a: got. a 5,  Buchstabe: nhd. a, Abkürzung für 1; ne. a, abbreviation for 1; ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone

a-: got. un-,  Präf.: nhd. un-; ne. un-, non-, a-

a -- accept as a unit: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

a -- a certain one: got. sums 140, sum-s,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, ein gewisser, jemand, ein, einige; ne. a certain one, some, somebody, one, anyone

a -- act like a madman: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

a -- adversary in a lawsuit: got. andastaua 2, and-a-sta-u-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gegner vor Gericht, Widersacher; ne. legal opponent, adversary in a lawsuit, opposing litigant

a -- a fulfilling: got. fullō 10, ful-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle, Füllung, Flicken (M.), Ausfüllung; ne. fullness, a fulfilling, fulfillment, filling, completeness, entireness

a -- a god: got. enguz 1, engu-z,  st. M. (a?, u?): nhd. Iggws (= Gott des fruchtbaren Jahres), Speer?, Mann?, n-Rune; ne. a god, spear (N.)?, man (M.)?, name of n-rune; ? iowi,  st. M.?: nhd. ein Gott?; ne. a god?

a -- allege as a reason for: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

a -- a new convert: got. niujasatiþs* 1, niu-ja-sat-iþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Neubekehrter, Neuling; ne. proselyte, neophyte, a new convert, novice

a -- announce as a pledge: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

a -- a person who: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

a -- as a matter of fact: got. allis þan: nhd. tatsächlich, eigentlich, im Gegenteil; ne. when, as a matter of fact

a -- ask a favour: got. bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for

a -- ask a question: got. fraíhnan 57, fraíh-n-an,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. fragen; ne. ask a question, ask, question (V.)

a -- a sort of fish: got. *aska?, *ask-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Äsche; ne. a sort of fish

a -- assume a begging position: got. knussjan* 2, knu-s-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niederfallen?, auf die Knie fallen, knien; ne. fall on one’s knee, assume a begging position

a -- assume a likeness: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

a -- assuming a begging position: got. kniwam knussjands, got.: nhd. mit den Knien Bittstellung einnehmend; ne. assuming a begging position

a -- at a great distance: got. faírra 20, faír-ra,  Adv.: nhd. fern, fern von, weg von; ne. afar, far off, remote, at a great distance

a -- at a place: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

a -- a thwarting of the understanding: got. fraþjamarzeins 1, fraþ-ja-mar-z-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Verstandestäuschung; ne. comprehension-impediment, a thwarting of the understanding

a -- a time wherein: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

a -- be a boxer: got. jiukan* 2, jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kämpfen, ringen, obsiegen; ne. fight (V.), battle (V.), conquer, be a boxer

a -- be a bystander: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

a -- be a disciple: got. sipōnjan* 1, sipōn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. Schüler sein (V.), Jünger sein (V.); ne. be a disciple, be a student

a -- be a false witness: got. galiug weitwōdjan, V.: nhd. falsch zeugen; ne. be a false witness

a -- be a guest of: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

a -- be a guide: got. raginōn* 2, rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verwalten, herrschen; ne. guide (V.), be a guide, govern, counsel (V.)

a -- be a king: got. þiudanōn 7, þiu-d-an-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. herrschen, König sein (V.); ne. reign (V.), be a king, rule (V.)

a -- be a messenger: got. airinōn* 2, air-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Gesandter sein (V.), unterhandeln, Bote sein (V.); ne. be an emissary, be a messenger, negotiate

a -- be a partner in: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

a -- be a partner with: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

a -- be a precursor: got. faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

a -- be a priest: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

a -- bear a grudge against: got. neiwan* 1, neiw-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. es auf jemand abgesehen haben, grollen; ne. bear a grudge against

a -- be a slave: got. skalkinōn 25, s-kal-k-i-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. dienen; ne. serve, do service, be in servitude, be a slave

a -- be a soldier: got. militōn* 1, milit-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun; ne. serve in the military, be a soldier

a -- be a student: got. sipōnjan* 1, sipōn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. Schüler sein (V.), Jünger sein (V.); ne. be a disciple, be a student

a -- be at a loss for words: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

a -- become depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

a -- be depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

a -- be not a whit lesser: got. ni waihtai mins haban, got.: nhd. in nichts nachstehen; ne. be not a whit lesser

a -- block up as with a dam: got. faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam

a -- blow a horn: got. haúrnjan* 2, haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hornblasen, das Horn blasen, trompeten; ne. blow a horn, sound a trumpet; þuthaúrnjan* 1, þu-t-haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trompeten; ne. trumpet (V.), blow a horn

a -- bring to a standstill: got. *stadjan?, *sta-d-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Stehen bringen; ne. stop (V.), bring to a standstill

a -- celebrate a festival: got. dulþjan* 1, dulþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Fest feiern; ne. hold a feast, hold festivities, celebrate a festival

a -- chief of a hundred-man military unit: got. hundafaþs 9, hund-a-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Zenturio, Hundertführer; ne. chief of a hundred-man military unit

a -- come to a halt: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

a -- come to a life: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

a -- come to a standing position: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

a -- come to a standstill: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

a -- commander of a thousand men: got. þūsundifaþs 2, þūs-und-i-faþ-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Tausendführer, Anführer von Tausend; ne. commander of a thousand men

a -- commit a transgression: got. frawaúrkjan* 15, fra-waúrk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. sündigen, (sich) versündigen, eine Sünde begehen; ne. sin (V.), commit error, transgress, commit a transgression

a -- compete in a contest: got. haifstjan 4, haif-st-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. streiten; ne. compete in a contest, contend, rival (V.), vie with, strive in competition, fight (V.)

a -- confer a malediction upon: got. unþiuþjan* 1, un-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fluchen; ne. curse (V.), imprecate evil upon, confer a malediction upon

a -- construct as a constituent part: got. miþgatimrjan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. miterbauen; ne. build together, construct as a constituent part

a -- cover as with a tent: got. ufarhleiþrjan* 1, uf-ar-hlei-þr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überzelten, ein Zelt über jemandem aufschlagen; ne. tent over, cover as with a tent, canopy (V.)

a -- crowing of a rooster: got. hrūk* 1, hrū-k*, hrūks*?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Krähen (N.); ne. crowing of a rooster

a -- depict with a visual image: got. *frisahtjan?, *frisah-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.); gafrisahtjan* 1, ga-frisah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abbilden; ne. depict with a visual image, form (V.), pattern (V.)

a -- district bordering a sea: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

a -- division of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþia, *þiu-faþ-ia, *þiufadia, lat.- st. F. (jō): nhd. Tausendschaft?; ne. division of a thousand men?

a -- do a missdeed: got. missataujan* 1, mis-s-a-tau-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. missetun; ne. do a missdeed, transgress (V.)

a -- eat a good meal: got. wisan (3) 4, wis-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich freuen, schwelgen, schmausen; ne. dine, eat a good meal, feast, make merry

a -- edge of a roof peak: got. gibla* 1, gibl-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Giebel (M.) (1); ne. gable, edge of a roof peak

a -- eye of a needle: got. þaírkō* 2, þaír-k-ō*,  sw. N. (n): nhd. Loch, Nadelöhr; ne. hole (N.), perforation, eye of a needle

a -- for a moment: got. in stika mēlis, got.: nhd. in einem Augenblick; ne. for a moment

a -- for a short while: got. ƕeilōhun 1, ƕeil-ō-hun,  Adv.: nhd. eine Stunde lang; ne. for an hour, for a short while

a -- for a while: got. ƕō ƕeilō, got.: nhd. eine Zeitlang; ne. for a while; ƕō ƕeilō, got.: nhd. eine Zeitlang; ne. for a while

a -- from a great distance: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

a -- from a long way off: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

a -- function as a soldier in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

a -- furnish with a flaw: got. anawammjan* 1, an-a-wam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beflecken, tadeln; ne. furnish with a flaw, mar, stain (V.)

a -- get up into a sitting position: got. ussitan* 1, us-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich aufsetzen, sich aufrichten; ne. sit up, get up into a sitting position

a -- give a blow: got. slahan* 10, slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. schlagen, hauen, ohrfeigen (= lōfam slahan); ne. strike (V.), beat (V.), hit (V.), smite, give a blow, wound (V.)

a -- give a false appearance: got. laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

a -- give a rest period: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

a -- give a severe talking-to: got. gaƕōtjan* 8, ga-ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bedrohen, schelten, strafen; ne. threaten, reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to; ƕōtjan* 1, ƕōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. drohen; ne. reprimand sharply, warn sternly, give a severe talking-to, threaten

a -- go on a journey: got. gaggjan* 1, ga-g-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen, reisen; ne. go on a journey, make a journey

a -- have a festive get-together: got. biwisan* 1, bi-wi-s-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv?: nhd. sich erfreuen, sich vergnügen; ne. dine together, dine convivially, have a festive get-together, make merry

a -- have a haughty attitude: got. ufarhugjan* 1, uf-ar-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich überheben; ne. have a haughty attitude, be elated

a -- have a plan for: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

a -- have a share in: got. faíraihan 1, faír-aih-an, fairaigan*?,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. teilhaben an; ne. have a share in, partake of, participate in

a -- having a conscience: got. *miþwiss?, *mi-þ-wi-s-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bewusst; ne. morally conscious, having a conscience

a -- heap a burden upon: got. anakaúrjan* 1, an-a-kaúr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beschweren; ne. heap a burden upon, burden with an overload, cause pain

a -- heave a deep sigh: got. ufswōgjan* 1, uf-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufseufzen; ne. sigh deeply, heave a deep sigh

a -- heave a sigh: got. gaswōgjan* 1, ga-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erseufzen, seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), heave a sigh, make a sighing sound

a -- hold a feast: got. dulþjan* 1, dulþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Fest feiern; ne. hold a feast, hold festivities, celebrate a festival

a -- horse with a blaze: got. *bala 2, *ba-l-a,  sw. M.?(n): nhd. Pferd mit Blesse; ne. horse with a blaze

a -- impute a culpable act to: got. faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce

a -- in a certain part of the past: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

a -- in a godly manner: got. gagudaba 1, ga-gu-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. fromm, gottesfürchtig; ne. godly, in a godly manner, in a saintly manner

a -- in a jewish manner: got. iudaiwiskō 1, iudai-w-isk-ō,  Adv.: nhd. auf jüdische Weise; ne. in a jewish manner

a -- in a manly way: got. waíraleikō 1, waí-r-a-leik-ō,  Adv.: nhd. männlich; ne. man-like, in a manly way

a -- in a manner other than standard: got. aljaleikōs, Adv. (Komp.), (Krause, Handbuch des Gotischen 194,2): nhd. anders; ne. otherwise, elsewise, in a manner other than standard

a -- in a moment: got. in braƕ augins, got.: nhd. im Augenblick; ne. in a moment; in stika mēlis, got.: nhd. in einem Augenblick; ne. in a moment

a -- in a saintly manner: got. gagudaba 1, ga-gu-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. fromm, gottesfürchtig; ne. godly, in a godly manner, in a saintly manner

a -- in a way that: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

a -- inhabitant of a region: got. gauja* 2, gau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gaubewohner; ne. inhabitant of a region, people of a country

a -- in such a manner: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

a -- is it in such a way that: got. swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

a -- issue a directive: got. garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange; raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret

a -- join in adopting a form similar to: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

a -- lasting only for a while: got. ƕeilaƕaírbs* 2, ƕeil-a-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. nur eine Zeitlang dauernd, vergänglich, unbeständig; ne. temporary, transient, transitory, lasting only for a while

a -- lead a life: got. wizōn* 1, wiz-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schwelgen; ne. live, lead a life, be self-indulgent

a -- lead a military life in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

a -- leader of a group: got. *skarja?, *skar-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Scharführer; ne. leader of a group

a -- leader of a synagogue: got. fauramaþleis swnagōgeis, got.: nhd. Synagogenleiter; ne. leader of a synagogue

a -- leader of a thousand men: got. ? *þiufaþs?, *þiu-faþ-s?,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of servants, leader of a thousand men?; þiufaþus* 21, þiu-faþ-us*, þiufadus, thiuphadus, lat.- st. M.: nhd. „Knechtführer“, Tausendführer?; ne. leader of a thousand men, leader of servants

a -- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal: got. anakumbjan 25, an-a-kumb-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich niederlegen, zu Tisch legen, lagern; ne. recline at table, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal

a -- lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together: got. miþanakumbjan* 6, mi-þ-an-a-kumb-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich mit zu Tische legen, lagern; ne. recline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together

a -- life of a citizen: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

a -- light a fire: got. *qaiwjan, *qaiw-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Feuer anzünden, lebendig machen; ne. light a fire, make alive

a -- light a lamp: got. tandjan* 2, tand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anzünden, brennen machen; ne. kindle (V.), ignite, make burn, light a lamp

a -- live a life: got. ald bauan, got.: nhd. ein Leben führen; ne. live a life

a -- live like a Jew: got. iudaiwiskōn 1, iudai-w-isk-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. jüdisch leben; ne. live like a Jew

a -- look through a mirror: got. þaírhsaíƕan* 1, þaír-h-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. durchschauen, im Spiegel erblicken; ne. look through a mirror, behold

a -- make a beginning: got. dustōdjan* 5=4, du-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben; ne. start (V.), begin (V.), commence, make a beginning

a -- make a face at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

a -- make a home: got. gabáuan 1, ga-báu-an,  unr. V., perfektiv: nhd. Wohnung aufschlagen, wohnen; ne. take up residence, lodge (V.), reside, make a home

a -- make a journey: got. gaggjan* 1, ga-g-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gehen, reisen; ne. go on a journey, make a journey

a -- make a judgement: got. gastōjan* 3, ga-stō-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. ein Urteil abgeben über, beurteilen, verurteilen, urteilen, beschließen, richten?; ne. make a judgement, resolve (V.)

a -- make a noise: got. auhjōn* 2, auhj-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen, schreien; ne. make a noise, be tumultuously noisy, make an uproar

a -- make a prayerful wish for: got. usbidan* 1, us-bid-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. erbitten; ne. make a prayerful wish for, wish prayerfully

a -- make a ride: got. raidjan* (2), raid-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen machen, tragen; ne. make a ride, transport (V.), carry (V.)

a -- make a sighing sound: got. gaswōgjan* 1, ga-s-wō-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erseufzen, seufzen; ne. sigh (V.), heave a sigh, make a sighing sound

a -- make a sign: got. bandwjan* 11, ba-nd-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ein Zeichen geben, Wink geben, andeuten, bezeichnen; ne. mark (V.), designate, indicate, make a sign, signify

a -- make a stroke: got. *streikan, *strei-k-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. streichen; ne. stroke (V.), rub (V.), make a stroke

a -- make a tributary offering: got. saljan (2) 6, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. opfern; ne. render religious tribute, render oblational tribute, make a tributary offering, sacrifice (V.)

a -- make a visitation to: got. gaweisōn* 5, ga-wei-s-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. besuchen, heimsuchen, besorgen; ne. go to see, come to see, visit (V.), make a visitation to, provide for

a -- make into a fortified residential stronghold: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

a -- make into a possession: got. gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

a -- make into a walled city: got. *bibaúrgjan?, *bi-baúr-g-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „bergen“, zur Stadt machen, befestigen; ne. protect, make into a walled city, make into a fortified residential stronghold

a -- male head-servant on a farm: got. *siniskalks?, *sin-i-s-kal-k-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. ältester Diener, Altknecht, Seneschall; ne. oldest servant, male head-servant on a farm, seneschal

a -- mark made by a stroke of the pen: got. striks 1, stri-k-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Strich; ne. stroke (N.), diacritical mark, mark made by a stroke of the pen, hook (N.), serif

a -- of a pistachio-tree: got. pistikeins* 1, pistik-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unverfälscht, echt; ne. of a pistachio-tree, genuine, unadulterated, pure, undiluted

a -- offer a prayer of thanksgiving: got. awiliudōn 23, aw-i-liu-d-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. danken, preisen; ne. thank (V.), offer a prayer of thanksgiving

a -- office of a bishop: got. aípiskaúpei* 1, aípi-skaúp-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bischofsamt; ne. bishopric, episcopate, office of a bishop

a -- office of a tetrarch: got. fidurragini* 1, fidur-ragin-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Vierfürstenamt, Tetrarchie; ne. tetrarchate, office of a tetrarch

a -- one who takes a stance: got. *stasseis?, *sta-s-s-ei-s?,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Steher; ne. one who stands, one who takes a stance

a -- people of a country: got. gauja* 2, gau-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gaubewohner; ne. inhabitant of a region, people of a country

a -- pre-announce as a pledge: got. faúragahaitan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zuvor verheißen; ne. promise beforehand, pre-announce as a pledge, foretell

a -- present a pleasing appearance: got. samjan 2, sam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zu gefallen suchen, gefallen (V.); ne. present a pleasing appearance, give o.s. a pleasing appearance (= sik samjan), seek to please

a -- produce in the manner of a smith: got. gasmiþōn* 1, ga-smi-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. „schmieden“, bewirken, durch Schmieden bewirken; ne. forge (V.), produce in the manner of a smith, effect (V.), work (V.), produce

a -- put a cover on: got. huljan 2, hul-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hüllen, verhüllen; ne. put a cover on, cover (V.), veil (V.)

a -- put a seal before: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

a -- put a seal on: got. sigljan* 1, sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen mit einem Siegel versehen, siegeln; ne. seal (V.), put a seal on

a -- put in a grave: got. ganawistrōn* 1, ga-naw-i-str-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. begraben (V.); ne. bury, inter (V.), put in a grave

a -- put in a state of anger: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

a -- put in a state of fear: got. inagjan* 1, in-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. anfahren, bedrohen, in Angst setzen; ne. put in a state of fear, threaten, inspire fear in, censure (V.)

a -- put on as a tunic: got. gapaidōn* 2=1, ga-paid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. dress (V.), put on as a tunic, jacket (V.), clothe; *paidōn, *paid-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. put on as a tunic, jacket (V.)

a -- put to a test: got. kiusan* 2, kius-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. prüfen, wählen; ne. put to a test, test (V.), examine by testing, prove by trial, prove by test

a -- rear of a ship: got. nōta* 1, nōt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Achterdeck, Schiffshinterteil; ne. afterdeck, stern (2), rear of a ship

a -- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

a -- say a prayer: got. gabidjan* 1, ga-bid-jan*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bitten, beten; ne. say a prayer, request (V.), pray

a -- secretary-lector of a religious community: got. bōkāreis 39, bōk-ārei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Schriftgelehrter, Schreiber; ne. writer, scribe, secretary-lector of a religious community

a -- send on a mission: got. insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss

a -- serve under a war-lord: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

a -- service under a war-lord: got. draúhtinassus* 1, draú-h-t-i-n-a-s-su-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Feldzug, Kriegsdienst; ne. campaign (N.), service under a war-lord, military service, soldiering

a -- set a price on: got. waírþōn* 1, waír-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schätzen, abschätzen, würdigen; ne. price (V.), set a price on, value (V.), establish the monetary value of

a -- set a rest: got. anaƕeilan* 1, an-a-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beruhigen, erquicken; ne. give respite, give a rest period, give repose, set a rest

a -- set a seal upon: got. gasigljan* 4=3, ga-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. besiegeln, bestätigen, versiegeln; ne. set a seal upon, seal (V.)

a -- set up as a guidepost: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

a -- sing a dirge: got. gaunōn 3, gau-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. klagen, Totenklage anstimmen; ne. lament (V.), bewail, sing a dirge, wail in mourning; hiufan* 2, hiu-f-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wehklagen, Klagelieder singen; ne. lament (V.), sing a dirge, sing a threnody, wail (V.)

a -- sing a hymn of praise to s.o.: got. liuþōn* 1, liu-þ-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. lobsingen, singen; ne. sing a hymn of praise to s.o.

a -- sing a threnody: got. hiufan* 2, hiu-f-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. wehklagen, Klagelieder singen; ne. lament (V.), sing a dirge, sing a threnody, wail (V.)

a -- sound a trumpet: got. haúrnjan* 2, haúr-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hornblasen, das Horn blasen, trompeten; ne. blow a horn, sound a trumpet

a -- speak a great deal: got. filuwaúrdjan* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. viel Worte machen, viel plappern, viel reden; ne. verbalize excessively, babble (V.), chatter (V.), speak a great deal

a -- speak like a madman: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

a -- stay as a guest: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

a -- subject to a test: got. gakausjan* 1, ga-kaus-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. erproben, prüfen; ne. test (V.), try (V.), subject to a test

a -- surround with a rampart: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

a -- take a recess: got. ƕeilan* 1, ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. aufhören; ne. pause (V.), take an intermission, take a recess, cease

a -- take a rest: got. gaƕeilan* 2, ga-ƕeil-an*,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zur Ruhe kommen, aufhören, verweilen; ne. come to rest, take a rest, rest (V.), cease

a -- take a seat: got. gasitan 11, ga-sit-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. sich niedersetzen, Platz nehmen; ne. sit down, take a seat

a -- take a spouse: got. liugan (1) 19, liug-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. heiraten; ne. marry, wed (V.), espouse, take a spouse

a -- take a view: got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

a -- take for a drive: got. *usfarþōn?, *us-far-þ-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ausfahren?; ne. take for a drive

a -- tell a lie: got. *galiugan (2), *ga-liug-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. belügen, lügen; ne. tell a lie; liugan* (2) 6, liug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. lügen, belügen; ne. lie (1) (V.), tell a lie, tell an untruth, speak falsely

a -- to a man: got. alakjō 5, al-a-k-jō,  Adv.: nhd. insgesamt, gesamt, zusammen; ne. all, all inclusively, to a man, all together

a -- understand in a certain way: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

a -- with a different meaning: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

a -- work a cure on: got. galēkinōn* 2, ga-lēk-in-ōn*, galeikinōn,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. herstellen, heilen (V.) (1); ne. heal (V.), cure (V.), work a cure on

aback -- be struck aback: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

aback -- be taken aback: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

abandon -- abandon (V.): got. bileiþan* 26, bi-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. verlassen (V.), zurücklassen, hinterlassen; ne. leave behind, relinquish, abandon (V.)

abase: got. gahaunjan* 2, ga-hau-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, abase, humiliate, humble (V.); gahnaiwjan* 4, ga-hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, make humble, lower (V.), abase; haunjan 2, hau-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erniedrigen, niedrig machen; ne. make low, abase, humiliate

-- abase (V.): got. hnaiwjan* 3, hnai-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niedrig machen, erniedrigen; ne. make low, cause to go down, lower (V.), humble (V.), abase (V.)

abasement: got. hnaiweins* 1, hnai-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erniedrigung, Demut; ne. lowliness, abasement, humbling, humiliation

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 1: got. a 5,  Buchstabe: nhd. a, Abkürzung für 1; ne. a, abbreviation for 1

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 2: got. b 9,  Buchstabe: nhd. b, Abkürzung für 2; ne. b, abbreviation for 2

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 3: got. g 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. g, Abkürzung für 3; ne. g, abbreviation for 3

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 4: got. d 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. d, Abkürzung für 4; ne. d, abbreviation for 4

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 5: got. e 6,  Buchstabe: nhd. e, Abkürzung für 5; ne. e, abbreviation for 5

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 6: got. q 3,  Buchstabe: nhd. q, Abkürzung für 6; ne. q, abbreviation for 6

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 7: got. z 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. z, Abkürzung für 7; ne. z, abbreviation for 7

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 8: got. h 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. h, Abkürzung für 8; ne. h, abbreviation for 8

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 9: got. þ 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. th, Abkürzung für 9; ne. th, abbreviation for 9

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 10: got. i 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. i, Abkürzung für 10; ne. i, abbreviation for 10

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 20: got. k 4,  Buchstabe: nhd. k, Abkürzung für 20; ne. k, abbreviation for 20

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 40: got. m 3,  Buchstabe: nhd. m, Abkürzung für 40; ne. m, abbreviation for 40

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 50: got. n 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. n, Abkürzung für 50; ne. n, abbreviation for 50

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 60: got. j 7,  Buchstabe: nhd. j, Abkürzung für 60; ne. j, abbreviation for 60

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 70: got. u 1,  Buchstabe: nhd. u, Abkürzung für 70; ne. u, abbreviation for 70

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 100: got. r 4,  Buchstabe: nhd. r, Abkürzung für 100; ne. r, abbreviation for 100

abbreviation -- abbreviation for 300: got. t 2,  Buchstabe: nhd. t, Abkürzung für 300; ne. t, abbreviation for 300

abbreviation -- abbreviation for thirty: got. l 8,  Buchstabe: nhd. 1, Abkürzung für dreißig; ne. 1, abbreviation for thirty

abdominal -- internal abdominal organs: got. wamba 11, wamb-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bauch, Schoß (F.) (1), Leib; ne. viscera, womb, uterus, internal abdominal organs, belly (N.)

abed -- lying abed for coitus: got. ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

aberrance: got. uswandi* 1, us-wa-nd-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Abwendung, Irreleiten, Irreführung; ne. diversion, digression, aberrance, cunning (N.)

abhorrent: got. andasēts* 2, and-a-sēt-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. verabscheuenswert, verabscheuenswürdig; ne. causing aversion, abhorrent, repugnant, detestable

abide: got. gabeidan* 1, ga-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. ausharren, ertragen; ne. endure, abide, hold out under; gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

ability -- ability to hear: got. hliuma 4, hliu-m-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gehör, Ohren (= hliumans); ne. hearing (N.), sense of hearing, ability to hear, ears (= hliumans)

ability -- have the ability: got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

abjure: got. afaikan 13, af-ai-k-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. leugnen, fluchen, verleugnen; ne. deny, abjure, disavow, forswear, renounce (V.); afdōmjan 5, af-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen, verfluchen; ne. comdemn, pass judgement against, curse (V.), abjure

able: got. mahteigs 22, mah-t-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. mächtig, möglich, stark, Herrscher (= mahteigs, subst.); ne. power-holding, powerful, capable, possible, able

-- able in instructing: got. laiseigs 2, lais-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Lehren befähigt, zum Lehren geeignet, lehrend; ne. skillful in teaching, able in instructing, apt at teaching

-- be able: got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

abound: got. biauknan 2, bi-auk-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich vermehren, zunehmen; ne. increase (V.), abound, grow in abundance; gaaukan* 1, ga-auk-an*,  red. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. sich vermehren, zunehmen; ne. increase (V.), wax (V.), abound; managnan* 5, man-ag-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reichlich vorhanden sein (V.), Überfluss haben; ne. be abundant, abound

-- abound in: got. ganōhnan 1, ga-nōh-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. zur Genüge versehen sein (V.), genug sein (V.); ne. be sufficient in, become sufficient in, abound in

about: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about; swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- about to die: got. *swultawaírþs?, *swul-t-a-waír-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. auf den Tod gerichtet, todgeweiht; ne. about to die, moribund, at the point of death

-- argument about words: got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

-- be about to: got. munan* (2) 6, mun-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zu tun gedenken, wollen (V.); ne. intend, take in mind, be about to

-- be concerned about: got. karōn* 1, kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich kümmern; ne. care about, worry about, be concerned about

-- be troubled about: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

-- bind about: got. bibindan* 1, bi-bind-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umbinden, umwickeln; ne. bind about, bind around, bind up

-- bring about: got. gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish; gawaúrkjan 24, ga-waúrk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bewirken, erwirken, bereiten, machen, bringen, erhandeln, ausstellen; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), bring about, produce, make (V.), earn (V.), get, achieve (V.)

-- call out about: got. *bihaitan?, *bi-hai-t-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. prahlen, verleumden; ne. proclaim about, call out about, speak vociferously

-- care about: got. karōn* 1, kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich kümmern; ne. care about, worry about, be concerned about

-- come about: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- come round about: got. biqiman* 1, bi-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. überfallen; ne. come round about, encompass, envelop (V.), attack (V.)

-- consult secretly about: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

-- dispute about words: got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

-- dwell round about: got. bisitan* 5, bi-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. herumsitzen, herumwohnen, umwohnen, nahe wohnen; ne. be situated around, neighbour (V.), dwell round about

-- go about: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

-- have anxiety about: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

-- look about: got. faírweitjan 6, faír-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinblicken, gaffen, umherspähen, spähen; ne. stare (V.), view attentively, look engrossedly, look about, gaze inquisitively; ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

-- look round about: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

-- make whirl about: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

-- move about through: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along

-- one about to die: got. swultawaírþja 1, swul-t-a-waír-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. dem Tode Naher, Todgeweihter; ne. one approaching death, one about to die, moribund person

-- proclaim about: got. *bihaitan?, *bi-hai-t-an?,  red. V. (1): nhd. prahlen, verleumden; ne. proclaim about, call out about, speak vociferously

-- round about: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; bisunjanē 7, bi-sun-j-a-nē,  Adv.: nhd. ringsum; ne. round about, in the hear (N.) of, neighbouring (Adv.)

-- run about: got. birinnan* 2, bi-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umringen, herumlaufen, durchstreifen, umdrängen, umgeben, umherlaufen; ne. run around, run about, surround (V.), gather around

-- stroll about: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

-- take secret counsel about: got. *birūnan?, *bi-rū-n-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leise sprechen, sich verschwören, beschließen; ne. conspire, take secret counsel about, consult secretly about, plan together secretly

-- think about: got. biþagkjan* 1, bi-þagk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. think over, think about, meditate on, consider

-- toss about: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

-- walk about: got. ƕarbōn* 7, ƕarb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. wandeln, gehen, umhergehen; ne. wander on past, pass on, walk about, stroll about, go about

-- wind round about: got. biwaibjan* 3, bi-waib-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umwinden, umgeben, umkleiden; ne. surround (V.), clothe, wrap around, envelop, wind round about

-- worry about: got. karōn* 1, kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich kümmern; ne. care about, worry about, be concerned about

above: got. aúhuma* 33, aúh-um-a*,  Adj. (Komp.): nhd. höher, erhaben, vorzüglicher; ne. higher, above; iupa 5, iup-a,  Adv.: nhd. oben, hinauf; ne. on high, above, aloft, high up; ufar 43, uf-ar,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. über; ne. over, above; ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

-- above all: got. þishun 6=5, þi-s-hun,  Adv.: nhd. meist, vorzüglich, besonders; ne. in particular, particularly, specifically, especially, above all

-- be above: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- born of heaven above: got. ufarhiminakunds 2, uf-ar-himin-a-kund-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. himmlisch; ne. born of heaven above, heavenly, of heavenly origin

-- from above: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew; iupaþrō 8, iup-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von oben; ne. from above

-- raise above: got. ufarhafjan* 1, uf-ar-haf-jan*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. überheben; ne. raise above, lift up over, exalt o.s.

-- the one above: got. *ufara, *uf-ar-a,  sw. Adj.: nhd. obere; ne. the one above, superior

-- write above: got. ufarmēljan* 1, uf-ar-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überschreiben, darüber schreiben; ne. write above, superscribe, write over, inscribe over

abroad -- spread abroad word of: got. usmērjan* 1, us-mē-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden; ne. spread abroad word of, publicize, publish (V.)

absent: got. afhaimeis* 2, af-hai-m-ei-s*, afhaimis*, afhaims*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. der Heimat fern, abwesend; ne. absent from home, absent, away from home; aljar 2, al-ja-r,  Adv.: nhd. anderswo; ne. absent, away from here, elsewhere, somewhere else

-- absent from home: got. afhaimeis* 2, af-hai-m-ei-s*, afhaimis*, afhaims*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. der Heimat fern, abwesend; ne. absent from home, absent, away from home

absolutely: got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

absolution: got. aflageins* 1, af-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ablegung, Erlass, Vergebung; ne. forgiveness, laying aside, remission, absolution; swikneins* 3, swikn-ein-s*,  st. F. (i) (ō): nhd. Reinigung; ne. absolution, exculpation, exoneration, purification

absolve: got. aflētan 52, af-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen, fortschicken, aufgeben, eine Schuld erlassen, vergeben, verlassen (V.), im Stiche lassen, zurücklassen, überlassen, vernachlässigen; ne. let off, let go, leave (V.), relinquish, remit, absolve, release (V.), forgive; fralētan 32, fra-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, freilassen, entlassen, unterlassen, zulassen, erlauben, erlassen, vergeben, herablassen, gestatten; ne. let go, release (V.), let free, let (V.), permit (V.), absolve, let down, lower (V.), drop (V.), forgive; *swiknjan?, *swikn-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. reinigen; ne. absolve, exculpate, make taintless

abstain: got. afhaban* (sik) 1, af-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. abstain, withhold o.s.; gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain; *þarban?, *þarb-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. darben; ne. abstain, live in want

-- abstain from: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

-- abstain from food: got. fastan 45, fast-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. halten, festhalten, beobachten, bewachen, fasten; ne. hold fast, hold firm, guard (V.), keep in custody, uphold, keep (V.), observe, abstain from food, withhold o.s. from food, fast (V.)

abstinence: got. fastubni* 6, fast-ubn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Halten, Dienst, Fasten, Haltung, Gottesdienst; ne. holding fast to, holding (N.), keeping (N.), observance, abstinence, fasting (N.), vigilance, maintenance

abstinent: got. gaþaúrbs 1, ga-þaúrb-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. enthaltsam; ne. forgoing (Adj.), abstinent, self-abnegating (Adj.); *þaúrbs, *þaúrb-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. enthaltsam; ne. abstinent

-- be abstinent: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

abundance: got. digrei* 1, dig-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Fülle; ne. plumpness, abundance, stoutness, thickness; filusna 6, fil-u-sn-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Vielheit, Menge, Übermaß; ne. copiousness, abundance, plenitude, multitude; managdūþs 1, man-ag-dū-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Menge, Überfluss; ne. plenitude, abundance, copiousness

-- grow in abundance: got. biauknan 2, bi-auk-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich vermehren, zunehmen; ne. increase (V.), abound, grow in abundance

abundant: got. ganōhs* 7, ga-nōh-s*,  Adj. (a),: nhd. genug, viel; ne. enough, ample (Adj.), abundant, copious, plenteous

-- be abundant: got. ufar filu wisan, got.: nhd. überfließend sein (V.); ne. be abundant; managnan* 5, man-ag-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reichlich vorhanden sein (V.), Überfluss haben; ne. be abundant, abound; ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

-- make abundant: got. managjan* 2, man-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mehren, vermehren; ne. multiply, increase (V.), make abundant

-- more abundant: got. managiza: nhd. größer, mehr; ne. more, more abundant, more plentiful, excessive

abundantly: got. gabigaba 1, gab-ig-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. reichlich; ne. richly, abundantly

-- grow abundantly: got. ufarwahsjan* 1, uf-ar-wahs-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. überaus wachsen, sich stark vermehren; ne. wax exceedingly, exceed in growth, grow abundantly

abuse -- abuse (V.): got. gaaiwiskōn* 11=10, ga-aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. beschämen, beschimpfen; ne. disgrace (V.), dishonour (V.), abuse (V.), make ashamed, put to shame

abuse -- abuse verbally: got. *naitjan?, *nai-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lästern; ne. use foul language, abuse verbally

abusive -- abusive speech: got. anaqiss* 2, an-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lästerung, Schmährede; ne. blasphemy, slander (N.), verbal attack, abusive speech; naiteins* 3, nai-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, malediction, abusive speech, foul language, insult (N.), slander (N.); *wajamēreins 5, *waj-a-mē-r-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lästerung; ne. blasphemy, abusive speech, desecrating speech, sacrilegious speech

abusively -- speaking abusively: got. *wajamēreis?, *waj-a-mē-r-ei-s?,  Adj. (ia): nhd. übelberüchtigt, übel berufen; ne. defaming (Adj.), speaking abusively, speaking ill of

abyss: got. afgrundiþa* 2, af-grund-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Abgrund; ne. abyss

accept -- accept as a unit: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

accept -- accept in conjunction: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

accept -- accept (V.): got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return; inniman* 1, in-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hernehmen; ne. receive, take in, get, accept (V.); niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away

acceptable: got. andanēms 8=7, and-a-nēm-s,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. angenehm; ne. acceptable, pleasant

acceptance: got. andanēm* 1, and-a-nēm*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Entgegennahme“, Empfang, Empfangen, Annahme; ne. taking (N.), intake, acceptance, receiving (N.); andanumts 4, and-a-num-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Annahme, Aufnahme, Erhebung; ne. taking up, acceptance; *numts?, *num-t-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Nehmen, Annahme; ne. acceptance

-- include in acceptance: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

accepting: got. andanēmeigs 1, and-a-nēm-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. „entgegennehmend“, festhaltend; ne. taking (N.), accepting, holding fast

access -- access (N.): got. atgagg* 2, at-ga-g-g*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zugang; ne. access (N.), approach (N.)

accessible: got. *atgāhts (2), *at-gā-h-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zugänglich; ne. accessible, approachable

accomodate -- accomodate o.s. to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

accomodate -- accomodate with: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

accomodation: got. *haribaírgō?, haribergō?, *hari-baírg-ō?, *hari-berg-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Herberge; ne. lodging, accomodation

accompany: got. afargaggan 7, af-ar-ga-g-g-a-n,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. nachgehen, folgen; ne. go after, follow, accompany; gasandjan 2, ga-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. entsenden, geleiten; ne. send off, send on, accompany

accomplish: got. *frumjan, *fru-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. fördern, vollbringen; ne. support (V.), accomplish; gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish; ustiuhan 51=50, us-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. hinausführen, wegführen, entrichten, ausführen, vollbringen, vollenden, herstellen; ne. lead out, conduct out, lead forth, bring up, give out, yield up, render, finish (V.), complete (V.), consummate, produce, accomplish, end (V.)

accomplishment: got. ustaúhts 4, us-taú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Vollendung, Vervollkommnung, Ende, Erfüllung; ne. completion, completeness, perfection, perfectness, accomplishment, fulfillment, consummation, end (N.)

accord -- accord (N.): got. samaqiss* 2, sam-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übereinstimmung; ne. unison, harmony, accord (N.), agreement

accord -- be in accord: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

accord -- wholehearted accord: got. allawērei* 1, al-l-a-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Redlichkeit; ne. simplicity, sincerity, wholehearted accord, complete agreeability, total agreement

accordance -- in accordance with: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

according -- according as: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

according -- according to: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to

according -- according to that effect: got. bi tōja, got.: nhd. nach der Wirkung; ne. according to that effect

account -- account as: got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

account -- account (N.): got. insahts 6, in-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erzählung, Aussage, Zeugnis; ne. argumentation, account (N.), exposition, explication, report (N.), story, statement, witness; raþjō 5, ra-þ-j-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abrechnung, Rechenschaft, Zahl; ne. counting (N.), tallying (N.), account (N.), explanation, number

account -- account to: got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

account -- give an account: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

account -- on account of: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

account -- on account of the fact that: got. dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that; duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

account -- on account of what: got. in ƕis: nhd. weshalb; ne. on account of what, wherefore, for what

accrue -- accrue to: got. undrinnan* 2, und-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. zufallen, zuteil werden, untereinander disputieren (= miþ sis missō sik undrinnan); ne. accrue to, fall to the share of, fall to

accumulate: got. dragan* 1, dra-g-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. tragen, aufladen, ziehen; ne. draw (V.), accumulate, take on, attract; hūhjan* 1, hūh-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. häufen, sammeln; ne. accumulate, stockpile (V.), store up

accumulation: got. *þraihn, *þrai-h-n, *þraihns,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Menge; ne. quantity, amount, accumulation

-- accumulation of riches: got. faíhuþraihn* 4, faíh-u-þrai-h-n*, faihuþraihns*,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. „Viehansammlung“, Geldansammlung, Reichtum; ne. wealth-agglomeration, accumulation of riches, wealth, gathering of money

accurate -- accurate understanding: got. ufkunþi* 8, uf-kun-þ-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Erkenntnis; ne. knowledge, accurate understanding, recognition

accurately: got. glaggwō 1, gla-ggw-ō,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, accurately

accursed -- accursed one: got. anaþaíma 2, ana-þaím-a, anaþema*,  Sb. (indekl.): nhd. „Fluch“, Verfluchter; ne. anathema, curse (N.), accursed thing, accursed one

accursed -- accursed thing: got. anaþaíma 2, ana-þaím-a, anaþema*,  Sb. (indekl.): nhd. „Fluch“, Verfluchter; ne. anathema, curse (N.), accursed thing, accursed one

accusation: got. usqiss* 1, us-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschuldigung, Anklage, Nachrede; ne. exposing announcement, incriminating disclosure, public crimination, accusation; wrōhs* 2, wrō-h-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Klage, Anklage; ne. accusation, charge (N.), complaint

-- basis for accusation: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

-- beyond accusation: got. unfaírina* 2, un-faír-in-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. tadellos, außer Schuld, ohne Tadel; ne. unimpeachable, blameless, beyond accusation, unassailable, unblamable

accuse: got. faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce; wrōhjan 6, wrō-h-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anklagen, beschuldigen; ne. indict, accuse

-- accuse calumniously: got. frawrōhjan* 1, fra-wrō-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verklagen, verdächtigen, verleumden, anzeigen; ne. accuse maliciously, accuse calumniously, incriminate slanderously, suspect (V.)

