggq, *stu-g-g-q, stugq,  st. N. (a): nhd. Stoß; ne. push (N.); *stuggs, *stu-g-g-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Stich, Stoß; ne. prick (N.), sting (N.), push (N.)

push -- push (V.): got. *stuggjan?, *stu-g-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stechen, stoßen; ne. prick (V.), sting (V.), push (V.)

put -- put a cover on: got. huljan 2, hul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hüllen, verhüllen; ne. put a cover on, cover (V.), veil (V.)

put -- put a seal before: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

put -- put a seal on: got. sigljan* 1, sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen mit einem Siegel versehen, siegeln; ne. seal (V.), put a seal on

put -- put at the disposal of: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

put -- put away: got. afsatjan 3, af-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. absetzen, entlassen; ne. dismiss, remove (V.), put away, set aside, set off, divorce (V.)

put -- put before: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

put -- put before the eyes: got. augjan* 2, aug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeigen; ne. put before the eyes, show (V.), exhibit

put -- put down: got. galagjan* 28, ga-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinlegen, legen, werfen, auflegen, aufsetzen, liegen (= Pass.); ne. lay (V.), lay down, deposit (V.), put down; lagjan 29, lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. legen, auflegen, hinlegen, setzen, stellen; ne. lay (V.), lay down, set (V.), set down, put (V.), put down, deposit (V.)

put -- put forth: got. faúrlagjan 3, faúr-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorlegen, vorsetzen; ne. lay before, set in front of, put forth, place before

put -- put in a grave: got. ganawistrōn* 1, ga-naw-i-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.); ne. bury, inter (V.), put in a grave

put -- put in a state of anger: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

put -- put in a state of fear: got. inagjan* 1, in-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. anfahren, bedrohen, in Angst setzen; ne. put in a state of fear, threaten, inspire fear in, censure (V.)

put -- put in bondage: got. anaþiwan* 1, an-a-þiw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, in Dienstbarkeit bringen, dienstbar machen; ne. subjugate (V.), subdue, enthrall, enslave, put in bondage

put -- put in good spirits: got. anaþrafstjan* 2, an-a-þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „trösten“, erquicken; ne. refresh, put in good spirits, cheer up, relieve

put -- put in office: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish

put -- put in position: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; satjan* 9, sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. setzen, stellen, bestimmen, pflanzen; ne. set (V.), place (V.), position (V.), put in position, establish, plant (V.), determine

put -- put in proper condition: got. *fahrjan?, *fah-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable; gafahrjan* 1, ga-fah-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable

put -- put in the trust of: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

put -- put into port: got. atfarjan* 1, at-far-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einlaufen, landen; ne. reach land, arrive by boat, land (V.), put into port

put -- put into safety: got. ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.)

put -- put into the trust of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

put -- put off: got. aflagjan 5, af-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas ablegen; ne. put off, lay off away, lay down, lay aside; afslaupjan* 1, af-slau-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. abstreifen, ablegen; ne. let slide off, make slip off, put off

put -- put on: got. analagjan* 2, an-a-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „einlegen“, auflegen, beibringen; ne. put on, lay upon, inflict upon; gahamōn 10, ga-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich bekleiden, sich anziehen; ne. dress in, get dressed, put on, clothe o.s. with, don (V.); gawasjan* 15, ga-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bekleiden, kleiden, sich bekleiden, sich kleiden; ne. clothe (V.), make clad, dress o.s., clothe o.s., don (V.), put on; ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

put -- put on as a tunic: got. gapaidōn* 2=1, ga-paid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. dress (V.), put on as a tunic, jacket (V.), clothe; *paidōn, *paid-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. put on as a tunic, jacket (V.)

put -- put on as clothing: got. anahamōn 1, an-a-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung anlegen, anziehen; ne. put on as clothing, don, get dressed

put -- put one’s touch on: got. tēkan* 7, tēk-an*, teikan*,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. anrühren, berühren; ne. touch (V.), come into contact with, put one’s touch on

put -- put pressure on: got. gaþreihan* 1, ga-þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bedrängen; ne. put pressure on, constrict, oppress, distress (V.), trouble (V.)

put -- put side by side with: got. gabaíran 26, ga-baír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „zusammentragen“, vergleichen, gebären; ne. „bring together“, compare, put side by side with, give birth to

put -- put to a test: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

put -- put to death: got. afdauþjan 5, af-dau-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. töten; ne. put to death, make die, kill (V.), eliminate with death; dauþjan* 2=1, dau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. töten; ne. kill (V.), put to death, mortify; gadauþjan* 1, ga-dau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Tod bringen, töten; ne. put to death, kill (V.); usqiman 27, us-qi-m-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. umbringen, den Tod geben; ne. kill (V.), put to death, annihilate, destroy

put -- put to shame: got. gaaiwiskōn* 11=10, ga-aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. beschämen, beschimpfen; ne. disgrace (V.), dishonour (V.), abuse (V.), make ashamed, put to shame

put -- put to the stake: got. hramjan* 1, hram-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kreuzigen; ne. put to the stake, crucify

put -- put to the test: got. fraisan* 13, frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. versuchen; ne. put to the test, try, tempt, make trial of, test (V.)

put -- put under oath: got. biswaran* 2, bi-swar-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. beschwören; ne. adjure, put under oath

put -- put up with: got. gaþulan 5, ga-þul-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erdulden, dulden; ne. tolerate, put up with, suffer (V.), stand (V.), endure; usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

put -- put (V.): got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; lagjan 29, lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. legen, auflegen, hinlegen, setzen, stellen; ne. lay (V.), lay down, set (V.), set down, put (V.), put down, deposit (V.)

putrid: got. fūls 1, fū-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. faul, stinkend; ne. fetid, foul (Adj.), decomposed, putrid

putting -- putting to death: got. dauþeins* 2, dau-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Absterben, Sterben, Tod, Todesgefahr; ne. killing (N.), putting to death

pyrexia: got. brinnō 4, bri-n-n-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fieber; ne. fever (N.), pyrexia; heitō 2, hei-t-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Hitze“, Fieber; ne. „heat“ (N.), fever, pyrexia

q: got. q 3,  Buchstabe: nhd. q, Abkürzung für 6; ne. q, abbreviation for 6

q-rune -- name of q-rune: got. qaírþra* 1, qaír-þr-a*, qērtra?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Apfelbaum?, Köder? (ablehnend Feist 387), q-Rune; ne. lure (N.), bait (N.), decoy (N.), name of q-rune

quadru-diurnal: got. fidurdōgs 1, fidur-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. viertägig; ne. of the fourth day, quadru-diurnal

quake -- quake (V.): got. reiran* 2, reir-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zittern; ne. tremble (V.), quiver (1) (V.), quake (V.), shake (V.)

quaking -- begin quaking: got. inreiran* 1, in-reir-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erzittern, erbeben; ne. come to shake, begin quaking, tremble (V.)

quaking -- quaking (N.): got. reirō 4=3, reir-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zittern, Erdbeben, Beben; ne. trembling (N.), quivering (N.), quaking (N.), earthquake (N.)

qualification: got. waírþida 3, waír-þ-ida,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Tüchtigkeit, Fähigkeit, Wert; ne. worthiness, qualification, fittingness, sufficiency

qualified: got. fagrs* 1, fag-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. passend, geeignet, geschickt; ne. in proper condition, presentable, proper, fitting (Adj.), suitable, suited, qualified; waírþs (1) 28, waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wert, würdig, tauglich; ne. worth (Adj.), worthy, qualified, of appropriate fitness

quality -- of good quality: got. gōþs 89, gōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, schön, tüchtig; ne. good (Adj.), of good quality, kind (Adj.), beautiful

quantifiable -- quantifiable entity: got. waíht 10, waíh-t,  N. (kons.): nhd. etwas; ne. single unit, quantifiable entity

quantity: got. *þraihn, *þrai-h-n, *þraihns,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Menge; ne. quantity, amount, accumulation

quarrel -- quarrel (N.): got. *bēga?, *bēg-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Streit; ne. quarrel (N.), squabble (N.); jiuka* 2, jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zornausbruch, Streit; ne. fight (N.), battle (N.), anger (N.), quarrel (N.); sakjō* 1, sak-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Streit; ne. dispute (N.), disputation, argument (N.), quarrel (N.); waihjō* 1, waih-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kampf; ne. quarrel (N.), wrangling (N.), contention, battle (N.)

quarrel -- quarrel (V.): got. sakan 5, sak-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. streiten, schelten, Vorwürfe machen; ne. dispute (V.), engage in disputation, rebuke (V.), reprimand (V.), quarrel (V.); *tahanjan?, *tah-an-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zäh sein (V.), streiten; ne. be tough, argue, quarrel (V.)

quarrels: got. þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion

quarrelsome: got. sakuls 1, sak-ul-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. streitsüchtig; ne. disputatious, quarrelsome; *þrasabalþs, *þras-a-bal-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. streitsüchtig; ne. quarrelsome

quarrelsomeness: got. þrasabalþei* 1, þras-a-bal-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Streitsucht; ne. raucous boldness, quarrelsomeness

quarters -- living quarters: got. báuains 4, báu-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohnung; ne. dwelling, habitation, living quarters, dwelling place, home (N.)

quarters -- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

quarters -- take up quarters: got. ussaljan 1, us-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Herberge nehmen, einkehren; ne. lodge (V.), take lodging, take up quarters

quenchless: got. unƕapnands* 3, un-ƕap-n-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unauslöschlich; ne. quenchless, undying, not becoming extinguished, unquenchable, inextinguishable

querier: got. sōkāreis 1, sōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Forscher, Sucher; ne. disputatious inquisitor, querier, investigator

query -- query (N.): got. sōkns* 3, sōk-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Untersuchung, Disputation, Streitfrage, Grübelei; ne. inquest (N.), inquisition, query (N.), controversial question, controversy

query -- query (V.): got. sōkjan 72, sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. suchen, disputieren, streiten; ne. quest (V.), search (V.), seek (V.), request (V.), ask for, query (V.)

quest -- quest for: got. gasōkjan* 3, ga-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufsuchen, suchen; ne. quest for, seek (V.)

quest -- quest (V.): got. sōkjan 72, sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. suchen, disputieren, streiten; ne. quest (V.), search (V.), seek (V.), request (V.), ask for, query (V.)

questingly -- look questingly: got. wlaitōn* 1, wlai-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich umsehen, umherblicken, spähen; ne. look around searchingly, look questingly

question: got. sōkeins 2, sōk-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Untersuchung; ne. question, questioning, moot question, investigation

-- ask a question: got. fraíhnan 57, fraíh-n-an,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. fragen; ne. ask a question, ask, question (V.)

-- controversial question: got. sōkns* 3, sōk-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Untersuchung, Disputation, Streitfrage, Grübelei; ne. inquest (N.), inquisition, query (N.), controversial question, controversy

-- moot question: got. sōkeins 2, sōk-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Untersuchung; ne. question, questioning, moot question, investigation

-- question (V.): got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on; fraíhnan 57, fraíh-n-an,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. fragen; ne. ask a question, ask, question (V.)

questioning: got. sōkeins 2, sōk-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Untersuchung; ne. question, questioning, moot question, investigation

quick: got. *adrs, *adr-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schnell, rasch; ne. fast, quick; *arus?, *ar-u-s?,  Adj. (wa): nhd. bereit, flink; ne. ready, quick; *snills, *snil-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schnell; ne. fast, quick, speedy; *sniums?, *sniu-m-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. schnell; ne. fast, quick, speedy

quickly: got. sniumundō 3, sniu-m-und-ō,  Adv.: nhd. eilends, eilig; ne. speedily, hurriedly, quickly, with haste; sprautō 13, s-prau-t-ō,  Adv.: nhd. schnell, bald, ohne Zögern; ne. quickly, speedily, promptly, fast (Adv.), rapidly, without delay

quicktempered: got. þwaírhs 3, þwaírh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. quer, zornig; ne. wrathful, angry, irate, aroused, quicktempered

quiescence -- quiescence on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

quiescent -- become quiescent: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

quiet -- become quiet: got. anaslawan* 1, an-a-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, still werden; ne. become silent, become tranquil, become quiet

quiet -- be quiet: got. *silan?, *si-l-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. still sein (V.)?; ne. be quiet

quiet -- keep quiet: got. slawan* 3, slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be silent, keep quiet, be still; þahan* 6, þah-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be taciturn, be mute, keep quiet, keep secret

quiet -- quiet (Adj.): got. slawands: nhd. still, eingezogen; ne. quiet (Adj.)

quiet -- quiet down: got. gaslawan* 1, ga-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. schweigen, verstummen; ne. become still, quiet down

quiet -- quiet (N.): got. anaqal* 1, an-a-qal*,  st. M.?, st. N.? (a): nhd. Ruhe, Beruhigung; ne. tranquilization, quieting down, calm (N.), quiet (N.), rest (N.) (1)

quieting -- quieting down: got. anaqal* 1, an-a-qal*,  st. M.?, st. N.? (a): nhd. Ruhe, Beruhigung; ne. tranquilization, quieting down, calm (N.), quiet (N.), rest (N.) (1)

quietness: got. ? *hliuþ?, *hliu-þ?,  st. N.?: nhd. Gehör?, Schweigen?, Stille?, Aufmerksamkeit?; ne. hearing (N.)?, silence?, quietness?, attention?

quite -- quite likely: got. uftō 1, uft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. vielleicht; ne. very possibly, quite likely, indeed

quiver -- quiver (1) (V.): got. reiran* 2, reir-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zittern; ne. tremble (V.), quiver (1) (V.), quake (V.), shake (V.)

quivering -- quivering (N.): got. reirō 4=3, reir-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zittern, Erdbeben, Beben; ne. trembling (N.), quivering (N.), quaking (N.), earthquake (N.)

quoin: got. waíhstastains* 1, waíhst-a-stain-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. „Winkelstein“, Eckstein; ne. cornerstone, quoin

r: got. r 4,  Buchstabe: nhd. r, Abkürzung für 100; ne. r, abbreviation for 100

Raca: got. raka (3) 1, got.?, Sb. (indekl.): nhd. eitler Mensch, Tor (M.); ne. Raca, fool (M.)

race -- human race: got. manasēþs 39, man-a-sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Menschensaat“, Welt, Menschheit; ne. „man-seed“, mankind, the world of humans, human race, human universe, world

race -- race (1): got. gabaúrþs* 12, ga-baúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geburt, Abstammung, Geschlecht, Geburtsland; ne. birth, ethnic origin, birthplace, descent, race (1), native country

race -- race (N.): got. *kanna?, *kan-n-a?,  st. F. (ō)?: nhd. Geschlecht?, Nachkommenschaft?; ne. race (N.), generation; knōþs* 1, knō-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschlecht; ne. stock (N.), race (N.), people; kuni 17, kun-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschlecht, Stamm; ne. clan, tribe, race (N.), blood stock, generation

race -- race (N.) (1): got. fadrein 14, fa-dr-ein,  st. N. (a): nhd. Abkunft, Geschlecht, Stamm, Eltern, Großeltern, Vorfahren; ne. patrilineage, forefathers, descent, race (N.) (1), parents; fadreins* (1) 1, fa-dr-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschlecht; ne. patrilineage, family, race (N.) (1), clan, lineage

race -- race (N.) (2): got. *slahta?, *slah-t-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stamm, Geschlecht; ne. tribe, race (N.) (2), lineage; spaúrds* 4, s-paúr-d-s*,  F. (kons.): nhd. Rennbahn, Stadium; ne. stade, stadium, racetrack, race (N.) (2)

racecourse: got. runs (1) 5, ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), course, racecourse, flow (N.), flux, issue (N.)

racetrack: got. spaúrds* 4, s-paúr-d-s*,  F. (kons.): nhd. Rennbahn, Stadium; ne. stade, stadium, racetrack, race (N.) (2)

radiance: got. *glitmuni?, *gli-t-mun-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Glanz; ne. radiance, glistening, gleam (N.)

radiantly: got. baírhtaba 5, baír-h-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. hell, glänzend, deutlich, offen; ne. radiantly, very plainly, clearly, brightly, openly

radiation -- luminous radiation: got. liuhaþ 31, liuh-aþ,  st. N. (a): nhd. Licht; ne. light (N.), luminous radiation

rafter: got. *sparra, *spar-r-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sparren; ne. rafter

rag -- rag (N.): got. *fata, *fat-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Umfassung, Kleiderbündel, Fetzen; ne. fat (N.) (2), scrap (N.), rag (N.)

rag -- rag (N.) (1): got. fana* 3, fan-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stück Zeug, Zeugstück, Lappen, Tuch, Schweißtuch; ne. piece of cloth, napkin, rag (N.) (1), handkerchief

rage -- rage (V.): got. *staúrmjan, *s-taúr-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stürmen; ne. rage (V.), blow (V.) (1)

rail -- rail at: got. láian* (?) 1, lá-i-an*, lauan* (?),  red. abl.? V. (6?), m. Dat.: nhd. schmähen; ne. berate, revile, rail at, despise

rain -- let rain: got. rignjan* 2, rig-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. regnen (intr.), regnen lassen (tr.); ne. rain (V.), let rain

rain -- rain (N.): got. rign 3, rig-n, reghen,  reghen, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Regen; ne. rain (N.); lat. pluvia

rain -- rain (V.): got. rignjan* 2, rig-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. regnen (intr.), regnen lassen (tr.); ne. rain (V.), let rain

raise -- raise above: got. ufarhafjan* 1, uf-ar-haf-jan*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. überheben; ne. raise above, lift up over, exalt o.s.

raise -- raise high: got. ushauhjan 9, us-hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhöhen; ne. lift up, raise high, elevate, exalt, extol, magnify

raise -- raise one’s vision: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

raise -- raise the spirits of: got. gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

raise -- raise up: got. ufhaban* 1, uf-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufheben, emporhalten; ne. hold up, raise up; urraisjan 26, ur-rai-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Aufstehen bringen, aufrichten, erwecken, erregen, aufregen; ne. cause to rise up, raise up, rouse (V.), arouse; ushafjan 18, us-haf-jan,  st. V. (6): nhd. erheben, wegnehmen; ne. lift up, raise up

raise -- raise up together: got. miþurraisjan* 2=1, mi-þ-ur-rai-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitaufrichten; ne. raise up together

raise -- raise up with: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

raised -- become overly raised up: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

raised -- become raised high: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

raised -- become raised on high: got. *hauhnan?, *hau-h-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erhöht werden; ne. become raised on high

raised -- be overly raised up: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

raised -- be raised high: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

raising -- raising (N.): got. *rists, *ri-s-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erheben; ne. raising (N.), lifting (N.)

raising -- raising on high: got. hauheins 7, hau-h-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Erhöhung“, Preis, Ehre; ne. raising on high, elevation, elevating (N.), extolment, exaltation, praise (N.), honour (N.)

rake -- rake (N.): got. *raka (2), *rak-a,  st. F. (ō)?: nhd. Rechen; ne. rake (N.)

rake -- rake up: got. rikan* 1, rik-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. häufen, anhäufen; ne. rake up, scrape up, heap up

rammer -- wooden rammer: got. *stampa?, *sta-m-p-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stampfe; ne. wooden rammer

rampart: got. arca 3, arc-a, lat.- F.: nhd. Grenzwall; ne. border (N.), rampart; graba* 1, grab-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Graben (M.); ne. trench (N.), ditch (N.), fosse (N.), rampart

-- surround with a rampart: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

range -- mountain range: got. faírguni 22, faír-gun-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Berg, Gebirge; ne. mountain, mountain range

rank -- of first rank: got. frumists 19, fru-m-ist-s,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. der erste; ne. foremost, first, of first rank

ranked: got. *-tēweis, *-tēw-ei-s,  Suff.: nhd. -teilig; ne. ranked, ordered, classed

ransom -- buy out of ransom: got. *uslunjan?, *us-lu-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlösen; ne. redeem, buy out of ransom

ransom -- ransom (N.): got. andabaúhts* 1, and-a-baúh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Gegenkauf“, Lösegeld; ne. ransom (N.); luns* 1, lu-n-s*,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Lösegeld; ne. ransom (N.), price of redemption, price of release

ransom -- ransom (V.): got. fraliusan* 9, fra-liu-s-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verlieren; ne. lose (V.), ransom (V.)

rapacious: got. wilwands, got.: nhd. räuberisch; ne. rapacious

rapidly: got. sprautō 13, s-prau-t-ō,  Adv.: nhd. schnell, bald, ohne Zögern; ne. quickly, speedily, promptly, fast (Adv.), rapidly, without delay

rare: got. ? *silda-, *si-ld-a-,  Adj. (a)?: nhd. selten?, seltsam?; ne. rare?, strange?

rather -- but rather: got. ak 278=276,  Konj.: nhd. sondern (Konj.), aber, geh; ne. but, on the contrary, however, but rather

rational: got. andaþāhts 6, and-a-þāh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. nüchtern, verständig, vernünftig; ne. thinking (Adj.), rational, sensible; *gafraþjis, *ga-fraþ-j-i-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. klug, vernünftig; ne. rational, reasonable; waúrdahs* 1, waúr-d-ah-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vernünftig, sich in Worten zeigend; ne. logical, rational, displaying o.s. in words

rationality: got. *fraþjei?, *fraþ-j-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Klugheit, Verstand, Verständigkeit, Besonnenheit; ne. rationality, reasonableness, discretion; gafraþjei* 1, ga-fraþ-j-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Klugheit, Besonnenheit, Verständigkeit; ne. rationality, reasonableness, discretion, intelligence

raucous -- raucous boldness: got. þrasabalþei* 1, þras-a-bal-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Streitsucht; ne. raucous boldness, quarrelsomeness

ravage -- ravage (V.): got. *talōn?, *tal-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwüsten, wegreißen; ne. devastate, ravage (V.)

rave: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

raven: got. *hrabns?, *hra-b-n-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Rabe; ne. raven

ravine: got. dals* 3, dal-s*, dal (?),  st. M. (a): nhd. Grube, Schlucht, Tal; ne. ravine, pit (N.), ditch (N.), trench (N.), dale, valley

reach: got. garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather

-- cast within reach of: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- make reach by throwing: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- reach by hastening: got. gasniwan* 2, ga-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. ereilen, gelangen zu, erlangen; ne. arrive by hastening, reach by hastening, attain

-- reach extreme age: got. usalþan* 1, us-al-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. alt werden, veralten; ne. grow very old, reach extreme age

-- reach land: got. atfarjan* 1, at-far-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einlaufen, landen; ne. reach land, arrive by boat, land (V.), put into port

-- reach maturity: got. gawrisqan* 1, ga-wri-sq-an*,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. Frucht bringen; ne. bear fruit, reach maturity, ripen, mature (V.); *wrisqan?, *wri-sq-an?,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. Frucht bringen; ne. reach maturity, ripen, mature

-- reach (N.): got. *wīda (2), *w-ī-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weite; ne. reach (N.)

-- reach of ban: got. *bannwīda, *ba-n-n-wīd-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bannweite; ne. reach of ban

-- reach out: got. ufrakjan* 8, uf-rak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufrecken, ausstrecken, hinaufziehen; ne. stretch out, extend, reach out

-- reach (V.): got. faírrinnan* 3, faír-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich erstrecken, reichen zu; ne. attain, extend, arrive, reach (V.); gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

-- reach with haste: got. *atsniwan?, *at-sniw-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste; duatsniwan* 1, du-at-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste, hurry to

-- stand within reach: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

read: got. siggwan bōkos, got.: nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. read

-- read aloud: got. siggwan 6, siggw-an, singhen,  singhen, krim st. V. (3,1): nhd. singen, vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. sing, chant (V.), read chantingly, read aloud; lat. canere; ussiggwan* 9, us-siggw-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. read chantingly, read aloud, recite

-- read chantingly: got. siggwan 6, siggw-an, singhen,  singhen, krim st. V. (3,1): nhd. singen, vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. sing, chant (V.), read chantingly, read aloud; lat. canere; ussiggwan* 9, us-siggw-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. read chantingly, read aloud, recite

readied: got. *skafts (2), *skaf-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geschaffen, bereit, fertig; ne. created, ready-made, readied

readiness: got. manwiþa* 2, manw-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bereitschaft, Mittel; ne. preparedness, readiness, resources

-- in readiness: got. manwuba 1, manw-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. bereit; ne. ready (Adj.), in readiness, preparedly

-- readiness of mind: got. muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation

reading -- bringing into awareness through reading: got. anakunnains* 1, an-a-kun-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lesung; ne. bringing into recognition, bringing into awareness through reading, reading (N.)

reading -- chanted reading: got. saggws bōkō: nhd. Vorlesung, Rezitation; ne. chanted reading

reading -- make acquire knowledge of by reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

reading -- reading (N.): got. anakunnains* 1, an-a-kun-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lesung; ne. bringing into recognition, bringing into awareness through reading, reading (N.); saggws bōkō, got.: nhd. Lesung; ne. reading (N.); laíktjō 44, laíkt-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Leseabschnitt, Lektion; ne. lection (N.), reading (N.), lesson; saggws* 4, saggw-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gesang, Musik (= saggweis); ne. song, singing (N.), vocal music (= saggweis), reading (N.), lecture

reading -- teach or learn through reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

ready: got. *arus?, *ar-u-s?,  Adj. (wa): nhd. bereit, flink; ne. ready, quick; *funs?, *fun-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bereit, eilig, tapfer; ne. ready, hasty, hurried, brave; gamanwiþs, Adj. = Part. Prät.: nhd. geschickt, bereit, zubereitet; ne. ready

-- be ready: got. manwuba haban, got.: nhd. bereit sein (V.); ne. be ready

-- get ready: got. skaftjan* sik 1, skaf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich bereit machen, sich anschicken; ne. get ready, prepare o.s.

-- make ready: got. gamanwjan* 14, ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zubereiten, bereiten; ne. prepare, make ready; *garwōn?, *gar-w-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bereiten, kleiden; ne. prepare, make ready; manwjan 15, manw-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bereiten, zurechtmachen; ne. prepare, make ready

-- make ready beforehand: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand; faúramanwjan* 1, faúr-a-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorbereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand

-- not ready: got. unmanwus* 2=1, un-manw-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. unvorbereitet; ne. unprepared, not ready

-- ready (Adj.): got. manwuba 1, manw-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. bereit; ne. ready (Adj.), in readiness, preparedly; manwus 6, manw-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. bereit; ne. prepared (Adj.), ready (Adj.), at hand

ready-made: got. *skafts (2), *skaf-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geschaffen, bereit, fertig; ne. created, ready-made, readied

reaffirm: got. gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify

realize: got. ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

realm: got. reiki* 8, reik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Reich, Herrschaft, Obrigkeit; ne. rulership, government, sovereignty, ruling power, authority, realm; þiudangardi 65, þiu-d-an-gard-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Königsschloss, Königreich, Palast; ne. royal domain, realm, kingdom, royal palace, king’s court

reap: got. sneiþan* 9, sneiþ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. schneiden, ernten; ne. cut (V.), reap, harvest by scythe

rear -- rear of a ship: got. nōta* 1, nōt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Achterdeck, Schiffshinterteil; ne. afterdeck, stern (2), rear of a ship

rear -- rear (V.): got. fōdjan* 5, fō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ernähren, aufziehen; ne. feed, nourish, nurture, bring up, rear (V.)

reason -- allege as a reason for: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

reason -- alleged reason: got. inilō* 4, in-il-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Entschuldigung, Vorwand, Gelegenheit; ne. pretext, pretense, alleged reason, excuse (N.)

reason -- by reason of the fact that: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

reason -- by reason of this: got. in þis: nhd. deshalb; ne. by reason of this, by this cause

reason -- for no reason: got. arwjō 3, arw-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. umsonst, unentgeltlich, ohne Ursache, vergebens; ne. gratis, without charge, in vain, for naught, for no reason, without cause; swarē 16,  Adv.: nhd. ohne Grund, vergebens, umsonst; ne. purposelessly, futilely, for no reason, groundless, in vain

reason -- for the reason that: got. þēei 3, þē-ei,  Partikel: nhd. darum dass, deshalb dass, als ob, als wenn; ne. from the motive that, for the reason that

reason -- for this reason: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that

reason -- for which reason: got. eiþan 6, ei-þan,  Konj.: nhd. daher, somit, nun; ne. ergo, therefore, for which reason, then, wherefore

reason -- reason (N.): got. aha* 6, ah-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sinn, Verstand; ne. mental faculty, mind (N.), understanding, reason (N.), source of thought; gamitōns* 1, ga-mi-t-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gedanke; ne. cogitation, reasoning, deliberation, mind (N.), reason (N.); sauþa* 1, sauþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Grund, Weise (F.) (2); ne. reason (N.), way (1), manner (N.)

reason -- reason (V.): got. *gamitōn?, *ga-mi-t-ōn?,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. cogitate, reason (V.), deliberate; þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

reasonable: got. *gafraþjis, *ga-fraþ-j-i-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. klug, vernünftig; ne. rational, reasonable

reasonableness: got. *fraþjei?, *fraþ-j-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Klugheit, Verstand, Verständigkeit, Besonnenheit; ne. rationality, reasonableness, discretion; gafraþjei* 1, ga-fraþ-j-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Klugheit, Besonnenheit, Verständigkeit; ne. rationality, reasonableness, discretion, intelligence

reasoning: got. gamitōns* 1, ga-mi-t-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gedanke; ne. cogitation, reasoning, deliberation, mind (N.), reason (N.)

-- evaluative reasoning: got. mitōns 10, mi-t-ōn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überlegung, Gedanke; ne. cogitation, meditation, deliberation, premeditation, thought, opinion, evaluative reasoning

reassure: got. þrafstjan* 11, þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trösten, mahnen, ermahnen; ne. cheer (V.), hearten, console (V.), comfort (V.), encourage, reassure

rebuff -- rebuff (V.): got. ufbrikan 8, uf-brik-an,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. verwerfen, verachten; ne. despise (V.), spurn (V.), rebuff (V.)

rebuke: got. andbeitan 9, and-bei-t-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. schelten, bedrohen, in Verlegenheit geraten (V.), tadeln, anfahren; ne. scold (V.), threaten, snap at, rebuke, censure (V.), castigate

-- rebuke (N.): got. andabeit 1, and-a-bei-t,  st. N. (a): nhd. Tadel; ne. reproach (N.), rebuke (N.), censure (N.), castigation

-- rebuke (V.): got. gasakan 19, ga-sak-an,  st. V. (6), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. überführen, schelten, den Mund stopfen, zum Schweigen bringen, widerlegen; ne. confute (V.), refute (V.), rebuke (V.), reprove, scold (V.); sakan 5, sak-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. streiten, schelten, Vorwürfe machen; ne. dispute (V.), engage in disputation, rebuke (V.), reprimand (V.), quarrel (V.)

recall -- recall to the mind of: got. gamaudjan* 4, ga-maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, recall to the mind of, mind (V.), call to remind

receipt -- have receipt of: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return

receipt -- sales receipt: got. frabaúhtabōka* 1, fra-baúh-t-a-bōk-a*,  st. F. (ō)?, st. N. (ō)?, Pl.: nhd. Verkaufsurkunde; ne. written deed of sale, sale document, sale deed, sales receipt

receive: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return; franiman 2, fra-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, in Besitz nehmen, in Empfang nehmen, gewinnen; ne. acquire, take possession of, receive, take along; inniman* 1, in-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hernehmen; ne. receive, take in, get, accept (V.); miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe; niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away

-- receive hearing: got. gahausjan 74=73, ga-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. hören, vernehmen, das Gehör bekommen; ne. hear (V.), perceive, get to hear, receive hearing

-- receive in recompense: got. ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn

-- receive in return: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return

-- receive vision: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

receiving -- receiving (N.): got. andanēm* 1, and-a-nēm*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Entgegennahme“, Empfang, Empfangen, Annahme; ne. taking (N.), intake, acceptance, receiving (N.)

recess -- take a recess: got. ƕeilan* 1, ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhören; ne. pause (V.), take an intermission, take a recess, cease

reciprocally: got. missō 64=63, mis-s-ō,  Adv.: nhd. einander, wechselseitig; ne. mutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, one another

recite: got. ussiggwan* 9, us-siggw-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. read chantingly, read aloud, recite

reckless: got. untilamalsks* 1, un-til-a-malsk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. voreilig, unbesonnen; ne. unfittingly precipitate, unsuitably foolhardy, inappropriately brash, reckless

reckon: got. gadōmjan 6, ga-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, entscheiden, sich vergleichen, sich messen mit; ne. deem, judge (V.), adjudge, reckon; munan* (1) 19, mun-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. meinen, glauben, dafür halten; ne. reckon, believe, suppose, consider, deem (V.), think; rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

-- reckon as foremost: got. faúrarahnjan* 1, faúr-a-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. esteem as prior, reckon as foremost, deem preferable, outdo

recline -- recline at table: got. anakumbjan 25, an-a-kumb-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich niederlegen, zu Tisch legen, lagern; ne. recline at table, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal

recline -- recline together with to eat: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

reclining -- group reclining and eating together: got. kubitus* 1, kubitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Liegen am Tisch, Tischgesellschaft, Gruppe, Tischgenossenschaft; ne. reclining to eat, group reclining and eating together, lying down (N.)

reclining -- reclining to eat: got. kubitus* 1, kubitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Liegen am Tisch, Tischgesellschaft, Gruppe, Tischgenossenschaft; ne. reclining to eat, group reclining and eating together, lying down (N.)

recognition: got. andahait* 3, and-a-hai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bekenntnis; ne. acknowledgement, confession, recognition; ufkunþi* 8, uf-kun-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erkenntnis; ne. knowledge, accurate understanding, recognition

-- bringing into recognition: got. anakunnains* 1, an-a-kun-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lesung; ne. bringing into recognition, bringing into awareness through reading, reading (N.)

recognizable: got. uskunþs 5, us-kun-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bekannt, offenbar; ne. recognized, well-known, manifested, recognizable, transparent

recognize: got. finþan* 5, fi-n-þ-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. find out, discover, recognize, learn, obtain knowledge of; fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent; *-kunnan (2), *-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kennenlernen; ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know, recognize; ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

-- refuse to recognize: got. frakunnan 16, fra-kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. verachten; ne. refuse to recognize, spurn (V.), disdain (V.), scorn (V.), despise

recognized: got. kunþs (1) 6, kun-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. kund, bekannt, Bekannter (= kunþs subst.); ne. known, recognized; uskunþs 5, us-kun-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bekannt, offenbar; ne. recognized, well-known, manifested, recognizable, transparent

recollection: got. gamaudeins* 1, ga-maud-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erinnerung; ne. remembrance, recollection, cognizance

recommendation: got. anafilh* 6, an-a-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Anvertrautes“, Empfehlung, Überlieferung; ne. act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping, commendation, recommendation, tradition

-- letter of recommendation: got. anafilhis bōkos, Sb.: nhd. Empfehlungsbrief; ne. letter of recommendation

recommendatorily: got. garēdaba 1, ga-rē-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. commendably, in an advocatable manner, commendatorily, recommendatorily, honourably

recompense -- receive in recompense: got. ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn

recompense -- recompense (N.): got. andalauni 3, and-a-lau-n-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gegenlohn, Vergeltung; ne. recompense (N.), reward (N.), return (N.); mizdō 12, mizd-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lohn; ne. pay (N.), wage (2), recompense (N.), reward (N.)

recompense -- recompense (V.): got. fragildan* 3, fra-gild-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. vergelten, erstatten; ne. repay (V.), recompense (V.), restore; usgiban 22, us-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erstatten, bezahlen, darstellen, darbringen; ne. give out, pay out, repay (V.), recompense (V.), give back, present (V.), offer (V.); usgildan 7, us-gild-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. vergelten; ne. repay (V.), recompense (V.), requite, reward (V.)

reconcile: got. gafriþōn 5, ga-fri-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versöhnen; ne. establish peace between, establish peace among, reconcile; gagawaírþjan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord; *gawaírþjan?, *ga-waírþ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord

reconciled -- become reconciled to: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to; gasibjōn 1, ga-si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to; *gawaírþnan?, *ga-waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. versöhnt werden, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with; *sibjōn, *si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to; *waírþnan?, *waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. friedlich machen, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with

reconciled -- be reconciled: got. *waírþjan?, *waír-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. friedlich sein (V.); ne. be reconciled

reconciled -- be reconciled to: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to; *gawaírþnan?, *ga-waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. versöhnt werden, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with; *waírþnan?, *waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. friedlich machen, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with

reconciliation: got. gafriþōns* 2, ga-fri-þ-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versöhnung; ne. establishment of peace, reconciliation, counciliatory pacification

reconnoiter: got. biniuhsjan 1, bi-niu-hs-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auskundschaften, ausspionieren, ausforschen; ne. reconnoiter, scout out, spy out

record -- record (2): got. mēljan 23=22, mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben; ne. write, write down, register (V.), inscribe, enroll, record (2)

record -- record of ancestry: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

recount -- recount (V.): got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

recover -- recover (V.): got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.)

rectification: got. garaíhteins* 1, ga-raíh-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zurechtweisung, Wiederherstellung; ne. correction, setting aright, rectification

-- add to the rectification of: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

rectify: got. garaíhtjan 4, ga-raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. als gerecht erweisen, etwas richten, hinlenken, lenken, rechtfertigen; ne. make straight, set right, rectify, correct (V.), make righteous, direct (V.)

rectilinear: got. raíhts* 3, raíh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. recht, gerade (Adj.) (2), gerecht; ne. rectilinear, straight (Adj.)

rectitude: got. garaíhtei 40, ga-raíh-t-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gerechtigkeit, Gebot; ne. righteousness, uprightness, rectitude, justice, order (N.), command (N.); uswaúrhts* (2) 2, us-waúrh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gerechtigkeit; ne. righteousness, uprightness, rectitude, virtuousness, justice

red: got. *rus-,  Sb.: nhd. Rost (M.) (2)?; ne. rust (N.)

-- red (Adj.): got. rauþs*, rauþ-s*, 1,  Adj. (a): nhd. rot; ne. red (Adj.)

redden: got. *gariudan?, *ga-riud-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. erröten; ne. redden, blush (V.), flush (V.); *riudan, *riud-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. erröten; ne. redden, blush (V.)

redeem: got. usbugjan* 7, us-bug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erkaufen; ne. buy (V.), buy up, acquire through purchase (V.), redeem; *uslunjan?, *us-lu-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlösen; ne. redeem, buy out of ransom

redemption: got. faúrbaúhts* 4=3, faúr-baúh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Loskauf, Loskaufung, Erlösung; ne. redemption, deliverance through purchase; usluneins* 1, us-lu-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erlösung; ne. redemption, salvation

-- price of redemption: got. luns* 1, lu-n-s*,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Lösegeld; ne. ransom (N.), price of redemption, price of release

red-hot -- red-hot coal: got. *brasa?, *bras-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. glühende Kohle; ne. red-hot coal

„redness“: got. *riudei, *riud-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Röte“; ne. „redness“; *riudi, *riud-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Röte“; ne. „redness“, dignity

reed: got. raus* (1) 5, rau-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rohr; ne. reed, stalk (1)

reef -- reef (1): got. *ribja, *rib-j-a, *ribi,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Rippe, Riff; ne. rib (N.), reef (1); *skorr-, *skor-r-,  Sb.: nhd. Klippe; ne. reef (1), cliff

reel -- reel up: got. *anahaspan?, *an-a-hasp-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhaspeln; ne. wind up, reel up; *haspan?, *hasp-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haspeln; ne. wind up, reel up

refer -- refer to: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

reference -- side of reference: got. halba* 2, hal-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hälfte, Seite, Teil; ne. half (N.), bisection, section, side of reference, facet, aspect

reform -- reform one’s ways: got. idreigōn* 13=12, id-reig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bereuen, Buße tun; ne. be contrite, repent (V.), regret (V.), reform one’s ways

refractory: got. ungaƕaírbs* 3, un-ga-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unfügsam, ungehorsam; ne. uncompliant, unruly, unbelieving, refractory, unamenable

refresh: got. anaþrafstjan* 2, an-a-þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „trösten“, erquicken; ne. refresh, put in good spirits, cheer up, relieve; gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

refuse: got. faúrqiþan 4, faúr-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. sich entschuldigen, für ungültig erklären, aufheben, umstoßen; ne. decline (V.), refuse, turn down, excuse o.s., nullify

-- refuse (N.): got. smarna* 1, smarn-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mist, Kot; ne. offal, dung (N.), excrement, manure (N.), refuse (N.)

-- refuse to agree: got. unwērjan 2, un-wēr-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unwillig sein (V.), zürnen; ne. disagree, refuse to agree, be disagreeable, be unwilling

-- refuse to recognize: got. frakunnan 16, fra-kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. verachten; ne. refuse to recognize, spurn (V.), disdain (V.), scorn (V.), despise

refutation: got. gasahts* 4, ga-sah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vorwurf, Tadel, Zurechtweisung, Beschuldigung; ne. refutation, confutation, reproach (N.); *sahts (1), *sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vorwurf; ne. refutation, confutation

refute -- refute (V.): got. gasakan 19, ga-sak-an,  st. V. (6), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. überführen, schelten, den Mund stopfen, zum Schweigen bringen, widerlegen; ne. confute (V.), refute (V.), rebuke (V.), reprove, scold (V.)

regain -- regain one’s sight: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

regard -- have regard for: got. aistan* 3, ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor; ne. have regard for, have respect for, reverence (V.); andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.); gaaistan* 1, ga-ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor, achten; ne. reverence (V.), have regard for, have respect for; saiƕan in andwairþja manne, got.: nhd. Rücksicht nehmen auf; ne. have regard for

regard -- regard as blest: got. audagjan* 1, au-d-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. selig preisen; ne. bless (V.), deem fortunate, regard as blest

regard -- regard with rejection: got. *idweitan?, *id-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. rügen, zurechtweisen; ne. regard with rejection, look at repudiatingly

regarding -- regarding whether: got. jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

regeneration: got. aftraanastōdeins* 1, af-t-ra-an-a-stō-d-ein-s*, aftaraanastōdeins*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Wiederanfang, Wiedererneuerung; ne. regeneration, regenesis, revival

regenesis: got. aftraanastōdeins* 1, af-t-ra-an-a-stō-d-ein-s*, aftaraanastōdeins*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Wiederanfang, Wiedererneuerung; ne. regeneration, regenesis, revival

region: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region; gaujans, Pl.: nhd. Gegend, Umgegend; ne. district, region; gawi* 6, gaw-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gau, Land, Bezirk, Umgegend, Gegend; ne. region, district (N.), country, land (N.), province, environment; land* 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Land, Landgut, Gegend; ne. land (N.), country, farmland, territory, region; marka* (1) 6, mark-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mark (F.) (1), Grenze; ne. border (N.), boundary, region; staþs (1) 34, sta-þ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Stätte, Ort, Gegend, Platz (M.) (1), Raum; ne. place (N.), locality, region, spot (N.), stead, passage

-- end of the gothic region: got. Goþiscandza 2, Go-þ-isc-andz-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenende? (an der Weichsel?); ne. end of the gothic region

-- inhabitant of a region: got. gauja* 2, gau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gaubewohner; ne. inhabitant of a region, people of a country

register -- register (V.): got. anamēljan 1, an-a-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreiben, sich in die Steuerlisten eintragen lassen; ne. register (V.), write down one’s entry, write down an entry, enroll; gamēljan 73=72, ga-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben, sich in die Listen eintragen lassen; ne. write, write down, register (V.), enroll, inscribe; mēljan 23=22, mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben; ne. write, write down, register (V.), inscribe, enroll, record (2)

registration -- tax registration: got. gilstramēleins 1, gil-str-a-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Eintragung in die Steuerliste; ne. enrollment for taxation, tax registration

regret -- regret (N.): got. trigō* 1, trig-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Trauer, Unlust; ne. grief, sadness, woefulness, regret (N.)

regret -- regret (V.): got. idreigōn* 13=12, id-reig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bereuen, Buße tun; ne. be contrite, repent (V.), regret (V.), reform one’s ways

regulation: got. garaideins 8=7, ga-rai-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Anordnung, Satzung, Regel; ne. directive (N.), rule (N.), regulation, ordinance, decree (N.)

reign -- reign (N.): got. þiudinassus 10, þiu-d-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Regierung, Königreich, Reich; ne. governance, reign (N.), reigning (N.), kingship, kingdom, rule (N.)

reign -- reign (V.): got. þiudanōn 7, þiu-d-an-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. herrschen, König sein (V.); ne. reign (V.), be a king, rule (V.)

reign -- reign with: got. miþþiudanōn* 2, mi-þ-þiu-d-an-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitherrschen; ne. reign with, rule with

reigning -- reigning (N.): got. þiudinassus 10, þiu-d-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Regierung, Königreich, Reich; ne. governance, reign (N.), reigning (N.), kingship, kingdom, rule (N.)

rein -- rein (N.): got. *brigdil, *brig-d-il,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zügel; ne. rein (N.)

reject -- reject the connection with: got. inwidan* 7, in-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleugnen, für ungültig erklären; ne. reject the connection with, deny the relatedness of, repudiate, disown, desert (3)

reject -- reject (V.): got. afskiuban* 2, af-skiub-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verstoßen, von sich wegstoßen, abschieben, von sich schieben, entfernen; ne. reject (V.), repulse (V.), shove away, thrust away; uskiusan 10, us-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, verwerfen, vertreiben, auswählen; ne. eliminate, reject (V.), disapprove, declare useless, test (V.); uswaírpan 34, us-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinauswerfen, wegwerfen, austreiben, verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen, daraufwerfen; ne. throw out, cast out, eject, expel, reject (V.), cast off, throw off

rejection: got. uswaúrpa 3, us-waúr-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Auswurf, Verwerfung, Fehlgeburt; ne. castoff (N.), rejection, ejection, expulsion, miscarriage

-- regard with rejection: got. *idweitan?, *id-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. rügen, zurechtweisen; ne. regard with rejection, look at repudiatingly

rejoice -- rejoice together with: got. miþfaginōn* 2, mi-þ-fag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich mitfreuen; ne. feel happy together with, rejoice together with

rejoice -- rejoice (V.): got. faginōn 43=39, fag-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. feel happy, be glad, rejoice (V.); sifan* 3, sif-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich freuen, frohlocken; ne. exult, rejoice (V.); swēgnjan* 4, s-wē-g-n-jan*, swignjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. jubeln, triumphieren, frohlocken; ne. exult, triumph (V.), jubilate (V.), rejoice (V.)

rejoicing: got. swēgniþa 2, s-wē-g-n-iþ-a, swigniþa*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Jubel, Frohlocken, Freude; ne. exultation, rejoicing, gladness, joy

-- give cause for rejoicing: got. *hlōhjan?, *hlō-h-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lachen machen; ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing; ufhlōhjan* 1, uf-hlōh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflachen machen, lachen machen, auflachen (= Pass.); ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing

rekindle: got. anaqiujan 1, an-a-qiu-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, erwecken, lebendig machen; ne. liven up, revitalize, revivify, rekindle, make alive

relate: got. spillōn* 6, spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. künden, verkünden, erzählen; ne. tell, relate, report (V.), give report of, proclaim the gospel; usspillōn* 2, us-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verkünden, erzählen, auführlich erzählen; ne. report (V.), relate, tell

related -- related (Adj.): got. samakuns* 1, sam-a-kun-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. desselben Geschlechts, verwandt; ne. of the same kin, kindred (Adj.), related (Adj.)

relatedness -- deny the relatedness of: got. inwidan* 7, in-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleugnen, für ungültig erklären; ne. reject the connection with, deny the relatedness of, repudiate, disown, desert (3)

relationship -- blood relationship: got. sibja* 1, si-b-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Sippenverhältnis, Verwandtschaft, Sippe; ne. kinship, sibship, blood relationship

relative -- relative (M.): got. ganiþjis* 3, ga-niþ-ji-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Verwandter; ne. kinsman, relative (M.)

relaxation: got. gaƕeilains* 2, ga-ƕeil-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verweilen, Ruhe; ne. relaxation, respite (N.), rest (N.); *ƕeilains?, *ƕeil-ain-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ruhe, Verweilen; ne. relaxation, respite (N.), rest (N.)

release -- price of release: got. luns* 1, lu-n-s*,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Lösegeld; ne. ransom (N.), price of redemption, price of release

release -- release (N.): got. fralēt* 6=5, fra-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Entlassung; ne. setting at liberty, release (N.), relinquishment, dispensation, forgiveness; uslauseins* 2, us-lau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erlösung; ne. release (N.), liberation, freeing, salvation

release -- release (V.): got. aflētan 52, af-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen, fortschicken, aufgeben, eine Schuld erlassen, vergeben, verlassen (V.), im Stiche lassen, zurücklassen, überlassen, vernachlässigen; ne. let off, let go, leave (V.), relinquish, remit, absolve, release (V.), forgive; fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive; galausjan 13, ga-lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erlösen, befreien, losmachen, loslassen, bewahren, behüten, eintreiben; ne. loose (V.), set free, liberate, release (V.), loosen (V.), extract (V.), rescue (V.); lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.)

released -- become released: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied; andlētnan 1, and-lē-t-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. scheiden, abscheiden, entlassen werden, aufgelöst werden, sich auflösen, sich losmachen; ne. be released, become released, separate (V.), die

released -- be released: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied; andlētnan 1, and-lē-t-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. scheiden, abscheiden, entlassen werden, aufgelöst werden, sich auflösen, sich losmachen; ne. be released, become released, separate (V.), die

relief -- give relief: got. gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

relieve: got. anaþrafstjan* 2, an-a-þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „trösten“, erquicken; ne. refresh, put in good spirits, cheer up, relieve

religious -- religious congregation: got. aíkklesjō 42, aík-kle-s-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kirche, Gotteshaus, Gemeinde; ne. church, church building, religious congregation, house of God

religious -- religious gathering: got. gaqumþs* 8, ga-qu-m-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zusammenkunft, Versammlung, Vereinigung; ne. coming together, congress, high council, religious gathering, synagogue, assembly

religious -- religious veneration: got. blōtinassus* 3, blōt-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Verehrung, Gottesverehrung; ne. sacrifice (N.), worship (N.), religious veneration

religious -- render religious tribute: got. saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

religious -- secretary-lector of a religious community: got. bōkāreis 39, bōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Schriftgelehrter, Schreiber; ne. writer, scribe, secretary-lector of a religious community

relinquish: got. aflētan 52, af-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen, fortschicken, aufgeben, eine Schuld erlassen, vergeben, verlassen (V.), im Stiche lassen, zurücklassen, überlassen, vernachlässigen; ne. let off, let go, leave (V.), relinquish, remit, absolve, release (V.), forgive; bileiþan* 26, bi-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. verlassen (V.), zurücklassen, hinterlassen; ne. leave behind, relinquish, abandon (V.)

relinquishment: got. fralēt* 6=5, fra-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Entlassung; ne. setting at liberty, release (N.), relinquishment, dispensation, forgiveness

relocate: got. miþsatjan* 1, mi-þ-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versetzen; ne. transplant (V.), relocate, shift the location of, remove (V.)

rely -- rely on: got. tráuan 4, tráu-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. trauen, Zutrauen haben; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, rely on, confide in

remain -- remain constant: got. þaírhwisan* 7, þaír-h-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. verbleiben, verharren; ne. persevere, continue on, remain constant, keep on, persist

remain -- remain (N.): got. *laif, *lai-f, *laifs?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rest; ne. remain (N.); *-lif?, *-li-f?,  Sb.: nhd. Rest?, Überbleibsel; ne. rest (N.)?, remain (N.)

remain -- remain (V.): got. aflifnan* 8, af-li-f-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. be left, become left, be left over, remain (V.); *bileiban, *bi-lei-b-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. bleiben; ne. remain (V.), be left; gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.); gawisan* 2, ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verweilen, verbleiben; ne. reside, live (V.), dwell (V.), remain (V.); *lifnan?, *li-f-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. rest (V.), remain (V.), be left; wisan (2) 32, wi-s-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. weilen, bleiben; ne. continue, remain (V.), stay (V.)

remain -- remain with: got. miþwisan* 1, mi-þ-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. beistehen, zu Hilfe kommen; ne. be together with, be present together with, remain with

remainder: got. laiba* 3, lai-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Überbleibsel, Rest; ne. what is left, leftover, remains (N.), remnant, rest (N.), remainder

remaining -- leave remaining: got. bilaibjan* 1, bi-lai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übriglassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining; *laibjan, *lai-b-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übrig lassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining

remains -- and the remains: got. kaì tà loipá 1, gr.- Konj., Art., Sb.: nhd. und so weiter; ne. and the remains, and the rest, et cetera

remains -- remains (N.): got. bilaif* 1, bi-lai-f*, bilaifs* 1?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Überrest, Rest; ne. what remains behind, surviving remnant, remains (N.); laiba* 3, lai-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Überbleibsel, Rest; ne. what is left, leftover, remains (N.), remnant, rest (N.), remainder

remains -- what remains behind: got. bilaif* 1, bi-lai-f*, bilaifs* 1?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Überrest, Rest; ne. what remains behind, surviving remnant, remains (N.)

remarkable: got. sildaleiks 3, si-ld-a-leik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. erstaunlich, wunderbar; ne. marvellous, amazing, wondrous, wonderful, remarkable

remember: got. gamunan 21, ga-mun-an,  Prät.-Präs. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erinnern, gedenken; ne. call to mind, keep in mind, remember

remembrance: got. gamaudeins* 1, ga-maud-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erinnerung; ne. remembrance, recollection, cognizance; gaminþi 3, ga-min-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erinnerung, Gedächtnis; ne. memory, remembrance, thinking of; gamunds* 5=4, ga-mun-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Andenken, Gedächtnis; ne. remembrance, memory, memorial, reminder; *munds (2), *mun-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Andenken, Gedächtnis; ne. remembrance, memory

remind: got. gamaudjan* 4, ga-maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, recall to the mind of, mind (V.), call to remind; maudjan* 1, maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, call to the mind of

-- call to remind: got. gamaudjan* 4, ga-maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, recall to the mind of, mind (V.), call to remind

reminder: got. gamunds* 5=4, ga-mun-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Andenken, Gedächtnis; ne. remembrance, memory, memorial, reminder

remission: got. aflageins* 1, af-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ablegung, Erlass, Vergebung; ne. forgiveness, laying aside, remission, absolution

remit: got. aflētan 52, af-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen, fortschicken, aufgeben, eine Schuld erlassen, vergeben, verlassen (V.), im Stiche lassen, zurücklassen, überlassen, vernachlässigen; ne. let off, let go, leave (V.), relinquish, remit, absolve, release (V.), forgive

-- remit (V.): got. fragiban 25, fra-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. vergeben, verleihen, schenken, geben, gewähren; ne. give (V.), grant (V.), remit (V.), forgive, pardon (V.), bestow

remnant: got. laiba* 3, lai-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Überbleibsel, Rest; ne. what is left, leftover, remains (N.), remnant, rest (N.), remainder

-- surviving remnant: got. bilaif* 1, bi-lai-f*, bilaifs* 1?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Überrest, Rest; ne. what remains behind, surviving remnant, remains (N.)

remorse -- remorse (N.): got. idreiga 11=10, id-reig-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Buße; ne. repentence, contrition, remorse (N.)

remorseful: got. *idreigs?, *id-reig-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. reuig; ne. remorseful

remote: got. faírra 20, faír-ra,  Adv.: nhd. fern, fern von, weg von; ne. afar, far off, remote, at a great distance

remotest: got. hindumists* 1, hi-n-d-um-ist-s*,  Adj. (Superl.): nhd. hinterste, letzte, äußerste; ne. outermost, remotest, farthest, most distant

remove -- remove by rolling: got. afwalwjan* 2, af-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wegwälzen; ne. remove by rolling, roll away

remove -- remove (V.): got. afniman 15, af-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. wegnehmen, abnehmen; ne. take away, remove (V.), withdraw; afsatjan 3, af-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. absetzen, entlassen; ne. dismiss, remove (V.), put away, set aside, set off, divorce (V.); afwagjan* 1, af-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen, abbringen; ne. make fluctuate away from, make waver away from, remove (V.); gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate; *liusan?, *liu-s-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. lösen, los sein (V.)?; ne. remove (V.), solve, cancel, be solved?; miþsatjan* 1, mi-þ-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versetzen; ne. transplant (V.), relocate, shift the location of, remove (V.); usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue; usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

remove -- remove (V.) forcibly: got. gatarnjan* 1, ga-tar-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. berauben; ne. wrest from, extract from, remove (V.) forcibly, rob, take away

removed -- become removed: got. *lusnan?, *lu-s-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gelöst werden?; ne. become removed

remuneration: got. laun* 6, lau-n*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lohn, Belohnung, Dank; ne. compensation, reward (N.), remuneration, credit (N.)

rend -- rend asunder: got. dishniupan* 1, dis-hniu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend asunder, break apart, tear (V.)

rend -- rend in pieces: got. distaíran* 3, dis-taír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen, auseinanderzerren, verderben; ne. tear asunder, rend in pieces

rend -- rend (V.): got. *riuban, *riu-b-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend (V.), rip off, break off, tear off; tahjan* 6, tah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reißen, zerren, ausstreuen; ne. lacerate, tear (V.) (2), rend (V.)

render: got. briggan 39, bri-g-g-an,  unr. st. V., sw. V.: nhd. bringen, führen machen; ne. bring, lead (V.), conduct (V.), render, cause to become; ustaiknjan 16, us-tai-k-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezeichnen, auszeichnen, erweisen, darstellen, in die Erscheinung bringen; ne. point out, designate, appoint, exhibit, show (V.), demonstrate, render; ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

-- render honour to: got. swēran* 13, s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ehren, achten; ne. honour (V.), render honour to, esteem (V.), exalt

-- render oblational tribute: got. saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

-- render religious tribute: got. saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

rendering -- rendering (N.): got. *dēþs, *dē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Tat; ne. making (N.), rendering (N.), deed (N.); gadēþs* 1, ga-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Tat; ne. deed (N.), making (N.), rendering (N.)

rending -- destroy by rending: got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate

renew: got. ananiujan* 3, an-a-niu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erneuern (tr.), sich erneuern, erneuert werden; ne. renew; *niujan?, *niu-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erneuern, sich erneuern; ne. renew

renewal: got. ananiujiþa* 1, an-a-niu-j-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erneuerung; ne. renewal, renewing

renewing: got. ananiujiþa* 1, an-a-niu-j-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erneuerung; ne. renewal, renewing

renounce -- renounce (V.): got. afaikan 13, af-ai-k-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. leugnen, fluchen, verleugnen; ne. deny, abjure, disavow, forswear, renounce (V.); afqiþan* 1, af-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. verzichten auf, entsagen; ne. renounce (V.), foreswear

renown -- renown (N.): got. mēriþa 4, mē-r-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gerücht, Kunde (F.); ne. repute (N.), report (N.), news, renown (N.), fame (N.)

rent -- become rent asunder: got. dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hnupnan?, *hnu-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. burst (V.), be rent asunder, become rent asunder

rent -- be rent asunder: got. dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hnupnan?, *hnu-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. burst (V.), be rent asunder, become rent asunder

rent -- be rent in pieces: got. distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

rent -- rent (N.): got. gataúra 2, ga-taúr-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Riss; ne. rent (N.), tear (N.); *taúra?, *taúr-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Riss; ne. rent (N.), tear (N.) (2)

repair -- repair (V.): got. gabōtjan* 1, ga-bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbessern, herstellen; ne. make good, improve, make better, repair (V.), restore

repay -- repay (V.): got. fragildan* 3, fra-gild-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. vergelten, erstatten; ne. repay (V.), recompense (V.), restore; usgiban 22, us-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erstatten, bezahlen, darstellen, darbringen; ne. give out, pay out, repay (V.), recompense (V.), give back, present (V.), offer (V.); usgildan 7, us-gild-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. vergelten; ne. repay (V.), recompense (V.), requite, reward (V.)

repayment: got. usguldan, got.: nhd. Vergeltung; ne. repayment

repent -- repent (V.): got. gaidreigōn* 1, ga-id-reig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv, ingressiv: nhd. bereuen, Buße tun, sich ändern; ne. evince contrition, repent (V.); idreigōn* 13=12, id-reig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bereuen, Buße tun; ne. be contrite, repent (V.), regret (V.), reform one’s ways

repentence: got. idreiga 11=10, id-reig-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Buße; ne. repentence, contrition, remorse (N.)

replica: got. galeiki* 2, ga-leik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Ähnlichkeit“, Abbild; ne. like form, similar appearance, resemblance, likeness, replica, „co-form“

reply -- reply (N.): got. andahafts 3, and-a-haf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Antwort, Verteidigung; ne. answer (N.), reply (N.), defense, argument (N.), verdict; andawaúrdi* 3, anda-waúr-d-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Antwort; ne. answer (N.), reply (N.), response

reply -- reply (V.): got. andhafjan 138, and-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. erwidern, antworten, entgegnen; ne. reply (V.), respond, answer (V.)

report -- evil report: got. bihait* 1, bi-hai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. üble Nachrede; ne. obloquy, defamation, slander (N.), evil report

report -- give report of: got. spillōn* 6, spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. künden, verkünden, erzählen; ne. tell, relate, report (V.), give report of, proclaim the gospel

report -- of good report: got. waílamēreis* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ei-s*,  Adj. (ia): nhd. wohllautend, löblich; ne. well-reputed, of good report, praiseworthy

report -- report (N.): got. gahauseins 4, ga-hau-s-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Predigt; ne. that which is heard, report (N.), preaching (N.); hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings; insahts 6, in-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erzählung, Aussage, Zeugnis; ne. argumentation, account (N.), exposition, explication, report (N.), story, statement, witness; mēriþa 4, mē-r-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gerücht, Kunde (F.); ne. repute (N.), report (N.), news, renown (N.), fame (N.)

report -- report (V.): got. gateihan* 28, ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anzeigen, verkünden, verkündigen; ne. announce, proclaim (V.), declare, tell, report (V.); spillōn* 6, spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. künden, verkünden, erzählen; ne. tell, relate, report (V.), give report of, proclaim the gospel; usspillōn* 2, us-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verkünden, erzählen, auführlich erzählen; ne. report (V.), relate, tell

repose -- give repose: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

reprehensible: got. *faírina (2), *faír-in-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadelig, unrecht; ne. reprehensible, blamable, impeachable; *faírinōþs?, *faír-in-ōþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. schuldig, tadelig, bescholten; ne. violative, transgressive, culpable, reprehensible; *faírins?, *faír-in-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadelig, unrecht; ne. violative, transgressive, culpable, reprehensible; *gafairinōnds?, *ga-fair-in-ōn-d-s?,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. tadelig, bescholten; ne. culpable, assailable, reprehensible; *wāhs?, *wā-h-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadelig; ne. blameworthy, reprehensible

representation: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

-- typical representation: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

reprieved: got. anstai audahafts, got.: nhd. begnadigt; ne. reprieved

reprimand -- reprimand sharply: got. gaƕōtjan* 8, ga-ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bedrohen, schelten, strafen; ne. threaten, reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to; ƕōtjan* 1, ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. drohen; ne. reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to, threaten

reprimand -- reprimand (V.): got. anahaitan* 6, an-a-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. anrufen, bitten, schelten; ne. call on, call upon, invoke (V.), reprimand (V.), upbraid, berate, scold (V.); sakan 5, sak-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. streiten, schelten, Vorwürfe machen; ne. dispute (V.), engage in disputation, rebuke (V.), reprimand (V.), quarrel (V.)

reprimand -- sharp reprimand: got. ƕōta* 2, ƕōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Drohung; ne. sharp reprimand, stern warning, threat (N.)

reproach -- beyond reproach: got. usfaírina 3, us-faír-in-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos; ne. outside of culpability, beyond reproach, blameless

reproach -- reproach (N.): got. andabeit 1, and-a-bei-t,  st. N. (a): nhd. Tadel; ne. reproach (N.), rebuke (N.), censure (N.), castigation; faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance; gasahts* 4, ga-sah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vorwurf, Tadel, Zurechtweisung, Beschuldigung; ne. refutation, confutation, reproach (N.); idweit* 2, id-wei-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schmach, Schimpf; ne. ignominy, reproach (N.), disgrace (N.)

reproach -- reproach (V.): got. faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce; idweitjan 7, id-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schmähen; ne. reproach (V.), revile (V.), reprobate, despise

reprobate: got. idweitjan 7, id-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schmähen; ne. reproach (V.), revile (V.), reprobate, despise

reprove: got. gasakan 19, ga-sak-an,  st. V. (6), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. überführen, schelten, den Mund stopfen, zum Schweigen bringen, widerlegen; ne. confute (V.), refute (V.), rebuke (V.), reprove, scold (V.)

repudiate: got. inwidan* 7, in-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleugnen, für ungültig erklären; ne. reject the connection with, deny the relatedness of, repudiate, disown, desert (3)

repudiatingly -- look at repudiatingly: got. *idweitan?, *id-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. rügen, zurechtweisen; ne. regard with rejection, look at repudiatingly

repugnant: got. andasēts* 2, and-a-sēt-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. verabscheuenswert, verabscheuenswürdig; ne. causing aversion, abhorrent, repugnant, detestable

repulse -- repulse (V.): got. afskiuban* 2, af-skiub-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verstoßen, von sich wegstoßen, abschieben, von sich schieben, entfernen; ne. reject (V.), repulse (V.), shove away, thrust away

reputation: got. *mērei, *mē-r-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kunde (F.), Ruf; ne. reputation

-- bad reputation: got. wajamērei* 1, waj-a-mē-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. schlechter Ruf, übler Ruf; ne. bad reputation, bad repute, dishonour

-- good reputation: got. waílamērei* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. guter Ruf; ne. good reputation, good repute

repute -- bad repute: got. wajamērei* 1, waj-a-mē-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. schlechter Ruf, übler Ruf; ne. bad reputation, bad repute, dishonour

repute -- good repute: got. waílamērei* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. guter Ruf; ne. good reputation, good repute

repute -- repute (N.): got. mēriþa 4, mē-r-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gerücht, Kunde (F.); ne. repute (N.), report (N.), news, renown (N.), fame (N.)

reputed: got. *mēreis, *mē-r-ei-s, *mēris, *mērs,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. groß, berühmt; ne. famed, reputed

request -- request for oneself: got. aihtrōn 5, aih-tr-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. beten, betteln, erbitten, für sich verlangen; ne. beg, pray, request for oneself, beseech, supplicate

request -- request (N.): got. *aihtr, *aih-tr,  st. N.: nhd. Klage, Bitte; ne. complaint, lament (N.), request (N.); bida 29, bid-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bitte, Gebet, Aufforderung; ne. request (N.), supplication, prayer, demand (N.), entreaty, exhortation; *niuþs, *niu-þ-s,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Verlangen; ne. demand (N.), request (N.)

request -- request (V.): got. bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for; gabidjan* 1, ga-bid-jan*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bitten, beten; ne. say a prayer, request (V.), pray; sōkjan 72, sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. suchen, disputieren, streiten; ne. quest (V.), search (V.), seek (V.), request (V.), ask for, query (V.)

requesting -- requesting (N.): got. usblōteins* 2=1, us-blōt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bitte, Flehen, Gebet; ne. prayer (N.), supplication, adjuration, imploring (N.), requesting (N.)

requirements -- satisfy requirements: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements

requisite -- requisite (Adj.): got. þaúrfts* (1) 3, þaúrf-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nötig, nützlich, notwendig; ne. needed, necessary, requisite (Adj.), useful

requisiteness: got. þaúrfts (2) 6, þaúrf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bedürfnis, Notdurft, Not; ne. need (N.), necessity, requisiteness

requite: got. usgildan 7, us-gild-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. vergelten; ne. repay (V.), recompense (V.), requite, reward (V.)

rescue -- rescue (N.): got. ganists 12=11, ga-nis-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Rettung, Heil, Erhaltung; ne. salvation, rescue (N.), deliverance; naseins 14, nas-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Rettung, Heil; ne. saving (N.), salvation, preservation, rescue (N.), deliverance; *nists?, *nis-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Rettung, Heil, Genesung; ne. salvation, rescue (N.), deliverance

rescue -- rescue (V.): got. galausjan 13, ga-lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erlösen, befreien, losmachen, loslassen, bewahren, behüten, eintreiben; ne. loose (V.), set free, liberate, release (V.), loosen (V.), extract (V.), rescue (V.); ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.); lausjan 7, lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen, losmachen, retten, Geld erheben, Geld eintreiben, Geld zurückfordern, fordern, sich bezahlen lassen; ne. make loose, free (V.), liberate, release (V.), free from, free of, extract (V.), divest of, get loose, rescue (V.), collect (V.); nasjan 10, nas-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. retten; ne. save (1), preserve (V.), rescue (V.)

rescued -- be rescued: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.); *nisan?, *nis-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. genesen, gerettet werden; ne. be saved, be rescued

resemblance: got. galeiki* 2, ga-leik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Ähnlichkeit“, Abbild; ne. like form, similar appearance, resemblance, likeness, replica, „co-form“

-- apply the resemblance of: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

-- change the resemblance into: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

resemble: got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to

reserve -- reserve (N.): got. bigardio*, bigard-io*,  Sb.: nhd. Gehege, Garten; ne. reserve (N.), garden

reside: got. gabáuan 1, ga-báu-an,  unr. V., perfektiv: nhd. Wohnung aufschlagen, wohnen; ne. take up residence, lodge (V.), reside, make a home; gawisan* 2, ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verweilen, verbleiben; ne. reside, live (V.), dwell (V.), remain (V.)

residence: got. *arþ?, *ar-þ?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Wohnsitz, Aufenthalt; ne. residence, domicile; *sēti?, *sēt-i?,  st. N. (i): nhd. Sitz; ne. residence, domicile

-- take up residence: got. gabáuan 1, ga-báu-an,  unr. V., perfektiv: nhd. Wohnung aufschlagen, wohnen; ne. take up residence, lodge (V.), reside, make a home

resident -- resident (Adj.): got. ingardja* (2) 2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. im Haus befindlich; ne. in the house, domiciled within, resident (Adj.)

residential -- make into a fortified residential stronghold: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

resist: got. andstandan 17, and-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. entgegenstehen, widerstehen, widerstreiten, widerstreben; ne. oppose, resist, stand in opposition to, withstand

resoluteness: got. gagrēfts 3, ga-grēf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree, resoluteness, resolve (N.), determination; *grēfts?, *grēf-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree (N.), resoluteness, determination

resolution: got. gagrēfts 3, ga-grēf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree, resoluteness, resolve (N.), determination; *grēfts?, *grēf-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree (N.), resoluteness, determination; muns 7, mun-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gedanke, Meinung, Vorsatz, Ratschluss, Bereitwilligkeit, guter Wille, Beschluss, Entscheidung, Vorsorge, Absicht; ne. mindedness, intention, plan (N.), purpose (N.), design (N.), readiness of mind, resolution, preresolution, determination, predetermination, provision, preparation

resolve: got. *diswidan, *dis-wi-d-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. auflösen; ne. resolve

-- resolve (N.): got. gagrēfts 3, ga-grēf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree, resoluteness, resolve (N.), determination

-- resolve (V.): got. gastōjan* 3, ga-stō-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ein Urteil abgeben über, beurteilen, verurteilen, urteilen, beschließen, richten?; ne. make a judgement, resolve (V.)

resolved -- what is resolved: got. gagrēfts 3, ga-grēf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree, resoluteness, resolve (N.), determination; *grēfts?, *grēf-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree (N.), resoluteness, determination

resound: got. *hlimman?, *hli-m-m-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. rauschen; ne. crash (V.), roar (V.), rush (V.), resound

-- resound (V.): got. *swōgan, *s-wō-g-an,  red. V. (6): nhd. rauschen, tönen; ne. sough (V.), resound (V.)

resources: got. manwiþa* 2, manw-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bereitschaft, Mittel; ne. preparedness, readiness, resources

respect -- have respect for: got. aistan* 3, ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor; ne. have regard for, have respect for, reverence (V.); gaaistan* 1, ga-ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor, achten; ne. reverence (V.), have regard for, have respect for

respect -- pay respect to: got. inweitan* 10, in-wei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. Verehrung erweisen, begrüßen, anbeten, ansehen, verehren; ne. pay homage to, pay respect to, salute (V.), worship (V.)

respect -- respect (N.): got. *aiza, *aiz-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Scheu, Achtung, Ehre; ne. honour (N.), inhibition, respect (N.)

respectability: got. gariudi* 2=1, ga-riud-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Ehrbarkeit; ne. respectability, dignity

respectable: got. *fēhs?, *fēh-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. anständig; ne. decent, respectable; *gafēhs, *ga-fēh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. anständig, passend, schicklich; ne. decent, respectable, appertinent, appropriate; gariuþs* 5=4, ga-riuþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ehrbar; ne. respectable, dignified, honourable

respected: got. gaguþs* 1, ga-gu-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ehrbar, anständig; ne. godly, pious, saintly, honourable, respected

respite -- give respite: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

respite -- respite (N.): got. gaƕeilains* 2, ga-ƕeil-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verweilen, Ruhe; ne. relaxation, respite (N.), rest (N.); *ƕeilains?, *ƕeil-ain-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ruhe, Verweilen; ne. relaxation, respite (N.), rest (N.)

resplendence: got. wulþus 73=71, wul-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herrlichkeit; ne. glory, splendour, resplendence, magnificence, majesty

resplendent: got. wulþags* 8=7, wul-þ-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. herrlich, wunderbar, angesehen; ne. glorious, splendid, resplendent, wonderful

respond: got. andhafjan 138, and-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. erwidern, antworten, entgegnen; ne. reply (V.), respond, answer (V.)

response: got. andawaúrdi* 3, anda-waúr-d-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Antwort; ne. answer (N.), reply (N.), response

responsibility: got. ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

rest -- and the rest: got. kaì tà loipá 1, gr.- Konj., Art., Sb.: nhd. und so weiter; ne. and the remains, and the rest, et cetera

rest -- come to rest: got. *anaqilan?, *an-a-qil-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. zur Ruhe kommen; ne. come to rest; gaƕeilan* 2, ga-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zur Ruhe kommen, aufhören, verweilen; ne. come to rest, take a rest, rest (V.), cease; *qilan, *qil-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. zur Ruhe kommen; ne. come to rest

rest -- give a rest period: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

rest -- rest (N.): got. gaƕeilains* 2, ga-ƕeil-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verweilen, Ruhe; ne. relaxation, respite (N.), rest (N.); *ƕeilains?, *ƕeil-ain-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ruhe, Verweilen; ne. relaxation, respite (N.), rest (N.); laiba* 3, lai-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Überbleibsel, Rest; ne. what is left, leftover, remains (N.), remnant, rest (N.), remainder; ? *-lif?, *-li-f?,  Sb.: nhd. Rest?, Überbleibsel; ne. rest (N.)?, remain (N.); *rasa?, *ras-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Ruhe; ne. rest (N.); rimis* 1, rimi-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ruhe; ne. calmness, tranquility, peacefulness, rest (N.)

rest -- rest (N.) (1): got. anaqal* 1, an-a-qal*,  st. M.?, st. N.? (a): nhd. Ruhe, Beruhigung; ne. tranquilization, quieting down, calm (N.), quiet (N.), rest (N.) (1)

rest -- rest (V.): got. gaƕeilan* 2, ga-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zur Ruhe kommen, aufhören, verweilen; ne. come to rest, take a rest, rest (V.), cease; *lifnan?, *li-f-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. rest (V.), remain (V.), be left

rest -- set a rest: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

rest -- sink to rest: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

rest -- take a rest: got. gaƕeilan* 2, ga-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zur Ruhe kommen, aufhören, verweilen; ne. come to rest, take a rest, rest (V.), cease

resting -- board for resting the feet: got. fōtubaūrd 3, fōt-u-baūr-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fußbank, Schemel; ne. footstool, board for resting the feet

restless -- become restless: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

restless -- be restless: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

restore: got. fragildan* 3, fra-gild-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. vergelten, erstatten; ne. repay (V.), recompense (V.), restore; gabōtjan* 1, ga-bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbessern, herstellen; ne. make good, improve, make better, repair (V.), restore; gaþwastjan* 5=4, ga-þwa-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, stärken; ne. firm up, make firm, make secure, solidify, restore, set right

-- restore to health: got. gahailjan 13, ga-hai-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. heilen (V.) (1), herstellen; ne. heal (V.), restore to health

-- restore (V.): got. ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.)

restored -- become restored to health: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health

restored -- be restored to health: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health

restrain: got. galatjan* 1, ga-la-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufhalten, verhindern, verzögern; ne. detain, restrain, stop (V.), hinder; warjan* 9, war-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehren; ne. prevent, thwart (V.), forbid, hinder, restrain, stop (V.), block (V.)

restrained: got. *faurs?, *faur-s?,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. ehrbar, bescheiden (Adj.); ne. restrained, discreet; gafaurs 2, ga-faur-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. ehrbar, nüchtern, besonnen (Adj.), bescheiden (Adj.), gesittet; ne. temperate (Adj.), restrained, descreet, wellbehaved, sober (Adj.), sober-tongued

restraint -- act with restraint toward: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.)

restriction: got. *aggwei?, *agg-w-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Enge, Einschränkung; ne. narrowness, restriction; *pragga, *pragg-a,  Sb.: nhd. Beengung; ne. restriction

result -- result (V.): got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out

results: got. akran 42, ak-r-an,  st. N. (a): nhd. Frucht, Ertrag; ne. fruit, results

resurrection: got. usstass 16, us-sta-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auferstehung; ne. resurrection, rising up

retain: got. gafastan 11, ga-fast-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. behalten, bewahren, halten; ne. hold fast, keep (V.), retain, observe, guard (V.), protect; gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain

retard -- retard (V.): got. latjan* 1, la-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufhalten, verzögern, lange dauern; ne. retard (V.), delay (V.), make late

retarded -- be mentally retarded: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

retarded -- be retarded: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

retribution: got. fraweit 4, fra-wei-t,  st. N. (a): nhd. Strafe, Rache; ne. punishment, revenge (N.), vengeance, retribution; þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion

-- achieve retribution for: got. gawrikan* 3, ga-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bestrafen, rächen, Rache nehmen; ne. wreak vengeance for, avenge, achieve retribution for, vindicate

retrorse: got. ibuks* 3, ibuk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rückwärts gewandt, zurück; ne. retrorse, reversed, turned back, back (Adj.)

return -- receive in return: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return

return -- return (N.): got. andalauni 3, and-a-lau-n-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gegenlohn, Vergeltung; ne. recompense (N.), reward (N.), return (N.)

return -- return (V.): got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.); gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

reveal -- reveal publicly: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

reveal -- reveal (V.): got. andhuljan 13, and-hul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. enthüllen, abdecken, entblößen, offenbaren; ne. uncover, unveil, reveal (V.)

revealing: got. andhuleins* 8, and-hul-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Enthüllung, Offenbarung; ne. uncovering, revealing, revelation

revelation: got. andhuleins* 8, and-hul-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Enthüllung, Offenbarung; ne. uncovering, revealing, revelation; ustaikneins 4, us-tai-k-n-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auszeichnung, Bezeichnung, Bekanntmachung, Anzeichen, Beweis, Darstellung; ne. pointing out, marking out, showing (N.), evidence, token (N.), revelation, proof (N.)

revelry: got. gabaúr* (2) 2, ga-baúr*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Festgelage, Schmaus; ne. carousing (N.), revelry, festive banquet, merrymaking

revenge -- revenge (N.): got. fraweit 4, fra-wei-t,  st. N. (a): nhd. Strafe, Rache; ne. punishment, revenge (N.), vengeance, retribution

reverence -- have reverence for: got. ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

reverence -- reverence (V.): got. aistan* 3, ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor; ne. have regard for, have respect for, reverence (V.); gaaistan* 1, ga-ais-t-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich scheuen vor, achten; ne. reverence (V.), have regard for, have respect for

reversed: got. ibuks* 3, ibuk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rückwärts gewandt, zurück; ne. retrorse, reversed, turned back, back (Adj.)

revert -- revert (V.): got. gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

review -- review (N.): got. niuhseins* 1, niu-hs-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Heimsuchung; ne. inspection, review (N.), revision, investigative visitation

revile: got. ganaitjan* 1, ga-nai-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschimpfen, schmähen, lästern; ne. subject to foul language, subject to verbal humiliation, revile, treat shamefully; láian* (?) 1, lá-i-an*, lauan* (?),  red. abl.? V. (6?), m. Dat.: nhd. schmähen; ne. berate, revile, rail at, despise

-- revile (V.): got. idweitjan 7, id-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schmähen; ne. reproach (V.), revile (V.), reprobate, despise

revision: got. niuhseins* 1, niu-hs-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Heimsuchung; ne. inspection, review (N.), revision, investigative visitation

revitalize: got. anaqiujan 1, an-a-qiu-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, erwecken, lebendig machen; ne. liven up, revitalize, revivify, rekindle, make alive

revival: got. aftraanastōdeins* 1, af-t-ra-an-a-stō-d-ein-s*, aftaraanastōdeins*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Wiederanfang, Wiedererneuerung; ne. regeneration, regenesis, revival

revive: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

revivified -- become revivified: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

revivified -- be revivified: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

revivify: got. anaqiujan 1, an-a-qiu-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, erwecken, lebendig machen; ne. liven up, revitalize, revivify, rekindle, make alive

reward -- reward for winning: got. sigislaun* 2, sig-i-s-laun*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Siegeslohn, Preis; ne. victory prize, reward for winning

reward -- reward (N.): got. andalauni 3, and-a-lau-n-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gegenlohn, Vergeltung; ne. recompense (N.), reward (N.), return (N.); laun* 6, lau-n*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lohn, Belohnung, Dank; ne. compensation, reward (N.), remuneration, credit (N.); *launi (?), *lau-n-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Lohn; ne. compensation, reward (N.); mizdō 12, mizd-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lohn; ne. pay (N.), wage (2), recompense (N.), reward (N.)

reward -- reward (V.): got. usgildan 7, us-gild-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. vergelten; ne. repay (V.), recompense (V.), requite, reward (V.)

rib -- rib (N.): got. *ribja, *rib-j-a, *ribi,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Rippe, Riff; ne. rib (N.), reef (1)

ribaldry: got. saldra 1, saldr-a,  st. F. (?) (ō): nhd. leichtfertiges Geschwätz; ne. ribaldry, scurillity, silly talk

rich -- become rich: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

rich -- be rich: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

rich -- make rich: got. gabigjan* 1, gab-ig-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reich machen, bereichern; ne. enrich, make rich

rich -- rich (Adj.): got. gabigs 19, gab-ig-s, gabeigs,  Adj. (a): nhd. reich; ne. rich (Adj.), opulent, wealthy

riches: got. faíhu* 7, faíh-u*, fe,  st. N. (u): nhd. „Vieh“, Vermögen, Geld, f-Rune; ne. movable goods, chattels, property, possessions, wealth, riches, money, name of f-rune; gabei 14, gab-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reichtum; ne. riches, opulence

-- accumulation of riches: got. faíhuþraihn* 4, faíh-u-þrai-h-n*, faihuþraihns*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. „Viehansammlung“, Geldansammlung, Reichtum; ne. wealth-agglomeration, accumulation of riches, wealth, gathering of money

-- gain riches: got. faíhugeigan* 1, faíh-u-geig-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. begehren, habgierig sein (V.), geldgierig sein (V.); ne. gain riches, acquire wealth, desire (V.)

-- worldly riches: got. mammōna* 2, mammōn-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mammon, Reichtum; ne. mammon, worldly riches, money, wealth

richly: got. gabigaba 1, gab-ig-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. reichlich; ne. richly, abundantly

richness: got. smaírþr* 1, smaír-þr*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fett, Schmer; ne. fatness, fattiness, richness

ride -- make a ride: got. raidjan* (2), raid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen machen, tragen; ne. make a ride, transport (V.), carry (V.)

ride -- ride (V.): got. *reidan, *reid-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. reiten, in Bewegung sein (V.); ne. ride (V.)

ridicule -- ridicule (V.): got. *skaírnjan?, *skaír-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. spotten; ne. mock (V.), ridicule (V.)

riding -- riding vehicle: got. raida* 1, raid-a*, rēda,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wagen, r-Rune; ne. wagon, riding vehicle, name of r-rune

right -- crowd by stepping right next to: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

right -- enjoin right: got. raihtaba raidjan, got.: nhd. richtig darbieten; ne. enjoin right

right -- on the right: got. af taihswon, got.: nhd. zur Rechten; ne. on the right; af taihswon, got.: nhd. zur Rechten; ne. on the right

right -- right (Adj.): got. taíhswa* (1) 19, taíh-s-w-a*,  sw. Adj. (a): nhd. rechte; ne. right (Adj.), dexter; uswaúrhts* (1) 5, us-waúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gerecht; ne. right (Adj.), righteous, justified, uncorrupt

right -- right hand: got. taíhswa* (2) 2, taíh-s-w-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. die Rechte, die rechte Hand; ne. the right, right hand

right -- right now: got. nū 231=229,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nun, jetzt, also, folglich, demnach; ne. now, right now, just now, then, therefore

right -- right then: got. sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

right -- right there: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

right -- set right: got. garaíhtjan 4, ga-raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. als gerecht erweisen, etwas richten, hinlenken, lenken, rechtfertigen; ne. make straight, set right, rectify, correct (V.), make righteous, direct (V.); gaþwastjan* 5=4, ga-þwa-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, stärken; ne. firm up, make firm, make secure, solidify, restore, set right; *raíhtjan, *raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „richten“; ne. make straight, set right

right -- showing to be in the right: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

right -- show to be in the right: got. gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

right -- the right: got. taíhswa* (2) 2, taíh-s-w-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. die Rechte, die rechte Hand; ne. the right, right hand

right -- with right: got. garaíhtaba 4, ga-raíh-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. gerecht, mit Recht; ne. uprightly, righteously, justly, with right

righteous: got. garaíhts 36=35, ga-raíh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gerecht; ne. upright, righteous, just (Adj.); uswaúrhts* (1) 5, us-waúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gerecht; ne. right (Adj.), righteous, justified, uncorrupt

-- make righteous: got. garaíhtjan 4, ga-raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. als gerecht erweisen, etwas richten, hinlenken, lenken, rechtfertigen; ne. make straight, set right, rectify, correct (V.), make righteous, direct (V.)

righteously: got. garaíhtaba 4, ga-raíh-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. gerecht, mit Recht; ne. uprightly, righteously, justly, with right

righteousness: got. garaíhtei 40, ga-raíh-t-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gerechtigkeit, Gebot; ne. righteousness, uprightness, rectitude, justice, order (N.), command (N.); garaíhtiþa* 3, ga-raíh-t-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gerechtigkeit; ne. justice, justification, righteousness; uswaúrhts* (2) 2, us-waúrh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gerechtigkeit; ne. righteousness, uprightness, rectitude, virtuousness, justice

rightly: got. *raíhtaba 6, *raíh-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. recht, richtig; ne. uprightly, rightly, correctly, straightly; waíla 43, waíl-a,  Adv.: nhd. wohl, gut, wohlan; ne. well (Adv.), rightly, very well, well enough

„rightness“: got. *raíhtiþa?, *raíh-t-iþ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Richtigkeit“; ne. „rightness“

rightness: got. *raíhtei?, *raíh-t-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Richtigkeit; ne. rightness

rigid -- become rigid: got. gastaúrknan* 1, ga-staúr-k-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vertrocknen, verdorren; ne. become rigid, stiffen, wither (V.); *staúrknan?, *staúr-k-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verdorren; ne. become rigid

ring -- army ring: got. *harihriggs, *hari-hri-gg-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Heerring; ne. army ring, ring of soldiers

ring -- finger ring: got. figgragulþ* 1, figg-r-a-gul-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Fingergold“, Fingerring; ne. finger ring, „finger gold“

ring -- ring (N.): got. *baugs, *baug-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ring; ne. ring (N.); *hriggs, *hri-gg-s, rinck 2, ringo,  rinck 2, ringo, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Ring, Kreis; ne. ring (N.); lat. anulus

ring -- ring of soldiers: got. *harihriggs, *hari-hri-gg-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Heerring; ne. army ring, ring of soldiers

rip -- rip apart: got. disskreitan* 1, dis-skrei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. zerreißen (tr.); ne. tear asunder, rip apart, rive, split apart

rip -- rip off: got. *riuban, *riu-b-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend (V.), rip off, break off, tear off

ripen: got. gawrisqan* 1, ga-wri-sq-an*,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. Frucht bringen; ne. bear fruit, reach maturity, ripen, mature (V.); *wrisqan?, *wri-sq-an?,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. Frucht bringen; ne. reach maturity, ripen, mature

rise -- cause to rise up: got. urraisjan 26, ur-rai-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Aufstehen bringen, aufrichten, erwecken, erregen, aufregen; ne. cause to rise up, raise up, rouse (V.), arouse

rise -- rise up: got. fraqiman* 7, fra-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. verzehren, ausgeben, vertun, verwenden; ne. use up, expend, consume, exhaust (V.), spend, rise up; usstandan 41, us-sta-n-d-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich erheben, aufbrechen, auferstehen, aufstehen; ne. stand up, rise up, arise, emerge, proceed out

rise -- rise up together: got. miþurreisan* 2, mi-þ-ur-rei-s-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitaufstehen; ne. rise up together, arise together with

rise -- rise (V.): got. *reisan, *rei-s-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erheben; ne. lift (V.), rise (V.); urreisan 58, ur-rei-s-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erstehen, sich erheben, aufstehen; ne. arise, rise (V.), get up; urrinnan* 27, ur-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. auslaufen, ausgehen, aufgehen (von Samen oder von der Sonne); ne. run out, emerge, come forth, come up (of plant seed or the sun), rise (V.)

rising -- rising ground: got. hlain* 1, hlai-n*, hlains*,  M.?, N.? (a): nhd. Hügel; ne. rising ground, hill, hillock

rising -- rising (N.): got. urruns (1) 3, ur-ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Aufgang (der Sonne), Osten, Abtritt; ne. egress (N.), emergence, solar egress, sunrise, sunup, runoff, sewer, latrine, toilet, rising (N.)

rising -- rising up: got. urrists* 1, ur-ri-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auferstehung; ne. arising (N.), rising up; usstass 16, us-sta-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auferstehung; ne. resurrection, rising up

rite: got. *blōstr?, *blō-st-r?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Opfer; ne. rite, sacrificial ceremony

rival -- rival (V.): got. haifstjan 4, haif-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streiten; ne. compete in a contest, contend, rival (V.), vie with, strive in competition, fight (V.)

rivalry: got. haifsts* 12=11, haif-st-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Streit, Zank; ne. contestation, competition, rivalry, striving in competition, conflict (N.)

rive: got. disskreitan* 1, dis-skrei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. zerreißen (tr.); ne. tear asunder, rip apart, rive, split apart; *skreitan?, *skrei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. reißen; ne. tear (V.), pull (V.), rive

riven -- become riven: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

riven -- be riven: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; *skritnan?, *skri-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reißen (intr.); ne. be riven

river: got. aƕa 7, aƕ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fluss, Gewässer; ne. flowing body of water, river, stream (N.), torrent

road: got. gagg* 2, ga-g-g*, gaggs*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gang (M.) (2), Weg, Straße; ne. street, way, road; wigs (1) 41, wig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Weg; ne. way, road

-- main road: got. gatwō* 1, gat-wō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gasse; ne. thoroughfare, street, main road

-- rough road: got. usdrusts* 1, us-dru-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. rauher Weg; ne. potholed area, uneven area, rough road

road-bramble: got. wigadeinō* 1, wiga-dein-ō*, wigadeina*,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (ō)?: nhd. Dornpflanze, Distel; ne. way-thistle, road-bramble, thistle

roar -- roar (V.): got. *bramjan?, *bra-m-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. brüllen; ne. roar (V.); *brammōn?, *bra-m-m-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. brüllen; ne. roar (V.); *hlimman?, *hli-m-m-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. rauschen; ne. crash (V.), roar (V.), rush (V.), resound

roast: got. breen 1, krim sw. V.: nhd. schmoren; ne. roast; lat. assare

-- roast (V.): got. *brasōn, *bras-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. braten; ne. roast (V.); *raustjan, *rau-s-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rösten (V.) (1); ne. roast (V.)

rob: got. biraubōn* 2, bi-rau-b-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. berauben, ausziehen; ne. rob, strip of; gatarnjan* 1, ga-tar-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. berauben; ne. wrest from, extract from, remove (V.) forcibly, rob, take away; wilwan 3, wil-w-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. rauben; ne. plunder (V.), rob, seize by violence

-- rob (V.): got. *raubōn, *rau-b-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rauben; ne. rob (V.)

robber: got. þiufs* 8, þiuf-s*, þiubs,  st. M. (a): nhd. Dieb, Räuber; ne. thief, robber; waidēdja 9, wai-dē-d-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Übeltäter, Räuber; ne. „woe-doer“, evil-doer, malefactor, robber, bandit, felon; wilwa 3, wil-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Räuber; ne. robber, strong-arm bandit

robbery: got. *rahna, *rahn-a,  Sb.: nhd. Raub; ne. robbery; *rauba, *rau-b-a,  st. F. (ō), M.?: nhd. Raub, Beute (F.) (1), Kleid; ne. robbery, booty, loot, dress (N.); wulwa* 1, wul-w-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Raub; ne. robbery, plunder (N.)

robe -- robe (N.): got. snaga* 5, snag-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gewand, Mantel, Oberkleid; ne. outer garment, cloak (N.), robe (N.)

robust: got. swinþs* 11=10, swinþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, kräftig, gesund; ne. strong, physically powerful, healthy, sound (Adj.), robust

rock -- rock (N.): got. hallus* 1, hal-l-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Fels, Stein; ne. stone slab, stone block, boulder, rock (N.); stains 34, stai-n-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stein, Fels; ne. stone (N.), rock (N.)

rocky -- rocky ground: got. *skorristr?, *skor-r-ist-r?,  Sb.: nhd. Felsboden; ne. rocky ground

rod: got. wandus* 1, wa-nd-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. „Gewundenes“, Rute; ne. rod, stick (N.)(1), cane (N.)