-- accuse maliciously: got. frawrōhjan* 1, fra-wrō-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verklagen, verdächtigen, verleumden, anzeigen; ne. accuse maliciously, accuse calumniously, incriminate slanderously, suspect (V.)

accusing: got. fairinōnds, Part. Präs.: nhd. anschuldigend, verleumderisch; ne. accusing, incriminating

accustomed: got. biūhts 2, bi-ū-h-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gewohnt; ne. accustomed, used to, wont

ace -- coin worth one ace: got. assarjus* 1, assar-ju-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ass (Münze), Pfennig, Kreuzer (M.) (2); ne. assarion, coin worth one ace

achieve: got. *laistōn?, *lais-t-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. leisten; ne. achieve

-- achieve depth: got. gadiupjan* 1, ga-diup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vertiefen; ne. make deep, go deep, dig deep, achieve depth

-- achieve doing: got. gataujan 90, ga-tau-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vollbringen, bewirken, machen, tun, wirken, bringen; ne. do, commit, execute, produce, bring about, effect (V.), perform, achieve doing, accomplish

-- achieve junction with: got. gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

-- achieve retribution for: got. gawrikan* 3, ga-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bestrafen, rächen, Rache nehmen; ne. wreak vengeance for, avenge, achieve retribution for, vindicate

-- achieve (V.): got. gawaúrkjan 24, ga-waúrk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bewirken, erwirken, bereiten, machen, bringen, erhandeln, ausstellen; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), bring about, produce, make (V.), earn (V.), get, achieve (V.)

aching -- sexual aching: got. winna* 1, wi-n-n-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Leiden, Leidenschaft; ne. passion, libido, sexual aching

acknowledge: got. andhaitan 15, and-hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. bekennen, preisen, erklären; ne. profess, confess, acknowledge, praise (V.); atkunnan* 1, at-kun-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. gewähren, zuerkennen; ne. acknowledge, learn to know

-- acknowledge o.s. as subordinate: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

-- acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of: got. barusnjan 1, bar-usn-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. fromm verehren, verehren, kindlich ehren; ne. show loyalty, show filial piety towards, acknowledge the parental prerogatives or precedence of

acknowledgement: got. andahait* 3, and-a-hai-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Bekenntnis; ne. acknowledgement, confession, recognition

acquaintance: got. *kunnains?, *kun-n-ain-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Kennenlernen; ne. acquaintance

-- thorough acquaintance: got. kunþi 17, kun-þ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Kunde (F.), Kenntnis; ne. knowledge, thorough acquaintance

acquainted -- be acquainted: got. kunnan (1) 97=96, kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. kennen, wissen; ne. be acquainted, know, understand

acquire: got. faírwaúrkjan* 1, faír-waúrk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwirken; ne. earn, secure, gain (V.), acquire; franiman 2, fra-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, in Besitz nehmen, in Empfang nehmen, gewinnen; ne. acquire, take possession of, receive, take along; gageigan* 7, ga-geig-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. gewinnen; ne. acquire, gain (V.); ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn; gastaldan 5, ga-stal-d-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. erwerben, bekommen; ne. procure, acquire, get; ? *staldan?, *stal-d-an?,  red. V. (3): nhd. haben?, eignen?; ne. have?, acquire?

-- acquire as property: got. gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

-- acquire knowledge of: got. gakunnan (2) 8, ga-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3), ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. kennenlernen, erfahren (V.), erkennen, lesen (V.) (1); ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know; *-kunnan (2), *-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kennenlernen; ne. acquire knowledge of, get to know, recognize

-- acquire through purchase (V.): got. usbugjan* 7, us-bug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erkaufen; ne. buy (V.), buy up, acquire through purchase (V.), redeem

-- acquire use of: got. niutan 2, niut-an,  st. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. treffen, erreichen, einer Sache froh sein (V.); ne. acquire use of, obtain disposal of, attain, enjoy

-- acquire wealth: got. faíhugeigan* 1, faíh-u-geig-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. begehren, habgierig sein (V.), geldgierig sein (V.); ne. gain riches, acquire wealth, desire (V.)

-- make acquire knowledge of by reading: got. anakunnan 3, an-a-kun-n-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. lesen (V.) (1); ne. make acquire knowledge of by reading, teach or learn through reading

acquiring -- acquiring (Adj.): got. *stalds?, *stal-d-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. habend?, erwerbend?; ne. having (Adj.), acquiring (Adj.)

acquisition: got. gawaúrki 5, ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschäft, Erwerb, Gewinn; ne. acquisitiveness, commercial untertaking, business deal, business, acquisition, gain (N.)

-- have in acquisition: got. disniman* 1, dis-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. besitzen; ne. have in acquisition, possess (V.), keep (V.)

acquisitive: got. aglaitgastalds 2, ag-l-ait-ga-stal-d-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. schmutzig gewinnsüchtig, habsüchtig; ne. acquisitive, grasping, shamefully greedy; *gastalds?, *ga-stal-d-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. gewinnsüchtig; ne. acquisitive

acquisitiveness: got. gawaúrki 5, ga-waúrk-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Geschäft, Erwerb, Gewinn; ne. acquisitiveness, commercial untertaking, business deal, business, acquisition, gain (N.)

across -- go across: got. ufarleiþan* 1, uf-ar-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. übersetzen, hinüberfahren; ne. pass over, cross over, go across

act -- act like a madman: got. dwalmōn* 2, dwa-l-m-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. rasen; ne. act like a madman, speak like a madman, rave

act -- act (N.): got. táui 7, táu-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. work (N.), act (N.), activity, action, deed, product (N.), effect (N.)

act -- act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping: got. anafilh* 6, an-a-fil-h*,  st. N. (a): nhd. „Anvertrautes“, Empfehlung, Überlieferung; ne. act of committing to s.o.’s safekeeping, commendation, recommendation, tradition

act -- act of creation: got. gaskafts 11=10, ga-skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erschaffung, Geschöpf; ne. creation, act of creation, creature; *skafts (3), *skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geschöpf, Schaffung; ne. creature, creation, act of creation

act -- act of instruction: got. laiseins 34, lais-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Lehre; ne. teaching (N.), act of instruction, doctrine

act -- act of judging: got. stáua (1) 25, stá-u-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Gerichtsstätte“, Gericht (M.) (1), Urteil, Streitsache; ne. act of judging, judgement, verdict, judicial decision

act -- act of testifying: got. weitwōdeins 1, wei-t-wōd-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. act of testifying, attesting, witness-bearing, witness (N.)

act -- act (V.): got. taujan 211=209, tau-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tun, machen, wirken; ne. do, act (V.), engage in, execute, perform, make (V.), form (V.), construct (V.), produce (1)

act -- act with restraint toward: got. freidjan* 6, frei-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. schonen; ne. keep safe, treat watchfully, take care of, act with restraint toward, spare (V.)

act -- betray in an act of opportunism: got. lēwjan* 3, lēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verraten; ne. betray in an act of opportunism, hand over in an opportunistic deal

act -- culpable act: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

act -- impute a culpable act to: got. faírinōn* 3, faír-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. tadeln, beschuldigen; ne. impute a culpable act to, blame (V.), accuse, reproach (V.), incriminate, denounce

acting -- join in acting insincerely: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

action: got. táui 7, táu-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. work (N.), act (N.), activity, action, deed, product (N.), effect (N.)

-- action (N.): got. waúrstwei* 1, waúr-st-w-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tun, Verrichtung, Betrieb; ne. performance, practice (N.), execution, action (N.)

-- in this action: got. þamma tōja, got.: nhd. in dieser Sache; ne. in this action

active: got. *amals?, *am-a-l-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. tapfer, tätig; ne. active, brave

activity: got. táui 7, táu-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Werk, Tat; ne. work (N.), act (N.), activity, action, deed, product (N.), effect (N.); waúrstw 83=82, waúr-st-w,  st. N. (a) (wa): nhd. Werk, Tat, Wirksamkeit; ne. work (N.), activity, deed, task, operation, working (N.)

acumen -- apply acumen to: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

adapt -- adapt to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

add: got. anaaukan 5, an-a-auk-an,  red. V. (2): nhd. hinzufügen zu, fortfahren; ne. add, augment (V.); biaukan* 3, bi-auk-an*,  red. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. hinzufügen; ne. add, enlarge, expand

-- add by argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- add to: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- add to the rectification of: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

adder: got. nadrs* 1, nadr-s*,  st. M. (?) (a): nhd. Natter; ne. snake (N.), viper, adder; *nēdrō?, *nēdr-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Natter, Schlange; ne. snake (N.), viper, adder

addict -- wine addict: got. weindrugkja 1, wein-dru-g-k-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Weintrinker, Säufer; ne. wine-drinker, wine addict, drunkard

addicted: got. *friks?, *fri-k-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. süchtig, gierig; ne. lustful, greedy, addicted

-- addicted to wine: got. weinags* 3=2, wein-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. trunken, trunksüchtig, Trunkenbold (= subst.); ne. addicted to wine, drunkardly, drunk (Adj.), drunkard (= subst.)

addiction: got. *frikei?, *fri-k-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gier, Sucht; ne. greed, lust (N.), obsession, addiction

additional -- additional increment: got. wōkrs* 1, wōk-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Ertrag, Frucht, Zins; ne. interest on investment, additional increment

additional -- give additional correction to: got. atgaraíhtjan* 1, at-ga-raíh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vollends in Ordnung bringen, wiederherstellen, einrichten; ne. add to the rectification of, give additional correction to, set in order

address -- address (V.): got. haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.); wōpjan 18, wōp-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rufen, krähen, zurufen, schreien, ausrufen, laut rufen; ne. call out, cry out, sound out, call to, address (V.), call loudly

address -- address with salutations: got. andqiþan 2, and-qiþ-an,  st. V. (5), m. Dat.: nhd. „entsagen“, Abschied nehmen, entlassen, zusammenkommen mit, sprechen mit, sprechen, Lebewohl sagen; ne. address with salutations, greet, salute (V.), say farewell to, take (verbal) leave of, speak with someone

adduce: got. undrēdan 1, und-rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. besorgen, gewähren; ne. adduce, advance (V.), provide for, grant (V.)

adequate -- be barely adequate: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements; *naúhan?, *naúh-an?,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.); ne. be just enough, be barely adequate

adhere -- adhere to: got. gahaftnan* 1, ga-haf-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. anhangen, sich anheften; ne. stick to, adhere to, cling to; haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

adhere -- make o.s. adhere to: got. haftjan* (sik) 4, haf-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. (sich) heften, anhängen, anheften; ne. hold to, adhere to, hold o.s. to, make o.s. adhere to

adhered -- become adhered to: got. *haftnan?, *haf-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. angeheftet werden; ne. become adhered to

adjacent -- adjacent section: got. fēra* 4, fēr-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Seite, Gegend, Glied, Körperteil; ne. side (N.), collateral part, adjacent section, district bordering a sea, maritime province, region

adjacent -- lie (V.) (2) adjacent to: got. atligan* 1, at-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. dabeiliegen, vorliegen, vorhanden sein (V.); ne. lie (V.) (2) at hand, lie (V.) (2) adjacent to

adjacent -- next adjacent: got. iftuma* 4, ift-uma*,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. folgende; ne. subsequent, next adjacent

adjacently -- stand adjacently: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

adjudge: got. gadōmjan 6, ga-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, entscheiden, sich vergleichen, sich messen mit; ne. deem, judge (V.), adjudge, reckon

adjudgement: got. ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

adjuration: got. usblōteins* 2=1, us-blōt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bitte, Flehen, Gebet; ne. prayer (N.), supplication, adjuration, imploring (N.), requesting (N.)

adjure: got. biswaran* 2, bi-swar-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. beschwören; ne. adjure, put under oath; *usblōtan?, *us-blōt-an?,  red. V. (6): nhd. bitten; ne. pray, adjure, implore, supplicate worshipfully

adjust -- adjust to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

administer: got. andbahtjan 23=22, andb-ah-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leisten, dienen, besorgen, darreichen; ne. serve, minister (V.), administer, perform

administration: got. faúragaggi 7=6, faúr-a-ga-g-g-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verwaltung, Haushaltung, Vorsteheramt; ne. stewardship, superintendency, management, administration

admired -- be admired: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

admission -- admission tax: got. mōta 4, mōt-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Maut“, Zoll (M.) (2), Zollhaus; ne. admission tax, import tax, customs duties

admission -- find admission: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted; *mōtan, *mōt-an,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

admission-fee -- admission-fee collector: got. mōtāreis 19, mōt-ā-rei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Zöllner; ne. admission-fee collector, tolltaker, tax collector, publican

admission-tax -- place of admission-tax collection: got. mōtastaþs* 1, mōt-a-sta-þ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. „Mautstätte“, Zollstätte, Zollhaus; ne. toll-place, place of admission-tax collection, customs post, tax office

admitted -- be admitted: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted; *mōtan, *mōt-an,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

admittedly: got. swēþauh 36=34, swē-þauh,  Partikel: nhd. doch zwar, wenigstens; ne. indeed, admittedly, but

admonish: got. gaþlaihan 12=11, ga-þlaih-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. ermahnen, trösten, in die Arme schließen, umarmen; ne. comfort (V.), admonish, embrace (V.), hearten, encourage, entreat, exhort; talzjan* 7, talz-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. lehren, ziehen, unterrichten; ne. educate, instruct, train (V.), discipline (V.), correct (V.), admonish, chastise

adopt: got. andniman 102, and-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, aufnehmen, genießen, empfangen, wieder empfangen, erhalten (V.); ne. accept (V.), take in, take to o.s., take (V.), adopt, receive, take up, have receipt of, receive in return

adopted -- be adopted: got. suniwē sibja andniman, got.: nhd. adoptiert werden; ne. be adopted; suniwe sibja andniman, got.: nhd. adoptiert werden; ne. be adopted

adopting -- join in adopting a form similar to: got. miþgaleikōn* 1, mi-þ-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. mitnachahmen; ne. jointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to

adoption -- adoption as children: got. frastisibja 1, frast-i-si-b-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kindschaft; ne. familial adoption, adoption as children, sonship

adoption -- familial adoption: got. frastisibja 1, frast-i-si-b-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kindschaft; ne. familial adoption, adoption as children, sonship

adoption -- to adoption: got. du suniwē gadēdai, got.: nhd. zur Sohnschaft; ne. to adoption; du suniwe gadēdai, got.: nhd. zur Sohnschaft; ne. to adoption

adore: got. *inweitjan?, *in-wei-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anbeten, behexen; ne. adore, worship (V.), bewitch

adorn -- adorn (V.): got. fētjan* 1, fēt-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schmücken; ne. dress up, adorn (V.); *gafētjan, *ga-fēt-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kleiden; ne. dress up, adorn (V.)

adornment: got. gafēteins* 1, ga-fēt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Kleidung; ne. adornment, garniture, fine apparel, clothing

adult -- adult (Adj.): got. uswahsans 2, us-wahs-an-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät., perfektiv: nhd. erwachsen (Adj.); ne. adult (Adj.), grown up, of age

adult -- adult male: got. waír 29, waí-r,  st. M. (a): nhd. Mann; ne. man (M.), adult male

adulterated: got. unaírkns* 3, un-aírkn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. unheilig, gottlos; ne. impure, ungenuine, distorted, adulterated, corrupted, unholy

adulterer: got. hōrs 7, hō-r-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Hurer, Ehebrecher; ne. adulterer, fornicator

adulteress: got. hōrinōndei, got.: nhd. Ehebrecherin; ne. adulteress

adulterous: got. hōrinōnds, got.: nhd. ehebrecherisch; ne. adulterous

adultery: got. hōrinassus 7, hō-r-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ehebruch, Hurerei; ne. adultery, fornication, illicit extra-marital sexual intercourse; kalkinassus 4, kalk-i-n-a-s-su-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Hurerei, Unzucht; ne. illicit sexual intercourse, fornication, adultery

-- commit adultery: got. gahōrinōn* 1, ga-hōr-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Ehebruch begehen; ne. commit adultery, fornicate; hōrinōn 13, hō-r-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. huren, die Ehe brechen, Ehebruch treiben; ne. commit adultery

advance -- advance (V.): got. gaþeihan* 2, ga-þei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorwärtskommen, hervorsprießen, wachsen (V.) (1), zunehmen; ne. progress (V.), grow, advance (V.), prosper; undrēdan 1, und-rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. besorgen, gewähren; ne. adduce, advance (V.), provide for, grant (V.)

advance -- come in advance: got. faúraqiman* 1, faúr-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vorgehen, vor jemand hergehen; ne. precede s.o., come in advance, come before, go before

advance -- enjoin in advance: got. *faúragaraidjan 1, *faúr-a-ga-rai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen?; ne. enjoin in advance, mandate beforehand, decree beforehand

advance -- purpose in advance: got. faúragarēdan* 3=2, faúr-a-ga-rē-d-an*,  red. abl. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen; ne. purpose in advance, intend beforehand, predetermine

advanced -- advanced in age: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

advanced -- of advanced age: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

advancement: got. framgāhts* 1, fra-m-gā-h-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Fortschritt; ne. progress (N.), advancement, furtherance

advantage: got. *bata, *bat-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nutzen, Vorteil; ne. benefit (N.), worthiness, avail (N.), advantage, profit (N.)

-- advantage (N.): got. bōta* 3, bōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Nutzen; ne. advantage (N.), benefit (N.), good (N.), aid (N.), usefulness, profit (N.)

-- obtain an advantage: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

-- take advantage of: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of; gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

advent: got. qums 14, qu-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Ankunft, Wiederkunft; ne. coming (N.), advent, arrival, parousia, presence

adversary -- adversary in a lawsuit: got. andastaua 2, and-a-sta-u-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Gegner vor Gericht, Widersacher; ne. legal opponent, adversary in a lawsuit, opposing litigant

adversary -- adversary (M.): got. andastaþjis* 3, and-a-sta-þ-ji-s*,  st. M. (ja): nhd. „Entgegenstehender“, Widersacher; ne. opponent (M.), adversary (M.)

advice: got. *rēþs (1), *rē-þ-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Rat; ne. advice, counsel (N.)

-- aiming advice: got. tilarēþs* 1, til-a-rēþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zielrat; ne. aiming advice

advise: got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

-- advise (V.): got. garaginōn* 1, ga-rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. Rat geben, raten; ne. prescribe to, give guidance to, give counsel to, advise (V.)

advisor: got. ragineis 4, rag-in-ei-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Ratgeber, Ratsherr; ne. counsellor, advisor, guide (M.), prescriptor, steward, guardian

advocatable -- in an advocatable manner: got. garēdaba 1, ga-rē-d-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. commendably, in an advocatable manner, commendatorily, recommendatorily, honourably

advocate -- advocate (M.): got. paraklētus 4, par-a-klē-t-u-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Tröster; ne. paraclete, advocate (M.), comforter

advocate -- advocate (V.): got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

afar: got. faírra 20, faír-ra,  Adv.: nhd. fern, fern von, weg von; ne. afar, far off, remote, at a great distance

-- from afar: got. faírraþrō 9, faír-ra-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von fern; ne. from afar, from a great distance, from a long way off

affection -- show affection for: got. frijōn 92, fri-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lieben, gern tun; ne. love (V.), cherish, show affection for, like to

affectionately -- affectionately tender: got. friaþwamilds* 1, fri-aþ-w-a-mil-d-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. zärtlich liebend, liebreich; ne. lovingly mild, showing love, affectionately tender

affinity -- bring into affinity: got. niþan* 1, niþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. helfen, unterstützen; ne. make kindred, bring into kinship, bring into affinity, unite in consanguinity, help (V.), support (V.)

affirm: got. gatulgjan 10, ga-tul-g-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befestigen, bestärken; ne. make firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fortify

affix -- affix by nailing: got. ganagljan* 1, ga-nag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. festnageln, annageln, nageln; ne. nail (V.), affix by nailing; *nagljan?, *nag-l-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nageln; ne. nail (V.), affix by nailing

affix -- affix ropes to: got. insailjan* 1, in-sai-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anseilen, herablassen; ne. affix ropes to, tie ropes onto, let down

afflict -- afflict with thirst: got. afþaúrsjan* 2, af-þaúrs-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. dursten, verdursten, durstig sein (V.); ne. dessicate, afflict with thirst

affliction: got. aggwiþa 5, agg-w-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Enge“, Bedrängnis; ne. affliction, trouble (N.), plight, anxiety, distress (N.); aglō 27, ag-l-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Drangsal; ne. affliction, painfulness, tribulation; slahs* 7, slah-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Schlag, Plage, Ohrfeige (= slahs lōfin); ne. blow (N.), stroke (N.), affliction, infliction, slap (N.) (= slahs lōfin)

afford -- afford s.o.: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

afford -- afford s.th.: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

afire -- be afire: got. brinnan* 1, bri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. brennen (intr.); ne. burn (V.), be afire; tundnan* 1, tund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. brennen; ne. catch fire, be afire, be aflame, burn (V.)

afire -- set afire: got. inbrannjan* 1, in-bran-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. „anbrennen“, in Brand stecken; ne. set afire, ignite, set on fire

aflame -- be aflame: got. tundnan* 1, tund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. brennen; ne. catch fire, be afire, be aflame, burn (V.)

aforetime: got. faúrþis 23, faúrþ-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. zuvor, früher, vorher; ne. earlier, before that, beforehand, aforetime

afraid: got. faúrhts* 2, faúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. furchtsam; ne. fearful of, afraid, cowardly (Adj.), timid, anxious

-- be afraid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

-- be afraid of: got. *agan?, *ag-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be afraid of

-- become afraid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- make afraid: got. ōgjan 1, ōg-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen schrecken, in Furcht setzen, erschrecken; ne. make afraid, make fear, scare (V.), frighten

-- make exceedingly afraid: got. usagjan* 1, us-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen erschrecken; ne. frighten utterly, terrify, make exceedingly afraid

after: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to; afaruþþan 2, af-ar-uþ-þan,  Präp.: nhd. nach; ne. after; biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- after that: got. afar 77, af-ar,  Präp., Präf., Sb.: nhd. nach, hinter, hernach, zufolge, an; ne. after, subsequent to, in pursuit of, following, in pursuance of, in accordance with, according to; þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that; þaþrōh 24, þa-þrō-h,  Adv.: nhd. von da, daher, darauf, darnach; ne. from there, after that

-- after that time: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- after then: got. þanaseiþs 28, þan-a-sei-þ-s,  Adv.: nhd. weiter, noch; ne. later than then, after then, thereafter, from then on

-- after this time: got. þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

-- and after then: got. afaruh þan: nhd. nachher; ne. afterwards, and after then; gr. μετά δέ; lat. post haec; Mat 8,5 CA; Luk 1,24 CA; Mrk 16,12 CA

-- choose after examining: got. ussōkjan* 8, us-sōk-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erforschen, verhören, unterscheiden, bevorzugen, ausforschen; ne. choose after examining, seek out, select, determine by inquest, decide by inquiry, find out by investigation, investigate thoroughly, search (V.), examine, judge (V.)

-- day after: got. afardags* 1, af-ar-dag-s*, afurdags*,  st. M. (a): nhd. der folgende Tag; ne. morrow (N.), next day, day after

-- follow after: got. afarlaistjan* 6, af-ar-lais-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. nachfolgen, nachstreben, nachgehen, verfolgen; ne. follow after, follow, pursue, trail (V.)

-- go after: got. afargaggan 7, af-ar-ga-g-g-a-n,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. nachgehen, folgen; ne. go after, follow, accompany

-- inquire after: got. gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

-- lust after: got. gairnjan* 17, gair-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, verlangen, bedürfen; ne. lust after, long for, yearn for, desire (V.), want (V.); lustōn 1, lus-t-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. begehren, gelüsten; ne. lust after, desire (V.)

-- strive after: got. biarbaidjan 1, bi-arbai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. trachten nach, sich bemühen; ne. strive after, work towards

afterdeck: got. nōta* 1, nōt-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Achterdeck, Schiffshinterteil; ne. afterdeck, stern (2), rear of a ship

aftermost: got. aftuma* 1, af-t-u-m-a*,  sw. Adj. (Komp.): nhd. letzte, hintere; ne. aftermost, hindmost, last of two parties

afterward: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

afterwards: got. afaruh þan: nhd. nachher; ne. afterwards, and after then; gr. μετά δέ; lat. post haec; Mat 8,5 CA; Luk 1,24 CA; Mrk 16,12 CA; þaþrō 11, þa-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. daher, von da, darauf, hinfort, für die Zukunft; ne. from the place, from this place, from here, hence, after this time, thereafter, afterwards, then, after that

again: got. aftra 102=101, af-t-r-a, afta,  Adv.: nhd. wieder, zurück, rückwärts, wiederum, abermals; ne. again, back (Adv.), backwards, once more

-- again from the start: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew

against: got. andwaírþis 1, and-waír-þ-is,  Adv.: nhd. gegenüber; ne. vis-a-vis, opposite (Adj.), over, against, facing (Adj.); bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; wiþra 46, wi-þra,  Präp. m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. wider, gegen, vor, gegenüber; ne. toward, to, against, opposite, facing, vis-a-vis

-- bear a grudge against: got. neiwan* 1, neiw-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. es auf jemand abgesehen haben, grollen; ne. bear a grudge against

-- be embittered against: got. hatizōn* 1, hat-i-z-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. zürnen; ne. be embittered against, be angry with

-- expectorate against: got. andspeiwan* 1, and-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1),: nhd. entgegenspeien, ausspeien, verachten, verwerfen; ne. spit at, expectorate against, despise

-- hitting against: got. bistugq* 5=4, bi-stu-g-q*, bistuggq,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anstoß; ne. stumbling-block, hitting against, striking against, obstacle

-- inveigh against: got. anaqiþan* 1, an-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. verleumden, verlästern, schmähen; ne. denounce, censure (V.), inveigh against, blaspheme

-- pass judgement against: got. afdōmjan 5, af-dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verurteilen, verfluchen; ne. comdemn, pass judgement against, curse (V.), abjure

-- pronounce judgement against: got. gawargjan* 2, ga-war-g-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einen verurteilen zu, ächten, verdammen; ne. condemn, damn, outlaw (V.), pronounce judgement against

-- roll against: got. atwalwjan* 1, at-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinzuwälzen, hinwälzen; ne. roll up, make roll up, roll against, move to by rolling

-- speak against: got. andsakan* 1, and-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. widersprechen, bekämpfen, bestreiten; ne. controvert, gainsay, dispute (V.), speak against

-- strike against: got. bistigqan* 5, bi-sti-g-q-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. anstoßen, anprellen; ne. impinge, collide, stumble (V.), strike against; gastagqjan* 1, ga-stagq-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anstoßen; ne. make collide, bring into collision with, strike against

-- striking against: got. bistugq* 5=4, bi-stu-g-q*, bistuggq,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anstoß; ne. stumbling-block, hitting against, striking against, obstacle

-- use violence against: got. anamahtjan* 8, an-a-mah-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vergewaltigen, rauben, kränken, quälen, erpressen, misshandeln, beleidigen, schmähen, Gewalt antun, Unrecht antun; ne. use force on, force (V.), use violence against, treat with violence, do violence to, maltreat, molest, wrong (V.), injure, defraud, insult (V.), mistreat

age -- advanced in age: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

age -- age (N.): got. aiws* 49, aiw-s*,  st. M. (a/i): nhd. Zeit, Ewigkeit; ne. age (N.), eternity, all time; *aldr, *al-d-r,  st. N. (a): nhd. Alter (N.); ne. age (N.); alds* 12, al-d-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Menschenalter, Zeit; ne. generation, age (N.), life span, lifetime

age -- of advanced age: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

age -- of age: got. uswahsans 2, us-wahs-an-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät., perfektiv: nhd. erwachsen (Adj.); ne. adult (Adj.), grown up, of age

age -- old age: got. aldōmō* 1, al-d-ōm-ō*,  st. N.?: nhd. Alter (N.); ne. old age

age -- reach extreme age: got. usalþan* 1, us-al-þ-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. alt werden, veralten; ne. grow very old, reach extreme age

aged: got. *alduma, *al-d-um-a,  Adj. (Komp.): nhd. alt; ne. aged, elderly; framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age; *greiseis?, *grei-s-ei-s?,  Adj. (ja): nhd. greis, grau; ne. grey, aged

aghast -- be aghast: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

aghast -- become aghast: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

aghast -- stand aghast: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

aghast -- strike aghast: got. usgaisjan* 1, us-gai-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erschrecken; ne. strike aghast, frighten

agitate: got. in aljana briggan, got.: nhd. in Eifer bringen; ne. agitate; drōbjan* 4, drō-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. trüben, irre machen, aufwiegeln, bewegen, erschüttern, aufregen; ne. stir up, excite, agitate, disturb, unsettle, trouble (V.); inwagjan* 2, in-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erregen, aufwiegeln; ne. agitate, unsettle, churn up, move (V.); wagjan 3, wag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schütteln, bewegen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move to and fro, agitate

agitated -- be agitated: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

agitated -- be agitated severely: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

agitated -- become agitated: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

agitator: got. drōbjands miþ, got.: nhd. Mitempörer; ne. agitator

aglow -- be aglow with: got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

agree: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

-- agree together with one another: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide

-- refuse to agree: got. unwērjan 2, un-wēr-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unwillig sein (V.), zürnen; ne. disagree, refuse to agree, be disagreeable, be unwilling

agreeability -- complete agreeability: got. allawērei* 1, al-l-a-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Redlichkeit; ne. simplicity, sincerity, wholehearted accord, complete agreeability, total agreement

agreeable: got. waila andanems: nhd. angenehm, willkommen; ne. pleasant, agreeable; *wēreis, *wēr-ei-s, *wērs,  Adj. (ia/a): nhd. wahr; ne. agreeing (Adj.), agreeable

-- completely agreeable: got. *allawēreis?, *al-l-a-wēr-eis?, *allawērs?,  Adj. (ja), (a): nhd. redlich; ne. sincere, completely agreeing, completely agreeable

agreeing: got. gaqiss (1) 2, ga-qi-s-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. übereinstimmend; ne. concurring, agreeing

-- agreeing (Adj.): got. *wēreis, *wēr-ei-s, *wērs,  Adj. (ia/a): nhd. wahr; ne. agreeing (Adj.), agreeable

-- agreeing to with difficulty: got. *tuzwērs, *tuz-wēr-s, *tuzwēreis,  Adj. (a)?, Adj. (ja)?: nhd. verdächtig?; ne. suspicious?, agreeing to with difficulty

-- completely agreeing: got. *allawēreis?, *al-l-a-wēr-eis?, *allawērs?,  Adj. (ja), (a): nhd. redlich; ne. sincere, completely agreeing, completely agreeable

-- have difficulty agreeing to: got. tuzwērjan* 1, tuz-wēr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zweifeln; ne. have difficulty agreeing to, doubt (V.)