-- rod (N.): got. *gands?, *gan-d-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stock, Stab, Zauber?; ne. stick (N.), rod (N.), magic (N.)

roll -- make roll up: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

roll -- make roll up before: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

roll -- roll against: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

roll -- roll around on the ground: got. walwisōn* 1, wal-wis-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich wälzen; ne. roll around on the ground, wallow (V.), flounder around

roll -- roll away: got. afwalwjan* 2, af-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wegwälzen; ne. remove by rolling, roll away

roll -- roll over: got. *wiltan?, *wil-t-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. wälzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble, roll over

roll -- roll to: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

roll -- roll together: got. falþan* 1, fal-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. falten, zusammenrollen, zusammenlegen; ne. fold (V.), fold up, roll together

roll -- roll up: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

roll -- roll (V.): got. *walgjan, *wal-g-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wälzen; ne. roll (V.); waltjan* 1, wal-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wälzen, stürzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble (V.), capsize, turn over, beat into; *walwjan?, *wal-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wälzen; ne. roll (V.); *wiltan?, *wil-t-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. wälzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble, roll over

rolling -- move in front of by rolling: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

rolling -- move to by rolling: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

rolling -- remove by rolling: got. afwalwjan* 2, af-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wegwälzen; ne. remove by rolling, roll away

Roman -- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

Romans: got. Rūmōneis* 2,  st. M. (i) Pl.: nhd. Römer; ne. Romans

Rome: got. Rūma* 2, Rūm-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Rom; ne. Rome

romp -- romp (N.): got. laiks* 1, laik-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Tanz; ne. frolic (N.), dancing (N.), romp (N.), dance (N.)

romp -- romp (V.): got. laikan* 3, laik-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. hüpfen, springen; ne. frolic (V.), romp (V.), jump for joy, hop (V.) (1)

roof: got. hrōt* 6,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dach, Haus; ne. roof, housetop, house (N.)

-- edge of a roof peak: got. gibla* 1, gibl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Giebel (M.) (1); ne. gable, edge of a roof peak

-- roof (N.): got. *laubjō laubi, *laub-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Laube, Vorhalle, Dach; ne. summerhouse, portico, roof (N.)

room -- find room: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

room -- guest room: got. saliþwa* 4, sal-i-þw-a*, (Pl. saliþwōs),  st. F. (ō): nhd. Herberge, Wohnung; ne. lodging, guest room, inn, dwelling (N.)

room -- main room: got. *sals?, *sal-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Saal; ne. main room, main hall

room -- room (N.): got. rūm* 1, rū-m*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Raum, Platz (M.) (1); ne. room (N.), space (N.)

room -- treasure room: got. gazaúflakiō* (?) 1, gazaú-flaki-ō*,  Sb. (n): nhd. Schatzhaus, Schatzkammer; ne. treasury, treasure room

room -- upper room: got. kēlikn* 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Turm, Speisesaal im Obergeschoß, Söller; ne. tower (N.), upper room, loft (N.), upstairs room

room -- upstairs room: got. kēlikn* 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Turm, Speisesaal im Obergeschoß, Söller; ne. tower (N.), upper room, loft (N.), upstairs room

roomy: got. rūms 1, rū-m-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geräumig; ne. roomy, spacious, commodious

roost -- roost (N.): got. sitls* 4, sit-l-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Sitz, Stuhl, Wohnstätte, Nest; ne. seat (N.), chair, throne (N.), nest (N.), roost (N.)

rooster: got. hana 7, han-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hahn; ne. cock (M.), rooster

-- crowing of a rooster: got. hrūk* 1, hrū-k*, hrūks*?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Krähen (N.); ne. crowing of a rooster

root -- root (N.): got. waúrts (1) 12, waúrt-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wurzel; ne. root (N.)

rooted: got. gawaúrts* 1, ga-waúrt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eingewurzelt; ne. rooted, with roots

rootlessness: got. uswissi* 1, us-wi-s-s-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Leichtfertigkeit, Eitelkeit; ne. rootlessness, disconnectedness, detachedness

roots -- with roots: got. gawaúrts* 1, ga-waúrt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eingewurzelt; ne. rooted, with roots

rope: got. *sail, *sai-l, *sails,  st. M.?, N.?(a): nhd. Seil; ne. rope, cable

ropes -- affix ropes to: got. insailjan* 1, in-sai-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anseilen, herablassen; ne. affix ropes to, tie ropes onto, let down

ropes -- tie ropes onto: got. insailjan* 1, in-sai-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anseilen, herablassen; ne. affix ropes to, tie ropes onto, let down; *sailjan, *sai-l-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „seilen“; ne. tie ropes onto

rough -- rough road: got. usdrusts* 1, us-dru-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. rauher Weg; ne. potholed area, uneven area, rough road

round -- come round about: got. biqiman* 1, bi-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. überfallen; ne. come round about, encompass, envelop (V.), attack (V.)

round -- dwell round about: got. bisitan* 5, bi-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. herumsitzen, herumwohnen, umwohnen, nahe wohnen; ne. be situated around, neighbour (V.), dwell round about

round -- look round about: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

round -- round about: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; bisunjanē 7, bi-sun-j-a-nē,  Adv.: nhd. ringsum; ne. round about, in the hear (N.) of, neighbouring (Adv.)

round -- round mass: got. *kruppa, *kru-p-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. runde Masse; ne. round mass

round -- wind round about: got. biwaibjan* 3, bi-waib-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umwinden, umgeben, umkleiden; ne. surround (V.), clothe, wrap around, envelop, wind round about

rouse -- rouse (V.): got. urraisjan 26, ur-rai-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Aufstehen bringen, aufrichten, erwecken, erregen, aufregen; ne. cause to rise up, raise up, rouse (V.), arouse

royal -- royal domain: got. þiudangardi 65, þiu-d-an-gard-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Königsschloss, Königreich, Palast; ne. royal domain, realm, kingdom, royal palace, king’s court

royal -- royal palace: got. þiudangardi 65, þiu-d-an-gard-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Königsschloss, Königreich, Palast; ne. royal domain, realm, kingdom, royal palace, king’s court

r-rune -- name of r-rune: got. raida* 1, raid-a*, rēda,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wagen, r-Rune; ne. wagon, riding vehicle, name of r-rune

rub -- rub to powder: got. gamalwjan* 1, ga-mal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zermalmen, zerknirschen; ne. grind up, crush (V.), pulverize, rub to powder

rub -- rub (V.): got. bnáuan* 1, b-náu-an*,  unr. red. V. (5): nhd. zerreiben; ne. rub (V.); *nauan?, *nau-an?,  red. V. (5): nhd. reiben; ne. rub (V.); *streikan, *strei-k-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. streichen; ne. stroke (V.), rub (V.), make a stroke

Rugian: got. *Rugeis, *Rug-ei-s, *Rugis,  st. M. (i): nhd. Rugier; ne. Rugian

Rugians: got. *Hulmarugeis?, *Hul-m-a-rug-ei-s?,  st. M. Pl. (i): nhd. Rugier; ne. Rugians

ruin -- ruin (N.): got. riurei 3, riur-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Vernichtung, Vergänglichkeit; ne. ruination, ruin (N.), corruption, disintegration, perdition, destruction; uswalteins 2, us-wal-t-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Umwälzung, Zusammensturz, Zerstörung, Untergang; ne. capsizal, downthrow (N.), overthrow (N.), overturn (N.), collapse (N.), downfall, ruin (N.)

ruin -- ruin (V.): got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate; riurjan* 1, riur-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben (tr.); ne. corrupt (V.), spoil (V.), ruin (V.), make perish, destroy; *taíran?, *taír-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. zerstören, zerreißen (tr.), auflösen; ne. tear down, dismantle, demolish, ruin (V.)

ruination: got. riurei 3, riur-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Vernichtung, Vergänglichkeit; ne. ruination, ruin (N.), corruption, disintegration, perdition, destruction

rule -- rule (N.): got. garaideins 8=7, ga-rai-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Anordnung, Satzung, Regel; ne. directive (N.), rule (N.), regulation, ordinance, decree (N.); þiudinassus 10, þiu-d-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Regierung, Königreich, Reich; ne. governance, reign (N.), reigning (N.), kingship, kingdom, rule (N.)

rule -- rule over: got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over

rule -- rule (V.): got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over; gafraujinōn* 1, ga-frau-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, herrschen; ne. dominate, rule (V.), lord it over, subordinate (V.); reikinōn 3, reik-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen über, beherrschen; ne. rule (V.), govern, have power over; þiudanōn 7, þiu-d-an-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. herrschen, König sein (V.); ne. reign (V.), be a king, rule (V.); waldan 2, wald-an,  red. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. walten, haushalten, dem Hauswesen vorstehen; ne. control (V.), govern, rule (V.), have dominion over, wield power over, suffice

rule -- rule with: got. miþþiudanōn* 2, mi-þ-þiu-d-an-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitherrschen; ne. reign with, rule with

ruler: got. allwaldands 1, al-l-wald-an-d-s,  sw. Adj.=Part. Präs., subst. M.: nhd. allmächtig, Allmächtiger, Allwaltender; ne. ruler, all-ruler, almighty; faúramaþleis 10, faúr-a-ma-þl-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Vorsteher, Gebieter, Sprecher; ne. ruler, prince, chief, head man, governor, official (M.); fraujinōnds* 1, frau-ji-n-ōn-d-s*,  st. M. (nd): nhd. Herrscher, Herr; ne. lord (M.), master (M.), ruler, sovereign; kindins 7, kin-d-in-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Statthalter, Landpfleger; ne. governor, ruler, ethnarch; reiks (2) 14, reik-s, riks*,  M. (kons.): nhd. Herrscher, Obrigkeit; ne. ruler, lord, prince; *walds?, *wald-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Walter, Herrscher; ne. commander, ruler

-- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

-- ruler of the household: got. gardawaldands 2, gar-d-a-wal-d-an-d-s,  M. (nd): nhd. Hausherr; ne. ruler of the household, house master

-- ruler of the synagogue: got. swnagōgafaþs* 4, swn-ag-ō-g-a-faþ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Synagogenvorsteher; ne. synagogue leader, ruler of the synagogue

-- world ruler: got. safairƕu habands, got.: nhd. Weltherrscher; ne. world ruler

rulership: got. reiki* 8, reik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Reich, Herrschaft, Obrigkeit; ne. rulership, government, sovereignty, ruling power, authority, realm

ruling: got. swaswē fraujinōnds: nhd. als gebietend, gebotsweise; ne. ruling

-- ruling power: got. reiki* 8, reik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Reich, Herrschaft, Obrigkeit; ne. rulership, government, sovereignty, ruling power, authority, realm

rump: got. *baurtils?, *baur-t-il-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Bürzel; ne. rump

run -- make run: got. *rannjan?, *ra-n-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. laufen machen; ne. make run

run -- make run down over: got. *ufarrannjan 3, *uf-ar-ra-n-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „überrennen“, besprengen; ne. make run down over

run -- run about: got. birinnan* 2, bi-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umringen, herumlaufen, durchstreifen, umdrängen, umgeben, umherlaufen; ne. run around, run about, surround (V.), gather around

run -- run amiss: got. frarinnan* 1, fra-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich verlaufen zu, geraten unter; ne. run awry, run amiss, meet up with

run -- run around: got. birinnan* 2, bi-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umringen, herumlaufen, durchstreifen, umdrängen, umgeben, umherlaufen; ne. run around, run about, surround (V.), gather around

run -- run away in flight: got. afþliuhan* 1, af-þli-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegfliehen, fliehen; ne. flee off, run away in flight, escape (V.)

run -- run awry: got. frarinnan* 1, fra-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich verlaufen zu, geraten unter; ne. run awry, run amiss, meet up with

run -- run before: got. faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

run -- run forth: got. durinnan* 2, du-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run to meet, run forth, run up, approach (V.)

run -- run (N.): got. *runjō?, *ru-n-j-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), flow (N.), flux, course; runs (1) 5, ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), course, racecourse, flow (N.), flux, issue (N.); *runs (2), *ru-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lauf; ne. running (N.), run (N.), course

run -- run on: got. biþragjan* 1, bi-þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeilaufen, vorauslaufen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up close by, run on

run -- run out: got. urrinnan* 27, ur-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. auslaufen, ausgehen, aufgehen (von Samen oder von der Sonne); ne. run out, emerge, come forth, come up (of plant seed or the sun), rise (V.)

run -- run thither: got. atrinnan* 1, at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run thither, run up to, come up

run -- run together: got. garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather

run -- run to meet: got. durinnan* 2, du-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run to meet, run forth, run up, approach (V.)

run -- run up: got. durinnan* 2, du-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run to meet, run forth, run up, approach (V.)

run -- run up before: got. duatrinnan* 1, du-at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzurennen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up before

run -- run up close by: got. biþragjan* 1, bi-þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeilaufen, vorauslaufen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up close by, run on

run -- run up to: got. atrinnan* 1, at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run thither, run up to, come up; biþragjan* 1, bi-þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeilaufen, vorauslaufen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up close by, run on; duatrinnan* 1, du-at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzurennen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up before

run -- run (V.): got. *hlaupan?, *hlaup-an?,  red. V. (2): nhd. laufen, springen; ne. run (V.), jump (V.); rinnan* 14, ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. rennen, laufen; ne. run (V.), rush (V.), walk (V.); þragjan* 4, þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. laufen; ne. run (V.), go running

runnel: got. rinnō* 1, ri-n-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gießbach; ne. runnel, brook (1), watercourse, flume, torrent

running -- go running: got. þragjan* 4, þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. laufen; ne. run (V.), go running

running -- running (N.): got. *ranneins?, *ra-n-n-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Laufen; ne. running (N.); *runjō?, *ru-n-j-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), flow (N.), flux, course; runs (1) 5, ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Lauf, Fluss; ne. running (N.), run (N.), course, racecourse, flow (N.), flux, issue (N.); *runs (2), *ru-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lauf; ne. running (N.), run (N.), course

running -- running together: got. garuns* 3, ga-ru-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Markt, Straße; ne. concourse, public mall, marketplace, running together, street

running -- win by running: got. garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather

runoff: got. urruns (1) 3, ur-ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Aufgang (der Sonne), Osten, Abtritt; ne. egress (N.), emergence, solar egress, sunrise, sunup, runoff, sewer, latrine, toilet, rising (N.)

rural -- rural area: got. weihs* (2) 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dorf, Weiler, Flecken; ne. rural hamlet, country precinct, rural area, village

rural -- rural hamlet: got. weihs* (2) 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dorf, Weiler, Flecken; ne. rural hamlet, country precinct, rural area, village

rural -- rural town: got. haims* (1) 14, hai-m-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Dorf, Land (= haimōs), Flecken; ne. village, rural town

rush -- rush (V.): got. gasniumjan* 1, ga-sniu-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineilen, kommen; ne. hasten, rush (V.), come first; *hlimman?, *hli-m-m-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. rauschen; ne. crash (V.), roar (V.), rush (V.), resound; *hrapōn?, *hra-p-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. stürzen, eilen; ne. rush (V.), dash (V.); rinnan* 14, ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. rennen, laufen; ne. run (V.), rush (V.), walk (V.); run gawaurkjan sis, got.: nhd. stürzen; ne. rush (V.); sniumjan* 5, sniu-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. eilen; ne. hurry (V.), hasten, rush (V.)

rust -- rust (N.): got. nidwa 2, ni-d-wa,  st. F. (ō, wō): nhd. Verzehren, Rost (M.) (2); ne. rust (N.), corrosion, decay; *rus-,  Sb.: nhd. Rost (M.) (2)?; ne. rust (N.)

rustle -- rustle (N.): got. *swōgs?, *s-wō-g-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Geräusch (N.) (1); ne. noise, rustle (N.)

rye: got. *rugi,  st. M.: nhd. Roggen; ne. rye

s. -- take unto o. s.: got. niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away

Sabbath: got. sabbatō 28,  M. (indekl.) (u) (i): nhd. Sabbat; ne. Sabbath, Saturday

-- day before Sabbath: got. fruma sabbatō: nhd. Vorsabbat, Tag vor dem Sabbat; ne. day before Sabbath

sabre: got. haírus 10, haír-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Schwert; ne. sword, sabre; mēki* 2, mēk-i*, mēkeis*, mycha,  mycha, krim st. N. (i)?, st. M. (ja)?: nhd. Schwert; ne. sword, sabre; lat. ensis

sacerdotal -- sacerdotal official: got. weiha 1, weih-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Priester; ne. priest, sacerdotal official

sack -- sack (N.): got. sakkus* 2, sakku-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Sack; ne. sackcloth, sack (N.), bag (N.)

sackcloth: got. sakkus* 2, sakku-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Sack; ne. sackcloth, sack (N.), bag (N.)

sacred -- sacred and inviolable: got. hailags* 1, hai-l-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig, geweiht; ne. holy, sacrosanct, sacred and inviolable

sacredly: got. weihaba 1, weih-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. heilig; ne. hallowedly, with sanctitiy, sacredly, earnestly

sacredotal -- perform in sacredotal capacity: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

sacrifice -- place for sacrifice: got. hunslastaþs* 4, hun-sl-a-staþ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Opferstätte, Altar; ne. place for sacrifice, altar

sacrifice -- sacrifice (N.): got. blōtinassus* 3, blōt-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Verehrung, Gottesverehrung; ne. sacrifice (N.), worship (N.), religious veneration; hunsl* 7, hun-sl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Opfer; ne. sacrifice (N.), immolation; sauþs* 4, sau-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Opfer; ne. sacrificial offering, sacrifice (N.); *taban?, *ta-b-an?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Opfer, Opfertier; ne. sacrifice (N.), sacrificial animal

sacrifice -- sacrifice (V.): got. andsaljan 1, and-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darbringen, opfern; ne. pay in tribute to, offer as tribute to, sacrifice (V.); gasaljan* 3, ga-sal-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. opfern, zum Opfer bringen; ne. make an oblation of, offer up, sacrifice (V.); hunsljan* 1, hun-sl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. sacrifice (V.), immolate; saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

sacrificial -- sacrificial animal: got. *taban?, *ta-b-an?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Opfer, Opfertier; ne. sacrifice (N.), sacrificial animal

sacrificial -- sacrificial animal of poor people: got. hraiwadūbō* 1, hrai-w-a-dūb-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Leichentaube“, Turteltaube; ne. turtle-dove, wild dark dove, sacrificial animal of poor people

sacrificial -- sacrificial ceremony: got. *blōstr?, *blō-st-r?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Opfer; ne. rite, sacrificial ceremony

sacrificial -- sacrificial gift: got. tibr* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Opfer; ne. sacrificial gift, oblation

sacrificial -- sacrificial offering: got. sauþs* 4, sau-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Opfer; ne. sacrificial offering, sacrifice (N.)

sacrilegious -- sacrilegious speech: got. *wajamēreins 5, *waj-a-mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, abusive speech, desecrating speech, sacrilegious speech

sacrilegiously -- speak sacrilegiously: got. wajamērjan 10, waj-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lästern; ne. defame (V.), slander (V.), blaspheme, speak sacrilegiously

sacrosanct: got. hailags* 1, hai-l-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig, geweiht; ne. holy, sacrosanct, sacred and inviolable

sad: got. gaurs 6, gau-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. betrübt, traurig, mürrisch; ne. grieved, anguished, pained, sorrowful, sad, sullen

Sadduccees: got. Saddukaieis 2,  st. M. (i), Pl.: nhd. Saduzäer; ne. Sadduccees, Zadokites

sadness: got. trigō* 1, trig-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Trauer, Unlust; ne. grief, sadness, woefulness, regret (N.)

safe -- keep safe: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.); *gafreidjan?, *ga-frei-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhalten (V.), schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, hold in custody, preserve (V.)

safe -- make safe: got. ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.)

safeguard: got. þwastiþa 1, þwa-st-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sicherheit; ne. stability, security, establishedness, safeguard

safekeeping -- act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping: got. anafilh* 6, an-a-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Anvertrautes“, Empfehlung, Überlieferung; ne. act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping, commendation, recommendation, tradition

safekeeping -- commit to for safekeeping: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

safekeeping -- cover up for safekeeping: got. filhan 1, fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. verbergen, begraben (V.); ne. hide (V.), conceal, conceal in the ground, bury, cover up for safekeeping

safekeeping -- safekeeping (N.): got. gafreideins* 3=2, ga-frei-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erhaltung, Bewahrung, Schonung; ne. safekeeping (N.), custody (N.), possession, careful treatment

safety -- put into safety: got. ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.)

sagacious: got. snutrs* 2, snutr-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. weise; ne. clever, sagacious, wise (Adj.)

sagacity: got. snutrei* 2, snutr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Weisheit; ne. cleverness, sagacity, wisdom

sail -- sail (V.): got. farjan* 2, far-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fahren, schiffen; ne. seafare (V.), go by sea, travel by boat, sail (V.), cruise (V.)

saintliness: got. gagudei 12, ga-gu-d-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Frömmigkeit; ne. godliness, piety, devotion, saintliness; *gudei?, *gu-d-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Frömmigkeit; ne. godliness, piety, devotion, saintliness

saintly: got. gaguþs* 1, ga-gu-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ehrbar, anständig; ne. godly, pious, saintly, honourable, respected

-- in a saintly manner: got. gagudaba 1, ga-gu-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. fromm, gottesfürchtig; ne. godly, in a godly manner, in a saintly manner

sake: got. waíhts 80=79, waíh-t-s,  st. F. (i), F. (kons.): nhd. Ding, Sache, etwas; ne. thing, anything, something, entity, whit, sake, objective, matter (N.)

-- for the sake of: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; in þizōzei waihtais: nhd. weshalb; ne. for the sake of, this thing which

sale -- sale deed: got. frabaúhtabōka* 1, fra-baúh-t-a-bōk-a*,  st. F. (ō)?, st. N. (ō)?, Pl.: nhd. Verkaufsurkunde; ne. written deed of sale, sale document, sale deed, sales receipt

sale -- sale document: got. frabaúhtabōka* 1, fra-baúh-t-a-bōk-a*,  st. F. (ō)?, st. N. (ō)?, Pl.: nhd. Verkaufsurkunde; ne. written deed of sale, sale document, sale deed, sales receipt

sale -- written deed of sale: got. frabaúhtabōka* 1, fra-baúh-t-a-bōk-a*,  st. F. (ō)?, st. N. (ō)?, Pl.: nhd. Verkaufsurkunde; ne. written deed of sale, sale document, sale deed, sales receipt

sales -- sales receipt: got. frabaúhtabōka* 1, fra-baúh-t-a-bōk-a*,  st. F. (ō)?, st. N. (ō)?, Pl.: nhd. Verkaufsurkunde; ne. written deed of sale, sale document, sale deed, sales receipt

saliva: got. spaiskuldr* 1, spai-sk-ul-dr*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Speichel; ne. spit (N.), spittle, saliva

salt -- salt (N.): got. salt 8, sal-t,  krim st. N. (a): nhd. Salz; ne. salt (N.); lat. sal

salt -- salt (V.): got. gasupōn* 2, ga-su-p-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. würzen, salzen; ne. season (V.), spice (V.), salt (V.); saltan* 2, sal-t-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. salzen; ne. salt (V.); supōn* 1, su-p-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. würzen, salzen; ne. season (V.), spice (V.), salt (V.)

salted: got. *saltans?, *sal-t-an-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. gesalzen; ne. salted

salutation: got. gōleins 6, gōl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gruß; ne. greeting (N.), salutation

salutations -- address with salutations: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

salute -- salute (V.): got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone; gōljan 19, gōl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. grüßen; ne. greet, salute (V.); inweitan* 10, in-wei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. Verehrung erweisen, begrüßen, anbeten, ansehen, verehren; ne. pay homage to, pay respect to, salute (V.), worship (V.)

salvation: got. ganists 12=11, ga-nis-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Rettung, Heil, Erhaltung; ne. salvation, rescue (N.), deliverance; naseins 14, nas-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Rettung, Heil; ne. saving (N.), salvation, preservation, rescue (N.), deliverance; *nists?, *nis-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Rettung, Heil, Genesung; ne. salvation, rescue (N.), deliverance; uslauseins* 2, us-lau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erlösung; ne. release (N.), liberation, freeing, salvation; usluneins* 1, us-lu-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erlösung; ne. redemption, salvation

salve -- salve (1) (N.): got. salbōns* 1, salb-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Salbe; ne. ointment, salve (1) (N.), unguent

salve -- salve with an ointment: got. gasalbōn* 6, ga-salb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. salben, besalben; ne. anoint (V.), salve with an ointment; salbōn 5, salb-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. salben; ne. anoint, salve with an ointment

salves -- aromatic oils or salves: got. arōmata 1, arōmat-a,  st. N. (a): nhd. Spezereien, Gewürze; ne. spices, aromatic oils or salves

Samaritan: got. Samareitēs 3,  st. M. (i): nhd. Samariter; ne. Samaritan

same: got. sama 45, sam-a,  sw. Pron., Suff.: nhd. derselbe, der nämliche, -sam; ne. same, the same, -some

-- all together at the same time: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- all together to the same place: got. samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

-- and at the same time: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- at the same time: got. samana 12, sam-a-n-a,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, gemeinschaftlich, zugleich; ne. at the same time, all together, in union; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- at the same time that: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

-- in just the same manner: got. swa 115=113,  Adv.: nhd. so; ne. so, thus, just so, in just the same manner

-- in the same moment: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon; sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

-- in the same moment when: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

-- in the same way: got. analeikō 1, an-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichermaßen; ne. likewise, in like manner, in the same way, similarly; samaleikō 23, sam-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichfalls, ebenfalls, desgleichen; ne. likewise, in the same way, in like manner, in the selfsame manner, similarly

-- of the same body: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

-- of the same form: got. samaleiks* 2, sam-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich, übereinstimmend, gleichlautend; ne. identical, of the same form, equal, like (1)

-- of the same household: got. innakunds* 2, in-n-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Haus gehörig, Hausgenosse (subst.); ne. from within the household, of the same household

-- of the same kin: got. samakuns* 1, sam-a-kun-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. desselben Geschlechts, verwandt; ne. of the same kin, kindred (Adj.), related (Adj.)

-- of the same mind: got. samafraþjis* 1, sam-a-fraþ-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gleichgesinnt; ne. identically-minded, of the same mind; samasaiwals* 1, sam-a-sai-w-al-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. unanimous, of the same soul, united in soul, of the same mind

-- of the same proportions: got. samalauþs* 1, sam-a-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich groß, derselbe; ne. of the same proportions, equivalent (Adj.), as much

-- of the same soul: got. samasaiwals* 1, sam-a-sai-w-al-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. unanimous, of the same soul, united in soul, of the same mind

-- one of the same household: got. ingardja* (1) 3=2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgenosse; ne. household member, one of the same household

-- partner in the same body: got. galeika* 1, ga-leik-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Miteinverleibter“, eines Leibes; ne. „corpus-mate“, partner in the same body

-- the same: got. sama 45, sam-a,  sw. Pron., Suff.: nhd. derselbe, der nämliche, -sam; ne. same, the same, -some

-- the very same: got. sa 2800,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der, dieser; ne. this, this very one, the very same, that one there

-- to the same place: got. samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

sample -- sample (V.): got. kausjan 7, kaus-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Gen., m. Akk.: nhd. kosten (V.) (2), kennen lernen, prüfen; ne. sample (V.), experience (V.), taste (V.), try out, test (V.), prove (V.)

sanctification: got. weihiþa* 7, weih-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weihe (F.) (2), Heiligung, Heiligkeit; ne. holiness, sanctity, sanctification, consecration, holiness

sanctified: got. weihs (1) 88, weih-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig, geweiht; ne. holy, hallow (Adj.), sanctified

-- become sanctified: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- be sanctified: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

sanctify: got. gaweihan* 7, ga-weih-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. weihen, heiligen; ne. hallow (V.), make holy, sanctify, consecrate; weihan* (2) 3, weih-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. weihen, heiligen; ne. hallow (V.), make holy, sanctify, consecrate (V.)

sanctitiy -- with sanctitiy: got. weihaba 1, weih-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. heilig; ne. hallowedly, with sanctitiy, sacredly, earnestly

sanctity: got. weihiþa* 7, weih-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weihe (F.) (2), Heiligung, Heiligkeit; ne. holiness, sanctity, sanctification, consecration, holiness

-- outside of sanctity: got. usweihs* 3, us-weih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. außer der Weihe, unheilig, profan; ne. profane (Adj.), execrated, outside of sanctity, unholy

sanctuary: got. *weih,  st. N. (a): nhd. Heiligtum, Tempel; ne. sanctuary, temple, holy place

sand -- sand (N.): got. *aur (1),  st. M. (a): nhd. Sand, Kies; ne. sand (N.), grit (N.), gravel (N.); malma 2, mal-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sand; ne. sand (N.); mulda* 2, mul-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Staub; ne. dust (N.), sand (N.), earth

sandal: got. skōhs* (1) 3, skōh-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schuh, Sandale; ne. shoe (N.), sandal; sulja* 1, sul-j-a*, suljō*?,  st. F. (ō)?, M.?: nhd. Sohle, Sandale; ne. sole (N.), sandal

-- sandal strap: got. skaudaraip* 3, skau-d-a-rai-p*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Riemen (M.) (1), Schuhriemen; ne. sandal strap, foot-sheathing thong

sandals: got. gaskōhi* 2, ga-skōh-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Sandalen, Schuhe, Schuhwerk; ne. pair of shoes, sandals

-- wearing sandals: got. gaskōhs* 3, ga-skōh-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. beschuht; ne. shod, wearing sandals

sandy: got. *aurahs?, *aur-ah-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. sandig, kiesig; ne. sandy, earthen, gravelly

Sanhedrin: got. gafaúrds 2, ga-faúr-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versammlung, hoher Rat; ne. supreme assembly, high council, Sanhedrin

sated: got. saþs* 12, sa-þ-s*, sads,  Adj. (a): nhd. satt; ne. satisfied, sated, satiated, full

satiate: got. ganōhjan* 5, ga-nōh-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. gewähren, befriedigen, sich genügen lassen (= ganōhiþs wisan); ne. satisfy, make content, satiate; gasōþjan 3, ga-sō-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv, m. Gen., m. Dat.: nhd. ersättigen, sättigen; ne. satiate, satisfy; *sōþjan, *sō-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sättigen; ne. satiate, satisfy

satiated: got. saþs* 12, sa-þ-s*, sads,  Adj. (a): nhd. satt; ne. satisfied, sated, satiated, full

satiation: got. sōþ* 1, sō-þ*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Sättigung; ne. satiation, satisfaction

satisfaction: got. ganaúha* 3, ga-naúh-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Genüge, Auskommen, Genügsamkeit; ne. sufficiency, self-sufficiency, satisfaction, contentment; sōþ* 1, sō-þ*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Sättigung; ne. satiation, satisfaction

satisfactoriness: got. *naúha?, *naúh-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Genügsamkeit, Auskommen; ne. sufficiency, satisfactoriness

satisfied: got. saþs* 12, sa-þ-s*, sads,  Adj. (a): nhd. satt; ne. satisfied, sated, satiated, full

satisfy: got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully; ganōhjan* 5, ga-nōh-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. gewähren, befriedigen, sich genügen lassen (= ganōhiþs wisan); ne. satisfy, make content, satiate; gasōþjan 3, ga-sō-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv, m. Gen., m. Dat.: nhd. ersättigen, sättigen; ne. satiate, satisfy; *nōhjan?, *nōh-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. genügen; ne. satisfy; *sōþjan, *sō-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sättigen; ne. satiate, satisfy

-- satisfy requirements: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements

Saturday: got. sabbatō 28,  M. (indekl.) (u) (i): nhd. Sabbat; ne. Sabbath, Saturday

save: got. uslausjan* 5, us-lau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entledigen, entäußern, entleeren, berauben, erlösen, befreien, entwurzeln; ne. make empty, divest, make void, liberate, free (V.), save

-- save (1): got. nasjan 10, nas-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. retten; ne. save (1), preserve (V.), rescue (V.)

-- save (Präp.): got. alja 17, al-ja,  Konj., Präp. m. Dat.: nhd. außer; ne. but, else than, except, other than, save (Präp.), unless

-- save (V.): got. *baúrgjan?, *baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bergen; ne. save (V.); ganasjan 29, ga-nas-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erretten, herstellen, heilen (V.) (1), retten; ne. save (V.), rescue (V.), make safe, put into safety, preserve (V.), deliver, heal (V.), cure (V.), restore (V.); *lunjan, *lu-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lösen; ne. loosen, save (V.)

saved -- become saved: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.)

saved -- be saved: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.); *nisan?, *nis-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. genesen, gerettet werden; ne. be saved, be rescued

saving -- saving (N.): got. *freideins?, *frei-d-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schonung, Erhaltung; ne. saving (N.); naseins 14, nas-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Rettung, Heil; ne. saving (N.), salvation, preservation, rescue (N.), deliverance

saviour: got. nasjands 16, nas-jan-d-s,  M. (nd): nhd. Heiland, Retter; ne. saviour

say: got. qiþan 1270, qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sagen, meinen, bezeichnen, sprechen; ne. say, tell, speak, express (V.), give an opinion

-- say a prayer: got. gabidjan* 1, ga-bid-jan*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bitten, beten; ne. say a prayer, request (V.), pray

-- say farewell to: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

scabbard: got. fōdr* 1, fōd-r*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Scheide; ne. scabbard, sheath (N.), casing

scabies: got. *rappa?, *ra-p-p-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Krätze (F.) (2), Räude; ne. itch (N.), scabies, mange

scald -- scald (V.): got. *brōjan?, *brō-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. brühen; ne. scald (V.)

scarcely: got. *halis?,  Adv.: nhd. kaum; ne. hardly, scarcely

-- scarcely ever: got. halisaiw 1, halis-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. kaum je, kaum; ne. hardly ever, scarcely ever

scare -- scare away: got. afagjan* 2, af-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ängstigen, sich ängstigen, abschrecken; ne. worry (V.), scare (V.), scare away, frighten, frighten off, daunt

scare -- scare (V.): got. afagjan* 2, af-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ängstigen, sich ängstigen, abschrecken; ne. worry (V.), scare (V.), scare away, frighten, frighten off, daunt; afslauþjan* 2, af-s-lau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. in Angst versetzen, in Sorge sein (V.), ängstigen; ne. perturb, frighten, dumbfound (V.), scare (V.), silence off, make speechless; *gaisjan, *gai-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schrecken; ne. scare (V.); *geisnan?, *gei-s-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. frighten, scare (V.); ōgjan 1, ōg-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen schrecken, in Furcht setzen, erschrecken; ne. make afraid, make fear, scare (V.), frighten

scare -- scare (V.) (tr.): got. þlahsjan* 1, þlahs-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schrecken (tr.), erschrecken (tr.); ne. frighten (tr.), scare (V.) (tr.)

scared -- become scared: got. gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared

scared -- be scared: got. gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared

scatter: got. distahjan* 5, dis-tah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zerstreuen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. shred, tear to pieces, scatter, disperse

-- scatter completely away by winnowing: got. diswinþjan* 1, dis-winþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „auseinanderwerfen“, zermalmen, worfeln, zerstreuen; ne. crush (V.), scatter completely away by winnowing, dissipate to the winds

-- scatter down: got. ufstraujan* 1, uf-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darunterstreuen, unterbreiten; ne. strew down, scatter down, spread beneath

-- scatter over: got. ufartrusnjan* 1, uf-ar-trusn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überstreuen; ne. scatter over, strew over, sprinkle over

-- scatter (V.): got. frawaírpan* 2, fra-waír-p-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verwerfen, zerstreuen, wegwerfen; ne. throw away, discard, jettison, cast off, scatter (V.); straujan* 2, stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streuen, ausbreiten; ne. strew, scatter (V.), spread by throwing; *trusnjan?, *trusn-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streuen; ne. scatter (V.)

scattering: got. distaheins* 1, dis-tah-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zerstreuung; ne. dispersion, scattering, diaspora

sceptical: got. leitil galaubjands, got.: nhd. kleingläubig; ne. sceptical

schism: got. missaquiss 3, mis-s-a-qui-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwiespalt, Missrede, Streit; ne. discord (N.), discordance, difference of opinion, dissidence, dissension, schism, division of opinion

scoff -- scoff at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

scold -- scold (V.): got. anahaitan* 6, an-a-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. anrufen, bitten, schelten; ne. call on, call upon, invoke (V.), reprimand (V.), upbraid, berate, scold (V.); andbeitan 9, and-bei-t-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. schelten, bedrohen, in Verlegenheit geraten (V.), tadeln, anfahren; ne. scold (V.), threaten, snap at, rebuke, censure (V.), castigate; gasakan 19, ga-sak-an,  st. V. (6), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. überführen, schelten, den Mund stopfen, zum Schweigen bringen, widerlegen; ne. confute (V.), refute (V.), rebuke (V.), reprove, scold (V.)

scorched -- become scorched: got. ufbrinnan* 1, uf-bri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. burn up, become scorched

score -- score (V.): got. *wreitan, *wre-i-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. ritzen, reißen; ne. incise, score (V.), carve in, engrave, inscribe, write

scorn -- scorn (V.): got. frakunnan 16, fra-kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. verachten; ne. refuse to recognize, spurn (V.), disdain (V.), scorn (V.), despise

scorpion: got. skaúrpjō* 1, skaúrp-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Skorpion; ne. scorpion

scourge -- scourge (V.): got. usbliggwan* 7, us-bli-ggw-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. durchbleuen; ne. beat severely, flog (V.), scourge (V.)

scout -- scout (M.): got. *skulka, *sku-lk-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Späher; ne. scout (M.); *spaíha, *spaíh-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Späher, Spion; ne. scout (M.), spy (M.)

scout -- scout out: got. biniuhsjan 1, bi-niu-hs-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auskundschaften, ausspionieren, ausforschen; ne. reconnoiter, scout out, spy out

scrap -- scrap (1) (N.): got. *laska?, *lask-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fetzen; ne. shred (N.), scrap (1) (N.)

scrap -- scrap (N.): got. *fata, *fat-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Umfassung, Kleiderbündel, Fetzen; ne. fat (N.) (2), scrap (N.), rag (N.)

scrape -- scrape up: got. rikan* 1, rik-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. häufen, anhäufen; ne. rake up, scrape up, heap up

scrape -- scrape (V.): got. *razzjan, *raz-z-jan, *razzan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kratzen, schaben; ne. scratch (V.), scrape (V.)

scratch -- scratch of the pen: got. writs* 1, wr-i-t-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. written stroke, scratch of the pen, serif

scratch -- scratch (V.): got. *krattōn, *krat-t-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. kratzen; ne. scratch (V.); *razzjan, *raz-z-jan, *razzan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kratzen, schaben; ne. scratch (V.), scrape (V.)

screech -- screech (V.): got. *kreitan, *kreit-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. kreischen, schreien; ne. screech (V.), shriek (V.)

scribe: got. bōkāreis 39, bōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Schriftgelehrter, Schreiber; ne. writer, scribe, secretary-lector of a religious community

-- scribe (M.): got. witōdalaisāreis* 2, wi-t-ōd-a-lais-ārei-s*,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeslehrer, Schriftgelehrter; ne. law teacher, legal exegete, scribe (M.)

scripture: got. gamēliþs (bzw. þata gamēlidō), ga-mēl-iþs,  Part. Prät. = Sb.: nhd. Geschriebenes, Schrift; ne. scripture; (þata) gamēlidō: nhd. Geschriebenes, Schrift; ne. scripture; mēl* (2) 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schrift, Mal (M.) (2), Zeichen, Schriftzeichen; ne. writing (N.), scripture; *mēleins?, *mēl-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Schrift; ne. scripture; *mēli?, *mēl-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schrift; ne. scripture

-- scripture (N.): got. gamēleins 4, ga-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Schrift, Buchstabenschrift; ne. inscription, lettering, scripture (N.)

scurillity: got. saldra 1, saldr-a,  st. F. (?) (ō): nhd. leichtfertiges Geschwätz; ne. ribaldry, scurillity, silly talk

scythe -- harvest by scythe: got. sneiþan* 9, sneiþ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. schneiden, ernten; ne. cut (V.), reap, harvest by scythe

Scythian: got. Skwþus 1, Skwþu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Skythe; ne. Scythian

sea: got. *aur (2), *au-r,  st. M. (a): nhd. Meer?; ne. sea; lagus* 1, lagu-s*, lagaz*?, laaz,  st. M. (u): nhd. See, l-Rune; ne. lake, sea, open water, ocean, name of l-rune; *mar?,  Sb.: nhd. Meer; ne. sea, ocean; marei 38, mar-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Meer; ne. sea, inland sea, lake; marisaiws* 3, mari-saiw-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Meersee“, See (M.); ne. lake, sea; saiws* 6, sai-w-s*,  st. M. (i) (a): nhd. See (M.), Marschland; ne. lake, drained swampland, sea, marshland

-- calm on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

-- district bordering a sea: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

-- go by sea: got. farjan* 2, far-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fahren, schiffen; ne. seafare (V.), go by sea, travel by boat, sail (V.), cruise (V.)

-- inland sea: got. marei 38, mar-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Meer; ne. sea, inland sea, lake

-- quiescence on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

-- tranquility on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

seafare -- seafare (V.): got. farjan* 2, far-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fahren, schiffen; ne. seafare (V.), go by sea, travel by boat, sail (V.), cruise (V.)

seal -- put a seal before: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

seal -- put a seal on: got. sigljan* 1, sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen mit einem Siegel versehen, siegeln; ne. seal (V.), put a seal on

seal -- seal (N.): got. sigljō 2, sig-l-j-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Siegel; ne. seal (N.)

seal -- seal off: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

seal -- seal up: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

seal -- seal (V.): got. gasigljan* 4=3, ga-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. besiegeln, bestätigen, versiegeln; ne. set a seal upon, seal (V.); sigljan* 1, sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen mit einem Siegel versehen, siegeln; ne. seal (V.), put a seal on

seal -- set a seal upon: got. gasigljan* 4=3, ga-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. besiegeln, bestätigen, versiegeln; ne. set a seal upon, seal (V.)

seal -- set one’s seal: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

sear -- sear (V.): got. gatandjan* 1, ga-tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. brandmarken, mit einem Brandmal versehen; ne. make burnt, sear (V.), brand (V.)

search -- search (V.): got. *hruskan?, *hru-sk-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. forschen; ne. search (V.); sōkjan 72, sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. suchen, disputieren, streiten; ne. quest (V.), search (V.), seek (V.), request (V.), ask for, query (V.); ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

searcher: got. ? *sōkja, *sōk-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sucher?; ne. searcher?

searchingly -- look around searchingly: got. wlaitōn* 1, wlai-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich umsehen, umherblicken, spähen; ne. look around searchingly, look questingly

season -- in season: got. ūhteigō* 2=1, ū-h-t-eig-ō*,  Adv.: nhd. zur rechten Zeit, zu gelegener Zeit; ne. at an opportune time, seasonably, in season

season -- out of season: got. unūhteigō 1, un-ūh-t-eig-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zur Unzeit; ne. unseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion

season -- season (2) (N.): got. mēl (1) 54, mē-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zeit, Stunde; ne. season (2) (N.), point in time, period of time, circumscribed time, hour

season -- season (N.): got. aþn* 1, aþ-n*, aþns*,  st. M. (a), N.?: nhd. Jahr; ne. period of the year, season (N.), term of the year

season -- season (V.): got. gasupōn* 2, ga-su-p-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. würzen, salzen; ne. season (V.), spice (V.), salt (V.); supōn* 1, su-p-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. würzen, salzen; ne. season (V.), spice (V.), salt (V.)

seasonably: got. ūhteigō* 2=1, ū-h-t-eig-ō*,  Adv.: nhd. zur rechten Zeit, zu gelegener Zeit; ne. at an opportune time, seasonably, in season

seat -- judgement seat: got. stáuastōls* 3, stá-u-a-stō-l-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Richterstuhl; ne. judgement seat

seat -- seat (N.): got. sitls* 4, sit-l-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Sitz, Stuhl, Wohnstätte, Nest; ne. seat (N.), chair, throne (N.), nest (N.), roost (N.); stōls 4, stō-l-s, stul,  stul, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Stuhl, Thron; ne. seat (N.), throne (N.), chair; lat. sedes

seat -- seat together with: got. miþgasatjan* 2=1, mi-þ-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mithinsetzen, sich zusammensetzen; ne. seat together with, make sit down together

seat -- take a seat: got. gasitan 11, ga-sit-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. sich niedersetzen, Platz nehmen; ne. sit down, take a seat

seated -- be seated: got. sitan 33, sit-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sitzen; ne. sit (V.), be sitting, be seated

seclude -- seclude under cover: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

seclusion: got. *laugns (1), *laug-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verborgenheit; ne. seclusion

second -- second (Adj.): got. anþar 157, an-þar,  Adj. (a), Num. Ord.: nhd. andere, zweite; ne. other, second (Adj.), another, the other

secrecy: got. analaugnei* 1, an-a-laug-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verborgenheit; ne. concealment, secretiveness, secrecy; fulhsni* 7, ful-h-sn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geheimnis; ne. secrecy, concealment

secret: got. *þiubjis?, *þiub-j-i-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. diebisch, heimlich; ne. secret, clandestine

-- in secret: got. þiubjō* 2, þiub-j-ō*,  Adv.: nhd. verstohlen, heimlich; ne. stealthily, secretly, clandestinely, in secret

-- keep secret: got. *darnjan?, *dar-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verheimlichen; ne. keep secret, conceal; gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret; þahan* 6, þah-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be taciturn, be mute, keep quiet, keep secret

-- secret (Adj.): got. analaugns* 6=5, an-a-laug-n-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. verborgen; ne. concealed, secret (Adj.), hidden; fulgins* 3, ful-g-in-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verborgen; ne. hidden, concealed, covert, secret (Adj.)

-- secret consultation: got. garūni* 4, ga-rūn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beratung, Beratschlagung; ne. secret counsel, secret consultation, private conference, privy council; rūna 18, rū-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Geheimnis, Beschluss, Anschlag; ne. secret (N.), secret plan, secret council, secret consultation, secret counsel, mystery

-- secret council: got. rūna 18, rū-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Geheimnis, Beschluss, Anschlag; ne. secret (N.), secret plan, secret council, secret consultation, secret counsel, mystery

-- secret counsel: got. garūni* 4, ga-rūn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beratung, Beratschlagung; ne. secret counsel, secret consultation, private conference, privy council; rūna 18, rū-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Geheimnis, Beschluss, Anschlag; ne. secret (N.), secret plan, secret council, secret consultation, secret counsel, mystery; *rūni?, *rū-n-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beratung; ne. secret counsel

-- secret (N.): got. rūna 18, rū-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Geheimnis, Beschluss, Anschlag; ne. secret (N.), secret plan, secret council, secret consultation, secret counsel, mystery

-- secret plan: got. rūna 18, rū-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Geheimnis, Beschluss, Anschlag; ne. secret (N.), secret plan, secret council, secret consultation, secret counsel, mystery

-- take secret counsel about: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

secretary-lector -- secretary-lector of a religious community: got. bōkāreis 39, bōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Schriftgelehrter, Schreiber; ne. writer, scribe, secretary-lector of a religious community

secretiveness: got. analaugnei* 1, an-a-laug-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verborgenheit; ne. concealment, secretiveness, secrecy

secretly: got. analaugniba 1, an-a-laug-n-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. im geheimen, heimlich, verborgen; ne. secretly, covertly; þiubjō* 2, þiub-j-ō*,  Adv.: nhd. verstohlen, heimlich; ne. stealthily, secretly, clandestinely, in secret

-- consult secretly about: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

-- plan together secretly: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

sectarian -- sectarian divisiveness: got. twisstass* 2=1, twi-s-sta-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zwistigkeit, Zwiespalt; ne. factionalism, sectarian divisiveness, discord

section: got. halba* 2, hal-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hälfte, Seite, Teil; ne. half (N.), bisection, section, side of reference, facet, aspect

-- adjacent section: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

secure: got. faírwaúrkjan* 1, faír-waúrk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwirken; ne. earn, secure, gain (V.), acquire

-- make secure: got. gaþwastjan* 5=4, ga-þwa-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, stärken; ne. firm up, make firm, make secure, solidify, restore, set right

-- secure (Adj.): got. *arneis?, *ar-n-ei-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. sicher; ne. secure (Adj.)

-- secure in jurisprudence: got. *witōdafasts?, *wi-t-ōd-a-fast-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. gesetzesfest; ne. law-knowing, secure in jurisprudence

-- secure (V.): got. witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

securely: got. arniba 1, ar-n-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sicher, gewiss; ne. certain, securely

security: got. kawtsjō* 4, kawts-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sicherheit, Bürgschaft, Verschreibung; ne. contract for buying on credit, credit contract, security, bond (N.), warrenty; þwastiþa 1, þwa-st-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sicherheit; ne. stability, security, establishedness, safeguard

sedateness: got. anawiljei 3, an-a-wi-l-j-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Billigkeit, Ehrbarkeit; ne. equanimity, self-possession, sedateness, moderation, dignity

seducer: got. airzjands, got.: nhd. Verführer; ne. seducer

seduction: got. *uswandeins?, *us-wa-nd-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verführung; ne. seduction

-- delusive seduction: got. afmarzeins 2, af-mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Betrug; ne. deception, deceitfulness, delusive seduction

see: got. ? *weitan (1), *wei-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. sehen?; ne. see?; ? *weitjan?, *wei-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sehen?; ne. see?

-- and see there: got. þaruh sai: nhd. und siehe da; ne. and see there, behold

-- come to see: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for; *weisōn?, *wei-s-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.)

-- for all to see: got. andaugiba 4, and-aug-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offen, freimütig; ne. obviously, in plain sight, openly, for all to see; andaugjō 3, and-aug-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. offen, offenbar, öffentlich; ne. in plain sight, openly, publicly, for all to see

-- go to see: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for; *weisōn?, *wei-s-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.)

-- see (1): got. saíƕan 106, saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen; ne. see (1), look (V.), observe, view (V.)

-- see (Interj.): got. sai 101,  Adv., Interj.: nhd. siehe (Interj.); ne. see (Interj.), look (Interj.), behold (Interj.)

-- see to: got. gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

-- see (V.): got. gasaíƕan 162, ga-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erblicken, sehen, (erscheinen); ne. see (V.), espy, catch sight of, look at, perceive

seeable: got. *anasiuniba, *an-a-siu-n-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sichtbar; ne. visible, seeable; anasiuns* 2, an-a-siu-n-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. sichtbar; ne. visible, seeable; *siuniba?, *siu-n-i-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. sichtbar; ne. visible, seeable; *siuns (2), *siu-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. sichtbar; ne. visible, seeable

seed -- grain seed: got. kaúrnō 3, kaúr-n-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Korn; ne. kernel, granule, grain seed

seed -- plant seed: got. sáian 30, sái-an,  red. abl. V.: nhd. säen; ne. sow (2), seed (V.), plant seed

seed -- seed in: got. insáian* 1, in-sái-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. einsäen, hineinsäen; ne. sow in, seed in

seed -- seed (N.): got. fraiw 23, frai-w,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Same; ne. seed (N.); *sēþs, *sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Saat; ne. seed (N.)

seed -- seed (V.): got. sáian 30, sái-an,  red. abl. V.: nhd. säen; ne. sow (2), seed (V.), plant seed

seeding -- seeding (N.): got. ussateins* 1, us-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ursprung; ne. semination, seeding (N.), sowing (N.) (2), engendering, begetting, origin

seedling -- birch seedling: got. bercna 1, ber-cn-a, bairkan*?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Birkenreis, b-Rune; ne. birch seedling, name of b-rune

seeing -- seeing (N.): got. siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance; *witains?, *wi-t-ain-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Sehen; ne. seeing (N.)

seek -- seek out: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

seek -- seek to please: got. samjan 2, sam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zu gefallen suchen, gefallen (V.); ne. present a pleasing appearance, give o.s. a pleasing appearance (= sik samjan), seek to please

seek -- seek (V.): got. gasōkjan* 3, ga-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufsuchen, suchen; ne. quest for, seek (V.); sōkjan 72, sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. suchen, disputieren, streiten; ne. quest (V.), search (V.), seek (V.), request (V.), ask for, query (V.)

seeming -- seeming (N.): got. þūhtus* 5=4, þūh-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Gewissen; ne. seeming (N.), surmise (N.), conscience

seer: got. *siuneis?, *siu-n-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Seher; ne. seer

seethe: got. *breuwan, *bre-u-w-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden; ne. surge, seethe, boil; *siudan?, *siu-d-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sieden; ne. boil (V.), cook (V.), seethe; wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

segregate -- segregate by covering up: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

seize: got. dissitan* 3, dis-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. ergreifen, überfallen; ne. beseige, beset, take possession of by attack, seize; fāhan 2, fāh-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. fangen, greifen; ne. catch (V.), capture (V.), grasp (V.), take hold of, lay hands on, seize; faírgreipan* 4, faír-greip-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ergreifen, greifen; ne. take hold of, take (V.), seize; frawilwan 8, fra-wil-w-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. fortreißen, gewaltsam ergreifen; ne. grab away, snatch up, seize, wrest away; gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize; gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain; greipan 4, greip-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. greifen, ergreifen; ne. seize, grasp (V.), apprehend; undgreipan 8, und-greip-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ergreifen, requirieren; ne. lay hold on, take (V.), seize

-- seize by violence: got. wilwan 3, wil-w-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. rauben; ne. plunder (V.), rob, seize by violence

-- seize utterly: got. dishaban* 4, dis-hab-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv); ne. seize utterly, gain complete possession of, take completely, hold (V.)

select: got. gawaljan* 18, ga-wa-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erwählen, auserwählen, auswählen; ne. choose, select; ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.); waljan* 2, wa-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wählen; ne. choose, elect, select

selection: got. gawaleins* 2, ga-wa-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erwählung, Wahl; ne. selection, election, choosing (N.)

self: got. silba 186=185, si-l-b-a,  sw. Pron.: nhd. selbst; ne. self

self-abnegating -- self-abnegating (Adj.): got. gaþaúrbs 1, ga-þaúrb-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. enthaltsam; ne. forgoing (Adj.), abstinent, self-abnegating (Adj.)

self-abnegation -- exercise self-abnegation: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

self-confidence: got. stōma* 2, stō-m-a*,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Wesen, Gegenstand, Zuversicht, Erwartung, Grundlage, Stoff; ne. assuredness, self-confidence, sureness, substance

self-control: got. gahōbains 1, ga-hōb-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Enthaltsamkeit; ne. continence, self-control; *stiur (2), *stiu-r,  st. N.: nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), stake (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control,discipline (N.); *stiuri, *stiu-r-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control, discipline

-- lacking self-control: got. ungahabands* sik 1, un-ga-hab-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. zügellos, unbeherrscht, unenthaltsam; ne. incontinent, lacking self-control

-- lack of self-control: got. ungahōbains* 1, un-ga-hōb-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Unmäßigkeit, Unenthaltsamkeit; ne. incontinence, lack of self-control

self-controlled: got. *anawiljis?, *an-a-wi-l-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. ehrbar, redlich; ne. self-controlled, dignified; *gahabands?, *ga-hab-an-d-s?,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. beherrscht; ne. self-controlled, continent (Adj.)

selfdesire -- full of selfdesire: got. seinagaírns* 1, seina-gaír-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. selbstsüchtig, eigensüchtig; ne. self-loving, full of selfdesire, selfish

self-enrichment -- self-enrichment at others expense: got. bifaih* 1, bi-faih*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. exaction, self-enrichment at others expense; bifaihōns* 1, bi-faih-ōn-s*, bifaihō* 1,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. financial exploitation, self-enrichment at others expense

self-indulgent -- be self-indulgent: got. wizōn* 1, wiz-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schwelgen; ne. live, lead a life, be self-indulgent

selfish: got. seinagaírns* 1, seina-gaír-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. selbstsüchtig, eigensüchtig; ne. self-loving, full of selfdesire, selfish

self-loving: got. sik frijōnds, got.: nhd. selbstliebend; ne. self-loving; seinagaírns* 1, seina-gaír-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. selbstsüchtig, eigensüchtig; ne. self-loving, full of selfdesire, selfish

self-possession: got. anawiljei 3, an-a-wi-l-j-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Billigkeit, Ehrbarkeit; ne. equanimity, self-possession, sedateness, moderation, dignity

selfsame -- in the selfsame manner: got. samaleikō 23, sam-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichfalls, ebenfalls, desgleichen; ne. likewise, in the same way, in like manner, in the selfsame manner, similarly

self-sufficiency: got. ganaúha* 3, ga-naúh-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Genüge, Auskommen, Genügsamkeit; ne. sufficiency, self-sufficiency, satisfaction, contentment

self-willed: got. frijōnds wiljan seinana, got.: nhd. eigenwillig; ne. self-willed; silba wiljands, got.: nhd. freiwillig; ne. self-willed

sell -- sell (V.): got. frabugjan 10, fra-bug-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. verkaufen; ne. sell (V.)

seller -- seller of souls: got. mannans gaþiwjands, got.: nhd. Seelenverkäufer; ne. seller of souls

semination: got. ussateins* 1, us-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ursprung; ne. semination, seeding (N.), sowing (N.) (2), engendering, begetting, origin

send: got. sandjan 34, sand-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. senden; ne. send, send away

-- send away: got. insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss; sandjan 34, sand-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. senden; ne. send, send away

-- send forth: got. ussandjan* 2, us-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aussenden; ne. send out, send forth

-- send off: got. gasandjan 2, ga-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entsenden, geleiten; ne. send off, send on, accompany

-- send on: got. gasandjan 2, ga-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entsenden, geleiten; ne. send off, send on, accompany

-- send on ahead: got. faúragasandjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorausentsenden, voraussenden; ne. send on ahead

-- send on a mission: got. insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss

-- send out: got. ussandjan* 2, us-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aussenden; ne. send out, send forth; ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

-- send thither: got. insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss

-- send thither along: got. gamiþsandjan* 2=1, ga-miþ-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitsenden; ne. send thither along, dispatch together with

-- send thither along with: got. miþinsandjan* 1, mi-þ-in-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitentsenden; ne. send thither along with, dispatch together with

-- send (V.): got. *miþsandjan?, *mi-þ-sand-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. senden; ne. send (V.)

sending -- sending (N.): got. *sanda?, *sand-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sendung; ne. sending (N.)

seneschal: got. *siniskalks?, *sin-i-s-kal-k-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. ältester Diener, Altknecht, Seneschall; ne. oldest servant, male head-servant on a farm, seneschal

sense -- sense of hearing: got. hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings; hliuma 4, hliu-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gehör, Ohren (= hliumans); ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, ability to hear, ears (= hliumans)

sense -- sense of sight: got. siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance

sense -- sense of smell: got. dauns 7, dau-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geruch, Wohlgeruch, Dunst; ne. odour (N.), aroma, fragrance, smell (N.), sense of smell

senselessness: got. unwiti 3, un-wi-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unwissenheit, Unverstand; ne. ignorance, unknowingness, unintelligence, senselessness, foolishness

senses -- go out of one’s senses: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

senses -- is driven out of one’s senses: got. usgaisiþs ist, got.: nhd. ist von Sinnen; ne. is driven out of one’s senses

sensible: got. *ahs (2), *ah-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. verständig, besonnen (Adj.); ne. sensible, level-headed; andaþāhts 6, and-a-þāh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. nüchtern, verständig, vernünftig; ne. thinking (Adj.), rational, sensible

sensual -- sensual craving: got. winnō* 3, wi-n-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Leiden; ne. passion, carnal drive, sensual craving, suffering (N.)

sentenced -- sentenced to death: got. dauþubleis* 1, dau-þ-u-blei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. zum Tode bestimmt, dem Tode geweiht, zum Tode verurteilt; ne. sentenced to death, marked for death

sentences -- in neg. sentences: got. (allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly;)

sentinel: got. spaíkulatur* 1, spaík-ul-at-ur*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Späher; ne. sentinel, guard (M.)

separate -- separate off: got. afskaidan 6, af-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. „abscheiden“, absondern, abtrennen, trennen; ne. separate off, sever, sunder (V.), divide

separate -- separate o.s.: got. gaskaidan sik* 1, ga-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich zurückziehen, sich trennen; ne. separate o.s., dissociate o.s., divorce o.s., withdraw

separate -- separate (V.): got. afgiban* sik 1, af-gib-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich wegbegeben, sich hinwegbegeben, sich fortbegeben; ne. give o.s. away, separate (V.); andlētnan 1, and-lē-t-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. scheiden, abscheiden, entlassen werden, aufgelöst werden, sich auflösen, sich losmachen; ne. be released, become released, separate (V.), die; skaidan 5, skai-d-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. scheiden, trennen; ne. divide, part (V.), separate (V.), depart (V.)

separated -- become separated: got. gaskaidnan* 1, ga-skai-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced; *skaidnan?, *skai-d-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced

separated -- be separated: got. gaskaidnan* 1, ga-skai-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced; *skaidnan?, *skai-d-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced

separately: got. sundrō 10, sun-dr-ō,  Adv.: nhd. abgesondert, besonders, allein, beiseite; ne. asunder (Adv.), apart, separately, alone, individually, privately

separateness: got. gaskaideins 1, ga-skai-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Unterschied, Trennung, Scheidung; ne. difference, separateness, distinction; *skaideins?, *skai-d-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Scheidung; ne. separateness

separation: got. afstass 2, af-sta-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Abfall, Scheidung; ne. dissociation, separation, divorce (N.); diswiss* 1, dis-wi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung, Abmarsch, Scheiden; ne. disjunction, disconnection, separation, dissolution

sepulchre: got. hlaiw* 16, hlai-w*,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Grab; ne. tomb, burial cave, sepulchre, grave

sequence: got. wikō* 1, wik-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reihenfolge, Ordnung, Woche?; ne. week, workweek, week’s tour of duty, week-long shift, sequence

serif: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif; writs* 1, wr-i-t-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. written stroke, scratch of the pen, serif

serpent: got. waúrms 3, waúr-m-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Wurm, Schlange; ne. serpent, snake (N.)

servant: got. andbahts 39=38, andb-ah-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Diener; ne. servant, minister (M.), server; diakaúnus* 9, dia-kaún-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Diakon, Pfleger; ne. deacon, servant; skalks 57=56, s-kal-k-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Knecht, Diener; ne. slave, servant; þius* 2, þiu-s*,  st. M. (a) (wa): nhd. Haussklave, Diener, Knecht; ne. thrall, bondsman, servant, servitor, boy

-- fellow servant: got. gaskalki 2, ga-skal-k-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Mitknecht; ne. fellow servant

-- oldest servant: got. *siniskalks?, *sin-i-s-kal-k-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. ältester Diener, Altknecht, Seneschall; ne. oldest servant, male head-servant on a farm, seneschal

-- paid servant: got. asneis 6, asn-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Mietling, Tagelöhner; ne. hired man, day-labourer, wage earner, paid servant

-- servant boy: got. þiumagus 6, þiu-magu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Knecht; ne. servant boy

servants -- leader of servants: got. *þiufaþs?, *þiu-faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of servants, leader of a thousand men?; þiufaþus* 21, þiu-faþ-us*, þiufadus, thiuphadus, lat.- st. M.: nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of a thousand men, leader of servants

serve: got. andbahtjan 23=22, andb-ah-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leisten, dienen, besorgen, darreichen; ne. serve, minister (V.), administer, perform; blōtan 3, blōt-an,  red. V. (5): nhd. verehren, opfern; ne. serve, honour (V.), worship (V.); skalkinōn 25, s-kal-k-i-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. dienen; ne. serve, do service, be in servitude, be a slave

-- serve in the military: got. militōn* 1, milit-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun; ne. serve in the military, be a soldier

-- serve together with: got. miþskalkinōn* 1, mi-þ-s-kal-k-i-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. Mitknecht sein (V.), mitdienen; ne. serve together with

-- serve under a war-lord: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- serve (V.): got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully

server: got. andbahts 39=38, andb-ah-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Diener; ne. servant, minister (M.), server

service: got. andbahti 25=24, andb-ah-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Amt, Dienst; ne. service, office, assistance, ministry, ministration; skalkinassus 5, s-kal-k-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Knechtschaft, Dienst, Dienstbarkeit, Gottesdienst; ne. service, servitude, slavery, worship (N.), idolatry

-- do military service in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

-- do service: got. skalkinōn 25, s-kal-k-i-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. dienen; ne. serve, do service, be in servitude, be a slave

-- military service: got. draúhtinassus* 1, draú-h-t-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), service under a war-lord, military service, soldiering; draúhtiwitōþ* 1, draú-h-t-i-wit-ōþ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsrecht, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), military discipline, military service, warfare, war

-- service to God: got. hunsla: nhd. Gottesdienst; ne. worship (N.), service to God

-- service under a war-lord: got. draúhtinassus* 1, draú-h-t-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), service under a war-lord, military service, soldiering

serviceable: got. brūks 7, brūk-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. brauchbar; ne. useful, serviceable, usable

serviceman: got. gadraúhts 5, ga-draú-h-t-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Soldat; ne. soldier, warrior, serviceman

servitor: got. þius* 2, þiu-s*,  st. M. (a) (wa): nhd. Haussklave, Diener, Knecht; ne. thrall, bondsman, servant, servitor, boy

servitors: got. þēwis* 2, þēw-i-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dienerschaft, Knechte; ne. servitors, bondsmen, thralls, slaves

servitude: got. skalkinassus 5, s-kal-k-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Knechtschaft, Dienst, Dienstbarkeit, Gottesdienst; ne. service, servitude, slavery, worship (N.), idolatry; þiwadw* 1, þiw-adw*,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Knechtschaft, Dienstbarkeit; ne. thralldom, bondage, servitude

-- be in servitude: got. skalkinōn 25, s-kal-k-i-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. dienen; ne. serve, do service, be in servitude, be a slave

set -- set afire: got. inbrannjan* 1, in-bran-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. „anbrennen“, in Brand stecken; ne. set afire, ignite, set on fire

set -- set apart by covering: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

set -- set a price on: got. waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

set -- set a rest: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

set -- set around: got. bisatjan* 1, bi-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umgeben; ne. set around, surround (V.)

set -- set a seal upon: got. gasigljan* 4=3, ga-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. besiegeln, bestätigen, versiegeln; ne. set a seal upon, seal (V.)

set -- set aside: got. afsatjan 3, af-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. absetzen, entlassen; ne. dismiss, remove (V.), put away, set aside, set off, divorce (V.)

set -- set before: got. atsatjan 3, at-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darstellen; ne. present (V.), set before; faúragasatjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „vorsetzen“, vorstellen, darstellen; ne. set before, present (V.), bring to

set -- set down: got. athāhan* 2, at-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hinabhängen, hinablassen, hinunterlassen, niederlassen; ne. lower while suspending, let down, let hang down, set down; gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; lagjan 29, lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. legen, auflegen, hinlegen, setzen, stellen; ne. lay (V.), lay down, set (V.), set down, put (V.), put down, deposit (V.)

set -- set forth: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth; faúragaleikan* 1, faúr-a-ga-leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. vorher gefallen; ne. be pleasing to beforehand, please beforehand, set forth

set -- set free: got. galausjan 13, ga-lau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erlösen, befreien, losmachen, loslassen, bewahren, behüten, eintreiben; ne. loose (V.), set free, liberate, release (V.), loosen (V.), extract (V.), rescue (V.)

set -- set in front of: got. faúrlagjan 3, faúr-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorlegen, vorsetzen; ne. lay before, set in front of, put forth, place before

set -- set in motion: got. gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter

set -- set in order: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

set -- set off: got. afsatjan 3, af-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. absetzen, entlassen; ne. dismiss, remove (V.), put away, set aside, set off, divorce (V.)

set -- set one’s seal: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

set -- set on fire: got. inbrannjan* 1, in-bran-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. „anbrennen“, in Brand stecken; ne. set afire, ignite, set on fire

set -- set opposite: got. wiþrawaírþs* 5=4, wi-þra-waír-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gegenüberliegend, entgegengesetzt, im Gegenteil; ne. opposite, facing, set opposite, on the contrary

set -- set out for: got. galeiþan 142=140, ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kommen, gehen, fahren; ne. go away, depart from, go forth, set out for, come; framis galeiþan: nhd. vorschreiten; ne. go forth, set out for

set -- set right: got. garaíhtjan 4, ga-raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. als gerecht erweisen, etwas richten, hinlenken, lenken, rechtfertigen; ne. make straight, set right, rectify, correct (V.), make righteous, direct (V.); gaþwastjan* 5=4, ga-þwa-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, stärken; ne. firm up, make firm, make secure, solidify, restore, set right; *raíhtjan, *raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „richten“; ne. make straight, set right

set -- set steadfastly: got. gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify

set -- set up: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; raisjan* 1, rai-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufrichten; ne. set up, erect (V.)

set -- set up as a guidepost: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

set -- set (V.): got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; lagjan 29, lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. legen, auflegen, hinlegen, setzen, stellen; ne. lay (V.), lay down, set (V.), set down, put (V.), put down, deposit (V.); satjan* 9, sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. setzen, stellen, bestimmen, pflanzen; ne. set (V.), place (V.), position (V.), put in position, establish, plant (V.), determine; ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

setting -- setting aright: got. garaíhteins* 1, ga-raíh-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zurechtweisung, Wiederherstellung; ne. correction, setting aright, rectification

setting -- setting aside (N.): got. afsateins* 1, af-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Absetzung, Entlassung, Verabschiedung, Scheidung; ne. setting aside (N.), divorce (N.)

setting -- setting at liberty: got. fralēt* 6=5, fra-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Entlassung; ne. setting at liberty, release (N.), relinquishment, dispensation, forgiveness

setting -- setting forth: got. faúrlageins* 2, faúr-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Vorlegung; ne. presentation, setting forth

setting -- setting (N.): got. saggqs* 1, saggq-s*, sagq*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Untergang, Westen; ne. sinking (N.), going down, sinking of the sun, occident, west (N.), setting (N.); *sateins?, *sat-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Setzung; ne. setting (N.)

seven: got. sibun 17, sevene, seuene,  sevene, seuene, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. sieben (Num. Kard.); ne. seven

-- seven times: got. sibun sinþam, got.: nhd. siebenmal; ne. seven times; sibun sinþam, got.: nhd. siebenmal; ne. seven times

seventh: got. *sibunda, *sibun-da,  Num. Ord.: nhd. siebte, siebente; ne. seventh

seventy: got. sibuntēhund 2, sibun-tē-hund,  Num. Kard.: nhd. siebzig; ne. seventy

sever: got. afmaitan* 8, af-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. abhauen, abschneiden; ne. cut off, sever, amputate, chop off, behead; afskaidan 6, af-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. „abscheiden“, absondern, abtrennen, trennen; ne. separate off, sever, sunder (V.), divide

severe: got. abrs 1, ab-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, heftig; ne. great, severe, extreme, excessive

-- give a severe talking-to: got. gaƕōtjan* 8, ga-ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bedrohen, schelten, strafen; ne. threaten, reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to; ƕōtjan* 1, ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. drohen; ne. reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to, threaten

severely: got. abraba 3, ab-r-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sehr; ne. very, severely, extremely, excessively; ƕassaba 1, ƕas-s-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. scharf, streng; ne. sharply, severely

-- be agitated severely: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

-- beat severely: got. usbliggwan* 7, us-bli-ggw-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. durchbleuen; ne. beat severely, flog (V.), scourge (V.)

-- persecute severely: got. frawrikan* 1, fra-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. verfolgen, rächen; ne. persecute severely, oppress intensely with persecution, drive out

severity: got. ƕassei* 2, ƕas-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Strenge, Schärfe; ne. sharpness, severity; unfreideins* 2=1, un-frei-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Schonungslosigkeit, Härte; ne. non-sparingness, non-safeguarding, mercilessness, severity

-- with severity: got. harduba 3, har-d-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sehr, hart; ne. with hardness, harshly, with severity, terribly

sew -- sew (V.): got. siujan* 1, siu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nähen, annähen; ne. sew (V.)

sewer: got. urruns (1) 3, ur-ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Aufgang (der Sonne), Osten, Abtritt; ne. egress (N.), emergence, solar egress, sunrise, sunup, runoff, sewer, latrine, toilet, rising (N.)

sex -- of female sex: got. qinakunds* 1, qin-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. weiblichen Geschlechts; ne. female (Adj.), of female sex

sex -- of the male sex: got. gumakunds* 2, gum-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. männlich; ne. male (Adj.), of the male sex

sexual -- illicit extra-marital sexual intercourse: got. hōrinassus 7, hō-r-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ehebruch, Hurerei; ne. adultery, fornication, illicit extra-marital sexual intercourse

sexual -- illicit sexual intercourse: got. kalkinassus 4, kalk-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Hurerei, Unzucht; ne. illicit sexual intercourse, fornication, adultery

sexual -- sexual aching: got. winna* 1, wi-n-n-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Leiden, Leidenschaft; ne. passion, libido, sexual aching

sexual -- sexual intercourse: got. galigri* 1, ga-lig-r-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beilager, Beischlaf; ne. lying together, coitus, sexual intercourse; ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

shackle -- foot shackle: got. fōtubandi* 1, fōt-u-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. „Fußband“, Fußfessel, Fußschelle; ne. foot shackle, foot-bonds, leg chains

shackle -- iron shackle: got. eisarnabandi* 1, eis-arn-a-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Eisenband, Kette (F.) (1), Fessel (F.) (1); ne. iron bond, iron shackle, chain (N.)

shackle -- shackle (N.): got. naudibandi* 4, nau-d-i-band-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kette (F.) (1), Handschelle, Fessel (F.) (1); ne. shackle (N.), manacle (N.), chain (N.), fetter

shade -- shade (N.): got. skadus 3, skad-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Schatten; ne. shadow (N.), shade (N.)

shade -- shade (V.): got. *gaskadwjan?, *ga-skad-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschatten, bedecken; ne. cover with shadow, shade (V.), beshadow; *skadwjan?, *skad-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschatten; ne. cover with shadow, shade (V.), beshadow

„shading“ -- „shading“ (N.): got. gaskadweins* 1, ga-skad-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Beschattung“, Bedeckung, Bekleidung; ne. „shading“ (N.), covering (N.), covering apparel, clothing

shadow -- cover with shadow: got. *gaskadwjan?, *ga-skad-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschatten, bedecken; ne. cover with shadow, shade (V.), beshadow; *skadwjan?, *skad-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschatten; ne. cover with shadow, shade (V.), beshadow

shadow -- shadow (N.): got. skadus 3, skad-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Schatten; ne. shadow (N.), shade (N.)

shaft: got. scaptus* 1, lat.-got.?, M.: nhd. Schaft; ne. shaft, stock (N.); *skafts (1), *skaf-t-s,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Schaft; ne. shaft; *skapt-, *skap-t-, lat.- M.?: nhd. Schaft; ne. shaft

shake -- come to shake: got. inreiran* 1, in-reir-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erzittern, erbeben; ne. come to shake, begin quaking, tremble (V.)

shake -- make shake: got. gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter; wagjan 3, wag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schütteln, bewegen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move to and fro, agitate

shake -- shake into densest compactness: got. gawigan* 1, ga-wig-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bewegen, schütteln; ne. shake together, shake into densest compactness, move (V.)

shake -- shake off: got. afhrisjan* 2, af-hri-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abschütteln; ne. shake off; ushrisjan* 1, us-hri-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abschütteln; ne. shake off

shake -- shake together: got. gawigan* 1, ga-wig-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bewegen, schütteln; ne. shake together, shake into densest compactness, move (V.)

shake -- shake (V.): got. gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter; *hrisjan?, *hri-s-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schütteln; ne. shake (V.); reiran* 2, reir-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zittern; ne. tremble (V.), quiver (1) (V.), quake (V.), shake (V.); wagjan 3, wag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schütteln, bewegen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move to and fro, agitate; *wiþōn* 1, *wi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schütteln; ne. shake (V.), wag (V.)

shaken: got. *gawagiþs?, *ga-wag-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bewegt, beweglich; ne. movable, moved, shaken; usfilma* 2, us-fil-m-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. erschrocken, entsetzt; ne. shaken, struck, amazed, bewildered, frightened, astonished

shall: got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.); skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.)

-- shall being: got. duginnan* 47=46, du-gi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. beginnen, anfangen, versuchen, (werden); ne. begin (V.), attempt, undertake, shall being

-- shall not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

shame -- put to shame: got. gaaiwiskōn* 11=10, ga-aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. beschämen, beschimpfen; ne. disgrace (V.), dishonour (V.), abuse (V.), make ashamed, put to shame

shame -- shame (N.): got. aiwiski* 2, aiw-isk-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schande, Schmach; ne. shame (N.), disgrace; *skama, *s-kam-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Scham, Beschämung; ne. shame (N.); skanda* 1, s-kan-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schande; ne. shamefulness, shame (N.), disgrace (N.)

shame -- without shame: got. unaiwisks* 1, un-aiw-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohne Schande; ne. blameless, without shame, irreproachable, unshameful

shameful: got. *aglaiteis *aglaits, *ag-l-ait-ei-s,  Adj. (ja/a?): nhd. schändlich, unzüchtig; ne. lewd, shameful; agls* 1, ag-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. schimpflich; ne. disgraceful, shameful; *aiwisks?, *aiw-isk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. schändlich; ne. disgraceful, shameful

-- shameful speech: got. aglaitiwáurdei* 2, ag-l-ait-i-wáur-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schandrede, unzüchtiges Reden; ne. obscene language, foul language, shameful speech, filthy talk

shamefully -- shamefully greedy: got. aglaitgastalds 2, ag-l-ait-ga-stal-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schmutzig gewinnsüchtig, habsüchtig; ne. acquisitive, grasping, shamefully greedy

shamefully -- treat shamefully: got. aiwiskōn* 1, aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schändlich handeln; ne. behave disgracefully, treat shamefully; ganaitjan* 1, ga-nai-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschimpfen, schmähen, lästern; ne. subject to foul language, subject to verbal humiliation, revile, treat shamefully

shamefulness: got. skanda* 1, s-kan-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schande; ne. shamefulness, shame (N.), disgrace (N.)

shape -- external shape: got. *farwa 1, *far-w-a,  st. M.? (wa), st. N.? (wa): nhd. Farbe, Aussehen, Gestalt; ne. form (N.), appearance, visible exterior, external shape

shape -- shape (N.): got. manauli* 1, man-aul-i*, manahuli*?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. guise, human guise, appearance, likeness, shape (N.); *skaunei, *s-kau-n-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gestalt; ne. form (N.), shape (N.)

shape -- take shape: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

shard: got. *skarda, *skar-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Scharte; ne. shard

share -- fall to the share of: got. undrinnan* 2, und-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. zufallen, zuteil werden, untereinander disputieren (= miþ sis missō sik undrinnan); ne. accrue to, fall to the share of, fall to

share -- have a share in: got. faíraihan 1, faír-aih-an, fairaigan*?,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. teilhaben an; ne. have a share in, partake of, participate in

share -- share in: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile; gamainjana briggan, got.: nhd. Anteil nehmen; ne. share in

share -- share (N.): got. dails* 7, da-i-l-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Teil, Anteil; ne. part (N.), portion (N.), share (N.)

share -- share (V.): got. dailjan 3, da-i-l-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. teilen, einem zuteilen, mitteilen; ne. share (V.), divide, impart, deal out, distribute

share -- share with: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

shared: got. gamains 6, ga-mai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gemein, gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, teilhaftig, unheilig; ne. participant (Adj.), sharing (Adj.), shared, communal, commutual, common (Adj.), ordinary, unclean, vulgar, profane

sharer: got. gamainja 1, ga-mai-n-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Teilnehmer; ne. partaker, sharer, participant

sharing -- communal sharing: got. gamainei* 2, ga-mai-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gemeinschaft; ne. communal feeling, communal sharing, participation, fellowship

sharing -- sharing (Adj.): got. gamains 6, ga-mai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gemein, gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, teilhaftig, unheilig; ne. participant (Adj.), sharing (Adj.), shared, communal, commutual, common (Adj.), ordinary, unclean, vulgar, profane

sharp: got. *agra?, *agr-a?,  sw. Adj.?: nhd. scharf, spitz; ne. pointed (Adj.), sharp; *ƕats?, *ƕat-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. scharf; ne. sharp, whetted, keen

-- sharp reprimand: got. ƕōta* 2, ƕōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Drohung; ne. sharp reprimand, stern warning, threat (N.)

sharpen: got. gaƕatjan* 1, ga-ƕat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet, sharpen, make keen for, incite, mislead, entice; *ƕatjan?, *ƕat-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet (V.), sharpen, make keen for

sharply: got. ƕassaba 1, ƕas-s-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. scharf, streng; ne. sharply, severely

-- reprimand sharply: got. gaƕōtjan* 8, ga-ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bedrohen, schelten, strafen; ne. threaten, reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to; ƕōtjan* 1, ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. drohen; ne. reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to, threaten

sharpness: got. *agi-, *ag-i-, *agja-,  st. F.: nhd. Schärfe, Ecke, Spitze, Schneide, Schwert; ne. blade, edge (V.), point (N.), sharpness, sword; ƕassei* 2, ƕas-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Strenge, Schärfe; ne. sharpness, severity

shatter -- shatter (V.): got. gakrōtōn* 1, ga-krōt-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zerbrechen (intr.), zerschellen, zermalmen; ne. crush (V.), smash (V.), shatter (V.)

shave -- shave around the head: got. biskaban* 1, bi-skab-an*,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaben, scheren (V.) (1), Haare abschneiden; ne. shave around the head, shave bald, shear (V.)

shave -- shave bald: got. biskaban* 1, bi-skab-an*,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaben, scheren (V.) (1), Haare abschneiden; ne. shave around the head, shave bald, shear (V.)

shave -- shave (V.): got. skaban 2, skab-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. schaben, scheren (V.) (1), abschneiden; ne. shave (V.)

she -- she having borne: got. *bērusi?, *bēr-us-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Gebärende, Mutter (F.) (1); ne. she having borne, she who has borne

she -- she who: got. saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

she -- she who has borne: got. *bērusi?, *bēr-us-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Gebärende, Mutter (F.) (1); ne. she having borne, she who has borne

sheaf: got. *garba?, *garb-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Garbe; ne. sheaf

shear -- shear (V.): got. biskaban* 1, bi-skab-an*,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaben, scheren (V.) (1), Haare abschneiden; ne. shave around the head, shave bald, shear (V.)

sheath -- sheath (N.): got. fōdr* 1, fōd-r*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Scheide; ne. scabbard, sheath (N.), casing

shed -- shed as clothing: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

shed -- shed tears: got. tagrjan* 1, tagr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weinen; ne. weep (V.), shed tears

she-devil: got. unhulþō 39, un-hul-þ-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unholdin, Dämon; ne. female demon, she-devil

sheep: got. lamb 24, l-amb,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lamm, Schaf, junges Kleinvieh; ne. lamb (N.), sheep

-- flock of sheep: got. awēþi 3, aw-ēþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schafherde; ne. flock of sheep, herd of sheep

-- herd of sheep: got. awēþi 3, aw-ēþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schafherde; ne. flock of sheep, herd of sheep

-- young male sheep: got. wiþrus 1, wiþ-ru-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Widder, Lamm; ne. lamb (N.), young male sheep

sheepfold: got. awistr* 1, awi-st-r*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schafstall; ne. pen for ewes, sheepfold

she-fox: got. faúhō* 2, faúh-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Füchsin, Fuchs (M.) (1); ne. vixen, she-fox

she-goat: got. stap 1, krim Sb.: nhd. Ziege; ne. she-goat; lat. capra

shekel: got. sikls* 1, sikl-s*,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Sekel (= Goldmünze von 14-16 Gramm); ne. shekel

shell -- shell (V.): got. *kappōn?, *kapp-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. hauen, schneiden; ne. shell (V.), pod (V.)

shelter -- shelter (N.): got. *baírga?, *baír-g-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Berge (F.); ne. shelter (N.); *bairgō, *bair-g-ō, *bergō,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Berge (F.); ne. shelter (N.); *friþus, *fri-þu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Friede, Schutz; ne. protection, shelter (N.), peace; *munda, *mun-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schutz; ne. shelter (N.); *munds (1), *mun-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schutz; ne. shelter (N.)

shelter -- shelter (V.): got. *friþōn?, *fri-þ-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schützen?; ne. protect, shelter (V.)

shelter -- temporary shelter: got. hleiþra* 5=4, hlei-þ-r-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zelt, Hütte; ne. tent, tent-like housing, temporary shelter, booth

shepherd -- shepherd (M.): got. haírdeis 12, haírd-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Hirt; ne. herdsman, shepherd (M.); haldands: nhd. Hüter, Hirt; ne. shepherd (M.)

shepherd -- shepherd (V.): got. haldan 9, hal-d-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. hüten, weiden, halten; ne. herd (V.), shepherd (V.), tend, keep watch over, graze cattle

shewbread: got. hlaibos faurlageinais, M. Pl.: nhd. Schaubrote; ne. shewbread; hlaibōs faurlageinais, got.: nhd. Schaubrote; ne. shewbread

shield -- edge of shield: got. *randus?, *ran-d-u-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Schild, Schildrand; ne. shield (N.), edge of shield

shield -- shield (N.): got. *randus?, *ran-d-u-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Schild, Schildrand; ne. shield (N.), edge of shield; skildus* 1, skil-d-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Schild; ne. shield (N.)

shield -- shield (V.): got. hleibjan* 1, hleib-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. sich annehmen; ne. shield (V.), give protection to, protect, help (V.)

shift -- shift the location of: got. miþsatjan* 1, mi-þ-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versetzen; ne. transplant (V.), relocate, shift the location of, remove (V.)

shift -- week-long shift: got. wikō* 1, wik-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reihenfolge, Ordnung, Woche?; ne. week, workweek, week’s tour of duty, week-long shift, sequence

shilling: got. skilliggs* 9, skil-l-igg-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schilling; ne. shilling

shine -- shine around: got. biskeinan* 1, bi-skei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. umleuchten; ne. shine around

shine -- shine (V.): got. *braiƕan?, *braiƕ-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. strahlen, glänzen; ne. shine (V.), gleam (V.); liuhtjan* 5, liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leuchten; ne. light (V.), give light, shine (V.); skeinan 3, skei-n-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. scheinen, leuchten, glänzen, aufblitzen; ne. shine (V.), gleam (V.)

shining -- shining (Adj.): got. ? *aus-,  Adj. (a): nhd. glänzend?, hell?, morgendlich?; ne. shining (Adj.)?, bright?, morning (Adj.)?; *blagks?, *bla-gk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. weiß, glänzend; ne. white, shining (Adj.); *brūns, *brū-n-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. braun, glänzend; ne. brown, shining (Adj.)

ship -- rear of a ship: got. nōta* 1, nōt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Achterdeck, Schiffshinterteil; ne. afterdeck, stern (2), rear of a ship

ship -- ship (N.): got. skip 34,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schiff; ne. ship (N.), boat, vessel

shipwreck -- suffer shipwreck: got. naqaþs wairþan, got.: nhd. Schiffbruch erleiden; ne. suffer shipwreck

shipwrecked -- be shipwrecked: got. usfarþōn gataujan us skipa, got.: nhd. Schiffbruch erleiden; ne. be shipwrecked; usfarþōn gataujan us skipa, got.: nhd. Schiffbruch erleiden; ne. be shipwrecked; usfarþōn gataujan us skipa, got.: nhd. Schiffbruch erleiden; ne. be shipwrecked

shirt: got. paida* 5, paid-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Leibrock, Unterkleid, Rock; ne. tunic, vest (N.), shirt

shit -- shit (V.): got. *skeitan?, *skei-t-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. scheißen; ne. shit (V.)

shocked -- be shocked: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

shod: got. gaskōhs* 3, ga-skōh-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. beschuht; ne. shod, wearing sandals

shoe -- shoe (N.): got. *skarpa (1), *skarp-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuh; ne. shoe (N.); skōhs* (1) 3, skōh-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schuh, Sandale; ne. shoe (N.), sandal

shoes -- pair of shoes: got. gaskōhi* 2, ga-skōh-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Sandalen, Schuhe, Schuhwerk; ne. pair of shoes, sandals

shoot -- shoot (N.): got. *brutilō, *bru-t-il-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Spross; ne. shoot (N.); tains* 1, tain-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zweig, Rebe; ne. branch (N.), shoot (N.), twig (N.) (1)

shoot -- shoot (V.): got. skiutan* 1, skiu-t-an*, schieten,  schieten, krim st. V. (2): nhd. schießen; ne. shoot (V.); lat. mittere sagittam

shore: got. staþa* (1) 3, sta-þ-a*, statz,  statz, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Ufer, Gestade; ne. shore, coast, bank (N.) (2); lat. terra

short: got. *maúrgus?, *maúr-g-u-s?,  Adj. (u): nhd. kurz; ne. short, brief (Adj.)

-- cut short: got. gamaúrgjan* 4, ga-maúr-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkürzen, abkürzen, kürzen; ne. shorten, cut short, curtail (V.)