-- joyfully agreeing with: got. gawizneigs 1, ga-wiz-n-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll Mitfreude; ne. enjoying together, joyfully agreeing with, full of delight

agreement: got. gaqiss* (2) 1, ga-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verabredung; ne. concurrence, agreement; samaqiss* 2, sam-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übereinstimmung; ne. unison, harmony, accord (N.), agreement

-- total agreement: got. allawērei* 1, al-l-a-wēr-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Redlichkeit; ne. simplicity, sincerity, wholehearted accord, complete agreeability, total agreement

agricultural -- agricultural property: got. hugs* (2) 1, hug-s*,  st. N. (a)?: nhd. Landgut?, Feld; ne. landed estate?, country estate?, agricultural property, farm property, field

agricultural -- agricultural tract: got. þaúrp* 1, þaúr-p*,  st. N. (a): nhd. bebautes Land, Acker, Feld; ne. farmland, agricultural tract, land (N.), lived-on property

aha: got. ō 5,  Interj.: nhd. ach, oh, pfui; ne. o, oh, aha, ha

ahead: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to

-- ahead of: got. hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- go ahead: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

-- go ahead of: got. faúrbigaggan* 2, faúr-bi-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. vorausgehen, vorangehen; ne. go ahead of, precede

-- hurry ahead of time: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

-- prepare ahead of time: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand; faúramanwjan* 1, faúr-a-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorbereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand

-- send on ahead: got. faúragasandjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorausentsenden, voraussenden; ne. send on ahead

-- speed on ahead: got. faúrbisniwan* 1, faúr-bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorangehen, zuvorkommen; ne. speed on ahead, hasten on before, precede

-- stand ahead: got. instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

aid -- aid (N.): got. andstald* 2, and-stal-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Darbietung, Beistand, Darreichung; ne. support (N.), supply (N.), aid (N.), purveyance, furnishment; bōta* 3, bōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Nutzen; ne. advantage (N.), benefit (N.), good (N.), aid (N.), usefulness, profit (N.)

aid -- aid (V.): got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

aid -- give aid to: got. gahilpan* 1, ga-hil-p-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Gen., perfektiv: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), give aid to

aid -- go to the aid of: got. hilpan 4, hil-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Gen.: nhd. helfen; ne. help (V.), go to the aid of, give help to

ailing: got. unhails* 4, un-hai-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. krank; ne. unhealthy, ailing, unwell, sick

ailment: got. saúhts* 11, saúh-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Krankheit, Sucht; ne. sickness, ailment, disease, illness; siukei 7=6, siuk-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Krankheit, Seuche, Siechtum; ne. feebleness, infirmity, sickness, ailment

aim -- aim at: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

aim -- aim (N.): got. mundrei* 1, mun-d-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Ziel; ne. goal, aim (N.), objective (N.); wilja 41=38, wi-l-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wille, Wohlgefallen; ne. will (N.), willingness, wish (N.), desire (N.), intention, aim (N.)

aim -- aim (V.): got. *tilōn, *til-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zielen, streben; ne. aim (V.), strive

aim -- take aim at: got. mundōn* 2=1 sis, mun-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. sich einen besehen, sehen auf; ne. take aim at, pay attention to, observe

aiming -- aiming advice: got. tilarēþs* 1, til-a-rēþ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zielrat; ne. aiming advice

air -- air current: got. winds (1) 17, wi-nd-s, wintsch,  wintsch, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Wind; ne. wind (N.), air current; lat. ventus

air -- air (N.): got. luftus* 3, lu-f-t-u-s*,  st. M. (u)?: nhd. Luft; ne. air (N.)

air -- stream in an air current: got. wáian* 3, wái-an*,  red. abl. V.: nhd. wehen; ne. blow (V.), stream in an air current

alabaster -- alabaster flask: got. alabalstraún* 1,  st. N. (a): nhd. Salbenbüchse (aus Alabaster); ne. alabaster flask

alchemical -- skilled in alchemical witchcraft: got. lubjaleis* 1, lu-b-j-a-leis*,  Adj. (a): nhd. giftkundig, Zauberer (= lubjaleis, subst.); ne. skilled in alchemical witchcraft, sorcerous, alchemist (= lubjaleis, subst.)

alder: got. *alisi?, *al-is-i?,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Erle; ne. alder; *alisō?, *al-is-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Erle; ne. alder; *aliza, *al-iz-a, *alisa,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erle; ne. alder

alert -- alert (Adj.): got. wars* (1) 1, war-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. behutsam, nüchtern, gewahr, vorsichtig; ne. wary, alert (Adj.), on guard

alertness -- guarded alertness: got. warei* 2=1, war-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Tücke, Verschlagenheit; ne. wariness, wiliness, guarded alertness, villainy

alien: got. framaþeis* 9, framaþs, fra-m-aþ-ei-s*, fram-aþ-s*,  Adj. (ja?), (i): nhd. fremd; ne. strange, alien, foreign, alienated, estranged

alienate: got. framaþjan* 1, fra-m-aþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entfremden; ne. estrange, alienate

alienated: got. framaþeis* 9, framaþs, fra-m-aþ-ei-s*, fram-aþ-s*,  Adj. (ja?), (i): nhd. fremd; ne. strange, alien, foreign, alienated, estranged

alignment: got. tēwa* 1, tēw-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ordnung; ne. order (N.), array (N.), arrangement, alignment

alive: got. hailisks* 1, hai-l-isk-s*, ieltsch,  ieltsch, krim Adj. (a): nhd. heil, lebendig; ne. alive, well (Adj.), healthy; lat. vivus, sanus; qius 7, qiu-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. lebendig; ne. alive, living (Adj.), having life

-- be alive: got. liban 61=60, li-b-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leben; ne. live, be alive

-- be alive together with: got. miþliban* 1, mi-þ-lib-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. mitleben; ne. live together with, be alive together with

-- become alive: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified; *qiunan?, *qiu-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben; ne. become alive

-- be made alive: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- make alive: got. anaqiujan 1, an-a-qiu-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, erwecken, lebendig machen; ne. liven up, revitalize, revivify, rekindle, make alive; gaqiujan* 4, ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben, lebendig machen; ne. make alive, give life to, vivify; *qaiwjan, *qaiw-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Feuer anzünden, lebendig machen; ne. light a fire, make alive; *qiujan?, *qiu-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. beleben; ne. make alive, vivify

-- make alive together: got. miþgaqiujan* 2, mi-þ-ga-qiu-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitbeleben; ne. make alive together, give life to together with, raise up with

all: got. *ala?, *al-a?,  sw. Adj.?: nhd. all, ganz, völlig; ne. all, the entire, the whole; alakjō 5, al-a-k-jō,  Adv.: nhd. insgesamt, gesamt, zusammen; ne. all, all inclusively, to a man, all together; alls 600=597, al-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. all, jeder, ganz, viel; ne. all, all of, the entire, every, the whole

-- above all: got. þishun 6=5, þi-s-hun,  Adv.: nhd. meist, vorzüglich, besonders; ne. in particular, particularly, specifically, especially, above all

-- all at once: got. anaks 3, an-ak-s,  Adv.: nhd. plötzlich, sogleich; ne. suddenly, all at once; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- all humanity: got. alamans* 1, al-a-man-s*, alamannans*,  Pl. M.: nhd. Gesamtheit der Menschen, alle Menschen; ne. all humanity, totality of man, entirety of mankind

-- all inclusively: got. alakjō 5, al-a-k-jō,  Adv.: nhd. insgesamt, gesamt, zusammen; ne. all, all inclusively, to a man, all together

-- all of: got. alls 600=597, al-l-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. all, jeder, ganz, viel; ne. all, all of, the entire, every, the whole

-- all the way to: got. und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

-- all time: got. aiws* 49, aiw-s*,  st. M. (a/i): nhd. Zeit, Ewigkeit; ne. age (N.), eternity, all time

-- all together: got. alakjō 5, al-a-k-jō,  Adv.: nhd. insgesamt, gesamt, zusammen; ne. all, all inclusively, to a man, all together; samana 12, sam-a-n-a,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, gemeinschaftlich, zugleich; ne. at the same time, all together, in union

-- all together at the same time: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- all together to the same place: got. samaþ 4, sam-a-þ,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, nach demselben Ort hin; ne. together, all together to the same place, to the same place

-- at all (in neg. sentences): got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

-- by all means: got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

-- carry all the way in: got. innatbaíran* 2, in-n-at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hineinbringen, hineintragen; ne. bear in thither, carry all the way in, bring in

-- first of all: got. frumist 14, fru-m-ist,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. zuerst; ne. firstly, at first, before everything, first of all

-- for all to see: got. andaugiba 4, and-aug-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. offen, freimütig; ne. obviously, in plain sight, openly, for all to see; andaugjō 3, and-aug-j-ō,  Adv.: nhd. offen, offenbar, öffentlich; ne. in plain sight, openly, publicly, for all to see

-- from all directions: got. allaþrō 2, al-l-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von allen Seiten; ne. from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere

-- from all sides: got. allaþrō 2, al-l-a-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. von allen Seiten; ne. from all sides, from all directions, from everywhere

-- in all probability: got. aúftō 21=20, aúft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. allerdings, wohl, vielleicht, etwa; ne. in all probability, indeed, perhaps, certainly, be sure, no doubt

-- kneaded all together: got. *digrs?, *dig-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. voll, zusammengeknetet, dicht; ne. plump, stout, thick, kneaded all together

-- lose (V.) all energy: got. diwan* 3, diw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sterben; ne. lose (V.) all energy, become lifeless

-- not at all: got. ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing; ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing

-- one executing all things: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

-- wash all around: got. biþwahan* 1, bi-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abwaschen, waschen; ne. wash all around, wash (V.)

-- wipe all around: got. biswaírban* 4, bi-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. abwischen, abtrocknen; ne. wipe around, wipe all around, wipe off, dry (V.)

allegation -- extort from by false allegation: got. afhōlōn* 1, af-hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, betrügen; ne. extort from by false allegation

allegation -- wrong by false allegation: got. hōlōn* 2, hōl-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verleumden, betrügen, durch Betrug schädigen, schikanieren, schaden; ne. wrong by false allegation, cheat by false pretenses, victimize, slander (V.)

allege -- allege as a reason for: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

alleged -- alleged reason: got. inilō* 4, in-il-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Entschuldigung, Vorwand, Gelegenheit; ne. pretext, pretense, alleged reason, excuse (N.)

allegorical: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

allegorically -- allegorically portrayed: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

allot: got. gadailjan* 8, ga-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zuteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. divide, partition (V.), allot, apportion, distribute to

alloted -- alloted portion: got. hlauts 4, hlau-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Los, Anteil, Erbschaft; ne. lot (N.), allotment, alloted portion, inheritance

allotment: got. hlauts 4, hlau-t-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Los, Anteil, Erbschaft; ne. lot (N.), allotment, alloted portion, inheritance

allotted -- be allotted s.th.: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

allotted -- have allotted to o.s.: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

allow: got. ? *laubjan, *laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlauben?; ne. allow?; lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit; uslaubjan* 11, us-laub-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erlauben; ne. allow, let (V.), give consent, permit (V.)

allowed -- be allowed: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements

allowed -- it is allowed: got. *nah-,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. es ist erlaubt; ne. it is allowed

all-ruler: got. allwaldands 1, al-l-wald-an-d-s,  sw. Adj.=Part. Präs., subst. M.: nhd. allmächtig, Allmächtiger, Allwaltender; ne. ruler, all-ruler, almighty

all-working -- all-working one: got. allawaúrstwa* 1, al-l-a-waúrst-w-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. „allwirkend“, vollkommen; ne. one effectuating everything, one executing all things, person fulfilling everything, all-working one, perfect (Adj.)

almighty: got. allwaldands 1, al-l-wald-an-d-s,  sw. Adj.=Part. Präs., subst. M.: nhd. allmächtig, Allmächtiger, Allwaltender; ne. ruler, all-ruler, almighty

almsgiving -- almsgiving (N.): got. armaiō 10=9, armai-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Barmherzigkeit, Almosen; ne. mercy, compassion, almsgiving (N.), charity

aloft: got. iupa 5, iup-a,  Adv.: nhd. oben, hinauf; ne. on high, above, aloft, high up

alone: got. ainakls* 1, ai-n-a-k-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vereinzelt, alleinstehend, einzeln; ne. alone, standing alone, lonely, solitary (Adj.); ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone; sundrō 10, sun-dr-ō,  Adv.: nhd. abgesondert, besonders, allein, beiseite; ne. asunder (Adv.), apart, separately, alone, individually, privately

-- leave alone: got. lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit

-- let alone: got. lētan* 21, lē-t-an*,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. lassen, zurücklassen, zulassen; ne. let (V.), allow, permit (V.), let alone, leave (V.), leave alone, let out, let forth, emit

-- standing alone: got. ainakls* 1, ai-n-a-k-l-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. vereinzelt, alleinstehend, einzeln; ne. alone, standing alone, lonely, solitary (Adj.)

along: got. and 35, anda,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. entlang, über ... hin, auf ... hin; ne. from one side to the other, throughout, through, on, over, along, on by; faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

-- along with (Präf.): got. *ga-,  Partikel, Präf.: nhd. ge-, mit-; ne. together (Präf.), along with (Präf.)

-- but then along therewith: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- but then along with that: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- carry along: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

-- come along together with: got. miþqiman* 1, mi-þ-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. mitkommen; ne. come along together with, go along with

-- die along with: got. miþgaswiltan 1, mi-þ-ga-swil-t-an,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. mitsterben; ne. die along with, die together with

-- go along: got. miþgaggan* 3, mi-þ-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgehen; ne. go together with, go along, come with

-- go along into: got. miþinngaleiþan* 1, mi-þ-in-n-ga-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. mithineingehen; ne. go in together with, go along into

-- go along with: got. miþqiman* 1, mi-þ-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. mitkommen; ne. come along together with, go along with

-- lead along: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

-- send thither along: got. gamiþsandjan* 2=1, ga-miþ-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitsenden; ne. send thither along, dispatch together with

-- send thither along with: got. miþinsandjan* 1, mi-þ-in-sand-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. mitentsenden; ne. send thither along with, dispatch together with

-- take along: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along; franiman 2, fra-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, in Besitz nehmen, in Empfang nehmen, gewinnen; ne. acquire, take possession of, receive, take along; ganiman 18, ga-nim-an,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. mitnehmen, erhalten (V.), erben, davontragen, vergolten bekommen, empfangen, lernen, aufnehmen; ne. take along, take with o.s., acquire, take possession of, receive in recompense, conceive, take in mentally, learn; usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

-- take captive along with: got. miþfrahinþan* 2, mi-þ-fra-hinþ-an*,  st. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. mitgefangennehmen; ne. capture together with, take captive along with

-- well along in years: got. framaldrs* 3, fra-m-al-dr-s*, (Komp. framaldrōza*),  Adj. (a): nhd. im Alter vorgeschritten, bejahrt; ne. aged, advanced in age, well along in years, of advanced age

-- work along: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

alongside: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

aloud -- call aloud: got. *hrōpan, *hrō-p-an,  red. V. (6): nhd. rufen; ne. cry out, call aloud

aloud -- cry aloud: got. ufwōpjan* 4, uf-wōp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufschreien, ausrufen; ne. call out, cry out, cry aloud, exclaim

aloud -- read aloud: got. siggwan 6, siggw-an, singhen,  singhen, krim st. V. (3,1): nhd. singen, vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. sing, chant (V.), read chantingly, read aloud; lat. canere; ussiggwan* 9, us-siggw-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vorlesen, rezitieren; ne. read chantingly, read aloud, recite

alphabet -- letter of the alphabet: got. *stafs 3, *sta-f-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Element, Stab, Buchstabe; ne. letter of the alphabet, grapheme, element

already: got. ju 37,  Adv.: nhd. schon, doch, nun, jetzt; ne. just now, up to now, by now, by this time, already; juþan 15, ju-þan, *juuþan,  Adv.: nhd. schon; ne. already, by now, by that time, by then

-- have already: got. ju haban, got.: nhd. dahin haben; ne. have already

also: got. auk 286=285,  Konj.: nhd. denn, nämlich, aber, auch, und; ne. furthermore, moreover, besides, for, but, also, since; jah 3915,  Konj.: nhd. und, und zwar, auch, aber, denn; ne. indeed, even (Konj.), also, but, and; uh (1) 248=246, u-h,  Partikel: nhd. und, nun, also; ne. and, also, too, likewise, thereupon, subsequently, consequently, so then

-- also not: got. nih 147, ni-h,  Konj.: nhd. und nicht, auch nicht, nicht; ne. and not, also not, not even, nor

-- just as ... so also: got. swē ... jah, got.: nhd. wie ... so auch; ne. just as ... so also

-- not just ... but also: got. ni þatainei ... ak jah: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not solely ... but also, not just ... but also

-- not only ... but also: got. ni þatain ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also; ni þatainei ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also; ni þatain ... ak jah, got.: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not only ... but also

-- not solely ... but also: got. ni þatainei ... ak jah: nhd. nicht nur ... sondern auch; ne. not solely ... but also, not just ... but also

-- so also: got. swah 11, swa-h,  Adv.: nhd. so, so auch; ne. and so, even so, so also; swau 1, swa-u,  Partikel, Adv.: nhd. so; ne. is it thus that, is it in such a way that, so also

-- there also: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

altar: got. hunslastaþs* 4, hun-sl-a-staþ-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Opferstätte, Altar; ne. place for sacrifice, altar; ufarskafts 1, uf-ar-skaf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erstlingsfrucht, Anbruch; ne. superstructure, altar, first fruit

alter -- alter (V.): got. maidjan* 1, mai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. tauschen, verfälschen, Schacher treiben; ne. alter (V.), modify, mutate, change (V.), falsify

alternately: got. missō 64=63, mis-s-ō,  Adv.: nhd. einander, wechselseitig; ne. mutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, one another

alternative -- and as an alternative: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise

alternatively: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise

-- unless it be alternatively that: got. niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that; niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that

although: got. þauhjabai 3, þau-h-ja-ba-i,  Konj.: nhd. wenn auch; ne. even though, even if, although

-- however although: got. aþþan 240, aþ-þan,  Konj.: nhd. aber doch, aber ja, aber nun, denn, also, nun, und; ne. but then, but nonetheless, but, however although, though

always: got. sinteinō 36, sin-tein-ō,  Adv.: nhd. immer, allezeit; ne. perpetually, always, ever, continually, constantly

amass -- amass (V.): got. gadragan* 1, ga-dra-g-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. zusammentragen; ne. draw together, amass (V.)

amazed: got. usfilma* 2, us-fil-m-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. erschrocken, entsetzt; ne. shaken, struck, amazed, bewildered, frightened, astonished

-- be amazed: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words; sildaleikjan* 30, si-ld-a-leik-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anstaunen (tr.), bewundern (tr.), staunen (intr.), sich wundern (intr.); ne. marvel (V.), wonder (V.), be amazed

amazement: got. *films?, *fil-m-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schrecken; ne. bewildered stupor, astonishment, amazement; sildaleik 1, si-ld-a-leik,  st. N. (a): nhd. Staunen, Verwunderung; ne. amazement, astonishment, wonder (N.); usfilmei 2, us-fil-m-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Entsetzen; ne. amazement, bewilderment, astonishment

amazing: got. sildaleiks 3, si-ld-a-leik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. erstaunlich, wunderbar; ne. marvellous, amazing, wondrous, wonderful, remarkable

ambush -- ambush (N.): got. *fēr?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Nachstellung; ne. ambush (N.)

ambusher: got. fērja* 1, fēr-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Aufpasser, Nachsteller; ne. ambusher, waylayer, spy (M.)

ameliorate: got. *iusilōn?, *ius-il-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bessern, erleichtern; ne. improve, better (V.), ameliorate

amelioration: got. iusila 2, ius-il-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Erholung, Besserung; ne. improvement, amelioration, betterment, ease (N.)

amen: got. amen 81,  Interj.: nhd. amen; ne. amen

amenable -- amenable to persuasion: got. gaƕaírbs* 1, ga-ƕaírb-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. fügsam, getreu, gehorsam; ne. persuadable, amenable to persuasion, convertible

amiable: got. liubaleiks* 1, liub-a-leik-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lieblich; ne. lovely, lovable, amiable

amid -- give birth (to) amid throes: got. fitan* 2, fit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. kreißen, gebären; ne. undergo childbirth pangs (with), give birth (to) amid throes, be in labour (with)

amidst -- amidst the border: got. miþ þweihnaim markōm: nhd. mitten unter die Grenze; ne. amidst the border; gr. ἀνὰ μέσον τῶν ὁρίων; lat. inter medios fines; Mrk 7,31 CA

amiss -- run amiss: got. frarinnan* 1, fra-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich verlaufen zu, geraten unter; ne. run awry, run amiss, meet up with

among -- concur among themselves: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide

among -- establish peace among: got. gafriþōn 5, ga-fri-þ-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. versöhnen; ne. establish peace between, establish peace among, reconcile

amongst: got. miþ 254=252, mi-þ,  Präp., Präf., m. Dat.: nhd. mit, bei, unter; ne. with, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomitantly, together

amount: got. *þraihn, *þrai-h-n, *þraihns,  st. N. (a)?, st. M. (a)?: nhd. Menge; ne. quantity, amount, accumulation

-- copious amount: got. filu 79, fil-u,  Adj., subst. Adv., N.: nhd. viel, sehr, um vieles (Komp.); ne. much, copious amount, very (Adv.), copiously

-- great amount of: got. mikils 54, mik-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. groß, stark, viel; ne. great, large (Adj.), great amount of, great number of, many

-- measured amount: got. mitadjō* 1, mi-t-ad-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Maß; ne. measure (N.), measured amount

ample -- ample (Adj.): got. ganōhs* 7, ga-nōh-s*,  Adj. (a),: nhd. genug, viel; ne. enough, ample (Adj.), abundant, copious, plenteous

ample -- having ample time: got. ūhteigs* 1, ū-h-t-eig-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. Zeit habend, unbeschäftigt; ne. with free time, having ample time

amputate: got. afmaitan* 8, af-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. abhauen, abschneiden; ne. cut off, sever, amputate, chop off, behead; usmaitan* 6, us-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. ausschneiden, abschneiden, ausrotten, aushauen; ne. cut out, excise, cut away, castrate, prune (V.), amputate

an: got. ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone

analogically -- analogically configured: got. aljaleikōþs* 1, al-ja-leik-ōþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. anders gebildet, allegorisch, bildlich, anders gemeint; ne. allegorical, allegorically portrayed, analogically configured, with a different meaning, differently formed

anathema: got. anaþaíma 2, ana-þaím-a, anaþema*,  Sb. (indekl.): nhd. „Fluch“, Verfluchter; ne. anathema, curse (N.), accursed thing, accursed one

ancestor: got. airiza* 4, ai-r-iz-a*,  sw. Adj. Komp. = sw. M. (n): nhd. Vorfahre; ne. ancestor; *ana (2), *an-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Ahne, Vorfahre; ne. ancestor

ancestral -- ancestral homeland: got. ōþal* 2,  st. N. (a): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, o-Rune; ne. ancestral homeland, ancestral inheritance, patrimony, name of o-rune

ancestral -- ancestral inheritance: got. ōþal* 2,  st. N. (a): nhd. Stammgut, Erbsitz, o-Rune; ne. ancestral homeland, ancestral inheritance, patrimony, name of o-rune

ancestry -- catalogue of ancestry: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

ancestry -- record of ancestry: got. gabaúrþiwaurd* 1, ga-baúr-þ-i-waur-d*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Geschlechtsregister; ne. record of ancestry, catalogue of ancestry, history of descent, genealogy

ancient -- ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire: got. taítrarkēs 2, taítrarkē-s,  M.: nhd. Tetrarch, Vierfürst; ne. tetrarch (M.), ruler of one of the quarters into which a country or province was divided in the ancient Roman empire

ancient -- the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece: got. drakma* 3, drak-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Drachme; ne. drachma, the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece

ancients: got. airizans, Komp. Pl.: nhd. Vorfahren; ne. ancients

and: got. jah 3915,  Konj.: nhd. und, und zwar, auch, aber, denn; ne. indeed, even (Konj.), also, but, and; uh (1) 248=246, u-h,  Partikel: nhd. und, nun, also; ne. and, also, too, likewise, thereupon, subsequently, consequently, so then

-- and after then: got. afaruh þan: nhd. nachher; ne. afterwards, and after then; gr. μετά δέ; lat. post haec; Mat 8,5 CA; Luk 1,24 CA; Mrk 16,12 CA

-- and as an alternative: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise

-- and as yet: got. naúhþanuh 14, naúh-þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. noch; ne. still (Adv.), yet, and as yet

-- and at that place: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

-- and at that time: got. þanuh 88, þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, daher, also, aber, nun; ne. and the, and at that time

-- and at the same time: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- and if: got. jaþþē 45, jaþ-þē,  Konj.: nhd. und wenn, sei es dass, gleichviel ob, entweder ... oder (= jaþþe ... jaþþe); ne. if, and if, whether ... or (= jaþþe ... jaþþe), and if ... or if (= jaþþe ... jaþþe)

-- and not: got. nih 147, ni-h,  Konj.: nhd. und nicht, auch nicht, nicht; ne. and not, also not, not even, nor

-- and see there: got. þaruh sai: nhd. und siehe da; ne. and see there, behold

-- and so: got. nūh 3, nū-h,  Partikel: nhd. denn; ne. and therefore, and so, so then; swah 11, swa-h,  Adv.: nhd. so, so auch; ne. and so, even so, so also

-- and so therefore: got. an nūh, got.: nhd. also doch; ne. and so therefore

-- and so when: got. swaþþan 1, swa-þ-þan, swahþan*,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. so nun; ne. and so when, and thus when, hence when, thus now

-- and the: got. þanuh 88, þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, daher, also, aber, nun; ne. and the, and at that time

-- and then: got. þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

-- and there: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

-- and therefore: got. nūh 3, nū-h,  Partikel: nhd. denn; ne. and therefore, and so, so then

-- and therefore because of that: got. inuh þis nū, got.: nhd. und deshalb; ne. and therefore because of that

-- and the remains: got. kaì tà loipá 1, gr.- Konj., Art., Sb.: nhd. und so weiter; ne. and the remains, and the rest, et cetera

-- and the rest: got. kaì tà loipá 1, gr.- Konj., Art., Sb.: nhd. und so weiter; ne. and the remains, and the rest, et cetera

-- and therewith: got. þaruh þan, got.: nhd. und damit; ne. and therewith

-- and thus when: got. swaþþan 1, swa-þ-þan, swahþan*,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. so nun; ne. and so when, and thus when, hence when, thus now

-- and when therefore: got. þatuþþan nū, got.: nhd. und wenn folglich; ne. and when therefore

-- and who: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

-- and whom: got. þanuh nū: nhd. und wen; ne. and whom, therefore

-- and yet even: got. naúhuþþan 1, naúh-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. und sogar noch; ne. and yet even

-- and yet that notwithstanding: got. þanuh þan swēþauh: nhd. dessenungeachtet, dennoch; ne. and yet that notwithstanding

-- both ... and: got. jah ... jah, got.: nhd. sowohl ... als auch; ne. both ... and

-- group reclining and eating together: got. kubitus* 1, kubitu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Liegen am Tisch, Tischgesellschaft, Gruppe, Tischgenossenschaft; ne. reclining to eat, group reclining and eating together, lying down (N.)

-- material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury: got. kaúrban 1,  N. (indekl.): nhd. Gabe, fromme Stiftung, Opfer; ne. corban, material offering consecrated to God and given to the temple treasury

-- move to and fro: got. wagjan 3, wag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schütteln, bewegen; ne. shake (V.), make shake, move to and fro, agitate

-- of here and now: got. hi* 20, hi-* 20,  Pron.: nhd. dieser; ne. this, of here and now, the present, this here

-- sacred and inviolable: got. hailags* 1, hai-l-ag-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. heilig, geweiht; ne. holy, sacrosanct, sacred and inviolable

-- this and no other: got. sah 74, sa-h,  Dem.-Pron.: nhd. der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieser; ne. this and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who

anew: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew

angel: got. aggilus 38, agg-il-u-s,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Engel, Bote; ne. angel

anger -- anger (N.): got. jiuka* 2, jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zornausbruch, Streit; ne. fight (N.), battle (N.), anger (N.), quarrel (N.); mōþs* (1) 2, mō-þ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zorn, Mut; ne. bad temper, pique (N.), anger (N.), spirit; þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion

anger -- anger (V.): got. briggan in þwairhein: nhd. erzürnen; ne. anger (V.), incense (V.); inaljanōn* 2, in-al-jan-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.?: nhd. zornig machen, reizen; ne. jealousy provoke to jealousy, make jealous, provoke, anger (V.)

anger -- cause for anger: got. gamarzeins* 3, ga-mar-z-ein-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Ärgernis; ne. hinderance, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, offense (N.), cause for anger

anger -- directed anger: got. hatis 11, ha-ti-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hass, Zorn; ne. directed anger, angry hostility, animosity, hate (N.)

anger -- incite to anger: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

anger -- put in a state of anger: got. ingramjan* 1, in-gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erbittern; ne. incite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate

Angle: got. *Aggils?, *Agg-il-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Angel (M.); ne. Angle

angriness: got. þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion

angry: got. *grams, *gra-m-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zornig; ne. angry; mōdags 2, mō-d-ag-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zornig; ne. angry, wroth, illtempered; þwaírhs 3, þwaírh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. quer, zornig; ne. wrathful, angry, irate, aroused, quicktempered

-- angry hostility: got. hatis 11, ha-ti-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hass, Zorn; ne. directed anger, angry hostility, animosity, hate (N.)

-- be angry with: got. hatizōn* 1, hat-i-z-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. zürnen; ne. be embittered against, be angry with

-- make angry: got. gramjan* 1, gra-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnen, aufregen; ne. make angry, provoke

anguish -- anguish (N.): got. *gaur-, *gau-r-,  Sb.: nhd. Betrübnis; ne. grief, anguish (N.); gaurei* 1, gau-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Betrübnis; ne. grief, anguish (N.), sorrow (N.); gauriþa 1, gau-r-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Betrübnis; ne. grief, anguish (N.), sorrow (N.)

anguish -- cause anguish to: got. gaurjan* 10, gau-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kränken, betrüben; ne. insult (V.), grieve, cause anguish to, pain (V.)

anguished: got. gaurs 6, gau-r-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. betrübt, traurig, mürrisch; ne. grieved, anguished, pained, sorrowful, sad, sullen

animal: got. dius* 2, diu-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. wildes Tier, Tier; ne. wild beast, beast, wild animal, animal

-- male animal: got. gumein* 1, gum-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Männchen; ne. male (N.), male animal

-- sacrificial animal: got. *taban?, *ta-b-an?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Opfer, Opfertier; ne. sacrifice (N.), sacrificial animal

-- sacrificial animal of poor people: got. hraiwadūbō* 1, hrai-w-a-dūb-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. „Leichentaube“, Turteltaube; ne. turtle-dove, wild dark dove, sacrificial animal of poor people

-- wild animal: got. dius* 2, diu-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. wildes Tier, Tier; ne. wild beast, beast, wild animal, animal; unbiari* 1, un-biar-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. wildes Tier, Bestie; ne. beast, wild beast, brute (N.), wild animal

animosity: got. hatis 11, ha-ti-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hass, Zorn; ne. directed anger, angry hostility, animosity, hate (N.)

annihilate: got. fraqistjan 23, fra-qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. verderben, umbringen; ne. annihilate, obliterate, destroy utterly; usqiman 27, us-qi-m-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. umbringen, den Tod geben; ne. kill (V.), put to death, annihilate, destroy; usqistjan 8, us-qis-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verderben, umbringen, töten, zugrunde richten; ne. annihilate, kill (V.), exterminate, destroy utterly

announce: got. gakannjan 13, ga-kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden, berichten, bekanntmachen, empfehlen; ne. make known, present (V.), announce; gaspillōn* 1, ga-spil-l-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verkünden; ne. announce, promulgate, tell; gateihan* 28, ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. anzeigen, verkünden, verkündigen; ne. announce, proclaim (V.), declare, tell, report (V.); *teihan, *tei-h-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. kündigen, zeigen; ne. announce, show (V.)

-- announce as a pledge: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

-- announce beforehand: got. faúragateihan* 2, faúr-a-ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. vorherverkünden, vorhersagen; ne. announce beforehand, know beforehand, tell beforehand

-- announce (V.): got. *kunþjan?, *kun-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. künden; ne. announce (V.), herald (V.)

announcement -- exposing announcement: got. usqiss* 1, us-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Beschuldigung, Anklage, Nachrede; ne. exposing announcement, incriminating disclosure, public crimination, accusation

announcer: got. spilla 1, spil-l-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Verkünder, Verkündiger; ne. proclaimer, promulgator, herald, teller, announcer

annoyed: got. afdáuiþs* 1, af-dáu-iþ-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geschunden, geplagt, abgehetzt; ne. troubled, annoyed, harried, harrassed, worn out

anoint: got. bismeitan* 1, bi-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. bestreichen, beschmieren, aufstreichen; ne. besmear, anoint, smear on, daub on; gasmeitan* 1, ga-sme-i-t-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. aufstreichen, beschmieren; ne. smear (V.), daub (V.), dab (V.), anoint; salbōn 5, salb-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. salben; ne. anoint, salve with an ointment

-- anoint (V.): got. gasalbōn* 6, ga-salb-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. salben, besalben; ne. anoint (V.), salve with an ointment

another: got. *ali-, *al-i-,  Adj. (ja) (jō?): nhd. andere; ne. another, other; *aljaleiks?, *al-ja-leik-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. andere; ne. another, other; aljis* 5, al-ji-s*, alis*,  Pron.-Adj. (ja): nhd. andere; ne. another, other; anþar 157, an-þar,  Adj. (a), Num. Ord.: nhd. andere, zweite; ne. other, second (Adj.), another, the other

-- agree together with one another: got. gaqiþan* 1, ga-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich verabreden, übereinkommen, beschließen, besprechen; ne. agree together with one another, concur among themselves, decide

-- by another way: got. aljaþrō 4, al-ja-þrō,  Adv.: nhd. anderswoher; ne. elsewhence, elsewhere, from elsewhere, somewhere else, somewhere, by another way

-- man who looks for pleasing another one: got. mannam samjands, got.: nhd. wer den Menschen zu gefallen sucht; ne. man who looks for pleasing another one

-- one another: got. missō 64=63, mis-s-ō,  Adv.: nhd. einander, wechselseitig; ne. mutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, one another

-- to another place: got. aljaþ 1, al-ja-þ,  Adv.: nhd. anderswohin; ne. to somewhere else, elsewhither, elsewhere, to another place

answer -- answer back to: got. andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

answer -- answer (N.): got. andahafts 3, and-a-haf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Antwort, Verteidigung; ne. answer (N.), reply (N.), defense, argument (N.), verdict; andawaúrdi* 3, anda-waúr-d-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Antwort; ne. answer (N.), reply (N.), response

answer -- answer (V.): got. andhafjan 138, and-haf-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. erwidern, antworten, entgegnen; ne. reply (V.), respond, answer (V.); andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

ant: got. *ēmaitja?, *ēmait-j-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ameise; ne. ant; *muirjō 1, *muir-jō, miera,  miera, krim sw. F. (n): nhd. Ameise; ne. ant; lat. formica

antagonism -- show antagonism toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

antagonistic: got. andaneiþa* 3, and-a-nei-þ-a*,  sw. M. (n)?, sw. Adj.?: nhd. feindlich; ne. opposed, antagonistic, contrary (Adj.), hostile; *andaneiþs?, *and-a-nei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. widrig, entgegengesetzt, feindlich, im Gegenteil; ne. opposed, antithetical, contrary (Adj.), antagonistic

antagonistically -- stare antagonistically at: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

ante-portal -- ante-portal area: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

anthropic: got. mannisks* 3, man-n-isk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. menschlich; ne. human (Adj.), of man, anthropic

anticipate: got. wēnjan* 20=19, wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. warten, hoffen auf, meinen; ne. hope (V.), hope for, look for, await, expect, anticipate

anticipation -- hasten in anticipation: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

anticipation -- hopeful anticipation: got. wēns 18, wēn-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Hoffnung; ne. hope (N.), expectation, hopeful anticipation

anticipation -- speed in anticipation: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

antipathetical -- be antipathetical toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

antiquated: got. faírneis* 15, faír-n-ei-s*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. alt; ne. old, over-aged, antiquated, outworn, superannuated, of former times, but no longer, no longer usable

antiquity: got. faírniþa* 1, faír-n-iþ-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Alter (N.); ne. overagedness, antiquity

antithetical: got. *andaneiþs?, *and-a-nei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. widrig, entgegengesetzt, feindlich, im Gegenteil; ne. opposed, antithetical, contrary (Adj.), antagonistic

anxiety: got. aggwiþa 5, agg-w-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. „Enge“, Bedrängnis; ne. affliction, trouble (N.), plight, anxiety, distress (N.)