-- for a short while: got. ƕeilōhun 1, ƕeil-ō-hun,  Adv.: nhd. eine Stunde lang; ne. for an hour, for a short while

shortage: got. waninassus* 3, wa-n-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. lack (N.), want (N.), shortage

shorten: got. gamaúrgjan* 4, ga-maúr-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkürzen, abkürzen, kürzen; ne. shorten, cut short, curtail (V.); *maúrgjan?, *maúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kürzen; ne. shorten, curtail

shoulder -- shoulder (N.): got. ams* 1, am-s*, amsa*?,  st. M. (a)?, sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Schulter; ne. shoulder (N.)

shout -- shout out: got. ufhrōpjan* 6, uf-hrō-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. cry forth, cry out, shout out

shout -- shout (V.): got. hrōpjan 28, hrō-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, schreien; ne. cry out, shout (V.), call out

shouting -- shouting (N.): got. hrōps 1, hrō-p-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ruf, Geschrei; ne. outcry, clamour, shouting (N.)

shove -- shove away: got. afskiuban* 2, af-skiub-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verstoßen, von sich wegstoßen, abschieben, von sich schieben, entfernen; ne. reject (V.), repulse (V.), shove away, thrust away

shove -- shove (V.): got. *skiuban, *skiub-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. schieben; ne. shove (V.), thrust (V.)

shovel -- shovel (N.): got. *skaúrō?, *skaú-r-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schaufel; ne. shovel (N.)

show -- show affection for: got. frijōn 92, fri-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lieben, gern tun; ne. love (V.), cherish, show affection for, like to

show -- show antagonism toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

show -- show clearly: got. gabaírhtjan 14=13, ga-baír-h-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. offenbaren, Gestalt gewinnen, erscheinen; ne. bring to light, show clearly, make appear, disclose

show -- show compassion towards: got. arman* 10, arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gaarman* 10, ga-arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards

show -- show courage: got. balþjan* 1, bal-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kühn sein (V.), wagen; ne. be bold, dare, show courage

show -- show filial piety towards: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

show -- show hostility towards: got. hatjan* 2, hat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), show hostility towards

show -- show kindheartedness toward: got. gableiþjan* 2, ga-ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, barmherzig sein (V.); ne. show kindheartedness toward, have mercy on, take pity

show -- show loyalty: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

show -- show of: got. gatarhjan 6, ga-tarh-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kennzeichnen, sich merken, auszeichnen; ne. expose, make public, show of, make public exhibition of, make an exposé of, reveal publicly, distinguish, note (V.)

show -- show to: got. ataugjan 23, at-aug-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. zeigen, erscheinen (=sik ataugjan); ne. bring before the eyes of, show to

show -- show to be in the right: got. gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

show -- show (V.): got. augjan* 2, aug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeigen; ne. put before the eyes, show (V.), exhibit; baírhtjan* 1, baír-h-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. offenbaren; ne. exhibit clearly, manifest (V.), show (V.), disclose; gataiknjan* 1, ga-tai-k-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ein Zeichen geben, belehren, zeigen; ne. indicate, show (V.), give directions, teach; taiknjan* 4, tai-k-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem etwas zeigen; ne. show (V.), exhibit, display (V.), manifest (V.); *teihan, *tei-h-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. kündigen, zeigen; ne. announce, show (V.); ustaiknjan 16, us-tai-k-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezeichnen, auszeichnen, erweisen, darstellen, in die Erscheinung bringen; ne. point out, designate, appoint, exhibit, show (V.), demonstrate, render; ? *weisjan, *wei-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weisen?; ne. show (V.)?

shower -- shower (N.): got. skūra 2, skūr-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schauer (M.) (1); ne. shower (N.), squall (N.) (1), storm (N.)

showing -- showing love: got. friaþwamilds* 1, fri-aþ-w-a-mil-d-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. zärtlich liebend, liebreich; ne. lovingly mild, showing love, affectionately tender

showing -- showing (N.): got. *taikneins?, *tai-k-n-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zeichnung, Darstellung; ne. drawing (N.), showing (N.); ustaikneins 4, us-tai-k-n-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auszeichnung, Bezeichnung, Bekanntmachung, Anzeichen, Beweis, Darstellung; ne. pointing out, marking out, showing (N.), evidence, token (N.), revelation, proof (N.)

showing -- showing to be in the right: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

shred: got. distahjan* 5, dis-tah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zerstreuen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. shred, tear to pieces, scatter, disperse

-- shred (N.): got. *laska?, *lask-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fetzen; ne. shred (N.), scrap (1) (N.); *taddora?, *ta-d-dor-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zottel, Fetzen, Flausch; ne. shred (N.), strand of hair

shriek -- shriek (V.): got. *kreitan, *kreit-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. kreischen, schreien; ne. screech (V.), shriek (V.)

shrink -- shrink back: got. ufsliupan* 3=2, uf-sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. einschleichen, zu Unrecht einführen, sich zurückziehen, sich fortschleichen; ne. slip by, slide past, slip on past, shrink back

shrink -- shrink up: got. *snaírpan?, *snaír-p-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zusammenziehen, sich biegen, krümmen; ne. shrivel, become wrinkled, become furrowed, shrink up, curl up

shrivel: got. *snaírpan?, *snaír-p-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zusammenziehen, sich biegen, krümmen; ne. shrivel, become wrinkled, become furrowed, shrink up, curl up

shrivelled -- make shrivelled: got. *snarpjan?, *snar-p-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zusammenziehen machen; ne. make shrivelled

shrivelled -- make shrivelled by touching: got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact

shun: got. biwandjan* 5, bi-wa-n-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vermeiden; ne. avoid, circumvent, shun

shut -- become shut: got. *lūknan, *lūk-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich schließen; ne. be shut, become shut

shut -- become shut up: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

shut -- be shut: got. *lūknan, *lūk-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich schließen; ne. be shut, become shut

shut -- be shut up: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

shut -- shut up: got. galūkan* 5, ga-lūk-an*,  unr. st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verschließen, fangen, zuschließen, schließen; ne. shut up, lose (V.), enclose, lock (V.), lock up; gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret

shut -- shut (V.): got. *lūkan, *lūk-an,  unr. st. V. (2): nhd. schließen; ne. shut (V.)

sibship: got. sibja* 1, si-b-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Sippenverhältnis, Verwandtschaft, Sippe; ne. kinship, sibship, blood relationship

sick: got. ubil habands: nhd. der sich übel Befindende, der Kranke; ne. ill feeling, sick; unhails* 4, un-hai-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. krank; ne. unhealthy, ailing, unwell, sick

-- become sick: got. suqnan*, suqn-an*, suknan*?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. krank werden; ne. become sick, sicken

-- be sick: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

-- sick (Adj.) (1): got. siuks 21, siuk-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. krank, schwach, siech; ne. weak, feeble, sick (Adj.) (1), infirm

sicken: got. suqnan*, suqn-an*, suknan*?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. krank werden; ne. become sick, sicken

sickle -- sickle (N.): got. gilþa* 1, gil-þ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sichel; ne. sickle (N.)

sickness: got. saúhts* 11, saúh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Krankheit, Sucht; ne. sickness, ailment, disease, illness; siukei 7=6, siuk-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Krankheit, Seuche, Siechtum; ne. feebleness, infirmity, sickness, ailment; unhaili* 2, un-hai-l-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schwäche, Krankheit; ne. unhealthiness, infirmity, disability, sickness, weakness; unmahts* 3, un-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ohnmacht, Schwäche, Krankheit; ne. incapacity, sickness, infirmity, weakness, strengthlessness

side -- by the side of: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

side -- call to one’s side: got. athaitan* 14, at-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. herzurufen; ne. summon (V.), call to one’s side, bid come

side -- from one side to the other: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by

side -- of the left side: got. hleiduma* 7=6, hlei-d-um-a*,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. link; ne. left (Adj.), of the left side

side -- on the far side of: got. hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind; hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

side -- on the side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

side -- on the yon side of: got. hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind

side -- put side by side with: got. gabaíran 26, ga-baír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „zusammentragen“, vergleichen, gebären; ne. „bring together“, compare, put side by side with, give birth to; gabaíran 26, ga-baír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „zusammentragen“, vergleichen, gebären; ne. „bring together“, compare, put side by side with, give birth to

side -- side (N.): got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

side -- side of reference: got. halba* 2, hal-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hälfte, Seite, Teil; ne. half (N.), bisection, section, side of reference, facet, aspect

side -- to the far side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

side -- to the other side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

sides -- from all sides: got. allaþrō 2, al-l-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von allen Seiten; ne. from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere

Sidonians: got. Seidoneis* 5, Seidon-ei-s*,  st. M. (i), Pl.: nhd. Sidoner (Pl.); ne. Sidonians

sigh -- heave a deep sigh: got. ufswōgjan* 1, uf-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufseufzen; ne. sigh deeply, heave a deep sigh

sigh -- heave a sigh: got. gaswōgjan* 1, ga-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erseufzen, seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), heave a sigh, make a sighing sound

sigh -- sigh deeply: got. ufswōgjan* 1, uf-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufseufzen; ne. sigh deeply, heave a deep sigh

sigh -- sigh (V.): got. gaswōgjan* 1, ga-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erseufzen, seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), heave a sigh, make a sighing sound; swōgatjan* 2, s-wō-g-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), groan (V.); *swōgjan?, *s-wō-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. seufzen; ne. sigh (V.)

sighing -- make a sighing sound: got. gaswōgjan* 1, ga-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erseufzen, seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), heave a sigh, make a sighing sound

sight -- catch sight of: got. gasaíƕan 162, ga-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erblicken, sehen, (erscheinen); ne. see (V.), espy, catch sight of, look at, perceive

sight -- deprive of sight: got. gablindjan* 2, ga-bli-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verblenden, blenden; ne. make blind, deprive of sight

sight -- in plain sight: got. andaugiba 4, and-aug-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offen, freimütig; ne. obviously, in plain sight, openly, for all to see; andaugjō 3, and-aug-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. offen, offenbar, öffentlich; ne. in plain sight, openly, publicly, for all to see

sight -- lose (V.) one’s sight: got. afblindnan* 1, af-bli-n-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erblinden; ne. become blind, lose (V.) one’s sight

sight -- regain one’s sight: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

sight -- sense of sight: got. siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance

sight -- sight (N.): got. siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance

sight -- sink out of sight: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

sight -- theatrical sight: got. faírweitl 1, faír-wei-t-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schauspiel; ne. spectacle, exhibition, theatrical sight

sightless: got. blinds 32, bli-nd-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. blind; ne. blind (Adj.), sightless

sightliness -- of equal sightliness: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

sightly: got. skauns* 1, s-kau-n-s*, skauneis*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anmutig; ne. beautiful, good-looking, sightly

sign -- make a sign: got. bandwjan* 11, ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Zeichen geben, Wink geben, andeuten, bezeichnen; ne. mark (V.), designate, indicate, make a sign, signify

sign -- sign (N.): got. bandwa* 1, ba-nd-w-a*,  st. F. (wō): nhd. Zeichen; ne. sign (N.), token (N.); bandwō 2, ba-nd-w-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zeichen, verabredetes Zeichen; ne. mark (N.), token (N.), sign (N.); *marka (2), *mark-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zeichen; ne. sign (N.); taikns 21, tai-k-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zeichen, Wunder; ne. sign (N.), indication, miracle, token (N.)

sign -- sign of love: got. frijōns* 2, fri-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kuss, Liebeszeichen; ne. sign of love, kiss (N.); gafrijōns* 1, ga-fri-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kuss; ne. sign of love, kiss (N.)

sign -- sign (V.): got. ufmēljan* 5, uf-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unterschreiben; ne. sign (V.), write underneath

significance: got. wulþrs* (2) 2=1, wul-þ-r-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wert; ne. significance, importance, meaning, meaningfulness

significant: got. wulþrs* (1) 1, wul-þ-r-s*, wulþreis,  Adj. (a) (ia): nhd. wertvoll; ne. meaningful, significant, important, value (Adj.)

signify: got. bandwjan* 11, ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Zeichen geben, Wink geben, andeuten, bezeichnen; ne. mark (V.), designate, indicate, make a sign, signify; gabandwjan* 2, ga-ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. durch Winke andeuten, ein Zeichen geben, andeuten; ne. make signs, signify, indicate

signs -- make signs: got. gabandwjan* 2, ga-ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. durch Winke andeuten, ein Zeichen geben, andeuten; ne. make signs, signify, indicate

silence: got. ? *hliuþ?, *hliu-þ?,  st. N.?: nhd. Gehör?, Schweigen?, Stille?, Aufmerksamkeit?; ne. hearing (N.)?, silence?, quietness?, attention?; þahains* 1, þah-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schweigen; ne. taciturnity, silence, muteness

-- silence off: got. afslauþjan* 2, af-s-lau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. in Angst versetzen, in Sorge sein (V.), ängstigen; ne. perturb, frighten, dumbfound (V.), scare (V.), silence off, make speechless

-- subside into silence: got. afdumbnan* 1, af-du-m-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. become still, subside into silence, fall off into dumbness; *dumbnan, *du-m-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. subside into silence, fall off into dumbness

silenced -- become silenced off: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

silenced -- be silenced off: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

silent -- become silent: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; anaslawan* 1, an-a-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, still werden; ne. become silent, become tranquil, become quiet; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?

silent -- be silent: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?; gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret; slawan* 3, slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be silent, keep quiet, be still; þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

silly -- silly talk: got. saldra 1, saldr-a,  st. F. (?) (ō): nhd. leichtfertiges Geschwätz; ne. ribaldry, scurillity, silly talk

silly -- silly woman: got. qinein* 1, qin-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Frauenzimmer, Weibchen; ne. female (F.), female being, silly woman

silver -- of silver: got. silubreins* 3, silubr-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. silbern; ne. of silver

silver -- silver (N.): got. silubr* 5, siluir,  siluir, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Silber; ne. silver (N.); lat. argentum

similar: got. *analeiks?, *an-a-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. „ähnlich“, gleich; ne. similar; galeiks 17, ga-leik-s,  Adj. (a), m. Dat.: nhd. ähnlich, gleich; ne. like (Adj.), similar

-- appear similar: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

-- join in adopting a form similar to: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

-- make the appearance similar to: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

-- of similar form: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

-- similar appearance: got. galeiki* 2, ga-leik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Ähnlichkeit“, Abbild; ne. like form, similar appearance, resemblance, likeness, replica, „co-form“

similarity -- transfer the similarity of the form of: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

similarly: got. analeikō 1, an-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichermaßen; ne. likewise, in like manner, in the same way, similarly; galeikō 1, ga-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. ähnlich, gleich; ne. similarly; samaleikō 23, sam-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichfalls, ebenfalls, desgleichen; ne. likewise, in the same way, in like manner, in the selfsame manner, similarly

simile: got. gajukō (2) 30, ga-ju-k-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Zusammenstellung“, „Zusammenjochung“, Gleichnis; ne. simile, parable, figure of speech

simple: got. ainfalþs* 1, ai-n-fal-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einfach, einfältig; ne. in one piece, simple, single, whole; *lufeis, *luf-ei-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. schlaff, einfach; ne. limp (Adj.), loose, simple

simplicity: got. ainfalþei* 6, ai-n-fal-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Einfalt, Einfachheit; ne. genuine-heartedness, sincerity, simplicity; allawērei* 1, al-l-a-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Redlichkeit; ne. simplicity, sincerity, wholehearted accord, complete agreeability, total agreement

simply: got. ainfalþaba 1, ai-n-fal-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. einfältig; ne. simply, candidly, whole-heartedly

simulate: got. *litjan?, *lit-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. heucheln, sich verstellen; ne. feign, simulate; us liutein taiknjan, got.: nhd. verstellen; ne. simulate

simulation: got. lita* 1, lit-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verstellung, Heuchelei; ne. hypocrisy, feigning (N.), fakery, simulation, dissimulation, insincerity

simultaneously -- but then simultaneously: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

sin -- sin (N.): got. frawaúrhts (2) 79, fra-waúrh-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Sünde; ne. transgression, evil-doing (N.), sin (N.), offence; *sundi, *s-und-i,  Sb.: nhd. Sünde; ne. sin (N.)

sin -- sin (V.): got. frawaúrkjan* 15, fra-waúrk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. sündigen, (sich) versündigen, eine Sünde begehen; ne. sin (V.), commit error, transgress, commit a transgression

since: got. af 135,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. von, von weg, von her, seit, ab, zu, aus; ne. from, away from, by, by means of, since, of; auk 286=285,  Konj.: nhd. denn, nämlich, aber, auch, und; ne. furthermore, moreover, besides, for, but, also, since; fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about; us þamma mēla, got.: nhd. seitdem; ne. since; þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as; us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of

sincere: got. aírkns* 1, aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig; ne. holy, genuine, pure, sincere, unadulterated; *allawēreis?, *al-l-a-wēr-eis?, *allawērs?,  Adj. (ja), (a): nhd. redlich; ne. sincere, completely agreeing, completely agreeable; unhindarweis* 2, un-hi-n-dar-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeheuchelt; ne. unhypocritical, unpretending, sincere; unliuts* 2, un-liut-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeheuchelt, ohne Falsch; ne. undeceitful, infeigned, sincere, unhypocritical

sincerely: got. swiknaba* 1, swikn-a-ba*,  Adv.: nhd. rein, reinen Herzens; ne. innocently, blamelessly, sincerely

sincerity: got. ainfalþei* 6, ai-n-fal-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Einfalt, Einfachheit; ne. genuine-heartedness, sincerity, simplicity; aírkniþa* 2=1, aírkn-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Lauterkeit, Echtheit, Reinheit; ne. genuineness, integrity, probity, purity, sincerity, unadulteratedness; allawērei* 1, al-l-a-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Redlichkeit; ne. simplicity, sincerity, wholehearted accord, complete agreeability, total agreement

sinful: got. frawaúrhts (1) 36, fra-waúrh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. sündig, subst. Sünder; ne. evil-doing (Adj.), sinful, subst. sinner

sing: got. siggwan 6, siggw-an, singhen,  singhen, krim st. V. (3,1): nhd. singen, vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. sing, chant (V.), read chantingly, read aloud; lat. canere

-- sing a dirge: got. gaunōn 3, gau-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. klagen, Totenklage anstimmen; ne. lament (V.), bewail, sing a dirge, wail in mourning; hiufan* 2, hiu-f-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wehklagen, Klagelieder singen; ne. lament (V.), sing a dirge, sing a threnody, wail (V.)

-- sing a hymn of praise to s.o.: got. liuþōn* 1, liu-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. lobsingen, singen; ne. sing a hymn of praise to s.o.

-- sing a threnody: got. hiufan* 2, hiu-f-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wehklagen, Klagelieder singen; ne. lament (V.), sing a dirge, sing a threnody, wail (V.)

-- sing out: got. *galan?, *gal-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. rufen, singen; ne. call out, sing out

singe: got. *blēsjan?, *blē-s-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versengen, ätzen; ne. singe, etch (V.)

singer: got. ? *gala-, *gal-a-,  M.: nhd. Sänger?; ne. singer?; liuþāreis* 2, liu-þ-ārei-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Sänger; ne. singer, cantor

singing -- singing (N.): got. saggws* 4, saggw-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gesang, Musik (= saggweis); ne. song, singing (N.), vocal music (= saggweis), reading (N.), lecture

single: got. ainfalþs* 1, ai-n-fal-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einfach, einfältig; ne. in one piece, simple, single, whole

-- single one: got. ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone

-- single unit: got. waíht 10, waíh-t,  N. (kons.): nhd. etwas; ne. single unit, quantifiable entity

sink -- cause to sink: got. saggqjan* 1, saggq-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. senken; ne. cause to sink, immerse (tr.), plunge (V.) (tr.)

sink -- make sink down: got. ufsaggqjan* 2=1, uf-saggq-jan*, ufsagqjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versenken; ne. make sink down, cause to submerge, engulf

sink -- sink away: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

sink -- sink down: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence; gasiggqan* 2, ga-siggq-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. versinken, untergehen; ne. sink down, fall (V.), be submerged, become submerged, go down

sink -- sink out of sight: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

sink -- sink to rest: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

sink -- sink (V.): got. sigqan* 2, sigq-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. sinken; ne. sink (V.); ufligan* 2, uf-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. unterliegen, verschmachten, matt werden, sterben; ne. decline (V.), drop (V.), sink (V.), fail, be faint

sinking -- sinking (N.): got. saggqs* 1, saggq-s*, sagq*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Untergang, Westen; ne. sinking (N.), going down, sinking of the sun, occident, west (N.), setting (N.)

sinking -- sinking of the sun: got. saggqs* 1, saggq-s*, sagq*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Untergang, Westen; ne. sinking (N.), going down, sinking of the sun, occident, west (N.), setting (N.)

sinner: got. missataujands: nhd. Übeltäter, Sünder; ne. transgressor, sinner

-- subst. sinner: got. frawaúrhts (1) 36, fra-waúrh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. sündig, subst. Sünder; ne. evil-doing (Adj.), sinful, subst. sinner

sister: got. swistar 15, swis-tar, schuuester,  schuuester, krim F. (r): nhd. Schwester; ne. sister; lat. soror

sit -- make sit: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

sit -- make sit down together: got. miþgasatjan* 2=1, mi-þ-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mithinsetzen, sich zusammensetzen; ne. seat together with, make sit down together

sit -- sit down: got. gasitan 11, ga-sit-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. sich niedersetzen, Platz nehmen; ne. sit down, take a seat

sit -- sit down to eat: got. gawaurkjan anakumbjan, got.: nhd. sich lagern lassen; ne. sit down to eat

sit -- sit in judgement on: got. bidōmjan* 1, bi-dō-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen; ne. judge (V.), criticize, pass judgement on, sit in judgement on; stōjan, stō-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. richten, beurteilen; ne. judge (V.), pass judgement upon, sit in judgement on

sit -- sit up: got. ussitan* 1, us-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich aufsetzen, sich aufrichten; ne. sit up, get up into a sitting position

sit -- sit (V.): got. sitan 33, sit-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sitzen; ne. sit (V.), be sitting, be seated

sitting -- be sitting: got. sitan 33, sit-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sitzen; ne. sit (V.), be sitting, be seated

sitting -- get up into a sitting position: got. ussitan* 1, us-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich aufsetzen, sich aufrichten; ne. sit up, get up into a sitting position

situated -- be situated around: got. bisitan* 5, bi-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. herumsitzen, herumwohnen, umwohnen, nahe wohnen; ne. be situated around, neighbour (V.), dwell round about

situation -- ungentle situation: got. unsūti* 1, un-sūt-i*,  st. N. (ja)?, st. N. (ja)?: nhd. Aufstand, Aufruhr; ne. unmildness, untranquility, ungentle situation, confusion

six: got. saíhs 4, saíh-s, seis,  seis, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. sechs; ne. six

sixth: got. saíhsta 4, saíh-s-ta,  Num. Ord.: nhd. sechste; ne. sixth

sixty: got. saihs tigjus, got.: nhd. sechzig; ne. sixty

Sk -- appropriateness; Sk 1: got. þata gadōb: nhd. Schicklichkeit, Ordnung; ne. appropriateness; Sk 1,16 Enb

Sk -- not any the more; Sk 3: got. ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that

Sk -- not much later; Sk 6: got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously

Sk -- up to this moment; Sk 4: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

skilled -- skilled in alchemical witchcraft: got. lubjaleis* 1, lu-b-j-a-leis*,  Adj. (a): nhd. giftkundig, Zauberer (= lubjaleis, subst.); ne. skilled in alchemical witchcraft, sorcerous, alchemist (= lubjaleis, subst.)

skillful -- skillful in teaching: got. laiseigs 2, lais-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Lehren befähigt, zum Lehren geeignet, lehrend; ne. skillful in teaching, able in instructing, apt at teaching

skin -- bag made of skin: got. balgs* 12, bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Balg, Schlauch, Tasche; ne. leather bag, bag made of skin, wine-skin

skin -- bursting of skin: got. *balgbrust (?), *bal-g-bru-s-t,  Sb.: nhd. Balgbersten; ne. bursting of skin

skin -- skin blemish: got. mail* 1,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Runzel; ne. mole (2), skin blemish, wrinkle (N.)

skin -- skin (N.): got. *fill?, *fil-l?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fell, Haut; ne. skin (N.), hide (N.)

-skinny: got. *-fills?, *-fil-l-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. -häutig; ne. -skinny

skull: got. ƕaírnei* 1, ƕaír-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schädel; ne. skull; *ƕaírnō?, *ƕaír-n-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schädel; ne. skull

-- of the skull: got. ƕaírneins*, ƕaír-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Schädel-; ne. of the skull, cranial

sky: got. himins 100, himin-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Himmel; ne. heaven (N.), sky

slab -- stone slab: got. hallus* 1, hal-l-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Fels, Stein; ne. stone slab, stone block, boulder, rock (N.)

slack -- slack (Adj.): got. lats* 3, la-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lässig, träge, faul; ne. sluggish (Adj.), slack (Adj.), lax (Adj.), lazy, indolent

slackness: got. latei 1, la-t-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lässigkeit, Trägheit; ne. sluggishness, slackness, laxness; *slawiþa?, *slaw-iþ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schlaffheit; ne. limpness, slackness

slander -- slander (N.): got. anaqiss* 2, an-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lästerung, Schmährede; ne. blasphemy, slander (N.), verbal attack, abusive speech; bihait* 1, bi-hai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. üble Nachrede; ne. obloquy, defamation, slander (N.), evil report; naiteins* 3, nai-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, malediction, abusive speech, foul language, insult (N.), slander (N.)

slander -- slander (V.): got. hōlōn* 2, hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verleumden, betrügen, durch Betrug schädigen, schikanieren, schaden; ne. wrong by false allegation, cheat by false pretenses, victimize, slander (V.); wajamērjan 10, waj-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lästern; ne. defame (V.), slander (V.), blaspheme, speak sacrilegiously

slanderer: got. diabaúlus 12, dia-baúl-u-s, diabulus,  st. M. (u): nhd. Teufel; ne. slanderer, devil; diabula* 1, dia-bul-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verleumderin; ne. slanderer, slanderess

slanderess: got. diabula* 1, dia-bul-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verleumderin; ne. slanderer, slanderess

slanderously -- incriminate slanderously: got. frawrōhjan* 1, fra-wrō-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verklagen, verdächtigen, verleumden, anzeigen; ne. accuse maliciously, accuse calumniously, incriminate slanderously, suspect (V.)

slap -- slap (N.): got. slahs lōfin, got.: nhd. Ohrfeige; ne. slap (N.); slahs lōfin, got.: nhd. Ohrfeige; ne. slap (N.)

slap -- slap (V.): got. lōfam slahan, got.: nhd. ohrfeigen; ne. slap (V.); lōfam slahan, got.: nhd. ohrfeigen; ne. slap (V.)

slaughter -- slaughter (N.): got. slaúhts* 1, sla-ú-h-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schlachten, Schlachtung; ne. slaughter (N.), slaying (N.)

slaughter -- slaughter (V.): got. ufsneiþan* 5, uf-sneiþ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „aufschneiden“, schlachten; ne. cut to death, slaughter (V.), kill (V.), butcher (V.)

slave: got. skalks 57=56, s-kal-k-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Knecht, Diener; ne. slave, servant

-- be a slave: got. skalkinōn 25, s-kal-k-i-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. dienen; ne. serve, do service, be in servitude, be a slave

slave-dealer: got. mannans gaþiwands: nhd. Sklavenmacher, Seelenverkäufer; ne. slave-dealer, kidnapper

slavery: got. skalkinassus 5, s-kal-k-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Knechtschaft, Dienst, Dienstbarkeit, Gottesdienst; ne. service, servitude, slavery, worship (N.), idolatry

slaves: got. þēwis* 2, þēw-i-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dienerschaft, Knechte; ne. servitors, bondsmen, thralls, slaves

slay: got. afslahan* 5=4, af-slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abschlagen, abhauen, erschlagen; ne. hew off, slay, strike dead, strike off, cut off, kill (V.); bliggwan* 6, bli-gg-w-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. schlagen; ne. beat (V.), flog, strike (V.), beat to death, slay

-- slay murderously: got. maúrþrjan* 6, maúr-þ-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. morden; ne. murder (V.), slay murderously, kill (V.)

slaying -- slaying (N.): got. slaúhts* 1, sla-ú-h-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schlachten, Schlachtung; ne. slaughter (N.), slaying (N.)

sleep -- go to sleep: got. anaslēpan* 4, an-a-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „einschlafen“, entschlummern, entschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep; gaslēpan* 5, ga-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. schlafen, entschlafen, einschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep, die (1)

sleep -- sleep (N.): got. slēps* 3, s-lēp-s*,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Schlaf; ne. sleep (N.)

sleep -- sleep (V.): got. slēpan* 12, s-lēp-an*, schlipen,  schlipen, krim red. V. (4): nhd. schlafen; ne. sleep (V.), be asleep; lat. dormire

sleeplessness: got. wōkains* 2, wōk-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wachen; ne. wakefulness, staying awake, sleeplessness, watch (N.)

slender: got. þraihans Adj. = Part. Prät.: nhd. schmal; ne. slim, slender

slice -- dipped slice: got. *suppa, *su-p-p-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. eingetunkte Schnitte; ne. dipped slice

slice -- slice (N.): got. *liska?, *lisk-a?,  st. M. (n): nhd. Schnitte; ne. slice (N.)

slide -- let slide off: got. afslaupjan* 1, af-slau-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. abstreifen, ablegen; ne. let slide off, make slip off, put off

slide -- slide past: got. ufsliupan* 3=2, uf-sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. einschleichen, zu Unrecht einführen, sich zurückziehen, sich fortschleichen; ne. slip by, slide past, slip on past, shrink back

slide -- slide past on in: got. innufsliupan* 1, in-n-uf-sliu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. weiter hinaufschlüpfen, hineinschlüpfen; ne. slip on in, slide past on in, slip on past in, slip in unnoticed

slide -- slide (V.): got. sliupan* 1, sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. schleichen, schlüpfen; ne. slip (V.), slide (V.)

slight -- slight (Adj.): got. leihts* 2, leih-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leicht, leichtsinnig; ne. light (Adj.), lightweight (Adj.), light-headed, slight (Adj.)

slighter: got. minniza 6, mi-n-n-iz-a,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. kleiner, geringer; ne. less, lesser, slighter, smaller, younger

slightest: got. minnists* 8, mi-n-n-ist-s*,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. kleinste, geringste, mindeste; ne. least, very little, slightest, smallest

slim: got. þraihans Adj. = Part. Prät.: nhd. schmal; ne. slim, slender

slip -- make slip off: got. afslaupjan* 1, af-slau-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. abstreifen, ablegen; ne. let slide off, make slip off, put off

slip -- slip by: got. ufsliupan* 3=2, uf-sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. einschleichen, zu Unrecht einführen, sich zurückziehen, sich fortschleichen; ne. slip by, slide past, slip on past, shrink back

slip -- slip in unnoticed: got. innufsliupan* 1, in-n-uf-sliu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. weiter hinaufschlüpfen, hineinschlüpfen; ne. slip on in, slide past on in, slip on past in, slip in unnoticed

slip -- slip off: got. *slaupjan, *slau-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streifen; ne. slip off

slip -- slip on in: got. innufsliupan* 1, in-n-uf-sliu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. weiter hinaufschlüpfen, hineinschlüpfen; ne. slip on in, slide past on in, slip on past in, slip in unnoticed

slip -- slip on past: got. ufsliupan* 3=2, uf-sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. einschleichen, zu Unrecht einführen, sich zurückziehen, sich fortschleichen; ne. slip by, slide past, slip on past, shrink back

slip -- slip on past in: got. innufsliupan* 1, in-n-uf-sliu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. weiter hinaufschlüpfen, hineinschlüpfen; ne. slip on in, slide past on in, slip on past in, slip in unnoticed

slip -- slip (V.): got. *sleipan, *slei-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schlüpfen; ne. slip (V.); *sleipjan?, *slei-p-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schleifen (V.) (2), schlüpfen; ne. slip (V.); *slipjan, *sli-p-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schlüpfen; ne. slip (V.); sliupan* 1, sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. schleichen, schlüpfen; ne. slip (V.), slide (V.)

slope: got. ibdalja* 1, ib-dal-j-a*,  M.?, N.?: nhd. Berglehne, Abhang; ne. declivity, downgrade, slope, descent

-- steep slope: got. driusō* 3, driu-s-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abhang; ne. cliff, steep slope, steep bank

slow -- be slow: got. sainjan* 1, sai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zögern, säumen; ne. be slow, delay (V.) (tr.), be tardy, be detained

slow -- slow down: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

sludge: got. *mulma?, *mul-m-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Schlamm; ne. sludge

sluggish -- sluggish (Adj.): got. lats* 3, la-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lässig, träge, faul; ne. sluggish (Adj.), slack (Adj.), lax (Adj.), lazy, indolent

sluggishness: got. latei 1, la-t-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lässigkeit, Trägheit; ne. sluggishness, slackness, laxness

small: got. leitils 36, lei-til-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. klein, wenig; ne. little, small; smals* 1, s-mal-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. klein, gering; ne. small, little

-- small bush with highly aromatic leaves: got. hwssōpō* 1, hwssōpōn*,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromatic leaves

-- small bush with highly aromativ leaves: got. ƕssōpō, ƕssōpōn,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromativ leaves

smaller: got. minniza 6, mi-n-n-iz-a,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. kleiner, geringer; ne. less, lesser, slighter, smaller, younger

smallest: got. minnists* 8, mi-n-n-ist-s*,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. kleinste, geringste, mindeste; ne. least, very little, slightest, smallest

-- the smallest: got. smalista, got.: nhd. der kleinste; ne. the smallest

smash -- smash (V.): got. gabrikan* 8, ga-brik-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerbrechen; ne. break (V.), fracture (V.), smash (V.), crush (V.); gakrōtōn* 1, ga-krōt-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zerbrechen (intr.), zerschellen, zermalmen; ne. crush (V.), smash (V.), shatter (V.)

smear -- smear on: got. bismeitan* 1, bi-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreichen, beschmieren, aufstreichen; ne. besmear, anoint, smear on, daub on

smear -- smear (V.): got. gasmeitan* 1, ga-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufstreichen, beschmieren; ne. smear (V.), daub (V.), dab (V.), anoint; *smeitan, *sme-i-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. streichen, schmieren (V.) (1); ne. smear (V.), daub (V.)

smell -- sense of smell: got. dauns 7, dau-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geruch, Wohlgeruch, Dunst; ne. odour (N.), aroma, fragrance, smell (N.), sense of smell

smell -- smell (N.): got. dauns 7, dau-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geruch, Wohlgeruch, Dunst; ne. odour (N.), aroma, fragrance, smell (N.), sense of smell

smite: got. slahan* 10, slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. schlagen, hauen, ohrfeigen (= lōfam slahan); ne. strike (V.), beat (V.), hit (V.), smite, give a blow, wound (V.); stautan* 2, stau-t-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. stoßen; ne. punch (V.), cuff (V.), hit (V.), smite, strike (V.)

-- smite the face of: got. wlizjan* 1, wli-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, kasteien; ne. castigate, cane (V.), smite the face of, mortify, bruise (V.)

smith: got. *smiþa, *smi-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schmied; ne. smith; *smiþs, *smi-þ-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schmied; ne. smith

-- produce in the manner of a smith: got. gasmiþōn* 1, ga-smi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. „schmieden“, bewirken, durch Schmieden bewirken; ne. forge (V.), produce in the manner of a smith, effect (V.), work (V.), produce

smooth -- smooth (Adj.): got. slaíhts* 1, slaíh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. schlicht, glatt; ne. smooth (Adj.), even (Adj.)

snake -- snake (N.): got. nadrs* 1, nadr-s*,  st. M. (?) (a): nhd. Natter; ne. snake (N.), viper, adder; *nēdrō?, *nēdr-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Natter, Schlange; ne. snake (N.), viper, adder; waúrms 3, waúr-m-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Wurm, Schlange; ne. serpent, snake (N.)

snap -- snap at: got. andbeitan 9, and-bei-t-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. schelten, bedrohen, in Verlegenheit geraten (V.), tadeln, anfahren; ne. scold (V.), threaten, snap at, rebuke, censure (V.), castigate

snare -- snare astray: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

snare -- snare (N.): got. hlamma 2, hla-m-m-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Falle“, Schlinge; ne. crash-trap, pitfall, trap for crash-falling into, snare (N.); wruggō* 1, wru-g-g-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schlinge; ne. snare (N.), noose

snatch -- snatch up: got. frawilwan 8, fra-wil-w-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. fortreißen, gewaltsam ergreifen; ne. grab away, snatch up, seize, wrest away; *rapōn?, *ra-p-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. raffen, rauben; ne. snatch up

sneer -- sneer at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

snipe: got. *snippa?, *snip-p-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schnepfe; ne. snipe

snort -- snort (N.): got. *blēsts?, *blē-s-t-s?,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Blasen (N.), Schnauben; ne. blow (N.), snort (N.)

snort -- snort (V.): got. *blēstjan?, *blē-s-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. blasen, schnauben; ne. blow (V.), snort (V.)

snow -- snow (N.): got. snaiws 1, snaiw-s,  st. M. (a) (wa): nhd. Schnee; ne. snow (N.)

snow -- snow (V.): got. *sneiwan, *sneiw-an,  st. V.?, sw. V.?: nhd. schneien; ne. snow (V.)

so: got. an 5,  Partikel: nhd. denn, nun; ne. so, then, well (Adv.); iþ (1) 626,  Konj.: nhd. aber, und, wenn, nun, also, denn; ne. but, however, in any case, even so, so, if, in the case that; swa 115=113,  Adv.: nhd. so; ne. so, thus, just so, in just the same manner

s.o. -- afford s.o.: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

s.o. -- curse s.o.: got. fraqiþan* 7, fra-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. für ungültig erklären, aufheben, verfluchen, verwünschen; ne. speak ill of, deprecate, condemn, curse s.o.

s.o. -- exploit s.o. financially: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of

s.o. -- hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

s.o. -- precede s.o.: got. faúraqiman* 1, faúr-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vorgehen, vor jemand hergehen; ne. precede s.o., come in advance, come before, go before

s.o. -- sing a hymn of praise to s.o.: got. liuþōn* 1, liu-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. lobsingen, singen; ne. sing a hymn of praise to s.o.

s.o. -- surrender s.o. by means of opportunism: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

s.o. -- take the opportunity of giving s.o. over: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

s.o. -- with s.o.: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

s.o. -- worry s.o.: got. kara wisan: nhd. sich kümmern; ne. worry s.o., be of concern to

soak -- soak (V.): got. *suppōn?, *su-p-p-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einweichen; ne. soak (V.)

sober -- sober (Adj.): got. gafaurs 2, ga-faur-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. ehrbar, nüchtern, besonnen (Adj.), bescheiden (Adj.), gesittet; ne. temperate (Adj.), restrained, descreet, wellbehaved, sober (Adj.), sober-tongued; unskaus* 1, un-skau-s*, usskaus*?,  Adj. (wa): nhd. nüchtern; ne. unobscured, unblurred, undimmed, sober (Adj.)

sober-tongued: got. gafaurs 2, ga-faur-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. ehrbar, nüchtern, besonnen (Adj.), bescheiden (Adj.), gesittet; ne. temperate (Adj.), restrained, descreet, wellbehaved, sober (Adj.), sober-tongued

sobriety: got. inahei* 2, in-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Besonnenheit, Selbstbeherrschung; ne. judiciousness, circumspection, prudence, sobriety

society: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

soft -- soft (Adj.): got. hnasqus* 3, hna-sq-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. weich, weichlich, zart; ne. soft (Adj.), delicate; ? *līs?, *lī-s?,  Adj. (ja?): nhd. leise?, sanft?; ne. soft (Adj.)?, low?; *mūks?, *mūk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. sanft, weich; ne. meek, soft (Adj.), gentle

solace: got. gaþrafsteins 6, ga-þraf-st-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Trost; ne. consolation, solace, comfort (N.), encouragement

solar -- solar egress: got. urruns (1) 3, ur-ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Aufgang (der Sonne), Osten, Abtritt; ne. egress (N.), emergence, solar egress, sunrise, sunup, runoff, sewer, latrine, toilet, rising (N.)

soldier: got. cadariou 1, krim st. M.: nhd. Soldat; ne. soldier; lat. miles; gadraúhts 5, ga-draú-h-t-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Soldat; ne. soldier, warrior, serviceman; militōnds, got.: nhd. Soldat; ne. soldier

-- be a soldier: got. militōn* 1, milit-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun; ne. serve in the military, be a soldier

-- foot soldier: got. *fanþja?, *fanþ-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fußsoldat; ne. foot soldier

-- function as a soldier in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

soldiering: got. draúhtinassus* 1, draú-h-t-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), service under a war-lord, military service, soldiering

soldiers -- ring of soldiers: got. *harihriggs, *hari-hri-gg-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Heerring; ne. army ring, ring of soldiers

soldier’s -- soldier’s pay: got. annō* 2, ann-ō*,  sw. F. (n)?: nhd. Sold, Kosten (F. Pl.); ne. pay (N.), soldier’s pay, wages

sole: got. ainaha 3, ai-n-ah-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. einzig; ne. only (Adj.), sole

-- sole (N.): got. sulja* 1, sul-j-a*, suljō*?,  st. F. (ō)?, M.?: nhd. Sohle, Sandale; ne. sole (N.), sandal

solely: got. þatainei 29, þat-ai-n-ei,  Adv.: nhd. nur; ne. only, solely

-- not solely ... but also: got. ni þatainei ... ak jah: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not solely ... but also, not just ... but also

solidify: got. gaþwastjan* 5=4, ga-þwa-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, stärken; ne. firm up, make firm, make secure, solidify, restore, set right

solitary -- make solitary: got. gaainan* 1, ga-ai-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. vereinzeln, trennen; ne. isolate, make solitary

solitary -- solitary (Adj.): got. ainakls* 1, ai-n-a-k-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vereinzelt, alleinstehend, einzeln; ne. alone, standing alone, lonely, solitary (Adj.)

solution: got. *lauseins?, *lau-s-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lösung; ne. solution; *luneins, *lu-n-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lösung; ne. solution; ? *lusts, *lu-s-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lösung?; ne. solution?

solve: got. *liusan?, *liu-s-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. lösen, los sein (V.)?; ne. remove (V.), solve, cancel, be solved?

solved -- be solved: got. ? *liusan?, *liu-s-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. lösen, los sein (V.)?; ne. remove (V.), solve, cancel, be solved?

some: got. sums 140, sum-s,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, ein gewisser, jemand, ein, einige; ne. a certain one, some, somebody, one, anyone

-some: got. sama 45, sam-a,  sw. Pron., Suff.: nhd. derselbe, der nämliche, -sam; ne. same, the same, -some

some -- at some time: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

somebody: got. sums 140, sum-s,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, ein gewisser, jemand, ein, einige; ne. a certain one, some, somebody, one, anyone

somehow: got. ƕaiwa 68, ƕai-wa,  Adv.: nhd. wie, irgendwie; ne. how, how much, somehow; ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

someone: got. ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone

-- speak with someone: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

something: got. waíhts 80=79, waíh-t-s,  st. F. (i), F. (kons.): nhd. Ding, Sache, etwas; ne. thing, anything, something, entity, whit, sake, objective, matter (N.)

-- something drunk: got. *drugks?, *dru-g-k-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Trank; ne. drink (N.), something drunk, beverage

-- something exhibited: got. taikn 1, tai-k-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anzeichen; ne. token (N.), evidence, display (N.), something exhibited

-- something false: got. galiug* 9, ga-liug*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lüge, Götzenbild; ne. falsification, something false, falsity; *liug?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lüge; ne. falsification, falsity, something false

-- something good: got. þiuþ 20, þiu-þ,  st. N. (a): nhd. das Gute, die gute Sache, Gut; ne. good (N.), something good, good things

-- something like: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- twist into something else: got. inwandjan 1, in-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „hineinwenden“, verdrehen, verkehren; ne. twist into something else, pervert, subvert, distort

sometime -- lest sometime: got. niu ƕan, got.: nhd. ob einst; ne. lest sometime

somewhat: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

somewhere: got. aljaþrō 4, al-ja-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. anderswoher; ne. elsewhence, elsewhere, from elsewhere, somewhere else, somewhere, by another way

-- be on the way to somewhere: got. gaggan 205=203, ga-g-g-an,  def. red. V. (3): nhd. gehen, wandeln, umhergehen, kommen; ne. be on the way to somewhere, go (V.), come, walk (V.)

-- somewhere else: got. aljar 2, al-ja-r,  Adv.: nhd. anderswo; ne. absent, away from here, elsewhere, somewhere else; aljaþrō 4, al-ja-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. anderswoher; ne. elsewhence, elsewhere, from elsewhere, somewhere else, somewhere, by another way

-- to somewhere else: got. aljaþ 1, al-ja-þ,  Adv.: nhd. anderswohin; ne. to somewhere else, elsewhither, elsewhere, to another place

son: got. barnilō 8, bar-n-il-ō,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Kindlein, Kindchen, Knäblein; ne. little child, son; sunus 298, su-n-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Sohn; ne. son

song: got. saggws* 4, saggw-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Gesang, Musik (= saggweis); ne. song, singing (N.), vocal music (= saggweis), reading (N.), lecture

-- song of praise: got. hazeins 10, haz-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lob, Loblied, Lobgesang, Preis; ne. praise (N.), song of praise; *liuþ?, *liu-þ?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lied; ne. hymn (N.), song of praise

son-in-law: got. mēgs 1, mēg-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Eidam, Schwiegersohn; ne. son-in-law

sonship: got. frastisibja 1, frast-i-si-b-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kindschaft; ne. familial adoption, adoption as children, sonship

soon: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- as soon as: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when; sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

Sorb: got. *Winiþs?, *Win-iþ-s?,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Wende (M.); ne. Wend, Sorb

sorcerous: got. lubjaleis* 1, lu-b-j-a-leis*,  Adj. (a): nhd. giftkundig, Zauberer (= lubjaleis, subst.); ne. skilled in alchemical witchcraft, sorcerous, alchemist (= lubjaleis, subst.)

sorcery: got. lubjaleisei 1, lu-b-j-a-leis-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Giftmischerei, Zauberei, Giftkunde; ne. magic (N.), toxicology, mixing of poison, sorcery

sore -- sore (N.): got. banja* 3, ban-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Schlag, Wunde, eiternde Wunde, Geschwür; ne. open wound, sore (N.)

sorrow -- sorrow (N.): got. gaurei* 1, gau-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Betrübnis; ne. grief, anguish (N.), sorrow (N.); gauriþa 1, gau-r-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Betrübnis; ne. grief, anguish (N.), sorrow (N.); *grama?, *gra-m-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gram; ne. grief (N.), sorrow (N.); *raka (1), *rak-a,  Sb.: nhd. Sorge; ne. care (N.), sorrow (N.); saúrga 12, saúrg-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sorge, Kummer; ne. sorrow (N.), grief (N.), worry (N.), care (N.)

sorrow -- sorrow (V.): got. qainōn 4, qai-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. weinen (intr.), trauern (intr.), beweinen (tr.), betrauern (tr.); ne. wail (V.), mourn, lament (V.), bewail, mourn over, sorrow (V.); saúrgan 7, saúrg-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen, bekümmert sein (V.); ne. sorrow (V.), be sorrowful, grieve, worry (V.), be anxious, care (V.)

sorrowful: got. gaurs 6, gau-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. betrübt, traurig, mürrisch; ne. grieved, anguished, pained, sorrowful, sad, sullen

-- be sorrowful: got. gahnipnan* 1, ga-hni-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich betrüben; ne. become downcast, become gloomy, be sorrowful; saúrgan 7, saúrg-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen, bekümmert sein (V.); ne. sorrow (V.), be sorrowful, grieve, worry (V.), be anxious, care (V.)

sort -- a sort of fish: got. *aska?, *ask-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Äsche; ne. a sort of fish

sort -- what sort of: got. ƕileiks 17=16, ƕi-leik-s,  Pron., Adj. (a): nhd. wie beschaffen, was für ein, welcher; ne. what sort of, what kind of, which, of what type

s.o.’s -- act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping: got. anafilh* 6, an-a-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Anvertrautes“, Empfehlung, Überlieferung; ne. act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping, commendation, recommendation, tradition

sough -- sough (V.): got. *swōgan, *s-wō-g-an,  red. V. (6): nhd. rauschen, tönen; ne. sough (V.), resound (V.)

soul: got. *anþs (2), *an-þ-s,  st. Sb.: nhd. Geist, Seele; ne. spirit, soul; saiwala 42, sai-w-al-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seele; ne. soul

-- of the same soul: got. samasaiwals* 1, sam-a-sai-w-al-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. unanimous, of the same soul, united in soul, of the same mind

-- united in soul: got. samasaiwals* 1, sam-a-sai-w-al-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. unanimous, of the same soul, united in soul, of the same mind

souls -- seller of souls: got. mannans gaþiwjands, got.: nhd. Seelenverkäufer; ne. seller of souls

sound -- be of sound mind: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact; waila fraþjan: nhd. bescheiden sein (V.), besonnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind

sound -- make a sighing sound: got. gaswōgjan* 1, ga-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erseufzen, seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), heave a sigh, make a sighing sound

sound -- sound (Adj.): got. hails (1) 15, hai-l-s, iel,  iel, krim Adj. (a): nhd. heil, gesund, wohl; ne. healthy, hale (Adj.), whole, sound (Adj.); lat. vita, sanitas; swinþs* 11=10, swinþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, kräftig, gesund; ne. strong, physically powerful, healthy, sound (Adj.), robust

sound -- sound a trumpet: got. haúrnjan* 2, haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hornblasen, das Horn blasen, trompeten; ne. blow a horn, sound a trumpet

sound -- sound of the voice: got. drunjus 1, dru-n-ju-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Schall; ne. sound of the voice, call (N.), cry (N.)

sound -- sound out: got. wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

sound -- vocal sound: got. stibna 33, stibn-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stimme; ne. voice (N.), vocal sound

sounded: got. *gaus-,  Adj.?: nhd. tönend?; ne. sounded

sounds -- utter gruff sounds to o.s.: got. inraúhtjan* 2, in-raúh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnt werden, zürnen, unwillig sein (V.); ne. growl interiously, groan (V.), utter gruff sounds to o.s., be indignant

soup: got. *bruþ?, *bru-þ?,  N. (a): nhd. Brühe; ne. soup

sour -- sour wine: got. akēt* 2, akē-t*, akeit*,  st. M.?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Essig; ne. vinegar, wine vinegar, sour wine

source: got. brunna 2, bru-n-n-a,  krim sw. M. (n): nhd. Brunnen, Quelle, Born; ne. fountain, source, well (N.); lat. fons; *kaldiggs?, *kal-d-igg-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Quelle, Brunnen; ne. source, spring (N.)

-- source of thought: got. aha* 6, ah-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sinn, Verstand; ne. mental faculty, mind (N.), understanding, reason (N.), source of thought

southern: got. *sunþar, *sun-þar,  Adj. (a): nhd. südlich; ne. southern

sovereign: got. fraujinōnds* 1, frau-ji-n-ōn-d-s*,  st. M. (nd): nhd. Herrscher, Herr; ne. lord (M.), master (M.), ruler, sovereign

sovereignty: got. reiki* 8, reik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Reich, Herrschaft, Obrigkeit; ne. rulership, government, sovereignty, ruling power, authority, realm

sow -- sow (2): got. sáian 30, sái-an,  red. abl. V.: nhd. säen; ne. sow (2), seed (V.), plant seed

sow -- sow (F.): got. *sūs, *sū-s,  F. (kons.): nhd. Sau; ne. sow (F.)

sow -- sow in: got. insáian* 1, in-sái-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. einsäen, hineinsäen; ne. sow in, seed in

sowing -- sowing (N.) (2): got. ussateins* 1, us-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ursprung; ne. semination, seeding (N.), sowing (N.) (2), engendering, begetting, origin

sowlike: got. *sweins?, *sw-ein-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. Sau-; ne. sowlike, swinish, porcine, piglike

space -- space before the door: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

space -- space (N.): got. rūm* 1, rū-m*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Raum, Platz (M.) (1); ne. room (N.), space (N.)

spacious: got. rūms 1, rū-m-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geräumig; ne. roomy, spacious, commodious

-- become spacious: got. *rūmnan, *rū-m-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. Platz werden; ne. become spacious; urrūmnan* 2, ur-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern, aufgehen; ne. become spacious, become commodious, enlarge, widen, open wide; usrūmnan* 1, us-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern; ne. become spacious

span -- life span: got. alds* 12, al-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Menschenalter, Zeit; ne. generation, age (N.), life span, lifetime

spare -- spare (V.): got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.)

spark -- spark (N.): got. *falwiska?, *fal-wisk-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Flugasche, Funke; ne. flying ashes, spark (N.)

sparrow: got. *sparuks?, *spar-uk-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Sperling; ne. sparrow; sparwa* 2, spar-w-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sperling; ne. sparrow

sparrowhawk: got. *sparwāreis?, *spar-w-ārei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Sperber; ne. sparrowhawk

speak: got. qiþan 1270, qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sagen, meinen, bezeichnen, sprechen; ne. say, tell, speak, express (V.), give an opinion; rōdjan 125, rō-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sprechen, reden; ne. speak, talk (V.), communicate verbally

-- speak against: got. andsakan* 1, and-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. widersprechen, bekämpfen, bestreiten; ne. controvert, gainsay, dispute (V.), speak against

-- speak a great deal: got. filuwaúrdjan* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. viel Worte machen, viel plappern, viel reden; ne. verbalize excessively, babble (V.), chatter (V.), speak a great deal

-- speak at an assembly: got. maþljan* 2, maþ-l-jan*, krimgot.?, sw. V. (1): nhd. reden; ne. speak publicly, speak at an assembly, discourse publicly, talk (V.); lat. dicere

-- speak evil of: got. ubilwaúrdjan 1, ub-il-waúr-d-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. übel sprechen, schmähen; ne. speak ill of, speak evil of

-- speak falsely: got. liugan* (2) 6, liug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. lügen, belügen; ne. lie (1) (V.), tell a lie, tell an untruth, speak falsely

-- speak ill of: got. fraqiþan* 7, fra-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. für ungültig erklären, aufheben, verfluchen, verwünschen; ne. speak ill of, deprecate, condemn, curse s.o.; ubilwaúrdjan 1, ub-il-waúr-d-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. übel sprechen, schmähen; ne. speak ill of, speak evil of

-- speak like a madman: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

-- speak publicly: got. maþljan* 2, maþ-l-jan*, krimgot.?, sw. V. (1): nhd. reden; ne. speak publicly, speak at an assembly, discourse publicly, talk (V.); lat. dicere

-- speak sacrilegiously: got. wajamērjan 10, waj-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lästern; ne. defame (V.), slander (V.), blaspheme, speak sacrilegiously

-- speak to: got. haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.)

-- speak together with: got. miþrōdjan* 1, mi-þ-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mit jemandem reden; ne. speak together with, talk together with, converse with

-- speak (V.): got. ? *aikan?, *ai-k-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. sprechen?; ne. speak? (V.)

-- speak vociferously: got. *bihaitan?, *bi-hai-t-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. prahlen, verleumden; ne. proclaim about, call out about, speak vociferously

-- speak with someone: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

-- unable to speak: got. unrōdjands 3, un-rō-d-jan-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht redend, stumm; ne. unspeaking, speechless, dumb, unable to speak

speakable: got. *qēþs?, *qēþ-s?,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. aussprechbar; ne. speakable

speaker: got. *maþleis?, *maþ-l-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Redner; ne. speaker

speaking -- cease speaking: got. gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret

speaking -- much speaking: got. filuwaúrdei* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. vieles Reden, Schwatzhaftigkeit, Geschwätz; ne. verbal plenitude, much wordiness, much speaking

speaking -- speaking abusively: got. *wajamēreis?, *waj-a-mē-r-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. übelberüchtigt, übel berufen; ne. defaming (Adj.), speaking abusively, speaking ill of

speaking -- speaking empty words: got. lausawaúrds* 2=1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leeres Geschwätz vollführend, hohler Schwätzer (= lausawaurds, subst.); ne. speaking empty words, talking idly, empty talker

speaking -- speaking ill of: got. *wajamēreis?, *waj-a-mē-r-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. übelberüchtigt, übel berufen; ne. defaming (Adj.), speaking abusively, speaking ill of

speaking -- speaking lies: got. liugnawaúrds* 1, liug-n-a-waúr-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Lügen redend, lügnerisch; ne. false-speaking, lie-telling, speaking lies

spear -- spear (N.): got. *asks?, *ask-s?,  st. F. (ō?): nhd. Esche, Speer; ne. ash-tree, spear (N.); ? enguz 1, engu-z,  st. M. (a?, u?): nhd. Iggws (= Gott des fruchtbaren Jahres), Speer?, Mann?, n-Rune; ne. a god, spear (N.)?, man (M.)?, name of n-rune; *gails (1), *gail-s,  st. M.: nhd. Speer; ne. spear (N.); *gais, *gai-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ger, Speer; ne. spear (N.); *gisls?, *gi-s-l-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Speer; ne. spear (N.); *speuts?, *speut-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Spieß; ne. spear (N.), spit (N.)

spearhead: got. *gaida?, *gai-d-a?,  F. (ō)?: nhd. Speerspitze; ne. spearhead

specifically: got. raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure; þishun 6=5, þi-s-hun,  Adv.: nhd. meist, vorzüglich, besonders; ne. in particular, particularly, specifically, especially, above all

speck -- speck (N.): got. gramst* 3, gra-m-st*,  st. M. (a), st. N. (a): nhd. Holzsplitter, Splitter; ne. speck (N.), chip (N.), splinter (N.)

spectacle: got. faírweitl 1, faír-wei-t-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schauspiel; ne. spectacle, exhibition, theatrical sight

speech: got. gawaúrdi* 1, ga-waúr-d-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gespräch, Rede; ne. conversation, talk (N.), speech; ? *qidi?, *qid-i?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Rede?; ne. speech?; *qiss (1), *qi-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Rede; ne. speech; ? *rak-,  sw.? F. (ō)?: nhd. Rede?; ne. speech?; razda 11, raz-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sprache, Sprechweise, Zunge; ne. language, dialect, tongue, manner of utterance, speech

-- abusive speech: got. anaqiss* 2, an-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lästerung, Schmährede; ne. blasphemy, slander (N.), verbal attack, abusive speech; naiteins* 3, nai-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, malediction, abusive speech, foul language, insult (N.), slander (N.); *wajamēreins 5, *waj-a-mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, abusive speech, desecrating speech, sacrilegious speech

-- desecrating speech: got. *wajamēreins 5, *waj-a-mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, abusive speech, desecrating speech, sacrilegious speech

-- figure of speech: got. gajukō (2) 30, ga-ju-k-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Zusammenstellung“, „Zusammenjochung“, Gleichnis; ne. simile, parable, figure of speech

-- public speech: got. maþlei* 1, maþ-l-ei*, maþleins*,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Rede, Redeweise; ne. public speech, discourse (1) (N.), dialect

-- sacrilegious speech: got. *wajamēreins 5, *waj-a-mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, abusive speech, desecrating speech, sacrilegious speech

-- shameful speech: got. aglaitiwáurdei* 2, ag-l-ait-i-wáur-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schandrede, unzüchtiges Reden; ne. obscene language, foul language, shameful speech, filthy talk

speechless: got. unrōdjands 3, un-rō-d-jan-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht redend, stumm; ne. unspeaking, speechless, dumb, unable to speak

-- become speechless: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- make speechless: got. afslauþjan* 2, af-s-lau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. in Angst versetzen, in Sorge sein (V.), ängstigen; ne. perturb, frighten, dumbfound (V.), scare (V.), silence off, make speechless

speed -- speed in anticipation: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

speed -- speed on ahead: got. faúrbisniwan* 1, faúr-bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorangehen, zuvorkommen; ne. speed on ahead, hasten on before, precede

speed -- speed on by: got. bisniwan* 1, bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. zuvorkommen, zuvoreilen; ne. speed on by, precede

speed -- speed (V.): got. sniwan* 3, sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. eilen, überkommen; ne. hasten, speed (V.), come upon

speedily: got. sniumundō 3, sniu-m-und-ō,  Adv.: nhd. eilends, eilig; ne. speedily, hurriedly, quickly, with haste; sprautō 13, s-prau-t-ō,  Adv.: nhd. schnell, bald, ohne Zögern; ne. quickly, speedily, promptly, fast (Adv.), rapidly, without delay

speedy: got. *snills, *snil-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schnell; ne. fast, quick, speedy; *sniums?, *sniu-m-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. schnell; ne. fast, quick, speedy

spend: got. fraqiman* 7, fra-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. verzehren, ausgeben, vertun, verwenden; ne. use up, expend, consume, exhaust (V.), spend, rise up

spice -- spice (V.): got. gasupōn* 2, ga-su-p-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. würzen, salzen; ne. season (V.), spice (V.), salt (V.); supōn* 1, su-p-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. würzen, salzen; ne. season (V.), spice (V.), salt (V.)

spices: got. arōmata 1, arōmat-a,  st. N. (a): nhd. Spezereien, Gewürze; ne. spices, aromatic oils or salves

spike -- spike (N.): got. hnuþō 2 (=1), hnu-þ-ō, hnutō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. spitzer Pfahl; ne. pointed stake, peg (N.), spike (N.), nail (N.), tip of prod

spike -- spike (N.) (1): got. qaíru 1, qaír-u,  st. N. (u): nhd. Pfahl, Stachel; ne. goad (N.), pointed stake, spur (N.), thorn, spike (N.) (1)

spilled -- become spilled out: got. *gutnan?, *gu-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gegossen werden; ne. become poured out, become spilled out; usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

spilled -- be spilled out: got. usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

spin -- spin (V.): got. spinnan* 1, spin-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. spinnen; ne. spin (V.); *waibjan?, *waib-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weben, winden; ne. spin (V.), wind (V.) (1)

spirit: got. ahma 154=152, ah-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Geist; ne. spirit; *anþs (2), *an-þ-s,  st. Sb.: nhd. Geist, Seele; ne. spirit, soul; mōþs* (1) 2, mō-þ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zorn, Mut; ne. bad temper, pique (N.), anger (N.), spirit

-- crushed in spirit: got. grindafraþjis* 1, gri-nd-a-fraþ-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. kleinmütig; ne. demoralized, crushed in spirit, faint-hearted

-- evil spirit: got. skōhsl* 6, skōh-sl*,  st. N. (a): nhd. böser Geist, Dämon; ne. demon, evil spirit

spirits -- put in good spirits: got. anaþrafstjan* 2, an-a-þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „trösten“, erquicken; ne. refresh, put in good spirits, cheer up, relieve

spirits -- raise the spirits of: got. gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

spiritual -- spiritual (Adj.): got. ahmeins* 13, ah-m-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. geistig, geistlich; ne. spiritual (Adj.)

spit -- cover with spit: got. bispeiwan* 2, bi-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. bespeien, anspeien; ne. spit upon, spit at, cover with spit

spit -- spit at: got. andspeiwan* 1, and-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1),: nhd. entgegenspeien, ausspeien, verachten, verwerfen; ne. spit at, expectorate against, despise; bispeiwan* 2, bi-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. bespeien, anspeien; ne. spit upon, spit at, cover with spit

spit -- spit (N.): got. spaiskuldr* 1, spai-sk-ul-dr*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Speichel; ne. spit (N.), spittle, saliva; *speuts?, *speut-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Spieß; ne. spear (N.), spit (N.); *spitus?, *spitu-s?,  st. M. (a,u?): nhd. Bratspieß; ne. spit (N.); *spiuts?, *spiut-s?,  st. M. (u?): nhd. Spieß; ne. spit (N.)

spit -- spit upon: got. bispeiwan* 2, bi-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. bespeien, anspeien; ne. spit upon, spit at, cover with spit

spit -- spit (V.): got. gaspeiwan* 1, ga-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ausspeien, speien; ne. spit (V.), expectorate

spit -- spit (V.) (1): got. speiwan 5, speiw-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. speien; ne. spit (V.) (1), expectorate

spite -- spite (N.): got. neiþ* 7, nei-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Neid; ne. envy (N.), hatred, spite (N.)

spittle: got. spaiskuldr* 1, spai-sk-ul-dr*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Speichel; ne. spit (N.), spittle, saliva

spleen: got. *milti, *mil-t-i,  st. F. (i?): nhd. Milz; ne. spleen, milt

splendid: got. gatarhiþs, Adj. = Part. Prät.: nhd. berüchtigt, offenbar; ne. plain (Adj.), notorious, splendid; wulþags* 8=7, wul-þ-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. herrlich, wunderbar, angesehen; ne. glorious, splendid, resplendent, wonderful

splendour: got. *galaubei, *ga-laub-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Glanz, Kostbarkeit, Pracht; ne. splendour, magnificence; *laubei, *laub-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Glanz; ne. splendour; wulþus 73=71, wul-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herrlichkeit; ne. glory, splendour, resplendence, magnificence, majesty

splinter -- splinter (N.): got. gramst* 3, gra-m-st*,  st. M. (a), st. N. (a): nhd. Holzsplitter, Splitter; ne. speck (N.), chip (N.), splinter (N.)

split -- become split apart: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

split -- be split apart: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

split -- split apart: got. disskreitan* 1, dis-skrei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. zerreißen (tr.); ne. tear asunder, rip apart, rive, split apart

split -- split up: got. disskaidan* 1, dis-skai-d-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zerteilen; ne. cause division in, sunder (V.), split up, divide up

spoil -- spoil (V.): got. frawaírþan* 1, fra-waír-þ-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verderben (intr.), zugrunde gehen; ne. degenerate, spoil (V.), perish (intr.), become corrupt; riurjan* 1, riur-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben (tr.); ne. corrupt (V.), spoil (V.), ruin (V.), make perish, destroy

spoilage: got. fraqisteins* 1, fra-qis-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verderb, Vergeudung, Verschwendung; ne. spoiling, spoilage

spoiling: got. fraqisteins* 1, fra-qis-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verderb, Vergeudung, Verschwendung; ne. spoiling, spoilage

sponge -- sponge (N.): got. swamms* 2, swam-m-s*,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Schwamm; ne. sponge (N.)

spool -- spool (N.): got. *spōla?, *spōl-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Spule; ne. spool (N.)

spoon -- spoon (N.): got. *lapins, *lap-in-s,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Löffel (M.) (1); ne. spoon (N.)

spoor -- spoor (N.): got. laists* 3, lais-t-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Spur; ne. track (N.), footprint, trace (N.), spoor (N.)

spot -- spot (N.): got. staþs (1) 34, sta-þ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Stätte, Ort, Gegend, Platz (M.) (1), Raum; ne. place (N.), locality, region, spot (N.), stead, passage; wamm* 1, wam-m*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fleck; ne. spot (N.), flaw, stain (N.); *wammei?, *wam-m-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Beflecktheit; ne. spot (N.), flawness, stainness

spot -- spot (V.): got. bisauljan* 1, bi-saul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. besudeln, beflecken; ne. spot (V.), pollute, contaminate, sully (V.); *wammjan, *wam-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beflecken; ne. spot (V.), stain (V.)

spotless: got. unwamms* 4, un-wam-m-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fleckenlos, tadellos, rein; ne. spotless, flawless, unstained

spotlessness: got. unwammei* 1, un-wam-m-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unbeflecktheit, Reinheit, Lauterkeit; ne. spotlessness, flawlessness, stainlessness

spotted: got. gawamms* 1, ga-wam-m-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gemein, unrein, befleckt; ne. spotted, stained, unclean (Adj.); *wamms, *wam-m-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schlecht, gemein; ne. spotted, flawed, stained

-- become spotted: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- be spotted: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

spotting -- spotting (N.): got. bisauleins* 1, bi-saul-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Befleckung; ne. spotting (N.), defilement

spouse -- take a spouse: got. liugan (1) 19, liug-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. heiraten; ne. marry, wed (V.), espouse, take a spouse

spread -- spread abroad word of: got. usmērjan* 1, us-mē-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden; ne. spread abroad word of, publicize, publish (V.)

spread -- spread beneath: got. ufstraujan* 1, uf-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darunterstreuen, unterbreiten; ne. strew down, scatter down, spread beneath

spread -- spread by throwing: got. straujan* 2, stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streuen, ausbreiten; ne. strew, scatter (V.), spread by throwing

spread -- spread good news of: got. waílamērjan 13, waíl-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem eine frohe Botschaft künden, predigen, frohe Botschaft bringen; ne. spread good news of, preach the good, proclaim

spread -- spread (intr.): got. usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

spread -- spread out: got. gastraujan* 1, ga-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreuen, belegen (V.), überdecken, überbreiten; ne. strew out, spread out, cover (V.); usbraidjan* 1, us-braid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausbreiten nach; ne. spread out, extend, stretch out

spread -- spread the gospel: got. aíwaggēljan* 1, aíw-agg-ēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. das Evangelium verkünden; ne. evangelize, spread the gospel

spread -- spread the news: got. usqiþan 1, us-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. ein Gerede verbreiten; ne. divulge, make public, spread the news

spread -- spread (V.): got. *braidjan?, *braid-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. breiten; ne. spread (V.)

spring -- spring (N.): got. *kaldiggs?, *kal-d-igg-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Quelle, Brunnen; ne. source, spring (N.)

spring -- spring to one’s feet: got. ushlaupan* 1, us-hlaup-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. aufspringen, sich aufmachen; ne. leap forth, leap up, jump up, spring to one’s feet

sprinkle -- sprinkle over: got. ufartrusnjan* 1, uf-ar-trusn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überstreuen; ne. scatter over, strew over, sprinkle over

sprinkling: got. ufarranneins* 1, uf-ar-ra-n-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Besprengung; ne. sprinkling, aspergation

sprout -- sprout up: got. uskeinan* 3, us-kei-n-an*,  st. sw. V. (1): nhd. hervorkeimen; ne. sprout up, bud forth, grow from

sprout -- sprout up together with: got. miþuskeinan* 1, mi-þ-us-kei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. „mitauskeimen“, mithervorkeimen; ne. sprout up together with, bud forth together with, grow with

sprout -- sprout (V.): got. keinan* 1, kei-n-an*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. keimen; ne. germinate, sprout (V.), bud (V.); *spriutan, *s-priu-t-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. sprießen, hervorschießen; ne. spurt up, sprout (V.)

sprouted -- sprouted (Adj.): got. uskijans, got.: nhd. aufgekeimt; ne. sprouted (Adj.)

spur -- spur (N.): got. gazds 2, gazd-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stachel, Peitsche; ne. sting (N.), goad (N.), spur (N.); qaíru 1, qaír-u,  st. N. (u): nhd. Pfahl, Stachel; ne. goad (N.), pointed stake, spur (N.), thorn, spike (N.) (1); *spaúra, *s-paúr-a, *spōra,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sporn; ne. spur (N.)

spurn -- spurn (V.): got. frakunnan 16, fra-kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. verachten; ne. refuse to recognize, spurn (V.), disdain (V.), scorn (V.), despise; ufbrikan 8, uf-brik-an,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. verwerfen, verachten; ne. despise (V.), spurn (V.), rebuff (V.)

spurned: got. *frakunþs?, *fra-kun-þ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verachtet; ne. spurned, disdained, despised

spurt -- spurt up: got. *spriutan, *s-priu-t-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. sprießen, hervorschießen; ne. spurt up, sprout (V.)

spy -- spy (M.): got. fērja* 1, fēr-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Aufpasser, Nachsteller; ne. ambusher, waylayer, spy (M.); *spaíha, *spaíh-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Späher, Spion; ne. scout (M.), spy (M.)

spy -- spy out: got. biniuhsjan 1, bi-niu-hs-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auskundschaften, ausspionieren, ausforschen; ne. reconnoiter, scout out, spy out

squabble -- squabble (N.): got. *bēga?, *bēg-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Streit; ne. quarrel (N.), squabble (N.)

squall -- squall (N.) (1): got. skūra 2, skūr-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schauer (M.) (1); ne. shower (N.), squall (N.) (1), storm (N.)

squander: got. frawisan* 1, fra-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verbrauchen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. consume by dining, devour through epicurean living, eat up in feasting, squander

square -- public square: got. plapja* (?) 1, plap-ja*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Straße; ne. plaza, place (N.), public square, street

s-rune -- name of s-rune: got. sugil,  N.?: nhd. Sonne, s-Rune; ne. sun (N.), name of s-rune

stab -- stab out: got. usstaggan* 1, us-sta-g-g-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ausstechen; ne. stab out, pluck out

stability: got. tulgiþa 3, tul-g-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Festigkeit, Sicherheit, Fundament, Grundfeste, Befestigung; ne. firmness, stability, steadiness, steadfastness, immovability, fixity, certainty; þwastiþa 1, þwa-st-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sicherheit; ne. stability, security, establishedness, safeguard

stable -- stable (1): got. *þwasts?, *þwa-st-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. fest; ne. stable (1)

stade: got. spaúrds* 4, s-paúr-d-s*,  F. (kons.): nhd. Rennbahn, Stadium; ne. stade, stadium, racetrack, race (N.) (2)

stadium: got. spaúrds* 4, s-paúr-d-s*,  F. (kons.): nhd. Rennbahn, Stadium; ne. stade, stadium, racetrack, race (N.) (2)

staff: got. hrugga* 1, hru-gg-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stab, Rute; ne. staff, walking stick

-- staff (N.) (1): got. walus* 1, wa-l-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Stab; ne. staff (N.) (1), walking stick

stain -- stain (N.): got. wamm* 1, wam-m*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fleck; ne. spot (N.), flaw, stain (N.)

stain -- stain (V.): got. anawammjan* 1, an-a-wam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beflecken, tadeln; ne. furnish with a flaw, mar, stain (V.); *wammjan, *wam-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beflecken; ne. spot (V.), stain (V.)

stained: got. gawamms* 1, ga-wam-m-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gemein, unrein, befleckt; ne. spotted, stained, unclean (Adj.); *wamms, *wam-m-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schlecht, gemein; ne. spotted, flawed, stained

stainlessness: got. unwammei* 1, un-wam-m-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unbeflecktheit, Reinheit, Lauterkeit; ne. spotlessness, flawlessness, stainlessness

stainness: got. *wammei?, *wam-m-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Beflecktheit; ne. spot (N.), flawness, stainness

stair: got. griþs* 1, griþ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schritt, Stufe; ne. step (N.), pace (N.), stair, standing (N.)

staircase: got. *stiga, *stig-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Steige (F.) (1); ne. staircase

stake -- pointed stake: got. hnuþō 2 (=1), hnu-þ-ō, hnutō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. spitzer Pfahl; ne. pointed stake, peg (N.), spike (N.), nail (N.), tip of prod; qaíru 1, qaír-u,  st. N. (u): nhd. Pfahl, Stachel; ne. goad (N.), pointed stake, spur (N.), thorn, spike (N.) (1)

stake -- put to the stake: got. hramjan* 1, hram-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kreuzigen; ne. put to the stake, crucify

stake -- stake (N.): got. galga 18, galg-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Pfahl, Kreuz; ne. stake (N.), pole for crucifixion, gallows, cross (N.); *staka, *stak-a, *stakka,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stecken, Pfahl; ne. stick (N.), post (N.), stake (N.); *stiur (2), *stiu-r,  st. N.: nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), stake (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control,discipline (N.); strava* 1, stra-v-a*, straua*, lat.- F.: nhd. Scheiterhaufen zur Leichenfeier; ne. stake (N.)

stake -- stake (V.): got. *stakkōn?, *stak-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. anpfählen, anbinden; ne. post (V.), stake (V.)

stakes -- fix with stakes: got. *stakjan?, *stak-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stecken; ne. make stuck, fix with stakes

stalk -- stalk (1): got. raus* (1) 5, rau-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rohr; ne. reed, stalk (1); *stiggils?, *sti-g-g-il-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Stengel; ne. stalk (1)

stall -- stall (N.) (1): got. *stalla, *stal-l-a, stalls,  sw. M. (n), st. M. (a): nhd. Stall; ne. stall (N.) (1)

stammering -- stammering (Adj.): got. stamms* 1, stam-m-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lallend, stammelnd; ne. stammering (Adj.)

stamp -- stamp (V.): got. *stampjan?, *sta-m-p-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stampfen; ne. stamp (V.); *stampōn?, *sta-m-p-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. stampfen; ne. stamp (V.)

stance -- one who takes a stance: got. *stasseis?, *sta-s-s-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Steher; ne. one who stands, one who takes a stance

stand -- cause to stand: got. gastōþan 1, ga-stō-þ-an,  sw. V. (3), effektiv: nhd. aufrecht erhalten; ne. make stand, cause to stand, uphold

stand -- come to stand near: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

stand -- lamp stand: got. lukarnastaþa* 3, lukarn-a-sta-þa*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Leuchter; ne. candlestick, lamp stand

stand -- make stand: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; gastōþan 1, ga-stō-þ-an,  sw. V. (3), effektiv: nhd. aufrecht erhalten; ne. make stand, cause to stand, uphold; *stōþan?, *stō-þ-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufrechterhalten; ne. make stand

stand -- stand adjacently: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

stand -- stand aghast: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

stand -- stand ahead: got. instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

stand -- stand around: got. bistandan* 2, bi-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. herumstehen, umringen; ne. stand around, surround (V.)

stand -- stand before: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise; *faúrstandan?, *faúr-sta-n-d-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. vorstehen; ne. stand before

stand -- stand by: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

stand -- stand in awe of: got. ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

stand -- stand in front: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

stand -- stand in opposition to: got. andstandan 17, and-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. entgegenstehen, widerstehen, widerstreiten, widerstreben; ne. oppose, resist, stand in opposition to, withstand

stand -- stand (N.): got. *hrama, *hram-a,  Sb.: nhd. Gestell; ne. stand (N.); *staþa (2), *sta-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Ständer; ne. stand (N.); *stunda (1), *stu-nd-a,  st. F.? (ō): nhd. Standplatz; ne. stand (N.)

stand -- stand near: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

stand -- stand nearby: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

stand -- stand together with: got. miþstandan* 1, mi-þ-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. zusammenstehen mit; ne. stand together with

stand -- stand up: got. kumei 1, got.?, V.: nhd. steh auf; ne. stand up, arise; usstandan 41, us-sta-n-d-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich erheben, aufbrechen, auferstehen, aufstehen; ne. stand up, rise up, arise, emerge, proceed out

stand -- stand (V.): got. gaþulan 5, ga-þul-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erdulden, dulden; ne. tolerate, put up with, suffer (V.), stand (V.), endure; standan 43, sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. stehen; ne. stand (V.), be standing

stand -- stand within reach: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

standard -- in a manner other than standard: got. aljaleikōs, Adv. (Komp.), (Krause, Handbuch des Gotischen 194,2): nhd. anders; ne. otherwise, elsewise, in a manner other than standard

standard -- standard of measurement: got. mitaþs* 12, mi-t-aþ-s*,  F. (kons.): nhd. Maß; ne. measure (N.), measurement, standard of measurement

standing -- be standing: got. standan 43, sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. stehen; ne. stand (V.), be standing

standing -- come to a standing position: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

standing -- standing alone: got. ainakls* 1, ai-n-a-k-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vereinzelt, alleinstehend, einzeln; ne. alone, standing alone, lonely, solitary (Adj.)

standing -- standing fast: got. *gastōþs?, *ga-stō-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. fest; ne. standing fast, standing steady; *stōþs?, *stō-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. stet; ne. standing fast, standing steady

standing -- standing grain: got. atisk* 2, atis-k*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Saat, Saatfeld; ne. standing grain, grainfield, wheat fields

standing -- standing (N.): got. griþs* 1, griþ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schritt, Stufe; ne. step (N.), pace (N.), stair, standing (N.); *stōdeins, *stō-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Stehen; ne. standing (N.)

standing -- standing person: got. *staþjis?, *sta-þ-ji-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Steher; ne. standing person

standing -- standing steady: got. *gastōþs?, *ga-stō-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. fest; ne. standing fast, standing steady; *stōþs?, *stō-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. stet; ne. standing fast, standing steady

stands -- one who stands: got. *stasseis?, *sta-s-s-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Steher; ne. one who stands, one who takes a stance

standstill -- bring to a standstill: got. *stadjan?, *sta-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Stehen bringen; ne. stop (V.), bring to a standstill

standstill -- come to a standstill: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

star -- star (N.): got. staírnō* 2, staír-n-ō*, stern,  stern, krim sw. F. (n): nhd. Stern; ne. star (N.); lat. stella; tuggl* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gestirn; ne. constellation, celestial body, star (N.)

stare -- stare antagonistically at: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

stare -- stare at: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at

stare -- stare (V.): got. faírweitjan 6, faír-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinblicken, gaffen, umherspähen, spähen; ne. stare (V.), view attentively, look engrossedly, look about, gaze inquisitively

start -- again from the start: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew

start -- start (N.): got. anastōdeins 13, an-a-stō-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Anfang; ne. beginning (N.), commencement, start (N.); *frum?, *fru-m?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anfang; ne. beginning (N.), start (N.), inception; *frumei, *fru-m-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Anfang; ne. beginning (N.), start (N.); frumisti* 3, fru-m-ist-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Anfang; ne. outset, beginning (N.), start (N.)

start -- start to be: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

start -- start to become disturbed: got. indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

start -- start to eat: got. gamatjan* 2, ga-mat-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. essen; ne. start to eat, eat (V.)

start -- start (V.): got. anastōdjan* 9, an-a-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben, beginnen; ne. begin (V.), start (V.); dustōdjan* 5=4, du-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben; ne. start (V.), begin (V.), commence, make a beginning

state -- assume proper state: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

state -- put in a state of anger: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

state -- put in a state of fear: got. inagjan* 1, in-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. anfahren, bedrohen, in Angst setzen; ne. put in a state of fear, threaten, inspire fear in, censure (V.)

statement: got. hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings; insahts 6, in-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erzählung, Aussage, Zeugnis; ne. argumentation, account (N.), exposition, explication, report (N.), story, statement, witness

stature: got. uswahsts* 1, us-wahs-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wachstum; ne. growth, maturation, stature; wahstus* 5, wahs-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Wuchs, Wachstum, Körpergröße, Größe; ne. growth, development, stature

stay -- stay as a guest: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

stay -- stay awake throughout: got. þaírhwakan* 2, þaír-h-wak-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. durchwachen, unter freiem Himmel übernachten, biwakieren; ne. stay awake throughout, keep watch

stay -- stay away: got. afstandan* 7, af-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. abstehen, ablassen, abfallen; ne. dissociate o.s., go away, stay away, fall off

stay -- stay in lodging: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

stay -- stay (V.): got. biliþans* wisan, got.: nhd. zurückbleiben; ne. stay (V.); wisan (2) 32, wi-s-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. weilen, bleiben; ne. continue, remain (V.), stay (V.)

staying -- staying awake: got. wōkains* 2, wōk-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wachen; ne. wakefulness, staying awake, sleeplessness, watch (N.)

stead: got. staþs (1) 34, sta-þ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Stätte, Ort, Gegend, Platz (M.) (1), Raum; ne. place (N.), locality, region, spot (N.), stead, passage

steadfast: got. gatulgiþs, Adj.: nhd. fest, beständig, bestärkt, befestigt; ne. firm (Adj.), permanent (Adj.), steadfast

-- steadfast (Adj.): got. tulgus 2, tul-g-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. fest, beständig, standhaft; ne. firm (Adj.) (1), fixed, steadfast (Adj.), immovable, steady (Adj.)

steadfastly -- set steadfastly: got. gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify

steadfastness: got. stiwiti* 4=3, stiwit-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geduld, geduldiges Ertragen; ne. steadfastness, perseverance, endurance, patience; tulgiþa 3, tul-g-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Festigkeit, Sicherheit, Fundament, Grundfeste, Befestigung; ne. firmness, stability, steadiness, steadfastness, immovability, fixity, certainty; usþulains* 2, us-þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geduld; ne. endurance, enduring (N.), patient bearing, patience, steadfastness

steadiness: got. tulgiþa 3, tul-g-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Festigkeit, Sicherheit, Fundament, Grundfeste, Befestigung; ne. firmness, stability, steadiness, steadfastness, immovability, fixity, certainty

steady -- standing steady: got. *gastōþs?, *ga-stō-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. fest; ne. standing fast, standing steady; *stōþs?, *stō-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. stet; ne. standing fast, standing steady

steady -- steady (Adj.): got. tulgus 2, tul-g-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. fest, beständig, standhaft; ne. firm (Adj.) (1), fixed, steadfast (Adj.), immovable, steady (Adj.)

steal: got. stilan* 2, stil-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. stehlen; ne. steal

-- steal away: got. biniman* 1, bi-nim-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. wegnehmen, stehlen; ne. take away, purloin, steal away

-- steal (V.): got. hlifan* 6, hli-f-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. stehlen; ne. commit theft, steal (V.)

stealing -- stealing (N.): got. þiubi* 1, þiub-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Diebstahl; ne. theft, thievery, stealing (N.)

stealthily: got. þiubjō* 2, þiub-j-ō*,  Adv.: nhd. verstohlen, heimlich; ne. stealthily, secretly, clandestinely, in secret

steep -- steep bank: got. driusō* 3, driu-s-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abhang; ne. cliff, steep slope, steep bank

steep -- steep slope: got. driusō* 3, driu-s-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abhang; ne. cliff, steep slope, steep bank

steer -- young steer: got. stiur* (1) 4, stiu-r*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stierkalb; ne. young steer, calf (N.), young bullock

steering -- steering (N.): got. *stiur (2), *stiu-r,  st. N.: nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), stake (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control,discipline (N.); *stiurei, *stiu-r-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Steuerung; ne. steering (N.); *stiuri, *stiu-r-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Pfahl, Steuerung; ne. post (N.), steering (N.), guidance, control (N.), self-control, discipline

stem -- grapevine stem: got. weinatriu 4, wein-a-triu,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Weinstock, Weingarten (= weinatriwa), Weinberg (= weinatriwa); ne. grapevine, grapevine stem, vine

stem -- woody stem: got. triu* 2,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Holz, Prügel, Baum; ne. wooden trunk, woody stem, vine, stick (N.)

step -- step (N.): got. griþs* 1, griþ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schritt, Stufe; ne. step (N.), pace (N.), stair, standing (N.)

step -- step up close to: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

step -- step (V.): got. *trimpan?, *tri-m-p-an?,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. treten; ne. step (V.), tread (V.)

stepping -- crowd by stepping right next to: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

sterile -- sterile woman: got. staírō 3, staír-ō,  sw. F. (n), sw. Adj.: nhd. die Unfruchtbare; ne. sterile woman, barren woman

stern -- stern (1): got. hardus 4, har-d-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. hart, streng; ne. hard, harsh, stern (1)

stern -- stern (2): got. nōta* 1, nōt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Achterdeck, Schiffshinterteil; ne. afterdeck, stern (2), rear of a ship

stern -- stern warning: got. ƕōta* 2, ƕōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Drohung; ne. sharp reprimand, stern warning, threat (N.)

sternly -- warn sternly: got. gaƕōtjan* 8, ga-ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bedrohen, schelten, strafen; ne. threaten, reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to; ƕōtjan* 1, ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. drohen; ne. reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to, threaten

steward: got. faúragaggja 7, faúr-a-ga-g-g-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Verwalter, Vorsteher; ne. steward, superintendent, manager; ragineis 4, rag-in-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Ratgeber, Ratsherr; ne. counsellor, advisor, guide (M.), prescriptor, steward, guardian

stewardship: got. faúragaggi 7=6, faúr-a-ga-g-g-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verwaltung, Haushaltung, Vorsteheramt; ne. stewardship, superintendency, management, administration

s.th. -- afford s.th.: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

s.th. -- be allotted s.th.: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

s.th. -- dig around s.th.: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

s.th. -- take s.th. to heart: got. galagjan hairtin, got.: nhd. zu Herzen nehmen; ne. take s.th. to heart

stick -- stick (N.): got. *gands?, *gan-d-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stock, Stab, Zauber?; ne. stick (N.), rod (N.), magic (N.); *staka, *stak-a, *stakka,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stecken, Pfahl; ne. stick (N.), post (N.), stake (N.); triu* 2,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Holz, Prügel, Baum; ne. wooden trunk, woody stem, vine, stick (N.)

stick -- stick (N.)(1): got. wandus* 1, wa-nd-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. „Gewundenes“, Rute; ne. rod, stick (N.)(1), cane (N.)

stick -- stick (N.) (1): got. *stagga?, *sta-g-g-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stange; ne. stick (N.) (1); *stika, *sti-k-a, *stikka,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Stecken; ne. stick (N.) (1)

stick -- stick to: got. gahaftnan* 1, ga-haf-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. anhangen, sich anheften; ne. stick to, adhere to, cling to

stick -- stick (V.): got. *stikan, *sti-k-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. stechen; ne. stick (V.), prick (V.), puncture (V.)

stick -- walking stick: got. hrugga* 1, hru-gg-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stab, Rute; ne. staff, walking stick; walus* 1, wa-l-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Stab; ne. staff (N.) (1), walking stick

sticking -- sticking (N.): got. *stakeins?, *stak-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Steckung; ne. sticking (N.)

stiff -- be stiff: got. *staúrran, *staúr-r-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. starr sein (V.)?; ne. be stiff

stiffen: got. gastaúrknan* 1, ga-staúr-k-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vertrocknen, verdorren; ne. become rigid, stiffen, wither (V.)

stigma: got. staks* 2=1, stak-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Mal (N.) (2), Wundmal; ne. puncture (N.), stigma, mark (N.)

still: got. þanamais 10=9, þan-a-ma-i-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch, mehr; ne. henceforth, still, further, yet

-- become still: got. afdumbnan* 1, af-du-m-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. become still, subside into silence, fall off into dumbness; gaslawan* 1, ga-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. schweigen, verstummen; ne. become still, quiet down

-- be still: got. slawan* 3, slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be silent, keep quiet, be still

-- still (Adv.): got. naúh 25,  Adv.: nhd. noch; ne. yet, still (Adv.); naúhþan 4, naúh-þan,  Adv.: nhd. noch; ne. still (Adv.), yet; naúhþanuh 14, naúh-þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. noch; ne. still (Adv.), yet, and as yet

sting -- sting (N.): got. gazds 2, gazd-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stachel, Peitsche; ne. sting (N.), goad (N.), spur (N.); *stuggs, *stu-g-g-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Stich, Stoß; ne. prick (N.), sting (N.), push (N.)

sting -- sting (V.): got. *staggan?, *sta-g-g-an?,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. stechen; ne. prick (V.), sting (V.); *stuggjan?, *stu-g-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stechen, stoßen; ne. prick (V.), sting (V.), push (V.)

stir -- stir up: got. drōbjan* 4, drō-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trüben, irre machen, aufwiegeln, bewegen, erschüttern, aufregen; ne. stir up, excite, agitate, disturb, unsettle, trouble (V.); gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter; uswagjan* 2, us-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erregen; ne. stir up, excite, arouse

stock -- blood stock: got. kuni 17, kun-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschlecht, Stamm; ne. clan, tribe, race (N.), blood stock, generation

stock -- stock (N.): got. knōþs* 1, knō-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschlecht; ne. stock (N.), race (N.), people; scaptus* 1, lat.-got.?, M.: nhd. Schaft; ne. shaft, stock (N.)

stockpile -- stockpile (V.): got. hūhjan* 1, hūh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. häufen, sammeln; ne. accumulate, stockpile (V.), store up

stomach: got. *būks, *bū-k-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Bauch; ne. stomach, belly; *maukō?, *mauk-ō?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bauch; ne. stomach; *qiþr?, *qi-þ-r?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Magen; ne. stomach; qiþus* 4, qi-þ-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Magen, Mutterschoß, Bauch; ne. stomach, belly, womb; suqn* 1, suqns*?,  M.?, N.?: nhd. Magen; ne. stomach

-- with empty stomach: got. lausqiþrs* 1, lau-s-qi-þ-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leeren Magens, nüchtern, ungespeist; ne. fasting (Adj.), with empty stomach

stone -- made of stone: got. staineins* 1, stai-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. steinern; ne. stone (Adj.), made of stone, stony

stone -- stone (Adj.): got. staineins* 1, stai-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. steinern; ne. stone (Adj.), made of stone, stony

stone -- stone block: got. hallus* 1, hal-l-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Fels, Stein; ne. stone slab, stone block, boulder, rock (N.)

stone -- stone (N.): got. ael 1, āl*, krim M. (u)?: nhd. Stein; ne. stone (N.); lat. lapis; stains 34, stai-n-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stein, Fels; ne. stone (N.), rock (N.)

stone -- stone slab: got. hallus* 1, hal-l-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Fels, Stein; ne. stone slab, stone block, boulder, rock (N.)

stone -- stone (V.): got. stainam afwairpan, got.: nhd. steinigen; ne. stone (V.); stainjan* 3, stai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. steinigen; ne. stone (V.), pelt with stones; stainam afwairpan, got.: nhd. steinigen; ne. stone (V.); stainam wairpan, got.: nhd. steinigen; ne. stone (V.); stainam wairpan, got.: nhd. steinigen; ne. stone (V.)

stones -- pelt with stones: got. stainjan* 3, stai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. steinigen; ne. stone (V.), pelt with stones

stony: got. stainahs* 2, stai-n-ah-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. steinig; ne. stony; staineins* 1, stai-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. steinern; ne. stone (Adj.), made of stone, stony

stool: got. *bridila, *bri-d-il-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Brettchen, Schemel; ne. platter, stool

stoop -- stoop down to: got. anahneiwan* 2, an-a-hnei-w-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich niederbeugen, sich neigen, sich bücken; ne. bend down to, stoop down to, bow (V.) (1)

stop -- stop at: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

stop -- stop (V.): got. *gaandjan 1, *ga-and-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. enden, endigen, aufhören; ne. stop (V.), cease, conclude; galatjan* 1, ga-la-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufhalten, verhindern, verzögern; ne. detain, restrain, stop (V.), hinder; gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.); *stadjan?, *sta-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Stehen bringen; ne. stop (V.), bring to a standstill; sweiban* 1, swei-b-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. ablassen, aufhören; ne. cease (V.), leave off, pause (V.), stop (V.); warjan* 9, war-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehren; ne. prevent, thwart (V.), forbid, hinder, restrain, stop (V.), block (V.)

store -- store of wealth: got. huzd 7, hu-z-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hort, Schatz; ne. treasure (N.), store of wealth

store -- store up: got. hūhjan* 1, hūh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. häufen, sammeln; ne. accumulate, stockpile (V.), store up; huzdjan 3, hu-z-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Schätze sammeln, sammeln; ne. treasure up, store up, lay away as treasure, gather

storehouse: got. bansts* 2, ban-st-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Scheuer, Scheune; ne. barn, storehouse

storm -- storm (N.): got. skūra 2, skūr-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schauer (M.) (1); ne. shower (N.), squall (N.) (1), storm (N.); *staúrms, *s-taúr-m-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Sturm; ne. storm (N.); wēgs 4, wēg-s,  st. M. (a/i): nhd. Erschütterung, Sturm, Wellenschlag, Brandung, Woge; ne. storm (N.), wave (N.), wave motion, undulation

story: got. insahts 6, in-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erzählung, Aussage, Zeugnis; ne. argumentation, account (N.), exposition, explication, report (N.), story, statement, witness

stout: got. *digrs?, *dig-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll, zusammengeknetet, dicht; ne. plump, stout, thick, kneaded all together

stoutness: got. digrei* 1, dig-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle; ne. plumpness, abundance, stoutness, thickness

straight -- make straight: got. garaíhtjan 4, ga-raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. als gerecht erweisen, etwas richten, hinlenken, lenken, rechtfertigen; ne. make straight, set right, rectify, correct (V.), make righteous, direct (V.); *raíhtjan, *raíh-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „richten“; ne. make straight, set right

straight -- straight (Adj.): got. raíhts* 3, raíh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. recht, gerade (Adj.) (2), gerecht; ne. rectilinear, straight (Adj.)

straight -- walk straight: got. raihtaba gaggan, got.: nhd. geradeaus gehen; ne. walk straight

straightly: got. *raíhtaba 6, *raíh-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. recht, richtig; ne. uprightly, rightly, correctly, straightly

straightway: got. sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

strain -- strain (V.): got. ufþanjan* 2, uf-þan-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausdehnen, ausstrecken, nach etwas trachten; ne. stretch (V.), extend, strain (V.), strive for

strand -- strand of hair: got. *taddora?, *ta-d-dor-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zottel, Fetzen, Flausch; ne. shred (N.), strand of hair

strange: got. aljakuns 3, al-ja-kun-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anderswoher stammend, gegen die Natur, von einem anderen Geschlecht, von fremder Abkunft, fremd; ne. foreign, of different kin, of foreign origin, strange, contrary to nature; framaþeis* 9, framaþs, fra-m-aþ-ei-s*, fram-aþ-s*,  Adj. (ja?), (i): nhd. fremd; ne. strange, alien, foreign, alienated, estranged; ? *silda-, *si-ld-a-,  Adj. (a)?: nhd. selten?, seltsam?; ne. rare?, strange?

stranger: got. gasts 7, gast-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Fremdling, Fremder, Gast; ne. stranger, guest

strangers“ -- „good to strangers“: got. gastigōþs* 2, gast-i-gōþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gastfrei, gastfreundlich; ne. hospitable, „good to strangers“

strap -- sandal strap: got. skaudaraip* 3, skau-d-a-rai-p*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Riemen (M.) (1), Schuhriemen; ne. sandal strap, foot-sheathing thong

strap -- strap (N.): got. *raip, *rai-p,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Riemen (M.) (1); ne. strap (N.), thong; *strigga, *stri-gg-a,  Sb.: nhd. Nessel, Riemen (M.) (1); ne. belt (N.), strap (N.)

straw: got. ? *strau, *stra-u,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Stroh?; ne. straw?

stream -- stream in an air current: got. wáian* 3, wái-an*,  red. abl. V.: nhd. wehen; ne. blow (V.), stream in an air current

stream -- stream (N.): got. aƕa 7, aƕ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fluss, Gewässer; ne. flowing body of water, river, stream (N.), torrent; flōdus 1, flō-du-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Strom, Flut; ne. flood (N.), stream (N.), onrush of water, onflow of water

street: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates; gagg* 2, ga-g-g*, gaggs*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gang (M.) (2), Weg, Straße; ne. street, way, road; garuns* 3, ga-ru-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Markt, Straße; ne. concourse, public mall, marketplace, running together, street; gatwō* 1, gat-wō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gasse; ne. thoroughfare, street, main road; plapja* (?) 1, plap-ja*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Straße; ne. plaza, place (N.), public square, street

strength: got. mahts (1) 72, mah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Macht, Kraft, Vermögen, Wundertat; ne. power (N.), might (N.), strength, capability, miracle; swinþei* 3, swinþ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Stärke, Kraft; ne. strength, power (N.)

-- impart strength to: got. inswinþjan 7=6, in-swinþ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. stärken; ne. strengthen, make strong, impart strength to

strengthen: got. gaswinþjan* 1, ga-swinþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. stärken; ne. strengthen; inswinþjan 7=6, in-swinþ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. stärken; ne. strengthen, make strong, impart strength to; *swinþjan?, *swinþ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stärken; ne. strengthen; timrjan* 9, tim-r-jan*, timbrjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bauen, zimmern, erbauen; ne. build (V.), construct (V.), strengthen, benefit (V.), edify

strengthened -- become strengthened: got. gaswinþnan 1, ga-swinþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erstarken, stark werden; ne. become strong, wax strong, become strengthened

strengthlessness: got. unmahts* 3, un-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ohnmacht, Schwäche, Krankheit; ne. incapacity, sickness, infirmity, weakness, strengthlessness

stretch -- stretch out: got. ufrakjan* 8, uf-rak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufrecken, ausstrecken, hinaufziehen; ne. stretch out, extend, reach out; usbraidjan* 1, us-braid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausbreiten nach; ne. spread out, extend, stretch out

stretch -- stretch (V.): got. *rakjan?, *rak-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. recken; ne. stretch (V.); *þanjan?, *þan-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. strecken, dehnen; ne. stretch (V.), extend; ufþanjan* 2, uf-þan-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausdehnen, ausstrecken, nach etwas trachten; ne. stretch (V.), extend, strain (V.), strive for

strew: got. straujan* 2, stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streuen, ausbreiten; ne. strew, scatter (V.), spread by throwing

-- strew down: got. ufstraujan* 1, uf-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darunterstreuen, unterbreiten; ne. strew down, scatter down, spread beneath

-- strew out: got. gastraujan* 1, ga-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreuen, belegen (V.), überdecken, überbreiten; ne. strew out, spread out, cover (V.)

-- strew over: got. ufartrusnjan* 1, uf-ar-trusn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überstreuen; ne. scatter over, strew over, sprinkle over

stricken -- stricken from power: got. *blauþs, *blau-þ-s, *blauþus,  Adj. (a): nhd. schwach, kraftlos; ne. powerless, beaten, stricken from power

stridor: got. *þuts?, *þu-t-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. Lärm; ne. stridor, blare (N.)

strike -- one apt to strike: got. slahals 3=2, slahuls, slah-al-s, slah-uls,  st. M. (a): nhd. Raufbold; ne. striker, one apt to strike, violent man, assailant, bully (M.)

strike -- strike against: got. bistigqan* 5, bi-sti-g-q-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. anstoßen, anprellen; ne. impinge, collide, stumble (V.), strike against; gastagqjan* 1, ga-stagq-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anstoßen; ne. make collide, bring into collision with, strike against

strike -- strike aghast: got. usgaisjan* 1, us-gai-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erschrecken; ne. strike aghast, frighten

strike -- strike dead: got. afslahan* 5=4, af-slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abschlagen, abhauen, erschlagen; ne. hew off, slay, strike dead, strike off, cut off, kill (V.)

strike -- strike off: got. afslahan* 5=4, af-slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abschlagen, abhauen, erschlagen; ne. hew off, slay, strike dead, strike off, cut off, kill (V.)

strike -- strike (V.): got. bliggwan* 6, bli-gg-w-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. schlagen; ne. beat (V.), flog, strike (V.), beat to death, slay; gastiggqan* 2, ga-sti-g-g-q-an*,  st. V. (3,1), perfektiv: nhd. anstoßen (intr.); ne. stumble (V.), strike (V.); slahan* 10, slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. schlagen, hauen, ohrfeigen (= lōfam slahan); ne. strike (V.), beat (V.), hit (V.), smite, give a blow, wound (V.); stautan* 2, stau-t-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. stoßen; ne. punch (V.), cuff (V.), hit (V.), smite, strike (V.)

strike -- strike with the fist: got. kaupatjan 4, kaupat-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. ohrfeigen, Faustschlag geben; ne. buffet (V.), pommel (V.), cuff (V.), strike with the fist

striker: got. slahals 3=2, slahuls, slah-al-s, slah-uls,  st. M. (a): nhd. Raufbold; ne. striker, one apt to strike, violent man, assailant, bully (M.)

striking -- striking against: got. bistugq* 5=4, bi-stu-g-q*, bistuggq,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anstoß; ne. stumbling-block, hitting against, striking against, obstacle

string -- string (N.): got. *snōbō?, *snōb-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bund, Band (N.); ne. band, string (N.); *snōrs?, *snōr-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schnur (F.) (1), Strick (M.) (1); ne. cord (N.), string (N.)

strip -- strip of: got. biraubōn* 2, bi-rau-b-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. berauben, ausziehen; ne. rob, strip of

strip -- strip off as clothing: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

strive: got. arbaidjan* 13, arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. arbeiten, dulden, kämpfen für; ne. work hard, toil (V.), labour (V.), strive, struggle (V.); *mōjan, *mō-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ermüden; ne. tire (V.), strive; *tilōn, *til-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zielen, streben; ne. aim (V.), strive

-- strive after: got. biarbaidjan 1, bi-arbai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. trachten nach, sich bemühen; ne. strive after, work towards

-- strive for: got. aljanōn 5, al-jan-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. eifern, eifern für; ne. strive for, manifest zeal for; ufþanjan* 2, uf-þan-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausdehnen, ausstrecken, nach etwas trachten; ne. stretch (V.), extend, strain (V.), strive for

-- strive in competition: got. haifstjan 4, haif-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streiten; ne. compete in a contest, contend, rival (V.), vie with, strive in competition, fight (V.)

-- strive vigorously: got. usdaudjan* 8, us-dau-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich beeifern, seine Ehre suchen; ne. strive vigorously, make energetic endeavours, be eager

striving -- striving in competition: got. haifsts* 12=11, haif-st-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Streit, Zank; ne. contestation, competition, rivalry, striving in competition, conflict (N.)

stroke -- make a stroke: got. *streikan, *strei-k-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. streichen; ne. stroke (V.), rub (V.), make a stroke

stroke -- mark made by a stroke of the pen: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

stroke -- stroke (N.): got. slahs* 7, slah-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Schlag, Plage, Ohrfeige (= slahs lōfin); ne. blow (N.), stroke (N.), affliction, infliction, slap (N.) (= slahs lōfin); striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

stroke -- stroke (V.): got. *streikan, *strei-k-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. streichen; ne. stroke (V.), rub (V.), make a stroke

stroke -- written stroke: got. writs* 1, wr-i-t-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. written stroke, scratch of the pen, serif

stroll -- stroll about: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

strong: got. *mala-, *mal-a-,  sw. Adj.: nhd. stark; ne. strong; *ram-,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark; ne. strong; *starks, *star-k-s,  Adj. (a?): nhd. stark; ne. strong; swinþs* 11=10, swinþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. stark, kräftig, gesund; ne. strong, physically powerful, healthy, sound (Adj.), robust

-- become strong: got. *abrjan?, *ab-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stark werden; ne. become strong; gaswinþnan 1, ga-swinþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erstarken, stark werden; ne. become strong, wax strong, become strengthened; inswinþjan sik: nhd. sich stark erweisen; ne. be strong, become strong; swinþnan* 2, swinþ-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. stark werden; ne. become strong

-- be strong: got. inswinþjan sik: nhd. sich stark erweisen; ne. be strong, become strong

-- make strong: got. inswinþjan 7=6, in-swinþ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. stärken; ne. strengthen, make strong, impart strength to

-- strong drink: got. leiþu* 1, lei-þ-u*,  st. N. (u): nhd. Obstwein; ne. cider, fermented beverage, strong drink

-- wax strong: got. gaswinþnan 1, ga-swinþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erstarken, stark werden; ne. become strong, wax strong, become strengthened

strong-arm -- strong-arm bandit: got. wilwa 3, wil-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Räuber; ne. robber, strong-arm bandit

stronghold -- circumvallated stronghold: got. bibaúrgeins* 1, bi-baúr-g-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lager; ne. camp (N.), circumvallated stronghold

stronghold -- make into a fortified residential stronghold: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

struck: got. usfilma* 2, us-fil-m-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. erschrocken, entsetzt; ne. shaken, struck, amazed, bewildered, frightened, astonished

-- be struck aback: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

structure -- different structure: got. anþarleikei* 2, an-þar-leik-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verschiedenheit; ne. otherness, different structure, different essence, diversity, difference

structure -- tent-like structure: got. hlija* 1, hlij-a*, hleis*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Hütte, Zelt; ne. tent, tent-like structure, booth

struggle -- struggle (N.): got. brakja 1, brak-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Ringen, Ringkampf, Kampf; ne. wrestling (N.), struggle (N.); *gunþi?, *gun-þ-i?,  st. F.: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.); *gunþs?, *gun-þ-s?,  st. M.?: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.); *haþus?, *ha-þu-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.); *hildi?, *hil-d-i?,  st. F. (i) (iō): nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.); *hilds?, *hil-d-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.)

struggle -- struggle (V.): got. arbaidjan* 13, arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. arbeiten, dulden, kämpfen für; ne. work hard, toil (V.), labour (V.), strive, struggle (V.)

strum -- strum (V.): got. *þrimman, *þri-m-m-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schwellen?; ne. thrum (1), strum (V.), drum (V.)

stubborn: got. daufs* 1, dau-f-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. taub, verstockt; ne. insensitive, insensate, dull (Adj.), numb (Adj.), deaf, stubborn, numbed, deadened

stubbornness: got. daubei 1, dau-b-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Taubheit, Verhärtung, Verstocktheit; ne. stubbornness, insensitivity, insensibility, numbness; daubiþa* 2, dau-b-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Verstocktheit, Verhärtung, Taubheit; ne. insensitivity, dullness, numbness, stubbornness

stuck -- make stuck: got. *stakjan?, *stak-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stecken; ne. make stuck, fix with stakes

student: got. sipōneis 131, sipōn-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Schüler, Jünger; ne. disciple, follower, student

-- be a student: got. sipōnjan* 1, sipōn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. Schüler sein (V.), Jünger sein (V.); ne. be a disciple, be a student

stumble -- make stumble: got. gamarzjan* 8, ga-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ärgern, Ärgernis erregen, Ärgernis nehmen (pass., Mat 11,6 CA, Luk 7,23 CA); ne. trip up, make stumble, make falter, thwart (V.), frustrate, cause offense; marzjan* 5, mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ärgern, zum Ärgernis sein (V.); ne. make stumble, make falter, hamper (V.), impede, offend

stumble -- stumble (V.): got. bistigqan* 5, bi-sti-g-q-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. anstoßen, anprellen; ne. impinge, collide, stumble (V.), strike against; gastiggqan* 2, ga-sti-g-g-q-an*,  st. V. (3,1), perfektiv: nhd. anstoßen (intr.); ne. stumble (V.), strike (V.)

stumbling-block: got. bistugq* 5=4, bi-stu-g-q*, bistuggq,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anstoß; ne. stumbling-block, hitting against, striking against, obstacle

stupid: got. dwals* 6, dwa-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. töricht; ne. foolish, stupid, dull

-- make stupid: got. dwala gataujan: nhd. töricht machen; ne. make foolish, make stupid

stupor -- bewildered stupor: got. *films?, *fil-m-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schrecken; ne. bewildered stupor, astonishment, amazement

style -- live in style: got. wizon in azētjam: nhd. üppig leben, angenehm leben; ne. live in style

subdue: got. anaþiwan* 1, an-a-þiw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, in Dienstbarkeit bringen, dienstbar machen; ne. subjugate (V.), subdue, enthrall, enslave, put in bondage; gatamjan 1, ga-tam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezähmen, bezwingen, zähmen, bändigen; ne. tame (V.), subdue

subject -- army become subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

subject -- army be subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

subject -- subject o.s.: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

subject -- subject to: got. hafts* (1) 1, haf-t-s*,  Part. Prät. = Adj. (a): nhd. behaftet; ne. bound (Adj.), joined, laden with, subject to

subject -- subject to a test: got. gakausjan* 1, ga-kaus-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. erproben, prüfen; ne. test (V.), try (V.), subject to a test

subject -- subject to death: got. diwans*, Adj. (a): nhd. sterblich; ne. moribund, mortal, subject to death

subject -- subject to foul language: got. ganaitjan* 1, ga-nai-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschimpfen, schmähen, lästern; ne. subject to foul language, subject to verbal humiliation, revile, treat shamefully

subject -- subject to the inquiring mind: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

subject -- subject to thralldom: got. gaþiwan* 5, ga-þiw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. dienstbar machen, unterjochen, durchbohren; ne. enthrall, subject to thralldom

subject -- subject to verbal humiliation: got. ganaitjan* 1, ga-nai-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschimpfen, schmähen, lästern; ne. subject to foul language, subject to verbal humiliation, revile, treat shamefully

subject -- subject (V.): got. ufhnaiwjan 6, uf-hnai-w-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen unterwerfen unter; ne. subject (V.), subjugate (V.)

subjugate -- subjugate (V.): got. anaþiwan* 1, an-a-þiw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, in Dienstbarkeit bringen, dienstbar machen; ne. subjugate (V.), subdue, enthrall, enslave, put in bondage; ufhnaiwjan 6, uf-hnai-w-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen unterwerfen unter; ne. subject (V.), subjugate (V.)

submerge -- cause to submerge: got. ufsaggqjan* 2=1, uf-saggq-jan*, ufsagqjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versenken; ne. make sink down, cause to submerge, engulf

submerged -- become submerged: got. gasiggqan* 2, ga-siggq-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. versinken, untergehen; ne. sink down, fall (V.), be submerged, become submerged, go down

submerged -- be submerged: got. gasiggqan* 2, ga-siggq-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. versinken, untergehen; ne. sink down, fall (V.), be submerged, become submerged, go down

submergence -- disappear by submergence: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

submission: got. gakunds 1, ga-kun-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überredung; ne. submission, persuasion, obedience, compliance, subordination; gakunþs* 1, ga-kun-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Anfang?, Bekanntwerdung?; ne. submission, subordination; ufhauseins 6, uf-hau-s-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehorsam; ne. submission, obedience, heed (N.); ufhnaiweins* 1, uf-hnai-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehorsam, Unterordnung, Unterwerfung; ne. submission, subordination

submissive -- be submissive: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

submissively -- listen to submissively: got. ufhausjan 29=28, uf-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, sich an etwas halten; ne. obey, heed (V.), listen to submissively

submit: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

-- submit to: got. usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

subordinate -- acknowledge o.s. as subordinate: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

subordinate -- subordinate o.s.: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

subordinate -- subordinate (V.): got. gafraujinōn* 1, ga-frau-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. unterjochen, herrschen; ne. dominate, rule (V.), lord it over, subordinate (V.)

subordination: got. gakunds 1, ga-kun-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überredung; ne. submission, persuasion, obedience, compliance, subordination; gakunþs* 1, ga-kun-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Anfang?, Bekanntwerdung?; ne. submission, subordination; ufhnaiweins* 1, uf-hnai-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehorsam, Unterordnung, Unterwerfung; ne. submission, subordination

subsequent: got. iftuma* 4, ift-uma*,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. folgende; ne. subsequent, next adjacent

-- on the subsequent day: got. iftumin daga: nhd. am folgenden Tag; ne. on the subsequent day; gr. τῇ ἐπαύριον; lat. in alio die, in altero die, in crastino die, in sequenti die

-- subsequent to: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

subsequently: got. uh (1) 248=246, u-h,  Partikel: nhd. und, nun, also; ne. and, also, too, likewise, thereupon, subsequently, consequently, so then

subservient -- make subservient: got. *þiwan, *þiw-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. dienstbar machen; ne. make subservient

subside -- subside into silence: got. afdumbnan* 1, af-du-m-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. become still, subside into silence, fall off into dumbness; *dumbnan, *du-m-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. subside into silence, fall off into dumbness

subsistence: got. andawizns* 3, anda-wiz-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Notdurft, Unterhalt, Sold; ne. living expenses, subsistence, sustenance, essentials, necessities, needs

subst. -- subst. sinner: got. frawaúrhts (1) 36, fra-waúrh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. sündig, subst. Sünder; ne. evil-doing (Adj.), sinful, subst. sinner

substance: got. stōma* 2, stō-m-a*,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Wesen, Gegenstand, Zuversicht, Erwartung, Grundlage, Stoff; ne. assuredness, self-confidence, sureness, substance

-- of equal substance: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

-- substance of testimony: got. weitwōdiþa 16, wei-t-wōd-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. substance of testimony, attestation, witness (N.)

substantively -- in substantively different manner: got. anþarleikō 2=1, an-þar-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. anders; ne. essentially differently, otherwise, in substantively different manner

substantively -- substantively different: got. *anþarleiks?, *an-þar-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. verschieden; ne. substantively different, essentially different, constituted otherwise

substitution: got. inmaideins 2, in-mai-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Vertauschung, Tausch; ne. exchange (N.), interchange (N.), substitution

subvert: got. inwandjan 1, in-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „hineinwenden“, verdrehen, verkehren; ne. twist into something else, pervert, subvert, distort

succeed: got. þeihan 7, þei-h-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. gedeihen, Fortschritte machen; ne. make progress, wax (V.), gain (V.) (2), thrive, succeed, cooperate

-- succeed in fighting: got. gajiukan* 4, ga-jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. besiegen, überwinden; ne. succeed in fighting, overcome, conquer, gain the prize

such: got. swalauþs* 5, swa-lauþ-s*,  Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so groß, so viel; ne. so great, so extensive, of such proportions, of such extent, such, so much; swaleiks 43, swa-leik-s,  st. Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so beschaffen, solch; ne. suchlike, such, of such kind

-- in such a manner: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- is it in such a way that: got. swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

-- of such extent: got. swalauþs* 5, swa-lauþ-s*,  Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so groß, so viel; ne. so great, so extensive, of such proportions, of such extent, such, so much

-- of such kind: got. swaleiks 43, swa-leik-s,  st. Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so beschaffen, solch; ne. suchlike, such, of such kind

-- of such proportions: got. swalauþs* 5, swa-lauþ-s*,  Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so groß, so viel; ne. so great, so extensive, of such proportions, of such extent, such, so much

-- such as that: got. þei 29,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. was auch immer, dass, damit; ne. such as that, this that, such that

-- such manner as: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- such that: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that; swaei 23, swa-ei,  Konj.: nhd. so dass, daher, also; ne. so that, such that, so as to, therefore; þei 29,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. was auch immer, dass, damit; ne. such as that, this that, such that

-- such time as: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- until such time as: got. und þata þei, got.: nhd. so lange als; ne. until such time as; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

suchlike: got. swaleiks 43, swa-leik-s,  st. Pron.-Adj. (a): nhd. so beschaffen, solch; ne. suchlike, such, of such kind

suck -- give suck: got. daddjan* 1, da-dd-j-an*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. säugen; ne. suckle (V.), give suck

suckle -- suckle (V.): got. daddjan* 1, da-dd-j-an*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. säugen; ne. suckle (V.), give suck

suddenly: got. anaks 3, an-ak-s,  Adv.: nhd. plötzlich, sogleich; ne. suddenly, all at once

suffer: got. baíran 46=45, baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. tragen, leiden, erleiden, gebären, ertragen; ne. bear (V.), carry, bring, endure, suffer, give birth; þulan 6, þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. dulden, leiden; ne. tolerate, suffer, bear (V.) (1), endure; winnan 15, wi-n-n-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. leiden, Schmerz leiden; ne. suffer, undergo suffering

-- suffer greatly: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- suffer shipwreck: got. naqaþs wairþan, got.: nhd. Schiffbruch erleiden; ne. suffer shipwreck

-- suffer through: got. usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

-- suffer (V.): got. gaþulan 5, ga-þul-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erdulden, dulden; ne. tolerate, put up with, suffer (V.), stand (V.), endure; gawinnan* 1, ga-wi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erleiden, leiden; ne. suffer (V.), undergo the travail of

-- suffer with: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

sufferance: got. þulains* 12, þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Dulden, Leiden, Geduld; ne. toleration, forbearance, sufferance, suffering (N.), patience, fortitude, perseverance

suffering -- suffering (N.): got. þulains* 12, þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Dulden, Leiden, Geduld; ne. toleration, forbearance, sufferance, suffering (N.), patience, fortitude, perseverance; winnō* 3, wi-n-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Leiden; ne. passion, carnal drive, sensual craving, suffering (N.); wunns* 1, wu-n-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Leiden; ne. suffering (N.), endurance of pain

suffering -- undergo suffering: got. winnan 15, wi-n-n-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. leiden, Schmerz leiden; ne. suffer, undergo suffering

suffice: got. ganah-, ga-nah-,  Prät.-Präs. (4), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. es genügt; ne. it is sufficient, suffice; ganaúhan* 4, ga-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. genügen, zur Genüge versehen sein (V.) mit; ne. suffice, be enough, be sufficient; waldan 2, wald-an,  red. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. walten, haushalten, dem Hauswesen vorstehen; ne. control (V.), govern, rule (V.), have dominion over, wield power over, suffice

sufficiency: got. ganaúha* 3, ga-naúh-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Genüge, Auskommen, Genügsamkeit; ne. sufficiency, self-sufficiency, satisfaction, contentment; *naúha?, *naúh-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Genügsamkeit, Auskommen; ne. sufficiency, satisfactoriness; waírþida 3, waír-þ-ida,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Tüchtigkeit, Fähigkeit, Wert; ne. worthiness, qualification, fittingness, sufficiency

sufficient: got. manags* 183=182, man-ag-s*, Komp. managiza, Superl. managists,  Adj. (a): nhd. manch, viel, über; ne. much, many, plenty, plentiful, sufficient

-- become sufficient in: got. ganōhnan 1, ga-nōh-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. zur Genüge versehen sein (V.), genug sein (V.); ne. be sufficient in, become sufficient in, abound in

-- be sufficient: got. ganaúhan* 4, ga-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. genügen, zur Genüge versehen sein (V.) mit; ne. suffice, be enough, be sufficient

-- be sufficient in: got. ganōhnan 1, ga-nōh-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. zur Genüge versehen sein (V.), genug sein (V.); ne. be sufficient in, become sufficient in, abound in; *nōhnan?, *nōh-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. genügen; ne. be sufficient in

-- it is sufficient: got. ganah-, ga-nah-,  Prät.-Präs. (4), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. es genügt; ne. it is sufficient, suffice

sufficiently: got. ufarassau, Adv.: nhd. im Überfluss; ne. superabundantly, sufficiently

suffocate: got. afƕapjan 5, af-ƕap-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ersticken, auslöschen; ne. choke (V.), extinguish, asphyxiate, suffocate; ? *ƕapjan?, *ƕap-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ersticken?; ne. suffocate?; ? *ƕapnan?, *ƕap-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ersticken?; ne. suffocate?

suffocated -- become suffocated: got. afƕapnan* 6, af-ƕap-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ersticken, erlöschen (intr.); ne. choke (V.), be suffocated, become suffocated

suffocated -- be suffocated: got. afƕapnan* 6, af-ƕap-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ersticken, erlöschen (intr.); ne. choke (V.), be suffocated, become suffocated

suicide -- commit suicide by hanging: got. ushāhan* (sik) 1, us-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich erhängen; ne. hang o.s., commit suicide by hanging

suitable: got. fagrs* 1, fag-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. passend, geeignet, geschickt; ne. in proper condition, presentable, proper, fitting (Adj.), suitable, suited, qualified; gadōfs* 6, ga-dōf-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. schicklich, passend; ne. appertinent, appropriate, suitable, fitting; *tilamalsks, *til-a-malsk-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. besonnen (Adj.); ne. fitting, suitable; ? tils* 1, til-s*,  Adj.?, Sb.?, st. N. (a?): nhd. zielstrebig, passend?, geschickt?; ne. apposite?, fitting?, suitable?

-- be suitable: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- make suitable: got. *fahrjan?, *fah-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable; gafahrjan* 1, ga-fah-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zubereiten; ne. put in proper condition, make presentable, make suitable

suitably: got. gatilaba 1, ga-til-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. zur rechten Zeit, passend; ne. fittingly, appropriately, suitably

suited: got. fagrs* 1, fag-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. passend, geeignet, geschickt; ne. in proper condition, presentable, proper, fitting (Adj.), suitable, suited, qualified

sullen: got. gaurs 6, gau-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. betrübt, traurig, mürrisch; ne. grieved, anguished, pained, sorrowful, sad, sullen

sullied -- become sullied: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

sullied -- be sullied: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

sully -- sully (V.): got. bisauljan* 1, bi-saul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. besudeln, beflecken; ne. spot (V.), pollute, contaminate, sully (V.)

sulphur: got. swibls* 1, swibl-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schwefel; ne. sulphur, brimstone

summerhouse: got. *laubjō laubi, *laub-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Laube, Vorhalle, Dach; ne. summerhouse, portico, roof (N.)

summertime: got. asans 8, asan-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Sommer, Erntezeit, Ernte; ne. harvest time, summertime, harvest (N.)

summon -- summon together: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

summon -- summon (V.): got. athaitan* 14, at-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. herzurufen; ne. summon (V.), call to one’s side, bid come; atwōpjan 6, at-wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeirufen; ne. summon (V.), call to o.s., call hither, call thither; laþōn 19, la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einladen (V.) (2); ne. call (V.), summon (V.), bid come, invite

sun -- sinking of the sun: got. saggqs* 1, saggq-s*, sagq*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Untergang, Westen; ne. sinking (N.), going down, sinking of the sun, occident, west (N.), setting (N.)

sun -- sun (N.): got. sáuil 2,  st. N. (a): nhd. Sonne; ne. sun (N.); sugil,  N.?: nhd. Sonne, s-Rune; ne. sun (N.), name of s-rune; sunnō 7, sun-n-ō, sune,  sune, krim sw. F. (n), sw. N. (n): nhd. Sonne; ne. sun (N.); lat. sol

sunder -- sunder (V.): got. afskaidan 6, af-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. „abscheiden“, absondern, abtrennen, trennen; ne. separate off, sever, sunder (V.), divide; disskaidan* 1, dis-skai-d-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zerteilen; ne. cause division in, sunder (V.), split up, divide up

sunrise: got. urruns (1) 3, ur-ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Aufgang (der Sonne), Osten, Abtritt; ne. egress (N.), emergence, solar egress, sunrise, sunup, runoff, sewer, latrine, toilet, rising (N.)

sunup: got. urruns (1) 3, ur-ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Aufgang (der Sonne), Osten, Abtritt; ne. egress (N.), emergence, solar egress, sunrise, sunup, runoff, sewer, latrine, toilet, rising (N.)

superabundance: got. ufarassus 31, uf-ar-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Überfluss, Übermaß; ne. exceedingness, oversufficiency, superabundance, superpassingness, superiority; ufarfullei* 1, uf-ar-ful-l-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Überfülle, Überfluss; ne. overfullness, superabundance, superfluity

-- fill to superabundance: got. ufarfulljan* 2, uf-ar-ful-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfüllen; ne. overfill, fill to superabundance

-- one who presents his superabundance: got. *ufanus?, *uf-an-u-s?,  Adj. (u?): nhd. der seinen Überfluss zeigt; ne. one who presents his superabundance

superabundantly: got. ufarassau, Adv.: nhd. im Überfluss; ne. superabundantly, sufficiently

superannuated: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

superficial -- superficial complexion: got. hiwi* 1, hi-wi*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. surface appearance, looks, superficial complexion, cosmetic aspect, form (N.)

superfluity: got. ufarfullei* 1, uf-ar-ful-l-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Überfülle, Überfluss; ne. overfullness, superabundance, superfluity; ufjō 1, uf-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Überfluss; ne. superfluity, excess (N.)

-- be in superfluity: got. ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

superimposition: got. analageins* 2, an-a-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auflegung; ne. laying on, superimposition

superintendency: got. faúragaggi 7=6, faúr-a-ga-g-g-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verwaltung, Haushaltung, Vorsteheramt; ne. stewardship, superintendency, management, administration

superintendent: got. faúragagga* 1, faúr-a-ga-g-g-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Vorgänger“, Hausverwalter, Verwalter, Vorsteher; ne. „fore-goer“, house-steward, superintendent, manager; faúragaggja 7, faúr-a-ga-g-g-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Verwalter, Vorsteher; ne. steward, superintendent, manager

superior: got. iusiza 1, ius-iza,  Adj.: nhd. besser, vorzüglicher; ne. better (Adj.), superior; *ufara, *uf-ar-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. obere; ne. the one above, superior

-- be superior to: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- superior force: got. anamahts* 2, an-a-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übermacht, Misshandlung; ne. coercion, forcing, use of force on, superior force, insult (N.)

-- superior (M.): got. faúrstasseis* 1, faúr-sta-s-s-ei-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Vorsteher; ne. supervisor, superior (M.), director, head (N.)

superiority: got. ufarassus 31, uf-ar-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Überfluss, Übermaß; ne. exceedingness, oversufficiency, superabundance, superpassingness, superiority

superpassingness: got. ufarassus 31, uf-ar-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Überfluss, Übermaß; ne. exceedingness, oversufficiency, superabundance, superpassingness, superiority

superscribe: got. ufarmēljan* 1, uf-ar-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überschreiben, darüber schreiben; ne. write above, superscribe, write over, inscribe over

superscription: got. ufarmēleins 1, uf-ar-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Überschrift; ne. superscription, epigraph, inscription, title

superstructure: got. ufarskafts 1, uf-ar-skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erstlingsfrucht, Anbruch; ne. superstructure, altar, first fruit

supervise: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

supervision -- in supervision of: got. ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

supervisor: got. faurastandands, Part. Präs.: nhd. Vorsteher; ne. supervisor; faúrstasseis* 1, faúr-sta-s-s-ei-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Vorsteher; ne. supervisor, superior (M.), director, head (N.)

supper: got. nahtamats* 8, naht-a-mat-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Abendessen, Abendmahl, Gastmahl, Nachtmahl; ne. dinner, supper, evening meal

supple -- supple (Adj.): got. þlaqus 1, þla-q-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. zart; ne. pliant, supple (Adj.), tender (Adj.)

supplicate: got. aihtrōn 5, aih-tr-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. beten, betteln, erbitten, für sich verlangen; ne. beg, pray, request for oneself, beseech, supplicate

-- supplicate worshipfully: got. *usblōtan?, *us-blōt-an?,  red. V. (6): nhd. bitten; ne. pray, adjure, implore, supplicate worshipfully

supplication: got. aihtrōns* 3, aih-tr-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bitte, Gebet; ne. prayer, supplication; bida 29, bid-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bitte, Gebet, Aufforderung; ne. request (N.), supplication, prayer, demand (N.), entreaty, exhortation; usblōteins* 2=1, us-blōt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bitte, Flehen, Gebet; ne. prayer (N.), supplication, adjuration, imploring (N.), requesting (N.)

supply -- supply (N.): got. andstald* 2, and-stal-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Darbietung, Beistand, Darreichung; ne. support (N.), supply (N.), aid (N.), purveyance, furnishment

supply -- supply (V.): got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

support -- support (N.): got. andstald* 2, and-stal-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Darbietung, Beistand, Darreichung; ne. support (N.), supply (N.), aid (N.), purveyance, furnishment; *skarpa (2), skrapa, *skarp-a, *skrap-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stütze, Halt, Böschung; ne. support (N.), bank (2) (N.); *stutja, *stu-t-j-a,  st. F. (ō)?: nhd. Stütze; ne. support (N.)

support -- support (V.): got. *frumjan, *fru-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fördern, vollbringen; ne. support (V.), accomplish; niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

suppose: got. gawēnjan* 1, ga-wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erwarten, annehmen, meinen; ne. „ween“, suppose, surmise (V.), expect; munan* (1) 19, mun-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. meinen, glauben, dafür halten; ne. reckon, believe, suppose, consider, deem (V.), think; þugkjan* 23, þugk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, meinen, gelten, erscheinen, dünken; ne. have the impression, suppose, opine (V.), deem (V.), it seems (=þugkeiþ), believe, appear

supposed -- supposed great: got. mikilþūhts* 1, mikil-þūh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. great-seeming, supposed great, impressing as great, arrogant, proud

supposition: got. anaminds* 1, an-a-min-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. versteckte Meinung, Vermutung; ne. suspecting, suspicion, surmising (N.), surmise (N.), supposition

supreme -- supreme assembly: got. gafaúrds 2, ga-faúr-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versammlung, hoher Rat; ne. supreme assembly, high council, Sanhedrin

sure: got. *wiss (3), *wi-s-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gewiss; ne. sure

-- be sure: got. aúftō 21=20, aúft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. allerdings, wohl, vielleicht, etwa; ne. in all probability, indeed, perhaps, certainly, be sure, no doubt; raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure

surely: got. triggwaba 2, triggw-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. treulich, zuverlässig; ne. confidently, trustingly, surely, firmly

-- more surely: got. haldis 1, hal-d-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. mehr, lieber; ne. more likely, more surely, more

sureness: got. stōma* 2, stō-m-a*,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Wesen, Gegenstand, Zuversicht, Erwartung, Grundlage, Stoff; ne. assuredness, self-confidence, sureness, substance

surety: got. wadi 4, wad-i,  st. N. (ja?, ia?): nhd. Pfand; ne. pledge (N.), surety, financial commitment, guarantee

surface -- surface appearance: got. hiwi* 1, hi-wi*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. surface appearance, looks, superficial complexion, cosmetic aspect, form (N.)

surge: got. *breuwan, *bre-u-w-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden; ne. surge, seethe, boil

-- surge forth: got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

surmise -- surmise (N.): got. anaminds* 1, an-a-min-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. versteckte Meinung, Vermutung; ne. suspecting, suspicion, surmising (N.), surmise (N.), supposition; þūhtus* 5=4, þūh-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Gewissen; ne. seeming (N.), surmise (N.), conscience

surmise -- surmise (V.): got. gawēnjan* 1, ga-wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erwarten, annehmen, meinen; ne. „ween“, suppose, surmise (V.), expect

surmising -- surmising (N.): got. anaminds* 1, an-a-min-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. versteckte Meinung, Vermutung; ne. suspecting, suspicion, surmising (N.), surmise (N.), supposition

surpass -- surpass in climbing: got. ufarsteigan* 1, uf-ar-steig-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. darüber emporsteigen; ne. climb up beyond, surpass in climbing, go up

surpass -- surpass (V.): got. ufarþeihan* 1, uf-ar-þei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. surpass (V.), develop beyond, expand beyond, excel

surpassing: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

surrender -- surrender s.o. by means of opportunism: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

surround -- dig so as to surround: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

surround -- surround by digging: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

surround -- surround (V.): got. biƕaírban* 1, bi-ƕaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. umdrängen; ne. encircle, surround (V.); birinnan* 2, bi-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umringen, herumlaufen, durchstreifen, umdrängen, umgeben, umherlaufen; ne. run around, run about, surround (V.), gather around; bisatjan* 1, bi-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umgeben; ne. set around, surround (V.); bistandan* 2, bi-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. herumstehen, umringen; ne. stand around, surround (V.); biwaibjan* 3, bi-waib-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umwinden, umgeben, umkleiden; ne. surround (V.), clothe, wrap around, envelop, wind round about

surround -- surround with a rampart: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

surroundings: got. þata bisunjane land, got.: nhd. Umgegend; ne. surroundings

surveillance: got. atwitains* 1, at-wi-t-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beobachten, Beobachtung, Wahrnehmung; ne. surveillance, watchfulness, observation, look-out

surviving -- surviving remnant: got. bilaif* 1, bi-lai-f*, bilaifs* 1?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Überrest, Rest; ne. what remains behind, surviving remnant, remains (N.)

suspect -- suspect (V.): got. frawrōhjan* 1, fra-wrō-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verklagen, verdächtigen, verleumden, anzeigen; ne. accuse maliciously, accuse calumniously, incriminate slanderously, suspect (V.)

suspecting: got. anaminds* 1, an-a-min-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. versteckte Meinung, Vermutung; ne. suspecting, suspicion, surmising (N.), surmise (N.), supposition

suspend -- suspend (V.): got. hāhan* (1) 1, hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hängen, schweben lassen; ne. hang (V.), make hang, suspend (V.), let hang in suspense

suspended -- be suspended: got. hāhan* (2) 1, hāh-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hangen; ne. hang (V.), be suspended, cling to

suspending -- lower while suspending: got. athāhan* 2, at-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hinabhängen, hinablassen, hinunterlassen, niederlassen; ne. lower while suspending, let down, let hang down, set down

suspense -- let hang in suspense: got. hāhan* (1) 1, hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hängen, schweben lassen; ne. hang (V.), make hang, suspend (V.), let hang in suspense

suspicion: got. anaminds* 1, an-a-min-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. versteckte Meinung, Vermutung; ne. suspecting, suspicion, surmising (N.), surmise (N.), supposition

suspicious: got. ? *tuzwērs, *tuz-wēr-s, *tuzwēreis,  Adj. (a)?, Adj. (ja)?: nhd. verdächtig?; ne. suspicious?, agreeing to with difficulty

sustain -- sustain psychologically: got. frabaíran* 1, fra-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vertragen, ertragen; ne. bear psychologically, sustain psychologically, endure

sustenance: got. andawizns* 3, anda-wiz-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Notdurft, Unterhalt, Sold; ne. living expenses, subsistence, sustenance, essentials, necessities, needs

-- fine sustenance: got. waílawizns* 1, waíl-a-wizn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. gute Nahrung, gute Kost; ne. good nutriment, good fare, fine sustenance, good food, nourishment

Swabians: got. *Swēbōs?, *Swēb-ō-s?,  st. M. Pl.: nhd. Schwaben, Sweben; ne. Swabians

swaddle -- swaddle (V.): got. biwindan* 4, bi-wi-n-d-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umwinden, einwickeln, umwickeln, in Windeln wickeln; ne. wind around, wrap around, swaddle (V.)

swallow -- swallow up: got. fraslindan* 1, fra-sli-nd-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. verschlingen, verschlucken; ne. swallow up, devour

swallow -- swallow (V.): got. *kilan?, got.?, V.: nhd. schlucken, schlingen; ne. swallow (V.), bolt (V.) (1); *slindan, *s-li-n-d-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. schlingen (V.) (2); ne. swallow (V.)

swampland -- drained swampland: got. saiws* 6, sai-w-s*,  st. M. (i) (a): nhd. See (M.), Marschland; ne. lake, drained swampland, sea, marshland

swan: got. *swans?, *swan-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schwan; ne. swan

sway -- make sway away from: got. afswaggwjan* 1, af-swaggw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwankend machen?, ängstlich machen; ne. make anxious, make sway away from, cause to waver; *swaggwjan?, *swa-g-gw-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwanken machen; ne. make sway away from, make veer away from

swear -- swear death to: got. *nawiswaran, *naw-i-swar-an,  st. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. totschwören; ne. swear death to

swear -- swear falsely: got. ufarswaran* 1, uf-ar-swar-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. falsch schwören; ne. perjure o.s., swear falsely

swear -- swear (V.): got. swaran 7, swar-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. schwören; ne. swear (V.), take an oath

swears -- person who swears: got. *swara, *swar-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schwörer; ne. person who swears

sweat-cloth -- facial sweat-cloth: got. aúrāli* 1, aúrāl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schweißtuch; ne. facial sweat-cloth, towel (N.), napkin

Swedes: got. *Swēōs?, *Swē-ō-s?,  st. M. Pl.: nhd. Schweden; ne. Swedes

sweep: got. *baugjan, *baug-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fegen; ne. sweep

-- sweep out: got. usbaugjan* 1, us-baug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausfegen; ne. broom out, sweep out

-- sweep (V.): got. *sweipan?, *swei-p-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. fegen, sich schwingend bewegen; ne. sweep (V.)

sweeping -- sweeping (N.): got. *sweipains?, *swei-p-ain-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Fegung; ne. sweeping (N.)

sweet -- sweet (Adj.): got. wōþeis* 2, wōþ-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. angenehm, süß, lieblich; ne. pleasurable, pleasing (Adj.), pleasant, sweet (Adj.)

sweetheart -- sweetheart (F.): got. *hulþō?, *hul-þ-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Holde; ne. beloved person, sweetheart (F.)

sweetheart -- sweetheart (M.): got. *hulþa, *hul-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Holder; ne. beloved person, sweetheart (M.)

swell -- make swell: got. ufbauljan* 1, uf-bau-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufblasen; ne. make swell, make swollen, bloat up

swell -- swell up: got. *ufswalljan?, *uf-swal-l-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschwellen, aufblasen; ne. swell up, bloat up

swell -- swell (V.): got. *bilgan?, *bil-g-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. schwellen; ne. swell (V.); *swalljan?, *swal-l-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwellen; ne. swell (V.); *swillan, *swil-l-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schwellen; ne. swell (V.)

swell -- swell (V.) (): got. ? *þund-, *þun-d-,  st. V.: nhd. schwellen?; ne. swell (V.) (?)

swelling: got. *buggja?, *bugg-ja?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Knolle, Schwellung; ne. nodule, tuber, swelling

-- infected swelling: got. kusma* 1, kusm-a*, kozma, chozma,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Kehle?, k-Rune, Geschwür?; ne. boil (N.), tumefaction, infected swelling, name of k-rune

-- swelling (N.): got. *swalleins?, *swal-l-ein-s?,  st. F. (i) (ō): nhd. Schwellung; ne. swelling (N.)

-- swelling up: got. ufswalleins* 1, uf-swal-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō),: nhd. Aufgeblasenheit, Hochmut; ne. swelling up, swollenness, bloatedness, vanity, being puffed up

swiftness -- precede in swiftness: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

swim -- swim (V.): got. *swimman, *swim-m-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schwimmen; ne. swim (V.)

swimming -- place for swimming: got. swumfsl* 2, swum-fsl*, swumsl,  st. N. (a): nhd. Teich; ne. pool, pond, place for swimming

swine: got. swein* 12, sw-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schwein; ne. swine, pig (N.)

swing -- swing o.s.: got. *swiggwan, *swiggw-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. sich schwingen; ne. swing o.s.

swing -- swing (V.): got. *brugdjan?, *brug-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwingen, bewegen; ne. swing (V.)

swinish: got. *sweins?, *sw-ein-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. Sau-; ne. sowlike, swinish, porcine, piglike

swirl -- make swirl around: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

switches -- basket made of branches or switches: got. tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

swollen -- make swollen: got. ufbauljan* 1, uf-bau-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufblasen; ne. make swell, make swollen, bloat up

swollen -- swollen with pride: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

swollenness: got. ufswalleins* 1, uf-swal-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō),: nhd. Aufgeblasenheit, Hochmut; ne. swelling up, swollenness, bloatedness, vanity, being puffed up

sword: got. *agi-, *ag-i-, *agja-,  st. F.: nhd. Schärfe, Ecke, Spitze, Schneide, Schwert; ne. blade, edge (V.), point (N.), sharpness, sword; *brands (2), *bran-d-s, *branþs,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schwert; ne. sword; haírus 10, haír-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Schwert; ne. sword, sabre; *ins?, *in-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Schwert; ne. sword; mēki* 2, mēk-i*, mēkeis*, mycha,  mycha, krim st. N. (i)?, st. M. (ja)?: nhd. Schwert; ne. sword, sabre; lat. ensis; *sahs, *sah-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schwert, Messer (N.); ne. sword, knife; scrama*, scra-m-a*, lat.- F.: nhd. Schwert; ne. sword; *skramma, *skra-m-m-a, *skrama,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schwert, Messer (N.); ne. sword, knife

synagogue: got. gaqumþs* 8, ga-qu-m-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zusammenkunft, Versammlung, Vereinigung; ne. coming together, congress, high council, religious gathering, synagogue, assembly; swnagōgē* 19, swn-ag-ō-g-ē*,  unr. F.: nhd. Synagoge; ne. synagogue

-- leader of a synagogue: got. fauramaþleis swnagōgeis, got.: nhd. Synagogenleiter; ne. leader of a synagogue

-- ruler of the synagogue: got. swnagōgafaþs* 4, swn-ag-ō-g-a-faþ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Synagogenvorsteher; ne. synagogue leader, ruler of the synagogue

-- synagogue leader: got. swnagōgafaþs* 4, swn-ag-ō-g-a-faþ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Synagogenvorsteher; ne. synagogue leader, ruler of the synagogue

Syria: got. Saúrja* 1, Saúr-ja*,  st. F. (ō?): nhd. Syrien; ne. Syria

Syrian: got. Saúr 2,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Syrer; ne. Syrian

-- Syrian woman: got. Saúrini 1, Saúr-ini,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Syrerin; ne. Syrian woman

t: got. t 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. t, Abkürzung für 300; ne. t, abbreviation for 300

tabernacle: got. *laubja?, *laub-j-a?,  st. F. (jō)?: nhd. Laubhütte; ne. tabernacle

table: got. *disks, *disk-s, *diskus,  st. M. (u?): nhd. Tisch; ne. table; mēs* 4,  st. N. (a): nhd. Tisch, Schüssel, Platte; ne. table, platter, platform

-- eating table: got. biuþs* 5, biuþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Tisch, Platte; ne. eating table

-- recline at table: got. anakumbjan 25, an-a-kumb-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich niederlegen, zu Tisch legen, lagern; ne. recline at table, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal

tablet: got. spilda* 3, spil-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Tafel, Schreibtafel, Gesetzestafel; ne. writing board, tablet

taciturn -- become taciturn: got. gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret

taciturn -- be taciturn: got. þahan* 6, þah-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be taciturn, be mute, keep quiet, keep secret

taciturnity: got. þahains* 1, þah-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Schweigen; ne. taciturnity, silence, muteness

taintless -- make taintless: got. *swiknjan?, *swikn-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reinigen; ne. absolve, exculpate, make taintless

take -- take advantage of: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of; gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

take -- take aim at: got. mundōn* 2=1 sis, mun-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. sich einen besehen, sehen auf; ne. take aim at, pay attention to, observe

take -- take along: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along; franiman 2, fra-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, in Besitz nehmen, in Empfang nehmen, gewinnen; ne. acquire, take possession of, receive, take along; ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn; usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

take -- take an attitude beforehand: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth

take -- take an intermission: got. ƕeilan* 1, ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhören; ne. pause (V.), take an intermission, take a recess, cease

take -- take an oath: got. swaran 7, swar-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. schwören; ne. swear (V.), take an oath

take -- take a recess: got. ƕeilan* 1, ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhören; ne. pause (V.), take an intermission, take a recess, cease

take -- take a rest: got. gaƕeilan* 2, ga-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zur Ruhe kommen, aufhören, verweilen; ne. come to rest, take a rest, rest (V.), cease

take -- take a seat: got. gasitan 11, ga-sit-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. sich niedersetzen, Platz nehmen; ne. sit down, take a seat

take -- take a spouse: got. liugan (1) 19, liug-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. heiraten; ne. marry, wed (V.), espouse, take a spouse

take -- take a view: got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

take -- take away: got. afniman 15, af-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. wegnehmen, abnehmen; ne. take away, remove (V.), withdraw; biniman* 1, bi-nim-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. wegnehmen, stehlen; ne. take away, purloin, steal away; gatarnjan* 1, ga-tar-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. berauben; ne. wrest from, extract from, remove (V.) forcibly, rob, take away; niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away; usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

take -- take captive: got. frahinþan* 4, fra-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. gefangennehmen, fangen; ne. take captive, capture (V.); frahunþana tiuhan: nhd. gefangennehmen; ne. take captive; gr. αἰχμαλοτίζειν; lat. captivum ducere; 2 Tm 3,6 A B; ushinþan* 1, us-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erbeuten; ne. take captive, capture (V.), make prisoner of war

take -- take captive along with: got. miþfrahinþan* 2, mi-þ-fra-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgefangennehmen; ne. capture together with, take captive along with

take -- take care of: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.); gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

take -- take completely: got. dishaban* 4, dis-hab-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv); ne. seize utterly, gain complete possession of, take completely, hold (V.)

take -- take courage: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious

take -- take down: got. athafjan 1, at-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. „herabheben“, herabnehmen; ne. lift down off, bring up off, take down

take -- take flight: got. gaþliuhan* 6, ga-þli-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. die Flucht ergreifen, entfliehen, fliehen; ne. flee (V.), take flight, escape (V.); þliuhan 6, þli-u-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. fliehen; ne. flee, take flight

take -- take for a drive: got. *usfarþōn?, *us-far-þ-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ausfahren?; ne. take for a drive

take -- take forethought for: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

take -- take from: got. usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

take -- take heart: got. þrafstjan, sik: nhd. sich trösten, getrost vertrauen; ne. take heart, cheer up

take -- take hold of: got. anahaban* 2, an-a-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. besitzen, innehaben; ne. take hold of, possess (V.); fāhan 2, fāh-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. fangen, greifen; ne. catch (V.), capture (V.), grasp (V.), take hold of, lay hands on, seize; faírgreipan* 4, faír-greip-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ergreifen, greifen; ne. take hold of, take (V.), seize; gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize; haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

take -- take in: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return; inniman* 1, in-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hernehmen; ne. receive, take in, get, accept (V.)

take -- take in mentally: got. ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn

take -- take in mind: got. munan* (2) 6, mun-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zu tun gedenken, wollen (V.); ne. intend, take in mind, be about to; *munnōn?, *mun-n-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. denken, gedenken; ne. take in mind

take -- take leave: got. twisstandan* 2=1, twi-s-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich trennen, Abschied nehmen von; ne. bid farewell, take leave, depart (V.)

take -- take lodging: got. ussaljan 1, us-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Herberge nehmen, einkehren; ne. lodge (V.), take lodging, take up quarters

take -- take measure: got. mitan* 4, mi-t-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. messen; ne. measure (V.), gauge, take measure

take -- take notice of: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide; gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

take -- take off: got. *straupjan?, *stra-u-p-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abstreifen; ne. wipe (V.), take off

take -- take offence: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

take -- take off of: got. usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

take -- take on: got. dragan* 1, dra-g-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. tragen, aufladen, ziehen; ne. draw (V.), accumulate, take on, attract

take -- take on an appearance: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

take -- take on loan: got. leiƕan (sis) 4, leiƕ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. leihen, borgen; ne. lend, loan (V.), take on loan, borrow

take -- take out: got. usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

take -- take pity: got. bleiþjan* 2, ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. barmherzig sein (V.), sich erbarmen, Mitleid hegen; ne. take pity, be kind-hearted, be merciful, be clement; gableiþjan* 2, ga-ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, barmherzig sein (V.); ne. show kindheartedness toward, have mercy on, take pity

take -- take possession of: got. franiman 2, fra-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, in Besitz nehmen, in Empfang nehmen, gewinnen; ne. acquire, take possession of, receive, take along; ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn

take -- take possession of by attack: got. dissitan* 3, dis-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. ergreifen, überfallen; ne. beseige, beset, take possession of by attack, seize

take -- take secret counsel about: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

take -- take shape: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

take -- take s.th. to heart: got. galagjan hairtin, got.: nhd. zu Herzen nehmen; ne. take s.th. to heart

take -- take the opportunity of giving s.o. over: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

take -- take to: got. atbaíran* 12, at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. bringen, herbeibringen, darbringen, hinzutragen; ne. bring, offer (V.), bring to, take to, present to

take -- take together: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

take -- take to o.s.: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return

take -- take unto: got. atniman* 1, at-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. aufnehmen, versetzen, annehmen; ne. take unto, transfer to, bring into

take -- take unto o. s.: got. niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away

take -- take up: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return; attiuhan 12, at-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. herbeiziehen, herbeiführen, herbeibringen, hereinführen, bringen; ne. bring up, take up, convey (V.), conduct into proximity

take -- take up quarters: got. ussaljan 1, us-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Herberge nehmen, einkehren; ne. lodge (V.), take lodging, take up quarters

take -- take up residence: got. gabáuan 1, ga-báu-an,  unr. V., perfektiv: nhd. Wohnung aufschlagen, wohnen; ne. take up residence, lodge (V.), reside, make a home

take -- take (V.): got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return; faírgreipan* 4, faír-greip-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ergreifen, greifen; ne. take hold of, take (V.), seize; gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize; undgreipan 8, und-greip-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ergreifen, requirieren; ne. lay hold on, take (V.), seize

take -- take (verbal) leave of: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

take -- take with o.s.: got. ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn

taken -- be taken aback: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

taker: got. *numja?, *num-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nehmer; ne. taker

takes -- one who takes a stance: got. *stasseis?, *sta-s-s-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Steher; ne. one who stands, one who takes a stance

taking -- taking (Adj.): got. *nēmeigs?, *nēm-eig-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. nehmend; ne. taking (Adj.); *nēms?, *nēm-s?,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. nehmend; ne. taking (Adj.)

taking -- taking (N.): got. andanēm* 1, and-a-nēm*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Entgegennahme“, Empfang, Empfangen, Annahme; ne. taking (N.), intake, acceptance, receiving (N.); andanēmeigs 1, and-a-nēm-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „entgegennehmend“, festhaltend; ne. taking (N.), accepting, holding fast; *nēm?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Nehmen; ne. taking (N.)

taking -- taking up: got. andanumts 4, and-a-num-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Annahme, Aufnahme, Erhebung; ne. taking up, acceptance

tale: got. spill* 4, spil-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Sage, Fabel; ne. fable (N.), myth, legend, tale

talk -- empty talk: got. lausawaúrdei* 1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. leeres Gerede, leeres Geschwätz; ne. empty talk, babble (N.), empty chatter; lausawaúrdi* 1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. leeres Gerede, leeres Geschwätz; ne. empty talk, empty chatter

talk -- filthy talk: got. aglaitiwáurdei* 2, ag-l-ait-i-wáur-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schandrede, unzüchtiges Reden; ne. obscene language, foul language, shameful speech, filthy talk

talk -- silly talk: got. saldra 1, saldr-a,  st. F. (?) (ō): nhd. leichtfertiges Geschwätz; ne. ribaldry, scurillity, silly talk

talk -- talk back to: got. andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

talk -- talk (N.): got. gawaúrdi* 1, ga-waúr-d-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gespräch, Rede; ne. conversation, talk (N.), speech; *waúrdi?, *waúr-d-i?,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Rede, Wort; ne. talk (N.), word

talk -- talk together with: got. miþrōdjan* 1, mi-þ-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mit jemandem reden; ne. speak together with, talk together with, converse with

talk -- talk (V.): got. maþljan* 2, maþ-l-jan*, krimgot.?, sw. V. (1): nhd. reden; ne. speak publicly, speak at an assembly, discourse publicly, talk (V.); lat. dicere; *raþjan?, *ra-þ-jan?,  st. V. (6): nhd. reden; ne. talk (V.); rōdjan 125, rō-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sprechen, reden; ne. speak, talk (V.), communicate verbally

talkative: got. *filuwaúrds?, *fil-u-waúr-d-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. viel redend, viel sprechend; ne. talkative

talker -- empty talker: got. lausawaúrds* 2=1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leeres Geschwätz vollführend, hohler Schwätzer (= lausawaurds, subst.); ne. speaking empty words, talking idly, empty talker

talking -- foolish talking: got. dwalawaúrdei 1, dwa-l-a-waúr-d-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Torenrede, törichtes Gerede; ne. foolish talking, foolishness; *dwalawaúrds, *dwa-l-a-waúr-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. töricht redend; ne. foolish talking

talking -- talking idly: got. lausawaúrds* 2=1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leeres Geschwätz vollführend, hohler Schwätzer (= lausawaurds, subst.); ne. speaking empty words, talking idly, empty talker

talking -- talking (N.): got. *rōdeins, *rō-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Reden; ne. talking (N.); *waúrdei?, *waúr-d-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gerede; ne. talking (N.), wordiness

talking-to -- give a severe talking-to: got. gaƕōtjan* 8, ga-ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bedrohen, schelten, strafen; ne. threaten, reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to; ƕōtjan* 1, ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. drohen; ne. reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to, threaten

tally -- tally up: got. *garaþan, *ga-ra-þ-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. zählen; ne. count up, number (V.), tally up; garaþjan* 1, ga-ra-þ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. zählen; ne. count up, number (V.), tally up

tallying -- tallying (N.): got. raþjō 5, ra-þ-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abrechnung, Rechenschaft, Zahl; ne. counting (N.), tallying (N.), account (N.), explanation, number

tame -- tame (Adj.): got. *tams, *tam-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zahm; ne. tame (Adj.), domesticated, housebroken

tame -- tame (V.): got. gatamjan 1, ga-tam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezähmen, bezwingen, zähmen, bändigen; ne. tame (V.), subdue; *tamjan, *tam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zähmen; ne. tame (V.)

tame -- tame white dove: got. ahaks 4, ah-ak-s,  st. F. (i)?: nhd. zahme weiße Taube (= Opfertaube), Taube; ne. dove, tame white dove, pigeon (for sacrifice)

tamed -- tamed (Adj.): got. *manariggws?, *man-a-rigg-w-s?,  Adj. (a).: nhd. gezähmt; ne. tamed (Adj.)

tap -- tap (N.) (1): got. *tappa?, *tap-p-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Zapfen; ne. tap (N.) (1)

tardy: got. *sainus, *sai-n-us,  Adj. (u): nhd. langsam, saumselig; ne. dilatory, tardy

-- be tardy: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull; sainjan* 1, sai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zögern, säumen; ne. be slow, delay (V.) (tr.), be tardy, be detained

task: got. waúrstw 83=82, waúr-st-w,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Werk, Tat, Wirksamkeit; ne. work (N.), activity, deed, task, operation, working (N.)

-- task (N.): got. ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

taste -- taste (V.): got. kausjan 7, kaus-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Gen., m. Akk.: nhd. kosten (V.) (2), kennen lernen, prüfen; ne. sample (V.), experience (V.), taste (V.), try out, test (V.), prove (V.)

tax -- admission tax: got. mōta 4, mōt-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Maut“, Zoll (M.) (2), Zollhaus; ne. admission tax, import tax, customs duties

tax -- chief tax collector: got. fauramaþleis mōtarje, got.: nhd. Zollaufseher; ne. chief tax collector

tax -- import tax: got. mōta 4, mōt-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Maut“, Zoll (M.) (2), Zollhaus; ne. admission tax, import tax, customs duties

tax -- tax collector: got. mōtāreis 19, mōt-ā-rei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Zöllner; ne. admission-fee collector, tolltaker, tax collector, publican

tax -- tax (N.): got. gabaúr (1) 4, ga-baúr,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Zusammengebrachtes“, Kollekte, Steuer (F.); ne. that borne in tribute, tribute (N.), contribution, tax (N.), money-offering; gild* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Steuer (F.), Abgabe, Zins; ne. tribute, money-payment, tax (N.); gilstr* 1, gil-str*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Steuer (F.), Abgabe; ne. impost (N.), tax (N.); kaisaragild* 1, kais-ar-a-gild*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Kaisergeld“, Zensus, Steuer (F.), Kaisersteuer; ne. Caesar-tribute, payment to the Caesar, tax (N.), census

tax -- tax office: got. mōtastaþs* 1, mōt-a-sta-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Mautstätte“, Zollstätte, Zollhaus; ne. toll-place, place of admission-tax collection, customs post, tax office

tax -- tax registration: got. gilstramēleins 1, gil-str-a-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Eintragung in die Steuerliste; ne. enrollment for taxation, tax registration

taxation -- enrollment for taxation: got. gilstramēleins 1, gil-str-a-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Eintragung in die Steuerliste; ne. enrollment for taxation, tax registration

teach: got. galaisjan 8, ga-lais-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. lehren, belehren, lernen (= galaisjan sik); ne. teach, instruct, learn (= galaisjan sik); gataiknjan* 1, ga-tai-k-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ein Zeichen geben, belehren, zeigen; ne. indicate, show (V.), give directions, teach; gatalzjan* 1, ga-talz-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. belehren, erziehen; ne. discipline (V.), correct (V.), teach; laisjan 54, lais-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lehren, belehren, sich belehren (= sik laisjan), lernen (= sik laisjan); ne. teach, instruct, teach o.s. (= sik laisjan), learn (= sik laisjan); uslaisjan* 2, us-lais-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. belehren, lehren; ne. teach, educate, instruct thoroughly, train (V.)

-- teach fully: got. gafullaweisjan* 1, ga-ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beglaubigen?, vollenden?; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, teach fully, make fully informed

-- teach or learn through reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

-- teach otherwise: got. aljaleikō laisjan, got.: nhd. anders lehren; ne. teach otherwise

teacher: got. laisāreis 38, lais-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Lehrer; ne. teacher, instructor

-- law teacher: got. witōdalaisāreis* 2, wi-t-ōd-a-lais-ārei-s*,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeslehrer, Schriftgelehrter; ne. law teacher, legal exegete, scribe (M.)

teaching -- apt at teaching: got. laiseigs 2, lais-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Lehren befähigt, zum Lehren geeignet, lehrend; ne. skillful in teaching, able in instructing, apt at teaching

teaching -- skillful in teaching: got. laiseigs 2, lais-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Lehren befähigt, zum Lehren geeignet, lehrend; ne. skillful in teaching, able in instructing, apt at teaching

teaching -- teaching (N.): got. laiseins 34, lais-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lehre; ne. teaching (N.), act of instruction, doctrine; *laisō, *lais-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lehre; ne. teaching (N.), doctrine

tear -- tear (2) (V.): got. *skarjan, *skar-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reißen; ne. tear (2) (V.), pull (V.)

tear -- tear apart: got. distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

tear -- tear asunder: got. disskreitan* 1, dis-skrei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. zerreißen (tr.); ne. tear asunder, rip apart, rive, split apart; distaíran* 3, dis-taír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen, auseinanderzerren, verderben; ne. tear asunder, rend in pieces

tear -- tear down: got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate; *taíran?, *taír-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. zerstören, zerreißen (tr.), auflösen; ne. tear down, dismantle, demolish, ruin (V.)

tear -- tear (N.): got. gataúra 2, ga-taúr-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Riss; ne. rent (N.), tear (N.)

tear -- tear (N.) (1): got. tagr* 5,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zähre, Träne; ne. teardrop, tear (N.) (1)

tear -- tear (N.) (2): got. *taheins?, *tah-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zerreißung; ne. tear (N.) (2); *taúra?, *taúr-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Riss; ne. rent (N.), tear (N.) (2)

tear -- tear off: got. aftaúrnan* 1, af-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abreißen (intr.); ne. tear off, be torn off, become torn off; *riuban, *riu-b-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend (V.), rip off, break off, tear off

tear -- tear out: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

tear -- tear to pieces: got. distahjan* 5, dis-tah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zerstreuen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. shred, tear to pieces, scatter, disperse

tear -- tear (V.): got. dishniupan* 1, dis-hniu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend asunder, break apart, tear (V.); dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hniupan?, *hni-u-p-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. reißen; ne. tear (V.); *skreitan?, *skrei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. reißen; ne. tear (V.), pull (V.), rive; *slitjan, *sli-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zerreißen; ne. tear (V.)

tear -- tear (V.) (2): got. tahjan* 6, tah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reißen, zerren, ausstreuen; ne. lacerate, tear (V.) (2), rend (V.); *taúrnan, *taúr-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reißen (intr.); ne. tear (V.) (2)

teardrop: got. tagr* 5,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zähre, Träne; ne. teardrop, tear (N.) (1)

tearing: got. *taúhts?, *taú-h-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ziehung, Führung; ne. guidance, tearing

-- tearing down: got. gataúrþs* 3, ga-taúr-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zerstörung; ne. tearing down, demolition, destruction

-- tearing down (N.): got. *taúrþs, *taúr-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zerstörung; ne. tearing down (N.), demolition

tears -- shed tears: got. tagrjan* 1, tagr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weinen; ne. weep (V.), shed tears

tell: got. gaspillōn* 1, ga-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden; ne. announce, promulgate, tell; gateihan* 28, ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anzeigen, verkünden, verkündigen; ne. announce, proclaim (V.), declare, tell, report (V.); qiþan 1270, qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sagen, meinen, bezeichnen, sprechen; ne. say, tell, speak, express (V.), give an opinion; spillōn* 6, spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. künden, verkünden, erzählen; ne. tell, relate, report (V.), give report of, proclaim the gospel; usspillōn* 2, us-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verkünden, erzählen, auführlich erzählen; ne. report (V.), relate, tell

-- tell a lie: got. *galiugan (2), *ga-liug-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. belügen, lügen; ne. tell a lie; liugan* (2) 6, liug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. lügen, belügen; ne. lie (1) (V.), tell a lie, tell an untruth, speak falsely

-- tell an untruth: got. liugan* (2) 6, liug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. lügen, belügen; ne. lie (1) (V.), tell a lie, tell an untruth, speak falsely

-- tell before: got. fauraqiþan* 9=8, faur-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorhersagen; ne. tell before, tell beforehand, foretell the future, prophesy

-- tell beforehand: got. faúragateihan* 2, faúr-a-ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. vorherverkünden, vorhersagen; ne. announce beforehand, know beforehand, tell beforehand; fauraqiþan* 9=8, faur-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorhersagen; ne. tell before, tell beforehand, foretell the future, prophesy

teller: got. spilla 1, spil-l-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Verkünder, Verkündiger; ne. proclaimer, promulgator, herald, teller, announcer

-- teller of falsehoods: got. liugnja 4, liug-n-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Lügner; ne. liar, teller of falsehoods

temper -- bad temper: got. mōþs* (1) 2, mō-þ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zorn, Mut; ne. bad temper, pique (N.), anger (N.), spirit

temperate -- temperate (Adj.): got. gafaurs 2, ga-faur-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. ehrbar, nüchtern, besonnen (Adj.), bescheiden (Adj.), gesittet; ne. temperate (Adj.), restrained, descreet, wellbehaved, sober (Adj.), sober-tongued

temple: got. alhs 32, alh-s,  st. F. (kons.): nhd. Tempel, Hain?; ne. temple; gards bidōs, got.: nhd. Bethaus; ne. temple; razn bidōs, got.: nhd. Bethaus; ne. temple; gards bidōs, got.: nhd. Bethaus; ne. temple; gudhūs* 1, gu-d-hūs*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gotteshaus, Tempel; ne. house of God, temple; razn bidōs, got.: nhd. Bethaus; ne. temple; *weih,  st. N. (a): nhd. Heiligtum, Tempel; ne. sanctuary, temple, holy place

-- idol’s temple: got. galiugē staþs, got.: nhd. Götzentempel; ne. idol’s temple; galiugē staþs, got.: nhd. Götzentempel; ne. idol’s temple

-- material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

-- temple treasury: got. kaúrbaúnas* 1,  M.: nhd. Tempelschatz; ne. temple treasury

temporally -- temporally convenient: got. ūhtiugs* 1, ū-h-t-iug-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gelegen, passend, zeitgemäß; ne. timely, opportune, temporally convenient

temporary: got. ƕeilaƕaírbs* 2, ƕeil-a-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nur eine Zeitlang dauernd, vergänglich, unbeständig; ne. temporary, transient, transitory, lasting only for a while; riureis* 6, riur-ei-s*, riurs*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. vergänglich, sterblich; ne. perishable, corruptible, corrupt (Adj.), destructible, temporary, mortal, perishing

-- temporary shelter: got. hleiþra* 5=4, hlei-þ-r-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zelt, Hütte; ne. tent, tent-like housing, temporary shelter, booth

tempt: got. fraisan* 13, frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. versuchen; ne. put to the test, try, tempt, make trial of, test (V.); *fraistōn, *frai-s-t-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versuchen; ne. try (V.), tempt, make trial of; usfraisan* 1, us-frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. versuchen; ne. expose to the test, tempt

temptation: got. *fraista, *frai-s-t-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Versuchung; ne. temptation; fraistubni* 5, frai-s-t-ubn-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Versuchung; ne. testing (N.), temptation

ten: got. taíhun 12, tīne, *thiine,  tīne, *thiine, krim (indekl.) Num. Kard.: nhd. zehn; ne. ten

tenant -- tenant farmer: got. aúrtja* 4, aúrt-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Landmann, Winzer; ne. vineyard caretaker, tenant farmer, vintner, husbandman

tend: got. haldan 9, hal-d-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. hüten, weiden, halten; ne. herd (V.), shepherd (V.), tend, keep watch over, graze cattle

tender -- affectionately tender: got. friaþwamilds* 1, fri-aþ-w-a-mil-d-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. zärtlich liebend, liebreich; ne. lovingly mild, showing love, affectionately tender

tender -- tender (Adj.): got. þlaqus 1, þla-q-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. zart; ne. pliant, supple (Adj.), tender (Adj.)

tending -- tending toward: got. *halþs, *hal-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geneigt; ne. leaning (Adj.), leaning toward, inclined (Adj.), inclined toward, tending toward

tendril: got. *hranka?, *hrank-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ranke; ne. tendril

tens: got. tigjus* 12, tig-ju-s*, tigus*,  st. M. (u), N. Pl.: nhd. Zehnzahl, -zig; ne. tens, -ty

tent: got. hleiþra* 5=4, hlei-þ-r-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zelt, Hütte; ne. tent, tent-like housing, temporary shelter, booth; hlija* 1, hlij-a*, hleis*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Hütte, Zelt; ne. tent, tent-like structure, booth

-- cover as with a tent: got. ufarhleiþrjan* 1, uf-ar-hlei-þr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überzelten, ein Zelt über jemandem aufschlagen; ne. tent over, cover as with a tent, canopy (V.)

-- tent (N.) (1): got. *tuld-, *tu-l-d-,  Sb.: nhd. Zelt, Vorhang; ne. tent (N.) (1), curtain (N.)

-- tent over: got. ufarhleiþrjan* 1, uf-ar-hlei-þr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überzelten, ein Zelt über jemandem aufschlagen; ne. tent over, cover as with a tent, canopy (V.)

tenth: got. taíhunda* 1, taíhun-da*,  Num. Ord.: nhd. zehnte; ne. tenth

tent-like -- tent-like housing: got. hleiþra* 5=4, hlei-þ-r-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zelt, Hütte; ne. tent, tent-like housing, temporary shelter, booth

tent-like -- tent-like structure: got. hlija* 1, hlij-a*, hleis*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Hütte, Zelt; ne. tent, tent-like structure, booth

tent-pitching: got. hleþrastakeins 1, hle-þ-r-a-stak-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Zeltabsteckung“, Zeltaufschlagen, Laubhüttenfest; ne. „tent-staking“, tent-pitching, feast of tent-pitching

-- feast of tent-pitching: got. hleþrastakeins 1, hle-þ-r-a-stak-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Zeltabsteckung“, Zeltaufschlagen, Laubhüttenfest; ne. „tent-staking“, tent-pitching, feast of tent-pitching

„tent-staking“: got. hleþrastakeins 1, hle-þ-r-a-stak-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Zeltabsteckung“, Zeltaufschlagen, Laubhüttenfest; ne. „tent-staking“, tent-pitching, feast of tent-pitching

term -- term of the year: got. aþn* 1, aþ-n*, aþns*,  st. M. (a), N.?: nhd. Jahr; ne. period of the year, season (N.), term of the year

terrestrial -- terrestrial domain of life: got. faírƕus 57=56, faír-ƕu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Welt; ne. world, terrestrial domain of life

terrible: got. *aifrs?, *ai-fr-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. schrecklich; ne. terrible; *ingrimjis?, *in-grim-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja/jō): nhd. schrecklich; ne. terrible

terribly: got. harduba 3, har-d-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sehr, hart; ne. with hardness, harshly, with severity, terribly

terrify: got. usagjan* 1, us-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen erschrecken; ne. frighten utterly, terrify, make exceedingly afraid

territory: got. land* 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Land, Landgut, Gegend; ne. land (N.), country, farmland, territory, region

terror -- terror (N.): got. agis 20, ag-i-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Furcht, Schrecken; ne. awe (N.), fear (N.), fright, terror (N.); *gris?, *gri-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Schrecken; ne. terror (N.), horror

test -- expose to the test: got. usfraisan* 1, us-frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. versuchen; ne. expose to the test, tempt

test -- prove by test: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

test -- proving by test: got. kustus* 3, kus-t-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Prüfung, Beweis; ne. test (N.), trial, proving by test, proof (N.)

test -- put to a test: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

test -- put to the test: got. fraisan* 13, frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. versuchen; ne. put to the test, try, tempt, make trial of, test (V.)

test -- subject to a test: got. gakausjan* 1, ga-kaus-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. erproben, prüfen; ne. test (V.), try (V.), subject to a test

test -- test (N.): got. gakusts* 1, ga-kus-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Probe, Prüfung; ne. approvedness, test (N.); kustus* 3, kus-t-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Prüfung, Beweis; ne. test (N.), trial, proving by test, proof (N.)

test -- test (V.): got. fragan* 1, fragjan*?, frag-an*, frag-jan*?,  st. V. (6?): nhd. fragen; ne. ask, test (V.), inquire of, make inquiry into, examine; fraisan* 13, frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. versuchen; ne. put to the test, try, tempt, make trial of, test (V.); gakausjan* 1, ga-kaus-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. erproben, prüfen; ne. test (V.), try (V.), subject to a test; gakiusan 10=9, ga-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, wählen, prüfen; ne. prove by testing, try (V.), choose as proven, approve, test (V.); kausjan 7, kaus-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Gen., m. Akk.: nhd. kosten (V.) (2), kennen lernen, prüfen; ne. sample (V.), experience (V.), taste (V.), try out, test (V.), prove (V.); kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test; uskiusan 10, us-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, verwerfen, vertreiben, auswählen; ne. eliminate, reject (V.), disapprove, declare useless, test (V.)

test -- unsuccessful in test: got. ungakusans* 4, un-ga-kus-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verwerflich, nicht probehaltig; ne. unqualified, tested to be unsuccessful, unsuccessful in test

testament -- testament (N.): got. triggwa 8=7, triggw-a,  st. F. (ō) (wō): nhd. Bündnis, Bund; ne. bequest (N.), testament (N.), entrustment, covenant

tested -- tested to be unsuccessful: got. ungakusans* 4, un-ga-kus-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verwerflich, nicht probehaltig; ne. unqualified, tested to be unsuccessful, unsuccessful in test

testifier: got. weitwōþs* 6, wei-t-wōþ-s*,  M. (kons.): nhd. Zeuge; ne. witness (M.), testifier, eyewitness (M.)

testify: got. weitwōdjan 38=37, wei-t-wōd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeugen, bezeugen; ne. bear witness, testify, attest (V.)

-- testify together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

testifying: got. weitwōdei 5, wei-t-wōd-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zeugnis, Bezeugung, Zeugnisablegung; ne. testimony, attestation, testifying, witness (N.)

-- act of testifying: got. weitwōdeins 1, wei-t-wōd-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. act of testifying, attesting, witness-bearing, witness (N.)

testimonial: got. weitwōdi* 1, wei-t-wōd-i*,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Zeugnis; ne. testimonial, depositional attestation, witness (N.)

testimony: got. weitwōdei 5, wei-t-wōd-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zeugnis, Bezeugung, Zeugnisablegung; ne. testimony, attestation, testifying, witness (N.)

-- substance of testimony: got. weitwōdiþa 16, wei-t-wōd-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. substance of testimony, attestation, witness (N.)

testing -- examine by testing: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

testing -- prove by testing: got. gakiusan 10=9, ga-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, wählen, prüfen; ne. prove by testing, try (V.), choose as proven, approve, test (V.)

testing -- proved by testing: got. *gakusans?, *ga-kus-an-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bewährt, erprobt, auserwählt; ne. proved by testing, approved

testing -- testing (N.): got. fraistubni* 5, frai-s-t-ubn-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Versuchung; ne. testing (N.), temptation

tetrarch: got. *fidurragineis?, *fidur-ragin-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch

-- office of a tetrarch: got. fidurragini* 1, fidur-ragin-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Vierfürstenamt, Tetrarchie; ne. tetrarchate, office of a tetrarch

-- tetrarch (M.): got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

tetrarchate: got. fidurragini* 1, fidur-ragin-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Vierfürstenamt, Tetrarchie; ne. tetrarchate, office of a tetrarch

th: got. þ 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. th, Abkürzung für 9; ne. th, abbreviation for 9

than: got. þau 86,  Adv.: nhd. als, oder, doch, wohl, etwa, wie; ne. than, compared to, perchance, perhaps, but, instead

-- be less than: got. minnizō gataujan: nhd. nachstehen; ne. be inferior to, be less than

-- else than: got. alja 17, al-ja,  Konj., Präp. m. Dat.: nhd. außer; ne. but, else than, except, other than, save (Präp.), unless

-- in a manner other than standard: got. aljaleikōs, Adv. (Komp.), (Krause, Handbuch des Gotischen 194,2): nhd. anders; ne. otherwise, elsewise, in a manner other than standard

-- later than then: got. þanaseiþs 28, þan-a-sei-þ-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch; ne. later than then, after then, thereafter, from then on

-- other than: got. alja 17, al-ja,  Konj., Präp. m. Dat.: nhd. außer; ne. but, else than, except, other than, save (Präp.), unless

thank -- thank (V.): got. awiliudōn 23, aw-i-liu-d-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. danken, preisen; ne. thank (V.), offer a prayer of thanksgiving; faírhaitan* 1, faír-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. verheißen, Dank wissen; ne. express (V.), voice an expression of, thank (V.)

thanks: got. ansts 68=65, an-st-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude, Dank, Gnade, Gunst, Gnadengabe; ne. beneficence, graciousness, grace, joy (N.), thanks, gift (N.), favour (N.), blessing; þagks* 1, þagk-s*, þanks*,  st. M. (a)?, st. F. (i)?: nhd. Dank; ne. thanks

-- worshipful thanks: got. awiliuþ 16, aw-i-liu-þ,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dank, Danksagung, Gnade; ne. prayer of gratitude, worshipful thanks, thanksgiving

thanksgiving: got. aíwxaristia* 1, aíw-xari-sti-a*,  sw. F. (an): nhd. Dank, Danksagung; ne. thanksgiving, prayer of thanksgiving; awiliuþ 16, aw-i-liu-þ,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dank, Danksagung, Gnade; ne. prayer of gratitude, worshipful thanks, thanksgiving

-- offer a prayer of thanksgiving: got. awiliudōn 23, aw-i-liu-d-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. danken, preisen; ne. thank (V.), offer a prayer of thanksgiving

-- prayer of thanksgiving: got. aíwxaristia* 1, aíw-xari-sti-a*,  sw. F. (an): nhd. Dank, Danksagung; ne. thanksgiving, prayer of thanksgiving

that: got. izei 68, iz-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. who, he who, that, that which; jains* 105, jain-s*,  Adj., Pron. (a): nhd. jener; ne. that, yon, those; þatei 370,  Konj.: nhd. dass, weil, als ob; ne. that, the fact that, for, because

-- according to that effect: got. bi tōja, got.: nhd. nach der Wirkung; ne. according to that effect

-- after that: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to; þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that; þaþrōh 24, þa-þrō-h,  Adv.: nhd. von da, daher, darauf, darnach; ne. from there, after that

-- after that time: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- and at that place: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

-- and at that time: got. þanuh 88, þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, daher, also, aber, nun; ne. and the, and at that time

-- and therefore because of that: got. inuh þis nū, got.: nhd. und deshalb; ne. and therefore because of that

-- and yet that notwithstanding: got. þanuh þan swēþauh: nhd. dessenungeachtet, dennoch; ne. and yet that notwithstanding

-- at that time: got. miþþan 3, mi-þ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. inzwischen; ne. at that time, as of then, meanwhile; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

-- at the same time that: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

-- because of that: got. in ƕis: nhd. warum, weshalb; ne. because of that, why

-- because of the fact that: got. in þize ei, got.: nhd. deshalb dass; ne. because of the fact that

-- before that: got. faúrþis 23, faúrþ-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. zuvor, früher, vorher; ne. earlier, before that, beforehand, aforetime

-- but then along with that: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- by reason of the fact that: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- by that much the: got. þē 1,  Adv.: nhd. desto, um so; ne. by that much the, do much the, any the

-- by that time: got. juþan 15, ju-þan, *juuþan,  Adv.: nhd. schon; ne. already, by now, by that time, by then

-- during the time that: got. miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though

-- for the reason that: got. þēei 3, þē-ei,  Partikel: nhd. darum dass, deshalb dass, als ob, als wenn; ne. from the motive that, for the reason that

-- from that place: got. jainþrō 12, jain-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. dorther, von dort; ne. thence, from yon place, from that place

-- from that time on not: got. juþan ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. from that time on not, no longer

-- from the motive that: got. þēei 3, þē-ei,  Partikel: nhd. darum dass, deshalb dass, als ob, als wenn; ne. from the motive that, for the reason that

-- from the place that: got. þaþrōei 1, þa-þrō-ei,  Adv.: nhd. von wannen, woher, von wo; ne. from the place that, from which place

-- how is it possible that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether

-- how pitiful that not: got. wainei 3, wai-nei,  Interj.: nhd. wenn doch, dass doch; ne. woe (Interj.), that not, how pitiful that not, if only, would that

-- in a way that: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- in excess of that which: got. ufar þatei, got.: nhd. mehr als was; ne. in excess of that which

-- in order that: got. duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that

-- in order that well: got. ei waila, got.: nhd. dass wohl; ne. in order that well

-- in that case: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- in that case consequently then ... not: got. þannu nū ei ... ni, got.: nhd. deshalb ... nicht; ne. in that case consequently then ... not

-- in that place: got. jainar 34, jain-a-r,  Adv.: nhd. an jenem Ort, dort; ne. in yon place, in that place, there; þar 2, þa-r,  Adv.: nhd. dort, daselbst, da; ne. there, in that place

-- in that very thing: got. in þamma silbin, got.: nhd. eben dazu; ne. in that very thing

-- in the case that: got. iþ (1) 626,  Konj.: nhd. aber, und, wenn, nun, also, denn; ne. but, however, in any case, even so, so, if, in the case that

-- into that place: got. jaindrē 1, jain-drē,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, into that place, thither

-- is it in such a way that: got. swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

-- is it not so that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether

-- is it so that: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether; jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

-- is it thus that: got. swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

-- I that: got. ikei 3, ik-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der ich, ich welcher; ne. I who, I that

-- it is indeed possible that: got. ibai auftō, got.: nhd. es möchte; ne. it is indeed possible that

-- it may be so that: got. jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

-- it may therefore be that: got. jau nū, got.: nhd. es kann folglich sein (V.) dass; ne. it may therefore be that

-- not that: got. ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that; ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that

-- on account of the fact that: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that; duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- precisely that one: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

-- so that: got. duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that; swaei 23, swa-ei,  Konj.: nhd. so dass, daher, also; ne. so that, such that, so as to, therefore; swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

-- such as that: got. þei 29,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. was auch immer, dass, damit; ne. such as that, this that, such that

-- such that: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that; swaei 23, swa-ei,  Konj.: nhd. so dass, daher, also; ne. so that, such that, so as to, therefore; þei 29,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. was auch immer, dass, damit; ne. such as that, this that, such that

-- that borne in tribute: got. gabaúr (1) 4, ga-baúr,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Zusammengebrachtes“, Kollekte, Steuer (F.); ne. that borne in tribute, tribute (N.), contribution, tax (N.), money-offering

-- that is: got. þat-ist, got.: nhd. das ist; ne. that is

-- that not: got. wainei 3, wai-nei,  Interj.: nhd. wenn doch, dass doch; ne. woe (Interj.), that not, how pitiful that not, if only, would that

-- that one there: got. sa 2800,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der, dieser; ne. this, this very one, the very same, that one there

-- that which: got. izei 68, iz-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. who, he who, that, that which

-- that which is „co-yoked“: got. gajuk* 1, ga-ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Paar; ne. pair (N.), couple (N.), that which is „co-yoked“, companion

-- that which is given: got. giba 13, gib-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk, g-Rune; ne. that which is given, gift (N.), present (N.), name of g-rune

-- that which is heard: got. gahauseins 4, ga-hau-s-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Predigt; ne. that which is heard, report (N.), preaching (N.); hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings

-- that which is moulded: got. gadigis 1, ga-dig-is,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gebilde; ne. moulded image, that which is moulded, moulded figure

-- the fact that: got. þatei 370,  Konj.: nhd. dass, weil, als ob; ne. that, the fact that, for, because

-- the one that: got. saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- this that: got. þei 29,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. was auch immer, dass, damit; ne. such as that, this that, such that

-- to that place: got. jaind 1, jain-d,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, to that place, thither

-- turned toward that place: got. jaindwaírþs 1, jain-d-waírþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. dorthin gewandt; ne. „thitherward“, turned toward that place

-- unless it be alternatively that: got. niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that; niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that

-- until the time that: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- would that: got. wainei 3, wai-nei,  Interj.: nhd. wenn doch, dass doch; ne. woe (Interj.), that not, how pitiful that not, if only, would that

thatch -- thatch (V.): got. *þakjan, *þak-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. decken; ne. thatch (V.), cover (V.)

the: got. the 2, krim Art.: nhd. der; ne. the

-- acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

-- add to the rectification of: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

-- again from the start: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew

-- all the way to: got. und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

-- all together at the same time: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- all together to the same place: got. samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

-- amidst the border: got. miþ þweihnaim markōm: nhd. mitten unter die Grenze; ne. amidst the border; gr. ἀνὰ μέσον τῶν ὁρίων; lat. inter medios fines; Mrk 7,31 CA

-- and at the same time: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- and the: got. þanuh 88, þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, daher, also, aber, nun; ne. and the, and at that time

-- and the remains: got. kaì tà loipá 1, gr.- Konj., Art., Sb.: nhd. und so weiter; ne. and the remains, and the rest, et cetera

-- and the rest: got. kaì tà loipá 1, gr.- Konj., Art., Sb.: nhd. und so weiter; ne. and the remains, and the rest, et cetera

-- any the: got. þē 1,  Adv.: nhd. desto, um so; ne. by that much the, do much the, any the

-- apply the resemblance of: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

-- area before the town gates: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

-- a thwarting of the understanding: got. fraþjamarzeins 1, fraþ-ja-mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verstandestäuschung; ne. comprehension-impediment, a thwarting of the understanding

-- at the edge of: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of

-- at the most: got. maist 1, ma-i-s-t,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. höchstens; ne. at the most

-- at the point of death: got. *swultawaírþs?, *swul-t-a-waír-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. auf den Tod gerichtet, todgeweiht; ne. about to die, moribund, at the point of death

-- at the point when: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- at the point where: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- at the same time: got. samana 12, sam-a-n-a,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, gemeinschaftlich, zugleich; ne. at the same time, all together, in union; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- at the same time that: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

-- at the time of: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

-- at the time when: got. miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though; þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

-- bandage up the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

-- be at the end of one’s life: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- be at the head of: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

-- be at the point of death: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- because of the fact that: got. in þize ei, got.: nhd. deshalb dass; ne. because of the fact that

-- „beeing beside the way“: got. *ussinþs?, *us-sinþ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. „außer dem Weg befindlich“, besonders; ne. „beeing beside the way“, particular

-- before the face of: got. in andwairþja: nhd. vor; ne. before the face of, in the presence of, facing

-- before the lapse of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- before the time when: got. faúrþizei 9, faúrþ-iz-ei,  Konj.: nhd. bevor, ehe; ne. before, before the time when

-- be of the opinion: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

-- be on the lookout: got. *atwitan?, *at-wi-t-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beobachten; ne. observe, be on the lookout

-- be on the way to somewhere: got. gaggan 205=203, ga-g-g-an,  def. red. V. (3): nhd. gehen, wandeln, umhergehen, kommen; ne. be on the way to somewhere, go (V.), come, walk (V.)