-- have anxiety about: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

anxious: got. faúrhts* 2, faúrh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. furchtsam; ne. fearful of, afraid, cowardly (Adj.), timid, anxious; *karja?, *kar-ja?,  sw. Adj.: nhd. besorgt; ne. anxious

-- be anxious: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself; saúrgan 7, saúrg-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen, bekümmert sein (V.); ne. sorrow (V.), be sorrowful, grieve, worry (V.), be anxious, care (V.)

-- become anxious: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- less anxious: got. hlasōza, got.: nhd. sorgenfreier; ne. less anxious

-- make anxious: got. afswaggwjan* 1, af-swaggw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwankend machen?, ängstlich machen; ne. make anxious, make sway away from, cause to waver

any -- any the: got. þē 1,  Adv.: nhd. desto, um so; ne. by that much the, do much the, any the

any -- at any time: got. *-aiw?,  Suff. (Akk. Sg.): nhd. immer, jederzeit; ne. ever, at any time; ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much; ƕanhun 9, ƕa-n-hun,  Adv.: nhd. jemals; ne. ever, at any time

any -- in any case: got. ƕēh 2, ƕē-h,  Adv.: nhd. jedenfalls, nur; ne. in any case, in whatever case, no matter what, just only; iþ (1) 626,  Konj.: nhd. aber, und, wenn, nun, also, denn; ne. but, however, in any case, even so, so, if, in the case that

any -- in any way: got. ƕē 10,  Adv.: nhd. wem, mit wem, womit, um was, irgendwie, etwa; ne. to whom, with whom, wherewith, how, in what way, in any way, somehow

any -- lest at any time: got. ibai ƕan: nhd. es möchte einmal, danach; ne. lest at any time

any -- not any the more: got. ni þē haldis: nhd. nicht um so mehr, keineswegs; ne. not any the more

any -- not any the more; Sk 3: got. ni þatei, got.: nhd. nicht dass; ne. not that

anybody: got. mannahun 13, man-n-a-hun,  Pron.: nhd. jemand; ne. one (Pron.), person (M.), anyone, anybody

-- not anybody: got. ni manna: nhd. niemand; ne. not anyone, not anybody

anyone: got. ains 197, ai-n-s, ita,  ita, krim Adj. (a), Num. Kard.: nhd. ein, alleinig, ein einziger, ein gewisser, irgendein, einmal (= ainamma sinþa); ne. a, an, alone, one, once (= ainamma sinþa), only, single one, someone, anyone; ainshun 75, ai-n-s-hun,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, jeder, niemand (in neg. Sätzen), kein (in neg. Sätzen); ne. anyone, one, not anyone (in neg. sentences), none (in neg. sentences); ƕas 397=394, ƕa-s,  subst. Pron.: nhd. wer, was, irgendeiner, jemand, etwas; ne. who, what, anyone, anything; ƕashun 9, ƕa-s-hun,  Indef.-Pron.: nhd. jemand; ne. anyone, one; mannahun 13, man-n-a-hun,  Pron.: nhd. jemand; ne. one (Pron.), person (M.), anyone, anybody; sums 140, sum-s,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, ein gewisser, jemand, ein, einige; ne. a certain one, some, somebody, one, anyone

-- anyone who: got. saƕazuh 14, sa-ƕaz-uh,  Pron.: nhd. wer auch immer; ne. who ever, everyone who, anyone who

-- not anyone: got. ni manna: nhd. niemand; ne. not anyone, not anybody

-- not anyone (in neg. sentences): got. ainshun 75, ai-n-s-hun,  Pron.: nhd. irgendein, jeder, niemand (in neg. Sätzen), kein (in neg. Sätzen); ne. anyone, one, not anyone (in neg. sentences), none (in neg. sentences)

anything: got. ƕas 397=394, ƕa-s,  subst. Pron.: nhd. wer, was, irgendeiner, jemand, etwas; ne. who, what, anyone, anything; waíhts 80=79, waíh-t-s,  st. F. (i), F. (kons.): nhd. Ding, Sache, etwas; ne. thing, anything, something, entity, whit, sake, objective, matter (N.)

aound -- make turn aound: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

apart: got. dis-,  Präf.: nhd. zer..., auseinander..., ver...; ne. asunder, apart, away; sundrō 10, sun-dr-ō,  Adv.: nhd. abgesondert, besonders, allein, beiseite; ne. asunder (Adv.), apart, separately, alone, individually, privately

-- apart from: got. inuh 49, in-u-h, inu,  Präp., m. Akk.: nhd. ohne, außer; ne. without, except, apart from, outside (Präp.)

-- become split apart: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

-- be split apart: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

-- break apart: got. dishniupan* 1, dis-hniu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend asunder, break apart, tear (V.); dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.)

-- rip apart: got. disskreitan* 1, dis-skrei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. zerreißen (tr.); ne. tear asunder, rip apart, rive, split apart

-- set apart by covering: got. dishuljan* 1, dis-hul-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhüllen, bedecken; ne. set apart by covering, segregate by covering up, seclude under cover, cover (V.)

-- split apart: got. disskreitan* 1, dis-skrei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. zerreißen (tr.); ne. tear asunder, rip apart, rive, split apart

-- tear apart: got. distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

apathy: got. unlustus* 1, un-lus-tu-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Unlust; ne. listlessness, inappetence, apathy

apologia: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

apostle: got. apaústaúlus 36=35, apaú-staúl-us,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. Apostel, Bote, Abgesandter; ne. apostle

-- false apostle: got. galiugaapaústaúlus* 1, ga-liug-a-apaú-staúlu-s*,  st. M. (u/i): nhd. „Lügenapostel“, falscher Apostel; ne. false apostle, pseudo-apostle

-- office of an apostle: got. apaústaúlei* 2, apaú-staúl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Apostolat; ne. apostleship, mission, apostolate, office of an apostle

apostleship: got. apaústaúlei* 2, apaú-staúl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Apostolat; ne. apostleship, mission, apostolate, office of an apostle

apostolate: got. apaústaúlei* 2, apaú-staúl-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Apostolat; ne. apostleship, mission, apostolate, office of an apostle

apparatus -- apparatus for lying on: got. ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

apparel: got. gawaseins 1, ga-was-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Bekleidung, Kleidung; ne. clothing, apparel

-- covering apparel: got. gaskadweins* 1, ga-skad-w-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. „Beschattung“, Bedeckung, Bekleidung; ne. „shading“ (N.), covering (N.), covering apparel, clothing; *skadweins?, *skad-w-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bedeckung; ne. covering (N.), covering apparel

-- fine apparel: got. gafēteins* 1, ga-fēt-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Kleidung; ne. adornment, garniture, fine apparel, clothing

apparition: got. *baírhteins?, *baír-h-t-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Erscheinung; ne. apparition; siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance

appeal -- appeal (N.): got. *laþa, *la-þ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ruf, Ladung (F.) (2); ne. call (N.), appeal (N.)

appear: got. swikunþs wairþan, got.: nhd. erscheinen; ne. appear; þugkjan* 23, þugk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, meinen, gelten, erscheinen, dünken; ne. have the impression, suppose, opine (V.), deem (V.), it seems (=þugkeiþ), believe, appear

-- appear similar: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

-- make appear: got. gabaírhtjan 14=13, ga-baír-h-t-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. offenbaren, Gestalt gewinnen, erscheinen; ne. bring to light, show clearly, make appear, disclose

appearance: got. *farwa 1, *far-w-a,  st. M.? (wa), st. N.? (wa): nhd. Farbe, Aussehen, Gestalt; ne. form (N.), appearance, visible exterior, external shape; manauli* 1, man-aul-i*, manahuli*?,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt; ne. guise, human guise, appearance, likeness, shape (N.); siuns (1) 11, siu-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gesicht, Sehen, Sehkraft, Gestalt, Erscheinung, Augenschein, Vision; ne. seeing (N.), sight (N.), vision, sense of sight, appearance, visual form, apparition, face (N.), countenance; wlits 6, wli-t-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Angesicht, Ansehen, Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. face (N.), looks, physiognomy, appearance

-- give a false appearance: got. laugnjan* 4, laug-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leugnen; ne. declare untrue, deny, disclaim, falsify, give a false appearance, cover up

-- make the appearance similar to: got. ingaleikōn* 1, in-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. verwandeln, umwandeln; ne. transform the likeness into, change the resemblance into, make the appearance similar to

-- of equal appearance: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

-- present a pleasing appearance: got. samjan 2, sam-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zu gefallen suchen, gefallen (V.); ne. present a pleasing appearance, give o.s. a pleasing appearance (= sik samjan), seek to please

-- similar appearance: got. galeiki* 2, ga-leik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. „Ähnlichkeit“, Abbild; ne. like form, similar appearance, resemblance, likeness, replica, „co-form“

-- surface appearance: got. hiwi* 1, hi-wi*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. surface appearance, looks, superficial complexion, cosmetic aspect, form (N.)

-- take on an appearance: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

-- with pleasant appearance: got. *fēhaba?, *fēh-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, pleasant-appearingly, decorously, becomingly; gafēhaba 1, ga-fēh-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, decorously, becomingly

appertain -- appertain to: got. gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

appertinent: got. *dōfs?, *dōf-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. schicklich, passend; ne. appertinent, appropriate; gadōfs* 6, ga-dōf-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. schicklich, passend; ne. appertinent, appropriate, suitable, fitting; *gafēhs, *ga-fēh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. anständig, passend, schicklich; ne. decent, respectable, appertinent, appropriate

-- be appertinent to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

apple: got. *apls 1, *apl-s, apel,  apel, krim st. M. (a?, u?): nhd. Apfel; ne. apple; lat. pomum

apply -- apply acumen to: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

apply -- apply the resemblance of: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

apply -- apply to: got. þaírhgaleikōn* 1, þaír-h-ga-leik-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. deuten, auf jemanden übertragen, beziehen auf; ne. transfer the similarity of the form of, apply the resemblance of, apply to, refer to

appoint: got. gasatjan 25, ga-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinsetzen, hinstellen, hinlegen, beilegen, anordnen, einsetzen, wiederherstellen (= aftra gasatiþs wairþan); ne. set (V.), place (V.), set down, make sit, make stand, position (V.), put in position, set up, appoint, put in office, impose, put (V.), establish; gatēwjan* 1, ga-tēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, bestimmen; ne. assign (V.), arrange, order (V.), appoint; ustaiknjan 16, us-tai-k-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezeichnen, auszeichnen, erweisen, darstellen, in die Erscheinung bringen; ne. point out, designate, appoint, exhibit, show (V.), demonstrate, render

appointment -- appointment at court: got. *gardingatus?, lat.- M.: nhd. Hofamt; ne. appointment at court

apportion: got. disdailjan* 3, dis-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. distribute, divide up, partition, parcel out, apportion; gadailjan* 8, ga-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zuteilen, zerteilen, teilen; ne. divide, partition (V.), allot, apportion, distribute to; gamitan* 1, ga-mi-t-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zumessen, zuteilen; ne. measure out, mete out, apportion

-- apportion from: got. afdailjan* 1, af-da-i-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abteilen, einen Teil abgeben; ne. portion out, give tithes, apportion from, parcel out from

apposite: got. ? tils* 1, til-s*,  Adj.?, Sb.?, st. N. (a?): nhd. zielstrebig, passend?, geschickt?; ne. apposite?, fitting?, suitable?

appositely: got. gatēmiba 1, ga-tēm-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. geziemend; ne. congruently, appositely; *tēmiba, *tēm-i-ba,  Adv.: nhd. ziemend; ne. congruently, appositely

apprehend: got. gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize; greipan 4, greip-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. greifen, ergreifen; ne. seize, grasp (V.), apprehend

apprise -- apprise of: got. kannjan 9, kan-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kund tun, bekanntmachen, empfehlen, verkünden; ne. make known, apprise of, inform of

approach -- approach (N.): got. atgagg* 2, at-ga-g-g*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Zugang; ne. access (N.), approach (N.)

approach -- approach (V.): got. anagaggan* 1, an-a-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. kommen, künftig sein (V.); ne. come on, come by, approach (V.); anaqiman* 1, an-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. hinzutreten zu, hinzukommen; ne. come upon, come unto, approach (V.); atgaggan nēƕ, m. Akk.: nhd. nahen; ne. approach (V.); athaban* (sik du) 1, at-hab-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. „anhalten“, nähern; ne. betake, approach (V.); atnēƕjan* 6, at-nēƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. herannahen; ne. draw near to, approach (V.), come near; duatgaggan* 12, du-at-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. hinzugehen, hinzukommen zu; ne. go to, come up to, approach (V.); durinnan* 2, du-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzulaufen, hinzurennen; ne. run to meet, run forth, run up, approach (V.); *gawaírþan, *ga-waír-þ-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. sich zuwenden, sich nähern, sich zusammentun; ne. turn o.s. to, approach (V.); nēƕjan* (sik) 1, nēƕ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. sich jemandem nähern; ne. approach (V.), draw near

approachable: got. *atgāhts (2), *at-gā-h-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zugänglich; ne. accessible, approachable

approaching -- one approaching death: got. swultawaírþja 1, swul-t-a-waír-þ-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. dem Tode Naher, Todgeweihter; ne. one approaching death, one about to die, moribund person

appropriate: got. *dōfs?, *dōf-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. schicklich, passend; ne. appertinent, appropriate; gadōfs* 6, ga-dōf-s*,  Adj. (i): nhd. schicklich, passend; ne. appertinent, appropriate, suitable, fitting; *gafēhs, *ga-fēh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. anständig, passend, schicklich; ne. decent, respectable, appertinent, appropriate

-- appropriate (Adj.): got. gatils 2, ga-til-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. passend, geschickt; ne. fit (Adj.), appropriate (Adj.)

-- appropriate (V.): got. *aiginōn?, *aig-in-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. aneignen; ne. appropriate (V.), make one’s own; gaaiginōn* 2=1, ga-aig-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. in Besitz nehmen, übervorteilen, in Beschlag nehmen; ne. appropriate (V.), make one’s own

-- be appropriate to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- of appropriate fitness: got. waírþs (1) 28, waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. wert, würdig, tauglich; ne. worth (Adj.), worthy, qualified, of appropriate fitness

appropriately: got. gatilaba 1, ga-til-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. zur rechten Zeit, passend; ne. fittingly, appropriately, suitably

appropriateness; -- appropriateness; Sk 1: got. þata gadōb: nhd. Schicklichkeit, Ordnung; ne. appropriateness; Sk 1,16 Enb

approval: got. leikains* 4, leik-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Gefallen, Gutdünken, Wohlgefallen, Vorsatz; ne. liking, preference, pleasure, approval, purpose (N.)

approve: got. gakiusan 10=9, ga-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, wählen, prüfen; ne. prove by testing, try (V.), choose as proven, approve, test (V.)

approved: got. *gakusans?, *ga-kus-an-s?,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. bewährt, erprobt, auserwählt; ne. proved by testing, approved

approvedness: got. gakusts* 1, ga-kus-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Probe, Prüfung; ne. approvedness, test (N.)

approximately: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus; swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

apt -- apt at teaching: got. laiseigs 2, lais-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Lehren befähigt, zum Lehren geeignet, lehrend; ne. skillful in teaching, able in instructing, apt at teaching

apt -- one apt to strike: got. slahals 3=2, slahuls, slah-al-s, slah-uls,  st. M. (a): nhd. Raufbold; ne. striker, one apt to strike, violent man, assailant, bully (M.)

Arabia: got. Arabia 1,  st. F., LN: nhd. Arabien; ne. Arabia

arbitrary: got. *wiljahalþs?, *wi-l-j-a-hal-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. willkürlich; ne. willful, arbitrary

arch -- arch (V.): got. *ƕilban, *ƕilb-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. wölben; ne. arch (V.), vault (V.), camber (V.)

archangel: got. arkaggilus* 1, ark-agg-il-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Erzengel; ne. archangel

arching: got. *ƕilftri, *ƕilf-tr-i,  st. F. (jō/i), sw. F. (n): nhd. Wölbung; ne. incurvature, arching, vault (N.)

archtype: got. frisahts 12, fri-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bild, Beispiel, Rätsel, dunkles Bild; ne. visual image, representation, example, depiction, effigy, visualization, typical representation, archtype, paradigm, exemplar, typology, contour (N.)

arduously: got. agluba 2, ag-l-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. schwer, schwerlich; ne. arduously, with unpleasant difficulty

arduousness: got. arbaiþs 14, arbai-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Arbeit, Drangsal, Hemmung, Bedrängnis; ne. labour (N.), work (N.), toil (N.), distress, arduousness, troublesomeness, hardship

area -- ante-portal area: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

area -- area before the town gates: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

area -- door-front area: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

area -- mountainous area: got. baírgahei* 2, baír-g-ah-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gebirgsgegend, Berggegend, Gebirge; ne. hill country, mountainous area

area -- potholed area: got. usdrusts* 1, us-dru-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. rauher Weg; ne. potholed area, uneven area, rough road

area -- rural area: got. weihs* (2) 11,  st. N. (a): nhd. Dorf, Weiler, Flecken; ne. rural hamlet, country precinct, rural area, village

area -- uneven area: got. usdrusts* 1, us-dru-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. rauher Weg; ne. potholed area, uneven area, rough road

argue: got. mitōn* 11, mi-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.); ne. weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), argue, debate; *tahanjan?, *tah-an-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zäh sein (V.), streiten; ne. be tough, argue, quarrel (V.)

-- argue for: got. *rēdan, *rē-d-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. raten; ne. advise, take a view, argue for, advocate (V.), propose, plan (V.)

-- argue with: got. miþsōkjan 1, mi-þ-sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitdisputieren, mit jemandem streiten; ne. debate with, argue with

-- person who wants to argue: got. wiljands miþ þus staua, got.: nhd. der welcher mit dir rechten will; ne. person who wants to argue

argument -- argument about words: got. waúrdajiuka* 1, waúr-d-a-jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Wortstreit; ne. argument about words, logomachy, word-fight, debate (N.), dispute about words

argument -- argument (N.): got. andahafts 3, and-a-haf-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Antwort, Verteidigung; ne. answer (N.), reply (N.), defense, argument (N.), verdict; sakjō* 1, sak-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Streit; ne. dispute (N.), disputation, argument (N.), quarrel (N.)

argument -- derive from argument: got. urrēdan* 1, ur-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (6): nhd. auflegen, bestimmen, urteilen; ne. legislate, plan out, derive from argument, determine, decide

argument -- explain the argument of: got. ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

argument -- propound an argument: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

argumentation: got. insahts 6, in-sah-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erzählung, Aussage, Zeugnis; ne. argumentation, account (N.), exposition, explication, report (N.), story, statement, witness

-- add by argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- bestow by argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- impart through argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

-- impose through argumentation: got. anainsakan* 1, an-a-in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. auferlegen, hinzufügen; ne. add by argumentation, impose through argumentation, bestow by argumentation, impart through argumentation, add to

aright -- setting aright: got. garaíhteins* 1, ga-raíh-t-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zurechtweisung, Wiederherstellung; ne. correction, setting aright, rectification

arise: got. kumei 1, got.?, V.: nhd. steh auf; ne. stand up, arise; urreisan 58, ur-rei-s-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. erstehen, sich erheben, aufstehen; ne. arise, rise (V.), get up; usstandan 41, us-sta-n-d-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich erheben, aufbrechen, auferstehen, aufstehen; ne. stand up, rise up, arise, emerge, proceed out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- arise together with: got. miþurreisan* 2, mi-þ-ur-rei-s-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. mitaufstehen; ne. rise up together, arise together with

arising -- arising (N.): got. urrists* 1, ur-ri-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auferstehung; ne. arising (N.), rising up

ark -- the ark of Noah: got. arka 3, ark-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Arche, Kasten, Futteral, Beutel (F.) (1), Geldkasten; ne. box (N.), chest, the ark of Noah, money-box

arm: got. arms (2) 4, ar-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Arm; ne. arm, one of the two upper limbs of the body

armament: got. sarwa* 3, sar-w-a*,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Waffen, Rüstung; ne. arms, armament, war equipment, weapons

armed -- armed conflict: got. wigan (1) 1, wig-an, wigana*, wign*,  st. N.? (a): nhd. Kampf; ne. armed conflict, war; *wigs (2), *wig-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Kampf; ne. armed conflict

armed -- armed host: got. harjis 2, har-ji-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Heer, Menge; ne. army, legion, host, armed host

arms: got. sarwa* 3, sar-w-a*,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Waffen, Rüstung; ne. arms, armament, war equipment, weapons

army: got. *draúhts (2), *draú-h-t-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Heer, Schar (F.) (1), Gefolge, Volk?; ne. army, legion, host; harjis 2, har-ji-s,  st. M. (ja): nhd. Heer, Menge; ne. army, legion, host, armed host

-- army become subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist; draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- army be subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist; draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- army commander: got. *harjatuga, *har-j-a-tug-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Heerführer; ne. army commander; *hazdwalds?, *haz-d-wal-d-s?,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Haarwalter, Heerwalter; ne. army commander

-- army ring: got. *harihriggs, *hari-hri-gg-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Heerring; ne. army ring, ring of soldiers

-- general of an army: got. *draúhtins?, *draú-h-t-in-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Führer, Herrscher; ne. general of an army, war-lord

aroma: got. dauns 7, dau-n-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geruch, Wohlgeruch, Dunst; ne. odour (N.), aroma, fragrance, smell (N.), sense of smell

aromatic -- aromatic oils or salves: got. arōmata 1, arōmat-a,  st. N. (a): nhd. Spezereien, Gewürze; ne. spices, aromatic oils or salves

aromatic -- small bush with highly aromatic leaves: got. hwssōpō* 1, hwssōpōn*,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromatic leaves

aromativ -- small bush with highly aromativ leaves: got. ƕssōpō, ƕssōpōn,  st. F. (ōn): nhd. Ysop; ne. hyssop, small bush with highly aromativ leaves

around: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- be situated around: got. bisitan* 5, bi-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. herumsitzen, herumwohnen, umwohnen, nahe wohnen; ne. be situated around, neighbour (V.), dwell round about

-- bind around: got. bibindan* 1, bi-bind-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umbinden, umwickeln; ne. bind about, bind around, bind up

-- change around: got. *gaƕaírban?, *ga-ƕaírb-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. umdrehen, umkehren, bekehren; ne. convert (V.), change around, turn around

-- dig around s.th.: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

-- flounder around: got. walwisōn* 1, wal-wis-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich wälzen; ne. roll around on the ground, wallow (V.), flounder around

-- gather around: got. birinnan* 2, bi-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umringen, herumlaufen, durchstreifen, umdrängen, umgeben, umherlaufen; ne. run around, run about, surround (V.), gather around

-- go around: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along; ƕaírban* 3=2, ƕaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. wandeln, sich wenden; ne. go around, circulate, walk (V.), live

-- lead around: got. bitiuhan 3, bi-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. umherführen, umherziehen, durchziehen, mitführen, durchwandern; ne. lead around, traverse (V.), move about through, go around, take along

-- look around: got. bisaíƕan* 5, bi-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5), m. Akk., m. Gen.: nhd. umsehen, ansehen, bemerken, sorgen für, sich vorsehen, erkennen, betrachten; ne. look around, look round about, descry, discern (V.), take notice of, perceive, prepare out of foresight, make provision of, provide

-- look around searchingly: got. wlaitōn* 1, wlai-t-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich umsehen, umherblicken, spähen; ne. look around searchingly, look questingly

-- make drive around: got. *walugjan?, *wal-ug-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her treiben; ne. make drive around

-- make go around: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

-- make swirl around: got. uswalugjan* 1, us-walug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hin und her wälzen, hin und her treiben, umherschleudern; ne. make swirl around, make turn aound, make whirl about, make go around, toss about

-- place wrapping around the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

-- roll around on the ground: got. walwisōn* 1, wal-wis-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich wälzen; ne. roll around on the ground, wallow (V.), flounder around

-- run around: got. birinnan* 2, bi-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umringen, herumlaufen, durchstreifen, umdrängen, umgeben, umherlaufen; ne. run around, run about, surround (V.), gather around

-- set around: got. bisatjan* 1, bi-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umgeben; ne. set around, surround (V.)

-- shave around the head: got. biskaban* 1, bi-skab-an*,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaben, scheren (V.) (1), Haare abschneiden; ne. shave around the head, shave bald, shear (V.)

-- shine around: got. biskeinan* 1, bi-skei-n-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. umleuchten; ne. shine around

-- stand around: got. bistandan* 2, bi-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. herumstehen, umringen; ne. stand around, surround (V.)

-- turn around: got. *gaƕaírban?, *ga-ƕaírb-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. umdrehen, umkehren, bekehren; ne. convert (V.), change around, turn around; gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back; wandjan* 2, wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wenden; ne. turn (V.), turn around

-- wash all around: got. biþwahan* 1, bi-þwah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. abwaschen, waschen; ne. wash all around, wash (V.)

-- wind around: got. biwindan* 4, bi-wi-n-d-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umwinden, einwickeln, umwickeln, in Windeln wickeln; ne. wind around, wrap around, swaddle (V.)

-- wipe all around: got. biswaírban* 4, bi-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. abwischen, abtrocknen; ne. wipe around, wipe all around, wipe off, dry (V.)

-- wipe around: got. biswaírban* 4, bi-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. abwischen, abtrocknen; ne. wipe around, wipe all around, wipe off, dry (V.)

-- wrap around: got. biwaibjan* 3, bi-waib-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. umwinden, umgeben, umkleiden; ne. surround (V.), clothe, wrap around, envelop, wind round about; biwindan* 4, bi-wi-n-d-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. umwinden, einwickeln, umwickeln, in Windeln wickeln; ne. wind around, wrap around, swaddle (V.)

arouse: got. urraisjan 26, ur-rai-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zum Aufstehen bringen, aufrichten, erwecken, erregen, aufregen; ne. cause to rise up, raise up, rouse (V.), arouse; uswagjan* 2, us-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erregen; ne. stir up, excite, arouse; uswakjan* 1, us-wak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwecken, aufwecken; ne. awake (V.) (tr.), arouse, make wake up

aroused: got. þwaírhs 3, þwaírh-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. quer, zornig; ne. wrathful, angry, irate, aroused, quicktempered

arousedness: got. þwaírhei 13, þwaírh-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zorn, Streitigkeit, Streit; ne. wrathfulness, angriness, ire, irateness, arousedness, retribution, anger (N.), quarrels, passion

arrange: got. garaidjan* 3, ga-rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. befehlen, verordnen, bestimmen, anordnen, festsetzen; ne. issue a directive, decree (V.), enjoin, ordain (V.), mandate (V.), prescribe, order (V.), arrange; gatēwjan* 1, ga-tēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, bestimmen; ne. assign (V.), arrange, order (V.), appoint

arranged: got. garaiþs* 2, ga-rai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. angeordnet; ne. authoritatively ordered, officially determined, arranged, commanded; *gatass?, *ga-ta-s-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. geordnet, geregelt; ne. ordered, arranged; gatēwiþs, ga-tēw-iþ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geordnet; ne. arranged, ordered; *raiþs, *rai-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. geordnet; ne. arranged, ordered

arrangement: got. tēwa* 1, tēw-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ordnung; ne. order (N.), array (N.), arrangement, alignment

array -- array (N.): got. tēwa* 1, tēw-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ordnung; ne. order (N.), array (N.), arrangement, alignment

arrest -- arrest (V.): got. gafāhan 16, ga-fāh-an,  red. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. ergreifen, erfassen, ertappen, fangen; ne. catch (V.), take (V.), overtake (V.), capture (V.), apprehend, arrest (V.), take hold of, grasp (V.), grasp mentally, comprehend, seize

arrival: got. qums 14, qu-m-s,  st. M. (i): nhd. Ankunft, Wiederkunft; ne. coming (N.), advent, arrival, parousia, presence

arrive: got. faírrinnan* 3, faír-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich erstrecken, reichen zu; ne. attain, extend, arrive, reach (V.); qiman 284, qi-m-an, kommen,  kommen, krim st. V. (4): nhd. kommen; ne. come, arrive, get to; lat. venire

-- arrive at: got. gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

-- arrive by boat: got. atfarjan* 1, at-far-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. einlaufen, landen; ne. reach land, arrive by boat, land (V.), put into port

-- arrive by hastening: got. gasniwan* 2, ga-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. ereilen, gelangen zu, erlangen; ne. arrive by hastening, reach by hastening, attain

-- arrive with haste: got. *atsniwan?, *at-sniw-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste; duatsniwan* 1, du-at-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinzueilen; ne. hasten thither, reach with haste, arrive with haste, hurry to

-- make arrive at by throwing: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- make arrive at by turning: got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.)

arrogance: got. hauhhaírtei 1, hau-h-haírt-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Hochmut; ne. high-heartedness, haughtiness, arrogance, pride (N.); usbalþei* 1, us-bal-þ-ei*, usbalþeins?,  sw. F. (n), st. F. (i/ō)?: nhd. Frechheit, fortwährende Zänkerei; ne. insolence, arrogance, continuous bickering

arrogant: got. hauhhaírts 2, hau-h-haírt-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. high-hearted, haughty, arrogant, proud (Adj.); hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride; mikilþūhts* 1, mikil-þūh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. great-seeming, supposed great, impressing as great, arrogant, proud

-- be arrogant: got. mais fraþjan, got.: nhd. sich überheben; ne. be arrogant; *usbalþjan, *us-bal-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wagen, sich erkühnen; ne. be arrogant, be insolent, brazen out

arrow: got. *arh?,  st. N.?: nhd. Pfeil; ne. arrow; *arha, *arh-a,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Pfeil; ne. arrow; *arƕa, *arƕ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Pfeil; ne. arrow; arƕazna* 1, arƕ-az-n-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Pfeil; ne. arrow

article -- article of clothing: got. wasti* 32, was-t-i*,  st. F. (iō): nhd. Kleid, Kleidung (= wastjōs); ne. garment, article of clothing, dress (N.), clothing (= wastjōs), apparel (= wastjōs), clothes (= wastjōs)

artifice: got. lists* 1, lis-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. List; ne. wile (N.), artifice, cunning (N.)

a-rune -- name of a-rune: got. ? ahsa* 1, ah-s-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Achse, Achsel, a-Rune?; ne. axis, axle, name of a-rune?; aza 1, az-a,  st. F.? (ō): nhd. a-Rune; ne. name of a-rune

as: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- accept as a unit: got. miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe

-- according as: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

-- account as: got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

-- acknowledge o.s. as subordinate: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

-- acquire as property: got. gafaihōn* 1, ga-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen, beanspruchen, in Besitz nehmen, täuschen; ne. make into a possession, acquire as property, take advantage of, defraud

-- adoption as children: got. frastisibja 1, frast-i-si-b-j-a,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Kindschaft; ne. familial adoption, adoption as children, sonship

-- allege as a reason for: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

-- and as an alternative: got. aíþþau 156=155, aí-þ-þau,  Konj.: nhd. oder, wo nicht, sonst, wenigstens; ne. and as an alternative, alternatively, else, on the other hand, or, otherwise

-- and as yet: got. naúhþanuh 14, naúh-þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. noch; ne. still (Adv.), yet, and as yet

-- announce as a pledge: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

-- as a matter of fact: got. allis þan: nhd. tatsächlich, eigentlich, im Gegenteil; ne. when, as a matter of fact

-- as if: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- as just as: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus; swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

-- as like: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

-- as long as: got. und þata ƕeilōs þei: nhd. so lange als, bis; ne. as long as; und þata ƕeilōs þei: nhd. so lange als, bis; ne. as long as; þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

-- as much: got. samalauþs* 1, sam-a-lauþ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gleich groß, derselbe; ne. of the same proportions, equivalent (Adj.), as much

-- as of then: got. miþþan 3, mi-þ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. inzwischen; ne. at that time, as of then, meanwhile

-- as soon as: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when; biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when; sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when; sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

-- block up as with a dam: got. faúrdammjan* 1, faúr-dam-m-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verdämmen, versperren, eindämmen, hindern; ne. dam up, hinder, fence in, block up as with a dam

-- choose as proven: got. gakiusan 10=9, ga-kius-an,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erproben, wählen, prüfen; ne. prove by testing, try (V.), choose as proven, approve, test (V.)

-- construct as a constituent part: got. miþgatimrjan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tim-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. miterbauen; ne. build together, construct as a constituent part

-- cover as with a tent: got. ufarhleiþrjan* 1, uf-ar-hlei-þr-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überzelten, ein Zelt über jemandem aufschlagen; ne. tent over, cover as with a tent, canopy (V.)

-- defence as true: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

-- defend as true: got. gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

-- dig so as to surround: got. bigraban* 1, bi-grab-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. mit einem Graben umgeben; ne. surround by digging, dig around s.th., dig so as to surround, surround with a rampart

-- dispense as food: got. fraatjan* 1, fra-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. zum Essen austeilen; ne. give away to be eaten, dispense as food

-- distinguish as: got. dōmjan 10, dō-m-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. urteilen, beurteilen, unterscheiden, rechtfertigen, rechnen, meinen; ne. judge (V.), justify, discern (V.), distinguish, evaluate, distinguish as, deem (V.)

-- establish as governing: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

-- esteem as prior: got. faúrarahnjan* 1, faúr-a-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. esteem as prior, reckon as foremost, deem preferable, outdo

-- function as a soldier in: got. driugan* 1, driu-g-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zu Felde ziehen, kämpfen, Kriegsdienste tun; ne. lead a military life in, do military service in, function as a soldier in, wage war, carry on

-- impressing as great: got. mikilþūhts* 1, mikil-þūh-t-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig; ne. great-seeming, supposed great, impressing as great, arrogant, proud

-- impressing as high: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

-- in like manner as: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- introduce as an excuse: got. *inilōn, *in-il-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. einwenden; ne. introduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for

-- just as: got. swē 178,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. wie, gegen, als, da; ne. as, just as, in like manner as, as if, like (Adj.), approximately, something like, about, when

-- just as in fact: got. swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth; swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth

-- just as in truth: got. swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth; swē raihtis: nhd. wie tatsächlich; ne. just as in fact, just as in truth

-- just as ... so also: got. swē ... jah, got.: nhd. wie ... so auch; ne. just as ... so also

-- justify as true: got. sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

-- lay away as treasure: got. huzdjan 3, hu-z-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Schätze sammeln, sammeln; ne. treasure up, store up, lay away as treasure, gather

-- offer as tribute to: got. andsaljan 1, and-sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darbringen, opfern; ne. pay in tribute to, offer as tribute to, sacrifice (V.)

-- officate as priest: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

-- pre-announce as a pledge: got. faúragahaitan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zuvor verheißen; ne. promise beforehand, pre-announce as a pledge, foretell

-- put on as a tunic: got. gapaidōn* 2=1, ga-paid-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. dress (V.), put on as a tunic, jacket (V.), clothe; *paidōn, *paid-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bekleiden; ne. put on as a tunic, jacket (V.)

-- put on as clothing: got. anahamōn 1, an-a-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung anlegen, anziehen; ne. put on as clothing, don, get dressed

-- reckon as foremost: got. faúrarahnjan* 1, faúr-a-rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übertreffen; ne. esteem as prior, reckon as foremost, deem preferable, outdo

-- regard as blest: got. audagjan* 1, au-d-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. selig preisen; ne. bless (V.), deem fortunate, regard as blest

-- set up as a guidepost: got. stiurjan 2, stiu-r-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. aufstellen, geltend machen, feststellen; ne. establish as governing, make determinative, set up as a guidepost

-- shed as clothing: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

-- so as: got. swaswē 181=179, swa-swē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. sowie, gleichwie, wie, gegen (bei Zahlen), so dass; ne. so as, as just as, like (Adj.), as like, according as, approximately, so that, thus

-- so as to: got. swaei 23, swa-ei,  Konj.: nhd. so dass, daher, also; ne. so that, such that, so as to, therefore

-- so long as: got. swa lagga swē, got.: nhd. so lange wie; ne. so long as

-- so much as: got. swa filu swē, got.: nhd. so viel als; ne. so much as; swa manags swaswē, got.: nhd. so viel als; ne. so much as; swa manags swē, got.: nhd. so viel als; ne. so much as

-- stay as a guest: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

-- strip off as clothing: got. afhamōn 1, af-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. die Bekleidung ablegen, ausziehen, sich entkleiden; ne. get undressed, shed as clothing, strip off as clothing, doff

-- such as that: got. þei 29,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. was auch immer, dass, damit; ne. such as that, this that, such that

-- such manner as: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- such time as: got. ei 543,  Partikel, Konj.: nhd. da, so, in dem Fall, bei dem Umstand, dass, damit, ob, und; ne. in that case, under those circumstances, then, thereby, in such a manner, such that, until the day when, such time as, a time wherein, in the manner in which, such manner as, in a way that

-- until such time as: got. und þata þei, got.: nhd. so lange als; ne. until such time as; untē 386=383, un-tē,  Konj.: nhd. bis, solange als, denn, weil, da; ne. until the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time that, until such time as, for, since, on account of the fact that, by reason of the fact that, as long as

ascend: got. ussteigan 10, us-steig-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. emporsteigen, hinaufsteigen; ne. climb up, ascend, go up

ash: got. azgō* 4, az-g-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Asche; ne. ashes, ash, cinder

ashamed -- be ashamed: got. gaskaman sik* 1, ga-s-kam-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. beschämt werden, sich schämen; ne. be ashamed

ashamed -- be ashamed of: got. skaman* sik 10, s-kam-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich schämen; ne. be ashamed of, despair of

ashamed -- make ashamed: got. gaaiwiskōn* 11=10, ga-aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk., perfektiv: nhd. beschämen, beschimpfen; ne. disgrace (V.), dishonour (V.), abuse (V.), make ashamed, put to shame

ashes: got. azgō* 4, az-g-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Asche; ne. ashes, ash, cinder

-- flying ashes: got. *falwiska?, *fal-wisk-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Flugasche, Funke; ne. flying ashes, spark (N.)

ash-tree: got. *asks?, *ask-s?,  st. F. (ō?): nhd. Esche, Speer; ne. ash-tree, spear (N.)

Asia: got. Asia* 4,  st. F.: nhd. Asien; ne. Asia

aside -- cast aside: got. afwaírpan 4, af-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat.: nhd. etwas wegwerfen, weichen (= Pass.), weggenommen werden (= Pass.), fortwerfen; ne. cast aside, throw off

aside -- lay aside: got. aflagjan 5, af-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas ablegen; ne. put off, lay off away, lay down, lay aside

aside -- laying aside: got. aflageins* 1, af-lag-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ablegung, Erlass, Vergebung; ne. forgiveness, laying aside, remission, absolution

aside -- set aside: got. afsatjan 3, af-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. absetzen, entlassen; ne. dismiss, remove (V.), put away, set aside, set off, divorce (V.)

aside -- setting aside (N.): got. afsateins* 1, af-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Absetzung, Entlassung, Verabschiedung, Scheidung; ne. setting aside (N.), divorce (N.)

aside -- turn aside: got. afwandjan 7, af-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abwenden, vermeiden; ne. turn aside, make turn away from

ask: got. *aiskōn?, *ais-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fragen, fordern; ne. ask, ask for, beg, demand (V.), look for; bidai anahaitan: nhd. anrufen, bitten; ne. call on, ask, beg; bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for; fragan* 1, fragjan*?, frag-an*, frag-jan*?,  st. V. (6?): nhd. fragen; ne. ask, test (V.), inquire of, make inquiry into, examine; fraíhnan 57, fraíh-n-an,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. fragen; ne. ask a question, ask, question (V.); gafraíhnan* 2, ga-fraíh-n-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erfragen, fragen, erfahren (V.); ne. inquire after, ask, find out by inquiry, learn by inquiry

-- ask a favour: got. bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for

-- ask a question: got. fraíhnan 57, fraíh-n-an,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. fragen; ne. ask a question, ask, question (V.)

-- ask for: got. *aiskōn?, *ais-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fragen, fordern; ne. ask, ask for, beg, demand (V.), look for; *bidan?, *bid-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. bitten; ne. ask for, beseech; bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for; sōkjan 72, sōk-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. suchen, disputieren, streiten; ne. quest (V.), search (V.), seek (V.), request (V.), ask for, query (V.)

asleep -- be asleep: got. slēpan* 12, s-lēp-an*, schlipen,  schlipen, krim red. V. (4): nhd. schlafen; ne. sleep (V.), be asleep; lat. dormire

asleep -- fall asleep: got. anaslēpan* 4, an-a-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. „einschlafen“, entschlummern, entschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep; gaslēpan* 5, ga-s-lēp-an*,  red. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. schlafen, entschlafen, einschlafen; ne. go to sleep, fall asleep, die (1)

aspect: got. halba* 2, hal-b-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Hälfte, Seite, Teil; ne. half (N.), bisection, section, side of reference, facet, aspect

-- cosmetic aspect: got. hiwi* 1, hi-wi*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Gestalt, Aussehen; ne. surface appearance, looks, superficial complexion, cosmetic aspect, form (N.)

-- divine aspect: got. gudaskaunei* 1, gu-d-a-skaun-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Gottesgestalt; ne. the form of God, divine aspect, godly form

aspen: got. *aspa?, *asp-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Espe; ne. aspen

aspergation: got. ufarranneins* 1, uf-ar-ra-n-n-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Besprengung; ne. sprinkling, aspergation

asphyxiate: got. afƕapjan 5, af-ƕap-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ersticken, auslöschen; ne. choke (V.), extinguish, asphyxiate, suffocate

assailable: got. *gafairinōnds?, *ga-fair-in-ōn-d-s?,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. tadelig, bescholten; ne. culpable, assailable, reprehensible

assailant: got. slahals 3=2, slahuls, slah-al-s, slah-uls,  st. M. (a): nhd. Raufbold; ne. striker, one apt to strike, violent man, assailant, bully (M.)

assailed: got. *gafairinōþs, *ga-fair-in-ō-þ-s,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. tadelig, schuldig; ne. impeached, assailed

assarion: got. assarjus* 1, assar-ju-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Ass (Münze), Pfennig, Kreuzer (M.) (2); ne. assarion, coin worth one ace

assemble: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; gagatilōn* 2, ga-ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. zusammenfügen; ne. fit together, assemble; lisan* 4, lis-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sammeln, lesen (V.) (2); ne. collect (V.), gather, assemble

-- assemble (V.): got. galisan* 10, ga-lis-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenlesen, versammeln, sammeln; ne. collect (V.), bring together, gather together, assemble (V.)

assembled -- assembled community: got. gamainþs 1, ga-mai-n-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versammlung; ne. assembled community, assembly

assembly: got. gamainþs 1, ga-mai-n-þ-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versammlung; ne. assembled community, assembly; gaqumþs* 8, ga-qu-m-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Zusammenkunft, Versammlung, Vereinigung; ne. coming together, congress, high council, religious gathering, synagogue, assembly; maþl* 1, maþ-l*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Versammlungsort, Marktplatz, Markt; ne. forum, meeting-place, marketplace, assembly

-- speak at an assembly: got. maþljan* 2, maþ-l-jan*, krimgot.?, sw. V. (1): nhd. reden; ne. speak publicly, speak at an assembly, discourse publicly, talk (V.); lat. dicere

-- supreme assembly: got. gafaúrds 2, ga-faúr-d-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Versammlung, hoher Rat; ne. supreme assembly, high council, Sanhedrin

assess -- assess (V.): got. rahnjan* 14, rah-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. rechnen, berechnen, halten für, rechnen unter, anrechnen; ne. estimate (V.), reckon, figure out, evaluate, assess (V.), compute (V.), calculate (V.), account as, account to, think, consider, look upon

assessment: got. ragin* 6=5, rag-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Rat, Beschluss; ne. evaluation, assessment, estimate (N.), adjudgement, judgement, determination, verdict (N.), decision, task (N.), decree (N.), responsibility, law

assign -- assign (V.): got. gatēwjan* 1, ga-tēw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, bestimmen; ne. assign (V.), arrange, order (V.), appoint

assistance: got. andbahti 25=24, andb-ah-t-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Amt, Dienst; ne. service, office, assistance, ministry, ministration

associate -- associate with: got. blandan (sik) 3, bla-nd-an,  red. V. (3): nhd. sich vermischen mit, mischen; ne. mix (V.), mingle, commix, intermingle, associate with; miþgawisan* 1, mi-þ-ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., m. Dat.: nhd. zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.); ne. associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together

assume: got. ahjan* 1, ah-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. meinen; ne. assume, presume, think

-- assume a begging position: got. knussjan* 2, knu-s-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niederfallen?, auf die Knie fallen, knien; ne. fall on one’s knee, assume a begging position

-- assume a likeness: got. gagaleikōn* 3, ga-ga-leik-ōn*, sik,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich verwandeln, eine Gestalt annehmen; ne. assume a likeness, take on an appearance, appear similar, change o.s.

-- assume proper state: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

assuming -- assuming a begging position: got. kniwam knussjands, got.: nhd. mit den Knien Bittstellung einnehmend; ne. assuming a begging position

assuredly -- most assuredly: got. raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure

assuredness: got. stōma* 2, stō-m-a*,  sw. M. (n)?: nhd. Wesen, Gegenstand, Zuversicht, Erwartung, Grundlage, Stoff; ne. assuredness, self-confidence, sureness, substance

astonished: got. usfilma* 2, us-fil-m-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. erschrocken, entsetzt; ne. shaken, struck, amazed, bewildered, frightened, astonished

-- be astonished: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished; usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

astonishment: got. *films?, *fil-m-s?,  st. M. (a): nhd. Schrecken; ne. bewildered stupor, astonishment, amazement; sildaleik 1, si-ld-a-leik,  st. N. (a): nhd. Staunen, Verwunderung; ne. amazement, astonishment, wonder (N.); usfilmei 2, us-fil-m-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Entsetzen; ne. amazement, bewilderment, astonishment

astray -- draw astray together: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

astray -- lead astray: got. afaírzjan 6, af-aírz-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. irre machen, abweichen (V.) (2), abirren, verführen, sich verführen lassen (= Pass.); ne. deceive, lead astray, misguide (V.)

astray -- lead astray the understanding of: got. afhugjan* 1, af-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bezaubern; ne. lead astray the understanding of, bewitch

astray -- snare astray: got. afmarzjan* 2, af-mar-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Ärgernis nehmen (= Pass.), sich ärgern; ne. make deviate by obstructing, snare astray, thwart by deflecting, take offence

astuteness -- use astuteness on: got. andhruskan* 1, and-hru-sk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. nachforschen, prüfen, untersuchen; ne. investigate, question (V.), subject to the inquiring mind, apply acumen to, use astuteness on

asunder: got. dis-,  Präf.: nhd. zer..., auseinander..., ver...; ne. asunder, apart, away

-- asunder (Adv.): got. sundrō 10, sun-dr-ō,  Adv.: nhd. abgesondert, besonders, allein, beiseite; ne. asunder (Adv.), apart, separately, alone, individually, privately

-- become rent asunder: got. dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hnupnan?, *hnu-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. burst (V.), be rent asunder, become rent asunder

-- become torn asunder: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

-- be rent asunder: got. dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hnupnan?, *hnu-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. burst (V.), be rent asunder, become rent asunder

-- be torn asunder: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

-- rend asunder: got. dishniupan* 1, dis-hniu-p-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. zerreißen; ne. rend asunder, break apart, tear (V.)

-- tear asunder: got. disskreitan* 1, dis-skrei-t-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. zerreißen (tr.); ne. tear asunder, rip apart, rive, split apart; distaíran* 3, dis-taír-an*,  st. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. zerreißen, auseinanderzerren, verderben; ne. tear asunder, rend in pieces

at: got. ana (1) 273, an-a,  Präp., Präf., Adv.: nhd. darauf, außerdem, an, auf, in, über; ne. on account of, at, during, in, into, on, onto, over, for the sake of, upon; at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of; bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; du 955,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. zu, nach - hin, für, in; ne. to, unto, towards, in, at; fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- aim at: got. garēdan* 1, ga-rē-d-an*,  red. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Vorsorge treffen, raten, versorgen; ne. have a plan for, take forethought for, purpose (V.), intend, aim at

-- all at once: got. anaks 3, an-ak-s,  Adv.: nhd. plötzlich, sogleich; ne. suddenly, all at once; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- all together at the same time: got. suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- and at that place: got. þaruh 74, þa-r-uh,  Adv., Partikel: nhd. da, nun, aber, daselbst; ne. and there, and at that place, there also, right there

-- and at that time: got. þanuh 88, þan-uh,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, daher, also, aber, nun; ne. and the, and at that time

-- and at the same time: got. bijandzuþþan 1, bi-jand-z-uþ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. zugleich aber auch; ne. but then along with that, and at the same time, but then simultaneously, but then along therewith

-- appointment at court: got. *gardingatus?, lat.- M.: nhd. Hofamt; ne. appointment at court

-- apt at teaching: got. laiseigs 2, lais-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. zum Lehren befähigt, zum Lehren geeignet, lehrend; ne. skillful in teaching, able in instructing, apt at teaching

-- arrive at: got. gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

-- at a great distance: got. faírra 20, faír-ra,  Adv.: nhd. fern, fern von, weg von; ne. afar, far off, remote, at a great distance

-- at all (in neg. sentences): got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly

-- at an inopportune time: got. unūhteigō 1, un-ūh-t-eig-ō,  Adv.: nhd. zur Unzeit; ne. unseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion

-- at an opportune time: got. ūhteigō* 2=1, ū-h-t-eig-ō*,  Adv.: nhd. zur rechten Zeit, zu gelegener Zeit; ne. at an opportune time, seasonably, in season

-- at any time: got. *-aiw?,  Suff. (Akk. Sg.): nhd. immer, jederzeit; ne. ever, at any time; ƕan 34, ƕa-n,  Adv.: nhd. wann, irgendwann, wie, um wieviel, etwa; ne. when, whenever, at any time, whereas, how, however, however much; ƕanhun 9, ƕa-n-hun,  Adv.: nhd. jemals; ne. ever, at any time

-- at a place: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

-- at first: got. frumist 14, fru-m-ist,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. zuerst; ne. firstly, at first, before everything, first of all

-- at hand: got. manwus 6, manw-u-s,  Adj. (u): nhd. bereit; ne. prepared (Adj.), ready (Adj.), at hand

-- at home: got. anahaimeis* 2, an-a-hai-m-ei-s*, anahaims*,  Adj. (ja/a): nhd. in der Heimat befindlich, daheim, zuhause; ne. at home, present (Adj.)

-- at last: got. und andi, Adv.: nhd. zuletzt; ne. ultimately, at last, in the end

-- at liberty: got. *freihals (1), *frei-hal-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. frei; ne. free-necked, at liberty

-- at once: got. andwaírþō 1, and-waír-þ-ō,  Adv.: nhd. sofort; ne. for the present, momentary, at once; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon; sunsaiw 20, sun-s-aiw,  Adv.: nhd. sogleich; ne. in the same moment, immediately, right then, just then, straightway, at once

-- at one time: got. simlē 9=8, sim-l-ē,  Adv.: nhd. einst, vordem, vormals; ne. once, formerly, at one time; suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- at some time: got. suman 9, sum-an,  Adv.: nhd. einst, ehemals, (Stückwerk), zum Teil; ne. once, formerly, at some time, at one time, in a certain part of the past, (piecemeal), somewhat, partly

-- at that time: got. miþþan 3, mi-þ-þan,  Adv.: nhd. inzwischen; ne. at that time, as of then, meanwhile; þan 595=593,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. dann, darauf, wann, so lange als, als, da; ne. then, at that time, this time, thereupon, thereafter, now then, and then, furthermore, moreover, when, but, thus, whenever

-- at the edge of: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of

-- at the most: got. maist 1, ma-i-s-t,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. höchstens; ne. at the most

-- at the point of death: got. *swultawaírþs?, *swul-t-a-waír-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. auf den Tod gerichtet, todgeweiht; ne. about to die, moribund, at the point of death

-- at the point when: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- at the point where: got. biþē 69, bi-þē,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. nachher, später, während (Konj.), als, sobald als, nachdem, da; ne. therewith, at the point where, at the point when, thereafter, afterward, after that time, after, as soon as, when

-- at the same time: got. samana 12, sam-a-n-a,  Adv.: nhd. zusammen, gemeinschaftlich, zugleich; ne. at the same time, all together, in union; suns 45, sun-s,  Adv.: nhd. alsbald, plötzlich, auf einmal, bald, sogleich; ne. in the same moment, at once, immediately, instantly, at the same time, at one time, all at once, all together at the same time, soon

-- at the same time that: got. sunsei 6, sun-s-ei,  Konj.: nhd. sobald als; ne. at the same time that, as soon as, immediately when, in the same moment when

-- at the time of: got. at 170,  Präp., m. Dat., m. Akk., Präf.: nhd. von, bei, an, zu, unter, auf; ne. from, at, with s.o., at a place, to, during, at the time of, while, when, with the time of

-- at the time when: got. miþþanei 22, mi-þ-þan-ei,  Präp., Konj.: nhd. während (Konj.); ne. while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though; þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

-- at which place: got. ƕar 20, ƕa-r,  Adv.: nhd. wo; ne. where, wherever, at which place

-- at which time: got. þanei 3, þan-ei,  Konj.: nhd. wann, wieviel; ne. when, at which time, at the time when, how much

-- be at a loss for words: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- be at hand: got. atwisan* 3, at-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. da sein (V.), zur Hand liegen; ne. be at hand, be imminent, be present; faúrawisan 2, faúr-a-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be present, be in evidence, be at hand

-- be at the end of one’s life: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- be at the head of: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

-- be at the point of death: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- become marveled at: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

-- be marveled at: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

-- deposit at: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at

-- enrich o.s. at the expense of: got. bifaihōn* 3, bi-faih-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. übervorteilen; ne. take advantage of, defraud, exploit s.o. financially, enrich o.s. at the expense of

-- fall down at: got. atdriusan* 7, at-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. fallen in, zufallen, fallen; ne. fall towards, fall into, fall down at

-- gaze inquisitively at: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at

-- glare at: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

-- glower at: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

-- have at one’s disposal: got. haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be

-- it lies at my hand: got. wiljan atligiþ mis, got.: nhd. steht in meiner Macht; ne. it lies at my hand

-- laugh at: got. bihlahjan* 3, bi-hla-h-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. verlachen, verspotten, auslachen; ne. laugh at, deride

-- lay at: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at

-- lest at any time: got. ibai ƕan: nhd. es möchte einmal, danach; ne. lest at any time

-- lie (V.) (2) at hand: got. atligan* 1, at-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. dabeiliegen, vorliegen, vorhanden sein (V.); ne. lie (V.) (2) at hand, lie (V.) (2) adjacent to

-- look at: got. gasaíƕan 162, ga-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. erblicken, sehen, (erscheinen); ne. see (V.), espy, catch sight of, look at, perceive; insaíƕan 12, in-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. hinsehen, ansehen, auf etwas sehen, nach etwas sehen, aufblicken, sich umsehen; ne. look at, look upon, look thither; ussaíƕan 16, us-saíƕ-an,  st. V. (5), ingressiv, perfektiv: nhd. aufblicken, ansehen, das Gesicht wieder erhalten, aussehen, umsehen; ne. look up, look at, look about, raise one’s vision, direct one’s vision, regain one’s sight, receive vision

-- look at repudiatingly: got. *idweitan?, *id-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. rügen, zurechtweisen; ne. regard with rejection, look at repudiatingly

-- look engrossedly at: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at

-- lose (V.) one’s composure at: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- make a face at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

-- make arrive at by throwing: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- make arrive at by turning: got. atwandjan* 1, at-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zuwenden, zurückkehren; ne. make arrive at by turning, make turn forth to, return (V.)

-- not at all: got. ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing; ni waihtai: nhd. in nichts, durchaus nicht; ne. not at all, in nothing

-- pitch forth at: got. atwaírpan 4, at-waír-p-an,  st. V. (3,2), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. hinwerfen, hinstrecken, werfen; ne. make arrive at by throwing, make reach by throwing, hurl into the location of, cast within reach of, pitch forth at, throw to

-- poke fun at: got. bilaikan* 6, bi-laik-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. verspotten; ne. poke fun at, mock (V.)

-- put at the disposal of: got. andstaldan* 4, and-stal-d-an*,  red. V. (3): nhd. versehen, darreichen; ne. supply (V.), put at the disposal of, accomodate with, afford s.o., afford s.th., furnish (V.), purvey

-- rail at: got. láian* (?) 1, lá-i-an*, lauan* (?),  red. abl.? V. (6?), m. Dat.: nhd. schmähen; ne. berate, revile, rail at, despise

-- recline at table: got. anakumbjan 25, an-a-kumb-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich niederlegen, zu Tisch legen, lagern; ne. recline at table, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal

-- scoff at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

-- self-enrichment at others expense: got. bifaih* 1, bi-faih*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. exaction, self-enrichment at others expense; bifaihōns* 1, bi-faih-ōn-s*, bifaihō* 1,  st. F. (i): nhd. Übervorteilung; ne. financial exploitation, self-enrichment at others expense

-- setting at liberty: got. fralēt* 6=5, fra-lē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Erlass, Entlassung; ne. setting at liberty, release (N.), relinquishment, dispensation, forgiveness

-- snap at: got. andbeitan 9, and-bei-t-an,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. schelten, bedrohen, in Verlegenheit geraten (V.), tadeln, anfahren; ne. scold (V.), threaten, snap at, rebuke, censure (V.), castigate

-- sneer at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

-- speak at an assembly: got. maþljan* 2, maþ-l-jan*, krimgot.?, sw. V. (1): nhd. reden; ne. speak publicly, speak at an assembly, discourse publicly, talk (V.); lat. dicere

-- spit at: got. andspeiwan* 1, and-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1),: nhd. entgegenspeien, ausspeien, verachten, verwerfen; ne. spit at, expectorate against, despise; bispeiwan* 2, bi-speiw-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. bespeien, anspeien; ne. spit upon, spit at, cover with spit

-- stare antagonistically at: got. andstaúrran* 1, and-staúr-r-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Akk.: nhd. Unwillen zeigen, widerspenstig sein (V.), anstarren, murren; ne. stare antagonistically at, glower at, glare at, confront frowningly

-- stare at: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at

-- stop at: got. gastandan 22, ga-sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. stehenbleiben, haltmachen, bestehen, verbleiben, beharren, stillstehen, bleiben, verharren, wiederhergestellt sein (V.); ne. come to a standing position, come to a halt, stop (V.), assume proper state, stop at, persist, abide, remain (V.)

-- take aim at: got. mundōn* 2=1 sis, mun-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. sich einen besehen, sehen auf; ne. take aim at, pay attention to, observe

-- the year at hand: got. ataþni* 1, at-aþn-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Jahr; ne. the year at hand

-- turn up the nose at: got. bimampjan* 1, bi-mamp-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verhöhnen, verspotten; ne. mock (V.), scoff at, turn up the nose at, make a face at, sneer at

atonement: got. *sōna?, *sōn-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Sühne; ne. atonement, expiation

atop: got. ufarō 7, uf-ar-ō,  Adv., Präp.: nhd. darüber, über etwas, über einem, über einer Sache; ne. over, over it, above, on top, atop, on top of, in supervision of

attack -- attack (V.): got. biqiman* 1, bi-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Akk.: nhd. überfallen; ne. come round about, encompass, envelop (V.), attack (V.); disdriusan* 1, dis-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. befallen; ne. fall upon, descend upon, bear down on, beset, attack (V.)

attack -- take possession of by attack: got. dissitan* 3, dis-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. ergreifen, überfallen; ne. beseige, beset, take possession of by attack, seize

attack -- verbal attack: got. anaqiss* 2, an-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lästerung, Schmährede; ne. blasphemy, slander (N.), verbal attack, abusive speech

attain: got. faírrinnan* 3, faír-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich erstrecken, reichen zu; ne. attain, extend, arrive, reach (V.); gasniwan* 2, ga-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. ereilen, gelangen zu, erlangen; ne. arrive by hastening, reach by hastening, attain; niutan 2, niut-an,  st. V. (2), m. Gen.: nhd. treffen, erreichen, einer Sache froh sein (V.); ne. acquire use of, obtain disposal of, attain, enjoy

-- attain to: got. gaqiman* 13, ga-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. zusammenkommen, hinkommen, kommen, sich versammeln; ne. come together, convene, gather, congregate, arrive at, attain to, meet; gatilōn* 1, ga-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. erlangen, erzielen; ne. attain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with

attempt: got. duginnan* 47=46, du-gi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. beginnen, anfangen, versuchen, (werden); ne. begin (V.), attempt, undertake, shall being

attend -- attend to: got. gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe

attention: got. *gauma (1), *gau-m-a,  Sb.: nhd. Aufmerksamkeit; ne. attention; ? *hliuþ?, *hliu-þ?,  st. N.?: nhd. Gehör?, Schweigen?, Stille?, Aufmerksamkeit?; ne. hearing (N.)?, silence?, quietness?, attention?

-- give attention to: got. andsaíƕan* 2, and-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. auf etwas sehen, berücksichtigen, achtgeben, ansehen, in Betracht ziehen, beachten; ne. look to, have regard for, give attention to, pay heed to, examine, note (V.); witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

-- pay attention to: got. gaumjan 16, gau-m-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. bemerken, erscheinen (= Pass.), seine Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas richten; ne. attend to, pay attention to, take care of, see to, perceive, notice (V.), take notice of, observe; mundōn* 2=1 sis, mun-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. sich einen besehen, sehen auf; ne. take aim at, pay attention to, observe

-- with attention to detail: got. glaggwaba 1, gla-ggw-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. sorgsam; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, diligently; glaggwō 1, gla-ggw-ō,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, accurately; *glaggws?, *gla-ggw-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. genau; ne. meticulous, with attention to detail; glaggwuba 1, gla-ggw-u-ba,  Adv.: nhd. genau; ne. meticulously, with attention to detail, precisely

-- without attention: got. unkarja 2, un-kar-ja,  sw. Adj.: nhd. sorglos, unbesorgt; ne. uncaring, careless, negligent, without attention

attentively -- view attentively: got. *faírweitan?, *faír-wei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. angestrengt sehen; ne. stare at, view attentively, look engrossedly at, gaze inquisitively at; faírweitjan 6, faír-wei-t-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinblicken, gaffen, umherspähen, spähen; ne. stare (V.), view attentively, look engrossedly, look about, gaze inquisitively

attentiveness: got. *faírweit?, *faír-wei-t?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Hinblick, Aufmerken, Neugier; ne. view (N.), attentiveness, inquisitiveness

attest -- attest together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

attest -- attest (V.): got. weitwōdjan 38=37, wei-t-wōd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeugen, bezeugen; ne. bear witness, testify, attest (V.)

attestation: got. weitwōdei 5, wei-t-wōd-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Zeugnis, Bezeugung, Zeugnisablegung; ne. testimony, attestation, testifying, witness (N.); weitwōdiþa 16, wei-t-wōd-iþ-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. substance of testimony, attestation, witness (N.)

-- depositional attestation: got. weitwōdi* 1, wei-t-wōd-i*,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Zeugnis; ne. testimonial, depositional attestation, witness (N.)

attesting: got. weitwōdeins 1, wei-t-wōd-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Zeugnisablegung, Zeugnis; ne. act of testifying, attesting, witness-bearing, witness (N.)

attitude: got. fraþi 14, fraþ-i,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Verstand, Sinn, Gesinnung; ne. understanding (N.), perception, viewpoint, attitude, disposition, mindedness

-- have a haughty attitude: got. ufarhugjan* 1, uf-ar-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich überheben; ne. have a haughty attitude, be elated

-- take an attitude beforehand: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth

attract: got. dragan* 1, dra-g-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. tragen, aufladen, ziehen; ne. draw (V.), accumulate, take on, attract

attractive: got. *freiþs?, *frei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. hübsch, schön; ne. nice, pleasant, dear, beloved, attractive

audacious -- be audacious: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious

audacity -- have the audacity to: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious

augment -- augment (V.): got. anaaukan 5, an-a-auk-an,  red. V. (2): nhd. hinzufügen zu, fortfahren; ne. add, augment (V.)

aurochs: got. *ūrs ūraz, *ū-r-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Auerochs, u-Rune; ne. urus, aurochs, name of u-rune

auspices -- divine auspices: got. *awi (2), *aw-i, auja?,  st. N. (ja), st. F.: nhd. Glück, göttlicher Schutz; ne. fortune, divine auspices

authoritatively -- authoritatively ordered: got. garaiþs* 2, ga-rai-þ-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. angeordnet; ne. authoritatively ordered, officially determined, arranged, commanded

authoritatively -- direct authoritatively: got. raidjan* (1) 2, rai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verordnen, darbieten; ne. enjoin, mandate (V.), ordain (V.), issue a directive, direct authoritatively, establish, interpret

authority: got. reiki* 8, reik-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Reich, Herrschaft, Obrigkeit; ne. rulership, government, sovereignty, ruling power, authority, realm; waldufni 55, wald-ufn-i,  st. N. (ia): nhd. Gewalt, Macht; ne. power (N.), authority, dominion, control (N.), potency

-- exercise authority over: got. gawaldan* 1, ga-wald-an*,  red. V. (3), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. sich der Herrschaft bemächtigen, vergewaltigen; ne. wield domination over, exercise command over, exercise authority over

avail -- avail (N.): got. *bata, *bat-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nutzen, Vorteil; ne. benefit (N.), worthiness, avail (N.), advantage, profit (N.)

avail -- avail (V.): got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

avail -- be of avail: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail

availing: got. *nuts?, *nut-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. nütz, nützlich, brauchbar; ne. useful, availing

avarice: got. faíhugaírnei* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Habgier; ne. money-craving (N.), covetousness, cupidity, avarice; faíhugeirō 3, faíh-u-gei-r-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Habgier, Geldgier; ne. money-greed, financial avidity, avarice

avaricious: got. faíhufriks 6, faíh-u-frik-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. habsüchtig, geldgierig, gewinnsüchtig; ne. money-covetous, avaricious, greedy for money, lustful for material goods; faíhugaírns* 1, faíh-u-gaírn-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. geldgierig, habsüchtig; ne. money-craving (Adj.), desirous of money, avaricious, covetous; *faíhugeirs?, *faíh-u-gei-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. habgierig, habsüchtig; ne. money-greedy, avaricious

avenge: got. fraweitan 5, fra-wei-t-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. rächen, Recht verschaffen, strafen; ne. avenge, wreak vengeance; gawrikan* 3, ga-wri-k-an*,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. bestrafen, rächen, Rache nehmen; ne. wreak vengeance for, avenge, achieve retribution for, vindicate

avenger: got. fraweitands: nhd. rächend, Rächer; ne. avenger

aversion -- causing aversion: got. andasēts* 2, and-a-sēt-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. verabscheuenswert, verabscheuenswürdig; ne. causing aversion, abhorrent, repugnant, detestable

avid -- no longer avid: got. usgrudja* 7=6, us-grud-j-a*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. mutlos; ne. ex-avid, exhausted of desire, no longer avid, lacking courage

avidity: got. aljan (2) 13, al-jan,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eifer; ne. avidity, eagerness, zeal

-- financial avidity: got. faíhugeirō 3, faíh-u-gei-r-ō,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Habsucht, Habgier, Geldgier; ne. money-greed, financial avidity, avarice

avoid: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid; biwandjan* 5, bi-wa-n-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vermeiden; ne. avoid, circumvent, shun

await: got. beidan* 8, beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Gen.: nhd. warten, erwarten; ne. await, wait for, look for; usbeidan* 5, us-beid-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. erwarten, Geduld haben; ne. expect, await, look for, wait for; wēnjan* 20=19, wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. warten, hoffen auf, meinen; ne. hope (V.), hope for, look for, await, expect, anticipate

awaiting: got. usbeisns* 5, us-beis-n-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Erwartung, Geduld, Langmut; ne. expectation, awaiting, long-abiding, patience

awake -- awake (Adj.): got. *wakrs?, *wak-r-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. wach, wacker; ne. awake (Adj.), brave, valiant

awake -- awake (V.): got. gawaknan* 1, ga-wak-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erwachen; ne. become awake, awake (V.), wake up; *wakjan, *wak-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wecken; ne. awake (V.)

awake -- awake (V.) (tr.): got. uswakjan* 1, us-wak-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erwecken, aufwecken; ne. awake (V.) (tr.), arouse, make wake up

awake -- be awake: got. wakan* 6=5, wak-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen, wachsam sein (V.); ne. wake (V.), be awake, keep awake, watch (V.), keep vigil; *wōkan?, *wōk-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen; ne. be awake

awake -- become awake: got. gawaknan* 1, ga-wak-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erwachen; ne. become awake, awake (V.), wake up; *waknan, *wak-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. wach werden; ne. become awake

awake -- keep awake: got. wakan* 6=5, wak-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen, wachsam sein (V.); ne. wake (V.), be awake, keep awake, watch (V.), keep vigil

awake -- stay awake throughout: got. þaírhwakan* 2, þaír-h-wak-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. durchwachen, unter freiem Himmel übernachten, biwakieren; ne. stay awake throughout, keep watch

awake -- staying awake: got. wōkains* 2, wōk-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wachen; ne. wakefulness, staying awake, sleeplessness, watch (N.)

aware -- be aware of: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

awareness -- bringing into awareness through reading: got. anakunnains* 1, an-a-kun-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Lesung; ne. bringing into recognition, bringing into awareness through reading, reading (N.)

away: got. dis-,  Präf.: nhd. zer..., auseinander..., ver...; ne. asunder, apart, away; und 67, unþa-,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent-; ne. unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off

-- away from: got. af 135,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. von, von weg, von her, seit, ab, zu, aus; ne. from, away from, by, by means of, since, of; us 340,  Präp.: nhd. aus, von her, seit, gleich nach; ne. out of, from, away from, forth from, of, since, proceeding from, utilizing, out of

-- away from here: got. aljar 2, al-ja-r,  Adv.: nhd. anderswo; ne. absent, away from here, elsewhere, somewhere else

-- away from home: got. afhaimeis* 2, af-hai-m-ei-s*, afhaimis*, afhaims*,  Adj. (ja): nhd. der Heimat fern, abwesend; ne. absent from home, absent, away from home

-- bear away: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue

-- betake o.s. away: got. ushafjan sik, got.: nhd. sich wegbegeben; ne. betake o.s. away

-- cleanse away: got. afhrainjan 1, af-hrai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas Verunreinigendes tilgen, reinigen; ne. cleanse away, wipe out

-- cut away: got. usmaitan* 6, us-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. ausschneiden, abschneiden, ausrotten, aushauen; ne. cut out, excise, cut away, castrate, prune (V.), amputate

-- cut away from: got. usskarjan* 2, us-skar-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. nüchtern werden, zur Besinnung kommen, herausreißen; ne. cut out, cut away from, extract by cutting, get out of evil-doing, ex-evil-do, tear out

-- draw off away: got. aftiuhan 2, af-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. wegziehen, abziehen, fortziehen; ne. draw off away, pull away, lead away

-- fall away: got. usdriusan* 2, us-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. herausfallen; ne. fall away, fall out, fall off

-- get away: got. unþaþlíuhan* 2, unþa-þlí-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Akk.: nhd. entfliehen, einem entrinnen; ne. escape (V.), get away

-- give away to be eaten: got. fraatjan* 1, fra-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. zum Essen austeilen; ne. give away to be eaten, dispense as food

-- give o.s. away: got. afgiban* sik 1, af-gib-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sich wegbegeben, sich hinwegbegeben, sich fortbegeben; ne. give o.s. away, separate (V.)