-- be the cause of: got. gansjan* 2=1, gans-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verursachen; ne. be the cause of, generate, cause the beginning of

-- bind up the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

-- bind up the mouth of: got. faúrmūljan* 1, faúr-mū-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. das Maul verbinden; ne. muzzle (V.), bind up the mouth of

-- board for resting the feet: got. fōtubaūrd 3, fōt-u-baūr-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Fußbank, Schemel; ne. footstool, board for resting the feet

-- bring before the eyes of: got. ataugjan 23, at-aug-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. zeigen, erscheinen (=sik ataugjan); ne. bring before the eyes of, show to

-- but not in the case: got. nibai 58, n-i-ba-i, niba,  Interrog.-Pron., Konj.: nhd. doch nicht etwa, wenn nicht, es sei denn dass, ausgenommen; ne. not possibly, unless, except (Konj.), if not, but not in the case

-- by reason of the fact that: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- by that much the: got. þē 1,  Adv.: nhd. desto, um so; ne. by that much the, do much the, any the

-- by the side of: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

-- call to the mind of: got. maudjan* 1, maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, call to the mind of

-- calm on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

-- carry all the way in: got. innatbaíran* 2, in-n-at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hineinbringen, hineintragen; ne. bear in thither, carry all the way in, bring in

-- cause the beginning of: got. gansjan* 2=1, gans-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verursachen; ne. be the cause of, generate, cause the beginning of

-- change the resemblance into: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

-- circlet for the head: got. wipja* 2, wip-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kranz; ne. crown (N.), head-wrath, circlet for the head

-- conceal in the ground: got. filhan 1, fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. verbergen, begraben (V.); ne. hide (V.), conceal, conceal in the ground, bury, cover up for safekeeping

-- council of the elders: got. praízbwtaírei* 3, praí-z-bwt-aír-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ältestenrat, christliche Gemeindebehörde; ne. presbytery, council of the elders

-- cut the hair: got. kapillōn 1, kapill-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. das Haar abschneiden, scheren; ne. cut the hair

-- deliver into the custody of: got. atgiban 73, at-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hingeben, übergeben (V.), geben, darreichen; ne. give unto, deliver into the custody of, give over to

-- deny the relatedness of: got. inwidan* 7, in-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleugnen, für ungültig erklären; ne. reject the connection with, deny the relatedness of, repudiate, disown, desert (3)

-- dismiss from the mind: got. *ufarmaudjan, *uf-ar-maud-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergessen; ne. forget, dismiss from the mind

-- dissipate to the winds: got. diswinþjan* 1, dis-winþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „auseinanderwerfen“, zermalmen, worfeln, zerstreuen; ne. crush (V.), scatter completely away by winnowing, dissipate to the winds

-- do much the: got. þē 1,  Adv.: nhd. desto, um so; ne. by that much the, do much the, any the

-- during the time that: got. miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though

-- end of the gothic region: got. Goþiscandza 2, Go-þ-isc-andz-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenende? (an der Weichsel?); ne. end of the gothic region

-- endure to the end: got. usaiwjan* 1, us-aiw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich anstrengen; ne. endure to the end, persevere, exert o.s.

-- enrich o.s. at the expense of: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of

-- establish the monetary value of: got. waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

-- explain the argument of: got. ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

-- expose to the test: got. usfraisan* 1, us-frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. versuchen; ne. expose to the test, tempt

-- fall to the share of: got. undrinnan* 2, und-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. zufallen, zuteil werden, untereinander disputieren (= miþ sis missō sik undrinnan); ne. accrue to, fall to the share of, fall to

-- feast of the „Dedication“: got. inniujiþa 1, in-niu-j-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erneuerung, Fest der Tempelweihe, Kirchweihe; ne. inauguration, initiation, dedication, feast of the „Dedication“

-- foretell the future: got. fauraqiþan* 9=8, faur-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorhersagen; ne. tell before, tell beforehand, foretell the future, prophesy

-- for the present: got. andwaírþō 1, and-waír-þ-ō,  Adv.: nhd. sofort; ne. for the present, momentary, at once

-- for the reason that: got. þēei 3, þē-ei,  Partikel: nhd. darum dass, deshalb dass, als ob, als wenn; ne. from the motive that, for the reason that

-- for the sake of: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; in þizōzei waihtais: nhd. weshalb; ne. for the sake of, this thing which

-- for the third time: got. þridjō 2, þrid-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zum dritten Mal; ne. for the third time

-- from one side to the other: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by

-- from the interior: got. innaþrō 3, in-n-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von innen, inwendig; ne. from the interior, from within, inwardly

-- from the motive that: got. þēei 3, þē-ei,  Partikel: nhd. darum dass, deshalb dass, als ob, als wenn; ne. from the motive that, for the reason that

-- from the place: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

-- from the place that: got. þaþrōei 1, þa-þrō-ei,  Adv.: nhd. von wannen, woher, von wo; ne. from the place that, from which place

-- from the present on: got. fram þamma nū: nhd. von nun an, künftig; ne. from the present on, henceforth

-- from within the household: got. innakunds* 2, in-n-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Haus gehörig, Hausgenosse (subst.); ne. from within the household, of the same household

-- gain the prize: got. gajiukan* 4, ga-jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. besiegen, überwinden; ne. succeed in fighting, overcome, conquer, gain the prize

-- get the chance to drink: got. gadrigkan* 1, ga-dri-g-k-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. trinken; ne. drink (V.), get the chance to drink

-- give into the care of: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

-- go to the aid of: got. hilpan 4, hil-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Gen.: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), go to the aid of, give help to

-- granular fruit of the cereal grasses: got. kaúrn* 4, kaúr-n*, kor, korn*,  kor, korn*, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Korn, Getreide, Weizen; ne. grain, wheat, granular fruit of the cereal grasses; lat. triticum

-- hair of the head: got. skuft* 4, skuf-t*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Haupthaar; ne. hair of the head, tresses

-- have the ability: got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

-- have the audacity to: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious

-- have the impression: got. þugkjan* 23, þugk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, meinen, gelten, erscheinen, dünken; ne. have the impression, suppose, opine (V.), deem (V.), it seems (=þugkeiþ), believe, appear

-- horn-shaped pod of the carob-tree: got. haúrn 2, haúr-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Horn, Frucht des Johannisbrotbaums, Bockshorn; ne. horn, horn-shaped pod of the carob-tree

-- however much ... so much the more: got. ƕan filu ... mais þamma, got.: nhd. je mehr ... desto mehr; ne. however much ... so much the more

-- hurl into the location of: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- in a certain part of the past: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

-- inhabitants of the wood: got. *Taírwiggōs?, *Taírw-igg-ō-s?,  st. M. Pl.: nhd. Waldbewohner; ne. woodlanders, inhabitants of the wood; Tērvingi*, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. „Waldbewohner“ (Pl.), Westgoten; ne. woodlanders, inhabitants of the wood, Visigoths

-- injure the health: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

-- in just the same manner: got. swa 115=113,  Adv.: nhd. so; ne. so, thus, just so, in just the same manner

-- in the case that: got. iþ (1) 626,  Konj.: nhd. aber, und, wenn, nun, also, denn; ne. but, however, in any case, even so, so, if, in the case that

-- in the daytime: got. *dagis?, *dag-is?,  Adv. (Gen.): nhd. tags; ne. in the daytime, by day

-- in the end: got. und andi, Adv.: nhd. zuletzt; ne. ultimately, at last, in the end

-- in the hear (N.) of: got. bisunjanē 7, bi-sun-j-a-nē,  Adv.: nhd. ringsum; ne. round about, in the hear (N.) of, neighbouring (Adv.)

-- in the house: got. ingardja* (2) 2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. im Haus befindlich; ne. in the house, domiciled within, resident (Adj.)

-- in the manner in which: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- in the manner of the gentiles: got. þiudiskō 1, þiu-d-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. heidnisch; ne. heathenly, in the manner of the gentiles, like the heathen; þiudiskō 1, þiu-d-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. heidnisch; ne. heathenly, in the manner of the gentiles, like the heathen

-- in the meat market: got. at skiljam, got.: nhd. auf dem Fleischmarkt; ne. in the meat market

-- in the middle: got. midjis* 10, mid-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. mittlere, mitten; ne. middle (Adj.), in the middle

-- in the number of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- in the place where: got. þarei 35, þa-r-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, in the place where, from where

-- in the presence of: got. in andwairþja: nhd. vor; ne. before the face of, in the presence of, facing

-- in the proximity: got. nēƕa 23, nēƕ-a,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. nahe; ne. near (Adv.), close (Adv.) (1), nigh, nearby, in the proximity

-- in the same moment: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon; sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

-- in the same moment when: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

-- in the same way: got. analeikō 1, an-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichermaßen; ne. likewise, in like manner, in the same way, similarly; samaleikō 23, sam-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichfalls, ebenfalls, desgleichen; ne. likewise, in the same way, in like manner, in the selfsame manner, similarly

-- in the selfsame manner: got. samaleikō 23, sam-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichfalls, ebenfalls, desgleichen; ne. likewise, in the same way, in like manner, in the selfsame manner, similarly

-- knower of the law: got. witōdafasteis 2, wi-t-ōd-a-fast-ei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Gesetzeskundiger; ne. legist, jurisprudent, knower of the law, lawyer

-- lamentation of the dead: got. ? *sisi?, *sis-i?,  Sb.: nhd. Totenklage?; ne. lamentation of the dead?

-- lay the foundation of: got. gasūljan* 3, ga-sūl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. das Fundament legen, begründen, gründen; ne. found (V.), base (V.), ground (V.), lay the foundation of

-- lead astray the understanding of: got. afhugjan* 1, af-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezaubern; ne. lead astray the understanding of, bewitch

-- letter of the alphabet: got. *stafs 3, *sta-f-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Element, Stab, Buchstabe; ne. letter of the alphabet, grapheme, element

-- like the heathen: got. þiudiskō 1, þiu-d-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. heidnisch; ne. heathenly, in the manner of the gentiles, like the heathen

-- make the appearance similar to: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

-- make the climb: got. gasteigan* 2, ga-steig-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hineinsteigen, herabsteigen; ne. climb (V.), make the climb, get into

-- mark made by a stroke of the pen: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

-- master of the family: got. heiwafrauja* 1, hei-w-a-frau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausherr; ne. master of the family, household head

-- material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

-- narrow of the neck: got. halsagga* 1, hals-agg-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hals, Nacken; ne. neck (N.), narrow of the neck

-- not any the more: got. ni þē haldis: nhd. nicht um so mehr, keineswegs; ne. not any the more

-- not any the more; Sk 3: got. ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that

-- of the countryside: got. haiþiwisks* 1, haiþ-i-wisk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wild; ne. of the open field, of the countryside, wild (Adj.)

-- of the fourth day: got. fidurdōgs 1, fidur-dōg-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. viertägig; ne. of the fourth day, quadru-diurnal

-- of the left side: got. hleiduma* 7=6, hlei-d-um-a*,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. link; ne. left (Adj.), of the left side

-- of the male sex: got. gumakunds* 2, gum-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. männlich; ne. male (Adj.), of the male sex

-- of the open field: got. haiþiwisks* 1, haiþ-i-wisk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wild; ne. of the open field, of the countryside, wild (Adj.)

-- of the same body: got. ibnaleiks* 1, ibn-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleichen Körpers, gleich; ne. equipollent, equal in essence, of equal substance, equal-bodied, of similar form, of the same body

-- of the same form: got. samaleiks* 2, sam-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich, übereinstimmend, gleichlautend; ne. identical, of the same form, equal, like (1)

-- of the same household: got. innakunds* 2, in-n-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Haus gehörig, Hausgenosse (subst.); ne. from within the household, of the same household

-- of the same kin: got. samakuns* 1, sam-a-kun-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. desselben Geschlechts, verwandt; ne. of the same kin, kindred (Adj.), related (Adj.)

-- of the same mind: got. samafraþjis* 1, sam-a-fraþ-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gleichgesinnt; ne. identically-minded, of the same mind; samasaiwals* 1, sam-a-sai-w-al-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. unanimous, of the same soul, united in soul, of the same mind

-- of the same proportions: got. samalauþs* 1, sam-a-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich groß, derselbe; ne. of the same proportions, equivalent (Adj.), as much

-- of the same soul: got. samasaiwals* 1, sam-a-sai-w-al-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. unanimous, of the same soul, united in soul, of the same mind

-- of the skull: got. ƕaírneins*, ƕaír-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Schädel-; ne. of the skull, cranial

-- of the two of you: got. igqar* 1, iggqar*,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. euch beiden gehörig, euer beider; ne. your, of you both, of the two of you

-- of the wind: got. *winþeis?, *wi-nþ-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. Wind-, windig; ne. of the wind, wind-, blowing (N.)

-- on account of the fact that: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that; duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- one of the same household: got. ingardja* (1) 3=2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hausgenosse; ne. household member, one of the same household

-- one of the two upper limbs of the body: got. arms (2) 4, ar-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Arm; ne. arm, one of the two upper limbs of the body; arms (2) 4, ar-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Arm; ne. arm, one of the two upper limbs of the body

-- on the contrary: got. ak 278=276,  Konj.: nhd. sondern (Konj.), aber, geh; ne. but, on the contrary, however, but rather; þata andaneiþo, got.: nhd. im Gegenteil; ne. on the contrary; ak þan, got.: nhd. im Gegenteil; ne. on the contrary; wiþrawaírþs* 5=4, wi-þra-waír-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gegenüberliegend, entgegengesetzt, im Gegenteil; ne. opposite, facing, set opposite, on the contrary

-- on the exterior: got. ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- on the far side of: got. hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind; hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- on the left: got. af hleidumein, got.: nhd. zur Linken; ne. on the left

-- on the other hand: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise; þata wiþrawaírþō: nhd. dagegen, im Gegenteil; ne. however, on the other hand

-- on the outside: got. ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- on the part of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- on the right: got. af taihswon, got.: nhd. zur Rechten; ne. on the right; af taihswon, got.: nhd. zur Rechten; ne. on the right

-- on the side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- on the subsequent day: got. iftumin daga: nhd. am folgenden Tag; ne. on the subsequent day; gr. τῇ ἐπαύριον; lat. in alio die, in altero die, in crastino die, in sequenti die

-- on the yon side of: got. hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind

-- onto the ground: got. dalaþ 16, dal-aþ,  Adv.: nhd. zu Tal, abwärts, nieder, herab, hinunter, hinab; ne. downward, onto the ground, down (Adv.)

-- outside the law: got. witōdalaus 4, wi-t-ōd-a-lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gesetzlos; ne. lawless, outside the law

-- partner in the same body: got. galeika* 1, ga-leik-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. „Miteinverleibter“, eines Leibes; ne. „corpus-mate“, partner in the same body

-- part of the body: got. liþus 17, li-þ-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Glied; ne. limb (1) (N.), member, part of the body

-- payment to the Caesar: got. kaisaragild* 1, kais-ar-a-gild*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Kaisergeld“, Zensus, Steuer (F.), Kaisersteuer; ne. Caesar-tribute, payment to the Caesar, tax (N.), census

-- period of the year: got. aþn* 1, aþ-n*, aþns*,  st. M. (a), N.?: nhd. Jahr; ne. period of the year, season (N.), term of the year

-- person possessed by the devil: got. daimōnāreis 5, daimōn-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Besessener; ne. person possessed by the devil, demoniac

-- place wrapping around the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

-- play the flute: got. swiglōn* 2, swigl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Flöte blasen, aufspielen; ne. play the flute, pipe (V.)

-- preach the good: got. waílamērjan 13, waíl-a-mē-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einem eine frohe Botschaft künden, predigen, frohe Botschaft bringen; ne. spread good news of, preach the good, proclaim

-- preach the gospel: got. mērjan 48, mē-r-jan,  red. V. (1): nhd. künden, kund tun, verkünden, das Evangelium verkünden; ne. proclaim (V.), promulgate, broadcast (V.), preach tidings of, preach the gospel, evangelize; waílaspillōn* 1, waíl-a-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verkünden, erzählen, frohe Botschaft verkünden; ne. proclaim propitious tidings, promulgate glad news, preach the gospel

-- present the case: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

-- proclaim the gospel: got. spillōn* 6, spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. künden, verkünden, erzählen; ne. tell, relate, report (V.), give report of, proclaim the gospel

-- produce in the manner of a smith: got. gasmiþōn* 1, ga-smi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. „schmieden“, bewirken, durch Schmieden bewirken; ne. forge (V.), produce in the manner of a smith, effect (V.), work (V.), produce

-- put at the disposal of: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

-- put before the eyes: got. augjan* 2, aug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeigen; ne. put before the eyes, show (V.), exhibit

-- put in the trust of: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

-- put into the trust of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- put to the stake: got. hramjan* 1, hram-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kreuzigen; ne. put to the stake, crucify

-- put to the test: got. fraisan* 13, frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. versuchen; ne. put to the test, try, tempt, make trial of, test (V.)

-- quiescence on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

-- raise the spirits of: got. gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

-- recall to the mind of: got. gamaudjan* 4, ga-maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, recall to the mind of, mind (V.), call to remind

-- reject the connection with: got. inwidan* 7, in-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleugnen, für ungültig erklären; ne. reject the connection with, deny the relatedness of, repudiate, disown, desert (3)

-- roll around on the ground: got. walwisōn* 1, wal-wis-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich wälzen; ne. roll around on the ground, wallow (V.), flounder around

-- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire; taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

-- ruler of the household: got. gardawaldands 2, gar-d-a-wal-d-an-d-s,  M. (nd): nhd. Hausherr; ne. ruler of the household, house master

-- ruler of the synagogue: got. swnagōgafaþs* 4, swn-ag-ō-g-a-faþ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Synagogenvorsteher; ne. synagogue leader, ruler of the synagogue

-- scratch of the pen: got. writs* 1, wr-i-t-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. written stroke, scratch of the pen, serif

-- serve in the military: got. militōn* 1, milit-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun; ne. serve in the military, be a soldier

-- shave around the head: got. biskaban* 1, bi-skab-an*,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaben, scheren (V.) (1), Haare abschneiden; ne. shave around the head, shave bald, shear (V.)

-- shift the location of: got. miþsatjan* 1, mi-þ-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versetzen; ne. transplant (V.), relocate, shift the location of, remove (V.)

-- showing to be in the right: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

-- show to be in the right: got. gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

-- sinking of the sun: got. saggqs* 1, saggq-s*, sagq*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Untergang, Westen; ne. sinking (N.), going down, sinking of the sun, occident, west (N.), setting (N.)

-- smite the face of: got. wlizjan* 1, wli-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, kasteien; ne. castigate, cane (V.), smite the face of, mortify, bruise (V.)

-- sound of the voice: got. drunjus 1, dru-n-ju-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Schall; ne. sound of the voice, call (N.), cry (N.)

-- space before the door: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

-- spread the gospel: got. aíwaggēljan* 1, aíw-agg-ēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. das Evangelium verkünden; ne. evangelize, spread the gospel

-- spread the news: got. usqiþan 1, us-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. ein Gerede verbreiten; ne. divulge, make public, spread the news

-- strike with the fist: got. kaupatjan 4, kaupat-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. ohrfeigen, Faustschlag geben; ne. buffet (V.), pommel (V.), cuff (V.), strike with the fist

-- subject to the inquiring mind: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

-- take the opportunity of giving s.o. over: got. galēwjan 16, ga-lēw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hingeben, überlassen, überliefern, verraten; ne. take the opportunity of giving s.o. over, hand s.o. over in an opportunistic deal, surrender s.o. by means of opportunism, betray, give over

-- term of the year: got. aþn* 1, aþ-n*, aþns*,  st. M. (a), N.?: nhd. Jahr; ne. period of the year, season (N.), term of the year

-- the ark of Noah: got. arka 3, ark-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Arche, Kasten, Futteral, Beutel (F.) (1), Geldkasten; ne. box (N.), chest, the ark of Noah, money-box

-- the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece: got. drakma* 3, drak-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Drachme; ne. drachma, the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece

-- the both of us: got. wit 8, wi-t,  Pron.: nhd. wir beide; ne. we two, the both of us, the two of us

-- the both of you: got. jut* 8, ju-t*,  Pers.-Pron. (2. Pers. Dual): nhd. ihr beide; ne. you two, ye two, the both of you

-- the entire: got. *ala?, *al-a?,  sw. Adj.?: nhd. all, ganz, völlig; ne. all, the entire, the whole; alls 600=597, al-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. all, jeder, ganz, viel; ne. all, all of, the entire, every, the whole

-- the fact that: got. þatei 370,  Konj.: nhd. dass, weil, als ob; ne. that, the fact that, for, because

-- the form of God: got. gudaskaunei* 1, gu-d-a-skaun-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottesgestalt; ne. the form of God, divine aspect, godly form

-- the habitable earth: got. midjungards* 4, mid-jun-gard-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. die bewohnte Erde, Erdkreis; ne. the habitable earth, world

-- the last day of the world: got. spēdista dags, got.: nhd. der jüngste Tag; ne. the last day of the world; spēdista dags, got.: nhd. der jüngste Tag; ne. the last day of the world

-- the next day: got. gistradagis 1, gis-tra-dag-is,  Adv.: nhd. morgen; ne. the next day, tomorrow

-- the oldest: got. sinista (Superl., subst.): nhd. Ältester; ne. oldest, eldest, the oldest

-- the one: got. þatain 6, þat-ai-n,  Adj. (a): nhd. das eine; ne. the one, this only

-- the one above: got. *ufara, *uf-ar-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. obere; ne. the one above, superior

-- the one that: got. saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- the one ... the other: got. anþar ... anþar, got.: nhd. der eine ... der andere; ne. the one ... the other; anþar ... anþar, got.: nhd. der eine ... der andere; ne. the one ... the other

-- the one which: got. saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- the one who: got. saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- the other: got. anþar 157, an-þar,  Adj. (a), Num. Ord.: nhd. andere, zweite; ne. other, second (Adj.), another, the other

-- the present: got. hi* 20, hi-* 20,  Pron.: nhd. dieser; ne. this, of here and now, the present, this here

-- the right: got. taíhswa* (2) 2, taíh-s-w-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. die Rechte, die rechte Hand; ne. the right, right hand

-- the same: got. sama 45, sam-a,  sw. Pron., Suff.: nhd. derselbe, der nämliche, -sam; ne. same, the same, -some

-- the smallest: got. smalista, got.: nhd. der kleinste; ne. the smallest

-- the two of us: got. wit 8, wi-t,  Pron.: nhd. wir beide; ne. we two, the both of us, the two of us

-- the very last: got. aftumists 5, af-t-u-m-ist-s,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. letzte; ne. endmost, final (Adj.), the very last

-- the very same: got. sa 2800,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der, dieser; ne. this, this very one, the very same, that one there

-- the whole: got. *ala?, *al-a?,  sw. Adj.?: nhd. all, ganz, völlig; ne. all, the entire, the whole; alls 600=597, al-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. all, jeder, ganz, viel; ne. all, all of, the entire, every, the whole

-- the world of humans: got. manasēþs 39, man-a-sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Menschensaat“, Welt, Menschheit; ne. „man-seed“, mankind, the world of humans, human race, human universe, world

-- the year at hand: got. ataþni* 1, at-aþn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Jahr; ne. the year at hand

-- to the far side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- to the other side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- to the other time: got. anþaramma sinþa, got.: nhd. zum anderen Mal; ne. to the other time

-- to the same place: got. samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

-- towards the front: got. *frumaþ?, *fru-m-a-þ?,  Adv.: nhd. vorwärts; ne. forwards, towards the front

-- tranquility on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

-- transfer the similarity of the form of: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to; þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

-- transform the likeness into: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

-- turn up the nose at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

-- undergo the travail of: got. gawinnan* 1, ga-wi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erleiden, leiden; ne. suffer (V.), undergo the travail of

-- until the day when: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- until the end of the period in which: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- until the time that: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- up to the present interval: got. und þō nū ƕeila, got.: nhd. bis jetzt; ne. up to the present interval

-- weigh in the mind: got. mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate

-- within the law: got. inwitōþs 1, in-wi-t-ōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. innerhalb des Gesetzes stehend, gesetzlich; ne. within the law, lawful, law-abiding

-- within the time of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- with the time of: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

theatrical -- theatrical sight: got. faírweitl 1, faír-wei-t-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schauspiel; ne. spectacle, exhibition, theatrical sight

theft: got. þiubi* 1, þiub-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Diebstahl; ne. theft, thievery, stealing (N.)

-- commit theft: got. hlifan* 6, hli-f-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. stehlen; ne. commit theft, steal (V.)

their: got. seins* 300, sein-s*,  st. Poss.-Pron.: nhd. sein (Poss.-Pron.), ihr (Poss.-Pron.); ne. of himself, one’s, his, her, hers, its, their, theirs

theirs: got. seins* 300, sein-s*,  st. Poss.-Pron.: nhd. sein (Poss.-Pron.), ihr (Poss.-Pron.); ne. of himself, one’s, his, her, hers, its, their, theirs

themselves: got. sik 264=262, si-k,  Refl.-Pron.: nhd. sich; ne. himself, herself, itself, themselves

-- concur among themselves: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide

-- Goths’ own name for themselves: got. Gutþiuda* 2, Gu-t-þiu-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gotenvolk; ne. Gothic people, Goths’ own name for themselves

then: got. an 5,  Partikel: nhd. denn, nun; ne. so, then, well (Adv.); ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that; eiþan 6, ei-þan,  Konj.: nhd. daher, somit, nun; ne. ergo, therefore, for which reason, then, wherefore; nū 231=229,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nun, jetzt, also, folglich, demnach; ne. now, right now, just now, then, therefore; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever; *þana-, *þan-a-,  Adv.: nhd. dann; ne. then; þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

-- after then: got. þanaseiþs 28, þan-a-sei-þ-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch; ne. later than then, after then, thereafter, from then on

-- and after then: got. afaruh þan: nhd. nachher; ne. afterwards, and after then; gr. μετά δέ; lat. post haec; Mat 8,5 CA; Luk 1,24 CA; Mrk 16,12 CA

-- and then: got. þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

-- as of then: got. miþþan 3, mi-þ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. inzwischen; ne. at that time, as of then, meanwhile

-- but then: got. aþþan 240, aþ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. aber doch, aber ja, aber nun, denn, also, nun, und; ne. but then, but nonetheless, but, however although, though

-- but then along therewith: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- but then along with that: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- but then be it therefore: got. aþþan siai nū, got.: nhd. aber sei es; ne. but then be it therefore

-- but then consequently: got. aþþan nū, got.: nhd. aber deshalb; ne. but then consequently

-- but then simultaneously: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- by then: got. juþan 15, ju-þan, *juuþan,  Adv.: nhd. schon; ne. already, by now, by that time, by then

-- from then on: got. þanaseiþs 28, þan-a-sei-þ-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch; ne. later than then, after then, thereafter, from then on

-- in that case consequently then ... not: got. þannu nū ei ... ni, got.: nhd. deshalb ... nicht; ne. in that case consequently then ... not

-- just then: got. sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

-- later than then: got. þanaseiþs 28, þan-a-sei-þ-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch; ne. later than then, after then, thereafter, from then on

-- not even then: got. niþþan, ni-þ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. und dann nicht, auch dann nicht; ne. not even then

-- now then: got. nūnū 6, nū-nū,  Konj.: nhd. demnach, daher, also; ne. consequently, ergo, therefore, now then; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

-- right then: got. sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

-- so then: got. nūh 3, nū-h,  Partikel: nhd. denn; ne. and therefore, and so, so then; þannu 22, þan-nu,  Adv.: nhd. ja, wohl, also darum; ne. so then, well (Adv.), now, in consequence; uh (1) 248=246, u-h,  Partikel: nhd. und, nun, also; ne. and, also, too, likewise, thereupon, subsequently, consequently, so then

thence: got. fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about; jainþrō 12, jain-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. dorther, von dort; ne. thence, from yon place, from that place

there: got. jainar 34, jain-a-r,  Adv.: nhd. an jenem Ort, dort; ne. in yon place, in that place, there; þar 2, þa-r,  Adv.: nhd. dort, daselbst, da; ne. there, in that place

-- and see there: got. þaruh sai: nhd. und siehe da; ne. and see there, behold

-- and there: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

-- from there: got. þaþrōh 24, þa-þrō-h,  Adv.: nhd. von da, daher, darauf, darnach; ne. from there, after that

-- right there: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

-- that one there: got. sa 2800,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der, dieser; ne. this, this very one, the very same, that one there

-- there also: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

thereafter: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever; þanaseiþs 28, þan-a-sei-þ-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch; ne. later than then, after then, thereafter, from then on; þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

thereby: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

therefore: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that; eiþan 6, ei-þan,  Konj.: nhd. daher, somit, nun; ne. ergo, therefore, for which reason, then, wherefore; inuh þis, got.: nhd. deshalb; ne. therefore; inuh þis nu, got.: nhd. deshalb; ne. therefore; nū 231=229,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nun, jetzt, also, folglich, demnach; ne. now, right now, just now, then, therefore; aþþan ik nū, got.: nhd. deshalb; ne. therefore; sai nū: nhd. folglich, also; ne. therefore, behold (Konj.); þan nū: nhd. wenn; ne. when, therefore; þanuh nū: nhd. und wen; ne. and whom, therefore; nūnū 6, nū-nū,  Konj.: nhd. demnach, daher, also; ne. consequently, ergo, therefore, now then; swaei 23, swa-ei,  Konj.: nhd. so dass, daher, also; ne. so that, such that, so as to, therefore; in þizōzei waihtais, got.: nhd. deshalb; ne. therefore

-- and so therefore: got. an nūh, got.: nhd. also doch; ne. and so therefore

-- and therefore: got. nūh 3, nū-h,  Partikel: nhd. denn; ne. and therefore, and so, so then

-- and therefore because of that: got. inuh þis nū, got.: nhd. und deshalb; ne. and therefore because of that

-- and when therefore: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

-- but then be it therefore: got. aþþan siai nū, got.: nhd. aber sei es; ne. but then be it therefore

-- if therefore: got. jabai nū, got.: nhd. wenn deshalb; ne. if therefore

-- it may therefore be that: got. jau nū, got.: nhd. es kann folglich sein (V.) dass; ne. it may therefore be that

-- so therefore: got. swaei nū, got.: nhd. deshalb; ne. so therefore

-- therefore consequently: got. þannuh nū jai, got.: nhd. deshalb also; ne. therefore consequently; þannu nū, got.: nhd. deshalb also; ne. therefore consequently

-- whether therefore: got. jaþþē nū, got.: nhd. ob folglich; ne. whether therefore

thereupon: got. þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever; uh (1) 248=246, u-h,  Partikel: nhd. und, nun, also; ne. and, also, too, likewise, thereupon, subsequently, consequently, so then

therewith: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- and therewith: got. þaruh þan, got.: nhd. und damit; ne. and therewith

-- but then along therewith: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

thick: got. *digrs?, *dig-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll, zusammengeknetet, dicht; ne. plump, stout, thick, kneaded all together

thickness: got. digrei* 1, dig-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle; ne. plumpness, abundance, stoutness, thickness

thief: got. hliftus 1, hli-f-tu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Dieb; ne. thief; þiufs* 8, þiuf-s*, þiubs,  st. M. (a): nhd. Dieb, Räuber; ne. thief, robber

thievery: got. þiubi* 1, þiub-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Diebstahl; ne. theft, thievery, stealing (N.)

thigh: got. *þiuh, *þiu-h,  st. N. (a): nhd. Oberschenkel, Hüfte; ne. thigh, hip (N.)

thine: got. þeins 231=230, þein-s,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. dein; ne. thy, thine, your, of you

thing: got. waíhts 80=79, waíh-t-s,  st. F. (i), F. (kons.): nhd. Ding, Sache, etwas; ne. thing, anything, something, entity, whit, sake, objective, matter (N.)

-- accursed thing: got. anaþaíma 2, ana-þaím-a, anaþema*,  Sb. (indekl.): nhd. „Fluch“, Verfluchter; ne. anathema, curse (N.), accursed thing, accursed one

-- in that very thing: got. in þamma silbin, got.: nhd. eben dazu; ne. in that very thing

-- this thing which: got. in þizōzei waihtais: nhd. weshalb; ne. for the sake of, this thing which

things -- good things: got. þiuþ 20, þiu-þ,  st. N. (a): nhd. das Gute, die gute Sache, Gut; ne. good (N.), something good, good things

things -- one executing all things: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

think: got. ahjan* 1, ah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. meinen; ne. assume, presume, think; fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent; *gahugjan?, *ga-hug-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. meinen; ne. think, mean (V.); hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think; munan* (1) 19, mun-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. meinen, glauben, dafür halten; ne. reckon, believe, suppose, consider, deem (V.), think; rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon; þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- think about: got. biþagkjan* 1, bi-þagk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. think over, think about, meditate on, consider

-- think of: got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know

-- think over: got. biþagkjan* 1, bi-þagk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. think over, think about, meditate on, consider; mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate

thinking -- thinking (Adj.): got. andaþāhts 6, and-a-þāh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. nüchtern, verständig, vernünftig; ne. thinking (Adj.), rational, sensible

thinking -- thinking (N.): got. *minds?, *min-d-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Denken?; ne. thinking (N.)

thinking -- thinking of: got. gaminþi 3, ga-min-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erinnerung, Gedächtnis; ne. memory, remembrance, thinking of

third: got. þridja 12, þrid-j-a,  Num. Ord.: nhd. dritte; ne. third

-- for the third time: got. þridjō 2, þrid-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zum dritten Mal; ne. for the third time

thirst -- afflict with thirst: got. afþaúrsjan* 2, af-þaúrs-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. dursten, verdursten, durstig sein (V.); ne. dessicate, afflict with thirst

thirst -- make to thirst: got. þaúrsjan* 4, þaúrs-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. dürsten; ne. make to thirst, be thirsty

thirst -- thirst (N.): got. þaúrstei* 1, þaúrs-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Durst; ne. thirst (N.)

thirsty: got. afþaursiþs, Adj. = Part. Prät.: nhd. durstig; ne. thirsty; *þaúrsiþs, *þaúrs-iþ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. durstig; ne. thirsty; *þaúrsts, *þaúrs-t-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. durstig; ne. thirsty

-- be thirsty: got. þaúrsjan* 4, þaúrs-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. dürsten; ne. make to thirst, be thirsty

thirteen: got. thīntria* 1, thīn-tria*, thiinetria*, thunetria, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. dreizehn; ne. thirteen

thirty: got. þreis tigjus, got.: nhd. dreißig; ne. thirty; þreistigjus, þreis-tig-j-u-s,  Num. Kard.: nhd. dreißig; ne. thirty; *þridjataihun 1, *þrid-j-a-taihun, treithyen,  treithyen, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. dreißig; ne. thirty; lat. triginta

-- abbreviation for thirty: got. l 8,  Buchstabe: nhd. 1, Abkürzung für dreißig; ne. 1, abbreviation for thirty

thirty-nine: got. fidwor tiguns ainamma wanans, got.: nhd. neununddreißig; ne. thirty-nine

this: got. hi* 20, hi-* 20,  Pron.: nhd. dieser; ne. this, of here and now, the present, this here; his*, hi-s*,  Pron.: nhd. er, dieser; ne. he, this; sa 2800,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der, dieser; ne. this, this very one, the very same, that one there

-- after this time: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

-- by reason of this: got. in þis: nhd. deshalb; ne. by reason of this, by this cause

-- by this cause: got. in þis: nhd. deshalb; ne. by reason of this, by this cause

-- by this time: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already

-- despite this: got. akei 98=97, ak-ei,  Konj.: nhd. aber; ne. but, despite this, nevertheless

-- for this purpose: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that

-- for this reason: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that

-- from this moment on: got. fram himma nū, got.: nhd. von nun an; ne. from this moment on

-- from this place: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

-- in this action: got. þamma tōja, got.: nhd. in dieser Sache; ne. in this action

-- this and no other: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

-- this here: got. hi* 20, hi-* 20,  Pron.: nhd. dieser; ne. this, of here and now, the present, this here

-- this only: got. þatain 6, þat-ai-n,  Adj. (a): nhd. das eine; ne. the one, this only

-- this that: got. þei 29,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. was auch immer, dass, damit; ne. such as that, this that, such that

-- this thing which: got. in þizōzei waihtais: nhd. weshalb; ne. for the sake of, this thing which

-- this time: got. þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

-- this very one: got. sa 2800,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der, dieser; ne. this, this very one, the very same, that one there

-- to this end: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that

-- to this place: got. hidrē 3, hi-drē,  Adv.: nhd. hierher; ne. hither, to this place, to here

-- unto this day: got. und hina daga: nhd. bis heute; ne. unto this day, until today

-- up to this moment; Sk 4: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

thistle: got. *deinō, *dein-ō, (deina?),  sw. F. (n), st. F. (ō)?: nhd. Distel; ne. thistle; wigadeinō* 1, wiga-dein-ō*, wigadeina*,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (ō)?: nhd. Dornpflanze, Distel; ne. way-thistle, road-bramble, thistle

thither: got. jaind 1, jain-d,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, to that place, thither; jaindrē 1, jain-drē,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, into that place, thither

-- bear in thither: got. innatbaíran* 2, in-n-at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hineinbringen, hineintragen; ne. bear in thither, carry all the way in, bring in

-- call thither: got. atwōpjan 6, at-wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeirufen; ne. summon (V.), call to o.s., call hither, call thither

-- conduct in thither: got. innattiuhan* 1, in-n-at-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. hineinziehen, hineinführen; ne. bring in to, conduct in thither, usher in, lead in

-- hasten thither: got. *atsniwan?, *at-sniw-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste; duatsniwan* 1, du-at-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste, hurry to

-- look thither: got. insaíƕan 12, in-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinsehen, ansehen, auf etwas sehen, nach etwas sehen, aufblicken, sich umsehen; ne. look at, look upon, look thither

-- run thither: got. atrinnan* 1, at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run thither, run up to, come up

-- send thither: got. insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss

-- send thither along: got. gamiþsandjan* 2=1, ga-miþ-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitsenden; ne. send thither along, dispatch together with

-- send thither along with: got. miþinsandjan* 1, mi-þ-in-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitentsenden; ne. send thither along with, dispatch together with

„thitherward“: got. jaindwaírþs 1, jain-d-waírþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. dorthin gewandt; ne. „thitherward“, turned toward that place

thong: got. kunawida* 1, kuna-wi-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fessel, Band; ne. cord, thong, fetter (N.); *raip, *rai-p,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Riemen (M.) (1); ne. strap (N.), thong

-- foot-sheathing thong: got. skaudaraip* 3, skau-d-a-rai-p*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Riemen (M.) (1), Schuhriemen; ne. sandal strap, foot-sheathing thong

-- thong (V.): got. þreihan* 10, þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. drängen; ne. press (V.), crowd (V.), cramp (V.), thong (V.), crush (V.)

Thor: got. *þunara, *þun-ar-a,  st. M. (a): nhd. Donnerer, Donar; ne. thunderer, Thor

thorax: got. brusts 6, bru-s-t-s,  F. (kons.) Pl.: nhd. Brust, (Eingeweide), Herz, Gemüt; ne. breast (N.), heart, thorax, chest

thorn: got. qaíru 1, qaír-u,  st. N. (u): nhd. Pfahl, Stachel; ne. goad (N.), pointed stake, spur (N.), thorn, spike (N.) (1); *stikils?, *sti-k-il-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stachel; ne. thorn, prickle (N.); *tundi, *t-und-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Dorn, Zahn; ne. thorn, tooth

-- made of thorn: got. þaúrneins* 2, þaúr-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Dornen, dornen; ne. thorny, made of thorn

thornbush: got. aíƕatundi* 3, aíƕ-a-t-u-nd-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. „Pferdedorn“, Dornstrauch; ne. thornbush, bramble, prickly bush; *þaúrnja, *þaúr-n-j-a,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Dornbusch; ne. thornbush

thorn-plant: got. þaúrnus* 9, þaúr-n-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Dorn; ne. thorn-plant

thorny: got. þaúrneins* 2, þaúr-n-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Dornen, dornen; ne. thorny, made of thorn

thorough -- thorough acquaintance: got. kunþi 17, kun-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Kunde (F.), Kenntnis; ne. knowledge, thorough acquaintance

thoroughfare: got. gatwō* 1, gat-wō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gasse; ne. thoroughfare, street, main road

thoroughly -- instruct thoroughly: got. fullaweisjan* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überreden, überzeugen; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, make fully informed; gafullaweisjan* 1, ga-ful-l-a-wei-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beglaubigen?, vollenden?; ne. instruct thoroughly, indoctrinate fully, teach fully, make fully informed; uslaisjan* 2, us-lais-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. belehren, lehren; ne. teach, educate, instruct thoroughly, train (V.)

thoroughly -- investigate thoroughly: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

thoroughly -- thoroughly destitute: got. alaþarba 1, al-a-þarb-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „alldarbend“, an allem Mangel leidend, ganz arm; ne. thoroughly destitute, totally in need, in complete privation

thoroughly -- thoroughly instructed: got. fullaweis* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vollkommen; ne. mature (Adj.), thoroughly instructed, fully educated, fully informed, fully wise

thoroughly -- train thoroughly: got. usþrōþjan* 1, us-þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einüben; ne. train thoroughly, drill to mastery, master by drill

those: got. jains* 105, jain-s*,  Adj., Pron. (a): nhd. jener; ne. that, yon, those

-- under those circumstances: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

though: got. aþþan 240, aþ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. aber doch, aber ja, aber nun, denn, also, nun, und; ne. but then, but nonetheless, but, however although, though; miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though

-- even though: got. *-bai (2), *-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. wenn; ne. if, even if, even though; *þauh, *þau-h,  Konj.: nhd. oder, doch; ne. or, but, even though; þauhjabai 3, þau-h-ja-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. wenn auch; ne. even though, even if, although

thought: got. gahugds* 12, ga-hug-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung, Sinn, Gewissen; ne. manner of understanding, mode of perception, mind (N.), conscience, mind-set, mind (N.), thought; mitōns 10, mi-t-ōn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Überlegung, Gedanke; ne. cogitation, meditation, deliberation, premeditation, thought, opinion, evaluative reasoning

-- be engaged in thought: got. þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- source of thought: got. aha* 6, ah-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sinn, Verstand; ne. mental faculty, mind (N.), understanding, reason (N.), source of thought

-- thought to be high: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

thoughtless: got. unfaúrweis* 1, un-faúr-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unvorsätzlich, ohne Vorbedacht, unbedacht; ne. unintentional, unwitting, thoughtless

thousand: got. hazer 1, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. tausend; ne. thousand; lat. mille; þūsundi 16, þūs-und-i,  st. F. (jō), Num. Kard.: nhd. tausend; ne. thousand

-- commander of a thousand men: got. þūsundifaþs 2, þūs-und-i-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Tausendführer, Anführer von Tausend; ne. commander of a thousand men

-- division of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþia, *þiu-faþ-ia, *þiufadia, lat.- st. F. (jō): nhd. Tausendschaft?; ne. division of a thousand men?

-- five thousand: got. fimf þūsundjōs, Num. Kard.: nhd. fünftausend; ne. five thousand; *fimfþūsunjōs?, *fimf-þūs-un-j-ō-s?,  Num. Kard.: nhd. fünftausend; ne. five thousand; fimf þūsundjōs, got.: nhd. fünftausend; ne. five thousand

-- four thousand: got. fidwōr þūsundjōs, Num. Kard.: nhd. viertausend; ne. four thousand; fidwōrþūsundjos, fidwōr-þūs-und-j-o-s,  Num. Kard.: nhd. viertausend; ne. four thousand; fidwor þūsundjōs, got.: nhd. viertausend; ne. four thousand

-- leader of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþs?, *þiu-faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of servants, leader of a thousand men?; þiufaþus* 21, þiu-faþ-us*, þiufadus, thiuphadus, lat.- st. M.: nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of a thousand men, leader of servants

-- three thousand: got. .g. (=þreis) thūsundjōs, got.: nhd. dreitausend; ne. three thousand

-- two thousand: got. twōs þūsundjōs, st. F. (jō): nhd. zweitausend; ne. two thousand; twōs þūsundjōs: nhd. zweitausend, ne. two thousand

thrall: got. þius* 2, þiu-s*,  st. M. (a) (wa): nhd. Haussklave, Diener, Knecht; ne. thrall, bondsman, servant, servitor, boy

thralldom: got. þiwadw* 1, þiw-adw*,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Knechtschaft, Dienstbarkeit; ne. thralldom, bondage, servitude

-- subject to thralldom: got. gaþiwan* 5, ga-þiw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. dienstbar machen, unterjochen, durchbohren; ne. enthrall, subject to thralldom

thralls: got. þēwis* 2, þēw-i-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dienerschaft, Knechte; ne. servitors, bondsmen, thralls, slaves

threat -- threat (N.): got. ƕōta* 2, ƕōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Drohung; ne. sharp reprimand, stern warning, threat (N.)

threaten: got. andbeitan 9, and-bei-t-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. schelten, bedrohen, in Verlegenheit geraten (V.), tadeln, anfahren; ne. scold (V.), threaten, snap at, rebuke, censure (V.), castigate; gaƕōtjan* 8, ga-ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bedrohen, schelten, strafen; ne. threaten, reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to; ƕōtjan* 1, ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. drohen; ne. reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to, threaten; inagjan* 1, in-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. anfahren, bedrohen, in Angst setzen; ne. put in a state of fear, threaten, inspire fear in, censure (V.)

three: got. þreis* 25, þrei-s*, þrija, tria,  tria, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. drei; ne. three

-- three hundred: got. þrija hunda, got.: nhd. dreihundert; ne. three hundred

-- three thousand: got. .g. (=þreis) thūsundjōs, got.: nhd. dreitausend; ne. three thousand

-- three times: got. þrim sinþam, got.: nhd. dreimal; ne. three times; þrim sinþam, got.: nhd. dreimal; ne. three times

threnody -- sing a threnody: got. hiufan* 2, hiu-f-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wehklagen, Klagelieder singen; ne. lament (V.), sing a dirge, sing a threnody, wail (V.)

thresh: got. *gaþriskan?, *ga-þri-sk-an?,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. dreschen; ne. thresh; þriskan* 3, þri-sk-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. dreschen; ne. thresh

threshing -- threshing floor: got. gaþrask* 1, ga-þra-sk*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Tenne, Ausdrusch; ne. threshing floor

thrifty: got. *fastnēms?, *fast-nēm-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. sparsam; ne. thrifty

thrive: got. þeihan 7, þei-h-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. gedeihen, Fortschritte machen; ne. make progress, wax (V.), gain (V.) (2), thrive, succeed, cooperate

throe: got. sair 2, sai-r,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schmerz; ne. pain, pang, throe

throes -- give birth (to) amid throes: got. fitan* 2, fit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. kreißen, gebären; ne. undergo childbirth pangs (with), give birth (to) amid throes, be in labour (with)

throne -- throne (N.): got. sitls* 4, sit-l-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Sitz, Stuhl, Wohnstätte, Nest; ne. seat (N.), chair, throne (N.), nest (N.), roost (N.); stōls 4, stō-l-s, stul,  stul, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Stuhl, Thron; ne. seat (N.), throne (N.), chair; lat. sedes

throng: got. managei 141, man-ag-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Menge, Volk; ne. multitude, crowd (N.), throng, people

-- throng (N.): got. iumjō* 1, ium-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Haufen, Menge; ne. crowd (N.), throng (N.)

through: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; þaírh 160=159, þaír-h,  Präp., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. durch; ne. through, per, via (Präp.), whereby, by, throughout

-- acquire through purchase (V.): got. usbugjan* 7, us-bug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erkaufen; ne. buy (V.), buy up, acquire through purchase (V.), redeem

-- bear through: got. þaírhbaíran* 1, þaír-h-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hindurchtragen; ne. carry through, bear through, produce; usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

-- bringing into awareness through reading: got. anakunnains* 1, an-a-kun-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lesung; ne. bringing into recognition, bringing into awareness through reading, reading (N.)

-- carry through: got. þaírhbaíran* 1, þaír-h-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hindurchtragen; ne. carry through, bear through, produce; ūtbaíran* 1, ūt-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen; ne. carry out, bear out, carry through

-- deliverance through purchase: got. faúrbaúhts* 4=3, faúr-baúh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Loskauf, Loskaufung, Erlösung; ne. redemption, deliverance through purchase

-- devour through epicurean living: got. frawisan* 1, fra-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verbrauchen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. consume by dining, devour through epicurean living, eat up in feasting, squander

-- go through: got. þaírhgaggan 11, þaír-h-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hindurchgehen, vorübergehen, herumgehen, durchstreifen; ne. go through, pass through, go throughout; þaírhleiþan 5, þaír-h-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hindurchgehen, vorbeigehen, weitergehen; ne. pass on through, pass through, travel through, go through, go past

-- impart through argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- impose through argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- labour through: got. þaírharbaidjan* 1, þaír-h-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. durcharbeiten; ne. labour through, work through

-- look through a mirror: got. þaírhsaíƕan* 1, þaír-h-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. durchschauen, im Spiegel erblicken; ne. look through a mirror, behold

-- move about through: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along

-- pass on through: got. þaírhleiþan 5, þaír-h-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hindurchgehen, vorbeigehen, weitergehen; ne. pass on through, pass through, travel through, go through, go past

-- pass through: got. þaírhgaggan 11, þaír-h-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hindurchgehen, vorübergehen, herumgehen, durchstreifen; ne. go through, pass through, go throughout; þaírhleiþan 5, þaír-h-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hindurchgehen, vorbeigehen, weitergehen; ne. pass on through, pass through, travel through, go through, go past

-- suffer through: got. usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

-- teach or learn through reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

-- travel through: got. þaírhleiþan 5, þaír-h-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hindurchgehen, vorbeigehen, weitergehen; ne. pass on through, pass through, travel through, go through, go past

-- work through: got. þaírharbaidjan* 1, þaír-h-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. durcharbeiten; ne. labour through, work through

throughout: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by; þaírh 160=159, þaír-h,  Präp., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. durch; ne. through, per, via (Präp.), whereby, by, throughout; und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

-- go throughout: got. þaírhgaggan 11, þaír-h-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hindurchgehen, vorübergehen, herumgehen, durchstreifen; ne. go through, pass through, go throughout

-- stay awake throughout: got. þaírhwakan* 2, þaír-h-wak-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. durchwachen, unter freiem Himmel übernachten, biwakieren; ne. stay awake throughout, keep watch

throw -- throw away: got. frawaírpan* 2, fra-waír-p-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verwerfen, zerstreuen, wegwerfen; ne. throw away, discard, jettison, cast off, scatter (V.)

throw -- throw down of: got. afdrausjan 1, af-drau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen; ne. throw down off, throw down of

throw -- throw down off: got. afdrausjan 1, af-drau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinabstürzen; ne. throw down off, throw down of

throw -- throw in: got. innwaírpan* 1, in-n-waír-p-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hineinwerfen; ne. throw in, cast in

throw -- throw off: got. afwaírpan 4, af-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat.: nhd. etwas wegwerfen, weichen (= Pass.), weggenommen werden (= Pass.), fortwerfen; ne. cast aside, throw off; uswaírpan 34, us-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinauswerfen, wegwerfen, austreiben, verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen, daraufwerfen; ne. throw out, cast out, eject, expel, reject (V.), cast off, throw off

throw -- throw out: got. uswaírpan 34, us-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinauswerfen, wegwerfen, austreiben, verwerfen, abwerfen, ablegen, daraufwerfen; ne. throw out, cast out, eject, expel, reject (V.), cast off, throw off

throw -- throw to: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

throw -- throw (V.): got. gawaírpan 3, ga-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinwerfen, niederwerfen, werfen, hinundherreißen; ne. throw (V.), cast down, fling (V.), dash (V.), toss (V.); waírpan 13, waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. werfen; ne. throw (V.), cast (V.)

throwing -- make arrive at by throwing: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

throwing -- make reach by throwing: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

throwing -- spread by throwing: got. straujan* 2, stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streuen, ausbreiten; ne. strew, scatter (V.), spread by throwing

thrum -- thrum (1): got. *þrimman, *þri-m-m-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schwellen?; ne. thrum (1), strum (V.), drum (V.)

thrust -- thrust away: got. afskiuban* 2, af-skiub-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verstoßen, von sich wegstoßen, abschieben, von sich schieben, entfernen; ne. reject (V.), repulse (V.), shove away, thrust away

thrust -- thrust (V.): got. *skiuban, *skiub-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. schieben; ne. shove (V.), thrust (V.)

thruthfulness: got. sunja 90, s-un-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Wahrheit; ne. truth, verity, thruthfulness, veracity

thunder -- thunder (N.): got. þeihwō* 2, þei-h-w-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Donner; ne. thunder (N.)

thunderer: got. *þunara, *þun-ar-a,  st. M. (a): nhd. Donnerer, Donar; ne. thunderer, Thor

Thursday: got. *paíntēdags, *paíntē-dag-s, *pintadags,  st. M. (a): nhd. Donnerstag; ne. Thursday

thus: got. swa 115=113,  Adv.: nhd. so; ne. so, thus, just so, in just the same manner; swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

-- and thus when: got. swaþþan 1, swa-þ-þan, swahþan*,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. so nun; ne. and so when, and thus when, hence when, thus now

-- is it thus that: got. swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

-- thus now: got. swaþþan 1, swa-þ-þan, swahþan*,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. so nun; ne. and so when, and thus when, hence when, thus now

thwart -- thwart by deflecting: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

thwart -- thwart (V.): got. gamarzjan* 8, ga-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ärgern, Ärgernis erregen, Ärgernis nehmen (pass., Mat 11,6 CA, Luk 7,23 CA); ne. trip up, make stumble, make falter, thwart (V.), frustrate, cause offense; warjan* 9, war-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehren; ne. prevent, thwart (V.), forbid, hinder, restrain, stop (V.), block (V.)

thwarting -- a thwarting of the understanding: got. fraþjamarzeins 1, fraþ-ja-mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verstandestäuschung; ne. comprehension-impediment, a thwarting of the understanding

thwarting -- thwarting (N.): got. marzeins 1, mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. thwarting (N.), obstacle, impediment, hinderance, obstruction, frustration, offense

thy: got. þeins 231=230, þein-s,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. dein; ne. thy, thine, your, of you

tickle -- tickle (V.): got. suþjan* 1, suþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kitzeln; ne. tickle (V.); suþjōn* 1, suþ-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. kitzeln; ne. tickle (V.)

tidings: got. hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings

-- bearer of official tidings: got. *sagja, *sag-j-a,  M. (n): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; *sagjis, *sag-ji-s,  M. (ja): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; saio 29, sai-o, saius, lat.- M.: nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings

-- good tidings: got. aíwaggēli* 7, aíw-agg-ēl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Evangelium, frohe Botschaft; ne. evangel, gospel, good tidings; aíwaggēljō 49=48, aíw-agg-ēl-jō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Evangelium, frohe Botschaft; ne. evangel, gospel, good tidings; waílamēreins* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verkündigung, Botschaft; ne. good tidings, good news-spreading, evangelizing, preaching (N.), evangelism

-- preach tidings of: got. mērjan 48, mē-r-jan,  red. V. (1): nhd. künden, kund tun, verkünden, das Evangelium verkünden; ne. proclaim (V.), promulgate, broadcast (V.), preach tidings of, preach the gospel, evangelize

-- proclaim propitious tidings: got. waílaspillōn* 1, waíl-a-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verkünden, erzählen, frohe Botschaft verkünden; ne. proclaim propitious tidings, promulgate glad news, preach the gospel

-- promulgate good tidings: got. þiuþspillōn* 1, þiu-þ-s-pil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. Gutes künden, frohe Botschaft künden, verkündigen; ne. preach good news, promulgate good tidings

-- to which tidings: got. in ƕō sauþō, got.: nhd. wie; ne. to which tidings

tie -- tie (N.): got. gabundi* 1, ga-bund-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Band (N.); ne. bond (N.), tie (N.)

tie -- tie ropes onto: got. insailjan* 1, in-sai-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anseilen, herablassen; ne. affix ropes to, tie ropes onto, let down; *sailjan, *sai-l-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „seilen“; ne. tie ropes onto

tie -- tie (V.): got. *stuþjan, *stu-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anbinden; ne. tie (V.); *waipjan?, *waip-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. binden?; ne. tie (V.), bind (V.)

tighten: got. *strappōn?, *stra-p-p-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. straffen; ne. tighten

tile -- tile (N.): got. skalja* 1, skal-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Ziegel; ne. tile (N.)

till: got. und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

timber -- building timber: got. *timr, *tim-r, *timbr,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bauholz; ne. building timber, construction lumber

time -- after that time: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

time -- after this time: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

time -- all time: got. aiws* 49, aiw-s*,  st. M. (a/i): nhd. Zeit, Ewigkeit; ne. age (N.), eternity, all time

time -- all together at the same time: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

time -- and at that time: got. þanuh 88, þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, daher, also, aber, nun; ne. and the, and at that time

time -- and at the same time: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

time -- at an inopportune time: got. unūhteigō 1, un-ūh-t-eig-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zur Unzeit; ne. unseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion

time -- at an opportune time: got. ūhteigō* 2=1, ū-h-t-eig-ō*,  Adv.: nhd. zur rechten Zeit, zu gelegener Zeit; ne. at an opportune time, seasonably, in season

time -- at any time: got. *-aiw?,  Suff. (Akk. Sg.): nhd. immer, jederzeit; ne. ever, at any time; ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much; ƕanhun 9, ƕa-n-hun,  Adv.: nhd. jemals; ne. ever, at any time

time -- a time wherein: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

time -- at one time: got. simlē 9=8, sim-l-ē,  Adv.: nhd. einst, vordem, vormals; ne. once, formerly, at one time; suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

time -- at some time: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

time -- at that time: got. miþþan 3, mi-þ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. inzwischen; ne. at that time, as of then, meanwhile; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

time -- at the same time: got. samana 12, sam-a-n-a,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, gemeinschaftlich, zugleich; ne. at the same time, all together, in union; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

time -- at the same time that: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

time -- at the time of: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

time -- at the time when: got. miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though; þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

time -- at which time: got. þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

time -- before the time when: got. faúrþizei 9, faúrþ-iz-ei,  Konj.: nhd. bevor, ehe; ne. before, before the time when

time -- by that time: got. juþan 15, ju-þan, *juuþan,  Adv.: nhd. schon; ne. already, by now, by that time, by then

time -- by this time: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already

time -- circumscribed time: got. mēl (1) 54, mē-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zeit, Stunde; ne. season (2) (N.), point in time, period of time, circumscribed time, hour

time -- designated time: got. garēhsns 11, ga-rēh-sn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. bestimmte Zeit, Bestimmung, Plan (M.) (2); ne. design (N.), plan (N.), program (N.), designation, designated time, determination, fixed time

time -- during the time that: got. miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though

time -- fixed time: got. garēhsns 11, ga-rēh-sn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. bestimmte Zeit, Bestimmung, Plan (M.) (2); ne. design (N.), plan (N.), program (N.), designation, designated time, determination, fixed time

time -- for the third time: got. þridjō 2, þrid-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zum dritten Mal; ne. for the third time

time -- from that time on not: got. juþan ni: nhd. nicht mehr; ne. from that time on not, no longer

time -- harvest time: got. asans 8, asan-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Sommer, Erntezeit, Ernte; ne. harvest time, summertime, harvest (N.)

time -- having ample time: got. ūhteigs* 1, ū-h-t-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Zeit habend, unbeschäftigt; ne. with free time, having ample time

time -- hurry ahead of time: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

time -- lest at any time: got. ibai ƕan: nhd. es möchte einmal, danach; ne. lest at any time

time -- period of time: got. era 14, er-a,  st. F. (ō?): nhd. Ära, Zeitabschnitt; ne. era, period of time; mēl (1) 54, mē-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zeit, Stunde; ne. season (2) (N.), point in time, period of time, circumscribed time, hour; *stunda (2), *stu-nd-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zeitraum, Zeit; ne. period of time, time (N.)

time -- point in time: got. mēl (1) 54, mē-l,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zeit, Stunde; ne. season (2) (N.), point in time, period of time, circumscribed time, hour

time -- prepare ahead of time: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand; faúramanwjan* 1, faúr-a-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorbereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand

time -- such time as: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

time -- this time: got. þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

time -- time (N.): got. ƕeila (1) 42, ƕeil-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weile, Zeit, Stunde; ne. while (N.), time (N.), time period, interval, hour; sinþs* 17, sinþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Gang (M.) (1), Mal (N.) (1); ne. going (N.), instance, occurrence, occasion, time (N.); *stunda (2), *stu-nd-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zeitraum, Zeit; ne. period of time, time (N.); þeihs* 2, þeih-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zeit; ne. time (N.), occasion; ? *ūhti?, *ū-h-t-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Zeit?, Gewohnheit?; ne. time (N.)?, custom (N.)?, usage?

time -- time period: got. ƕeila (1) 42, ƕeil-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weile, Zeit, Stunde; ne. while (N.), time (N.), time period, interval, hour

time -- time with: got. gatiman* 1, ga-tim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. geziemen; ne. be congruent with, time with, fit in with, match (V.)

time -- to the other time: got. anþaramma sinþa, got.: nhd. zum anderen Mal; ne. to the other time

time -- until such time as: got. und þata þei, got.: nhd. so lange als; ne. until such time as; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

time -- until the time that: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

time -- with free time: got. ūhteigs* 1, ū-h-t-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Zeit habend, unbeschäftigt; ne. with free time, having ample time

time -- within the time of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

time -- with the time of: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

timely: got. ūhtiugs* 1, ū-h-t-iug-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gelegen, passend, zeitgemäß; ne. timely, opportune, temporally convenient

times -- five times: got. fimf sinþam, got.: nhd. fünfmal; ne. five times

times -- of former times: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

times -- seven times: got. sibun sinþam, got.: nhd. siebenmal; ne. seven times; sibun sinþam, got.: nhd. siebenmal; ne. seven times

times -- three times: got. þrim sinþam, got.: nhd. dreimal; ne. three times; þrim sinþam, got.: nhd. dreimal; ne. three times

timid: got. *ags?, *ag-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. furchtsam, ängstlich; ne. fearful, timid; faúrhts* 2, faúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. furchtsam; ne. fearful of, afraid, cowardly (Adj.), timid, anxious

-- become timid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- be timid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

timidity: got. *agei?, *ag-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Furchtsamkeit, Ängstlichkeit; ne. timidity

tip -- tip of prod: got. hnuþō 2 (=1), hnu-þ-ō, hnutō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. spitzer Pfahl; ne. pointed stake, peg (N.), spike (N.), nail (N.), tip of prod

tire -- tire out: got. afmōjan*, af-mō-jan*, afmaujan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ermüden; ne. tire out, fatigue (V.)

tire -- tire (V.): got. *mōjan, *mō-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ermüden; ne. tire (V.), strive

tired -- tired out: got. afmáuiþs* 2=1, af-máu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ermüdet; ne. weary (Adj.), debilitated, tired out, fatigued

tithes -- give tithes: got. afdailjan* 1, af-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abteilen, einen Teil abgeben; ne. portion out, give tithes, apportion from, parcel out from

title: got. ufarmēleins 1, uf-ar-mēl-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Überschrift; ne. superscription, epigraph, inscription, title; ufarmēli 2, uf-ar-mēl-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Überschrift; ne. caption, legend, label (N.), title, inscription

to: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of; du 955,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. zu, nach - hin, für, in; ne. to, unto, towards, in, at; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; *tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, zu; ne. until, to; wiþra 46, wi-þra,  Präp. m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. wider, gegen, vor, gegenüber; ne. toward, to, against, opposite, facing, vis-a-vis

-- ability to hear: got. hliuma 4, hliu-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gehör, Ohren (= hliumans); ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, ability to hear, ears (= hliumans)

-- about to die: got. *swultawaírþs?, *swul-t-a-waír-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. auf den Tod gerichtet, todgeweiht; ne. about to die, moribund, at the point of death

-- accomodate o.s. to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

-- according to: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

-- according to that effect: got. bi tōja, got.: nhd. nach der Wirkung; ne. according to that effect

-- account to: got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

-- accrue to: got. undrinnan* 2, und-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. zufallen, zuteil werden, untereinander disputieren (= miþ sis missō sik undrinnan); ne. accrue to, fall to the share of, fall to

-- act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping: got. anafilh* 6, an-a-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Anvertrautes“, Empfehlung, Überlieferung; ne. act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping, commendation, recommendation, tradition

-- adapt to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

-- addicted to wine: got. weinags* 3=2, wein-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. trunken, trunksüchtig, Trunkenbold (= subst.); ne. addicted to wine, drunkardly, drunk (Adj.), drunkard (= subst.)

-- add to: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- add to the rectification of: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

-- adhere to: got. gahaftnan* 1, ga-haf-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. anhangen, sich anheften; ne. stick to, adhere to, cling to; haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

-- adjust to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

-- affix ropes to: got. insailjan* 1, in-sai-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anseilen, herablassen; ne. affix ropes to, tie ropes onto, let down

-- agreeing to with difficulty: got. *tuzwērs, *tuz-wēr-s, *tuzwēreis,  Adj. (a)?, Adj. (ja)?: nhd. verdächtig?; ne. suspicious?, agreeing to with difficulty

-- all the way to: got. und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

-- all together to the same place: got. samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

-- amenable to persuasion: got. gaƕaírbs* 1, ga-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fügsam, getreu, gehorsam; ne. persuadable, amenable to persuasion, convertible

-- answer back to: got. andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

-- appertain to: got. gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- apply acumen to: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

-- apply to: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

-- army become subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- army be subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- attain to: got. gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

-- attend to: got. gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

-- be about to: got. munan* (2) 6, mun-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zu tun gedenken, wollen (V.); ne. intend, take in mind, be about to

-- be appertinent to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- be appropriate to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- beat to death: got. bliggwan* 6, bli-gg-w-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. schlagen; ne. beat (V.), flog, strike (V.), beat to death, slay

-- be brought to fulfillment: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- become adhered to: got. *haftnan?, *haf-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. angeheftet werden; ne. become adhered to

-- become brought to fulfillment: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- become reconciled to: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to; gasibjōn 1, ga-si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to; *gawaírþnan?, *ga-waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. versöhnt werden, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with; *sibjōn, *si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to; *waírþnan?, *waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. friedlich machen, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with

-- become restored to health: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health

-- be devoted to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

-- begin to be troubled: got. indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

-- be hurtful to: got. usagljan* 1, us-ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, bedrängen, belästigen, beschimpfen; ne. inflict injury upon, cause harm to, be hurtful to, bother (V.)

-- be inferior to: got. minnizō gataujan: nhd. nachstehen; ne. be inferior to, be less than; mins haban: nhd. weniger haben, nachstehen; ne. be inferior to

-- be minded to: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- bend down to: got. anahneiwan* 2, an-a-hnei-w-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich niederbeugen, sich neigen, sich bücken; ne. bend down to, stoop down to, bow (V.) (1)

-- be of concern to: got. kara wisan: nhd. sich kümmern; ne. worry s.o., be of concern to

-- be on the way to somewhere: got. gaggan 205=203, ga-g-g-an,  def. red. V. (3): nhd. gehen, wandeln, umhergehen, kommen; ne. be on the way to somewhere, go (V.), come, walk (V.)

-- be physically harmful to: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

-- be physiologically injurious to: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

-- be pleasing to: got. waila galeikan: nhd. wohlgefällig sein (V.), wohlgefallen; ne. be pleasing to; leikan* 2, leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. gefallen, zu Gefallen sein (V.); ne. please (V.), be pleasing to; waila galeikan: nhd. wohlgefällig sein (V.), wohlgefallen; ne. be pleasing to

-- be pleasing to beforehand: got. faúragaleikan* 1, faúr-a-ga-leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. vorher gefallen; ne. be pleasing to beforehand, please beforehand, set forth

-- be reconciled to: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to; *gawaírþnan?, *ga-waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. versöhnt werden, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with; *waírþnan?, *waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. friedlich machen, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with

-- be restored to health: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health

-- be superior to: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- betake o.s. to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to

-- bring good to: got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

-- bring in to: got. innattiuhan* 1, in-n-at-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. hineinziehen, hineinführen; ne. bring in to, conduct in thither, usher in, lead in

-- bring to: got. atbaíran* 12, at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. bringen, herbeibringen, darbringen, hinzutragen; ne. bring, offer (V.), bring to, take to, present to; faúragasatjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „vorsetzen“, vorstellen, darstellen; ne. set before, present (V.), bring to

-- bring to a standstill: got. *stadjan?, *sta-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Stehen bringen; ne. stop (V.), bring to a standstill

-- bring to fulfillment: got. usfulljan 34=33, us-ful-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, vollenden, ersetzen, zusammenfassen; ne. fill up, fill completely, fulfill, bring to fulfillment, complete (V.)

-- bring to light: got. gabaírhtjan 14=13, ga-baír-h-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. offenbaren, Gestalt gewinnen, erscheinen; ne. bring to light, show clearly, make appear, disclose; galiuhtjan* 2, ga-liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erleuchten, ans Licht bringen; ne. give light to, light up, bring to light, illumine, make known

-- bring to naught: got. blauþjan* 1, blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abschaffen, aufheben; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.); gablauþjan* 1, ga-blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. abschaffen, triumphieren; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.), triumph (V.)

-- call to: got. atlaþōn* 2, at-la-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. berufen (V.), einladen (V.) (1), laden (V.) (1); ne. call to, bid come, call together, invite; wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

-- call to mind: got. gamunan 21, ga-mun-an,  Prät.-Präs. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erinnern, gedenken; ne. call to mind, keep in mind, remember

-- call to one’s side: got. athaitan* 14, at-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. herzurufen; ne. summon (V.), call to one’s side, bid come

-- call to o.s.: got. atwōpjan 6, at-wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeirufen; ne. summon (V.), call to o.s., call hither, call thither

-- call to remind: got. gamaudjan* 4, ga-maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, recall to the mind of, mind (V.), call to remind

-- call to the mind of: got. maudjan* 1, maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, call to the mind of

-- cause anguish to: got. gaurjan* 10, gau-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kränken, betrüben; ne. insult (V.), grieve, cause anguish to, pain (V.)

-- cause harm to: got. usagljan* 1, us-ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, bedrängen, belästigen, beschimpfen; ne. inflict injury upon, cause harm to, be hurtful to, bother (V.)

-- cause to become: got. briggan 39, bri-g-g-an,  unr. st. V., sw. V.: nhd. bringen, führen machen; ne. bring, lead (V.), conduct (V.), render, cause to become

-- cause to be completely happy: got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully

-- cause to course out: got. urrannjan* 1, ur-ra-n-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufgehen lassen; ne. cause to emerge, cause to course out

-- cause to degenerate: got. frawardjan* 7, fra-war-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben (tr.), entstellen; ne. cause to degenerate, corrupt (V.), destroy

-- cause to emerge: got. urrannjan* 1, ur-ra-n-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufgehen lassen; ne. cause to emerge, cause to course out

-- cause to go down: got. gahnaiwjan* 4, ga-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, make humble, lower (V.), abase; hnaiwjan* 3, hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niedrig machen, erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, lower (V.), humble (V.), abase (V.)

-- cause to laugh: got. *hlōhjan?, *hlō-h-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lachen machen; ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing; ufhlōhjan* 1, uf-hlōh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflachen machen, lachen machen, auflachen (= Pass.); ne. cause to laugh, give cause for rejoicing

-- cause to rise up: got. urraisjan 26, ur-rai-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Aufstehen bringen, aufrichten, erwecken, erregen, aufregen; ne. cause to rise up, raise up, rouse (V.), arouse

-- cause to sink: got. saggqjan* 1, saggq-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. senken; ne. cause to sink, immerse (tr.), plunge (V.) (tr.)

-- cause to stand: got. gastōþan 1, ga-stō-þ-an,  sw. V. (3), effektiv: nhd. aufrecht erhalten; ne. make stand, cause to stand, uphold

-- cause to submerge: got. ufsaggqjan* 2=1, uf-saggq-jan*, ufsagqjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versenken; ne. make sink down, cause to submerge, engulf

-- cause to totter: got. gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter

-- cause to triumph: got. hrōþeigana ustaiknjan: nhd. siegreich machen, den Sieg gewähren; ne. cause to triumph

-- cause to waver: got. afswaggwjan* 1, af-swaggw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwankend machen?, ängstlich machen; ne. make anxious, make sway away from, cause to waver

-- cause to wax fat: got. aljan* (1) 3, al-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mästen; ne. cause to wax fat, fatten

-- causing to doubt: got. tweifleins* 2, twei-fl-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zweifeln, Bezweiflung; ne. doubt (N.), causing to doubt

-- claim to be: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

-- cling to: got. gahaftnan* 1, ga-haf-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. anhangen, sich anheften; ne. stick to, adhere to, cling to; hāhan* (2) 1, hāh-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hangen; ne. hang (V.), be suspended, cling to

-- come down to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to

-- come to: got. athaban sik du: nhd. sich nähern; ne. betake o.s., come to; atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

-- come to a halt: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

-- come to a life: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- come to a standing position: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

-- come to a standstill: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

-- come to be: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- come to know: got. ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

-- come to pass: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- come to rest: got. *anaqilan?, *an-a-qil-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. zur Ruhe kommen; ne. come to rest; gaƕeilan* 2, ga-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zur Ruhe kommen, aufhören, verweilen; ne. come to rest, take a rest, rest (V.), cease; *qilan, *qil-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. zur Ruhe kommen; ne. come to rest

-- come to see: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for; *weisōn?, *wei-s-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.)

-- come to shake: got. inreiran* 1, in-reir-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erzittern, erbeben; ne. come to shake, begin quaking, tremble (V.)

-- come to stand near: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

-- come up to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to; duatgaggan* 12, du-at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hinzugehen, hinzukommen zu; ne. go to, come up to, approach (V.)

-- commit to for safekeeping: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

-- compared to: got. þau 86,  Adv.: nhd. als, oder, doch, wohl, etwa, wie; ne. than, compared to, perchance, perhaps, but, instead

-- compel to go: got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.); dreiban* 1, drei-b-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. treiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go

-- conform to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to; galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to; galeikōn sik: nhd. sich gleichstellen; ne. make o.s. like, conform to

-- consider to be: got. þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- contrary to nature: got. aljakuns 3, al-ja-kun-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anderswoher stammend, gegen die Natur, von einem anderen Geschlecht, von fremder Abkunft, fremd; ne. foreign, of different kin, of foreign origin, strange, contrary to nature

-- crowd by stepping right next to: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

-- cut to death: got. ufsneiþan* 5, uf-sneiþ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „aufschneiden“, schlachten; ne. cut to death, slaughter (V.), kill (V.), butcher (V.)

-- defer to: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

-- dig so as to surround: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

-- dissipate to the winds: got. diswinþjan* 1, dis-winþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „auseinanderwerfen“, zermalmen, worfeln, zerstreuen; ne. crush (V.), scatter completely away by winnowing, dissipate to the winds

-- distribute to: got. gadailjan* 8, ga-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zuteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. divide, partition (V.), allot, apportion, distribute to

-- do good to: got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

-- do violence to: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

-- down to: got. und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

-- do wrong to: got. gaskaþjan* 5, ga-skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaden, Schaden zufügen, Unrecht tun; ne. treat unjustly, do wrong to, harm (V.), injure, damage (V.)

-- draw near to: got. atnēƕjan* 6, at-nēƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. herannahen; ne. draw near to, approach (V.), come near

-- drill to mastery: got. usþrōþjan* 1, us-þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einüben; ne. train thoroughly, drill to mastery, master by drill

-- endure to the end: got. usaiwjan* 1, us-aiw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich anstrengen; ne. endure to the end, persevere, exert o.s.

-- expose to the test: got. usfraisan* 1, us-frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. versuchen; ne. expose to the test, tempt

-- fall to: got. undrinnan* 2, und-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. zufallen, zuteil werden, untereinander disputieren (= miþ sis missō sik undrinnan); ne. accrue to, fall to the share of, fall to

-- fall to the share of: got. undrinnan* 2, und-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. zufallen, zuteil werden, untereinander disputieren (= miþ sis missō sik undrinnan); ne. accrue to, fall to the share of, fall to

-- fight in opposition to: got. andweihan* 2, and-weih-an*, andwaihan*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. widerstreiten, ankämpfen, entgegenkämpfen; ne. oppose with battle, fight in opposition to

-- filled to overflowing: got. ufarfulls* 1, uf-ar-ful-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. festgedrückt, übervoll; ne. overfull, filled to overflowing

-- fill to superabundance: got. ufarfulljan* 2, uf-ar-ful-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfüllen; ne. overfill, fill to superabundance

-- find concord to: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to

-- for all to see: got. andaugiba 4, and-aug-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offen, freimütig; ne. obviously, in plain sight, openly, for all to see; andaugjō 3, and-aug-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. offen, offenbar, öffentlich; ne. in plain sight, openly, publicly, for all to see

-- from one side to the other: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by

-- get married to: got. galiugan* (1) 1, ga-liug-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. ein Weib nehmen, heiraten; ne. get married to, wed (V.)

-- get the chance to drink: got. gadrigkan* 1, ga-dri-g-k-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. trinken; ne. drink (V.), get the chance to drink

-- get to: got. qiman 284, qi-m-an, kommen,  kommen, krim st. V. (4): nhd. kommen; ne. come, arrive, get to; lat. venire

-- get to hear: got. gahausjan 74=73, ga-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. hören, vernehmen, das Gehör bekommen; ne. hear (V.), perceive, get to hear, receive hearing

-- get to know: got. gakunnan (2) 8, ga-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. kennenlernen, erfahren (V.), erkennen, lesen (V.) (1); ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know; *-kunnan (2), *-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kennenlernen; ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know, recognize; ufkunnan 48=47, uf-kun-n-an,  unr. sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erkennen, erfahren (V.); ne. get to know, come to know, determine, find out, realize, perceive, recognize, experience (V.)

-- give additional correction to: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

-- give aid to: got. gahilpan* 1, ga-hil-p-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), give aid to

-- give attention to: got. andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.); witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

-- give away to be eaten: got. fraatjan* 1, fra-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. zum Essen austeilen; ne. give away to be eaten, dispense as food

-- give birth to: got. gabaíran 26, ga-baír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „zusammentragen“, vergleichen, gebären; ne. „bring together“, compare, put side by side with, give birth to

-- give consolation to: got. gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief

-- give counsel to: got. garaginōn* 1, ga-rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Rat geben, raten; ne. prescribe to, give guidance to, give counsel to, advise (V.)

-- give guidance to: got. garaginōn* 1, ga-rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Rat geben, raten; ne. prescribe to, give guidance to, give counsel to, advise (V.)

-- give heed to: got. andhausjan* 9, and-hau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, erhören, erhört werden (= pers. Passiv); ne. listen to, hearken to, give heed to, heed (V.), obey

-- give help to: got. hilpan 4, hil-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Gen.: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), go to the aid of, give help to

-- give life to: got. gaqiujan* 4, ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, lebendig machen; ne. make alive, give life to, vivify

-- give life to together with: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

-- give light to: got. galiuhtjan* 2, ga-liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erleuchten, ans Licht bringen; ne. give light to, light up, bring to light, illumine, make known

-- give observance to: got. witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

-- give orders to: got. faúrbiudan* 7, faúr-biud-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. verbieten, gebieten; ne. give orders to, command (V.), forbid

-- give over to: got. atgiban 73, at-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hingeben, übergeben (V.), geben, darreichen; ne. give unto, deliver into the custody of, give over to

-- give protection to: got. hleibjan* 1, hleib-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. sich annehmen; ne. shield (V.), give protection to, protect, help (V.)

-- give to drink: got. dragkjan* 5, dra-g-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tränken, tränken mit; ne. give to drink, make drink; gadragkjan* 2, ga-dra-g-k-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. tränken mit; ne. give to drink, make drink

-- go down to cessation: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

-- „good to strangers“: got. gastigōþs* 2, gast-i-gōþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gastfrei, gastfreundlich; ne. hospitable, „good to strangers“

-- go to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to; duatgaggan* 12, du-at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hinzugehen, hinzukommen zu; ne. go to, come up to, approach (V.)

-- go to meet: got. wiþragaggan* 1, wi-þra-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. entgegengehen; ne. go to meet, head towards, go towards; wiþragamōtjan 1, wi-þra-ga-mōt-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. begegnen; ne. meet (V.), go to meet

-- go to see: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for; *weisōn?, *wei-s-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.)

-- go to sleep: got. anaslēpan* 4, an-a-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „einschlafen“, entschlummern, entschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep; gaslēpan* 5, ga-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. schlafen, entschlafen, einschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep, die (1)

-- go to the aid of: got. hilpan 4, hil-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Gen.: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), go to the aid of, give help to

-- have allotted to o.s.: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

-- have difficulty agreeing to: got. tuzwērjan* 1, tuz-wēr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zweifeln; ne. have difficulty agreeing to, doubt (V.)

-- have the audacity to: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious

-- have to: got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.); þaúrban* 20=19, þaúrb-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nötig haben, bedürfen, Mangel leiden; ne. need to, need (V.), have need, have to, must (V.)

-- hearken to: got. andhausjan* 9, and-hau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, erhören, erhört werden (= pers. Passiv); ne. listen to, hearken to, give heed to, heed (V.), obey

-- holding fast to: got. fastubni* 6, fast-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Halten, Dienst, Fasten, Haltung, Gottesdienst; ne. holding fast to, holding (N.), keeping (N.), observance, abstinence, fasting (N.), vigilance, maintenance

-- hold o.s. to: got. haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

-- hold to: got. haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

-- hurry to: got. duatsniwan* 1, du-at-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste, hurry to

-- impart strength to: got. inswinþjan 7=6, in-swinþ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. stärken; ne. strengthen, make strong, impart strength to

-- impute a culpable act to: got. faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce

-- incite to anger: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

-- is encouraged to: got. timrjada du, got.: nhd. wird ermutigt zu; ne. is encouraged to

-- jealousy provoke to jealousy: got. inaljanōn* 2, in-al-jan-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.?: nhd. zornig machen, reizen; ne. jealousy provoke to jealousy, make jealous, provoke, anger (V.)

-- join in adopting a form similar to: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

-- join o.s. to: got. gahaftjan* 1, ga-haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. heften, anhängen; ne. join o.s. to

-- jointly conform to: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

-- lead to concord: got. gagawaírþjan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord; *gawaírþjan?, *ga-waírþ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord

-- learn to know: got. atkunnan* 1, at-kun-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. gewähren, zuerkennen; ne. acknowledge, learn to know

-- lie (V.) (2) adjacent to: got. atligan* 1, at-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. dabeiliegen, vorliegen, vorhanden sein (V.); ne. lie (V.) (2) at hand, lie (V.) (2) adjacent to

-- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal: got. anakumbjan 25, an-a-kumb-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich niederlegen, zu Tisch legen, lagern; ne. recline at table, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal

-- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

-- like to: got. frijōn 92, fri-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lieben, gern tun; ne. love (V.), cherish, show affection for, like to

-- listen to: got. andhausjan* 9, and-hau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, erhören, erhört werden (= pers. Passiv); ne. listen to, hearken to, give heed to, heed (V.), obey

-- listen to submissively: got. ufhausjan 29=28, uf-hau-s-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. gehorchen, sich an etwas halten; ne. obey, heed (V.), listen to submissively

-- look to: got. andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.)

-- make a visitation to: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for

-- make o.s. adhere to: got. haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

-- make o.s. fit to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

-- make the appearance similar to: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

-- make to hunger: got. huggrjan* 2, hugg-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hungern; ne. make to hunger

-- make to thirst: got. þaúrsjan* 4, þaúrs-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. dürsten; ne. make to thirst, be thirsty

-- make turn forth to: got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.)

-- material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury; kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

-- meat offered to an idol: got. þatei galiugam saljada, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol; galiugagudam gasaliþ, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol; þatei galiugam saljada, got.: nhd. Götzenopfer; ne. meat offered to an idol

-- move to and fro: got. wagjan 3, wag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schütteln, bewegen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move to and fro, agitate

-- move to by rolling: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

-- need to: got. þaúrban* 20=19, þaúrb-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nötig haben, bedürfen, Mangel leiden; ne. need to, need (V.), have need, have to, must (V.)

-- not to be told: got. unqēþs* 1, un-qēþ-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unaussprechlich; ne. unspeakable, unutterable, not to be told

-- offer as tribute to: got. andsaljan 1, and-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darbringen, opfern; ne. pay in tribute to, offer as tribute to, sacrifice (V.)

-- one about to die: got. swultawaírþja 1, swul-t-a-waír-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. dem Tode Naher, Todgeweihter; ne. one approaching death, one about to die, moribund person

-- one apt to strike: got. slahals 3=2, slahuls, slah-al-s, slah-uls,  st. M. (a): nhd. Raufbold; ne. striker, one apt to strike, violent man, assailant, bully (M.)

-- operate to perfection: got. uswaúrkjan* 2, us-waúrk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ausführen, vollbringen; ne. operate to perfection, complete (V.)

-- over to: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- pay attention to: got. gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe; mundōn* 2=1 sis, mun-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. sich einen besehen, sehen auf; ne. take aim at, pay attention to, observe

-- pay heed to: got. andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.)

-- pay homage to: got. inweitan* 10, in-wei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. Verehrung erweisen, begrüßen, anbeten, ansehen, verehren; ne. pay homage to, pay respect to, salute (V.), worship (V.)

-- pay honour to: got. gaswēran* 2, ga-s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verherrlichen, verklären; ne. honour (V.), pay honour to, exalt, glorify

-- pay in tribute to: got. andsaljan 1, and-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darbringen, opfern; ne. pay in tribute to, offer as tribute to, sacrifice (V.)

-- payment to the Caesar: got. kaisaragild* 1, kais-ar-a-gild*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Kaisergeld“, Zensus, Steuer (F.), Kaisersteuer; ne. Caesar-tribute, payment to the Caesar, tax (N.), census

-- pay respect to: got. inweitan* 10, in-wei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. Verehrung erweisen, begrüßen, anbeten, ansehen, verehren; ne. pay homage to, pay respect to, salute (V.), worship (V.)

-- person who wants to argue: got. wiljands miþ þus staua, got.: nhd. der welcher mit dir rechten will; ne. person who wants to argue

-- pertaining to olives: got. alēwja* 2, alēw-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. Öl-; ne. of olives, pertaining to olives

-- pertain properly to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- pour to overflowing: got. ufargiutan* 1, uf-ar-giu-t-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. übergießen, übervoll gießen; ne. let overflow, pour to overflowing

-- prescribe to: got. garaginōn* 1, ga-rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Rat geben, raten; ne. prescribe to, give guidance to, give counsel to, advise (V.)

-- present to: got. atbaíran* 12, at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. bringen, herbeibringen, darbringen, hinzutragen; ne. bring, offer (V.), bring to, take to, present to

-- present to one’s mind: got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know

-- previous to: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

-- prior to: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

-- proceed to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to

-- pull up to: got. atþinsan* 2, at-þin-s-an*,  st. V. (3,1), perfektiv: nhd. heranziehen, herbeiziehen, herzuziehen; ne. draw towards, pull up to

-- putting to death: got. dauþeins* 2, dau-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Absterben, Sterben, Tod, Todesgefahr; ne. killing (N.), putting to death

-- put to a test: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

-- put to death: got. afdauþjan 5, af-dau-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. töten; ne. put to death, make die, kill (V.), eliminate with death; dauþjan* 2=1, dau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. töten; ne. kill (V.), put to death, mortify; gadauþjan* 1, ga-dau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Tod bringen, töten; ne. put to death, kill (V.); usqiman 27, us-qi-m-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. umbringen, den Tod geben; ne. kill (V.), put to death, annihilate, destroy

-- put to shame: got. gaaiwiskōn* 11=10, ga-aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. beschämen, beschimpfen; ne. disgrace (V.), dishonour (V.), abuse (V.), make ashamed, put to shame

-- put to the stake: got. hramjan* 1, hram-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kreuzigen; ne. put to the stake, crucify

-- put to the test: got. fraisan* 13, frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. versuchen; ne. put to the test, try, tempt, make trial of, test (V.)

-- recall to the mind of: got. gamaudjan* 4, ga-maud-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erinnern; ne. remind, recall to the mind of, mind (V.), call to remind

-- recline together with to eat: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

-- reclining to eat: got. kubitus* 1, kubitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Liegen am Tisch, Tischgesellschaft, Gruppe, Tischgenossenschaft; ne. reclining to eat, group reclining and eating together, lying down (N.)

-- refer to: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

-- refuse to agree: got. unwērjan 2, un-wēr-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unwillig sein (V.), zürnen; ne. disagree, refuse to agree, be disagreeable, be unwilling

-- refuse to recognize: got. frakunnan 16, fra-kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. verachten; ne. refuse to recognize, spurn (V.), disdain (V.), scorn (V.), despise

-- render honour to: got. swēran* 13, s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ehren, achten; ne. honour (V.), render honour to, esteem (V.), exalt

-- restore to health: got. gahailjan 13, ga-hai-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. heilen (V.) (1), herstellen; ne. heal (V.), restore to health

-- roll to: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

-- rub to powder: got. gamalwjan* 1, ga-mal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zermalmen, zerknirschen; ne. grind up, crush (V.), pulverize, rub to powder

-- run to meet: got. durinnan* 2, du-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run to meet, run forth, run up, approach (V.)

-- run up to: got. atrinnan* 1, at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run thither, run up to, come up; biþragjan* 1, bi-þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeilaufen, vorauslaufen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up close by, run on; duatrinnan* 1, du-at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzurennen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up before

-- say farewell to: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

-- seek to please: got. samjan 2, sam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zu gefallen suchen, gefallen (V.); ne. present a pleasing appearance, give o.s. a pleasing appearance (= sik samjan), seek to please

-- see to: got. gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

-- sentenced to death: got. dauþubleis* 1, dau-þ-u-blei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. zum Tode bestimmt, dem Tode geweiht, zum Tode verurteilt; ne. sentenced to death, marked for death

-- service to God: got. hunsla: nhd. Gottesdienst; ne. worship (N.), service to God

-- showing to be in the right: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

-- show to: got. ataugjan 23, at-aug-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. zeigen, erscheinen (=sik ataugjan); ne. bring before the eyes of, show to

-- show to be in the right: got. gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

-- sing a hymn of praise to s.o.: got. liuþōn* 1, liu-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. lobsingen, singen; ne. sing a hymn of praise to s.o.

-- sink to rest: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

-- sit down to eat: got. gawaurkjan anakumbjan, got.: nhd. sich lagern lassen; ne. sit down to eat

-- so as to: got. swaei 23, swa-ei,  Konj.: nhd. so dass, daher, also; ne. so that, such that, so as to, therefore

-- speak to: got. haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.)

-- spring to one’s feet: got. ushlaupan* 1, us-hlaup-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. aufspringen, sich aufmachen; ne. leap forth, leap up, jump up, spring to one’s feet

-- stand in opposition to: got. andstandan 17, and-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. entgegenstehen, widerstehen, widerstreiten, widerstreben; ne. oppose, resist, stand in opposition to, withstand

-- start to be: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- start to become disturbed: got. indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

-- start to eat: got. gamatjan* 2, ga-mat-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. essen; ne. start to eat, eat (V.)

-- step up close to: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

-- stick to: got. gahaftnan* 1, ga-haf-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. anhangen, sich anheften; ne. stick to, adhere to, cling to

-- stoop down to: got. anahneiwan* 2, an-a-hnei-w-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich niederbeugen, sich neigen, sich bücken; ne. bend down to, stoop down to, bow (V.) (1)

-- subject to: got. hafts* (1) 1, haf-t-s*,  Part. Prät. = Adj. (a): nhd. behaftet; ne. bound (Adj.), joined, laden with, subject to

-- subject to a test: got. gakausjan* 1, ga-kaus-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. erproben, prüfen; ne. test (V.), try (V.), subject to a test

-- subject to death: got. diwans*, Adj. (a): nhd. sterblich; ne. moribund, mortal, subject to death

-- subject to foul language: got. ganaitjan* 1, ga-nai-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschimpfen, schmähen, lästern; ne. subject to foul language, subject to verbal humiliation, revile, treat shamefully

-- subject to the inquiring mind: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

-- subject to thralldom: got. gaþiwan* 5, ga-þiw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. dienstbar machen, unterjochen, durchbohren; ne. enthrall, subject to thralldom

-- subject to verbal humiliation: got. ganaitjan* 1, ga-nai-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschimpfen, schmähen, lästern; ne. subject to foul language, subject to verbal humiliation, revile, treat shamefully

-- submit to: got. usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

-- subsequent to: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

-- swear death to: got. *nawiswaran, *naw-i-swar-an,  st. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. totschwören; ne. swear death to

-- take s.th. to heart: got. galagjan hairtin, got.: nhd. zu Herzen nehmen; ne. take s.th. to heart

-- take to: got. atbaíran* 12, at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. bringen, herbeibringen, darbringen, hinzutragen; ne. bring, offer (V.), bring to, take to, present to

-- take to o.s.: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return

-- talk back to: got. andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

-- tear to pieces: got. distahjan* 5, dis-tah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zerstreuen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. shred, tear to pieces, scatter, disperse

-- tested to be unsuccessful: got. ungakusans* 4, un-ga-kus-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verwerflich, nicht probehaltig; ne. unqualified, tested to be unsuccessful, unsuccessful in test

-- thought to be high: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

-- throw to: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- to adoption: got. du suniwē gadēdai, got.: nhd. zur Sohnschaft; ne. to adoption; du suniwe gadēdai, got.: nhd. zur Sohnschaft; ne. to adoption

-- to a man: got. alakjō 5, al-a-k-jō,  Adv.: nhd. insgesamt, gesamt, zusammen; ne. all, all inclusively, to a man, all together

-- to another place: got. aljaþ 1, al-ja-þ,  Adv.: nhd. anderswohin; ne. to somewhere else, elsewhither, elsewhere, to another place

-- to come: got. anawaírþs* 11, an-a-waír-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. zukünftig; ne. future (Adj.), to come

-- to completion: got. du ustiuhan, got.: nhd. zur Vollendung; ne. to completion

-- to here: got. hidrē 3, hi-drē,  Adv.: nhd. hierher; ne. hither, to this place, to here

-- to somewhere else: got. aljaþ 1, al-ja-þ,  Adv.: nhd. anderswohin; ne. to somewhere else, elsewhither, elsewhere, to another place

-- to that place: got. jaind 1, jain-d,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, to that place, thither

-- to the far side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- to the other side of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- to the other time: got. anþaramma sinþa, got.: nhd. zum anderen Mal; ne. to the other time

-- to the same place: got. samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

-- to this end: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that

-- to this place: got. hidrē 3, hi-drē,  Adv.: nhd. hierher; ne. hither, to this place, to here

-- to what place: got. ƕadrē 1, ƕa-drē,  Adv.: nhd. wohin; ne. wither (Adv.), where to, to what place

-- to where: got. þadei 12, þad-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wohin, dorthin wo; ne. whither (Adv.), to where, to which place, in which, where

-- to whichever place: got. þisƕaduh 5, þi-s-ƕad-uh,  Adv.: nhd. wohin auch immer, wohin nur immer; ne. whithersoever, wherever to, to whichever place

-- to which place: got. þadei 12, þad-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wohin, dorthin wo; ne. whither (Adv.), to where, to which place, in which, where

-- to which tidings: got. in ƕō sauþō, got.: nhd. wie; ne. to which tidings

-- to whom: got. ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

-- to yon place: got. jaind 1, jain-d,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, to that place, thither; jaindrē 1, jain-drē,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, into that place, thither

-- transfer to: got. atniman* 1, at-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. aufnehmen, versetzen, annehmen; ne. take unto, transfer to, bring into

-- turn o.s. to: got. *gawaírþan, *ga-waír-þ-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. sich zuwenden, sich nähern, sich zusammentun; ne. turn o.s. to, approach (V.)

-- unable to speak: got. unrōdjands 3, un-rō-d-jan-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht redend, stumm; ne. unspeaking, speechless, dumb, unable to speak

-- up to: got. und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off; ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- up to now: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already

-- up to the present interval: got. und þō nū ƕeila, got.: nhd. bis jetzt; ne. up to the present interval

-- up to this moment; Sk 4: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

-- used to: got. biūhts 2, bi-ū-h-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gewohnt; ne. accustomed, used to, wont

-- utter gruff sounds to o.s.: got. inraúhtjan* 2, in-raúh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnt werden, zürnen, unwillig sein (V.); ne. growl interiously, groan (V.), utter gruff sounds to o.s., be indignant

-- where to: got. ƕadrē 1, ƕa-drē,  Adv.: nhd. wohin; ne. wither (Adv.), where to, to what place; ƕaþ 6, ƕad,  Adv.: nhd. wohin; ne. whither (Adv.), where to

-- wherever to: got. þisƕaduh 5, þi-s-ƕad-uh,  Adv.: nhd. wohin auch immer, wohin nur immer; ne. whithersoever, wherever to, to whichever place

-- with attention to detail: got. glaggwaba 1, gla-ggw-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sorgsam; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, diligently; glaggwō 1, gla-ggw-ō,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, accurately; *glaggws?, *gla-ggw-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. genau; ne. meticulous, with attention to detail; glaggwuba 1, gla-ggw-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, precisely

today: got. himma daga, got.: nhd. heute; ne. today

-- until today: got. und hina daga: nhd. bis heute; ne. unto this day, until today

toddle -- toddle (V.): got. *trippōn?, *tri-p-p-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. trippeln, hüpfen, springen; ne. toddle (V.), hop (V.) (1), jump (V.)

together: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together; samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

-- agree together with one another: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide

-- all together: got. alakjō 5, al-a-k-jō,  Adv.: nhd. insgesamt, gesamt, zusammen; ne. all, all inclusively, to a man, all together; samana 12, sam-a-n-a,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, gemeinschaftlich, zugleich; ne. at the same time, all together, in union

-- all together at the same time: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- all together to the same place: got. samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

-- arise together with: got. miþurreisan* 2, mi-þ-ur-rei-s-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitaufstehen; ne. rise up together, arise together with

-- attest together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

-- be alive together with: got. miþliban* 1, mi-þ-lib-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. mitleben; ne. live together with, be alive together with

-- bear witness together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

-- be hypocritical together with: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

-- be present together with: got. miþwisan* 1, mi-þ-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. beistehen, zu Hilfe kommen; ne. be together with, be present together with, remain with

-- be together: got. miþgawisan* 1, mi-þ-ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., m. Dat.: nhd. zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.); ne. associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together

-- be together with: got. miþwisan* 1, mi-þ-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. beistehen, zu Hilfe kommen; ne. be together with, be present together with, remain with

-- bind together: got. gawidan* 1, ga-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5),: nhd. zusammenbinden, verbinden; ne. conjoin, unite, bind together

-- bring together: got. gagawaírþjan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord; galisan* 10, ga-lis-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlesen, versammeln, sammeln; ne. collect (V.), bring together, gather together, assemble (V.); *gawaírþjan?, *ga-waírþ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versöhnen; ne. reconcile, bring together, lead to concord

together“ -- „bring together“: got. gabaíran 26, ga-baír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „zusammentragen“, vergleichen, gebären; ne. „bring together“, compare, put side by side with, give birth to

-- bud forth together with: got. miþuskeinan* 1, mi-þ-us-kei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. „mitauskeimen“, mithervorkeimen; ne. sprout up together with, bud forth together with, grow with

-- build together: got. miþgatimrjan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. miterbauen; ne. build together, construct as a constituent part

-- burden together with: got. miþkaúrjan* 1, mi-þ-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbelasten; ne. burden together with, weigh down together with

-- bury together with: got. miþganawistrōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-nawi-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. mitbegraben; ne. bury together with, inter together with

-- call together: got. atlaþōn* 2, at-la-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. berufen (V.), einladen (V.) (1), laden (V.) (1); ne. call to, bid come, call together, invite; gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together; galaþōn 9, ga-la-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenberufen, einladen (V.) (2), berufen (V.); ne. call together, convoke, bid convene, call (V.), invite

-- capture together with: got. miþfrahinþan* 2, mi-þ-fra-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgefangennehmen; ne. capture together with, take captive along with

-- come along together with: got. miþqiman* 1, mi-þ-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. mitkommen; ne. come along together with, go along with

-- come together: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather

-- come together with: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to; *gawaírþnan?, *ga-waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. versöhnt werden, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with; *waírþnan?, *waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. friedlich machen, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with

-- coming together: got. gaqumþs* 8, ga-qu-m-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zusammenkunft, Versammlung, Vereinigung; ne. coming together, congress, high council, religious gathering, synagogue, assembly

-- crucify together: got. miþushramjan* 3, mi-þ-us-hram-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mit jemandem kreuzigen; ne. crucify together

-- die together with: got. miþgadauþnan* 1, mi-þ-ga-dau-þ-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. mitsterben; ne. die together with; miþgaswiltan 1, mi-þ-ga-swil-t-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. mitsterben; ne. die along with, die together with

-- dine together: got. biwisan* 1, bi-wi-s-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv?: nhd. sich erfreuen, sich vergnügen; ne. dine together, dine convivially, have a festive get-together, make merry

-- dispatch together with: got. gamiþsandjan* 2=1, ga-miþ-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitsenden; ne. send thither along, dispatch together with; miþinsandjan* 1, mi-þ-in-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitentsenden; ne. send thither along with, dispatch together with

-- draw astray together: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

-- draw together: got. gadragan* 1, ga-dra-g-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. zusammentragen; ne. draw together, amass (V.)

-- eat together with: got. miþmatjan 2, mi-þ-mat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitessen; ne. eat together with

-- enjoying together: got. gawizneigs 1, ga-wiz-n-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll Mitfreude; ne. enjoying together, joyfully agreeing with, full of delight

-- fake together with: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

-- fastened together: got. *gahafts?, *ga-haf-t-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. zusammengeheftet; ne. fastened together, held together

-- fasten together: got. gagahaftjan* 1, ga-ga-haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenheften, verbinden; ne. fasten together, join together

-- feel happy together with: got. miþfaginōn* 2, mi-þ-fag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich mitfreuen; ne. feel happy together with, rejoice together with

-- feign together with: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

-- fit together: got. gagatilōn* 2, ga-ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zusammenfügen; ne. fit together, assemble

-- gather together: got. galisan* 10, ga-lis-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlesen, versammeln, sammeln; ne. collect (V.), bring together, gather together, assemble (V.)

-- give life to together with: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

-- go in together with: got. miþinngaleiþan* 1, mi-þ-in-n-ga-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. mithineingehen; ne. go in together with, go along into

-- go together with: got. miþgaggan* 3, mi-þ-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgehen; ne. go together with, go along, come with

-- group reclining and eating together: got. kubitus* 1, kubitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Liegen am Tisch, Tischgesellschaft, Gruppe, Tischgenossenschaft; ne. reclining to eat, group reclining and eating together, lying down (N.)

-- held together: got. *gahafts?, *ga-haf-t-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. zusammengeheftet; ne. fastened together, held together

-- inter together with: got. miþganawistrōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-nawi-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. mitbegraben; ne. bury together with, inter together with

-- join together: got. gagahaftjan* 1, ga-ga-haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenheften, verbinden; ne. fasten together, join together

-- keep intact together: got. gabaírgan* 1, ga-baír-g-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. bergen, bewahren, erhalten (V.); ne. preserve together, keep intact together

-- kneaded all together: got. *digrs?, *dig-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll, zusammengeknetet, dicht; ne. plump, stout, thick, kneaded all together

-- labour together with: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

-- lead away together: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

-- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

-- live together with: got. miþliban* 1, mi-þ-lib-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. mitleben; ne. live together with, be alive together with

-- lying together: got. galigri* 1, ga-lig-r-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Beilager, Beischlaf; ne. lying together, coitus, sexual intercourse

-- make alive together: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

-- make sit down together: got. miþgasatjan* 2=1, mi-þ-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mithinsetzen, sich zusammensetzen; ne. seat together with, make sit down together

-- plan together secretly: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

-- preserve together: got. gabaírgan* 1, ga-baír-g-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. bergen, bewahren, erhalten (V.); ne. preserve together, keep intact together

-- raise up together: got. miþurraisjan* 2=1, mi-þ-ur-rai-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitaufrichten; ne. raise up together

-- recline together with to eat: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

-- rejoice together with: got. miþfaginōn* 2, mi-þ-fag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich mitfreuen; ne. feel happy together with, rejoice together with

-- rise up together: got. miþurreisan* 2, mi-þ-ur-rei-s-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitaufstehen; ne. rise up together, arise together with

-- roll together: got. falþan* 1, fal-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. falten, zusammenrollen, zusammenlegen; ne. fold (V.), fold up, roll together

-- running together: got. garuns* 3, ga-ru-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Markt, Straße; ne. concourse, public mall, marketplace, running together, street

-- run together: got. garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather

-- seat together with: got. miþgasatjan* 2=1, mi-þ-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mithinsetzen, sich zusammensetzen; ne. seat together with, make sit down together

-- serve together with: got. miþskalkinōn* 1, mi-þ-s-kal-k-i-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. Mitknecht sein (V.), mitdienen; ne. serve together with

-- shake together: got. gawigan* 1, ga-wig-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bewegen, schütteln; ne. shake together, shake into densest compactness, move (V.)

-- speak together with: got. miþrōdjan* 1, mi-þ-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mit jemandem reden; ne. speak together with, talk together with, converse with

-- sprout up together with: got. miþuskeinan* 1, mi-þ-us-kei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. „mitauskeimen“, mithervorkeimen; ne. sprout up together with, bud forth together with, grow with

-- stand together with: got. miþstandan* 1, mi-þ-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. zusammenstehen mit; ne. stand together with

-- summon together: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

-- take together: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

-- talk together with: got. miþrōdjan* 1, mi-þ-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mit jemandem reden; ne. speak together with, talk together with, converse with

-- testify together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

-- together in will: got. gawiljis* 3, ga-wi-l-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. einmütig, gewillt; ne. „co-volitional“, together in will, concordant, unanimous

-- together (Präf.): got. *ga-,  Partikel, Präf.: nhd. ge-, mit-; ne. together (Präf.), along with (Präf.)

-- together with: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

-- weigh down together with: got. miþkaúrjan* 1, mi-þ-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbelasten; ne. burden together with, weigh down together with

toil -- toil (N.): got. arbaiþs 14, arbai-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Arbeit, Drangsal, Hemmung, Bedrängnis; ne. labour (N.), work (N.), toil (N.), distress, arduousness, troublesomeness, hardship

toil -- toil (V.): got. arbaidjan* 13, arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. arbeiten, dulden, kämpfen für; ne. work hard, toil (V.), labour (V.), strive, struggle (V.)

toilet: got. urruns (1) 3, ur-ru-n-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Aufgang (der Sonne), Osten, Abtritt; ne. egress (N.), emergence, solar egress, sunrise, sunup, runoff, sewer, latrine, toilet, rising (N.)

toilsome: got. aglus* 1, ag-l-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. schwierig; ne. difficult, toilsome

token -- token (N.): got. bandwa* 1, ba-nd-w-a*,  st. F. (wō): nhd. Zeichen; ne. sign (N.), token (N.); bandwō 2, ba-nd-w-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zeichen, verabredetes Zeichen; ne. mark (N.), token (N.), sign (N.); taikn 1, tai-k-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anzeichen; ne. token (N.), evidence, display (N.), something exhibited; taikns 21, tai-k-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zeichen, Wunder; ne. sign (N.), indication, miracle, token (N.); ustaikneins 4, us-tai-k-n-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auszeichnung, Bezeichnung, Bekanntmachung, Anzeichen, Beweis, Darstellung; ne. pointing out, marking out, showing (N.), evidence, token (N.), revelation, proof (N.)

told -- not to be told: got. unqēþs* 1, un-qēþ-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unaussprechlich; ne. unspeakable, unutterable, not to be told

tolerate: got. gaþulan 5, ga-þul-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erdulden, dulden; ne. tolerate, put up with, suffer (V.), stand (V.), endure; þulan 6, þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. dulden, leiden; ne. tolerate, suffer, bear (V.) (1), endure; usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

toleration: got. þulains* 12, þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Dulden, Leiden, Geduld; ne. toleration, forbearance, sufferance, suffering (N.), patience, fortitude, perseverance

toll-place: got. mōtastaþs* 1, mōt-a-sta-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Mautstätte“, Zollstätte, Zollhaus; ne. toll-place, place of admission-tax collection, customs post, tax office

tolltaker: got. mōtāreis 19, mōt-ā-rei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Zöllner; ne. admission-fee collector, tolltaker, tax collector, publican

tomb: got. aurahi* 3, aur-ah-i*, aurahjō*?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Grabdenkmal, Grab, Grabmal; ne. grave, burial-place, monument, tomb; hlaiw* 16, hlai-w*,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Grab; ne. tomb, burial cave, sepulchre, grave

tombs: got. hlaiwasnōs 4, hlai-w-asn-ōs,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gräber; ne. tombs, mausoleums

tomorrow: got. gistradagis 1, gis-tra-dag-is,  Adv.: nhd. morgen; ne. the next day, tomorrow; maúrgins 6, maúr-g-in-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Morgen; ne. morning (N.), tomorrow; du maurgina, got.: nhd. morgen; ne. tomorrow

tongue: got. razda 11, raz-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sprache, Sprechweise, Zunge; ne. language, dialect, tongue, manner of utterance, speech; tuggō 3, tugg-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zunge; ne. tongue

too: got. uh (1) 248=246, u-h,  Partikel: nhd. und, nun, also; ne. and, also, too, likewise, thereupon, subsequently, consequently, so then

-- too little: got. lista 1, list-a, krim Adj.?, F.?, Adv.?: nhd. zu wenig; ne. too little; lat. parum

tooth: got. *tundi, *t-und-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Dorn, Zahn; ne. thorn, tooth; tunþus* 4, t-unþ-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Zahn; ne. tooth

top: got. auhumists, auhmists*: nhd. höchste; ne. highest, top, topmost

-- on top: got. ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

-- on top of: got. ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

-- top (N.): got. auhumisto: nhd. Höhe, Spitze; ne. height, top (N.); *peika, *peik-a,  Sb.: nhd. Spitze; ne. top (N.); *uzds, *uz-d-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Spitze; ne. top (N.)

topmost: got. auhumists, auhmists*: nhd. höchste; ne. highest, top, topmost

torch: got. skeima* 1, skei-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Leuchte; ne. lantern, lighting implement, torch

-- torch (N.): got. *blas?, *bla-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Fackel, Flamme; ne. torch (N.), flame; *blēsi, *blē-s-i,  Sb.: nhd. Fackel, Feuer; ne. torch (N.), fire (N.); hais* 1, hai-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Fackel; ne. torch (N.), flambeau

torment -- torment (N.): got. balweins* 2, balw-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Pein, Strafe, Folter, Qual; ne. torture (N.), torment (N.), punishment

torment -- torment (V.): got. balwjan 4, balw-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. martern, quälen, plagen; ne. torture (V.), torment (V.), martyr (V.); usþriutan* 3, us-þri-ut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. einem Beschwerde bringen, beschwerlich fallen; ne. harass (V.), torment (V.), plaque (V.), wear down with vexation, bother (V.), persecute

torn -- become torn asunder: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

torn -- become torn down: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

torn -- become torn off: got. aftaúrnan* 1, af-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abreißen (intr.); ne. tear off, be torn off, become torn off

torn -- be torn asunder: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

torn -- be torn down: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

torn -- be torn off: got. aftaúrnan* 1, af-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abreißen (intr.); ne. tear off, be torn off, become torn off

torrent: got. aƕa 7, aƕ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fluss, Gewässer; ne. flowing body of water, river, stream (N.), torrent; rinnō* 1, ri-n-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gießbach; ne. runnel, brook (1), watercourse, flume, torrent

torture -- torture (N.): got. balweins* 2, balw-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Pein, Strafe, Folter, Qual; ne. torture (N.), torment (N.), punishment

torture -- torture (V.): got. balwjan 4, balw-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. martern, quälen, plagen; ne. torture (V.), torment (V.), martyr (V.)

toss -- toss about: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

toss -- toss (V.): got. gawaírpan 3, ga-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinwerfen, niederwerfen, werfen, hinundherreißen; ne. throw (V.), cast down, fling (V.), dash (V.), toss (V.)

total -- total agreement: got. allawērei* 1, al-l-a-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Redlichkeit; ne. simplicity, sincerity, wholehearted accord, complete agreeability, total agreement

totality -- totality of man: got. alamans* 1, al-a-man-s*, alamannans*,  Pl. M.: nhd. Gesamtheit der Menschen, alle Menschen; ne. all humanity, totality of man, entirety of mankind

totally -- totally in need: got. alaþarba 1, al-a-þarb-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „alldarbend“, an allem Mangel leidend, ganz arm; ne. thoroughly destitute, totally in need, in complete privation

totter -- cause to totter: got. gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter

touch -- lay one’s touch upon: got. attēkan 21, at-tēk-an,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. berühren, anrühren; ne. touch (V.), make contact with, lay one’s touch upon

touch -- put one’s touch on: got. tēkan* 7, tēk-an*, teikan*,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. anrühren, berühren; ne. touch (V.), come into contact with, put one’s touch on

touch -- touch (V.): got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact; attēkan 21, at-tēk-an,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. berühren, anrühren; ne. touch (V.), make contact with, lay one’s touch upon; tēkan* 7, tēk-an*, teikan*,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. anrühren, berühren; ne. touch (V.), come into contact with, put one’s touch on

touching -- make shrivelled by touching: got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact

tough -- be tough: got. *tahanjan?, *tah-an-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zäh sein (V.), streiten; ne. be tough, argue, quarrel (V.)

tough -- tough (Adj.): got. *tāhus, *tāh-u-s,  Adj. (u?): nhd. zäh; ne. tough (Adj.)

tour -- week’s tour of duty: got. wikō* 1, wik-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reihenfolge, Ordnung, Woche?; ne. week, workweek, week’s tour of duty, week-long shift, sequence

toward: got. wiþra 46, wi-þra,  Präp. m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. wider, gegen, vor, gegenüber; ne. toward, to, against, opposite, facing, vis-a-vis

-- act with restraint toward: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.)

-- be antipathetical toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

-- feel hostile toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

-- inclined toward: got. *halþs, *hal-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geneigt; ne. leaning (Adj.), leaning toward, inclined (Adj.), inclined toward, tending toward

-- leaning toward: got. *halþs, *hal-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geneigt; ne. leaning (Adj.), leaning toward, inclined (Adj.), inclined toward, tending toward

-- show antagonism toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

-- show kindheartedness toward: got. gableiþjan* 2, ga-ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, barmherzig sein (V.); ne. show kindheartedness toward, have mercy on, take pity

-- tending toward: got. *halþs, *hal-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. geneigt; ne. leaning (Adj.), leaning toward, inclined (Adj.), inclined toward, tending toward

-- turned toward that place: got. jaindwaírþs 1, jain-d-waírþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. dorthin gewandt; ne. „thitherward“, turned toward that place

towards: got. du 955,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. zu, nach - hin, für, in; ne. to, unto, towards, in, at; *waírþis?, *waír-þ-is?,  Adv.: nhd. -wärts; ne. wards, towards; *waírþs (2), *waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a), Suff.: nhd. ...wärtig; ne. ...wards, towards

-- be inimical towards: got. fijan 23, fi-j-an, fian*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen, verabscheuen; ne. hate (V.), be inimical towards, feel hostile towards

-- draw towards: got. atþinsan* 2, at-þin-s-an*,  st. V. (3,1), perfektiv: nhd. heranziehen, herbeiziehen, herzuziehen; ne. draw towards, pull up to

-- fall towards: got. atdriusan* 7, at-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. fallen in, zufallen, fallen; ne. fall towards, fall into, fall down at

-- feel hostile towards: got. fijan 23, fi-j-an, fian*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen, verabscheuen; ne. hate (V.), be inimical towards, feel hostile towards

-- go towards: got. wiþragaggan* 1, wi-þra-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. entgegengehen; ne. go to meet, head towards, go towards

-- head towards: got. wiþragaggan* 1, wi-þra-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. entgegengehen; ne. go to meet, head towards, go towards

-- show compassion towards: got. arman* 10, arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards; gaarman* 10, ga-arm-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. sich erbarmen, bemitleiden; ne. have mercy on, have pity on, show compassion towards

-- show filial piety towards: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

-- show hostility towards: got. hatjan* 2, hat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), show hostility towards

-- towards the front: got. *frumaþ?, *fru-m-a-þ?,  Adv.: nhd. vorwärts; ne. forwards, towards the front

-- work towards: got. biarbaidjan 1, bi-arbai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. trachten nach, sich bemühen; ne. strive after, work towards

towel -- towel (N.): got. aúrāli* 1, aúrāl-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schweißtuch; ne. facial sweat-cloth, towel (N.), napkin

tower -- tower (N.): got. kēlikn* 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Turm, Speisesaal im Obergeschoß, Söller; ne. tower (N.), upper room, loft (N.), upstairs room

tower -- tower (N.) (1): got. baúrgs (1) 59, baúr-g-s,  F. (kons.): nhd. Turm, Burg, Stadt; ne. castle, citadel, city, tower (N.) (1)

town -- area before the town gates: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

town -- rural town: got. haims* (1) 14, hai-m-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Dorf, Land (= haimōs), Flecken; ne. village, rural town

town -- town wall: got. baúrgswaddjus 4, baúr-g-s-wa-dd-ju-s,  st. F. (u): nhd. Stadtmauer; ne. town wall, city circumvallation, city wall

townsman -- fellow townsman: got. gabaúrgja* 2=1, ga-baúr-g-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mitbürger, Mitbewohner; ne. co-citizen, fellow townsman

toxicant: got. ingif* 1, in-gif*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gift; ne. poison (N.), toxicant

toxicology: got. lubjaleisei 1, lu-b-j-a-leis-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Giftmischerei, Zauberei, Giftkunde; ne. magic (N.), toxicology, mixing of poison, sorcery

trace -- trace (N.): got. laists* 3, lais-t-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Spur; ne. track (N.), footprint, trace (N.), spoor (N.)

traced: got. *bilaistiþs?, *bi-lais-t-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. aufspürbar, erforscht, begreiflich; ne. traced, tracked down, explored

track -- track (N.): got. laists* 3, lais-t-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Spur; ne. track (N.), footprint, trace (N.), spoor (N.)

trackable: got. *faírlaistiþs?, *faír-lais-t-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. aufspürbar, erforschlich; ne. trackable

tracked -- tracked down: got. *bilaistiþs?, *bi-lais-t-iþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. aufspürbar, erforscht, begreiflich; ne. traced, tracked down, explored

tract -- agricultural tract: got. þaúrp* 1, þaúr-p*,  st. N. (a): nhd. bebautes Land, Acker, Feld; ne. farmland, agricultural tract, land (N.), lived-on property

trade -- trade (N.): got. *kaup, *kaupa?,  Sb.: nhd. Handel, Kauf; ne. trade (N.), bargain (N.), buy (N.)

trade -- trade (V.): got. kaupōn* 1, kaup-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Geschäfte machen, Handel treiben; ne. transact business, trade (V.), bargain (V.)

tradition: got. anafilh* 6, an-a-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Anvertrautes“, Empfehlung, Überlieferung; ne. act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping, commendation, recommendation, tradition

trail -- trail (V.): got. afarlaistjan* 6, af-ar-lais-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. nachfolgen, nachstreben, nachgehen, verfolgen; ne. follow after, follow, pursue, trail (V.)

train -- train thoroughly: got. usþrōþjan* 1, us-þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einüben; ne. train thoroughly, drill to mastery, master by drill

train -- train (V.): got. talzjan* 7, talz-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lehren, ziehen, unterrichten; ne. educate, instruct, train (V.), discipline (V.), correct (V.), admonish, chastise; þrōþjan* 1, þrō-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. üben; ne. exercise (V.), train (V.), drill (V.), practise (2); uslaisjan* 2, us-lais-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. belehren, lehren; ne. teach, educate, instruct thoroughly, train (V.)

trained: got. *tals?, *tal-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. fügsam, gehorsam; ne. educated, trained, disciplined

trainer: got. talzjands* 6, talz-jan-d-s*,  M. (nd): nhd. Lehrer; ne. trainer, headmaster, master (M.), tutor, lesson-teacher, instructor

training: got. talzeins* 1, talz-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lehre, Unterweisung; ne. upbringing, training, instruction, correction, discipline (N.); usþrōþeins 1, us-þrō-þ-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Übung, Stählung; ne. exercise (N.), training, gymnastics, discipline (N.)

traitor: got. *atlēweis?, *at-lēw-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Verräter; ne. traitor; fralēwjands, Part. Präs., subst.: nhd. Verräter; ne. traitor; galēwjands, M.: nhd. Verräter; ne. traitor; galēwjands?, ga-lēw-j-an-d-s?,  M. (nd): nhd. Verräter; ne. traitor

trample -- trample down: got. gatrudan 1, ga-tru-d-an,  unr. st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zertreten (V.), niedertreten; ne. trample down, tread underfoot

trample -- trample (V.): got. trudan 2, tru-d-an,  unr. st. V. (4): nhd. treten, keltern; ne. trample (V.), tread on

tranquil -- become tranquil: got. anaslawan* 1, an-a-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, still werden; ne. become silent, become tranquil, become quiet

tranquility: got. rimis* 1, rimi-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ruhe; ne. calmness, tranquility, peacefulness, rest (N.); *sūti?, *sūt-i?,  st. N. (ja?, ia?): nhd. Ruhe, Milde; ne. tranquility, mildness

-- tranquility on the sea: got. wis 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Meeresstille; ne. tranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea

tranquilization: got. anaqal* 1, an-a-qal*,  st. M.?, st. N.? (a): nhd. Ruhe, Beruhigung; ne. tranquilization, quieting down, calm (N.), quiet (N.), rest (N.) (1)

transact -- transact business: got. kaupōn* 1, kaup-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Geschäfte machen, Handel treiben; ne. transact business, trade (V.), bargain (V.)

transfer -- transfer the similarity of the form of: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

transfer -- transfer to: got. atniman* 1, at-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. aufnehmen, versetzen, annehmen; ne. take unto, transfer to, bring into

transfigure: got. inmaidjan 8, in-mai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verwandeln, verändern; ne. transmute, transform, transfigure, transubstantiate, exchange (V.), metamorphose

transform: got. inmaidjan 8, in-mai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verwandeln, verändern; ne. transmute, transform, transfigure, transubstantiate, exchange (V.), metamorphose

-- transform the likeness into: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

transgress: got. frawaúrkjan* 15, fra-waúrk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. sündigen, (sich) versündigen, eine Sünde begehen; ne. sin (V.), commit error, transgress, commit a transgression

-- transgress (V.): got. missataujan* 1, mis-s-a-tau-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. missetun; ne. do a missdeed, transgress (V.); ufargaggan 5, uf-ar-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. etwas übertreten, übergreifen, überschreiten; ne. transgress (V.), overstep (V.), trespass (V.), go beyond, cross over

transgression: got. frawaúrhts (2) 79, fra-waúrh-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Sünde; ne. transgression, evil-doing (N.), sin (N.), offence; missadēþs* 15, mis-s-a-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Missetat, Sünde; ne. misdeed, transgression

-- commit a transgression: got. frawaúrkjan* 15, fra-waúrk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. sündigen, (sich) versündigen, eine Sünde begehen; ne. sin (V.), commit error, transgress, commit a transgression

transgressive: got. *faírinōþs?, *faír-in-ōþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. schuldig, tadelig, bescholten; ne. violative, transgressive, culpable, reprehensible; *faírins?, *faír-in-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadelig, unrecht; ne. violative, transgressive, culpable, reprehensible

transgressor: got. missataujands: nhd. Übeltäter, Sünder; ne. transgressor, sinner

transient: got. ƕeilaƕaírbs* 2, ƕeil-a-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nur eine Zeitlang dauernd, vergänglich, unbeständig; ne. temporary, transient, transitory, lasting only for a while

transitory: got. þata gataurnando, Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. vergänglich; ne. transitory; ƕeilaƕaírbs* 2, ƕeil-a-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nur eine Zeitlang dauernd, vergänglich, unbeständig; ne. temporary, transient, transitory, lasting only for a while

translate: got. gaskeirjan* 5, ga-skei-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erklären, auslegen, übersetzen; ne. make clear, explain, interpret (V.), translate; *skeirjan?, *skei-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auslegen, erklären; ne. make clear, explain, elucidate, interpret, translate

translation: got. skeireins 2, skei-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Auslegung, Erklärung; ne. explanation, interpretation, translation, elucidation, exegesis

translator: got. *skeirja?, *skei-r-ja?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Erklärer, Übersetzer; ne. interpreter, translator

transmute: got. inmaidjan 8, in-mai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verwandeln, verändern; ne. transmute, transform, transfigure, transubstantiate, exchange (V.), metamorphose

transparent: got. uskunþs 5, us-kun-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bekannt, offenbar; ne. recognized, well-known, manifested, recognizable, transparent

transplant -- transplant (V.): got. miþsatjan* 1, mi-þ-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versetzen; ne. transplant (V.), relocate, shift the location of, remove (V.)

transport -- transport (V.): got. raidjan* (2), raid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen machen, tragen; ne. make a ride, transport (V.), carry (V.)

transubstantiate: got. inmaidjan 8, in-mai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verwandeln, verändern; ne. transmute, transform, transfigure, transubstantiate, exchange (V.), metamorphose

trap -- trap for crash-falling into: got. hlamma 2, hla-m-m-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Falle“, Schlinge; ne. crash-trap, pitfall, trap for crash-falling into, snare (N.)

travail -- undergo the travail of: got. gawinnan* 1, ga-wi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erleiden, leiden; ne. suffer (V.), undergo the travail of

travel -- travel by boat: got. farjan* 2, far-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fahren, schiffen; ne. seafare (V.), go by sea, travel by boat, sail (V.), cruise (V.)

travel -- travel (N.): got. wratōdus* 1, wra-t-ō-du-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Reise; ne. wayfaring, journey (N.), travel (N.), trip (N.)

travel -- travel out: got. usleiþan 12, us-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinausgehen, weggehen, verreisen, vergehen; ne. pass forth, travel out, go out, go away, vanish

travel -- travel through: got. þaírhleiþan 5, þaír-h-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hindurchgehen, vorbeigehen, weitergehen; ne. pass on through, pass through, travel through, go through, go past

travel -- travel (V.): got. faran* 1, far-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. wandern, ziehen, fahren, gehen; ne. pass over, wander, travel (V.), traverse distance; *sinþan?, *sinþ-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. reisen, gehen; ne. travel (V.); wratōn* 3, wra-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. reisen, gehen; ne. journey (V.), travel (V.)

traveller -- fellow traveller: got. gasinþa* 1, ga-sinþ-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefährte, Reisegefährte; ne. fellow traveller, travelling companion; gasinþja* 1, ga-sinþ-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefährte, Reisegefährte; ne. fellow traveller, travelling companion

travelling -- travelling cloak: got. hakuls* 1, hak-u-l-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Mantel; ne. cloak, travelling cloak

travelling -- travelling companion: got. gasinþa* 1, ga-sinþ-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefährte, Reisegefährte; ne. fellow traveller, travelling companion; gasinþja* 1, ga-sinþ-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gefährte, Reisegefährte; ne. fellow traveller, travelling companion

travelling -- travelling motion: got. *farþa?, *far-þ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fahrt, Reise; ne. voyage (N.), passage, travelling motion

traverse -- traverse distance: got. faran* 1, far-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. wandern, ziehen, fahren, gehen; ne. pass over, wander, travel (V.), traverse distance

traverse -- traverse (V.): got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along

treacherous: got. hindarweis* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hinterlistig, verstellt; ne. hypocritical, pretending, insincere, feigning, deceitful, treacherous; unmanariggws* 2=1, un-man-a-rigg-w-s*, unmanatriggws*?,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungezähmt, wild, grausam; ne. untamed, barbarous, treacherous, wild (Adj.), cruel (Adj.)

treachery: got. hindarweisei* 1, hi-n-dar-wei-s-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hinterlist; ne. deceitfulness, guile, deceit, fraudulence, insincerity, feignedness, hypocrisy, treachery; liutei 5, liut-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Heuchelei, Betrug, Würfelspiel, Trugspiel; ne. deceit, deception, imposture, hypocrisy, treachery

tread -- tread on: got. trudan 2, tru-d-an,  unr. st. V. (4): nhd. treten, keltern; ne. trample (V.), tread on

tread -- tread underfoot: got. gatrudan 1, ga-tru-d-an,  unr. st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zertreten (V.), niedertreten; ne. trample down, tread underfoot

tread -- tread up close onto: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

tread -- tread (V.): got. *trimpan?, *tri-m-p-an?,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. treten; ne. step (V.), tread (V.)

treason: got. *atlēweins?, *at-lēw-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verrat; ne. treason

treasure -- lay away as treasure: got. huzdjan 3, hu-z-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Schätze sammeln, sammeln; ne. treasure up, store up, lay away as treasure, gather

treasure -- treasure (N.): got. huzd 7, hu-z-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hort, Schatz; ne. treasure (N.), store of wealth

treasure -- treasure room: got. gazaúflakiō* (?) 1, gazaú-flaki-ō*,  Sb. (n): nhd. Schatzhaus, Schatzkammer; ne. treasury, treasure room

treasure -- treasure up: got. huzdjan 3, hu-z-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Schätze sammeln, sammeln; ne. treasure up, store up, lay away as treasure, gather

treasure -- votive treasure: got. maiþms 1, mai-þ-m-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk; ne. votive treasure, gift (N.)

treasury: got. gazaúflakiō* (?) 1, gazaú-flaki-ō*,  Sb. (n): nhd. Schatzhaus, Schatzkammer; ne. treasury, treasure room

-- material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

-- temple treasury: got. kaúrbaúnas* 1,  M.: nhd. Tempelschatz; ne. temple treasury

treat -- treat shamefully: got. aiwiskōn* 1, aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schändlich handeln; ne. behave disgracefully, treat shamefully; ganaitjan* 1, ga-nai-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschimpfen, schmähen, lästern; ne. subject to foul language, subject to verbal humiliation, revile, treat shamefully

treat -- treat unjustly: got. gaskaþjan* 5, ga-skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaden, Schaden zufügen, Unrecht tun; ne. treat unjustly, do wrong to, harm (V.), injure, damage (V.)

treat -- treat watchfully: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.); *gafreidjan?, *ga-frei-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhalten (V.), schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, hold in custody, preserve (V.)

treat -- treat with dishonour: got. unswēran* 2, un-s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. verunehren, beschimpfen; ne. dishonour (V.), treat with dishonour

treat -- treat with violence: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

treatment -- careful treatment: got. gafreideins* 3=2, ga-frei-d-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erhaltung, Bewahrung, Schonung; ne. safekeeping (N.), custody (N.), possession, careful treatment

tree: got. bagms 12, bagm-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Baum; ne. tree

-- bearberry tree: got. baírabagms* 1, baír-a-bagm-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Maulbeerbaum; ne. bearberry tree, mulberry tree

-- birch tree: got. *baírka?, *baír-k-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Birke; ne. birch, birch tree

-- mulberry tree: got. baírabagms* 1, baír-a-bagm-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Maulbeerbaum; ne. bearberry tree, mulberry tree

-- olive tree: got. alēwabagms 6, alēw-a-bagm-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ölbaum; ne. olive tree

-- palm tree: got. peikabagms* 1, peik-a-bagm-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Palmbaum; ne. palm tree, date palm

trellis: got. *parra, *par-r-a,  Sb.: nhd. Spalier; ne. espalier, trellis

tremble -- tremble (V.): got. inreiran* 1, in-reir-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erzittern, erbeben; ne. come to shake, begin quaking, tremble (V.); reiran* 2, reir-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zittern; ne. tremble (V.), quiver (1) (V.), quake (V.), shake (V.)

trembling -- trembling (N.): got. reirō 4=3, reir-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zittern, Erdbeben, Beben; ne. trembling (N.), quivering (N.), quaking (N.), earthquake (N.)

trench -- trench (N.): got. dals* 3, dal-s*, dal (?),  st. M. (a): nhd. Grube, Schlucht, Tal; ne. ravine, pit (N.), ditch (N.), trench (N.), dale, valley; graba* 1, grab-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Graben (M.); ne. trench (N.), ditch (N.), fosse (N.), rampart

trespass -- trespass (V.): got. ufargaggan 5, uf-ar-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. etwas übertreten, übergreifen, überschreiten; ne. transgress (V.), overstep (V.), trespass (V.), go beyond, cross over

tresses: got. skuft* 4, skuf-t*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Haupthaar; ne. hair of the head, tresses

trial: got. agliþa* 1, ag-l-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Drangsal, Trübsal; ne. pressure, trial, tribulation, trouble (N.); kustus* 3, kus-t-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Prüfung, Beweis; ne. test (N.), trial, proving by test, proof (N.)

-- make trial of: got. fraisan* 13, frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. versuchen; ne. put to the test, try, tempt, make trial of, test (V.); *fraistōn, *frai-s-t-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versuchen; ne. try (V.), tempt, make trial of

-- prove by trial: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

tribe: got. *kinds?, *kin-d-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kind, Geschlecht, Art; ne. kind (N.), lineage, tribe, clan, child; kuni 17, kun-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschlecht, Stamm; ne. clan, tribe, race (N.), blood stock, generation; *slahta?, *slah-t-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stamm, Geschlecht; ne. tribe, race (N.) (2), lineage

tribulation: got. agliþa* 1, ag-l-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Drangsal, Trübsal; ne. pressure, trial, tribulation, trouble (N.); aglō 27, ag-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Drangsal; ne. affliction, painfulness, tribulation

tributary -- make a tributary offering: got. saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

tribute: got. gild* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Steuer (F.), Abgabe, Zins; ne. tribute, money-payment, tax (N.)

-- offer as tribute to: got. andsaljan 1, and-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darbringen, opfern; ne. pay in tribute to, offer as tribute to, sacrifice (V.)

-- pay in tribute to: got. andsaljan 1, and-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darbringen, opfern; ne. pay in tribute to, offer as tribute to, sacrifice (V.)

-- render oblational tribute: got. saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

-- render religious tribute: got. saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

-- that borne in tribute: got. gabaúr (1) 4, ga-baúr,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Zusammengebrachtes“, Kollekte, Steuer (F.); ne. that borne in tribute, tribute (N.), contribution, tax (N.), money-offering

-- tribute (N.): got. gabaúr (1) 4, ga-baúr,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Zusammengebrachtes“, Kollekte, Steuer (F.); ne. that borne in tribute, tribute (N.), contribution, tax (N.), money-offering

trip -- trip (N.): got. wratōdus* 1, wra-t-ō-du-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Reise; ne. wayfaring, journey (N.), travel (N.), trip (N.)

trip -- trip up: got. gamarzjan* 8, ga-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ärgern, Ärgernis erregen, Ärgernis nehmen (pass., Mat 11,6 CA, Luk 7,23 CA); ne. trip up, make stumble, make falter, thwart (V.), frustrate, cause offense

triumph -- cause to triumph: got. hrōþeigana ustaiknjan: nhd. siegreich machen, den Sieg gewähren; ne. cause to triumph

triumph -- triumph (N.): got. *hrōþ, *hrō-þ, *hrōþs,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ruhm, Sieg; ne. victorious condition, glory of victory, triumph (N.)

triumph -- triumph (V.): got. gablauþjan* 1, ga-blau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. abschaffen, triumphieren; ne. make powerless, bring to naught, defeat (V.), triumph (V.); swēgnjan* 4, s-wē-g-n-jan*, swignjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. jubeln, triumphieren, frohlocken; ne. exult, triumph (V.), jubilate (V.), rejoice (V.)

triumphant: got. hrōþeigs* 1, hrō-þ-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ruhmreich, siegreich; ne. victourious, glorious, triumphant

troop -- troop (N.): got. hansa 4, hans-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schar (F.) (1), Manipel, Kohorte, Menge; ne. cohort, battalion, maniple, crowd (N.), troop (N.)

trouble -- trouble (N.): got. aggwiþa 5, agg-w-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Enge“, Bedrängnis; ne. affliction, trouble (N.), plight, anxiety, distress (N.); agliþa* 1, ag-l-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Drangsal, Trübsal; ne. pressure, trial, tribulation, trouble (N.); drōbna* 1, drō-b-n-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Aufruhr, Aufstand; ne. disturbance, disorder (N.), trouble (N.); nauþs 11=10, nau-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Not, Zwang; ne. compulsion, force (N.), constraint, duress, trouble (N.), need (N.)

trouble -- trouble (V.): got. anapraggan* 1, an-a-pragg-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. bedrängen, bedrücken; ne. press upon, oppress, trouble (V.); drōbjan* 4, drō-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trüben, irre machen, aufwiegeln, bewegen, erschüttern, aufregen; ne. stir up, excite, agitate, disturb, unsettle, trouble (V.); gaþreihan* 1, ga-þrei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bedrängen; ne. put pressure on, constrict, oppress, distress (V.), trouble (V.); *trigan, *trig-an,  sw. V. (5): nhd. trauern, betrüben; ne. trouble (V.), grieve

troubled: got. afdáuiþs* 1, af-dáu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geschunden, geplagt, abgehetzt; ne. troubled, annoyed, harried, harrassed, worn out

-- become troubled: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

-- begin to be troubled: got. indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

-- be troubled: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

-- be troubled about: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

troublesome: got. *tuz-,  Präf.: nhd. zer-; ne. dis-, difficult, troublesome

troublesomeness: got. arbaiþs 14, arbai-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Arbeit, Drangsal, Hemmung, Bedrängnis; ne. labour (N.), work (N.), toil (N.), distress, arduousness, troublesomeness, hardship

trough -- feed trough: got. uzēta* 3, uz-ēt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Krippe; ne. manger, feed trough, crib (N.)

trousers: got. *broks, *brok-s,  st. Sb.: nhd. Hose; ne. trousers; *husa 1, *hu-s-a,  st. F. (a): nhd. Beinschiene, Hose, Beinkleid; ne. greave, breeches, trousers

true: got. *sanþs?, *s-an-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. wahr, wahrhaftig; ne. true, truthful; sunjeins 15, s-un-j-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wahr, wahrhaft; ne. true, truthful, of truth, genuine, factual; sunjis* 3, s-un-j-i-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. wahr; ne. correct (Adj.), true, truthful

-- defence as true: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

-- defend as true: got. gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

-- justify as true: got. sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

truly: got. raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure; sunjaba 1, s-un-j-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. in Wahrheit; ne. truly, in truth, verily

trumpet -- sound a trumpet: got. haúrnjan* 2, haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hornblasen, das Horn blasen, trompeten; ne. blow a horn, sound a trumpet

trumpet -- trumpet (N.): got. þuthaúrn* 2, þu-t-haúr-n*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Trompete; ne. trumpet (N.)

trumpet -- trumpet (V.): got. þuthaúrnjan* 1, þu-t-haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trompeten; ne. trumpet (V.), blow a horn

t-rune -- name of t-rune: got. tyz 1, ty-z,  Sb.: nhd. Ziu, Kriegsgott, Siegesgott, t-Rune; ne. Ziu, god of war, god of victory, name of t-rune

trunk -- wooden trunk: got. triu* 2,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Holz, Prügel, Baum; ne. wooden trunk, woody stem, vine, stick (N.)

trust -- put in the trust of: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

trust -- put into the trust of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

trust -- trust (N.): got. tráuains 8, tráu-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vertrauen, Zuversicht; ne. trusting, trust (N.), confidence

trust -- trust (V.): got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of; tráuan 4, tráu-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. trauen, Zutrauen haben; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, rely on, confide in

trusting: got. tráuains 8, tráu-ain-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vertrauen, Zuversicht; ne. trusting, trust (N.), confidence

-- trusting (Adj.): got. triggws 26, triggw-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. treu, zuverlässig; ne. trusting (Adj.), confident, trustworthy, faithful

trustingly: got. triggwaba 2, triggw-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. treulich, zuverlässig; ne. confidently, trustingly, surely, firmly

trustworthy: got. triggws 26, triggw-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. treu, zuverlässig; ne. trusting (Adj.), confident, trustworthy, faithful

truth: got. astaþ* 1, a-sta-þ*, astaþs*,  st. F.?: nhd. Sicherheit, Gewissheit; ne. certainty, truth; sunja 90, s-un-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Wahrheit; ne. truth, verity, thruthfulness, veracity

-- in truth: got. bi sunjai: nhd. in Wahrheit, wahrhaftig; ne. in truth, truthful; sunjaba 1, s-un-j-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. in Wahrheit; ne. truly, in truth, verily

-- just as in truth: got. swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth; swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth

-- of truth: got. sunjeins 15, s-un-j-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wahr, wahrhaft; ne. true, truthful, of truth, genuine, factual

truthful: got. *sanþs?, *s-an-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. wahr, wahrhaftig; ne. true, truthful; bi sunjai: nhd. in Wahrheit, wahrhaftig; ne. in truth, truthful; sunjeins 15, s-un-j-ein-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wahr, wahrhaft; ne. true, truthful, of truth, genuine, factual; sunjis* 3, s-un-j-i-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. wahr; ne. correct (Adj.), true, truthful

try: got. fraisan* 13, frai-s-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. versuchen; ne. put to the test, try, tempt, make trial of, test (V.)

-- try out: got. kausjan 7, kaus-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Gen., m. Akk.: nhd. kosten (V.) (2), kennen lernen, prüfen; ne. sample (V.), experience (V.), taste (V.), try out, test (V.), prove (V.)

-- try (V.): got. *fraistōn, *frai-s-t-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versuchen; ne. try (V.), tempt, make trial of; gakausjan* 1, ga-kaus-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. erproben, prüfen; ne. test (V.), try (V.), subject to a test; gakiusan 10=9, ga-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, wählen, prüfen; ne. prove by testing, try (V.), choose as proven, approve, test (V.)

tube: got. *agkja?, *agk-j-a?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Bein, Röhre; ne. leg, pipe (N.), tube

tuber: got. *buggja?, *bugg-ja?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Knolle, Schwellung; ne. nodule, tuber, swelling

Tuesday: got. *areinsdags?, *ar-ein-s-dag-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Dienstag; ne. Tuesday; *arjausdags?, *arjau-s-dag-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Dienstag; ne. Tuesday

tuft: got. *skuppa?, *skup-p-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schopf; ne. tuft, crest

-- tuft (N.): got. *þufaz?, *þu-f-az?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Fahne, Büschel; ne. flag (N.), tuft (N.), bundle (N.)

-- tuft of hair: got. *taturō?, *tatur-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zotte (F.) (1); ne. tuft of hair

tug -- tug (N.): got. *tiuhi, *tiu-h-i,  st. N. (jō): nhd. Ruck, Zug (1); ne. jerk (N.) (1), tug (N.)

tumble: got. *wiltan?, *wil-t-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. wälzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble, roll over

-- tumble (V.): got. waltjan* 1, wal-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wälzen, stürzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble (V.), capsize, turn over, beat into

tumefaction: got. kusma* 1, kusm-a*, kozma, chozma,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Kehle?, k-Rune, Geschwür?; ne. boil (N.), tumefaction, infected swelling, name of k-rune

tumult -- noisy tumult: got. áuhjōdus* 2, áuhj-ōdu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Lärm; ne. uproar (N.), noise, noisy tumult

tumultuously -- be tumultuously noisy: got. auhjōn* 2, auhj-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen, schreien; ne. make a noise, be tumultuously noisy, make an uproar

tunic: got. paida* 5, paid-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Leibrock, Unterkleid, Rock; ne. tunic, vest (N.), shirt

-- put on as a tunic: got. gapaidōn* 2=1, ga-paid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. dress (V.), put on as a tunic, jacket (V.), clothe; *paidōn, *paid-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. put on as a tunic, jacket (V.)

turbid: got. *drōbjis?, *drō-bji-s?,  Adj. (ja?): nhd. trüb; ne. turbid, muddy

turn -- make turn aound: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

turn -- make turn away from: got. afwandjan 7, af-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abwenden, vermeiden; ne. turn aside, make turn away from

turn -- make turn forth to: got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.)

turn -- turn around: got. *gaƕaírban?, *ga-ƕaírb-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. umdrehen, umkehren, bekehren; ne. convert (V.), change around, turn around; gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back; wandjan* 2, wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wenden; ne. turn (V.), turn around

turn -- turn aside: got. afwandjan 7, af-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abwenden, vermeiden; ne. turn aside, make turn away from

turn -- turn away: got. uswandjan* 3, us-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wegwenden, sich entziehen, verfallen (V.), abweichen (V.) (2); ne. turn away, become diverted, withdraw, deviate

turn -- turn back: got. gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

turn -- turn down: got. faúrqiþan 4, faúr-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. sich entschuldigen, für ungültig erklären, aufheben, umstoßen; ne. decline (V.), refuse, turn down, excuse o.s., nullify

turn -- turn downcast: got. hneiwan 1, hnei-w-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. sich neigen; ne. decline, bend downcast, turn downcast

turn -- turn (N.): got. *walteins?, *wal-t-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Wälzung, Sturz; ne. turn (N.), overthrow (N.)

turn -- turn o.s. to: got. *gawaírþan, *ga-waír-þ-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. sich zuwenden, sich nähern, sich zusammentun; ne. turn o.s. to, approach (V.)

turn -- turn over: got. waltjan* 1, wal-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wälzen, stürzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble (V.), capsize, turn over, beat into

turn -- turn up the nose at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

turn -- turn (V.): got. gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse; wandjan* 2, wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wenden; ne. turn (V.), turn around

turned -- turned back: got. ibuks* 3, ibuk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rückwärts gewandt, zurück; ne. retrorse, reversed, turned back, back (Adj.)

turned -- turned toward that place: got. jaindwaírþs 1, jain-d-waírþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. dorthin gewandt; ne. „thitherward“, turned toward that place

turning -- make arrive at by turning: got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.)

turtle-dove: got. hraiwadūbō* 1, hrai-w-a-dūb-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Leichentaube“, Turteltaube; ne. turtle-dove, wild dark dove, sacrificial animal of poor people

tutor: got. talzjands* 6, talz-jan-d-s*,  M. (nd): nhd. Lehrer; ne. trainer, headmaster, master (M.), tutor, lesson-teacher, instructor

twelve: got. thīntua* 1, thīn-tua*, thiinetua*, thunetua, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. zwölf; ne. twelve; twalif 23, twa-lif,  Num. Kard.: nhd. zwölf; ne. twelve

-- twelve winters old: got. twalibwintrus 1, twa-lib-wintr-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. zwölfjährig; ne. twelve winters old

twenty: got. stega 1, steg-a, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. zwanzig; ne. twenty; lat. viginti; twai tigjus, got.: nhd. zwanzig; ne. twenty; twaitigjus, twai-tig-j-u-s,  Num. Kard.: nhd. zwanzig; ne. twenty

twenty-seven -- twenty-seven compensations: got. triniungeldo 3, tri-niun-geld-o, lat.- Sb.: nhd. Dreineungeld, Siebenundzwanzigfachentgelt; ne. twenty-seven compensations

twice: got. twaim sinþam, got.: nhd. zweimal; ne. twice; twa hunda, got.: nhd. zweihundert; ne. two hundred

twig -- twig (N.) (1): got. tains* 1, tain-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zweig, Rebe; ne. branch (N.), shoot (N.), twig (N.) (1)

twine -- twine (V.): got. uswindan* 2, us-wi-nd-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. flechten, winden; ne. twine (V.), intertwine, weave (V.), braid (V.), plait (V.)

twinkling -- twinkling (N.): got. braƕ* 2=1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Braue, Zwinkern, Blick; ne. flicker (N.), blink (N.), twinkling (N.), glance (N.)

twist -- twist into something else: got. inwandjan 1, in-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „hineinwenden“, verdrehen, verkehren; ne. twist into something else, pervert, subvert, distort

twist -- twist (V.): got. *wriggan?, *wri-g-g-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. drehen, winden; ne. wring (V.), twist (V.), wind (V.)

twisted: got. *wranks?, *wra-n-k-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. verdreht; ne. twisted

twisting: got. wraiqs* 1, wrai-q-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. krumm, schräg; ne. curved, winding (Adj.), twisting, crooked

two: got. twai 59, tua,  tua, krim Num. Kard.: nhd. zwei; ne. two

-- each of two: got. ƕaþaruh* 1, ƕa-þar-uh*,  Pron.: nhd. jeder von beiden; ne. each of two

-- each one of two: got. ainƕaþaruh* 1, ai-n-ƕa-þar-uh*,  Pron.: nhd. jeder von beiden; ne. each one of two

-- in two: got. *twis-, *twi-s-, *twi-,  Präf.: nhd. entzwei; ne. in two, in half

-- last of two parties: got. aftuma* 1, af-t-u-m-a*,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. letzte, hintere; ne. aftermost, hindmost, last of two parties

-- numbering two: got. tweihnai* 2,  Num.: nhd. je zwei; ne. two in number, numbering two, two each, dual

-- of the two of you: got. igqar* 1, iggqar*,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. euch beiden gehörig, euer beider; ne. your, of you both, of the two of you

-- one of the two upper limbs of the body: got. arms (2) 4, ar-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Arm; ne. arm, one of the two upper limbs of the body

-- the two of us: got. wit 8, wi-t,  Pron.: nhd. wir beide; ne. we two, the both of us, the two of us

-- two by two: got. twans ƕanzuh: nhd. je zwei; ne. two by two, in twos; twans ƕanzuh: nhd. je zwei; ne. two by two, in twos

-- two each: got. tweihnai* 2,  Num.: nhd. je zwei; ne. two in number, numbering two, two each, dual

-- two hundred: got. twa hunda, got.: nhd. zweihundert; ne. two hundred

-- two in number: got. tweihnai* 2,  Num.: nhd. je zwei; ne. two in number, numbering two, two each, dual

-- two thousand: got. twōs þūsundjōs, st. F. (jō): nhd. zweitausend; ne. two thousand; twōs þūsundjōs: nhd. zweitausend, ne. two thousand

-- we two: got. wit 8, wi-t,  Pron.: nhd. wir beide; ne. we two, the both of us, the two of us

-- which of two: got. ƕaþar 6, ƕa-þar,  Pron.: nhd. wer von beiden; ne. which of two

-- ye two: got. jut* 8, ju-t*,  Pers.-Pron. (2. Pers. Dual): nhd. ihr beide; ne. you two, ye two, the both of you

-- you two: got. jut* 8, ju-t*,  Pers.-Pron. (2. Pers. Dual): nhd. ihr beide; ne. you two, ye two, the both of you

twos -- in twos: got. twans ƕanzuh: nhd. je zwei; ne. two by two, in twos

-ty: got. -tēhund, -tē-hund,  Suff.: nhd. -zig; ne. -ty; tigjus* 12, tig-ju-s*, tigus*,  st. M. (u), N. Pl.: nhd. Zehnzahl, -zig; ne. tens, -ty

type -- of what type: got. ƕileiks 17=16, ƕi-leik-s,  Pron., Adj. (a): nhd. wie beschaffen, was für ein, welcher; ne. what sort of, what kind of, which, of what type

typical -- typical representation: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

typology: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

u: got. u 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. u, Abkürzung für 70; ne. u, abbreviation for 70

ultimately: got. und andi, Adv.: nhd. zuletzt; ne. ultimately, at last, in the end

un-: got. un-,  Präf.: nhd. un-; ne. un-, non-, a-

unable -- unable to speak: got. unrōdjands 3, un-rō-d-jan-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht redend, stumm; ne. unspeaking, speechless, dumb, unable to speak

unadulterated: got. aírkns* 1, aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig; ne. holy, genuine, pure, sincere, unadulterated; pistikeins* 1, pistik-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unverfälscht, echt; ne. of a pistachio-tree, genuine, unadulterated, pure, undiluted

unadulteratedness: got. aírkniþa* 2=1, aírkn-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Lauterkeit, Echtheit, Reinheit; ne. genuineness, integrity, probity, purity, sincerity, unadulteratedness

unafraid: got. unagands 3=2, un-ag-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. „unfurchtsam“, furchtlos; ne. unfearing, unafraid, fearless

unafraidness: got. unagei* 1, un-ag-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Furchtlosigkeit; ne. fearlessness, unfearfulness, unafraidness

unalloyedness: got. hlūtriþa* 1, hlū-t-r-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Lauterkeit, Reinheit, Aufrichtigkeit; ne. purity, unalloyedness

unamenable: got. ungaƕaírbs* 3, un-ga-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unfügsam, ungehorsam; ne. uncompliant, unruly, unbelieving, refractory, unamenable

unanimity: got. ainamundiþa* 3, ai-n-a-mun-d-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Einheit, Einmütigkeit; ne. one-mindedness, unanimity

unanimous: got. *ainamunds?, *ai-n-a-mun-d-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. of one mind, unanimous; gawiljis* 3, ga-wi-l-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. einmütig, gewillt; ne. „co-volitional“, together in will, concordant, unanimous; samasaiwals* 1, sam-a-sai-w-al-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. unanimous, of the same soul, united in soul, of the same mind

unanticipatedly: got. unwēniggō 1, un-wēn-igg-ō,  Adv.: nhd. unerwartet, plötzlich, unverhofft; ne. unexpectedly, unanticipatedly, unawares

unapproachable: got. unatgāhts* 1, un-at-gā-h-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unzugänglich; ne. inaccessible, unapproachable

unassailable: got. unfaírina* 2, un-faír-in-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos, außer Schuld, ohne Tadel; ne. unimpeachable, blameless, beyond accusation, unassailable, unblamable; ungafaírinōnds 2, un-ga-faír-in-ōn-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. tadellos, unbescholten; ne. irreprehensible, unassailable, unculpable

unassailed: got. ungafaírinōþs 5=4, un-ga-faír-in-ō-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. tadellos, unbescholten, schuldlos; ne. unimpeached, unassailed, blameless, irreproachable

unavailing: got. unnuts* 1, un-nut-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. unnütz, töricht; ne. useless, unavailing, foolish

unawares: got. unwēniggō 1, un-wēn-igg-ō,  Adv.: nhd. unerwartet, plötzlich, unverhofft; ne. unexpectedly, unanticipatedly, unawares

unbearing: got. unbaírands* 3, un-baír-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht tragend; ne. unbearing, non-bearing

unbecomingly: got. unwaírþaba 2, un-waír-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. unwürdig; ne. unworthily, unbecomingly

unbelieving: got. ungaƕaírbs* 3, un-ga-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unfügsam, ungehorsam; ne. uncompliant, unruly, unbelieving, refractory, unamenable; ungalaubjands 22, un-ga-laub-jan-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. ungläubig, ungehorsam; ne. unbelieving, uncompliant, disobedient

unbent: got. unwāhs* 1, un-wā-h-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadellos, untadelhaft; ne. uncrooked, unbent, undevious, unswerving, undivergent, blameless

unbind: got. andbindan 13, and-bind-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. entbinden, lösen, auflösen, erklären, losbinden; ne. unbind, loose (V.)

unblamable: got. unfaírina* 2, un-faír-in-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos, außer Schuld, ohne Tadel; ne. unimpeachable, blameless, beyond accusation, unassailable, unblamable

unblamably: got. unfaírinōdaba 1, un-faír-in-ōd-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. untadelig, tadellos; ne. unblamably, blamelessly

unblemished: got. gahails* 1, ga-hai-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ganz unversehrt; ne. intact, whole, unblemished

unblurred: got. unskaus* 1, un-skau-s*, usskaus*?,  Adj. (wa): nhd. nüchtern; ne. unobscured, unblurred, undimmed, sober (Adj.)

unborn: got. unbaúrans* 1, un-baúr-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ungeboren; ne. unborn

unbound -- become unbound: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

unbound -- be unbound: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

unbridledly: got. usstiuriba 1, us-stiu-r-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. zügellos; ne. unbridledly, uncontrolledly, profligately, dissolutely, out of control

unbridledness: got. usstiurei 2, us-stiu-r-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zügellosigkeit, Liederlichkeit; ne. libertinage, licentiousness, unbridledness, dissoluteness

unburdensomeness: got. unkaúreins* 1, un-kaúr-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Unbeschwerde, Unbeschwerlichkeit; ne. unburdensomeness

uncaring: got. unkarja 2, un-kar-ja,  sw. Adj.: nhd. sorglos, unbesorgt; ne. uncaring, careless, negligent, without attention

unceasing -- unceasing (Adj.): got. unƕeila* 1, un-ƕei-l-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. unablässig, beständig; ne. unpausing, without pause, unceasing (Adj.); unsweibands 4, un-swei-b-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unaufhörlich; ne. unceasing (Adj.), ceaseless, uncessant

uncertain: got. unwiss* 1, un-wi-s-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungewiss, ins Ungewisse; ne. uncertain, unsure

-- be uncertain: got. þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

uncessant: got. unsweibands 4, un-swei-b-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unaufhörlich; ne. unceasing (Adj.), ceaseless, uncessant

uncharitable: got. unmilds* 1, un-mil-d-s*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. lieblos; ne. uncharitable, unkind, uncompassionate

uncircumcised: got. unbimaitans* 1, un-bi-mai-t-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbeschnitten; ne. uncircumcised

uncircumcision: got. unbimait* 1, un-bi-mai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Nichtbeschneidung, Vorhaut; ne. uncircumcision, foreskin

unclean: got. gamains 6, ga-mai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gemein, gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, teilhaftig, unheilig; ne. participant (Adj.), sharing (Adj.), shared, communal, commutual, common (Adj.), ordinary, unclean, vulgar, profane; unhrains 23, un-hrai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unrein, ungebildet; ne. unclean, ungrammatical, impure, unrefined, unpolished, unskilled

-- unclean (Adj.): got. gawamms* 1, ga-wam-m-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gemein, unrein, befleckt; ne. spotted, stained, unclean (Adj.)

uncleanness: got. unhrainei* 1, un-hrai-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unreinheit; ne. uncleanness; unhrainiþa 5, un-hrai-n-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Unreinheit; ne. impurity, uncleanness

unclothe: got. andwasjan* 1, and-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entkleiden; ne. unclothe, undress, divest

uncompassionate: got. unmilds* 1, un-mil-d-s*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. lieblos; ne. uncharitable, unkind, uncompassionate

uncompliant: got. ungaƕaírbs* 3, un-ga-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unfügsam, ungehorsam; ne. uncompliant, unruly, unbelieving, refractory, unamenable; ungalaubjands 22, un-ga-laub-jan-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. ungläubig, ungehorsam; ne. unbelieving, uncompliant, disobedient

uncomprehending: got. unfraþjands* 1, un-fraþ-jan-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unverständig; ne. unperceiving, uncomprehending, mindless, foolish

uncontrolled: got. *usstiurs?, *us-stiu-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. zügellos; ne. uncontrolled

uncontrolledly: got. usstiuriba 1, us-stiu-r-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. zügellos; ne. unbridledly, uncontrolledly, profligately, dissolutely, out of control

uncontroverted: got. unandsakans* 1, un-and-sak-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbestritten; ne. uncontroverted, undisputed

uncorrupt: got. uswaúrhts* (1) 5, us-waúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gerecht; ne. right (Adj.), righteous, justified, uncorrupt

uncover: got. andhuljan 13, and-hul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. enthüllen, abdecken, entblößen, offenbaren; ne. uncover, unveil, reveal (V.); *bazjan?, *baz-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leeren, entkräften, entblößen; ne. empty (V.), weaken, debilitate, bare (V.), expose, uncover

uncovered: got. andhuliþs*, and-hul-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. enthüllt, unverhüllt; ne. uncovered, unveiled; andhuliþs, Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unverhüllt; ne. uncovered

-- not uncovered: got. unandhuliþs* 1, un-and-hul-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unenthüllt; ne. not uncovered, non-unveiled, unlifted

uncovering: got. andhuleins* 8, and-hul-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Enthüllung, Offenbarung; ne. uncovering, revealing, revelation

uncrooked: got. unwāhs* 1, un-wā-h-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadellos, untadelhaft; ne. uncrooked, unbent, undevious, unswerving, undivergent, blameless

unculpable: got. ungafaírinōnds 2, un-ga-faír-in-ōn-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. tadellos, unbescholten; ne. irreprehensible, unassailable, unculpable

undeceitful: got. unliuts* 2, un-liut-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeheuchelt, ohne Falsch; ne. undeceitful, infeigned, sincere, unhypocritical

undeniably: got. raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure

under: got. in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; *ubuh?, *ub-uh?,  Präp.: nhd. unter; ne. under; uf 37,  Präp.: nhd. unter; ne. under, underneath, beneath; undar 1,  Präp.: nhd. unter; ne. under, underneath; undarō 2, undar-ō,  Präp., m. Dat.: nhd. unter; ne. under, beneath

-- hold out under: got. gabeidan* 1, ga-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ausharren, ertragen; ne. endure, abide, hold out under

-- put under oath: got. biswaran* 2, bi-swar-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. beschwören; ne. adjure, put under oath

-- seclude under cover: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

-- serve under a war-lord: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- service under a war-lord: got. draúhtinassus* 1, draú-h-t-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), service under a war-lord, military service, soldiering

-- under oath: got. ufaiþeis* 1, uf-ai-þ-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. durch Eid verpflichtet, durch Eid verbunden, vereidet; ne. under oath, bound by oath

-- under persecution: got. *wrēks?, *wrē-k-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. verfolgt; ne. persecuted, under persecution

-- under those circumstances: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

underfoot -- tread underfoot: got. gatrudan 1, ga-tru-d-an,  unr. st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zertreten (V.), niedertreten; ne. trample down, tread underfoot

undergo -- undergo childbirth pangs (with): got. fitan* 2, fit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. kreißen, gebären; ne. undergo childbirth pangs (with), give birth (to) amid throes, be in labour (with)

undergo -- undergo suffering: got. winnan 15, wi-n-n-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. leiden, Schmerz leiden; ne. suffer, undergo suffering

undergo -- undergo the travail of: got. gawinnan* 1, ga-wi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erleiden, leiden; ne. suffer (V.), undergo the travail of

undermost: got. undarists* 1, undar-ist-s*,  Adj. (a), Superl.: nhd. das Innere, innerste, die untersten; ne. undermost, lowest, nethermost, interior (N.), lower parts

underneath: got. uf 37,  Präp.: nhd. unter; ne. under, underneath, beneath; undar 1,  Präp.: nhd. unter; ne. under, underneath

-- write underneath: got. ufmēljan* 5, uf-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unterschreiben; ne. sign (V.), write underneath

understand: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent; kunnan (1) 97=96, kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. kennen, wissen; ne. be acquainted, know, understand

-- not understand: got. ni fraþjan, got.: nhd. nicht verstehen; ne. not understand

-- understand in a certain way: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

understanding: got. aha* 6, ah-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Sinn, Verstand; ne. mental faculty, mind (N.), understanding, reason (N.), source of thought; hugs* (1) 1, hug-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Verstand, Sinn; ne. understanding, faculty of perception, faculty of disposition, mind (N.)

-- accurate understanding: got. ufkunþi* 8, uf-kun-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erkenntnis; ne. knowledge, accurate understanding, recognition

-- a thwarting of the understanding: got. fraþjamarzeins 1, fraþ-ja-mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verstandestäuschung; ne. comprehension-impediment, a thwarting of the understanding

-- lack of understanding: got. niuklahei* 1, niu-k-l-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kleinmut, Unverstand; ne. childishness, childlikeness, lack of understanding, faintheartedness

-- lead astray the understanding of: got. afhugjan* 1, af-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezaubern; ne. lead astray the understanding of, bewitch

-- manner of understanding: got. gahugds* 12, ga-hug-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesinnung, Sinn, Gewissen; ne. manner of understanding, mode of perception, mind (N.), conscience, mind-set, mind (N.), thought

-- understanding (N.): got. fraþi 14, fraþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verstand, Sinn, Gesinnung; ne. understanding (N.), perception, viewpoint, attitude, disposition, mindedness

undertake: got. duginnan* 47=46, du-gi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. beginnen, anfangen, versuchen, (werden); ne. begin (V.), attempt, undertake, shall being

undertaking -- profitable undertaking: got. faíhugawaúrki 1, faíh-u-ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erwerb, Geldgewinn, Gewinn; ne. profitable undertaking, lucrative enterprise, gain of money

undevious: got. unwāhs* 1, un-wā-h-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadellos, untadelhaft; ne. uncrooked, unbent, undevious, unswerving, undivergent, blameless

undignified: got. unswērs 3, un-s-wēr-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. nicht geachtet, verachtet; ne. unhonoured, dishonoured, ignoble, undignified, despised

undiluted: got. pistikeins* 1, pistik-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unverfälscht, echt; ne. of a pistachio-tree, genuine, unadulterated, pure, undiluted

undimmed: got. unskaus* 1, un-skau-s*, usskaus*?,  Adj. (wa): nhd. nüchtern; ne. unobscured, unblurred, undimmed, sober (Adj.)

undisciplined: got. ungatass* 1, un-ga-ta-s-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeordnet, zügellos; ne. disordered, disorderly, disarranged, idle, undisciplined; untals* 3, un-tal-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unfügsam, unbotmäßig, ungehorsam, ungebildet, töricht; ne. uneducated, untrained, undisciplined, ineducable, ignorant

undiscovered -- be undiscovered: got. galaugnjan 3, ga-laug-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbergen, verborgen bleiben; ne. be undiscovered, escape detection, hide (V.), be hidden, conceal (V.)

undisputed: got. unandsakans* 1, un-and-sak-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbestritten; ne. uncontroverted, undisputed

undivergent: got. unwāhs* 1, un-wā-h-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadellos, untadelhaft; ne. uncrooked, unbent, undevious, unswerving, undivergent, blameless

undomesticated: got. wilþeis 3, wil-þ-ei-s,  Adj. (ia): nhd. wild; ne. wild, undomesticated

undress: got. andhamōn* (sik) 1, and-ham-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. entkleiden, ausziehen; ne. divest, undress; andwasjan* 1, and-was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entkleiden; ne. unclothe, undress, divest

undressed -- get undressed: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

undulation: got. wēgs 4, wēg-s,  st. M. (a/i): nhd. Erschütterung, Sturm, Wellenschlag, Brandung, Woge; ne. storm (N.), wave (N.), wave motion, undulation

undying: got. unƕapnands* 3, un-ƕap-n-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unauslöschlich; ne. quenchless, undying, not becoming extinguished, unquenchable, inextinguishable

uneducated: got. untals* 3, un-tal-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unfügsam, unbotmäßig, ungehorsam, ungebildet, töricht; ne. uneducated, untrained, undisciplined, ineducable, ignorant; unuslaisiþs 1, un-us-lais-iþ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbelehrt, ungelehrt; ne. uninstructed, uneducated, untaught

unestablished: got. ungastōþs* 1, un-ga-stō-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohne festen Stand, ohne bleibende Stätte; ne. unstable, unestablished, homeless

uneven -- uneven area: got. usdrusts* 1, us-dru-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. rauher Weg; ne. potholed area, uneven area, rough road

unexpectedly: got. unwēniggō 1, un-wēn-igg-ō,  Adv.: nhd. unerwartet, plötzlich, unverhofft; ne. unexpectedly, unanticipatedly, unawares

unexplainable: got. unusspillōþs* 2, un-us-spil-l-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. nicht auszuerzählen, unerforschlich; ne. inexpressible, unexplainable, unfathomable

unexplorable: got. unbilaistiþs* 1, un-bi-lais-t-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unaufspürbar, unbegreiflich, unerforscht; ne. untraced, unexplored, untrackable, unexplorable, inscrutable

unexplored: got. unbilaistiþs* 1, un-bi-lais-t-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unaufspürbar, unbegreiflich, unerforscht; ne. untraced, unexplored, untrackable, unexplorable, inscrutable

unfalsifying: got. unliugands 1, un-liug-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht lügend; ne. unlying (Adj.), unfalsifying

unfathomable: got. unusspillōþs* 2, un-us-spil-l-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. nicht auszuerzählen, unerforschlich; ne. inexpressible, unexplainable, unfathomable

unfearfulness: got. unagei* 1, un-ag-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Furchtlosigkeit; ne. fearlessness, unfearfulness, unafraidness

unfearing: got. unagands 3=2, un-ag-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. „unfurchtsam“, furchtlos; ne. unfearing, unafraid, fearless

unfermented: got. unbeistjōþs* 1, un-bei-st-j-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ungesäuert; ne. unleavened, unfermented

unfermentedness: got. unbeistei* 1, un-bei-st-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ungesäuertsein, ungesäuertes Brot; ne. unleavenedness, unfermentedness

unfittingly -- unfittingly precipitate: got. untilamalsks* 1, un-til-a-malsk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. voreilig, unbesonnen; ne. unfittingly precipitate, unsuitably foolhardy, inappropriately brash, reckless

unfruitful: got. akranalaus 1, ak-r-an-a-lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „kornlos“, „fruchtlos“, unfruchtbar; ne. fruitless, unfruitful, without fruit

ungentle -- ungentle situation: got. unsūti* 1, un-sūt-i*,  st. N. (ja)?, st. N. (ja)?: nhd. Aufstand, Aufruhr; ne. unmildness, untranquility, ungentle situation, confusion

ungenuine: got. unaírkns* 3, un-aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unheilig, gottlos; ne. impure, ungenuine, distorted, adulterated, corrupted, unholy

ungodliness: got. afgudei* 2, af-gu-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottlosigkeit; ne. ungodliness, irreligiosity, impiety

ungrammatical: got. unhrains 23, un-hrai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unrein, ungebildet; ne. unclean, ungrammatical, impure, unrefined, unpolished, unskilled

ungrateful: got. unfagrs* 1, un-fag-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unpassend; ne. unsuitable, unsuited, ungrateful

unguent: got. salbōns* 1, salb-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Salbe; ne. ointment, salve (1) (N.), unguent

unhappy: got. unwunands 1, un-wun-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. beängstigt, bekümmert; ne. discontent, unhappy, upset (Adj.)

unhealthiness: got. unhaili* 2, un-hai-l-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schwäche, Krankheit; ne. unhealthiness, infirmity, disability, sickness, weakness

unhealthy: got. unhails* 4, un-hai-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. krank; ne. unhealthy, ailing, unwell, sick

unholy: got. unaírkns* 3, un-aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unheilig, gottlos; ne. impure, ungenuine, distorted, adulterated, corrupted, unholy; usweihs* 3, us-weih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. außer der Weihe, unheilig, profan; ne. profane (Adj.), execrated, outside of sanctity, unholy

unhonoured: got. unswērs 3, un-s-wēr-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. nicht geachtet, verachtet; ne. unhonoured, dishonoured, ignoble, undignified, despised

unhurt: got. *salwa?, *salw-a?,  sw. Adj.: nhd. heil; ne. intact, unhurt

unhypocritical: got. unhindarweis* 2, un-hi-n-dar-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeheuchelt; ne. unhypocritical, unpretending, sincere; unliuts* 2, un-liut-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeheuchelt, ohne Falsch; ne. undeceitful, infeigned, sincere, unhypocritical

unimpeachable: got. unfaírina* 2, un-faír-in-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos, außer Schuld, ohne Tadel; ne. unimpeachable, blameless, beyond accusation, unassailable, unblamable

unimpeached: got. ungafaírinōþs 5=4, un-ga-faír-in-ō-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. tadellos, unbescholten, schuldlos; ne. unimpeached, unassailed, blameless, irreproachable

uninformed: got. unweis 5, un-wei-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungebildet, unwissend; ne. uninformed, ignorant

uninstructed: got. unuslaisiþs 1, un-us-lais-iþ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbelehrt, ungelehrt; ne. uninstructed, uneducated, untaught

unintelligence: got. unfrōdei* 4, un-frōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Unverstand, Torheit; ne. unintelligence, nonsense, foolishness; unwiti 3, un-wi-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unwissenheit, Unverstand; ne. ignorance, unknowingness, unintelligence, senselessness, foolishness

unintelligent: got. unfrōþs* 5, un-frōþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unverständig; ne. unintelligent, nonsensical, ignorant

unintentional: got. unfaúrweis* 1, un-faúr-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unvorsätzlich, ohne Vorbedacht, unbedacht; ne. unintentional, unwitting, thoughtless

union -- in union: got. samana 12, sam-a-n-a,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, gemeinschaftlich, zugleich; ne. at the same time, all together, in union

unison: got. samaqiss* 2, sam-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übereinstimmung; ne. unison, harmony, accord (N.), agreement

unit -- accept as a unit: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

unit -- chief of a hundred-man military unit: got. hundafaþs 9, hund-a-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Zenturio, Hundertführer; ne. chief of a hundred-man military unit

unit -- single unit: got. waíht 10, waíh-t,  N. (kons.): nhd. etwas; ne. single unit, quantifiable entity

unit -- the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece: got. drakma* 3, drak-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Drachme; ne. drachma, the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece

unite: got. gawidan* 1, ga-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5),: nhd. zusammenbinden, verbinden; ne. conjoin, unite, bind together

-- unite in consanguinity: got. niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

united -- united in soul: got. samasaiwals* 1, sam-a-sai-w-al-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einmütig; ne. unanimous, of the same soul, united in soul, of the same mind

universe -- human universe: got. manasēþs 39, man-a-sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Menschensaat“, Welt, Menschheit; ne. „man-seed“, mankind, the world of humans, human race, human universe, world

unjust: got. inwinds* 5, in-wi-nd-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. „gewunden“, ungerecht, verkehrt, verdorben; ne. perverse (Adj.), wicked, corrupt (Adj.), unjust; skaþuls* 2, skaþ-ul-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. schädlich; ne. wrongdoing (Adj.), unjust, harmful, injurious; untriggws 2, un-tri-g-g-w-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. untreu, ungerecht; ne. untrustworthy, unreliable, unjust

unjustly -- treat unjustly: got. gaskaþjan* 5, ga-skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaden, Schaden zufügen, Unrecht tun; ne. treat unjustly, do wrong to, harm (V.), injure, damage (V.)

unkind: got. unmilds* 1, un-mil-d-s*,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. lieblos; ne. uncharitable, unkind, uncompassionate; unsēls* 9, un-sēl-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. übel, böse; ne. unkind, malevolent, malicious, evil (Adj.)

unkindness: got. unsēlei* 12, un-sēl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit, Schlechtigkeit; ne. unkindness, malevolence, malice, wickedness

unknowing: got. unkunnands 5, un-kun-n-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht kennend, unwissend; ne. unknowing, ignorant

-- unknowing (Adj.): got. unwitands 2, un-wi-t-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs. (1): nhd. unwissend; ne. unknowing (Adj.), ignorant

-- unknowing person: got. unwita 6, un-wi-t-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Unwissender, Unverständiger, Törichter; ne. ignorant person, unknowing person, nonsensical person, fool (M.)

unknowingness: got. unwiti 3, un-wi-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Unwissenheit, Unverstand; ne. ignorance, unknowingness, unintelligence, senselessness, foolishness

unknown: got. unkunþs 2, un-kun-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbekannt; ne. unknown; unswikunþs* 1, un-swi-kun-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unbekannt; ne. unknown, not well-recognized

unlawful: got. unsibjis* 4=3, un-si-b-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. ungesetzlich, gottlos; ne. outlaw, outlawed, excommunicated, unlawful, impious

unlawfullness: got. unsibjōna, sw. Nom. Akk. Pl. N.: nhd. Gesetzeswidrigkeit; ne. unlawfullness

unleavened: got. unbeistjōþs* 1, un-bei-st-j-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ungesäuert; ne. unleavened, unfermented

-- unleavened bread: got. azwmus* 1, a-zw-m-us*,  st. M. (u): nhd. ungesäuertes Brot; ne. unleavened bread

unleavenedness: got. unbeistei* 1, un-bei-st-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ungesäuertsein, ungesäuertes Brot; ne. unleavenedness, unfermentedness

unless: got. alja 17, al-ja,  Konj., Präp. m. Dat.: nhd. außer; ne. but, else than, except, other than, save (Präp.), unless; nibai 58, n-i-ba-i, niba,  Interrog.-Pron., Konj.: nhd. doch nicht etwa, wenn nicht, es sei denn dass, ausgenommen; ne. not possibly, unless, except (Konj.), if not, but not in the case

-- unless it be alternatively that: got. niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that; niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that

unlifted: got. unandhuliþs* 1, un-and-hul-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unenthüllt; ne. not uncovered, non-unveiled, unlifted

unlock: got. uslūkan 17, us-lūk-an,  unr. st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erschließen, öffnen; ne. open (V.), unlock, unsheathe

unlocked -- become unlocked: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

unlocked -- be unlocked: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

unloved: got. unliufs* 1, un-liuf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeliebt, unlieb; ne. unloved

unlying -- unlying (Adj.): got. unliugands 1, un-liug-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht lügend; ne. unlying (Adj.), unfalsifying

unmarried: got. unliugaiþs* 1, un-liug-a-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unverheiratet; ne. unmarried, unwed; unqēniþs* 1, un-qēn-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbeweibt; ne. unwived, unmarried

unmildness: got. unsūti* 1, un-sūt-i*,  st. N. (ja)?, st. N. (ja)?: nhd. Aufstand, Aufruhr; ne. unmildness, untranquility, ungentle situation, confusion

unmoved: got. ungawagiþs* 1, un-ga-wag-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbewegt, unbeweglich; ne. unmoved, unshaken, immovable

unnoticed -- slip in unnoticed: got. innufsliupan* 1, in-n-uf-sliu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. weiter hinaufschlüpfen, hineinschlüpfen; ne. slip on in, slide past on in, slip on past in, slip in unnoticed

unobscured: got. unskaus* 1, un-skau-s*, usskaus*?,  Adj. (wa): nhd. nüchtern; ne. unobscured, unblurred, undimmed, sober (Adj.)

unoccupied -- unoccupied woman: got. unwaúrstwō* 2, un-waúr-st-w-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Untätige, Müßige; ne. non-working woman, unoccupied woman, indolent woman

unorthodoxly: got. aljaleikō 4, al-ja-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. anders; ne. otherwise, differently, unorthodoxly

unpausing: got. unƕeila* 1, un-ƕei-l-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. unablässig, beständig; ne. unpausing, without pause, unceasing (Adj.)

unperceiving: got. unfraþjands* 1, un-fraþ-jan-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unverständig; ne. unperceiving, uncomprehending, mindless, foolish

unpleasant -- with unpleasant difficulty: got. agluba 2, ag-l-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. schwer, schwerlich; ne. arduously, with unpleasant difficulty

unpolished: got. unhrains 23, un-hrai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unrein, ungebildet; ne. unclean, ungrammatical, impure, unrefined, unpolished, unskilled

unprepared: got. unmanwus* 2=1, un-manw-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. unvorbereitet; ne. unprepared, not ready

unpretending: got. unhindarweis* 2, un-hi-n-dar-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungeheuchelt; ne. unhypocritical, unpretending, sincere

unprocessed: got. þarihs* 1, þar-ih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungewalkt; ne. unprocessed, coarse, freshly woven, unshrunk

unqualified: got. ungakusans* 4, un-ga-kus-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verwerflich, nicht probehaltig; ne. unqualified, tested to be unsuccessful, unsuccessful in test

unquenchable: got. unƕapnands* 3, un-ƕap-n-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unauslöschlich; ne. quenchless, undying, not becoming extinguished, unquenchable, inextinguishable

unquestionably -- unquestionably not: got. nei 2,  Negationspartikel: nhd. nicht; ne. not, indeed not, unquestionably not

unrebuffing: got. unufbrikands* 1, un-uf-brik-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs., m. Dat.: nhd. unanstößig; ne. unspurning, unscorning, unrebuffing, not giving offence

unrefined: got. unhrains 23, un-hrai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unrein, ungebildet; ne. unclean, ungrammatical, impure, unrefined, unpolished, unskilled

unreliable: got. untriggws 2, un-tri-g-g-w-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. untreu, ungerecht; ne. untrustworthy, unreliable, unjust

unrighteousness: got. inwindiþa 6, in-wi-nd-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ungerechtigkeit; ne. perverseness, wickedness, corruption, unrighteousness; ungaraíhtei* 1, un-ga-raíh-t-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gesetzlosigkeit, Ungerechtigkeit; ne. unrighteousness, iniquity, injustice, lawlessness

unruly: got. ungaƕaírbs* 3, un-ga-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unfügsam, ungehorsam; ne. uncompliant, unruly, unbelieving, refractory, unamenable; ungatassaba 2, un-ga-ta-s-s-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. unordentlich, ungeregelt; ne. unruly, irregularly, in disarray, in idleness

unsalted: got. unsaltans* 1, un-sal-t-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ungesalzen, kraftlos; ne. unsalted

unscorning: got. unufbrikands* 1, un-uf-brik-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs., m. Dat.: nhd. unanstößig; ne. unspurning, unscorning, unrebuffing, not giving offence

unseasonably: got. unūhteigō 1, un-ūh-t-eig-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zur Unzeit; ne. unseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion

unseeable: got. unanasiuns*, un-ana-siu-n-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unsichtbar; ne. invisible, unseeable

unseeably: got. unanasiuniba 1, un-ana-siu-n-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. unsichtbar; ne. invisibly, unseeably

unseeing: got. unsaíƕands* 1, un-saíƕ-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht sehend; ne. unseeing, blind (Adj.)

unseen: got. ungasaíƕans* 6, un-ga-saíƕ-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ungesehen, unsichtbar; ne. unseen, invisible

unsettle: got. drōbjan* 4, drō-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trüben, irre machen, aufwiegeln, bewegen, erschüttern, aufregen; ne. stir up, excite, agitate, disturb, unsettle, trouble (V.); inwagjan* 2, in-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erregen, aufwiegeln; ne. agitate, unsettle, churn up, move (V.)

unsettled -- become unsettled: got. gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

unsettled -- be unsettled: got. gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

unsettled -- be unsettled by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

unshaken: got. ungawagiþs* 1, un-ga-wag-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbewegt, unbeweglich; ne. unmoved, unshaken, immovable

unshameful: got. unaiwisks* 1, un-aiw-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohne Schande; ne. blameless, without shame, irreproachable, unshameful

unsheathe: got. uslūkan 17, us-lūk-an,  unr. st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erschließen, öffnen; ne. open (V.), unlock, unsheathe

unshrunk: got. þarihs* 1, þar-ih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungewalkt; ne. unprocessed, coarse, freshly woven, unshrunk

unskilled: got. unhrains 23, un-hrai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unrein, ungebildet; ne. unclean, ungrammatical, impure, unrefined, unpolished, unskilled

unspeakable: got. unqēþs* 1, un-qēþ-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unaussprechlich; ne. unspeakable, unutterable, not to be told

unspeaking: got. unrōdjands 3, un-rō-d-jan-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. nicht redend, stumm; ne. unspeaking, speechless, dumb, unable to speak

unspurning: got. unufbrikands* 1, un-uf-brik-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs., m. Dat.: nhd. unanstößig; ne. unspurning, unscorning, unrebuffing, not giving offence

unstable: got. ungastōþs* 1, un-ga-stō-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohne festen Stand, ohne bleibende Stätte; ne. unstable, unestablished, homeless

unstained: got. unwamms* 4, un-wam-m-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fleckenlos, tadellos, rein; ne. spotless, flawless, unstained

unsuccessful -- tested to be unsuccessful: got. ungakusans* 4, un-ga-kus-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verwerflich, nicht probehaltig; ne. unqualified, tested to be unsuccessful, unsuccessful in test

unsuccessful -- unsuccessful in test: got. ungakusans* 4, un-ga-kus-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verwerflich, nicht probehaltig; ne. unqualified, tested to be unsuccessful, unsuccessful in test

unsuitable: got. unfagrs* 1, un-fag-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unpassend; ne. unsuitable, unsuited, ungrateful

unsuitably -- unsuitably foolhardy: got. untilamalsks* 1, un-til-a-malsk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. voreilig, unbesonnen; ne. unfittingly precipitate, unsuitably foolhardy, inappropriately brash, reckless

unsuited: got. unfagrs* 1, un-fag-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unpassend; ne. unsuitable, unsuited, ungrateful

unsure: got. unwiss* 1, un-wi-s-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungewiss, ins Ungewisse; ne. uncertain, unsure

unswerving: got. unwāhs* 1, un-wā-h-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadellos, untadelhaft; ne. uncrooked, unbent, undevious, unswerving, undivergent, blameless

untainted: got. hlūtrs* 1, hlū-t-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lauter, rein; ne. pure, untainted, clean (Adj.)

untamed: got. unmanariggws* 2=1, un-man-a-rigg-w-s*, unmanatriggws*?,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungezähmt, wild, grausam; ne. untamed, barbarous, treacherous, wild (Adj.), cruel (Adj.)

untaught: got. unuslaisiþs 1, un-us-lais-iþ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbelehrt, ungelehrt; ne. uninstructed, uneducated, untaught

untertaking -- commercial untertaking: got. gawaúrki 5, ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschäft, Erwerb, Gewinn; ne. acquisitiveness, commercial untertaking, business deal, business, acquisition, gain (N.)

unthankful: got. launawargs* 1, lau-n-a-war-g-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. undankbar; ne. ingratiate, unthankful

untied -- become untied: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

untied -- be untied: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

until: got. in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; *tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, zu; ne. until, to; und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

-- until now: got. und hita, got.: nhd. bis jetzt; ne. until now

-- until such time as: got. und þata þei, got.: nhd. so lange als; ne. until such time as; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- until the day when: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- until the end of the period in which: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- until the time that: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- until today: got. und hina daga: nhd. bis heute; ne. unto this day, until today

-- until when: got. und ƕa, Pron.: nhd. wie lange; ne. until when, how long

-- up until: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

untimely -- on an untimely occasion: got. unūhteigō 1, un-ūh-t-eig-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zur Unzeit; ne. unseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion

untimely -- untimely (Adj.): got. *unūhteigs?, *un-ūh-t-eig-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. unzeitig; ne. untimely (Adj.)

unto: got. du 955,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. zu, nach - hin, für, in; ne. to, unto, towards, in, at; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

-- come unto: got. anaqiman* 1, an-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. hinzutreten zu, hinzukommen; ne. come upon, come unto, approach (V.)