-- giving away: got. fragifts* 3, fra-gif-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verleihung, Verlobung, Gabe; ne. gift (N.), grant (N.), betrothal, presentation, bestowal, giving away, plightedness, engagement

-- go away: got. afgaggan* 5, af-ga-g-g-a-n*,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. weggehen von, weggehen, weichen (V.) (2); ne. go away, leave (V.), depart (V.); afleiþan* 14, af-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. weggehen, entweichen, verreisen, fortgehen; ne. go away, depart (V.), leave (V.); aflinnan* 1, af-li-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. weggehen, fortgehen; ne. leave off, go away, cease from, let up; afstandan* 7, af-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. abstehen, ablassen, abfallen; ne. dissociate o.s., go away, stay away, fall off; galeiþan 142=140, ga-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. kommen, gehen, fahren; ne. go away, depart from, go forth, set out for, come; usleiþan 12, us-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. hinausgehen, weggehen, verreisen, vergehen; ne. pass forth, travel out, go out, go away, vanish

-- grab away: got. frawilwan 8, fra-wil-w-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. fortreißen, gewaltsam ergreifen; ne. grab away, snatch up, seize, wrest away

-- lay away as treasure: got. huzdjan 3, hu-z-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. Schätze sammeln, sammeln; ne. treasure up, store up, lay away as treasure, gather

-- lay off away: got. aflagjan 5, af-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. etwas ablegen; ne. put off, lay off away, lay down, lay aside

-- lead away: got. aftiuhan 2, af-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. wegziehen, abziehen, fortziehen; ne. draw off away, pull away, lead away

-- lead away together: got. miþgatiuhan* 1, mi-þ-ga-tiu-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. mitfortziehen, mitführen; ne. lead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along

-- make fluctuate away from: got. afwagjan* 1, af-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen, abbringen; ne. make fluctuate away from, make waver away from, remove (V.)

-- make melt away: got. *gamaltjan?, *ga-mal-t-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. auflösen, schmelzen; ne. make melt away, liquidify, make dissolve, liquidate

-- make sway away from: got. afswaggwjan* 1, af-swaggw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwankend machen?, ängstlich machen; ne. make anxious, make sway away from, cause to waver; *swaggwjan?, *swa-g-gw-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwanken machen; ne. make sway away from, make veer away from

-- make turn away from: got. afwandjan 7, af-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. abwenden, vermeiden; ne. turn aside, make turn away from

-- make veer away from: got. *swaggwjan?, *swa-g-gw-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. schwanken machen; ne. make sway away from, make veer away from

-- make waver away from: got. afwagjan* 1, af-wag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bewegen, abbringen; ne. make fluctuate away from, make waver away from, remove (V.)

-- melt away: got. *miltan, *mil-t-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. schmelzen, sich auflösen; ne. melt away, dissolve, disintegrate

-- melting away: got. gamalteins* 1, ga-mal-t-eins*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung; ne. melting away, winding up, dissolution, liquidation; *malteins?, *mal-t-ein-s?,  st. F. (i): nhd. Auflösung?; ne. melting away, dissolution?

-- pass away: got. hindarleiþan 2, hi-n-dar-lei-þ-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. hinzukommen, vergehen; ne. go past, pass on, pass away, come up

-- pull away: got. aftiuhan 2, af-tiu-h-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. wegziehen, abziehen, fortziehen; ne. draw off away, pull away, lead away

-- put away: got. afsatjan 3, af-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. absetzen, entlassen; ne. dismiss, remove (V.), put away, set aside, set off, divorce (V.)

-- roll away: got. afwalwjan* 2, af-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wegwälzen; ne. remove by rolling, roll away

-- run away in flight: got. afþliuhan* 1, af-þli-u-h-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. wegfliehen, fliehen; ne. flee off, run away in flight, escape (V.)

-- scare away: got. afagjan* 2, af-ag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. ängstigen, sich ängstigen, abschrecken; ne. worry (V.), scare (V.), scare away, frighten, frighten off, daunt

-- scatter completely away by winnowing: got. diswinþjan* 1, dis-winþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „auseinanderwerfen“, zermalmen, worfeln, zerstreuen; ne. crush (V.), scatter completely away by winnowing, dissipate to the winds

-- send away: got. insandjan 87, in-sand-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entsenden, hinsenden, zusenden, senden; ne. send thither, dispatch (V.), send on a mission, send away, dismiss; sandjan 34, sand-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. senden; ne. send, send away

-- shove away: got. afskiuban* 2, af-skiub-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verstoßen, von sich wegstoßen, abschieben, von sich schieben, entfernen; ne. reject (V.), repulse (V.), shove away, thrust away

-- sink away: got. dissigqan*, dis-sigq-an*, dissiggqan*,  st. V. (3): nhd. untersinken, untergehen, sinken; ne. sink out of sight, sink away, sink down, go down to cessation, disappear by submergence

-- stay away: got. afstandan* 7, af-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. abstehen, ablassen, abfallen; ne. dissociate o.s., go away, stay away, fall off

-- steal away: got. biniman* 1, bi-nim-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. wegnehmen, stehlen; ne. take away, purloin, steal away

-- take away: got. afniman 15, af-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. wegnehmen, abnehmen; ne. take away, remove (V.), withdraw; biniman* 1, bi-nim-an*,  st. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. wegnehmen, stehlen; ne. take away, purloin, steal away; gatarnjan* 1, ga-tar-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. berauben; ne. wrest from, extract from, remove (V.) forcibly, rob, take away; niman 105, nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. nehmen, annehmen, aufnehmen, empfangen, fangen; ne. take unto o. s., accept (V.), receive, pick up, get, take away; usniman* 18, us-nim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. herausnehmen, wegnehmen, aufnehmen, mitnehmen, annehmen; ne. extract (V.), remove (V.), take off of, take out, take from, take away, take along

-- throw away: got. frawaírpan* 2, fra-waír-p-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verwerfen, zerstreuen, wegwerfen; ne. throw away, discard, jettison, cast off, scatter (V.)

-- thrust away: got. afskiuban* 2, af-skiub-an*,  st. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verstoßen, von sich wegstoßen, abschieben, von sich schieben, entfernen; ne. reject (V.), repulse (V.), shove away, thrust away

-- turn away: got. uswandjan* 3, us-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wegwenden, sich entziehen, verfallen (V.), abweichen (V.) (2); ne. turn away, become diverted, withdraw, deviate

-- wipe away: got. afswaírban* 1, af-swaírb-an*,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. abwischen, auslöschen; ne. wipe away, wipe out

-- wrest away: got. frawilwan 8, fra-wil-w-an,  st. V. (3): nhd. fortreißen, gewaltsam ergreifen; ne. grab away, snatch up, seize, wrest away

awe -- awe (N.): got. agis 20, ag-i-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Furcht, Schrecken; ne. awe (N.), fear (N.), fright, terror (N.)

awe -- stand in awe of: got. ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

awl: got. *alisna?, *alisn-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ahle; ne. awl, pricker; *ela?, *el-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Ahle; ne. awl

awry -- run awry: got. frarinnan* 1, fra-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. sich verlaufen zu, geraten unter; ne. run awry, run amiss, meet up with

ax: got. aqizi 1, aqiz-i,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Axt; ne. ax

axis: got. ahsa* 1, ah-s-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Achse, Achsel, a-Rune?; ne. axis, axle, name of a-rune?

axle: got. ahsa* 1, ah-s-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Achse, Achsel, a-Rune?; ne. axis, axle, name of a-rune?

b: got. b 9,  Buchstabe: nhd. b, Abkürzung für 2; ne. b, abbreviation for 2

babble -- babble (N.): got. lausawaúrdei* 1, lau-s-a-waúr-d-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. leeres Gerede, leeres Geschwätz; ne. empty talk, babble (N.), empty chatter

babble -- babble (V.): got. filuwaúrdjan* 1, fil-u-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. viel Worte machen, viel plappern, viel reden; ne. verbalize excessively, babble (V.), chatter (V.), speak a great deal

back -- answer back to: got. andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

back -- back (Adj.): got. ibuks* 3, ibuk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rückwärts gewandt, zurück; ne. retrorse, reversed, turned back, back (Adj.)

back -- back (Adv.): got. aftra 102=101, af-t-r-a, afta,  Adv.: nhd. wieder, zurück, rückwärts, wiederum, abermals; ne. again, back (Adv.), backwards, once more

back -- bring back: got. gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

back -- give back: got. usgiban 22, us-gib-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. erstatten, bezahlen, darstellen, darbringen; ne. give out, pay out, repay (V.), recompense (V.), give back, present (V.), offer (V.)

back -- in back of: got. *aftarō 3, *af-ta-r-ō,  Adv.: nhd. von hinten, hinten; ne. in back of, from behind; hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind

back -- shrink back: got. ufsliupan* 3=2, uf-sliup-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. einschleichen, zu Unrecht einführen, sich zurückziehen, sich fortschleichen; ne. slip by, slide past, slip on past, shrink back

back -- talk back to: got. andwaúrdjan* 1, and-waúr-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. widersprechen, antworten; ne. answer (V.), answer back to, talk back to, contradict

back -- turn back: got. gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

back -- turned back: got. ibuks* 3, ibuk-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. rückwärts gewandt, zurück; ne. retrorse, reversed, turned back, back (Adj.)

backwards: got. aftra 102=101, af-t-r-a, afta,  Adv.: nhd. wieder, zurück, rückwärts, wiederum, abermals; ne. again, back (Adv.), backwards, once more

bacon: got. *feusa?, *feus-a?,  Sb.: nhd. Speck; ne. bacon, fat (N.)

bad: got. atochta 1, at-ocht-a, krim Adj. (a): nhd. schlecht; ne. bad; lat. malum; *atugs?, *atug-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. schlecht; ne. bad; ubils 56, ub-il-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. übel, böse, schlecht; ne. evil (Adj.), bad, wrongful, corrupt (Adj.), ill (Adj.)

-- bad (N.): got. ubil, ub-il,  Adj. (a), N. Sg. subst.: nhd. Übel; ne. evil (N.), bad (N.)

-- bad reputation: got. wajamērei* 1, waj-a-mē-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. schlechter Ruf, übler Ruf; ne. bad reputation, bad repute, dishonour

-- bad repute: got. wajamērei* 1, waj-a-mē-r-ei*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. schlechter Ruf, übler Ruf; ne. bad reputation, bad repute, dishonour

-- bad temper: got. mōþs* (1) 2, mō-þ-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Zorn, Mut; ne. bad temper, pique (N.), anger (N.), spirit

badger: got. *þahsus?, *þahs-u-s?,  st. M. (u): nhd. Dachs; ne. badger

badly: got. ubilaba 2, ub-il-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. übel, böse; ne. evilly, badly, wrongly, ill (Adv.)

badness: got. unþiuþ* 7, un-þiu-þ*,  st. N. (a): nhd. das Böse; ne. non-good, evil (N.), badness

bag -- bag made of skin: got. balgs* 12, bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Balg, Schlauch, Tasche; ne. leather bag, bag made of skin, wine-skin

bag -- bag (N.): got. sakkus* 2, sakku-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Sack; ne. sackcloth, sack (N.), bag (N.)

bag -- leather bag: got. balgs* 12, bal-g-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Balg, Schlauch, Tasche; ne. leather bag, bag made of skin, wine-skin

bairn: got. frasts* 1, frast-s*,  st. M. (i)?, st. F. (i)?: nhd. Kind; ne. child, bairn

bait -- bait (N.): got. *lōþr?, *lō-þr?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Luder, Lockspeise; ne. carrion, bait (N.), lure (N.); qaírþra* 1, qaír-þr-a*, qērtra?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Apfelbaum?, Köder? (ablehnend Feist 387), q-Rune; ne. lure (N.), bait (N.), decoy (N.), name of q-rune

bald -- shave bald: got. biskaban* 1, bi-skab-an*,  st. V. (6), perfektiv: nhd. schaben, scheren (V.) (1), Haare abschneiden; ne. shave around the head, shave bald, shear (V.)

bale -- bale (N.): got. *balu?,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Unglück, Übel; ne. bale (N.), viciousness, balefulness

baleful: got. *balus, *balu-s,  Adj. (wa): nhd. böse, übel; ne. baleful, pernicious; *balwaweis, *balw-a-wei-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. böse, übel; ne. baleful, wicked, malicious; sleiþs* 2, slei-þ-s*, sleideis*?,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. schlimm, gefährlich; ne. pernicious, baneful, baleful, dire, fierce, dangerous

balefulness: got. *balu?,  st. N. (wa): nhd. Unglück, Übel; ne. bale (N.), viciousness, balefulness

balmy: got. *lind-,  Adj. (a?): nhd. lind, mild; ne. balmy, mild, gentle

balsam -- balsam (N.): got. balsan 8,  st. N. (a): nhd. Salbe, Balsam; ne. balsam (N.), ointment, perfumed ointment

ban -- reach of ban: got. *bannwīda, *ba-n-n-wīd-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bannweite; ne. reach of ban

band: got. *binda?, *bind-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Binde, Band (N.); ne. band, ligament (N.), ligature; *snōbō?, *snōb-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bund, Band (N.); ne. band, string (N.)

-- band (N.): got. gabinda* 1, ga-bind-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Band (N.), Binde; ne. band (N.), ligament (N.), ligature, bond (N.); *rigilō?, *rigil-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Strick (M.) (1), Band (N.); ne. cord (N.), line (1) (N.), band (N.)

-- band (N.) (1): got. wrēþus* 1, wrē-þ-u-s*, wrīþus,  st. M. (u): nhd. Herde; ne. herd (N.), drove (2), band (N.) (1)

bandage -- bandage (N.): got. faskja* 1, fask-j-a*, faski*?,  M., N.?: nhd. Binde; ne. bandage (N.)

bandage -- bandage up the front of: got. faúrwaipjan* 1, faúr-waip-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verbinden; ne. place wrapping around the front of, bandage up the front of, bind up the front of, muzzle (V.)

bandit: got. waidēdja 9, wai-dē-d-j-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Übeltäter, Räuber; ne. „woe-doer“, evil-doer, malefactor, robber, bandit, felon

-- strong-arm bandit: got. wilwa 3, wil-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Räuber; ne. robber, strong-arm bandit

baneful: got. sleiþs* 2, slei-þ-s*, sleideis*?,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. schlimm, gefährlich; ne. pernicious, baneful, baleful, dire, fierce, dangerous

banished -- banished (M.): got. *wargs?, *war-g-s?,  Adj. (a), st. M. (a): nhd. Verdammter, Geächteter; ne. outlaw (M.), banished (M.), criminal (M.)

bank -- bank (2) (N.): got. *skarpa (2), skrapa, *skarp-a, *skrap-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Stütze, Halt, Böschung; ne. support (N.), bank (2) (N.)

bank -- bank (N.) (2): got. staþa* (1) 3, sta-þ-a*, statz,  statz, krim st. M. (a): nhd. Ufer, Gestade; ne. shore, coast, bank (N.) (2); lat. terra

bank -- steep bank: got. driusō* 3, driu-s-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Abhang; ne. cliff, steep slope, steep bank

banker: got. skattja* 2, skat-t-j-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Wechsler, Geldwechsler; ne. money-changer, money-man, banker

banquet: got. daúhts* 2, daúht-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Bewirtung, Mahl, Gastmahl, Mahlzeit; ne. feast (N.), banquet

-- festive banquet: got. gabaúr* (2) 2, ga-baúr*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Festgelage, Schmaus; ne. carousing (N.), revelry, festive banquet, merrymaking

baptism: got. daupeins 19, daup-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Abwaschung, Taufe, Waschung; ne. immersion, washing (N.), cleansing immersion, baptism

baptist: got. daupjands 10, daup-jand-s,  M. (nd): nhd. Täufer; ne. baptist, baptizer

baptize: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized; ufdaupjan* 5, uf-daup-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. taufen, eintauchen; ne. dip (V.), baptize

baptized -- be baptized: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized

baptized -- become baptized: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized

baptizer: got. daupjands 10, daup-jand-s,  M. (nd): nhd. Täufer; ne. baptist, baptizer

barbarian: got. barbarus 1, barbaru-s,  st. M. (u): nhd. Nichtgrieche, Barbar, Ausländer, Fremder; ne. foreigner, barbarian

barbarous: got. unmanariggws* 2=1, un-man-a-rigg-w-s*, unmanatriggws*?,  Adj. (a): nhd. ungezähmt, wild, grausam; ne. untamed, barbarous, treacherous, wild (Adj.), cruel (Adj.)

bare -- bare (Adj.): got. *bas,  Adj. (a): nhd. bar (Adj.), bloß; ne. bare (Adj.); *blauts?, *blau-t-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. bloß; ne. bare (Adj.)

bare -- bare (V.): got. *bazjan?, *baz-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. leeren, entkräften, entblößen; ne. empty (V.), weaken, debilitate, bare (V.), expose, uncover

barely -- be barely adequate: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements; *naúhan?, *naúh-an?,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.); ne. be just enough, be barely adequate

bargain -- bargain (N.): got. *kaup, *kaupa?,  Sb.: nhd. Handel, Kauf; ne. trade (N.), bargain (N.), buy (N.)

bargain -- bargain (V.): got. kaupōn* 1, kaup-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Geschäfte machen, Handel treiben; ne. transact business, trade (V.), bargain (V.)

barley: got. *baris, *bar-i-s,  st. N. (a): nhd. Gerste; ne. barley; ? *finja?, *fin-j-a?,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gerste?; ne. barley?

-- made of barley flour: got. barizeins* 4, bar-i-z-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Gerste bereitet, gersten, Gersten...; ne. of barley, made of barley flour

-- of barley: got. barizeins* 4, bar-i-z-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. von Gerste bereitet, gersten, Gersten...; ne. of barley, made of barley flour

-- pearl barley: got. fenea, lat. fe-n-ea, lat.- *finja?,  F.: nhd. Gerstengraupen; ne. pearl barley; lat. polenta

barn: got. bansts* 2, ban-st-s*,  st. M. (i): nhd. Scheuer, Scheune; ne. barn, storehouse

barrel: got. *fullja?, *ful-l-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Fülle, Maß, Fass; ne. fullness, measure (N.), barrel

barren: got. auþeis* 6, au-þ-ei-s*, auþs*?,  Adj. (ja/i): nhd. öde, kinderlos, unfruchtbar, wüst, verlassen (Adj.); ne. barren, desolate (Adj.), deserted, desert (Adj.)

-- barren woman: got. staírō 3, staír-ō,  sw. F. (n), sw. Adj.: nhd. die Unfruchtbare; ne. sterile woman, barren woman

barter -- barter (N.): got. *maideins?, *mai-d-ein-s?,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Tausch; ne. barter (N.)

base -- base (V.): got. gasūljan* 3, ga-sūl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. das Fundament legen, begründen, gründen; ne. found (V.), base (V.), ground (V.), lay the foundation of; *sūljan, *sūl-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. gründen; ne. found (V.), base (V.)

basic -- the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece: got. drakma* 3, drak-m-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Drachme; ne. drachma, the basic monetary unit of ancient Greece

basis -- basis for accusation: got. faírina* (1) 8, faír-in-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schuld, Vorwurf, Grund, Ursache, Anklagegrund, Beschuldigung; ne. offence, culpable act, basis for accusation, cause for complaint, culpability, complaint, reproach (N.), grievance

basket: got. *sahrja?, *sah-r-j-a?,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Korb; ne. basket

-- basket made of branches or switches: got. tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

-- basket (N.): got. spwreida* 2, spwr-eid-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Korb; ne. basket (N.); tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

-- mesh basket: got. snōrjō* 1, snōr-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Netz; ne. wicker basket, mesh basket, net (N.)

-- wicker basket: got. snōrjō* 1, snōr-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Netz; ne. wicker basket, mesh basket, net (N.); tainjō* 5, tain-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Korb, Weidenkorb; ne. basket (N.), wicker basket, basket made of branches or switches

bastion: got. tulgiþōs: nhd. Feste (F.), Bollwerk; ne. fastness, bastion, bulwark

bat -- bat (2) (N.): got. *mūstriggs?, *mūstrigg-s?,  st. M. (a?): nhd. Fledermaus; ne. bat (2) (N.)

batch -- batch of dough: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

batch -- mouldable batch: got. daigs 5, daig-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Teig; ne. plastic mass, mouldable mass, mouldable batch, dough, batch of dough, lump of dough

bathe -- bathe (V.): got. þwahan 5, þwah-an,  st. V. (6): nhd. etwas waschen, sich waschen; ne. wash (V.), lave, bathe (V.)

battalion: got. hansa 4, hans-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Schar (F.) (1), Manipel, Kohorte, Menge; ne. cohort, battalion, maniple, crowd (N.), troop (N.)

battle -- battle (N.): got. *badu-, *bad-u-, *badus,  st. M. (wa?): nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), battle (N.); *haþus?, *ha-þu-s?,  st. M.: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.); *hildi?, *hil-d-i?,  st. F. (i) (iō): nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.); *hilds?, *hil-d-s?,  st. Sb.: nhd. Kampf; ne. fight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.); jiuka* 2, jiuk-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Zornausbruch, Streit; ne. fight (N.), battle (N.), anger (N.), quarrel (N.); waihjō* 1, waih-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kampf; ne. quarrel (N.), wrangling (N.), contention, battle (N.)

battle -- battle (V.): got. brikan* 3, brik-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. brechen, zerstören, kämpfen, ringen, zerbrechen, vernichten; ne. break (V.), wreck (V.), demolish, wrestle (V.), fight (V.), battle (V.); jiukan* 2, jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kämpfen, ringen, obsiegen; ne. fight (V.), battle (V.), conquer, be a boxer; weihan (1) 2, weih-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. kämpfen; ne. battle (V.), combat (V.), engage in combat, dispute (V.)

battle -- oppose with battle: got. andweihan* 2, and-weih-an*, andwaihan*,  unr. st. V. (1): nhd. widerstreiten, ankämpfen, entgegenkämpfen; ne. oppose with battle, fight in opposition to

battleaxe: got. *bel-,  Sb.: nhd. Streitaxt, Bär (M.) (1)?; ne. battleaxe, bear (N.)?

battle-field: got. *wala (2), *wal-a,  st. M. (a)?, st. N. (a)?: nhd. Tod, Schlachtfeld; ne. death, battle-field

be: got. haban 273=271, hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. haben, besitzen, inne haben, meinen, halten, werden, sich befinden, können, wollen (V.), werden; ne. have, possess (V.), hold (V.), have hold of, take hold of, have at one’s disposal, consider, be; wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

-- army be subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- be able: got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

-- be about to: got. munan* (2) 6, mun-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zu tun gedenken, wollen (V.); ne. intend, take in mind, be about to

-- be above: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- be a boxer: got. jiukan* 2, jiuk-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. kämpfen, ringen, obsiegen; ne. fight (V.), battle (V.), conquer, be a boxer

-- be abstinent: got. gaþarban 2, ga-þarb-an,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich enthalten; ne. forgo, abstain from, be abstinent, exercise self-abnegation, deny o.s.

-- be abundant: got. ufar filu wisan, got.: nhd. überfließend sein (V.); ne. be abundant; managnan* 5, man-ag-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reichlich vorhanden sein (V.), Überfluss haben; ne. be abundant, abound; ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

-- be a bystander: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

-- be acquainted: got. kunnan (1) 97=96, kun-n-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. kennen, wissen; ne. be acquainted, know, understand

-- be a disciple: got. sipōnjan* 1, sipōn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. Schüler sein (V.), Jünger sein (V.); ne. be a disciple, be a student

-- be admired: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

-- be admitted: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted; *mōtan, *mōt-an,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

-- be adopted: got. suniwē sibja andniman, got.: nhd. adoptiert werden; ne. be adopted; suniwe sibja andniman, got.: nhd. adoptiert werden; ne. be adopted

-- be a false witness: got. galiug weitwōdjan, V.: nhd. falsch zeugen; ne. be a false witness

-- be afire: got. brinnan* 1, bri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. brennen (intr.); ne. burn (V.), be afire; tundnan* 1, tund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. brennen; ne. catch fire, be afire, be aflame, burn (V.)

-- be aflame: got. tundnan* 1, tund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. brennen; ne. catch fire, be afire, be aflame, burn (V.)

-- be afraid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; ōgan* 43, ōg-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. fürchten; ne. fear (V.), be afraid, stand in awe of, have reverence for, have fear

-- be afraid of: got. *agan?, *ag-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be afraid of

-- be aghast: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

-- be agitated: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- be agitated severely: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

-- be aglow with: got. wulan* 2, wul-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. wallen (V.) (1), sieden, um sich greifen; ne. well up, surge forth, effuse (V.), boil over, seethe, be aglow with

-- be a guest of: got. saljan (1) 9, sal-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. herbergen, bleiben, unterkommen, Herberge finden; ne. lodge (V.) (intr.), stay in lodging, stay as a guest, be a guest of

-- be a guide: got. raginōn* 2, rag-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. verwalten, herrschen; ne. guide (V.), be a guide, govern, counsel (V.)

-- be a king: got. þiudanōn 7, þiu-d-an-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. herrschen, König sein (V.); ne. reign (V.), be a king, rule (V.)

-- be alive: got. liban 61=60, li-b-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. leben; ne. live, be alive

-- be alive together with: got. miþliban* 1, mi-þ-lib-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. mitleben; ne. live together with, be alive together with

-- be allotted s.th.: got. *hliutan?, *hliu-t-an?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. losen; ne. draw lots, get by lot, be allotted s.th., have allotted to o.s.

-- be allowed: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements

-- be amazed: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words; sildaleikjan* 30, si-ld-a-leik-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anstaunen (tr.), bewundern (tr.), staunen (intr.), sich wundern (intr.); ne. marvel (V.), wonder (V.), be amazed

-- be a messenger: got. airinōn* 2, air-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Gesandter sein (V.), unterhandeln, Bote sein (V.); ne. be an emissary, be a messenger, negotiate

-- be an emissary: got. airinōn* 2, air-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Gesandter sein (V.), unterhandeln, Bote sein (V.); ne. be an emissary, be a messenger, negotiate

-- be angry with: got. hatizōn* 1, hat-i-z-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. zürnen; ne. be embittered against, be angry with

-- be antipathetical toward: got. hatan* 2, hat-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen; ne. hate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward

-- be anxious: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself; saúrgan 7, saúrg-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen, bekümmert sein (V.); ne. sorrow (V.), be sorrowful, grieve, worry (V.), be anxious, care (V.)

-- be a partner in: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

-- be a partner with: got. gamainjan 9, ga-mai-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. „gemein machen“, Gemeinschaft halten, mitteilen, Anteil haben, sich beteiligen, verunreinigen, entheiligen; ne. be a partner with, share with, share in, participate in, partake of, partake in, be a partner in, have in common, make common, demean, debase, defile

-- be appertinent to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- be appropriate to: got. *daban?, *dab-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. sich ereignen, passen; ne. pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- be a precursor: got. faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

-- be a priest: got. gudjinōn* 1, gu-d-ji-n-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Priester sein (V.), das Priesteramt verrichten; ne. be a priest, officate as priest, perform in sacredotal capacity

-- be arrogant: got. mais fraþjan, got.: nhd. sich überheben; ne. be arrogant; *usbalþjan, *us-bal-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wagen, sich erkühnen; ne. be arrogant, be insolent, brazen out

-- be ashamed: got. gaskaman sik* 1, ga-s-kam-an,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. beschämt werden, sich schämen; ne. be ashamed

-- be ashamed of: got. skaman* sik 10, s-kam-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Gen.: nhd. sich schämen; ne. be ashamed of, despair of

-- be a slave: got. skalkinōn 25, s-kal-k-i-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. dienen; ne. serve, do service, be in servitude, be a slave

-- be asleep: got. slēpan* 12, s-lēp-an*, schlipen,  schlipen, krim red. V. (4): nhd. schlafen; ne. sleep (V.), be asleep; lat. dormire

-- be a soldier: got. militōn* 1, milit-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun; ne. serve in the military, be a soldier

-- be astonished: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished; usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

-- be a student: got. sipōnjan* 1, sipōn-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. Schüler sein (V.), Jünger sein (V.); ne. be a disciple, be a student

-- be at a loss for words: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- be at hand: got. atwisan* 3, at-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. da sein (V.), zur Hand liegen; ne. be at hand, be imminent, be present; faúrawisan 2, faúr-a-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be present, be in evidence, be at hand

-- be at the end of one’s life: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- be at the head of: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise

-- be at the point of death: got. aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the end of one’s life, be at the point of death; aftumist haban: nhd. in den letzten Zügen liegen; ne. be at the point of death, be at the end of one’s life

-- be audacious: got. anananþjan* 4, an-a-nanþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. Mut fassen, sich erkühnen, wagen; ne. dare, take courage, have the audacity to, be audacious

-- be awake: got. wakan* 6=5, wak-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen, wachsam sein (V.); ne. wake (V.), be awake, keep awake, watch (V.), keep vigil; *wōkan?, *wōk-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. wachen; ne. be awake

-- be aware of: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

-- be baptized: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized

-- be barely adequate: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements; *naúhan?, *naúh-an?,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.); ne. be just enough, be barely adequate

-- be beneficial: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- be benefited: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

-- be bold: got. balþjan* 1, bal-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. kühn sein (V.), wagen; ne. be bold, dare, show courage; gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous

-- be born: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- be bound: got. *bundnan?, *bund-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gebunden werden; ne. be bound, become bound

-- be brave enough: got. gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous

-- be brought to fulfillment: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- be burnt up: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- be careful: got. atsaíƕan* 10=9, at-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen auf, sich in Acht nehmen, sich hüten; ne. give heed, watch out, be careful, be watchful, note (V.)

-- be clad with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- be clement: got. bleiþjan* 2, ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. barmherzig sein (V.), sich erbarmen, Mitleid hegen; ne. take pity, be kind-hearted, be merciful, be clement

-- be closed: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

-- be clothed: got. wasjan* 7, was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen kleiden, sich kleiden, bekleiden; ne. clothe, be clothed, wear (V.) (1), dress (V.), be dressed

-- be clothed over with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- be concerned about: got. karōn* 1, kar-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich kümmern; ne. care about, worry about, be concerned about

-- be confident of: got. galaubjan 146=145, ga-laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, anvertrauen; ne. believe, permit, have faith in, be confident of, have confidence in; gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- be configured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- be congruent with: got. gatiman* 1, ga-tim-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. geziemen; ne. be congruent with, time with, fit in with, match (V.); *timan?, *tim-an?,  st. V. (4): nhd. sich ziemen, geziemen; ne. be congruent with, fit in with

-- be conscious of: got. miþwitan* 1, mi-þ-wi-t-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. bewusst sein (V.); ne. have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of

-- be consumed with flame: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- be contaminated: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- be content: got. *wunan, *wun-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. zufrieden sein (V.); ne. be content

-- be continent: got. gahaban 11, ga-hab-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergreifen (ingressiv), behalten (effektiv), festhalten (effektiv), enthalten, halten, haben, fangen; ne. lay hold on, seize, hold (V.), retain, hold onto, hold fast, withhold o.s., abstain, be continent, maintain; *gahōban?, *ga-hōb-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sich enthalten; ne. be continent

-- be contoured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

-- be contrite: got. idreigōn* 13=12, id-reig-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. bereuen, Buße tun; ne. be contrite, repent (V.), regret (V.), reform one’s ways

-- be convinced of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- be courageous: got. gadaúrsan 8, ga-daúr-s-an,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. sich erkühnen, wagen, freimütig sein (V.); ne. venture (V.), dare, be brave enough, be bold, be courageous

-- be cowardly: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- be dark: got. riqizjan* 1, riq-i-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. finster werden, dunkel werden; ne. be dark, become dark

-- be dedicated: got. triggwaba galaubjan, got.: nhd. überzeugt sein (V.); ne. be dedicated

-- be depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- be detained: got. sainjan* 1, sai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zögern, säumen; ne. be slow, delay (V.) (tr.), be tardy, be detained

-- be devoted to: got. andtilōn* 2, and-til-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. anhangen, sich annehmen, dienen, helfen, beistehen; ne. accomodate o.s. to, make o.s. fit to, conform to, adapt to, adjust to, be devoted to

-- be difficult: got. *þriutan?, *þri-ut-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. schwerfallen; ne. be hard, be difficult

-- be dirty: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- be disagreeable: got. unwērjan 2, un-wēr-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unwillig sein (V.), zürnen; ne. disagree, refuse to agree, be disagreeable, be unwilling

-- be discomfited by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- be dismantled: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

-- be disposed: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- be disturbed: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- be downcast: got. *hneipan, *hnei-p-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. betrüben; ne. droop, be limply bowed downwards, be downcast

-- be dressed: got. wasjan* 7, was-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. einen kleiden, sich kleiden, bekleiden; ne. clothe, be clothed, wear (V.) (1), dress (V.), be dressed

-- be dull: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

-- be dumbfounded: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- be eager: got. usdaudjan* 8, us-dau-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich beeifern, seine Ehre suchen; ne. strive vigorously, make energetic endeavours, be eager

-- be effective: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail; waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

-- be elapsed: got. inwisan (?)* 1, in-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. bevorstehen (?), da sein (V.) (?); ne. have been discontinued, be elapsed, be no longer

-- be elated: got. ufarhugjan* 1, uf-ar-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich überheben; ne. have a haughty attitude, be elated

-- be elevated: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- be elsewhere: got. aljar wisan, got.: nhd. anderswo sein (V.); ne. be elsewhere

-- be embittered against: got. hatizōn* 1, hat-i-z-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. zürnen; ne. be embittered against, be angry with

-- be engaged in thought: got. þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- be enlarged: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

-- be enough: got. ganaúhan* 4, ga-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. genügen, zur Genüge versehen sein (V.) mit; ne. suffice, be enough, be sufficient

-- be exalted: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- be excessively exalted: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- be faint: got. ufligan* 2, uf-lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. unterliegen, verschmachten, matt werden, sterben; ne. decline (V.), drop (V.), sink (V.), fail, be faint

-- be feeble: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

-- be filled: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled

-- be filled up: got. gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up; usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- be formed: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- be frightened: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared; *þlahsnan?, *þlahs-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened

-- be fulfilled: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- be full: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled; gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up

-- begin to be troubled: got. indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

-- be glad: got. faginōn 43=39, fag-in-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. feel happy, be glad, rejoice (V.); *gabaúrjōn, *ga-baúr-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. be glad, be pleased

-- be glorified: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- be good: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- be guilty: got. skula wisan, got.: nhd. schuldig sein (V.); ne. be guilty

-- be hallowed: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- be hard: got. *þriutan?, *þri-ut-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. schwerfallen; ne. be hard, be difficult

-- be haughty: got. hauhaba hugjan: nhd. hoffärtig sein (V.); ne. be proud, be haughty

-- be healed: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health; ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.)

-- be hidden: got. galaugnjan 3, ga-laug-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbergen, verborgen bleiben; ne. be undiscovered, escape detection, hide (V.), be hidden, conceal (V.)

-- be hungry: got. grēdōn* 1, grē-d-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. hungern; ne. be hungry, hunger (V.)

-- be hurtful to: got. usagljan* 1, us-ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. ins Gesicht schlagen, bedrängen, belästigen, beschimpfen; ne. inflict injury upon, cause harm to, be hurtful to, bother (V.)

-- be hypocritical together with: got. miþlitjan* 1, mi-þ-lit-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitheucheln; ne. feign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in acting insincerely

-- be imminent: got. atwisan* 3, at-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. da sein (V.), zur Hand liegen; ne. be at hand, be imminent, be present; instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

-- be impending: got. instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

-- be in accord: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

-- be in being: got. wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

-- be indebted: got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.)

-- be indignant: got. inraúhtjan* 2, in-raúh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. erzürnt werden, zürnen, unwillig sein (V.); ne. growl interiously, groan (V.), utter gruff sounds to o.s., be indignant

-- be in evidence: got. faúrawisan 2, faúr-a-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be present, be in evidence, be at hand

-- be in existence: got. in gagrēftai wisan: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.), vorliegen; ne. be in existence, exist

-- be inferior to: got. minnizō gataujan: nhd. nachstehen; ne. be inferior to, be less than; mins haban: nhd. weniger haben, nachstehen; ne. be inferior to

-- be infirm: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

-- be in harmony: got. miþqiþan* 1, mi-þ-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. mitsprechen, nachsprechen?; ne. concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree

-- be inimical towards: got. fijan 23, fi-j-an, fian*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hassen, verabscheuen; ne. hate (V.), be inimical towards, feel hostile towards

-- be in labour (with): got. fitan* 2, fit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. kreißen, gebären; ne. undergo childbirth pangs (with), give birth (to) amid throes, be in labour (with)

-- be in profusion: got. ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

-- be insensitive: got. *daubjan?, *dau-b-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. taub sein (V.), verstocken; ne. be insensitive, be numb, harden

-- be in servitude: got. skalkinōn 25, s-kal-k-i-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. dienen; ne. serve, do service, be in servitude, be a slave

-- be insistent: got. instandan* 2, in-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. bevorstehen, eintreten für; ne. be impending, be imminent, be insistent, urge (V.), stand ahead

-- be insolent: got. *usbalþjan, *us-bal-þ-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. wagen, sich erkühnen; ne. be arrogant, be insolent, brazen out

-- be in superfluity: got. ufarassjan 5, uf-ar-as-s-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. überfließend machen, überschwänglich machen, überfließen (intr.), im Überfluss vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be abundant, be in superfluity, be in profusion, make profuse

-- be intellectual intact: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact

-- be intelligent: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

-- be just enough: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements; *naúhan?, *naúh-an?,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.); ne. be just enough, be barely adequate

-- be kind-hearted: got. bleiþjan* 2, ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. barmherzig sein (V.), sich erbarmen, Mitleid hegen; ne. take pity, be kind-hearted, be merciful, be clement

-- be left: got. aflifnan* 8, af-li-f-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. be left, become left, be left over, remain (V.); *bileiban, *bi-lei-b-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. bleiben; ne. remain (V.), be left; *lifnan?, *li-f-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. rest (V.), remain (V.), be left

-- be left over: got. aflifnan* 8, af-li-f-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. be left, become left, be left over, remain (V.)

-- be less than: got. minnizō gataujan: nhd. nachstehen; ne. be inferior to, be less than

-- be let: got. *andlētan, *and-lē-t-an,  red. abl. V. (6): nhd. entlassen; ne. be let; *lētnan, *lē-t-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gelassen werden; ne. be let

-- be like: got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to

-- be limply bowed downwards: got. *hneipan, *hnei-p-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. betrüben; ne. droop, be limply bowed downwards, be downcast

-- be lord: got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over

-- be lost: got. fralusnan* 3, fra-lu-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verloren gehen, verloren werden; ne. be lost, become lost, perish

-- be lying down: got. ligan* 14, lig-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. liegen, darniederliegen; ne. lie (2) (V.), be lying down

-- be made alive: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- be marveled at: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

-- be master: got. fraujinōn 7, frau-ji-n-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. herrschen, Herr sein (V.); ne. be lord, be master, rule (V.), lord it over, rule over

-- be mentally retarded: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

-- be merciful: got. bleiþjan* 2, ble-i-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. barmherzig sein (V.), sich erbarmen, Mitleid hegen; ne. take pity, be kind-hearted, be merciful, be clement

-- be minded to: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- be mistaken: got. airzeis wairþan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong; airzeis wisan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong

-- be modest: got. waila fraþjan, got.: nhd. bescheiden sein (V.); ne. be modest

-- be moved with compassion: got. infeinan* 6, in-fei-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erbarmen, gerührt sein (V.); ne. have compassion, be moved with compassion, have pity

-- be mute: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?; þahan* 6, þah-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be taciturn, be mute, keep quiet, keep secret

-- be named: got. haitan 64, hai-t-an,  red. V. (1): nhd. heißen, nennen, heißen (pass., intr.), genannt werden, rufen, einladen (V.) (2), befehlen; ne. address (V.), speak to, call (V.), invite (V.), bid (V.), command (V.), order (V.), name (V.), be named, call (V.)

-- be near: got. atstandan* 8, at-sta-n-d-an*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, eintreten, hinzukommen, hinzutreten, zugegen sein (V.); ne. stand adjacently, stand within reach, stand near, stand nearby, come to stand near, be near, come to

-- be no longer: got. inwisan (?)* 1, in-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. bevorstehen (?), da sein (V.) (?); ne. have been discontinued, be elapsed, be no longer

-- be not a whit lesser: got. ni waihtai mins haban, got.: nhd. in nichts nachstehen; ne. be not a whit lesser

-- be numb: got. *daubjan?, *dau-b-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. taub sein (V.), verstocken; ne. be insensitive, be numb, harden; gadaubjan* 2, ga-dau-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verstocken, verstockt machen; ne. make insensitive, be numb, deaden, harden (V.)

-- be obliged: got. skulan* 75=74, skul-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. schuldig sein (V.), sollen, schulden, müssen; ne. owe (V.), be indebted, be obliged, shall, must (V.), have to, shall, will (V.)

-- be observant of: got. witan (2) 12, wi-t-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. auf etwas sehen, achtgeben, bewachen, hüten, halten, beobachten; ne. watch (V.), watch over, keep watch over, observe, give attention to, be observant of, give observance to, secure (V.)

-- be of an opinion: got. hugjan* 14, hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, meinen, glauben; ne. have one’s mind on, be minded to, be disposed, be of an opinion, think

-- be of avail: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail

-- be of concern to: got. kara wisan: nhd. sich kümmern; ne. worry s.o., be of concern to

-- be of sound mind: got. fullafraþjan* 1, ful-l-a-fraþ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual intact; waila fraþjan: nhd. bescheiden sein (V.), besonnen sein (V.); ne. be of sound mind

-- be of the opinion: got. fraþjan 48=47, fraþ-jan,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. denken, erkennen, verstehen, merken, verständig sein (V.), der Meinung sein (V.); ne. perceive, comprehend, understand, think, recognize, understand in a certain way, be of the opinion, be intelligent

-- be of use: got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.)

-- be of value: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- be on the lookout: got. *atwitan?, *at-wi-t-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. beobachten; ne. observe, be on the lookout

-- be on the way to somewhere: got. gaggan 205=203, ga-g-g-an,  def. red. V. (3): nhd. gehen, wandeln, umhergehen, kommen; ne. be on the way to somewhere, go (V.), come, walk (V.)

-- be opened: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

-- be opulent: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

-- be over: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- be overly raised up: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- be parched: got. gaþaúrsnan* 5, ga-þaúrs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up, wither, be parched

-- be patterned: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

-- be permitted: got. binaúhan* 3, bi-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. dürfen, erlaubt sein (V.), nötig sein (V.); ne. be permitted, be allowed, be just enough, be barely adequate, satisfy requirements

-- be permitted in: got. gamōtan* 3, ga-mōt-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (6), perfektiv: nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find room, have permission, may, find admission, be permitted in, be admitted; *mōtan, *mōt-an,  Prät.-Präs. (6): nhd. Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfen; ne. find admission, be permitted in, be admitted

-- be persuaded of: got. gatráuan* 22=21, ga-tráu-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauen; ne. trust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, entrust, put into the trust of

-- be pertinent: got. du þaurftai fairrinnan: nhd. zweckmäßig sein (V.), passen; ne. be pertinent

-- be physically harmful to: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

-- be physiologically injurious to: got. agljan* 1, ag-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. schaden, belästigen; ne. harm (V.), injure the health, be physically harmful to, be physiologically injurious to

-- be pleased: got. *gabaúrjōn, *ga-baúr-j-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich freuen; ne. be glad, be pleased

-- be pleasing to: got. waila galeikan: nhd. wohlgefällig sein (V.), wohlgefallen; ne. be pleasing to; leikan* 2, leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. gefallen, zu Gefallen sein (V.); ne. please (V.), be pleasing to; waila galeikan: nhd. wohlgefällig sein (V.), wohlgefallen; ne. be pleasing to

-- be pleasing to beforehand: got. faúragaleikan* 1, faúr-a-ga-leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. vorher gefallen; ne. be pleasing to beforehand, please beforehand, set forth

-- be poured out: got. usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- be powerful: got. magan* 136=135, mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5): nhd. können, vermögen; ne. be able, can (V.), have the ability, be powerful

-- be present: got. atwisan* 3, at-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. da sein (V.), zur Hand liegen; ne. be at hand, be imminent, be present; faúrawisan 2, faúr-a-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. vorhanden sein (V.); ne. be present, be in evidence, be at hand; wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

-- be present together with: got. miþwisan* 1, mi-þ-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. beistehen, zu Hilfe kommen; ne. be together with, be present together with, remain with

-- be preserved: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.)

-- be productive: got. waúrkjan 56=54, waúrk-jan, krimgot.?, unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. machen, wirken; ne. effect (V.), work (V.), produce, perform, engage in discharge, execute, operate, do (V.), be productive, be effective; lat. facere

-- be promulgated: got. usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

-- be proud: got. hauhaba hugjan: nhd. hoffärtig sein (V.); ne. be proud, be haughty

-- be public: got. usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

-- be puffed up: got. ufarhauhjan* 1, uf-ar-hau-h-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „überhöhen“, verblenden; ne. over-exalt, over-extol, be puffed up; ufblēsan* 3, uf-blē-s-an*,  red. V. (4): nhd. aufblasen, sich aufblähen; ne. blow up, puff up, boast (V.), be puffed up

-- be quiet: got. *silan?, *si-l-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. still sein (V.)?; ne. be quiet

-- be raised high: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- be ready: got. manwuba haban, got.: nhd. bereit sein (V.); ne. be ready

-- be reconciled: got. *waírþjan?, *waír-þ-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. friedlich sein (V.); ne. be reconciled

-- be reconciled to: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to; *gawaírþnan?, *ga-waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. versöhnt werden, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with; *waírþnan?, *waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. friedlich machen, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with

-- be released: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied; andlētnan 1, and-lē-t-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. scheiden, abscheiden, entlassen werden, aufgelöst werden, sich auflösen, sich losmachen; ne. be released, become released, separate (V.), die

-- be rent asunder: got. dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hnupnan?, *hnu-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. burst (V.), be rent asunder, become rent asunder

-- be rent in pieces: got. distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

-- be rescued: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.); *nisan?, *nis-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. genesen, gerettet werden; ne. be saved, be rescued

-- be restless: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

-- be restored to health: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health

-- be retarded: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull

-- be revivified: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- be rich: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

-- be riven: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; *skritnan?, *skri-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reißen (intr.); ne. be riven

-- be sanctified: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- be saved: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.); *nisan?, *nis-an?,  st. V. (5): nhd. genesen, gerettet werden; ne. be saved, be rescued

-- be scared: got. gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared

-- be seated: got. sitan 33, sit-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sitzen; ne. sit (V.), be sitting, be seated

-- be self-indulgent: got. wizōn* 1, wiz-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schwelgen; ne. live, lead a life, be self-indulgent

-- be separated: got. gaskaidnan* 1, ga-skai-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced; *skaidnan?, *skai-d-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced

-- be shipwrecked: got. usfarþōn gataujan us skipa, got.: nhd. Schiffbruch erleiden; ne. be shipwrecked; usfarþōn gataujan us skipa, got.: nhd. Schiffbruch erleiden; ne. be shipwrecked; usfarþōn gataujan us skipa, got.: nhd. Schiffbruch erleiden; ne. be shipwrecked

-- be shocked: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

-- be shut: got. *lūknan, *lūk-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich schließen; ne. be shut, become shut

-- be shut up: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

-- be sick: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

-- be silenced off: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- be silent: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?; gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret; slawan* 3, slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be silent, keep quiet, be still; þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- be sitting: got. sitan 33, sit-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. sitzen; ne. sit (V.), be sitting, be seated

-- be situated around: got. bisitan* 5, bi-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. herumsitzen, herumwohnen, umwohnen, nahe wohnen; ne. be situated around, neighbour (V.), dwell round about

-- be slow: got. sainjan* 1, sai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zögern, säumen; ne. be slow, delay (V.) (tr.), be tardy, be detained

-- be solved: got. ? *liusan?, *liu-s-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. lösen, los sein (V.)?; ne. remove (V.), solve, cancel, be solved?

-- be sorrowful: got. gahnipnan* 1, ga-hni-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich betrüben; ne. become downcast, become gloomy, be sorrowful; saúrgan 7, saúrg-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen, bekümmert sein (V.); ne. sorrow (V.), be sorrowful, grieve, worry (V.), be anxious, care (V.)

-- be spilled out: got. usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- be split apart: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

-- be spotted: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- be standing: got. standan 43, sta-n-d-an,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. stehen; ne. stand (V.), be standing

-- be stiff: got. *staúrran, *staúr-r-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. starr sein (V.)?; ne. be stiff

-- be still: got. slawan* 3, slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be silent, keep quiet, be still

-- be strong: got. inswinþjan sik: nhd. sich stark erweisen; ne. be strong, become strong

-- be struck aback: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

-- be submerged: got. gasiggqan* 2, ga-siggq-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. versinken, untergehen; ne. sink down, fall (V.), be submerged, become submerged, go down

-- be submissive: got. gakunnan* (1) (sik) 4, ga-kun-n-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (3): nhd. nachgeben, (sich) unterordnen, gehorchen; ne. submit, be submissive, defer to, acknowledge o.s. as subordinate, subordinate o.s., subject o.s.

-- be sufficient: got. ganaúhan* 4, ga-naúh-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4), m. Dat., m. Akk.: nhd. genügen, zur Genüge versehen sein (V.) mit; ne. suffice, be enough, be sufficient

-- be sufficient in: got. ganōhnan 1, ga-nōh-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. zur Genüge versehen sein (V.), genug sein (V.); ne. be sufficient in, become sufficient in, abound in; *nōhnan?, *nōh-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. genügen; ne. be sufficient in

-- be suffocated: got. afƕapnan* 6, af-ƕap-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ersticken, erlöschen (intr.); ne. choke (V.), be suffocated, become suffocated

-- be suitable: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile; gadaban 2, ga-dab-an,  st. V. (6), m. Akk.: nhd. sich ereignen, eintreffen, passen; ne. happen, be suitable, appertain to, pertain properly to, be appertinent to, be appropriate to

-- be sullied: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- be superior to: got. ufarwisan* 2, uf-ar-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. überragend sein (V.), übersteigen, hervorragen; ne. be above, be over, be superior to, exceed

-- be sure: got. aúftō 21=20, aúft-ō,  Adv.: nhd. allerdings, wohl, vielleicht, etwa; ne. in all probability, indeed, perhaps, certainly, be sure, no doubt; raíhtis 46, raíh-t-is,  Konj.: nhd. nämlich, doch, etwa, vielmehr, ja doch, denn; ne. certainly, positively, most assuredly, undeniably, specifically, namely, truly, in fact, indeed, be sure

-- be suspended: got. hāhan* (2) 1, hāh-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. hangen; ne. hang (V.), be suspended, cling to

-- be taciturn: got. þahan* 6, þah-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. schweigen; ne. be taciturn, be mute, keep quiet, keep secret

-- be taken aback: got. biabrjan* 1, bi-ab-r-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. außer sich geraten über, sich entsetzen, heftig werden; ne. be shocked, be struck aback, be taken aback, be agitated severely, be astonished

-- be tardy: got. *dwilan, *dwi-l-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. säumen, betäuben; ne. slow down, be tardy, be retarded, be mentally retarded, be dull; sainjan* 1, sai-n-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zögern, säumen; ne. be slow, delay (V.) (tr.), be tardy, be detained

-- be the cause of: got. gansjan* 2=1, gans-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verursachen; ne. be the cause of, generate, cause the beginning of

-- be thirsty: got. þaúrsjan* 4, þaúrs-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. dürsten; ne. make to thirst, be thirsty

-- be timid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- be together: got. miþgawisan* 1, mi-þ-ga-wi-s-an*,  anom. V., m. Dat.: nhd. zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.); ne. associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together

-- be together with: got. miþwisan* 1, mi-þ-wi-s-an*,  anom. V.: nhd. beistehen, zu Hilfe kommen; ne. be together with, be present together with, remain with

-- be torn asunder: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

-- be torn down: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

-- be torn off: got. aftaúrnan* 1, af-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abreißen (intr.); ne. tear off, be torn off, become torn off

-- be tough: got. *tahanjan?, *tah-an-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zäh sein (V.), streiten; ne. be tough, argue, quarrel (V.)

-- be troubled: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

-- be troubled about: got. maúrnan* 4, maúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. sorgen für, besorgt sein (V.); ne. be anxious, have anxiety about, be troubled about, worry (V.), concern oneself

-- be tumultuously noisy: got. auhjōn* 2, auhj-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. lärmen, schreien; ne. make a noise, be tumultuously noisy, make an uproar

-- be unbound: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

-- be uncertain: got. þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- be undiscovered: got. galaugnjan 3, ga-laug-n-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. verbergen, verborgen bleiben; ne. be undiscovered, escape detection, hide (V.), be hidden, conceal (V.)

-- be unlocked: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

-- be unsettled: got. gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- be unsettled by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- be untied: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

-- be unwilling: got. unwērjan 2, un-wēr-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. unwillig sein (V.), zürnen; ne. disagree, refuse to agree, be disagreeable, be unwilling

-- be upset by: got. andsitan* 4, and-sit-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. scheuen, Rücksicht nehmen; ne. be unsettled by, be upset by, lose (V.) one’s composure at, be discomfited by, avoid

-- be useful: got. wisan du bōtai, got.: nhd. zum Nutzen sein (V.); ne. be useful; dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- be utterly destroyed: got. fraqistnan* 16, fra-qis-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. umkommen, zugrunde gehen, verderben (intr.); ne. be utterly destroyed, become utterly destroyed, perish (V.); *qistnan?, *qis-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zugrunde gehen; ne. be utterly destroyed

-- be valid: got. gamagan* 1, ga-mag-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (5), perfektiv: nhd. gelten, bedeuten, vermögen; ne. have potency, have force, be effective, be valid, be of avail; *gildan, *gild-an,  st. V. (3,2): nhd. gelten; ne. be valid

-- be watchful: got. atsaíƕan* 10=9, at-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sehen auf, sich in Acht nehmen, sich hüten; ne. give heed, watch out, be careful, be watchful, note (V.)

-- be weak: got. siukan 9, siuk-an,  st. V. (2): nhd. siechen, siech sein (V.), krank sein (V.); ne. be feeble, be weak, be sick, be infirm

-- be well-disposed: got. waila hugjan, got.: nhd. wohlgesinnt sein (V.); ne. be well-disposed

-- be worthwile: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

-- be wrong: got. airzeis wairþan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong; airzeis wisan: nhd. sich irren; ne. be mistaken, be wrong

-- but then be it therefore: got. aþþan siai nū, got.: nhd. aber sei es; ne. but then be it therefore

-- cause to be completely happy: got. fullafahjan 3, ful-l-a-fah-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellen; ne. satisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully

-- claim to be: got. gahaitan* 8, ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. zusammenrufen, verheißen, sich bekennen zu; ne. convoke, summon together, profess, claim to be, promise (V.), announce as a pledge, call together

-- come to be: got. gagaggan* 7, ga-ga-g-g-an*,  def. red. unr. V. (3), perfektiv, ingressiv, effektiv: nhd. zusammenkommen, sich versammeln, kommen, sich begeben, eintreten, ausschlagen; ne. come together, gather, assemble, congregate, come about, come to pass, come to be, result (V.), come out; waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- consider to be: got. þagkjan 19, þagk-jan,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. denken, überlegen (V.); ne. think, deliberate, reason (V.), ponder, consider, consider to be, be engaged in thought, plan (V.), be uncertain, be silent

-- give away to be eaten: got. fraatjan* 1, fra-at-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. zum Essen austeilen; ne. give away to be eaten, dispense as food

-- it may be so that: got. jau 9, ja-u,  Partikel: nhd. ob; ne. it may be so that, is it so that, whether if, regarding whether

-- it may therefore be that: got. jau nū, got.: nhd. es kann folglich sein (V.) dass; ne. it may therefore be that

-- not to be told: got. unqēþs* 1, un-qēþ-s*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. unaussprechlich; ne. unspeakable, unutterable, not to be told

-- showing to be in the right: got. sunjōns* 3, s-un-j-ōn-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Verteidigung; ne. apologia, defence (N.), defence as true, showing to be in the right

-- show to be in the right: got. gasunjōn* 1, ga-s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. rechtfertigen; ne. show to be in the right, defend as true, vindicate, justify; sunjōn* 2=1, s-un-j-ōn*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. entschuldigen; ne. vindicate, show to be in the right, defend as true, justify as true, defend o.s.

-- start to be: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- tested to be unsuccessful: got. ungakusans* 4, un-ga-kus-an-s*,  Adj. (a) = Part. Prät.: nhd. verwerflich, nicht probehaltig; ne. unqualified, tested to be unsuccessful, unsuccessful in test

-- thought to be high: got. hauhþūhts 1, hau-h-þūh-t-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. hochmütig, verblendet; ne. high-seeming, thought to be high, impressing as high, haughty, arrogant, swollen with pride

-- unless it be alternatively that: got. niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that; niba þau þatei, got.: nhd. es sei denn dass; ne. unless it be alternatively that

-- wohlgesinnt sein (V.);  be well-disposed: got. waila hugjan: freundlich gesinnt sein (V.), wohlgesinnt sein (V.); ne. be well-disposed

beaker -- cusped beaker: got. stikls 16, sti-k-l-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Becher, Kelch; ne. pointed drinking horn, cusped beaker, chalice

beam -- wooden beam: got. ans* (1) 3, an-s*,  st. M.? (a): nhd. Balken; ne. wooden beam

bear -- bear a grudge against: got. neiwan* 1, neiw-an*,  st. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. es auf jemand abgesehen haben, grollen; ne. bear a grudge against

bear -- bear away: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue

bear -- bear down on: got. disdriusan* 1, dis-driu-s-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. befallen; ne. fall upon, descend upon, bear down on, beset, attack (V.)

bear -- bear forth: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue

bear -- bear fruit: got. gawrisqan* 1, ga-wri-sq-an*,  st. V. (3,2), perfektiv: nhd. Frucht bringen; ne. bear fruit, reach maturity, ripen, mature (V.)

bear -- bear hardship with: got. miþarbaidjan* 2, mi-þ-arbai-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitarbeiten, leiden mit; ne. labour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with

bear -- bear in mind: got. andþagkjan* (sik) 3, and-þag-k-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. einfallen, erinnern, gedenken, sich besinnen, überlegen (V.), bedenken, sich entsinnen; ne. bear in mind, think of, envision (V.), present to one’s mind, consider, know

bear -- bear in thither: got. innatbaíran* 2, in-n-at-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hineinbringen, hineintragen; ne. bear in thither, carry all the way in, bring in

bear -- bear (N.): got. *baira, *bair-a, *bera, *bere,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Bär (M.) (1); ne. bear (N.); ? *bel-,  Sb.: nhd. Streitaxt, Bär (M.) (1)?; ne. battleaxe, bear (N.)?

bear -- bear out: got. usbaíran 6, us-baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen, hervorbringen, vorbringen, ertragen; ne. bear away, bear forth, bear out, remove (V.), carry out, bring forth, produce (V.), proceed, continue; ūtbaíran* 1, ūt-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hinaustragen; ne. carry out, bear out, carry through

bear -- bear psychologically: got. frabaíran* 1, fra-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vertragen, ertragen; ne. bear psychologically, sustain psychologically, endure

bear -- bear through: got. þaírhbaíran* 1, þaír-h-baír-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. hindurchtragen; ne. carry through, bear through, produce; usþulan 19=18, us-þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erdulden, ertragen, sich annehmen; ne. tolerate, put up with, bear through, suffer through, endure, submit to

bear -- bear up: got. hafjan* 1, haf-jan*,  unr. st. V. (6): nhd. heben, aufheben; ne. hold up, bear up, lift (V.)

bear -- bear (V.): got. baíran 46=45, baír-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. tragen, leiden, erleiden, gebären, ertragen; ne. bear (V.), carry, bring, endure, suffer, give birth

bear -- bear (V.) (1): got. þulan 6, þul-an,  sw. V. (3): nhd. dulden, leiden; ne. tolerate, suffer, bear (V.) (1), endure

bear -- bear witness: got. weitwōdjan 38=37, wei-t-wōd-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeugen, bezeugen; ne. bear witness, testify, attest (V.)

bear -- bear witness together with: got. miþweitwōdjan* 1, mi-þ-wei-t-wōd-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. mitbezeugen; ne. testify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with

bear -- young bear: got. *hūns?, *hū-n-s?, *hūn,  st. M. (a): nhd. junger Bär; ne. young bear, cub (N.)

bearberry -- bearberry tree: got. baírabagms* 1, baír-a-bagm-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Maulbeerbaum; ne. bearberry tree, mulberry tree

beard: got. *bards (1) 1, *bard-s, bars,  bars, krim st. M.? (a): nhd. Bart; ne. beard; lat. barba; ? *grana, *gra-n-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bart?, Barthaar?, Zopf?; ne. beard?, plait?; ? *granō?, *gra-n-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Bart?, Barthaar?, Zopf?; ne. beard?, plait?; ? granus* 1, gra-n-us*, lat.- F.: nhd. Bart?, Barthaar?, Zopf?; ne. beard?, plait?

bearer -- bearer of official tidings: got. *sagja, *sag-j-a,  M. (n): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; *sagjis, *sag-ji-s,  M. (ja): nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings; saio 29, sai-o, saius, lat.- M.: nhd. Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?; ne. court messenger, bearer of official tidings

bearing -- patient bearing: got. usþulains* 2, us-þul-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Geduld; ne. endurance, enduring (N.), patient bearing, patience, steadfastness

beast: got. dius* 2, diu-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. wildes Tier, Tier; ne. wild beast, beast, wild animal, animal; unbiari* 1, un-biar-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. wildes Tier, Bestie; ne. beast, wild beast, brute (N.), wild animal

-- wild beast: got. dius* 2, diu-s*,  st. N. (a): nhd. wildes Tier, Tier; ne. wild beast, beast, wild animal, animal; unbiari* 1, un-biar-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. wildes Tier, Bestie; ne. beast, wild beast, brute (N.), wild animal

beat -- beat into: got. waltjan* 1, wal-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wälzen, stürzen; ne. roll (V.), tumble (V.), capsize, turn over, beat into

beat -- beat one’s breast over: got. flōkan* 1, flō-k-an*,  red. V. (5): nhd. betrauern, beklagen; ne. beat one’s breast over, bewail, mourn (V.)

beat -- beat severely: got. usbliggwan* 7, us-bli-ggw-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. durchbleuen; ne. beat severely, flog (V.), scourge (V.)

beat -- beat to death: got. bliggwan* 6, bli-gg-w-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. schlagen; ne. beat (V.), flog, strike (V.), beat to death, slay

beat -- beat (V.): got. *bautan?, *bau-t-an?,  st. V. (2): nhd. stoßen, schlagen, werfen; ne. punch (V.), beat (V.); bliggwan* 6, bli-gg-w-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. schlagen; ne. beat (V.), flog, strike (V.), beat to death, slay; slahan* 10, slah-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. schlagen, hauen, ohrfeigen (= lōfam slahan); ne. strike (V.), beat (V.), hit (V.), smite, give a blow, wound (V.)

beaten: got. *blauþs, *blau-þ-s, *blauþus,  Adj. (a): nhd. schwach, kraftlos; ne. powerless, beaten, stricken from power

beautiful: got. gadeltha 1, ga-delth-a, krim Adj. (a): nhd. schön; ne. beautiful; lat. pulchrum; gōþs 89, gōþ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, schön, tüchtig; ne. good (Adj.), of good quality, kind (Adj.), beautiful; skauns* 1, s-kau-n-s*, skauneis*,  Adj. (i/ja): nhd. anmutig; ne. beautiful, good-looking, sightly

-- equally beautiful: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

beauty -- of equal beauty: got. ibnaskauns* 1, ibn-a-skaun-s*, ibnaskauneis,  Adj. (i/ia): nhd. gleichschön, gleichgesichtig, gleichgestaltet; ne. of equal appearance, of equal sightliness, of equal beauty, equally beautiful, equal in form

because: got. allis 27, al-l-is,  Adv., Konj.: nhd. überhaupt, denn; ne. absolutely, in general, at all (in neg. sentences), because, completely, for, indeed, by all means, (by no means), (in neg. sentences), wholly; dūþē 50, dū-þē, duhþē, duþþē,  Konj., Adv.: nhd. deshalb, deswegen, weil, damit, dazu, darum dass; ne. therefore, to this end, for this reason, for this purpose, wherefore, because, on account of the fact that; duþē ei: nhd. deshalb weil (m. Ind.), darum dass (m. Opt.), damit (m. Opt.); ne. because, on account of the fact that, so that, in order that; in þizei: nhd. weshalb, weil; ne. because; þandē 19, þan-dē,  Konj.: nhd. wenn, weil, so lange als, da; ne. while (Konj.), as long as, if, if only, when, because, since; þatei 370,  Konj.: nhd. dass, weil, als ob; ne. that, the fact that, for, because

-- and therefore because of that: got. inuh þis nū, got.: nhd. und deshalb; ne. and therefore because of that

-- because of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from; in 1792,  Präp., Präf.: nhd. in, an, auf, unter, zu, während (Konj.), bei, über, nach, gegen, um, für, bis zu, wegen, um willen, durch; ne. in, into, unto, onto, at, within, when, while (Präp.), during, for, under, in virtue of, by, to, upon, until, on, because of, for the sake of, on account of, by means of, through, due

-- because of that: got. in ƕis: nhd. warum, weshalb; ne. because of that, why

-- because of the fact that: got. in þize ei, got.: nhd. deshalb dass; ne. because of the fact that

become: got. waírþan 472=470, waír-þ-an, krimgot.?, st. V. (3,2): nhd. werden, geschehen, geboren werden, entstehen, kommen, stattfinden, sich ereignen; ne. come to be, come to pass, come about, happen, come into existence, arise, originate, be born, become, turn (V.), start to be, get; lat. esse

-- army become subject to an army leader: got. draúhtinōn* 4, draú-h-t-in-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. Kriegsdienste tun, zu Felde ziehen, sammeln, dienen; ne. campaign (V.), serve under a war-lord, army be subject to an army leader, army become subject to an army leader, enlist

-- become adhered to: got. *haftnan?, *haf-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. angeheftet werden; ne. become adhered to

-- become afraid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- become aghast: got. usgeisnan* 8, us-gei-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich entsetzen, erstaunen, erschrecken; ne. be aghast, become aghast, stand aghast, go out of one’s senses, be astonished

-- become agitated: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- become alive: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified; *qiunan?, *qiu-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben; ne. become alive

-- become anxious: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- become awake: got. gawaknan* 1, ga-wak-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erwachen; ne. become awake, awake (V.), wake up; *waknan, *wak-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. wach werden; ne. become awake

-- become baptized: got. daupjan 24, daup-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. taufen, tauchen, sich taufen lassen; ne. immerse, baptize, wash o.s., be baptized, become baptized

-- become benefited: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

-- become better off: got. *batnan?, *bat-n-an?,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. besser werden; ne. become better off; gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage

-- become blind: got. afblindnan* 1, af-bli-n-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erblinden; ne. become blind, lose (V.) one’s sight

-- become bound: got. *bundnan?, *bund-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gebunden werden; ne. be bound, become bound

-- become broken: got. *bruknan?, *bruk-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gebrochen werden; ne. become broken

-- become broken off: got. usbruknan* 3, us-bruk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ausgebrochen werden, abgebrochen werden; ne. break off, become broken off

-- become brought to fulfillment: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- become burnt up: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- become clad with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- become closed: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

-- become clothed over with: got. ufarhamōn 2, uf-ar-ham-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. überziehen, sich mit etwas überkleiden, sich anziehen; ne. be clad with, become clad with, be clothed over with, become clothed over with, put on

-- become commodious: got. urrūmnan* 2, ur-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern, aufgehen; ne. become spacious, become commodious, enlarge, widen, open wide

-- become configured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- become consumed with flame: got. intundnan 1, in-tund-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. be consumed with flame, become consumed with flame, be burnt up, become burnt up, suffer greatly

-- become contaminated: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- become contoured: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

-- become converted: got. gawandjan 40, ga-wa-nd-jan,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. wenden, zurückwenden, hinlenken, bekehren, zurückgeben, hinwenden, umkehren, zurückkehren; ne. turn around, turn back, return (V.), turn (V.), revert (V.), become converted, convert (V.), bring back

-- become corrupt: got. frawaírþan* 1, fra-waír-þ-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. verderben (intr.), zugrunde gehen; ne. degenerate, spoil (V.), perish (intr.), become corrupt; riureis wairþan, got.: nhd. verdorben werden; ne. become corrupt

-- become cowardly: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- become dark: got. riqizjan* 1, riq-i-z-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. finster werden, dunkel werden; ne. be dark, become dark

-- become deaf: got. bauþs wairþan: nhd. taub werden, fade werden; ne. become deaf

-- become depicted in a visual image: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- become dirty: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty; *saulnan, *saul-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. schmutzig werden; ne. become dirty

-- become dismantled: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

-- become disordered: got. gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered; indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

-- become disturbed: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled; gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- become diverted: got. uswandjan* 3, us-wa-nd-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich wegwenden, sich entziehen, verfallen (V.), abweichen (V.) (2); ne. turn away, become diverted, withdraw, deviate

-- become downcast: got. gahnipnan* 1, ga-hni-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich betrüben; ne. become downcast, become gloomy, be sorrowful; *hnipnan?, *hni-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich betrüben, trauern; ne. become downcast, become gloomy

-- become dry: got. gaþaúrsnan* 5, ga-þaúrs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up, wither, be parched; *þaursnan?, *þaurs-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verdorren, vertrocknen; ne. become dry, dry up

-- become dumbfounded: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- become elevated: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- become exalted: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- become excessively exalted: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- become fat: got. *þiqjan?, *þiq-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. dick werden; ne. become fat

-- become filled: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled

-- become filled up: got. gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up; usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- become formed: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured; gafrisahtnan* 1, ga-frisah-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen, dargestellt werden; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape

-- become frightened: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious; gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared; *þlahsnan?, *þlahs-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened

-- become fulfilled: got. usfullnan* 19, us-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erfüllt werden von; ne. be filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fulfillment, become brought to fulfillment

-- become full: got. fullnan* 5, ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. voll werden, erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled, become filled; gafullnan* 4, ga-ful-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv, m. Gen.: nhd. erfüllt werden; ne. be full, become full, be filled up, become filled up

-- become furious: got. *grimman?, *grim-m-an?,  sw. V. (3): nhd. ergrimmen, zürnen; ne. become furious, incense (V.)

-- become furrowed: got. *snaírpan?, *snaír-p-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zusammenziehen, sich biegen, krümmen; ne. shrivel, become wrinkled, become furrowed, shrink up, curl up

-- become gloomy: got. gahnipnan* 1, ga-hni-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich betrüben; ne. become downcast, become gloomy, be sorrowful; *hnipnan?, *hni-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich betrüben, trauern; ne. become downcast, become gloomy

-- become glorified: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- become great: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

-- become greater: got. aukan* 1, auk-an*,  red. V. (2): nhd. sich mehren, sich vermehren; ne. become greater, increase (V.)

-- become hallowed: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- become hardened: got. afdaubnan* 1, af-dau-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ertauben, verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened; *daubnan?, *dau-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened

-- become healed: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health; hailjan sik, got.: nhd. geheilt werden; ne. become healed; *hailnan?, *hai-l-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. geheilt werden; ne. become healed

-- become holy: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- become increased: got. auknan* 1, auk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich mehren, dargebracht werden; ne. become increased, grow larger

-- become large: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

-- become left: got. aflifnan* 8, af-li-f-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. übrigbleiben; ne. be left, become left, be left over, remain (V.)

-- become less: got. minznan 3, mi-n-z-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abnehmen, sich mindern; ne. diminish, become less, decrease (V.)