-- give unto: got. atgiban 73, at-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hingeben, übergeben (V.), geben, darreichen; ne. give unto, deliver into the custody of, give over to

-- take unto: got. atniman* 1, at-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. aufnehmen, versetzen, annehmen; ne. take unto, transfer to, bring into

-- take unto o. s.: got. niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away

-- unto this day: got. und hina daga: nhd. bis heute; ne. unto this day, until today

untraced: got. unbilaistiþs* 1, un-bi-lais-t-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unaufspürbar, unbegreiflich, unerforscht; ne. untraced, unexplored, untrackable, unexplorable, inscrutable; unfaírlaistiþs* 1, un-faír-lais-t-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unaufspürbar, unerforschlich; ne. untraced, untracked, inscrutable

untrackable: got. unbilaistiþs* 1, un-bi-lais-t-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unaufspürbar, unbegreiflich, unerforscht; ne. untraced, unexplored, untrackable, unexplorable, inscrutable

untracked: got. unfaírlaistiþs* 1, un-faír-lais-t-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unaufspürbar, unerforschlich; ne. untraced, untracked, inscrutable

untrained: got. untals* 3, un-tal-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unfügsam, unbotmäßig, ungehorsam, ungebildet, töricht; ne. uneducated, untrained, undisciplined, ineducable, ignorant

untranquility: got. unsūti* 1, un-sūt-i*,  st. N. (ja)?, st. N. (ja)?: nhd. Aufstand, Aufruhr; ne. unmildness, untranquility, ungentle situation, confusion

untrue -- declare untrue: got. laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

untrustworthy: got. untriggws 2, un-tri-g-g-w-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. untreu, ungerecht; ne. untrustworthy, unreliable, unjust

untruth -- tell an untruth: got. liugan* (2) 6, liug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. lügen, belügen; ne. lie (1) (V.), tell a lie, tell an untruth, speak falsely

untruthful: got. liugands*, liug-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. lügnerisch; ne. untruthful, mendacious

unused: got. niujis 26=25, niu-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. neu, jung; ne. new, fresh (Adj.), unused, young

unutterable: got. unqēþs* 1, un-qēþ-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unaussprechlich; ne. unspeakable, unutterable, not to be told

unvaluable: got. ungalaufs* 1, un-ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wertlos; ne. unvaluable, cheap, of no value

unveil: got. andhuljan 13, and-hul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. enthüllen, abdecken, entblößen, offenbaren; ne. uncover, unveil, reveal (V.)

unveiled: got. andhuliþs*, and-hul-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. enthüllt, unverhüllt; ne. uncovered, unveiled

unwashed: got. unþwahans* 2, un-þwah-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ungewaschen; ne. unwashed

unwed: got. unliugaiþs* 1, un-liug-a-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unverheiratet; ne. unmarried, unwed

unwell: got. unhails* 4, un-hai-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. krank; ne. unhealthy, ailing, unwell, sick

unwilling -- be unwilling: got. unwērjan 2, un-wēr-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unwillig sein (V.), zürnen; ne. disagree, refuse to agree, be disagreeable, be unwilling

unwillingness: got. unwērei* 1, un-wēr-ei*, unwēreins*,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (i/ō)?: nhd. Unwille; ne. disagreeability, unwillingness

unwitting: got. unfaúrweis* 1, un-faúr-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unvorsätzlich, ohne Vorbedacht, unbedacht; ne. unintentional, unwitting, thoughtless

unwived: got. unqēniþs* 1, un-qēn-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. unbeweibt; ne. unwived, unmarried

unworthily: got. unwaírþaba 2, un-waír-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. unwürdig; ne. unworthily, unbecomingly

unworthy: got. *unwaírþs?, *un-waír-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. unwürdig; ne. unworthy

up: got. iup 3,  Adv.: nhd. aufwärts, hinauf; ne. up, upwards

-- bandage up the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

-- bear up: got. hafjan* 1, haf-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. heben, aufheben; ne. hold up, bear up, lift (V.)

-- be burnt up: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- become burnt up: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- become filled up: got. gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up; usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- become overly raised up: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- become shut up: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

-- be filled up: got. gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up; usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- being puffed up: got. ufswalleins* 1, uf-swal-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō),: nhd. Aufgeblasenheit, Hochmut; ne. swelling up, swollenness, bloatedness, vanity, being puffed up

-- be overly raised up: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- be puffed up: got. ufarhauhjan* 1, uf-ar-hau-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „überhöhen“, verblenden; ne. over-exalt, over-extol, be puffed up; ufblēsan* 3, uf-blē-s-an*,  red. V. (4): nhd. aufblasen, sich aufblähen; ne. blow up, puff up, boast (V.), be puffed up

-- be shut up: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

-- bind up: got. bibindan* 1, bi-bind-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umbinden, umwickeln; ne. bind about, bind around, bind up

-- bind up the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

-- bind up the mouth of: got. faúrmūljan* 1, faúr-mū-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. das Maul verbinden; ne. muzzle (V.), bind up the mouth of

-- bloat up: got. ufbauljan* 1, uf-bau-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufblasen; ne. make swell, make swollen, bloat up; *ufswalljan?, *uf-swal-l-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschwellen, aufblasen; ne. swell up, bloat up

-- block up as with a dam: got. faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam

-- blow up: got. ufblēsan* 3, uf-blē-s-an*,  red. V. (4): nhd. aufblasen, sich aufblähen; ne. blow up, puff up, boast (V.), be puffed up

-- bring up: got. attiuhan 12, at-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. herbeiziehen, herbeiführen, herbeibringen, hereinführen, bringen; ne. bring up, take up, convey (V.), conduct into proximity; fōdjan* 5, fō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ernähren, aufziehen; ne. feed, nourish, nurture, bring up, rear (V.); ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

-- bring up off: got. athafjan 1, at-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. „herabheben“, herabnehmen; ne. lift down off, bring up off, take down

-- building up: got. gatimreins* 2, ga-tim-r-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erbauung; ne. building up, construction, edification

-- build up: got. gatimrjan* 8, ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erbauen, bauen; ne. build, build up, construct (V.)

-- burn up: got. intandjan* 1, in-tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „anzünden“, verbrennen, in Brand setzen; ne. incinerate, burn up, consume by fire; ufbrinnan* 1, uf-bri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. burn up, become scorched

-- buy up: got. usbugjan* 7, us-bug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erkaufen; ne. buy (V.), buy up, acquire through purchase (V.), redeem

-- cause to rise up: got. urraisjan 26, ur-rai-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Aufstehen bringen, aufrichten, erwecken, erregen, aufregen; ne. cause to rise up, raise up, rouse (V.), arouse

-- cheering up: got. gaþlaihts* 11, ga-þlaih-t-s*, gaþlaifts*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Trost; ne. encouragement, heartening, cheering up, comfort (N.)

-- cheer up: got. anaþrafstjan* 2, an-a-þraf-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „trösten“, erquicken; ne. refresh, put in good spirits, cheer up, relieve; gaþrafstjan 14, ga-þraf-st-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. trösten, ermuntern, Trost bringen, Trost empfangen; ne. cheer up, raise the spirits of, hearten, give consolation to, make comforted, refresh, encourage, give relief; þrafstjan, sik: nhd. sich trösten, getrost vertrauen; ne. take heart, cheer up

-- churn up: got. inwagjan* 2, in-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erregen, aufwiegeln; ne. agitate, unsettle, churn up, move (V.)

-- climb up: got. ussteigan 10, us-steig-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. emporsteigen, hinaufsteigen; ne. climb up, ascend, go up

-- climb up beyond: got. ufarsteigan* 1, uf-ar-steig-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. darüber emporsteigen; ne. climb up beyond, surpass in climbing, go up

-- come up: got. atrinnan* 1, at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run thither, run up to, come up; hindarleiþan 2, hi-n-dar-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinzukommen, vergehen; ne. go past, pass on, pass away, come up

-- come up (of plant seed or the sun): got. urrinnan* 27, ur-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. auslaufen, ausgehen, aufgehen (von Samen oder von der Sonne); ne. run out, emerge, come forth, come up (of plant seed or the sun), rise (V.)

-- come up to: got. atgaggan* 62, at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. hinzugehen, kommen, hinzukommen; ne. go to, betake o.s. to, proceed to, come down to, come up to; duatgaggan* 12, du-at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hinzugehen, hinzukommen zu; ne. go to, come up to, approach (V.)

-- count up: got. *garaþan, *ga-ra-þ-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. zählen; ne. count up, number (V.), tally up; garaþjan* 1, ga-ra-þ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. zählen; ne. count up, number (V.), tally up; *raþan?, *ra-þ-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. zählen; ne. count up

-- cover up: got. gahuljan* 7, ga-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verhüllen, verbergen; ne. cover up, veil (V.); laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

-- cover up for safekeeping: got. filhan 1, fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. verbergen, begraben (V.); ne. hide (V.), conceal, conceal in the ground, bury, cover up for safekeeping

-- curl up: got. *snaírpan?, *snaír-p-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zusammenziehen, sich biegen, krümmen; ne. shrivel, become wrinkled, become furrowed, shrink up, curl up

-- cut up: got. gamaitan* 1, ga-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zerschneiden, verschneiden; ne. cut up

-- dam up: got. faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam

-- dig up: got. ufgraban* 2, uf-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. nachgraben, unterwühlen, aufgraben; ne. dig down into, dig up

-- divide up: got. disdailjan* 3, dis-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. distribute, divide up, partition, parcel out, apportion; disskaidan* 1, dis-skai-d-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zerteilen; ne. cause division in, sunder (V.), split up, divide up

-- dress up: got. fētjan* 1, fēt-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schmücken; ne. dress up, adorn (V.); *gafētjan, *ga-fēt-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kleiden; ne. dress up, adorn (V.)

-- dried up: got. þaúrsus 3, þaúrs-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. dürr, vertrocknet; ne. dry (Adj.), parched, withered, dried up

-- drinking up: got. *afdrugk?, *af-dru-g-k?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Trinken; ne. drinking up

-- drink up your cup: got. kilemschkop 1, krimgot.?, V.?, Sb.?: nhd. trinke den Becher aus; ne. drink up your cup; lat. ebibe calice(m)

-- dry up: got. gaþaírsan* 2, ga-þaírs-an*,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren; ne. dry up, wither (V.), parch (V.); gaþaúrsnan* 5, ga-þaúrs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up, wither, be parched; *þaursnan?, *þaurs-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up

-- eat completely up: got. fraitan* 4, fra-it-an*,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. verzehren, fressen; ne. devour, consume completely, eat completely up

-- eat up in feasting: got. frawisan* 1, fra-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., perfektiv: nhd. verbrauchen, vergeuden, verschwenden; ne. consume by dining, devour through epicurean living, eat up in feasting, squander

-- fill up: got. usfulljan 34=33, us-ful-l-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllen, vollenden, ersetzen, zusammenfassen; ne. fill up, fill completely, fulfill, bring to fulfillment, complete (V.)

-- firm up: got. gaþwastjan* 5=4, ga-þwa-st-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, stärken; ne. firm up, make firm, make secure, solidify, restore, set right

-- fold up: got. falþan* 1, fal-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. falten, zusammenrollen, zusammenlegen; ne. fold (V.), fold up, roll together

-- get up: got. urreisan 58, ur-rei-s-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erstehen, sich erheben, aufstehen; ne. arise, rise (V.), get up

-- get up into a sitting position: got. ussitan* 1, us-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich aufsetzen, sich aufrichten; ne. sit up, get up into a sitting position

-- gird up: got. ufgaírdan* 1, uf-gaír-d-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. umgürten; ne. gird up

-- go up: got. ufarsteigan* 1, uf-ar-steig-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. darüber emporsteigen; ne. climb up beyond, surpass in climbing, go up; ussteigan 10, us-steig-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. emporsteigen, hinaufsteigen; ne. climb up, ascend, go up

-- grind up: got. gamalwjan* 1, ga-mal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zermalmen, zerknirschen; ne. grind up, crush (V.), pulverize, rub to powder

-- grown up: got. uswahsans 2, us-wahs-an-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät., perfektiv: nhd. erwachsen (Adj.); ne. adult (Adj.), grown up, of age

-- grow up: got. *uswahsjan?, *us-wahs-jan?,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. erwachsen (V.); ne. grow up, mature (V.)

-- heap up: got. rikan* 1, rik-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. häufen, anhäufen; ne. rake up, scrape up, heap up

-- high up: got. iupa 5, iup-a,  Adv.: nhd. oben, hinauf; ne. on high, above, aloft, high up

-- hold up: got. hafjan* 1, haf-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. heben, aufheben; ne. hold up, bear up, lift (V.); ufhaban* 1, uf-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufheben, emporhalten; ne. hold up, raise up

-- hold up o.s.: got. *hafnan?, *haf-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich heben; ne. hold up o.s.

-- jump up: got. ushlaupan* 1, us-hlaup-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. aufspringen, sich aufmachen; ne. leap forth, leap up, jump up, spring to one’s feet

-- leap up: got. ushlaupan* 1, us-hlaup-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. aufspringen, sich aufmachen; ne. leap forth, leap up, jump up, spring to one’s feet

-- let up: got. aflinnan* 1, af-li-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. weggehen, fortgehen; ne. leave off, go away, cease from, let up

-- lift up: got. ushafjan 18, us-haf-jan,  st. V. (6): nhd. erheben, wegnehmen; ne. lift up, raise up; ushauhjan 9, us-hau-h-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhöhen; ne. lift up, raise high, elevate, exalt, extol, magnify

-- lift up over: got. ufarhafjan* 1, uf-ar-haf-jan*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. überheben; ne. raise above, lift up over, exalt o.s.

-- lighting up: got. liuhadei* 2, liuh-ad-ei*, liuhadein,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Erleuchtung, Licht; ne. luminosity, luminescence, illumination, lighting up

-- light up: got. galiuhtjan* 2, ga-liuh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erleuchten, ans Licht bringen; ne. give light to, light up, bring to light, illumine, make known

-- liven up: got. anaqiujan 1, an-a-qiu-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, erwecken, lebendig machen; ne. liven up, revitalize, revivify, rekindle, make alive

-- lock up: got. galūkan* 5, ga-lūk-an*,  unr. st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verschließen, fangen, zuschließen, schließen; ne. shut up, lose (V.), enclose, lock (V.), lock up

-- look up: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

-- make roll up: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

-- make roll up before: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

-- make up one’s mind beforehand: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth

-- make wake up: got. uswakjan* 1, us-wak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwecken, aufwecken; ne. awake (V.) (tr.), arouse, make wake up

-- meet up with: got. frarinnan* 1, fra-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich verlaufen zu, geraten unter; ne. run awry, run amiss, meet up with

-- offer up: got. gasaljan* 3, ga-sal-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. opfern, zum Opfer bringen; ne. make an oblation of, offer up, sacrifice (V.)

-- open up: got. aíffaþa 1, got.?, V.: nhd. öffne dich; ne. open up

-- pick up: got. niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away

-- puff up: got. ufblēsan* 3, uf-blē-s-an*,  red. V. (4): nhd. aufblasen, sich aufblähen; ne. blow up, puff up, boast (V.), be puffed up

-- pull up to: got. atþinsan* 2, at-þin-s-an*,  st. V. (3,1), perfektiv: nhd. heranziehen, herbeiziehen, herzuziehen; ne. draw towards, pull up to

-- put up with: got. gaþulan 5, ga-þul-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erdulden, dulden; ne. tolerate, put up with, suffer (V.), stand (V.), endure; usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

-- raise up: got. ufhaban* 1, uf-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufheben, emporhalten; ne. hold up, raise up; urraisjan 26, ur-rai-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Aufstehen bringen, aufrichten, erwecken, erregen, aufregen; ne. cause to rise up, raise up, rouse (V.), arouse; ushafjan 18, us-haf-jan,  st. V. (6): nhd. erheben, wegnehmen; ne. lift up, raise up

-- raise up together: got. miþurraisjan* 2=1, mi-þ-ur-rai-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitaufrichten; ne. raise up together

-- raise up with: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

-- rake up: got. rikan* 1, rik-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. häufen, anhäufen; ne. rake up, scrape up, heap up

-- reel up: got. *anahaspan?, *an-a-hasp-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhaspeln; ne. wind up, reel up; *haspan?, *hasp-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haspeln; ne. wind up, reel up

-- rise up: got. fraqiman* 7, fra-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. verzehren, ausgeben, vertun, verwenden; ne. use up, expend, consume, exhaust (V.), spend, rise up; usstandan 41, us-sta-n-d-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich erheben, aufbrechen, auferstehen, aufstehen; ne. stand up, rise up, arise, emerge, proceed out

-- rise up together: got. miþurreisan* 2, mi-þ-ur-rei-s-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitaufstehen; ne. rise up together, arise together with

-- rising up: got. urrists* 1, ur-ri-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auferstehung; ne. arising (N.), rising up; usstass 16, us-sta-s-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auferstehung; ne. resurrection, rising up

-- roll up: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

-- run up: got. durinnan* 2, du-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run to meet, run forth, run up, approach (V.)

-- run up before: got. duatrinnan* 1, du-at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzurennen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up before

-- run up close by: got. biþragjan* 1, bi-þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeilaufen, vorauslaufen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up close by, run on

-- run up to: got. atrinnan* 1, at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run thither, run up to, come up; biþragjan* 1, bi-þrag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbeilaufen, vorauslaufen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up close by, run on; duatrinnan* 1, du-at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzurennen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up before

-- scrape up: got. rikan* 1, rik-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. häufen, anhäufen; ne. rake up, scrape up, heap up

-- seal up: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

-- segregate by covering up: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

-- set up: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; raisjan* 1, rai-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufrichten; ne. set up, erect (V.)

-- set up as a guidepost: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

-- shrink up: got. *snaírpan?, *snaír-p-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zusammenziehen, sich biegen, krümmen; ne. shrivel, become wrinkled, become furrowed, shrink up, curl up

-- shut up: got. galūkan* 5, ga-lūk-an*,  unr. st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verschließen, fangen, zuschließen, schließen; ne. shut up, lose (V.), enclose, lock (V.), lock up; gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret

-- sit up: got. ussitan* 1, us-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich aufsetzen, sich aufrichten; ne. sit up, get up into a sitting position

-- snatch up: got. frawilwan 8, fra-wil-w-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. fortreißen, gewaltsam ergreifen; ne. grab away, snatch up, seize, wrest away; *rapōn?, *ra-p-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. raffen, rauben; ne. snatch up

-- split up: got. disskaidan* 1, dis-skai-d-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zerteilen; ne. cause division in, sunder (V.), split up, divide up

-- sprout up: got. uskeinan* 3, us-kei-n-an*,  st. sw. V. (1): nhd. hervorkeimen; ne. sprout up, bud forth, grow from

-- sprout up together with: got. miþuskeinan* 1, mi-þ-us-kei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. „mitauskeimen“, mithervorkeimen; ne. sprout up together with, bud forth together with, grow with

-- spurt up: got. *spriutan, *s-priu-t-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. sprießen, hervorschießen; ne. spurt up, sprout (V.)

-- stand up: got. kumei 1, got.?, V.: nhd. steh auf; ne. stand up, arise; usstandan 41, us-sta-n-d-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich erheben, aufbrechen, auferstehen, aufstehen; ne. stand up, rise up, arise, emerge, proceed out

-- step up close to: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

-- stir up: got. drōbjan* 4, drō-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trüben, irre machen, aufwiegeln, bewegen, erschüttern, aufregen; ne. stir up, excite, agitate, disturb, unsettle, trouble (V.); gawagjan 4, ga-wag-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. in Bewegung setzen, ermuntern, anregen, bewegen, erregen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move (V.), make move, set in motion, stir up, cause to totter; uswagjan* 2, us-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erregen; ne. stir up, excite, arouse

-- store up: got. hūhjan* 1, hūh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. häufen, sammeln; ne. accumulate, stockpile (V.), store up; huzdjan 3, hu-z-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Schätze sammeln, sammeln; ne. treasure up, store up, lay away as treasure, gather

-- swallow up: got. fraslindan* 1, fra-sli-nd-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. verschlingen, verschlucken; ne. swallow up, devour

-- swelling up: got. ufswalleins* 1, uf-swal-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō),: nhd. Aufgeblasenheit, Hochmut; ne. swelling up, swollenness, bloatedness, vanity, being puffed up

-- swell up: got. *ufswalljan?, *uf-swal-l-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschwellen, aufblasen; ne. swell up, bloat up

-- take up: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return; attiuhan 12, at-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. herbeiziehen, herbeiführen, herbeibringen, hereinführen, bringen; ne. bring up, take up, convey (V.), conduct into proximity

-- take up quarters: got. ussaljan 1, us-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Herberge nehmen, einkehren; ne. lodge (V.), take lodging, take up quarters

-- take up residence: got. gabáuan 1, ga-báu-an,  unr. V., perfektiv: nhd. Wohnung aufschlagen, wohnen; ne. take up residence, lodge (V.), reside, make a home

-- taking up: got. andanumts 4, and-a-num-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Annahme, Aufnahme, Erhebung; ne. taking up, acceptance

-- tally up: got. *garaþan, *ga-ra-þ-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. zählen; ne. count up, number (V.), tally up; garaþjan* 1, ga-ra-þ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. zählen; ne. count up, number (V.), tally up

-- tread up close onto: got. anatrimpan* 1, an-a-tri-m-p-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. bedrängen, drängen, hinzutreten, zudrängen; ne. tread up close onto, step up close to, crowd by stepping right next to

-- treasure up: got. huzdjan 3, hu-z-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Schätze sammeln, sammeln; ne. treasure up, store up, lay away as treasure, gather

-- trip up: got. gamarzjan* 8, ga-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ärgern, Ärgernis erregen, Ärgernis nehmen (pass., Mat 11,6 CA, Luk 7,23 CA); ne. trip up, make stumble, make falter, thwart (V.), frustrate, cause offense

-- turn up the nose at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

-- up to: got. und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off; ūtana 5, ūt-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außen, äußere, außerhalb; ne. outside, on the outside, outwardly, on the exterior, outside of, out of, up to

-- up to now: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already

-- up to the present interval: got. und þō nū ƕeila, got.: nhd. bis jetzt; ne. up to the present interval

-- up to this moment; Sk 4: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

-- up until: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- use up: got. fraqiman* 7, fra-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. verzehren, ausgeben, vertun, verwenden; ne. use up, expend, consume, exhaust (V.), spend, rise up

-- wake up: got. gawaknan* 1, ga-wak-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erwachen; ne. become awake, awake (V.), wake up

-- well up: got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

-- winding up: got. gamalteins* 1, ga-mal-t-eins*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung; ne. melting away, winding up, dissolution, liquidation

-- wind up: got. *anahaspan?, *an-a-hasp-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhaspeln; ne. wind up, reel up; *haspan?, *hasp-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haspeln; ne. wind up, reel up

-- yield up: got. ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

upbraid: got. anahaitan* 6, an-a-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. anrufen, bitten, schelten; ne. call on, call upon, invoke (V.), reprimand (V.), upbraid, berate, scold (V.)

upbringing: got. talzeins* 1, talz-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lehre, Unterweisung; ne. upbringing, training, instruction, correction, discipline (N.)

uphold: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.); gastōþan 1, ga-stō-þ-an,  sw. V. (3), effektiv: nhd. aufrecht erhalten; ne. make stand, cause to stand, uphold

upon: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- build upon: got. anatimrjan* 2=1, an-a-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „aufzimmern“, daraufbauen, aufbauen; ne. build upon, construct upon

-- call upon: got. anahaitan* 6, an-a-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. anrufen, bitten, schelten; ne. call on, call upon, invoke (V.), reprimand (V.), upbraid, berate, scold (V.)

-- come upon: got. anaqiman* 1, an-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. hinzutreten zu, hinzukommen; ne. come upon, come unto, approach (V.); sniwan* 3, sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. eilen, überkommen; ne. hasten, speed (V.), come upon

-- confer a malediction upon: got. unþiuþjan* 1, un-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fluchen; ne. curse (V.), imprecate evil upon, confer a malediction upon

-- confer benediction upon: got. gaþiuþjan* 4, ga-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. segnen, den Segen geben; ne. confer benediction upon, bless (V.)

-- construct upon: got. anatimrjan* 2=1, an-a-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „aufzimmern“, daraufbauen, aufbauen; ne. build upon, construct upon

-- descend upon: got. disdriusan* 1, dis-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. befallen; ne. fall upon, descend upon, bear down on, beset, attack (V.)

-- exert compulsion upon: got. nauþjan* 4, nau-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nötigen, zwingen; ne. compel, force (V.), exert compulsion upon

-- fall upon: got. disdriusan* 1, dis-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. befallen; ne. fall upon, descend upon, bear down on, beset, attack (V.)

-- heap a burden upon: got. anakaúrjan* 1, an-a-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschweren; ne. heap a burden upon, burden with an overload, cause pain

-- imprecate evil upon: got. unþiuþjan* 1, un-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fluchen; ne. curse (V.), imprecate evil upon, confer a malediction upon

-- inflict injury upon: got. usagljan* 1, us-ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, bedrängen, belästigen, beschimpfen; ne. inflict injury upon, cause harm to, be hurtful to, bother (V.)

-- inflict upon: got. analagjan* 2, an-a-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „einlegen“, auflegen, beibringen; ne. put on, lay upon, inflict upon

-- lay down upon: got. anahnaiwjan* 1, an-a-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. niederlegen; ne. lower onto, lay down upon

-- lay one’s touch upon: got. attēkan 21, at-tēk-an,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. berühren, anrühren; ne. touch (V.), make contact with, lay one’s touch upon

-- lay upon: got. analagjan* 2, an-a-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „einlegen“, auflegen, beibringen; ne. put on, lay upon, inflict upon

-- lie (V.) (2)heavy upon: got. kaúrjan* 11, kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. drücken, belästigen, beschweren; ne. weigh down, burden (V.), lie (V.) (2)heavy upon, oppress

-- look upon: got. insaíƕan 12, in-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinsehen, ansehen, auf etwas sehen, nach etwas sehen, aufblicken, sich umsehen; ne. look at, look upon, look thither; rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

-- pass judgement upon: got. stōjan, stō-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. richten, beurteilen; ne. judge (V.), pass judgement upon, sit in judgement on

-- press upon: got. anapraggan* 1, an-a-pragg-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. bedrängen, bedrücken; ne. press upon, oppress, trouble (V.)

-- pronounce good upon: got. þiuþjan* 19, þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. segnen; ne. bless (V.), confer benediction, pronounce good upon

-- set a seal upon: got. gasigljan* 4=3, ga-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. besiegeln, bestätigen, versiegeln; ne. set a seal upon, seal (V.)

-- spit upon: got. bispeiwan* 2, bi-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. bespeien, anspeien; ne. spit upon, spit at, cover with spit

upper -- one of the two upper limbs of the body: got. arms (2) 4, ar-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Arm; ne. arm, one of the two upper limbs of the body

upper -- upper room: got. kēlikn* 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Turm, Speisesaal im Obergeschoß, Söller; ne. tower (N.), upper room, loft (N.), upstairs room

upright: got. garaíhts 36=35, ga-raíh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gerecht; ne. upright, righteous, just (Adj.); *sibjis, *si-b-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gerecht, gesetzlich; ne. fair (Adj.), upright, lawful

uprightly: got. garaíhtaba 4, ga-raíh-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. gerecht, mit Recht; ne. uprightly, righteously, justly, with right; *raíhtaba 6, *raíh-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. recht, richtig; ne. uprightly, rightly, correctly, straightly

uprightness: got. garaíhtei 40, ga-raíh-t-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gerechtigkeit, Gebot; ne. righteousness, uprightness, rectitude, justice, order (N.), command (N.); uswaúrhts* (2) 2, us-waúrh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gerechtigkeit; ne. righteousness, uprightness, rectitude, virtuousness, justice

uproar -- make an uproar: got. auhjōn* 2, auhj-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen, schreien; ne. make a noise, be tumultuously noisy, make an uproar

uproar -- uproar (N.): got. áuhjōdus* 2, áuhj-ōdu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Lärm; ne. uproar (N.), noise, noisy tumult

upset -- be upset by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

upset -- upset (Adj.): got. unwunands 1, un-wun-an-d-s,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. beängstigt, bekümmert; ne. discontent, unhappy, upset (Adj.)

upstairs -- upstairs room: got. kēlikn* 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Turm, Speisesaal im Obergeschoß, Söller; ne. tower (N.), upper room, loft (N.), upstairs room

upwards: got. iup 3,  Adv.: nhd. aufwärts, hinauf; ne. up, upwards

urge -- urge (V.): got. instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

u-rune -- name of u-rune: got. *ūrs ūraz, *ū-r-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Auerochs, u-Rune; ne. urus, aurochs, name of u-rune

urus: got. *ūrs ūraz, *ū-r-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Auerochs, u-Rune; ne. urus, aurochs, name of u-rune

us -- of us both: got. *ugkar?,  Poss.-Pron. (1. Pers. Dual.): nhd. unser beider; ne. of us both

us -- the both of us: got. wit 8, wi-t,  Pron.: nhd. wir beide; ne. we two, the both of us, the two of us

us -- the two of us: got. wit 8, wi-t,  Pron.: nhd. wir beide; ne. we two, the both of us, the two of us

usable: got. brūks 7, brūk-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. brauchbar; ne. useful, serviceable, usable

-- no longer usable: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

usage: got. biūhti 6, bi-ū-h-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gewohnheit; ne. custom, usage, practice (N.); sidus 4=3, si-d-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Sitte, Gewohnheit; ne. custom (N.), usage, habit (N.), conduct (N.); ? *ūhti?, *ū-h-t-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Zeit?, Gewohnheit?; ne. time (N.)?, custom (N.)?, usage?

use -- acquire use of: got. niutan 2, niut-an,  st. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. treffen, erreichen, einer Sache froh sein (V.); ne. acquire use of, obtain disposal of, attain, enjoy

use -- be of use: got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

use -- make use of: got. bōtōs sis taujan, got.: nhd. sich Nutzen verschaffen; ne. make use of; brūkjan 10, brūk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Gen.: nhd. gebrauchen, brauchen, anwenden; ne. use (V.), make use of

use -- use astuteness on: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

use -- use force on: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

use -- use foul language: got. *naitjan?, *nai-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lästern; ne. use foul language, abuse verbally

use -- use of force on: got. anamahts* 2, an-a-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übermacht, Misshandlung; ne. coercion, forcing, use of force on, superior force, insult (N.)

use -- use up: got. fraqiman* 7, fra-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. verzehren, ausgeben, vertun, verwenden; ne. use up, expend, consume, exhaust (V.), spend, rise up

use -- use (V.): got. brūkjan 10, brūk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), m. Dat., m. Gen.: nhd. gebrauchen, brauchen, anwenden; ne. use (V.), make use of

use -- use violence against: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

used -- used to: got. biūhts 2, bi-ū-h-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gewohnt; ne. accustomed, used to, wont

useful: got. brūks 7, brūk-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. brauchbar; ne. useful, serviceable, usable; *nuts?, *nut-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. nütz, nützlich, brauchbar; ne. useful, availing; sēls 3, sēl-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gut, gütig, tauglich; ne. kind (Adj.), benevolent, benign, good, useful; þaúrfts* (1) 3, þaúrf-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nötig, nützlich, notwendig; ne. needed, necessary, requisite (Adj.), useful

-- be useful: got. wisan du bōtai, got.: nhd. zum Nutzen sein (V.); ne. be useful; dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

usefulness: got. bōta* 3, bōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Nutzen; ne. advantage (N.), benefit (N.), good (N.), aid (N.), usefulness, profit (N.); sēlei 8, sēl-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tüchtigkeit, Güte, Milde; ne. kindness, benevolence, benignity, goodness, usefulness

useless: got. unbrūks* 2, un-brūk-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unbrauchbar; ne. useless, needless, inutile; unnuts* 1, un-nut-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. unnütz, töricht; ne. useless, unavailing, foolish

-- declare useless: got. uskiusan 10, us-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, verwerfen, vertreiben, auswählen; ne. eliminate, reject (V.), disapprove, declare useless, test (V.)

usher -- usher in: got. innattiuhan* 1, in-n-at-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. hineinziehen, hineinführen; ne. bring in to, conduct in thither, usher in, lead in

utensils -- one who makes earthenware utensils: got. kasja 3, kas-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Töpfer; ne. potter, one who makes earthenware utensils

uterus: got. kilþei* 1, kil-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Mutterleib; ne. womb, uterus; wamba 11, wamb-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bauch, Schoß (F.) (1), Leib; ne. viscera, womb, uterus, internal abdominal organs, belly (N.)

utilizing: got. us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of

utter -- utter gruff sounds to o.s.: got. inraúhtjan* 2, in-raúh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnt werden, zürnen, unwillig sein (V.); ne. growl interiously, groan (V.), utter gruff sounds to o.s., be indignant

utterance -- manner of utterance: got. razda 11, raz-d-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sprache, Sprechweise, Zunge; ne. language, dialect, tongue, manner of utterance, speech

utterly -- become utterly destroyed: got. fraqistnan* 16, fra-qis-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. umkommen, zugrunde gehen, verderben (intr.); ne. be utterly destroyed, become utterly destroyed, perish (V.)

utterly -- be utterly destroyed: got. fraqistnan* 16, fra-qis-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. umkommen, zugrunde gehen, verderben (intr.); ne. be utterly destroyed, become utterly destroyed, perish (V.); *qistnan?, *qis-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zugrunde gehen; ne. be utterly destroyed

utterly -- destroy utterly: got. fraqistjan 23, fra-qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. verderben, umbringen; ne. annihilate, obliterate, destroy utterly; usqistjan 8, us-qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben, umbringen, töten, zugrunde richten; ne. annihilate, kill (V.), exterminate, destroy utterly

utterly -- frighten utterly: got. usagjan* 1, us-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen erschrecken; ne. frighten utterly, terrify, make exceedingly afraid

utterly -- plunder utterly: got. diswilwan* 1, dis-wil-w-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ausplündern, berauben, plündern; ne. plunder utterly, pillage

utterly -- seize utterly: got. dishaban* 4, dis-hab-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv); ne. seize utterly, gain complete possession of, take completely, hold (V.)

vain -- in vain: got. arwjō 3, arw-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. umsonst, unentgeltlich, ohne Ursache, vergebens; ne. gratis, without charge, in vain, for naught, for no reason, without cause; halks* 2, halk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leer, umsonst, dürftig, armselig; ne. futile, in vain, weak; swarē 16,  Adv.: nhd. ohne Grund, vergebens, umsonst; ne. purposelessly, futilely, for no reason, groundless, in vain

valiant: got. *wakrs?, *wak-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. wach, wacker; ne. awake (Adj.), brave, valiant

valid -- be valid: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail; *gildan, *gild-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. gelten; ne. be valid

valley: got. dals* 3, dal-s*, dal (?),  st. M. (a): nhd. Grube, Schlucht, Tal; ne. ravine, pit (N.), ditch (N.), trench (N.), dale, valley

valuable: got. galaufs* 4=3, ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wertvoll, kostbar, teuer; ne. valuable, costly; *laufs (2), *lauf-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wertvoll?; ne. valuable

-- very valuable: got. filugalaufs* 1, fil-u-ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr wertvoll, sehr kostbar; ne. very precious, very costly, very valuable

value -- be of value: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

value -- conversion value: got. waírþ* 4, waír-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Preis, Wert; ne. price (N.), monetary equivalent, worth (N.), conversion value

value -- establish the monetary value of: got. waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

value -- of no value: got. ungalaufs* 1, un-ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wertlos; ne. unvaluable, cheap, of no value

value -- value (Adj.): got. wulþrs* (1) 1, wul-þ-r-s*, wulþreis,  Adj. (a) (ia): nhd. wertvoll; ne. meaningful, significant, important, value (Adj.)

value -- value (N.): got. *waírþi (2), *waír-þ-i,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Wert; ne. value (N.)

value -- value (V.): got. garahnjan* 1, ga-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. abschätzen; ne. value (V.); waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

Vandel: got. *Wandals, *Wa-nd-al-s, *Wandils,  st. M.: nhd. Wandale; ne. Vandel

vanish: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease; usleiþan 12, us-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinausgehen, weggehen, verreisen, vergehen; ne. pass forth, travel out, go out, go away, vanish

vanity: got. ufswalleins* 1, uf-swal-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō),: nhd. Aufgeblasenheit, Hochmut; ne. swelling up, swollenness, bloatedness, vanity, being puffed up

varied: got. missaleiks 7, mis-s-a-leik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. verschieden, mannigfaltig; ne. diverse (Adj.), miscellaneous, varied, different, various

variegated -- very variegated: got. filufaíhs* 1, fil-u-faíh-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr bunt, reichhaltig, mannigfaltig; ne. very multicoloured, very variegated, much multicoloured, manifold

various: got. missaleiks 7, mis-s-a-leik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. verschieden, mannigfaltig; ne. diverse (Adj.), miscellaneous, varied, different, various

vase: got. kas 13,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gefäß; ne. jar, vase, vessel

vault -- vault (N.): got. *ƕilftri, *ƕilf-tr-i,  st. F. (jō/i), sw. F. (n): nhd. Wölbung; ne. incurvature, arching, vault (N.)

vault -- vault (V.): got. *ƕilban, *ƕilb-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. wölben; ne. arch (V.), vault (V.), camber (V.)

veer -- make veer away from: got. *swaggwjan?, *swa-g-gw-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwanken machen; ne. make sway away from, make veer away from

vegetable -- green vegetable: got. gras* 3, gra-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gras, Kraut; ne. grass (N.), weeds, green growth, green vegetable

vehicle -- riding vehicle: got. raida* 1, raid-a*, rēda,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wagen, r-Rune; ne. wagon, riding vehicle, name of r-rune

veil -- veil (N.): got. faúrahāh 1, faúr-a-hāh,  st. N. (a): nhd. Vorhang; ne. curtain, veil (N.); faúrhāh 1, faúr-hāh,  st. N. (a): nhd. Vorhang; ne. curtain, veil (N.); hulistr 5, hul-istr,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hülle, Decke; ne. cover (N.), covering (N.), veil (N.)

veil -- veil (V.): got. gahuljan* 7, ga-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verhüllen, verbergen; ne. cover up, veil (V.); huljan 2, hul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hüllen, verhüllen; ne. put a cover on, cover (V.), veil (V.)

veiled -- with veiled head: got. gahulidamma haubida, got.: nhd. mit verhülltem Kopfe; ne. with veiled head

veneration -- religious veneration: got. blōtinassus* 3, blōt-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Verehrung, Gottesverehrung; ne. sacrifice (N.), worship (N.), religious veneration

vengeance: got. fraweit 4, fra-wei-t,  st. N. (a): nhd. Strafe, Rache; ne. punishment, revenge (N.), vengeance, retribution

-- wreak vengeance: got. fraweitan 5, fra-wei-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. rächen, Recht verschaffen, strafen; ne. avenge, wreak vengeance

-- wreak vengeance for: got. gawrikan* 3, ga-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bestrafen, rächen, Rache nehmen; ne. wreak vengeance for, avenge, achieve retribution for, vindicate

vent -- vent (V.): got. tarmjan* 1, tar-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. losbrechen, ausbrechen; ne. vent (V.), break forth, burst out

venture -- venture (V.): got. gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous; *nanþjan, *nanþ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wagen; ne. venture (V.)

veracity: got. sunja 90, s-un-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Wahrheit; ne. truth, verity, thruthfulness, veracity

verbal -- subject to verbal humiliation: got. ganaitjan* 1, ga-nai-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. beschimpfen, schmähen, lästern; ne. subject to foul language, subject to verbal humiliation, revile, treat shamefully

verbal -- verbal attack: got. anaqiss* 2, an-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lästerung, Schmährede; ne. blasphemy, slander (N.), verbal attack, abusive speech

verbal -- verbal plenitude: got. filuwaúrdei* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. vieles Reden, Schwatzhaftigkeit, Geschwätz; ne. verbal plenitude, much wordiness, much speaking

verbalize -- verbalize excessively: got. filuwaúrdjan* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. viel Worte machen, viel plappern, viel reden; ne. verbalize excessively, babble (V.), chatter (V.), speak a great deal

verbally -- abuse verbally: got. *naitjan?, *nai-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lästern; ne. use foul language, abuse verbally

verbally -- communicate verbally: got. rōdjan 125, rō-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sprechen, reden; ne. speak, talk (V.), communicate verbally

verbally -- verbally obscene: got. *aglaitiwáurds, *ag-l-ait-i-wáur-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. verleumderisch, schändlich; ne. verbally obscene

verdict: got. andahafts 3, and-a-haf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Antwort, Verteidigung; ne. answer (N.), reply (N.), defense, argument (N.), verdict; stáua (1) 25, stá-u-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Gerichtsstätte“, Gericht (M.) (1), Urteil, Streitsache; ne. act of judging, judgement, verdict, judicial decision

-- verdict (N.): got. ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

verily: got. sunjaba 1, s-un-j-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. in Wahrheit; ne. truly, in truth, verily

verity: got. sunja 90, s-un-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Wahrheit; ne. truth, verity, thruthfulness, veracity

versed -- versed in: got. *leis (1),  Adj. (a): nhd. kundig; ne. knowledgeable, experienced, versed in

very: got. abraba 3, ab-r-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sehr; ne. very, severely, extremely, excessively

-- grow very old: got. usalþan* 1, us-al-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. alt werden, veralten; ne. grow very old, reach extreme age

-- in that very thing: got. in þamma silbin, got.: nhd. eben dazu; ne. in that very thing

-- the very last: got. aftumists 5, af-t-u-m-ist-s,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. letzte; ne. endmost, final (Adj.), the very last

-- the very same: got. sa 2800,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der, dieser; ne. this, this very one, the very same, that one there

-- this very one: got. sa 2800,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der, dieser; ne. this, this very one, the very same, that one there

-- very (Adv.): got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously

-- very costly: got. filugalaufs* 1, fil-u-ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr wertvoll, sehr kostbar; ne. very precious, very costly, very valuable

-- very gladly: got. filu gabaurjaba, got.: nhd. sehr gerne; ne. very gladly

-- very little: got. minnists* 8, mi-n-n-ist-s*,  Adj. (a) (Superl.): nhd. kleinste, geringste, mindeste; ne. least, very little, slightest, smallest

-- very much: got. filu manags, got.: nhd. sehr viel; ne. very much

-- very multicoloured: got. filufaíhs* 1, fil-u-faíh-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr bunt, reichhaltig, mannigfaltig; ne. very multicoloured, very variegated, much multicoloured, manifold

-- very old: got. usalþans: nhd. gealtert, altersschwach; ne. very old

-- very own: got. swēs (1) 28, swē-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. eigen, angehörig; ne. one’s own, very own

-- very plainly: got. baírhtaba 5, baír-h-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. hell, glänzend, deutlich, offen; ne. radiantly, very plainly, clearly, brightly, openly

-- very possibly: got. uftō 1, uft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. vielleicht; ne. very possibly, quite likely, indeed

-- very precious: got. filugalaufs* 1, fil-u-ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr wertvoll, sehr kostbar; ne. very precious, very costly, very valuable

-- very valuable: got. filugalaufs* 1, fil-u-ga-lauf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr wertvoll, sehr kostbar; ne. very precious, very costly, very valuable

-- very variegated: got. filufaíhs* 1, fil-u-faíh-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. sehr bunt, reichhaltig, mannigfaltig; ne. very multicoloured, very variegated, much multicoloured, manifold

-- very well: got. waíla 43, waíl-a,  Adv.: nhd. wohl, gut, wohlan; ne. well (Adv.), rightly, very well, well enough

vessel: got. kas 13,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gefäß; ne. jar, vase, vessel; skip 34,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schiff; ne. ship (N.), boat, vessel

vessels -- earthen-ware vessels: got. kasa digana, Nom. Pl. N. Part. Prät.: nhd. Tongefäße; ne. earthen-ware vessels

vest -- vest (N.): got. paida* 5, paid-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Leibrock, Unterkleid, Rock; ne. tunic, vest (N.), shirt

vexation -- wear down with vexation: got. usþriutan* 3, us-þri-ut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. einem Beschwerde bringen, beschwerlich fallen; ne. harass (V.), torment (V.), plaque (V.), wear down with vexation, bother (V.), persecute

via -- via (Präp.): got. þaírh 160=159, þaír-h,  Präp., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. durch; ne. through, per, via (Präp.), whereby, by, throughout

viciousness: got. *balu?,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Unglück, Übel; ne. bale (N.), viciousness, balefulness

victimize: got. hōlōn* 2, hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verleumden, betrügen, durch Betrug schädigen, schikanieren, schaden; ne. wrong by false allegation, cheat by false pretenses, victimize, slander (V.)

victorious -- victorious condition: got. *hrōþ, *hrō-þ, *hrōþs,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ruhm, Sieg; ne. victorious condition, glory of victory, triumph (N.)

victory: got. sigis 3, sig-i-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Sieg; ne. victory; *sigus?, *sig-u-s?,  st. M. (u): nhd. Sieg; ne. victory

-- glory of victory: got. *hrōþ, *hrō-þ, *hrōþs,  st. N. (a): nhd. Ruhm, Sieg; ne. victorious condition, glory of victory, triumph (N.)

-- god of victory: got. tyz 1, ty-z,  Sb.: nhd. Ziu, Kriegsgott, Siegesgott, t-Rune; ne. Ziu, god of war, god of victory, name of t-rune

-- victory prize: got. sigislaun* 2, sig-i-s-laun*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Siegeslohn, Preis; ne. victory prize, reward for winning

victourious: got. hrōþeigs* 1, hrō-þ-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ruhmreich, siegreich; ne. victourious, glorious, triumphant

vie -- vie with: got. haifstjan 4, haif-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streiten; ne. compete in a contest, contend, rival (V.), vie with, strive in competition, fight (V.)

view -- take a view: got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

view -- view attentively: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at; faírweitjan 6, faír-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinblicken, gaffen, umherspähen, spähen; ne. stare (V.), view attentively, look engrossedly, look about, gaze inquisitively

view -- view (N.): got. *faírweit?, *faír-wei-t?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hinblick, Aufmerken, Neugier; ne. view (N.), attentiveness, inquisitiveness

view -- view (V.): got. saíƕan 106, saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen; ne. see (1), look (V.), observe, view (V.)

viewpoint: got. fraþi 14, fraþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verstand, Sinn, Gesinnung; ne. understanding (N.), perception, viewpoint, attitude, disposition, mindedness

vigil -- keep vigil: got. wakan* 6=5, wak-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen, wachsam sein (V.); ne. wake (V.), be awake, keep awake, watch (V.), keep vigil

vigilance: got. fastubni* 6, fast-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Halten, Dienst, Fasten, Haltung, Gottesdienst; ne. holding fast to, holding (N.), keeping (N.), observance, abstinence, fasting (N.), vigilance, maintenance

vigorous: got. usdauþs* 3, us-dau-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eifrig; ne. vigorous, energetic, earnest

vigorously: got. usdaudō 3, us-dau-d-ō,  Adv.: nhd. eifrig; ne. vigorously, energetically, earnestly

-- strive vigorously: got. usdaudjan* 8, us-dau-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich beeifern, seine Ehre suchen; ne. strive vigorously, make energetic endeavours, be eager

vigour: got. usdaudei* 8, us-dau-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ausdauer, Eifer; ne. vigour, energy, endurance, zeal

village: got. haims* (1) 14, hai-m-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Dorf, Land (= haimōs), Flecken; ne. village, rural town; weihs* (2) 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dorf, Weiler, Flecken; ne. rural hamlet, country precinct, rural area, village

villainy: got. warei* 2=1, war-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tücke, Verschlagenheit; ne. wariness, wiliness, guarded alertness, villainy

vindicate: got. gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; gawrikan* 3, ga-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bestrafen, rächen, Rache nehmen; ne. wreak vengeance for, avenge, achieve retribution for, vindicate; sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

vine: got. *gart, krim st. M. (i).: nhd. Rebe; ne. vine; triu* 2,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Holz, Prügel, Baum; ne. wooden trunk, woody stem, vine, stick (N.); weinatriu 4, wein-a-triu,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Weinstock, Weingarten (= weinatriwa), Weinberg (= weinatriwa); ne. grapevine, grapevine stem, vine

vine-branch: got. weinatains 3, wein-a-tain-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Weinrebe; ne. vine-branch, grapevine-branch, bunch of grapes

vinedresser: got. waúrstwja 23, waúr-st-w-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Arbeiter, Bauer (M.) (1), Winzer; ne. worker, workman, labourer, farmer, vinedresser

vinegar: got. akēt* 2, akē-t*, akeit*,  st. M.?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Essig; ne. vinegar, wine vinegar, sour wine

-- wine vinegar: got. akēt* 2, akē-t*, akeit*,  st. M.?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Essig; ne. vinegar, wine vinegar, sour wine

vineyard: got. weinagards* 12, wein-a-gard-s*, wingart,  wingart, krim st. M. (i): nhd. Weingarten, Weinberg; ne. vineyard; lat. vitis

-- vineyard caretaker: got. aúrtja* 4, aúrt-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Landmann, Winzer; ne. vineyard caretaker, tenant farmer, vintner, husbandman

vintner: got. aúrtja* 4, aúrt-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Landmann, Winzer; ne. vineyard caretaker, tenant farmer, vintner, husbandman

violate: got. gataíran 19, ga-taír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen (tr.), zerstören, aufheben, auflösen; ne. tear down, remove (V.), pull down, dismantle, demolish, violate, ruin (V.), destroy by rending, make disintegrate

violative: got. *faírinōþs?, *faír-in-ōþ-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. schuldig, tadelig, bescholten; ne. violative, transgressive, culpable, reprehensible; *faírins?, *faír-in-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tadelig, unrecht; ne. violative, transgressive, culpable, reprehensible

violence -- do violence to: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

violence -- seize by violence: got. wilwan 3, wil-w-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. rauben; ne. plunder (V.), rob, seize by violence

violence -- treat with violence: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

violence -- use violence against: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

violent -- violent man: got. slahals 3=2, slahuls, slah-al-s, slah-uls,  st. M. (a): nhd. Raufbold; ne. striker, one apt to strike, violent man, assailant, bully (M.)

viper: got. nadrs* 1, nadr-s*,  st. M. (?) (a): nhd. Natter; ne. snake (N.), viper, adder; *nēdrō?, *nēdr-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Natter, Schlange; ne. snake (N.), viper, adder

virgin: got. magaþs* 2, mag-a-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Jungfrau, Magd; ne. virgin, maiden (F.), girl

virginity: got. magaþei* 1, mag-a-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Jungfräulichkeit; ne. virginity, maidenhood

virtue -- in virtue of: got. in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

virtue -- virtue (N.): got. gōdei* 1, gōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tugend, Tüchtigkeit, Güte; ne. goodness, virtue (N.), moral excellence

virtuousness: got. uswaúrhts* (2) 2, us-waúrh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gerechtigkeit; ne. righteousness, uprightness, rectitude, virtuousness, justice

vis-a-vis: got. andwaírþis 1, and-waír-þ-is,  Adv.: nhd. gegenüber; ne. vis-a-vis, opposite (Adj.), over, against, facing (Adj.); wiþra 46, wi-þra,  Präp. m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. wider, gegen, vor, gegenüber; ne. toward, to, against, opposite, facing, vis-a-vis

viscera: got. haírþra 2, haír-þ-r-a,  N. (a) Pl.: nhd. Eingeweide, Herz, Inneres; ne. intestines, viscera, entrails, heart, bosom, inner being; wamba 11, wamb-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bauch, Schoß (F.) (1), Leib; ne. viscera, womb, uterus, internal abdominal organs, belly (N.)

visible: got. *anasiuniba, *an-a-siu-n-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sichtbar; ne. visible, seeable; anasiuns* 2, an-a-siu-n-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. sichtbar; ne. visible, seeable; gasaíƕans?, ga-saíƕ-an-s?,  Part. Prät. = Adj. (a): nhd. gesehen, sichtbar; ne. visible; *siuniba?, *siu-n-i-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. sichtbar; ne. visible, seeable; *siuns (2), *siu-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. sichtbar; ne. visible, seeable

-- visible exterior: got. *farwa 1, *far-w-a,  st. M.? (wa), st. N.? (wa): nhd. Farbe, Aussehen, Gestalt; ne. form (N.), appearance, visible exterior, external shape

Visigoths: got. Tērvingi*, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. „Waldbewohner“ (Pl.), Westgoten; ne. woodlanders, inhabitants of the wood, Visigoths; Wisigoti*, Wisi-go-t-i*, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. Westgoten; ne. Visigoths, West Goths

vision: got. siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance

-- direct one’s vision: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

-- raise one’s vision: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

-- receive vision: got. ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

visit -- visit for investigation: got. *niuhsjan?, *niu-hs-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auskundschaften, heimsuchen; ne. inspect, visit for investigation

visit -- visit (V.): got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for; *weisōn?, *wei-s-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.)

visitation -- investigative visitation: got. niuhseins* 1, niu-hs-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Heimsuchung; ne. inspection, review (N.), revision, investigative visitation

visitation -- make a visitation to: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for

visual -- become depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

visual -- be depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

visual -- depict with a visual image: got. *frisahtjan?, *frisah-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.); gafrisahtjan* 1, ga-frisah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.)

visual -- visual form: got. siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance

visual -- visual image: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

visualization: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

vivify: got. gaqiujan* 4, ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, lebendig machen; ne. make alive, give life to, vivify; *qiujan?, *qiu-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben; ne. make alive, vivify

vixen: got. faúhō* 2, faúh-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Füchsin, Fuchs (M.) (1); ne. vixen, she-fox

vocal -- vocal sound: got. stibna 33, stibn-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stimme; ne. voice (N.), vocal sound

vocation: got. laþōns 10, laþ-ōn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Einladung, Berufung, Trost, Erlösung; ne. calling (N.), vocation, invitation

vociferously -- speak vociferously: got. *bihaitan?, *bi-hai-t-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. prahlen, verleumden; ne. proclaim about, call out about, speak vociferously

voice -- sound of the voice: got. drunjus 1, dru-n-ju-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Schall; ne. sound of the voice, call (N.), cry (N.)

voice -- voice an expression of: got. faírhaitan* 1, faír-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. verheißen, Dank wissen; ne. express (V.), voice an expression of, thank (V.)

voice -- voice (N.): got. stibna 33, stibn-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stimme; ne. voice (N.), vocal sound

voiceless: got. dumbs 2, du-m-b-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. stumm; ne. dumb, voiceless, mute

void -- make void: got. uslausjan* 5, us-lau-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entledigen, entäußern, entleeren, berauben, erlösen, befreien, entwurzeln; ne. make empty, divest, make void, liberate, free (V.), save

void -- void (Adj.): got. laus 10, lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. los, leer; ne. empty (Adj.), void (Adj.), devoid (Adj.), free from; wans* 4, wa-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fehlend, mangelhaft, (weniger); ne. missing, lacking, wanting, diminished, less, null, void (Adj.), deficient

-volent: got. *-fraþjis?, *-fraþ-j-i-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. gesinnt; ne. -volent

volunteer -- volunteer (Adj.): got. silbawiljis* 2=1, si-l-b-a-wil-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will, willing of oneself, volunteer (Adj.)

vomit: got. *rupatjan, *ru-p-at-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich erbrechen; ne. vomit

voracious -- voracious eater: got. afētja 2, af-ēt-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fresser; ne. glutton, voracious eater

voracious -- voracious in eating: got. *afēts?, *af-ēt-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. essbar?, fresserisch; ne. voracious in eating, gluttonish; *-ēts, *-ēt-s,  Adj. (i): nhd. essend; ne. voracious in eating, gluttonish

voraciously -- eat voraciously: got. *afitan?, *af-it-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. verschlingen, fressen; ne. devour, eat voraciously

votive -- votive treasure: got. maiþms 1, mai-þ-m-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk; ne. votive treasure, gift (N.)

voyage -- voyage (N.): got. *farþa?, *far-þ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fahrt, Reise; ne. voyage (N.), passage, travelling motion

vulgar: got. gamains 6, ga-mai-n-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. gemein, gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, teilhaftig, unheilig; ne. participant (Adj.), sharing (Adj.), shared, communal, commutual, common (Adj.), ordinary, unclean, vulgar, profane

wag -- wag (V.): got. *wiþōn* 1, *wi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schütteln; ne. shake (V.), wag (V.)

wage -- wage (2): got. mizdō 12, mizd-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Lohn; ne. pay (N.), wage (2), recompense (N.), reward (N.)

wage -- wage earner: got. asneis 6, asn-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Mietling, Tagelöhner; ne. hired man, day-labourer, wage earner, paid servant

wage -- wage war: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

wages: got. annō* 2, ann-ō*,  sw. F. (n)?: nhd. Sold, Kosten (F. Pl.); ne. pay (N.), soldier’s pay, wages; *asnō?, *asn-ō?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Lohn, Zins; ne. earnings, wages

wagon: got. raida* 1, raid-a*, rēda,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wagen, r-Rune; ne. wagon, riding vehicle, name of r-rune; waghen 1, wagh-en, krim M.: nhd. Wagen; ne. wagon; lat. currus

wail -- wail in mourning: got. gaunōn 3, gau-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. klagen, Totenklage anstimmen; ne. lament (V.), bewail, sing a dirge, wail in mourning; waifaírƕjan* 1, wai-faírƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehklagen; ne. mourn with lamentation, wail in mourning, lament (V.)

wail -- wail (V.): got. hiufan* 2, hiu-f-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wehklagen, Klagelieder singen; ne. lament (V.), sing a dirge, sing a threnody, wail (V.); qainōn 4, qai-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. weinen (intr.), trauern (intr.), beweinen (tr.), betrauern (tr.); ne. wail (V.), mourn, lament (V.), bewail, mourn over, sorrow (V.)

wait -- wait for: got. beidan* 8, beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. warten, erwarten; ne. await, wait for, look for; usbeidan* 5, us-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. erwarten, Geduld haben; ne. expect, await, look for, wait for

waiting -- waiting out: got. usbeisnei 3, us-beis-n-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Geduld, Langmut; ne. long-abiding, patience, waiting out

wake -- make wake up: got. uswakjan* 1, us-wak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwecken, aufwecken; ne. awake (V.) (tr.), arouse, make wake up

wake -- wake up: got. gawaknan* 1, ga-wak-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erwachen; ne. become awake, awake (V.), wake up

wake -- wake (V.): got. wakan* 6=5, wak-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen, wachsam sein (V.); ne. wake (V.), be awake, keep awake, watch (V.), keep vigil

wakefulness: got. wōkains* 2, wōk-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wachen; ne. wakefulness, staying awake, sleeplessness, watch (N.)

walk -- walk about: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

walk -- walk (N.): got. *gaggi?, *ga-g-g-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gehen, Gang (M.) (1); ne. walking (N.), walk (N.)

walk -- walk on forth: got. skēwjan* 1, skēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wandern; ne. proceed (V.), progress (V.), walk on forth, go (V.)

walk -- walk straight: got. raihtaba gaggan, got.: nhd. geradeaus gehen; ne. walk straight

walk -- walk (V.): got. gaggan 205=203, ga-g-g-an,  def. red. V. (3): nhd. gehen, wandeln, umhergehen, kommen; ne. be on the way to somewhere, go (V.), come, walk (V.); ƕaírban* 3=2, ƕaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. wandeln, sich wenden; ne. go around, circulate, walk (V.), live; rinnan* 14, ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. rennen, laufen; ne. run (V.), rush (V.), walk (V.)

walking -- walking (N.): got. *gaggi?, *ga-g-g-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gehen, Gang (M.) (1); ne. walking (N.), walk (N.)

walking -- walking stick: got. hrugga* 1, hru-gg-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stab, Rute; ne. staff, walking stick; walus* 1, wa-l-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Stab; ne. staff (N.) (1), walking stick

walking -- way of walking: got. *gahts (1), *ga-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gang (M.) (1); ne. way of walking

walkway: got. staiga* 3, staig-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Steig, Weg; ne. path, lane, walkway, footpath, way

wall -- city wall: got. baúrgswaddjus 4, baúr-g-s-wa-dd-ju-s,  st. F. (u): nhd. Stadtmauer; ne. town wall, city circumvallation, city wall

wall -- dividing wall: got. faþa* 4, faþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zaun, Scheidewand; ne. hedge (N.), fence (N.), out-of-doors wall, dividing wall; midgardiwaddjus* 2, mid-gard-i-wa-dd-j-u-s*, miþgardawaddjus*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Zwischenwand; ne. partition, dividing wall

wall -- out-of-doors wall: got. faþa* 4, faþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zaun, Scheidewand; ne. hedge (N.), fence (N.), out-of-doors wall, dividing wall

wall -- town wall: got. baúrgswaddjus 4, baúr-g-s-wa-dd-ju-s,  st. F. (u): nhd. Stadtmauer; ne. town wall, city circumvallation, city wall

wall -- wall (N.): got. *waddjus, *wa-dd-ju-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Wand, Geflecht, Mauer?; ne. wall (N.)

wall-base: got. grunduwaddjus 5, grundu-wa-dd-ju-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Grundmauer; ne. ground-wall, foundation-wall, wall-base, groundwork

walled -- make into a walled city: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

wallow -- wallow (V.): got. walwisōn* 1, wal-wis-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich wälzen; ne. roll around on the ground, wallow (V.), flounder around

wander: got. faran* 1, far-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. wandern, ziehen, fahren, gehen; ne. pass over, wander, travel (V.), traverse distance

-- wander on past: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

want -- live in want: got. *þarban?, *þarb-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. darben; ne. abstain, live in want

want -- want (N.): got. þarba* (1) 5, þarb-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Mangel (M.), Armut; ne. want (N.), need (N.), privation, neediness, necessity; wan 2, wa-n,  st. N. (a): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. deficiency, want (N.), lack (N.); waninassus* 3, wa-n-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Mangel (M.); ne. lack (N.), want (N.), shortage

want -- want (V.): got. gairnjan* 17, gair-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, verlangen, bedürfen; ne. lust after, long for, yearn for, desire (V.), want (V.); wiljan 128=127, wi-l-jan,  V. (athem.): nhd. wollen (V.); ne. will (V.), wish (V.), want (V.), desire (V.)

wanting: got. wans* 4, wa-n-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fehlend, mangelhaft, (weniger); ne. missing, lacking, wanting, diminished, less, null, void (Adj.), deficient

wants -- person who wants to argue: got. wiljands miþ þus staua, got.: nhd. der welcher mit dir rechten will; ne. person who wants to argue

war: got. draúhtiwitōþ* 1, draú-h-t-i-wit-ōþ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsrecht, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), military discipline, military service, warfare, war; wigan (1) 1, wig-an, wigana*, wign*,  st. N.? (a): nhd. Kampf; ne. armed conflict, war

-- god of war: got. tyz 1, ty-z,  Sb.: nhd. Ziu, Kriegsgott, Siegesgott, t-Rune; ne. Ziu, god of war, god of victory, name of t-rune

-- make prisoner of war: got. ushinþan* 1, us-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erbeuten; ne. take captive, capture (V.), make prisoner of war

-- wage war: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

-- war equipment: got. sarwa* 3, sar-w-a*,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Waffen, Rüstung; ne. arms, armament, war equipment, weapons

-- war people: got. *fulk, *ful-k,  st. N. (a): nhd. Kriegsvolk, Schar (F.) (1); ne. war people, crowd (N.)

-wardness: got. *-waírþi (1), *-waír-þ-i,  st. N. (ia): nhd. -wärtigkeit; ne. -wardness

wards: got. *waírþis?, *waír-þ-is?,  Adv.: nhd. -wärts; ne. wards, towards

...wards: got. *waírþs (2), *waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a), Suff.: nhd. ...wärtig; ne. ...wards, towards

warfare: got. draúhtiwitōþ* 1, draú-h-t-i-wit-ōþ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsrecht, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), military discipline, military service, warfare, war

wariness: got. warei* 2=1, war-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tücke, Verschlagenheit; ne. wariness, wiliness, guarded alertness, villainy

war-lord: got. *draúhtins?, *draú-h-t-in-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Führer, Herrscher; ne. general of an army, war-lord

-- serve under a war-lord: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- service under a war-lord: got. draúhtinassus* 1, draú-h-t-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), service under a war-lord, military service, soldiering

warm -- keep warm: got. warmjan* 6, war-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wärmen; ne. warm (V.), make warm, keep warm, cherish

warm -- make warm: got. warmjan* 6, war-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wärmen; ne. warm (V.), make warm, keep warm, cherish

warm -- warm (Adj.): got. *warms, *war-m-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. warm; ne. warm (Adj.)

warm -- warm (V.): got. warmjan* 6, war-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wärmen; ne. warm (V.), make warm, keep warm, cherish

warn -- warn sternly: got. gaƕōtjan* 8, ga-ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bedrohen, schelten, strafen; ne. threaten, reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to; ƕōtjan* 1, ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. drohen; ne. reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to, threaten

warning -- stern warning: got. ƕōta* 2, ƕōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Drohung; ne. sharp reprimand, stern warning, threat (N.)

warrenty: got. kawtsjō* 4, kawts-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sicherheit, Bürgschaft, Verschreibung; ne. contract for buying on credit, credit contract, security, bond (N.), warrenty

warrior: got. gadraúhts 5, ga-draú-h-t-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Soldat; ne. soldier, warrior, serviceman

-- young warrior: got. *stūriliggs, *stū-r-i-ligg-s,  st. M.: nhd. junger Krieger; ne. young warrior

wary: got. wars* (1) 1, war-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. behutsam, nüchtern, gewahr, vorsichtig; ne. wary, alert (Adj.), on guard

was -- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

wash -- wash all around: got. biþwahan* 1, bi-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abwaschen, waschen; ne. wash all around, wash (V.)

wash -- wash clean: got. usþwahan* 3, us-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auswaschen, abwaschen; ne. wash out, wash clean, cleanse by washing

wash -- wash off: got. afþwahan 3, af-þwah-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. sich abwaschen, waschen, sich waschen; ne. lave off, wash off, wash o.s. off

wash -- wash o.s.: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized

wash -- wash o.s. off: got. afþwahan 3, af-þwah-an,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. sich abwaschen, waschen, sich waschen; ne. lave off, wash off, wash o.s. off

wash -- wash out: got. usþwahan* 3, us-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auswaschen, abwaschen; ne. wash out, wash clean, cleanse by washing

wash -- wash (V.): got. biþwahan* 1, bi-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abwaschen, waschen; ne. wash all around, wash (V.); þwahan 5, þwah-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. etwas waschen, sich waschen; ne. wash (V.), lave, bathe (V.)

washing -- cleanse by washing: got. usþwahan* 3, us-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auswaschen, abwaschen; ne. wash out, wash clean, cleanse by washing

washing -- washing (N.): got. daupeins 19, daup-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Abwaschung, Taufe, Waschung; ne. immersion, washing (N.), cleansing immersion, baptism; þwahl* 2, þwah-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bad, Taufe; ne. washing (N.), laving (N.), cleansing (N.)

wasteland: got. auþida 18, au-þ-id-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wüste, Einöde; ne. desert (N.), wasteland, wilderness

watch -- keep watch: got. þaírhwakan* 2, þaír-h-wak-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. durchwachen, unter freiem Himmel übernachten, biwakieren; ne. stay awake throughout, keep watch

watch -- keep watch over: got. haldan 9, hal-d-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. hüten, weiden, halten; ne. herd (V.), shepherd (V.), tend, keep watch over, graze cattle; witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

watch -- watch (N.): got. wahtwō* 1, wah-t-w-ō*, wahtwa,  sw. F. (n)?, st. F. (ō)?: nhd. Wache; ne. watch (N.); wōkains* 2, wōk-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wachen; ne. wakefulness, staying awake, sleeplessness, watch (N.)

watch -- watch out: got. atsaíƕan* 10=9, at-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen auf, sich in Acht nehmen, sich hüten; ne. give heed, watch out, be careful, be watchful, note (V.)

watch -- watch over: got. witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

watch -- watch (V.): got. wakan* 6=5, wak-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen, wachsam sein (V.); ne. wake (V.), be awake, keep awake, watch (V.), keep vigil; *wardōn, *war-d-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. beobachten; ne. observe, watch (V.); witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

watchful -- be watchful: got. atsaíƕan* 10=9, at-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen auf, sich in Acht nehmen, sich hüten; ne. give heed, watch out, be careful, be watchful, note (V.)

watchfully -- treat watchfully: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.); *gafreidjan?, *ga-frei-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erhalten (V.), schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, hold in custody, preserve (V.)

watchfulness: got. atwitains* 1, at-wi-t-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beobachten, Beobachtung, Wahrnehmung; ne. surveillance, watchfulness, observation, look-out

watchman: got. wardja* 1, war-d-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wächter; ne. guard (M.), watchman

water -- flowing body of water: got. aƕa 7, aƕ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Fluss, Gewässer; ne. flowing body of water, river, stream (N.), torrent

water -- onflow of water: got. flōdus 1, flō-du-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Strom, Flut; ne. flood (N.), stream (N.), onrush of water, onflow of water

water -- onrush of water: got. flōdus 1, flō-du-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Strom, Flut; ne. flood (N.), stream (N.), onrush of water, onflow of water

water -- open water: got. lagus* 1, lagu-s*, lagaz*?, laaz,  st. M. (u): nhd. See, l-Rune; ne. lake, sea, open water, ocean, name of l-rune

water -- overrunning by water: got. garunjō* 1, ga-ru-n-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Flut, Überschwemmung; ne. inundation, deluge (N.), overrunning by water, flood (N.)

water -- water (N.): got. *wad-,  st. N.?: nhd. Wasser, Furt; ne. water (N.), ford (N.); watō* 18, wa-t-ō*,  unr. N. (n): nhd. Wasser; ne. water (N.)

water -- water pot: got. aúrkeis* 2, aúrkei-s*, aurkjus*?,  st. M. (ja), st. M. (u/i): nhd. Krug (M.) (1); ne. pitcher, water pot

watercourse: got. rinnō* 1, ri-n-n-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gießbach; ne. runnel, brook (1), watercourse, flume, torrent

wave -- wave motion: got. wēgs 4, wēg-s,  st. M. (a/i): nhd. Erschütterung, Sturm, Wellenschlag, Brandung, Woge; ne. storm (N.), wave (N.), wave motion, undulation

wave -- wave (N.): got. wēgs 4, wēg-s,  st. M. (a/i): nhd. Erschütterung, Sturm, Wellenschlag, Brandung, Woge; ne. storm (N.), wave (N.), wave motion, undulation

waver -- cause to waver: got. afswaggwjan* 1, af-swaggw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwankend machen?, ängstlich machen; ne. make anxious, make sway away from, cause to waver

waver -- make waver away from: got. afwagjan* 1, af-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen, abbringen; ne. make fluctuate away from, make waver away from, remove (V.)

wax -- cause to wax fat: got. aljan* (1) 3, al-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mästen; ne. cause to wax fat, fatten

wax -- wax exceedingly: got. ufarwahsjan* 1, uf-ar-wahs-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. überaus wachsen, sich stark vermehren; ne. wax exceedingly, exceed in growth, grow abundantly

wax -- wax strong: got. gaswinþnan 1, ga-swinþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erstarken, stark werden; ne. become strong, wax strong, become strengthened

wax -- wax (V.): got. gaaukan* 1, ga-auk-an*,  red. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. sich vermehren, zunehmen; ne. increase (V.), wax (V.), abound; þeihan 7, þei-h-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. gedeihen, Fortschritte machen; ne. make progress, wax (V.), gain (V.) (2), thrive, succeed, cooperate

wax -- wax (V.) (1): got. wahsjan 13, wahs-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. wachsen (V.) (1); ne. grow, wax (V.) (1), increase in development

way: got. gagg* 2, ga-g-g*, gaggs*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gang (M.) (2), Weg, Straße; ne. street, way, road; staiga* 3, staig-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Steig, Weg; ne. path, lane, walkway, footpath, way; *weisa?, *wei-s-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weise (F.) (2); ne. manner (N.), way; wigs (1) 41, wig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Weg; ne. way, road

-- all the way to: got. und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

way“ -- „beeing beside the way“: got. *ussinþs?, *us-sinþ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. „außer dem Weg befindlich“, besonders; ne. „beeing beside the way“, particular

-- be on the way to somewhere: got. gaggan 205=203, ga-g-g-an,  def. red. V. (3): nhd. gehen, wandeln, umhergehen, kommen; ne. be on the way to somewhere, go (V.), come, walk (V.)

-- by another way: got. aljaþrō 4, al-ja-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. anderswoher; ne. elsewhence, elsewhere, from elsewhere, somewhere else, somewhere, by another way

-- carry all the way in: got. innatbaíran* 2, in-n-at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hineinbringen, hineintragen; ne. bear in thither, carry all the way in, bring in

-- from a long way off: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

-- in a manly way: got. waíraleikō 1, waí-r-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. männlich; ne. man-like, in a manly way

-- in any way: got. ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

-- in a way that: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- in the same way: got. analeikō 1, an-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichermaßen; ne. likewise, in like manner, in the same way, similarly; samaleikō 23, sam-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf gleiche Weise, gleichfalls, ebenfalls, desgleichen; ne. likewise, in the same way, in like manner, in the selfsame manner, similarly

-- in what way: got. ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

-- is it in such a way that: got. swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

-- make go out of one’s way: got. draibjan* 4, drai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. treiben, plagen, antreiben; ne. drive (V.), compel to go, propel, disturb, make go out of one’s way, bother (V.)

-- understand in a certain way: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

-- way (1): got. sauþa* 1, sauþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Grund, Weise (F.) (2); ne. reason (N.), way (1), manner (N.)

-- way (N.): got. haidus* 4, hai-d-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Art (F.) (1), Weise (F.) (2); ne. manner (N.), mode, fashion (N.), way (N.)

-- way of life: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

-- way of walking: got. *gahts (1), *ga-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gang (M.) (1); ne. way of walking

wayfaring: got. wratōdus* 1, wra-t-ō-du-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Reise; ne. wayfaring, journey (N.), travel (N.), trip (N.)

waylayer: got. fērja* 1, fēr-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Aufpasser, Nachsteller; ne. ambusher, waylayer, spy (M.)

ways -- reform one’s ways: got. idreigōn* 13=12, id-reig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bereuen, Buße tun; ne. be contrite, repent (V.), regret (V.), reform one’s ways

way-thistle: got. wigadeinō* 1, wiga-dein-ō*, wigadeina*,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (ō)?: nhd. Dornpflanze, Distel; ne. way-thistle, road-bramble, thistle

we: got. weis (3) 283, wei-s,  Pron.: nhd. wir; ne. we

-- we two: got. wit 8, wi-t,  Pron.: nhd. wir beide; ne. we two, the both of us, the two of us

weak: got. halks* 2, halk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leer, umsonst, dürftig, armselig; ne. futile, in vain, weak; *lameis, *lam-ei-s, *lamjis?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. lahm, schlaff, mild, matt; ne. lame (Adj.), weak, limp (Adj.), mild; lasiws 2, la-s-iw-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schwach; ne. weak, feeble; siuks 21, siuk-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. krank, schwach, siech; ne. weak, feeble, sick (Adj.) (1), infirm; unmahteigs 13, un-mah-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohnmächtig, schwach, unmöglich; ne. powerless, infirm (Adj.), incapable, impossible, weak

-- be weak: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

weaken: got. *bazjan?, *baz-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leeren, entkräften, entblößen; ne. empty (V.), weaken, debilitate, bare (V.), expose, uncover

weakness: got. unhaili* 2, un-hai-l-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Schwäche, Krankheit; ne. unhealthiness, infirmity, disability, sickness, weakness; unmahts* 3, un-mah-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ohnmacht, Schwäche, Krankheit; ne. incapacity, sickness, infirmity, weakness, strengthlessness

wealth: got. faíhu* 7, faíh-u*, fe,  st. N. (u): nhd. „Vieh“, Vermögen, Geld, f-Rune; ne. movable goods, chattels, property, possessions, wealth, riches, money, name of f-rune; faíhuþraihn* 4, faíh-u-þrai-h-n*, faihuþraihns*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. „Viehansammlung“, Geldansammlung, Reichtum; ne. wealth-agglomeration, accumulation of riches, wealth, gathering of money; mammōna* 2, mammōn-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mammon, Reichtum; ne. mammon, worldly riches, money, wealth

-- acquire wealth: got. faíhugeigan* 1, faíh-u-geig-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. begehren, habgierig sein (V.), geldgierig sein (V.); ne. gain riches, acquire wealth, desire (V.)

-- store of wealth: got. huzd 7, hu-z-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hort, Schatz; ne. treasure (N.), store of wealth

wealth-agglomeration: got. faíhuþraihn* 4, faíh-u-þrai-h-n*, faihuþraihns*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. „Viehansammlung“, Geldansammlung, Reichtum; ne. wealth-agglomeration, accumulation of riches, wealth, gathering of money

wealthy: got. gabigs 19, gab-ig-s, gabeigs,  Adj. (a): nhd. reich; ne. rich (Adj.), opulent, wealthy

weapon -- weapon (N.): got. *gain-,  Sb.: nhd. Waffe; ne. weapon (N.); wēpn* 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Waffe; ne. weapon (N.), combat implement

weapons: got. sarwa* 3, sar-w-a*,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Waffen, Rüstung; ne. arms, armament, war equipment, weapons

wear -- wear down with vexation: got. usþriutan* 3, us-þri-ut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. einem Beschwerde bringen, beschwerlich fallen; ne. harass (V.), torment (V.), plaque (V.), wear down with vexation, bother (V.), persecute

wear -- wear out: got. afdōjan* 1, af-dō-jan*, afdaujan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. plagen, schinden, abhetzen; ne. harry (V.), harass (V.), wear out

wear -- wear (V.) (1): got. wasjan* 7, was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen kleiden, sich kleiden, bekleiden; ne. clothe, be clothed, wear (V.) (1), dress (V.), be dressed

wearing -- wearing sandals: got. gaskōhs* 3, ga-skōh-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. beschuht; ne. shod, wearing sandals

weary -- weary (Adj.): got. afmáuiþs* 2=1, af-máu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. ermüdet; ne. weary (Adj.), debilitated, tired out, fatigued

weave -- weave (V.): got. uswindan* 2, us-wi-nd-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. flechten, winden; ne. twine (V.), intertwine, weave (V.), braid (V.), plait (V.)

wed -- wed (V.): got. galiugan* (1) 1, ga-liug-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. ein Weib nehmen, heiraten; ne. get married to, wed (V.); liugan (1) 19, liug-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. heiraten; ne. marry, wed (V.), espouse, take a spouse

wedding: got. liuga* 2, liug-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Heirat, Ehe; ne. marriage, wedlock, wedding; *marþus (2)? 1, *marþu-s, marzus,  marzus, krim st. M. (u): nhd. Hochzeit; ne. marriage, wedding; lat. nuptiae

wedge -- wedge (N.): got. ? *ran-,  Sb.: nhd. Keil?; ne. wedge? (N.)

wedlock: got. liuga* 2, liug-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Heirat, Ehe; ne. marriage, wedlock, wedding

weeds: got. gras* 3, gra-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gras, Kraut; ne. grass (N.), weeds, green growth, green vegetable

week: got. wikō* 1, wik-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reihenfolge, Ordnung, Woche?; ne. week, workweek, week’s tour of duty, week-long shift, sequence

week-long -- week-long shift: got. wikō* 1, wik-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reihenfolge, Ordnung, Woche?; ne. week, workweek, week’s tour of duty, week-long shift, sequence

week’s -- week’s tour of duty: got. wikō* 1, wik-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reihenfolge, Ordnung, Woche?; ne. week, workweek, week’s tour of duty, week-long shift, sequence

„ween“: got. gawēnjan* 1, ga-wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erwarten, annehmen, meinen; ne. „ween“, suppose, surmise (V.), expect

weep -- weep (V.): got. grētan 21, grē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (1): nhd. weinen, klagen; ne. weep (V.), cry (V.), lament; tagrjan* 1, tagr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weinen; ne. weep (V.), shed tears

weeping -- weeping (N.): got. grēts 1, grē-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Weinen; ne. weeping (N.), crying (N.)

weigh -- weigh down: got. kaúrjan* 11, kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. drücken, belästigen, beschweren; ne. weigh down, burden (V.), lie (V.) (2)heavy upon, oppress

weigh -- weigh down together with: got. miþkaúrjan* 1, mi-þ-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbelasten; ne. burden together with, weigh down together with

weigh -- weigh in the mind: got. mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate

weight -- weight (N.): got. kaúrei* 1, kaúr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schwere, Fülle, Last; ne. weight (N.), weightiness, heaviness, load (N.); kaúriþa* 1, kaúr-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Last, Schwere; ne. weight (N.), burden (N.)

weightiness: got. kaúrei* 1, kaúr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schwere, Fülle, Last; ne. weight (N.), weightiness, heaviness, load (N.)

weighty: got. kaúrus* 1, kaúr-u-s*,  Adj. (u): nhd. schwer, lästig; ne. heavy, burdensome, weighty, oppressive

weld -- weld (N.): got. *walda?, *wald-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wau, Färberwau; ne. weld (N.)

well -- but well: got. waila þau, got.: nhd. doch wohl; ne. but well

well -- in order that well: got. ei waila, got.: nhd. dass wohl; ne. in order that well

well -- very well: got. waíla 43, waíl-a,  Adv.: nhd. wohl, gut, wohlan; ne. well (Adv.), rightly, very well, well enough

well -- well (Adj.): got. hailisks* 1, hai-l-isk-s*, ieltsch,  ieltsch, krim Adj. (a): nhd. heil, lebendig; ne. alive, well (Adj.), healthy; lat. vivus, sanus

well -- well (Adv.): got. an 5,  Partikel: nhd. denn, nun; ne. so, then, well (Adv.); þannu 22, þan-nu,  Adv.: nhd. ja, wohl, also darum; ne. so then, well (Adv.), now, in consequence; waíla 43, waíl-a,  Adv.: nhd. wohl, gut, wohlan; ne. well (Adv.), rightly, very well, well enough

well -- well along in years: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

well -- well enough: got. waíla 43, waíl-a,  Adv.: nhd. wohl, gut, wohlan; ne. well (Adv.), rightly, very well, well enough

well -- well (N.): got. brunna 2, bru-n-n-a,  krim sw. M. (n): nhd. Brunnen, Quelle, Born; ne. fountain, source, well (N.); lat. fons

well -- well up: got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

wellbehaved: got. gafaurs 2, ga-faur-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. ehrbar, nüchtern, besonnen (Adj.), bescheiden (Adj.), gesittet; ne. temperate (Adj.), restrained, descreet, wellbehaved, sober (Adj.), sober-tongued

wellbeing: got. *haili?, *hai-l-i?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Heil; ne. wellbeing, good (N.)

well-born: got. gōdakunds 1, gōd-a-kun-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. von guter Abkunft, edlen Geschlechts; ne. of noble birth, well-born, of good descent

well-disposed -- be well-disposed: got. waila hugjan, got.: nhd. wohlgesinnt sein (V.); ne. be well-disposed

well-disposed -- wohlgesinnt sein (V.);  be well-disposed: got. waila hugjan: freundlich gesinnt sein (V.), wohlgesinnt sein (V.); ne. be well-disposed

well-doint -- well-doint (N.): got. waíladēþs* 1, waíl-a-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohltat; ne. benefit (N.), benefaction, well-doint (N.), good deed

well-known: got. uskunþs 5, us-kun-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bekannt, offenbar; ne. recognized, well-known, manifested, recognizable, transparent

well-recognized -- not well-recognized: got. unswikunþs* 1, un-swi-kun-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unbekannt; ne. unknown, not well-recognized

well-reputed: got. waílamēreis* 1, waíl-a-mē-r-ei-s*,  Adj. (ia): nhd. wohllautend, löblich; ne. well-reputed, of good report, praiseworthy

Wend: got. *Winiþs?, *Win-iþ-s?,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Wende (M.); ne. Wend, Sorb

went: got. iddja?, idd-j-a?,  Prät.: nhd. ging; ne. went

west -- west (N.): got. saggqs* 1, saggq-s*, sagq*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Untergang, Westen; ne. sinking (N.), going down, sinking of the sun, occident, west (N.), setting (N.); *wist, *wi-s-t,  Sb.: nhd. Westen; ne. west (N.); *wistr, *wi-s-t-r,  Sb.: nhd. Westen; ne. west (N.)

West -- West Goths: got. Wisigoti*, Wisi-go-t-i*, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. Westgoten; ne. Visigoths, West Goths

westerly: got. *wista-, *wi-s-t-a-,  sw. Adj.: nhd. westlich; ne. western (Adj.), westerly; *wistra-, *wi-s-t-r-a-,  sw. Adj.: nhd. westlich; ne. western (Adj.), westerly

western -- western (Adj.): got. *wista-, *wi-s-t-a-,  sw. Adj.: nhd. westlich; ne. western (Adj.), westerly; *wistra-, *wi-s-t-r-a-,  sw. Adj.: nhd. westlich; ne. western (Adj.), westerly

wet -- make wet: got. ganatjan* 1, ga-nat-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. benetzen; ne. make wet, wet (V.), moisten; natjan 1, nat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. netzen, benetzen; ne. wet (V.), make wet, moisten

wet -- wet (Adj.): got. *nats?, *nat-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. nass; ne. wet (Adj.)

wet -- wet (V.): got. ganatjan* 1, ga-nat-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. benetzen; ne. make wet, wet (V.), moisten; natjan 1, nat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. netzen, benetzen; ne. wet (V.), make wet, moisten

what: got. ƕas 397=394, ƕa-s,  subst. Pron.: nhd. wer, was, irgendeiner, jemand, etwas; ne. who, what, anyone, anything

-- by means of what: got. biƕē 1, bi-ƕē,  Adv.: nhd. woran; ne. whereby, by means of what, how

-- for what: got. in ƕis: nhd. weshalb; ne. on account of what, wherefore, for what; jabai jah, got.: nhd. wofür auch; ne. for what

-- in what way: got. ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

-- no matter what: got. ƕēh 2, ƕē-h,  Adv.: nhd. jedenfalls, nur; ne. in any case, in whatever case, no matter what, just only

-- of what proportions: got. ƕēlauþs* 2=1, ƕē-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wie groß; ne. of what proportions, how great, what extent of, how extensive

-- of what type: got. ƕileiks 17=16, ƕi-leik-s,  Pron., Adj. (a): nhd. wie beschaffen, was für ein, welcher; ne. what sort of, what kind of, which, of what type

-- on account of what: got. in ƕis: nhd. weshalb; ne. on account of what, wherefore, for what

-- to what place: got. ƕadrē 1, ƕa-drē,  Adv.: nhd. wohin; ne. wither (Adv.), where to, to what place

-- what extent of: got. ƕēlauþs* 2=1, ƕē-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wie groß; ne. of what proportions, how great, what extent of, how extensive

-- what for: got. duƕē 35, du-ƕē,  Adv.: nhd. wozu, warum; ne. why, what for, wherefore

-- what is left: got. laiba* 3, lai-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Überbleibsel, Rest; ne. what is left, leftover, remains (N.), remnant, rest (N.), remainder

-- what is owned: got. swēs* (2) 3, swē-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eigentum, Vermögen; ne. what is owned, ownings, property

-- what is resolved: got. gagrēfts 3, ga-grēf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree, resoluteness, resolve (N.), determination; *grēfts?, *grēf-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschluss, Verordnung, Befehl; ne. what is resolved, resolution, decree (N.), resoluteness, determination

-- what kind of: got. ƕileiks 17=16, ƕi-leik-s,  Pron., Adj. (a): nhd. wie beschaffen, was für ein, welcher; ne. what sort of, what kind of, which, of what type

-- what remains behind: got. bilaif* 1, bi-lai-f*, bilaifs* 1?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Überrest, Rest; ne. what remains behind, surviving remnant, remains (N.)