-- become lifeless: got. diwan* 3, diw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. sterben; ne. lose (V.) all energy, become lifeless

-- become like: got. galeikōn 15, ga-leik-ōn,  sw. V. (2), m. Dat.: nhd. vergleichen (tr.), gleichen (intr.), nachahmen (intr.); ne. liken (V.), compare, be like, become like, imitate, resemble, make o.s. like, conform to

-- become lost: got. fralusnan* 3, fra-lu-s-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verloren gehen, verloren werden; ne. be lost, become lost, perish

-- become magnified: got. mikilnan 1, mik-il-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden; ne. become great, become magnified, become large, be enlarged

-- become marveled at: got. sildaleiknan 1, si-ld-a-leik-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bewundert werden; ne. be marveled at, become marveled at, be admired

-- become mute: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?; gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret

-- become numb: got. afdaubnan* 1, af-dau-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ertauben, verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened; *daubnan?, *dau-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstockt werden, taub werden; ne. grow insensitive, become numb, become hardened

-- become opened: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

-- become opulent: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

-- become overly raised up: got. ufarhafnan* 1, uf-ar-haf-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich überheben; ne. be excessively exalted, become excessively exalted, exalt o.s., be overly raised up, become overly raised up

-- become patterned: got. *frisahtnan?, *frisah-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abgebildet werden, Gestalt annehmen; ne. be depicted in a visual image, become depicted in a visual image, be configured, become configured, be formed, become formed, take shape, be patterned, become patterned, be contoured, become contoured

-- become poured out: got. *gutnan?, *gu-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gegossen werden; ne. become poured out, become spilled out; usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- become promulgated: got. usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

-- become public: got. *mērnan?, *mē-r-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. bekannt werden; ne. become public; usmērnan* 1, us-mē-r-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich verbreiten, sich ausbreiten; ne. be promulgated, become promulgated, be public, become public, spread (intr.)

-- become quiescent: got. anasilan* 1, an-a-si-l-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. still werden, nachlassen, verstummen; ne. sink to rest, come to a standstill, become quiescent, cease, grow calm

-- become quiet: got. anaslawan* 1, an-a-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, still werden; ne. become silent, become tranquil, become quiet

-- become raised high: got. ushauhnan 2, us-hau-h-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verherrlicht werden, erhöhen, erhöht werden; ne. be raised high, become raised high, be elevated, become elevated, be exalted, become exalted, be glorified, become glorified

-- become raised on high: got. *hauhnan?, *hau-h-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erhöht werden; ne. become raised on high

-- become reconciled to: got. gagawaírþnan 1, ga-ga-waírþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. sich versöhnen, versöhnt werden; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with, find concord to; gasibjōn 1, ga-si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to; *gawaírþnan?, *ga-waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. versöhnt werden, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with; *sibjōn, *si-b-jōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. sich versöhnen; ne. make peace with, become reconciled to; *waírþnan?, *waír-þ-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. friedlich machen, sich versöhnen; ne. be reconciled to, become reconciled to, come together with

-- become released: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied; andlētnan 1, and-lē-t-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. scheiden, abscheiden, entlassen werden, aufgelöst werden, sich auflösen, sich losmachen; ne. be released, become released, separate (V.), die

-- become removed: got. *lusnan?, *lu-s-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gelöst werden?; ne. become removed

-- become rent asunder: got. dishnupnan* 1, dis-hnu-p-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. be rent asunder, become rent asunder, break apart, tear (V.), burst (V.); *hnupnan?, *hnu-p-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.), zerrissen werden; ne. burst (V.), be rent asunder, become rent asunder

-- become restless: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

-- become restored to health: got. gahailnan* 5, ga-hai-l-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geheilt werden, hergestellt werden, gesund werden; ne. be healed, become healed, be restored to health, become restored to health

-- become revivified: got. gaqiunan* 4, ga-qiu-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. aufleben, lebendig werden; ne. become alive, come to a life, revive, be made alive, be revivified, become revivified

-- become rich: got. gabignan* 2, gab-ig-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. reich sein (V.); ne. be rich, become rich, be opulent, become opulent

-- become rigid: got. gastaúrknan* 1, ga-staúr-k-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vertrocknen, verdorren; ne. become rigid, stiffen, wither (V.); *staúrknan?, *staúr-k-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verdorren; ne. become rigid

-- become riven: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

-- become sanctified: got. weihnan* 1, weih-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. heilig werden, heilig gehalten werden; ne. be hallowed, become hallowed, become holy, be sanctified, become sanctified

-- become saved: got. ganisan 24, ga-nis-an,  st. V. (5), perfektiv: nhd. genesen, gerettet werden, selig werden; ne. be saved, become saved, be rescued, be preserved, be healed, recover (V.)

-- become scared: got. gaþlahsnan* 1, ga-þlahs-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erschrecken (intr.); ne. be frightened, become frightened, be scared, become scared

-- become scorched: got. ufbrinnan* 1, uf-bri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verbrennen (intr.); ne. burn up, become scorched

-- become separated: got. gaskaidnan* 1, ga-skai-d-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced; *skaidnan?, *skai-d-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. geschieden werden, sich scheiden; ne. be separated, become separated, get divorced

-- become shut: got. *lūknan, *lūk-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich schließen; ne. be shut, become shut

-- become shut up: got. galuknan* 1, ga-luk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich verschließen, verschlossen werden; ne. be shut up, become shut up, be closed, become closed

-- become sick: got. suqnan*, suqn-an*, suknan*?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. krank werden; ne. become sick, sicken

-- become silenced off: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- become silent: got. afdōbnan* 1, af-dō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. be mute, become mute, be silent, become silent, hold one’s peace; anaslawan* 1, an-a-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, still werden; ne. become silent, become tranquil, become quiet; ? *dōbnan?, *dō-b-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen?; ne. be mute?, become mute?, be silent?, become silent?, hold one’s peace?

-- become spacious: got. *rūmnan, *rū-m-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. Platz werden; ne. become spacious; urrūmnan* 2, ur-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern, aufgehen; ne. become spacious, become commodious, enlarge, widen, open wide; usrūmnan* 1, us-rū-m-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. sich erweitern; ne. become spacious

-- become speechless: got. afslauþnan 3, af-s-lau-þ-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. erschrecken (intr.), sich entsetzen; ne. be amazed, be dumbfounded, become dumbfounded, be silenced off, become silenced off, become speechless, be at a loss for words

-- become spilled out: got. *gutnan?, *gu-t-n-an?,  sw. V. (4): nhd. gegossen werden; ne. become poured out, become spilled out; usgutnan* 3, us-gu-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verschüttet werden; ne. be poured out, become poured out, be spilled out, become spilled out

-- become split apart: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart

-- become spotted: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- become still: got. afdumbnan* 1, af-du-m-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. verstummen; ne. become still, subside into silence, fall off into dumbness; gaslawan* 1, ga-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. schweigen, verstummen; ne. become still, quiet down

-- become strengthened: got. gaswinþnan 1, ga-swinþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erstarken, stark werden; ne. become strong, wax strong, become strengthened

-- become strong: got. *abrjan?, *ab-r-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. stark werden; ne. become strong; gaswinþnan 1, ga-swinþ-n-an,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. erstarken, stark werden; ne. become strong, wax strong, become strengthened; inswinþjan sik: nhd. sich stark erweisen; ne. be strong, become strong; swinþnan* 2, swinþ-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. stark werden; ne. become strong

-- become submerged: got. gasiggqan* 2, ga-siggq-an*,  st. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. versinken, untergehen; ne. sink down, fall (V.), be submerged, become submerged, go down

-- become sufficient in: got. ganōhnan 1, ga-nōh-n-an,  sw. V. (4), m. Dat.: nhd. zur Genüge versehen sein (V.), genug sein (V.); ne. be sufficient in, become sufficient in, abound in

-- become suffocated: got. afƕapnan* 6, af-ƕap-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. ersticken, erlöschen (intr.); ne. choke (V.), be suffocated, become suffocated

-- become sullied: got. bisaulnan* 1, bi-saul-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. besudelt werden, befleckt werden, verunreinigt werden; ne. be contaminated, become contaminated, be spotted, become spotted, be sullied, become sullied, be dirty, become dirty

-- become taciturn: got. gaþahan* 2, ga-þah-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, das Schweigen fortsetzen; ne. cease speaking, become taciturn, become mute, shut up, be silent, keep secret

-- become timid: got. faúrhtjan* 6, faúrh-t-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. sich fürchten; ne. be frightened, become frightened, be afraid, become afraid, be cowardly, become cowardly, be timid, become timid, be anxious, become anxious

-- become torn asunder: got. disskritnan* 3, dis-skri-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, be riven, become riven, be split apart, become split apart; distaúrnan* 1, dis-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn asunder, become torn asunder, tear apart, be rent in pieces

-- become torn down: got. gataúrnan* 5, ga-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. vergehen (intr.), aufhören, zerreißen (intr.); ne. be torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (V.), vanish, cease

-- become torn off: got. aftaúrnan* 1, af-taúr-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. abreißen (intr.); ne. tear off, be torn off, become torn off

-- become tranquil: got. anaslawan* 1, an-a-slaw-an*,  sw. V. (3), perfektiv: nhd. verstummen, still werden; ne. become silent, become tranquil, become quiet

-- become troubled: got. drōbnan 1, drō-b-n-an,  sw. V. (4): nhd. unruhig werden, erschüttert werden, sich beunruhigen; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be restless, become restless, be disturbed, become disturbed, be troubled, become troubled

-- become unbound: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

-- become unlocked: got. uslūknan* 9, us-lūk-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. sich erschließen, sich öffnen; ne. be opened, become opened, be unlocked, become unlocked

-- become unsettled: got. gadrōbnan* 2, ga-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten; ne. be agitated, become agitated, be unsettled, become unsettled, be disturbed, become disturbed, become disordered

-- become untied: got. andbundnan* 1, and-bund-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. entbunden werden, gelöst werden; ne. be unbound, become unbound, be released, become released, be untied, become untied

-- become utterly destroyed: got. fraqistnan* 16, fra-qis-t-n-an*,  sw. V. (4): nhd. umkommen, zugrunde gehen, verderben (intr.); ne. be utterly destroyed, become utterly destroyed, perish (V.)

-- become wrinkled: got. *snaírpan?, *snaír-p-an?,  st. V. (3): nhd. zusammenziehen, sich biegen, krümmen; ne. shrivel, become wrinkled, become furrowed, shrink up, curl up

-- cause to become: got. briggan 39, bri-g-g-an,  unr. st. V., sw. V.: nhd. bringen, führen machen; ne. bring, lead (V.), conduct (V.), render, cause to become

-- start to become disturbed: got. indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

becoming -- it ist becoming: got. gaqimiþ: nhd. es ziemt sich; ne. it ist becoming, it is befitting

becoming -- not becoming extinguished: got. unƕapnands* 3, un-ƕap-n-an-d-s*,  sw. Adj. = Part. Präs.: nhd. unauslöschlich; ne. quenchless, undying, not becoming extinguished, unquenchable, inextinguishable

becomingly: got. *fēhaba?, *fēh-a-ba?,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, pleasant-appearingly, decorously, becomingly; gafēhaba 1, ga-fēh-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. anständig, ehrbar; ne. with pleasant appearance, decorously, becomingly; waírþaba 4, waír-þ-a-ba,  Adv.: nhd. wert, würdig; ne. worthily, becomingly

bed -- bed (N.): got. badi* 7, bad-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Bett; ne. bed (N.), pallet; ligrs* 9, lig-r-s*,  st. M. (a): nhd. Lager, Bett, Beilager; ne. bed (N.), couch, apparatus for lying on, lying abed for coitus, sexual intercourse

bedroom: got. hēþjō* 1, hē-þ-j-ō*,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Kammer; ne. chamber, cubicle, bedroom

„beeing -- „beeing beside the way“: got. *ussinþs?, *us-sinþ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. „außer dem Weg befindlich“, besonders; ne. „beeing beside the way“, particular

been -- have been discontinued: got. inwisan (?)* 1, in-wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. bevorstehen (?), da sein (V.) (?); ne. have been discontinued, be elapsed, be no longer

befitting -- it is befitting: got. gaqimiþ: nhd. es ziemt sich; ne. it ist becoming, it is befitting

before: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of; faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to; faúrþizei 9, faúrþ-iz-ei,  Konj.: nhd. bevor, ehe; ne. before, before the time when; fram 185=183, fra-m,  Präp., Adv., Präf.: nhd. weiter, von, von ... her, von ... an, an, vor, seit, bei; ne. forwards, forth, from, at, by, near, farther, thence, since, before, about

-- area before the town gates: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

-- before everything: got. frumist 14, fru-m-ist,  Adv. (Superl.): nhd. zuerst; ne. firstly, at first, before everything, first of all

-- before that: got. faúrþis 23, faúrþ-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. zuvor, früher, vorher; ne. earlier, before that, beforehand, aforetime

-- before the face of: got. in andwairþja: nhd. vor; ne. before the face of, in the presence of, facing

-- before the lapse of: got. bi 376=373,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. um, herum, an, in, innerhalb, inbetreff, über, gemäß, bei, nach, betreffs, zu; ne. by, at, around, near, round about, about, over, concerning, approximately, within the time of, before the lapse of, in the number of, on account of, because of, on, upon, against, off of, off from, onto, upon, from

-- before the time when: got. faúrþizei 9, faúrþ-iz-ei,  Konj.: nhd. bevor, ehe; ne. before, before the time when

-- bring before the eyes of: got. ataugjan 23, at-aug-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat., perfektiv: nhd. zeigen, erscheinen (=sik ataugjan); ne. bring before the eyes of, show to

-- come before: got. faúraqiman* 1, faúr-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vorgehen, vor jemand hergehen; ne. precede s.o., come in advance, come before, go before

-- day before Sabbath: got. fruma sabbatō: nhd. Vorsabbat, Tag vor dem Sabbat; ne. day before Sabbath

-- delineate before: got. faúramēljan* 1, faúr-a-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorzeichnen, vormalen, vor Augen malen; ne. depict in front of, delineate before, display publicly

-- from before: got. iupana 1, iup-a-na,  Adv.: nhd. von oben, von Anfang an, von vorne; ne. from above, from before, again from the start, anew

-- go before: got. faúragaggan 6=5, faúr-a-ga-g-g-an,  def. red. unr. V. (3): nhd. vorangehen, vorstehen; ne. go before, precede, go in front of, preside over, govern; faúraqiman* 1, faúr-a-qi-m-an*,  st. V. (4): nhd. vorgehen, vor jemand hergehen; ne. precede s.o., come in advance, come before, go before; faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

-- hang before: got. *faúrhāhan?, *faúr-hāh-an?,  red. V. (3): nhd. vorhängen; ne. hang before

-- hasten on before: got. faúrbisniwan* 1, faúr-bi-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorangehen, zuvorkommen; ne. speed on ahead, hasten on before, precede

-- lay before: got. atlagjan* 8, at-lag-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. hinlegen, auflegen, Geld anlegen, legen, werfen, aufsetzen; ne. lay on, lay onto, lay into, lay at, lay before, deposit at; faúrlagjan 3, faúr-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorlegen, vorsetzen; ne. lay before, set in front of, put forth, place before; ussakan* 1, us-sak-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. erörtern, vorlegen, ausführlich vortragen; ne. expound, elaborate on, explain the argument of, explicate, lay before

-- make roll up before: got. faúrwalwjan* 1, faúr-wal-w-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorwälzen, davorwälzen; ne. roll to, make roll up before, move in front of by rolling

-- place before: got. faúrlagjan 3, faúr-lag-jan,  sw. V. (1), m. Dat.: nhd. vorlegen, vorsetzen; ne. lay before, set in front of, put forth, place before

-- put a seal before: got. faúrsigljan* 1, faúr-sig-l-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. versiegeln; ne. seal up, seal off, put a seal before, set one’s seal

-- put before: got. insakan* 5, in-sak-an*,  st. V. (6), m. Akk., m. Dat.: nhd. vorstellen, anraten, eintreten für, bezeichnen, vortragen, anzeigen; ne. propound an argument, present the case, expound, declare, explain, give an account, recount (V.), designate, put before

-- put before the eyes: got. augjan* 2, aug-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. zeigen; ne. put before the eyes, show (V.), exhibit

-- run before: got. faúrrinnan* 1, faúr-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. vorhergehen; ne. run before, be a precursor, precede, go before

-- run up before: got. duatrinnan* 1, du-at-ri-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3): nhd. hinzurennen, hinzulaufen; ne. run up to, run up before

-- set before: got. atsatjan 3, at-sat-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darstellen; ne. present (V.), set before; faúragasatjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. „vorsetzen“, vorstellen, darstellen; ne. set before, present (V.), bring to

-- space before the door: got. faúradaúri* 1, faúr-a-daúr-i*,  st. N. (ja),: nhd. Straße, Gasse; ne. street, ante-portal area, door-front area, fore-court, space before the door, area before the town gates

-- stand before: got. faúrastandan* 3, faúr-a-sta-n-d-an*,  st. V. (6): nhd. dabeistehen, vorstehen; ne. stand in front, stand before, stand by, be a bystander, be at the head of, preside over, supervise; *faúrstandan?, *faúr-sta-n-d-an?,  st. V. (6): nhd. vorstehen; ne. stand before

-- tell before: got. fauraqiþan* 9=8, faur-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorhersagen; ne. tell before, tell beforehand, foretell the future, prophesy

-- write before: got. faúragamēljan* 2, faúr-a-ga-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherschreiben, verkünden; ne. write before, write beforehand

beforehand: got. faúra 61, faúr-a,  Präp. m. Dat., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (räuml.), vor- (Verbalpräf.), für, vorn, längs, vorher; ne. ahead, before, in front, previously, formerly, once, beforehand, heretofore, hitherto, in front of, beside, prior to, previous to; faúrþis 23, faúrþ-is,  Adv. (Komp.): nhd. zuvor, früher, vorher; ne. earlier, before that, beforehand, aforetime

-- announce beforehand: got. faúragateihan* 2, faúr-a-ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. vorherverkünden, vorhersagen; ne. announce beforehand, know beforehand, tell beforehand

-- be pleasing to beforehand: got. faúragaleikan* 1, faúr-a-ga-leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. vorher gefallen; ne. be pleasing to beforehand, please beforehand, set forth

-- decree beforehand: got. *faúragaraidjan 1, *faúr-a-ga-rai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen?; ne. enjoin in advance, mandate beforehand, decree beforehand

-- do beforehand: got. faúrsniwan* 3, faúr-sniw-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorwegnehmen, vorausgehen, zuvorkommen; ne. hurry ahead of time, hasten in anticipation, speed in anticipation, precede in swiftness, go ahead, do beforehand

-- finish preparing beforehand: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand

-- hope beforehand: got. faúrawēnjan* 2=1, faúr-a-wēn-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorher hoffen; ne. hope beforehand

-- intend beforehand: got. faúragarēdan* 3=2, faúr-a-ga-rē-d-an*,  red. abl. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen; ne. purpose in advance, intend beforehand, predetermine

-- know beforehand: got. faúragateihan* 2, faúr-a-ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. vorherverkünden, vorhersagen; ne. announce beforehand, know beforehand, tell beforehand

-- make ready beforehand: got. faúragamanwjan* 3, faúr-a-ga-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherbereiten, vorher zubereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand, finish preparing beforehand; faúramanwjan* 1, faúr-a-manw-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorbereiten; ne. prepare ahead of time, make ready beforehand

-- make up one’s mind beforehand: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth

-- mandate beforehand: got. *faúragaraidjan 1, *faúr-a-ga-rai-d-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorherbestimmen?; ne. enjoin in advance, mandate beforehand, decree beforehand

-- pass judgement beforehand: got. *faúrdōmjan?, *faúr-dō-m-jan?,  sw. V. (1): nhd. vorher urteilen; ne. pre-judge (V.), pass judgement beforehand

-- please beforehand: got. faúragaleikan* 1, faúr-a-ga-leik-an*,  sw. V. (3), m. Dat.: nhd. vorher gefallen; ne. be pleasing to beforehand, please beforehand, set forth

-- promise beforehand: got. faúragahaitan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. zuvor verheißen; ne. promise beforehand, pre-announce as a pledge, foretell

-- take an attitude beforehand: got. faúragahugjan* 1, faúr-a-ga-hug-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. „vorherdenken“, sich vornehmen; ne. make up one’s mind beforehand, take an attitude beforehand, set forth

-- tell beforehand: got. faúragateihan* 2, faúr-a-ga-tei-h-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. vorherverkünden, vorhersagen; ne. announce beforehand, know beforehand, tell beforehand; fauraqiþan* 9=8, faur-a-qiþ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. vorhersagen; ne. tell before, tell beforehand, foretell the future, prophesy

-- write beforehand: got. faúragamēljan* 2, faúr-a-ga-mēl-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. vorherschreiben, verkünden; ne. write before, write beforehand

beg: got. aihtrōn 5, aih-tr-ōn,  sw. V. (2): nhd. beten, betteln, erbitten, für sich verlangen; ne. beg, pray, request for oneself, beseech, supplicate; *aiskōn?, *ais-k-ōn?,  sw. V. (2): nhd. fragen, fordern; ne. ask, ask for, beg, demand (V.), look for; bidai anahaitan: nhd. anrufen, bitten; ne. call on, ask, beg; bidjan 134=133, bid-jan,  unr. st. V. (5): nhd. bitten, beten, betteln; ne. pray, beseech, request (V.), entreat, ask, ask a favour, ask for, beg, petition for

beget: got. ussatjan* 8, us-sat-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. daraufsetzen, pflanzen, erzeugen, aussenden, zusammensetzen, gründen; ne. make sit, plant (V.), set (V.), procreate, beget, send out, commit, establish, generate

begetting: got. ussateins* 1, us-sat-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Ursprung; ne. semination, seeding (N.), sowing (N.) (2), engendering, begetting, origin

beggar: got. bidagwa 1, bid-ag-w-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Bettler; ne. beggar

-- beggar (M.): got. þarba, M.: nhd. Bettler; ne. beggar (M.)

begging -- assume a begging position: got. knussjan* 2, knu-s-s-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. niederfallen?, auf die Knie fallen, knien; ne. fall on one’s knee, assume a begging position

begging -- assuming a begging position: got. kniwam knussjands, got.: nhd. mit den Knien Bittstellung einnehmend; ne. assuming a begging position

begin -- begin quaking: got. inreiran* 1, in-reir-an*,  sw. V. (3): nhd. erzittern, erbeben; ne. come to shake, begin quaking, tremble (V.)

begin -- begin to be troubled: got. indrōbnan* 3, in-drō-b-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), ingressiv: nhd. in Bestürzung geraten, erschüttert werden; ne. begin to be troubled, start to become disturbed, become disordered

begin -- begin (V.): got. anastōdjan* 9, an-a-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben, beginnen; ne. begin (V.), start (V.); duginnan* 47=46, du-gi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. beginnen, anfangen, versuchen, (werden); ne. begin (V.), attempt, undertake, shall being; dustōdjan* 5=4, du-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben; ne. start (V.), begin (V.), commence, make a beginning; *ginnan, *gi-n-n-an,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. beginnen; ne. begin (V.)

beginning -- beginning (N.): got. anastōdeins 13, an-a-stō-d-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Anfang; ne. beginning (N.), commencement, start (N.); *frum?, *fru-m?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Anfang; ne. beginning (N.), start (N.), inception; *frumei, *fru-m-ei,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Anfang; ne. beginning (N.), start (N.); frumisti* 3, fru-m-ist-i*,  st. N. (ja): nhd. Anfang; ne. outset, beginning (N.), start (N.)

beginning -- cause the beginning of: got. gansjan* 2=1, gans-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. verursachen; ne. be the cause of, generate, cause the beginning of

beginning -- make a beginning: got. dustōdjan* 5=4, du-stō-d-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. anfangen, anheben; ne. start (V.), begin (V.), commence, make a beginning

beguile: got. lutōn* 1, lut-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. täuschen, betrügen, Verführer (= lutōnds); ne. deceive, delude, beguile, deceiver (= lutōnds); uslutōn* 9, us-lut-ōn*,  sw. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. verführen, irreführen; ne. deceive, delude, beguile, mislead

beguiling: got. birūnains* 1, bi-rū-n-ain-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Nachstellung, Anschlag; ne. plotting (N.), intrigue (N.), beguiling

behalf -- on behalf of: got. faúr 79=78,  Präp. m. Akk., Adv., Präf.: nhd. vor (zeitl. und räuml.), längs, für, inbetreff, um willen, über; ne. in front, ahead, before, along, beside, alongside, at the edge of, prior to, previous to, for, for the sake of, on behalf of

behave: got. usmitan 6, us-mi-t-an,  st. V. (5): nhd. wandeln, leben, sich benehmen; ne. behave, comport o.s., conduct o.s.

-- behave disgracefully: got. aiwiskōn* 1, aiw-isk-ōn*,  sw. V. (2): nhd. schändlich handeln; ne. behave disgracefully, treat shamefully

behaviour: got. usmēt* 6, us-mē-t*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Lebensführung, Lebenswandel, Bürgerrecht, Wandel; ne. behaviour, conduct (N.), mode of life, way of life, culture, cultural community, polity, society, citizenship, life of a citizen

behead: got. afmaitan* 8, af-mai-t-an*,  red. V. (1): nhd. abhauen, abschneiden; ne. cut off, sever, amputate, chop off, behead

behest: got. haiti* 2, hai-t-i*,  st. F. (jō): nhd. Geheiß, Befehl; ne. behest, order (N.), command (N.), promise (N.)

behind: got. afta 1, af-t-a,  Adv.: nhd. hinten; ne. behind; hindana 1, hi-n-d-ana,  Adv., m. Gen.: nhd. hinter, jenseits; ne. beyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind; hindar 15, hi-n-dar,  Präp., m. Akk., m. Dat., Präf.: nhd. hinter, jenseits, über; ne. behind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the part of, surpassing, ahead of, over to, to the other side of

-- from behind: got. aftana 1, af-ta-na,  Adv.: nhd. von hinten; ne. from behind; *aftarō 3, *af-ta-r-ō,  Adv.: nhd. von hinten, hinten; ne. in back of, from behind

-- leave behind: got. bilaibjan* 1, bi-lai-b-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übriglassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining; bileiþan* 26, bi-lei-þ-an*,  st. V. (1): nhd. verlassen (V.), zurücklassen, hinterlassen; ne. leave behind, relinquish, abandon (V.); *laibjan, *lai-b-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. übrig lassen; ne. leave over, leave behind, leave remaining

-- what remains behind: got. bilaif* 1, bi-lai-f*, bilaifs* 1?,  st. N. (a): nhd. Überrest, Rest; ne. what remains behind, surviving remnant, remains (N.)

behold: got. þaírhsaíƕan* 1, þaír-h-saíƕ-an*,  st. V. (5): nhd. durchschauen, im Spiegel erblicken; ne. look through a mirror, behold; þaruh sai: nhd. und siehe da; ne. and see there, behold; *wleitan?, *wlei-t-an?,  st. V. (1): nhd. sehen; ne. look (V.), behold

-- behold (Interj.): got. sai 101,  Adv., Interj.: nhd. siehe (Interj.); ne. see (Interj.), look (Interj.), behold (Interj.)

-- behold (Konj.): got. sai nū: nhd. folglich, also; ne. therefore, behold (Konj.)

being -- be in being: got. wisan (1) 1659=1646, wi-s-an,  anom. V.: nhd. sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleiben; ne. be, exist, be in being, have existence, be present

being -- being (N.): got. *wēsei?, *wē-s-ei?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Sein; ne. being (N.); wists* 9, wi-s-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wesen, Natur; ne. essence, inherent nature, being (N.)

being -- being present: got. andwaírþs 9, and-waír-þ-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gegenwärtig; ne. present (Adj.), being present

being -- being puffed up: got. ufswalleins* 1, uf-swal-l-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō),: nhd. Aufgeblasenheit, Hochmut; ne. swelling up, swollenness, bloatedness, vanity, being puffed up

being -- female being: got. qinein* 1, qin-ein*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Frauenzimmer, Weibchen; ne. female (F.), female being, silly woman

being -- human being: got. manna (1) 316, man-n-a,  unr. M.: nhd. Mensch, Mann, m-Rune; ne. man (M.), human being, person, name of m-rune

being -- inner being: got. haírþra 2, haír-þ-r-a,  N. (a) Pl.: nhd. Eingeweide, Herz, Inneres; ne. intestines, viscera, entrails, heart, bosom, inner being

being -- male human being: got. guma 4, gum-a,  st. M. (n): nhd. Mann; ne. male human being, man (M.)

being -- shall being: got. duginnan* 47=46, du-gi-n-n-an*,  st. V. (3,1): nhd. beginnen, anfangen, versuchen, (werden); ne. begin (V.), attempt, undertake, shall being

belief: got. galaubeins (1) 104, ga-laub-ein-s,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Glaube; ne. belief, faith

believe: got. galaubjan 146=145, ga-laub-jan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, anvertrauen; ne. believe, permit, have faith in, be confident of, have confidence in; miþniman 1, mi-þ-nim-an,  st. V. (4): nhd. annehmen, gelten lassen; ne. take together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, receive, believe; munan* (1) 19, mun-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (4): nhd. meinen, glauben, dafür halten; ne. reckon, believe, suppose, consider, deem (V.), think; þugkjan* 23, þugk-jan*,  unr. sw. V. (1): nhd. glauben, meinen, gelten, erscheinen, dünken; ne. have the impression, suppose, opine (V.), deem (V.), it seems (=þugkeiþ), believe, appear

-- not believe: got. ni galaubjan, got.: nhd. nicht glauben; ne. not believe

believing: got. galaubeins* (2) 1, ga-laub-ein-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. gläubig; ne. believing, faithful

bell -- bell (1): got. *skilla?, *s-kil-l-a?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Schelle, Glocke; ne. bell (1)

belly: got. *būks, *bū-k-s,  st. M. (a): nhd. Bauch; ne. stomach, belly; qiþus* 4, qi-þ-u-s*,  st. M. (u): nhd. Magen, Mutterschoß, Bauch; ne. stomach, belly, womb

-- belly (N.): got. wamba 11, wamb-a,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Bauch, Schoß (F.) (1), Leib; ne. viscera, womb, uterus, internal abdominal organs, belly (N.)

belongings: got. aigin* 6, aig-in*,  st. N. (a): nhd. Eigentum, Vermögen; ne. belongings, possessions, property; aihts* 2, aih-t-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Eigentum, Besitz, Habe, Gut; ne. belongings, property, possessions

beloved: got. *freiþs?, *frei-þ-s?,  Adj. (a): nhd. hübsch, schön; ne. nice, pleasant, dear, beloved, attractive; liufs* 23, liuf-s*,  Adj. (a): nhd. lieb, geliebt; ne. beloved, dear (Adj.), loved (Adj.); walisa* 5, wa-l-is-a*, valis*,  sw. Adj.: nhd. echt, lauter, geliebt; ne. chosen (Adj.), espoused, beloved, genuine

-- beloved person: got. *hulþa, *hul-þ-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Holder; ne. beloved person, sweetheart (M.); *hulþō?, *hul-þ-ō?,  sw. F. (n): nhd. Holde; ne. beloved person, sweetheart (F.)

below: got. dalaþa 1, dal-aþ-a,  Adv.: nhd. unten; ne. below, beneath, down below

-- down below: got. dalaþa 1, dal-aþ-a,  Adv.: nhd. unten; ne. below, beneath, down below

-- from below: got. dalaþrō 1, dal-aþ-rō,  Adv.: nhd. von unten, unten; ne. from below, from beneath

belt -- belt (N.): got. gaírda* 2, gaír-d-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Gürtel, Gurt; ne. belt (N.), girdle (N.); *strigga, *stri-gg-a,  Sb.: nhd. Nessel, Riemen (M.) (1); ne. belt (N.), strap (N.)

bench: got. *bagks?, *bagk-s?,  st. M. (i?): nhd. Bank (F.) (1); ne. bench

bend -- bend downcast: got. hneiwan 1, hnei-w-an,  st. V. (1): nhd. sich neigen; ne. decline, bend downcast, turn downcast

bend -- bend down to: got. anahneiwan* 2, an-a-hnei-w-an*,  st. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. sich niederbeugen, sich neigen, sich bücken; ne. bend down to, stoop down to, bow (V.) (1)

bend -- bend (V.): got. biugan* 2, biug-an*,  st. V. (2): nhd. beugen, sich beugen; ne. bow (V.), bend (V.); gabiugan* 1, ga-biug-an*,  st. V. (2), perfektiv: nhd. beugen; ne. bend (V.), curve (V.)

beneath: got. dalaþa 1, dal-aþ-a,  Adv.: nhd. unten; ne. below, beneath, down below; uf 37,  Präp.: nhd. unter; ne. under, underneath, beneath; undarō 2, undar-ō,  Präp., m. Dat.: nhd. unter; ne. under, beneath

-- from beneath: got. dalaþrō 1, dal-aþ-rō,  Adv.: nhd. von unten, unten; ne. from below, from beneath

-- spread beneath: got. ufstraujan* 1, uf-stra-u-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. darunterstreuen, unterbreiten; ne. strew down, scatter down, spread beneath

benediction: got. þiuþiqiss* 1, þiu-þ-i-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Segen, Segnung; ne. benediction, blessing (N.); waílaqiss* 1, waíl-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Segen; ne. benediction, blessing (N.), benefaction, donation, bounty

-- confer benediction: got. þiuþjan* 19, þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1): nhd. segnen; ne. bless (V.), confer benediction, pronounce good upon

-- confer benediction upon: got. gaþiuþjan* 4, ga-þiu-þ-jan*,  sw. V. (1), perfektiv: nhd. segnen, den Segen geben; ne. confer benediction upon, bless (V.)

benefaction: got. aíwlaúgia* 1, aíw-laúg-i-a*,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Segen, Spende; ne. blessing (N.), benefaction, charitable contribution, gift (N.), donation; þiuþeins* 4, þiu-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Güte, Segen; ne. beneficence, good-doing, blessing (N.), benefaction, goodness, generosity; waíladēþs* 1, waíl-a-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohltat; ne. benefit (N.), benefaction, well-doint (N.), good deed; waílaqiss* 1, waíl-a-qi-s-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Segen; ne. benediction, blessing (N.), benefaction, donation, bounty

benefactory: got. *þiuþs?, *þiu-þ-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. gut; ne. benevolent, benefactory, beneficial

beneficence: got. ansts 68=65, an-st-s,  st. F. (i): nhd. Freude, Dank, Gnade, Gunst, Gnadengabe; ne. beneficence, graciousness, grace, joy (N.), thanks, gift (N.), favour (N.), blessing; þiuþeins* 4, þiu-þ-ein-s*,  st. F. (i/ō): nhd. Güte, Segen; ne. beneficence, good-doing, blessing (N.), benefaction, goodness, generosity

beneficent: got. ansteigs 1, an-st-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gnädig, günstig; ne. beneficent, gracious

beneficial: got. þiuþeigs 17, þiu-þ-eig-s,  Adj. (a): nhd. gut, gepriesen; ne. good, perfect, beneficial, laudable, praised, blessed; *þiuþs?, *þiu-þ-s?,  Adj. (i): nhd. gut; ne. benevolent, benefactory, beneficial

-- be beneficial: got. dugan* 2, dug-an*,  Prät.-Präs. (2): nhd. taugen, nützen; ne. be good, be of value, be beneficial, be suitable, be useful, be worthwile

benefit -- benefit (N.): got. *bata, *bat-a,  sw. M. (n): nhd. Nutzen, Vorteil; ne. benefit (N.), worthiness, avail (N.), advantage, profit (N.); bōta* 3, bōt-a*,  st. F. (ō): nhd. Nutzen; ne. advantage (N.), benefit (N.), good (N.), aid (N.), usefulness, profit (N.); waíladēþs* 1, waíl-a-dē-þ-s*,  st. F. (i): nhd. Wohltat; ne. benefit (N.), benefaction, well-doint (N.), good deed

benefit -- benefit (V.): got. bōtjan* 4, bōt-jan*,  sw. V. (1), m. Akk.: nhd. nützen, bessern; ne. do good to, bring good to, be of use, aid (V.), improve, benefit (V.), profit (V.), boot (V.), avail (V.); gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage; timrjan* 9, tim-r-jan*, timbrjan,  sw. V. (1): nhd. bauen, zimmern, erbauen; ne. build (V.), construct (V.), strengthen, benefit (V.), edify

benefit -- derive benefit: got. gabatnan* 1, ga-bat-n-an*,  sw. V. (4), perfektiv: nhd. Vorteil erlangen, Nutzen erlangen; ne. derive benefit, benefit (V.), be benefited, become benefited, become better off, profit (V.), obtain an advantage