-- what sort of: got. ƕileiks 17=16, ƕi-leik-s,  Pron., Adj. (a): nhd. wie beschaffen, was für ein, welcher; ne. what sort of, what kind of, which, of what type

whatever -- in whatever case: got. ƕēh 2, ƕē-h,  Adv.: nhd. jedenfalls, nur; ne. in any case, in whatever case, no matter what, just only

wheat: got. ƕaiteis* 1, ƕai-t-ei-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Weizen; ne. wheat; kaúrn* 4, kaúr-n*, kor, korn*,  kor, korn*, krim st. N. (a): nhd. Korn, Getreide, Weizen; ne. grain, wheat, granular fruit of the cereal grasses; lat. triticum

-- wheat fields: got. atisk* 2, atis-k*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Saat, Saatfeld; ne. standing grain, grainfield, wheat fields

when: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of; biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when; ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; þan nū: nhd. wenn; ne. when, therefore; swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever; allis þan: nhd. tatsächlich, eigentlich, im Gegenteil; ne. when, as a matter of fact; þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

-- and so when: got. swaþþan 1, swa-þ-þan, swahþan*,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. so nun; ne. and so when, and thus when, hence when, thus now

-- and thus when: got. swaþþan 1, swa-þ-þan, swahþan*,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. so nun; ne. and so when, and thus when, hence when, thus now

-- and when therefore: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

-- at the point when: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- at the time when: got. miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though; þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

-- before the time when: got. faúrþizei 9, faúrþ-iz-ei,  Konj.: nhd. bevor, ehe; ne. before, before the time when

-- but when: got. iþ þan, got.: nhd. aber als; ne. but when

-- hence when: got. swaþþan 1, swa-þ-þan, swahþan*,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. so nun; ne. and so when, and thus when, hence when, thus now

-- immediately when: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

-- in the same moment when: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

-- until the day when: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- until when: got. und ƕa, Pron.: nhd. wie lange; ne. until when, how long

whence: got. ƕaþrō 15, ƕa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. woher, von woher; ne. whence, where from, from which

whenever: got. ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

where: got. ƕar 20, ƕa-r,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, wherever, at which place; þadei 12, þad-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wohin, dorthin wo; ne. whither (Adv.), to where, to which place, in which, where; þarei 35, þa-r-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, in the place where, from where

-- at the point where: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- from where: got. þarei 35, þa-r-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, in the place where, from where

-- in the place where: got. þarei 35, þa-r-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, in the place where, from where

-- to where: got. þadei 12, þad-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wohin, dorthin wo; ne. whither (Adv.), to where, to which place, in which, where

-- where from: got. ƕaþrō 15, ƕa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. woher, von woher; ne. whence, where from, from which

-- where to: got. ƕadrē 1, ƕa-drē,  Adv.: nhd. wohin; ne. wither (Adv.), where to, to what place; ƕaþ 6, ƕad,  Adv.: nhd. wohin; ne. whither (Adv.), where to

whereas: got. ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much

whereby: got. biƕē 1, bi-ƕē,  Adv.: nhd. woran; ne. whereby, by means of what, how; þaírh 160=159, þaír-h,  Präp., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. durch; ne. through, per, via (Präp.), whereby, by, throughout

wherefore: got. duƕē 35, du-ƕē,  Adv.: nhd. wozu, warum; ne. why, what for, wherefore; dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that; eiþan 6, ei-þan,  Konj.: nhd. daher, somit, nun; ne. ergo, therefore, for which reason, then, wherefore; in ƕis: nhd. weshalb; ne. on account of what, wherefore, for what

wherein -- a time wherein: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

wherever: got. ƕar 20, ƕa-r,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, wherever, at which place; þisƕaruh 2, þi-s-ƕar-uh,  Adv.: nhd. wo auch immer, wo nur immer; ne. wherever, in whichever place

-- wherever to: got. þisƕaduh 5, þi-s-ƕad-uh,  Adv.: nhd. wohin auch immer, wohin nur immer; ne. whithersoever, wherever to, to whichever place

wherewith: got. ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

whet: got. gaƕatjan* 1, ga-ƕat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet, sharpen, make keen for, incite, mislead, entice

-- whet (V.): got. *ƕatjan?, *ƕat-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anreizen, verlocken; ne. whet (V.), sharpen, make keen for

whether: got. ibai 69, i-ba-i, i-ba,  Partikel: nhd. ob, etwa, wohl, ob denn, doch wohl, doch nicht, dass nicht etwa; ne. possibly, feasibly, how is it possible that, is it so that, is it not so that, lest, whether; jabai 285=283, ja-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. ob, wenn, wenn nur; ne. whether, if; -u 32, -uh,  Partikel: nhd. ob, oder; ne. whether, if

-- regarding whether: got. jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

-- whether if: got. jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

-- whether not: got. niu aufto, got.: nhd. ob nicht etwa; ne. whether not

-- whether therefore: got. jaþþē nū, got.: nhd. ob folglich; ne. whether therefore

whetted: got. *ƕats?, *ƕat-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. scharf; ne. sharp, whetted, keen

which: got. ƕarjis 10, ƕa-r-ji-s,  subst. Interrog.-Pron.: nhd. welcher, wer; ne. which, who; ƕileiks 17=16, ƕi-leik-s,  Pron., Adj. (a): nhd. wie beschaffen, was für ein, welcher; ne. what sort of, what kind of, which, of what type; saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- at which place: got. ƕar 20, ƕa-r,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, wherever, at which place

-- at which time: got. þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

-- for which reason: got. eiþan 6, ei-þan,  Konj.: nhd. daher, somit, nun; ne. ergo, therefore, for which reason, then, wherefore

-- from which: got. ƕaþrō 15, ƕa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. woher, von woher; ne. whence, where from, from which

-- from which place: got. þaþrōei 1, þa-þrō-ei,  Adv.: nhd. von wannen, woher, von wo; ne. from the place that, from which place

-- in excess of that which: got. ufar þatei, got.: nhd. mehr als was; ne. in excess of that which

-- in the manner in which: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- in which: got. þadei 12, þad-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wohin, dorthin wo; ne. whither (Adv.), to where, to which place, in which, where

-- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

-- that which: got. izei 68, iz-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. who, he who, that, that which

-- that which is „co-yoked“: got. gajuk* 1, ga-ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Paar; ne. pair (N.), couple (N.), that which is „co-yoked“, companion

-- that which is given: got. giba 13, gib-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gabe, Geschenk, g-Rune; ne. that which is given, gift (N.), present (N.), name of g-rune

-- that which is heard: got. gahauseins 4, ga-hau-s-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Predigt; ne. that which is heard, report (N.), preaching (N.); hauseins* 5, hau-s-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehör, Ohr, das Gehörte, Hören, Predigt, Gehorsam; ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, that which is heard, ear, preaching (N.), report (N.), statement, news, tidings

-- that which is moulded: got. gadigis 1, ga-dig-is,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gebilde; ne. moulded image, that which is moulded, moulded figure

-- the one which: got. saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- this thing which: got. in þizōzei waihtais: nhd. weshalb; ne. for the sake of, this thing which

-- to which place: got. þadei 12, þad-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wohin, dorthin wo; ne. whither (Adv.), to where, to which place, in which, where

-- to which tidings: got. in ƕō sauþō, got.: nhd. wie; ne. to which tidings

-- until the end of the period in which: got. untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- which of two: got. ƕaþar 6, ƕa-þar,  Pron.: nhd. wer von beiden; ne. which of two

-- young cow which has not yet calved: got. kalbō* 1, kal-b-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. junge Kuh, weibliches Kalb, Kalbe; ne. heifer, young cow which has not yet calved, calf

whichever -- in whichever place: got. þisƕaruh 2, þi-s-ƕar-uh,  Adv.: nhd. wo auch immer, wo nur immer; ne. wherever, in whichever place

whichever -- to whichever place: got. þisƕaduh 5, þi-s-ƕad-uh,  Adv.: nhd. wohin auch immer, wohin nur immer; ne. whithersoever, wherever to, to whichever place

while: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

-- for a short while: got. ƕeilōhun 1, ƕeil-ō-hun,  Adv.: nhd. eine Stunde lang; ne. for an hour, for a short while

-- for a while: got. ƕō ƕeilō, got.: nhd. eine Zeitlang; ne. for a while; ƕō ƕeilō, got.: nhd. eine Zeitlang; ne. for a while

-- lasting only for a while: got. ƕeilaƕaírbs* 2, ƕeil-a-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nur eine Zeitlang dauernd, vergänglich, unbeständig; ne. temporary, transient, transitory, lasting only for a while

-- lower while suspending: got. athāhan* 2, at-hāh-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. hinabhängen, hinablassen, hinunterlassen, niederlassen; ne. lower while suspending, let down, let hang down, set down

-- while (Konj.): got. miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though; þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- while (N.): got. ƕeila (1) 42, ƕeil-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Weile, Zeit, Stunde; ne. while (N.), time (N.), time period, interval, hour

-- while (Präp.): got. in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

whirl -- make whirl about: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

whisper -- whisper (V.): got. birōdjan* 7, bi-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. murrend reden, murren; ne. grumble (V.), murmur (V.), whisper (V.), complain, mutter (V.)

whispering -- whispering (N.): got. birōdeins 4=3, bi-rō-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Murren, Verleumdung; ne. grumbling (N.), murmuring (N.), whispering (N.), complaining (N.)

whit: got. waíhts 80=79, waíh-t-s,  st. F. (i), F. (kons.): nhd. Ding, Sache, etwas; ne. thing, anything, something, entity, whit, sake, objective, matter (N.)

-- be not a whit lesser: got. ni waihtai mins haban, got.: nhd. in nichts nachstehen; ne. be not a whit lesser

white: got. *bals?, *ba-l-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. weiß; ne. white; *blagks?, *bla-gk-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. weiß, glänzend; ne. white, shining (Adj.); *ƕeitags 1, *ƕei-t-ag-s, wichtgata,  wichtgata, krim Adj. (a): nhd. weiß; ne. white; lat. albus; ƕeits* 5, ƕei-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. weiß; ne. white

-- make white: got. gaƕeitjan 1, ga-ƕei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. weißen, weiß machen; ne. whiten, make white; *ƕeitjan, *ƕei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weißen; ne. whiten, make white

-- tame white dove: got. ahaks 4, ah-ak-s,  st. F. (i)?: nhd. zahme weiße Taube (= Opfertaube), Taube; ne. dove, tame white dove, pigeon (for sacrifice)

whiten: got. gaƕeitjan 1, ga-ƕei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. weißen, weiß machen; ne. whiten, make white; *ƕeitjan, *ƕei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weißen; ne. whiten, make white

whitens -- one who whitens wool: got. wullāreis 1, wul-l-ārei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Tuchwalker; ne. wool-bleacher, one who whitens wool, fuller

whither -- whither (Adv.): got. ƕaþ 6, ƕad,  Adv.: nhd. wohin; ne. whither (Adv.), where to; þadei 12, þad-ei,  Adv.: nhd. wohin, dorthin wo; ne. whither (Adv.), to where, to which place, in which, where

whithersoever: got. þisƕaduh 5, þi-s-ƕad-uh,  Adv.: nhd. wohin auch immer, wohin nur immer; ne. whithersoever, wherever to, to whichever place

who: got. ƕarjis 10, ƕa-r-ji-s,  subst. Interrog.-Pron.: nhd. welcher, wer; ne. which, who; ƕas 397=394, ƕa-s,  subst. Pron.: nhd. wer, was, irgendeiner, jemand, etwas; ne. who, what, anyone, anything; izei 68, iz-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. who, he who, that, that which

-- and who: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

-- anyone who: got. saƕazuh 14, sa-ƕaz-uh,  Pron.: nhd. wer auch immer; ne. who ever, everyone who, anyone who

-- a person who: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

-- everyone who: got. saƕazuh 14, sa-ƕaz-uh,  Pron.: nhd. wer auch immer; ne. who ever, everyone who, anyone who

-- he who: got. izei 68, iz-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. who, he who, that, that which; saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- he who is born: got. baúr* (1) 2,  st. M. (i): nhd. Geborener; ne. he who is born, person given birth

-- I who: got. ikei 3, ik-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der ich, ich welcher; ne. I who, I that

-- man who looks for pleasing another one: got. mannam samjands, got.: nhd. wer den Menschen zu gefallen sucht; ne. man who looks for pleasing another one

-- one who makes earthenware utensils: got. kasja 3, kas-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Töpfer; ne. potter, one who makes earthenware utensils

-- one who presents his superabundance: got. *ufanus?, *uf-an-u-s?,  Adj. (u?): nhd. der seinen Überfluss zeigt; ne. one who presents his superabundance

-- one who stands: got. *stasseis?, *sta-s-s-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Steher; ne. one who stands, one who takes a stance

-- one who takes a stance: got. *stasseis?, *sta-s-s-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Steher; ne. one who stands, one who takes a stance

-- one who whitens wool: got. wullāreis 1, wul-l-ārei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Tuchwalker; ne. wool-bleacher, one who whitens wool, fuller

-- person who swears: got. *swara, *swar-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Schwörer; ne. person who swears

-- person who wants to argue: got. wiljands miþ þus staua, got.: nhd. der welcher mit dir rechten will; ne. person who wants to argue

-- she who: got. saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- she who has borne: got. *bērusi?, *bēr-us-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Gebärende, Mutter (F.) (1); ne. she having borne, she who has borne

-- the one who: got. saei 942=938, sa-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der, welcher; ne. the one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that

-- who ever: got. saƕazuh 14, sa-ƕaz-uh,  Pron.: nhd. wer auch immer; ne. who ever, everyone who, anyone who

-- who is near: got. nēƕundja 10, nēƕ-und-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nächster; ne. neighbour (M.), who is near, fellowman

-- ye who: got. jūzei 7, jūz-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. ihr welche, die ihr; ne. you who, ye who

-- you who: got. jūzei 7, jūz-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. ihr welche, die ihr; ne. you who, ye who; þūei 4, þū-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der du; ne. you who

whoever: got. þisƕazuh 20, þi-s-ƕaz-uh,  Indef.-Pron.: nhd. wer auch immer, wer nur immer; ne. whoever, whosoever, whomever

whole: got. ainfalþs* 1, ai-n-fal-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. einfach, einfältig; ne. in one piece, simple, single, whole; *alakjis?, *al-a-k-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja) (jō): nhd. gesamt; ne. whole, entire; gahails* 1, ga-hai-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ganz unversehrt; ne. intact, whole, unblemished; hails (1) 15, hai-l-s, iel,  iel, krim Adj. (a): nhd. heil, gesund, wohl; ne. healthy, hale (Adj.), whole, sound (Adj.); lat. vita, sanitas

-- the whole: got. *ala?, *al-a?,  sw. Adj.?: nhd. all, ganz, völlig; ne. all, the entire, the whole; alls 600=597, al-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. all, jeder, ganz, viel; ne. all, all of, the entire, every, the whole

wholehearted -- wholehearted accord: got. allawērei* 1, al-l-a-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Redlichkeit; ne. simplicity, sincerity, wholehearted accord, complete agreeability, total agreement

whole-heartedly: got. ainfalþaba 1, ai-n-fal-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. einfältig; ne. simply, candidly, whole-heartedly

wholly: got. allandjō 1, al-l-and-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. völlig, vollständig, ganz und gar; ne. completely, wholly; allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

whom -- and whom: got. þanuh nū: nhd. und wen; ne. and whom, therefore

whom -- to whom: got. ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

whom -- with whom: got. ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

whomever: got. þisƕazuh 20, þi-s-ƕaz-uh,  Indef.-Pron.: nhd. wer auch immer, wer nur immer; ne. whoever, whosoever, whomever

whore -- whore (F.): got. kalkjō* 1, kalk-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n?): nhd. Hure; ne. whore (F.), prostitute (F.), harlot

whore -- whore (V.): got. *kalkinōn?, *kalk-in-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Unzucht treiben, huren; ne. fornicate, whore (V.)

whosoever: got. þisƕazuh 20, þi-s-ƕaz-uh,  Indef.-Pron.: nhd. wer auch immer, wer nur immer; ne. whoever, whosoever, whomever

why: got. duƕē 35, du-ƕē,  Adv.: nhd. wozu, warum; ne. why, what for, wherefore; ƕa, got.: nhd. warum; ne. why; ƕa þatei: nhd. warum; ne. why, how come; in ƕis: nhd. warum, weshalb; ne. because of that, why; lima 2, got.?, Adv.: nhd. warum; ne. why

wicked: got. *balwaweis, *balw-a-wei-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. böse, übel; ne. baleful, wicked, malicious; inwinds* 5, in-wi-nd-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. „gewunden“, ungerecht, verkehrt, verdorben; ne. perverse (Adj.), wicked, corrupt (Adj.), unjust

wickedness: got. balwawēsei* 1, balw-a-wēs-ei*, balwaweisei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit; ne. malice, wickedness, evil (N.); inwindiþa 6, in-wi-nd-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ungerechtigkeit; ne. perverseness, wickedness, corruption, unrighteousness; unsēlei* 12, un-sēl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bosheit, Schlechtigkeit; ne. unkindness, malevolence, malice, wickedness

wicker -- wicker basket: got. snōrjō* 1, snōr-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Netz; ne. wicker basket, mesh basket, net (N.); tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

wide: got. braiþs* 1, brai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. breit; ne. broad (Adj.), wide; *wīds, *w-ī-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. weit; ne. wide

-- open wide: got. urrūmnan* 2, ur-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern, aufgehen; ne. become spacious, become commodious, enlarge, widen, open wide

widen: got. urrūmnan* 2, ur-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern, aufgehen; ne. become spacious, become commodious, enlarge, widen, open wide

widow: got. widuwō 14, wid-uw-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Witwe; ne. widow

width: got. braidei 1, brai-d-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Breite; ne. bredth, width

wield -- wield domination over: got. gawaldan* 1, ga-wald-an*,  red. V. (3), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. sich der Herrschaft bemächtigen, vergewaltigen; ne. wield domination over, exercise command over, exercise authority over

wield -- wield power over: got. waldan 2, wald-an,  red. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. walten, haushalten, dem Hauswesen vorstehen; ne. control (V.), govern, rule (V.), have dominion over, wield power over, suffice

wife: got. qēns 58, qēn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Eheweib, Ehefrau, Frau; ne. wife; *weif, wīf,  st. N. (a): nhd. Weib; ne. wife

-- young wife: got. brūþs* 1, brū-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Neuvermählte, Schwiegertochter, junge Frau; ne. bride, young wife

wild: got. wilþeis 3, wil-þ-ei-s,  Adj. (ia): nhd. wild; ne. wild, undomesticated

-- wild (Adj.): got. haiþiwisks* 1, haiþ-i-wisk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wild; ne. of the open field, of the countryside, wild (Adj.); unmanariggws* 2=1, un-man-a-rigg-w-s*, unmanatriggws*?,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungezähmt, wild, grausam; ne. untamed, barbarous, treacherous, wild (Adj.), cruel (Adj.)

-- wild animal: got. dius* 2, diu-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. wildes Tier, Tier; ne. wild beast, beast, wild animal, animal; unbiari* 1, un-biar-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. wildes Tier, Bestie; ne. beast, wild beast, brute (N.), wild animal

-- wild beast: got. dius* 2, diu-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. wildes Tier, Tier; ne. wild beast, beast, wild animal, animal; unbiari* 1, un-biar-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. wildes Tier, Bestie; ne. beast, wild beast, brute (N.), wild animal

-- wild dark dove: got. hraiwadūbō* 1, hrai-w-a-dūb-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Leichentaube“, Turteltaube; ne. turtle-dove, wild dark dove, sacrificial animal of poor people

-- wild goose: got. *ganta?, *ga-n-t-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wildgans; ne. wild goose

wilderness: got. auþida 18, au-þ-id-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wüste, Einöde; ne. desert (N.), wasteland, wilderness

wile -- wile (N.): got. lists* 1, lis-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. List; ne. wile (N.), artifice, cunning (N.)

wiliness: got. warei* 2=1, war-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tücke, Verschlagenheit; ne. wariness, wiliness, guarded alertness, villainy

will -- good will: got. bleiþei 4, ble-i-þ-ei,  st. F. (n): nhd. Wohlwollen, Güte, Mitleid, Erbarmen; ne. benevolence, good will, kind-heartedness, mercy (N.), clemency

will -- of one’s own will: got. silba wiljands, got.: nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will; silbawiljis* 2=1, si-l-b-a-wil-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will, willing of oneself, volunteer (Adj.)

will -- together in will: got. gawiljis* 3, ga-wi-l-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. einmütig, gewillt; ne. „co-volitional“, together in will, concordant, unanimous

will -- will (N.): got. wilja 41=38, wi-l-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wille, Wohlgefallen; ne. will (N.), willingness, wish (N.), desire (N.), intention, aim (N.)

will -- will not: got. niu 69, ni-u,  Partikel: nhd. nicht, nicht wahr; ne. do not, did not, shall not, will not, have not, is it not

will -- will (V.): got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.); wiljan 128=127, wi-l-jan,  V. (athem.): nhd. wollen (V.); ne. will (V.), wish (V.), want (V.), desire (V.)

willful: got. *wiljahalþs?, *wi-l-j-a-hal-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. willkürlich; ne. willful, arbitrary

willing -- willing of oneself: got. silbawiljis* 2=1, si-l-b-a-wil-ji-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. freiwillig; ne. of one’s own will, willing of oneself, volunteer (Adj.)

willingly: got. us lustum: nhd. gern, freiwillig; ne. willingly, of own desire

willingness: got. wilja 41=38, wi-l-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wille, Wohlgefallen; ne. will (N.), willingness, wish (N.), desire (N.), intention, aim (N.); *wiljei?, *wi-l-j-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Willigkeit; ne. willingness

-- willingness (N.): got. gaírnei* 5, gaír-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verlangen, Wunsch, Begehren; ne. wish (N.), longing (N.), yearning (N.), desire (N.), willingness (N.)

wily: got. listeigs 2, lis-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. listig; ne. cunning (Adj.), wily, crafty

win -- win by running: got. garinnan* 7, ga-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlaufen, zusammenkommen, erlaufen, erringen, erlangen; ne. run together, come together, convene, win by running, meet, reach, obtain, gather

winch -- winch (N.): got. *haspa, *hasp-a, *haspō,  st. F. (ō), sw. F. (n): nhd. Haspe, Winde; ne. windlass, winch (N.)

wind-: got. *winþeis?, *wi-nþ-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. Wind-, windig; ne. of the wind, wind-, blowing (N.)

wind -- of the wind: got. *winþeis?, *wi-nþ-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. Wind-, windig; ne. of the wind, wind-, blowing (N.)

wind -- wind around: got. biwindan* 4, bi-wi-n-d-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umwinden, einwickeln, umwickeln, in Windeln wickeln; ne. wind around, wrap around, swaddle (V.)

wind -- wind (N.): got. *baurs?, *baur-s?,  st. M.? (i): nhd. Wind; ne. wind (N.); winds (1) 17, wi-nd-s, wintsch,  wintsch, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Wind; ne. wind (N.), air current; lat. ventus

wind -- wind round about: got. biwaibjan* 3, bi-waib-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umwinden, umgeben, umkleiden; ne. surround (V.), clothe, wrap around, envelop, wind round about

wind -- wind up: got. *anahaspan?, *an-a-hasp-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhaspeln; ne. wind up, reel up; *haspan?, *hasp-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haspeln; ne. wind up, reel up

wind -- wind (V.): got. *windan, *wi-nd-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. winden; ne. wind (V.); *wriggan?, *wri-g-g-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. drehen, winden; ne. wring (V.), twist (V.), wind (V.)

wind -- wind (V.) (1): got. *waibjan?, *waib-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. weben, winden; ne. spin (V.), wind (V.) (1)

winding -- winding (Adj.): got. wraiqs* 1, wrai-q-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. krumm, schräg; ne. curved, winding (Adj.), twisting, crooked

winding -- winding (N.): got. *windiþa, *wi-nd-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Windung?; ne. winding (N.)

winding -- winding up: got. gamalteins* 1, ga-mal-t-eins*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung; ne. melting away, winding up, dissolution, liquidation

windlass: got. *haspa, *hasp-a, *haspō,  st. F. (ō), sw. F. (n): nhd. Haspe, Winde; ne. windlass, winch (N.)

window: got. augadaúrō* 1, aug-a-daúr-ō*,  sw. N. (n): nhd. „Augentür“, Fenster; ne. window

winds -- dissipate to the winds: got. diswinþjan* 1, dis-winþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „auseinanderwerfen“, zermalmen, worfeln, zerstreuen; ne. crush (V.), scatter completely away by winnowing, dissipate to the winds

windy: got. *windags?, *wi-nd-ag-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. windig; ne. windy

wine: got. wein 18,  st. N. (a): nhd. Wein; ne. wine

-- addicted to wine: got. weinags* 3=2, wein-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. trunken, trunksüchtig, Trunkenbold (= subst.); ne. addicted to wine, drunkardly, drunk (Adj.), drunkard (= subst.)

-- sour wine: got. akēt* 2, akē-t*, akeit*,  st. M.?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Essig; ne. vinegar, wine vinegar, sour wine

-- wine addict: got. weindrugkja 1, wein-dru-g-k-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Weintrinker, Säufer; ne. wine-drinker, wine addict, drunkard

-- wine vinegar: got. akēt* 2, akē-t*, akeit*,  st. M.?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Essig; ne. vinegar, wine vinegar, sour wine

wine-berry: got. weinabasi* 2, wein-a-bas-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Weinbeere; ne. wine-berry, grape

wine-drinker: got. weindrugkja 1, wein-dru-g-k-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Weintrinker, Säufer; ne. wine-drinker, wine addict, drunkard

wine-skin: got. balgs* 12, bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Balg, Schlauch, Tasche; ne. leather bag, bag made of skin, wine-skin

winning -- reward for winning: got. sigislaun* 2, sig-i-s-laun*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Siegeslohn, Preis; ne. victory prize, reward for winning

winnow -- winnow (V.): got. *winþjan?, *wi-nþ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streuen?; ne. winnow (V.), fan (V.)

winnowing -- scatter completely away by winnowing: got. diswinþjan* 1, dis-winþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „auseinanderwerfen“, zermalmen, worfeln, zerstreuen; ne. crush (V.), scatter completely away by winnowing, dissipate to the winds

winnowing -- winnowing fan: got. winþiskaúrō* 1, wi-nþ-i-skaúr-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Worfschaufel; ne. winnowing-shovel, winnowing-fork, winnowing-impeller, winnowing fan

winnowing-fork: got. winþiskaúrō* 1, wi-nþ-i-skaúr-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Worfschaufel; ne. winnowing-shovel, winnowing-fork, winnowing-impeller, winnowing fan

winnowing-impeller: got. winþiskaúrō* 1, wi-nþ-i-skaúr-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Worfschaufel; ne. winnowing-shovel, winnowing-fork, winnowing-impeller, winnowing fan

winnowing-shovel: got. winþiskaúrō* 1, wi-nþ-i-skaúr-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Worfschaufel; ne. winnowing-shovel, winnowing-fork, winnowing-impeller, winnowing fan

winter -- winter (N.): got. wintrus 5, wi-n-t-ru-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Winter, Jahr; ne. winter (N.), wintertime, year

winter -- winter (V.): got. wintru wisan: nhd. überwintern; ne. winter (V.), overwinter; wintru wisan: nhd. überwintern; ne. winter (V.), overwinter

winters -- twelve winters old: got. twalibwintrus 1, twa-lib-wintr-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. zwölfjährig; ne. twelve winters old

wintertime: got. wintrus 5, wi-n-t-ru-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Winter, Jahr; ne. winter (N.), wintertime, year

wipe -- wipe all around: got. biswaírban* 4, bi-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. abwischen, abtrocknen; ne. wipe around, wipe all around, wipe off, dry (V.)

wipe -- wipe around: got. biswaírban* 4, bi-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. abwischen, abtrocknen; ne. wipe around, wipe all around, wipe off, dry (V.)

wipe -- wipe away: got. afswaírban* 1, af-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. abwischen, auslöschen; ne. wipe away, wipe out

wipe -- wipe off: got. biswaírban* 4, bi-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. abwischen, abtrocknen; ne. wipe around, wipe all around, wipe off, dry (V.)

wipe -- wipe out: got. afhrainjan 1, af-hrai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas Verunreinigendes tilgen, reinigen; ne. cleanse away, wipe out; afswaírban* 1, af-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. abwischen, auslöschen; ne. wipe away, wipe out

wipe -- wipe (V.): got. *straupjan?, *stra-u-p-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abstreifen; ne. wipe (V.), take off; *straupōn?, *stra-u-p-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. streifen; ne. wipe (V.); *swaírban, *swaírb-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. wischen; ne. wipe (V.)

wisdom: got. frōdei* 9, frōd-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Klugheit, Verstand; ne. intellect, intelligence, wisdom; handugei 20=19, hand-ug-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Weisheit, Klugheit, Geschicklichkeit; ne. wisdom; snutrei* 2, snutr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Weisheit; ne. cleverness, sagacity, wisdom; *weisei?, *wei-s-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Weisheit; ne. wisdom

wise: got. *deis?, *dei-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. weise, klug; ne. wise, clever, intelligent; frōþs 10, frōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. klug, verständig, weise; ne. intelligent, wise; handugs 2, hand-ug-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. weise, klug, geschickt; ne. wise

-wise: got. *weis (2), *wei-s,  Adj. (ia): nhd. -weis, -reihig; ne. -wise

wise -- fully wise: got. fullaweis* 1, ful-l-a-wei-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vollkommen; ne. mature (Adj.), thoroughly instructed, fully educated, fully informed, fully wise

wise -- make wise: got. usfratwjan 1, us-fratw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. klug machen, ausrüsten?, ausstatten?; ne. instruct (V.), provide with knowledge, make wise

wise -- wise (Adj.): got. inahs* 1, in-ah-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. verständig, besonnen (Adj.), klug; ne. judicious, circumspect (Adj.), prudent, wise (Adj.); snutrs* 2, snutr-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. weise; ne. clever, sagacious, wise (Adj.); *-weis (1), *-wei-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. weise, klug; ne. wise (Adj.), informed, educated; *wīs?, *wī-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. weise, klug, erfahren (Adj.), verständig; ne. wise (Adj.), educated, informed

wisent: got. *Wisands?, *Wis-an-d-s?,  M. (nd): nhd. Wisent; ne. wisent

wish -- make a prayerful wish for: got. usbidan* 1, us-bid-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. erbitten; ne. make a prayerful wish for, wish prayerfully

wish -- wish (N.): got. gaírnei* 5, gaír-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verlangen, Wunsch, Begehren; ne. wish (N.), longing (N.), yearning (N.), desire (N.), willingness (N.); wilja 41=38, wi-l-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wille, Wohlgefallen; ne. will (N.), willingness, wish (N.), desire (N.), intention, aim (N.); *wunsk-, *wun-sk-,  sw.? Sb.: nhd. Wunsch; ne. wish (N.)

wish -- wish prayerfully: got. usbidan* 1, us-bid-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. erbitten; ne. make a prayerful wish for, wish prayerfully

wish -- wish (V.): got. wiljan 128=127, wi-l-jan,  V. (athem.): nhd. wollen (V.); ne. will (V.), wish (V.), want (V.), desire (V.)

witch: got. haljōrūna* 1, hal-j-ō-rū-n-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hexe, Zauberweib; ne. witch, magician (F.); lat. maga mulier

witchcraft -- skilled in alchemical witchcraft: got. lubjaleis* 1, lu-b-j-a-leis*,  Adj. (a): nhd. giftkundig, Zauberer (= lubjaleis, subst.); ne. skilled in alchemical witchcraft, sorcerous, alchemist (= lubjaleis, subst.)

with: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

-- accomodate with: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

-- achieve junction with: got. gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

-- act with restraint toward: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.)

-- address with salutations: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

-- afflict with thirst: got. afþaúrsjan* 2, af-þaúrs-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. dursten, verdursten, durstig sein (V.); ne. dessicate, afflict with thirst

-- agreeing to with difficulty: got. *tuzwērs, *tuz-wēr-s, *tuzwēreis,  Adj. (a)?, Adj. (ja)?: nhd. verdächtig?; ne. suspicious?, agreeing to with difficulty

-- agree together with one another: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide

-- along with (Präf.): got. *ga-,  Partikel, Präf.: nhd. ge-, mit-; ne. together (Präf.), along with (Präf.)

-- argue with: got. miþsōkjan 1, mi-þ-sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitdisputieren, mit jemandem streiten; ne. debate with, argue with

-- arise together with: got. miþurreisan* 2, mi-þ-ur-rei-s-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitaufstehen; ne. rise up together, arise together with

-- arrive with haste: got. *atsniwan?, *at-sniw-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste; duatsniwan* 1, du-at-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste, hurry to

-- associate with: got. blandan (sik) 3, bla-nd-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich vermischen mit, mischen; ne. mix (V.), mingle, commix, intermingle, associate with; miþgawisan* 1, mi-þ-ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., m. Dat.: nhd. zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.); ne. associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together

-- attest together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

-- be aglow with: got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

-- be alive together with: got. miþliban* 1, mi-þ-lib-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. mitleben; ne. live together with, be alive together with

-- be angry with: got. hatizōn* 1, hat-i-z-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. zürnen; ne. be embittered against, be angry with

-- be a partner with: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

-- bear hardship with: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

-- bear witness together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

-- be clad with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- be clothed over with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- become clad with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- become clothed over with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- become consumed with flame: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- be congruent with: got. gatiman* 1, ga-tim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. geziemen; ne. be congruent with, time with, fit in with, match (V.); *timan?, *tim-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. sich ziemen, geziemen; ne. be congruent with, fit in with

-- be consumed with flame: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- be hypocritical together with: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

-- be moved with compassion: got. infeinan* 6, in-fei-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erbarmen, gerührt sein (V.); ne. have compassion, be moved with compassion, have pity

-- be present together with: got. miþwisan* 1, mi-þ-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. beistehen, zu Hilfe kommen; ne. be together with, be present together with, remain with

-- be together with: got. miþwisan* 1, mi-þ-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. beistehen, zu Hilfe kommen; ne. be together with, be present together with, remain with

-- block up as with a dam: got. faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam

-- bring into collision with: got. gastagqjan* 1, ga-stagq-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anstoßen; ne. make collide, bring into collision with, strike against

-- bud forth together with: got. miþuskeinan* 1, mi-þ-us-kei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. „mitauskeimen“, mithervorkeimen; ne. sprout up together with, bud forth together with, grow with

-- burden together with: got. miþkaúrjan* 1, mi-þ-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbelasten; ne. burden together with, weigh down together with

-- burden with an overload: got. anakaúrjan* 1, an-a-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschweren; ne. heap a burden upon, burden with an overload, cause pain

-- bury together with: got. miþganawistrōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-nawi-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. mitbegraben; ne. bury together with, inter together with

-- but then along with that: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- capture together with: got. miþfrahinþan* 2, mi-þ-fra-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgefangennehmen; ne. capture together with, take captive along with

-- clothe o.s. with: got. gahamōn 10, ga-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich bekleiden, sich anziehen; ne. dress in, get dressed, put on, clothe o.s. with, don (V.)

-- come along together with: got. miþqiman* 1, mi-þ-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. mitkommen; ne. come along together with, go along with

-- come into contact with: got. tēkan* 7, tēk-an*, teikan*,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. anrühren, berühren; ne. touch (V.), come into contact with, put one’s touch on

-- come together with: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to; *gawaírþnan?, *ga-waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. versöhnt werden, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with; *waírþnan?, *waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. friedlich machen, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with

-- come with: got. miþgaggan* 3, mi-þ-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgehen; ne. go together with, go along, come with

-- consort with: got. miþgawisan* 1, mi-þ-ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., m. Dat.: nhd. zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.); ne. associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together

-- converse with: got. miþrōdjan* 1, mi-þ-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mit jemandem reden; ne. speak together with, talk together with, converse with

-- cover as with a tent: got. ufarhleiþrjan* 1, uf-ar-hlei-þr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überzelten, ein Zelt über jemandem aufschlagen; ne. tent over, cover as with a tent, canopy (V.)

-- cover with kisses: got. bikukjan 1, bi-ku-k-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. mit Küssen bedecken; ne. cover with kisses

-- cover with shadow: got. *gaskadwjan?, *ga-skad-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschatten, bedecken; ne. cover with shadow, shade (V.), beshadow; *skadwjan?, *skad-w-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschatten; ne. cover with shadow, shade (V.), beshadow

-- cover with spit: got. bispeiwan* 2, bi-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. bespeien, anspeien; ne. spit upon, spit at, cover with spit

-- crown with wreathing: got. weipan* 1, weip-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. kränzen, krönen, bekränzen; ne. wreathe, enwreathe, crown with wreathing

-- debate with: got. miþsōkjan 1, mi-þ-sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitdisputieren, mit jemandem streiten; ne. debate with, argue with

-- depict with a visual image: got. *frisahtjan?, *frisah-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.); gafrisahtjan* 1, ga-frisah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.)

-- die along with: got. miþgaswiltan 1, mi-þ-ga-swil-t-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. mitsterben; ne. die along with, die together with

-- die together with: got. miþgadauþnan* 1, mi-þ-ga-dau-þ-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. mitsterben; ne. die together with; miþgaswiltan 1, mi-þ-ga-swil-t-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. mitsterben; ne. die along with, die together with

-- dispatch together with: got. gamiþsandjan* 2=1, ga-miþ-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitsenden; ne. send thither along, dispatch together with; miþinsandjan* 1, mi-þ-in-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitentsenden; ne. send thither along with, dispatch together with

-- eat together with: got. miþmatjan 2, mi-þ-mat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitessen; ne. eat together with

-- eliminate with death: got. afdauþjan 5, af-dau-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. töten; ne. put to death, make die, kill (V.), eliminate with death

-- entrust with: got. anafilhan 21, an-a-fil-h-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. übergeben (V.), überliefern, verpachten, empfehlen, anempfehlen, geben; ne. commit to for safekeeping, give into the care of, put in the trust of, entrust with, deliver

-- fake together with: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

-- feel happy together with: got. miþfaginōn* 2, mi-þ-fag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich mitfreuen; ne. feel happy together with, rejoice together with

-- feign together with: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

-- fit in with: got. gatiman* 1, ga-tim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. geziemen; ne. be congruent with, time with, fit in with, match (V.); *timan?, *tim-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. sich ziemen, geziemen; ne. be congruent with, fit in with

-- fix with stakes: got. *stakjan?, *stak-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stecken; ne. make stuck, fix with stakes

-- furnish with a flaw: got. anawammjan* 1, an-a-wam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beflecken, tadeln; ne. furnish with a flaw, mar, stain (V.)

-- give life to together with: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

-- go along with: got. miþqiman* 1, mi-þ-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. mitkommen; ne. come along together with, go along with

-- go in together with: got. miþinngaleiþan* 1, mi-þ-in-n-ga-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. mithineingehen; ne. go in together with, go along into

-- go together with: got. miþgaggan* 3, mi-þ-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgehen; ne. go together with, go along, come with

-- grow with: got. miþuskeinan* 1, mi-þ-us-kei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. „mitauskeimen“, mithervorkeimen; ne. sprout up together with, bud forth together with, grow with

-- horse with a blaze: got. *bala 2, *ba-l-a,  sw. M.?(n): nhd. Pferd mit Blesse; ne. horse with a blaze

-- in accordance with: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

-- inter together with: got. miþganawistrōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-nawi-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. mitbegraben; ne. bury together with, inter together with

-- joyfully agreeing with: got. gawizneigs 1, ga-wiz-n-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll Mitfreude; ne. enjoying together, joyfully agreeing with, full of delight

-- labour together with: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

-- laden with: got. hafts* (1) 1, haf-t-s*,  Part. Prät. = Adj. (a): nhd. behaftet; ne. bound (Adj.), joined, laden with, subject to

-- live in company with: got. miþgawisan* 1, mi-þ-ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., m. Dat.: nhd. zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.); ne. associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together

-- live together with: got. miþliban* 1, mi-þ-lib-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. mitleben; ne. live together with, be alive together with

-- make contact with: got. attēkan 21, at-tēk-an,  red. abl. V. (6), m. Dat.: nhd. berühren, anrühren; ne. touch (V.), make contact with, lay one’s touch upon

-- make peace with: got. gasibjōn 1, ga-si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to; *sibjōn, *si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to

-- meet up with: got. frarinnan* 1, fra-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich verlaufen zu, geraten unter; ne. run awry, run amiss, meet up with

-- mourn with lamentation: got. waifaírƕjan* 1, wai-faírƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wehklagen; ne. mourn with lamentation, wail in mourning, lament (V.)

-- oppose with battle: got. andweihan* 2, and-weih-an*, andwaihan*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. widerstreiten, ankämpfen, entgegenkämpfen; ne. oppose with battle, fight in opposition to

-- oppress intensely with persecution: got. frawrikan* 1, fra-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. verfolgen, rächen; ne. persecute severely, oppress intensely with persecution, drive out

-- pelt with stones: got. stainjan* 3, stai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. steinigen; ne. stone (V.), pelt with stones

-- provide with food: got. *usfōdjan?, *us-fō-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nähren; ne. nourish, provide with food

-- provide with knowledge: got. usfratwjan 1, us-fratw-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. klug machen, ausrüsten?, ausstatten?; ne. instruct (V.), provide with knowledge, make wise

-- put side by side with: got. gabaíran 26, ga-baír-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „zusammentragen“, vergleichen, gebären; ne. „bring together“, compare, put side by side with, give birth to

-- put up with: got. gaþulan 5, ga-þul-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erdulden, dulden; ne. tolerate, put up with, suffer (V.), stand (V.), endure; usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

-- raise up with: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

-- reach with haste: got. *atsniwan?, *at-sniw-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste; duatsniwan* 1, du-at-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste, hurry to

-- recline together with to eat: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

-- regard with rejection: got. *idweitan?, *id-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. rügen, zurechtweisen; ne. regard with rejection, look at repudiatingly

-- reign with: got. miþþiudanōn* 2, mi-þ-þiu-d-an-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitherrschen; ne. reign with, rule with

-- reject the connection with: got. inwidan* 7, in-wi-d-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleugnen, für ungültig erklären; ne. reject the connection with, deny the relatedness of, repudiate, disown, desert (3)

-- rejoice together with: got. miþfaginōn* 2, mi-þ-fag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. sich mitfreuen; ne. feel happy together with, rejoice together with

-- remain with: got. miþwisan* 1, mi-þ-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. beistehen, zu Hilfe kommen; ne. be together with, be present together with, remain with

-- rule with: got. miþþiudanōn* 2, mi-þ-þiu-d-an-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitherrschen; ne. reign with, rule with

-- salve with an ointment: got. gasalbōn* 6, ga-salb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. salben, besalben; ne. anoint (V.), salve with an ointment; salbōn 5, salb-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. salben; ne. anoint, salve with an ointment

-- seat together with: got. miþgasatjan* 2=1, mi-þ-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mithinsetzen, sich zusammensetzen; ne. seat together with, make sit down together

-- send thither along with: got. miþinsandjan* 1, mi-þ-in-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitentsenden; ne. send thither along with, dispatch together with

-- serve together with: got. miþskalkinōn* 1, mi-þ-s-kal-k-i-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. Mitknecht sein (V.), mitdienen; ne. serve together with

-- share with: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

-- small bush with highly aromatic leaves: got. hwssōpō* 1, hwssōpōn*,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromatic leaves

-- small bush with highly aromativ leaves: got. ƕssōpō, ƕssōpōn,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromativ leaves

-- speak together with: got. miþrōdjan* 1, mi-þ-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mit jemandem reden; ne. speak together with, talk together with, converse with

-- speak with someone: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

-- sprout up together with: got. miþuskeinan* 1, mi-þ-us-kei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. „mitauskeimen“, mithervorkeimen; ne. sprout up together with, bud forth together with, grow with

-- stand together with: got. miþstandan* 1, mi-þ-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. zusammenstehen mit; ne. stand together with

-- strike with the fist: got. kaupatjan 4, kaupat-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. ohrfeigen, Faustschlag geben; ne. buffet (V.), pommel (V.), cuff (V.), strike with the fist

-- suffer with: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

-- surround with a rampart: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

-- swollen with pride: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

-- take captive along with: got. miþfrahinþan* 2, mi-þ-fra-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgefangennehmen; ne. capture together with, take captive along with

-- take with o.s.: got. ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn

-- talk together with: got. miþrōdjan* 1, mi-þ-rō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mit jemandem reden; ne. speak together with, talk together with, converse with

-- testify together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

-- time with: got. gatiman* 1, ga-tim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. geziemen; ne. be congruent with, time with, fit in with, match (V.)

-- together with: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

-- treat with dishonour: got. unswēran* 2, un-s-wēr-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. verunehren, beschimpfen; ne. dishonour (V.), treat with dishonour

-- treat with violence: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

-- vie with: got. haifstjan 4, haif-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streiten; ne. compete in a contest, contend, rival (V.), vie with, strive in competition, fight (V.)

-- wear down with vexation: got. usþriutan* 3, us-þri-ut-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. einem Beschwerde bringen, beschwerlich fallen; ne. harass (V.), torment (V.), plaque (V.), wear down with vexation, bother (V.), persecute

-- weigh down together with: got. miþkaúrjan* 1, mi-þ-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbelasten; ne. burden together with, weigh down together with

-- with a different meaning: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

-- with attention to detail: got. glaggwaba 1, gla-ggw-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sorgsam; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, diligently; glaggwō 1, gla-ggw-ō,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, accurately; *glaggws?, *gla-ggw-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. genau; ne. meticulous, with attention to detail; glaggwuba 1, gla-ggw-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, precisely

-- with child: got. inkilþō 3, in-kil-þ-ō,  sw. Adj.: nhd. schwanger, Schwangere (subst.); ne. with child, pregnant

-- with children: got. *barnahs?, *bar-n-ah-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bekindet; ne. with children

-- with empty stomach: got. lausqiþrs* 1, lau-s-qi-þ-r-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leeren Magens, nüchtern, ungespeist; ne. fasting (Adj.), with empty stomach

-- with free time: got. ūhteigs* 1, ū-h-t-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Zeit habend, unbeschäftigt; ne. with free time, having ample time

-- with hardness: got. harduba 3, har-d-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sehr, hart; ne. with hardness, harshly, with severity, terribly

-- with haste: got. sniumundō 3, sniu-m-und-ō,  Adv.: nhd. eilends, eilig; ne. speedily, hurriedly, quickly, with haste

-- with pleasant appearance: got. *fēhaba?, *fēh-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, pleasant-appearingly, decorously, becomingly; gafēhaba 1, ga-fēh-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, decorously, becomingly

-- with pleasure: got. azētaba 1, azēt-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. leicht, gern; ne. easily, comfortably, with pleasure; gabaúrjaba 7, ga-baúr-j-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. gern; ne. pleasurably, gladly, with pleasure

-- with right: got. garaíhtaba 4, ga-raíh-t-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. gerecht, mit Recht; ne. uprightly, righteously, justly, with right

-- with roots: got. gawaúrts* 1, ga-waúrt-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. eingewurzelt; ne. rooted, with roots

-- with sanctitiy: got. weihaba 1, weih-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. heilig; ne. hallowedly, with sanctitiy, sacredly, earnestly

-- with severity: got. harduba 3, har-d-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sehr, hart; ne. with hardness, harshly, with severity, terribly

-- with s.o.: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

-- with the time of: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

-- with unpleasant difficulty: got. agluba 2, ag-l-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. schwer, schwerlich; ne. arduously, with unpleasant difficulty

-- with veiled head: got. gahulidamma haubida, got.: nhd. mit verhülltem Kopfe; ne. with veiled head

-- with whom: got. ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

withdraw: got. afniman 15, af-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. wegnehmen, abnehmen; ne. take away, remove (V.), withdraw; gaskaidan sik* 1, ga-skai-d-an,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich zurückziehen, sich trennen; ne. separate o.s., dissociate o.s., divorce o.s., withdraw; uswandjan* 3, us-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wegwenden, sich entziehen, verfallen (V.), abweichen (V.) (2); ne. turn away, become diverted, withdraw, deviate

wither: got. gaþaúrsnan* 5, ga-þaúrs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up, wither, be parched

-- wither (Adv.): got. ƕadrē 1, ƕa-drē,  Adv.: nhd. wohin; ne. wither (Adv.), where to, to what place

-- wither (V.): got. gastaúrknan* 1, ga-staúr-k-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vertrocknen, verdorren; ne. become rigid, stiffen, wither (V.); gaþaírsan* 2, ga-þaírs-an*,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren; ne. dry up, wither (V.), parch (V.); *þaírsan?, *þaírs-an?,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. verdorren; ne. wither (V.)

withered: got. þaúrsus 3, þaúrs-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. dürr, vertrocknet; ne. dry (Adj.), parched, withered, dried up

withhold -- withhold o.s.: got. afhaban* (sik) 1, af-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. abstain, withhold o.s.; gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain

withhold -- withhold o.s. from food: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

within: got. in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due; inn 9, in-n,  Adv., Präf.: nhd. hinein; ne. in, into, within; inna 4, in-n-a,  Adv., Präf.: nhd. innen, innerhalb; ne. within, inside (Adv.); innana 2, in-n-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von innen, hinein, innen, innerhalb, inwendig (= innana gardis); ne. from inside, within, into the inside of (= innana gardis)

-- cast within reach of: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- domiciled within: got. ingardja* (2) 2, in-gar-d-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. im Haus befindlich; ne. in the house, domiciled within, resident (Adj.)

-- from within: got. innaþrō 3, in-n-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von innen, inwendig; ne. from the interior, from within, inwardly

-- from within the household: got. innakunds* 2, in-n-a-kun-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Haus gehörig, Hausgenosse (subst.); ne. from within the household, of the same household

-- stand within reach: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

-- within the law: got. inwitōþs 1, in-wi-t-ōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. innerhalb des Gesetzes stehend, gesetzlich; ne. within the law, lawful, law-abiding

-- within the time of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

without: got. inuh 49, in-u-h, inu,  Präp., m. Akk.: nhd. ohne, außer; ne. without, except, apart from, outside (Präp.); ūta 14, ūt-a,  Adv.: nhd. außerhalb, draußen; ne. outside, without, out

-- from without: got. ūtaþrō 2, ūt-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von außen, außerhalb; ne. from without, from outside

-- without attention: got. unkarja 2, un-kar-ja,  sw. Adj.: nhd. sorglos, unbesorgt; ne. uncaring, careless, negligent, without attention

-- without cause: got. arwjō 3, arw-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. umsonst, unentgeltlich, ohne Ursache, vergebens; ne. gratis, without charge, in vain, for naught, for no reason, without cause

-- without charge: got. arwjō 3, arw-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. umsonst, unentgeltlich, ohne Ursache, vergebens; ne. gratis, without charge, in vain, for naught, for no reason, without cause

-- without children: got. unbarnahs 3, un-barn-ah-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. kinderlos; ne. childless, without children

-- without delay: got. sprautō 13, s-prau-t-ō,  Adv.: nhd. schnell, bald, ohne Zögern; ne. quickly, speedily, promptly, fast (Adv.), rapidly, without delay

-- without expectations: got. uswēna* 2, us-wēn-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. hoffnungslos; ne. despairing, desponding, without hope, callous, without expectations

-- without fruit: got. akranalaus 1, ak-r-an-a-lau-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „kornlos“, „fruchtlos“, unfruchtbar; ne. fruitless, unfruitful, without fruit

-- without God: got. gudalaus* 2=1, gu-d-a-lau-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gottlos; ne. godless, without God

-- without hope: got. uswēna* 2, us-wēn-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. hoffnungslos; ne. despairing, desponding, without hope, callous, without expectations

-- without pause: got. unƕeila* 1, un-ƕei-l-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. unablässig, beständig; ne. unpausing, without pause, unceasing (Adj.)

-- without shame: got. unaiwisks* 1, un-aiw-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ohne Schande; ne. blameless, without shame, irreproachable, unshameful

withstand: got. andstandan 17, and-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. entgegenstehen, widerstehen, widerstreiten, widerstreben; ne. oppose, resist, stand in opposition to, withstand

witness: got. insahts 6, in-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erzählung, Aussage, Zeugnis; ne. argumentation, account (N.), exposition, explication, report (N.), story, statement, witness

-- be a false witness: got. galiug weitwōdjan, V.: nhd. falsch zeugen; ne. be a false witness

-- bear witness: got. weitwōdjan 38=37, wei-t-wōd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeugen, bezeugen; ne. bear witness, testify, attest (V.)

-- bear witness together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

-- false witness: got. galiugaweitwōþs* 3, ga-liug-a-wei-t-wōþ-s*,  unr. M.: nhd. „Lügenzeuge“, falscher Zeuge; ne. false witness

-- witness (M.): got. martwr* 2,  st. M. (a)?: nhd. Märtyrer; ne. witness (M.); weitwōþs* 6, wei-t-wōþ-s*,  M. (kons.): nhd. Zeuge; ne. witness (M.), testifier, eyewitness (M.)

-- witness (N.): got. weitwōdei 5, wei-t-wōd-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zeugnis, Bezeugung, Zeugnisablegung; ne. testimony, attestation, testifying, witness (N.); weitwōdeins 1, wei-t-wōd-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. act of testifying, attesting, witness-bearing, witness (N.); weitwōdi* 1, wei-t-wōd-i*,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Zeugnis; ne. testimonial, depositional attestation, witness (N.); weitwōdiþa 16, wei-t-wōd-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. substance of testimony, attestation, witness (N.)

witness-bearing: got. weitwōdeins 1, wei-t-wōd-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. act of testifying, attesting, witness-bearing, witness (N.)

woad: got. *wizdila?, *wi-z-d-il-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Waid, Waidkraut; ne. woad, pastel (N.); *wizdils?, *wi-z-d-il-s?, lat.-got.?, st. M.: nhd. Waid, Waidkraut; ne. woad, pastel (N.)

woe -- woe (Interj.): got. wai 8,  Interj., m. Dat.: nhd. wehe; ne. woe (Interj.); wainei 3, wai-nei,  Interj.: nhd. wenn doch, dass doch; ne. woe (Interj.), that not, how pitiful that not, if only, would that

„woe-doer“: got. waidēdja 9, wai-dē-d-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Übeltäter, Räuber; ne. „woe-doer“, evil-doer, malefactor, robber, bandit, felon

woeful: got. wainahs 1, wai-n-ah-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. elend, geplagt; ne. woeful, lamentable, miserable, wretched

woefulness: got. trigō* 1, trig-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Trauer, Unlust; ne. grief, sadness, woefulness, regret (N.)

wohlgesinnt -- wohlgesinnt sein (V.);  be well-disposed: got. waila hugjan: freundlich gesinnt sein (V.), wohlgesinnt sein (V.); ne. be well-disposed

wolf: got. wulfs 4, wulf-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Wolf (M.) (1); ne. wolf

woman: got. qinō 42, qin-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Weib, Frau; ne. woman, female (F.)

-- barren woman: got. staírō 3, staír-ō,  sw. F. (n), sw. Adj.: nhd. die Unfruchtbare; ne. sterile woman, barren woman

-- heathen woman: got. haiþnō 1, haiþ-n-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Heidin; ne. heathen woman

-- indolent woman: got. unwaúrstwō* 2, un-waúr-st-w-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Untätige, Müßige; ne. non-working woman, unoccupied woman, indolent woman

-- non-working woman: got. unwaúrstwō* 2, un-waúr-st-w-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Untätige, Müßige; ne. non-working woman, unoccupied woman, indolent woman

-- Phoenician woman: got. fwnīkiska, F.: nhd. Phönizierin; ne. Phoenician woman

-- pregnant woman: got. qiþuhaftō* 2, qi-þ-u-haf-t-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schwangere; ne. pregnant woman

-- silly woman: got. qinein* 1, qin-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Frauenzimmer, Weibchen; ne. female (F.), female being, silly woman

-- sterile woman: got. staírō 3, staír-ō,  sw. F. (n), sw. Adj.: nhd. die Unfruchtbare; ne. sterile woman, barren woman

-- Syrian woman: got. Saúrini 1, Saúr-ini,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Syrerin; ne. Syrian woman

-- unoccupied woman: got. unwaúrstwō* 2, un-waúr-st-w-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Untätige, Müßige; ne. non-working woman, unoccupied woman, indolent woman

womb: got. kilþei* 1, kil-þ-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Mutterleib; ne. womb, uterus; qiþus* 4, qi-þ-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Magen, Mutterschoß, Bauch; ne. stomach, belly, womb; wamba 11, wamb-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bauch, Schoß (F.) (1), Leib; ne. viscera, womb, uterus, internal abdominal organs, belly (N.)

wonder -- wonder (N.): got. sildaleik 1, si-ld-a-leik,  st. N. (a): nhd. Staunen, Verwunderung; ne. amazement, astonishment, wonder (N.)

wonder -- wonder (V.): got. sildaleikjan* 30, si-ld-a-leik-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anstaunen (tr.), bewundern (tr.), staunen (intr.), sich wundern (intr.); ne. marvel (V.), wonder (V.), be amazed

wonderful: got. sildaleiks 3, si-ld-a-leik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. erstaunlich, wunderbar; ne. marvellous, amazing, wondrous, wonderful, remarkable; wulþags* 8=7, wul-þ-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. herrlich, wunderbar, angesehen; ne. glorious, splendid, resplendent, wonderful

wonderwork -- prophetic wonderwork: got. faúratani* 3, faúr-a-tan-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Wunderzeichen; ne. miracle, prophetic wonderwork, magic foretoken, miraculous omen

wondrous: got. sildaleiks 3, si-ld-a-leik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. erstaunlich, wunderbar; ne. marvellous, amazing, wondrous, wonderful, remarkable

wont: got. biūhts 2, bi-ū-h-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gewohnt; ne. accustomed, used to, wont

wood: got. *widus, *wid-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Holz, Wald; ne. wood

-- inhabitants of the wood: got. *Taírwiggōs?, *Taírw-igg-ō-s?,  st. M. Pl.: nhd. Waldbewohner; ne. woodlanders, inhabitants of the wood; Tērvingi*, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. „Waldbewohner“ (Pl.), Westgoten; ne. woodlanders, inhabitants of the wood, Visigoths

-- of wood: got. triweins* 1, triw-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hölzern; ne. wooden, woody, of wood

-- piece of wood: got. *būska, *būsk-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Scheit; ne. log (N.), piece of wood

-- wood (N.): got. *waldus, *wal-d-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Wald; ne. wood (N.), forest

wooden: got. triweins* 1, triw-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hölzern; ne. wooden, woody, of wood

-- wooden beam: got. ans* (1) 3, an-s*,  st. M.? (a): nhd. Balken; ne. wooden beam

-- wooden rammer: got. *stampa?, *sta-m-p-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stampfe; ne. wooden rammer

-- wooden trunk: got. triu* 2,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Holz, Prügel, Baum; ne. wooden trunk, woody stem, vine, stick (N.)

woodlanders: got. *Taírwiggōs?, *Taírw-igg-ō-s?,  st. M. Pl.: nhd. Waldbewohner; ne. woodlanders, inhabitants of the wood; Tērvingi*, lat.- M. Pl.: nhd. „Waldbewohner“ (Pl.), Westgoten; ne. woodlanders, inhabitants of the wood, Visigoths

wood-worker: got. timrja 3, tim-r-j-a, timbrja*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Zimmermann; ne. carpenter, wood-worker

woody: got. triweins* 1, triw-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hölzern; ne. wooden, woody, of wood

-- woody stem: got. triu* 2,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Holz, Prügel, Baum; ne. wooden trunk, woody stem, vine, stick (N.)

wool -- one who whitens wool: got. wullāreis 1, wul-l-ārei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Tuchwalker; ne. wool-bleacher, one who whitens wool, fuller

wool -- wool (N.): got. wulla* 1, wul-l-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wolle; ne. wool (N.)

wool-bleacher: got. wullāreis 1, wul-l-ārei-s,  st. M. (ia): nhd. Tuchwalker; ne. wool-bleacher, one who whitens wool, fuller

word: got. waúrd 186=184, waúr-d,  st. N. (a): nhd. Wort; ne. word; *waúrdi?, *waúr-d-i?,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Rede, Wort; ne. talk (N.), word

-- spread abroad word of: got. usmērjan* 1, us-mē-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden; ne. spread abroad word of, publicize, publish (V.)

word-fight: got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

wordiness: got. *waúrdei?, *waúr-d-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gerede; ne. talking (N.), wordiness

-- much wordiness: got. filuwaúrdei* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. vieles Reden, Schwatzhaftigkeit, Geschwätz; ne. verbal plenitude, much wordiness, much speaking

words -- argument about words: got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

words -- be at a loss for words: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

words -- displaying o.s. in words: got. waúrdahs* 1, waúr-d-ah-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vernünftig, sich in Worten zeigend; ne. logical, rational, displaying o.s. in words

words -- dispute about words: got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

words -- speaking empty words: got. lausawaúrds* 2=1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. leeres Geschwätz vollführend, hohler Schwätzer (= lausawaurds, subst.); ne. speaking empty words, talking idly, empty talker

work -- work a cure on: got. galēkinōn* 2, ga-lēk-in-ōn*, galeikinōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. herstellen, heilen (V.) (1); ne. heal (V.), cure (V.), work a cure on

work -- work along: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

work -- work hard: got. arbaidjan* 13, arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. arbeiten, dulden, kämpfen für; ne. work hard, toil (V.), labour (V.), strive, struggle (V.)

work -- work (N.): got. arbaiþs 14, arbai-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Arbeit, Drangsal, Hemmung, Bedrängnis; ne. labour (N.), work (N.), toil (N.), distress, arduousness, troublesomeness, hardship; táui 7, táu-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. work (N.), act (N.), activity, action, deed, product (N.), effect (N.); *waúrki?, *waúrk-i?,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Wirken; ne. work (N.); waúrstw 83=82, waúr-st-w,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Werk, Tat, Wirksamkeit; ne. work (N.), activity, deed, task, operation, working (N.)

work -- work of charity: got. armahaírtiþa 3, arm-a-haírt-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Almosen, Barmherzigkeit; ne. work of charity, charitable deed, mercy

work -- work through: got. þaírharbaidjan* 1, þaír-h-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. durcharbeiten; ne. labour through, work through

work -- work towards: got. biarbaidjan 1, bi-arbai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. trachten nach, sich bemühen; ne. strive after, work towards

work -- work (V.): got. gasmiþōn* 1, ga-smi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. „schmieden“, bewirken, durch Schmieden bewirken; ne. forge (V.), produce in the manner of a smith, effect (V.), work (V.), produce; gawaúrkjan 24, ga-waúrk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bewirken, erwirken, bereiten, machen, bringen, erhandeln, ausstellen; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), bring about, produce, make (V.), earn (V.), get, achieve (V.); *smiþōn, *smi-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bewirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.); waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

worker: got. waúrstwa (1) 1, waúr-st-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Arbeiter; ne. worker, workman, labourer; waúrstwja 23, waúr-st-w-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Arbeiter, Bauer (M.) (1), Winzer; ne. worker, workman, labourer, farmer, vinedresser

-worker: got. *-tōjis?, *-tō-ji-s?,  Adj. (ja), subst. M.: nhd. getan habend, tuend, Tuer; ne. -doer, -worker

worker -- building worker: got. timrjans, M. Pl.: nhd. Bauleute; ne. building worker

worker -- fellow worker: got. gawaúrstwa 9, ga-waúr-st-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mitarbeiter; ne. fellow worker, co-laborer

worker -- worker in bronze: got. aizasmiþa 1, ai-z-a-smi-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Erzschmied, Metallarbeiter; ne. coppersmith, worker in bronze

working -- working (Adj.): got. *waúrstws?, *waúr-st-w-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tätig; ne. working (Adj.)

working -- working (N.): got. waúrstw 83=82, waúr-st-w,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Werk, Tat, Wirksamkeit; ne. work (N.), activity, deed, task, operation, working (N.)

workman: got. waúrstwa (1) 1, waúr-st-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Arbeiter; ne. worker, workman, labourer; waúrstwja 23, waúr-st-w-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Arbeiter, Bauer (M.) (1), Winzer; ne. worker, workman, labourer, farmer, vinedresser

workweek: got. wikō* 1, wik-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Reihenfolge, Ordnung, Woche?; ne. week, workweek, week’s tour of duty, week-long shift, sequence

world: got. faírƕus 57=56, faír-ƕu-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Welt; ne. world, terrestrial domain of life; manasēþs 39, man-a-sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Menschensaat“, Welt, Menschheit; ne. „man-seed“, mankind, the world of humans, human race, human universe, world; midjungards* 4, mid-jun-gard-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. die bewohnte Erde, Erdkreis; ne. the habitable earth, world

-- the last day of the world: got. spēdista dags, got.: nhd. der jüngste Tag; ne. the last day of the world

-- the world of humans: got. manasēþs 39, man-a-sē-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. „Menschensaat“, Welt, Menschheit; ne. „man-seed“, mankind, the world of humans, human race, human universe, world

-- world ruler: got. safairƕu habands, got.: nhd. Weltherrscher; ne. world ruler

worldly -- worldly riches: got. mammōna* 2, mammōn-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Mammon, Reichtum; ne. mammon, worldly riches, money, wealth

worm -- worm (N.): got. maþa (1) 3, maþ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wurm, Made; ne. worm (N.)

worn -- worn out: got. afdáuiþs* 1, af-dáu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geschunden, geplagt, abgehetzt; ne. troubled, annoyed, harried, harrassed, worn out

worry -- worry about: got. karōn* 1, kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich kümmern; ne. care about, worry about, be concerned about

worry -- worry (N.): got. kara 5, kar-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sorge; ne. care (N.), worry (N.), concern (N.); saúrga 12, saúrg-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sorge, Kummer; ne. sorrow (N.), grief (N.), worry (N.), care (N.)

worry -- worry s.o.: got. kara wisan: nhd. sich kümmern; ne. worry s.o., be of concern to

worry -- worry (V.): got. afagjan* 2, af-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ängstigen, sich ängstigen, abschrecken; ne. worry (V.), scare (V.), scare away, frighten, frighten off, daunt; *agjan?, *ag-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ängstigen, sich fürchten; ne. frighten, worry (V.); maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself; saúrgan 7, saúrg-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen, bekümmert sein (V.); ne. sorrow (V.), be sorrowful, grieve, worry (V.), be anxious, care (V.)

worse: got. waírs 1, waír-s,  Adv., Komp.: nhd. schlimmer; ne. worse; waírsiza 5, waír-s-iz-a,  Adj., Komp.: nhd. schlimmer; ne. worse

worship -- worship (N.): got. *blōteins?, *blōt-ein-s?,  st. F. (i) (ō): nhd. Verehrung; ne. worship (N.); blōtinassus* 3, blōt-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Verehrung, Gottesverehrung; ne. sacrifice (N.), worship (N.), religious veneration; hunsla: nhd. Gottesdienst; ne. worship (N.), service to God; skalkinassus 5, s-kal-k-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Knechtschaft, Dienst, Dienstbarkeit, Gottesdienst; ne. service, servitude, slavery, worship (N.), idolatry

worship -- worship (V.): got. blōtan 3, blōt-an,  red. V. (5): nhd. verehren, opfern; ne. serve, honour (V.), worship (V.); inweitan* 10, in-wei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. Verehrung erweisen, begrüßen, anbeten, ansehen, verehren; ne. pay homage to, pay respect to, salute (V.), worship (V.); *inweitjan?, *in-wei-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anbeten, behexen; ne. adore, worship (V.), bewitch

worshipful -- worshipful thanks: got. awiliuþ 16, aw-i-liu-þ,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dank, Danksagung, Gnade; ne. prayer of gratitude, worshipful thanks, thanksgiving

worshipfully -- supplicate worshipfully: got. *usblōtan?, *us-blōt-an?,  red. V. (6): nhd. bitten; ne. pray, adjure, implore, supplicate worshipfully

worshipper: got. *blōstreis?, *blō-st-r-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Verehrer; ne. worshipper

-- worshipper of God: got. gudblōstreis 1, gu-d-blō-st-r-ei-s, guþblōstreis,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Gottesverehrer; ne. worshipper of God

worth -- coin worth one ace: got. assarjus* 1, assar-ju-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ass (Münze), Pfennig, Kreuzer (M.) (2); ne. assarion, coin worth one ace

worth -- worth (Adj.): got. waírþs (1) 28, waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wert, würdig, tauglich; ne. worth (Adj.), worthy, qualified, of appropriate fitness

worth -- worth (N.): got. waírþ* 4, waír-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Preis, Wert; ne. price (N.), monetary equivalent, worth (N.), conversion value

worthily: got. waírþaba 4, waír-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. wert, würdig; ne. worthily, becomingly

worthiness: got. *bata, *bat-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nutzen, Vorteil; ne. benefit (N.), worthiness, avail (N.), advantage, profit (N.); waírþida 3, waír-þ-ida,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Tüchtigkeit, Fähigkeit, Wert; ne. worthiness, qualification, fittingness, sufficiency

worthwile -- be worthwile: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

worthy: got. waírþs (1) 28, waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wert, würdig, tauglich; ne. worth (Adj.), worthy, qualified, of appropriate fitness

-- consider worthy: got. wairþana rahnjan, got.: nhd. für würdig erachten; ne. consider worthy

would -- would that: got. wainei 3, wai-nei,  Interj.: nhd. wenn doch, dass doch; ne. woe (Interj.), that not, how pitiful that not, if only, would that

wound -- open wound: got. banja* 3, ban-j-a*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Schlag, Wunde, eiternde Wunde, Geschwür; ne. open wound, sore (N.)

wound -- wound (N.): got. wundufni* 1, wu-n-d-ufn-i*,  st. F. (iō): nhd. Wunde, Geißel, Plage; ne. wound (N.), plague, illness

wound -- wound (V.): got. gawundōn* 1, ga-wu-n-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verwunden; ne. wound (V.); slahan* 10, slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. schlagen, hauen, ohrfeigen (= lōfam slahan); ne. strike (V.), beat (V.), hit (V.), smite, give a blow, wound (V.); *wundōn, *wu-n-d-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wund machen, geißeln, plagen; ne. wound (V.), flagellate

wounded: got. banjo fulls: nhd. verwundet, voll Wunden; ne. wounded; wunds* 1, wu-n-d-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. wund; ne. wounded, injured

woven -- freshly woven: got. þarihs* 1, þar-ih-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungewalkt; ne. unprocessed, coarse, freshly woven, unshrunk

woven -- woven hair: got. flahta* 1, fla-h-t-a*, flahtō*?,  st. F. (ō), sw. F. (n)?: nhd. Flechte; ne. braid (N.), plait (N.), braided hair, woven hair

wrangling -- wrangling (N.): got. waihjō* 1, waih-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kampf; ne. quarrel (N.), wrangling (N.), contention, battle (N.)

wrap -- wrap around: got. biwaibjan* 3, bi-waib-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umwinden, umgeben, umkleiden; ne. surround (V.), clothe, wrap around, envelop, wind round about; biwindan* 4, bi-wi-n-d-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umwinden, einwickeln, umwickeln, in Windeln wickeln; ne. wind around, wrap around, swaddle (V.)

wrapping -- place wrapping around the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

wrath: got. *grimmiþa?, *grim-m-iþ-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Grimm; ne. fury, wrath, ire

wrathful: got. *grimms?, *grim-m-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. grimmig, zornig, schrecklich; ne. furious, wrathful; þwaírhs 3, þwaírh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. quer, zornig; ne. wrathful, angry, irate, aroused, quicktempered

wrathfulness: got. þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion

wreak -- wreak punishment on: got. wrikan* 9, wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verfolgen; ne. persecute, inflict persecution on, wreak punishment on

wreak -- wreak vengeance: got. fraweitan 5, fra-wei-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. rächen, Recht verschaffen, strafen; ne. avenge, wreak vengeance

wreak -- wreak vengeance for: got. gawrikan* 3, ga-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bestrafen, rächen, Rache nehmen; ne. wreak vengeance for, avenge, achieve retribution for, vindicate

wreath -- wreath (N.): got. waips 5, waip-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Kranz; ne. wreath (N.), garland (N.), crown (N.), headband

wreathe: got. weipan* 1, weip-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. kränzen, krönen, bekränzen; ne. wreathe, enwreathe, crown with wreathing

wreathing -- crown with wreathing: got. weipan* 1, weip-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. kränzen, krönen, bekränzen; ne. wreathe, enwreathe, crown with wreathing

wreck -- wreck (V.): got. brikan* 3, brik-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. brechen, zerstören, kämpfen, ringen, zerbrechen, vernichten; ne. break (V.), wreck (V.), demolish, wrestle (V.), fight (V.), battle (V.)

wrest -- wrest away: got. frawilwan 8, fra-wil-w-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. fortreißen, gewaltsam ergreifen; ne. grab away, snatch up, seize, wrest away

wrest -- wrest from: got. gatarnjan* 1, ga-tar-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. berauben; ne. wrest from, extract from, remove (V.) forcibly, rob, take away

wrest -- wrest (V.): got. *tarnjan?, *tar-n-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rauben; ne. wrest (V.)

wrestle -- wrestle (V.): got. brikan* 3, brik-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. brechen, zerstören, kämpfen, ringen, zerbrechen, vernichten; ne. break (V.), wreck (V.), demolish, wrestle (V.), fight (V.), battle (V.)

wrestling -- wrestling (N.): got. brakja 1, brak-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Ringen, Ringkampf, Kampf; ne. wrestling (N.), struggle (N.)

wretched: got. arms* (1) 1, arm-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. arm, beklagenswert, bemitleidenswert; ne. poor (Adj.), pitiable, wretched, miserable; wainahs 1, wai-n-ah-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. elend, geplagt; ne. woeful, lamentable, miserable, wretched

wring -- wring (V.): got. *wriggan?, *wri-g-g-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. drehen, winden; ne. wring (V.), twist (V.), wind (V.)

wrinkle -- wrinkle (N.): got. mail* 1,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Runzel; ne. mole (2), skin blemish, wrinkle (N.)

wrinkle -- wrinkle (V.): got. *hrunkjan?, *hru-nk-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. runzeln; ne. wrinkle (V.), crease (V.)

wrinkled -- become wrinkled: got. *snaírpan?, *snaír-p-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zusammenziehen, sich biegen, krümmen; ne. shrivel, become wrinkled, become furrowed, shrink up, curl up

wrinkled -- make wrinkled by contact: got. atsnarpjan* 1, at-snar-p-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfassen, anrühren, berühren, angreifen; ne. pinch (V.), grasp (V.), touch (V.), make shrivelled by touching, crumple, make wrinkled by contact

write: got. gamēljan 73=72, ga-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben, sich in die Listen eintragen lassen; ne. write, write down, register (V.), enroll, inscribe; mēljan 23=22, mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben; ne. write, write down, register (V.), inscribe, enroll, record (2); *wreitan, *wre-i-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. ritzen, reißen; ne. incise, score (V.), carve in, engrave, inscribe, write

-- write above: got. ufarmēljan* 1, uf-ar-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überschreiben, darüber schreiben; ne. write above, superscribe, write over, inscribe over

-- write before: got. faúragamēljan* 2, faúr-a-ga-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherschreiben, verkünden; ne. write before, write beforehand

-- write beforehand: got. faúragamēljan* 2, faúr-a-ga-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherschreiben, verkünden; ne. write before, write beforehand

-- write down: got. gamēljan 73=72, ga-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben, sich in die Listen eintragen lassen; ne. write, write down, register (V.), enroll, inscribe; mēljan 23=22, mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schreiben, aufschreiben; ne. write, write down, register (V.), inscribe, enroll, record (2)

-- write down an entry: got. anamēljan 1, an-a-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreiben, sich in die Steuerlisten eintragen lassen; ne. register (V.), write down one’s entry, write down an entry, enroll

-- write down one’s entry: got. anamēljan 1, an-a-mēl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreiben, sich in die Steuerlisten eintragen lassen; ne. register (V.), write down one’s entry, write down an entry, enroll

-- write over: got. ufarmēljan* 1, uf-ar-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überschreiben, darüber schreiben; ne. write above, superscribe, write over, inscribe over

-- write underneath: got. ufmēljan* 5, uf-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unterschreiben; ne. sign (V.), write underneath

writer: got. bōkāreis 39, bōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Schriftgelehrter, Schreiber; ne. writer, scribe, secretary-lector of a religious community

writing -- writing board: got. spilda* 3, spil-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Tafel, Schreibtafel, Gesetzestafel; ne. writing board, tablet

writing -- writing (N.): got. mēl* (2) 3,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schrift, Mal (M.) (2), Zeichen, Schriftzeichen; ne. writing (N.), scripture

written -- written deed of sale: got. frabaúhtabōka* 1, fra-baúh-t-a-bōk-a*,  st. F. (ō)?, st. N. (ō)?, Pl.: nhd. Verkaufsurkunde; ne. written deed of sale, sale document, sale deed, sales receipt

written -- written pledge: got. wadjabōkōs* 1, wad-j-a-bōk-ōs*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Handschein, Schuldschein; ne. written pledge, debenture, certificate of financial commitment, bond (N.)

written -- written stroke: got. writs* 1, wr-i-t-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. written stroke, scratch of the pen, serif

wrong -- be wrong: got. airzeis wairþan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong; airzeis wisan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong

wrong -- do wrong: got. skaþjan* 1, skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. schaden; ne. do wrong, wrong (V.), do evil, harm (V.), injure (V.)

wrong -- do wrong to: got. gaskaþjan* 5, ga-skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaden, Schaden zufügen, Unrecht tun; ne. treat unjustly, do wrong to, harm (V.), injure, damage (V.)

wrong -- wrong by false allegation: got. hōlōn* 2, hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verleumden, betrügen, durch Betrug schädigen, schikanieren, schaden; ne. wrong by false allegation, cheat by false pretenses, victimize, slander (V.)

wrong -- wrong (V.): got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat; skaþjan* 1, skaþ-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. schaden; ne. do wrong, wrong (V.), do evil, harm (V.), injure (V.)

wrongdoing -- wrongdoing (Adj.): got. skaþuls* 2, skaþ-ul-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. schädlich; ne. wrongdoing (Adj.), unjust, harmful, injurious

wrongdoing -- wrongdoing (N.): got. skaþis* 1, skaþ-i-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Schaden, Unrecht; ne. wrongdoing (N.), injustice, harm (N.)

wrongful: got. ubils 56, ub-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. übel, böse, schlecht; ne. evil (Adj.), bad, wrongful, corrupt (Adj.), ill (Adj.)

wrongly: got. ubilaba 2, ub-il-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. übel, böse; ne. evilly, badly, wrongly, ill (Adv.)

wroth: got. mōdags 2, mō-d-ag-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zornig; ne. angry, wroth, illtempered

wrought -- perfectly wrought: got. fullatōjis 2, ful-l-a-tō-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. vollkommen; ne. perfect (Adj.), perfectly wrought

w-rune -- name of w-rune: got. winne 1, wi-n-n-e, uuinne,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Weide (F.) (2), w-Rune; ne. pasture, grazing meadow, name of w-rune

yard: got. garda* 1, gar-d-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hürde, Viehhof; ne. enclosed yard, yard, fold (N.); *gardi?, *gar-d-i?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Gehege; ne. garden, yard

-- enclosed yard: got. garda* 1, gar-d-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Hürde, Viehhof; ne. enclosed yard, yard, fold (N.)

yawn -- yawn (V.): got. *gainōn?, *gai-n-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. gähnen; ne. yawn (V.); *ganōn?, *ga-n-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. gähnen; ne. yawn (V.); *gijan?, *gi-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gähnen; ne. yawn (V.)

ye -- ye two: got. jut* 8, ju-t*,  Pers.-Pron. (2. Pers. Dual): nhd. ihr beide; ne. you two, ye two, the both of you

ye -- ye who: got. jūzei 7, jūz-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. ihr welche, die ihr; ne. you who, ye who

year: got. gaar 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Jahr, j-Rune?; ne. year, name of j-rune; jēr* 25=24,  st. N. (a): nhd. Jahr, Zeit, j-Rune; ne. year, name of j-rune; wintrus 5, wi-n-t-ru-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Winter, Jahr; ne. winter (N.), wintertime, year

-- period of the year: got. aþn* 1, aþ-n*, aþns*,  st. M. (a), N.?: nhd. Jahr; ne. period of the year, season (N.), term of the year

-- term of the year: got. aþn* 1, aþ-n*, aþns*,  st. M. (a), N.?: nhd. Jahr; ne. period of the year, season (N.), term of the year

-- the year at hand: got. ataþni* 1, at-aþn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Jahr; ne. the year at hand

yearn -- yearn for: got. gairnjan* 17, gair-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, verlangen, bedürfen; ne. lust after, long for, yearn for, desire (V.), want (V.)

yearning -- yearning (N.): got. gaírnei* 5, gaír-n-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Verlangen, Wunsch, Begehren; ne. wish (N.), longing (N.), yearning (N.), desire (N.), willingness (N.)

years -- well along in years: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

yeast: got. beist* 7, bei-st*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Sauerteig, Biestmilch; ne. yeast, leaven (N.)

yes: got. ja 8,  Partikel: nhd. ja; ne. yes

yet: got. naúh 25,  Adv.: nhd. noch; ne. yet, still (Adv.); naúhþan 4, naúh-þan,  Adv.: nhd. noch; ne. still (Adv.), yet; naúhþanuh 14, naúh-þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. noch; ne. still (Adv.), yet, and as yet; þanamais 10=9, þan-a-ma-i-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch, mehr; ne. henceforth, still, further, yet

-- and as yet: got. naúhþanuh 14, naúh-þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. noch; ne. still (Adv.), yet, and as yet

-- and yet even: got. naúhuþþan 1, naúh-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. und sogar noch; ne. and yet even

-- and yet that notwithstanding: got. þanuh þan swēþauh: nhd. dessenungeachtet, dennoch; ne. and yet that notwithstanding

-- not yet: got. ni nauh, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet; ni nauhþan, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet; ni nauhþanuh, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet; ni nauh, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet; ni nauhþan, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet; ni nauhþanuh, got.: nhd. noch nicht; ne. not yet

-- young cow which has not yet calved: got. kalbō* 1, kal-b-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. junge Kuh, weibliches Kalb, Kalbe; ne. heifer, young cow which has not yet calved, calf

yield -- yield up: got. ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

yielding: got. sūtis 8, sūt-i-s, sūts*,  Adj. (i/ja)?, Adj. (ja)?: nhd. nachgiebig, mild; ne. mild, gentle, moderate (Adj.), yielding

yoke -- yoke (N.): got. juk* 1, ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Joch, Paar; ne. yoke (N.), yoked pair, couple (N.), couplet, pair (N.); jukuzi* 2, ju-k-uz-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Joch; ne. yoke (N.)

yoked -- yoked pair: got. juk* 1, ju-k*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gespann, Joch, Paar; ne. yoke (N.), yoked pair, couple (N.), couplet, pair (N.)

yoke-fellow: got. gajuka* 1, ga-ju-k-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Genosse; ne. yoke-fellow, yoke-mate

-- female yoke-fellow: got. gajukō* (1) 1, ga-ju-k-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Genossin; ne. female yoke-fellow, female yoke-mate

yoke-mate: got. gajuka* 1, ga-ju-k-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Genosse; ne. yoke-fellow, yoke-mate

-- female yoke-mate: got. gajukō* (1) 1, ga-ju-k-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Genossin; ne. female yoke-fellow, female yoke-mate

yon: got. jains* 105, jain-s*,  Adj., Pron. (a): nhd. jener; ne. that, yon, those

-- from yon place: got. jainþrō 12, jain-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. dorther, von dort; ne. thence, from yon place, from that place

-- in yon place: got. jainar 34, jain-a-r,  Adv.: nhd. an jenem Ort, dort; ne. in yon place, in that place, there

-- on the yon side of: got. hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind

-- to yon place: got. jaind 1, jain-d,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, to that place, thither; jaindrē 1, jain-drē,  Adv.: nhd. dorthin; ne. to yon place, into that place, thither

you: got. þū 394, tzo,  tzo, krim Pers.-Pron.: nhd. du; ne. you; lat. tu

-- of the two of you: got. igqar* 1, iggqar*,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. euch beiden gehörig, euer beider; ne. your, of you both, of the two of you

-- of you: got. þeins 231=230, þein-s,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. dein; ne. thy, thine, your, of you

-- of you both: got. igqar* 1, iggqar*,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. euch beiden gehörig, euer beider; ne. your, of you both, of the two of you

-- the both of you: got. jut* 8, ju-t*,  Pers.-Pron. (2. Pers. Dual): nhd. ihr beide; ne. you two, ye two, the both of you

-- you (2nd pers. pl.): got. jūs 895=891, jū-s,  Pers.-Pron. (2. Pers. Pl.): nhd. ihr (2. Pers. Pl.); ne. you (2nd pers. pl.)

-- you have left me: got. sibakþani 2, got.?, Interj.: nhd. du hast mich verlassen; ne. you have left me

-- you two: got. jut* 8, ju-t*,  Pers.-Pron. (2. Pers. Dual): nhd. ihr beide; ne. you two, ye two, the both of you

-- you who: got. jūzei 7, jūz-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. ihr welche, die ihr; ne. you who, ye who; þūei 4, þū-ei,  Rel.-Pron.: nhd. der du; ne. you who

young: got. juggs* 13, jug-g-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. jung, jugendlich; ne. young, youthful; niujis 26=25, niu-ji-s,  Adj. (ja): nhd. neu, jung; ne. new, fresh (Adj.), unused, young

-- young bear: got. *hūns?, *hū-n-s?, *hūn,  st. M. (a): nhd. junger Bär; ne. young bear, cub (N.)

-- young bullock: got. stiur* (1) 4, stiu-r*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stierkalb; ne. young steer, calf (N.), young bullock

-- young cow which has not yet calved: got. kalbō* 1, kal-b-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. junge Kuh, weibliches Kalb, Kalbe; ne. heifer, young cow which has not yet calved, calf

-- young goat: got. gaitein* 1, gait-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Böcklein, Zicklein, junge Ziege; ne. young goat, kid (N.)

-- young maiden: got. mawilō 1, ma-w-i-lō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Mädchen, Jungfrau; ne. little girl, young maiden; taleiþa 1, taleiþ-a,  F. (indekl.): nhd. Mägdlein; ne. young maiden, little girl

-- young male sheep: got. wiþrus 1, wiþ-ru-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Widder, Lamm; ne. lamb (N.), young male sheep

-- young man: got. juggalauþs 4, jug-g-a-lauþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Jüngling; ne. youth, young man

-- young steer: got. stiur* (1) 4, stiu-r*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Stierkalb; ne. young steer, calf (N.), young bullock

-- young warrior: got. *stūriliggs, *stū-r-i-ligg-s,  st. M.: nhd. junger Krieger; ne. young warrior

-- young wife: got. brūþs* 1, brū-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Neuvermählte, Schwiegertochter, junge Frau; ne. bride, young wife

younger: got. jūhiza, got.: nhd. jünger; ne. younger; minniza 6, mi-n-n-iz-a,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. kleiner, geringer; ne. less, lesser, slighter, smaller, younger

your: got. igqar* 1, iggqar*,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. euch beiden gehörig, euer beider; ne. your, of you both, of the two of you; izwar 191=190, iz-w-ar,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. euer; ne. your; þeins 231=230, þein-s,  Poss.-Pron.: nhd. dein; ne. thy, thine, your, of you

-- drink up your cup: got. kilemschkop 1, krimgot.?, V.?, Sb.?: nhd. trinke den Becher aus; ne. drink up your cup; lat. ebibe calice(m)

youth: got. juggalauþs 4, jug-g-a-lauþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Jüngling; ne. youth, young man; junda* 3, jun-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Jugend; ne. youth

youthful: got. juggs* 13, jug-g-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. jung, jugendlich; ne. young, youthful

Yule: got. *Jiula?, *Jiu-la?,  st. N. (a), Pl.: nhd. Julfest; ne. Yule

Yule-month: got. jiuleis 1, jiu-lei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Julmonat, Dezember; ne. Yule-month, December

z: got. z 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. z, Abkürzung für 7; ne. z, abbreviation for 7

Zadokites: got. Saddukaieis 2,  st. M. (i), Pl.: nhd. Saduzäer; ne. Sadduccees, Zadokites

zeal: got. aljan (2) 13, al-jan,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eifer; ne. avidity, eagerness, zeal; usdaudei* 8, us-dau-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ausdauer, Eifer; ne. vigour, energy, endurance, zeal

-- manifest zeal for: got. aljanōn 5, al-jan-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. eifern, eifern für; ne. strive for, manifest zeal for

zealot: got. Zēlōtēs* 1,  unr. M.: nhd. Eiferer; ne. zealot

Ziu: got. tyz 1, ty-z,  Sb.: nhd. Ziu, Kriegsgott, Siegesgott, t-Rune; ne. Ziu, god of war, god of victory, name of t-rune

z-rune -- name of z-rune: got. azēti (?)* 2, azēt-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Leichtigkeit, Vergnügen, Lust, Annehmlichkeit, z-Rune; ne. ease (N.), comfort (N.), pleasure, name of z-rune; ? ezec 1,  Sb.: nhd. leicht?, z-Rune?; ne. light (Adj.)?, name of z-rune?

zweitausend -- nhd. zweitausend: got. twōs þūsundjōs: nhd. zweitausend, ne. two thousand

1: got. l 8,  Buchstabe: nhd. 1, Abkürzung für dreißig; ne. 1, abbreviation for thirty

-- abbreviation for 1: got. a 5,  Buchstabe: nhd. a, Abkürzung für 1; ne. a, abbreviation for 1

-- appropriateness; Sk 1: got. þata gadōb: nhd. Schicklichkeit, Ordnung; ne. appropriateness; Sk 1,16 Enb

2 -- abbreviation for 2: got. b 9,  Buchstabe: nhd. b, Abkürzung für 2; ne. b, abbreviation for 2

3 -- abbreviation for 3: got. g 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. g, Abkürzung für 3; ne. g, abbreviation for 3

3 -- not any the more; Sk 3: got. ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that

4: got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously

-- abbreviation for 4: got. d 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. d, Abkürzung für 4; ne. d, abbreviation for 4

-- up to this moment; Sk 4: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

5 -- abbreviation for 5: got. e 6,  Buchstabe: nhd. e, Abkürzung für 5; ne. e, abbreviation for 5

6 -- abbreviation for 6: got. q 3,  Buchstabe: nhd. q, Abkürzung für 6; ne. q, abbreviation for 6

6 -- not much later; Sk 6: got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously

7 -- abbreviation for 7: got. z 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. z, Abkürzung für 7; ne. z, abbreviation for 7

8 -- abbreviation for 8: got. h 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. h, Abkürzung für 8; ne. h, abbreviation for 8

9 -- abbreviation for 9: got. þ 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. th, Abkürzung für 9; ne. th, abbreviation for 9

10 -- abbreviation for 10: got. i 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. i, Abkürzung für 10; ne. i, abbreviation for 10

11: got. ia (2) 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 11; ne. 11

-- 11 Enb: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

12: got. ib 8,  Abkürzung: nhd. 12; ne. 12

13: got. ig 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 13; ne. 13

14: got. id 3,  Abkürzung: nhd. 14; ne. 14

15: got. ie 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 15; ne. 15

16: got. iq 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 16; ne. 16

-- 16 Enb: got. þata gadōb: nhd. Schicklichkeit, Ordnung; ne. appropriateness; Sk 1,16 Enb

17: got. iz 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 17; ne. 17

18: got. ih 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 18; ne. 18

19: got. iþ (2) 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 19; ne. 19

20 -- abbreviation for 20: got. k 4,  Buchstabe: nhd. k, Abkürzung für 20; ne. k, abbreviation for 20

21: got. ka 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 21; ne. 21

22: got. kb 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 22; ne. 22

-- 22 Enb: got. ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that

23: got. kg 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 23; ne. 23

24: got. kd 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 24; ne. 24

25: got. ke 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 25; ne. 25

26: got. kq 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 26; ne. 26

27: got. kz 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 27; ne. 27

28: got. kh 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 28; ne. 28

29: got. kþ 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 29; ne. 29

40 -- abbreviation for 40: got. m 3,  Buchstabe: nhd. m, Abkürzung für 40; ne. m, abbreviation for 40

45: got. me 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 45; ne. 45

50 -- abbreviation for 50: got. n 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. n, Abkürzung für 50; ne. n, abbreviation for 50

52: got. nb 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 52; ne. 52

60 -- abbreviation for 60: got. j 7,  Buchstabe: nhd. j, Abkürzung für 60; ne. j, abbreviation for 60

66: got. jq 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 66; ne. 66

70 -- abbreviation for 70: got. u 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. u, Abkürzung für 70; ne. u, abbreviation for 70

73: got. ug 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 73; ne. 73

74: got. ud 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 74; ne. 74

90: got. y 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 90; ne. 90

95: got. ye 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 95; ne. 95

100 -- abbreviation for 100: got. r 4,  Buchstabe: nhd. r, Abkürzung für 100; ne. r, abbreviation for 100

112: got. rib 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 112; ne. 112

116: got. riq 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 116; ne. 116

120: got. rk 4,  Abkürzung: nhd. 120; ne. 120

122: got. rkb 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 122; ne. 122

123: got. rkg 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 123; ne. 123

128: got. rkh 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 128; ne. 128

133: got. rlg 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 133; ne. 133

148: got. rmh 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 148; ne. 148

156: got. rnq 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 156; ne. 156

222: got. skb 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 222; ne. 222

223: got. skg 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 223; ne. 223

230: got. sl 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 230; ne. 230

247: got. smz 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 247; ne. 247

254: got. snd 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 254; ne. 254

300 -- abbreviation for 300: got. t 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. t, Abkürzung für 300; ne. t, abbreviation for 300

320: got. tk 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 320; ne. 320

333: got. tlg 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 333; ne. 333

345: got. tme 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 345; ne. 345

590: got. fy 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 590; ne. 590

623: got. xkg 2,  Abkürzung: nhd. 623; ne. 623

630: got. xl 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 630; ne. 630

654: got. xnd 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 654; ne. 654

662: got. xjb 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 662; ne. 662

666: got. xjq 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 666; ne. 666

707: got. ƕz 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 707; ne. 707

725: got. ƕke 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 725; ne. 725

740: got. ƕm 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 740; ne. 740

743: got. ƕmg 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 743; ne. 743

760: got. ƕj 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 760; ne. 760

890: got. oy 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 890; ne. 890

900: got. ↑ 1,  Abkürzung: nhd. 900; ne. 900

912: got. ↑ib,  Abkürzung: nhd. 912; ne. 912

930: got. ↑l,  Abkürzung: nhd. 930; ne. 930